Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1882, Image 2

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Ficelle luce Is the newest trimming for
Feather f&na and parn > ol are made to
The "Lanctry" bonnet Ji little of crown
and large o ( urim.
Th trim-fitting plaited waist is revived
for summer dresses.
Cotton Sicillcnne Ii n ploisy fabric much
resembling foulard silk.
Gold lace and Isabella roses trim hats
nnd bonnets of dark green straw.
The Kmpress of Auitria buttons her
glove with her hair-pin like the rest of ui.
The Jersey ullk glove of fine qnnlity
riromlics to be the favorite for Mtmtner ie ,
A New Yorker will make diniplo in
your check for 30 cenU , and warrant it to
stand in nny climate for filx weeks ,
Carrackmacross lace Is much iwed upon
fancy round hats of croam-whito straw ,
lso trimmed with white ostrich UM. |
Ono hundred and ten thousand { ismon * .
over twenty thoninnd of them wnmcn aml
girls , tweil the free baths of New \ otk
last week.
Among the rapidly nppcarioRCcccnltici-
ticnin fancy jewelry Is an ornament for
millinery in tne * hape of six liny birds
transfixed on n gilded * pit.
Mies .Tano Chamberlain , of New Yofk ,
now in Kuropc , is declared to bo the most
beautiful American girl who has yet np-
pcarcd at the .Kngllsh court ,
There Is a man in Green Hay who has
taken his wife back three different times
after eho hai eloped with other men. Ho
likes her style ol blicult , probably.
I'atcnt-lcather rrwcU with favor for
ladles' summer shoci because it is cool , ii
not nlfeotlng by moisture at the scatidc ,
and is easily claimed of dust.
It is only the rich who can stay home
and enjoy their lawn dresses , cool verandas
nnd pleasant rooms. The poor mu t gn
away every summer or some one will nay
they haven't any money.
A Wisconsin man bit off the lobe of his
wife's ear. ITu said ho did it in fun , but It
ie suspected that ho had promised her n
et of diamond earrings , and knew no
other way of ( jetting out of hw dilemma.
The ptimitivo palm-leaf fan has suc
cumbed to tlio decorator's art , and is now
colored Bombro green or in dull blue , nnd
ornamented witli icsthctic lilies or the
'gaudy leonine sunflower. "
The flatly folded scurf * worn by gentle
men rro much used by ladies with their
Norfolk jackets nnd tailor-made cheviot
dresses. Those nf foulard or piijue are
most liked for the present ecason.
California pearl-fisneis gathered over
$1,000,000 woi th of the jewon ! last , year ,
nnd yet no ono has heard any iroro women
cry out ' 'Tliank youl" when they roused n
man out of his on the car.
A pair of jeweled gartrrii sold in New
York the other day for $2,000. That's
pretty high. It will take a pretty tail girl
to wear girtew that coma as fy'gh as that.
Intense colors nro limited to the acces-
Korlcs of summer toilets , The droises
themselves nro of the most delicate tints ,
but hats , ribbons gl ivoi andh eiory run
ot the glowing hnt-R which are said to give
character to tlio whole.
Currants and pcaclicx are the friiiti most
used this dcasnn for millinery ornamcntx.
The strawberries , grapes and cherries so
fashionable lost year have disappeared ,
but the fine white hlosxoms of fruit trce
are the caprice of the moment for trim
ming dark straw bonnets ,
Ono of the prettiest ami newest berthax
for the summer Is of violet-tinted mull ,
upon which are appllrjuod
heartsease blossoms ot gold nnd purpla
velvet. The edge nf tlio bertha is bordered
with violet-tinted Spanish lace.
Flower trimmings for elegant evening
dross v.111 bo much employed this summer ,
not nlono , as formerly , for corsage bull-
quolH , nnd far holding up the draperies
hero and there upon a skirt , but aliso for
bordering * tu the bottom of the dress ,
forming n wreath of flowers alone , or
dotted at interval ) amid the feathery
fring-out ruching.
How many young ladies wo dally moot
who are yietty some beautiful who
dress richly and with ta'te , and whoso
manners arc apparently above loproacb ,
until the wabbling of her , mouth' ' reveals
the faot that she is clioiviivr gum. Then
all the charms ulio possessor vanish , and
wo observe only t'io ' rudeness of her habit.
* A New Haven young lady wai startled
on Thursday by information from n stran
ger in the street that her hat wax "all
on fire , " She took off her hat quicker
than she over did before , and found a halo
, had been burned In it twlco as big as a sil
ver dollar. It is supposed that a match
drooped from an upper window caused the
I31ack jetted dresses are among the most
distinguished of thin Benson's toilets. They
may be uiado of grenadine orcr foulard , of
black nun's veiling over tntlu surah , of
satin and Spanish lace , or any mixture of
lace and satin preferred , but tlio materials
must bo light , soft and rich , and the trim- (
mlng lace beaded with small cut jet , or
line , jotted fringe , Uulcsi the jet is of the
finest , it will overweigh the material.
