THE DA1LA BEE OMAHA FRIDAY , JUNE 16 , 1882. t > FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL Krw YOBK , Jnn 16 , VONET. Money closed at 2j per cent. Kxclmngo closed Grin nt 4 8 @ 4 ' .M. UOVBRNHm1 HONUa Clofixl firm. Currency G'a.t < . . . . .129 4 conitons . . . . 120J 4J'/i / coupons . , . 1141 o1 * onutinueil . 101 1 tf continued . oa BONDS. 1'ncific railroad bonds closed ns follows : TJntonlsts . 11S1@119 Union Lnnd Grants . 113 } bid Union Sinking Fund * . 120 © 1'Jl Contrala . 117 © 117J STOCK ? . The ttock market waa notlvo but Irrcgiilnr ; at tha oiicnlnj ; tlura wan n weak fe ling and n dolne ! ot i to J per cent. , bnt au atlvo uiul buoyant tot.o soon set In , and prlcoj bc nn to advance , the quotation ! titter nnon showing n rue of 4 to 2i' per tent , from the lowcet point , led by Iho Now Jerrey Central , Louisville & Niuhvllle , Lake Shore , Delaware , Lackawnnna & Wealern and EcnvcrA ; Km Gr.mle. After 1 o'clock there was ituother perloJ uf wenkneis and partial reaction , bub It wan fully recover- cd later. In the airly part of the day prices \rere again at thn h'ghcxt point of to-day. In the final dealings , however , A palt of the adrauco was lost , and the market cluaed steady with quotations generally higher than cm yest rday. The following were the doling bids : 8TATB BONDS. Un'.l but firm. 01 I'JAQO MOKRT. CUICAGO , Juno 15. 1'reston , Kcin & Co. , bankers , report : Gold mi callineons demand for money , Im1 ; lent uudor iullueace of liberal supply , leading dii > ( oatit lioinoa take all A 1 paper presented at 5@7 per cent. EM'.OIII eitchnugo between city banks tG7oc premium per Sl.OuO. Clearings to-day 0,300,0 0. UN1TKU HIATES BOND8. 4' Coupons 4i'u Couii'-ni ' BA'B Exteuded BV itAILWAY IONIH. 0. B. & Q. 51. . 10 * C. , B. & y. D > nver 4'd . 8. SJ 81 J C. M. & St. P. Dubuque O's. . . .HMJ@103l WabahBV . 78jo ( ) 7f § C &N. W. sinking fund5' * . . . . Dflf ® 09J COMMBRCIAli Omaaa 'Wliolegala Mortet- Orrios OF THE OMAHA BBE I Wednei-duy Evening , June 15. I The unly changes reported in tha market to-day are as follow.- : Wheat No. 2 declined Ic ; No. 3 de fined lo. Bailey Declined lo. Corn Declined Ic. Indian standard A cotton declined ic. Wax betuia Lave declined , celling ut V 1 60@2 CO. \ Onions huvo declined , selling at 1 50@ 300.Old Old pototoea are out of the market. New potatoes ore selling at 1 00 per bushel. Local Grain Dealing ! WHEAT. Cash No. 2 , 1.131 ; ca h No. 3 , Oic : rejected , Wio. No. 2 , 87c ; No. , HYE. CoBh , 55. . ! . CORN.-Cash No. 2 , 55c. OATS.-Cauh , 40o. STREET PlllOb 3-Corn , CKg63 ( ; oate , Troduce and Provldons. POTATOES-Old. out of mnrVet. Home grown out uf market ; new , 51.00 , p ( r liwhel. BEANS -Wax , l.BO@2 0 J per bus. box ; fctring. I.EO@2 25. ON1ONS-51 50@2 00 per box ; new iome grown , per doz buncliOH. 15@20o. It AUISHES Home grown , 16odoe. PIK PLANT -Per pound , Ic. ASPARAGUS - Per doz0@tOc. ! LETTUCK-Per dot lioad , 40@60o. NEW TWMATOES-Prr tox.,81.60. BUTTER Choice country , 13@15c. KUOS-lCo. MEATS -Ham * , 15f > ; breakfast bacon , 15o ; clenr bucou , 13Jc ; uhoulderf , Oc ; dritd 'beef. IGo FLOUR -JOBBING PRICE Bent Miniiemtn patuutn , 4 70 ; Jack Float , 4 7n ; Hliuwnce fancy , 3 76j Culil'nrnia ' "Pioneer,1 3 75 ; Trinn pi ) , npriii ( , ' , 3 26 ; rye fl , ur J 2V rje , ( jinlisui , ' 60 ; wheat ( iraliam 8 23 ; hay. 0 CC@U 0 per Ion ; baled , 10 ( ( I .chopped feed , 1 CO , chopped corn , 1 DO I run , 1 (0 | cr cwt ; btrnw , 4 OJ per ton ICOM > ; 5 00 baled.Qrocora' Qrocora' Lint. COKKJ15. liio , litir , lie ; Rio , good "c ; Rio. prime to choice , 12&u ; Old gov'l Jdvu ; 2itf28ic ( , aiocha , 28Jc ; ArbutkloV , Hie. Hie.TEAS TEAS , ( lun-.owiler , good , V'ouug Hywin , , tOc ; choice , ( iftcrVr/gl / 0(1 ; .lujmn Nut Leaf , tficj Japan , choice , CU@1f > c ; Oolung , ijoixi , t&teW ; OoloiiK , cho.coWaf : > 5 ; [ loucliong , to.l. SfiCa > 4i\c \ : clmlce. .Hfi < l 45o. NEW PIOKLE8 Medium , In bnrrolH , 3000 ; do in half bbU , 6 25 ; imialla , In bbK 12 00 do , in half bbla , 7 CO ; ghurkina , in bl , 14 00 ; do , in half bbla , 7 50 , VINEGAR Pure apple extra , lUc : pure apple , 13c ; PrusHincr nuro annle , IGo. HUUARB-Cut loaf , lie ; Urunhed , lie ; Granulated , lOjc ; Powdered , 11 ; Fine powdered , lie ; btandard Coffee A. flfo ; New Vork Confectioner's Standard X 10o : Good A , Oloi Pralrip Extra O , 9o. llOPK-Sisal , i inch and larger , 9o ; iinch , lOc. ' CHEEHE Full Cream , 18oj Part Bklm , 11 Jc. WOODENWARE Two hoop pallf , 1 95 ; hrtx ) hoop paila , 2 20 ! No , 1 tubi pioneer wtxhlxianis , 1 85 Double Cruwn , 190 ; Well bucket , SCO. LEAH Bar , 81 65. DRIED FRUlTS-Choloo halves , po.iclu * , 7c : Bait Lake lie ; vai > orated 60 Ib boxes , ISJo ; Michigan , 7c ; New Yorkapplea , 7c ; Prunes , old , CJe ; new , Sic ; Currants , ( Jj7c ( ; Blackberrlea , new , HOMINY New , S5 00 per bbL BODA. Dwiaht'a Ibpspors , 2 85 | De- nd do , $2 85 ; Church' * , f 2 85 ; Keg . BKANS Imported German $3 7fi per tiQ&heL , T , CANDLES BOXM , 40 UM. 16 oz , 84 M4ojboi 40 It * . , 16oa.,6 ,16in , OANNKD GOODS-Oysters , 2 Ib ( Field'a ) , nor CMO , $4 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) , tier case , 2 60s do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case , 3 GO ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , per case , 2 20j do 2 Ib ( slack ) , i > er CASO , 2 76 ; do 1 Ib ( slack ) , per case , 2 00. Onions , 3 80. Salmon , 1 80@ , Dip or dorcn.l 00 ; do 2 ft , per dozen 2 65@2 65. Sardine * , small Feh , Imported , one nnarter boxes per box , Mic ; American , juarter boxes rer box , lie ; do half boxes , Mr box , 21Jc. Lobsters , 1 Ib per