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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1882)
( WMP Er- THE DATLf BEE OMAHA SATURDAY , JUNE 17 , 1882. V imiD & ; GO , , The Only Exclusive Wholesale Hardware House XZE 1108 AND 1110 HARNEY STREET , _ 01V1AHA . NEB. WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DEALEll N Wall Paper and Window Shades , 1304 Farnham St , Omaha Neb. ZROTHI & holesal © Lumber , Ho , 1408 Faralam Street , Omaha , Neb. The Oldest Wholesale and THE IiEAOING Eetail JEWELRYHOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here IN THIS WKSTI General Agents for the find all novelties in SIL Finest and Best Pianos and VER WARE. CLOCKS , Organs manufactured , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , ur prices are as Low as Eastern Manufacturer the Latest Most Artistic any , , and Dealer. and Choicest Selections in Pianos and Organs sold RECIOUS STONES and for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. all descriptions of FINE A SPLENDID stock ol WATCHES at as Low Pri Steinway Pianos , Knabe ces as is compatible with Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi honorable dealers. Call anos , aud other makes. Also Clough & Warren , and see our Elegant New Sterling Imperial Smitt , , Store Tower , Building , American Organs , &c. Do iir * llth and Farnham coir not fail to see us before pur St/jets , chasin ? . MAX MEYER & BRO. , , Stock Aways on Hand. THE MOLINE STOVE They mnko a specialty of COOKING STOVES , and l o this plareJ In tlio marliet . . cneof the MOVTKCONOM C'AM ) JI > i > t SA'IHFACTullV STOVIISmer inailo. 'Jhoy ninl.o . l.rtu Plain aiul extension top , and fuaranioo all tbur "JOiU Vlio agents [ or thu company uru. PIEROY & BRADFORD , -IlLALLKS IN- 3V3C , v 3CT 1 ? 3 3 * g3:5 , GRATES , RANGES , STOVES , UOUHE FUUNISniNO GOODS , Etc , 211 FARNAM STBBET. OMAHA NEB JEWELERS AMD MUSIC 'DEALERS ' ! Watches , Diamonds and Jewelry. of the very latest designs. Silverware , genuine Uoger Bros , Hoods , GOLD AND SILVER HEAD iNES , the Largest utock in the Oily , NOS AND ORGANS , We liaiidlo the boat miuufaoturfid , and will not be undersold. QHELT MUSIC AND MUBIO BOOKS , Musical Goods ol all kmds , Remember our Prices are Lower than the Lowest , i Manufacturing and Repairing a Specialty. INGELL ! & BOWES ? , OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. POETRY OP THE TIMES. , Wanted . Vnntod A vrife who cmi h&ntllp n lirorm , To brush down the uobwc t Ami sweep tu I lie room ; To make decent bieatl , tliitn fellow can Clt N'ot the horrible oomivmiul you o cry wlir-re me t ( \Vliu known how to broi'i to fry , and to roast Mnko n cup of good lo > nnd a pUtter ol toisl ; A woman wl.o WAS' e , cook * , irrnm nn < ; An < ! ? ews up tlie rii [ < in n fclhw'a M lirceclies , And make * her tnui crvrmcnU nn Item tthich is So horrid oxpcnrite u every one knows : A common * eiwc croatitro , and still with n niiinl To tench nnd to Riiiile exalted refined : A sort of nn angel nnd housemaid bined ! Ob , Hueh. llenrts wcro inado to break , Ifnnr'a were inailo to squeeze , Kycs wcro nude to rnve about And inako iron do an you please. Kara veto wade to bnrn , 1 Feet were made to show , Girls were made to flirt with men , IJut men with cirls oh , no ! Wnista were made to hug , Tonguoa wcro made to tune , Arms were mndo to circle tlio girls , And lovers wcro mad * to sj eon , Vcld < were tnndo to drop , Checks wcro tnude to blush , Hair was inado to curl nnd frir , IJIM ! were made oh , huslil A Kiss for Slater , Slio was a very Httlo girl , And as 1 bent and kissed her 'There , that 5 * for youuolf , " I said , And this is for your sister. " hast night I called In friendly way Sonic