Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1882, Image 1

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An Uncommouly Lively Day in
the Ilou3B of Eopro-
sentativo ? .
C-'ev > ral Imporfcaufc nud Luora
tivo Moaaurou Pushed
Tarough ,
A Bayneful Ref renco to Ar
thur'a Administration by a
ill y R fa on to Prolon
til * Life
The Btar Route Trial * fioacli n Snal
i : tl4niJ AKodatod Ptevi.
WABHINOTON. Juno 19. Senate
Hanhon , tiotu tbo committee oil tor
ritonoreported a bill for reapportion
raont for in bin bo ro of tbo lexislatur
Montana , Sdiutor V * t making a mi
uorlty report.
The houio passenger bill passed.
Senator Garland moved to ruoon
aider the vota iudbfiuituly poatponin
thu whisky bond bill. Tue motio
.went over.
* * i Senator Voorhoos made a lou _
speech ia opposition to the natioua
baud charter bill. Consideration
the bill by auctions was then resumed
The remaining sections worn agreed t
iubatantially as reported until the 121
section was reached , to which Sonnto
Ooko offered an amendment , author
king the secretary of the treasury t
receive deposits in silver and issue coi
certificated therefore. Pending dobat
the eenato at 5 p. m wout into extci
tivosossion and soon aflor adjourned
Mr. Calkina moved to pass , unde
suspension of the rules , the bi
amending section 127 of the rovist
atatuteH , so as to require oificera t
take testimony in election cases t
forward at once to the clerk of th
house committee on elections , wh
shall uruit and arranga the same prio
to the organization of congress
Mr. K'jlly introduced a bill abolish
ing t x on tobacco , enult , cigars an
cigiirottea after January 1st , 1884
Mr. Dunnelt introduced a. bill fisiu
the term * < > internal rovonuu coJlec
tion at four years.
Mr. Bij-iiu referred to the bill
backed b > thu administration , but being
ing asked if he opokp by authority
Bald , ' 'No ; Gad forbid that I shout
bo the mouth piece ot such an admin
istr < tiii > n. "
The huuso passed the follovrin
bills : To appropriate 8100,000,00
for payment of pensions and nich
drawing trade dollara from circulation
Mr. Davis ( Tils ) introduced a bi !
requiring thu secretary of war to receive
ceivo reports from commanding officer
in the Into war , whore reports wer
not made for publication in the appendix
dix of the History of the War.noir
boinc ; published.
The bill for an appropriation to enlarge
largo the Philadelphia mint was defeated
feated 45 yeas , 70 nays.
The p iisioning revenue marine em
ploy to injured in the service and re
tiring ( ilkoraon ha'f ' pay at the age o
65 years , or after 40 years service
was defeated 68 to 95 , \
Thu bill collecting from ocean steam
era CO conta per head for each imm\
grant landed in the Uuitod titatos V
create a fund for the protection o
helpltss immigrants , and to return t
thuir own countries those likalv to become
como public charge , passed 110 yeas
16 nays.
The bill creating a bureau of anima
industry , to prevent the spread o
pneumonia among cattle and exporta
tion of diseased cattle , passed.
The bill appropriating $50,000 i
enable the government tunutk * n ox
hjbit At the International Fish Kihi
bition , passed ,
The bill requesting the aecrotary o
the treasury to examine the claims o
Oregon , Texas , California , Colorado
Nebraska , Nevada , Washington am
Idaho , for money expendood in sup
pressing Indian outbreaks , and roper
the facts to congress , was debated
but no quo urn appearing on the vote
the IIOUBO at U:2t : ) p. m. adjourned. A
vote on the bill bo taken to-morrow
Kitionil AltociatoJ I'roiS.
WASHINGTON , Juno 19 , The star
route cafros opened this morning by re
calling Wi ness Borderi , who identified
certain map ; , nnd Nophi Johnnon.
' woman and sub-contractor , testifiet
that the increase and expedition wore
demanded by the people living along
the route , and recognized certair
petitions as being signed by reputable
' citizens asking for such increase.
The"otar routa caacs closed for the
day with the examination of W. B.
Johnson , who identified one of the pe
titions presented in relation to route
Nc. 4,119 as haviug boon written by
himself ,
Justice Bradley has rendered a de
cision denying the application for a
wiit of habeas corpua in the caao ol
Guiteau and aflirmtng thu judgment
of the court beluiv.