dozen , 180. TonmtooR , 230 ; do 8 Ib per caso. 290 ; Corn , 2 Ib ( Mountain ) per case , 3 10 ; soaked corn , 210 ; do 2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per CA , S15 ; string beans , per case , 2 10 ; Lima beana tier case , 1 85 , Succotash ] > cr caso. 2 00. Pea's common , per case , 2 00 ; peas , choice , per case , 3 15. Blackberries , 2 u > , per case , 240 ; strawberries , 2 11 , per case , 2 30 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 3 00fn315. } Damsons , 2 ft , per case , 2 15. Kartlett pears per case , 8 00 ® 1 TO. Whortleberries tier case,240. Kgg plum ,2 Hi percie,3 30 ; Grocn gages,2 tb per case , S 30 ; do choice , * : tb j cr cnse,4 50. Pine Apples , 2 Hi , per case , 4 00@5 75. Peaches , 2 Ib per case. 3 10 : do 3 Ib. case , 4 50@5 00 ; do , ( pie ) , 8 Ib , per case.V 75 ; do pie , 6 Ib , per dozen , 3 50. RIOE-Carolina , 7feGo ; LouMwift , 7 @ 8c ; fair , C@6J. SJYlJUl'b. durar house , bbls 55o Shall bio , 57c ; ke ? , 4J gallons , $2 50 ; cholco inbla syrup , 53c ; half bills , 53c ! kegs , 82 50. 8TAUUH. I'earl , 4ie : Silver Gloss , 8J 38jc ; Corn Starch , 8j@9c ; Kxcelsior Uloss. 7c ; Corn. 74c. SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , I 85 ; Ash- ton , in sacks , 3 50 ; bbla dairy 60 , 6 * , 3 45 ; bblsdairv. 100. 3s. 305. SPICKS. Pepiier , 19 ; Allspice , 19c ; Cloves , 40c ; Nutmees , SI 0025cCas3ia ; , Mace M 00. MATCHES Per caddie , OOc ; round cases , $7.05 ; square cases , $5.10 SO APS Kirk's Savun Imperial , 330 ; Kirk's uatlm 30 ; Kirk's standard. 3 05 ; Kirk'u whi Russian , 500 : Kirk's Entoca , 20 Kirk'a Prahlo Queen , (100 ( cakea ) , 0 ; Klrk'a magnolia , 4 20. LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 840 : Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis' lye. 4 CO ; Jewell lye , 276. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. , In case , 3 3. > ; Babbitt's liall , 2 doz. in wise , 1 90 ; Anchor liall 2 dnz In case , 1 50. TIELD SEED Hcd clover , cholco now , C 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover new , 87 00 ; white clover , now. $14 00 U nlfa clover , new , 912 50 ; aleiko , now , 51300. Timothy , good , now , S3 00 ; blue grass , extra clean , $1 50 ; blue crass , clean , Cl 25 ; orchard grass , $2 50 : rod top , choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri , SOc ; millet , German , 8100 to $125 ; Hungarian. SOc. HEDOE8EKD Osage orange , 1 to 5 bushels , ? 5 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushels or iver , 9-1 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 85c ; per 100 fen. , 525 00. FIS jt Family white fish , 90 Ib hf hbU , 5'2."i ; A'o , 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls. 7 00 ; No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits. 110 ; family 10 Ib kits , 85c ; New Holland herring , per keg , _ 1 35 ; Russian sardines. 75c : Colum bia river Halinou , per lOOlba , 8 00 ; Gooiy' ' Bank codfish , Cc ; Gen. bonelosa code.- , 9ic ; boncleas fish , ojc. MACKEREL Half bbls mcwimackorel , 100 Iba , 51250 ; hf bbl No. 1 ct shore do , 100 Ibs , 8 CO ; hf bbla , fut family do , 100 Ibs , G 03 ; mesa mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 ; No. 1 ox shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore , 12 Ib do. 1 00 : fat fnmilv , 10 Ib do 75c. PEANUTS Roasted , choicu , rod Tennessee - nessee , 1'cperlb ; foney white , lOio porlb ; ra'v white Virginia raw , lOc ; roosted , I2ic. Dry Goods. BHOWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 8Jc ; Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boott FF , 84c ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7o ; Cabot W , 7c ; Chittenango A , (5r ( ! Ureat Falls K , 8Jc ; Hoosier , CJc ; llonett Width , 73c ; In dian Head A , Sjcj Imliun Standanl A , fjo ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8jc ; Lawrence LL , 7c ; Mystic Kivcr , 7ic : Peiiuot A , BJc ; Shawrnut LL , . 7c ; Utica C , 5ic ; Wachus- etCB , 74c ; do A , 8Jc ; do E 48 , 12 ; Wal- cott BB. 8ic. FINE BKOWN COTTONS Allendale 4-4 : 74c ; Alligator 3-4 , So ; Argyle 4-4 , 7Sc ; Atlantic LL , Cu ; Badger State X 4-4 , 7c ; Bennington C 4-4 , CJc ; Buckeye S. 44 , GJco Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 840 ; I aconia O 39 , 8Ac ; Lehigh E 4-4 , OJc ; Lonadalo 4-4 , lOc ; 1'eppereU N 30 , 7c ; do O 32 , 7ic ; do K 30 , 7c ; do E 39 , 840 ; Pocassst 0 4-4 , 7ic ; Wamsutta4-4 13c BLEACHED COTTONS Androscog gin L 4-4,9Ac ; Blackatone A A in perial 8Jc ; do do half bleached 4-4,9c ; Cabot 4-4,89 ; Fidelity4-4 , 94cVrult ; of theLoom.10 ; do can.bric4 ,13cdoWnterTwi8t,104cGreat ; ; FalUQ , lOJc ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12c : Lonsdale. lOc ; do cambric 37 , 12Jc ; New York Millx , 12o ; Pwiuot A , lOc ; Pepperell N G Twills , 124c ; Pocahontaa 44 , 94c ; Pocaaset 4-4 , 81c ; Utica , lie ; Wainautta O X X , 12ic. ULiUKU ( Colored ) Albany E brown , 8c ; do 0 , ilrab. lit ; do XA. stripea and plaids , 12Jc ; do XXX brown and drab , stripes and plaids , 124c ; Arlington fancy , 19c ; Brunswick brown , 84c ; Chariot fancy , 124c ; do extra heavy , We ; Fall River brown , extra heavy , ll c ; Indiana A brown JSNeuonaet A brown. lOc. TlUJVJXSua rtniobUcag , A ( J A 82 174c ; do XX blue 32 , IBjc ; Arrowacra 9Jc ; Clarcmont B B. 15Jc : Coneatoga ex tra , 17Jc ; Hamilton D , llo Lewiatou A 30 , 15c ; Minnelmha 4-4 , 20c ; Omega super 4-4 28c Pearl River 32 Putnam extra - , ; , ICjc ; nam XX blue Btripo , 12c ; Shetucket S "lie : do SS 12c ; Yeotnaa'a blue 29 , 840 DENIMS. Amoakealc , blue find bro mi IGic ; Amlover DD blue , 154c ; Arling X blue Scotch , 184c ; Concord OOO , blue aw brown , 12 c ; do AAA , do do 134 ; do XXto do do 144c ; llaymaker'a blue and brown , 9Jc ; Mv-Btio River DD atripe , ICjc ; Pearl River , blue and brown , 15 0 ; Uncaaville , blue and brown. K < Jc. CAMBRICS Barnard , 5io ; Eddyatone lining , 24 inch double face , 840 ; Gamer A glazed , 5o ; Manhattan glove finish , CJc ; Newport do Go ; do glazed , 5Jc ; Pequot do 5c ; liockwood kid finish , Go. CORSET JEANS Amory , 8c ; Andros coggin Bat teen , 8Jc ; Clarendcn , Cjc : Cones toga aatteena , 7lc ; Hallowel , 8c ; Indi i Oroqord 7io ; Narr ganaettimprovedc Pepperill eattoon 91n ; Rockport , 79a PRINTS - Aliens , C4c ; American , Cjc ; Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , 4jc ; Cochoco , 7c ; Coneatn a. CJcj Dunkirk , 4jc ; Dunnell , CJ@7c ; Eddystone. 