.The Bee. " . Daily . $ QUNCIL BLUFFS. . . i n . . i , Friday Morning Jun * 16 UATES : By Carrier , - - - - - to cent * per wc V. BjrMall , - - - 810 00 per Year. ' . . Office : No. 7 Pearl Street , Now ; Broadway. . O. E.MAYNK , Hansper City Circulation , j'i i H. W. T1LTON , City Editor. H M1NOK MENTIONS. Go to Heizman for bargains. Slicrrnden makes photographs. All kinds of Canned Mcnts ftt Beck Bros. Ch .ice . Wedding Gift * nt Mnurcr & Craig' * . Go to Iletztnnn'ii bcforo buying. The republican primaries meet to morrow evening. TUP : BKS I1 Teas and Coffee * in tlio market at Dock Bros , Ilerznwn will sell store anil dwelling , Sherradcn Is th boss photographer. Yesterday was one of tbo HjjhUnt of the month In the superior court , there be ing hut ono pluln drunk to dlapono of. I'ina line of metis' , boys and Bide naddlw at Sherman's , 121 S Main. Solid Silver anil PlaUd Ware nt $ Mnnrer & Cr lg'i ) . The deaf and dumb institute Ima closed its year and entered on tlio vocation > ! , which will continue until September. Ilerzm.'in IB bound to close out , Joseph licitcr inakea suItaMn the lat est styles at 310 Broadway. Look nt Seaman's line of 73 Cent Cabinet Fi nines. Van Mason , who shot Stilea at the transfer , 1 able to bo up and around , though not fully recovered from the inju ries ho received. llallroad tickets Ixmylit and sold Buebnell , live doors noith of Postofllcc. Can favo inunoy on the tickets. Don't forget to call at the new ice cream parlors of Mrs. J. A. Gray , over COS Broadway. One case of smallpox is reported as being in Sticetvillc , i > nd that it Is being kept quiet. The authorities nt least have not been notified if any such case exists. Joseph lints , of 015 Upper Broadway , Council BluUs , makes the boat butter tubs In the wist , and sells them ntthclowett cash prlco , - New lot i.f Dresden Biequn 1'igurcs nnd Fine Pottery just opened at Maurcr & Craig' * . There was n , slicht row yesterday among .BOIDC of the Inmates of the old Sioux City home , now quarantined. Mayor Bowman has secured a house in the northern part of the city , and to-day the Inmates will bo removed' thither. Such a neet In tlio Central part of the city is too dangerous to bo permitted to run long. David Mottaz , tbo poll tax hunter Htruck a bonanza nt Hatlcnhauer'n car ilage factory yesterday. Ho found there thirteen victims in a heap , and stranger than all , he Hays they all treated him as though ho was n welcome vliitor , and paid up their § 3 a piece without a grumble. Bueinees is too brisk around the factory to ipend much time in discussing poll tax. Some of the circus men hearing that the city council hero propose to raise the license from $75 to 8150 , are wanting to find out if the raise bos been made , Baying that they will not come hero If they have to nay $150. That amount ought not to frighten them. With an ample supply cf water the profit on lemonade could easily be increased to cover the raise. The pestoral relationship between the Presbyterian church and Kov , Dr. CloIanJ has been finally dissolved and the latter , after occupying the pulpit hero lor two more Sundays , will take up his new work In Keokuk. There are many iiuldo nud outside the church who will regret to lose Mr. Clcland from the city. This evening the graduating exercises of the high school take place at the Bloomer tcliool building. There nro ten young ladies In the clasr , they being Yin- mo Koo.sa , Kfio ( Moon , Nellie Clarendon , Nellie Sackctt , Tilllo Outcnrelth , Nellie Jtaln , Molllo V" . Lyuo , Lena Peterson. The absence of tbo boys Indicates that there is a strange luck of appreciation of the educational advantages offered by tbo city schools on their part or that of their parents. Mayor Bowman bos appointed aa special policeman for thirty dayu George lidgar , which will 10 supply the force OH to enable the chief to detail one of the regular f orca to do duty