Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1882, Page 3, Image 3
THE DAILf BEE-OMAHA TUESDAY , JUNE 13 , 1882 , IEID & ; OO , , The Only Exclusive Wholesale Hardware House OEM- 1108 AND 1110 HARNEY STREET. OMAHA - - - - - NEB. J. -WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DEALER N- Wall Paper and Window Shades 1304 Farnliam St. Omaha Neb. holesale Lumber , No. 1408 Farnham Street , Omaha , THE MOLINE STOVE ! Manufactured by They make a specialty of COOKING STOVES , and 1m o this > car placed In the market ono of the MOiT ECONOMiO A U MOST SAUSKAOroilV STOVES cucr made. They make botH Plain and cxttns on top , and guarantee all their goods. Vho agents for the company are. PIERCY & BRADFORD , - DEALEES IN - Furnaces , Fireplaces , Heaters mac -A. nr a ? KB x. ra , GRATES , RANGES , STOVES , HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS , Etc. 211 FARNAM STREET. OMAHA NEB The Oldest Wholesale and Retail JEWELRY HO USE in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in SIL VER WARE. CLOCKS , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in RECIOUS STONES and all descriptions of FINE WATCHES at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farnham Streets THK LEADING IN TOE WESTI General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock oi Steinway Piano& , Knabe Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warren , Sterling , Imperial , Smitt American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pur chasing. MAX MEYER & BRO. , , MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW GASES ! Large Stock A ways on Hand. BIYSIHIMTSTUOK IN NEBRASKA-MAKK THE LUWiSST PEIUE8 This is the Only Fouse that Does Not Sell High Price Goods , PERKINS & LEAR , FURNITURE NEW AND SECOND-HAND. Bedding , Mirrors , Feathers , Feather Beds , and all Goods'Pertaming ' to the Fur niture Trade , and : Upholstery. , PERKINS ' & LEAR , 1416 Douglas Street , Omaha , ' BOn-wed-WljSrdp PHE DAILY BEE The DEE PUBLISHING CO. , Prop're. 610 Furnham. bet. Oth and 10th Street * . TKUMS or SUBSCRIPTION. 0 ccpy 1 roar , In < lv tice ( ] > eMi ld ) f 10 CO i tnonihl " " . . . 500 month " " - 3.00 RAILWAY TIME TABLE , C > D tinciAoo , or. rirt , viKKiirotu AHD OMAIU KAtkfcOAD. UttB Omaha P cn < rtr Mo. 8 , 8:80 : a. ra. Ac- muini | tlon No , 4 , 1:01 : | > . m Alt' Omahiv Parewnfrct No. 1 , E : 0 p. m. ten i idatton No. 8,10M : K. m. jma ouiiu it 01 ROtmi tociro 0. , n. ft o. 7:40 : A. in. S : 0 n m. C. A N. V. . T:40 : . m. S-40 p. m. a , K. I. ft P. , 7:10 . ra. 3.40 p. m. K. C.St. J. & C. aluM it ECO . m. n < 17W : m. Arrived at 8 I Louis t CSO : at. m. and 6:5S : m , Tf. , St. L. & 1' . , IUATO * t S k. m. and 8.40 p. Arrlret a Bt , Louis at 6:40 : . m. and 7SO : m wm o& ictmrwKre. R. ft M. la Nob. , Through Rxpree * , 8 : 0 v in D. k M. Ltnco'n Fxpress Cfl p. CJ. 0 P. Overland Kxprow , ISilB p. ra. 0. a R. V. for Lincoln , 11MB a. in. 0. A U V. for Oncools. D.40 x m. a. I1 freight No. & , 6SO n. in. II. P I night No. , P'20 n. m. U. F. frolRht No. 13 , 2 Wp. m. U. I' , Irclijht No. 7 , 6:10 p. m. . . . 1 * . Dourer oxprux.1 , 7 35 p. m. 0. P. ficlnht Nt. 11 , 11 M r > . m. 0. P. Demur licUrit.&fiS p. m. AL&tAiM ) tnr AMI room 0 B. k O 6.00 a. m. 7d | i to. 0. b S. V. , 0.11 K 10. TS6 : p. m. 0. R. t. M' . . 0 45 X m V 06 p. m. d. 0 , St. Joe 6 0 II. . 