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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1882)
I THE DAILY BEE--OMAIIA SATURDAY , JUNE IT , 1882. The Daily.Bee. Balurdas Mornlntr , Jure 17. Worvtltor ttcport. ( The follow inf ? observation' nre taken a the ( VAHIO moment of lime nt all the staltor below high watoi mark i River 10 feet Z.lnchcs Onuha. and S feel fl Inches at Vankton. LOO' L BhBVITIBB. The Missouri P clfio will coinmenc nmnlng lla through passenger trnh July 3rd. Tlio now Corliss burglur pi oof safe ( c the Nebraska National bank him nrrhoi nnd will bo placed in their mult to-day. The government surroyor has hia H oflhgi out along the banks of the Ml souri just nbovo Florence , preparatory 1 pushlnB the work of rip-rapping in thJ vicinity. Prof. Stolnhauser's splendid Miwici Unicn orchestra will give a grand frt open a'r ' concert thin ovonlnR at Tivo gardens , which the public are cordiall ; invited to attend. An important meeting of the Unlo Catholic Library asoociation will be he ! at the Library'rooms to-morrow aftcrnoo . to consider mailers of vitu at 3 p. m. , interest t < > the association , 'iho officer . earnestly request all members to attend , The mcdali which will bu awarded th pupil * of St. Barnabas school were nl manufactured at Max Meyer & Bro.'i jew elry store and are models of beauty ant fine workmaniiblp. Thty iucluie n Grool oroas , ft Maltese cross and bluer designs. A game of base ball wan played al ColumbUB Thursday between a pickedno ! < of that city and the Wahoo nine. The game resulted in -victory for Columbui \ < by a score of eight tJ five , which showi M some excellent playing for both sides. Burglaro entered the liouto of Mr , Henry Washington , 19th nnd Farnaiu , Wednesday morning , and carried tf ( gold watch and chain belonging to Mrs , Washington and tn open face , silver watcl : and gold chain belonging to Mr. W. Alu a piir of gold bracelets. No clue. At about 10 o'clo , k last night thert waa a row In front ot the American house , on lower Douglas street , caused by the arrest of Juliua KCSK , the proprietor , for disturbing the | once. The women sot up screaming tbat led everybody to think that a murder was being committed , and about a thousand people wsombled before the tiuth was known , During the impcclinn of the Florence cut-off recently , TUB Blue reporter hid hia Attention called to the use ot "clem throw , " as they are termed , instead ol frog , formerly need in said switches , nnd Mr. Murphv , who has the general man agement of the construction ot tint line , recommends them most Btrongly to rail road men , both in saving in putting in the same and waste in the culling of iron. Tlio old counly road , which after paasing through Florence took a northwesterly di rection across the line now being Inter rupted by the oxcavalions for the Florence cut off , will probably oroin tills line at a point just north of the present camp , which is couth of the big cut. It la prob able that the county will build a bridge over the cut off at that point , The employes of the Omah * nail works last evening presented their superintend ent , Mr. George Walker , with a niagnlfi cent silver water service , tiller , ealver , sland and goblets , and a massive gold- headed cane , The articles were puichaeed at Mar MeyoiV , where the fine work and engraving was all done , The presentation was made at Mr , Walkcr'n residence on Seventeenth street and wu a complete sur prise. The ' 'Omaha Turnvrr in" are expect cd In liltilr two hundu t strong ou the Fourth of July. , In the police court yesterday two plain drunks were arraigned , One paid and one was committed. A bad runaway occurred yesterday on 12th Btral near Davenport , The A agon was terribly smashed , An excursion of Alchtion merchants made the run up to L nilnvill ? , Nib. , Wed nesday , on a tpoiial train. A pleasant reception was given in honor of Mr. lluht. W. Patrick , nt thu ico- ( Unco of Dr. Cto. L. Miller , last evening , 1 he North Stir Society will h vo a picnio nt Fries' luke on Sunday. They will leave ( he city at 0 o'clock iu the morn ing. The Kej stone Club of Culumluu and the Uulon Pacific boy * will play an inter- enlinggnme to-day , uu the new grounds in this city. > Vbe box theet fpr tlio sale ot tickets to the Charlotte Thompson pcrforauunuj , Tuetday nd Wednudey nights , opens this morning. The play In Jane Kyro. " A nine i elected from the tlioe tturai of Omaha respectfully challenge * the S. P , Mune & CO'B nine to a game of bans ball , to be plaj cd July 4lh. lleeptctfully , Shoe Clerks. Clerks.Tho ! ! KK iiiuo clmllcuKci the Western Newipaper Cnivin nluo to a return gaiuo of bate ball , t ba played at the same time and place AS the G ( b'aluci "n Saturday , June 17th. -ItIji.aiJ that Qeo , A , Ouster Post G , A. K. , of