Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1882, Page 2, Image 2
THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA TUESDAY , JUNE 13 , 1882. THE SHAD6W OF DEATH. TheGhaetly Speotro Tlchten- ; ts Grip on Garfleld's Hope Still Bnor Him Up ThonRh Ho Tftkoi to the Blbla for Comfort. A Pen Picture of the Prison His Iron CnRO nnd Its urnamouts. WA3UIMOTON , Juno 11. It 18 * TO ported that Hoed will present the petition tition of Guitoau tor commutation of sentence to President Arthur thia week. Guitcftu wna not allowed io BOO vial tors to-day , nnd did .not wish to see a minister , lie told the warden there was no use for llcod to try habeas corpus , that it was "Arthuror nobody God nbovo nil. " Ho is getting as much disgusted with Hied as ho was with Scovillo , nnd it is not ozpcotod that his hope will bo hold out much longer. A TALK W1T1I OC1TEAU A representative ot the National Associated Press visited the jail yesterday torday afternoon to BOO Uuitoau. Guitcau was in a small cell , his bed roomas ho calls it. Uis guard or death-watch was pacing the corridor in front of the coll. The atone floor had boon covered with a carpet , dead onin. ( ; the sound ot his footsteps , Iho cell was brightened with some flowers , which wore placed on a chair near the door. Uuitoau was not inclined to talk , being annoyed because visitors were brought to his bedroom , instead of the "reception room , " or "oflico , " as ho calls the other cell , As the viators entered torod with Warden Crocker , ho turned to him , showing impatience , and said "You should not have brought these gentlemen to mo in this coll. " Turn ing again to the visitors ho said , "I am feeling bettor than during my trial. I was weak then , but am in good health now " Ho was droseed with eciupulous neatness dark pants and voit , with broad standing collar turned down at the front , dark tie and white handker chief thrown carelessly about the neck , which ho said ho kept about his neck ( to protect him from malaria. "Wo . have considerable malaria hero you know , and I mint protect mysulf from it. " "Havo yon had any malarial troubles ! " "Not exactly , " ho replied : "I had some soon after I cnmo hero , but none this eprintr. My health has boon very .good lately. " ' Ho appears now to much bolter nd vantage than on the trial , and in a bettor condition physically. His face is full and the wild , vicious look is not now perceptible. His smoothly shaven face and cropped moustache improves his appearance. The flowers in the cell ho supposed were sent in by par ties outside , and looked at them with pride. Warden Crocker explained , however , that they were ivoii him by the jail employes. "Wo lot him " said * "that ' sent think , ho they'nro from the outside , but the fact is they nro not ? nor is anything of any sort sent him since ho has boon hero , not even his tister has sent him' anything. " Guitcau , during the visit , called sev eral times to. the guard , \vho stood in the corridor , to bring him some photo * graphs and some autographs , but His guard did not comply. Ho finally returned to his seat fn the rour of the cell. cell.In In view of tho-near approach of the execution , Warden Crocker is daily besieged by applicants for admission to witness the hanging. Very few , however , outside of members of the press and attaches of the court , will bo permitted within. Parties outside of Washington have written hero recently contly offering all the way from 850 to $100 for a ticket. Warden Crocker has selected his executioner , the man who ofllciatod hero several times. Guitoau signed another paper at the instance of his counsel , and this sign ing document , is about all the writing ho docs now , his time being wholly oc cupied in reading the bible and lying on the cot pondering. CniOAao , Juno 12. To-day's Mai ! contained over DOO signatures for Mrs. Scovillo'a petition for executive clom cnoy in the Guitoau case. Mitchell NitlonjJ AuocUted Preu WASHINGTON , Juno 11. Senator Mitchell in a conversation to-day , said ; "I admire many of the sterling Scotch characteristics of Don Cameron and do not desire to bo understood as having any personal Issue with him. Neither of us could afford that , I entered into this liberal movement because I thought it right. I seek no .leadership and hope to have none thrust upon mo. Cameron should have done throe years atro what 1 am trying to do now. Ho did not do it and is now politically dead. Instead of being a loader ho is led , and half the Oamoronism talked about does