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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1882)
V THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ILEVENTH YEAR OMAHA , NEB. , WEDNESDAY MOKNLNG , JUNE U , JSS2 , THE NATIONAL CAPITOL. The Peruvian Huddle Bovivodby tlio Appearance of Elaine , Tfao Oobinet Still Casting About for Tariff Com- mieoionera. The Bonn to Trims the Japancso Bill and , Poue it. The Houoo Still Diecuaalng the Logle- laUvo Appropriation Dill. ' * CAPITAL NOTES. F RUlonal AnocUted Prces. BLA1NB AGAIN. WASHINGTON , D. 0 , , Juno 13. Ex-Secretary lilaino appeared before the Peruvian investigating committee to-day. Ho said that ho never gasp any encouragement to the Credit iff- dtK rial because it was preposterous Tor the United States to stand behind a French company which would secure millions for foreign bond holders while our government derived no bene fit. Ho had many interviews with Demoat Forriandi and llindall. Ho regarded the Industrial os a respectable - able concern , possibly ublo to furnish the" Peru war indemnity. The United States did not oppose , but positively rofussd to recognize the company , oven by acknowledging the receipt of its communication. But for the re vocation of Treacolt's instructions Chill nnd Peru would now bo at peace. Troscott will bo examined to-morrow. STAR ROUTE THIALS. The morning session was occupied by reading nnd recording contracts. The trial closed for the day after the conclusion of the testimony of French , as to the manner of the increase of service on routes for which he had contracted. THE CABINET hold a short meeting to-day , and dis cussed the composition of the Utah and tariff commissions. The presi dent bos selected two gentleman to 1111 the vacancies on the latter and has telegraphed for acceptance. Another meeting of the cabinet ia called for to morrow , when the two names will be acted upon and ; jont to the senate. THE FOROER. Secretary Folaer has recommended the roloaRo of Brockway , and an or der to that effect has been made. Brockway had an audiunco with Secretary Folger this afternoon and left for New York. BAKON 8TRURJ-1 , the new Russian minister , was pre sented to the president to-day. Sot speeches were undo. OAKJ-IELD HOSPITAL. Minister Langston at Hayti sends $227 ns a subscription to the Garfield memorial hospital. EX-FO8TMA8TER GENERAL TYNER : was thrown from his buggy yesterday knocked insensible. He is re ported as recovering to-night. CONGRESS. ) National Associated Press. SENATE PROCEEDINGS. " WASHINGTON , D. 0. , Juno ia. The "bill regulating the rank of retired naval uficprs was defeated. The national bank charter bill re ported with amendments. The Japanese bill was taken up. An amendment was adopted reduc ing the prize money to the oflicors and crow of the Wyoming , from $24- 000 to $14,000. Thobilljthen passed 35 to 13. Adjourned at G:15 : p. m. IIOVBK PROCEEDINGS. i The legislative appropriation bill was taken up. Mr. Townsond's ( III. ) amendment prohibiting that any of the money bo given for political assessments was lost. The house spent the entire after noon on the bill , adjourning at 6 p. m , without final action. POLITIOALi JNOTUJ8. Ni Honor * to Anthony- National Associated 1'itet. NEWPORT , B. I. , Juno 12. Hon. N , B , Anthony was ro-elected United States senator for the filth term , each ' house gvng him an almost unani ruous vote. ) Maine Ropablicans. Nutlonul ABM > clatod Na PORTLAND , Mo. , Juno 13 The republican state convention met to an day , Senator Halo was chairman. lol He BUid Arthur stalwurtizcd would , dr wreck the administration. Col. Frederick - SI erick Hobie , of Gordain , was nomi Dl nated for governor. 81 After the nomination of Col. Ilobi 40 ) for governor , the convention nomi nated congressmen as follows : Them. B , llccd , Nelson Dygley , Charles A. Boutoll and Seth L , Millikon , The resolutions approve the nation tic al banking sjatuni ; approve the reduc sei tion of tax on whidky ; demand all possible reduction of taxation on nec essaries and not on luxuries ; favor liberal poneious ; extend thanks to the is isph republican majority of congress for" ph action against fraudulent elections ; tal denounce polygamy ; and favor distri tci bution of the Geneva award to actual Ch losers , Louisiana's Muddy Politics. National AstocUteU Press. NEW ORLEANS , La. , Juno 13.The esi charge of accepting bribe having boon itj y preferred by Administrator Quillatoo lo { against P , W. Atkin , representative be ; of the Third ward of Now Orleans in toi the state legislature , and an investiga mi tion having been demanded by Atkin , Guillatoo to-day presented a statement to the investigating committee in ef fect that ex-Civil Shoritf Gauthersaux , now a fugitive from justice , told him 15r ho ( Ciauthersaux ) paid Atkin $1,000 T6I for his vote on Act 93 of the session of 1880. Guillatoe adds that ho is convinced Atkin is a vlllian. giv I'ri The legislative charter of the city of V. Now Orleans ; was passed by the son- nto unnmendcd aa it came from the homo. llio Special Dispatch to TUB BKE. LINCOLN , Nob. , Juno 13. The university regents mot this afternoon. No particular business was transacted. The chancellor made a lengthy reply to newspaper attacks on him. CRJMJE Esonpo and Xlooaptnre or Ptiionors From the Nohratlta Penl- tontiarv. Tbo Daily Uocortl of Bloody Doeda. OpocUl Dtepatch to TIIX linn. KRCAPH OP PRISONER * ) , LINCOLN , Nob. , Juno 13 Two prisoners - sonors escaped from the penitentiary this morning , and were recaptured this afternoon'twelve miles away. Their names are Barlow and Plainfiold. They Wore working on the farm nnd took their horses in their flight. TUB UALLRY8. NEW HAVEN , Conn. , Juno 13. The Malloy trial was resumed. Juror Lovojoy in his place. Lulu , sister of Jatnca Malloy , wns cross-examined un her testimony of Juno 2nd as to JamCIB' presence on Winthropo avenue on the night of August 4th , Her Bis ter , Lizzie Wolf , Who married sines August , corroborated her statement , In the Malloy trial this afternoon the two sisters of James Malloy gave further testimony in support of an alibi , reiterating tljo testimony of sis ter Lulu given before the l&st adjourn ment , f MURDER AND SUIUIDE. FORRESTVILLB , Va. , Juno 13. John Andrcok boat his brother fatally with a stone , and then killed himself. POISONED KUTTER. PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , Juno 13. Mrs. Margaret Shollon and two daughters are in a critical condition from eating butter containing metallic substance. LOVE'S LUNACY. OTTAWA , III. , June 13. Miss Josie cf Chariot committed suicide to-day with morwhino pills and strychnine. She died in terrible agony. She loft a note addressed to Frank Williams , aaying : "Forgive mo , Frank , but I loved you a little too much ; perhaps [ waa jealous. Good byo. Josie [ /harlot died of a broken heart. " MURDERED FOR MONEY. MANITOBA , Juno 13. John Kelly , said to belong to Minneapolis , was Found dead on a car at the railroad iepot hero to-day , supposed to have been murdered for money and after- ivarda thrown into the car to throw the authorioties off their guard. The police are trying hard to solve the mystery. : Bfarino. iktlonal Amodatod Preen. NMV YORK , June 13. Sailed , Ari- ona , for Liverpool and Lydian Mon- iroh for London. BALTIMORE , Md. , Juno 13. Ar 1 ived , Pheonetician , from Phlladol hio. , t * ' n GLAKOOW , Juno 13. Arrived , State if Georgia , from Now York. > LONDON , Juno 13. Arrived , Hoi- and , from Now York. SOUTHAMPTON , Juno 13. Sailed , feckar , from Bremen , for Now York. LIVERPOOL , Juno 13. Sailed , Be- lublic , for New York. The Btrikot , fotional Associated Press. clvi vi NEW YORK , Juno 13. The strike viol f the dressers and rubbers employed ol the typo foundry of Connors Sons nd Farmer , Little & Co. , is un SI is hanged. In the former shop a num- isar or of girls have been employed in ar bo places of the strikers , and in the ca itter a number of green hands are at cc ork. The striking boiler-makers f ro still holding out. ° A Charcoal Spoo- , allonal Ataocl ted Press. > TORONUO , Juno 13 Parry & Mills , nd a firm of Chicago capitalists , have iased the Victoria charcoal smelter , m ad secured 10,000 acres of timber to ind from the Ontario government , evan 'hoy expect to have the works with an capacity of thirty-fivo tons per day , foi on in blast , vo Louisiana Lottery. cil ttlonal Aufoclktad Presi. 