When made of tich material * and with
taste , the cojtmno being black throughout ,
the effect cannot bo uurp.isEC'l. '
A Mcudotn editor's daughter read of the
millionaire * ! ) daughter who received a gift
of $25,000 from her father as the recogni
tion of her ability in the preparation of n
dinner. That day she determined to earn
92dCOO. She didn't know her paternal' . )
financial status , and nh over estimated her
culinary ability ; for when her father sat
down to his ' repast , ho found roast beef ,
done to death nnd unseasoned ; coll'ee.
muddy as the Missouri ; potatoes , mashed
nnjackotud ; and pie , towed , pegged and
' double-soled. She has joined a broom
I' brigade ,
Mrs. Garflold has been elected member
of the board of trustee * of lllrnm cello o ,
in the plnou her husbnnd held for many
The sa'aries of the pnbllchchool tcnchcra 1
of Now lluvon hnyo been regrudcd and la
many catcs raised. The maximum * nla-
rlen of giMinniur mtisterJ have been iixed
at 52.COO.
Colorado College has just hold Its first
commencement , Two young men were
ura'iuated , and President T wiy wan fui-
mully inaugurated ,
The number of students at the Louisiana
State University has doubled during the
pant year , ami tha institution shown im
provement In many wuyu ,
W. S. Ladd , n Portland , Or. , banker , .
has given 820,000 to build u reform school
in that state , nirl ho will pay all expcmsed :
connected with the school.
Two teachers in the I'rovidencp , ] { , J
High School-MUs Agnes K. Williams nnd
MlBu AHco I ) . Mumford took the degree
of A. 1. at lioston Uuivoisity thU week.
The Notional Kindergarten Convention
will be held in Detroit June 21. li'J and 23.
Miss 1'cabody , Miss ] ) low , J. W. Dickiu.
non , secretary of the Massachusetts Hoard
of Kducation , and others will give ml-
The two most iuteffetlng papeis to bs
read at the approaching educational meet *
Ing at Saratoga are , BO fur an now un-
nounced , those by Uen. Francis \Valker
on Industrial education , and by Head ,
master Tctlow , of the ( ilrU1 Latin rchool
"in Doston , on some asp .bU of tha lilfher
education of women , ,
Government ( state ) expenditures for >
education in this country are mentioned ns
amounting at lost accounts to 881,7'Al 2a.
With a Bchool population of 1&.S02.6U2
there in a cchool nttendanco of U.7211,181) .
Germany with her compulsory vyctcm has
a better record. Outrf her school popn.
latioii of 7r > 00.000 , children to the num.
her of 7,200,000 conutautly attend uchoo ) ,
There have been thirty-two students on
the roll of mathematics for the acudemlo
year just closed at John Hopkins uni . '
versity ; twenty of these followed the ad- t
ranced courscR , the others taking collegi
ate courses. The marine laboratoryt
the university , whith is now in operation
at Beaufort , N. 0. , has been doing satis
factory work , and will remain open until
Septeml > cr.
The Maryland Inilltnte schools of art
and design , which last week graduated
eight young men , report the following de
tails of their work for the pist year : In
the day school attending , 190 ; in the night
school , 337 ; total , C27 beiug nn Increase
over last of 75 in the dny nnd SO in the
night school , In the night fchool all are
young men or schoolboys , nnd engaged in
sue1 ] occupations ns cabinet-making , ma
chinery-making , carpenter work , stonecutting -
cutting , painting , pattern-making nnd engraving -
graving , etc.
A circular on ncar-sits'htedne s in schools
issimi by the bureau of education shows
as the result of the examination of about
15,000 school-children that while this
trouble of the eye Is almost or wholly un
known among very children , it
hle.iilly Increases through the older classes
until in the highest cn sci of the highest
institutions It nffccts ns much ns CO per
cent of the pupils , The writer of tbo
ptmphlct cites these two kinds of influ
ences hi the canoes of Injury to the eyes in
the school-ioom : "Under the first nro
ulatscd nil these things which compel the
cyo tn strain itself in order to sco dis
tinctly small letters or objects ; under the
secoi.d , all those which canto n congestion
or rush of blood to the head and eyes. To
the first belong bad ventilation nnd Im
proper light , too email nnd imperfect
type , p lo Ink. many suco-osive hours at
the same kind of work , as in reading ,
writing , sowing , etc , , withrjut change or
rest of the eye , all nor'H of toil causing
the tiso of the cyo until late at night , and
sometimes witli very defective light. To
the second belong not only those things
just enumerated , but nho the construction
and arrangement of fchool decks and
benches , which , in many tchools , make it
next to Impo'siblo for pupils to hold their
bodies in proper portion for nny length of
time. "
The Clown'd Baby.