Guiteau received the news of Judjo
Bradley'd detuel of the writ of habeas
corpus with outward compoturc. He
< aya President Arthur will now be
uiiupollod to pardon him. Propara-
t'ons ' for hanging are going on , and as
Guiteau Jiearu ot them ho aaye : "Don1. ,
bu too sun ) of your picnic/ ' Guards
aiy there is nooar of his auicide.
* * "
' Strike-
National AjiudatoJ 1'iutu. )
Nnw YOBK , Juno 19. The freight
Inndlers1 strike for twenty cents an
Jpur is spreading , causing great em-
bnrasamcnt nlong the river fronts nnd
nt the freight depots. The New York
Central , whcro it bcgnn , rn last
Monday , it U now rumored will
yield ,
NEW Yonx , Juno 19. The strike
among the freight handlora nt the
covoral railroad depots in this city is
still nproftdinp and the men nro
thoroughly united and moro dotcr-
minad tluu over to romnin ( on a otriko
until they guin their points. All
work TTBR suspended on the Erie road ,
the hands going out with the
strikers. The lUrlcm River road
depot on Hudinu fitroct prcaontcd a
dctertttd vppoarftnoo to-day , not n
p-mod of freight being tbippcd. Butt -
t r , oh o and ga , and other l > cr-
iehtblo freight which arrived from
the country , wai being hftndlod by i
( err doreu Italian * , but much will b
dMtroycd before they cn bo gotten
out. A. meotioR of Agents of th
lines to-day rttolvcd to ttlll rcfua
the Inetvua demanded ,
No now dovolupmonls bavo take :
place in the boilerraukera' strike , th
itrikvta being i determined as eve
to hold out all summer if nccoisary.
fi M.
MOBILE , Jnno 19. At Ohanchul
yesterday a uegro and wife boat A I
yonr-old child to death and throw th
body into the otreot.
Good IH
National AwocUtiU Prua.
OuinnAHUA , Maxico , Jane 19
TfrntyaT0a Apaoho prisouora wcr
taken out Saturday and shot.
Killed by Llcbtoloc-
Natlosal Aa ociatod f roa .
LITTLB ROCK , Ark. , Juno 19.
Duiiol Lundy aud wife , while hooin
corn , were killed by lightning am
two children dangerously injured.
Vermont State Fair. - * -
National ABSoilated 1'rew.
RDTLAKD , Juno 10 The state fai
will be held in Burlington Soptombo
12 to 16 , in Howard park.
Killed With His Own Gnu.
National Associated Prose.
GRA.ITON , Ky.f Juno 19. Dirie
Hoi'pur nliot dead John Ohamblia
Chambers with the liitter'o gun durin
a quarrel in a wheat field in Caldwei
Brath. ot Riv. Jaha Broxun
Nitlo al A'aoiUte I I'teii.
LANCASTBH , Pa. , Juno 19' Kev
John A. Brown , D. D. , died of upo
plcxy in this city this afternoon , agci
no trJy 70 years. He was sick only
Tow hours. He was president of th
Gutlysburg college , ot Gettysburg
Pa. , and editor of TnoJEvangclica
Review , a journal ho published in th
iiilLTi' i of the general uynod of th
Lutheran church until within a yr > a
or two , and since ho made Lancanto
his homo.
Nfttlonil rrcis A&oo'ftUon ' , * .
Sr. PAUL/ Juno 19.
nnd boardim * stable of Stephens
Saors , Farfto , D. T. , was duatroycc
by fire last night , including aevera
carriages nnd u number of horses
LOH , § 28,000 over and above insur
BRADFORD , Pa. , Juuo J9. A 35 ,
000 birref 'oil tank was struck bj
lightning at Oleati this morning ant
is now burning. '
HOLYOKB , Muss. , June 19. Beebs
Wellsocr & Co. 'a woolen mill , Sout ]
Hadley , was dcatroyfd by fire thi
morning. Losa § 10,000. insuranci
Too Much Uliloroform-
Katlnnnl AssocUtod 1'ftBS.
PORTLAND , Oregon , Juno 19. Jas
N. Brown , juatica of the peace a
Dallas , commuted tuicido this morn
inc ; with chloroform. He was tllhctoc
with asthma and uned so much cliloro
form the doctora refused to proscribi
more. By some means ho obtaincc
two vials. Both wore found nmpty it
his bed.
Railroad Extension *
National As3"clated Press ,
PirrsnoRQ , Juno 19. Arrange
monta are completed to ex'ond the
nirrow guago portion of the Pittsburg
and Western road to Attica , goiuf
two hundred miles through the 01
regions. _ _
Botk Sides Firm.
