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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1882)
THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA. TUESDAY , JUNE IS , 1882 , The Daily Bee. OMAHA. Tuesday Morning , Jure 13 , "Weather Hoport > ( The following observation * ara taken a the BARIO moment ot time nt all tha aUtlur HlTcr 10 leot 0 Inches below high w tor mark i 0-n h unil 3 foot 7 Inches kt Yonkton. BUSV1TIB3 , The past forty-eight bour waa proliE of saloon rowH and Cghta. Oni cape of dNturbnnco of the POM was dealt with tn police court yesterday. .T. K. Emrnelt nn I party , will pot through this city on Wednesday , en rout to Sail Francisco. A colored man and n white man had Jittlo matlneo t the corner of 13th nn 11 Jncknon Saturday night. N. N. Edwards was appointed con stable for Douglas jircclnot by the Count ; Com mlsiloiiB on SiturJny. Mary and Pat Kellv rniee J a dell of i row at the foot of Douulas etrcot Sundft ] and were arreetod and held to appear oi Tuesday. A man , whoao nnmo wai not learned , foil at the corner of 10th and Farnnra yes .tcrddj- with an epileptic fit. Ho was taker 'j ' away and cared fur by friends. * Our ci-pollco jndcte , Hon. Pat O , HBWCJ , returned fiom Wuahington City , Saturday night , and hit familiar foco woe aecn on the streets yo tcrday , A team belonging to Mr. John II. Wlllff , broke loose yesterday near hu phce and ran nut ICtb etrtct. They had not been captured ut last account" . The county assessora yesterday re turning their books to the county clerk and thoeo already in are in such oed shape us to pleoao the force in the office very much. Following the Hnverly'a Mastodons the next and last entertainment for the season , except ' 'Joust'1 la two nlghta of Charlotte Thompaon , Tucaday nnd Wed nesday , the 20th and 21st. The Btdt of Philip Andres VB. J. II. Kellom et. al. waa tried in tlw District Court yei > tciday , reaultlnp ; in a verdict for plaintiff of 8 0 nnd costs. Andrea was in structor and janitor of tha old gymnaaiuin and the Milt wasfor _ wages duo , Kellom et. al. representing the stock Cumpany. Work waa temporarily stopped on the Farnum Btrret gr.ido ycsteidsy by the soft condition of the grade-beyond the hill. Ono tcain waa mired and the work had to be "abandoned. A number of per- nona went'up'tpvinveBtlgate , thlnklngthere Lad bcWn.'ntrik'o. The argument in the "Star route" cane In which Fred. K , Claroy la defendant was concluded yesterday , Mr. Woolworth ad- dresfllng jury about 3 o'clock , closing for the defense. The trial haa occutjiod the atten tion of the court for the past ten day ? . Kd. and Georgia Mozart , who have just completed nn engagement at the Academy of MuIo , leave for San Fran cisco to-day tvhere they will open in the Bella Union Thentrer. Ed. aa the "Fire King" la uneurpasaed and his per formances are not excelled by any rnnpl- cian that travels. Uenrglo IK the famous $20 , COO beauty nnd U an art lat of great ability. ability.The The beautiful military allegorical drama , "The Union Spy" will be pro duced nt the Opera House in , Fremont , June 14th , 15th. and ICtb , under the aun- plcca of MoPheraon Poet No , 4 , G. A. 11. , by seventy-five ladles and gentlemen of that city , under the Immediate suporvinlon ot Col. 15. B. Temple. We can conclen , tiously promise the people of "tho prettiest town in the State , " the finest entertain ment they orer had , without exception. A cricket club waa organized In the Ity Sunday and called " The Omaha Criokot Club. " Dr. Lanyon was elected Preddont. J. Botbwell secretary , and W. J. Whitehouso treasurer. A committee waa npunlnted for purchasing icatoilnl nnd uecuring grounds. The initiation fee la ono dollar and it free to all who wind to join. Names con bo handed to the treasurer , W. J. WliltehouHO , or to the uocretary , J , Both well. Another mooting will be oalkd in n few days through our columns. There ia ccmlderalle complaint of th < Ially oon\entlona hold l > y the dognon IGth and Capitol Avenue- which make the vicinity dangeroua for pedestrians , About a thousand nBiemuled there this morning nnd made Itoiuo howl. 4 f Awellkno * manufacturer of this city recently treusferted piece of property - ty to another nnd then had the acknowl edgement of the grantee initead o { the grantor taken I eloro the notary. The mis take was not discovered uutll the deed was recorded. The thermometer at MAX Meyer ' 4 Bro. , thejewtlera nud Optician * , fnm 12 in. Sunda.y until 12 in. ye'teiday indi cated tha f .liowlngi 12 ni. , Cl ° ; 2 p. in. , 70 ; 7 \ > , mH 74 s i 0 p. u . , 7 Q ; 7 a. m. , 050 } 10 a. w. , 70 ° ; 12 in. , 74 ° ; 2 p. in 75 ° , . Tins police B'flda another descent on the Twelfth ari l divet Saturday night , raiding the , houses rf Fanny Btntorj , i'rankls Kail aud Delia Thomas , girls aud on < qual number of young men were captured and toveral escaped