Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee
tabltsliod every morning , ctcoptSanda. ;
10 only Alonifty morning dally ,
Ono Vsar $10.00 I Tlirec Moutbs.83.1
Qiz Months. o.OO I One , , 1.1
CWR WEEKLY ME15 , published e
ty Wednesday.
Ono Year. . . . . $2.00 I ThrceMontha. .
Qir Me ttli. . . . . 1.00 1 Ono . .
or NowBJcilerg in tlio United SUtoa.
oattoai r ] otint to New * and Editorial mj
era i'.nud ' ] be addressed to the KniTOn i
Cus ITK.
Letters nnd Ilomlttanccs nliould V > 8 a
dtowed lo THE OMAHA 1'crot.iniiiNO Co :
tAirr , OMAHA. Draft * , Checks nnd I'w
.ffficn Ortlcts to bo tnado payable to t !
uriex of tlio Coninany ,
Mooting of the Republican State Coi
tral Committoo.
The member ) of tlio Ilcpubllcnn SU1 Commlltco of NelirfttUn ni
Itctoby cullril to meet nt the nonimcrcl
Hotel. In the cltyof Lincoln , on Tlitir
day , tlio nth Any of July , 1882 , ixt2 o'cloc
l > . tn. , fur the purpono of coinilctlng | t )
organization of tlio committee , and trni
BnctliiR Rucli nllicr liualnofB ns may pro ]
crly como before the Bamc.
I'/io / following nro the mcmtiprn of U
committee : 1st District , A. K. Oantt ; Si
John Ii. Canon ; 3d , Jacob S , Dew ; 4tl
A. V. Grout ; Mil , U. 11. Wlnrilmmj dl
O. K. YoHt : nth , Paul Vandcrvoortj 711
1).E IJoftdlo ! 8th. W. U. I'eelilcfj Oth , i
. Col'onj 10th , .T. A. Krhnwlt ; llth , .
U. li-elbcrj 12th , W. D. Mattl.owg ; llltl
M , Whitmoycr ; 14th , Al cl Hill ; 15tl
John Steetij 1'th , Jl. O. I'lillilps ; 1 tl
O. W. Plo cc ; 17lh , T. Ii. Crawlorrl ; 1SH
W. T. Scott ; 10th , .T.W. 1'jlccj 20th , C
W. UMtzley ; 21 t , AVntfon richorel
22d , J. 11. ftkDowcll ! 23d , d. W. Swit e
21'h , .1. IX llnyov 25th , A. W. ABCI
'SGth , O. 11. Wlllnrd ; 271 Ii , Ilnbert Kei
ncdv ; 18th , A. L. Icton ; 29th , H. C
ITcdlund ; SOth , O. S. lililmp ; .1M. 11. t
\Vyman. JAMES AV. DAWK3 ,
Chairman ,
CntTP , Neh. , Junn 12. 1882.
A ursTitucTiVK cyolono pasac
through central lonrn Saturday iiighl
making n wide nivath of dcatructioi
and desolation. The mod uoriou
loaa was sustained at Grinnoll , tvlior
upward of fifty lives Tvorb lost , noarl ;
ono hundred persona seriously injured
and many public and private build
ings demolished.
Our special dinpntclioi furnish ful
particulars of this holocaust. Owinj
to the destruction of telegraph line
no authentic account is an yet received
ceivod ffoin many of the minor ata
tiona along the path of the cycloni
which appears moat fatal on the lint
of tbo Hock Island road.
Wmi this issue THE BUB cnton
upon the twelfth year of its eventful
and prosperous career.
MB , WATSON PAUUISH , government
director of the Union Pacific railroad
will now proceed to carry Uuri
ounty for "our Val. "
. LOOK out for another change in eatIng
Ing house munagomont on the U. P ,
The now board of government direct-
on huvo some friends that must be
taken oaro of.
PUKSIUENT AUTUUU is uo rospootot
of imposing men , or ho wouldn't have
dispensed with that pompous barnacle
Gcorgo Washington Frost in such a
summary manner.
THE Buffalo Exprcit wants it understood
-dorstood that the present high pricut
of politicians are not supposed to bt
duo to any scarcity of the article ,
Hot iu Nebraska at any rato.
GOVIIUNOK OoltNKLL llttS fligtiud tllC
! Now York railroad commission bill
Now York anti-monopolists hsvt
scored the first knock-down iu tin
battle wih the corporation Idbgs al
Albany. ,
* ' " * WOUIiI ) bo a blessino ; to Kjypt if
-F\ <
' . -"iho Arabs in that unfortunate land
would fold up their tents and silentl )
; steal away , All the stealing up to the
prcson ) time ccoma to have boon douc
by foreigners.
OK some accounts there is c.iuio tc
regret that the proposition to give
caoh senator a clerk at $1,200 a ycai
woa t quclched in the sonutu. The Hot
apooohoB iu the tonato would no doubl
Iiuvo buetMnstly improved and the
visits of senators to the congressional
library largely decreased. Still a ;
every senator would lir.vo insist
ed on speaking upon every impor-
taut subject , just to nlr the learning oi
uis capacious private secretary the defeat -
feat of thi ) proposition will bo n relief
io the couutry , *
TUB census inihtor or tlio U
can has given Omaha another big lift.