18 NEW ORLEANS , Juno 13 Thnsemi- inual drawing of the Louisiana state vo ittory took plice to-day. The prizes sw rawn are i\a follows : No. 44,071 > swRi 100,000 ; No. 22,013 , § 50,000 ; No. ' 1,252 , § 20,000 ; Nos. 20,0)0 ! ) and 70 - 17 , 810,000 each ; Noa. 3.008 , 2,850 , th ,275 and 74,245 $5,000 each. thAc ThoDrutnmois. uc itlonal AflnochtcJ i'ro e Fi CINCINNATI , Juno 13. The Na- on l Travelers' association began ita tia Esion this morning. cit on Horiford'n Aold Phosphate tin a scientific preparation of the phos- rei wio , so combined as to bo readily ' ken into and absorbed by the sys- of m. Pamphlet sent free. Rumford III domical Works , Providence , R. I. junel3J&wlw ne nc : Great Forest Fires UK NKILLSVILLK , Wis. , Juno 13. For- UKAi v fires are now raging in this vicin- , and are doing great damage. The roi gging camp ot F. D. Lindsay has roiA. en destroyed The fire is sweeping A. ward Hewittsyille , and the lumber 801 ills and camps in that vicinity are in eat danger , Bucklin'a Arnica Salve. tin The BEST SALVK In the world for Cuts wa raises , Bores , Ulcers , Salt lUieum , Fo- tec Sores , Tetter , Chapped Hands , Chil Ac alne , Corns , and all akin eruptions , and isiilvely cures piles. It ia guaranteed to ve satlafactfon or money refunded , on rice , 25 cent * per box. For sale , by kO. onme Qoodiaaa. me > iff fit. . ' ' ' CITY COUNCIL. An Important Meeting and the Business Transacted Thereat. ThoPolioa Force to bo Incrnruoil to Twenty Men- Important urdmancos Passed , Ono Over the Mayor's Voto. At the city council last evening , the following members were present : Baker , Bohm , Corby , Dollono , Dun ham , Herman , Kaufmaun , Loodcr , McGuckln , O'Koofo and Thrano , Mr. Herman in the chair. The minutes of the previous moot ing were road and approved. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. From the Mayor : Approving the ordinance - dinanco providing for an election on paving bonds , and also the appropria tion ordinance for the month of May. From the Mayor : Vetoing the ordi nance establishing thohnoof the north Omaha sewer to the river on account of incorrectness of language , and bo- causa the open ditch , which is thereby made part of the general sewerage sys tem , crosses private property , which is bcnofittedby it and sliould > pay part of the expense The Mayor recommen ded that the ditch should bo paid for out of the general fund. Placed on fileTho The rules were suspended , and a vote was taken upon the passage of the ordinance over the mayor's vote , the result being the passage of the or dinance by a vote of 9 to 2 , From the mayor appointing J P. Manning inspector for the north Oma ha sower. Filed. ' The official bond of Jerome 0. Pont- zol , clerk of the police court , was ap proved. From Truman Buck , stating that the Cass street school property was taxed and should bo cancelled. Referred to judiciary committee. From Timothy Kelly , complaining of a ditch on Chicago street. Re ferred. From Reuben Brothers , to cut hole in curb a to no for drainage. Referred to committee on streets and grades with power to act. From citizens of the First ward asking that the city marshal bo in structed to stop the unloading of manure uro and dead animals in the vicinity of block 180. Referred. From the city engineer giving esti mate of grading necessary to bring Fifteenth street to grade from How ard to Leavonworth. Referred. From Marshal Angoll regarding cer tain obstructions of streets. Referred to judiciary committoo. The report of the public library ommittoo was read showing oxppn- iituroa for the fiscal year , amounting to S3 , 255 89. There has been col lected 828184 from fines ; $200 from ion-residents ; $39 by sale of catal ogues ; total 5320 , which has boon aimed over to the city treasurer. Fhero have been added to the library 1,173 new books , of which 95 volumes nrore donated. Total number of books low in library 7,497. From the city engineer transmitting lat of Thirteenth street. Referred. From about 400 cltixuiu of North ) mana asking that the pond of stag- : tant water in North Omaha creek be arried to the river. Referred. From the taxpayers of Lake's ad- lition , asking for the laying of certain idewalks. Referred. From W , H. Moran , assistant city lork , presenting bill for $00 for aor- ) ices. > ices.Mr. Mr. Kaufman presented the opinion f the city attorney to the effect that uch a bill cannot bo allowed , as $12 the amount allowed for the clerk nd assistant , and no more , but pay an be allowed for an assistant at ouncil meetings. A vote was taken on the payment the bill resulting ; eight in the afllr- lative and throe in the negative. Several bills were presented and ro- rred. RESOLUTIONS. By Kaufmann : That the street com ussionor bo and is hereby instructed immediately prop up the sidewalk cor the washout on Tenth and Jonoa , id also on Tenth , near Hickory. Ro- irrod , with power to act. By Behm : That the city clerk nd- artiso for bids for printing for the ty from July 1st , 1882 , to July 1st , 383 , for same period , and in said roposals rcquiro that all bids tor ad- 3rtiaing must bo accompanied by the vorn statement of the circulation. oferred to the committee on print- 'K- . 