Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1882, Page 7, Image 7
THE DAILY BEE TUESDAY , JUNE 13 1882. O. O , OOOEC Ac OO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS , City Market , Council Blnfft Iowa , WI10I.ESAI.E FLO OK HOUSE , Gtceral AffonU for the OUbrtted Mill * at II. D. HufhACo. . Golden Eagle Floor , Lenrenwoitb , Kan , nd Queen Bee Jltl'd. Sioux Falli , Dakota , Fet Tfticc , Pmlth & Ctl t-mlen , Council Pluft , la. n. WHOLESALK AND RKTAIL STATIONERY AND PRINTER'S GOODS , COUNCIL BLUFF3 , IOWA. TITLE ABSTRACT 0 F FICE. JT. 'W. < s Q TCT 3C 3Et DEI JSa O O. Lands and Lots Bought and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW HATES. NOTABIIKJ PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS. COUNCIL BLUFFS - IOWA. 15 North Main Street. WHOLESALE DEALER IN SHOE FINDINGS. Ready-fitted uppers , In calf skin and kip. Oak and Hemlock SOLE LKATHKR , and al oods appertaining to the shoe tr de On d < sold ai cheap as In the KM * . _ MSPERIS' ' BE ! ULLIKRY STORE FOR STYLISH SPRING MILLINERY. PATTERN BONNETS AND CHILDREN'S HATS A SPECIALTY. 105 South Main Street. Council Bluff * la That noTcrriqulrc crlmpln ; . at Jin. J. J dood'a Hair Store ntprccanotcr bclcro touched by any other bnlr dealer. Also a full line ol switches , etc. , at greatly reduced prices. Al ogold , ell > or and colored nets Waves made from IvJIcs * own h lr. Do not ( all to call l > ooro puiihialng ettxmhcro. All good * warranted u represented. Mt8. J. J OOUD , 29 Main street , Council Ulufls , Iowa. MASCJi WISE , L17EM , FEED & SALE STABLE The largest and best stables in the west. Roadsters , Saddle and draft horses for sale , also aflne lot of mules just received which will be closed out cheap. SCOTT ST. , NEAE BROADWAY. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IA. REMOVED without the CABCfflS drawing of blood or use of knlle. Curca lunpr dtacaaeu , Flta , Scrofula , Liver Com- AND OT IKK ! ' " ' "t , Dropsy , Ithcuma- r * mt mm rMM T U M (1 ( R S tlsmFoter and Mcrcur- I W III U II W lai 80re8 > Ery licla | , halt Khoum , Scald Uoul , Cita rh , vretk , InlUincd and granulated Ej os , crnfulous Ulcurv and Female - male Dll aao of all kinds. Alto Kldnoy and Tenerlal disoasM. llouiorrholds or Files cured money refunded. A11 dUcasoi treated upon theptlnclploof veget able reform , without the luo of mercurial pois ons or the knife. Electro Vapor or -dlcnted Baths , furnished oicwho desire them. HornU or Rupture radically cured by the use the Elaatlc bolt Truis and I'laator , which has superior In the world. CONSULTATION FREE C * ' CALL OS OB ADDRESS Drs , E , Eice anfl P , D , Miller , COUNCIL BLUFFS , la. _ LIVERY , and Sale Stables , 18 North First Street , IkmquotB old stand. Council B'uffrf , Iowa. _ WIM.AUD HMITM. Prop. W.D.STILLMAN . . , Practitioner of Hameopathy , consulting Physician and Surgeon , Office and residence 616 Willow avenue , Coun- cll Blnffa , Iowa. _ W. E. SINTON , DENTIST. 14 Pearl Street , Oeunoil Bluffs , Extractlngand filling a epedalty. FIrat-dass work guaranteed , DR. A. P. HANCHETT , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office , No. 14 Pearl Street Houit , 9 a. m. to 12. , and 2 p. ra. , to 5 p , m. Residence , 120 Bancroft Btrcct. Telephonic connection with Central olllco. _ DR. AMELIA BURROUGHS , Ho. 617 First Avenue , and 2 to 5 p. m. lercliantsEestaurant J A. ROSS , Proprietor. Corner Broadway and Fourth Streets. Goal Accommodation ? , good faro and courteous - teous trciimcut , _ S. E. MAXON , 3Et O OBC I OCT. S3 O3 ? . Office oter exiling binl , COUNCIL , BLUFFS , - - Iowa. REAL ESTATE. W. C. James , In connection with tils law and collection business buys and sells real cbtate. Persons wishing to buy or eell city property call at bis office , over Buibnell'i book store , Pearl treet. " " " "EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. 