National Isaociatod 1'reas ,
CINCINNATI , O. , Juno 19. There is
no change in the situation of the
boiler makers' strike. Both aides are
firm ,
PiTTHiiUHa , June 19. The iron and
coal strike ia
Death of an Actor-
National Astiocintoit I'n m.
BOSTON , Mass , Juno 19 , Jaa. P.
King , aged 33 , a well known iictor ,
died to-day. _
Casli and ' 'Kids. "
BOSTON , Juno 19. A letter to The
Journal from ilorotown , Vt. , the res 3
denco of the prolific Harrimann fam
ily , reports that James Harrimann ,
whoso wife last week gave birth to
four children , received yesterday a
notice that ho had been erantod a pen-
eioii with. arrears of120. . The pen
sion , it Beams , was granted on the
day of the children's birth , The now
oinera , who are now ton days old , are
,11 living and well. Mrs Harrimann is
but 30 year old. Sixteen months
igo she produced twins , so that BUG of
ias now six little ones to care for.
Hot grandmother had seventeen chil
dren and her mother also has a large
amily. This private family affair of <
kfr. Harriman'a has created great excitement
citement- this community , and per-
ona came many miles to view the
litter" of children. Enterprising
hoirnion havu already proposed to
ilace the mother and children on ox-
libition , but the father declined to
A Raw For 8 1,000.
Aflont ! AiMadaUil 1'iau.
WINNIPEG , Man. , Juno 19. It has
eon arranged to have a regatta hero
n June 28 , when Il' and Kennedy
ill rowan exhibition game for SL
WaiD of the Wind Waftefl Prom
Various Ptart3 of the
Country ,
The Atmoopherlo Agitatioa
Covers a Vaat Aron.
A Furious GUo Raportodin the
Interior of Michigan.
Tito Liehtatog Iiy iow Unco
Tnulc of Oil in to Drnil-
t rd Floldi
Bpilntoro Trom tlio Iowa Wrcoka.
OiiioAao , Juno 19 A Marshall-
town , Iowa , special given the follow
ing hsc of wounded by the etorm at
Griunoil :
Tnomas Shaoklcy , badly bruised.
Mrs. Sliockloy , fuUlly injured.
Mary Shackloy , limb broken.
Mrc. Girl , seriously injured
Ed Griswold , badly cut on the
Nathaniel Ellis , fatally injured.
Mro. Kllis , alightly injured.
Wilson Ellio aud > ufe , eoriously
Dora , Fanny and Jatncs Ellis , seri
ously injured.
Mrs. G. W. Nichols , ( seriously , and
two little daughter * , slightly injured.
Henry Pitman and two sons , badly
hurt ; his wife Bh'chtly , and his wife's
Bister seriously injured.
A. llhonifort and B. Stowo aud
wife , badly.
Mrs. Pierce was blown through a
window and badly bruised.
Mr. Olandcrn , wife and child , ser
iously injured.
Mrs. 0. T. Taylor , not expected to
Mr. Terry and wife hurt.
Mr. Oullerso'n'a eon badly injured.
Iko Moncer aud wife bidly bruised.
A son of Mrs. Fairfax not expected
to livo.
Mr. Kendall's eon badly bruised.
John Uurtis pcrioualy injurod.
Mra.V. . A. lljod , of Dda Moines ,
badly injured.
DES MOINKS , Juno 19. The Stati
Loader spucmia trace the storm of Sat
urdav from its origin at or near Gen
tre , Green county , to the southern
pirt of Henry county , 100 milca dia
taut. For nearly the whole ot thai
distance the ground is atrovm witl
wrecks of houses , bjirns , fences and
The total losRot lifo willoxcsodlOO
the wounded 250 , and property do
atroyed $100,000. These are all Tory
nwiiis.Th.e . . total jdead ai
is 44 , and ten or fifloe'tfrnbri
will die. Many lives were lost north
we it of Grinui'll.
The cyclone seems to have fprmec
in the southwestern townships o !
Boone county ; thence it passed
nearly duo east to Kully , then to i
point five miles south of Nevada ,
thence to a point ton inflea north ol
Grinnell , und passing to the
west of that town , made a
swath of a mile or more
in length through the resi
dence portion of the city forming
an angle , und utterly demolishing
ovorj thing in its way. The width ol
the pathway was about two rquares.
