Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1882, Image 1

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    THE OM AH A * " ! DAIL Y BEE.
The Cabinet Bpgging for Mem-
to Pill tha Tariff
Protracted Meeting Held
Without Reaching a
The Whisky Bond Extension
Bill Rejected by the
The Honso Shut * Off the Volvo * on
.tho LoglnlstivB Bill.
AflgocUtod Prciw.
D. C , , Juno 15.
Rear Admiral Nicholson , of the , Eu
ropean Hquadron , telegraphs to the
secretary of the navy that ho sailed
to-day with the entire equadron for
Alexandria , E < ; ypt , to remain until
the troubles are over.
There was another protracted meet
ing of the cabinet to-day , the session
lasting three hours and a half. Mem
bers ore reticent , but it is understood
no name in place of A A. Low has
yet buen selected for the tariff com
mission. Several declinations have
boon received since that of Low. The
president and cabinet are much vexed
over the matter. The successor to
Phelps has been agreed upon and ho
has accepted.
The house committee of foreign
affairs to-day reported a bill appro
priating $50,000 to make an exhibi
tion at the iiah exhibition , at London
in 1833.
Sergeant Mason's counsel have prepared -
pared a review of the case to lay before
fore the president , with a view to
have the sentence revised.
Notional AaaooUtcd I'reaa.
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , .Juno 15.
After speeches by Senators Windom
and Aldrich against the bill relating
to diatillud spirits in bonded ware
houses , and btmator Beck in" favor ,
and the rejection of a couple ot
amendments , the bill nnd amend
ments were , on motion of McMillan
indefinitely postponed 32 to 20.
The sonjtu agreed to take up the
national bank charter estontioa b 11
to-morrow. Adjourned at 5COp : , m.
The house wont into committee of
the whole on the river and harbor bill ,
spending the entire day on the bill.
Speeches in favor of the bill were
rujdo by Messrs. McLino , Henderson
add Towiisend ( Ohio ) , and in opposU *
tion by Mr Brown ( fnd ) , and at 5 p.
m. the house adjourned , general de
bate having on dud on the bill.
The Star Route * .
National Associated Press.
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , Juoe 15. In
the star route trials examination of
witnesses was continued to identify
warrants of Minor's and Vail's ac
counts and maps of the Kearney-
Kent route.
Git , Flipper.
Hatloua ! AftaocUtod kiaat , .
WASHINGTON , Juno 15. The presi
dent approved the verdict of dismas-
sal found by court martial against
Second Lieutenant Flipper , Tenth
cavalry , on the ground of embezzle
ment and conduct unbecoming an
Nation * ! Antedated Frets.
NEW YORK , Juno 15. The spring
meeting of the Coney Island jookoy
club at Shoepshoad Bay continued to
The first race , 2-yoar-olds , Belling
allowances , five furlongs , was won by
Heel and Toe , Maraguita second ;
time 1:03J. :
The second race , mermaid stakes ,
3 < yoar-old fillies , mile and a furlong ,
was won by Hiawasso , llica second ;
ttmo 1:58 : J.
The third rnuj , selling oweepitakos ,
3 year-olds and upward , usual allow
ances , one mile , was won by Barrett ,
Wnrfiold second ; time 1:44 : ,
The fourth race , handicap sweepstakes -
stakes , mile and thrco furlonge , was
won by Girofle , Monitor second ; time
2:44J. :
Tito fifth race , selling steeplechase ,
short course , was won by Bernadino ,
Turfman second ; time 4:05 : . in
BRADFORD , Pa. , Juno 15. Heavy :
rains during the forenoon made the
track heavy. The thfeo-minuto race
unfinished from yesterday was won by
Barrett , who took the eighth heat and
race , Lookout second , King Wilkes
Only two heats were trolted in the
2:38 class and one in the 2:30 : class >
when the rain began and caused a
postponement until to-morrow , when
Mattie Hunter will try to beat her so
best record. soN
PROVIDKNCE , Juno 14. Providence th
2 , Clovelands 4. to
BOSTON , Juno 15. Chicagos 13JJoa-
tons 14
WoRt'FHTEK. Juno 15. Worcosters Na
C , Buflalos 3.
NEW YORK , Juno 15. The annual ro
regatta of the Now York Yacht club pr
was hold to-day. The weather was Si
delightful , with a fresh breezi * . On dii
the way to the light ship the Jlilde- tin
gurdo was an excellent loader and ha
was first arounrl , but on the return
the 'Montauk took the lead , and
crossed the line victor in the short
time of 3 hours 52 minutes 15 see-
oncts , beating all previous records ,
also winning the Bennett challenge
cup ; Tidal Wave second , Gracia third.
The Montauk is a now vessel.
WINNIPEG , Manitoba , Juno 15.
