Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1882, Image 2

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TWELFTH YEAR. OMAHA , NER , TWI ; > Alr MOKN1NG , JUNE 20 , 1882 ,
An Uncommonly Lively Day in
the House of Eopro-
Eontativo ? ,
C'ev ral Important aud Lucrative
tivo MottauroM Puahod
A Bayneful Rofarenco to Ar
tbur'a Adminiatratiou by a
Jndgo Sm < ll r Rf aioa to Prolon ;
til * Life of lit * JL
The Star Route Trl&la Beach a Sna
WABHINOTON. Juno 19. Senate
Harmon , horn the committee on tor
ritorioi , reported a bill for roapportiou
niont for muinbern of the legislature o
Montana , Senator V * t making a mi
nortty report.
The house passenger bill passed.
Souator Garland moved to rooon
eider tlio void iudbfinitely postponiu
the whisky bond bill. Tue motioi
.went over.
" " * - < Senator Voorhoos made a Ic _
speech iu opposition to the nationa
bund charter bill. Consideration
the bill by auctions was then resumed
The remaining sections were agreed t
substantially aa reported until the 12t
section was reached , to which Senate
Coke tillered an amendment , author
izmg the secretary of the treasury t
receive deposits in silver andissuocoi :
certificate * therefore. Pending dobat
the senate at 5 p. m wout into cxtcu
tivosoBsion and soon aflor adjourned
Mr. Calkins moved to pass , undo
suspension of the rules , the bil
amending section 127 of the rovisti
statutes , so as to require officers t
take testimony in election cases t
forward at once to the dork of th
houao committco on elections , wh
shall print and arrange ) the same prio
to the organization of congress
Mr. Kelly introduced a bill abolish
ing t x on tobacco , enutt , cigars an
civarottC3 ; after January 1st , 1884
Mr. Dunnull introduced a bill fixm
the terim of internal revenue cuJlec
tion at fouryears.
Mr. Biyno referred to the bill
backed b > thu uduiiuutiatiou , but be
ing asked if ho opoko by authority
Bald , ' 'No ; God forbid that I shoul
be the mouthpiece ol such an admin
istr > tti > m. "
The house passed the followin
billa : To appropriate 8100,000,00
for payment of pensions and with
drawing trade dollars from circulation
Mr. Davis ( Ills ) introduced a bii
requiring the secretary of war to receive
ceivo reports from commanding officer
in the late war , whore reports wor
not made for publication in the appon
dirof the History of the \Var-norr
being published.
The bill for an appropriation to enlarge
largo the PhiUdnlphia mint was defeated
feated 45 yoaa , 70 nay .
The pensioning revenue marine em
ployes injured in the service und re
tiring < llkura on half pay at the age o
C5 years , or after 40 jears service
was dtfffated-C8 to 95. v
Thebillcolleeting from ocean steamers
ors 60 cents per head for each * imm %
grant lauded in the UnitedvStatoa tc
create a fund for the protection o
helpltss immigrants , and to return t
their own countries thoao likelv to become
come public charge , passed 110 yeas
1C nays.
The bill creating a bureau of anima
induitry , to prevent the op road o
pneumonia among cattle and exporta
tion of diseased cattle , passed.
The bill appropriating $50,000 t
enable the government tumnk * n ox
htbit-at the International Fish Exhi
bition , passed.
The bill requesting the secretary o
the treasury to examine the claima o
Oregon , Texas , California , Colorado
Nebraska , Nevada , Washington an <
Idaho , for money oxpendood in sup
pressing Indian outbreaks , and roporl
the facts to congress , was debated
but no quo urn appearing on the vote
the houue ut 0:2J : p. m. adjourned. A
vote on the bill bo taken to-morrow
Nitlonil AstocUtod pros.
WAHHINOTON , Juno 19. The utar
route ca os opened this morning by re
calling Wi ness Borden , who identified
certain map ? , and Nophi Johnpon , i
' woman and sub-contractor , testiiiet
thut the increase and expedition were
demanded by the people living along
the route , and recognized certair
I petitions as being signed by reputable
citizens asking for such increase.
The" tar routA cases clotted for the
day with the examination of W. B.
Juhnson , who identified ono of the pe
titions presented in relation to route
Nc. 4 , 119 as having boon written gby
Justice Bradley has rendered a decision
cision denying the application for a
writ of habeas corpus in the case ol
Gntteau and nftlrming the judgment
of the court buloiv.
Guitoau received the news of Judge
Bradley' * ) doriiel of the writ of habeas
orjU3 with outwartl composure , He
mys President Arthur will now be
uuupelled to pardon him. Propara-
tons for hanging uro going on , and ns
fluiteau heard ot thomhosavEi ; "Don'i ,
bo too sure of your pictuo. Guards
eiy there is no fear of his suicide.