7c ; Gloucester , Cc ; Harmony , 6"4c ; Knickorliocker , 040 ; Mer- rimac D , 7c ; Myatic , 5Jc ; Sir.ifiiea , Cc ; Southbndge , Cc ; do. Glnghuma , Jo ; Marl , born , 5Sc ; Oriental G4c , liINGHAMS ArawkeaR , lOJc ; Amos- ! tei ? ilrei-s 12J' Artryle , lOjo ; Atlantic , ! ) c ; Cumberland , 74c ; Highland , 8Jc ; Ketiihiorth , 84c ; Plun kett , 104c ; Su - eox. Kc. CtrrTONADES A bbervllle 13Jo Agate , We ; American , lie ; Artiiian , 20u ; Cairo D and T , 13Jo ; Clarion D und T , I74cj DeccanCo.HtripeaDandT , ICc ; ICey- stone , l4c ! ! ; Nantucket , 19c ; Ndiipareil , ICc ; Ocean 1) and T , 134o ; Roypl , 1CJ i Suasox , 12o ; Ti'a. 12U1 ; Wachu > .eit shirt- ln < { 5heckn. 12Jc ; Jo , Nunkin , 124c ; York , plain Nankin , l-'Jo ; ilo , checks , atripeu and fancy. 12 c ; do , 8 nz , 2lo. ( SllEKTlNGS Andwscogzin 10-4,27 c ! do U-l , 24c ; do 8-4. 22c ; Continental "C 42 , Ho ; Fruit of the lj < > oiii 10-1 , 274 ; New York mills 98 , 35c ; do 78 , SOc ; do 58 , 224c ; Pembroke 10-4 , 25cj Pequot 10-4 , 28c ; do 7-4 , 19c ; do 49 , lOc ; Pepperell 30 , 29o ; do C7 , 21o ; do 57 , 18rf Utioa 90 , B5c ; do 58 , 22io ; do 48,17o Olgara and TODOCCOI. CIGARS. Seeds , $15.00 ; Connecticut , 825.00 ; Mixed , $35.00 ; Seed Havana $50.00 : ClearHavana , $75.00. TOBACCO - PLUG. Golden Rnle , 24 Ib , GOo ; Our Rope , firat quality , G2o ; Star , pounds , at Ib , butts.GOo ; Horse Shoe , pounds , 24 Ib , butts , COc ; Gilt Edge , pounds , 2t Ib , butts , CO ; Army and Navy , pounds , 55c ; Bulliontxmnde , 59c ; Ix > rfl- lard'e Climax , pounds , COc. FINE CUT-In palls. Hard to Boat , 75c ; Golden Threml , 70c ; Fountain , 80u ; Favorite , C5c ; Rocky Mountain , COc ; Fancy , B5c ; Daisy , 60c. In tin foil Catlina O. B. , E Ib boxes , pur Ib G3c ; Lori- Ulanl'g TiKer , 65c ; Diamond Crown , Gflo. SMOKING All gradea Common , 25 to 83c. Granulated Blackwella Durham , 16 ot 51o ; Dukei Durham , 16 oz , 50o ; Seal of North Carolina , 18 or , 46 ; Seal of Nebraa- ka , 10 oz , 880 ; Lone Jack. 4 oz , linen bags perlb , $1.85 ; MarbuiW Puck , 2 or tin oil , 660 ; Dog Tall. 05o. PalnU Olla nd VftrnlihM. PAINTS IN OUWhlU iMd , , Omth * v.tv6c ; 'wyu.'lead.'Vnre ' , 6flj Mir. grwn , 1 to 6 Ib catu , 20o French xlne , jnwn seal. 12c ; French ilno , rod Heal , He ; French tine. In varnish aatt , 20c : French tincf , in oil Met , Ific ; Raw nd burnt umber , 1 Ib can * 12c ; raw and burnt Siennn , 13a : Vandyke brown , 13. ; refined lampblack. 12c | coach black , lcc ; l ory block , ICc ; drop black , ICc ; Prussian blue , SOc ; nltramarine blue , 18c ; chrome green , L. M. & D. , 14c ; blind anil shutter green , L. M. k I ) . , 14cj Paris green. 18c ; Indian red , 15c : Venetian red , 9e ; Tuscan drt , , 22c ; American Vermilimt , I. A P. , 18o ; chromo yellow , L. , M. , O. & D O. , 18c : yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , IQ ; patent ilryer , 6c ; graining colors i light oak , dark oa c , walnut , cbettuut and o h 12o. Dry ° alntt Whlto lead , 6Jc ; French jinc.10c ; Paris whiteing 2Jc ; whiting pildern , IJc ; VN biting com'l , lie ; lampblack German- town. 14c ; Inmpblnck , ordinary , 8c ; Pnui- niftn bltip , 45c ; ultramarines 18c ; vandyke , brown , 8c ( umbcr1mrnl , 4c ; umlxsr , raw , tc ; lcnna , burn t , 4c ; slennn , raw , 4c Paris green genuine , 2 c ; Paris grccu com'l Oo ; chrome green , N , Y.1 20c ; chmm- grven K. , 12c ; vennilllon , Eng. , 70c ; vermillion - million , America , 16c ; Indian rod. lOc , rene pink , 14c ; Venetian rojwl , COOKHOU'S 'Wet Venetian rod Am. , ISc ; roi lead , 7Jc ; chroii.o yellow , genuine , 20o : chrome yel low , 1C , , 12c ; ochre , rochcllo , 3c ; ochre , French , 2Jc ; ochre , American , 2,3 ; Winter's mineral. 24c ; lehlgli brown. 2Jc : spnnish brown , 24c ; Prince's mlnoral 3c ; OILS 110 * carbon , twr gallon , 11 0(160 ( hottdlight , per gallon , 12c ; 175 * per gallon , IGJc ; electr in , per gallon , 19c ; linseed , raw , per gallon , 7 ; llnnced , Imile'l , tier gallon , ( > 0c ; lard , winter st 'd , per itnl- Ion , 90 ; No. 1 , 70c ; No. 2 , COc ; castor , XXX. p r gallon , I 2"i ; No. 3 , 1 15 ; sweet , gallon. 85c ; spo in , W. B. , per gallon , nr 5 ; fish , W. B , per gallon , COo ; neatsfoot , extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , C. > c ; lubri cating , zero , per gallon , 30c ! tmtnmer , I5c ; coiden mocldne , INO. 1 , per gnllon , 3'c ; No. 2 , SO : sperm , signal , per gallon , 80c : tcr- pentiuo , per gallon , 75c ; iinptlia , 74 , pet gallon , i'Oc ; 61 * . 18c VARNISHES Barrels per gallon. Furniture , extra , $1 10 ; fmnituro , No. 1 , 81 ; furniture , U , 85c ; coach , extra , $1 40 : Coach , No. I , 81 20 ; Damar , 81 50 ; Jaiian. 70c ; osphaltum , 70c ; shellac , 8350 : n nl oil finish. 