by jumping out through windows aud back doors. Yesterday the girls patu 63 nnd coats each , the young men thn same amount. The mesdames proteit yleoruusly against dlscrlmlnotlon and want all the sisterhood Donobuf , against . whom * < -4 warrant WAR Luned About ft we l < ago fo an htaknlt nnd battery cimmitted Rgvn the person of Lizzie ( tray , but who le town to nvotd arrest , wa arrested ftt th H , k M. freight depot joiterday on tl charge of t < nlln ft lot of cigars and boo from * 11. & M box-car at I'latumbutl Officer Flynn mnda the arrest atd the fe low had on A pain of new boots at tl time. Ho will lie taken to COM count to bo tried Lr grand larceny , the dole propeity amounting tolOor over. Tne city jail was devoid of inmates to day , The publ'o entertainment and eism nation * take place at the Deaf and Dum institute tlii * week. The weather cleared off nicely Ian night , without the anticipated daily nllow ancb of rain , ttlshoD Clarkeon held a reception las evening for the graduate ! of Browne Ha 1 , It was a very pleanant affair. A communication from Aahlnnd t TIIK HP.K says : "Wheat , oats , barley in < rye never looked better. Corn is doln well and growln ? fast ; the pvit few day of warm pumhino is rending it nlon rapidly. " Mr. George Wilcor. who had th trouble with John Scott last \reelr , state that ho never whipptd Scott's boy. Th nearest ho over came to it was seeing th boy with several others playing in haymow and being pelted with clods b them. A boarding house four blocks south o Brnwncll hall was raided by sneak thieve Sunday ntftht. They stole n lot of cannci fruit from the c'llar and afterwards climb cd the golden stair to a second-story room by means of n ladder , nnfl there abstract a golden double eagle , the hard carnet wageD of a domtstio employed iu th family , DEATH Or Katal Bosult of the Sunday Moral dp Accident , Mr. 1'rod LanRO , the victim of the accident which occurred en Sunday morning , died nt 8:50 : n. in. yester day after most intonao BulforinR. The deceased wns fifty years old on the 28th day of May last. Ho was born In the kingdom of Saxony , Germany nnd came to America nearly thirty five years ago , settling first at Rock lolnnd , 111. , where ho engaged in the bakery and saloon business. After n tow years' residence in that place , ho traveled extensively over the western country , K ° 'inK aH ar ou aa Montana , and returning from thorn nnd Bottling on a tarm near this city , which was thirteen years ago. This occupation not suiting him ho removed to the city about twelve years ago and spiling out his farm established himself in the grocery business on the identical corner which lias been occupied by him over since. Ho started out with the most limited capital but by his sa gacity , industry and business tact he built up nn immense business to which hn paid his personal attention until within two months of the timeof his death. At that time in order to allow his children , especially his oldest daughter Muggio , relief from an almost uninterrupted labor of nine years , ho sold out to the firm of Hoimrod & Dorman. Ho retained , however , his interest in the saloon business with the proviso that it should bo only a temporary arrangement , and that in ease of his losing control of the busi ness or at his pleasure the saloon de partment . should bo transferred to Messrs. Heimrod& Dorman according to the provision of the Icaio made to them. them.Mr. Mr. Lango'a whole lifo was devoted solely to the interests and benefit of his wife and children and in his endeavor doavor to secure an indopondanco for them , ho was extremely successful , no- cumlitting real estate and personal property to the amount of about § 75- 000. 11 is untimely death , tht facts of which have boon stated at length has cut him off in what might bo called the prime of lifo and has deprived his family and the community of n long career of usefulness , which they had no cause to anticipate the loss of , as ho was in excellent health and very strong constitutionally. A few months ago Mr. Lttngo joined the order of- Knights of Pythias , be- ooming ft member of Planet lodge No. 4 , in which lie hold tin honorable posi tion at the time of his death. Ho held a policy of § 3,000 in the endowment rank which will bo paid to his family. His manyfriends and brethren in this order regard his death as a great calamity to the fraternity in which during his lifo ho exorcised every ef fort to bo useful. The funeral will bo conducted un der the ausptoos of the Knights of Pythias Planet lodge at 3 p. in. to-day un less seine accident should prevent the arrival of his children , who arc uxpeotbd from the east to-night. The deceased leaves a wito , three daughters and one son. His eldest daughters. Maggie and Carrie , had just departed on a trip for the east , and wuro tele graphed Sunday at Davenport , while his son Frank