Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1882, Image 6
THE DAILY BEE : COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA SATUBDAY , JUNE IT , 1882 , The Daily Bee. COUNCIL JUJFFS. June 17. Otllco : No. 7 Poarr"\3troot , Near Broadway. 0. E. MAYNE , Mumper City qirculatlon. H. W. TILTON. City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS. - Go to Hcrzmnn for bargains , Shcrraden makes photographs. Jndgo Aylcsworlh made four cillzeni yesterday. AH kind * of Cauncd Meats at Deck Bros. Clnico Wedding Gift * at Mnurcr A Craig' . . Yesterday the mercury climbed into the nineties. Go to Hcrzman's before buying. -THE BKST Teas and Coffees in the market at Deck Bros , The outgoing train this afternoon is over the Chicago , Ilock Island & Pacific. He reman will sell store nnd dwelling. Shcrraden is the boss photographer. The Young Slen'a Christian ns ocla- tion held a meeting nt the Mcthodht church last evening. Pine line of men * ' , boys nnd side laddies at Sherman's , 124 8 Main. Solid Silver and Plated Ware at Maurer & Craig's. The Hamburg New ? , in looking over the field for democratic candidates , nnmes W. II. M. Poscy , J. P.Casady and Judge Harris , Hcrzmnn is bound to close out. Joseph Iteltcr makes sults'In the lat est styles nt 310 Broadway. Look at Seaman's line of 7" Cent Cabinet Frames. The "A" grammar brigade will moot at No. 31 High School avenue nt 12 tn. on Monday next , on important business. By order of tliiir captain , Railrond tickets bought nnd sold Buehncll , fi\e doors north of Postoffico. Can pa\o money on the tickets , Don't forget to call at the new Ice cream parlors of Mrs. J. A. Gray , over 605 Broadway. In the superior court yesterday one plain drunk was disposed of , and one man named Johnson was scat to jail for five dayp , he having failed to pay the fmo im posed on him some time ago for drunken ness. Joseph Boss , of GIB Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs , makes the best butter tubs in the west , and Bills them nt the lowest cash price. - New lot i f Dresden Bisque Figures and Fine Pottery just opened at Mauror & Crai 'a. At the Burlington & Missouri depot , Thursday night , an emigrant woman was robbed of a Udy'a gold watch. She was sitting in tlio waiting room and indulging in a nap , when some ono nipped the ticker and succeeded in getting off with it. Permits to wed hr.vo been it&ued toO. C. Bridges of Knudolph , Iowa , and Anna M. Williams of Nebraska ; to A. J. Ken- yon of Hudson , Mich. , nnd Josephine White of IndlannpoUp , nnd to J. IS. Lewis nd Edith B. Carson of this city. Ono of our worthy citizcns.on being as. sured yesterday that Anderson woul i be nominated by acclamation , remarked that he didn't believe any such thing. Ander son might be nominated , but it would not bo by ncclamatlod but by default , That nail was hit pretty well on the head. Go > ernorSt. John Is announced to speak nt Dohanoy'a next Sunday night in favor of prohibition. His reputation IN such that thcro will doubtless bo a crush to hear him. It is oxpooted also that Miss Frances Willard , one of the moat eloquent women in the country , will speak next Thursday evening on the sntno question , To-morrow afternoon Hon. JUchnril F , Tre\elllck will give on address in the park , on a subject which interests all. Ho in u man who should bo given a lar o au dience , nnd his address will bo ono which it will proDt all to hear. The workiugmcu should particularly be pren nt. At lost n claimant has appeared for the valise which was found by the police on the Northwestern bil ge. The man Identified the grip j cite , day , and hence there is no need of dragging thu creek for any corpse. Tie claimed that ha wax un der the bridge and left the vnlite there , and when he returned It was gone. Arrangements nro made for removing the inmates of the old Sioux City house this morning and conveying thorn to the quarters prepved for