" ' * * *
FroiKUt'Hondlcra' Strike-
> itlona ] Auycltteil VtettS. >
NKW YOBK , Juno 19. The freight
handlers' strike for twenty cents an
Jour is spreading , causing great em.
harassment along the river fronts nnd
t t iho freight depots. The Naw York
Central , whcro it began , rn last
Monday , it is now rumored will
NEW YORK , Juno 19. The slriko
among the freight handlers at the
povornl railroad depots in this city is
still spreading nnd the men nro
thoroughly united and moro deter
mined than over to romnin on a clriko
until they gain their points. All
work was suspended on the Erie road ,
the hands going out with the
strikers. Thu Harlem Bivcr road
depot on Hudion atroot presented a
deiertad pppoaranoo to-day , not a
p tund of freight being chipped , But
ter , ohe o and tgtri , and other per-
ithablo freight which arrived from
the country , wai being handled _ by r
few doEau Italians , but much will b
d troycd before they can bo gotten
out. A. meotfoR of agents of th
lines to-day reiolved to till rcfiu
the tnereaao demanded ,
No now developments have take
place in the boilsrtnakera' strike , th
strikcia being as determined ns eve
to hold out all summer if uocotsary.
NfttloaM Avocuttd ft CM.
MOBILE , Juno 19. AOhanchul
yesterday a negro and wife boat A I
year-old child to death aud throw th
body into the otreot.
Good iK
Natlonul A oci toi f rut.
Oumui-HUA , Muxico , Juno 19
Tr ntyY u Apache priaonora wcr
Lftkeu out Saturday and shot.
Awouatod I'rooo ,
LITTLB ROCK , Ark. , Juno 19.
D.niol Lundy aud wife , while hooin
corn , nero killed by lightning an
two children dangerously injured.
Vonnout State IVir , tu
National AE otlatoJ frost.
RUTLAUD , Juno 19 The state fai
will bo held in Burlington Soptorubo
12 to 15 , in Howard park.
Killed With His Own Gnu.
National ABsoclated Press. j
GBAFTON , Ky. , Juno 19. Darie
Hopper shot dead John 0 ham bib
Chambers with the lattor'a gun durin
a quarrel in a wheat' field iu Caldwol
Drath ot R r , John A. Brown
N to ! l A 8dtl tel Pros' .
LANOABTEH , PA. , Juno 191 Itev
John A. Brown , D. D. , died of npo
plexy in this city this afternoon , agci
neirJy 70 yearn. He was sick only
Few hours. Ho was president of th
Gotlysburg college , ot Gettyaburg
I'll. , nnd editor of Tno .Eyangelica
llevidw , a journal ho published in th
interi'fiii of the general uynod of th
Lutheran church until within a yp > a
or two , and siuco ho made Lanca&to
his homo.
Natlanil Frou A&foo'otion/ . .
ST. PAUL , ' JUQO 19. The
nnd bonrding suble of Stephens
Seers , Fargo , D. T. , was auatroyot
by fire last night , including qovera
carriages nnd u number of horses
Low , 828,000 over and above iusur
ance.BRADFOKD , Pa. , Juno 19. A 85 ,
000 barrel 'oil tank was struck by
lightning at Oleau this morning nnc
is now burning. . '
HOLYOKB , Mass. , June 19. Beebe
Wollsoer ct Co. 'a woolen mill , Soutl
Hadley , was dcslroyd by fire thi
morning. Loss § 19.000 , insuranci
Too Muoli lililoroform-
Katlnnnl Associated I'riaa.
POUTLAND , Oregon , Juno 19. Jas
N. Brotvu , justice of the peace a
Dallas , commuted euicido this morn
inc ; with chloroform , He was tfllicto
with asthma and used so much ctiloro
form the doctors refused to prcscrib
more. By no mo means ho obtainc (
two vials. Both were found nmpty ii
his bed.
Railroad Extension-
National Aui'iclated Press.
Pirrsnuno , Juno 19. Arrangements
monts are completed to oxfend the
nirrow guago portion of the Pittsburg
and Western road to Attica , goinj
two hundred miles through the 01
Both Sidea Firm.
tssociatuJ I'rcag.
CINCINNATI. 0. , Juno 19. There is
no change in the situation of the
boiler makers' strike , Both sides are
firm ,
PiTTsnuna , Juno 19 , The iron and
coal etriko ia unchanged ,
Death of an Actor-
Nitloiul Asuoautoil i-iriM
BOSTON , Mass , Juno 19. J * . P.