ut the transfer , and look after the alleged ubustH of emigrant * , In accordance with the action of the couucll. The present plan li to use the members ol the regular force at the depot , changing them oil from time to time , and supplying the vacancy by the special policeman , it being deemed best to UBO experienced men at the depot. A Sl'LKNDID OFFER. To reduce our stock wo will soil Wall Paper for the nuxt thirty days t Wholesale Prices. CHOOKWKLL & Co. Having concluded to rotirn from \ \ the coal business , I take thin occasion to thank my friends and patrons for kinduesa heretofore extended to mo A. II , Maynowill succeed me whom I recommend , and to whom ' hope the fiumo good feeling will bo ex tended. J. W. ItoiiKmi , COUNCIL ULUJ'W , Juno 15. OHIOKEUING AHEAD. J. Mueller aaya the trade in th Checkering Piano juatnovv ia immense Lave to wuit fcoin two weeks to on month to got orders filled from tli factory , although they make seventy five per week. Those modal action in the upright ia what does it. OITVT IOE CREAM PAHLOR. A now stock of frouoh Oreatu Can dica just received at the fashlouabl ice cream , fruit and confectioner ; emporium of Smith & McOuon , sue < i ceiors " to ' ' Erb itDutiuotte , futj . * * > \ CITY CONCERNS. A New Ordinance Concerning the Fire Department und the Prevention of Blnzea. All th ° Honno in the City Ordered Nnmborod at Onoo. Other Wnttora Decided Upon by the City Fathors. An adjourned mectinK of the city council was hold Wednesday night at which the mnyor and nil the aldermen except Gouldon wore present. The matter of numbering houses was brought to the attention of the council , and also the fact that n law was passed by the last legislature pro * riding that cities could order houses o bo numbered and when there was n ailuro to comply the city could cm * ploy a person to put the numbers up , charging the expense to the property hus numbered. The council passed i resolution ordering nil owners or onants to BOO that , the proper number vna placed on the building before thu irat of July , orolso-tho name would > o done nt the oxponsu of the prop * arty.Ono Ono of the necessities for prompt action in the matter is the fact that ho poatollico authorities purpose stari ng n free delivery by carriers on the irat of July , but will not do so unless ho city is numbered. A petition was presented for the spoiling nnd extension of Avenue 13 > uth east nnd west. It was oignod by > y J. M. Palmer. J. N. Casady , W. I. Vauphan , W. 0. James nnd others , ioforrod. Alderman Eichor recommended that ho culvert on upper Broadway bo ro- > laced by onp fully twice ns largo ; tlso that the sidewalk on Fourth ave- luo , between Sixteenth and Nino- eenth streets , bo built ; also that a idowalk ehould bo built on Tenth itroet from Main to Bond , nnd that rom Main to Bancroft it be raised ono oot ; also that the committee bo given nprotimo in regard to thoopomngof Eighth avonuo. The reports wi-ro concurred in , and the necessary ordi- aticcs passed. A resolution wan presented to the fleet that in consideration of the do- ntion of § 2,000 by t'ho county to help mild the luveo to protect the city from vorflow iu the northern part of the ity , the city agrocd to hold the county mrinlosu from nil liability for damages which might arise from the levee , 'ho resolution was laid over until the next meeting. City Attorney Wayne called acton- ion to the fact that two suite hud > < ! on brought by rosidunta on Pierce troet for damages caused by ovorllow f -watercnutcd by the filling up of side trcuts. The nldorman from that ward informed the council that there was no just cause for action , nnd the natter dropped. City Engineer Fostovin reported in ho matter of Yaughan avenue that ho committee had settled a line in ccordnnco with the change , required , nnd nt the next mooting would pro- ent a survey , llo also reported that ho bridges across the