them on the river bank. The old building will probably then bo condemned then nnd taken down. It la feared that If the InmntoH were allowed to occupy it longer tint it ulll become n pett home In fict. ' The sheriff of Carroll county yester day broujjlit u man hero named Gorhnm and lodged him in jail to nwnit the action of the grand jury , the charge being anault with Intent to kill , It Is claimed that another man finding Uorhnm lu his home was fired with jealousy and ordered htm out , nnd in order to make blmmorebritklv pulled a knife on him , uhoreat Gotham nelzcd a hatchet And threatened to dcm > llsh the jealous hutband. It was n merited compllinenl to Hon. J. B , Grinuell that BO msny gathered in the park to hear htm , when so short no tice of lila coming was given , and so many other attraction * were on. the boards foi the evening. IU voice was rather husky and tired as the result of his muny ad. drowea of late , but he gave nu earnest , in- terftJng tilk lu favor of the amendment , holding the audience by numerous nnec. s'dotw ' and illustration * , nnd calling foitli f" frequent npplauao nnd laughter. He ga\c Her. 0. Compton Burnett nnd llev. Mr , Belknap some hard thump ? , charging them with betraying the church , aud sell' ing their clerical title * . Since the eider ivtnt forth that the bouiea must all be numbered before the fin * of July , there has been many ejtlzen ? who have complied or sought to comply , Muay do cot know What number to put up , nd on golnj ? to the engineer' office to ecettaln , find him out and no one there .0 giro the information , hU business keep * ng him away from th office much of the Ime. Ono canmA blame a cltiren \ cry much for nedccting to comply n tcr ho ios tiled In vain two or three times to ind out the number of hln horse. The difficulty fthoul t be remedied in some way. ' The inciting In tlio park Thursday night did no particular good to either Bid or flower beds. The crowd cut p the turf , trampled on flowers , broke down the wire stretched along the pathn , and caused .rouble all around. In glancing nt ( he park In the after noon of almost any pleasant day , ono can- nee but nollco the fact that nearly all who arc occupying the benches are men or lioys. Yesterday lliero were counted twenty-seven males and not a single lady or Rlrl. The day before the count showed thirty-nine masculines and not a single icmlnine , Do the men lm\c more leliuro or do they appreciate the park more ? Lawrence Basch , a young man , was yesterday arrested by OfllccrCusIckfor In Icccnt ezposute. It appears that young Bosch works on land near the Wabash railway , and ha has taken pains to annoy he passengers on passing trains by his ilthy ways. On betnp brought before fustico Balrd , ho pleaded guilty and was ined $10 and cento. A SPLENDID OFJER. To reduce our stock wo will sell Wall Paper for the next thirty days nt Wholesale Prices. OnopinvKLL & Co , SQUEEZING SOJOUKNERS. There la to bo no Moro Ohonco for Buoh Complaints at the Truusfor. Ycfltordny Ofllccr Cusick , of the regular police force , was detailed to ; o to the transfer and there look after .ho passengers and to see that there a no further cause of complaint of ill treatment. Ho will remain there on duty for a time and will then bo re- iovcd and another experienced officer > laccd > there. This will do much to do away with causes of complaint and ho public will bo better satisfied. It s commonly reported that emigrants especially are miaueod thcro , and if ucli reports are true there surely ought to bo n atop put to it. If they are not true the best assurance of that act will bo the testimony of our officer , who is not in the employ of .ho Union Pacific and who is kept on duty there , rather than the evidence of some scribbler who is invited to ook around for a few minutes , fills his jockots with cigar * , slakes his thirut ind then writes a column of praise. Ono of the chief