gay f-irl friends were there , And laugh nnd jest went gaily round To banish weary caro. The little girl cime romping in And unto mo said she : "I dive tint lisa to sizzer Hell , 'Ou left for her wiz me. ' 'She tinned mo lots ' < > times an1 ( aid , Wlien folksei 'ouldn'l see. I iniftht dive ' m to 'ou dust wait 'Till ou's ' alonu wime ! " 1 blushed , and so did sister Hell , Tlie gay girl friends , ah mo ! I wished the horrid things had been A thousand miles at so i ! MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC. Wagner's "Meiftersinger'1 hai been well received. Mr. Henry Irviut ; h.vs been cnga cJ for a visit to America in 1883. Victor Htis'o'd new drama , "Ttnque- mada , " has appeared. Belgium has 2,00) musical societies aud 1,400 bands , the number of musicians be ing about 00,000. Judic had a fine offer from Grau for a tour in America , but signed n new contract at the 1'aris Varieties. It cost Mr' Ugo Talbo n trifla o\cr $300 to bring out Altred Collier's "Mask ol Paadora" iu San Francisco. Mine. Nilsson's engagement with Mr. Gyo is for twelve nights at Covcnt Garden and then two seasons in America. John T. llajmond'a now comedy is call ed "Touch nnd Go. " It will he produced next season at the Park Theater , New York. Mile. Khea , during her stay in Kurope , will place herself under the tuition of Neil- son's instructor , Dr. llyder , of London , and will take a lesson daily for two months , giving all her time to the study of Ju iet. The recent finding of an eel by a Now- ruk church organist in the pipe that sup plies water for the bellows was a perform ance not mentioned in the musical pro- KTnmme of the flay , though it might have been down ' 'Bel " put as Trovatore. At the last Btato concert in Buckingham Palace , Wagner , Mendelssohn , IJerlio/ , Rubinstein , Gounod , Sullivan , Kossini , nnd Schubert were represented on the pro gram. The band and chorus consisted of over 170 performers , and the soloists were Albaui , Nilsson , lloja Horace , 1'atey , nnd Messrs. Guraand Mierzwinaky , Madame Matiriia receive ! 28.800 florins for a season of eight months at the Hofoper in Vienna , und * or her viait to America 2-1,000 florin9 , traveling and all other expenses for herself and three per sons. She returns to Kuropo on the 22nd of June , and on rho lit of July proceeds to Boyreuth for the nl 1'arsif rehearsals. It will bo news of real interest to the dramatic profession nnd the theater-going public that Samuel Colville'ri next venture of importance will be the organization of a thoroughly first-dais dramatic company in every way callable of producing nuci ! [ > Iayc 'As You Like It , " "S heel for rfcandal , " "Old Heads nnd Young Hearts , " "Much _ Ado < \bout Nothing , " "Jlomeo iml Juliet , " etc. , in the moat complete manner , as regnrdj cast of characters , cos tuming and scenery. Mr. Colville expects that the pleasure of the artists engaged will bo enhanced , as only the larger cities ivlll boieltcd and the stay in each ono ivill bo from two to eight weeks , thereby i\aiding frequent change of residence nnd 'atiguo of travel. The organi/ation is low in progress of comi lelion nnd will be ready for the seniton of 1S8U-I. CONN D BIALI .TIE3. A Pennsylvania court has jwt decided that a marriage < ngjgcnient made on Sun- lay is valid. That court is sound , Lillian Andrews , of Hnyorly's "Michael itiogolf" party , was married last week in Now York to Mr. Frank Dowd , of San H'rincisco , W. Gillette , the author and nctor of "The Professor. " wns married in Windsor , Ont. , lapt Thmudry to Misd Helen \VIckles \ , formerly of Uetiolt. And now the liohton gosslp-i have it that D Wilde i * won to wed a New Ktulaml 'ir ) . the daughter