King , aged 39 , a well known itctor ,
died to-day.
Oath and < ( Kld . "
BOSTON , Juno 19 , A letter to The
Journal from Aloretown , Vt. , the residence
idonco of the prolific Hnrrimann fam
ily , reports that James Harrimann ,
whoso wife last week gave birth to
four children , received yesterday a
notice that ho had boon arantod a pen-
eion with , arrears of g-120. The pen
sion , it Booms , was granted on the
day of the children's birth. The newcomers
comers , who are now ton days old , are
all living and well. Mrs Harrimann is
but 30 year * old. Sixteen months
ago she produced twins , no that she
IBS now six little ones to care for.
lor grandmother had uovonteen chil
dren Und her mother also haa a largo
ainily. This private family alfiir of
kfr. Ilarrinun't ) has created great ex
citement in this community , and porous
ous came many miles to view the
litter" of children. Enterprising
hofrmon have ulmidy proposed to
ilaco the mother and children on ox-
nbition , but the father declined to
ntcrtain the olfer ,
Allow IW 8 1,000.
"dMonal A * ) d ted I'ttu.
WINNIPEG , Man. , Juno 19. It has
ecn arranged to have a regatta hero
ii Juno 28 , when HOBS- and Kennedy
will row on exhibition game for ? ! , -
000. ' / ?
aifJ of the Wind Wafted From
Various P.irfca of tlio
Ootmtry ,
The Atnioopherio Aqifcatioa
Oovoro a Vast Area.
A Furious G Uo Reported la the
Interior of Miohisnu ,
Oil In fhp BrnA-
BpUntoro From tbo Iowa Wrecks.
Till ! IKJUUC1) AT
CIIICAQO , Juno 19 - A Marshall'
town , lotvn , special gives the follow
ing Use of wounded by the ctorm at
Gnunoil :
Tnomfts Shaokley , badly bruised.
Mre. Shacklby , futally injured.
Mnry Shackloy , limb broken ,
Mrs. Girl , seriously injured
Ed Griswold , badly cut on the
Nathaniel Ellis , fatally injured.
Mrs. Ellis , slightly injured.
Wilson Ellia and uifo , seriously
Dora , Fanny and James Ellia , seri
ously injured.
Mrs. G. W. Nichols , seriously , and
two little daughter ? , slightly injured.
Henry Pitman and two sons , badly
hurt ; his wife sliuhtly , and his wife's
sister seriously iujnrcd.
A , Rhonifort and 8. Stowo and
wife , badly.
Mrs. Pierce was blown through a
window and badly bruiacd.
Mr. Olandern , wife and child , aor-
iously injured.
Mrs. 0. T. Taylor , not expected to
Mr. Terry and wif o hurt.
Mr. Oullerso'n'a son badly injured.
Iko Mencer and wife badly bruised.
A son of Mra. Fairfax not expected
to livo.
Mr. Kendall's eon badly bruised.
John Curtis seriously injured.
Mrs. VV. A. Rjod , of Des Moines ,
badly injured.
DCS MOINES , Juno 19 The State
Loader ftpucmia tract ) the storm of Sat
urdav from its origin at or near Cen
tre , Green couuty , to the southern
pirtof Henry county , 100 nuloa dia-
taut. For nearly the wliolo at thai
distance the grour.d ia atrowii witli
wrecks of houses , bitna , foncoa and.
The total } OKR ot lifo will exceed 100
the wounded 260 , nnd property destroyed
stroyed § 100COO. These are all Tory
lov.ofttmumj. . " . . .Thetotal jdead nt
"Oritmoll isit , and ten or fiffcon morii
will die. Many lives were lost north
we" < t of Grinndl.
The cyclone eeems to have formed
In the southwestern townships ol
Boone county ; thence it passed
nearly duo east to Kelly , then to a
point five miles south of Nevada ;
thence to n point ton miles north ol
Grinnoll , und passing to the
west of that town , made a
swath of a milo or more
in length through the resi
dence portion of the city forming
an angle , and utterly demolishing
overjthing in its way. The width ol
the pathway was about two fquarea.
At leurt sixty Jioiucs wore destroyed
in Grinnell. 'Ihu couisn was changed
at Grinnell to n southeasterly dircc
DOVEU , N H. , Juno 19. One ol
the most torifilo thunder storms ever
known hero pjancd over this city and
other parts of Southern New Hamp
shire this afternoon , lasting throe
hours. The lightning was almost in
Gossan r , and struck many places.
OIT , Mich , Juno 19. A cy
clone swept through Bay , Tuscola and
Honoro counties yesterday at noon.