The Hunlan-Iloss race is off , the lat
ter being now satisfied of Banian's
illness , llo&s will not claim the stakes
to which ho is entitled , but expects ho
will yet moot Hanlan in the fall , In
the meantime ho goes to England to
row for the Sportsmena' cup.
Prlss Fluht.
NAUmat AtftOclatcJ Vtctt.
PirrsnuKO , Juno 15yTho NVodon-
Maloney prize fight took place to-day
at daylight at Smith's Furry on the
Ohio river. Forty-one rounds were
fought. It wan a draw. Maloney
was the moro severely punished.
In the first six rounds in the prlp
fight Maloney had the advantage ; in
the next thirty-four Wcdon had the
advantage , knocking Maloncy down
at nearly every blow. Nearly everyone
ono of Malonoy'a friends yelled
"foul" at every knock down , and
raised much trouble in the ring , being
in the ' majority. At the forty-first
round'believing they meant to defeat
him at all hnzuda , Wcdon agreed to
declare it a draw. Maloncy was curried
off the ground. Wudoii was not much
hurt nnd returned to this city with
his friends.
Excltomont Continues m Egypt-Bla-
murk'a Tobacco BUI Rejected.
Nttlonil Associated Press.
ALEXANDRIA , Juno 15. The Eu-
rqpean consuls conoral ; in this city
have drawn up a manifesto to their
respective countrymen in which they
express confidence in the ability and
willingness of the army to maintain
A commission of inquiry into the
massacres has been opened , delegates
from different foreign consulates being -
ing present to watch the proceedings.
Arrests of participants in the late
riots continue. They are chiefly Ban-
gozi Araba , who , it is alleged , were
the instigators of the attack on the
European ; .
The exodus of foreigners continues
unabated , and consignees of goods are
reshippitig them. The number of
Europeans killed ia now estimated at
250. The bodies are daily being
washed n horo.
Arab ! Pasha has posted a notice in
French and Arabic throughout Cairo ,
stating that there is no cause for
alarm. But it is regarded as a trick
and has increased tha panic among
the few Europeans remaining in that
The Alexandria ci-atom house has
been dosed , and engineers of the wa
ter woiks threaten to leave and stop
the water supply. K is calculated
that 10,000 persons have left Egypt by
different steamers in the last few days.
BERLIN , Juno 15. The roichstag/
after eight hours debate , resolved , by
ft vote of IT'O , that in viowto tb
increase in tobacco tax by the act of
July , 1879 , any further moasurb bur
dening to the tobacco trade is inad-
missable. This in effect kills Prince
Bismarck's tobacco monopoly bill.
Business Failures.
National Associated Prose.
NEW YORK , June 15. Bradstreotn
reports that Kiefer and Gardiner ,
cotton factors , Now Orloanp , have aa-
siu'iied ; liabilities $15,800 , assets $10-
Particulars of the failure of Charles
Ilawson , satinet manufacturer , Hoi-
don , Mass , , were received in this city.
Liabilities § ! )0,000 ) , assets nominally
$110,000 , lie oilers to compromise
on twenty-five cants on the dollar.
National Associated 1'rctm.
ETRKTT , Mass. , Juno 15. The
Maiden Chemical works of Cochran &
Co , , Boston , were damaged by fire to
the extent of $10,000 last night.
WEST RANDOLPH , Vt. , Juno 15.
An insane man named Dike ) burned
the new residence of B. F. Lombard.
Loss , $8,000.
Base Ball.
National AsiocUted Preu.
CINCINNATI , Juno 15. Tuff has
been reinstated in the Cincinnati base
ball club.
One of Iowa's Jim Wtlionj
National AsitocUtcJ 1'rms. ci
CEDAR RAPIDS , Iowa , Juno 15- 7ci
lion. James Wilson was nominated 7
fur cjngrefa from this district on the 7O
MOth ballot. Kirkwood's name was
not mentioned in any way ,
of .
Mooting Maunders.
National Ansodattxl Preu , tli
CHICAGO , Juno 15. A meeting of
general managers of roads interested
the restoration of pasionger rates
between Chicago and St. Louis , Chi- rem
ago and Kansas City , and St. Louis rewi
md Kansas City , is in progress horo. wi
Death of Gen. Dennlion. a L
rational Associated Prcwn th
COLUMDUS , O. , June 15. William kr :
Dennison , aged 07 , governor in 1861 do
md postmaster general under Lincoln , fo
lied at 9\i. m , ot heart and lung dis- Fi
asea. H\\ \ \ leaves a wife and several he
ihildron , oh
The funeVal of Governor Donnir bo
ion takes ph'co Saturday afternoon , eh
NTo military Display or music will bo Tl
icrmittcd , The ollicials at a meeting hi
his afternoon appointed committees
report appropriate actions. hi is
la !