about eighteen years of ago , who wan engaged in business at Chicago , was also telegraphed and arrived on the same train at seven o'clock lost evening. The youngest daughter , Adelina Frieda , is but tlirt'o yours of ugo. At the ex press desire of the deceased and while ho wus unublo to write , ho authorized Mr , Jean Schons Sunday afternoon to prepare and dictated to him his lost will and testament , which was poifectod ill the presence of Dr , Murcer , Dr. Jensen , Mr. Goo. Schmidt , August Uoohno and Philip Lunge , the members of the family being the solo legatees. RECOVERY op ritomiTY. Yestarday the watchman en- < ; ugtd at the nail works no titled Mr. lleimrod that there wn a quantity of jnpor and documents in an old lard can near the woika , and upon examination they wcro found to bo the missing papers , taken from the safe on Sunday morn ing , nnd included all the papers and the cash book , from which it is definitely - finitely ascertained that the amount was between $50 and gJ5 ( , Mr. Lange's death oo- occurred in the defense of the prop- arty of others , and Mr. Hoimrod ex presses the deepest regret that ho should have lost hia life in the attempt to save his property , -the loss of which 10 regards as utterly insignificant : omparod with that which hu fallen Jpentho bereaved family. THE STATE FAIR , Measures Per the Permanent Improvement of the Driving Fork. The July Exemption to the Yollow- tone There was a meeting of the Omaha board of trade at their own rooms in Lytlu block last evening for the pur pose of considering various matters connected with the holding of the state fair in this city. At the limo of the lost contest for the location of the state lair , it was finally Bottled upon a compromise to hold it for three suc cessive years in Omaha , nnd it was believed by the leading men interested in the matter hero that by certain improvements being done on the grounds the fair could bo secured here for the ensuing five years. The moot ing was taken up entirely with a gen eral discussion of the various items connected with the proposed improve- montc , and it was stated in general that for the sum of $5,000 the ground could bo put in such shape ns to make it an object to continue the fair nt this place. For this sum the Omaha waterworks compiny will put their pipes to the grounds , the Union Pa cific will build a side track with chute for stock and platform for passengers up to the very gate , and the buildings which wore blown down by the wind storm lust fall can all bo put up as good as now. Several members of the board offered to put up their § 50 apiece. I : would take only ono hundred men subscribing this amount , rach to roiso the necessary funds. The project mot with a great deal of favor and there is no doubt but the amount required will bo forth coming , and Omaha may confidently count upon n continuance of the fair tt this point for some time to conio [ t is probable also , that in connection vith the fair an exposition will bo leld , which will bo more local in its laturo , and will continue somewhat onger than the fair. No definite no ion was taken , it being postponed until the next meeting. In regard to the approaching oxcur- ion to Montana , which is sot for the Oth of July , it was stated that Mr , 'horaau L. Kimball , general manager f the Union Pacific railroad , had ex- ended the rate for members of the soard of trade to their wives , and his will probably bo taken advantage f by a number of those who have Big- liQod their intention to go. Thus far bout thirty signatures have boon ob- ainod to the paper , and at least half f these will toke their better halves vith them. In regard to Pullman ac- ommodations it was stated Suporin- ondont Bonnet had offered to charter ars at u very reasonable rate for the rip. The secretary , Mr. Thomas iibson , had received a latter from A. jiindo , president of the board of trade t Helena , in which ho auid : "After avhif ? reached Buttc , the present crminus of the Utah & Northern ail road , the only mode ot public cjn- oyanco to points in Montana is by tago coaches , and from Bozo- nan to the National Park y private conveyances. The route ram Butte to the Northern Pacific , is y the way of Deer LodgOjHolotmand tozeman , then through the National 'ark to Virginia City and Dillon , vhoro wo again strike the Utah & forthem. This would take the pirty irough the most interesting and pop- lous part of Montana. On bohaff of 10 people of Helena it can bo said lat wo will assuio you ahosprabo ! re- option in all other parts of Montana. " The mooting then adjourned to londay oveniiir/ , the lOch inst. , to leot at 8 o'clock , when all interested i the Montana excursion are requost- d to bo present. ll AVRN'S ' YOSE5IITE COLOGNE , ilado from the wild flowers of the AH I-AMKD YOSESIITE VALLEY , t is the most fragrant of perfumes , rtanufucturod by