At leat sixty liotuos were desiroyoq
in Grinnell. 'Iho course was changed
at Grinnell to a southeasterly direc
DOVEU , N H. , Juno 19. One of
the most toriflio thunder storms over
known hero passed over this city and
other patti of Southern New flatnp
shire this afternoon , lasting three
hours , The lightning wan almost in-
coeeant , and struck many placed.
DKTBOIT , Mich , Juno 19 , A cyclone -
clone a wept through Bay , Tuscolaanci
Honoro counties yesterday at noon.
The district dovasted is remote from
telegraph lines , but BO far the story ol
devastation is a ead one. Many
house ; , barns andorchards wore swept
away. At Thomas Joyce's house , in
Bay countya girl named Simpson was
injured by being hurled against a
Fnnco , and Mrs. Djlos Gastor was
bidly hurt. A boy named Carroll
bad hia skull , broken. Miaa McDon
aid of Qagotown WHS terribly mutilat
cd. The track of the storm was 80
rodn wide and 20 miles lone ; .
BRADFOUD , Poiin , , Juno 19. The
Btorm which passed over the oil coun
try was cipeciallv destructive to oil
property. At Clean , N. Y , the
ightning lired two iron tanks of oil ,
one containing 3 COD and the other
000 barrels of oil. Those tanks ,
though apart , are surrounded on all
sides by the city , Besides these , sev
eral other largo tanks in the immedi a
ate vicinity were destroyed. In the
Bradford fields , about fifteen derricks
and 3,000 barrels of oil wont up in
moke. In the Allegheny field , eleven
igs and about 4,000 barrels of oil went
up as a sacrifice to the lightning. It
a estimated that the storm bos relieved
ho country of at least 75,000 barrel *
cheap oil.
National Areoclatod l'io < n
WARHINOTON , Juno 20 , 1 a. m ,
\ > r thu Upper Mississippi and Mis-
ouri valleys , partly cloudy weather , '
nd local rains , south to east winds
nd lower barometer
Burned to Death
National Associated I'ro'J.
CHJOAGO , Juno lO.-Ohae. Graft , a c' '
Gorman , was burnad to death at the
Pullman car-wheel works , by the
fulling of a ladle with a ton of molten
Wrecked by Ice.
National Associated Pitta.
ST , JOHNS , N , F , , Juno 19 , The
, and BFA tfcUerod
t townrd The , tfallc oapt < . with
Its Pnlocos , Itfl
T . .1. Munroa l
The oitcf
en.u.iroa fu thoJfiockoV1)0' ' d
all thu Btreota s runmug t r. ' ! u nn-
le8 , but thero' TTraElarrto nud lnn
plnzAi which divcrelfyirtie ni < not Ji y
The houBto are ncntlj a'l ouu-
dtoried miu eprvadiOTCll n t'ruit doil
of ground ; the waUs of t'vo ' i atoui.-
msiieoly thick oiV/account uf cmtli-
qu kt-fl , which uro ery . and
at ttmoa nuvero. 'jP" tl 6 i-ut r uf
oich bouoo is & patio ' or court , nu 1
around tint on ( hejnmdo ha verandu ,
upon which the dtlprAht | roetm
open. The interior courriu some uf
tbo houjoa is vcryjjuxutitru , beauti
ful with iu iotiary ? ( otiaUins uud
rare fluwun. There aw coarly t >
doson private r nldtnoUSin the cit >
that cost over 11,000,000 , each , nnd
ocorea of bousni that (100000
aud $500,000 havoHecr * expended
In their atructuro/jalocc. It is
indued a city of .palacts lie
| x > pulatiou nuinbonTalittloovcr 209- ,
000 , but it htu scarcely no , active nnd
busy appcarauop at many ottier cities
iu South Americ * . Mingled ith its
great wtutlth there is an aristocracy in
the old city where everyone knowB
oycry one olsp , Nearly all of the rich
have their quinta , which ia a comfort
able , commodious houio in tbo ooun-
try within cosy aoccaa nf the town. It
ia generally finely laid 'out in grounds
ana rambles with several acres of for
est trees where rural life lean bo en
joyed. Iu January , tho/mid-summur
month hero iu the southern humii-
phero , all society people leave the city
to remain at their quinta , BOIUO of the
seaside rototts. At this season , when
the autumn leaves are falling , nearly
all the people have returned from
their summer ramblesA ChiJmu'u
idea of earthly paradise is , to have an
elegant house in Santiago nnd ba re
ceived into society. Ho is fond of die-
play aud ostentation when ho can nf-
tord it , and extremely punctilous in
matters of form. Ho .is inteneol )
proud and looko with haughty dis
dain on foreigners. Ho bohovea the
true aristocracy of the world 11 iwa in
the voina ot the Chilian descended
from Northern Spain.