'Kliy Dunham : That the clo k return 10 plut of Rtcso's place to Mr. Reuse. t dopted. f By Corby : Thft n culvert bo placed sross Davenport street , west uido of iftoenth. Referred. By Dunham : That the clerk advor- ae for ono week for bids to do the ty advertising in a daily papjr for 10 year , commencing July 1st , and iat the contract bo lot to the lowest apoueiblo bidder. Adopted. P By McGuckin : To fill up the pond isar i stagnant water on Douglas street. ar eforrod. Pi By Kaufman : That the city engi- oil ( ior investigate the washout on Tenth , itf ar Hickory street , and report best th ode of permanently filling the same. dc dopted. ui Several sidewalk resolutions were al iad and referred , By Dollono : Returning thanks to J. Simpson for the antelope pro- Nisi iiitod to the city. By Kaufmann Calling for a com- si : lation of council rules. Adopted , bi Mr. Baker moved an amendment tote th to nuisance ordinance to cover waste Ettor , and that the judiciary commit- prepare such an amendment , doptod , 111 By Looder ; To repair the culvert of E Chicago street. Referred. naU By O'Koefo ' ; That the following U Pi' ' en bo put in as soon M the force. bo increased : Ourloy , Douglas and McCormick. Adopted , By Dunham : Thnt the petition of 0. F. Davis and others for a change of curb line for the purpose of curbing Douglas street from 10th to 20th , betaken taken from the file and referred to the judiciary committee to report an ordinance - nanco making such change , and adver tise for bids. Referred. By McGuckin : That on and after July 1 , 1882 , nine hours shall consti- tnto n day's work for city labor on the street. Referred to committee on finance. By O'Keofo : That the appropria tion ordinance bo printed iu the offi cial paper , BO that every citizen can BOO what disposition ia made of the city funds. Referred. By Dunham : That a judgment in dex bo procured and a record kept of judgments ngainst the city , to cost not more than $100. Adopted , From C. P. Birkott : To grade Ninth nnd Ploroa street crossing at his own expense to the established grado. Referred to committee on streets and grades with power to act. The opinion * s > t the city attorney , with reference to the employment of a clerk to assist at council meetings and assist the city engineer was placed on Clo. Clo.Tho The opinion of the city attorney , with reference to the resolution of Mr. O'Koofc , that the mayor bo in structed to appoint a city marshal , city engineer , street commissioner and city physician , was road , and the matter recommitted. REPORTS OF COMMITTKES. The report of the committee on streets nnd grades , to whom was re ferred.tho bids for grading Sixteenth street nnd Harnoy street , stated that but two bids were received , nnd ono did not comply with the advertise ments , and recommended the rejec tion of these bids , nnd that the clerk bo instructed to advertise for now pro posals. Recommitted. From streets and grades , recom mending that the petition of Emory & Lies , asking permission to clear off the brush on Loavonworth and Mason streets , bo granted. Adopted. From aamo , recommending that the petition of John G. Rain for the clearing of n portion of James street , bo granted. Adopted. From tlio committee to whom was referred the list of liquor dealers do ing business in Omaha , recommend ing adoption of the same. Adopted. From the financial committee , recommending . that certain bills from the city marshal bo allowed. Adopted. From same , recommending that the following bills bo allowed : Foster & Gray , $3. GO ; Omaha Smelting and Refining company , $23.32 ; w J. Broatch , 80c ; C. F. Goodman , $3.90 ; George Herman , $44.00 ; M. Rogers & Son , 35c ; E. T. Duke , | ( k01. Adopted. From committee streets and grades , recommending various side uid cross walks. Adopted. From committee on finance , recom mending that the bill of Sam'l Keen , of $43 CO , bo paid. Adopted. ORDINANCES. An ordinance increasing the police force to twenty men was passed. An ordinance a 51,722.90 out of sewer series one , to pay costtofjv , _ , bho open oxcuyatfon extending from the terminus'of the. North Omaha brick sewer to the river , was passed. An ordinance requiring all the city sngineora time to bo devoted to the ( ity , and increasing his salary to ? 