The district dovaatod ia remote from
telegraph lines , but so far the atory ol
devastation is a sad one. Many
house ? , barns and orchards were swept
away. At Thomas Joyce's house , in
Bay countya girl named Simpson was
injured by being hurled against a
fence , nnd Mrs. Djlos Gastor was
badly hurt. A boy named Carroll
had his skull , broken. Mies McDon
ald of Giigetoivn was terribly mutilat
ed. The track of the storm was 80
rodtt wide and 20 miles long.
BnADi'pun , Poiui. , Juno 19 , The
storm which passed over the oil coun
try was cfpeciallv destructive to oil
property. At Oloan , N. Y , the
lightning fired two iron tanks of oil ,
one containing a COD nnd the other
3 000 barrels of oil. Those tanks ,
though apart , are surrounded on all
aides by the city. Besides these , sev
eral other largo tanks in the immedi
ate vicinity were destroyed. In the
Bradford fields , about fifteen derricks
and 3,000 barrels of oil wont up in
amoke. In the Allegheny field , eleven
rigs and about 4,000 barrels of oil wont
up as a aacrifico to the lightning. It
s estimated that the storm has relieved
ho country of nt least 70,000 barrels
of cheap oil ,
Indication *
National Areoclated l'ro
WASHINOTON , Juno HO , 1 u. m.
For the Upper Mississippi and Mis-
ouri valleys , partly cloudy weather.
nnd local rains , south to east winds
and lower barometer
JJurned to Doatu.
fetlonil Asdoobtod 1'ren.
CHIOAGO , Juno It ) , Ghas. Graft , a
Jornmn , was hurnad to death at the
'ullinan car-wheel works , by the
ulliiig of a hdlo wjlh a Ion of molten
Wrecked by Ioe <
Kton ! * > AsaocUttU Freaj.
ST. JOHNSON. F , , Juno 19. The
AllU an 'IslllliggfClltl mTMv > i. , lH
sot- , ; ridoy night , c < P'i ca i i
s. 4 100 fcot'higli off C ltd
! i an > Bink , amljttro mt-u i. o mi
, j an Ur beHevod to ? * o Ui-i
t towiifd The re& oioap > with ti'
I uity in n boat. < & > . .
* tteWRl * * * tt.
THC cHiiiiAft
Its Palncos , rtaaoWytnun ixnU
K. .T. Munro InjS. ,
The ciu of Santiago in I11 out ii
Bquuroa m tuo KecJkorbO' d stjle ,
nil Iho streeta rtmnTijglat r , . nu-
gles , but there nroJJarjjO mid lim.
pl& which divcrsifyVtlis nn not n y
The housto af < T $ > ncail3 a'l
storied nnu eproadtjOtoi ! H Jin at
of ground ; the wallo'of t'i ' in
ui'jiiroly thick oi 'nccouut uf cuitli-
quakt-e , which arokvory'frcqujiit nnri
ut ttmoi nuvorr. ' jjlu tbe c .it r ul
ouch house is & patio'or court , a > i 1
urouiid tint on Ihottnildo is a torou'In ,
upon which the tlifFpriuu room-
open. The interior court iu soaio ol
the houioa is vorj fJuxuTif r ) , biautl-
ful with ata iouary > fountains aud
rare floWurs. There ore fioarly n
dozen private r aldvictapin the oitj
that coat over $1,000,000 , each , nnil
scores of housns ' that tlOOOOf
aud $500,000 have beer expended
in their atruoturo/.alocc. It is
indued a city of . .palaces TIB
imputation numbers a little over 200-
000 , but it haa scarcely us active and
busy appearauoo ai many otiier cities
iu South Arnuric * . Mingled ith its
great wealth there is an arintocracy in
the old city whom every ouo known
oyory ono else , Nearly all bf the rich
have their quinta , which'ia a comfort
able , commodious house in tbo coun
try within easy aoccsknf the town. It
is generally finely laid'out in grounds
ana rambles with several acres of for
est tro''s wlioro rural lifi 'can bo on
joyed. In January , the , mid-summer
month hero in the eou'hurn hemu-
phero , all society people leave the city
to remain at their quinto , seine of thu
seaside roaoits. At this season , when
the autumn leaves are falling , nearly
all the people have returned from
their summer ramblco.-- _ Chilian's
idea of earthly paradiso'islo huvo at ;
elegant house in Santiago and ba re
ceived into society. Hu is fond of die-
play and ostentation when ho can itf-
lord it , and extremely 'p'unctilous in
matters of form. HoJs intcneol >
Sroud and looko with haughty dm-
am on foreigners. Ho behoves the
true aristocracy of the world 11 iwn in
the veins of the Chilian descended
from Northern Spain.