416 Broad way , Council Bluffs. Daedi and mortgaget drawn and acknowledged HAIR JDOODS. WATER WAVES , In Stock and Manufactur ed to Order , Waves Made From Your Own Hair. TOILET ARTICLES , All Goods Warranted as Represented , and JPricei Guaranteed. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , 337 W. Broadway , Council Bluffs ; - - - Iowa. IRS , E , J , HABDING , M , D , . Medical Electrician AND GYGNECOLOGIST. Graduate of Elcctropathlc Institution , Phila delphia , Penna. Office Our , Broadway & Gloun Avo. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. The treatment of all diseases and pnlntul ; dlf- flcultlea peculiar to ( oirglo3 a specl lty. T he Star Bakery , HOWARD & ROBIE , 227 MAIN ST , . Empley the best Bread Baker In the West ; also a choice hind for Cakes and Pies. Bread delivered to all parta of the city. FRESH FISH ! Game and Poultry , Can always be found a B. DANEHY' ? , 136 Upper Broadway. JNO.JAYFBAINEY , Justice of the Peace , 314 BROADWAY. Council Bluffs , - - Iowa. W. B"MAYES , Loans andEealEstate , Pioprletor of alietracta of Pottauattamlo county , Olllco corner of Uroadwjy and Main airectt , Cmncll liluffa , Io g . JOHN STEINER , M , D , , ( DouUchcr Arzt. ) ROOM C , EVERETT'S BLOCK , Council JilufTa. Dl ca a ot women and children a epoclalty. P"J , HONTUOMERY , M , D , , FllEB DlSl'KNHAIlY EVK11Y SATUJIDAY. Office Iti Everett's block , Pearl trcct. Reel ) deuce C2S Kourth street. Olllco hours from 0 to 2 a. m.,2 to 4 aud 7 to 8 p m. , Council I luffs F. G. ULARK , PRACTICAL DENTIST. Pearl street , opposite the poatofBco , One of the oldest practitioners in Council Illuffd. Satis * Mactlon guaranteed In all cases DE. F. P. BELLINGER , EYE AND EAR SURGEON , WITH DB. CIIARLK8 DEETKEN. Office over dm c "tore , tit Broadway , Council BlutTi , Iowa. Al dUea < c < of the 010 and car trcitud under the most apjiroi id uiithod , and all tuns guaranteed , JOHN LINDT , ATTORN EV-'AT-l AW. Will practice In all Elite and United BtatM Courts. Spetii German Uogtuge. GREAT IS GRISWOLD ; A Town of Two Tear's Qrowtl in a Core field. With Bnslnot * Interoit * Kot Snr < pamctl by Mnnr nn Older nnrg. Corrdtpondeneo ot The Bee. GniswotD , Ia. , Juno C , 1882. Twi years ago last fall , when the Ked Oak Branch of the 0. U. & Q. was established in Casa county , Mr. 0. 0 , Perkins , president of the road , and F. II , Whitney , of Atlantic , pur chased noirly a quirter section of land for a town nito and laid out the town of Griswold , in the southwest cornet of GIBS coun'y , sixteen miles from Atlantic , by the Hock Island branch , and eighteen from lied Oak by the 1 'Q ' ' sl b. The valley of the Nishna , hero , is perhaps two or three miles wide , and the bluff * low and almost unnoticeable , all being capable of easy cultivation. Iti the contra of thia valley , so level and bmuliful , hko the great plains of the Jordan , and ns rich as Egypt , a town was platted , and the stakes driven in a cornfield , during the month of November. Business men began to flock in and "atako their claims , " and during the winter season oven , building was going on and vari ous kinds of business being estab lished. TUK GROWTH of the place can bo estimated by a statement of the building and spine items of business. Two line churches Methodist and Baptist have boon built and supplied with good bolls ; a largo two story $10,000 "brick school housu with