31 30 Draft , DRU S AND CHEMICAL Aclil Carbolic , 50c ; Acid , Tartaric , We ; Balxam Copabla , per Ib , 70o ; Bark , SuttHafras , pot Ib , 14u ; Calomel , per Ib , 75c ; Ciuchonldiit , per ox , $1 05 ; Chloroform , per Ib. 1 00 Dover's powders , per Ib , $1 10 ; KiHrii | lalts , per Ib. SJo ; Glycerine , pure , pur Ib , 38c ; I cad , Acetate , per Ib , 2 to ; Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per al , ° 1 16 ; Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , $1 00 ; Oil , Olive , per tal. 81 50 ; ( Ml , Origanum. 50i Opium , 8-1 50 : Oulnine P. & W. k II. & S. , per oz , $2 10 ; Potu > ium , Iodide , pur 11 61 75 ; Salacm , per or , lOc ; Sulphatu ( J Morphine , iteroz , $3 85 ; Sulpnur Hour , per Ib , 4c ; Htrrnhuino. nor oz , 31 35 Heavy Hardware List. Iron , rates , 3 40 ; plow steel , sni-cia ! cast , 7c ; crucible , 8c ; t-pecial iirGerman , ( ' > c ; cast tool do. 1D@20 wagon npokBa , set. 2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per set , 1 25 ; follows , aweo dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@8F > c ; axlus , each , 75c ; miuare nuta , per 11 % 7@Ue ; wanhorsj per Ib. 8@18c ; rivets , per Ib , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , ( l@12c ; malleable , 8c : iron wedges , Go ; crowbars , Cc ; liuimw teeth , 4c : nnrsonhoe , per keg , 5 00 : sprinr steul. 7@8c ; Ktmlen's horsothoes , 5 f.O , Burden's muloahnes , G CO. SHOT. Shot , 81. ft ; Buck nhot , S2.10 : Oriental Powder , kegs. S6.40 : Jo. , halt kegs , $3.48 ; do. , mmrter kegs , ? 1.8S ; IHast- imr. kees. $3.85 : Fuse , oer 100 feet 50o. BAhflED WIISK In car lotn,8 3'l pei 100 ; in loss than car lots. 8 55 uer 10J , Leather. Oak sole , 38c to 42c ; hemlock sue , 28c t > 35c ; hoTiiiock kip. 80c to 100 ; runmr , C5c to SOc ; hemlock c lf , S.'ic t'i 120 ; hem lock upiirr , 23c to 20o ; oa't u- per , 24c : alligator , 4 00 to 6 50 ; e.ilf kid , 32@3 : > c ; Greioen kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , Wlc tn 1 00 ; oak c.ilf , 1 ' 0 to 1 3i ; French kip , 1 10 to 1 55 ; F ench cilf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; m- setts , C 50 to 7 50 ; linings , 0 00 to 10 50 : topnings , 9 CO to 10 50 ; U L , Morocco , 30c to 35c ; pebble 0. D. Morocco , 35c ; simon. 2 TO to 3 00. HARNESS-NO i star oak , 420 ; NO 2 do , 39o ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 38i ; No. 2 do , 35c ; No. 1 Milwaukee 37c ; ND. 2 do , 34c. Honei and Mulet. The market U brisk and all grades are gelling well at ilteht' advance in p icex. The demand for good horses exceeds the supply conaidoraoly. Prices range as fol lows : Fine single drivers , 8150. to 300. ; Extra draft horses , 8175. to 22.1. ; Common drait horses , $100. to 150. : Extra farm horses , $110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horses 890. to 8100. ; Extra plug. : , $00. to 75. ; Common plugs , 820. to $40. MULES. 15 to 15J hands ( extra ) , $125. to 150 , ; 144 to 15 hands , 8100. to 110. ; 14 to 144 hands , 875. to 100. ; 184 to 14 bends , 8CO. to 75LI LI uor . ALCOHOL 187 proof , 2 26 per wine gallon ; extra California spirit ) , 187 proof , 1 20 per proof gallon ; triple re tilled spirits , 187 proof , 1 21 per proof gallon ; ro-diutilled wtiekies , 1 00@1 5U ; fine blended , 1 50 ® 2 50 ; Kentucky bourbona , 200@7 00 ; K , a- tuckv and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 tO@7 00 BRANDIES Imported , # 6 00@10 00 ; domeutic 1 404 00. GINS la.wrted , 4 50@6 00 ; domestic. 1 40@3 00. RUMS Imported , 4 60 6 00 ; Now England. 2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 60@8 50 PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY 1 75@4 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported per case , 2tOO@3i 0Am3rlHJ ; , case , 1200 $ ; 1600. CLARETS Per case , 4 60@10 00 WINES Rhine wine , per case , G OOQr. 20 00 ; Catawba , per case , 4 00@7 00. Lumber. WHOLESALK. We quote' lumtier , atn and shingles on : arj at Omaha at the following prices ; JOIST AND SCANTLIN0 ft. and under , 821 DO ; 18 ft. , 822 00. TIMBKRS 10 ft. an.lunder . _ , 822 00. TrMRKHAND JOIST 18 ft. , 823 ' 1C ft . 824 CC , 22 ft. , 827 50 ; 21 ft , 827 50. * KNOING-No. 1 , 4 ac-J 6 In. , 22 00 ; No. 2. $20110. SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common boiinU ) * 18 50 ; No. 2 , ? 17 00. STOCIC1 BOARDS.-12-ln. D , 823 00 ; l--in. O. 835 00 ; 12-ln. B , $10 00. PAPER Straw pajier , 8Jc ; rag paper , to ; dry goods paper , 7c ; manila papur , lOc ; news inper. 8s COAl -Cumborlimd blacksmith , 812 ; Morris Run Blossburg , $12 ; Whitohreuat lump , 8C 0 ; Whltflbreast nut , $0 50 ; .Iow& lump , SO 50 ; Iowa nut ? 050 ; Rock Spring $8 ; Anthracite , nil NZE , fil 2 10(5)12 * ( ) 50. NAILS-Raten , 10 to 00 1 , CO. UMK J'er barrel , 81 15 ; bulk po OIIH- 35o Cement , bbl , 81 75. Iowa planter , bbl , 82 00 , Hair per bu. S5c. ' Tarnci felt 100 11)3 , 83 00. Straw board , S3 CO. Wool. Merino unwashed , light , 14@16o ; henvy.c @iai5c ; medium unwaali od , light , 18 ( 20 waehod , choice , 32c ; fair , SOc ; tub-ding and w. , 28o ; hurry , blackand cottod wodi 2@0c less Hldei F-uri , Etc. HIDES Uroon butcher's hide , dfffu cured 7ic ; hides , green salt , part cured 7o hides , lijc ; dry flint , sound. 