The Grand Hotel is' a rcfnirkably
line building , having n dining room
which , in eleuanco , I havu equal
ed by fow. I c an'sit on the st.tttlj
balcony that oponn from my room n'ld
UHZB far ayyuy ta the po'\jc \ of llio
A.r.du3 , rising 17,000 feet above the
level nf tlip sea. Tliei'r atimtnits are
covered with perpatual nfbilow , whioh
rt-ilects the bequtilul colqni'of thufcst-
dcsconding BUtToiI ; haviiu'njy to drop
ray cyca nnd before ml Zstfftfb' - ?
a as beauteous ai the luxt,1 oxponSt
turo of gold can muke it. Just be
yond is the combania , a largo opttn
tquaro planted with beautiful flowers ,
atid held assacr. d ground , as it is the
site of the old Jesuit churclr , which
was burned on that uwful morning of
December 8 , 18G3. It was a great
fete day , and tue church wai deiibvly
crowded with an assembly almost en
tirely women and young girlt * ,
when uomo of the draperies
with which the editlco was dec iratod
caught fire , and the fl.nnos
spread BO rupidly no numan hand
could atay them. The deere opened
inward , and the crowd in their en
deavors to push out , preosod against
and closed them , ao that no power
from without could open them.
Smoke and il imes rushed out the high
windows , mingled with the agonteuig
cries of burning humanity. Taoro
seemed no way of cscapo for a human
soul , ft few women only were drawn
out by the lassoes which had been letdown
down from a hole in the roof , but thu
numbar was small , for those below , in
their ergernest to escape , would
clutch the armsand legs of thoco lassoed
seed , till by their weight they dragged
them to piece's , Two thousand human
beings perished , on that awful day ,
and when the widls gave way it re-
vcalod tlio horrible spectacle of women
and children standing up tightly
wedged together and hands out
stretched to heaven in supplication ,
the facea and upper par of their
bodies charred and diBfigurod , and the
lower pirt , from their wauts downward -
ward , entirely untouched. The ladies
of Santiago uro n prettier than those
of most South American cities
As a rule , they dress in very good
taste , and do not fpjil their uppoar
anoo with a contnrtionato mixture o
inharmonious colors. They uro ao
compliuhi'd and good musicians , vor
many of them receiving their oduci
ticn in Franco and other foreign cou
tries. In the morning you see them
returning from church with a simple
inanta for u head-dress and veiled
iu black fair angels in disguise. All
are carrying a prayer book nnd many
a tin ill piece of wool work or mat , on
which they kneel in the center of thu
church. In the afternoon all oooiety
drives out to Cousino park in elegant
attire , and the manta and black robe
ire discarded for a hat a la mode do
Paris and an opera cloak. Yon will
not moot in your drives in Central
iaik or the Bolso do Boulogne moro
: astofully dressed , lady-iiko and olo-
; ant women ,
I looked in upon a grand solroo gir
in at our hotel the night of festal-day.
It was akind of music ilo convoraa/'umo
and balU all mixed up together. The
fair Santiago maidens sang , danced ,
und talked with the confidence , grace ,
ai.d faultlejsnesj with which a swal
low flies. There was ono cspociaJly
noticed who euomod built for waltzing
like a Baltiinoro clipper for running
close to the wind ; an uiusually arched
instep to an oxquisit foot gave her the ;
mark of high breeding , yotoho wallzod
too well for a lady all but well enough
for a prcmiero dauscuso. Sumo of the
peasant women make a very nice kind
of lace , varying in coarseness and fine-
nets. Some is used in covering fur A
niture , and ether finer for'trimmings
for pnrftonnl adornment. It ( loci nut
diF ( r niiioh in anpcarancn from the
torchon Incn whioh has boon si fash-
ioimblo in IVia. It wa RO cheap 1
rtlmo't wonder it is H < t generally
br < n ht fr iin out the country. Thotu
Rotmli n'no fpiu , Hyi , innl wiavo tlio
wool Irom fin Iltpon nf their onn
shetp into LiiKlit col > r d pmiclio" ,
Thii pi none * , -liioh 1 very qenonlly
tvi r.i by the nn'ivo men , is n kind of
nhr.wl , rjir , or b'ankcf , u' th ix ho'o ' in
tin Cf-utr , xhr > ngh wlnoh the head is
tun. It 11 v i v stmplu and P Mivenicnt ;
it kiops yon c < ' ! in Wiiriii woathcr
and ( .roti-otn y < u ia c Id the fine
ones tire wa'erproof SomoUmes they
uio wuvuii from the htur of thn ( 'iiAiicn
tkin , and nro of a ytlltMiih brown
e-il > r. It gives tlm nnn the lirivn nnd
galUnt oppearaiico of n NIUY York
| Hi > 'iut nmn with n thawl on hio
ah itildorn ,
Chillis a lung , uurrow atrip of land
cxUmdmg in looijth over 2,000 mites ,
and n\craglng iu width nbont 100
wilip ; iu Bumo places it is uot over
forty mlle * \ id . Thii topoj-raphy
glvu * to the couutry a great variety 01
climate. Thu ( uormjo timperaluro of
Santiago ii about US donrcefi In the
day tiiuo you muit carry a sun um
brella to bo comfort-ublo , bat ut niflit
you must sleep under n blanket. 'I ' he
nighta of Clnh am chilly. When you
are dona in tlu aouthern part of the
country you get a greatdoal of weather.