of a lidy distlnguiuhcd in litcraty circlen. The people of Hhnronvillc , Ohio , wcro iiirjirised when MtUride , u ed foity , married Mra , Ken er , aged seventy- | , liit not when he dhappearod uitli hei 52,300. Miss Maria O. D nton , a grand-niece of the famous UlinmnH H. 1'enton , WHS mar ried ant week In St , Louis to Benjamin K. Cable , only Mm of P. L. Cable , the Rook Inland millionaire , A westdrn young man , aged eighteen , lias eloped with n mairied woman ( if three-score years , fhlt iiMthotlo cra e for untiqulties is boaiming altogether lee general , nnd threatens to cause trou ble , A Texas man was maided while dying , and tlio fashion journa s , after a lengthy illKCUiislon , have decidtdthat , nlthoughhis widow mint v\ car full mour/jing for thir teen days , etiquette , under the cir < HIM- stances , will permit her to luvo clocks i > n licr stockings , [ Philadelphia Chrcm- kle. frfe'yinnn In a lecture on "How to Uet Married" s id : "JIvery man wunta u wife , and every woman wants a huuband. Hut the great dilllculty i < that the woman the man wants won't have hlin , mi'l ' the man the woman wants wants some other woman , " A demure , diminutive uirl. aged eigh teen , h under arreit in Phliadeljihia for bigamy. She haa throe living husbands , all of whom he has married within two yean , When nnkod why she had done this , she said : "They were nil good fol > lows , and they coaxed me HO , " Among the gifts presented [ to Misa An nie Fuster , dnughtor of Governor Foster , of Ohio , upon the occasion of her marriage last Thursday , was one from Mr * . Gar- field , accompanied by the sentiment , "May yon hi the queen of marriage ft perfect vlfo. " A clergyinin on nskiriR th brldo if he wi.uldlmve this man , wv * stnrtltd t lior rpplylnp. "Xo , sir. I waft Httlo Utc jftt- ting to the church : It wasn't my fault , but he M , ' ( } -d d-m you , if tlili > s Ilia w y jou hcRlo , you'll Ind it to your co t ' " Under clr- when you'ic my wife thojo i umitincw she cancluded the woman I IM his wife. She repented in Iw lo nnd will marry at IcUutc. At n Ktvli'h we Wine > n to tike iilnce ina fiMdnnibln c'litrchin N w Xork the 111 lp maUl MS M c > niNt of siv cherubic littl fiirlf > luiii ni-in pgo fr ° > " * 'x ' tom TC M. Tlioy nre to 1 o attired in clianMnK lookinu Knto Urcennway costumca nnds of poailiell'pink foulard , tilmmedwithUco and natural rosebuds ; wilh brovl Mshci nf iiiuk moire nnd bowitchlng Httlo ( Jileen Mali lioi.ncls of while fhirrcd aurnh , Hod town wilh moire > iik strings , Iho croxvjbc- ing wtcnthrd with tiny nines rotes. J hey nre to entry French gilded hnsketsofhlt \ nnd pink ro en , wherewith they ter the brldo' * path us , unaccompanied , flic walks up the church nislo to the chan cel , where olio Is to meet the rest ol lie lirhUl parly , who have preceded her into the church. A wedding party that arrived from the Poplar Kiv or agency by the utenuicr IJe.l Cloud the other day , attracted considera ble attention. They were two couples and a waiting mulil , nnd nil aboriaines of the purest tj pe. They were on tholr warning tour , nnd of course they wore paintol in all the most gaudy colors known to the toilet bags of the untutored. Upon theirairhal they at once net to work oiccting their bridal chamber down 1 > V the river side where the yellow butter CUDS bloom , where they could listen to the whispering of the great river while enjoying their honey moon The tceno was a novel ono even to old frontiersmen , inasmuch ns it was the first wedding tour over made by Indians in this country , nt least nfter the manner of the whltof , It was n deviation from old Indian ctiitnms. Another fonturo of interest - est connected with the party