IIY MAllORET VAXlinilllT. ) :
It was out on tlio western frontier
The miners , rugged mid brown ,
Were gathered around the posters ;
Tha circus hadcomo to town !
The great tent phone in the darlcno's ,
I.ikon wonderful palace of lijht ,
And rough men crowded the ontranca
Shows didn't come every night !
Not n woman's face nruonv them ;
Many n fnco that wni bad ,
Ami some that were only vacant ,
And fomo that were very sad ,
And behind a curtain ,
In a corner of tha nlnce ,
The clown , with elm Ik and vermillion ,
Was "mahltjg up" his f .ice.
A wrarj'-looking woman ,
With n Hinilo that etill wnj swoct ,
Sowed on a little garment ,
With n cradle nfcl r feet ,
1'nntaloons stood ready mm waiting ;
It was time for the going on ,
But , the clown in vain fcareho I wildly ;
The ' property buby'1 wrw gone !
Ho murmured , impatiently hunting ;
"It's strane ; ; that I cannot find
There ! 1'vo lookul in every comer ;
It mint have been left behind1 !
The mlneri ) were nlampiupc nnd shouting ,
They wcro not pnti'.nt men , '
The clown bout over the cradle
" 1 must take you , little Ben ! "
The mother started nnd shivered , !
liut trouble nnd want wcro near ,
She lifted her baby gently ;
'You'll bo very careful , dear ? "
"Careful ? You foolish d.irllns"
How tenderly it was said !
What n smllo shone through the chall : nnd
' 'I love each hnir of his head ! ' '
J'iiu noise rose into nu npronr ,
Misrule for the time was king ;
Iho clown , with n foolish chuckle ,
linked into the rincr ,
Out no , with a tqiionlc and flourish ,
The fiddles closed their tuup ,
"You'll hold him as if ho were made of
glass ? "
Said the clown to the pantaloon.
The jovial follow nodded ,
" 1'vo n couple my.olf , " lib said ; .
"I know how to handle 'om , b'esa ' you !
Old fellow , go nhead ! "
rho fun grow fust and furious ,
And not ono of all the crown
Iind guodsed that the baby wiw nlive ,
Wheii ho suddunly laughed uloud.
3h. that baby'laughcd ! It was echoed
From the benches with ring ,
Vnd the roiighoatcustomcrtljcrosprang up
With : "J3oys , it's the real thing ! "
1'ho ring was jatrmi > d in a minute ,
Not n man that did not nlnvo
I'or "a shot at holding the baby ! "
That baby that was "alive ! " .
He was thronged with kneeling suitors
In the midst of the dust ring , )
Vnd ho hulii his court right royally .
The fair llttlo
1'ill < no of the shouting court iors ,
A man with n bold , hard face ,
1'ho talk for miles of the country
And the terror of the place ,
liaised the little kim ; to his shoulder
And chuckled : "Look at that ! "
An tlio chubby finora ; ; clutched his hair-
Then : "B yF , haud round the hat ! "
There never was such a hateful
Of silver , gold and notes ; I
People are not always peunilens
Because they don't wear coats !
And then , "Three ohoera for the baby ! "
I tell you , thoio choera were meant ;
And the way in which they were given
Was enough to ruiso the tout ,
And then them was n sudden silence ,
And n grulf old miner said :
"CJome , boyp , enough of tliU rumpus !
li'ii time it was put to bed. "
Bo. looking a llttlo sheepish ,
liut with iacej strangely bright ,
The audience , romewhiit llngeringl } ' ,
Flooncd out into the night ,
And tlio hold-laced loader chuckled :
"Ho '
wubn'tubltnfroid !
fu's ns gitim ) oa bo U good-lookiaR
Hey * , that wfti u show that paid ! "
OfhnglUi sneaking people JU.r.'JO.OOO
uo itoiiun Catholics and W.000,000 1'ro.
The I'loabjtetinngeuernl assembly will
jccur at Snr.itosn next yo-ir.
The BnptUts nro uald to bo gaining more
u proportion than any other doiomlna-
.ion in Nuw Ktylimd. i
The Cntholio nrohblshop of Quebec re-
entlv iMiblluhcd u pabtoral prohltitlug tha
nitlifni from attending 1'rotestaut funerals
California has Kovcnty-beven Baptist
ilmrclies , with forty-nix pastors nnd 11,821
nemhen. Ton mimic imnej are otupluyed
ly the associations of tha stnto ,
The pew in .St. John's church at Wash-
ngtou formerly occupied by Madison , nnd
inco then by generations of presidents ,
laibecu taken powesalun of Mr , Arthur ,
Next year the Kplsoopal diocete of Mary.
rnd will celebrate its centennial. A com.
nlttce ro jre cntlng the oldout chmvhoa in
ho dloceso has been appointed to maka the
lecoitary preparations for npptuprlately
lelebrating the event.