Omaha , Phil Kearney Pout efFort Fort Omaha and McFhernon Pobt of Fre mont will Join In the festivities at Dlair 011 - the Fourth. ! wk A prominent railroad mau was robbed ( he other nlidit while walking down 12th itrf ct between Douglas and Capital 'nvc' nue. The thieves got away with § . " > 5 , Ttie police are on their trail. THE RAILWAYS. Including Important Item Concerning Various Omaha Lines , Miscellaneous Tracli Topics Qathero Bore nnd Tlioro. Tun BEI : long ape predicted tha during llio present year tlicro woul bo a break on the part of tlio low lines heretofore centering at tli Union Pacific transfer , for Omahz The firat move in this direction wi on the part of the Kinnaa City , S Too & Council Blufia road , and tli next was the running in of bu ] freight across the IMattBinouth bridf. from Chicago via the C. , B. & C The advent of the Missouri Pacific : a strong lover for forcing the Wabaa to come in with its trains , and no the 0. , B. & Q. is about to take a no departure that will no donbt have i oflect on nil the Iowa pool roai toward the sarao ond. It will bo remembered that a coi foronco was hold at the U. P. Iran for last Wednesday , which was n ported in Tun BEE , and wo intimate that other important changes tha those announced would take place < an early day , which wo were not i the time at liberty ta ipen of. It is now positively elate that on and after July litho the 0. B. & Q. will bcgi running two daily passenger trail each way between the Omaha dope and Pacific Junction , via the Plntti mouth bridge. Thcso will bo whs are known OB the stub trains or loci passenger trains , which iiavo bcon ru for the accommodation of Nobrask travel and the regular express train from Chicago will still run into ntv out from the Transfer depot , but wil connect with tlicso trains at PaoiG Junction , giving our people practi : nly ! the name advantages no nro HOT to bo Cotton only by going across tin river. The time sohodulo furnishoc w , and which wo will publish later ndicatcs that there will bo little orn < UlTerciico in the trains on the tw < liclcs , nnd tliia aocma moro possible is the through trains between Ohicagc tud Denver will begin running on tin amo date. Wo have private information o till further changes on the part o ho Iowa lines , which will add to ou acilitioa for intercourse with the easl , nd Bouth. A correspondent , a non-spoculativi loldor of Union Pacific securities ends the following to the Bostot Fournul concerning the future pros jcctsof the road : "In your paper of to-day you spcal if Union Pacific railroad stock as r afo investment , and refer to the urge absorption of it by investors in iow England. In this connection at- ontiou may bo directed to a few factt rhich may bo of interest and perhaps irofii to such stock holdcre. The xpenditurca of the Union Pacific otupany for renewal of stool rails in 881 were $1,700,425 ( report of 1882 , i. 5) ) , all of which was paid from 6po- ating expenses , With this largo ox- iondituro the earnings of the road foi ho year 1881 were 10 } per cent on the took , and without it th < arnings would have boon OYCI 3 per cent. The same report , amo page , nays the amount to bo ox- loudod for this purpose In 1882 is nly $050,000 , which will complete lie work of laying stool rails on the hole main line ; consequently there 'ill bo , from this source , $1,150,425 3bo _ added to the not earnings of lis year. The earnings of the road IUB far this year , us reported , show 10 gratifying increase of $2,270,000 vor last year , and should there bo no arthor increase this year , the net arninga , it would seem , cannot fail 3 show a surplus of $4,000,000 , after lying the usual dividend of 7 pur out , making the total surplus at the nd of the year $8,500,000 , and the ot earnings for the year 1882 14 per ont on the stock. Consider that this oad is now in its infancy that it is i a rich and rabidly-growing country rhioh it is seeking to develop by the onstruction of important extensions f railway and any man can judge r hinuelf what the future value of his great property must bo. " aOU.S8'KAKKINOS. The gross earnings of the following ailroads aro'reported ' : CIIIOAUO AND NOBTUWMTKIUI , . . , 1880. 1B81. 1SS2. o. Of ml * li , 63 .778 ! i.VlJ itwoskln June. * 3-6,0006 1'0,73'J 8 407017 Ml. toJuQjy. . . 7(03iil ( 7t2Jo23 8,018,77 CHICAGO , MIWAUKtK AM ) T. I'AUL. , . 188) . U81. 1E82. o. ot mlloi B.OOO 3.8 2 4 , 6 I on th cf Juno. . ? 2S3.0S3 0 4004648 403 ( OP n , 1 to Juiio 7. 4,01)4 , )5 6,180,09J 723,00 ( ) liailT IMPHKSSIOJf. The impression has obtained in rail- ray circles ohowhoie thnl Perkins , of lie Burlington ; Wheeler , of the Atolu- 311 , Topeka ite "anta Fa , und Clark , f the Union Puoilio , will meet in llucago this week to arrange an I'rrucmcnt for the conduct of Color- do traflio. It ia doubtful if iuiy such looting will ooeiir. It will not'take lace before Saturday , if at all. Chicago Times. LOAniNU 8TOOK. An 0 , & R. V. railroad boy tolla lis otory : "I was working on Engine No.