was that the brides acted much llko the brides of the pale face. There was no dllliculty In de termining the relationship of the young reds. They oven hung on to ouch other s hand- " just like the whites. Bismatk Tribune. PEPPSKMINT DROPS. The Mlsilssippi nefiro will sell his thirt for a first watermelon. Younp mnn , go south. You cm buy young alligators iu Georgia for ten cents apiece. The firm of WooUn , Webb & Co. , Indi nnapolis , failed last week. Cotton , Warp & Woof are raid to bo a Httlo shaky , nlsii. "Everything seems to have como to a stand stiil" remarked a I'eima man as he tied his horse in front of n sour-mash foundry. Sand and dirt may accidentally get mixed with cotton to inureaee its vvelcrht , but beans and liens don't hop lute colfee-sacks without help , A Kansas man nto twenty-one boiled egcs in seven minutes nnd thereby won a bet of 82 , but 82 doesn't go far townrds paying for a funeral. It has been discovered In Franco that electr city will make seed vvino out of hopelessly sour wino. This will seriously affect the vinegar m.irkot. There nre still a | few parsons at largo who will invest thtir money in mining stock in preference to investing in n dot ; nnd shooting the dog. When a St. LouH goat balances himself on the rim of an empty beer keg nnd takes in n whole circus poster nt one meal , the town cannot be entirely devoid of literary tautc. tautc.A A Nashville mm his kept his oyc on ? even different men who u o hair-dyes , and : io has discovered that it makes 'em moan , low-spirited nnd cranky. Three ol the eevcn were in jail in less than n year. A Chattanooga man was looking up a chimney when a bolt of lightning came down and ( tripped the buttons oil his vest. Lightning which can't do better than that should fool around the gables. "Yes this must be the ladies' cabin , " said a , young lady to her friend as they halted at the door of a cabin of n Pulton ferryboat and peeped inrmisilively in. "Why flo you think so ? " doubtlngly asked the other. "O , because there are so many men in it , " was the answer. Brooklyn Kagle. A lady whoso husband was the cham pion snorer of the community iu which .hey resided , confided to a female friend ; he following painful intelligence : * 'My lifo has not been one of unalloyed delight , I have had the measles , the chicken-pox , the cholera , the typhoid fever , and inflam matory rheumatism , but I never knew what roil misfortune was until 1 married u burglar-alarm- " Free of Cost. All persons wishing to test the merits of a greit remedy ono that will positively euro Consumption , Coughs , Colds , Aeth- im > . ] ! ronchitis , or any affection of throat and lungs are requested to call at C. P. Goodman's Drug Store and get a trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption , Fiici : ol' COST , which will show you what a regular dollar-size bolllo will do. A MO0EBN SERMON. Showincr How Much May bo Made of a Simple Text by an Ingenious Proachor. Brethren , the words of my text arc : "Old Mother Hubbard , she went to the cupboard , To got her poor dog a bone ; : iut when she got thuio tht cupboard was bare. And BO the poor dot' had none. " Thcso beautiful words , dear friends , carry with thorn a aolunm leaBon. 