Canon Karrar , who preached in West-
uiiutcr abbey a sermon on Darwiu , took
hit appropriate text : "And ho p ko
f trees , from the cedar that u in J De
lation even unto the lijosopthuteprinyuth
int. of thu wall ; ho epuke also of beiiita ,
md of fowl , and of ci coping thug ! , mid if
iihes ,
St , John's ICplseopal church , irnserB-
own , Md , , was consecrated on Juno 7 ,
n Borne renpecta it isuonalderedonoof the )
inest church ImiidiogH in Maryland , The
ornor-btono of the ciiltjce wanlald In 1873 ,
ml the building first occupied lu 1876. (
'ho memorial tower and spire wero'tfrectwl
. co3to ( ujisardof Sl'0,000 by Mr , C. . .
C. Baldwin , of New York , in memory o
his wife , Sallie Kom/xn Baldwin.
Itcv. Dr. li. S , Storrs has just com
plelodthe thlrty-fifth years of his ministry
In the church of the Pilgrims , the oldn
Congregational church in Brooklyn , In
honor of the event he was presented with
$35,000 , being 51,000 for each year of his
The Lutheran ? in the northwest number
400.000 communicants , with 3,000 churches
nnd 1,800 minister * . Of the ministers only
212 preach in Knclish. They have 33 ]
congregations in the 1,800 communicants
There nre five theological seminaries , with
eighteen protestors and 251 students pre
paring for the ministry.
The American Bible society Is under
taking the fourth general supply nf the
Holy Scriptures throughout this country ,
The first was In 1823-30 , the second in
18r , and the third in 18CG. The work now
proposed Is the largest tlinf ; has ever been
attempted for the dl < tribulion of the bible
in nny land , and the society appeals for
liberal contributions of money to pay for
books , transportation and distribution , so
that thiihome supply may not In the longl
cripple its ( ( rowing foreign service. I
A preacher in Tennessee tried to estab
lish n church in which there shout 1 bo no
members who ui ed tobacco or any hover-
ago but water , and his only congregation
was an old woman who chewed slippery-
cltn and believed in catnip tea for
Mnrla Hogcnmoycr , of Brooklyn , left
her three noni So n piece out of $4,00) , be
queathing the residue to the Catholic
church to piy for mrusos for the repose of
her soul. Perhaps it Is the private opinion
of these ton * that the § 3,985 won't go *
very great ways ,
A dispatch from Richmond , Va. , states
thatn colored youth of Unit city has been
struck dumb , and that the pastor of the
church which ho attended eays the visita
tion is n punishment for lying , and that
nil persons who offend in n like manner
will bo simi urly punished. Unless this
minister h wronr , slates will bo at n big
premium soon after the fall campaign be
A wealthy clergyman in Brooklyn re
cently Rave n dinner , with Scriptural bill
of fare , pretty waiter girls in Greek nnd
1 toman costumts , butler in Joseph's coat
of many color * , n "mish-mish , " Hebrew
for hush , of rioj an I apricots , nnd sherbet
of attar of roae , orange juice nnd epicej ,
H ho had only lud Herodlas como In nnd
dance , and Joint the .Baptist's head
brought In on n f-nlvcr , the nffnir would
have been "quite rcchercy "
A Maine grocer who had just "cxpcri ,
enccd religion" acknowledged in meeting
that ho had been a hard sinner , cheated
customers by adulterating 1iis goods , but ,
being converted , would npny nny ono ho
had wronged. L'Uo that night he was
awakened by a ring iiUiiidoir-bell. Look-
imr out , he saw n man. "Who nro you
nnd what do vou want ? " ho asked. "I'm
Bill Jones. You said to-night you would
repay thocO you lud cheated. Give mo
that SlUO you'vo owed me BO long " ' 'Can't
> ou wait till morning ? " "No ; I ain't goins
to wait till then and stand in line nil dny. "
Ho was pnid.