Hu has induced the managers of the
Burliiion ; road to run trains into
Omaha by the Plattsmouth bridge ,
which , as we all k ow , was construct'
ed expressly at his suggestion , All
these blessings are conferred on Oma <
Ita throuch the exertions of thoU
U , P , organ , which has for
ton years upheld the enormUicu of
the bridge transfer , and not uuny
J i 4 wouksaqo sought to block the way of the
X , & M , in its efforts to acquire the
riijht to enter our business streets.
Of course our merchants , shippers and
1 * . iproporly owners appreciate the her *
oulanoous exertions f the census in-
4 at or that fllls the columns of the tie-
jntllican with wind and gas.
Nebraska is on the cvo of n cat
paign , which promises to bo the me
interesting in the history , For tl
first time siuco her ndm ssion into tl
union she is to have a rrprcscntatii
in congress proportionate to her grow
and influence. A full stnto ticket ni
a legislature which will select n su
cessor to Alvin Saundora in the Ut
ted States senate , is also to bo elect
by the popular vote. It is highly ii
portant that the candidates select )
shall bo representatives of the wish
of the pcoplo placed in non
nation by the un'.rammoll
consent of our citizens and elect
by a free and fair ballot. To this ci
it ia necessary that the coming cai
] -nign shall bo n people's campaig
The conduct of p ilitical affairs in t
state has bean left too long in i
hands of profcoaional cfllco huntoi
The tirao has ojmo whim the mi
whoso votes alona make nnd unmal
candidates must take into thuir o ;
bauds the direction of the c.invn
and rolcgato to the ranks the politic
barnacles who have disgraced ther
nolvefl and their state by selling the
convictionn and influence to the in
The duty of the hour for every citizc
of Nebraska ia to bear his eharo i
tlio burden of the coming campaigi
The great issue upon \vhich the ne :
election will turn is whether the co :
pora'.ions or the people shall rule Ni
braska and direct ito governmen
While other commonwcaltha nro ri
ing against boss rule in Iho ranks <
partj , the voters of Nebraska are coi
fronted with the dangerous control <
both political parties , by the coipon
lion managers , and with a railroad o
ganization whiolt reaches into ovei
county in the stato.
When corporations array thcmsolvi
jgainst popular govorninont , they en
snly bo mot and defeated by ustronsi
jrganization of the people whom the
oppose. No ono duubls that the ant
uonopolists in the otnto conotitut
nero than two-thirds of th
ilcctors. No intolligunt observer c
laoslng ovouta doubts that the prc
Uiccrs are supreme the moment the
ipprociato the necessity for unite
iction ngainsb impotiding danger.
The time lua como for every vote
) t the state to study the issues of th
campaign which is soon to begin
fho questions to bo debate
ire few and simple. Our people dt
nand in the first place , honest an
ompotout oflloialo , nomiaated in fni
aucua and convention upon an hull
st platform and elected by the vet
if the people. Tlioy demand that n
it'izon uhall bo placed in public oflio
r nominated for a position of trus
( hose record is not clear , and whoa
haraotcr ia neb a sudloiont pledge fo
its futuio conduct. They insist thn
ho membership of the coming con
ontions shall not bo dictated by th
iionopolics or controlled in thuir intui
ots. Lot it bo thoroughly undurstuo
hat thcso demands 0411 bo met on )
> y united action on the part : of th
otors themselves. Interest in poli
ica amounts to nothing if that inter
st is not backed by active exertion
ist every citizau attend his party pri
larica and ice to it that delegates ar
looted who will voice the popula
hoico in the conventions.
The Farmers' Alliunoo will wield
loworftu" if not an absolutely con
rolling influonro in the coming cam
The course which was pursued b
ho Pennsylvania independents IB opoi
o the Alliance , They muat endeavo
o control the party policy , and failin
o scours honest candidates ploilgm
0 Alliance principles , poll their ful
otoon candidates of their own choice
'his method will make the influonc
f our farmer voters decisive. Ther
1 neither principle nor precc
ont to prevent active pat
loipation by the Allianc
ii the party primaries and conven
ions. Any strength which is givoi
o an alliance candidate nominated 01
regular ticket will tend by so muol
0 insure his election. And if brib
ry at primaries and packed cuucuse
nil coiivoiiUonn shall override th
dslica of the majority the revolt will
iidor such ciruumstancos , attract ti
t banner the onthuslastio support c
ion of every politioul croud who de
ire to redeem our state from th
hralldom of monopolies
PHESIDBMT AitTiiuu'b delay in ap
ointing the Utah commisiion , whio ]
1 committed to nobody knows oxaotl ;
hat , was duo to ttio bill pending ii
lie house to ralso ( ho salaries of it
lombora fram 03,000 to 85,000. Th
amposltion of the commission is n
) llows : Ex-Sonator A. S. Pnddool
f Nebraska , ox-Senator Alex Ham
> y of Hinncsota , Qoorgo L , Oodfro ;
f Iowa , Ambrose JJ , Oarloton of In
iana and James A , Pettigrew o
It will bo noticed that the commia
on is exclusively a western ono. Mr
.amsey is the most prominent of iti
lembers , and will probably bo uamot
i chairman , George- . Godfrey is at
> wa stalwart , a prominent lawyei
id said to be a man of oxcollon
laractor and ability , Both Messrs ,
arloton and Pettigrow are domocrati
jd both are lawyers. ( Now that tin
immhuiion is appointed it booomes i
icstlon of interest to know what ii
ipectod of them. The demands foi
solution of the Mormon problem
como from both parties , but noith
Boom to have any definite idea of t
stops by which the solution is to
reached. The powers granted I
commission are by no mea
large , nnd their duties wou
appear to consist moro in o
servation than in oxccutio
The Edmunds bill hut already la
down the law on the plural marria
question. With all the psrio-Jio a
tomptn of the federal office holders
Utah to place Iho Mormons in oppo :
tion to the government , and to pai
in lurid colors the disloyalty of tl
people , there nro few who belie
that there is any actual danger to Ii
and property in Utah , or that t !