7:85 k. rn. ! F. u < ARtin. U FKOH tllH Urn AND WGTintMt , . 0. t ) It. V. frnm Lincoln 1.03 Ji. m. U. P. Pacific I'-sprc-i EJB : p. ru. B1 Jv II. In Neb. , Through Sxpnvo 1H : P m. n. ti M. Lincoln Kxprcjn 0.16 ik in. U. P. Dcucr express , 7:3 : ! ) a. m. y. V. Frolght No. 14 X 60 p. ra. II , P. No. 0 EtO : n. m. Suil ml U , P. froleht No. K , 12.16 p. m. D. P. Ko. B 0.00 p. ra. U. P. Uo. 12 1:45 ft. ui. D , 1' . Denver freight , 1:10 : a. m. 0. A R. V. tnltcd , r. < : l p. ra. BOKUT tmiM BITWHIH UM111A Ana OOCMClL Wan. Omnha kt 8:00 : , 0:00 : , 10.-00 nJ 11CO m. ) 1:0 2:00 : , SCn : , 4 00 niul 6.-00 p. in. LOAVO Council Ulun fit S : C , .2G. 10 S6 And :55 n. ra. ; 1:25 : , 2:25 , 3:26 : , lisa and 6.16 p. m. Hun. ' ) i The dummy leaven Omftha at 0:00 : rd ll-OO , ra. ! 2 00 , 4:00 : and S-00 p. ru. Lcca onadl Illuaa at Ds : and 11:26 a. m. ; 2:26,1:22 : Bd 6C5 : p. in. Throci h ard local pasAcnrcr trains between OmiUft nncl Council niuOe. Leave Omahn 6:15 : , Stfi , B'Wu. in. ; 3-40 , 6:45 : , 6.-00 p. nj. Arrive Ou3iha-7:40,11-.SB , 11:45 a. m. ; fi(0. : 7:05 : , 7:15 : , p. tn Opening ana doling of M ll / > kOlTJB. OriUI. OLO3B. a. in. p. n. a. m. p , m , hta.iro fc N. W 11.00 D:00 : fiBO : :4C : , U I. b l'ftelfloll:00 : ODD C:50 2:43 : , II. A Q. . . -.11 0 0 )0 ) 6SO 240 12M : 5M : : < 0 j and PAcino. . SCO 6:30 2:4 ! ) Union Faciao 1:03 : 11:10 0-iwhnfcK. V 4:00 : 11:40 3 . M. in Neb 4.CO h:10 : JrjfcUib Mont City. . . . 6-CO 7:50 Z. & At. Lincoln 1C.S1 6W : 0. F. LI'icoln , BuniJay. . . 1:80 : 11:00 : J. P. l > i ntr Exp W.OO fi:35 : 3 Tou.Cltj ft St. P..11:00 : 2:40 : Lic ) n.r.lls for Stito of Iowa luitvo bnt onca a i7 , \ lrtbO , ra. Offlro OIICD Sunu'aja from 12 ra. to 1 p. m. F ITAT.b P M. Mam Directory , Ab > trAct And Rent hatato. JOHN L. McCAOIIE , o I'cst Otto. W. U. J1AR1XKTT 317 Soutli ISMi Streak. Architects. JfB A 3NDKI.SSOII , AKOH1TECIH Itooin 14. Crclghton Block. A T LAHOK Jr. . Boom 2. Crclehton Block. onoet , JAUKS D VINK & CO. , flue EtKita nd Shoco. Aeoud - ortpioHl tcmo vroitv on band , corner llth and lltrucy. CHOB. I'JUCKSON , S. E. cor. 13th and Donelat. JOHN FORTONATU8 , 135 10th etroot , manufactures to oraor good at fair prices. Rooalrinr tlono. Bed Spring * . LABRIMEB Manufacturer. 1517 DoorluH. aooks , News and UtMlonery. J. I. FBUEHAOF10I6 Farnham Street. Butter and tgga. MoSIIAHB & BCBBOEDER , the oldeit B. and E. iioiue In Nebragka eatabllAhod 187S Omaha. . UiCHTilAL BESTAORANT , MRS. A. RTAN , uathweol comer IBthand Dodn. Boot Board for the Money. Satltfactlon anarantecd at all notiie. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Torma for Cach. FnrnlBhoiI Rtmmg Supplied. Uarrlagei ana Roaa Wagons. VFM 8NYDER. 14th and Ilarnev Btreetg. Clothlnz Uou ht. J. HAIIRIS trill pay hlghcutCagh price for second mod clothlnc. CorncrilOlh anrl Farnham. ciowo er * . JOHN BAUMER 13H Fftrnhtm Street. Junk. n. BEUTnOLD , Raga and Metal. Lumber Llmo and Oement. FOSTER & QR-vV corner 6th and Douglas Lamps and Qlasiware. I. CONNER 1809 Douzlai St. Good Variety. Merchant Tailor * . 0. A. L1NDQUEST , Jne of our most popular Merchant Tallon U re- elvlng the latest deslraa for Spring and Summer 'Jooda for gentlemen a wear. Styllih , durable , nd nrlcea low M over 21518th hot. Donsr.bFam. Millinery. VCRS. 0. A. B1NGKR , Wholeeale and Retail , Fan- y Qoodt In great variety , Zephyrs , Canl Boards , Hosiery , Gloves , Corsets , &c. Cheapest House la the West. Purchasers nave SO per cent. Oidei DvHall. 