2.200 , payable monthly , from July 1st , 1882 , was passed. An amendatory ordinance readjust- ng the fire limit , was referred to com- nittco on fire. An ordinance prescribing duties of oard of public works and fixing salary f members , was read second time , md referred to the judiciary com- nittco. An ordinance regulating auction's ind auctioneers in the city of Omaha , fas passed. A ! ' Destructive Hail Storm- rational Aitoclated Pren > LITTLE ROOK , Ark. , Juno 13. A pocial from Indian territory says a erriblo hail storm passed ever Broken trrow and surrounding country cans- > OR great damage to crops and property , iovnral persons were killed. Indication * WASHINGTON. Juno 14 , 1 a. m. far the Upper Mississippi nnd Mis- ouri valleys , light rains in the north- rn portions ; warmer , partly cloudy reather in the southern portions , ariablo winds , shifting to southwest nd northwest , followed by rising aromofer. 3 Wind Up of the Iron Strike- .vtonI ! Atuoclatcd 1'rasa. ; MILWAUKEE , Juno 13. Tbo strike Bay View rolling mills is practical- ended , Vice President Bullock , of lie Amalgamated Association , has re- urned from Pjt'sburg , and notified 3cal unions that they illicit adjust t heir difficulties in their own way , and . OBiiino work. This is being done by ! oth sides making concessions , "Do boldly wlmt you do at all. " 3 loldly do wo allirm that Kidnoy-Wort the great remedy for liver , bowels nd Kidney diseases ; rheumatism and { ilos vanish before it. The tonic Toot of Kidney-Wort is produced by s cleansing nnd purifying action on [ 10 blood , Whore there is n gravely opoait in the urine , or milky , ropy line from disordered kidneys , Iways cures. Master Car Balldom. ' ntlonal Associated Pros * . PHILADELPHIA , Pa , , Juno l.'t. The xth annual convention of master car > uildors of the United States began iis morning. The London Lancet. B ( The "London Lancet" Bay : "Many n V fe has been saved by the moral courage the autlerer , " uud many a life ha * been ived by taking BrwNn BI.OHBOH la catoof : Illloua fever Itullgeation or liver com- lalnU. Price 90 cents , trial , bottles 10 into. J13'dlw TORRENTS OF OIL , How a Secret Was Kept by Firo. Onptnin Mnrphjr' * Glover Rtuo to Prevent n Fnll in Price * Derricks nnd Works Burned to Keep tuo droat Strike From tbo Pub * llo-Tho Myetory Still Yield- Bight Hundred Barrel a nDoy. OIL CITY , Juno . The excitement throughout the oil region does nol abate in the slightest. The people did not realize at first that they had entered upon another era of thousand- barrel wella. Three in Cherry Qroyo township , Warren county , which are now flowing , namely , the Union Oil company's well , known an " 046 , " "Tho Great Unknown , " "Tho Great Mystery" and other appropriate names , and Captain Murphy's well , from a half to three-quarters of a mile beyond it to the northeast , and Cadwallador's No , 1 , about five hun dred feet north of it these throe , by actual gauge , are known to bo yield ing four thousand barrels of petro leum per diem. The "Mystery" itself , or , to speak more properly , the Union Oil company's well , is still pro ducing about 800 barrels daily , although it has boon flowing steadily since the ICth of last month. There must bo an almost inexhausti ble reservoir of oil deep below the sur face of the ground to pour forth such a flood , particularly with two others which help to drain the sjmo deposit. This well is drilled but a short dis tance into the sand rock , and rnanv think that if the owners would drill deeper still greater results would bo produced. But it is to the interest of the Ot/ners that the flow should not increase at present. In addition to the original price paid for the well , the present owners agreed to pay the original proprietors $25 for each bar rel of oil above 200 barrels , the well should produce on Juno 30 , If the well on that day flowed 800 barrels , the original owners would receive an additional $20,000 from the purchas ing company. From this it may b inferred that until the close of th present month there will bo no doepe drilling at the first well on lot G4G\ HOW FIRK KEPT A HEUKKT. Iforrdays before the above wol commenced to put forth groascr th rig and engine house at the Murph ; well were burned to the ground. None ono but interested parties were at tin well at the time , and reports were sen out by them that f ho fire originated in