crook * on the Northwestern railway's right of way wore too low , and hence in the last flood the levee gave way and the water covered considerable property _ near lotitionors. The company should bo iompollcd to raise the bridge. The city attorney was instructed to so no- ify the company. The city engineer also reported the rado on lower Mini street ns com- > letod , nnd on motion of Aid. Shu- ; art ho was instructed to report the lumber of yards of dirt placed in rout of each lot with n view of liuv- in ; the expense assessed to the prop- rty. Attorney Wright , of the 0. B. it Q. , informed the council that thu umpany did not understand what hargos the city desired in regard to ulvurts , but way willing to comply if ho oity engineer would instruct iu detail. The same gentleman nlso called at- ontion to iin excessive assessment of Union Pacific property on the bottom , net desired the city to concur in the action of the county board in reducing bo assessment from $ -10 tot $30 per icro. Referred to the finance com * mittoo and city engineer. The mayor upokp of the condition f the old Sioux Oity house , which is t present under quarantine. Some f the business men had complained , ud desired , the inmates to be removed and the house condemned and taken away. It was suggested that they be aken to nemo cheap house on the bottom , and kept there , and that the old building bo torn down. The whole matter was placed in the may or's ' hundu with the power to net. Marshal Key , Esq. , requested that ho city define the line of streets in Hugh & Donovan's addition , by ) lowing and scraping , at n small ox- > onso. Ho told that there had been pU8 ! of road tax collected from that > roporty and not a cunt spent there ; ot. It was desired that the street bo hus defined to keep the sale of lots and hasten settlement of that part of .he city. Referred to committee on streets , with power to act , Mr. Turloy was hoard concorniim the proposed extension of Blulf street. [ lo refused in tote to donate the land as suggested by the report of the com mittee. The matter was laid over until the next mooting , Aid , Newell presented an ordinance for the reorganization of the tire de partment and the prevention of fires , It provides that the department shall consist of a chief olectodby the coun cil , ono foreman for each company anil not to exceed six men for each engine , three men for each hose company , nnd live men for each pompier company. The foremen nro to bo appointed by the chief and confirmed by the mayor and council , and are liable to be re moved by the chief for cause. Every member of the department must bo nt least 21 years old , must be a citizen and a voter in the city. In case of the absence of the chiol at a fire the foreman lint on ham ahull act as chief. .No , member shall bo allowed to electioneer of poddlb tickets at the poll * . , rl * ! ti. „ i v Ug > x.i. . ill. .1. > * ' * ! * \ H * * * , < No liquor is to bo allowed in 01 nbout the houses. Any membar of the department getting ting drunk or not paying bin bills is liable to discharge. _ A member's religious or political belief shall bo no cause for discharge , Any member is liable to discharge who shall leave the house without per mit or lounge nbout saloons or houses of Hlrrputo. Ko society or organizitfon of fire men shall bo allowed except for be nevolent purposes. No outsiders shall bo allowed to lounge nbout oi'gino houses. It shall bo a misdemeanor for any one to drive across the hose in the streets. A record is to bo kept of all fires , the causes , losses and insurance. The chief shall receive $600 n year , payable quarterly ; the foreman $240 year , payable .quarterly , nnd fifty cents for each hour at a tire , the other members 8120 a year nnd forty cents an hour while at n fire. The otlior provisions of the ordin ance npply to the prevention of fires , rorbiddtng the | ) i sing of stove