not originate with the name. " Politics and Floods. Kutluaul Aiuociatcd I'rona. POUTI.ANU , Oregon , Juno 11. The election lias resulted in n complete republican victory. Geor o is ro-oloo't- od to congress by 2,000 majority. The entire republican state ticket is elected by 1,200 , majority or more , The state senate is a tie , house 34 re publicans and 2U democrats , ns nearly as can bo ascertained at present. Tlio river is 25 feet ! ! inches above low water' murk * . Cool weather east of the mountains has cheeked the rise temporarily. Water runs in the gutters - tors along the streets and is nn a level with the floor of the Clarendon hotel. _ A Stalwart Oauout. National AuocUted I'rcM. Piu/rADELi'iiiA. Juno 11 , The cau cus meeting of the Philadelphia dele gation to the republican state conven tion , hold at the Continental hotel last night , endorsed John Wanamaker as the choice of Iho delegation for congrcssman-at-large. It is thought ho will decline. Honors to the Dead Italian. N Uonal ABsoclfltcd 1'rew. 1 NEW YOIIK , Juno 11. The Italian societies of this city hold a mass moot ing in Tammany hall this evening , in honor of Garibaldi Among those on the platform were the 'surviving Gari baldi veterans. Speeches were made 7 by General Frnnz Ziogcl , General Sickles , Signer Gaprtanl nnd'Gonoral Dasso , who was once Garibaldi's secre tary. To-morrow several thousand Italians will visit Garibaldi's old home on Staten Island. Profitable ) Pntlenti. The most wonderful and marvelous success in cases where persons afc sick or wasting away from a condition of misorabloncst , that no one know * what ails them , ( profitable patients for doctors , ) is obtained by the use ol Hop Bitters. They begin to cure from the first doeo and kcop it up un til perfect health and strength is re stored. Whoever is s filleted in this way need not suffer , when they can gat Hop Bitters. [ Cincinnati Star. PERSONALITIES. 1'cter Cooper hpvgcd Ills 91t birth diy And lias his satchel paikcJ for the long jnurnry , A Chlcspn womin thinks "Kads the jetty man , IH n colored man. Ho is rose- Ciilurcil , nnd a loud ycllor for subsidies , If Howgatc ever gets roily to try the government well and good. If not , the whole matter will i > rni > nbly be quietly dropj > ed. Archibald ] ' < > rt > e.i Is to marry again. Ho I > OMen-cs nil the good qualities to make n Koud'wnr cwrcupomlcnt pluck and i-n ad venturous spirit. Mr. G. 1 * . Morntlnl , now In Jay Gould's Rorvlcf , wa * nn Intlm to associate of Gari baldi Httd accompanied him ah.ianl the Commonwealth to China and afterward to Itily. Kllzaboth Colllnn , ot Milwaukee , fedi to had to think she couldn't catch n hus band alxty yearn old that pfio wants $2 v O 0 to live on whllx the breaks herbo rt. Detroit Free 1'rom. John I. Davenport la quite euro he has hln linger on the man who wrote the Moiey letter. The sooner he takes hii linger oil , BO that the world may know who the man Id , the better. JofT. Davln is oxDcctocl to paca a pirt o July at a North Can lln Hiimner ro ort > nnd the fact U being advcrtUeil to irduco hid "old confederate comrades" to patron- ira the hotel nt which he will stay. A correspondent of thoNewYork Times say tliat ia the nafo of Iho Into M < > es Taylor were twenty-fivo thousand rnllroatl bonds of SI,000each ( j25,000,0l)0)tplled ) ) up open , sheet upon sheet , In great ntnckc. 'llieko formed but one item of Mr. Taylor's wealth. Gapt. Bagardus was accidentally shot through the thumb by his little NOU , the other ( by , whlfo holding Kings balls for tha fi-joir-ofd to hit. Tiio captain wlohtd to train the youngster tn vhoot oil-hand , but got no further than oif-tliumb , Mrs. SuBan Willis Fletcher , the Spirit ualist who h an just served n term nf im- pri-onmont in Kuglnnd upon the charge of obtaining money um'cr faho proton o , lectured In I'hilapolphm on dumUy. She It dencribed an a llttlo below the medium hhiht nod of propueReBxing appearance , with n mnficulino face and pleasant ttyle of oratory. A cable dispatch Rays that "Garibaldi died with the window of hit apartment wide open , and while the mn Rotting lieforo hlg last n'-ony u bird nllghted on the window-Bill , wheieltrcmiineo ' - , 'Qtun- to o nllcgro' 'IIow joyful it ig. ' " The man it the other end of the cable thia year Bcoms to be a nice , easy liar. The Uev. S. J. Dillon , colored , of Cin cinnati , mndo a pastoral call on Mm , Gaine * , nnd ncccpted in vita'ion to remain to supper. Ho went up-ataim to brush his hair , nnd Mm. ( nineromemboiin that the Mim of S39 was in that r'oin , thought it discieet to o up and lock thn trunk which held the coin , lint she did not act quickly enough. After the minister's de parture she ml-sed the money. Thia time uho moved with celerity , and ho was ar rested with the plunder in his pocltf1" . 