laws are not in general ns well c
forced as in the neighboring ton
torics. Thn power of the Mormi
church \ull never bo sapped 1
any commission. In no far
it affects simply the religu
of the people of Utah the gover
mont has no right to trench on i
privileges. It is only when the pro
ia clear that the church is combinh
to defy the lawn nnd defy the goven
mcnt thut it renders itself nmondnb
to interfursncc , The loaders of Mo
mondom nro too shrewd to lay then
eolvea open to attack in thisdiroctioi
and if they do they will manage 1
adjust mattcnt with the commiasioi
Warm weather has brought increase
encouragement to farmers tlirouf.hoi
the country , and tlio Juno report <
the agricultural bureau will gu
another black oyu to speculation whic
has been trading upon the hopes of
short harvest. Fifteen hundred i
the principal counties of the Unite
States are embraced in the 'repor
which includes all of the prominoi
crops. A decrease of twelve per con
is shown in the area aown of sprit
wheat , but taking the winter ai ;
spring arcaa together , and nsaumu
a continuance of present 001
dition , a yield of thi
teen bushels per nero will resu
and an aggregate exceeded only I
the heavy harvest of 1880 will bo pr
ducod , The report pronounces tl
southern harvest safe and the nortl
ijrn winter wheat has but few risks i
ancountor. No certain predictioi
ire made in the report of the sprii
ivhoat crop , but since its public itic
the hot weather has greatly improve
its appearance Dispatches from 31
xmntioa in the west report a great ]
increased acreage in corn and got
Kospocts for n largo crop. ]
[ > arls of the Bouth the earl
limited ccrn is in tass
jut ohowhoro the unfavorab
weather has delayed growth and
lack of the average vigor and color :
reported , Almost universal
in the urea devoted to oats is repor tc <
I ho crop ia every where in oplondi
Bondltion and the yield promises to I
largo. Birlty has alas boon increase
in the area planted and the average
the crop ii reported at ninety. D <
tailed atdte reports are not numeroui
but Texas , Tonnoscoo and Missoui
liavo already commenced harvesting
[ n Tennessee , over 11,000,000 buslm
> f wheat have been harvested whic
! a 31 per cent over last year. I
Missouri it is reported that th
frhoat outlook ia magnificent. Froi
[ Cnnsan comes the news that whet
trill not harvest less than oighteo
Bushels an acre , and that the rye acre
igo has been increased 300 per com
Nebraska will more than equal he
record for 1880 in corn , oatu , rye on
These reports are sad news for th
brokers who speculate on ths misfai
tunes of the country , but they will b
thankfully received by all who now
iuffor from high prices and incroasoi
cost of living ,
Tnu horror of Senator Ingalh a
lisoovoring a bold lobby in the Jar.
ineso claim , was something pitiable t
ivitncss , and must have greatly aflecl
) d every ono who didn't know that fo
foare , Ingnlls has boon ono of th
uost prominent monopoly tools 01
.ho floor of the senate.
changes in the army will re
mlt from the retiring bill passed b ,
Mo senate nnd house , which provide
that nil offioon who nro sixty.fou
fears old shall bo retired from activ
lorvico. Under the bill General Shot
nan will bo lolloved on February 18
1884 From Unit time until Marc ]
J , 1895 , Lieutenant General Shoridai
ivill bu ehiuf in command. In 188 !
3unoral Hancock will reach the ro
iring ago. General Sohofiold is ui :
nonths younger than General Bheri
lau , while Generals Howard , Terr ;
ind Orook arc respectively one , twl
uid three ycara older. McDowell
? opo and Augur are nearly eligible ti
otiroujont ,
Colhx county boa four iburlng mlHo.
lleatrlco has a llttlo over 3,600 people.
Hurt county haa seven lunatic * in tin
Belrlce people are thinking of bulldlnj
i uev ? court house.
The Central Nebraska medical socletj
wets at Vork 011 the 27th.
Seventy.fiveown JoU at O'Neill Cits
vere recently old at unction ,
There are five canes of tnall.jox In Col
mbu. , all in the Sitter1 * hospital
The good people _ of Atkinson are deter
Jlnea to shut up the salooni on Sund y.
The MS8 or' report pl 0ei the popuh
tinn of Pawnee county at a little o\
A Holt county miller ha go'd h ! uter
engine nnd will use wind power for grit
ItiK grain ,
Tekamah complnlns about men nnd be
bathing In the mill , where ladles r
continually juRjing.
The Teciimtch Jnarnal deactibeii an o
i > t the k Idcst nights it over s&w , the cl
marshal escorting a dninlcen woman
] ill.
War ha * broken out between the rial
mouth doctor * , nn < " . ono uf them , L
Dopge , linn been arrested fir violating t
health ordinance.
Hiram O'Hiien , of Nor'h K y Prth
wlille renting n i-hotgun on hto foi.t , nci
dentally rm led thi irlggcr nnd hot i
the end ( if his I i0' toe.
The per men \vill have n tournamc
nt Oiico iln Jnno 27 , ' 8 , ami 2 ! ) . Una thn
Rand five h mired | .igo ns will be Mint t
nud Sl.OJtl In p cmiuiin contented fur.