Somettmos there are nghtcon or
twenty kinds of wuathor iu ono tiny ,
Coming up the aouthorn coast nttimiB
wo gut eight or ton kinds of wuatliT
Rorved up in less than an hour. It
was thn name juit nrnund by Capo
Horn , whcru a little of it went along
ways. The products of the country
oolmist principally of copper nnd sil
ver ere , although some gold is
found. There are a few coal
mines which supply in great part
all the fuel used in smelt
ing. The government of the country
is rrp-oeentative. The president io
uleoloJ by vote , and is nnpportod by u
responsible ministry , Tnero ia n leg
islature O'imposod of a congress of
two houses , and courta of justice ,
civil and criminal. , The fire depart
ment of the city is a most brilliant
alF 11 r When an aUrm Bounds ev < ry
moiubor of each company hastens to
his homo , deoho himselt in his full
firu uniform , und goia to
the plaoo of fire , whcru
hotiRinlly arrives about thn time tif
the engine , which has been duiggcd
along by a cro d of buys. When the
fire is over hu rides in n cnrriugo to the
engine homo for roll call , when ovury
absent member is lined. Ir. makes no
part'cuhir difljreiico whether hu lus
been to the tire or not so long aa hu
apncar.i at the time in full rcgtlu.
Never l < nvo Chili with nit seeing
the coacodaiiOL'd. _ Etch country has
its peculiar dance , and in moro ways
ctuui uno is chur.Xcteiiatio of the crauo
aud umuaeniont uppreciutcd by its
puoplo.A oonscioiitious sense of duty
he a always led mo in each country to
gam ud'uiiauion to uucli. It was this
that Jed mo to BOO thn Hindoo nauloh-
grl'.9 OTsnoii 'iu Jjidia , tbo
Jivuuiro , utid'llio
girla of Yokohama , but it
was reserved for me to see iu Chili n
dance radically different from all
othoro. A Chilian gentleman volun
teered to take us to u house where wo
ciuld see it best performed. The
music consisted of a single harp
well p ayed by a Chilian , who
accompanied thu strange air with n
crow-like voice having a sort of faleetto
which ceomcd at times sr > high it
would break through the top ot his
head. A girl with thu knuckles of
her hand kept time also on the drum
of the harp , while each ono present
kept ttmo in turn with clapping of
hand * nnd patting of foot. Tlio dance
iteolf ia simple , a girl stilting out
alouo swings her handkerchief nt some
man , who responds by coming on the
11 ior and following her nbouc , watch
ing her movements closely and imi
tating them , * even oich movement of
the handkerchief , which plays an im
portant pirt in the dance. Sonio-
timou she swings it over her head ,
sometimes over her ehouldor in
front of her , and at her aide , by
each movement she invites or repels
him , the whole idea of the dancj
being that the man Is making over
tures to her while she noU the part
of the coquette. They never touch
each other during all the movements ,
and therein consists ono of the skill
ful charms cf the dance , tor at times
she passes under hia arms and at
others swings the handkcrohkf just
over his head , but all the time their
graceful swaying movements are to
gether und yet upirt. Now there nro
expressions of tmpurabnunding joy
and pleasure , and now the junt-
omiinu of wrath and indig
nation. How beautifully the
hands HOI in to Byinpalhi/ )
and join in the ( Unco tlieir arms
when they sway , moro in cumu ot
perfect harmony , while through all
unceasingly the harps' thumping and
the clapping ol hands of the inter
ested lookers-on kept atatoly pnco.
Now there are intervals wherein the
danccra rest , and the parched throat
and Iticorated knuckles of the accDin-
nanying girl are relieved by cooling
irouahts. It lasted over an hour and
Inally closed by the wearied maiden
falling into the arms of her long-woo
ing partner.