pipes through roofs , or through mora than ono wooden partition or iloor , nnd hen to pass through a thimble ; no steve to bo pincod within two feet of woodword without a metallic protcc * ion , nnd every .stovo to stand upon zinc ; no ashes to bo deposited except iu A proper and safe receptacle ; 10 combustible material to bo piled up unless protected from falling sparks ; no unprotected candles to bo used in Btnblus , etc. ; no bonfire to bo lighted withiu200 feet of n building without > ermit ; no fire-works to bo used , ex cept by permission from the mnyor and o > i the usual holidays. The ordinance was pasnud to a second end reading , and laid ever until the text meeting. Considerable time waa spent in ex amining the plat of the land adjoin- ng Fnirmount Park , on which the cscrvoir for the water worko is to bo ocatod. The city attorney was in structed to proceed with the condom- mtion of the land for the purpose of ascertaining what it would cost , and an adjournment was taken until such imo aa the committee will bo ready 0 report concerning the levee , when a meeting will bo called. OVER 2,000 copies of sheet mu sic just received nt 140 Broadway , for 1 cents n copy. PERSONAL. II. L. I'altncr , of Milwaukee , WOK hi he city yesterday. W. K. Davis , of the Sioux Oity & Pa cific lias jmt returned from Texas. Sam Chandler and A. 1 * . Stafford , of Sidney , were in the city ycbtorday , and lined at the O-dcn. ; 1) . C. StnrlcR , traveling ngcnt of the Itocheatcr & 1'ittaburg railway , is ia the city , nnd is Btoppinj , ' at tbo Kuvere. Atlantic was represented nt the Pacific louse yesterday by n party consisting of H. O. Vun Vlack and wife , D. Van Vlack , Mrs. Chandler and Mrs. Ticknor. Wo are glad to BOO again the happy face o J. W. Axtoll , of Missouri Valley , the old-timo conductor. Ho la on hU way lomo from .Denver , where he has been far Bomo time for his health. S. 1) . Street , tlia clerk of the courts , received a telegram that his brother , C. I. direct , of San Francisco , had bis leg amputated yesterday , ho having suffered 'rom It for many years , as his friends hero jno\v. The telegram stated that ho bad survived the operation , and was appar ently doing nicely. Short Broatfc , O. liortle , Manchester , N , Y. , was trou bled with at. tli ma for eleven years. Had joen obl'god to tit up sometimes ton or .wclve nights in succcflsinn , Pound inime- liato relief from lr. ) Thomas' L'cleclrio Oil , and is now entirely cured. j3-dlw ABBOTT'S STOCK SHOW. Ono Fellow AccuBed of Running Oil a Horaa and Another of Stoal- InguCulfand Saddle. Yesterday a young fellow named Fred Amy was before Justice Abbott. [ t appears that Amy haa been at work for 0. D. Wilson , a farmer in Junior townnhip , of whom ho bought a horse which ho was to pay for in Work , Wilson , to secure himself , tak ing a mortgage on the horso. Young Amy , it ia charged , ran the horse off and swapped it for another with n man near Missouri Valley. He then wont to Dr. Patten's ' stable in thus city and borrowed a saddle , on the pretense that ho had quit wcrk for Wilson and wanted to ride out there nnd get his clothes. Instead of doing BO ho jumped onto the now horse and [ > ut out tor Bedford , Taylor county , joinn the distance of a hundred _ and twenty miles or so in n little over a day. Ho wont to work there for his brother. The necessary papow were sent to Sheriff Morgon , of that county , who arrested him nud brought him to this city. Amy gave n bill of sale to Wilson for thu horse which ho had traded for , and the ohargo ot obtain ing goods under false pretenses was lodged against him for having token Dr. Patten's saddle , On this charge lie was hold for the action of the grand jury , and not being abloto give the $300 biil required was sent to jail.Mr Mr . Grody , living near the trans fer , had a calf stolen yesterday , and on making inquiries among the meat markets