Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1882, Page 7, Image 7
F- < * \ THE DAILY BEE SiTORDAY , JUNE 11 1882 , CgOTTJXTOUa j O. O , OOCXEC & : GO. COMMISSKlN MERCHANTS , 'Market , Council Blufli , low * . WHOLESALE riOTJR HOUSE , Occtral Agents Jot th C 1ebr < it a. Mills of H. D. Mush & Co. . Golden Eagle Flour , Learenwoith , Krvnua , , Falls , Dakota. and Mills , Sioux > t.ii j mm Qucon Boo dim ? 01 /Reference , SralHi & Crlltfnden. Council lllufN , la. IBL IE. WHOLESALE AND KETAIL KETAIL'S COUNCIL BLPFF3 , IOWA. TITLE ABSTRACT 0 F FIGE. or. 'w. * ca TCT ac 3Et 201 An eLands Lands and Lots Bought and Sold , MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW HATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS , COUNCIL BLUFFS . IOWA. HI. 15 North Main Street. WHOLESALE DEALER IN SHOE FINDINGS. Ready-fitted uppers. In calf skin and kip. Oak and Hemlock SOLE LEATHEll , anil el oods appertaining to the iftootrxlc. Oo'diBold M cheap as In thol'-aat. , iORRIS' ' III ILLiraY STORE FOIl STYLISH SPRING MILLINERY. PATTERN BONNETS AND CHILDREN'S ' HATS A SPECIALTY. 105 South Main Street. . Council Bluffs la. Thit never rc-qtilro ctlinptajr , at Mrs. J. J. Good's llalr Store , at prices nc\cr liclcro touched by * ny other lialr dealer. AUo a full line of switches , etc. , at greatly reduce. ! prices. Al > o gold , BlUer and colored nets Waves mode from Indies' own hair. Io not full to call before pnrchislng All Koodn warranted us represented. MllS. J. J. UOOD , 23 Halt ) street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. BiTHII&'HOUSEI At Bryant's Spring , Oor , Broadway and Union Sts , GOTOCIL BLUFFS. Plain , Medicated , V.iiwr , Electric , I'lungo , Douch , Shower , Hot and Cold Baths. Competent < potent n ale and female and attcndantf always on hand , and the bcitot rate and atten < lion given patruns. Special attention giv en to bathlngThlldrcn. Investigation nud patronaga solicited DR. A. H STUDIED & Co. , 100 Upper Broadway. Dr. 'Gtudlcy : Treatment ol chronic diseases KjtUlty. ' UEMOVED without the CANCEES drawing ol blood or use ot knife. Cures lung disease , nTHMU Hts , Scrofula , Liver Com- " * J'lalnt , Dropsy , llheuma- IVl II R S tlsio , Fever and Mercur- III U II W ial 80rcs > Kryslpclas , Silt Hhcum , Scald Held , Citatrh , weak , InlUixcd and granulated Eyes , rcroluloua Ulcers and Female - male Disease' of all klnda. AHo Kidney and Venorlal diseases. Hemorrhoids or Tiles cured money refunded. All diseases treated upon thoprlnclplc of veget able reform , without the co ol mercurial pois ons or the knife. Electro Vapor or Medicated Baths , furnished o tcwho deairo them. Hernia or Rupture rad'.olly cured by the use the Elastic bolt Truss and Piaster , which Una Bupcrlor la the world. i CONSULTATION FREE CALL OX OK ADDRESS i DEB , R , ILice and F , 0 , Miller , COUNCIL BLUFFS , la. LIVERY , Feed and Sate Stables , 18 North First Street , Dauauct's old stand. Council Uluff * , Iowa , WILLAUO SMITH. 1'rop. W.D.STILLMAN . . , Practitioner of Homeopathy , consulting Physician audSurgeon , Offleo and residence Olfi Willow avenue , Couu- cll Ulnffa , Iowa. Iowa.W. W. K. SINTON , DENTIST. 14 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs , Extracting and lllllng a cpecUlty. First-class work guaranteed , DR. A. P. HANCHETT , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office , No. 14 1'carl Street. IIoiui , 9 a. m. to 12. , and 2 p. m , , to 5 p , m. Hosldeiico , 120 Bancroft street. Telephonic connection with Central cilice. OR , AiVlEUA BURROUGHS , No. 617 First Avenue Houralrom 10 to 11 a , m. , and 2 to i p. m. lerckiitsEestaurant J. A. ROSS , Proprietor- Corner Broadway and Fourth Streets. Good accommodation * , good faro and coup teou triiatineut. S. E. 3EC d 3BC I 3d 23 O Off. OOlce over sirlnKj link , OOUNOIt. . BLUFFS , . - - Iowa. REAL ESTATE. W , 0. James , In connection with his law and collection business buyu and sells real cttate , Persons wishing to buy or sell city property call t bis office , over Bunhnell'g book store , 1'oarl street. EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. 