Army of the Potomac.
rational AsaocUtod I'rt-tn. '
* c
DETROIT , Mich. , Juno 15. A ro- rii
inion of the army of the Potomac is (41 (
progress hero. The procession and y °
oviow was very fine. Among those jui
iresont are Generals Grant , Sheridan , go
iicklos , ox-president Hayes and oilier thi
istinguuhed visitors. This evening pn
liero was a grand banquet at Music of f
all , tra
Suicide of A Bride- wa ,
atlooat AuocUted Pnu. litl
, Wfi.'June the
Sisslor and Miss Bigford were recently
wed ftnd Bocmod to bo very happy.
This morning the young bndo com
mitted suicide with a revolver. No
causu is known.
National Aixoclated Prom.
Nc.w YORK , Juno 15. Sailed , Adri
atic for Liverpool , State of Nebraska
for Glasgow , Sorvia for Hamburg ;
arrived , Labrador from Havre , Cha
teau Lafayette from Bordeaux.
ANTWERP , Juno 15. Arrived ,
Ponnland from Now York.
GLASGOW , Juno 15. Arrived , Bo
livia from Wow York.
ROTTERDAM , Juno 15. Arrived ,
Mans from New York.
BREMEN , Juno 15. Arrived , Ohio
from Now York , Strasburg from Balti
LIVERPOOL , Juno 15. Sailed , City
of Homo for Now York.
QUKBBC , Juno 15. A telegram from
Capo Race , Now Foundlond , states
that the ship's long boat , with stern
cut nway , no name visible , was driven
into Cripple Cove on the llth inst. It
is supposed to bo the missing boat of
the foundered steamship Hera.
Small Pox Epldomio
National Asaodatod i'rooa.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn , , Juno 15.
Notwithstanding reports to the con
trary , Dnmll pox has obtained a fear
ful foothold In this city. There are
nineteen cages known , and these who
have eon exposed are going about
with dangerous freedom.
Indication * .
National Ataoctatoa from.
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , Juno 10. For
the tipper Mississippi ana Missouri
valleys ; , partly cloudy woatbor , local
rains ip the northern portions , south
erly to ( westerly winds , stationary or a
slight rise in temperature.
A Loader of Political Lnzzoronl In
Northern Nebraska.
O'NEILL CITY , Nob. , Juno 13.
To the Editor ot The Doe.
The .O'Neill Frontier is in the habit
of quoting copiously from The Omaha
Republican and the latter then throws
taffy to The Frontier. The evident
object of this mutual admiration is
ro strengthen the disreputable ring in
this section. The following from The
Omaha Republican of recent date is a
sample :
The Holt county Frontier , despite
the untiring efforts of an insignificant
clique , seconded by the anti-rcpubli-
CBII , socialistic sheet of Omaha , to
bung the paper into dispute , has con
tinued on the oven toner of its way , f
never werving from true republican
princjirfes , Strengthening the parly by ,
its i timely" and able 'discussions
of political questions 'of the day , I
and - always keeping in .view
the material interests of the town
and otmty from which it derives lib
eral' BiM porftcd V/uppork / Sizccthc
establishment of The Frontier , Mr.
Mathews rhas passed through hard
ships and reverses which few men
could or would have withstood , but
he has hdd the fort , living down the
lies of his assailants and consigning to
oblivion those who have endeavored
to occupy a newspaper field by him
fairly won through years of untiring
labor. As ono of the pioneer journals
of the northern country , established
way back when Holt county had but
scarcely been organized , The Fron
tier ( which is all that its name indi
cates ) has remained steadfast to the
best interests of the republican party
and the county. Its efforts have been
rewarded by n circulation which must
bo flattering to its publisher , and
afford convincing proof that ho took
the right road , and has consistently
and successfully maintained it ? * Wo
are glad to note the high standing of
one of the best papers m the country ,
and trust that coming years will find
its present editor'at the helm which he
has so ably and energetically man
aged in the past. Omaha Daily lie-
Now I have known Mr. Matthews
for a long time , living within ' a short
distance from him when'he published
what ho called a republican paper in
Illinois.r Afterwards ho removed to
Wisconsin , a short distance * from Il
linois and published a blatant demo
cratic paper , and also figured for sev
sral public positions for nearly all of
which ho was ignominiously beaten.
Loss than two years ago ho came to F3.
D'Neill City and started an indopond-
3at paper , All know this to be true , et
md his denial is a downright false-
lood. I moved to this country about
.ho same time Mr. M. did , and have d
road his paper constantly from the sc
int.His or
His paper finally professed to bo orhi
cpublican , and now ho is trying to feIn
nako the people believe he is and al-
vays has boon a oonsistant ropubli- In
an , and The Omaha Republican , with dc
few others of the same itripo , he
hrough wilful ignorapco , or from a.
navish , design , are upholding this a.wi
loublo dealing political fraud. Bo- ha
ore : Mathewa started The O'Nioll en
frontier ho caucused with parties CO
tore to the effect that if Garfield was COmi
lectod president the Frontier
would P. '
republican but if P.SCI
, Hancock was SCI
lected then it would bo democratic , Tl
'ho denial of this only makes flti
itt ) a more wiakod fal efior.