- n the Hannibal & , pulling oiuht trains , Ono night wo had on uxt to the engine and old fashioned ick cattle car , with no top on , which r had twenty stcoru crowded on it , \'o \ were skipping along when k-whack 'o struck a cow and knocked her high p in the air , but did not sou her fall , /ell , wo thought no more of it. k'liou wo arrived at our destination , 10 man who owned the cattle was nloading them at the Block yard , 'hen ho bawlud out to the conductor ) como there. Ho then stated that o had only loaded twenty etceru , but ow ho had twenty steers and a cow , Vhero the cow came from ho was at n > ss to know , when a train man stup ed up and informed him that the on- ino had picked her up out in the auntry and thrown her in his car. " BCUAV mow. George E. Buck has boon appointed reman of the Union Pacific yard ut IIB place , Arrangements are being made for the excursion of thd Colorado prti nsiociation in July. They como cm over the now Burlington txtcnsia nnd the round trip will occupy B ! dnya.A . A literary bureau with hcadquarto ; at Omaha will noon bo established b the B , A M. Tlicro nro scvcnty-fourreju1nr ; trait in nnd out of Omaha daily. The Missouri Pacific has rented th corner room in the Paxton hotel lor ticket ofllco. The Union Pacific has decided I open an tip-town ticlct ofllco nnd hi rented for that purpose the room ju woat of the main cntrnnco of the Mi lard hotel , on Douglas street. Th olllco will bo opened July 1st. A PIUNO IiY PARTY. An Elegant Oolobrntlon In IJonor i Mr. Sol Prince's 20th Birthday. Yesterday evening a very plcasai gathering of friends assembled at tl residence of Air. A. Prince to col brato the 29th birthday of our we known and much respected citizoi Mr. Sol Princo. The evening was very pleasant ] spent in social intcrcoueo with son : lively and enchanting music furnishc by Prof , Stoinhauscr's famous orchc ; Ira. Ira.A A very elegant auppor was laid 01 replete with every delicacy that coul bo desired by the most fastidious op euro , After supper aomo very no : little speeches wcro made by Mcseri F. Adler , A. Kosowator , S. Bloom , S ( Prince ana A. Princo. Mr. Silboi stein also made a very appropriat speech in German. The party brok up at n seasonable hour. Among the ladies wo noticed Mn 0. Schlank , Blum Carrie Kollnor , Mie Mattie Rothschild , Miss Rose Brash Miss Flora Roscnthal , Miss Carti Schlcsingor , Misses Addio and Ev Gladstone , Misses Sar.xh nnd Estho Jacobs , Mils Lena Levi , Misa Juli Hirach , Misa Belle Baa wit z , Miss So die Calm and Misses Julia and Paul in Prince. The sterner sox were represontei by Mossrs.4 0. Schlank , L. Brash , I Adler , Juliua Meyer , Adolph Moyoi H. M. and M. Poavy , H. Hoyn , A \ . nnd F. Rosewater , A. Prince , Sil jorstoin , P. Gotthoimor , Olios. Rose 'old , Kaufman , Bloom , Fisher , Mo : itz Meyer , 0. Dryfooa and L. Ilotha mild. A PIONEER PRINTER. riio Oldest Typo In Omaha and tui First Printer In Montana. Mr. Harry Haskell , the day fore nan of Tn BEE news room , cole crated his 30th birthday anniversary yesterday and it * is not out of place ti lay ho is wished many happy returni if the day by his fellow-employes a ho case , desk and counting room. Mr. Hoskoll is the pioneer printei if Omaha now , his advent hero ante lating that of any other man in th ( irofossion now alive. Ho came to thii ity in 18G2 when but two papen rero running , The Nobrasknn nnd Pho Republican , and has a vivid rocol' cction of the transactions of those lays in which ho took an active part , Ho afterward went to Montana and omainod four years , printing the firs ! > apor over published in that territory , , t Virginia City , This is a pretty old coord for ao young a man , nnd there B no tolling what ho will do yet before caches the allotted ago of three score nd ton , which ho has every reason to xpect ho will do. Ho is now the ropriotor of a nice and comfortable omo on North Eighteenth street and no of the solid citizens of Worth Imaha. , Sweet Sixteen , Thursday the many friends of lias Ida Penny mot at the residence f her parents , on 25th nnd Cuming treotjto celebrate the sixteenth auni- orsaryof Misa Ida's birthday. At n early hour , the house waa filled to B utmost capacity , when music , vocal nd instrumental , waa enjoyed until 0 o'clock. At that time the guests roro invited to partake of a sumptu- us repast , after which nn inapoction f the presents was made by the party. ? ho gifts wcro numerous , and many f them costly , showing the high rear - ar l her young friends have for her. iho remainder of the evening waa pent in gaincu and the usual social