On the 14 < h. Mury Mnrthenv , n ferva
clrl of I'laltflmnutli , KWO birth to i
llealtlirmto child , which WM f' und do
iirxf mornln. , having evidently bo
CUrenco 1'owell , n youn ? man living c
n claim near Co tral City WILI brutal
assaulted on tbo nlaht of the 5thvh
leaving hit Imri ) , and for a long tlmn w
In danger of Iodine hla llfo from the clfec
of his \vouu > i8. Hla assailant is uukuo *
LLhtnlng stiuck a tree In I'laltemau
on the I3tli nnd stunned Miss Jrnnlo I/l
o.iln , who Wfli tlUliiK inside n house half
dizea feet riUtuit. Walter Paling , In tl
name house , W.H knocked to the llo'jr I
the eamo holt ,
The eevcro c'ap of thunder hoard ju
before the rnln Tlmrxday evening Ink
prostrated Mies Mtclinn ti the nluewal
on her way homo t > Mr Oaldwcll'd. SI
was notsetlouaiy injuiol , but iiidn't gi
over the nhuck until the text day. Crc
Standard ,
Jim Aytc , of rinm Creek , was ono i
nineteen nun whn jumped un a luuibi
wugonto lido from the races. There w ;
ion Much if n load nnd the lint torn gm
way , lettlmt Ayiea to the ground , when
wheel run over IiU left ankle , and 1
thought ho was hilled. The dninngo w :
n t very great.
J. T. Spencer , editor of the Dahota Oil
Kagtc , leceutly published an ( tern of now
tn the tlfa t that n yotuig widower 'if th :
place. iv.t8 disposing of his dead wife' * wci
ditijf prcsentH. Anixion as the widowe
whose nttno it Willie , B W the item , 1
caught Spencer nnd gave him a eevci
The G. A. Tl , boys raifo.l . a Bum i
money last week to relieve Mr.Vhl
comb' * family. Tint cx oldler lost h
f.otvhHe in the employment of tin Bu
Hrgton & Missiiuri railroad , an see uut <
which wd piililltlivd a few weeks ago. 1
is pntbublD that tro company will t
nomethlng fur him. H.stmgj Ga.-.etti
A sad report comci from Death Cr el
about twenty miles north wfcsc of Ko < me
wherein n boy sixteen yenrs old herdii
shorp for J.V , JJlicU wftd found det
je terday nfternoon. The nima of ll
unfortunate hov i * Frederick Qi Burdicl
son of George U. Durdick. lie went 01
yesterday .ifternoo ua u ual io hen ) , ar
was found tuiv.iidi night dead , withoi
any sign or cause of death viaib e. Kea
iiey Juunril ,
John Qiiiter , a 14-year-old boy of Hat
phri-y , meS with a vurf painful nnd win
may prove a f tal accident la-b Huturdu
ffo wai in the elevator ttt that placa pi i ;
Ing aroun I the hotso-power , utitl win
stumllng on tie 8w < .ej > lie put hid hoj
through the large fly wheel ab > ve liim ar
was caught snd terribly Bqueczed , tl
back pait of IiU hna'l being mar y cru. ]
cd to n jelly. Madison Ctuonicle.
Hutrh M'cDevitt , the ins'ine mnu of 0
dar county , who wandered from bin lion
near NorrU BOIIIB three week * ago , hi
lieou found. After around f (
ni ten dayc , during which time he sul
biatcd on wild nrtichokes , etc , ho fimll
ttrayect into Fntzier'n riinche on the DC
town , where he was kindly token iu an
caroJ for until his parents had been not
fit d and came after him. Ho was in
very feeble and cma lated condition , bi
it Is Bald that bis mind lux greatlv in
proved during his wanderings. Wayt
Heview ,
Norrls MuUord , son of Charles M. Mu
ford , was found dead on the pratria Sutui
lay night about a mile from his father
luuee. Ho had a revolver with liim xipo
which he ha I fired two or three fiho !
which had been heatd at the houso. M
Mulford noticing that tin con did not n
; urn to the htm-o took ft lantern nod wei
n BOHrch for him , and about 10 o'clock i
light found him dead mid cold lying o
is back with a bullet liolo through h
lead. The ball entered hia 'left eye nu
; hero wore no nigni of hU having made
Btruggla. It is supposed that ho ni
cldcntally bhot himxelf. O'Neill Banuu
Last M'onday morning a flit boatloido
with 2 ,000 i/Iuo trees of all gizcs , froi
Lioug Pine , tbii state , stopped at our lun <
ng. It belonged to John A. Morris an
, wo comrades. They stopped for seven
hours nnd offered their trees for Bale. /
loon wlien the wind iras. blowing a pe
ect gale they Btnrted out and when nboi
wo miles below tonn , nb the Kckhui
arm , where the river Is cutting badly , tl :
wind drovonnd hugged them to the ban
and before they could oxtrlcato themselvi
everal ton of the bank fell on thi ) stern <
heir boat , sinking It with all their tree ;
lothes. guns , cookin ; utensils , otc , ami
von only by the very quickest movemer
hat their lives were not lost. Dako !
City Eagle.
School Notes.
The salary of Kearney's principal hi
> cen reduced from $111 a month t
Mllford's new school house is to ha\
our rooms , mil will accommodate 2C
Miss Kmma Clarke , of the Brownvil !
chools , Ima gene to St. Joe to spend tt
vacation ,
Frank Wheeler , aged 15 , hnsjuttgrat
jatod froni tha 1'Uttamouth lllg
chool oiid received tin lirjt diploma ov ,
atued there.