causes of complaint os stated is that emigrants waiting at , ho depot are almost compelled to mtromzo the emigrant house , whether ; hey are financially able to do so or lot. It is said that if they do not ) uy meal tickets and lodging ; ickets at the emigrant house hey nro not allowed to sit name , and being driven out natur ally repair to ttio waiting room of the depot. It is said thiit the emigrant innkooporspost the jolicomnn at the depot , who in turn ires them out of the depot and they are obliged to content themselves vith hanging about the platforms , and .t is oven said they are not allowo d to 'all asleep there unless they put'up a quarter to quiet the watchman. It is proposed , by putting n city policeman - man thcro who is not in the employ of the road , to BOO that there is no cause tor such complaints and a quiet will bo put to all such reports , for if there is any such occuroncos it should bo made the Bubjoot of public and official attention. It is stated that Swobe & Markol , as well as the officials , court tm inves tigation and deny the truth oi all such statements. They ought , therefore , , o gladly welcome such a course as the city council has taken to sot the pub- io mind at ease , and an end of the complaints may now bo looked for. Fortunes or Farmers and Me- olianics. Thousands of dollars can bo saved by using proper judgment In taking care of the health of youi self and family. If you are bilious , have Hallow complexion , poor appetite , low and depressed spirits , and generally debilitated , do not delay n mo ment , luit go nt ouce ; and procure a hot- tlo nf UIOBO wonderful Electric Bittern , which ne\er fail to cure , and that for the Irldlns > um of Htly cents. [ Tribune. Sold byO. 1Goodman. . ' NOTICE. Having concluded to rotirn from the coal businoos , I take this occasion to thank my friondn and patrons for kindiiees heretofore extended to mo. A. II. Mayno & Co. will succeed mo whom I recommend , and to whom ] hope the tame geed fooling will bo ex tended. J. W , llouunni , COUMJIL BLUKIB , June ID. Labor olid Its Wrongs. Those who failed to hear lion Richard P. Trovolliok nt the uour house Thursday night missed much His audience was not largo , owing to the Iflct that thcro ere so man ; other attractions on tlu > same ovcniu | to draw the crowds , and many pic forring to bo out doors than to b housed in a sultry room to hoar ovci the bosl of opoakera. Another disad vantage was that Mr , Trovolliek was not in good voice , having caught a severe cold , causing him to speak wit ! more difficulty than usual. Still the address eras ono which inspired inucl enthusiasm , and left a most cxcollon imprcEsiou. It was n culm , logical clean-cut talk , which , unlike the ttfeivesccut ellbrts of many public speakers , gave tlio listeners muol not only to keep them thinking at the time , but to send them homo to thinl thoro. Ho pointed out seine of the marked changes which had occurrec during his own recollection , as to the way in which labor was lool e < upou and treated , Ho shawm that labor had the balance of power , there being seventeen ou of every twenty men who were producers ducors and workers , leaving only throe of the twenty who lived withou work , If the 17 allowed the i to inako mere boasts of burden o them , it was to their own shame Choy had the power to have this changed The speaker urged work * ngnicn to gain intelligence and use heir power instead of spending time n complaining and whining. Ho irgul them to become posted in the acts nnd figures of labor , of produc- ion , of wealth , EO that they would see lie wrongs and bo intelligent in their attempt to riant them. Mr. Ticvol- ick was closely listened to , end i tny > resent prone n.ccd the diacoun the ) est they had ever listened to 0' 'hat subject , being practical , poirtt i and > lain. Ho lias a fine command of angiiago , and while his address won hashed at times eloquent , ho iscd this as a means , not as an end. laving hvwtlcd extensively , and bo ng n cloao observer , ho had a wealth of information from which to draw , and the address as a whole was ono which uhould bo heard by all who are any way interested in the great ques- ion , ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHY. The curiosity of the residents of Washington avenue was raised by see- ng a tripod set up in the street , but t proved only to bo Luccock , the ) hotographor , taking a view of Dr. jlobor's residence and a singular col- oction of sufTonnghumanity , gathered rom all parts of the country , to avail themselves of the doctor's well-known skill. Hero were represented nearly every ill that flesh is heir to , together nth those rejoicing in now health , ready to return to their homos. About hirty of the patients are hero easily ccognizcd , and the patients testified heir appreciation of both the doctor and the artist by engaging over three lozon of the largo pictures before the camera loft the spot. LABORING MEN , ATTENTION 1 The Hon. Richard F. Trovolliek has consented to deliver a second lecture n the Park , on Sunday , Juno 18 , at 3 p. m. Subject : { 'LABOR AND ITS WRONGS. " Turn out and fill the Park , and lis- on to a veteran and a hero in the causa of justice. Good music will bo in attendance. COMMITTEE. GATES-A JAR. HlB Disappearance Causes a Number of VVorklnsmou to Hunt for Tholr Pay. A contractor named J. Gates has uddonly disappeared , and it is thought hat ho has skipped the country. Ho lad boon given a contract to fill some ots for J. 1 ? . Hont and had hired omo thirty or forty laborers , whom n leaving ho forgot to pay. There was some balance duo the contractor > y Mr. Hont , and this amount was lUrnod over to the laborers , who there- > y got about forty-five cents on the dollar for their claims. They ox- jroas themselves as very indignant at ] atos , as ho did not even leave the time book , so that they had to make out affidavits showing the amount duo -hcin. They do not propoao to let up on Gates , but will take especial pains o find his whereabouts. OHICKERING AHEAD. J. Mueller says the trade in the flickering Piano justnow is immense ; mvo to wait from two weeks to ono month to got orders filled from the actory , although they raako seventy- ivo per week. Those medal actions n the upright is what doea it. OITY ICE OREAM PAULOR. A now stock of french Cream Gonfcc- ionary just received at the fashionable co cream , fruit and confectionery emporium of Smith & McOuon , suc cessors to Erb & Duquette , 404 Broad way. _ A GRAND SUCCESS. Miss Kato L. JomoB is Glvon n Wor thy Wolcomo. The grand complimentary concert tendered Miss Knt.o L. James was argoly attended. Before the time 'or the concert to begin the seats hac all been filledand the sign "Standing Room Only" was hung out. The in- .orcat.which the citizens have taken in Miss James' career as an artiste , and the pride they have felt in her wonderful success , led all to bo equally anxious to hoar again the voice which has so stirred musical cir cles , and has won mich rare plaudits oven Irom captious critics , Misa James was most enthusiastically re ceived and her numbers were groetcc with round after round of applause and hearty encores , In accordance with the promise of the programme , she gave Rossini's ' Una Vooo Poc < Pa , " anrt " 0 , Luco di guest Animn,1 by Donizetti , and the Jewel Song ant Flower Song , from Faust. As re sponses to encores , oho gave some ol the old nnd popular songs which over touch the hearts of the people and it Bocnioi as if the audience cpuld not hear enough of the rich soprano voice so skilfully handled. A largo number of bcnuti ful iloral tributcti wcro : ilao bostowci upon the sweet cingor , us a further expression of the appreciation of the rare entertainment aliu thus ufi'ordcd Miss James has now high fume , am in her rapid rieo into public