1U Fifteenth Street. roundry. JOHN WEARNE & SONS oor.llthA Jackson it * Mourand Feed. OUAHAOIT7 MILLS , 8th and Farnham Bit. , KTeUhano Jiroa. , proprietors. Qrocer * . C BTKVENB , SUt between Cnmloe an > \ lui . A. MoSRANK. Corn. 23d and Oauilntr Etrectn. Harawaie , Iron ana Steel. OLAN tt LAWOWORTHV , Wboleaalo , 110 tn < < US 16th etrcct A. HOLMES corno 16th and California. N rno , ctnaaie * , mo. B. WEIST SOUth St. bit F rnk Harris ? HotriD JO LIOUaK.Ooo. Canfleld,9lh & FarnhaDi OORAN HOUSE , P H. Cary , Big Farnham Ht. BLAVKN'S HOTEL. F. Blaven , 10th Bi. ionthern Hotel Out. Ifainel nth * taavenworth na uiu. KHUN it CO. Fins Vana ( loads , Oor. 16th and Douirui ttrcate. . J. WHIXB110UPE , Wholesale & RoUll , Icth fit. a FIKLD , 02 ! Worth Bide Cumins ; Street. PARK , DnuvlBt. IQtU and Howard Ktreota. Dentists. OB. PAPti WIlllamH Ulock Cor. 1Mb & DoJse. Dry Uuoaa Notions , fcto. JOHN H. F. LKUMANN 4 CO. . < IW Tork Dry Goods Store , 1810 and 1811 F rn- h in itr et & . 0. Knewold also bootJ and ihods & PiclOo. ruruuure. i 7 , GROSS. New and Stoond Hand Furniture nJ Btorts , llli Dctulu. Ulgbeal caab pike aid for second banl ( roocm. CONNER IBO'J Doa7la tt. Fine eoodi & - , . ferce Works , OUAHA FENOU CO , SDiST , FRIES & CO 1218 Haruoy tit. , Impiovc id Ice BOII * , Irci : acJ Wood Fencei , Office tllcri. fVinntfr" Plnn and Wtlnnl. r'awn rokera. ' BOSKNFgLP IQIU St. . bet Far.ftHar Kerrlgerators , Oenneia's Patent. OOODUAN 1th Bt. bet. Kirn , & Cigars and Tobacco. WEST & FniTSCIJEK , manufacturers of Clfin. , and Wholesale Deolersl n Tobaccos , 1805 Douglas ! > ff. F. IXHIENZKN manufacturer 1116 Farnham florist. A , Oonagboe , plants , cut flowen , seeds , ooqaeli etc. . N. W , cor. IBtb and Dowlas street * . 00 To CRAIG'S Orecn House 17th aad Wtbiter itroot , for 1'laort , Bouquets , Flowen , Floral Deslgni be , Oornlco Works. W t rr. Uamlce Works , Manufacturer ! Iron Oornlc , lln , Iron and Slate Roofllnj. Order * from any locality promptly executed In the be t manner , ractory and Office 12l > Uarney Bt. O. BPKCHT , Proprietor , aalranltot Iron Cornices , Window Caw , etc. , m nnf\ctur l ami put up In any part oj tbf Orockery , I , DON N Kit It09 Dtiiigian tlr > ft. OooJ lln uom.iiim JOHN O. Wlfi tlS,14H DodjteSlrwI. 0 B. HhKJIKR. For ilcutlt ce large adrertUe raiint In IMtlv and Wwkl ? Olvll Engineers and Ourveyors. ANDREW ROSEWATER , Crolfthton Dlcck , town Surreys , Orade s > nd Sewerage 8ytt rai a Specially. Clothing and furnlahlng aoo > s. QEO. H. PETERSON. Al H t , Cip , Boota , Shoe * Notions and Cutlerr , B04 B. 10th tr t. Show Oasa ManuTaclory. 0. J. WILDR. Uacntactur6r an.l Dealer In all kinds ol ebcw Caiw , Upright Cases , 4 . , 1317 CAM St. FRANK L. GERHARD , proprietor OuAh Show Caw manufactory , 818 South Iflh str t , Lmrcnworth and Marcy. All l Hrit-clRW. ores ana mwaro. A. BUKMESTKK , t oiniiniuwaT ? , MiJ mru/iclurei / oflln K'xifo and all klndk c Dalldlrg Motk Odd 1 clluwg' Block. J. tlONNKK , 1800 nnuil/l' / BtP-vlvH _ _ _ ctmn Uaudt , ) . KVANS , WboltaaU tnU RcUU : Drill * nu OiM Hall Pn > cicl ni W. 8. OllMtS , M. U. , Kforo No * Ufe'fhtoD " ' ' . , Uth Struct. K H. LKIBRMHISa , M. D. Mawnlt C. U HAKl.M. I ) . , Ejoand ZCai , opp DR. L. B. auAony , Oculist Mitl Autl < l. H W 16th tnii Pi > mh > ri St < CJKO. HEYN , PROP. Unmd CVntnil Oillorv , 318 Sixteenth Utrc l. nur Miuanlo Hall. Vtr t < la < n Work and Prompt' uu na utoam l-'ttlng , P. W. TARPY * CO. . 