4l5Broadway , Council Bluffs. ced mortjsi'ci drawn and acknoul gtd WATER WAVES , In Stock and Manufactur ed to Order. " \Vavos Made From Your Own Hair. TOILET ARTICLES , All Goods Warranted as Represented , and Prices Guaranteed. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , 337 W. Broadway , Council Bluffs Iowa. ; - - - . MRS , E , J , HARDIM , H , D , , Medical Electrician AND GYGNEGOLOGrlST. Graduate of Elcctropathic Institution , FhlU- , dclr&la , Penua. Office Cor , Broadway & Glenn Ave. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. The treatment of * 1I diseases and polnful [ dlf- ficultlca peculiar to torraloa a epcct > lty. The Star Bakery , HOWARD & ROBIE , 227 BTAXNST , Employ the best Bread Baker In the West ; alsc * , choice hind lor Cakes and Pies. Bread delivered to all parta ot the city. FRESH FISH ! fiaie and Poultry , Can always be found a D. DANEHY'.0 , 130 Upper JNO.JAYFRAINEY , Justice of the Peace , 314 BROADWAY , CpjmojIJBluffs , - - Iowa W. B. MAYES , Loans anOealEstate , Pioprlctor of abstracts of Pottawattamlo county. Ollko corner oj Ilriadwa * and Mali BirceU , Council lilulfj , Io a. JOHN STEIMEB , fvl. D. , ( Dcutschcr Arzt. ) ROOJI 5 , KVEIIETT'S DLOOIC , Council Blufl'a. .Iscasea ot > vomen and children a spaclalty. P , J , MOlfTGOMEEY , H , D , FllCK DlHl'liNHAUY EVKUY SATUUDAY. Oincotn Everett's block , I'earl tro t. llcslj denes CVi 1'oiirth street. Olllco hours from 0 to 2 a. 111. , 2 to 1 and 7 to 8 p. in , Council I Ul PRACTICAL DENTIST. Pearl street , opposite the postoffico. One of the oldest practitioner ! In Council Bluffd. Batls Isfactlon guaranteed In all cases DR. F. P. BELLINGER , EYE AND EAR SURGEON , WITH DR. CUAULES DKETKEN , Office over dm r xtore , Ut Broadway , Council Jluffa , Io a. Al dUuatcs of the yu and car rmtcd under the moot approved method , and all : urts guaranteed. \TTORNEYUAT-IAV/ , Will pract'ce la all 8ttto and United BUitci : ourU. bro > l Oerman Laoguige. CODDLE DEATH. Drownlnp- Two Promlnont Citlzone Near Blnnchartl , la. Correspondence of The Dc . BLANCHARD , la. , Juno 15. An op. palling nccidunt foil on the community in the vicinity of Long Branch , fib miles south of this plnco , last T'.iura ' day evening , in the death by drown ing of two well known and hghly cs tocmod citizens , .Robert Hc/ining ant NVm. Douthctt. The circuiustanccB of this sad acci dent nro as follows : Early Urn t morn ing Mr. llcnninc , with his horses and wagon , and accompanied by hit brother-in-law , Mr. Douthort , won ! to Kockpott , in order to secure the purchase of a farm for the latter. On their return , when within three miles of homo , and near a small stream a milo west of the Moulton bridge over the Tarkio , they were overtaken by a torrent ot' rain and n aovoro hail storm. The creek rose sc rapidly out of ito banks that it is sup posed a water spout must have fallen near by. The two men worojast Been driving homeward near this crook about five o'clock. The next morning the wagon and horses wcro found lodged in aomo trees n short distance down the creek and the bridge was yono. 1'ho horses were alive and only slightly injured , but near the wagon was found the body of Mr. Ilcnning , nud some twenty-five rods further down the stream , on the bank was the body of Mr. Uouthcrt. A ipring scat lodged in n true aomo fifteen tcot above where thu body lay , indicated how high thu water had risen. After the accident was discovered the word spread rapidly , and hundrodn of poo- pto were on the ground. Squire Wright was summoned , and inquest was held. It is generally supposed that in the hail storm the team be came unmanageable , and plunged into the torrent , capsizing the wagon , and drowning the men. Their wives were nearly distracted when the sad news was brought to them the next day at ton o'clock. They each leave thrco children , none of which tire old enough to manage the farm. Robert Ilcnning was 40 years of ago , and born in County Down , Ire land. Ho came to Philadelphia dur ing the war , where ho married , and became a member of the United Presbyterian church. His brother-in-law , Win. Douthort , was born in County Antrim , Ireland , and was 4L years of ago. Ho came to Philadelphia in I860 , where ho worked as a blacksmith and amnsecd consid erable property , but failing in business ho lost it all. Ho , with his wife , was also a member of the United Presby terian church. Three years ngo both families came hero and located near Long Branch , where they united with the Reformed Presbyterian congrega tion there. They were regular atten dants at the churchjgoodaiid industri ous citizonskind [ .and obliging neigh bors , affectionate and loving husbands and lathers , and. their death has cast a dark pall over the community. The funeral services were conducted at the church .Friday evening , attended by a largo concourse of people , and their bodies were lowered simultaneously into separate graves. Kxox. How They Were Removed. NOIITH TorEKA , Ku3 .May 12 , ' 81. H. H.yinNEii A Co. : Sirs- Sharp pains in the region of the kid neys , frequent desire to urinate and scalding sensations were easily ra- niovod by your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. HKNUV SANDERS. THE PKOHIBITION AMENDMENT A REPLY. ' To the Editor of the Bee. * I 800 in THE BCE of recent date that "Alex Obort" comes to the front again , repeating a "challenge" to the "temperance folks. " Ho seems to be spoiling tor a fight , so hero goes : His odor to put up a hundred whole dollars is characteristic. Nouo but a bully , or a man with a weak cause , re sorts to this mode of argument. Further , his conditions are unfair and deceptive. Ho proposes to bet that within one year the amendment will not "prohibit" the use of intoxicating beverages in the state. Now "Rev. NV , Compton Burnett says that the irord "prohibit" is wrongly used by the amendment people ; that , rightly used , it is no more than a command , to the "Thou shalt " equivalent not" ii. the Ton Commandments , which have 'over prevented i. o. , made impossi ble the commission of the crimes 'orbidderi. But Mr. Obert explains prohibit by the word "nlop , " to put an 3nd to. None of us expect that any aw , human or divine , will absolutely mt an end in drunkunnoan before the nillonnium hau put in an nppcarancp ; jut wo _ do oxpcct that prohibitory egiilution will enable many to keep iober who othf n/mo would wallow in .ho filth of drunkenneep. After nourishing his hundred dollars Mr , O. , like the Philistine of old , vaxcH valiant , and defies "any of the o called temperance folks to show mo ir any other citizen what benefit the aboror or farmer or any ono else will mvo by the enacting of said amend- nont. " Whether wo can "show" iuything of this character to Mr. O. s problematical , tor the old proverb ells us "nono BO blind , " oto , But /o may show the readers of TiiuBEK , vhoBo visual organs are in the normal onditiott j iuro the "benefit" may 10 expected to coino in , i'irst , the laborers , who instead of InnkiiU ! as now shall attend to busi- I08B , will save tnno and money , and luis bo enabled to p.ovido their imiliea.with a few needed comforts , ot to tpeak of decent food , clothing nd dwelling places. Second , taxpayers will not bo obliged D furnish food , clothing and shelter 3 these families , the heads of which ave equandored time and money in 110 saloons. Then , too , they will bo Tared the expense of prosecuting logo who , under the influence of quor , now commit throo-fourtha of 10 crimes that disturb society , Third , as loss liquor will bo sold , of JUMO lets will bo drank , there will o loss intemperance , and losa of the adoring and destitution now result- ig from drunkenness. Fewer men 111 have the "trernenu " , there will bo iwer saloon fights , and a less number ' palicemon , police ) justices and ether officials will "bo needed to maintain order in rur communities , and thui expense boinc ? diminished , taxation will bet lessoned. "But if the amendment is passed , will bo moro drunkenness than before ; " so wo are told at every turn. To