favoiitism she cannot but bo tenured that shu takes with her the heartiest nnd be& wishcst of scores of old friends. Miss James was assisted by Mis Officer , Miss Myrtle Morkel and Miss Uorton , together with thu Schubcr quartet and Mr. Calm of Omaha Miss Oflioor's instrumental selection wcro greeted as they always are wit ] honest applause , and Mies Morkel'a voice is ul\va } a gladly listened to Miss Hnrton served as nccomnunis for Mies Merkel , and Mr. Culm per formed n like service fur Mies Jamas and did so in a masterly wny. Tlio Indies \\lio attended Hereford * Baking at Osborno's otoro yesterday were well paid for their visit. Thoj were doliehted with the rich , ilak ; biscuit * , which \voro made withou shortening , Tlioao who have not at tended should do eo to-day and Mon day. _ Deals in Dirt , The following transfers of titles ar reported as taken from the count ; records by J ; W , Squire & Co. , nb stractors of title , real estate and loan agents , Council Blufh : G L. Eppa to J. A. Barton , nw \ of Jio 1,12 , 75 , ,08) ) and no J of nw J , 12 , 75 , 38-800. J , White to H. F. Plumer , cast A of ee j of no I , 20 , 74 , 43$400. . 11. 1'orcival to S. R Ilammit , w A of so \ and no ] of He ] , 19 , 77 , 42 Sl.DOO. 0. W. Opilz to M. Curtis , part ole o J of block 0 in Mill add. , city-- \V , II Morgan to E. G.Ues , lot 8 in block 15 , Hyatt'a aubd. , city $3 o. W. E. Remington to Mnrtin Casey , lot 3 in block 18 , Ncoln S1GO. Martin Ciwoy to II. L. McWillinms , n * , of lot 3 in block 18 , Neola100. . 1) . B , llnworth to Win Siodcntopf , n ot. sw4,28 , 70 , 41-SGOO. Short Broatu. O. Bortlf , Manchester , N. Y. , wastrou- bled with nithmn for eleven years , Hnd boon obl'ged ' to fcit up sometimes ten or twelve ni htn In succession. Found Imme diate relief from Dr. ThoniM1 Fclectrio Oil , and is now entirely cured. jl3-dlw PERSONAL , . Bill Nye was taking In Council Bluffa yesterday. II. lUchnrdinn , of Cleveland , was at the Ogden yesterday , L. C. Baldwin has gone westward to look over his cattle ranch , J. L. Gouldthrilo , of Minneapolis , vis ited Council Bluffs yesterday. E. Ii , Anderson , of Cincinnati , woa was among the arrivals at the Ogden yea- terday. C. Armlt nnd C. II. Barber , prominent men of Missouri Vnlley , were in the city yesterday. Frank Cook went to Lincoln jcsterday , o\er the B. KM. , on important business , and will return homo to-day. Major Anderson was in the o'ty yester day , aa was made apparent by the editorial in the Nonpareil , beggltg the people of this county to please support him. IOWA ITEMS. Emmet county will vote on the county seat question this fall. The contract for building Donison's now school houao was lot at $2,454. Kirkwood has gone into the real es tate and inauranco business at Iowa City. City.Tho The corner otono of the now Methodist - odist church at Clarinda was laid on ho 9th. A fire at Lo Mars on tbo llth buJn- cd out ton business houses , and did fu'0,000 damages. Fish Commissioner Shaw is distrib uting German carp in homeopathic doses to the waters of Western Iowa. The State Journal office at DCS Hoinea is printing the amendment ickota for the entire state , 1,500,000 of them. Atlantic has organized a water com pany. The works are to cost $ G2,000 , and are to bo built by September 1st of this year. Several Monona county farmers iavo boon victimized $40 each by ac- icnting the agency for n riding plow , fho contracts turned up in the shape of promissory notes in the hands ol "nnocant purchasers. Leo Perry , a young man of Ottum- wa , braking on a Rock Island passon- r train , was run over on the 13th , ind injured so that ho died that night. Chicago chemists pronounce strych nine as having boon found in the atomoch of J. R. Patterson , of Bu chanan county , sent them for analy sis. Air. Patterson's preliminary ex amination for her husband's murder come of Juno 10 , Dr. E. B. Ringland , of Hamilton , hps given § 0,000 to Parson's college at Fuirfiold , toward establishing a memorial chair to the memory of his recently departed wife , to bo known m the "Sallio Ringlaud Professorship of Natural Science. " The Pottawattaniio Indians in Tanu county seem to thnvo in the midst oi civilization , They raise grain enough for their own necessities , and their profits are derived from stock-raising. The men have an excellent record for sobriety , and the women are well re- putt-d for chastity. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special advertisements , sue ae Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent Wants , Boarding , etc. , will bo Inserted ID thl column at the low rate of TEN GENTS FUR LINK ( or the flret Insertion and FIVE CENTO PER LINE ( or each eubec < iuent Insertion Leave adr crttscmcuts at our odlce , No. 7 Pearl htteot , near llroadvuy. Wants. Rood girl ( or general hou e\\ork WANTKD at IIvoolHce. ina)10t ( > TEI-Evcryhody In Council Blufl Io WAI take TDK Don. 0 cents per vcul ; , do llvcrrd by carriers. Ofllto , No 7 Pearl Street near Broad a ay. To bu > 100 too broom corn Tor particulars address Council BluS Frnom Furlnrv. found ! tllufK lowv M8-89H For Bale find Hont i : counters for tale at Bcarunii'D _ " _ _ _ _ _ 011 Jir.JSfT"Part ofo 'f' nlduiic. or lll Mil 3 1 the ulr.lo on i-an tenna Lmiulrd at UK ollko. _ _ _ | _ J 0 ( it roil 8ALK-1 ha > e on hand ono Uln B1UCK good brick an cm bo had In the oily Portion dcn'riiK ' a gocd trtklo vlll find It 1C their acl\aiil K ° to cull at my nildcnce , on Lincoln a > cnuu , or odd re B llobt.rt lludale , lion oil. Council lilulli , lQ n. junel-lm * I. UH a ALE Two new bycleUk at n bargain .L1 K It. btclnbllber , at ncwfurnlturo Jactory on Seventh urtnue , licit io U. & N. \ > \ U " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m )2S-lm SALE Sheet music worll B5 ctnta to FOH ( or 6 edits a loiw. and o\er 10,000 othir useful articles , ntHiUtli 1 KvcreltsOiu I'he and Tin Cent btore. No. 140 Jlroidway Council lilutla , lavt. inajiO tt IthNi I'artor wholu ol nlco rosldtiico , JfVll ulll sill on cos\ terms.i > i > ly at l'c ' ( f IIICO. lU ) Jltt 171 Oil SAI.E Iku'itilul ruMtnco lots , WC I ; c-ftch ; uotlilii ) ; daw n , and 83 per tenth only , by KX-ltAYOK VAUOHAN I)13-tf Mlscollunooufl. 1'VKKYTHINO rraJy/or the turomer ecaspn J tfo coolett Ktllcrj In too vest. Now uc cesirrlea arrivedbe t In ell } , Caat | ExceUlo -nlkr ) , 100 Main utrcct. To Iran at ( rom 0 to 10 per cent , lu MONEY b ) OOULL S. 1)AV J t ( Dll. W. U I'ATOON-l'bjultlan niid OiulUt Can euro nil ) cam of kore C ) e . It U onlj & matter of lime , nnd can cure generally u from tlireo tc Qt uieU-lt inakcu no dlllcr enco how long dliejuul. Will btralghlcn crwi cjt . operate and rctuo\o I'ljrcelrimii , ita , UK lutcrt artltlcUl ejc9 , facial attention to t AhVUNK WAN J U > 0 oa enrio quality brooi corn iced can ( tet It bv writing to V.t , ilAYNE Council Bluff * IIV EtYINO YOUR GROCERIES AT THE Boston Tea Go's ' Store , 16 Main Bt , and 15 Pearl St.i Council Bluffs , TRY IT AND lake loiiey , MAIN STREET LIVERY , FEED AND SALE STABLE. All Shippers and Travelers will find good accommodation arid reasonable hargcs. SOUTH MAIN STREET. OPPOSITE CRYSTAL MILL , 'ouncil ' Bluffs Iowa , - - , HOLLAND & MILLER , Proprietors. FTT Sell More Groceries , Sell Better Groceries , Sell Groceries Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE CITY. LOOK AT THEIR PRICES ON A FEW LINES. II lb Fxtra C Bugar for $100 10 Ib Standard AmiR-ir. . . 1 00 II11) Granulated suipvr 100 TlbNo. 1 Hoisted hlocodece 1 CO TlbKolOrccn Mo codec 1 00 1 Ib Debt lloaitcJ 0. O. Ja > a coffee SO 1 Ib Best Itoittcd Mocha 30 1 IbJIIx , liilf Java nnd hilf IHo 25 I11 Can ihl i > id Dried liccf . . ? 5 31bcanaCallfornl Kiu ts 25 Choice Table imttsr I trlb 15 York State Gallon AjniV-S 30 3lbCan Vclou Pcacbct ) , 20 Gib Can Mo I'taehc8. . . . , 23 2 Ib Can Star Peaches 15 SlbCancry tL t8 cct Corn 20 Best tmuulsStirim ; Wheat Hour per tick. . . 