EUlfoil Under a Misapprehension.
National Aiioclited frog * .
BOSTON , Juno 19 , Dr. Jarvia Day ,
of Norwood , a veterinary Burgeon ,
aged 80 , was called at 1:30 : a. m , to
attend a sick horse at Canton , Ho
stopped on 4 ho way nt the house of
3eorpoV \ , Edmundb to iwjuiro about
.lio road. Edmunds recently moved ,
tnd hud often been robbed by burg-
law. Sooins Dr. Gay outer the gate ,
Sio ordered him to atop and tell his
ominous. Dr , Gay being hard of
tearing , continued to approach , and
ISJmunds ohot him. Edmunds did
not dare to leave the house during
ho night. This morning ho found
the the doctor's dead b'ody in the
yard , and his horse hitched to a post.
i " ii i
For choice fresh Butter , go to llau-
ey & Oo.'s , 818 South 10th street.
line delected stock of Fanoy Greco-
rioa always on hand , jelG tit
Lies of Every Qrado and Dolor
Displayed by tlio Hillman -
" "
man "Stiff ,
Now Consp'.rfcciea ' , Intrioacieo
nnd OoHtr dlotiona Dev
eloped Daily.
The Murderer of MuHh'vVhltln
Wallet ! lu 1 ho Detroit
A Bloody Border Uuulnn Flubt hi In-
rtnm Turtltory.
KatlcnU Aic UUil Prcn.
Lmu : HOCK , Ark. , Juuo It ) . An
ntl'ruy took pluco between Indiana anil
cowboys on tlio border of Indian ttr
ritory. Tlio latter uunibr4 DO , and
charge of 1200 head of oat tie belonging
to Cot. Alex. Polk , of Howard cavity ,
tliia state , and were grcnuig th iu on
land belonging to tlio ludiina Tlio
cowboyn nero ordcrod elF , and failing
to go , ft figlit ensued in which four of
thorn worn alnin.
LKAVENWOHTU , Kauian , Juno 19.
In tlio $25,000 life imuranco case on
trial in tlio United States circuit court
hero , Mr . llillmun , thonll g d widow ,
was on tlio itaud tlio molt of the day.
She testified in tubitauco that the
dead body was that of h r huibaud ,
hut olio wnu induced to give an order
for the policies nnd a ru'cneo to the
companion by tlio misrepresentations
of John H. Brown , who toM her it
was not her luihbind ho had killed
and of W. II. Buchanan , state souator
from Wyandottu county , who ingra
tiated Iniuaclf into her confidcuco and
purauadud her to give the order
for the policies which her attorney
who had the policies in his posscsiinn ,
refused to oboy. Brown now tot lion
that the fitntvmunt ho made was false ,
and for the purpose of swindling the
widow , and that it wan Qillman who
wna kiilotl. The ca o duvelopca now
intiicacies , contradictions and vil-
lunnos KB it proceeds , and attracts
much public attention and interest.
lldpri'BOtitutivcii of the heaviest in-
faiirniico cotnpaniea in the country are
hero watching the trial.
rsniura 'TIS BEST.
DKTHOIT , Mich. ' , June 10 A spec
ial from Idittlo Crook , Mich. , Bays
Stephen Turbull , the man who was
castrated by Eiigono Webstar , a
tanner near tint place , for illicit inti
macy with Wtbilor's wife , isvorso
to-duy mid cannot livo. Webster was
arrested nnd juiltd ut MarshallMioh. ,
to prevent his neighbors from lynch-
inu him , and his bill has buun fixed at
800,000. , Turbulia , , nlo mortem
i.t Uomimfc .ait.takeu.tQ'duy.- tny. %
Airs. Wubster scilicitcJ criminal inter
In the trial of Hugh Peoples this
afternoon for the murder of Martha
Whitlain January , 187i > , accusation
was produced in court by Frank
Dorice , n witness who testified ho and
Peoples carried Martlm'o dead body
from Dr. Hollywood's house nnd
dumroJ it in the Detroit river through
n hole cut in the ico. lie give all the
details and the cross-examination up
to adjournment of court failed to
shako hid testimony , which will bo re
sumed to morrow. Peoples is the
man who atied The Detroit Evening for $30,000 damages for in
charging him with tlio murder of
Martha Whit In , the vtrdict being in
Favor of the paper , ho being arrested
For mutder at the oloso of the trial.