An Austin l.idy , Mrs. Tacitus Murphy ,
is rcgulcr church-goer , but her Juisband.
like any other licit nss , neglects his gospel
privileges. A foxv days ago Tacitus came
homo with soinotuiiig of importance in the
exp cssion of his features. "I read in the
piper this morning that Mra. Bob Inger-
soil had sued for a divorce from her hus
band , " said Tacitus. "On wlmt grounds ? "
"On the ground of infidelity. " "F know
it. I know it all the timo. What's the
name of the other woman ? " "There ain't
any other woman. She merely sues for
divorce bec.-uifi ! ho docs not go to church , "
"Oh , pshaw ! I'm disappointed. "
Mr. J. Marsh , Bank of Toronto , Ont. ,
writes : "Billiotiuness nnd dyspepsia seem
to have prawn np with me ; having been a
sulferer fur year * . I hnvo tiled many rem
edies , but with no lasting result until I
used your Buimocic Bl.ooi ) BITTEIIS , They
have been tmly a blessing tu me , nnd I
cannot speak too highly of them. " Price
81.00 , trial-sizo 10 ccnta. j3-dlw
Abstract and Heal kitatu.
JOKM i. McOAOiE , oppasllo Post OlSce.
W. n. BAnn.KTT 817 Bon h IBth Ktroet.
Rosm 14. Crclgbton
t , t. TiAKOK Jr. . Room 2 , Cio bU i > Clock. Unoo * .
D&riNi : u co. ,
flno Boots aud Uliooj. Aped aosortmtnt
tame work an band , corner 12th and Htrnuy.
(1103. EtUCKSaH , S. K. cur. leth mid DoafU
Ji IClh atrout , manufactures to order good work
0 tfctr prlceo. KenMrln ; ' douo.
Uod Oprln t.
riAKItlMEK Manufacturer. 1517 Dourlastt
Uooku , Flows niici utatlonery.
J. I. FHUEHAUF 1016 Fnrnham Street.
Uutter and tgn * .
Uo-JIIAlIK ft SClIROEDnil , the olJoet B. bud K.
* mta In Ilebnwka establlKlioii 1B76 Omtbk.
MllH. A. UYAN ,
m'.hwo.ik corner ISthand Dodzo.
Beet Board for the Money.
BttefactIoD Quarinieed ,
nil Home ,
board by the Day , Y/tek or Month.
Good Terms for Cub.
FnrnWinrt nnnma Supplied.
liana w < uun .
H.NVUnn , 14Ui and llatuov Streets.
Clothing tiau ht ,
( . HA11HI8 will jwy hlghcstCAPhjirlce foi second
l rt'l rloUiliH' . flornertluth nd Farnliitni.
II TIUUVnOM ) . Un'i ml Uotsl
uwr.iDor uifun tun ocmuni ,
tttVIKK f. lili \ \ oorn rj h mid Omieltt ills.
iroa u. < acm at.
0. A JJJK.
Jntct out nujt ) > epulir ilurcliant 'fallen ts to- )
i l rflnv the litt > jt iluilKM Tor Spring and UUIDWM
Urmia for neotlcmcn a VYCUT. StylliJi. durable ,
mi iirtf/8 iov/1 uvor tlfi IXth liet. Dmg.fcFarn.
iJKO. O. A. 1UNOEU , Wboioulo nd nut ll , r n-
Ucoiu l.i ( frcat \ rlcty , VSsphyrf , Canl lloardi ,
J-'U ry , Qlonft , ConraU' , iVc , Oft poit Honwj In
ihu W > v i. I'urchr cro M\O SO vet Order \
iv MM ) , mri/toenUiKrtiwt. '
flour itnu fued.
J1IAU4 CIXV Ulf.u , , bib kn < l Kls , ,
J. BTBVUNU 2U > bctw
, on Ctuulng and It r
r.A. Mas HANK. Coru. aid mid Oiunloa' Htroi > te.
, Iron > na tlttol ,
OLAN & LANQWOnTHY , WUclesUc. 110 tat
il3 ictuetriob
A. HOLMES corno IMh and Oallfoinla.
Karneto , Qascltc , U.a.
tt. WKlBf M IBth St. lit FMII. & H rnev
ANFISLD HOUbK , Gno. CanfU.Id.Otn & Faroharj
OOKAW UOUSn , P II. Oiry , 918 FanihainSt.
lltAYEN'O HOTEL. K , Blaven , 10th St
l-mihcrn Hotel Om.'llamfl 9th A Lnavonworth
I'alnts * na Ollt.
Flru Vaua Hoojn , Oor. Urn tail
DOIU.MH itrects
. J , WUJVMIOIWB ' , WhcU il9 & RoUll , 16th .
C. riKLD , E02 ? Hatlh Blda Cnrulnj Btrtct ,
PAR } ! . Djujirfrt. It'Ui nd HonmJ fltrootj.
)3. PAUE > YlllUmi jJiocfc Cor. 15tb It Dodge.
urv uoouv ftutioni , fcto. " "
JOH1J H. r , LEliUANN Jl CO. . ' '
uw Totk Diy Good * a , j. imo and 1818 rani.
bun ttrtet.