The Frontier attacked Oonklingand rai
, Bupportors most bitterly , early and raiRi
ilo , in season and out of season , dur- $1
the late senatorial contest in Now IlCl
'ork. But no sooner had ho con- beTa
inced Congressman Valentino tint ho Ta
Mathews ) , carried Holt county in his rot
est pocket and that the
, voters must me
.imp when ho pulled the string , and me
his appointment as poatmaster of for
iis place then ho began to 2-l :
raise Conkling , and that wing mi
the party. Ho has constantly $11
amod in the Bruce-Fry school , the o'c
Ittorost enemies of Valentino , and the
a supporter of TUB OUAIIA BKJS po. gre
tical nnd otherwise , as I can see by tra
files of his own paper until he
got the postofilco through Val.
Because Mr. McOluro , our represen
tative in the legislature , would not
scheme , lie nnd falsify matters in
Matthews' favor for the postofllce ,
ho haa abused and vilUflod Mr.
McCluro. Loss than ft JAW ago a
brother of The Frontier editor came
here to help in the ofllcc. The Fron
tier says his brother is His "rinht
bower , " "our missionary,1 ' etc. This
same brother was a blatant democrat
when ho came here , but' said they
would have to keep thai quint , and
now the "right bower , " "missionary , "
etc. , of The Frontier , is going about
the country posting up large ditplay
cards of "Justice to All" end the like.
According to The Republican The
Frontier was started in Holt county
way back when Holt county had but
scarcely boon orgunized. Holt county
was organized five years ago Then
Matthews was in Wisconsin a "Uo-
former" in the democratic rankswhen
hia few friends persuaded him to stop
his fast living and join a temperance
society , but when they found
I hat ho violated the pledge , endurance
ceased to be a virtue. Ho/was dropped
as a moral reformer and was aban
doned to the "oven tenor of his way. "
List of Officers of fbhe Exhi
bition. /
Programme of tbo SoYOral Darn nnd
Bates of Faro.
The sixteenth atmuab fair of the
Nebraska state board of agriculture
will bo hold at Omaha , commencing
Monday , September 11 , nnd closing
Saturday , September 10 , 1882. From
n copy of the premium hs't , juHt re
ceived from Major Wheeler , secretary ,
the foliowinr ; information is obtained :
The secretary will open his ollico in
Omaho , Monday , September 4. No
entries will bo received after 5 o'clock
p. m. , of 'the first day of the fair.
Entries can bo made at any time un
til the 4th , by application to the secretary -
rotary at Plattaiuouth.
The board has decided that the
names of all oxhibitors'shall bo placed
on the cards attached to the articled
on exhibition , as to do otherwise is
not complimentary to committees , and
deprives exhibitors of one of the main
features of those exhibitions , viz ; ad
The superintendent of the several
claims are as follows :
H. Barstow , of Crete.
II. CATTLE W. B. McCloud , of
III. SUEEP J. F , , .Woods , of
Schuylor. ' ' '
111 ? ? S- rNKJ. . & " ; ff 'i oW/yTj
ambu's. " * ' * + ? '
V. POULTRY George Thrull , of
Crawford , of Omaha.
GOODS B. E B. Kennedy , of Omaha.
nns , of Brownvillo.
McConnell , of North Platto.
X. MACHINERY W. J. Kennedy ,
of Omaha.
Remington , of Omaha.
bert W. Scott , of Kearney.
rence Brunor , of West Point.
IUMS Prof. A. D. Williams , of Has
Reidhartj of Brownvillo.
of Fort Calhoun.
XVIi. Speed. Goo. B. Skinner ,
of Lincoln.
XVJIL-Fruita. V. C. Ulley , of
Syracuse. '
XIX. Hedges , Groves and Or
chards. J , H. Masters , of Nebraska
XX. Floral. L. A. Moore , of
General Superintendent A. D.
Sfocum , of II us tint ; ? .
Assistant Wm. R. Bowen , of $
Superintendent of Police William
. White , of Teknmah.
Superintendent of Gates and Tick-
jts J. Jensen , of Geneva.