13@14c ; dry calf and kip , 12@14c ; dry salt hides , sound , 10@llc ; green calf. wt. 8 to 15 Hw. . lOTaillo ; green calf , wt , under 8 Ibu , per wkin.'SOo ; green j > elt , 50@81 25 ; green lamb skins , $1 25@1 DO : damaged hides , two-third rate , cut scored and one grub , classed two- tLirds rate , ) branded hides 10 per eent , off. Coon skins , No. 1 , 45o ; No. 2 , 30c ; No. 3 , 20 , ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , 50o ; No. 2 30o ; No. 3 , 15c ; No. 4 , 5o. Fox , NO. 1 COc ; No. 2,250. Skunk , No. 1 , black , 65c > short stripe , 40c : narrow Btripo 25c ; broad Btripo , lOc. Tallow Co. . Chicago troaaon. CiiiOAao , June 1G , Flour Dull ttml unchanged. Wheat. Spring ; No. ? , 1 31 for canh ; 1 OCC H I for JUIIB ; 75S/78o ( / for rejected ; No. 2 wheat weaker , dosing at 1 15i for July ; IOCS for August ; 1 02 ] for September - ber ; 1 02 J for the year Corn KIrm , closing atG9Jo for ca h and June ; 70So for Julyi 694fe59o for the year ; 71 4@72o for high mixed ; C8lo for rejected. OaU-Qaleti 60o for cub ; 49Jo for June ; 44io for July. Rye Higher ; C9o for ca h No. 2 ; (0a ( for July. Barley -Nominal Pork Me < Itroxu'ar ' , clo 'n ' ? at 20 S > 0@ 20 75 for ci h and June ; 2J 0i'3) ) < 0 70 for July ; 2 90 for August. Iiinl i\cttv4 an I lowr at It 4Jrd ) 1115 for each and June ; 11 15 fur July and Au n t. B c u- Shirt rib * eo y end lower nt at 11 -1'J 00 for cash ; 11 < : ( , ) r , tune and Ju y. Btitur Steady ; clio'ce tn f inry cream * ery , 23@25o : fMr t pimd , i ! > ffi2ir ! choice to line dairies , 19 )20. ) ' ; filr In iood. Ufal'8' ' . KM Kw > ier at 174 ® 18c for fre.ih. Wlii-ky 1 lit. Kec'ts. Hhlpm'U ' Wheat . 8 C7 i 148 Com . , . . IS.i.a.'O . 301 , l',0 Oats . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3il'J ' 113,019 Council BlnCs Mnrknt. COONOII. Btorrs , , lnn0 15. Flour Crystal Mills Gnldm Sticai , 8 ( X ) ; California Kureka , patent , 3 8"j best bimi'l of 1C tn iwi , 4 00 o < 4 Ui ; KRIHAI and MlNsoiiri Hour 8 M4 ) 2'ii grnhatii , : i 76 ; r > o tlour , R40. Corn M > 1 While , 1 70 per hundred ; ycllnw , 1 50 per hundrol , Bran and atiort 20 IKI per ton Chop Corn 0 1 0 | > cr ton. Wheat No. 2 , 1 15. Cum iffici Oat * No. 2 , 53o. Rye 7fi . Harloy-KOi Br .om Corn-31(39j. ( Hay Loose , 'J WAS 10 00 ; baled , 75 per b iltt. iltt.Wood Wood G 00@7 00. Wool lli@25. Butter Creamery , 20o ; In mils , wrap- iHxl , 15c ; rolls nov wrapped , 12 : ; mlxod , 10@12ic. OutiiiM 1 75. I.lve Chickoiip 3 CO perdnrcn. Ptitatoes Scarc > ' ; old at 1 Go ; new at 2 2i. LIVE HTO K. - CattleKxtrn. . < 50 ® 550. VBU ! C hos-tl IKI. JloriK-700@ 760. Snoep-575. St. juoam JfroUnco. Sr. Limn .rune 15. Flnr Dull and lower ; XXX , 470 ® I ; fntnU ) . 5 20 © " ) 30 ; cli iu ) to fuucy , 5 9isC ( CO. Wliojt Clo-ed Inwpr nt 1 2IJ © ! i'46 for cihli NIL ' led : ' wy f'r .luue ; 10i"Ar < r I 03 f T July ; 1 01J for th- > e r. Corn Ltiwir ; 74@7-'i for cash ; 71c for June ; 7 o fur Jim ; fiPgolor the M > ar. -L'iwer5l@50icurcash ' ; ; 4C5ufor .fuh ; 53\o \ fur A'lymt , Ry Dull t CJc bi I. Barlei Dull at htlft l 01. L-nd Sti-aly at 4 C'J. Butter Unchanged. \Vliisky-Q.iiutatl 15. Pork -Ndinlnal. * LiidN niiiuil. B c iu E itiltii ; HhiiuMi1 . U 75 ; short libs , 13\.0 ; iliurt clrar , Ui7i : Now Vork Pruauuf- NKW VOIIK .Time 15. Flour Dull and b < av5@10j lower ; S.mtlioru II nir imchiiiD'el , Wheat Uu-tttltd , dill and Inwt r ; No. 2 re I. 1 . < 7@L 39 ; Nu. 1 , 1 4lj ( ) l 45 ; N'o. L while , 1 3lgtl 3i : No. 1 ! n-.i .luiii' , 1 4Uo : ( } 145J ; July , 11.78 ® ! . 29 C'ini-Diill anil wo k ; ungraded mix- oil , 7i".J''i77i ' ; No. 2 , 77J : N < > . 2 aiixed , lulv , J72&i78J ; Augnnt , TflaTJ . Oats On h lnts q livt it. . > i linn : nntiont . .wer . : No. 1 white , C Jc ; No 2 C.'J(3li3c ( : mixed went rn , 58 ( < tOi.c ; No. 2 auxul , .June , 58i'c : July , f.5 , Ryu Steady uud fair demand ; Canada. i ( Jc. llurloy Dull. P.irk Dull and uncban ) > o1. L rd Dull at 11 72J torc hand June. Wnisky Nominal. Petroleum Unchanged. Clnolxuiati Proaaoo. CINCINNATI. Juno 15. Mess Pork Firm at 21 25@2l 50. Lard Piiiuu oteaui u minul ut 11 50 © 11 R5. BvonnClear sides at l.t 20@13 25. Flour Shade tinner. \ Vlie..tN. . . . 2 red , 1 82@l 35. Com- Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , 7Gia. n fair demand ; Nu. 2 mixed , Rye-Firmer ; No 2 , . < 3j asked. Barley Dull n 7. " > 4o. Whiaky Steady mi I in fair demand. . i Ghtcuco Litva fttooli. OHIOAQO , Juno 15. The Drover's Jou-niu ie | > ort-i : Hogs Market dull mi I prices lower ; mixed , 7 30 ( > 7 D3 ; bu n'.v , 8 00aS 50 ; li ht , 73fl@SOO Receipt * LM.OiO. Oitttle LHWJ ; hii > | iing cattle , 5 GO'S ) 8 50 ; mixed > utoliuru * atock , 4 > ( S)7 75 ; Ttx 3 2"St ( G2J ht > ioknr.s uud leuJtrj ins , ) ; , . . . . . . . O < * rti I * T" . 1 > . * K Al\fl 3COfal 75. Reu i.t | < . 5,41)0. Sheep-Woakei ; 325(0,1 ( C2J. Recoiptj , 2,300. Pnoria Proilaou. I'KOHIA. June 15. Corn Firm ; 724@7- for higb uiixetl ; Active und firm ; 5253c for No. 2 whita. R > e Firm ; C8.c } for No. 2. East Liberty .Live Stook , EAMiLiBieuTr , Pa. , Juno 15. Cattle Slow. Receipts , 2,913 ; ehlp- ments , 1,347. HoKri Active. ReceiptH , GOO ; Hhlpments , 1,000 ; rhllad < lhiiw , 8 2" © 8 & \urkuia ; , 7 70fe)7 ) 90. Sheep Slow and unchanged. Receipts , 3,000 ; uhlpiucntx , 2,10. Philaaeluiila Prodaoe. l'nii.AiKi.FiiiA ) , Juno 15 , I'Usier ot 1 40 j © I 40J fur c , h and June. Corn Loner at SI 0830 for caih. Oata-K iniur at GK&Ulo ! for OM\\ \ \ COS 3 for Juno. Rye Quiet at 83o. Baltlmora UALTDJOIIK , .lime 1 * > . Flour-Du.I. \Vliuut Southern , nomlnul ; fultz , 1 . " 'I © 138 ; louifbero , 1 . ' 15 1 41 ; No 2 n-il winter ttea y ut 1 C ) [ fur cauh uml Juno. Corn Wliito Koiithorn steady at Our ; yellow 8ouJy ut bU . . Jjlvorpuul Produoo , I iviciirooL. June 15. Flour American , 10aiil2ri ( ) liil. Wlieut-Winter , ! > i IM&IO * 3J ; white , 9a7di,9i9il ( ! ; BjiriiiK , ' . ' Coni-lij. P. rk 87HCd. Lard 69. ) . ToledoProduce- 'I'oLtuu. June Ib. Whe t-Dull ; 1 34 lor No. a ch ; 1 29 } ftr June ; 1 14g for July ; 1 07i fur the yujir. Cora Dull ; 73Jo for No. 2 ca-h ; 73s for June and July ; 59 o for thu year. Petroluum CLEVELAND. O , , Juno 