3 76 ISlbliarijGilletts Stan 1 00 18 11) Ears Kirk's W hlte Russian Soap 1 00 I'ojd's ' Hams per Ib IS lloj d's nreaUfw. Bacon per Ib 10 OrLldaCoinnmnlt ) Fruits per Jar 7fi Gordon & DillHortirsl'rcscncs 1)5 ) And Everything Else in Stock Proportionally Cheap. Don't Buy Any Groceries Until You Have Seen Us. Terms Cash. F , J , OSBORNE & 00 , COUNCIL BLUFFS MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING V AND GENERAL MACHINERY Office nnd Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , We glvo special attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces , HOISTERS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK will receive prompt attention. A general as sortment of Brass Goods , Bolting , Pining , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , Coke , Ooal , OHAS. HENDBIE , President. Pubbor Hose , Iron and Lead Pipe , Iron and Brass Fittings and Trimmings , at Bixby & Wood's , THE PLUMBERS. On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets. ) J. M. PALMEE , DEALF.ll IN REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Drs ; Woodbury & Son , / J3 > 3jgl 3CQT " 3C1 HE S " 3C1 & * Cor , Pearl & let A\o. COUNCIL BLUFFfl. MAUKER & ORAIQ , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rich Out Glnse , Fine French China , Silver Were &c. , SIO HlUUPWAT. . COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. MES , B , J. HILTON , M , D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , 222 Broadwav , Council BluCi. W. B. AMKNT , JACOB B1MS AMENT St Sir/lS / , Wtornoys & Oounsellorfi-at-Lnw , COUNCIL BIiOVFR. IOWA. , ORCUTT & CO. Broadway , Cor , lourtli Street , , * Council Bluffs , Iowa. mar-2-Pm - - J. MUELLER'S I mean business and no blowing. Having recently contt acted for 600 IM : fiDs and over 200 Pianos for the sea- sonto bo sold at Bargains for Cash , and on time Agents wanted- TJ Correspondence solicited , s \ TMP3EC.3D ES JS T a J. MUELLER , O COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. F. F. Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00 Bluff and Willow Streets , Council Bluffs. FURNITURE HOUSE. Mirrors , Upholstery. Bepairing , Etc. , Wood and Metallic Coffins , No. 430 Broadway , Cor. Bryant St. , Council Bluffa , Iowa. UNION BAKERY , 517 SOUTH MA5N STREET. THE BEST BREAD IN THE OITY. None but firat-class Bakora employed. Bread , Cake , Pies , &o. , delivered to any part of the city. Our Wagons run all day. . P. AYRES , Proprietor. METOALF BROS. , WHOLESALE DEALERS..IN Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and' Buck Gloves. CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. REAL ESTATE AGENT , Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Landu , and a number ot Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Office with W. S. MAYNE , over Savings Bank , - OOTJN'OILi BLUF3 WALL PAPER ew Styles Jnst Received. 11 Pearl Street , Council Bluffr. 0. A. BEEBE , W. HUNYAN , W. BKEBK O. A. BEEBE & CO. , Wholesale and Hctai ! Dealers In FURNITURE AND CROCKERY , Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Irs , J , E , HetcalfB and Iiss Belle Lewis kinds ol , EiiOi Lnccs , Embroideries , Ladles' Undctwea Are now dealing In 11 fancy goocJe MI ot all descriptions. Also itnndl cichlols , both In ellfe and linen , lioeo ol all kinds , ttircad , pins , needles , etc. Wo hope tbo lualea will call and sco our stock ol Kooda at GSti llroaanay bilore go IIK elsewhere. B. J. DAVIS , 13 PEARL BTEEET , Dealer In ZEPHYRS , GER.VIANTOWN AND FANCY YARNS of All Kinds. A Full liiiio of Canvas , Felts , Embroidery , Knitting Silks and Stamped Goods. Nice A ortn < > nt of A i iH po Picture * * ' f'J ' , ( i * SY&OO ' < * - i3 K&4 WU % / V.t * , , ' 412 BROADWAY , CtiUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA ' { , * , r "r t i - < Anfl W STSIDH SQUARE CLARIHrA IOWA , . l" * ; , J