found that it had boon eold to Pace & Schmidt. The follow who sold the stolen calf was hunted up , arrested , and brought before Justice Abbott , llo claimed that ho bought it of some stranger near the transfer , paying S1 for it , and ho sold it for $4.0 * > -just for n sp2culation , His examination was set tor Saturday af ternoon , and not having bail ho was locked up. On his person was found a pawn ticket , and investigation show ed that thu follow * had also stolen n saddle from Pace & Schmidt , thoBnino to whom ho sold the stolen calf , llo had pawned the saddle , and the ticket gave him away. A pocket-book and suspenders were found upon him also , and it is not unlikely that ho took these from the pawnshop , that Doom ing to bo his way of doing busiii a , The Diamond Dyes alwaysdo more than they claim to do. Color over that old dross. It will look' like new. ' " J ' r" Only 10cehti.1' * ( . . ! . 50li l" > * ' ' * - MAW * n < ' - I ' ' < > * " * K" * . TRAPS FOK THIEVES Tbo City PropoHos to Sot Bomo In tbo Second Bncd Stores. There is n probability that the city council will soon take some action toward licensing the second'hand stores. Ono object Is to got a little revenue for the city , but the mam purpose seems to bo to place them under city regulation. It is proposed in connection with this to make the dealers keep a register showing every purchase made , and to have this record at ah times open to the public. It is ia expected that in this way it will be more easy to recover stolen property , and dealers will bo more particular about buying such Such an ordi nance will probably bo prepared and presented to the councilatatiearlyda'o. ' fho license will probably bo low , but : ho pannlty for failing to keep nn ac curate-register will bo heavy. lOWA TEMS. Small fruita in Northwestern Iowa are looking well , despite the cold weather. Cedar Hapids nnd Monticello , CO milea apart , nro connected by tele- mono. The assignee of the li. F. Allen estate began paying the first 10 per cent , dividend on the 10th hut. Thomaa Hunter , of Novinvillo , waa drowned in Shanghai creek on the Oth while attempting to ford the stream. A child in DCS Moines fell from thn bird story > 7iudow , lodged on n sign irojecting from the second floor , and ucaped with a few slight bruises. The pigeons killed at the state tour nament were sold to a Chicago res- taurantor for ono dollar n dozen. The original cost of the birds were $2 40 a dozen. Near Commerce the other day n 14- rear-old girl was outraged by three ramps , who loft her lying insensible by the aide of the road , while they mndo good their escape. A powder magazine near Davenport was atrucR by lightning recently and , ho explosion that occurred blow the juilding into fragments. Windows eight miles distant were broken. No ono waa hurt. Abraham Hill , of Moumouth , Jack son county , while seining in the Wap- sio river at Oxford Junction , got into deep water and waa drowned. Ho re cently came from Ohio , whore his pa rents reside. The pisscnger train on the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul TVIIS ditched near Canton on the night of the Oth Inat. , caused on account of a bud wash out. The express messenger liad n leg broken in two places , and several passengers received slight injuries. Benedict Xeigler , of Clinton , a few evenings since , went to the cemetery and kneeling on the t'ravo of his wifu put a pistol ball through bin head , lit ; was ulivo when found , but died the next morning. Ilia ugo was 54. llo had boon very despondent over the death of Ma wife , and brooding over her loss unsettled his reason. A PECK OF TROUBLE. Wolnut'j Sensation Endod. Correspondence of the Beo. WALNUT , Ia. , Juno IS. The case of the state of Iowa vs. John and Charlie Peck , charged with injuring a schoolmate to such nn extent that death ensusd , came to nil abrupt ter mination to-day. The case has been before Mayor Craig for the last ten days , and this forenoon the defense brought in n witness who testified that lia separated throe boya who were lighting upon the snmo day , nt the same hour and upon the identical spot , whore a former witness claimed bo have recognized tho'dofendant Peck boys engaged in a scuffle ; it was a clour ease of mistaken identity. The med ical evidence also tended to show that death waa caused by n disease of tbo urinary organs , producing gangrene , the epota of which resembled blows and bruises. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special odvortlncmentd , euc as [ xwt , Found , To Lain , For Bale , To llout , Wants , Boarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In thli column at the law rate ot TEN CENTS PKH LIKE ( or the flrut Insertion and FIVB CE.NTH PER LINE ( or each eubaoquont Insertion , [ icavo ndv ortlncmcnts at our office , No. 7 frarl Street , near 1)roadway , Wanta. ( lood g\rl \ for general lieu work WANTKD at Ueo oillce. maylOtl Kteryhody In Council BluSa tote WANTED Till linn. 20 centa per week , do llvered by carrion , Olllco , No 7 L'earl Httoot nc.tr Broadway. To buy 100 tool broom com WANTED * add row Council Ululti Broom Kactoty. Council Illnflii. lowo. (16a-29t ( > For Bnlo and Rent CI : counters ( or Halo at Scaaian'u. _ . HBNr. i'a'itoFarikfdiiiro. ' or UI ecll POK whclu on tony tt'rnvi linciulro at UHK oillce. ' _ _ j-U Ot B'llICK KOll SALi-l : liaie on hand ono kiln of M good LtlcV as can be had In tbo city. I'artlu ? dunrni ; a gocd trtlcle vlll find It 10 their advantage to call at my ntldence. on Lincoln aii'nuo , oriddre B llobert Tlndale , llox fill. Council lliuil , lo . _ junoMrn * lilOH HAI.i : Two now hycicMi at a bargain. Jj K It. htelnhllbcr , at new furniture factory ou Bo\fUth uumii. . Lcxt | o C , is K. W. It K. _ _ _ a-m TT1011 BALK-Blitet muelc worlh 35 centa to Jj SI. 00 for 6 rent * a iopy , * nd over 10,000 other useful articles , kt Sal tli & Kverelt'tOrvat Fhe and Ten-Cent fatoro. No , HO lire d > , ay , Council llluflj. lm . _ njqyiO-tf litOll Kh.Ni I'urt or whole ol nlco residence , J1 or will eel ) on cajy terms. Apply at Hoj nillco. _ _ | _ ma)2-tl SAM : Hemtifii ! roatdcnra loin , 800 FOK ; nothing doun. and Opcr ontli only , uy tX-UAVOrtVAUUHAN , aplS-t ( Miscellaneous. MONEi To l'nn nt ( rom 0 to 10 per iMtl. In- by OUILL ; & DAY J u < ULl.KKY 'ilUmcd ' nml Hie iJ bM gillirf luCcuiioll IllultJ. Uratd now uc-obsory kceneiy to arrlt tblj week. Call and sou. 100 Main atrrct. Dll. W. L. 1'ATrON-l'hyBlclan and Oculist. Can euro any cue o ( tore eye * . It U only a matter of time , and can euro generally In ( roui thrcu tc ( lie \\tcks-lt wake * no differ ence how long diseased , Will straighten crwa eyes , operate and remove rtyrfirtnu * , etc. , and InsertartlBcfal eye * . Special attention to re ino > elngttde erie . ap5-U hVONt ; WANTING lonietiu'quality broom corn aeed can tct It br writing la " ' P.T. UAYNBouncUJllufl * lira SAVED ON EVERY DOLLAR nr UUYINO YOUR GROCERIES AT THK Boston Tea Go's ' Store , 16 Main Bt , and 16 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , TRY IT AND lake MAIN STREET LIVERY , FEED AND ' SALE STABLE. All Shippers and Travelers will find peed accommodation and roaaonablo charges. SOUTH MAIN STREET , OPPOSITE CRYSTAL MILL , Council Bluffs , - - Iowa. HOLLAND H MILLER , Proprietors. F7I Sell More Groceries , Sell Better Groceries , Sell Groceries Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE CITY. LOOK AT TBEIR PRICES ON A FEW LINES. 11 lb\traC siunrfor . $1 00 10 ll > StandanliA snpir. . , . . . . 100 H Hi Granulated m < far . 1 o > 71bKo. 1 Koastcd i lo colluee . 1 < 0 TlhNolOrvcn hiocolue . 1 00 1 Hi Hest Hoisted O < . Ja\a coltcc . : 1 ll > Best Hoaxed JJoeln . : (0 ( 1 Ib Jli.ha.f , t'a\a mid half Itio . 23 1 liOm < hi tied I rlcl Uccf . " 3 ! 1 lh earn California Kiuts . : ! } Choice Talilo i utt rj crib . 