FIRST DAY. The first day will bo
lovoted to receiving entries at the
iccretary's cfiko , and by suporintond-
ints to receiving and arranging rx-
ubits. At 1 p. m. , the slow mule race
or a purse of $30 , will ba called. '
SKOOND DAY. Hon. Kdmund Me-
jityro , president of the board , will
loliver the opening address , at his
leadquartora on the grouuds , at 0:30 :
m. At J p. m. the 3-minuto race
rill bo called. This is for horses that
lave never beaten three minutes ; $20
ntrauco ; $5 forfeit , which must a-
ompariy the nomination ; and 915
oust bo paid on or before 5 o'clock
m , Monday , Sept. llth , to the nl
ecrotary , at his office on the grounds ,
'ho managers add $200 to entrance
take , money to bo divided.
THIRD DAY. There will bo two
acoiin _ the afternoon , us follows ; ch
tunning stake , ono inilo and repeat ; pi
15 entrance ; $3 forfeit , which must ro
ccompany the nomination ; $10 must CO
paid on or before 5 o'clock p , m , ,
'uosday , September 12th , to the sec- dr
Jtary , at his ollico on the grounds ; in
mnagora add $150 to entrance stake , be
lonoy to bo divided. Trotting stake tbI. .
horses that have never beaten
-W ; $20 entrance ; $5 forfeit , which pr
mat accompany the nomination , and
must bo paid on or before 5 tin
clock p. m. , Tuesday , Sept. 12th , to
secretary , at his oflico on the en
rounds ; managers add $200 to en. we
anco stake , to be divided , t
At 1 o'clock p. m. the annual ad.
dress will bo delivered t the nmphi-
theater , by Hon. Goo. U. I/rmg ,
commissioner of agriculture , of Wash
ington , D. 0.
FOURTH DAY. There wtll bo two
froo-for-nll races in the afternoon , as
follows : Trotting stnku , free for all ;
$30 entrance ; $10 forfeit , which mus. .
accompany the nomination , and $20
muit bo paid on or before 5 o'clock ,
Wednesday , September 13th , to the
secretary , nt his oflico on the grounds ;
managers add $300 to entrance stake ,
money to bo divided , Pacing stake ,
free for all ; $20 entrance ; $5 forfeit ,
which must accompany the nomina
tion , and SIR must bo paid on or before
fore 5 o'clock , Wednesday , September
13ih , to the secretary , at his office ou
the grounds ; managers add $200 to
entrance stake , money to bo divided.
Firm DAY. There will bo two
races , called at 1 p , m. , as 1 p. in. , as
follows ;
Running stake ; two miles and re
peat ; -20 entrance ; $5 forfeit , which
must accompany the nomination ; and
$1D must bo paid on orboforo 5 o'clock
p , m. , Thursday , September 14th , to
tha secretary , at his ollico on the
grounds , The managers add 3200 to
entrance stake , money to bo divided.
Trotting stake for horses that have
novur boatun 2:35 : ; $25 entrance ; $10
forfeit , which must accompany the
nomination : 815 must bo paid on or
before C o clock p. m , , Thursday ,
September 14th , to the secretary , at
his ollico on the grounds. The man
agers add $259 to onlranco stake ,
money to bo divided.
SIXTH DAY. Grand parade on
track of all animals in class I and II
that have taken a premium at 11:30 :
A. ui. The special citizens' purses will
bo called at 1 o'clock p. m. of this
day , and will bo ono of the chief at
tractions of the fair. The closing address -
dress will bo delivered by the vice
president. J. B. Dinsmoro , at the
president s headquarters , at 3:35. :
Hound trip tickets over the Union
Pacific , including admission to fair ,
will be sold as follows : Council
Bluffs and Transfer and Gilmnro ,
$1 ; Papillion , $ L25 ; Millard , Eik-
horn , Waterloo , ! Valley , Fremont ,
Clear Crock , Mead and Wahoo , $1.50 ;
Weston , Valparaiso , Raymond and
Lincoln , $2 ; North Bend , Schuylor ,
Benton and Columbus , $2 75 ; Drain-
arc ) , $2.50 ; Duncan , Silver Crook and
Clark's , $350 ; David City , $2.50 ;
Rising ? , $3.30 ; Shelby , Oacoola ,
Stromsburg , Genoa , St. Edwards ,
Albion , Lost Crook , Platte Center ,
Madison and Norfolk , $3.50 , Central
City , Chapman and Grand Island ,
81.25 ; Hastings , Hanson , Doniphan ,
St. Paul , St. LIbory , Alda , Wood
River , Sholron , Gibon , Buda and
Kearney , $5 ; Elm Oiook , $5.80 ;
Ovenon , 80.25. Plum Creek , $15.70 ;
Cosad , $7.45 ; Willow Island , $7 70 ;
Maxwell , $9.05 ; North PJotto , $9.75 ;
Ogallala , $12.30 ; Sidney , $17.35.
Above rates include ono admission
to the fair grounds. Tickets good
only three days , including the data of
sale , from points east of and including
Elm Crook ; from points west of Elm
Crook , good until September 17.