his credit , Mr. Obert does not say this. Doubtless the exertion required in planting his hundred dollars lars ( which , by the wny , may have been "earned" in the lamlnblo busi ness of liquor selling ) caused him to forgot to make this statement. "Moro drunkenness under prohib itory law than with licensed dram shops 1" Of COUMO if there is to bo moro drunkenness there must bo moro liquor made nnd sold -brewers , dis tillers and saloon keepers will have moro "business they will handle moro money and moro of it will stick to their fingers. Why , then , in the name of reason , do they light the amendment ? Do they believe what they say I But Mr. O. says that if the amend ment passes , Iowa farmois will losa from liftoon to twenty cents per bush el on their corn and wheat , because they will bo compelled to ship it away and then ship back the manufactured product , paying railroad charae ) both ways. How a loss on wheat is possi ble wo cannot guoas , for this grain is not distilled. But corn -well , the distilleries of the entire nation used in 1880 less than _ eighteen million bushels of corn , while the corn crop of Iowa for the same year was two hundred and thirty millions of bush- els. The distilleries used loss than ten per cent of the com produced throughout the nation , Not much could accrue to Iowa corn raisers , or any ether corn raisers if the distil leries of the entire nation were closed to bo opened no moro Mr. 0. wishes to know whether wo have a right to dictate to him what ho shall oat , drink or wear. Well , un der such circumstances yes. If ho noes lit to break the lawn of the land , wo have a right to say that ho shall wear stripsd clothing , stay in of nights , and cat and drink at the pleas ure of prison-officials. Otherwise ho may eat and drink what ho pleases. Hero Mr. 0. is seeking to throw dust. Ho knows that the amendment seeks only to put the traffic in intoxicants on the same basis as the traflic in poisons and ether articles of an inju rious or deadly character. Ho has not said that ho is a "temperance" man , nor has ho said that ho thinks that "drunkenness" or "intemperance" is an evil , but wo will charitably suppoao that these are simply oversights , and "s'uppoaing" thus , AVO ask : Do you , Mr. Obort , believe that any man has a right to take advantage of another's weakness , and take his money for that which can do the purchaser nothing but harm ! Please answer categorical ly. Then , if you are a "temperance" man , and believe that drunkenness ifl an evil , please tell us wherein anyone ono is bonofittod who habitually UBCS intoxicating liquors , "including ale , wh'o and boor , " and wherein any ono is wronged by the prohibition of such traffic ! Mr. O. asks if wo wish to throw out of employment "thousands of laborers and mechanics. " Wo suspect that om who not only can , but does , work in connection with a brewery or distil lery , can work somewhere clso. and certainly while our state is growing so rapidly , no capable and willing work man need be very long idle. Incidently , Mr. O. mentions "con science" Of whoso conscience does he speak ? The drunknrd'a "conscience" allows him ID rob and abuse his fam ily. The saloon keeper's and liquor dealer's "conscience" allows him to take money for that which ruins his patrons , soul and body. And Mr O's "conscience" allows him to Bay that the public must permit , yes li cense the making , selling and use of liquors , and the consequent drunk enness , to the end of titno. As Mmo. Roland , at the guillotine , said of " " of "conscience " "Liberty" ho say wo , "How many crimes are perpetrated and justified in thy name ? " Wo odd , the "conscience" of the prohibitionist impels him to say , that , by his con sent , law shall now sanction or pro tect the traffic in liquors as a beverage. His "conscience , " like that of the heathen emperor of China , of the opium traflic , forbids his making money for the public oil' that , the use of which ruins the people. The pro hibitionist will bo tender with the drunkard , he will have only moral