H. B. Slavon , San francisco. For sale in Omaha by W. F. Whitohouse and Kounard Bros , , to. VATBON D. SMITH'S MURDERER > ooa the Perpetrator of the Crlmo Lurk Within the Environs of this County. An old and reliable citizen ot this ounty , during a recent illness , stated o his attending physician that ho ould point out the murderer of Wat- on B. Smith , clerk of the United itates court at Omaha ; that ho had nown who the utility party was for omo timo. Ho would not give it way to Uio dooor , but said ho wanted n see an Omaha detective , and to him , o would make the disclosure. There my bo something in all thin , or it may 0 a delusive fancy of a mind weaken- d by long illness. United States Mar tini Biorbowpr was in town Monday , coking into this matter , as wj are in- urmod. _ Whether ho discovered any- hing of importance or not wo do not ; now , but if ho did , wo will no doubt ioar of it before any great la so of hue. If Watsnn B. Smith's death waa the fork of foul play , wo do not imagine lia murderer is within a radius of ono houaand miles of Omaha. Wo do tot think tlu.t ho was murdered At 11 , but that the f out ful occur nce raa the result of an accident on his iart. If the detectives are kqit ang enough on the scent they will n time arrest , convict and hang some nnooent man , a repetition oi the jus- ice that has been meted out to scores f innocent persons throughout the nuntry within half as many years 'ho rowan ! offered will stand as an iu ucometit for some oflicor , with prino- ! u equal to that of Detective llazn ) , 1 put blood upon the clothing of sono oor wretch , arrest and send him to allows. If no clue has : so far leon btainod to the possible murderer , the V [ for of reward had better bo vithf. rawn and thus avert the probability f such an outcome , [ PajMlion t 'imcs ' , Duso Ball. 3 CruickahaDk'f UM bill nine : Wo are at a loss to understand your oculiar conditional acceptance of our mllenge. To the general reader it ist very misleading. Wo did not , no have wo nt nny time since our las game , contemplated asking any odds ai the tone of your letter would imply , Wo simply challenged you to play tht nine you played on D corntion dayj and which is S. P. Mono it Co.'s bast ball nine , subject of course to un avoidable alterations as jour's would bo. If not accepted by you as such wo see no other course open to us butte to withdraw it. Your list challenge wo accepted promptly under condi * lions very unfavorable to us. Wu have a right to expect ours to bo ac cepted as promptly. As to the other games , though wo consider they have a prior claim to your consideration , wo will waive en forcing it , nor will wo interpose an ob jection to your outside man. About the number of innings , ns the challengers , our right to suggest the number will bo conceded by any authority. However , let it bo nine or twentynine.MOUSE'S MOUSE'S BABE BALL NINK. BLOODY BLACKS A Colored Man Terribly Gashed by o Kazor. A couple of colored men got into an alternation Sunday evening in front of W. J. Whitohouso's Sixteenth - teonth street drug store , over BOUIO matter pertaining to a young woman. The two wore Jaipca A. White and Jack McKinney , and in the course of the row , McKinney drew a razor nnd wielded it with the skill of an expert. White received two gashes on the loft arm and a fearful ono on the right wrist , severing the ulnar and radial arteries from which ho would have bled to death hod not a physician boon near by. Ho was at once taken to Dr. _ Lanyon'a office over the drug storo'and the doctor tied up the arte ries , though the sidewalk was deluged with blood before ho wont up. The tvoundod roan then disappeared with- jut mentioning cash. White showed remarkable nerve during the operation upon his wrist , and said tint ho did lot want McKinney arrested as they jpth wore "ono of the boys , " and it lidn't niako any difference about his : uts. There have been nn arrests. Caution. J. Hochstrassor and the Brunswic ind Balko billiard table company son < 10 agents , repairers or peddlers ou hrough the state , and any one wh ravels with such pretentions is . raud , and persons will do well to lo lira alone. Any parties wishing any hing done in this line should send di cot to Brunswick and Balko Co. , 50f iouth Tenth airoor , or to J. Hoch trosaer agent. Satisfaction guaran cod. may22-lm PERSONAL. J. Harris l avos for Boston Wtdnesda ; lorning for recreation and busiue-s. J P. and B. M. Porter , d.-ntist" , form rly from Dub < i < iueIowtthavlng practice ! cntUtry for the past 31 years , have coir > this city highly recommended in theii roft's.