njoymntita , good night and many lappy returns being said at a late lour. A Smcoro Surprise. Lust evening Miss Lottie Sincero'a csidonco , corner of Jackson nnd 'hirteonth streets , waa raided by n arty of friends who had up their linds to give her n pleasant little uttr- rise. rise.Miss Miss Smcoro received her friends rilh great glee , and a very pleasant ocial evening was spent , enlivened by little musio and dancing. Among others present were Miss Tollio Soxauor , Miaa KXtio Whit * , lisa Georgia Slfipman , Mies Minute lurch nnd McasrB , W. Morris , H. Jramor , 0. Patrick and G. Goodwin , 'ho party disbanded nt an early hour 11 the best of spirit , highly delighted nth their cvomng'B entertainment. Jolly Bachelors Are hero , and three of the jolly umber entertained a few of their itimato fair eex and gentlemen rionds in their haudsomotuitoof cnr- or rooms in the Jacobs block Thurs- ay. By all appearance from the utside , tha pirty must have had a loasant time. The sweet musio and uartotto singing waa very enchanting nd drew forth largo crowds on the pposito side of the street. The re- rvshmonta were served in an elegant tylo , and us the party broke up at u nitabla hourall wont homo ro-Jovci- ) g , Call again. Arrav Orders The following are the latest orders sued from the department of the latto : First Lieutenant Alexander M. /etherill , Sixth infantry , is relieved from duty nt Park City , Utnh , to dal Juno 30 , and will report nt that dal to hia company commander for dut ; A board of survey to consist < Captain Jnmes H , Lord , assistat quartermaster , U S. A ; Oaptai Krdtik Heath , ordnance depwtmou U. S , A. ; Second Lieutenant Fran L. Dodds , Ninth infantry , will cot vono at camp nt Cheyenne depot , \ \ TM at 10 o'clock a. in. , Juno ID , 1881 or ns soon thereafter ns practicable to examo inio atid report upon nn fix the osponsib'lily for the onditio of two (2) ( ) nil s , caltoro 15 , tlio proj crty of the United States , for whio Captain Edwin 1'ollock , Ninth infar try , is rcaponsible , and which nro n ported damaged. Upon the recommendation of h post commander , so much of tlio sot tenco of confinement as remains ut executed , in the case of Private E ( ward Winslow , Troop L , Third Ca' ' nlry , promulgated in goner , , 1 coui mirtial orders No. 11 , current aerie < from those headquarters , is remittee Acting Assistant Surgeon John Marston is relieved from the oporalie of paragraph 5 , special orders No. 51 current scries , from thoao hcadqua tcra , and upon completion 01 h present dutioa at Fort Fettcrmai VVyo , ho will proceed to Fort M Kinney , Wyo. , and report to the con manding officer thereof for duty. Law Books for sale. Inquire at ( A. Ringer's , Jacobs' block. DRUG CLERK. Wanted A bright active boy < two years experience in the busincs Address , KUHN & CO. , 9 3t Omaha. IJBRARY"REPORT. . Statistics for the Tear Just Endoi From the Annual Report. To the Honorable City Council of Otnahi Pursuant to section 7 of "nn net t authorize cities and towns to cstablis and maintain frco public libraries , the library board respectfully roporl That for the fiscal year ending Juno ] 1882 , appropriations have boon mad by the city of Omaha , and oxpendo for the maintenance of the librar and reading room , as follows : BOOR ACCOUNT. For books , pamphlets , magazinoj and periodicals . $1.2 8 f Insurance . 27 I Total . 31,276 I IIUILDINO ACCOUNT. Rent . $480 C Fuel . C5 Ons . 122 C Furniture and improvements . 107 Total . $775 4 SALARY ACCOUNT. Salary of librarian and assistant. . 3SOO 0 Janitor. . . . 120 0 Total . $920 0 HtU'PLY ACCOUNT. Satalogne * . S SO 0 stationary nnd postage . 80 3 Printing ( Incidentals ) . 17 2 Total . $1-27 5 Grand Total . $3,225 S There haa boon collected by the li jrarion , the following : ? "ines . ; . $281 81 Jao of library to non-residents. . . . 2 C1 Jalo of Catalogues . . . 39 Z Total . § 320 01 This amount haa been paid over ti ho city treasurer. There have been added to the li > rary duiiug the year 1,073 books bj mrchaae and gift. Ono book has icon stolen and not recovered , Th < otal number of bookn now on hanc s 7,497. The following is a list of the period cals and newspapers on the reading oem tables : Purchased OMAUA BEE , Heralc nd Republican , Chicago Times , St. jouia Globe-Democrat , Now Yorl lemi- Weekly , Harpnr'a Weekly , Ear tor's Bazar , Young People , Franli jeslie , The Nation , Now York Week- y Sun ( Living Ago , Scientific Amerl an , Literary World , Harpor'a Maga > ino , Century , Atlantic , Blaokwood. 