The Gr.ind Hotel ia ' a rcmxrkably
fine building , having a dining room
which , in elegance , ' I havu cocti rquil-
ed by few , I c i'sit im thu ecjtcly
balcony that opona from my room and
UHZB fur away to the pyriks of too
rising 17,000 , feet aboi'o the
level of the sea. Their tiiinniitn are
covered with perpatuul < * &riow , whiuh
nllocts the bt'a.utitul cnlord'of thefcst-
th'o laxs1 . expon3F'
tura of gold can muko it. Jusc be
yond is the coinbania , a largo opun
rquaro planted with beautiful il'iwera ' ,
atidlield aasacnd ground , as it is thu
site of the old Jesuit church , whicn
was burned on that awful morning of
Diicomber 8 , 18G3. It was a great
fete day , und tlie church wai deiibvly
crowded with an assembly en
tirely women and young girl ? ,
when pome of the draperies
with which the edifice was dec iratcd
caught fire , and the fl.unoa
spread BO rapidly no numaii hand
could stay them. The doora opened
inward , and the crowd in their en
deavors to push out , pressed ag linst
and closed them , so that no power
from without could open them
Smoke and il tmes rushed out the high
windows , mingled with the agontVuig
crits of burninghumanity. . Tiioro
seemed no way of eacapa for a human
soul , n few women only were drawn
out by the lassoes which had been letdown
down from a hole in the roof , but the
numbsr was small , for those below , in
their orgernesa to escape , would
clutch the arms and logs of thoco lassoed
seed , till by their weightthoy dragged
them to piece's , Two thousand human
beings perished on that awful day ,
and when the walls gave way it re-
vcalcd the horrible spectacle of women
and children standing up tightly
wedged together and hands out
stretched to heaven in supplication ,
the faces and upper par * of their
bodies charred and disfigured , and the
lower pirt , from their wotota down
ward , entirely untouched , The ladies
of/-hntiaqo / nro n prettiir than thouo
of most South American cities
As a ruli' , they dress in very good
taste , and do not cpjil their uppoir
inco with a contortionabt mixture o
inharmonious colors. Thuy nro ao
compliala'd and good musicians , vor
many of them receiving thuir oduci
ticn in Franco and other foreign cou -
tries. In the morning you ecu them
returning from church with n aimplo
inanta for u head-drees and veiled
iu black fair angels in disguise. All
are carrying a pruyor book nnd many
( mill piece of wool work or mat , on
which they kneel in thu center of the
church. In the afternoon all society
drives out to Cousino park in elegant
attire , and the inanta and black rube
are discarded for a hat a Ia mode do
Paris and an opera cloak. You will
not meet in your drives in Central
uik or the Boise do Boulogne rnoro
tastefully dressed , lady-iiko and ele of
gant women.
I looked in upon a grand aoiroo gir-
m at our hotel the night of festal-day.
It was aland of music lo conversazione
and balls all mixed up together. The
'air Santiago miidvns sang , danced ,
und talked uith the confidence , Rraoo ,
ltd faultleianeaj with which a swal ho
low flies , There was one cspochuly
loticed who eeemod built for wjltziug
ike A Baltimore clipper for running
lee to the wind ; an unusually arched m
nstep to un oxquisit foot gave. "
mark of high breeding , yj' ' "
oo well for a ladyt
or a premiere da
loaBQiit women i
if lace , varyin
iieia. Some kl
nilure , and i
for pornonnl adornment. It does not
dilF r miu-h ii nnnmranco from the
torclioii lucn which his been a J fr.ah-
ioiidblo in lus. . It wni so cheap 1
iilmmt wonder it ii in t jcenoiMlly
bn uyht fnuii on ! ; the country. Those
Ronnii a'so ' ppin , dye , ivtvl wtavo the
wool Itum tno lltpen uf thtir own
shwp iulo bjiuht col ir d
Thii JM nclicd , whio'i ' ii very
n't r.i by the nntivn men , 1.1 n kind of
flhp.ul , raff , or b'nnltrf. w'tth n bo'o ' in
tin ertitr , thr > ngh nliieh the bend in
run. Tr is vnv Miiipluniul ouvcnipnij
it Mop * you ei"l inv < * riu weather
nnd protects yi.u iu c < U1 the fine
tines uro nn'erprouf Souiolitnes they
ute woven from the hair of thn ju\nco ;
rlin , nnd nro of a ytlliMMi brown
c ) l > r. It givoa the mnn the hrtvnnnd
i iilUnt nppearauco of a NH\Y York
jMii'iut mnii with a ehnvvl on hio
sh. iiilJorn.