the modern furniture , hot air furnaces , and a good corps of teachers , a steam elevator of the larg est size along this line , several good hotels , bank , planing mill and furni ture factory ; u largo number of largo trading houses , tlirco or four livery stabler ; lumber yards , grain houses , implement houses , drug stores , print ing house , and a largo list of resi dences , many of which are of good quality and really elegant. During the five months since the beginning of this year , no lees- than fifty now dwellings have been built , and a long list are expected this summer , besides the business housoscreamory , now ele vator , etc. Probably § 10,000 have been expended in sidewalks , which are twelve feet wide in the business part of the town. The city has just or ganized a lire department and pur chased the "Old llescue" engines and outfit , from the city of Council Bluffs , and they are putting in wells and tanks on every block in the business portion of the city , although the boys who "run with the machine" don't ex pect to attend the firemen's tourna ment Among the early institutions located hero was the BANK OF QRISWOLD , which became an established fact in October , 1880 , with J. H. Whitney , president , and T. H. Brown , cashier. It is located in the western central part of the business portion of the town , in a largo two story building and furnished with all the conveniences for doing a complete banking business and handling securities with safety , and its loan and collection department is no small item. MB. T11EO. II. BROWN , the cashier , who was formerly a resi dent of McGregor , Iowa , is the prac tical manager of this institution and agent for the town lot company. Aa a careful , prudent business man , Mr. Brown ia a model , and IB , withall , a cultivated gentleman well fitted for the position ; and is honored and re spected by the largo circle of businessmen mon with whom ho associate ? . THE FLEVATOK is the property of Mr. T. H. "Whitney , although leased and controlled by E. W. Stevens , a heavy grain dealer of Red Oak. Mr. A. J. Boll , who per sonally attends to the business here , is now the oldest grain dealer in Gris weld , bo having boon in the grain trade here since the town was planted J. A. TOTTOK is another of the pioneer grain dealers who is handling a largo amount of grain and eoods. The firm was for merly Totton & Mason , and thoy' put in the first scales and opaned the -first grain trade in Griawola , ' lining ; like soldiers on the "twitedfiold , " cooking for thomsolvoc and Bleeping on the soft side of A board. 3 , M. COAT8 , a native of Pattsburg , Pa. , is the con trolling spirit in another largo grain and stock firm , which although a Branch of the 0 , E. Myers & Co. , of Lewis , is doing a largo business , and expects to build an elevator this sea son. Some idea of the amount of juainesa transacted here by these dealers may bo of interest. The four inns have taken in an high as 14,000 juihols of corn in ono day , nnd Mr , Dell relates that ho has received 2,000 or 3,000 bushels u day on u great many days. The firm of UIIOUKWAY & JOHNSON , ivo stook dealers , are credited with shipping three full train loads of stock n a ainglo day , and drawing $ -10,000 : rom the bank here to pay for the otock that day. THK KJIT 11HOS. are the largest lumber doalora at this : > lucu , where the two nra usually "ound , while the third is managing another yard and hardware and im- [ iloinont house at Elliot , six miles south. The Kipn Bros , are Chicago men , of largo ideas and cultivated ( iiannors , and have t > pont their whole lives in the lumber