-ldti , to settle here. 0 H. Philpott , 61. D. , formerly of Ne london , Iowa , comes to this city with th oat of recommendations from the bcs apers of bis state and thn moat influeu ai men , as being a physician rnd sur < ) im of high etnnding nnd succest. lie baa id a number of ca-es in surgery since h ai in this city , nn i has been highly iaaful. Ilia office Is at 1112 Faraam ; re t , and it finely arranged for the com' > rt of hia patrons. ThaRev. Father Kiordan , whoyecentl. igned the office of Vicar Central o lis diocese , returned Sundiy evening om a month's tour of the Pacific coast , mch improved by trie-vacation. He lef tat evening for Minnesota , where In ikes charge of a parish. The revcren Uher goes to his new post of duty wit ! ! ie hearty "God speed" of a host tieuih among all classes of people. Mr. J. H. McAlvIn , of the Land Com iissJoner's office , U. P. headciunTtera , re. ired4Sunaay from an extended busi tss trip throufih the east. During hii bcence , of over a months duration Mr , IcAlvin visited Baltimore , Philadelphia , few York , Boston and other eastern itlfs , and returns benoStted'by ' thechang ad roht , aa hia many friends in Ouiuha ill bo glad to know. Mies Rebu Yates , daughter of Mr. II IT , Yates , hai returned from Vasinr col 'go to pasa the summer vacation with he ; atents. H. H. Wheeler , deputy clerk of tin upreino court , parted through the city eattrdoy en route for a visit | to his ol > ome la New York. Qeo. H , lehl und wife , of Chicago , ent west to Columbua yostoiday. Mr. I.hi is a well-known cattle man. M IBS Kemrnerer , of Pittsburg , la In th Ity , the guest of Air. and Mrs. J. N , II , 'atrick , at "Happy Hollow. " O , W. Bell , representing WIi. I'arrotte : Co. , of this city , left tor an e-xtcnde' ' catcrn trip yesttrJay. Judge Balrd and A. T. riielduger , well nown attorney * of Council Bluffr , wer i the city yesterday on legal bu.slutu9. Mtsi Lena Rogers left for the cast to islt friend * yesterday J. N , ' Patrick leturued yesterday om -Kuropem tour. DRUG CLERK. Wanted A bright active boy of ire years experience in the business , dlross , KUHN&CO. , l'-3t ' Omaha. . CONTRAaTjOHANOES. edification of the New Covirt House Plans. At the mooting of the board of unty commissioners , the following oposod modifnutlons in the ins for the Douglas county court use , worn submitted by John F. > ots , the contractor ; 1st. To omit all the areas to 'base- mt windows , the cast iron grating d openings for air ducts , the deduc- n of the cost of said work to bode | do at schedule price and charged [ \fust \ the undersigned. SI. To omit all indirect radiator takers in the basement , at same f nations aa above. SdTo \ omit all stonoboarlngs under e e\d only of iron floor' beama md \ n \ use instead thereof east iron block three-quarter inches thick , cigh wide and twelve inches long. No ad ditional coat of deduction , 4ih. To put in rear ot building ir place of window a c or opening. 5th. The system of sunorago beinj changed from _ the original plane , tin ttizo of pipe being different , etc. The nbovn chanpos were rccom mended by E. E , Myers , architect and v , ere accepttd by the board. Saratoga. Hon. James H. Kynor and wife leave to-morrow for St. Paul , the scone of his grading contract. The next concert of the Unior Sunday School will bo given Sundnj evening , Juno 28th , which will con sist of a diversity of recitations , speech es and singing. The school are also to have an ice cream festival soon. Messrs. A. 0. Smith , 0. V. Tousloj and J , II. Conrad have it in charge. Itofuao from the fair prounds hav ing boon dumped on Garfield avenue , ( ipnosite the north gate , it is declared a decided nuisance nnd should bo aba ted , CUCKOO. HUMANE'SOCIEXY. Regular Monthly Mooting at Tholt Council Chamber Last Night. The Humane Society held their reg ular monthly meeting last evening nt the oflico of Bull & Amos , Major J. W. Paddock being chosen as chair man. The corresponding secretary road the following communicition from a Boston lady , Mrs. Appleton , who has donated the money to the society'a first public fountain : BOSTON , Juno G , 1882. Dear lira. Smajo : I was delighted to receive your note from Omaha , and the cheering account of the good work your society is ac complishing. I have great pleasure in enclosing a check for $100 .for a fountain , which I trust may prove to bo of great refreshment to iiiaa and boast. With great regard ? . Sincerely your ? , EMILY W. APPLETON. The thanks of the society were re turned to Mrs. Appleton through Mrs. Savage. William Wallace , treasurer : ) f the society , tendered his resigna tion , action thereon being postponed until the next meeting. Mr. Wallace has boon treasurer for nearly ten pears. A committee on fountains was tppointod as follows : Judge James Vf. Savage , B. L. Verino , Tltjv. John Williams , M. Toft , 0. F. D.ivis and President Kennedy as member ex- jiliiio. It was announced that the Masonic fraternity proposed to erect a § 500 'ountain in the vicinity of their Six oonth street building. The executive committee was uiroc ; od to secure a place for holding meo ngs in the future. The meeting