Chillis a long , uurrow strip of land
cxtondiiiR in length over SJ.OOO mites ,
and iucrji'lii | ; iu width iibont 100
tuikc ; in 001110 places it is not over
forty mile * wido. Thii topography
give * to the country n great variety ol
cliuiato. Thu nvor 4o ( timperiiluru of
Santiago U bout US degrees In the
day 11 m o you muit carry n nun uui-
brolla to bo comfortublo , b it tit nipjit
you must nloep under a blanket. 'I ho
nighta uf Oluh ru chilly. When you
nro donii in thd ioutlurn part of the
country you got a great deal of weather.
Sometimoa there are right con or
twenty kinds of wuather in one dny ,
Couiiug up the southern cuaat nttiiniB
wo got oit > tit or ton kinds of wonthtT
aorvcd up iu lesa than an hour. It
< ras the naino just nround by Oapn
Horn , where a little of it went along
ways. The products of the countiy
consist principally of copper and sil
ver ore , idtliouKh BOIUO gold is
found. 1'hero are a few coal
mines which supply in great part
all the fuel used in Binolt-
lag. The government of the country
is rop'oeentativo. The president ID
elected by vote , and is nnpported by n
responsible ministry. Taere is a leg-
iblaturo o-imposod of a congress of
two houses , and courts of justice ,
civil and criminal. . The fire depart' '
incut of the city is a most brilliant
atfur When nn aUrm sounda ovtry
ineiubor of each company hastens to
his homo , decks himselt in his full
firu uniform , und guts to
the place of lire , wlure
ho unmlly nrrives about the time of
thu engine , which has been drugged
nloug by n crord of boyn. When the
fire is over he rides in a carriage to the
ougiiio houto for roll call , when every
ubsotit muiabnr is titled. It mikes no
particjlur difljreiico whether ho lua
btion to the tire or not so long no he
appcara at the time in full rcgilh.
Never leave Chili with nit seeing
the coaco dnucud. E oh country bus
ita peculiar dance , nnd in more ways
than onu ia churAcruiiatio i/f the sraco
aud nmusemont appreciated by its
people.A conscientious souse of duty
hrs always led mo ill each country to
gain ad'uiisaiou to ouch. It was this
ttiat led mo to BOO the Hindoo imutch-
gjrrjjt34ncrt J dia , tbo
Mtittrtitu IFvUiiro , mid'tlio
Jup.iiH'su girls of Yokohama , but it
was reserved for mo to see in Ohifi n
dance rddicnlly difTeront from all
others. A Ctulian gentleman volun
teered to take us to a house whcro wo
ciuld see it boat performed. Thu
music consisted of n single harp
well p ayod by n Chilian , who
accompanied the strange air with n
crow-like voice having n sort of falsetto
which Boomed at tiuica so high it
would break through the top ot bin
head , A girl with thu knuckles of
her hand kept time also on the drum
> t the harp , while each ono jircaunt
kept time in turn with ciappmg of
hui'dj and patting of fout. The dance
itself is simple , a girl ututiny out
alone swings her handkerchief utsome
man , who reaponds by coming on the
fl jor and following her about , watoh-
inp her movements closely nnd imi
tating themoyen eioh movement of
the handkerchief , which p'ays ' an im
portant pirt in the dance. Some
times she swings it over her head ,
sometimes over her shoulder in L
front of her , nnd at her eido , by
ouch movement she invites or repels
him , the whole idea of the daucs
being that the man ia making over
tures to her white she nota the part
of the coquette. They never touch
each other during all the movements ,
and tloroin conmsts one of the skill
ful charms cf the dance , tor at times
she passes under hia arms and at
others swinga the handkerchief just
over hia head , but all the time their
graceful straying movements are to
gether nnd yet upirt. Now there are
expressions of uuportbounding joy
nnd pleasure , and now the pint-
oinlrnu of wrath und indig
nation , How beautifully tlio
hands HUi'in to aynipalhi )
and join in the dinco their tirins
when they awny , more in curve * ot
perfect harmony , while through all
uucuisingly the harps' thumping and
the cbppniK ot hands of thu inter
ested lookeia-oii kept stately pnoo ,
Now there are intervals wherein the
dancers rest , and the parched throat
and lacerated knuckles of the accom
panying girl are relieved by cooling
drrtuuhts. It lasted over un hour and
finally closed by the wearied maiden
falling into the arms of her long-woo
ing partner.