Grand Island voted $15,000 for bulldlu
i new BDhool hous , but haa been cm
Iiico 1 the election wai illtgul nud tli
.Kinds will not bu indued.
A negro lad won the valedictory in tli
iebraslin < ity high hchool , but tlio hlgl
.one I white graduates lacked nud tli
chool board didn't have tha nerve to d
lira justice. The valedictory wi
vlped out.
The Rod Olond academy for the hlgh <
ducatlon of males U ileatlned ] to till
oug.felt want The thlrty-flvo pupils !
tteiidauca anticipate great tiling uftt
raduating. Prof. Jon Waru r , the nrli
iiial , { 4 delighted with thu BUCCOJB of Ji
chema ,
The graduates of tha Normal t chool th !
oar nro Mimei K O. Haod , lla I
jnr > h , Mury L .MolCenzle , Lottla H Mi
veuzlo , Delht W. Nu kolU and Kate 1
lovvott , und Mesarj. J , M. MoVickci
Clarence K , Ord , Jeoe Uaaeltine en
' ' .
_ _ _
* * Farm , Garden and Orchard.
George Fruzler , of Stanton county , he
our a'rea of beans ,
U. 0. Jonen informs UB that if nothln
append to his grape vines they ill yiel
ton of grapes this season , Seward lt (
O. Nelson and J. B. Price of Illchlan
rectnct , have 70 acres in ono plec
lanted together to potatoes and raeluiii-
5 to potatoes < mi 25 to melon * , ScUuylc
Sun ,
Tha IB correspondent at Genev
vritee ; Crops in OheUea precinct ar
ooklug fine. Wheat never looked bette
: ian now. More acres of coru ia plante-
aau ever before , and all U looking well ,
Henty Marnh of Golden Springt
ronght to ouf office la t Saturday ,
ranch of Karly JUchruoud cherry tree
bout two feet long , that bad on ft whei
e cut it 52 cherriei. The limb wag take ;
rom o tree only five years old.-Tekamal
LONDON , July 16 , The propoa
conference on the Egyptian quest !
will rncot at Constantinople Thursd
next. The powers ore expected
sign a proclamation guaranteeing t
integrity of Eayptian loyalty and i
maintenance of the khodivo.
I/iipatchcs from Alexandria BI
32,000 , persons have already h
Egypt and it is estimated that :
equal Dumber are now awaiting
Egyptian ports for an opportunity
got away.
LONDON , Juno 18. The poli
mndo n raid on a fclublo _ in Olurko
well , London , nnd aoizad 100,0 (
rounds of ninmunition packed
boxes , ready for removal to Irelan
Four hundred rifles with biyonots ai
twenty-five boxes of rovolvera we :
also captured.
Irish nationalist , has been arrested i
connection with the seizure of am
in this city.
BEKLIN , Juno 18 , Ilorr Moiling ,
prominent engineer of the Gerina
navy , hna buen nrrcstod nt Kiel a
complaint of soiling to lluaaia th
plans of the Gorman coast defense ;
IJo stated ho uccoptud a bfibj or ICO
000 roubles.
Nnw YOHK , Juno 17. Kailod : Oil
of Berlin , for Liverpool ; Davonor , fc
GHatgow ; Maine , for nroinen ; Hi sao ;
For Hamburg ; Burceiitiuid , for An
werp. Arrived : Eciri , Oity ot' Brui
solii nnd Abystnniu , from Liverpool
ThynRvnllirt , from OopunhiRuii.
BRISTOL , Juno 17. Sjilsd ; Bristo
; or Now York ,
QUEKNSTOWN , Juno I1 ? . Arrived
\Iaruthon , from Boston ; Bolivia
rrom New York.
UAVUE , Juno 17. Salied : Leasinj
for New York.
SOIITHAMTON , Juno 17. Arrivoc
tlassburg , from Now "V'ork.
LOMDON , Juno 17. Sailed : Franct
For New York.
ST. JOHN , N. P. , Juno 17. Th
French fishing schooner Lnsyrcnc , c
Miquoler , Bank on the 10th inst. an
took down the whole crow with hoi
numbering oevontcen hands. Th
scene of the disaster was on St. Peter
bnk. The vessel wna deeply lade
with salt nnd salted codl'uh. He
starboard bow was pierced by th
stroke ot a heavy ice growler and sh
B ink without a moment's warning.
NEW YOHK , June 18. Arrived
Polynesia and Bohemia , from llivn
burg ; Edam , from Amsterdam.
ANTWKUP , Juno 18 Sailed 15t
inst. : NoiU'rland , for New York.
AjIhTEUD.VM , .TuilO 18 S.Xllcd 17t
inot. : Anmterdnin , for No-v York.
Lommr , Juno 18. Sailed 17t
inst. : ISgjptian Jlouarch , for No
Lirr.iii'ooL , Juno 18 Arrivec
British Prince , from Philadelphit
BAtixvin , from Now York ; MunUhoi :
from lioatoL.
BitEMKN , Juno 18 Arrived : Hapi
burp , from Now York. Sailed : Odei
for New York.
HAMBURG , Juno 18. Sailed : Al
bunia , for Now Y > rk.
HAVKE , Juno 18 Sailed Amor
que fer Now York.
QOEBNSTOWN , Juno 18 Sulcd-
Bethny and Bultio for Now York.
Xichilli University.