216 12 m. , bet. end Douglas. Workprorop y attended to. 1) . riTZt'ATRIOK. ixiiiglvi Street nlntlnc an pcr angina , M1INKV A. KOSTERS. HI Undie Street Choo Stores. Phillip 1120 Famhara i > f I * * 18th * Hrh dccond Hand Utoru. I'KRKINS Si LEAR , 1110 Douglaa BI. . Now and Second Hand Furniture , Homo l-\irnl mnft < ! aod A.C. Iwmrliti and wild on narrow m ri'lti Undertaxtifa , 01IAB. RIKWK. 10H Farnham bet 10th 11W. 99 Dent Store * . P. 0 WAOKI78 TarnhPim 3 . Paoor Oanos Unloonc. HEKRT KAUFMANW , la lee Le * brick block on IXmjJ.M Btiaoi , b Junt ojwiioil a uiput elegant Bi' < u IUH , Hot Lunch from 10 to 13 icrv ili y. " Ctti ! nni " J FAtOONRR C.TB Uth StiMl. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in Postoflico during Hie week ending June 10 , 1882. QH.NTLEUEK. Appleton Mr Allen H B .y'e ' V i row n G F IJurrell T Biiina R UrjcellJ Uarridge S ] ' Uoltou II C ISiirtelpmeyer S Ulaueo 1 > ISlDckburu It A ButlcJ J lienmn J Barrel J G Uasjelmnn A Biker C W Becman J T Brand K E-2 Biuckley M Carston J G CaldnellJS Basil .T ( 'aswi 11 J J CallaJ Cliuo .7 Criwtord J 1J CrouKB S T Cox Vf Cold W Conrcv P Connor G C ClayJ Chaiupenoy J II Clayton H O Casper li Clausen H Campbell A Campbell 0 Draper F S Davis J P Denison J 1 , Don eel J C Dolan A Donermayer M Dickey G A Evana W E Evans R 2 Euker H EmkinsL flynn J C Francis R Florin G Ford J G Frank J Gtrady A.D Grau G B GriUm I M Graham L Garvin T Giliaou D T HallR rluntingtun M M Hanrahan J Herbert A Higman Bros. Hahlis G F Hussay F Henings L Hull JO Henry W Hoaretrick C Hond E L Haves T llarkins M HtflleyG .Tnnei G W Jakolison II Joy H C Jones J Jinnoy F Jackson P Johnson R G Karlton A Keefer J Ktiapp R R K lint wort J Kanlell P K Kennedy L V Kuiiinel M J Lyon O W LarxBon F Lagatroin A RIcKeoDM McMalno , T H Mcl/'ullora J J McGuire T H Montague O Alaud Mr Moure J Mussrove Manters P JNIattson P D M.rtinP Mar ley M Miller G B Merlin G P Marsh G Murphy E NacoD Nickels N Nciiuon II 2 NJelson II 0 Nafer H NoUon F O'Dunnell T OLen J Petuljolm II Pope A Pelper U U llobbins G Roper , Turner & Co Hudolph 11 Rooks P llhodej B Robert * O B llobbina F E Reed F VV Heche D Stuchel E A Scbrtder E D Smith F Sachs If Stewatt - Sheely J Stanwood J II Stebliluu II Sincenet W Shepbarrt J Slieoran B Streeter 0 E Kervean E Scott II 0 Vcelu R Wert H Willeme G Wheollns A Whlln ill 0 W Wri la W < f Younta W C M LADIDi. Allen MH A Amlenon MM O Andeinon , Auilrt-WH MIBS At llaloy MrsJi Deli MM W M Uailoy JMlHj 1C C ButUrMinsG Urnwa Miea M Clark Miss M K Crone Mrs W CulliiiH JiliaM M Crane Mm M Dorim Mim ] l ] ) nnhy ! Mr < J M Krikreh Miss T France Mlsa L Gremlin II Gould Mrs K Hart Mr * T Heron A 11 am Mm L Jlaakel L A Hoffmeyer 12 Janse J Johusou Mrs Johanason Mlsa C JuImEon Mr * ] ] - - 2 Klintwort Mrs A 2 Larsdotter K Lani ; MM J M LumUtil Miss 3 Langdon Mlsa N LIudhom Mhs K Lerlinj'Mra KAL Lpon MUa 12 Mot'oy MraJ ftlcCalfrey Mrs R McGee Mi N McNeal MI a M McMagoslan MM M McNnbb Mrs 11 Muntyer Mlsa AT Morgan Mtmi M Morgan Mrs K Mikaelnen M--L' Niles Ming ] ; II Nichles MUa h Norton K NiUon K M Norton J M Pratt Mli-a M