15. Potrolfcum Unchanged ; standard white , 110 U t , OJc. Buffalo Live Stock. KAHT HurrALO , June 15. Ho Dull : rtc ipt * , S-i c tri > ; i-hiiuneut" , 31 cars ; gw d Yurkera , U 25 8 40. Turpentine Market WIUIINOTOH , N. 0. , June'15. Rosin Dull ; btralmd at 1 55 ; good , 1 GO , Spirits-Firm t 421 hi 1. Tar Wanted at 1 90 bid. Naw York Dry Good * . New VToiiK , Juno 15. The general market continue * quiet , ai far M uealinga first band are couc'jrnd , lint I bore h s Iw en a further Jmprovempnt in he demand for certain fabrics adapted to fall trade , the Imt > onHn ! < advance in west bound frclftht having cauird some Isrgflr interior jubbora to make more fliipmtnti. OAI T F r money vJf\L I m , we Mil p prooiptlr tv rail nt tlio lo r t pm ll , | ( > civih prlpoo li wen-rrn lioln . Jj-iii-lin TV1.KK SALTCO. , f-ntln\w ; ! fit j , Mich THE BOARD OF REGENTS. A Busy Afternoon. Llnco'n Journal , June IF. Tliu li.mrtt ot rritonts met ycatordny nftrrnoon nt 2 p. in. Present , a full board. Minutoa rtud mid npprovcd. ChniicoUor'd report anil report of tloAii of rujriculturnl cullugo rccjived and roforrcd t- proper commit cm. Tliu cornmitUo on couruG of study re ported recommending the adoption of the thruo turm Bysnin propotod by faculty ntul niitlionzd Inoulty to insti tute afternoon recitations , nrr.uigcd MI as to favor the free election cJ studies in various -p.trtinonta. . Adopted. The nutter of film's up room in bnaumont for "Huapitrinn Studont" und uxpunso of cists tor tnuiuum were ruforrcd to the fmiuicu committee. Tlu > following roaulution wna ndnplod , HuHolvcd , That the tioaity thanka of this bourd nre hvroby tendorud to Hon. J.unra Monroe for hin very able address delivered on Tuerday uveniiiK , itnd that a copy of this resolution bu prcniMittd by the aucruUry to thnt gentlumixn. Report of profeaaor of didncticn ro- ceivi-d ntid filid. The linanco commitlco reported that they had uxinniiiod evcrotitry's report und found same correct. Uoport adopted. The fiuanco cotntnittoo reported iu favor of allowing sundry bills oggro- gating the sum of $1UO. Adopted. The fnmnco committee reported that they had rxutnined the atntt > - niunt of Limit. Webster , and thnt the unexpended balaucj in hm linnds of $4.u2 bu placed in the hands of the secretary for the purchase of postage stnnipi and stationery. Adopted. Tno uuivuruity ixiid library committee - tee reported luring uXHiainod the re port of the librarian and favoring vho U30 of additional room for reading room and the appropriation for assiat- ant librarian. Report adopted. I'ho following resolution was adopted. Whereas , 1 iout. L T. Webster , who hua boon lusociutod with thu titculty of Una university for the past three jenrd an professor of military sciaiico and tactica , uuring which time by hm energy , fauhtutnusn and able nianugtimont oE luu department ho hue arou icd thu enthusiasm of the students in the study of tautica and in the Bomuwhat unp ipular duties and drill of cadita , aim giatilied the patronc and friends of thu institution ; and Whereas , By his high clmractor , strict integrity and gentlemanly do portiuent ho is posaoseou of our CBtuun und cunfidenue ; therefore lleaolvtd , TJuit we moat hcartil ] recommeud him to any position in UK service of the government that hi may uspiru to , contidont in his ability to discharge any duties that may bt entrusted to him. Unsolved , That the secretary bo in structed to place thoao resolutioua upon the records of the board and present a copy of the earno to Lieut. L. T. Webster. Tlie flnanco committee rep trted that the sum ot $700 , or BO much of the same as maybe ueo'saary , bo appro priated for the purchase of coal ami fuel for the university and the aecro' tury bo instructed to purchuto same. Adopted. Thu university and library commit tee reported favoring the purchase ci Prot. Colliur'a chemical uppurutus and reciimmonding an uppropriutiun of $327 for thu name Adopted. The BamocomiuitUo reported rocoin- inonding that the adjacent to the laboratory bu Bit apart and ar ranged for luboratoiy use , together with an appropriation of $150 for re pairs for that purpin-o ; nlfto an appro priation of $011 forpuruhaaoof chouua- ulu. Adopted Ilt'gent ( joie moved that thoamond- montii to by-la W4 of board rccoinmond- cd by Faculty January ii4 , 882 , be adopted. Carried. On motion aection 14 , chapter 4 of thu by-lawa , relating to diplomas , wan amended in details. Thu finance committee reported an appropriation of $350 , or BO mudh of Buiiiu as may bo necessary , for print ing revised by-lawa , catalogue and cir culars , the same to bo done uudor the uupurvision of the chancellor and BOO- rotary , by the party making the lowest proposition. Adopted. The university und library committee - too on consideration of report of Pro- foasur Thompson , reported an appro priation ot liftcon hundred dollura for puichi'Hu of etook for culh'ge furmand also the bum of ? I7tt for incidental purpoBea. Adopted ltef < eiit Gere moved that Hegenl IJohnuB be ro-oleeled ( jreitiilent of tliia board fur thu unniiihg tin in , Tliu motion WUH put by thu Hoerutury and curntil un.iuniiouftly and Regent lloliHu | ) doulnri'd iluiy uluuteilas dent of tile board for the term t f two yt ars. Regent ( Jeru nominated J. S. Dal < B its ueeietaiy of the board for the ensuing term. R'gent Gannett nom inated II 11. Wilson for thu Bumo. L'j.'i'i.t Uuto moved tlio election of J. H. i lca us Hucretary , whicli motion prevailed and J. S , Dales was declared duly elected an Btcreiary of the board for the ensuing term of two years. Bond of Beoretary-elect , in form und amount provided by law , approved and lileu. Runout FiGuld moved that Prof. llituhcock be elected dean of th > i academic < domic faculty , and that Prof. Thomp son bo elected dean of the Industrial college faculty for the ensuing ytar , Curried. Election declared accord ingly. Rebuilt Persingor moved that the executive committee bo instructed to take the necessary t4p * to procure thu detail of an army olHoor for the University , Carried. A communication from the Alumni association was received and filed , rel- a. ivo to thu action uf the board in January last in dismissing certain pro- fessora , endorsing aaid action , and uBkipttyhat the vacanolea bo filed by mou 0 ? broad views and liberal cul ture , Itegont Gannett offered the follow- inx resolution : Resolved , That the resolution oi thit board , on the 16th day of Janu ary hut , dUoontlnuing the wrrioo * ol Profcuaora Goo. K. Church , IIftrrinj : ton Emerson , and Goo. E. Wood- aury , nt the end of the academic year , ia hereby rotcimlod. Urgent Gannett moved the mlop- iion of the resolution , And cnllod for Lho ayes anil nays. Ayes ntul nnyn ordered , and upon ll of the role the vote resulted aa followe : Ayes , llogenta GnnnottnndHolmes , 2 ; nay , ] le ents Fifiold , Gcro , 1'or- singornnd 1'owcra , 1 ho resolution was declared lost ac cordingly. Kogcnt Gannett oflVrod the follow- im ; resolution ni amended , and moved to adopt the snmc : llcsolvod. That the best interests of the university of thoaUtoof Nebraska will bo Korved by dincontinuint ; the connection of Ghanccllrr E. II. P ir- lield therewith , and hia services will bo ditponncd with from and after Sep tember 110 , 1882 , Resolved , That the secretary bo ro- nested to funmh n copy of the above resolution to Chancellor Fair field. Regent ( lannett called for the ayes and naya upon the reaolution. Ayoa and naya ordered , and on call of the roll the vote resulted as follows : Aycf , Repents Gannett , Gt-re , Ilolmcnaml Powrrs 4 Nays , lie- genta Fill old and Pctsingor. The reaolution waa declared atloutoJ. On motion the board took rccosa until to-morrow morning at ! ) o'clock. The Gentle Way It Dolt , tn tlypcjnla , llvri complaint und con-tip > tlo.i thti iliKiuavil orffina > ro wniiit vo a ul ton.ler. lin not tiau Iliom rotixlity An il u'ntuu IKoT.iMUST's H'lirrn Arruir.\r that lono' , o r-ds nim pur I ( Its the nutcm wllli ut nnilii y oxcltlnjr cr trrltatliie cltlior tliCBti-i aca , the liver , or the bovrcl , d Ilia triiiixpuu llj m itncn ia < ci > . Itimon toacbca this , aliioxiwrlcii'T ) c n1rn t. aui.U BY ALL DlvUClOISTS. JT-'mi PKOPOSALS. Foil T11K CONTIIUCTION OF IN 111 AN JJOAUIIINO SCHOOL. U.NITK'I l-TAtm IXPIAN SXHVICK , 1 PINR niDUK AOKVCV , Pnkota , Juno I l:8i. J . In t llcitf , ( or tlio cr cthn ut tn linll > n H aii n y. In nc orilanco Hlth pin and xpoc flontloi son nlolln th C.'iUf < imitcri inn cr , | ii'ntiiKMi ) I'lattv , ot thoOinalia , Nub. , und nim 'tut Iu the uiiilor-lcno I , c rJ nl the rlilcl Qiuitterim-trr , Lirpirlment of the I'latlp , Oinilik Nili. , will bo ix : t'h ml until 12 o'clock no n on F nturiU ) July 1 , .S-ii. Tliornnt nclor Kill ! n lowed tlifnnoof the nicn < y mill toon' Kiieli linn cr UH I u nuy drnlru , not Ui ux vuil IflO.UU.i fci t , ll Ho livlior ul opcr \\tig \ mill ' 1'u nliol I' ) tlie I'on'itK-t'T , t o tun- li > r toliotbtalucJ outtldu thu iu ir\allou , aiid t > u mill tumid lack. In m ooJ oruvr IM when re * Ci'hoJ 1 > ) htm. Contract to lie nnan'cil to l" cst responsible l > ldl r , Biibjiiit to Iho approxul ofj the 1H- jiatliiiciit if hu liitorl r. l'ropn ) t iiuiH' Kta o lei'Rth rf tlma rnqulred for coin ) lutlon o liull Inir , of the approval n | contract nn I munt liu ncioninni | < il b ) u rcrllliol ihack n | > Oi ! xo.t u United d at x Uupntltory. < > nl.lolot o unJorn UIUH ! for nt K > ut fit a ( ft ) IKI cent. < f the Amount of the prorimii , whlcliclioili > h llhc f > rfclt d 10 tlio UxllodMitoilii caxaanj liKldtriocolnirtho awn dnll fall to oxccuU P'omiilly a contract with po d and oultlci ul nurutlis accor.luu to the tcrma of hia bid , other WIBJ to be returned ti th bidder. No bid In oxco.s "f JIG 031 will ho cons'acicd. ' HulHliK toborf lunibir , main portion tob < twi story 8'lxlO ' ; ilJIllon < olie one story 32x10' . For f'irUiiir ' Infnruiatlon address Iho unUor- , at PInoUUhn Avi'iicy , Dakota. V. T. SIC'IIM.YCUDDY , Unllinl Mt t a In Man Af UT * . Murray Iron forks , Burlington Iowa. SomlPortabli Engines , FOR OUKAMKKIES , PAnU HILLS , Prints Offices , Etc. , ; A Specialty , The Largest Iron Working Eatablwh- inont in thu Statu. UANUFACTUnKHH OP Steam Engines , AND GENERAL MACHINERY. The Howard Automatic Ont-Ofi Steam Engine , Bond for Circulars. m23-lra satas PERFUME Murray & Lanman's ? iJPBIDA WATER. BestfffTQILET , BATH nd I AWDKERCHIEF. SEGER & . TONER HARNESS MAKERS ! Hare removed from thuro old nUnci , toNe No , 116 North Sixteenth Street NEXT TO OAHHIAaU KAOTOKY. Have atwayi on band a food suHortincnl HARNESS AND SADDLES , GALVANIZED IRON OOKNIOES Window Daps , Finia1 XX MTg , BY T. SIN HOLD , 13th St. , 410 , Oiiuiha , Nub : Ordcn from the country tollcllul. 