Kilfod Under a Miiapprelioniiou.
National Aitoclitcd I'roea.
BOHTON , Juno 19. lr , Jnrvis Gay ,
Norwood , a veterinary surgeon ,
aged 80 , was called nt 1:30 : n. m. to
attend a sick horse at Canton , He
stopped on the way nt the house of
George W , Edmundb to inquire about
the road. Edmunds recently moved ,
and had often been robbed by burg-
lurn. 8001113 Ur. Gay enter thu gate ,
ordered him to atop and UII his
btiMiicos , Dr , Gay being bard of
hearing , continued to approach , and
KJmunds allot him. Edmunds did
not dare to leave thu house during
Lies of Every Mo and Ooloi
Displayed by tko Hillman -
" "
man "Stiff ,
Oonepir , clca , Intricactoo
and Oo tradtotions Dev
eloped Dtvlly ,
The Murderer or MiirtUi. WhlUn.
Nnlloiliu tlio Detroit
A Bloody Border nufflnn Fl ut In In
Own Territory.
National A.ocJ t il I'rrit.
Lmi.r. HOOK , Ark. , Juuo ID.-At
nll'my took place between Indians nut
cow boy B on tbo border of Indian ter
ritory. The latter mimb rd 00 , uiu
olmrio of " 00 head of c Ulo b lo | ing
to Col. Alex. Poll' , of Howard couty ,
tliis state , nnd were pruning thtia m
land belonging to the ludUua The
cowboys nore ordered off , and fjdliiu
to go , n light ensued in which four ol
them worn nlnin.
In thu § 25 000 life luturanco case on
trial in the United State * circuit court
here , Mr . Ilillman , thonll g d widow ,
was on the stand tlio moit of the day.
She testified in subttauco that the
dead body wna that of h r buibtud ,
but eho waii induced to give an order
for the policies and n ro'oneo to the
companion by the misrepresentations
of John H. Brown , who told her it
wna not her hu bind ho had killed
and of W. H. liitohanan , state senator
from Wyandottu county , who ingra
tiated hnuHclf into her confidence and
persuaded her to give the order
for the polioks which her attorney
who had the policies in his posscsiinn ,
refused to obey. Brown now tint lies
that the statement he made won false ,
nud for the purpose of swindling the
widow , nud that it wan Hillman who
wna killed. Thu caio duvelopcs now
intiicaciea , contradictions and vil-
nioa ns it proccodo , nnd attracts
much public attention and interest.
Representatives of the heaviest in-
burntica companies in the country are
hero watching the trial.
DHTHOIT , Mtch ; , June 1 ! ) A spoo-
ial fui in Battln Crook , Mich. , says
Stephen Turbull , the man who was
castrated by Eugene Webster , a
tarmur near tint place , for illicit inti
macy with Wtbiior'a wife , ia worst )
to-day and cannot livo. Webster was
nrri'Rtod and jniltd ntMaraliallMich. ,
to prevent hia neighbors from lynch-
inu him , and his bill has buun fixed at
850,000. , .TitrbairaButo mortem
Mrs. Webster solicited criminal inter
In the trial of Hugh Peoples this
afternoon fur the murder of Martha
Whitlain January , 187D , a sensation
was produced in court by Frank
Dorice , n witness who testified ho and
Peoples carried Martha's dead body
from Dr. Hollywood's house and
dumro 1 it in thu Dtitruit river through
n hole cut in the ice. Ho give nil the
details and the croas-exuminntion up
to adjournment of court failed to
shako bin testimony , which will bo re
sumed to-morrow. Peoples is thu
man who sued The Detroit Evening
No MI for § 30,000 damages for in
charging him with the murder of
Martini Whitln , the verdict being in
favor of the paper , ho being arrested
for murder at the close of thu trial.