biuineas , and it is such candid , thoughtful , straightfor ward mon who give credit to the busi ness interests of a town and deter mine its future greatness. Another of the great enterprises of the place IB the general merchandise liouuo or "universal storo" of WILLIAM COIUIIT , which was located hero when there was but ono other general atorb here , in March , 1880 , The dry goods de partment of this establishment fronts on Main street , and is really a largo store , full of goods , while the grocery and crockery departments are each by themselves , In adjoining rooms , front ing on another street , and are each complete stores. This great trip ! fending house ia owned and personal ! ; managed by Mr. Corbie , who , n might bo expected , has built up i largo trade , wh'lo his correct businos habits , enterprise end good citizen ship have mndo both himself and hi business n credit to the place aud th < pride of the burgers. Wo jutlgo hii Mock to bo not leas than $15,000 t < $20,000 , and each department wai busy. JOHN V. OROMLP.T is another of THE BKR readers. Mr. 0. is a young man who cntno here from Atlantic a year since , and opened a drug stor , . ' , and although there in an other store larger , ho hns an onvi blc reputation as a citizen , and keeps n full stock , The furniture business it in some respects in advance of many other towns. DAVIS it 00. have a nales room at the west end ol Main street , and during the past sea- on they have began to manufacture many articles of furniture in tht-ir fa.tory which wan built in the early dttj a tf the young city , for a planing mill , and as sucli still docs a largo buihiPBs ; and their buildings , and machinery indicate they are , day by day , building up on industry here that la an important factor in the town , and will return a good dividend to the proprietors. Nearly opposite , on the other side of Main street , ia the furniture hous i of n. OKOKTSCIIRL , which is full Irom coll. r to garret , Mr. G. has opened this second furniture establishment here during the last few months , in a good two story building and proposes to contest , in an honor able way , for a portion of the trade. Either of these stores can conipotu with any city in this part of the sUto , and the proprietors , all hard working , onorgotio men , and have good loo.i- lions in the newer and moro fashion able part of town. THE ADVOCATE , published bj D. H. Scott , is an eight column folio , that greets its patrons every Wednosaay , and is well patron- iztd. This oilico excels in fine me chanical work , and is recognized us a good job office. Mr. Scott is also the popular justice , so a libul suit against that paper would bo useless in his court , and if this , as an experiment , is a success , in protecting newspaper men , it will become popular with the craft THK WHITNEY HOUSE has changed handc , and hereafter Mr. E. Huymuker , of Luwi.-i , will bo recog nized aa ' 'mine host. " lie is building a now barn near the hotel , aud will remove his livery hero from the ex-county seat. The retiring pro prietor , Mr. G. H. Bradbrook , is a railroad man of many years' experi ence , being for some tnno a conductor on tbo Uock Island road , and ho will no doubt go west to some of the younger roads for now fields of labor , and it is to bo hoped and is confident ly expected , that the Whitney house will continue its good name aa the best houjo on this lino. Mr. P. B. LoFeber , for some time the popi'lar and obligini ; agent at Stanton on the "Q , " is managing the railroad businos * hero , and with the two roads has plenty to do. Wo notice , also , 0. J- King , of Corning , Iowa , an architect of repu tation , who ia building the $50,000 court house at Atlantic , and quite a number of buildings in different parts of the state , and who is a builder of large experience in Chicago , and Dr. J. H. Haughawont , surgeon dentist of Atlantic , . * quite recently from Chicago , and who performed success fully some difficult work in dental surgerj' in Lewis lajt week , and to which our attention was called at the time. The doctor ia un export and very succoe-sf ul operator in sold. It would be interesting , possibly , to notice the many general merchandise , jewelry and stores , and the largo hard ware and implement house of C. W. & J. L. Mitner , and many oth r impor tant and worthy firms and businessmen mon , but after returning thanks to Mr. J. H. Booth , attorney at luw , tor assistance in securing a good list of subscribers , I will mention that the young city has a fine park , planted with trees and situated just north of the town , which will before many years bo the pride of the citizens , and add to the completeness of the sur rounding. If wo think of the few months only since this city of 700 was a cornfield , and watch the steady growth nd prosperity , its rise in real est 'o , indicated by the $50 per aero asked for a farm just north of town , and another , a mile from the city that is held at $100 per acre ; if wo watch ita building , its enterprise , and mark the intelligence and public spirit of the larger portion of the busi ness men , we must adm't that the "Great West" is fast developing into great cities , which are the centers of social and religious ties , around which revolves the vhools of government , and in which the millions are daily becoming - coming wealthy , as the national gar den is cultivated. BUUKEYU. "They are not n _ bovorayo , but a medicine , with curative properties of the highest degree , containing tjO poor whisky or poisonous drugs , ll oy d0 not tear down an already dobilh/ited system , but build it up ; Ono bouju contains more hops , that is , more reo ) hop Btronfjtli , than a barrel of ordinary beer. Every druggist in Rochester sells them , and the physicians pro- ecribo them.Evening [ Express on Hop Bitters. _ The Pennyweight Gumo. Philadelphia Prep * . Two mon , attired in garments of the description most approved of by "fast young men about town , " entered the jewelry store yesterday afternoon of uufler & McCarty , conducted by Herbert & Go , , on the corner of Second end and Elfroth streets , above Arch , where they asked to bo shown gold- linked watch chains. As they wore examining the chains placed on the counter the attendant noticed ono of the mon substitute a chain for ono of those displayed , Officers Thayei and Vandovoro , of the Fourth district , were summoned , and the mon were taken to the station houso. Ono oi the prisoners gave the name of 11 , Reynolds , of Cleveland , Ohio , and the other said his name was E , Mason , bul ho refused to give his rcaidonco , A bundle of fourteen plated chains ant two diamond rings were found on Reynolds nolds , beside the genuine gold chan stolen from Herbert & Co. Mason hac Bethesda BATIIMHOUSEI At Bryant's Spring , Oor , Broadway and Union Sts , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Thin , Mcillcitcil , V per , Kloc'rlc. I'lung * . ftauch , Shower , Hot ml CoM lla hi Conn lietont < ale and limtlft . urci and at oml nl ilnajn on hand , and ha beiiolra e and atUm- .Ion g\\en \ iutrjn . Hpei'ial Ktt iittnntrlten to bluing ; children. Intcfit'gatlin aud i tronaei lollcltolDll. . A. II STUDLKV & Co. , 100 I p , > or Hroadwny. Pr , StticVoy ! Tnatmcnt of chronlj dlvcanm madfa p cl 'ty. ' _ Ono ot the belt i cond-cluj Hotels m Ui * Went la ( ho BROADWAY HOTEL. A. K I1U4WN , rroprl.tor. S'os. t > 34 and 638 Brotdoaj , ounclt Illufls , Iowa. Tallin tuppllcd with lh tmt the market ale - o ri < . 