C. Kuewold ilso boot ) and ihoM A Paclflo ,
WKAUKKABOSB COT. 14thJift ontt
ruruituro ,
i. F. OROE8. New ted Uejsn.l Baud Varaltnre
ad Btovu , illi DcwlM. UlghMt cath prioo
aid for second bio ) roues.
DONNKB 1503 Don/la tt. Fins roodl Ac.
ftrco Work * .
/DI.T , IRIKaCC 1418 Harneyfit. , < mprOT
il Ice Itoiis , Ircc ar.a Wood Fencei , Offln
Pl" an-1 W lnn .
lOth Gt. . brt / r. A KM
utnneld'a Hatont.
lib Pfc rt Vtrn A
Oifcurs knd Tobucoo ,
WEST \ FEII.'icnEfl , manufactmors of Clgr3 ,
and \Vho1enle Dotard n Tobivccos , ISOSDonglat.
ff. P. TXIHENBE * ntnntftMnr ] > r KlrtFtrnham
A. Donr.zhan. til&ntc , catflcwera , aod9 , ooqacU
3. K. W. cor. ICth find Dourlaa ctrecta.
Orccn Hou o 17th tndVelnter itrcct , for
Plantd , nouqiietn , fioacrp , Floral Dftlifin lie.
Cornice Works.
Western Cornice Works , Manufacturer ) Iron
Ctomico , tin , Iron and GUtu Koofilrg , Orders
from any locality promptly executed In the best
manner. Factory and ( Jthcn 1213 Harnoy 3t.
0. Sl'EOIIT , Proprietor.
Iron Uornlcto , Window Cipi , etc. ,
manafacturod nnd put up In any part o ( the
comitrv. T. RIN'IIOI.U 41DThlrtsnn
Oroc ry.
/ . DOUNKFl 150 ! ) DO-JJIM traet. Ooo.I line.
Oonimltslon MorchanU.
JOHN 0. W1L I,1I,11H ! Dodfto Htroel.
D D. BEfaiEIl. Kor dotalls eco larje adverilee.
mcnt In Dntli > and WcekLv
Olvll Engineer * and Ourveyoro.
AHDHKVHOSjWA7iB ; : , Croljhtcn Block ,
Town Qurvoys , ( i ratio and Uowcra < ; o Hjstdu.j a
itml Furnlihlng Qoo' .
OKO. n. rUTKUSOK. Alw Ilr.ts , Capa , Bootn ,
Notions mid Cutlery. fiOl S. 10th street.
Qhow Caxa M nuf ctcrt.i
0. J. WILDK.
Dcflrt tu nil ktmlt of Gtow
Catcrj , Uprl lit CAICS , A - , 1317 t'sun St.
FltANK Ii. UKHIIAKD , Jiropibtor Omdha
Show CMXI manufftctcry , 813 i'-outh ICIh street ,
blltroou Lmvonwtirth tnd Mr.rcy. All
OVOB ( .na uiv/
Dealer In tovcu and , and MaimUr.tnrcr
ol Tin llcofa and all kinds ot UulMlr.K V.'oik ,
Odd Fellows' Block.
J. BONNKR. IMH Donc ! > 8 Si coil and CbeaD.
J. KVAHBV.Tioloraennd : Kctall UeeJ Drllln and
Cultivators Odd Fellow
Piycclr.nand ! ! OurK
W. 0. QIBB3 , M. D. , room No ( , OjclRhton
Block , IBth Street
P. H. LKISENIUNO , U. P. Husaiilo ElocK
0. L. IIAUT , M. D. , Kye and Ear , opp.
Osnllft uml Aurlnt. H. W Uth nnj FarnhMn
alntlnz i.n npor nnclnx.
'TKNRY A. KOSTICK3. 141 OodifO 8tre ; > .
OKO. HEYN , I'KOl' .
Gland Ceutnl Qallcry ,
212 Bliteenlli trtl.
near Masoulc nail. F ! t-cto3 Work ud rrcrnpt-
a aim bie.n i r-'ttmc .
P.V. . TARl'Y & CO . 210 11 at , bet. Ibrahim
and DouglM , Worlipiosnp yattenjcd to.
D. m'ZPATUIUK. . .ougUi Street.
Qhoo ucorc .
Thllllp L n 1170 { . 'nrohftm f f IMn a Uth
UcconJ Mna Utcre.
& LEAR. 141B Douglas St. . Naw and
locond Hand Furniture , Douao Furnishing Qoo Ja ,
cc. . boueht anrl ftn } < ) on narrovr niftrp-l'JR
UnacrtnKor * .
CHAB. BIKWE , 101S Fsmliam ho : . 10th A UW.
00 Qont.Qtorex.
f. 0. BACKUO Farnham g . . Tancv Oocda
n tne Dew brick block on Doiifrlaa RtrooJ , hai
Just opened a most elegant Becl Hall.
Dot Lunvh from 10 to 13
jvory day.