WINNEI-EG , Juno 19 , An ox-rail
road conductor wan murdered last
night at Portage , 100 miles oust of
hero. His wife is supposed to bo tbo
guilty party. The tragedy occurred
in his own house. There were two se
ver o cuts on his head , and an axe van
found in iho house covered with
blood. Biscoloy ( the name of the
victim ) und his wife are reported as
having drank heavy and suspicion
rents on her nnd it is supposed she
had ns nn accomplice a male neighbor.
NxtlcnM Atwriatea f o .
A lllIMOU.
IJONDUN , Juno 10 , It is rumored
on thu stock exchange that Bright
nnd Chamberlain iiavo resigned their
petitions in the cabinet.
ST. PKriiusjiuna , Juno 11) ) , Count
Folsturu , minuter of the interior , will
shortly JHSUO : i manifesto silling that
firm measures are necessary to pro-
nerve erdor ,
LONDON , Juno 10. In the house of
commons this evening Gladstone , in
answer to n question , uaid the propos
ed conference would bo limited to dis
cussion of the Egyptian' question , and
would not inuludo the eunjopt of nav
igation of the Suez canal iu its delib
erations ,
CONHTANTINOI'M : , Juno 10. Said
Pnslia , niinisur of foreign affairs , has
informed the embatiaadora of foreign
powers that the potto still maintained
his objections to holding a conference.
1IBY OlIKVt ) .
Ai-vxANiiKia , Jme 19. Dorvisch
PaaliD , in nnnnurvhig to consuls that
the Htato of Ejywas BatUfgctory ,
said thut Arabi ijoyvrns pajinffstric1-
obedience to thu commands of the
Arabl IJoy , Vauliob pAiha , and
Ahannnod Ilusliid Paiha have arrived
- d . liuvo phced bo-
& . SON ,
Magazines of all kinds
Send for REDUCED
price-list of Job Print
Importer of , nud Dealer iu
1121 Farnam St , Omaha.
The Liverpool f peoob and Its
Oritica Bef ro the High1 * *
Court ,
V.Rontisi ( ; Mooting of Irishmen in
Now Yoilt.
NEW Yoitic , Juno 1'J. The grand
Irmonstration rf welcome by the
[ rish citizens of this city waa tendered
iy Michael Davitt , of the Academy of
\lueic , to-night. After a number of
popular and patriot ! j airs had been
ilayed by the band , cheers were given
ior Davitt , Panic ) ) , Dillon and others.
Hon , Geo. W. Van Hosen occupied ,
the ohnir , nnd after nfow romaiks in-
reduced Davitt , wh t waa received
with tremendous cheering , Ho said
his waa hia third visit to America on
johalf of Ireland. On each previous ,
occasion ho came from an English
mson , and this time ho came from an
:3i : > gliah prison also , The indictments
lad been made ngaicst him by the
English government on several occa
sions , but now the charges were made
igainst him by Irishmen. At
cast twelve chaiges had been
made against him by men who claimed
n bo his fiiends. To the charges ho
iluaded "not gjitty , " nnd ho would
nave thn nudiencu to bo the jury.
) nc of the ohnrgofl was that hu was
) eing run by Mr. George. This was
untrue. The only person that run
Michael Davitt was "AlichaelDavitt. "
Ho believed that Ireland should bo
governed by an Irish parliament and
lint the land eliould bo nationalized.
The chnrgo of favoring nn alliance
with the English people was untrue ,
ml ho claimed the right to assist any
jooplo in the world without Blackeu-
ng his ilfjrts for Ireland. Ho did
lot believe that Parnoll'a criticisms
if the Liverpool speech wore fair , but
till there was not any feei
ng between them. The duty of
ritthmon to-day was loyalty
o the Land league , fidelity
o Parnoll's leadership BO long as Par-
toll is true to the Land leapuo in Ire-
and , and the repudiation of assatai-
lations ns a means of helping Ire-
and. By perfect unity of nil classes ,
uccess would crown their ffl > > rts.
Speeches were made by Redman ,
Jr. , Kov. Dr. McUlynne , Dr. Wallace
nd others.
titlonal Am cUtoU I'rcsj.
NEW YOHK , June 19 , Ariived ;
Gen. Weidor from Bremen/ * Spain
fioni J iverpool.
UiiiuuBa , Juno 10. Arrived : Gel.
lort from Now York.
UAVIIK , Juno 10 , Arrived : St.
Laurent from Now York ,
lavJcurooL , Juno 19. Arrived :
City of Paris , nndfiiittMW from Noir
York , rtfi u > < MyfiftiMl , , , '
to m Jmtiffl 11.-Sailed :