Tickot3j oed to and including Sop-
* ? &Ml } bd pldjUB tioM
\ east of and including Elm Creek , ut
ono , lialf of regular rates.
Round trip tickets over the B. &
M. and leased lines , including one ad
mission and limited to ono day at the
fair , will bo sold as follows : Belle vuo
75o , Li Platte and Plattsmouth $1.00 ,
Ashland , Cedar Crook , Louisville and
South | Bend $1.50 , Greenwood , Wa-
verly and Lincoln $2.00 , Bellwood ,
Bennett , Cheney's , Crete , David City ,
Firth , Garrison , Germantown , Hick-
man , Milford , Palmyra , Pleasant
Dale , Roca , Seward , Staplohurt and
UJyesos $2.50 , Columbus § 2.75 ,
Adams , Beatrice , Caldwell , Do Witt ,
Dorchuntor ] , Exeter , Fripndvillo , Fair
mont , Smartrille , Sterling , Syracuse ,
Tecumseh , Unadilla , Uticn , Wilber ,
Waco and York $3.00 , Bradshaw , Elk
Creek , Graf ton , Hampton , Button and
Wyinoru $3 50 , Aurora , Burchard ,
Dawson's , Dillor , Dunbar , Endicott ,
Humboldt , Liberty , Marquott , Ne
braska City , Odoll , Pawnee City and
Table Rock $4.00 , Central City $4.25 ,
Chester , Harvard , Hubbell , Ireland ,
Reynolds and Salem $4.50 , Ayr , Blue
Hill , Brownvillo , Colvert , Cowlee ,
Foils City , Guldo Rock , Horbino ,
Hardy , Hastings , Juniata , Keuosaw ,
Kearney , Lowell , Nemaha City , New
ark , Peru , Preston , Red Cloud , Ruby
and Superior $5,00 , Bloormngton ,
Franklin , Naponeo and Rivortou
$5.50 , Alma , Orleans and Republican
$0,00 , Arapahoe , Cambridge , Indian-
ola and Oxford C 50 , Culbertson
The Sr. Paul & Omaha road will
sell rnund trip tickets for ono faro ,
50 cunts added for admission , and will
nlso sell limited tickets at a lower
r.Uo , to bo announced at a later day.
County. 1'Jaco. Data.
Adaum. . .Haitingi . Sept. B to 8
Hurt . Oakland. . .Hept. (1 ( to B
CUHH . , IMutlmnouth .Sept. 0 to 8
Clay . Clay Center , .Sept. 20 to
L'Jittta Columbia So , t. 0 to 01
dg . .Sept. II to 8 pi
Kail . Grand Inland . .Oct. 1 to 7 piC
Hamilton. . .Aurora . Sept. 20 to 29
ltichardaou.8.ileu ) . Sept. 20loi9 in
jewaid . Kewurd . Sept. 27 to 81
. . . . .York. .
Additional Council Blnffi New *
The Y. M. 0. A. hod a meeting in the
HethodUt church , en ;
-Hon. Illchard F. 1'redellick last
light addressed worklnmon | ; on "Labor .
md Its Wrongs" Bl
Two brothers of the name of l' ck ° .
vero brought In yesterday from Walnut
| n
iharged with having cauned the death of a
ilny in a to named Bartlett In a Hchool-boy
ow Homo tima at , > o , Their caaea were
outlnueJ , they lvlng $300 bonda.
At the park last eight , several hun- ah
Ired people gathered to henr ox-Consrcua- . ) r
nan i J , Ji. Oriuuell , who npoke in favor of fn
< amendment , The iioyu' hand fur- fnwi
.lulled the music , and Kev. Mr. I < emen
Dohany'd wai crowded last night at fie
concert , and long before the hour of fieAl
omtnencement there waa utandln ; ; room rh
nly. Mlaa Tbomai showed hercelf fully oil
rorthy of the complimentary reception at
endered her , and the floral tributes were Seth
lany md elegant. th
The ColcLratotl Ililnmn Cas
on Trial at Leavenworth ,
A BOJJUB Stiff Bupposod to
Have Boon Palmed Off
on tbo Agonta.
Lively Poronalo Fight for
T onty-Fivo Thous
and Dollars.
The BrooUfloliinnlc Robborn'iion
to Hoont for T-woutj
Flvo Vcar * .
Qultonu'o ox-Wlfo Anxious
8i\vo Him.
N tlon.Awoc'iatoJ > I'trm.
muiVKYAnn i.vaunxKOB.