' CalMonU " J fALCONR ! ' . 070 IBlh Btronl.
The feeble and cmaclaten sutfcrlnir from dys-
pcpsu or IndlKOitlon Inanr form , aroadvlscd , f'jr
the sake of their own bodily and mental comfort ,
to try Hosteller's Momacti B'ttcrs. ' Ladles ot
the most dul cato constitution test'to Its harm-
lets and rcitoratUo properties. I'hjslclans
everywhere , distrusted null the adulterated
liquors of commcrco , prescribe It a ] the latest
ninl most reliable of all stomachics.
For.salo by all druggists and dealers generally
al to ml
MAnKr.T1,0.atcatTn/Da ; ,
Kngllsh rein *
oily. Anun.
falling : euro
i for Kemlnal
Weakness ,
B FtRETAKIiO. ? cqucnio ; of A7TER TAfllflO.
Self -Alm-os ns Lotw of Memory , Unhcrgal J. iM-
tudo , I'aln In the Bad : , Jllmnosi of Vision , 1'ro-
OLituroOl.l Ape , and many o'hcr Dl'3 that
lead to Insanity or Con uiuptlcn and ft Pruna-
turo OMVB.
f TFull pirtlculirb In our pamnhlot , which (
wo dcrlro to send frau 1 v null to every one ,
t/JTThe SpociUc McdU'ino Is told by all ilruggl.'tj
tt 51 per jackaRO , or 0 iuclr % jcs for * 5 , or will *
1)0 seat frco by mall on rcsi ptof the nionoy , b >
Buffalo , K. Y.
A Cur Oniirriutoert.
Di. E. 0. Wwn Nerve mil IJrain Trontuient :
bpecifl" for Hyotcrla , Dltzlncsd , Oouvuli > ! oa3 , >
S'vrrous if evlacho , Montil Dfpresclaa , Ian of
ouiory.biiisnnatorrhcm.Iui potency , Involuntary '
Emissions , Premoturo Old AUC , c&u od by ovcr- [
ixortlon , solf-abuktf , vr o > er-lnduljronce. Mhlch
cadi to mliory , decay and death. Quo l > ox v , 111
uro rtcont cases , I'A h box coDtaluuot.u month's
rcatmcnt , Ono dollar a box , or nlxboiesfcr
Iva dollars ; sent by mall prepaid on receipt of
irlce. We guarantee six boxea to cure any case ,
Vlth CAch order received by us for clx boxts , nc.
ompanled with flvo dollars , will send the pur-
hoser our written puiranteo to return the
Qoney If the treatment does not effect a euro.
0. f. Goodman , Oruirjrlut , Solo. Wbolosala and
reful Ajjent. Ouiaha , Neb. Oidi by mall at
Benius fiewarded
on , ' /
Jho Story of the Sowing Uiiue. t/ \ !
A nJiaoie Illtlo rumi'hlct , blue and gclrl
o\o with uumeroud engraving , will bo
error AWAY
! ? ho Singer Manufacturing Po , , ,
'rluclpal Oflloe , 34 Union Square ,
NEW YORK.feblB ' .
feblB diw
If } on sutler from Dj-spcpata , usu
tf jou arc alfllcUd with Biliousness , uao
II jou nro prostrated with clck Headache , take
II your Bonelaaro disordered , rcgulnto them with
If your Blood I ? mptire , purify It with
If you have Indigestion , you will hnd an antidote
II you nro troubled with Sprlnpr Complaints , cr-
adlcato them with I ) till DOCK BLUOD UITTEIIS.
If jour Ucrls torpM , restore It to healthy action
If your Liver Is affected , you will Iind a sura re
If you havcany species ofllmnor or Pimple , fall
not to talto BURDOCK lUGOD BITTKU3.
If you have any symptoms of Ulcers or Scrofulous
Sores , a curatho remedy will bo found In
For Imparting strength and vitality to the sys
tem , nothing can equal
For Nervous and General Debility , tone up the
Price. 01.00 Dei Hotllo ; Trial Bottles 10 Ct *
, , , , Props ,
Sold at wholesale by Isb & McMahon and 0. F.
ioodnmn. Jo 27 cod-ma
ncil by the Ktrnm o !
rnur ilutlos ovoli *
> ! l cfrtlon"or"liMlpoJtluni i 'jimu'a. | .
tied or ilnclf , oW orMS ouritfniiri'iln-
tie rlii-a'.thorKniriil-.iiMliiii OH.H ' > a ol
uc-jc , on HopBjBitturri *
. -s " ' " "
\Hioc cr yonnrc.
.ThMicver jou feel ; : uai.v ; from
that your fjftcia fone ! >
iicc-Ji clcntislnff. toll * rtl t < i that iutilit
Ina or rtlmutatlntt ,
Y , lihoi't Oi loxlcatlnc.