the ; idjournod until the second Monday i July. July.Mr. Mr. .T. Marsh , lionlc of Toronto , Ont vritee : "Bllliuuinesa unit rlype , > tU teen , o have trowu up with we ; having been luiTerer fur years. I have tiiol many rt-m die , but with no tatting result until ised your BuunccK BLOOD BIITEIUJ. The lave been tiuly a blessing 11 me , and lannot speak too highly of them. " Pile 51.LO , trial size ] Q cents. jl3-dlw CHILD'S HOSPITAL. Donations in-April and. May. Mr. Oberfelder , six hata. Mrs. Kountzo , three trimmed hats Misaea Minnie and Sadie Hamblo on , parcel clothing , picture papers. Miss Mary Douglass Hambloton mo pictures book , ono now drees itockings. Miss Dolan , ono loaf bread , a nic Kidding , parcel warm clothing. Mrs. CUldwoll , four white spread mo child's rocking chair. Mr. 11 Maz , Etstor eggs. Mrs. 11. H. Olarkaon , roll hutter ix drosses. Mrs. A. Mackenzie , parcel warm Nothing. Mrs. Hall , parcel warm clothing. Celia , Lee Centre , 111. , two aiaga incs and picture. Mrs. Stein , ona jar proaervea Mr. W. F. Erdman , box of bakin > owder and 7 pounds of tea. Mrs. J. M. Woolworth , 4 hats trim ncd , 7 cans tomatoes , 20 bars soap , H butter , 2 dozen eggs , 1 box straw ' "F f * * . asparagua. Air.Dlo o , 44 yards of Ringham. _ M - Dickey , NobrabH city , parco if baby clothing. Trinity guild , 8 pounds of eui/ar Bessie and Mollie Stephonsou' cc ind rice. Rev. J. Williams , a largo cake am co cream. Cathedral builders , 12 poundn siiqir iranges , lemons , broad , biscuit , cah tid meal , "From a little boy , " by mail , tw < mall dolls. , Sum1ay school of Ohriat cliurch lydo Park , Maaa. : 0 sheets , 21 pil jw slip * , 0 towels , 12 aprons , 0 shirts pairs stocking , 1 box object cards Card picture books , pictures am arda ; Miss Popploton , 4 volumes o 'Aunt ' Jo's Soraphy ; " Miaa Mary 'opploton , ono year of "Tho Nur Diy. " Donations in money : Ira. Dr. 1'eaboily 6 4 CO .1 . lie and Mabel WhiteI'lattamouth Neb 100 'atlianne ' and Freddie Casey , Kails City , Neb I 00 [ re. r tain j o < lev , Ur Oliver 1 00 ishop Clarkmm 401 inlghts Templar , oacemion offering 15 00 ontilbullon boxed 6 00 Total , 833 6 ( SARAH , Siator in Charge. THE LEGION OF HONOR. n Elegant Ueception and Banquet at Tholr Now Hall. List evening Wide Awake Council o , 878 , American Legion of Honor , ild a most enjoyable reception in mor of the occupancy of their now lartora in Knights of Pythiaa hall , or Kennard Bros. , drugstore. This M la largo and commodious , , well ted and splendidly adapred for their e. e.There There were about ono hundred imbora and guoats present and after the exercises in the council , the door were thrown open to admit the rcpre Bcnlativcs of the press and otho friends who came to BOO them. Wide Awake council was orgnnizec March 14 , 1832 , with the followinj charier members : J. A. Willie , Johi H , Loftua , Jonathan Edwards , M Toft , Dr. Geo. H. Pursoll , G. U Davis , John Widsnor , Liwrcnci Michaels , Herman Mather , James Me Crea , U. D. Walker , John Walker Oeo. P. Muldoon , M S. Martinovitoh , Martin Weiaer , E. S. Luca , N. C , Harper and 11. B. Oatrom. Tin officers at present are : John P. Loftus , commander ; Jntne ! Qatowood , vice commander ; .1. Willis , past commander ; M. S. Martmovitch , orator ; John Widener , secretary ; M. Toft , treasurer ; Deo. W. PursolJ , chaplain ; Lawrence Michaels , guide Herman Walkrr , warden ; Q. II. Davisj collector ; G < io. U. Puraell , medical examiner , and BO on , The council moots on the first nnd third Monday's of each month. Wide Awake council now numbers 40 menv bers , and the live councils in Omaha , about 07" ) in all , while the legion in < eludes about 55,000 in the United States. Since the establishment oi the order iu Nebranka it has mot with wonderful encourngomont , as the in * Buraiico rates secured through it , arc claimed to bo much lighter than by any other co-operative society in the union , The Omaha divisions include some of our meat highly rtopuctcd and in- fluontal citizen * , and u pleasant feature turo of the order is that ladies are admitted to all except the insurance privileges. The opening of the now hall passed off very pleasantly , and ut the cloto of the exercises a delicious lunch , includ ing all the good things in the market , wiva servid. A veto of thanks was passed during the evening to Mr. Samuel Burns for the UBO ot Bomo fine queenaware loaned for the occasion. Also to Mrs. James .Gatewood , who presented the Council with a Gno iced cake on which was inscribed : "Pre sented to Wide Awake Council A. L of H. " The social interchange of compli ments and congratulations continued until a late hour and were worthy of the highly interesting character of the occason. &mm. flOTIGES. /llbl 1O t ixl > Ofcll hi I * W VjaiMiO L. ThdurtM UoamS Cielithton BlocJt. A U pel iOUtln- . terett In suma.ot tt.WO i J " , ( or 0 to 6 years , on Brat-cUes city ftml lann property. Bcuia Ituti EUTITI nnrt Ifjjje Anniny. Ifth encl no yl.ii Rta HELP WANTED. Olrl forgciiiMl houstwork. En- WANTED IbOS ( nltfornla 455-tf At once , a girl for genual house- WANTED small lamily. Apply ate. < , cor ner J6th aul Ctitcago. 