0 oil rooms and flrit-claM beds. Ternu \fty re onablo. UNION AVENUE HOTEL , 817 Lower Broadway , Mrs. C. Gerspacher & Son , FIBST CLA--S norm. AT I'lUl'K * . TIUN'8IK > TS ACCOM UODATKD. IIOTIttj FO < 4 BALK. C100D KhASONS FOlt 8M.M.VQ _ SCANDINAVIAN HOTEL N , Anderton , - - Proprietor , 731 Loner HrraJuny. Table nupp''od ' with Iho ticnt the market af- enl * . icruii 13.60 and ( I 00 | > crcek , Transient ll.OOpynlai. If Yon With a Lunch Go to LOUIE DUQUETTE , Soups , Meat" , nnd Kntnlilcs always on linn I. Five Cent * per cull. _ STARR & BUNCH , HOUSE , SIGN , AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. PAPEU HANGING , KALSOMINING AND BRAINING , 3hop Corner Uroailwny and Scott St HUGHES & TOWSLEE , DEALERS IN Confectionery , FruitsNuts Digars and Tub a ceo. Fresh Oysters and Ice Cream in Season. 12 MAIN ST. , Council Bluffd. _ MRS. J. P. BILLUP8 , PHOPIUETOR OF B.ESTAUHANT& . EATING HOUSE , 813 Siuth Main Street , Council IJiilfj. New house and newly Ottcd up In first claea style Meals at all hours Ic crtam and lemo nade e\ cry evvilng. Fruits a d confectioneries' J. G. TIPTONT Attorney & Counsellor , Office o\er First N'atlcnal limit , Conn II IllufTrt Iowa. Will practice In the fctntu and federal coiirla _ STEAM LAUNDRY. 723 W. Broadway. LARSON & ANDERSON , Proprietors , Thlilaurvliy his Just been opened for busl' no x , and H o are now pripareil to do laundry work of all kinds and gu trantcu satisfaction A prcltHy iiia'Jo of flue work , Hucli as collars , uIafluo ( ihlrtB , itc Wo want evoiyboJy to rnouia trial LAIISON .fc ANDERSON. -wolvp bogus chains and a gold watch > his poaseesion. It ia supposed ; hat the moil are Now Yorkers And ara old oflbndorn. Ono of hem was given a hearing some irao ago at the Central Police station , accused of a similar offense , but the charge was not proven , and the man vas released from custody. After heir arrest yesterday , a clerk was sent or from Bully , Banks & Biddlo , under ho supposition that the prisoners might > o the mon who about a year ago sub- titutod a bogus diamond ring for ono hat was worth 'JOO , which they were examining in the fitoro ; but the clerk could not identify cithur of the pris oners as being concerned in that opur. ation. In police parlance tlio manner in vliich the prisoners work ia known as ho "pennyweight gumo. " They arry a quantity of bogus jewelry with hoin 'when they enter n store for the ostensible purposu of making iv pur- iliusu. Holding a handkerchief in ono mnd. underneath which ia concealed i bogus article similar in design to the no they are examining , tlmy deftly ubstitnto the bogus article for the ; < imiiiiu ono , which is gathered up by ho unsuspecting storekeeper with the 'ost ' pi his wares. The prisoners will | u given a hearing to-day at the Dent - t > U Station. I-ovBYourNolernbor. \YIien \ your frfetil or neighbor Ia labor- rifViimlcr I odlly Kil ction , in li BHtion. LIUbusDPS ] , cunitlnatliiti , caused by mim- rityUjf blood , or dlsorcleu of tbo kidneyi ) or li\er \ , don't fall to rccornmond ] 5urdoftk [ Jlood , Dlttoru , a sure and m ( remedy. I'rlcef 1.00. jia , iiwr' lie Gentle Way Is Beit. In ilyjpcpsla , lUcr couplalnt and coiutipatton the diseased organs ar' ' senslthoand tomkr. lie n t use tnem idnhly. An sllciatho like TAUKANT'M BILTZKU A'KHIEKT. that tonui. ( orrects and purities the CkUm without unduly exciting or Irritating ither the utotnacb , the liver , or the bowelU he true specific In bucb caies. Ileason teacbea his , andexperknce conflru-s It. BOLD BY ALL DKUdaiSTS. J7-6m DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS HOTELS. PROPRIETORS ARUNQTON. J. O. MelNTIRE , Lincoln , Neb , 8ARATOQA HOTEL , J. 8. 