Ton will IPO
. iircijlfjonuec
Mop Bitters
30lLin tea
l"t't CO.
Kotbtrt 1
* T ro..3 , OuV.
Dlseasi U an ifTect , not a caucp. Its ori/In la
within ; Its inatiHostitlona without cnic , to
euro the disojso the CAtbK must bo rVmoml , and
in no other way can a mro cter lu cfTootod.
LIVER CURE is established on Just tms
principle. U rcallzc-9 that
95 Per Cent.
of all discuses ariza from deranged kldncjs and
liver , and It strikes at once at the root of the
dllliculty. The elements of v , hich It Is composed
act directly upon these freat organs , both as a
FOOD nod KHUTORS , and , by placing them In a
healthy , condlticn , drhu disease and iiain from
the 8 } item.
For the Innumerable troub'cs caused by un
healthy Kldnojs , Liver and Urinary Organs ; for
the dibtrcisinjr Dleordcnof Women ; for lla'.ana.
and physical derangements generally , this great
rcm-dy haj no eriual. Dtrara of Impostors. Im.
itatloas and concoctions fluid to be just ns good.
For sale by all dealers.
H. H. WARNER & CO. .
> ° Rochester U. Y.
The Great English Eemody
iNercr falls ts euro
] Ncrvous Debility. VItal -
, tal Exhaustion , Kmls-
4lons , Kemlnal Wcak-
HOOD , an < t all the
eUlclfecls of youth
ful follies and execu
tes. It fetopi pernu
nently all wcakcnliii ; .
Involuntary losj uand
'drains ' upon the BJS-
Umi ,
'itult ' of these ovitnr&c *
tlcec , v.-hlch are so deslruo'lvo to mind anil body
and innku lifo inlxcrablu , oltcii loading to Ineanl-
ly and death. H strengthens the NerVLS.Uraln ,
mcmor > ( Illcod , JlusUta , Dl etiivc and llcpro-
ductlvo Orons , It restores to all the organic
funstlRiis their former vigor and vitality , ma- lifo chcrrful and onjoyablo. I'rico , J3a
hottle , or four times Uo n.uawity flO. Sent by
cxprem. f.ecuro from obsin atlon , to any r.ddrusa.
on receipt of price. No. C. O. J ) . Bout , except
on receipt of $1 as a guxranteo. Letters r. -
Uef tlnu answer * must Inclose stamp.
Dr. Miutie's Dandelion Pills
ire tl ) but and ehcai < Kt dyspepsia and bllllous
re 1 1 the market , cold byalldruggUU. 1'rlco
0 cent * .
Da Mi.vns's KIUXIV Iviuixnr , KErRvrici'ii ,
'uroatll kind of Kidney und bladder coinplalntu ,
ouorrhca , elect and Itucorrhea. For sale by all
uujglsts : ? 1 a bottle.
jiaoiuoat. , bt. Louis , MO.
For Sale In Omaha by
Fo Nervous ufferers
3r , J. D , Simpaon'a Specific
Il t ) u pOitlvocuro | for Kpeimstoirhoa , Semlna
/uaVuKJ. Iuii < iUncy , oud nil dl < K Wi rcsultla/
rju IfrU'AbuM , u Ueutol Anxlccy , Loaai
i-.iMiy , I'llualn . the.Ba' tor Side , a-j.l dlsemiog
* "
tluit lead to
Inwnlty an
MedUi,5 ! It
belnt ; ussd
ai Una to uit WrtUi In total and ere ) full par-
ic.i'.rj , k'l
1'ilee , OntclSf , IH.OO f f picttRS , or tlx ( *
tki for WS.CO. AddrM kll ordgrt to
B , ninaow MEDICUU : oo.
Nfrf. 101 and lud Mbln CL UaflV.o , K. Y.
Sjl'1 _ lii Omaha br 0. F. Ooodnian , J , W. Boll ,
K. Isb , and all drOKjUUcvoryHhere.
i idlw
Storage , Ooininissioji and Iliolesale Fruits ,
Agents for Peek & Bausliers Lard , and Wilbor Mills Flonr
, - - -
Window and Plate Glass.
/tSTAnyono contcmplatlnc bullMlnR storebank , or nnyotltcr fine front , will Ond It to their aJ.
vantaf-o to corns end with ui before purchasing their Plato Glass.
IP. O.
I2IS Farnham St. . Omaha ,
On River Bank , Bet , Farnham and Douglas Sts. ,
Fire and Burglar
> J
1020 Farnham Street ,
na csa
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
P .A. IP IE IB ,
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Jear Union Pacific Depot , , - - OMAHA
W i
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
A. L. STRAWG205 PO I , , st ( ) Omaha