1 propose , this evening , to nimlyzo huir iiiuuiniit , ' , aud to atluinpt to up- ily it , lofty aa it may bo , to our uvory-day life. "Old Mother Ifubbord , she went to the cupboard , To get her poor dog a bone. " Mother Hubbard , you tee , was old ; hero being no mention of others , wo i my presume slit ) was alone ; u widow ft friendless , old solitary widow. Vet , did fihu dcnpair ? Did she ait down and weep , or road a uuvol , or wring her liundR ? No ! "wont to the cupboard. " And hero obscrvo that ahotout to the cupboard , She did not hop , or Bkiv , or run , or jump , or use any other peripatetic artifice ; she lololy and merely went to the cup- joartl. Wo have aeon that she was old and kmo'.y , and wo now further ace Hint oho w-tt-j poor. For , mark , the words nro "tho cupboard. " Not "one of the cupboards , " or the "right-hand cupboard , " or the "loft- liad cupboard , " or the ono above , or thu ono below , or Iho one under the atair , but jufit the cupboard. The ono little humble cupboard the poor widow pos'jesai'd. And why did alio go to the cupboard ? Was it to bring forth gulden goblets , or glittoiing precious Htoncs , or costly apparel , or feasts , or any other attributes of wealth ? It waste to get her poor dog a bone ! Not only was the widow poor , but the dog , the solo prop of her ago , was poor too. Wo can imagine the aocret. The poor dog crouching in the corner , looking wistfully lit the solitary cup board , and the widow going to that cupboard in hope , in expectation may be to open it , although wo are not dietinctly told that it was not half or njar , to open it for thai poor IVit when * ho got thcro , the cupboard MM bare , And so the poor dog had n ne. " \Vhonsho got tin re ! " You eec , dear brethren , what perseverance is. ou fteo the beauty of persistence in doini > risht. ; Slio got there. There are nn turnings nnd ttriitingo , no alippings and glidings , no leaning to thu right or fnHurin s to the loft. Wilh uloiious simplicity Wo nro told she got thcro. And how waa her noble ollort re warded' "Tho cupboard was barol" It was bare' Thcro uoro to bo found neither orniifjoi , nor cheesecakes , nor penny buns , nor singer bread , nor crackora , nor nuts , nor lucifer mutches , The cupboard wn * bare ! There was but ono , only ono soli tary cupoard in the whole of that cottage , and that ono the solo hope of the vudpw and the glorious loadstar of the poor do ; , was bare ! Und there been n leg of mutton , n loin of lamb , a fillet of veal , oven nn ice from Gun- tor's , the case would have been other wise. wise.Many Many ol you will probably say with all tliu pride of worldly sophistry , "Tho widow , no doubt , wont out nnd boueht a dog biscuit. " Ah , no1 l < ar removed from these earthly ideas , mundane dcsiroa , poor Mother llnbbard , the wiodw , whom many thoughtless worldlings would despise , in that she only owned ono cupboard , perceived or I might even eay saw at pnco the relentless lopic of the situation , and yielded to it with all the heroism of that nature which had enabled her without deviation to reach the barren cupboard. She did not attempt , like the still'- necked scoffers ot this generation , to war against the inevitable ; she did not tiy , like the so-called men of science , to explain what she did not under stand. She did nothing "Tho poor dog had none ! ' And then , at this point our information ceases. Jut ! do wo not know eullicicnl ? Are wo not cognizant of onoughi Who would dare to pierce the veil that shrouds the ulterior fate of old Mother Hubbard , the poor dog , the cupboard , or thu bono that was not there ? Must wo imagine her still standing at tlio open cupboard door depict to ourselves the dog still drooping hii disappointed tail upon the floor the sought-for bono still remaining somewhere - where else ? Ah ! no , rny dear brethren , wo are not so permitted to attempt to read the future. Suflico it for us to gleam from this beautiful story its many les sons ] suffice it for us to apply them , to study them as far as in in us lies. The London Luncot. The "London Lancet" says : "Many a life has liecn saved by the moial courage of the sufferer , " and ninny a life has