LKAVENwonnt. Kas. , Juno 15.-
The celebrated IJillmivn life insurauc
case trial has now fairly begun in th
United States circuit court horo. S.i
Ho K. Uillm.m sues the Mutual Lif
insur.uico compuny of Now York fo
$10,000 , the Now York Lifo insuranc
company for $10,000 , and the Coi
nccticut Mutual Lifo insurance com
pany for $5,000 , which amountR wcr
placed on her hunhand's life by agents
at Liwronco in 1870. Soon after pro
curing the insurance , Uillman loft 1
company with J. H , Crown , on
shortly after news was received b
the ngonts at Lawrence that Hillma
had buon accidentally killed by Browi
while the two men were camped in
wild country iifteon miles otf Medicine
cine Lodge , Bourbon county
Kansas. An inquest was held .1111011
strangers to both the men , Browi
testified that ono evening when tht
were in ciimp ho went to the wagon t
take out tliu blankets and in doing s
removed a Sharpo's ritle , the lock o
which caught in the blanket , discharg
ing the piece and accidentally shoot
ing Ilillman through the head. Th
jury returned a verdict of accidonta
killing and the body was buried
Alodicino Lodge. The agents wor
not satisfied and had the body disii
torrod and brought to Lawrence
where another inquest was hold. Th
widow and friends of Hillman test :
fiod that the body was that of Join
\V. Hillman , but a doz n other wil
nesses testified that it was not. Brow
told his story and suddenly disappear
cd. The jury decided that the bed
was that of an unknown man , wh
was probably murdered and palmo
oil as Uillman to defraud th
insurance companies , but th
widow , relatives and intimat
friends. insisted that the body was
that of Llillman , and subsequent !
suit was brought for the $25,000 in
surance. Photographs of tha bed
were spread broadcast over the cout
try , and friends and relatives
1'rodprick Walters , ntFc. Madison
Iowa , thought they rccognfzod it
his. When last heard from , Walter
was at Wichita , ami wrote to a youn
lady at Ft. Madison , to whom ho wa
engaged , that ho was going southwos
with two infii named Hillman am
Drown to a tart a cattle ranch. After
the examination nt Lawrence , Brown
made a statement to the attorneys o
the insurance companies , confosaiiif
that ho and Ilillman conspiroc
to defraud the insurance cumpa
nio5 , nud Hillman , after swapping ,
clothes with a stranger , whom thoj
mot on the road , murdered him ; that
Ilillman left the remainder of the job
of identifying the body as his and pro
curing the insurance to Brown am
they were to share the money. After
making this statement Brown made
another to the attorneys for Mrs. Hill
man , wherein ho confirmed Ins first re
port that it was Uillman who was
killed by him by accidout and that
the statement made to the insurance
attorneys was oxtoitod from him under
dor threats that ho would bo indictee ]
for murder unless ho made it.
The trial hero will occupy two
weeks and is attended in force by insurance
suranco men , attorneys , reporters and
people from many parts of the country.
NEW UAVKN , Conn. , Juno 15. In
the Miilloy case this afternoon Dr.
Jowott , who contradicted the state ex
ports in reference to drowning and
arsenical poisoning , was cross-exam
ined. Uis testimony wa not ma
terially changed. Other testimony
wus unimportant.
AUHTIN , Tex. , Juno 15. The grand
jury have returned two true bills
igainst Kx-Unitod States Marshal Slil-
well U Russell , both charging him
with perjury in swearing to falsa and
fictitious accounts amounting to spv-
oral thousand dollars , for conveying >
prisoners to Auburn , N. Y. , and
Chester , UK lie was arrested to-day
md gave bond in the sum of $4,000.
Other charges are pending against
lim and it is said his defalcations will
imount to $30,000 or $40,000.
CANTON , 0. , Juno 15 , Neighbors
alltd to the hoaso of Goo , MoMul-
on early this morning , found McMul-
en's wife dying. Mo&Iullon had a
ilight wound in his breast. It ia said
strange woman had pntorod and
ihot both. The wife lived twenty
ninutes , but made no statement. Mo-
Mullen IB in jail.
Aliuiuuu , ftliph. , Juno 15 , 0. 0.
Cent , a prominent politician , was
hot by his son , 0. A * Kent , and will
irobably die. The quarrel resulted )
rein the noil's recent marriage , which >
rau displeasing to the father.
KiKSAH GUY , Juno 15. The Brook-
iold bank robbers , Frank , Fred and
Libert Mason , and Burt Allen , or-
ivod here to-night in chorgo of )
flicors , on route to the penitentiary
Jefferson City , In the court at
ionio this morning they withdrew
heir plea of not guilty and plead
guilty to the charge of robbery , and
were ( mmodiatolysentanccd to twenty-
five years' hard labor in the state
prison. They took the sentence indifferently -
differently , and declared themselves
satisfied ,
CHICAGO , Juno 15. Mrs. Scovillo
received this evening A long letter
from Mrs. Dunmiro , Guitcau's ox-
wife , in which shu sends her name
for the petition for commutation of
the sentence of GuUenu. She declares -
claros her willingncsi to do all in her
power to save "Charlie. "
An Obstropnrou * Prlnouor Killodl
National AwocltUxl I'rrfli.