8TELLINIUQ , Mllford , N b. | MARSH HOUSE , E.MAN8 , BROWNSVILLE ftttt COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , Btromiburg N HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL Loulivllla CITY HOTEL , CHENEY A OLARK , Blair , Nob. COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J. Q. MEAD , Malign , Neb. GRAND CENTRAL C. SEYMOUR , Nabratka City , N b MISSOURI PAOIFIO HOTEL , P. L. THORP , Weeping Wnter.fU COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. OAARPER , Hrdy , Neb , GREENWOOD HOUSE , W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb ) COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. STOREY. Olarlnd * , Iowa ENO'S HOTEL , E. L. ENO , Eremont , Nebl EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. B. HXOKNEY , Alhland , Neb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVELL , Atklnion , Neo. MORQAN HOUSE , E. L. GRUUD , Guide Recd , Neb. SUMMIT HOUSE , 8WAN & DECKER , Oretton , li. HOUSTON HOUSE , QEO. OALPH , Exlra , la , , REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Aunubon , I * . COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. OURQE88 , Nbola , l . CITY HOTEL , 01 A. WILLIAMS , Harlan , la , PARK HOUSE , MRS. M , E. OUMMING8 , Oornlng , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , J.'U ' AVERY , Btnnton , MERCHANTS HOTEL J. W. DOULWARE , Burlington Junction. M ) COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Blancturd , la. PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Ghenandoah , la , COMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , Dayld City , Neb tUGNELL HOUSE , OHA8. BAQNELL , Co I legs Spring * , la. SOMMEROIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vlllltca , la. JUDKIN8 HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , la , DALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Grove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE B , F. 8TEARN8 , Odebolt , la WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Ctceola , Neb. DOUOLAB HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Clarke , Neb. BtDFORD HOUSE J. T. QBEEN , Bedford la. ARLINGTON HOUSE , J. M. BLACK & ' BOM , MarjtvllleMo NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A. T. POTTER , Norfolk Junction Neb WINS.OW HOUSE Q MCCARTY , Seward Neb. AURORA HOU8 M. B. JONES , Auronr.Neo. CROZIER HOUSE O. R. OR07-ER , Sidney , No a. AVOOA EATINQ HOUSE D. W. ROOKHOLD , Avoca la. CENTRAL HOUSE LOCKWOOD & 8HATTUOK , Red Oak FOSTER HOUSE C pt. JOHN FOSTER , Lewi. la. WHITNEY HO I8E , E. H'AYMAKER. GrUwoid \ \ . THE JELM MOUNTAIN AND Mining and Milling Company. .Vorklng Capital1 - $300,000. OuplUl H'.ock , 81,000,000 l' r Value ol Sharon , 25,009. STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BRAMBL MINING DISTRICT. DR. J. I. THOMAS , 1'roildent , Cuwmlns , Wjomlng. WM K. T1LTOH , Vlco-Preglden * . Cummlnj , Wyoming K. N. HAUWOOD , Scciotaiy , Cummins , Wyoming. A , Q. LUNN , Treasurer , Curamlns , Wyomla ! > r. J. I. Tbomu. Loul Miller W. B. DramoL A. 0 Dunn. S. N. lUrwood. Kranch Lcnvons. Qoo. H. Falos. Lewli Zolman. Dr. J. a Watklni. OFD W , KPNPATjTj. Anthor'ind gcnt for Rale of Htoch' H - < " o Of Griswold , Iowa , [ On the Red Oak and Atlantic Branch Railroads , ] Thoo. H. Brown * Cashier ot Bank 0. Black & Co -Clothing Throlold & Yudtaoy . .Clothing