IVatt Mlaa M 1'ruc.lier MJH L Jtun MiH L Itoliliitou I\Iie L11 Ithodcs MM M .Sampson Mrs M Kcott MU M BliotthaiH MIH M SdioclcMhuK tJtanley Mrs M 2 Stone Ml s L 2 .Sottn Mrs M BullimnMisDW r-'amtl : MIm A 2 'I'lioinpNon Mini M Woodlmrn Mlsa 0 F Wright Mrs 1 > D WrlKht MM M TIIOS. V , J'cwtmanler , A JJlnlng Exporlonco. An oxcitint ; incident , which illus trates the perils and discomforts of deep mining in Novadaoccurod in the Alta mine a few days 0 0.hilo eoven men were working in the end of a drift , 1,500 foot below the surface , a powerfnl pump , which was constant ly uaod to lift the constantly flowing water from the drift , broke and the puiwpino was stopped. The rapidly accumulating water rote in the draft and broke through the bulkhead erected to protect the working patty , and it was thought the nion mint cither drown or bo overcome by the heat and the lack ol of air in tlu-ir drop under' ground prison. It was rcmoinbond , however , thnf the end of the drift where the parly trero imprisoned wae hiphor thnn tliogenerfll luvcl , and this might cave them from drowning at least. The broken pump wan repaired as quickly as poasible , and the pump- i-g uf water from the drift jecoin- moncod , and at the MUIIO ttmo air wna forced into the driit through pipes. The work of rescue was kept up daj and night for two dnjg , and on Fri day , sixty hours after ths accident oc curred , the water in the drift waa lowered uuflhtontly to allow n cimll , liglit citnras boat , with tlirco men in it , to bo let down Two of 4ho men died of the Btilling hut air , and the third barely clfoctod his escape. Notwith standing thir , a fourth mail deecoudi-d and attempted to wade to the end of the drift , but ho waa forced to return in n delirious condition , without ac complishing nnything moro thnn aiuing n light at the end of the drift and finding the boat. Twoothorn fol lowed , but were nnablo to reach the dcsirod point on account of the liuat and gas. Still another , having hiahend protected with an ico-hulmot. used by miners in thu deep levels , descended and waded through the hot wnter to the end of the drift , where , to his great mirpriao and delight , ho found the aoveil prisoners nlive , nearly starved to death , patiently waiting for the rescue they hoped would come , but resigned to their fatu if the worat should como. They were speedily brought out. The only lives lost were those of the two bravo minors who pcridhcd in the bout in the at tempt to reach their comrades. QIVOH Away. Wo cinnot help noticing the liberal oiler to all invulida nud sufferers by Dr. King's Now Ulaciix cry for onsumntion , You urn icquoalid ti > ( all at I ) . F Good- mini's Drug Store , and K't a Trial Bottle fne of coit , if ynu nro sulferitu with C ni- sumption , Sovcio Coughs , Cold < , Antlnna , Br inchltU , Hay Fever , Loss of Volcu , iroirncneas , or nny alfe tion of tljo Throat or Luiu'8. It will posilutly euro you. Ca'irornla Formlnrr Loa Arjocs ! CorrcsjionJcnt Toronto Qlobp. Much has been s.iid and written about the iinmcnao profits to bo rea lized from the culture of the orange , and thoao who cittuo hero tun or tnelvo years ago , and bought land when it was cheap and planted orange tr cs , uro doubtless reaping handsome pro fit * from their orchards. lut there is no profit in this business for the man who pays § 200 or moro per ncro , and han to wait seven or eight years before ho gets any return upon his invest iiiont. The shrewd men nro finding this out , and are giving their atten tion to vineyards. The grape does well hero , and yields a largo quan tity of wine. The vines will do well without irritation , while the orange tree requires tobo irrigated five or six times during the year. The owners of the largo vineyards have each a distillery and winohouso , and not only manufacture their own gropes into wino and brandy , but' purchase the grapes grown by those who have small vineyards. The wino made by two or three of the leading growers is excellent if allowed to at tain any ago , hut nearly all the wino is sold when now , and a great deal is made by careless men and is unfit to drink , aud the consequenceis that with many strangers LOB Angelas wines have a poor reputation. Sly first impression of the wines of this country was anything but favorable , but afterwards I came across D Canadian who was an excellent judge of wine , and from him I lenrnod where to get good vintages. I fuund good , sound port , and moat excellent claret , called "Xinfandol , " after the grape from which it was made. The "Burger , " a white wine , is good if al lowed a few years in which to mature. When now it is too heavy. When capital enough is invested in this busi ness to allow the wines to mature before - fore boiiu' sold , and the intelligent system of manufacturing lately in augurated by some of the proprietors of the largest vineyards has become general , this country will rival ( the far-famed provinces of Franco in the quality and quantity of its wines. How They Were Removed. NOKTH TOPKKA , Kas.Mayl2 , ' 81. H. H. WAUNEK & Co. : Sirs- Sharp pains in the region ot the kid neys , frequent desire to urinate and scalding sensations were easily re moved by your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. HENIIV SANDEUH. EX 23 IMPERISHABLE 1 -T 'j * " ° 'jt * > " ' " " PERFUME , Hurray & Lanman's Best frr TOILET , BATH and I.ANDKERCHIEF. Genins Rewarded ; OK , The Story of tlie Sowing Machine , A handsome llttlo pamphlet , blue and golf cove with numerous cagtuiinft , will bo GIVEN AWAY tot nv audit pontnn calling ( or It , at ny branch or eub-otllcool IhobloKor llanulicturlnif Com pany , or Mill bo vent uj mail , poet paid , teat at a dUUnca Irom our offices. TIio Singer Manufacturing Co , , Principal Ofllco , 34 Union Square , NEW YORK , leMH ( ! * JACOB KAUFMAN , OfflCB 802 Ifltli St. Oor , of Bnrt Dealer in ALL KINDS OF WINES. lolfr-lia SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF : Men's , Boys' and Children's CLOTHING Boafly for Impoction AT POLA'CK'S CLOTHING HOUSE The Lowest Prices Guaranteed , 1310 Farnam Street , Nonr 14th. RE ! ORCHARD & BEAN , J.B. FRENCH & CO. , O A R P ETS I GROCERS CARPET tOotr * Invites the attenlionof the public to hisi LARGE AND WELL JSELECTED STOCK New Carpets | Embracing all the late pat terns in everything in the Oarpet Line. Mattings , Oil Cloths and window Shades. In large quantities , and always at the Bottom Prices. LACE CURTAINS A SPECIALTY. J. B. DETWILER ! 1313 Farnam Street. OMAHA , - - NEBRASKA E2 V W WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Lath , Shingles , SASH , BOORS , BLINDS AND MOULDINGS , 15th and Cuming Sts. OMAHA , NEB