an explosion of jcas. The story wa generally credited at the time , but a story has since been circulated to the Following effect ; Drilling at the Murphy well proceeded rapidly , and before the owner was prepared for it. tiis drill had touched "the jugular vein , " as the oil men call it , an Fact was speedily made known fron ( bolow. Oil flowed suddenly one Freely and derrick , engine house an < the adjoining bushes were well sprinkled klod with the greasy fluid. It was no jcsord'tfr o CJspwn Mp"by\ that the outer world should us yet b < made aware that ho had a big well. The oil men would soon bo flocking to the vicinity , and if traces of the of > and the traces wore largo and pro a nounced ) were soon about the rig and ' grounds the four winds of Heaven , ) leaving the Western Union Telegraph ind reporters out of the question , ; nrould soon spread the tidings to the four quarters of the earth. To avoid this ardors were issued to set fire to the scattered oil , and ere long the derrick , engino-houso and all , traces of the oil which had been scat tered about were licked up by the ilamos. Then the story about the gas ixplosion was circulated , It Booms to bo a generally conceded 'act among oil nion that when there s much gas there is little oil , and so , is the story circulated and was spread y the newspapers , the general vor iict was rendered , "Tho Murphy well sn't good for anything. " But Cap ain Murphy know bettor , and as the w rico of oil stiffened a little ho sold hort , and when C4G , and later Mur- ihy , broke the market ho covered his horts and reaped a rich harvest. CAUWAIiiADKU NOB. 1 AN I ) 2. The lost well completed is tlio Cad- yallador No 1 , and its mate , Cadwul- ador No. 2 ; is shut down on top of ho sand with a big shawing , These rolls are dpso to iho "Mystery , ' * so hat something was justly expected rom both. The M hoopany well , lowovcr , was nn important test , as it a mile and half northwest of the irst gusher. It , M well as Oadwal- xdcr'a No. 2 , ia shut down on top of ho aml with an oacullmit showing Neither of these wells will bo opened ' intil the United r.ud Warren pipe inua can make arrangements tie ro- ' nova the oil from the wells and store away in the r tanks in tlu > lower o .old The Warren pipa ha all it can ai o at present to take the t > il from aiof f Jadwallador No 1 and I ho Murphy , riiilo the Union Line has ita hands , well as its pipes and tanks full , dong - ng their best to cnro for Gift's produo- ac ion , while at all these wells now tanks from 250 to 1,200 barrels capacity ro being erected. Preparations are being made to put own now wolls. The woods are live with rig builders , and a constant lamipering and sawing is kept up rom daylight to dark , Property is high. Land considered 'on the bolt" ia held at $1,000 an ere and one-fourth of the production , ml land a little off the bolt is hold at 300 to $500 nnd one-eighth of tha > iroduction. > OTHER PIKLUH DEBERTKI ) , ii The other oil fields are almost do- iiP ertod. The Alloghany field in Now 01 fork is almost depopulated , The 01Hi Bradford field is not in much bettor Hi Hitl ondition. Owners of property can- tl tot afford to put down wells at pros- tlO tlP mt prices in these fields , and are in O noa'v cases raoroly completing the work which wns commenced before GIG commenced to flow. THE NEW BRIDGE. The Substance of the BUI Pro viding for a Now Wny Over the Missouri. How it Bhnll bo Bnilt and the Toll * to bo Charged. Some months ago there was consid erable agitation ot the question of n wagon bridge ever the Missouri river between Omaha nnd Council Bluffs , nnd after several meetings hold by the the committees of the boards of trade of the two places , ft bill wns framed nnd sent to the representatives in con * gross , to bo introduced in the house. This bill wns Introduced first , road twice , referred to the comnittoo on commerce , and ordered to bo printed. It is known as "House Bill No. G035. " A copy of the printed bill lias just boon received by Mr. Thomas Gibson , secretary of the Omaha board of trade , and a brief synopsis of it will prove interesting to readers on both sides of the river. In the provisions of this bill W. F. Sapp , of Iowa , Herman Kountzo , of Nooraskn , and a largo number of citizens of the two cities , are created n body politic and corporate under the name of the Union Bridge Com pany , and by that name are to have perpetual succession with all the privileges