National Associated I'rcsj.
BKTIILKHEM , Pn. , Juno 18 Con
monceniunt t'i.orcisoo ut Lehigh un
vorsity began nt South Bathlohei
; his morning. Right Rov. Uonry I
jny , bishop of eastern Maryland , di
ivercd the miiiuiil sennon. A larji
number of prominent Episcopal clorg
and laymen were present.
Browning .accident.
NationnI Associated 1'tc.dQ
NEW OULBANB , Juno 18. Joh
Iving , n watchman on the Unite
SUttS dredge boat Ejsayors , too
ton boys out sailing on the river thi
ifternoou. The boat capsized and si
loys were drowned. They were ser
of woll-to-do citizens of Algiora.
National Associated 1'reew.
WAHHIHOTON , D. 0. , Juno 19. Ft
iho upper Mississippi ana Missou ;
valleys , generally fair weather , nort
; o west winds becoming variable at ;
; lonnry temperature.
The term hydra may bo used t
represent any manifold evil. If yo
would battle successfully with th
many-headed monster of disease yo
will find it expedient to keep Mn
Pinkham's Vegetable Compoun
at hand. Dr. ttanniwj.
Poci a lama back or n disordered nrln
Indicate lliat you are a victim ? TITElfD
oncedruffclitiiroix > mincndlt ) and Itwll
pcedlly oTeraoma the disease aailrcato
Ucaltliy action taallUioorsana ,
to your PCX , Buclma pain
and weaVncaiM , KIDNE V-WOHT la uciur-
pauod , ca it will aot promptly and safely
mthcr Bex. Incontinence , rctontlDn o
urine , brlokdust orropydejxMlts.nnddul
drast ng paln > , aUepoodily yield tollcur
ative power.
Tha Gentle Way I * Deit. In dyjpcpsla , IU c
ouip'alut and con.tipuiou the dlmunod ortai
rj Honsitlvo and touJcr. lo not use then
ourfbly An alleiRtUe like TAHRIM'B BU.TZE
Al'xitnuiT , that tonoi , ( Otrvcti and purities th
\itcm without unJuly exciting or itrltatli )
itlier tlie stawach , the Ihcr , or the bowel- I
he true | wcll3 In sucb cato. lUajou tetche
bit , auJcxptrlcni'ocjn'lrui it.
General Undertakers ,
33.S aL-oL-oc-aec so ;
Bet Farnata and Doagla * .
Metallic , Wood and Cloth Co voted
oniUnlly oa band. Order * from the countr ;
ollcllcJ , and promptly attended to. mJllt
Jnsiness BirectoiT. .
Abitract and Real t t t9.
iOHa L. McOAOUG , oppoilta Post Offlcs.
W. B. DARTI.KTT 817 Sonth l th Street.
Architect * .
Rrom 11. Ctolgbtcn Block.
A. T. DAHOK Jr. , Room 2. Cielehton Bloc > .
Booti And unoe * .
f\ut \ ttootl and Show. A good assortment
taiio wufk on h ad , corner ISth and Harney.
WOE , ERICKEON , S. K. rcr. IBtli knd Dongl :
US 10th etroct , ranutaclurra to oraor food tro
U . ' lt pilcci. Kcoiltln ? dene.
RAimiilRU M Tjf tturer. 1&1T Donr'-ia '
Kens and ( itMionerf.
1. 1. miiHAt.T J018 Turnhoin Btroft ,
JonHAKE & RCHKOEDKP. , the oldest a aa.l
< num lo Nclirvlfa c < thlUheJ lt > 7a Omaha.
UiiN'iKAl ,
mlhul can-t ICthaud DoJo.
lice , UoirJ ( or the Homy.
fotMiictlon Ouarauioi
si xll Hour * .
ISM.I J liy the Bay , Week or Month.
Good Terms for CM
BMYPKR. 14th nd H\rni-v Strceti
Uouf.tit ,
S. rtAIttUd via my hlgflwiat . hprira tor eccoi
mi rtrhtvpi
oo wo or .
JOIUi BADUEU I3U r rnbAm h'treoi.
. BCTTHOLU , tUg > .ind H-.UI , i > Llrno ana Uantanl.
& OR\Y corner tllh ftrd DouyltJ HI
L inpi and
t 1303 PangUa Mt..0ocd Tartnt
Morcnant I allure.
O. A LK\DQUE37 ,
a jo ct cur cioet rcpulir ilcrchxut Tatloin It r
v' v.n ? the latest ilcslpa for Sprtc ; and Surnmi
'ort's lor gcntlcmcnfl wear. StylUli , durabl
fl nrlcca lo M cvor 215 18th I-rt. TJnnir.A Pan
IH9. 0. A. lUlitlEIl , Wholcealo and Hoi 1,11 , Fai
Goods Iu trrc t vatltty , Zephyrs , Card Board
tilery , GlJvcj , Corecta , & = . Chcapoot Douse I
iiu Wast. 1'urchn'on rave CO per Cf nt. Dull
-v UU. 118 Fifteenth Street
Naur and Feed.
iMAHACITZ MILLS , Etb r.nd F ruh a 3ts
' .s'usanroj. , proprlttore.
Qroccf * .
C tTlt7E ; : ; ? , Slsi btt-vecn Gilding cail Irti
' . A. MoqnANR. Cnin Mil unrl Camtii ? tttrcm
Knrdwale , Iron und ( Uerl.