Juno An ox-rail
, 19. -
road conductor wan murdered last
night tit 1'ortago , 100 miles cnst of
hero , His wife is supposed to bo the
guilty party. The tragedy occurred
in his own houao. There were two BO
voro cuts on his head , and an axe van
found in iho house covered with
blood. Biacolcy ( iho name of the
victim ) nnd his wife are reported as
having drank heavy and suspicion
routs on her nnd it is supposed she
had ns nn accomplice u male neighbor ,
National A * jct il fron.
A Jimioil.
IJONDON , .Juno 19. It is rumored
on the stock exchange that Bright
nnd Ohnmborluin havu resigned their
positions in the cabinet.
ST. PETJUSIIUHU , Juno 19. Count
Foistoru , miniator of the interior , will
shortly iasua u manifesto blaling tint
firm measures are necessary to pro
nerve order.
LONDON , Juno 19. In the house of
commons this evening Gladstone , in
answer to u question , said the proposed
od conference would bo limited to dis
elusion of the Egyptian' question , and
would not inuludo the subject of nav
igation of Iho Suez canal in its dolib
ruu eoiviK OBJECTS.
GoNSTANTiNOi'LE , Juno 19. Said
Pasha , minisur of foreign affairs , has
informed the einbansadora of foreign
powerH that the p'uto still maintained
iiis objections to holding a conference.
II BY Oil B Yd.
AI.KXANIMU , Juno 19. Dorvisch
PasliD , in niinnurciiig to copsuls that
the nuto of 102V , . ' ; was satisfactory ,
said that Arabi boy wan paj ing strict
obedience to the commands of the
Arabi Boy , Paghob Pasha , and
Ahammed R.isliid Pathu have arrived
hero train Ouiro , nnd have phcud before -
fore the kaedivo the list of tlui pro
posed now ministry ,
DKUUX , Juno 20. Ilerr Kilter ,
German minister of finance , has re
signed , being unabled to agreu with
Prince Bismarck's policy ,
& SON ,
o o nocai
Cor,12tliqFarnafflSt " )
, ,
Magazines of all kinds
Send for REDUCED
price-list of Job Print
Importer of , and Doulor in
1121 Farnam St , Omaha.
The Liverpool peooh and Ita
Critics Bef ro the High * 'fl
Court ,
A Routine Mooting of Irishmen in
Now Yo i IT-
Youic , Juno J9. The grand
demonstration nf welcome by the
Irish citizens of this city wuo tendered
by Michael Davitt , of the Academy of
Music , to-night. After a number of
popular and patriot ! j airs had been
played by the band , cheers were given
for Davitr , Panic ) ) , Dillon und others.
Hon. Geo. W. Van Iloson occupied ,
the chair , and after ntavr romaika in
troduced Davitt , who was received
with tremendous cheering. Ho said
this was his third vie it to America on
behalf of Ireland. On each previous
occasion ho came from an English
prison , nnd this time ho came from an
English prison also. The indictments
had been made n gainst him by the
English government on several occa
sions , but now the charges vruro made
against him by Iriehnion. At
least twelve chaigus hud been
made against him by men nho claimed
to bo his fiiends , To the charges ho
viluaded "not gjilly , " and ho would
leave thn audience to ba the jury.
Ono of the charges was Unit ho was
being run by Mr. Oaorgo. This was
untrue. The only person that run I I
Michael Davitt was "Michael Davitt. "
lie believed that Ireland should bo
governed by an Irish parliament and
that ' .ho land should bo nationalized.
The chnrgo of favoring an alliance
with the English people was untrue ,
but ho claimed the right to assist any
people in the world without slacken
ing his dl'jrta for Ireland. Ho did
not believe that 1'arnell'a criticisms
of the Liverpool speech were fair , but
still there was not any feel
ing between them. The duty of
Irishmen to-day was loyalty
to the Land league , fidelity
to Pimiell'u leadership' long as Par-
neil is true to the Laud league in Ire
land , and Iho repudiation of assatsi-
nations aa a means of helping Ire
land. By perfect unity of all classes ,
DUCCCBB would crown their f ll'-irts.
Speeches were made by Redman ,
Jr. , Rev. Dr. McUlynno , Dr. Wallace
and others ,
National AurcliteJ Tress ,
NEW YOUK , Juno 19. Ariiycd :
Gen.Verder from Bremen , * Spain
fiotn Liverpool. .
llAJiuuna , Juno 19. Arrived : Gel.
lert from Now York.
HAVIIK , Juno 19- Arrived ; St ,
Laurant from Now York ,
LiVBiii'OOii , Juno 19. Arrived :
City of Paris , and Brittanio from Now
York , Parisian from Montreal. It
QOEENSTOWN , Juno 19. Sailed :
Alaska from New York.