suasion for him , unless ho undertake to screen the man who has robbed him through his weakness , but ho will use all possible "legal suasion" with the makers of , and dealers in alcoholic bovoragcs. Other points in Mr. Obort's "chal lenge" might bo noticed , but wo for bear. Yours for prohibition , JAJIEH LISLE. Qj.EXWoon , la. , Juno 14 , 1882. Bnby'n Appeal. "What mV < cs I cry nnd folk , say Ir.a nituhtjT L'nu'o Bt-iiuch aUio , and sour U my inouff\ ; J.uifo , too , u n't Iccp , and norm * hi to xi belly ; 'l''uvcr"Kiniy , locl'lko I waa Jolly ducua jcxir mlilo * cry , Die * and VMorlt , VMion minima's fono , aud don't ht\a CU/iTor.u. "Yon'riilght. t > ioTiirl ell. " There , Um.l0ty ; oiitln Frank liivu CAMK/IIU , ro don't cry. IIJSAVY-UAIN HTOilM. Joi respondent ! ) of The lleo. OAHSON , Iowa , Juno M. List Tri lay night this region was visited by ho heaviest rain atom that was . over cnown hero. A good deal of the lorn growing on side hills was washed mt. mt.A A jockey club has buon organized lore , unei n half milo track is now icing built. The next will bo a novo to hold a fair Iiore. A number of parties start from hero or Dakota BOOH. Cheap lands the in- lucomont. Matildi Fletcher will deliver a emporance lecture next Sunday at lacedoniu. Special trains will bo uu from the south , and preparations ro being made to accommodate the irgcst assemblage over held in the Quth end. S. L. Love Your Nolgnbor. When your friend or neighbor is labor- iT under Lodlly alllictloii , Indigestion , illiotianem , consUpatlon , caused by linjiu- ty of liloud , or ilieordera of the kidneys r liver , don't fall to recommend Durdoulc lood lilttcrt ) , a uuro And tsafy remedy , rice $1.00 , j3 cllw lowu Cropa and uraln. ; > oclaldl | > atc > ) to Tint DKK. AWON Union Co. , la. , Juno 15 , 11 small grain mid grasses are doing ury well , and about the [ usual mount ofacreage , Spring-liko weather opened up at least Iwo weeks earlier than usual , which proved A God-send to our poor stock and saved thousands from starvation , bringing forth pasture so that cattle could live two to thrco weeks earlier than usual , and yet at this tlmo everything is moro backward than usual. It has boon very wet and unusually cool all upring. ' Corn is very backward. Nearly every ono have had to replant moro or less , and the largest is barely largo enough to bop in to work. in. However , there is moro planted than usual , B. LocKUinoK , Jcfiorson Co , , Iowa , Juno 11. I see in your valuable pa per that the farmers boasts of having rye four foot eleven inches. Wo can beat it bad on old that has been un der cultivation for three year * , and has not been in grass or manured for ten years. Last year it did not raiao corn enough to winter n hog , and last fall it was sown in rye and shoveled in and harrowed , and now thcro is n fine crop of rye in that field , I stopped into the Hold after dark to night and pulled n bunch six foot nine inches long , and I did not hunt two minutes to got .it. Our small grain never lookeei any bettor this time of the year. The farmers nro about through planting corn. Corn that was planted the latter part of May is up and has got a good color. Grass is the best I over saw. Wo are hay ing hot weather now 92 degrees in doors. Prohibition is about all they talk of in our neighborhood. F. J. E. IPopularlty. THOMAS' Kct.roTiita On. IIM obtained great popularity , from its intrinsic : value ng'n icliablo medicine , In curing ho.irno- IIOSK , and all irritations of the throat , ilia- castsjof the cheat , etc. 1'or these it [ R an ineomptrftblo imlminic. j3'l\v Harotns. Owing to the nature of the institu tion our knowledge of hnrom lifo is entirely derived from the visits of European ladies. Thu Turkish au thorities , it must bo confessed , arc very amiable in this respect , nnd little difficulty is experienced ivhon the in troductions nro good. Tim Turk is commonly believed to bo a sort of Bluebeard. It is not so. Polygamy is not the rule , but the exception , The lower classes never have moro than ono wife , aud it ia only