Win. Oorbit G on oral Merchandise Stafford & Hawks General Morchandiao L. O. Ilatton General Morchandiao J. M. Keihl , General Mgrohaudiao Chapman & i'ornyth Grocery Bowman & Younj ; Grocery Wherry & Perkina Grocery John Kerns Bakery and Restaurant Chaa. Fonnur Restaurant John Piper Drugs and Postoffico Goo. F. Scar Drugs J. F , Croinloy Drugs D. W. & J. L. Milnor Hardware and Implements M. J. Olovis & Oo Hardware and Implements tlonens & Maxwell Hardware and Implements Lee , Elliott it Co Harness J. D. Nolflon Harness ' J. A. Totton . .Grain J. H. Stanton Grain B. P. Lewis & Oo . ' Grain W. S. McOleaa Grain B. W. Stevens Steam Elevator ECipp Bros Lumber Soutlmll , Parry & Oo Lumber H. GrootBchcl Furniture Davis A ; Co Furniture and Planing Mill 3oo. H. Adams Photograph Gallery T. E. Luccock Jewelry M. H. Andrus Jewelry Vlra. 8. A. Ingorsoll Millinery Store Vliss A. U. Gorman Millinery Store Jhas. Winner Barber Shop Jzra Littler , Barber Shop 3eo. Tinam ' . Meat Market 3oo. Holbcck. Moat Market Powell & Sealer Blacksmith and Wagon Shop rVtn. Mungor Blacksmith and Wagon Shop I. T. Wade Blacksmith and Wagon Shop J. II. Fuller Livery [ osonil Pieraon , Livery Too Mackroll , Livery i ) . Haymaker. , . .Whitney House Jlaus Jlitz , Iowa House Stuolo Merchant Tailor J. II. Booth Law W. F. Rtghtmiro Law lumiiton Wilcox Loan Broker T. J ) , Martin Physician Dodge & Woodruff Physicians f A. Bryant Physician F. L Mooru Physician D. H , Scott Printer and Justice A , W. Piornon , Boots and Shoos iVhooloi tt Graham Flour Exchange i.oolcwny & Johnson , Live Stock . * . M. Crawford Live Stock 1. M Coats Foreman Fire Company W. W. AIbuo Marshal To Nervous Sufferers THE QREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr , J. B. Simpaon'fl Speciflo II la a | x | tlvecure for ttpermatoirhca , Btmlnit WMkecus. linpotancy , and all dlsuusa resulting from Sill-Abuse , fc4 Mental Anxiety , Local tUmory , Fains In the Back or Bide. auJ diseases " nifi/ITS. /nim" tk * ' I11 t ° Consuuiptlon insanity an. oarlygrare The Upeclllc Medicine Is being used with woudei < ful succeas. Pamphlets loiu lieu to all. Write ibtr vuem tad get lull pai < tlculars. Price , BptclBo , tt.OO per package , or ill pack , ages lor 16.00 , Addroaa all orden to . B. S1VISON MEDICINE CO. Not. 104 and 108 Main St. Buffalo , N , T. BoM In Omaha by 0.1. Goodman , J. W. Bell , J.K. Ish , and all drugglitaeiory where. i I * dkw KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. The Most Successful Remedy ever dlscor > ered , as It Iscortalu In Itseffucta and does not blister , IIBAD PltOOF 1IELUW. Also excellent for human flesh. FROM A PROMINENT PHYSICIAN. Waablngtcnvllle , Ohio , June 17. 1881. Ua. B. J. KBNDALL , & Co. : Ucuts Itcaillnt ; jourad. vertUement In Turf , Field and Farm , ot your Kcnd-iU'u bpiUa Cure , a d having a valuable and sroedy hotio which had been laino from ( pavln for eighteen month * , I sent loj ou for a bottle by express , which 11 six weeks removed all lambuei * and enlargement and a largo tpl'nt ' from another horse , aud both horses are to-day unbound as cotU. The ono bottle waa worth to me one hundred dollars. UespeoUully \0'.r , II. A. C. BKUKTT , U. D. Send for Illustraiol circular jtlvlng poaltlvo proof , i'rlcojl. AH Druudsts bavo it or can get It for you. Dr. B. J , Kendall tt Co ; , Pro prietors , Enoaburgu Fall , Vt. tiOLt ) BY ALL DRUGGISTS. d-wly ANTJ.MONOPOLY LEAGUE. Blank membership role * ( or the anti-monpoly league , contalulnK tUteoiunt of principle met hod * of prooudure and Instructions how to organ- Ue. will be seat pa application to Q. U. U l . Uclroy.Meb. KadotviUmp. mlS-U