8Iv MCCARTHY & BURKE , General Undertakers , Bet > Farnnm. and Douglm. UeUllIc , WooJ und Cloth Covered GASKETS , COFFINS , ROB S , BHUODDS , GRAPE , &o. , ot i4Blly on Und. Order * frp-n th oonnlrj loUdt dlu > dpromiitljatt ( idxilo , KIDNEY-WORT HAS BEEN PROVED The SUREST CURB for KIDNEY DISEASES. Does a lame baoTc or disordered urine tndloAto that you aronTlfitlm ? THEITDO NOTIIEDITATEi u o KIDNEY-WOnT at once ( druggist * recommend It ) and Itwlll speedily cverootni ) thedlwiwo and restore twalthy action toolltheorems. D n ft tact ForoomplAlntapecnlJar L > ClUlG0B toyourrci.saohMpftln nd wc knc 8Wi. KlDNET-WonT U nnror. p.vuodiutltwill act promptly and s&foly , Eltlirr Box. Incontinence , retention of nrlno , briok dost or ropy d e jx l If , an d dnll clrncginjr pntns , all speedily yield tolls onr- stlvo power. _ . A ! ? > KIDNEY-WORT * INCREASE YOUR CAPITAL. $10 Invcs'ori f m > ll and ncilttm ibiint * In < riln IVn\l I n and $20 St cki M til 1y po.t ct d m niMS Vp i lvo an I it II ii-i tl 1 rt''MtJrs. O r ail cnhil , fly r od , o J C1- t 'iil ut lift . Inr T Urpitti WHEAT loitwpck'y ' , illiltt n ( pililrron h- ly Ncml ut o no ( it cxplinat ry rlrcu n n nti'l | > st iccird rur.x. JJiMllCClJ'l 111 lit Illf I1' " ' " ' ltco1 $50 month ) on Mill fund 81 .71 | > cr A J.M KuKVMINIl & UK'HUM , Ml nml 113 L.iS\la STOCKS at , Chlcnci , III. S3'\\o \ wni < t n lowl ngnt In cvori town. K.xcllmt mil 10 * . m nU. no d | ay t in r.-npoi lhl6 , $100 o itcrprl Iru luun. n'.it lor tjrm . JOHN HTABLKK , IKON ! CIU r. President. Vlco Prra'l. W. S. UXUIUB , Sec.ondTrco * . THE NEBRASKA MAMTACTIMB 00 Lincoln , Neb. MANUFACTURERS OF Qorn Planiort , nxrroon , rurm Rollsn , Sulk Hay Rake * Bucket Elevating Wind ml &c. Wo aru rrcrmrod to do Job work and minal J turlrc far other pirtlcn. AdilrDsMl onlcrf NKnUASKA MANUFACTIIHtNO CO. , Sioux City & f aciftc THE BIOUX OITY ROUTE Ituna Hollil Train Ihrou h from Council Bluils to 8t. Paul Without Change Time , Only 17 Hours w M & < Q > G > UIL.RJ T11K 8110UTK3 UOUTB rvoii COUNCIL BLiUB'PS ro ST. HAUL , MINNKAI'OLIR DUIAJT3 O'.5 D1HMAUCH mil nil polula In Noitin-rn lowm , UliiuekUaad C Vct . Thin line In oul | < ] > o < l with the Imptarod cAtlnKiiOiua Autoni.xtlc Alt'tirfcfca nj Uttlt L'Ulform Cnuulcr ml MuSer : tot HPCKD. BAKCfY ANU OOMfORT u irarpi'J'At. I'ulliiun Patacu Slusplnif Cat runthrouRh WITHOUT CUA-fOB between Kin illOltyand SI. Voiil , via Council UluOa knd oiu City. Tralnn ICAVO Union 1'aclflc Tranftlor At Couu- ell UIuilB , nt 7:1)5 : ) | > . in. iUUy on arrival ot Kanm City , Bt Joseph anil Council Ululli train Irom ihoHoatli. Arriving Kttiloux Clt ) 11:55 : p. m. , rtl it tlio Mr Union Lfopot at St. Paul at 12:30 : noon. TEN IlOUIUi IN AUVANCK O/ ANT OTIlEtt KOUT XflrUomeniber In t klnt- the Uloux City Uou you got a Tlirouxh Train , riiv Shortest Lluu , the Quickest Time nud a Comtortihlo Ride la la * Through Can butwcmi COUNCIL ULUFFS AND ST. PAUL. tSTSea that your Tlckutu read via the "Blonz City and Paclflo Railroad " J. B. WATTLK3 , J.U. BUCHANAN Suiwrlntondont. Oen'l 1'ata.A enl P. K. HOI1INSON , Aes't Uen'l Paaa. Ap't. , Ulsuourl Valley. la. W. E. DAVI8 , 8onthw < wl ni Airtnt , Cnnncl DluSs lo a 1380. SHORTLI E. i880. _ KANSAS CITY , 3tJoe&ConncilBlufls 18 TB OlItT _ Direct Line to ST. LOUIS ANDTHKEABT Prom Omaha and the"Weat. All trains Icavo 11 a U. Depot , Omaha : Nob. Nu change ol can between Om hi ana BI. i iala , end bnt one Ijotivcun OMAHA aud NEW YOKK. Daily PassengerTraina tliUUUU ALE/ KABTKRN AND WKKIKIIM CftTJKS with LTSS * CHAKOXU kl l IN AUVANCK ol UF , imiKIl LINKH cntlio line 1 iHimtJiiod wiifa oilman' * I'abca BlrunlOK Ctre , Palioo Day Co choH , Ulller'i fatoty Platlonn cod Coupler , anil the u > lebrai d wdnKhouuu Alt-brtUu. ATheo that your tlcliot reailn VIA uANSAS CITV , 6T. JOSEPH 4 COUNCIL BLUF ! 8 Ball road , via St. Jonoph and tit. Louie. Tlikcto lor title at all coupon itatloni In In * Wctt J. F. BAHHABD , 0. DAWW , Uon. Supt. , at. Joa i > b , Ho \ Oen. Iau. aad Ticket Agt. , fit. Joaepu , Ilo. AHur BouixK , Ticket Ajfenl , 1020 Farnbain treel. W. J.DAVHNrouT , Orrieral Agent , OHAIIA.HB HULL New 1 aiont Ml M. ur * for 1SH. . Pntrntremovii1iliin" llncrclinnr'i'i'lil".l > Orlllc" , ri-ini rlr m ! 'HI' I I'1" " vi'il * liln Nfiv One V < l llnriv > on tivu noiv ? < v > . AViv Har.-S v tr f-v.ilr. V Viunmor inn tliofo firowi nnIii'"ep < 'tisnblB > .celelirutwIHtovei ( nrs le by D. A. P orojr Mrash National BANK. OF OMAHA NEBRASKA ( No , iOCD. ) TnEAHUKY DEI'AKTMKNT. 1 , Offlco ( if COMITHOLLKR Or TIIK CDKBXKCT , WAMllNurov , AjJllI Vtlh lbh'2 J WII K AB , liy tatlbfaitory pro cDtod to tlio ui.dtm Kiivil , It M In un uio > l to aniHor [ hat "T K AtillHASKA NATIONAL HANK Olf OMAHA , " Iu the o ty of Oiual.a. In tlia county of UoujU ( > i , and Mate of Mebnuika , bu couiillMl | with all the provlirioiii of tha He > l i.d Statues of the United buto ruqulnd to bu loupllod with heloio an aaaoclallon nhall be autborlzud to com- qieiico tlio bu-lutui of HanUnir : Now , thercloro. I. John J'ij KnotComptroller of the Currency , do hereby cert Hi- that "Tuo Nebnaka N ll < n l Ilank ol Omaba. " In the city of Omntm , In the county of Uouglau , ainUUto of hvbnuka , In authorize d to commence the biulneim of Hanking at yioUJed In Section titty Ono Huudrcd and Sixty-Nine of the ItetUod 'jUtuUd of tlio United Sutud. In tobtlinony wlicnof wltnesa n > y > hand and real ol oltlco thU 5tli tiKAU V day of April l-b2. f JOHN JAY KN03C , Complrollor of tha Currency The above Ilank la now iTi'purtxl to rucolva buelnimi U coinuicnuua with a fully nad up p tal of < iU,000.00 , with olllu.naiid dliectora i. . JOUN80N , tunauoKt. of htcele , John. win & Co. . Wholotftlo ( iroccrn. A. K. TOUZ LIN. Vie .P8 aii ) .T , ot 0. B. &Q. H. H. , Boston , VV. V. UOhHE , ol W. V. Uorsii aud Co , , WhoU- Bale { lootd and Hhoua. ( NO. 8. COL1.INH , of 0 , 11. A J. S. Colllai. WbolcBttle Leal bur and S ddlery , JAMK3 It. Wootworth , Councilor aud Attoruey atUw. LEWIS B. UEKD , of Byron Heed & Co. , Beat KiUte Uealeu 'IKNBY W. YATES. Caihltr , UU Ouhler of tb Flnt National Ilank of Omaba , and oonntcted with tkn active Dunac- men of that Bank line * IU onto-