Euim , III. , Juno 16. James Irwin -
win , a prisoner in the Geneva jail ,
yesterday emptied a bucket of slops on
Deputy ShorllT Liwsnn , and _ threat ,
oiud him with further indignities-
When ho attempted to carry out his
thrcatc , Ltwson shot him doid. iJaw-
son is fully uphold by the authorities.
Shot a Tonohor Dcnd.
NkUonil AmocUtod I'rcsn
LtrriK ROUK , Ark. , Juno 15.
Uaxtcr Pratt , ono of the prominent
Indians , shot dead Professor G. R ,
Arnold , principal of Mitchell's Sprint ;
school , Cherokee N.ition , Indian Ter
ritory , for severely whipping his little
An Inltumun Man.
Natlonil I'roia Atsoclntlon.
MiDDLEnono , Mass. , Juno 15.
Eist Middloboro is excited over the
inhumanity of n citizen who refused a
physician to his wife in childbirth.
Ho took the child as soon as it woa
born , nailed it in a raisin box , took it
to Reholoth and left it uuburiod in
the hearth houso.
A Condemned Man Respited-
National ABU elated Ptcas.
SANTA FK , N. M. , Juno 15. - Elijah
Franklin , the negro who was fo have
boon hanged to-day at Silver City ,
has been respited for sixty days. The
probabilities are that before the expi
ration of that time ho will die from
natural causes.
Destructive Hall Storm In Western
Nebraska Qardonera Ix > se ,
Oluztors Gain.
The delay in the arrival of the TT.
P. train No. ! yesterday was caused
by the terrible storm of hail and rain
at Sidney , which sot in at 8 o'clock
Wednesday night , Hail stones the
size of hens' eggs fell , breaking nearly
every pane of glass in town nnd most
of the coach windows on the train
and ruining all the garden truck in
tbo vicinity. The merchants and gar
deners loao heavily. The water rose
to a depth of three foot In tha north
part of town and the track was wash
ed out in several places.
The following additional particulars
have boon received :
apocUl Dkpttrtrto Tm On. ' _ _ _
SIDNDV , Nob. , Juno IB. THo'so-
vorest hailstorm ever witnessed in
Western Nebraska occurred here last
night. It commenced about 8 o'clock ,
lasting over two hours. Every glosa
Facing the north and west wore broken
and many of the hailstones were as
largo as hen's eggs. All the gardeners
loose their crops , and many of our
merchants are heavy losers. It is es
timated the loss in town and outside
will bo over $10,000.
ticca Homo.
I wish to state to the public that I
am the outside man referred to by
"Morso'a nine. " I work in the Bos
ton atoro on Tenth street , and am om-
) Ioyod by A. Cruickshank & Co. I
> layed with Cruickshank's nine , and'
md a perfect right to , as the chal-
onso was from the employes of
3rucikshank & Co. to play the om-
> loyos of S. P. Morao & Co.
Rospoclfnlly ,
S. 1. SMITH.
Omaha Juno 15 1882.
r '
Mr. B. O. Hollander and MSB ! Emma J.
Oramor are United m tbo Holy
Bonds of Wodloclc.
Last evening Judge Charles 8.
Jrandea performed ono of the most
> leasant duties that fall to his lot in
iis professional career , which was the
oining together for better or worse of
ilr. S. 0. Hollander and MisH Emma
} ram or as man and wifo.
The ceremony was performed in the
resenco of a select circle of friends ,
mong whom were Mr. and Mrs. W.
I. Warren , Mr , John Brandt , Miss
rlnry Btanton and several others ,
Mr , Hollander is a native of Aus-
: ia and came to this country about
iiroo jrears ago. He locatodjin Penn-
ivlvania , and , being dnsirous ot 090-
ig the west , came out hero about
liroo months ago and purchased the
'urnor Hall restaurant , where ho has
nado up his mind to stay , now that
10 has a charming little wife to keep
lim in good epirits.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
Trod. Cramer , of Dallastown , York
ounty , Pa. , which place she loft a
ow days ago in order to consummate
lie matrimonial ongugemont to which
lie wus a party.
The aflUir passed off very quietly ,
ut just as the party was about to
roak up they were serenaded by
omo friends who had extemporized an
rchestra for the occasion.
No Such Word aa Fall.
" 1 have uied your SPIUNQ Brx > sttou for
yspepalat headache uud corwttpatlonand
ad it nas done me great deal of good. I
mil recommend it to my friends.
"Sloy 24th. 90 Muln St. , Buffalo. "
1'rlce 50 cwts , trial bottle. lOc. jlSdlw