'npular Science , North American Re < low , St. Nicholas , Library Journal. Donated Watchman , Our Herald , 'hristian Register , Unitarian Review. Hiurch Guardian , Rural Nebraskan , iumano Journal , Our Dumb Am i ili ) , Number of volumes issued to bor ewers during the year , 44,010. Now borrowers added during the oar , 904. Total number of borrowers , 4,574. The average daily number of visit- rs in the reading room ia 75. Reference to prooocdiug reporta will how a steady ard continuous growth u the number of both borrowers and isitora since the establishment of the ibrary. The accommodations ottered TO now inadequate to moot the do- uand , und it is bulioved that rooine loublo the capacity of thoaa now hired rould bo filled at once , The houre luring which the rooms are kept open iave beun materially increased lining tlio past year , nnd , nt IBB been Bliown , nearly 32,000 hits have been made to the library or the purpoao either of taking out looks or reading periodicals. Whether iiider these circumstances it would ot bu the part of an enlightened wia- om to increase the usefulness of the nstitution by increasing its resources i a matter which , with this report , is uspcctfully submitted and the board i view of these facts asks for a lovj uring the current year of three- aurtlia of ono mill on the taxable val- ation of the city.JAB. JAB. W. SATAOI : , rico President nnd Chairman of the Executive Committee. Juno 12th. _ Cnniiou- J. Hochstrassor and the Brunswick nd Balko billiard table company Bend o agents , repairers or peddlura out lirough the state , nnd any ono who ravels with such pretentious is n raud , and persona will do well to lei mi alone. Any parties wishing any. tiing done in tliia line should Bond di- tct to Brunswick and Balko Co. , 500 eMi Tenth atreut , or to J. Hoch- krasaor agent. Satisfaction guaran < ied. ; nia > 22-lm LAVfiNTSYOSESilTE COLOGNE , lade from the wild flowers of the An FAMKII YOSEM1TE VALLEY , ; is the most fragrant of perfumes. lanufaoturod by H. B. Slavon , San 'ranciaco. For aalo in Omaha by W. . Whitohouso and Konnard Broa. , AN UNBIDDEN GUEST- He Beats a Boarding Bouse and Hotel Beats Him , About half , past six o'clock Thur day n very needy locking individua in his shirt sleeves and moro or lei in liquor , entered the dining room < the hotel kept by Mits Jennemen , c Fourteenth street between Dodge an OapUol avonuo. Taking a neat at or of the tables ho coolly ordered ono < the dimntj room girls to bring hii his euppcr and when it waa sot befoi him ate it as if ho had fasted fort days and forty nights in the wilde ness. When ho had finished ho wet out into the ante room , followed b ono of the girla who asked for h money ; "Or , " oaid she , "perhaps y i came in with somebody1 ? "Yen , did , " was the answer , "and ( reflcc ivoly ) let mo aool What hia immol I declare I can recall it. " The cheeky atrangi then stepped to the front door , abet which several of the boarders wci seated , nnd naked , "Which ono of yc gentlemen was it invited mo to au ] pot ? " Getting no response he tunic back into the room and as ho reacho for his hat remarked , "I think tl man who invited mo haa gene up tow and I will go up and see if I can fin him. " Ho departed nnd yoatordn turned up m the custody of Marsh Angoll , who evidently had invited hii to partake of the hospitality of tl hotel do McOIuro. There waa no mi take about It this time , CONTRACTS. Omaha Not Successful In This Year Awards. In the recent award of mail carrj ing contracts , our Omaha biddoi seem to have boon rather unsuccea : ful. The contract for carrying tli city mails between the poatoflico an the depots of the various line : heretofore hold by Jamc Stophonaon , was oocurod by Wooc leaf Bros. , well known in the sam connection in Now Orleans , Cinctr nail and other western and gouthor cities. This firm will put two no' government wagons ou the route and make several changes , but it i not a matter of congratulation thn strangers have stopped into the shoe of a well known and succossfu Omaha contractor. It is stated that the Patricks hav also been unsuccessful in tboir frid this year. Capt. Marsh is said to have secure the Sidney-Black Hills line fror which Gilmer and Salisbury withdrew Truth , and Honor , Query ; What ia the best famil ; medicine in the world to regulate th bowels , purify the blood , remove coa tivencss and biliousness , aid digcstioi and tone up the whole syatein ? Trutl ind honor compels MS to answer , Ho ] bitters , being pure , perfect and harm less. Toledo Blade. Misa Louise Oleer left for Denver las evening. Jesse Smith , one of the colofcd boy irrested Thursday for stealing a pair o ihoes on 10th street , discharged yesterday nqairy showing that he was nut a guilt ] party. There was a fine prospect for an iton a the vicinity of 9th and Howard nbou . o'clock yenterday and TUB BKK report * lureed it carefully. The belllgents , how iver , did not como to a sanguinary settlement mont of their difficulties. Another improvement for ICth stree a in the shape of a grocery store oponec jy Mcsan White & Bothwell. Mr.Whit < ioa been connected with some of the load ng houses in this city and a successful re1 ult U predicted for the venture. A warrant was yesterday itsu' d for Iki jinde , a brickyard man , who is chargec vith assaulting an employe who wanted ils pay nt once. lie insisted on his rlghtf md finally it is claimed that Linde said 'I will give it to you" nnd ho did bo ween the eyes , The good people of Kllihorn will nol orget Independence day but will have e rand celebration at which Clark Fottei vill deliver the oration. There will be ack and blind races , a balloon ascension ' .nd fireworks at night. Aisi a Pawnet var danca by the Klkhorn braves and a Vinnebago waltz by the Omaha boys. Representatives of the Traveling Uen's Aesociatkn of St. Joe , Kansas 3Hy , Leavemvorth , Atchison , Council 31ulla nnd Omaha , who expect to partici- > ate in the western excursion arranged at lie last meeting , will please send in their lames , ou or bolore the 12th day of July , o Alex. Stephenson , chairman of the com- nlttee , BO tha committed can make ar- angementa with the , railroad company , end care J , I ) . Neoly , St. Joseph , Mo. Bnliy Saved ? Wo ire ao thankful to day that our > aby was cured of a dangerous and irotractcd irregularity of the bowels ry the use < ) f Hop Bitters by its mother rhioh ut the aamo time restored here o perfect health and ntrongth , The 'arents , Rochester , N. Y.--Buffalo Dxpreaa. OBhTE. orronporulenco of The lice. CuuTK , Juno 13. The principal ubjocts of conversation in Crete are ho hot weather and the commence- nont. The past few daya have mvo worked wonders for the farmers , 'ho Binnll grain ia looking well , A cw moro days of auoh weather as the last two or threp daya , and wo shall oo thrifty growing corn fields on vury hand. The farmers have nee- zsarily boon improving their time the list few days , as weeds will bo very uxurinnt this year with half a chance , /onsidorablo improvement ia going on , uveral of our town-folk having como u the conclusion that they have ot enouuli room in their houses. Yesterday the frame of our now chool house appeared in view. A gang of men came hero yesterday o extend the platform of our depot 50 feet. They say they have a lonth'a work hero ; hence , rumor haa t that Oreto is to have an eating louse at the depot , aa well aa a plat- arm. Commencement will bo begun by Kov.Porry'absccilaurcntoBormonSur thy morning , Juno 18. Ia the ovet ing wo will bo addressed by Hot Jnmes Monroe , under the auspices i the Y. M. 0. A. On Monday v have fho senior preparatory oxhib tiun , while the llcBporians wi give their annual cxhibttio Tuesday evening. Examinationscon inenco Tuesday morning nnd clo Wednesday noon. Wednesday aftoi noon the eoniorg hold their class dn exercises. In the evening will occt the address before the trustees , nn the celebration of tto tenth nnnivo uary of the college. Dr. S. N. Ta box , of Boston , and Thomas Doani Esq. , of Charleston , will address tli meeting. Commencement exercise will occur Thursday forenoon. Commencement week will close wit a social reunion nt Merrill hall in tli morning. llErourin. : WYMOBffl SOCIABILITY. Correspondence of the Bee. WYMOUK , Nob. . Juno 1C. Ono t the grandest social events over know in this part of the state , was the n caption and banquet given by E. 1 Reynolds , Jr. , at the Potter hout in this city , last evening. Mr. Ho ] nolda is the ydungoat member of tli firm of E. P. Reynold a & Co. , cot tractors , who had the contract on th B. & M. Denver lino. They are ii the habit of doing everything on tli broadgaugo plan , nnd the ontortait mont last evening wna no excoptiot tion. Nearly three hundro guoata were in attendance most ! from Blue Springs A largo tent we used for a dining hall , and the table were laid for 150 guests. Evorythin which money cnuld buy to please th taato of the moat ardent epicure we Bocured for the occasion. Tropical nn Pacific slops fruits were aupplicd 1 abundance. The occasion is ono whic will long bo remembered by the pc < plo of Gage county. Two halls wet uppliod with music for those wh desired to trip the "light far tastic , " and everything that mono and _ tact could aupply wj furnished for the entertainment of th guests. After the clocks had announced nouncod the arrival of the small hout of the night , resolutions of thank wcro offered ; Mr. Reynolds respond ing m a most happy manner. In re spouse to calls , short speeches wor made by Rov. J. R. Hoag , Senate Castle , A. D. McOandless , Captaii Aahby nnd J. C. Burchi AN OnsEitvmt. SPECIAL giOTiCES. TO LOAN MONfc. . | MONEY TO LOAN Call at l. w Oinco of 1 _ T-lijWjjus RojmS Crelgbton Elodt. O M > AJi-At 8 per ceatlr tcrost In Bntu8of 32,600 in upwards , Icr S to 5 years , on drst-clon city nn tarn property. Ilxuta UXJLI , EJIATB uid Lo AngxcY. 