4 LANaWORTHT , V/holcwJe , 118 ts
13 15th otrcct
A. noi.Ml > i corno 16th tnd Cjlltotnls.
Harneiv , Baadle , &c.
B. WKIST JOlEthSt. hot F rn-ftHareei
Hotel !
AKytKLD IIOUaE.Oeo. CiDCcld.Cthii Farohai
* OUAIf noUSK , ! II. C ry , 918 Farnham 8
3Z.AVKN-3 1IOTEL. Wsvon , 10th St.
IDtitiiorn Hntil Oui. Ham"l fltb A. LoaTcnwort
rugn , I'uln : : ana Ullt.
Miraicl&c , iritis Uoodg , Car. lim at
Uonsiin ctrcota.
T.3. WIllTKnoOiK , Wholcealo&Rotall , ltt.bc
0. FIKLU , 022 Horth Sldo Gaming Strce
I'AKB. l rucglitt. IDta and Howard Streotn.
IK TAUT. Wtlllamo KlncK Cor , lith A Dodge.
Dry Gucd * Notloni , tic.
JOHN H. F. LEullANN ft CO. .
on 7cix Dry Goods Htoru , 1310 and 1813 Fan
bam etreot
> U. Zf.cwcl J alto boota and ehoes A Paclfli
1IHIJ WKATtN'K & BOK3 cor.Klb A Jacttaail
A I * . OKOE3 , How aad Geoond Hand Farnltni
' : d Btovcs , 1111 Dcnultj. Qlghcot cub pile
Ud tor second h ni toooi.
BONHlUt 1BOD Dani'li at. Fine zoodj fti
rerca Work * .
JDM , rr.IIW&CC nUHarnoySI. , Improt
3 lee Eox g , Ircr bed Wood Fenc99 , Offii
itlngn. Ocnntf Plna and Wainti * .
HOaKHTKLP 10th Bi. . bet far. A Hi
Rotrlcorator * , Cantlold'i Patent.
OOODMAK llh St. I'Ct. F rn. ft
Olgara und Tobacco.
V7&ST & FRIT3CUCR , nuuutacturarg oi Cljari
nd Wholesale Dealers ! n Tobaccoa , ISOSDouglv
.7. y. LOUBNZEK manufacturer HlflFarnhnn
A. Donighao , planta , cut Cowers , coeds , ocqael
on. N. W. cor. 16th and Doui'Ua atieeta.
Green Ifouse 17th and Webster ttrctt , ( o
Plants , nonquota , Flowere , Floral Dcelgna &c.
Cornlco Work * .
Wcttern Oorclce Worliu , Manuhctsrun Ira
Cornice , lln , Iron aad bbto llooain . Ordei
( rom any loca'lty promrtly executed Iu the bet
manner. Factory and OSlcu 1213 Ilarney St.
0. 8PKCHT , Proprietor.
Oilvanlzed Iron CornlcM , Window Caps , etc ,
manufactured and put up In any mrt ot th
country. T. BINUOLD 416 Thirteenth gUret
J. BOUHEU 1809 DovglM atree > . Oood line.
Uommltilon Morchcntt.
JOHN Q. WIL U3,11U Dodge Street
0 Ii. BKK11KU. For details e e large drertla <
went In Dallv and Weekly. _
Civil Engineer * end Surveyor * .
ANDRF.W R03KWATKR , Urolfbton ; Block
Town Surveye , Grade and Sewerage Byjtema i
Olothlnx nnd Furnishing doc/ * .
Q 0. B. . PETERSON. Also Hot * , Capa. BooH
3hota Notloca aad Cutlery. 8M 8. 10th atreet.
Ghov ; Cais M&nuf ctory. |
0. J. WILDB ,
Minnfuturer and Dealer In all kind * oi Bhcv
Oarw , Upright Cases , tat. , 1317 Ctea Bt ,
niAHIC t. GERHARD , proprietor Oaahl
3bow Case manuUctory , 618 Eouth 16th street
betweou I avcnwortli and Mary , All roodi
irarrantad Iliat-cUaa. _
ovet ana mwxro ,
litilor In CtoTco and tinware , and Mauufactarei
si Tin Uooli and all ilcds of Uulldine Wo/k
MA Kcllowe' Block.
J liOKXKB.lSOaDonglantlh oo.l aad Chtap
J. KVAKS , Wholcule aad Retail geid DtllU M
Oaltltators Odd Follows Hi.ll. ,
Physicians and tiurgvons.
Kf T1 ? . ' CB' U < " Eccia No * '
, ItUi Street.
P , B. mstafniKO , a. D. llrj.'jnio Block.
0. L. UAWV , ii. D. , t/o uud Kar , ojip. poitoflCi
DR. t. B. OHADDY ,
Ocullat and AurUt. 8. W IMh and Ftrnhata Bti
Blntlnt : an epor anclnc.
'JENRY A. KO'ITEUH. Itl Dodire Bttett.
Hliotccrapnon ,
Qraad Ceutrtl Gallery ,
i12 ! btiteonth Btieat.
3jirlIa > onlon U.
> a guarantoeg
, U < * * nu falcuin rfttlnjj.
P. W. TAlU-r & CO. . S18 II bt , bet Farnban
nd Douglas. Workpromp ytttended to.
D. riTZPATRIOK. 1/ouzUa Street
Ohoo etore * .
fnllllp Lan 1120 Karnham tt > irf 18th at llth
fiocona Hand Utore ,
PKKKUiB & LEAR , 1110 DouduBt. New aac
lecond Hand Furultuie , House Futolahlng Goodt
lie. , bought ind told on narrow oiarylni.