been saved by takingSrniNci Cl.ossoil in casoof billions fever Indigestion or liver com plaints. Trice 50 cents , trial bottles 10 cents. jlS'dlw D. M0 WELTY , ( Snccosnor to D. T. Mount. ) Manufacturer and Dealer In Saddlesi Harness , Whips i FANCY HOUSE CLOTHING sV Busters and Tnrf Goods of ALL DESCRIPTIONS. .Agent for Jaa. It. HIM & Co.'a The Best in The World , " OrJera Bollclted. OMAHA , NEB me ly FAST TIME ! In going Hint take tba ijMcap&Nortliwest Trains Icutn Un.aha3:10 : p. m. and 7:10 a , m Hull ln.'oiii r.tlon call on H. P. Dim. TlcJ-el Agent , Htll unil Farnbnm llta. J. KKLL , U. P l.s'lncy ' Depot , or ab JAMKHT. CliAKK , Oenei Ayen ) , Onal. 1il7mi If SYPHILIS inunyetngo Oaturrli , KOZKMA , Old Sores , Pimploa , BOI'LS , or any Sftin se Ouroa When Hot Springe Fail MAVmuf , ARK. , Muy . 1861 Wt , have casci In onr own town who lived at Iiot8liij3 | > , iiid uerafinally unud with B. H. B. ti Muuur. If lfi u uouuc.coiuo to BOO ua auu M.ViLU UUUK YOUH OK char6'o notlilu ? I I Write for nartlcularu and copy of Httlo llaok to the Unfortunate Huffcrlno "l.OMI HowiirU i" bo i.aia to auj i hcraUt who will Ilnd , on anilysla 100 tottlc 3 , S. a. , ono narticlo of Mercury , lodlda 1'otw xlutu or any Mineral substance. BWIFT QPECIFIO CO. Projn , Atl&ott Prlo of Small ilze , f 1.00. Large ( Uo 81.76. Sold by KKNNAtlD fillOa. k CO Uenerallv. DIRECTORY Oi : LEADING WESTERN HOTELS IfOTXLS. PROPRIETORS ARL1NQTOM. 0 , Q. MelNTIRE , Lincoln , Hob. OARATOQA HOTEL , J , 6. STELLINIUS , Mllford , Neb.3 MARSH HOUSE , E. MANS , DROWNSVILLE , N b OOMMEROIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , Stromthiirg Ha HALL HOU3E , A. W. HALL Loultvtlla ' OITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Ulalr , Nob. COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J. O. MEAD , Nellfih , Mob. QRAHn CENTRAL C.ISEYMOUR , NnbraiV.i City , Nab . MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP , WeeplnnWaler.Ne COMMEHOIAL HOUBK A. O. OAARPER , Hardy , Nsb , GREENWOOD MOUSe , W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb COMMEHOIAU HOUSE , E , OTOREY. Clarlnda , IOWA END'S HOTEL , E , L. END , Eromonl , ' , ' ( .b EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. n. HACKNEY , Ashland , fv'eb METROPOLITAN HOTCl , FRANiC LCVELL , Atktnton , tilt. MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. ORUUU , Qjldo Hoed , H b SUMMIT HOUSE , OWAN A DECKER , Creston , In. HOUSTON HOUSE , QEO. OALHH , ExIrA , In. < REYNOLDS HOUSE , 0. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. DURGE8S , Neola , la. OITY HOTEL , Dl A. WILLIAMS Harlan , la. PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. CUMMING8 , Oornlnn , la , NEBRASKA HOTEL , J.IL. AVERY , Gtonton , MERCHANTS HOI EL J. W. DOULWARE , Durllncton Junction , M ) COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Dlanchard , la , PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Shanandoah , la , COMMEROAL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , Dayld Olty , Neb DAQNELL HOUSE , CHA8. DAQNELL , College Spring * , la , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vlllltca , la. JUDKIN8 HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Matvern , la , DALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Qrore , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE D , F. STEARNS , Odebolt , la WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Otceola , Neb , DOUQLA8 HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Clarkt , Neb. BEDFORD HOUSE J. T. QDEEN , Bedford la. ARLINGTON HOUSE , J. M. DLACK & 80N , Marjivlllo Mo NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A. T. POTTER , Norfolk Junction Neb WIN8LOW HOUSE 0. McOARTY , Geward , Nab , AURORA HOUSE M. D. JONES , AuronrNet , CROZIER HOUSE O. R. OROZ'ER , Sidney , N tj. AVOOA EATING HOUSE D. W. ROCKHOLD , AVOCA la , CENTRAL HOUSE LOCKWOOD & 8HATTUOK , Red Oak. FOSTER HOUSE Capt. JOHN FOSTER , Lowlt , la. WHITNEY HOUSE , E. HAYMAKER , Qrliwotd la. TTPT W . AND L"X"y" ncn na Jru Mining and Milling Company. Working Capital' - tSOO.OOJ , C pllaiBiocV , 91,000,000 r r Value ol Shared , 826,009. STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BRAMBL MINING DISTRICT. DR. j. I. THOMAS , President , Cummins , Wyoming. WM E. TIIYTON , Vlco-ProsMcnt , Camming , Wyoming E. N. nARWOOD , KwroUry , Cummins , Wyoming , A. 0. LUNN , Treasurer , Cummins , Wjomln Dr. J. I. Thonuia. Loula Miller W. S. Drnmel. A. O. Dunn. E. N. Ilaiwood. Francis Leavens. Qeo. II. Jb'aloa. Lewis Zolmn. Dr. J. C. Wntkn ! . no2mo5m fiEO. W. KRNDATjTj. Authorized Aorcnt for S lo of Stock- ! ' . TIME TABLE. CARD CHICAUO , BT. PAUL , UIKKBlFOLta AMD OMAHA RAILROAD. LPHVO Omaha Fasaenfcr No. S , 8SO : a. m. Ac- mumUatloa No. 4 , 1:0 tp. tu Airlvo Omaha Pasjcnsrcr No. 1 , l'0 p.m. tc : n. c D Jatlon No. S , 10.M ) a. m. 4 Vine OUAUA HAST OR DODTII 10DTD. 0. , D. fc O. 7tO n. m. 3:10 : p. m. C. & . W. , 7:10 : a. in. 8:40 : p. m. C. , . I. It V. , 70 o. m. 8:10 : p. m. S. . 0. , St. J. i. C. IL.IcavfU at t SO . m. and 7:16 m. Arrhos at S I.Louis at li:30 : at m. and 6:62 : m. ( m.V. , Bt. L. If I' . , leave * nt 8 t. m. and 0:10 : p. Arrives a Bt. Loula nt 0:10 n. m. and 7:80 : ci WIST Oil SOUTUWIMB. U. A M. In Nob. , Through Exiirtu , 8:30 : t. m n. A M. Lincoln Express fl0 : p. n > . U P. OvcI .nd Exprota , Wl& : p. iu. 0. & U. V , ( or Lincoln , 11:15 : a. m. 0. & U V. lor Oecoola , 0 : < 0 a. iu. 0. P freight No. 6 , 6:50 : o. m. 0. 1' ( rd/lit ( No. 0 , 6:20 : a. m. U. I * , freight No. 1 ? , CWp. : ) m. U. P. Irdfjht Ko. 7 , C:10 : p. m. emigrant. w. P. Denver nxprcsa , 7:35 p. in. D. P. libitht No 11. 11M p. m. U. P. Uuivoi frck-ht , flrtS p. ra. nun AND nocnn. 0 B. t Q b:00 : a. m. 7:26 : p m. 0. ft N. W. , l':4B : a. m. 7:26 : p. tn. C. U. I , tr..iili : ! a. in. 0:06 : p. in. II. C. . Bt. Joa It 0 B. , 7BD : a. nfl:16p. : . m rnou Tin wr.i ANP nouiuwui. 0. ft R , V. Irani Lincoln 1:08 : p. la. D. P. 1'atinc I'.rpiiiC ! 3.26 p. in. n < ft M.iu Neb , , TlirnuRh l' proai 1:16 : p a. n. & U , Lincoln r.xprosa 9:16 : a in. U. 1' . Demur oiproi , 7:36 : a. in. U. P. Krclgut No. 14 8tO : P. in. U. P. Ho. 0 6iO : a. tn. Kmigranl U. P. freight No. 11 , 12:1D : p. iu. O. P. No. B fi.CO p. tu. U. P. No. 1'J 1:45 & , ra. U , P. Denver Irclql t , 1:10 : a. in. 0. & It. V , mUo.l . , i. tM p. ra. ituiun itrnstn OMAHA Ana Leave Omar * S 8:00. 0:00 : , 10.00 anJ 11:00 m. ; IX t.OO , t:00 : , 1:00 : and 6:00 : ti. re , Lu > vo Councl , JBluCa at 35 : , 0iD. : 10:2fi : and B n. a. ; 1:26 , 2.M , KU : , tn : and 6:2B : p. m. 3au4\y9 Ibe iliinimy leavcj Oinnti * at P:00 : tnd 11:00 : a. in. ; 2.00 , 4:00 : Mid 6-00 p. m. Lcaroo Jcuncil JMuflu rt v 25 mil lli S h. tn. ; 2:26 : , 1:16 nJ t > ; U p. m , Throagh ami incal jiMMtnijcr trains between 3ii ahn end niulli. Lc&i o Omihu 0:15 : , : ( ' , H:60a. : m.j : 10 , CJ6 : , a * ) p. m. Arrive Jiaihv 7:10. : 11-.H6 , 11:16 : it. m. ; 6:10 : , 7:05 : , 7:19 : , p. in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OponliiK t-na Ctoilnic of Mrllt. I.OUU. OriM. OLOSI. n. m. p. tn. a. m. p. tn. aalcngofcN. W . 11.00 0:00 : 6:80 : 2:40 : QSlcnKO , U I. A , Fu.lflo. 11:00 : tf.OO 6SO 2:10 : ahlccfo , U. & Q . 11:00 : OiOC fcM : X:10 :' . 12:10 : t.EO : io lloux City mill IMIC. ! ! . U:00 : 6CO : 2iO : Jnlcn rr.c'.lb . :00 : 11.40 Jmabft&ll. V . 40 11:40 : 3. A U. In Neb . I'OO B:10 : OniAtikA BlnuxClty. . . . 6.00 7:80 t. &U. Lincoln . 