accorded to such a body , ind authorized and empowered to juild n wagon bridge for the trans- lortatlon of street cars , wagons and ill other vehicles , live stock and per sons , across the Missouri river jotwoon Omaha and Council Bluffc. Dho capital stock of the company islet lot fixed , but the persona named in ho clause are constituted commis- ionors , n quorum of whom shall bo iompotont to transact business. The bill details at length thn authority vested in the oflicors and the manner n which the corporation shall bo man aged , and gives the company power o procure the lands necessary for the approaches to the bridge by condem t nation or purchase , upon either side of the river. Also the power to estab lish offices in Omaha- and Council Bluth , to borrow money and secure re payment of the Bamo , to- issue bonds , etc. etc.Tho The company may elect whether they will build a high' or low bridge , such election to bo made and filed with the secretary of war. If said company elect to erect a high bridge then said bridge shall bo constructed as follows : It shall hare at loest two high BpinB of not loss than 300 feet Df clear width of water way each , nnd having n clear height of fifty footnbovo the highest water level. Ono of the highest spans shall bo placed ever the most available channel , , at the lowest water at which boats can run , and mother shall bo placed over the best liigh water channel , in case this is not In the same place as the best channel In low water. If the company , elect to erect a low bridge it nhrU } bo constructed P fol lows : All fbccT : opans over ri average } f water way of the river at a modi- jm stage , shall hare dear openings ; f not less than 290' foot in width , md 10 foot clear head room measured 'rom the highest water to the lowest art of the span , any point between 01 ho piers and tho- draw they shall iyo two clear openings of not loss ban 1GO foot each , , and shall bo ocatod in such a > part of the bridge hat ono of both openings can bo afoly reached by boats at all navig- blo stages of water. This draw shall 10 operated by steam , anil opened iromptly upon rcaoonablo signal for ho passage of boats. m The piers o > the high spans and the cl tiers of the draw shall bo built paral- 011 with the currant at that stage of lo rater which ia most important for la tavigation , and no rip-rapping or laol tthor outside- protection which will elm naiorially lossoa the required water olkt ray , will bo permitted in the channel kt : rays of the spans or of the draw poning. ht The plans , specifications , topography tii nd maps of tha bridge , and blanks nuat bo filed ) with the secretary of yc tate for hi approval , and if ho ia ycm atisfiod with- them work may com- It icnco at onco. The company shall maintain at their y wn expense from sunset to sunrise liroughout the year , and during oivy fogs such light as may bo ro- COte ulrod by the Light Houoo board for COB < 10 security cf navigation. . The bridge shall bo recognized as u * oat route , upon which , no charge to mil bo made for the transmission wr tlw same of the mr.iJa , the troops id the ammunitions of war ol the 'iiitod States other than is paid by the su avoramunt over like structures else- dtai 'hora. ai The companyBhall not bo authorised exact or receive 2rom uny parson ofhi foe tolls for the hi ny greater sum use said briduo thaiv the following : hiV : For street car and team drawing the line same , fifty cents ; for each pa.i- V enger transported in such utreot car K . cross said bridge , ten cents ; for 2 ; ration drawn by four animals , loaded r empty , with driver only , seventy- ivo cents ; for wagon drawn , by two ' nimula , loadad or empty , with driver mly , fifty contaj carriogo , buggy or it ither vehido not nanued , drawn iy two animals , fifty cents ; ame by one animal. , twenty-five outs ; auimal nnd person riding same , wonty cents ; foot passengers , ton icnts ; horsoa , assoa , mules nnd cattle , wo years old led or driven , ten cents or head ; satno under two years , in- iluding colts and calves , five cents or head ; sheep , swine and goata over ix months old , three cents per head ; igs and lambs under six months , two tents per head , The construction of the axid bridge hall commence within ona year from ho passage of this act , failure , or BUS- iciiBion of work after commencement f suph work for ono year to work u of all rights under this act. FANATIC FURY : The Alexandria Bob Pray by th0 Hour