4C2-l'i - fctgon ral Inu cwcrk , irust WASTED-Ciil , .washer und Ircncr , vncd rfsgea | olit. A | ' ] > y at BOUlh-e et corner 2 th ind Fmunt stric : . 414-U i-LL Vcntlljtid luinioiiU ir untiiuihhed rotmj to rent , at c.iucr if 14 h and JUcsg' . 0-tt \\f ANTMi Tin i-mart , tnir ctlc hC.itHa.iii VtraMl In N brka and Dakota. f30.0 i week eaiiily made hcaUo expenses. Call i > nco on O. A. PARUCLUB , 151& Firnata ut. 410-U * ANTED Good c ok. Apply to Kcpp W House , Llalr , Neb. 421-14 A ynung nan for office Addrrt WANTED nd writing , Riling rcfcr nccB , an l > ry xpectedZ , lieu ofllce. 4f/-tt A.\TED A ur > - Iu laundress at E W Charlca Hotel Uarter street. BB4-tt l Ten teams to work on Floronc Cut-Off. Wages * 3 60 per day. 377-tf MIillUULL VINCENT. 1 f\A MEN WANTKD At F.orenea Cut-On , 1 UU nine miles firth ff O'tln. W (1.76 ( p day. MITCHKLL VINCENT. [ TANT'D / Sluullcn an man of a'l work I W private fiiully ontore. AdJrexii "J. B lie olllce. 4DJ-14" S tuatl n hy a y < mn. Oermin , I WANTKU ' buslni-st as mlcs.L'an or cvprntci ISM ci\ skit rable oporitinco in oithtr. Wag n oliju t Address II. S. IIco office. H'i- . MICELLA(4EOLQ ( WANTS. WANTKD To rent abont July lit , a houst wlthfduror flvo rooms. InqulioatTn ! XK ofllce. tTTANTED Two or thrco unfurnUrcd rooms , VV iiiitlble forivirlor and tleepinx room ; , idlresa T. 8. A. Uie offlce. 4EO-12" [ ItrANTUD A houaa aud tarn near contra ! YV piitof thocliy. Addresi II. FR1NOS JlMw 1417 Howard st. [ TCTANIED hoarders at Turner Hall roitau VY "nt , excel.ntmoaU ) at all h'.U'i" , 25 ctp , 'articuisr ' Attention paid Hiwotklvboirdera , ca ' nJ tea m. ? . C. 11ULLANOKR , 4i7-tl Cor et 10th aud Howard , [ TTANTKD To loan. ? 3,00.i on irood mill VY property In Douglas county. AddroM Lock 0X763 , Omaha. SlO-l- [ TTAN'T IJ-/OJ laboiord BO worn on thn O. VY M. & Ht. i' . R. H Waxes 41.60 and * 1 71 orday ; st.tdy work * 11 the Kaon. Aqp y al u liners otllce. roim 6 , Kv.-rtt'j I'.lock , C'jun 11 BlutTu , orat N ; la , Io a. a.E. . Q. NOUR3E , AN'TKU ' A frw boarders iu a prl > at < W' fiimlly , at 1410 Jac bon slri-oi. aj6 12 1st unlurni9h''d room nol V > ) < than 1'Jxlfi , must bo in butlneu iior on nl City. Addrtss T. 11. A. , IUo olllco. iANTKD 01 ilitrcn an noarden inasolet. school. N. W couicr California and lOtli rcots. L. U. LOOMIS , 2D9 tf fAKTKD Kundlnjr bridge and echaol bond IT 7 OKri. Hellivno M-tl [ TrANTKD 600 privy au.ts , cluka * nd COBK V pool * to clean with danitary Vault and Ink Cleaner , tbo best In use. A. Ktana & Co. ssldnnra 1200 Dodiro "trcwt. Om h . i 7ANT U I omit , wjth pilviLgu o ( buy- W I "If after about three month * a cottage of va rooms , good locality , within Uent ) minutes alk of p"8tollico. Address stating terms and icatlon. "lion e" II olllca FOR RENT HOU8EB ttO LAND. UENT 'IVo new UiUJvb uuu i/l a unu VM 5ilOtl 1 6 mains , u\o'ything oiuverlrnlly ar meod. Inquire on preuiise-i , tOiS. 20th trrct ear Lcaveuwcrlh. 417-14 * T10H UKN'J A front room ana two airy eru' rooms , all new y furn sheJ. wllh or with itboard. 1S07 CJM tt tit. 418-13 * TTOR RKNT-s-Two hou.e , ono fi , and one . ; rojnn , on flii'iol ' htntt ca < - . Incnnru 1110 crtli IBtli iitieet , lit-t ten Nicholas and 445-15' U KENT To gBctleaiaVTwtti out bouid o o . Urolrorit room and onoHina I one , it thu trtliwcst comer of Ibth and l > a\eoport it ) . Mb 1011 HK.NT FuruUhi-d room , ccrair 10th and 1 DougUa ttreut. < (0-tf j > OK HEN I UN * , riicelv funUhed front 1 roam , first floor , 3 block * eoutiiuest pokt lev , rate cry reasonable , at 1407 Howard , bet th and 16th streeU. 435-tf , WR 1IL\1T Thica Dice roorai , nultanle for otficei. Apply B. Jacob/ Clothing > rc , 11ZO farnbam tttct 43MJ- CICELY turnlihed roomi , ono door rcrtb of I Dodge on 18th street , 8W-15' 170R RENT Small oeallir farnl'hed front I ; ro rmhr. ( > fl blotk § ( -.uth-en' of pofttof * Oca. Rittl Tiry rait n be , a , 1407 lioward , between )4tn anil 16 h treft > , 401-tf l/Ult HtSI A. nicely furnliilieil room at Ml r CJiIoiJOStrrcl.l.ctw ca 4lh and Itth. orctf HKNT- Two nicely furnUbed JWIIPS , low prlorf , I'rici lieu o SoiS ( lOUit tth. > f t urniBhofl uo u , . street M botwcen and CiIIoruU : 353 , f nOR RF.ST t'loa-a tly furnl'hol room , 11T i < South 17th st. oof one iloo/ north of Doug - Us. 8MU RFNT Furntiriel front chamlxr , EOR her wiih.ut bjatd. 103 north lOtnit. RN13IIED aiiith rooms for rent. 8. J. W. corner 10th aid DaicnK > rt : 300U HUNT The ppachu * and clc-iant hall FOR a 1 modern t pr. . ementalnCurk'sand ICoeter'H lliock. Apply t j f. M , Ulark , or to II , A. hotter'a 105 and < 07 a. 14th tltnt. 