in the case of weathy pashas that thcro are three or four wivoa , the latter number being legally allowed toovory Mussul man according to the koran ; this is exclusive of almost any number of slaves nnd concubines. The husband must have no acquaintance , however slight , with woman ether than those of his own harem , and uhould hoob- ocrvo slippora outside of the harem door ho knows that ladies nro visiting , and therefore cannot outer his own houso. Then , ugain , if perchance ho strolls through the bazaar , thcro must bo no recognition of any of his own women , although they may bo throw ing away his money right and left in n most lavish way on silks and jowols. Ho was not Gay a word , and so strokes his butd and passes on wilh nn "luahallah , " ? Please God , ) or ' 'Allah korim , " ( God is great nnd merciful ; ) for now ho known only too well how the money goes ! European ladies are the objects of much attention nnd curi osity on the part of the women of a harem. Their dresses are felt , they Are pawed all over , and asked childish questions incessantly ; for it must bo remembered that a largo harcrn con sists of wiveu and domestic slaves , the latter counted by hundreds. A young English l.idy , 17 years old , great personal attractions nnd ongag ing manners , some time back visited harem accompanied by her inothor an friends. The women questioned her , and would not believe that she hm "no children , or oven n hus band. " Ono of the wives , wh took a great fancy to her , throw her arms round her neck , and entreat cd her to stay with thorn forovor. Sh could huvo any husband aho liked , and oven was so kind as to recommend her own , adding that she was wuro ho would soon want another wife , nnd that slip , the real wife , would much rather it was this nice young Englisli girl , as then there would always bi the pleasure of having her as a friend and companion. Hero was a most decided cided offer. A firm refusal , howovorv of these honors caused much surprise and disappointment. London Society , No Such Word as Fall. "I have used your UI.OHEOU fo Dynpopela , headache ami constipation , OIK find It baa done me a great deal uf good. ' . nhallrecominond it to my frlcndx. "IIUNJiy BKUTOJ./KTTI / , "May 2Hh. U Alain St. , Uuffalo , ' I'rlco CO centa. trial Iwttlea IQc. jlIWlw AN ITINKUANT BAUBBB. The Exclusive Customers oluTrovoI- mtr Knight of tbo Razor. I'hllilclphla Times. " 1 aupppso I'm what would bo called an oscillating tonsorinl artist. " The ncakor was a well < lrcaod man of thirty , currying in Inn hand n little leather bag. "Haven't you any shop , " asked the reporter , "No ; this is my shop , " said the nan , holding up lib httlo vulho ; then 10 opened it and showed its contents , ivhich consisted of n do/.ja razors , n lumber of brushes and other para phernalia belonging to his tnulo. ' 'Most of ray customers live on Will- tut , Spruce nnd Gheanut otreoto , " laid the man , "and thu majority of horn nro lich old gentlemen , who mvo retired from business , many of horn who , in their younger days , havod themselves , but have grown oo infirm. I got all the way from L quartttr to seventy-five cents for a httve. I start out every morning , bout 8 and wind up about 1 or 2 , I tavo u regular roulo to go ever , " nnd ho harbor showed u little book in vhich were registered the addresses , nd names of his customer * . "I mvo different customers for different lays. " "How much can you make a week ? " [ uerlod the reporter. "In winter L average § 50 a week ; mt in summer I don't ' make so much , nd many of my customers go out of own , " "Aro there nuy barbers in your irnnch in any of the larao cities ? " "No , I thinlc not , I am the only nan in this particular branch , I ca- or to the aristocratic class and I'm nvint ! money at it , It'n my own idea , nd as a first class artist can't make lore than $20 a week itt a shop , por- uisites and pay , I prefer this. " To the Consumers of Carriages & Buggies. I have a complete stock of all the Latssh Styles of Carriages , Phaetons and Open and Top Buggies , Consisting of Tne Celebrated Brewster Sid.9 Bar , The Hamlin Side Bar , The Whitney Side Bar , and The Mullhalland Spring. The Dexter Queen Buggy and Phaeton -Abo the Old Reliable Eliptic Spring Buggies and Phaetons. They are & 11 made ot ths best material ? , and un der my own supervision. I should be pleased to have those desirous of pur chasing to caU and examine my stock. I will guar antee satisfaction and warrant all work , H. F. HATTENHAUER , Corner Broadway and Seventh Streets. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. ( Successors to J , W , Rodefer ) WHOLESALE ASD : 11ETAIL DEALERS IN LACZiWMl LEHIGH , BLOSSB1M AND ALL LSI la W ( SLOC-SO CONNELLSVILLE COKE , CEMENT , LIRflE , PLASTER , ETC. Office No. 34 Pearl Street , Yardo Oor. Eighth Street and Eleventh Avenue , Oounoil Bluffa. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM FACTORY MANUFACTURE BROOMS , BROOM HANDLES , GOBN MEAL , GRAHAM FLOUR AND The Very Best of Brooms Oonatantly on Hand. The Highest Market Price Paid for Corn , Oats , Rye , Barley- , Forties Wishing to Soil Broom Corn Will Please - - Send Sample. 1 . ' CO. , One of the best e * . tond-clana Hotels In the West is the BROADWAY HOTEL. A. E I1KSWN , I'roprl tor. Nos. 631 and CSO 11 road Hay , Council IJlufla , low * , > Table supplied with the , best the market af- fordtf. Otod rooms and Urat-cliaj bodn. Taring very reasonable. UNION AVENUE HOTEL 817 Lower Broadway , Mrs. C. Gerspacher & Son. KHtET CLASS UOTKb AT HKAHONAIII.K l'UIOH-4. TUANSIIINTB ACCOMMODATED. llTit ( : , HMiMI.K. GOOD UKASONS KOJl SCANDINAVIAN ilDTEL N , Anderson , - - Proprietor , 732 Lower Uroadwuy , TiiMo nuppVcd w 1th Ilio beet the imrlctaf- OrJ < . Terms $3 , CO and gJ.OOl'Crweck. ' Transltnt > 1.00 per day. _ _ IS Yon Wieli u Luneh Go to LOUIE DUQUETTE , Soups , Mento , nnd Katables alwayB nn hand. l''lve Ccnta per call. STARR & BUNCH , HOUSE , SIGN , AND 1RNAMENTAL PAINTERS. PAPER HANGING , [ ALSOMINING AND GRAINING , hop Corner Broadway nnd Soott St HUGHES & TOWSLEE , DEALERS IN Confectionery , Fr uitsNuts Jigars and Tobacco , i-'resh lysters and Ice Creani in Season. 12 MAIN ST. , - Oounoil Bluffs , MRS. J. P. BILLUPS , rUOl'UIKTOIl OF RESTAURANT & EATING HOUSE , 813 South Main Street , Council II ufls. K w housu uid newly fitted lip In flrnt class style Heals at all hours , led crcatn ajd lumo- nado every ovucliiif. Fruits ai d confiict.oncrleg' J. G. TIPTON , Attorney & Dounsellor , Otllco oor Flrut Katlfnal Tlank , Count 11 ll'uflu. ' dwn. Will | ni'tlt'ti In tliu htatn end f jJcmi coiir'g _ STEA&l"LAyfiDRY. . 723 W. Broadway. LARSON & ANDERSON , Proprietors , Thlj Inuuiiy his JiHtbeon opened for busl- ncjx , and uuarunow pripared to do UunJry work of all klndnund guua-itco satisfaction A tpeclelty made of Him work , such as collirs , uffn , duo thlrte , ito Wo ant t\e boly to BHOUI R , trial , LA11SON & AyPEIlSON. KENDALL'b SPAVIN CURfc. The Most Successful Remedy ever discov ered , as It la certain in IU effects and dots not blister , HEAD I'ltOOF 13KLUW , AUo eicclleat 'or human.tlesh. FKOM A PnOMINBNT PHYSICIAN. WauhlugtcuvUlo , Obio , JUDO 17 , 18S1. DB II. J. KKNDALL , & Co. : Clouts Heading your ad- > ertl < vineut in Turf , Field aud Farm , of your Kendall's Hjmvlu Cure , a d having1 a valuable and speedy horse which had been larao from ipavln ( or eighteen month * , I sent to you for a bottle by express , which in nix weeks removed all lament ! ) and enlargement and a largii splint 'rom ' another horse , and both horses are to-day astound a ) colU The one bottle was worth to me one hundred dollars. Hespcetfully JO'lre , If. 4. G.'BTOLSTT , M , D. Send for Illustrated circular pivlntf positive ; > roof , PrkeSl , All DjupgUits h ve it or coo ; otitior you. Dr. 11. J. Kendall It Co , I'ro- irlctors , Kuosliurjjh Falls , Vt BOLt ) BY ALL DBUGGISrS , d.wlv EUROPEAN HOTEL , Corner Fourth and Locuit Httceta. J.H. HURST , - - Prop. llooms , 75o , $1 , and § 1,60 P r Day An elegant KuiUutant ticouuected with thi louie where meali ure avi edit reuoaabl I prio > - Open y and nit-lit. m-lOc