and Kill a Few Foreipers , They Appeal to theBones / o the Prophets to Saaofcl- fy the Mob. The Military Ready to JohJ'in the Slaughter at Any Moment. Tin * Khedlro Goon to tbo Front , Taking Hi Har a Along. A Few Fncta From Other Foreign Porta. A PAINFPL CALM. LONDOH , Juno 13. The latest news from Alexandria says that all last night prayers were said before crowds of fanatics at the tombs of Saints. Menaces wore pronounced against Eu ropeans ; . the native population arc very much excited and an outbreak may occur at any moment. Tomorrow row over lyOOO Europeans leave Egypt. Two trains of cavalry and infantry are expected from Cairo. A riot arose out of a dispute bo- twoou n Mnltcso and an Arab donkey boy. An officer of the American ship Galena was dangerously woundodi to day. A painful calm exists , but an other outbreak is hourly expected. aOINO-TO TUB FRONT. Sir Charles Dilko announced in the = tiouso of commons to-day that tho- khpdivo and Dervish Paaht had loft Cairo for Alexandria. No informa tion has boon received regarding : Arabi Boy's movements , PREPARED FOR A SIEGE. ALEXANDRIA ) , Juno 13. The Khe- livo's harem and Princes Hal havo- irrivod in this city. Printed circu lars have been distributed among the population of Cairo calling upon thomt to bo ready in case of insurrection. STANDrilOM UNDER. LONDON , Juno 14 , A dispatch from Alexandria says that Oaorif Pasha and the British and French consuls- will leave Cairo on Wednesday for Alexandria. Consuls advise all Europeans to leave Egypt. The sol diers in the garrison openly ask the Khedive's dopooition , and declare they are ready to oppose the Turkish troops if any are sent into Egypt. Insults to Europeans ore frequent. Two hundred and thirty natives have boon arrested , charged with rioting. BELGLUf ELECTIONS. BRUSSELS , Juno 13 , The Belgian , elections have resulted in the liberal majority In the chamber of deputies , being increased from 14 to 18. THE ELECTION IN BERTIA.V BELGRADE ) Juno 13. The election in Sorvia has resulted ina majority of radicals being returned to the Skupt- Bcbina. * in this cit\that the j-fi ' " reported ; * ouiporor of Austria has "guaranteed - , King Milan's maintenance of the hrouo. THIS ROYAL OLLA. ST. PETERSBURG , Juno 13. % The. impress' daughter will bo named Olla , SIX < TV. IKR80N3 DROWNED. . Juno 13. A water spout at foraitz , Hungary , drowned siityr tersons. SPORTING. tatlon&l Associated Preu. CONKYf O1LAND JOCKEYOLDU. . NEW YORE , Juno 13 , The spring' MM nooting of the Oonoy Island jockey V lub began to-day at Shoopshoad Bay. The first raco. all ages , five fur- DiigBwas.won by Bonnie Lizzie , , Pill ow play eoond. Time , 1 :02Jj : Tho- second rene , for three year Ids and upwards , selling , allowances , lilo andi A quarter , was won by Alas- a , Warfiold second. Time 2:11 : . The third race , all ages , mile arid a alf , waa. won by Parole , Compensa- ion.soooad. Time 2:36f . Fourth race , tidal stakes for throe- ear oldo , mile , woo won by Ilunny- icdo , Jolliotta , a coltj second. Time Filth race , all ages , mile , was woo. Valusia , Macbeth second ; Time , Sixth race , steeplechase , , short nurse , was won by Day Star , Ohio loy second. Kb time. tsc HALL. N w YORK. Juno 13 , MotropolU uis 3 , Dotroits 8 , Tiiorruia AT BRADFORD. BRADFORD , , Pa. , Juno 13 , The limmer meeting of the Bradford riving park association opened to- fay.Tho The Uilij-'clasa waa won by Queen Diamonds , Lidy Leak taking second ieat , Kittio Wood third. Time 2:33 : ] :32 ] , 2-031 , 2:334 : , The 2:27 class was won by Phyllfl , alcont taking second , and Mollio- Cissloj-third heat. Time , JfcJJS , 229 ! .on ) o.'tnl'lJl . . - . - * .J , 5 : iUA. 2 .i ) & . } CR1CKCTEEHH. PAII.ADEUUJ\ , , Juno 13.Tha 'ittsburg and Young America cricket luba commenced their contest to-day- Stantou. When tbo stumps were Irawn the Pittsburg club scored 97 in ha lirat innings to Young Americas J5 , with seven wickets down. The IToung Americas were short several players. ' KAN LAN AMU ROSS. WiNNirai , Manitoba , Juno 13. Elanlan has nskod to have the race with HOBS postponed two weeks. The latter refuses , as the event has already been postponed three times. Kennedy - nedy rofusea to keep Ross so long in training and thinks July 3d should settle the present race. Now arrange ments can be mado'as to a future mooting , It is not believed hero that Ilanlan is so ill as ia settorth , md postponement ia considered ft lobomo to offoot betting ,