16th ami Djiiflnn Stn _ HELP WANTED. A girl fcr gcnrrnl lionscnoik WANTED at N. W. corLor ! ! stand Curt ets 499-tf Afl Bt-clo'ssilosinn to ciu\as WANTfD , nice workbl , py to a go-x iran , mu t ghcood ) retccs. Cullot ilitro polhan Hutil. tCO-17" A Rlr' ' about 18. for ligtt work WANTED 8. A. Bee ortico. tf - nrt-h88 talks' rlothes Ironc : WANTED-A at the Breton luUudry , 13th , bctwcci Dodge and Cnsj mcuuo ' 40J-17t \TTAN1ED-100 tracklatcrs. U. Mf nnwcllcr VY Employment Ag.nt , llth ttrcct , nca : F rmm , WANTED A strong , experienced woman a : nur'c. to lea\o umah > . No Scr > > oun ; ; lrl need apply. Ooodwa ci gl eii. ' ' Anplv al 5lico JI KB. BUT 8. 491-17 S. W. corner'-Mlhand Dcdj csts. "ANTED A cimpetcnt g.rl fir grnerol W house and laundr wru. Wocrcx. 8I.5C > cr week. Inquire at this office , none but com icient nccd bpply. 487-tf ImmcJlatol > a pooddl log-room WANTED atTuincr Hull ItcsUurant , c r icr 10th nnJ Howard 819. 489 tf ITTANTED-Flrst-cUo barber ImoiC'liately , J. YV J. OcoJ , 3 ! { 1'earl strett. Coumil niuffj. 'ANTED A barber , 700 south inth striet. w 1 i'17t DELOK. n 1RL WANTED-In n family of two. Kef. OT crenco recjurcd. Steady vor < . Irqulro i 24U C'hlciRO ttrcer , between 24th and 2J b. 'ANTED A ro pectabla tolartd noman to W cook , wash and iron fjr a family of t > vo ronn person * and two chll < < tcn. Address wl h cfcrenccs tnd ternjj , Dr , TiiuUlnjr , Fort Lara- ale.V.JT. . _ 4C9-1B ITTANTED A butcher. Ono who thoroughly YY undCHtandi drissing c.Utb , liogs and neop , tiud aakin sautajc , and not afraid to ork. Otll on or addrejs , Horrid & Ihcbtn r , 'rcmont , l\eb. Steady work for the right man. _ 470-20 IT7" EI,1 , Vuntllated luinUhtd or unfurnlehid V > rooms to rent , at coiner cf 14-h nnd _ _ _ 4OJtf | niTAWKU A un-i-iai laundress "ftt St , W Charles Hottl llflriiev Btrctt , , 324-tt. [ .7 ANTED Icn teams to work on Florence VV Cut-Off. Wagis S3 50 per day. 377-tf MltniiKLL V1XCBNT. _ \f\f\ \ \ MiN WAVftD At Foririco Cut-Off , -\I\I \ rilno miles i rth rf On nhi.Vaos 1.76 psr day. IIITCHELL VINCENT. 3 ! > a-U _ SITUATIONS WANTED. iTrAfnTED Emp'.oj incut evenings , cither VY t'Ook-kocpIuj or copjlnjr , Adam. ) U , , cu olllcc. 4SO-19 * .ATANTB * hltmtlon to do yoncral hou c- \ Y work. A | lilt at Ko , 611 bout 117th bt. 407-171 , T7"ANTEI > Situation by ajouiifc-rran whole- VY sale grot-i rj Iniiiliicsu mf rrul. His had ipcricmc. Addru "II , " Jleo clllco. 604-221 MICELLANEOUB WANTS. rXTASTED Gentleman , wl'o and ton want V tworoims , furnhhedorui fu.iljtud , vie- ity of ht iliq'H au' . , al o board name bouso or car. Address 1'ulton. P. O. oox C3J. 6 2-17 } ReJuccd to (3 CO per w ck , and BOARD to J5 cents , at Turner Hall Kittau- tut. < mt LT7"ANTEr ) A housu aid I arn near lontial VY put of the city , Addrcdj It. K1UNQS jlMw 1417 Howard t. [ TTANTED-To loan. J3,00ij on u'ood mill VY property In Douglas county , Addrtxu Lock ox 763 , Omalub 340-17 * ITTANTED Julir 1st , unfurnished room not YY less than 12x16 , must bo in Lujlncji por- on of City. Addrebs T. li. A , , Ieo oilko. 10 tt | JLJ ANTED Children aa warden ! uacUct IT school. N , W. corner California and 19th : rects. L. it. LOOM IS , 288JI , CrAKTKD CCOprivy vau.u , sink * aid ceaj VY pool * to clean with baulUry Vault and Ink Cleaner , the best in u e , A. K\&na b Oo , , ! ldence1206 Polira ttreot. Omaha. JTITANTEU To rent , with prhlugu of bu > - V V t g after about three inontlu a cottage of > o rooms , coed locality , within t eutj minutes alk of pwtolUce. AddrcKi slatlug tiniua and cation , "Homo" B olllco nil7- FOR RENT HOUSES AND LAND. 710RHEK1Juu Jit , two hrgo unfurnUhcd ' rooruf , and ilothcs proi , comeJilent to jalniw Suitable for man and ifoor Kuntlo- an r lint house north of the Wthotll 49MO . ' FurnUhtd room , with loard. 1808 Ca'lfornl t itreet Ml-tt TlORRENT A idctly furoUli'd room. Call ' ' with reference , at C07 } N. 17lhtrnt , RENT Nice furnlihfd loom with b'afi , FOR t 1718 EoJKj. treat. 49 } Sil KENT I arpo h dtomely fun Uhd FOR t ntroom Hiilitoird. COll Cats street. 45S17 RENT Ntw c ttijto with flip roircfl ; FOR , li-tirn and oat hwfu" , ( loj location. InqutMrn preulxs , Uth ttictt , rairPlcNC. 485-lor REST lou o en Clil nto trccf , be- twsnl4lhmd IBth. Inquire Jo n > wlt ( , corn r IMli and C' ' Icag-i slrrct 4SM9 * KOR RKST-Fr.t ! fl-r , truth ROOM 14x14 Irct-ncnly turn hoiM t rttio go'iilerron , ru N. W. coiner UHi end Call/crnl. strosta. 432 W FOR RKNT Too now cottjitfo on SOili sttcc' , I ct. Fan nm and Douglis tts. Inqiiiraon prcmlacs. 471-tf "I70R RENT A new furnish jd rjom,1724 eorn'r L1 ot nun'illSli. 417-10 * HUNT Homo wllh n o rooms Inquire triOIl 1 I'mcii tttect , Lotneon ZCth and 21st Ho 2016- 473-171 TO KfflT N. K , coriiCr Ifllh and BAKN Daxcnport. 4137 I7IOH KENT Furthhed rooaj , 1723 Douglas JL1 street. 