10:30 : C:00 : J. P. Lincoln , HiinJav. . . 1:30 : 1J:00 J. P. Denver R p . 8:00 : f:30 : 1 . Blcnx City & tit. P. . 11:00 : 2:10 : Locil uiMi for Ktito ot Iowa Itivc bnt cuct a lay , vU:0-Onm. : O.'Mcu onut. huudiTS from 12 m. to 1 p. m. TIIOS. J > HALL P M. 1880. SHORTJLINE. 8880 , KANSAS CITY , 3Uoe ft Gimiiial ffln § It TUB Otll.T Direct Line to ST. LOUIS ANUTIIEKABT From Oiunha and the WOHt , All tralua loa\o I ! i M. Hcpot , Omilia : Neb. No tlian/e ij r n bi'twoin Oiualia an 1 rn. anj bat one lictweun OUAUA tirid HKW YORK , Dai ly Passenger Trai na BClOtllKO AUi -J AMD > VKSiTiUN Cl anU U < AU\A OTUKU LJI1KS line IJ uiulppcd with ullroani Pitlaoo tk.i In ? Ceio , falaco 1)1) CcLclct. Ultljr't i'i.ity i'litiorn. . ma Cou | lor , icil tli'j cilDbiatoi V/wtiTKhsueo Alr-bn&e. tH'.U'o tut yoiu t1 < feat trill VIA OlVf , tT. JCSEl'll is COUNCIL loa i , > U lit. Jcocjib tnd tit. Loult. llckoia tor tale tl 11 coupon tiktlouo Iu Sl.i West. J , F. lUllWAUI ) , C. DAWCS , Oca. 8ui > t. , 8t. Jwtph , Mo A1 Osn. I'kM. ml Tlcl-.ct AyV , tit. JoBob , llo. A t > T Batuiu ) , Tlcliil Agent , 1020 Farnhiiu itrecl. W , J.DiVJUirOftT , UoQtr l Agent , OUAIIA/NB FOR CHICAGO , PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORKBOSTON , , And all Poluts Cast nnd > outli-E t. TllHLlNKCOMl'IUSKa Nearly 1,000 miles. Solid Hmooth Steel Tracka All connections nro mivlu In UNION DtPOTS. t him a National Umintatlon oa liulne the Great Through Car Line , iirid la universally concakd to bu the FINEST EQUIPPED Hall- road In the world ( or nil chnai'iiuf tnuel. Try It and you will flnd travcllii ) ; a luxury iietcrul of a ilUcouifort. Throuch Tickets t la rhU Celebrated Line for ealu at oil nlllccH In the Viml. All Information about Itatua of Faro , fileoplng Car AiocmuioJiitloiii , Tltno Tables , Ac. , will be cheerfully glvun by apjil luln ; to T.J. POTTER , Sid Vlcc-l'ro 't & don. lani < crChlcaKO. PERCIVAL LOWELL , den. rah8on , er Au't. Clilca/o , W. J. DAVKNl-OUT , Ucn Airent , Ooiini.ll Illufls. II. P. DUELL , Tkket AKt.0" > "ha. morn cd ly Sionz City a Pacific THE SIOUX OITY ROUTE Uuin a [ lollj Train Through from Oouncil BlutEa to St. Paul Without Oiianua Time , Only 17 Hour * IT Id a. 3JC MILE3 T1IE UHOUTK8 ItOUTK raou OOUNOIIi BLUFFS TO BT , PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULlTf U OK E13WARCU ml ll polnta In Northera Iowa. MlncUvtiaud IHkota. Thin Una la equipped v.lth Uie Improved , Ycij'.lnjbouB9 Automatlo Alr-bnko aud Ulllt I'lalfctui Couiiler and Jluffar : * uJ fur aPKlCI ) . BAFKTV AMD COMOKT 9 unBurniMUi. Pullmvj t'aluco Hlcopluy Car ruu through WITHOUT CHANUK betuoeu Kan anCltyand Bt. Paul , via Council Bluff * anil Sioux City , Trains leave Union PaclCo Transfer at Coun cil llluflu , at 7:86 : p. iu , dally OM anlvnl of Kanutl Lily , lit Josenli and Oouncil BluBd tralu from tbo South. Arriving at Sioux Cily 11:35 p. m. , tj < d at the New Unlou Depot tt Ot. Paul at 12Si : ) uoon. t'tW : n'OlU IN ADVA1.TB OP ANYOTHKH UOU11. jffil'Kcmvnibcr la takin , ; the Slout City Routi youifctalhroush Train. Tuo Hhortwt Line , luu Qulskiut Ilr40 And a Oomfortabla UMr Iu tat i iuouih ; Car ) bt\ OOONtJL IJLt f I'S ANP hi. PAUL. &jru\ \ that > our Uickoti read vU tha "Slsui City uud Pacific llallroad " J.U. V/ATTLKS , J.R. BUOHAMAN auporhiUi cnt. Qou'l Paw. A < ct P , K. AOH1MSON , AaVt Oeii'l Patn. Aji't. , lll ) url Valle > . la. W. E. BAVIO , bouthWMtern/.i.'int , Councl Bluts Iowa ANTI-MONOPOLY LliJACiUE. Illank nioiuuonhlp rolc for the antl-monpoly loasutf , contalulnit utateruuit ot prlncliilo met- hi dj of procedure aud liiktruttlona how to organ ize , will bosout on appluatloii | to Q , U. Oale , Uelroj' , Neb. EnclosH ) Uuip. _ tulfi-U