15 York Stito Gallon Atn 14 . . . SB 3 1) Can 1 cl ow IViches . / ? n ( Mb Can ' lo t'cnclici . 25 2 II ) Oi i Star riot-he s . 15 3 In I'an Miry lest Sweet Com . 20 Best brands fprlnj ; Wheat ( lour per sack. . . 3 75 lilhltarsGllletts s. ap . 1 00 18 ll > liars Klrk'u White Hu Iili Sonp . 1 00 lloycl'.s hums wr Ib . . 15 Ilojd's lircakfns' , Baron per Ib . . 10 i 'r clda Community Fru tH per jar . 76 Gordon & Dlllttorth'sPresmc'i . (15 And Everything Else in Stock Proportionally Cheap. Don't Buy An ? Groceries Until You Have Seen Us. Terms Cash. F. J. OSBDBNE & 00. COUNCIL BLUFFS MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY OCUco and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Wo giro special attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces , HOISTERS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK will receive prompt attention. A general as sortment of Brass Goods , Belting , Pining , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Fig Iron , ( Mo , Coal , OHAS. HENDBIE , _ President. Rubber Hose , Iron and Lead Pipe , Iron and Brass Fittings and Trimmings , at Bixby & Wood's , THE PLUMBERS. On Bancroft or ( Fonrth Streets. ) J. M. PALMEK , DEALER IN REAL ESTATE ANO LOAN AGENT , COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. Drs : Woodbury & Son , Cor. Pearl & lit Avo. COUNCIL HLUFFB. MAURER & CRAIG , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rich Cut Olaaa , Fine French Chlnti , Silver Wuro &c. , 310 BBOAPWAT. . COUNCIL 11LUFF8. IOWA. MRS , fl. J. HILTON , M/D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , 222 Hroadwav , Council Blaili. W. 8. AUENT. JACOD SIMS AMENT & Sir/18 / , Attorneys & OounsoUora-at-Law , OOU OII * BI.XJFF8. IOWA * . . . HARKKESS , ORGUTT & CO. , DRY AFD CARPET HOUSE. Broadway , Cor , Fourth Street , , Council Bluffs , Iowa. rnar-Z-Pm J. MUELLER'S I mean business and no blowing. Having recently contracted for 600 IM : Oigacs and over 200 rianos for the sea son , to bo sold at Bargains for Cash , and on tuiio Agents wanted. OorreFpondenoo solicited , I a J. MUELLER , Ic IE COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. F. F. FORD Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00 Bluff'and Willow Streets , Council Bluffs. Mirrors , Upholstery , Eepairing , Etc , , Wood and Metallic Coffins. Ko. 436 Broadway. Cor. Bryant St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. UNION BAKERY , 517 SOUTH m\H \ STREET. THE BEST BREAD IN THE CITY Nemo but first-class Bakers employed. Broad , Cake , Pica , &c. , delivered to any part of the city. Our Wagons run all day. P. AYRES , Proprietor. METCALF BROS. , WHOLESALE DEALERS _ IN \ Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves * OHIOACO PRICES DUPLICATED. REAL ESTATE AGENT , Has For Sale , Town Loth , Improved nnd Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands , and a number ol Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Office with W. S. MAYNE , over Savings Bank , - COUVOIL BLUPS Few Styles Just deceived. 11 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. C. A. BEKBB , W. RUNVAN , W. BEKBB C. A. BEEBE & CO. , Wholesale and Itctall Dealers In FURNITURE AND CROCKERY , Nos. 207 & .209 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Mrs , J , E , letcalfe and Iiss Belle Lewis Arc now dealing In all'klnde of fancy goods , eiich as Laces , Embroideries , Ladles' Undciwe * of all descriptions. AleolJandkcrchlefs , both In silk and linen , boso ol all Klodn , thread , pins , needles , 11 : . . Wo fcopo lha Uulea will call Mid neo our stock of goods at 39 Broadway before KO IK cUowhere. B. J , DAVIS , 13 PEARL STREET , Dealer In ZEPHYRS , GERMANTOWN AND FANCY YARNS of All Hindu. A Fall Line of Canvcs , Folti , Embroidery , Knitting SUlin and Stnmnoil Goods. Nloo Ayaortnont of A mli yo Ploturnn 412 BKOADWAYiCOUNCIL , BLUFFS IOWA And HM8WgQVmCLARINCA : IOWA , *