Otiaeriaaor * .
JHAH. RIEWK , 1011 Farnham bet Utb ft lltd
SO Cent etore .
P-0. BAOKDB raraham BI. . Fanev Ooodl
In tn now brick block on Dougla * Stntt hu
| tnt opened a moat elegant Beej llall.
Hot Lunch ( rom 10 to IS
every day.
Cal doola"J TALOONKR tnillh 8li .t.
A toil package of "BLACK-DRAUGHT"
" "
free o ( charge.
tlVom the Dorton Olobt. }
jfoir * . Editors .
Theaborelsa good HkencM of Mrs. Lydla E. Unit-
hmn , of Lynn , Mius. , who obore all other human bclngi
may IMS truthfully called the ' 'Dear Friend of Woman , "
as tome of her correspondents lore to rail lirr. Sh
l icalomly dcroted to her work , vhlch la the outcome
of n life-study , ivnd Ii obliged to keep rix lady
B. Utontis tn help her answcrthe larga corrwpcnJenco
vhich dally pours Inupon he r , each bearing 1U tpeclal
Imntcn of tuI.rln ( ? , or Joy tt rolfiwofrom It. llor
VcRotablo Compound U a me < llclno for good nnd not
crll rrarpooc * . t have forsonAlly inrotlcatcd It and
< un satisfied of th truth of , thi * .
On occount of Hi proren merits. It Is recommended
e.ndproscrll > edbytbebestpiyild ! < uis In the country.
Ono Ktyai "It Tvoil.8 llko n charm and oarri much
pAln. Itwljlcuro entirely the vrorrt form of falling
of the utcnn , trucorrLcKi , Irregular and painful
Mcn3lruntlonaUOrarlaii Trouble , Inflammation and
Ulccrallon , Flooding * , all ll < plnccmfnt onathocon- < < 3tand Ii ctpoclatly adapted to
the Chan BO of Life. "
It permeates omy portion of the system , nndplvos
now life ami Tlgor. It removes falntncta , flatulency ,
destroys nil crnrlns for elluiulanti , nnd rcllorra wcik-
ncra of the ctomnch. It cures Illoatlnc , Headaches ,
Nervous Prostration , General Heblllty , Slccplcssncf ' ,
Depress ! on nnd Indigent Ion. That foiling of boating
down , causing pain , weight end backache , U always
permanently cureJ by its Use. It will at nil times , and
und r nil clrcumetanco , act In liarniouy with the law
that governs the fcirnlo ryEtcm.
It costs only 1. per bottle or els for $3 , and Ii sold by
druggist * . Any advlco required as to pcclal caeca , and
the names of many who hot o been restored to perfect
health by the tiso of the VcRctatlo Compound , can bo
obtained by uddrcHng lira. P. , with stamp for reply ,
at her homo Intyjm , Haas.
Tor Kidney Complaint of etllierisn this compound 1 *
unsurpassed 03 abundant testimonials ulion- .
"lire. I'lnkham'H Liver fills , " rays ono writer , "aro
W bat tn Ilia worhl for the euro of Constipation ,
I'.lllousnc > s3 and Torpidity ot the liver llcr Wood
PurUlcrworks wonders In Ita npeclallltioand bids fair
to equal the Compound In Its popularity.
All must respect her ns an Anpcl ot Moray hose eol.
ambition Is to do good to others.
(5) Il
Can Be Handled By a Boy.
rho box need never bo tiken on the wagon and
all the shelled
3-rain and Grass Seed Is Saved !
It ciatalen than tha ofrt ttile.icha. . Every
itandard wagoa Ut-old with our rick comple e
Or buy the attachment ? nnd app'v them to
) OUrod wspon box. For Kilo In 'ebMSiia by
J. C. C'LMiH , Ij ncoln. & , O i aha.
FRED "EDDK , Grand U and.
H AGO LETT & OllltB < , Il-Ht 1U3
CiiARiiS' > ' 4cuictOKKii , Co'unibua.
SrAvooLKfe FUNK , RolC mid.
U. II. CRANK & ro , Itcd 0V. , !
Ii. W. liUHSEL , G'onwoo' ' , low ,
And nvcrv first ca a deaUr m tha went. A'k
them for descriptive circular or uond direct
: oui.
I , MoOallum Bros. Manuf'g Co. ,
Offlco , 24 Wet laKe Sties' , Chicago.
They surpaaallotlierohlclcsfor eisy riding.
For sala by
Henry Timken ,
Patentee andBullJoroJ Fine Carrlur 8,1008 ,
008 and 1010 St. Chirlos St. , fit Lous. C -
oguoi fur.-.lthoJ ] i-Sm
Improved ior 1882 ,
Every housekeeper feolutho wantof
omothing that will cook the daily
pod and avoid the excessive heat , dust ,
itter and ashes of a coal or wood stove.
)0 IT , butter , quicker and cheaper
dan any other means. ItistheONLY
) IL STOVE made with the OIL
ack of the stove , away from the heat ;
y which arrangement ABSOLUTE
AFE fY is secured ; as no gas can bo
onorated , fully twenty per cent moro
oat is obtained , the wicks are '
erved twice as long , thus saving
rouble of constant triinminc and
xpenso of now ones. " EXAMINE
'HE MONITOR and you will buy no
Minulactured only by th )
lonitorOil Stove Oa , OlovolandO ,
Send ior descriptive circular or call
n 1L Rogers & Bon , agents for Ne-