297-tf OR RENT J furnuhed roomi ortr Me F . ! > . 18(6 o.l ( Mdg 1TIOR RENT Nicely furnished room * rtth Of r without board. Koaionabla prloi . 2018 ' a H at. FOR OALt PALE Fun Ituro and Icaso rf hotel la EOn i a. LnqulM kt 1613 U.d e Btrott , BALE txthaoifo Hottl , at IViDoW. . POll , Including furniture nnd etorrg. ; r M lo nt on ar.d ) mircntpo. Only hotil In town. For ter.iis aJdrurB , H , V. 1IAPI.SON , 427-M Agent' T Oll SM.K A 48-Inch Columbia Blcy lo w . 1 ; rented In flr-t-clts * condition , wl h era ! e r | ring 24 Inch hinillo b r , nnd nlifc.o pUted hend , object ot tale to tout new nd lor or ma. ' chltiu. AldrcmJ. R. Leh'nur , ItflMi'ouo ' si. Onjaha. Nob. 4W14 1710R HALB--A cot u po cf ihros rooms nrrth Jj ilJof NIchclM botwicn . n d 10 h. Inrjul o within. (4.2 ( tf ) UAVID OEKTHT. BALK Thobnolncanand flx'urei ' ota first FOII moat market In Central .Sornukaj Host location ! boot cash trade In the city. Kcanou for ( tolling1 , for health. Address Dutcher , Bcc ollico. 3-17-1 m UhT UK SOI.ll 69 = acred In Polk county 1'ric.t $5,000. liKiulrn o [ J , U. Kmnian toffice , lllsliig City , llullor county , n > . 881-lm ITIOH HA h A pootl faraly iraro , warranted D gcntlo , sul'Bulo f r grocery waon , also new hnrniws , IcaUicr top phac'on , nearly new , and complete stable out'.t. r table for runt Call at * tcr 6 o'clock , 1013 Webster street. 376-11 CUAHLE8 MARI.KY. ITlOllbAUt ; onolot 132 trot ( ronCitfe by ( MS JU 'cot doer , on south 1. th strict , on $10 per month | mnicntB , to anyone who will nulid. In quire 1407 IIourd , between 14ta and 15th its. | 10R HALE IlcAutllul acre let and houjo on ! California etroct. 81300. llcGAGUS , SM-tl OpSKMltn Pout flloo. 17 > UU UALh llooho of IHu rooim and 1 > t OB JJ Ooilge Btrcct , ( ilf.OO , Small house nnd two lota In Bhlnn'b addition (000. WoCAOUE , S91-M Opposite I o tolHcc. RALE A house nnd lot 1 0113 front , FOR barn , two wolla and cistern. 123 * ' South 14th street , ooaond hoov north of William street. Prlft 814X1. 71OK bALh hiBtaura't on a Hill tr rolod 1 utrott. II. UANNWEILKB. ZSl-tf ll.h t-trc t , near Karnnra- BALK 1 ho POPULAR HOTBL , known FOR the JiOYS' HOi.E. This houwj Is co-- ttally located , has sou h and east front , nnd la surroonded vr th Quo fha'le trees ; cent insthlrtf B repine rootna , hM Ice hou-e. laundry , B-iuipla room , so , IIa a world w du reputation nnd > hotter uatron < go than many houses of twlco IU capacity. Prioo $5,000 Kor particulars ad dress , A. A. SAWDEY , Rod CIoiw. Aeb. _ _ J \ EM-U " 171OR BALK Or will oxcha go for Omaha pro- JC port } ' , an Improved soc on of land a-IJoin- InR n station on U. lW. . R. St. DUMHAM , 111 ! Farnham St. , Oniahi. 7 u Bmt RICK FOI1 B 203-tf K3TABROOK Ik WE. HAY At A. H. Bander' Feed Sto BALKO lOlSnarnorSt. ulQ-tf MISCELLANEOUS. \ TIFIK PACIFIC ! HOUSE-Davfl'r ° it and ICth J. Btrectfl , can iccomidatea fatv man beard- .a new house , new furniturj , now boJ . 418 18 tKMr.VcKtnney , ( or McKlnlev ) that bought C. W. hlnR'n noti 01 V. Flood , and sold the urns 11 C. W. If Ing In tin month of April , will end his kddrn-8 to C. Vf. Klnir 15th Btioet.soulh ) maha , nn nl 1 be ami I ) teardcd , Wtstern papen please copy. 4f.l-14) ) r < TRAYED-A datk brown hirjo , elxycarsold. J ha 1 halter en , liberal reward will bapUd or hUreturn , or lor noy In'ormttlon of blui. JOHN IVHNhI , ' , , 410-tf 15th and Ilouaid st. - OSTOH STOLKN A mall Jer ey cow. Uber- IOSTOH J al rcua d fur information laidlng to her eco\e y. N. S'lELTOV , 411-12 24handDodKunlrcct. ! pAKEN Ul' A cow about 7 j ears old , rod with JL whltoi potii , Urro horns Also a htlfer , ed , with wnlto tpatu , both with < af. ! FRANK KOHEHi1. a-4tt on e w Rikery , 13tti St. near Williams. T1AKKN Ul' AyoU"p ; cov , about 3 \ ears o'd , 1. hlto with n dear. , nt tlo J N.ll. 1'atrck irm , 3uilki wost'of ilty. 8. Bower. 4JO-12t LOST On Bncrman Avo. , last ovonlnjf , wrrot- cd lap rnhe , Byuro rf horne In ccn cr , l . .t- oitllrg on corner' * . Fiidor will p'oisj commun- J ta with sub/crlbo end rootlva reward. LOUIS UTTLKFlaLU. 1 . O. Uox , 726. JTUAYED A small red caw , with while i-pot J and whl'ef > rrluadj Sjearaold. C J. * Vi nlalil 1717 Burt street. 43M'2 | BoTTiajiND Eoo DIUCBRH JIKD > BrECUtATORa I have Ire and Imi ro t d col 1 toragu for ten car loads. M 111 till N-/vtm- er.andguatan ee ndegfatwett Will sh re proflia equal y with pir storing ttock t r ty to buy It 1th. $10,000 to $20.001 proflt can bo cloart d lave vo incntlit tlma. Correspond with Rcf-renco D.B. liEEMEK , 11. Kountz ? , ( ) in ha President First Nalional fl.nk. 4W-tf ( B1DWAED KUERL lAGIMBK OF I'ALMYSTERY Mil ) LCOKDI. IONALIST , 4S9 Toath Strot. between F mtw ndHninev. Will , with tbo ild of guamUrj Mrlta. obtain for any ono a giant * at the p u 3d prei nt. aud oa certain conditions In tan fa. ire. lioorj nnd Shoeo ci de to > nler , Pajfne ' ' " ' Absolutely Pure. powdart