49tf UENT Thrm furslihed rooms for house ] FOll Utnlnp. 113 N. 13th street. ISO-lVt II US.'A. HALL , TT10H RENT Ono furnltlictl room-alao one JL1 unlurnljhol room , for eontlcmen-010 north 19th street , between Callloinla ndWeb- tcr. OIl RENTFleaant room * , tingle or sulto. 1718 Iluit street , beautiful localloi , stable on prcrolnea. 405-16 * Oil RENT 'Touso four room * , t < ro tlosot * , E pantrv , cellar , and 4lerworkelnlhoKouso. Apply at 1 112 socth 13th rt n ot. _ 402-10 RENT To ( rentlemaittlt'out board , one T3 lar o front room and ono small one , > t tha northwest corner of 18th and Davenport its. 454.10 * ? _ _ 23 RENT Furnished room , cormr 10th and FOK Douglas street. _ 440-tf TJlOll RENT A nicely furnished room nt 1418 Jj Chicago street , bctnccn Utli and 16th. Cifltt _ TJIOR RENT T o nicely furnhlicd roomg , low Jj prices , brick house 1013 Cowstnct. 3ii2tf Tj OH KENT t urnlshcd room , oW l th siroel JU botwccn Ciss and California , 853 If TJIOR REST Hca'antly furnUhol room. 11 T L Bouth 17th 6tcct , one door north of Doug IM. 35011 _ m\VO Ft fiNlSHED south roorua foe rent. sT JL W , corner 10th and Da\cn { > ort. 808-tt RENT ! furnished rooui uvci Ho FOR ' EitJi ns9N. K. coi. IStli tail Oide RENT Nicely furnished rooma with 01 \dthoutboinl. KcuHOuablo prices. 2013 Cc.33 Bt. 7na it FOR 6AUE I X BEAUTTFoiTLioTS Fo'xHflcot each liu Han com PUte on street car lino. Beet lota In "hole addltlfn on > cry easy terms and at a Kroat bargain. UKMIS' nient , ISth nnd Douglas i recta FOR SAL'C Cottigo wi'h six rooms , well , cistern and all com etiiencca. Itqu'ro nt 02119.hBtr ct. between California and Welter. 472-20 SALE Fun ituro and Icnso cf hotil ID FOR Oraiba. hiKjulro at 1618 Ded o etrett. SiLB Exchange Ketcl , at Fa'tHcld ' , FOR , Including furniture and stoics , goid o-atlcn and patromgc. Only hotel in town. For terms addrosa , U. C. JIADISON , 427-23 Agents FOR SALE A cottage of Ihrea rooms nrrth eUeof Nicholts hctwien 16th a d 10 h. Inqul o within. (4C2 ( If ) DAVID GENTHY. SALE 1 ho business and fixtures of a first FOR . meat market In Central Iselraska , Scst location ; ocst cash trade In the city. Reason or selling , for health. Address Butcher , Bee > mce. 337-lm UhT BE faOLD C9 = acres in Polk"countr Pric S5.000. Inquire ol J. K. Kinrnan L'oetoffice , Rising City , flutter county , " cb. sai-lm I71OH aAL.U One lot 132 feet frontigo bv CO } feet deep , on south Iith street , on 810 per nonth payments , to anyone who will build. In- [ Ulra 1407 Howard , between I4tu and 15th sts. 293-t. BALE Beautiful aero lot and houae on FOR California street , $1300. McOAGUE , 263-tt OpnoBlto Postcffloc. ITIOK SAL.K House of tl\o rooaia and lot on D Doclpe street. (1600 , Smalt house and two 3U In Bhlnn's addition tOOO. McUAQUE , 291-tf Opposite 108to lc . [ 7IOR SALE A house and lot 169x118 front , D with bam , two wells and cistern. 1236 outh 14th street , second home north of William treet. Price 81400. 2914 [ 7IOH bALt KcBtaurait on a wrll trireled D street. H. MANNWEILEU , 281-tf Ulh Ktro t. near Farnam. CTOR SALE The POPULAR HOTEL , known [ ? us tha BOYS' HOME. Tills houaa Is co - tally located , has sou h and cast front , and Is Jrronndcd w th flno ( bade trees ; contains thirty < eplntr rooms , has Ice boueo. laundry , eitnplo Doni , i.o. JIai a world w do ropuu > tlon and a etter patrontgo than many bouses ol twice its paclty. Price 85,000 Tor particulars nd- tees , A. A. BAWDRY , Red Cloua , i ' 710RSALB Ornllloxcba goforOtnaha pro- . i perty , an Improved eec on of land adjoln- ir ( a etatfon on U. P. R. B. It. DUNHAM , 1413 aruharnSt. , Omaha. 3RICK FOP. BALB. J 203-tf BflTAUItOOK te COK. r-At A. H. bander1 1'ecd 8 to 5 1013 Harnov St. BlO-tf [ HIE PACIFIC IIOUSU-Davo-'roit ' and Kt i L ttrects , tan nccom dttoa few morj b &rd- uew house , now furniture , new beds. K To BUTTER AND Eoa UKALERS ANB . > tin CVLATOUS 1 hav u Ice and Imi ro < cd cold orajro for ttn carlrnds. Wills ro till Novoru- ; r , and guaran co to hold butur and tgira sued id WIJ shtre proflis equal y > vlth p r f storing ttocUcr fuinUhlngnio ty to buy It Ith. 81 0.C03 to 820,00 Iproflt can bu clean dine o inrntli time. Coire < iiond 'v.lh lltfcronco D. II. BEEMEU , 11. Kountze , flmalia I'rendejut First National fluil. . 3D WARD KUEHL A01BTER OF PALUYBTERY AND COHDI ONAL1ST , 498 Tenth Street , Ixtwcea Voriuu idllainev. Will , with tba MJ of mnrdUn irltf. obt&ln for toy ci.o a glance at : o rut id ( Tifcnt , and on certain tondltloua in the .a te. Uoots and Sbot-a m > do to inlrr I'uli-o . . , . ' * Absolutely Pure. This powder nocr varies. A marvel ot p ' , utrtDgth and wholesomeneu. More econo icil thin the ordinary kinds , and cannot 1 Id in competition with the multitude oil ow . * 1 n , ihort weight , alum or phosphate powi'm ' , bold only in cans. KotAL tlAiuag POWBM oo.t