1'OLiriOA.Li 1SOTBB. Senate floor grwip "For President in 1884 , Sheridan , Cavalry Sheridan. " Advices from Michigan indicate that Governor , Jerome will bo reuominated The veteran politician. Jolm Vent- worth , of Illinois , has nominated cx-Stcro- tary KlrVwooJ , of Iowa , for President in 1881. 1881.The The Republicans have elected n working majority in Uiegon. Upon the result of this election wan staked the sole hope of th o democrat s of hold ing the United States senate nftor March -1,1883. Ex-Gov. Throckmorton , of Texas , says that ho is willing ngaln to bo a cnndlditto or representative. ! ! ! congress , hut not for governor of the state. The latter nomina- lon , ho says , he would bo constrained to Iccllno if it were tendered him. Governor Cullom nnd Congressman Harwell are getting in their best licks for the ample seat of David Davis , the Jumbo of the Senate. Ciillum is on a ktlll-hunt , nnd Charley Farwell U laying his trans with a brasj band. Congressman Morrison ( dem. ) of the Seventh Illinois District , believes that ho can be re-elected under the new apportion ment. The Inter-Ocean says that the Alt' .rlct gave President Gar field 1,000 major ! , y in 1880 , and it doubts Iho fulfilment of Mr. Morrison's hopes. The general belief la South Carolina IB that when the legislature meets to redls- trict the State it will follow the plan adopted in Missleuippi and mass all the strong negro counties in to one congression al dUtrict. In this way the democrats liopo to elect six of the seven congressmen , Knough delegates have been elected in Arkansas to the Democratic State conven- I Ion to make probable the nomination of Janus H , Berry for governor , lie was in the Confederate nriny ai.d lost a leg at tbo battle of 1'itUbuiK Lan lint ; . Ho is now judge of the Fourth Judicial circuit and ia to be nn nblo man. The few republican papers in Punnsyl vanla that glvo the regular ticket an unre served support appear to think that they can nmto votes for General Deavt'r by n mud campaign against Senator Stewart , the iiidlpendeiu candidate for Governor- They elm ga him with having bei nn chron ic ollice-ecekcr , avalnry-griibberuudaBoie- head. head.To To n correspondent who tried to inter- YiiwMr. W. If. Knglisb , of Indiana , the other lUy , the Into dumnarutiu cni.didutu said : "I know nothing nt all nbmt In. dirtiia politlsi. I urn not interested , tlr , Just nt thin time , nnd have nothing what ever to say on the subject. And if you have como hero for the purpwe of inter viewing mo. j on will full. I will not bo Interviewed on miytlilni ; politics or pollticiuns. " Mr. Henry Grady , imo of the editors o the Atlanta Constitution , lus been urge ( to permit tlio use uf his name as ucnudl date for congressman-at'largo from Gear gia. Ho declines , however , nnd saysiu his letter making known his decision tha "journalism isn jealous profession , and do inaniU the fullest allegiauco uf those who seek Its honors or its emolument ? , Leas' ' of all things it can bo mudo the demagogue or the handmaid of the politician , Th * man who uses his jounvil to 'subserve his political ambition , or writes with n sinister and personal purpose , soon loses his power and had best abandon the profession he has betrayed. Within my memory there are frequent and striking examples of men who lure sacrificed the one profeieiou inly to be sacrificed In the other , ' Buoklin's Arnica Salve. The HKST SALVK In the world for Cuts Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt lUieum , Fever ver Bore * , Tetter , Chopped Hands , Chll blaluc , Corns , and all ukin eruptions , and positively cures piles. It Is guaranteed to pive satlsfactfon or money refunded l'rlc , 25 cents per box , For sale .by ( C F. Goodman , "PICTURESQUE B , & 0. " ByJ.fJ. PANOBORN. A HTJNDKED ENTIRELY NEW ILIiUSTRATIONtf , IIT Thomoa Moron , W , Hamilton Gibson , Hol.Eytlners , SIcKole , C. O David- BOB , W. 8. Sheppard , Fame , Worron , Smodloy and Others. IMPERIAL OCTAVO. 1G2 PAOHS. The handsomest descriptive book over . usd. Chicago Times. It h ft book to hi ) kept and perused with plea ure. 'I here is nuch a | ro/u-lnn / nf . ( lustration * , and tlie deseilp'Uo ' letter press to much bettor In composition than ho average In books of the trip. St. Louis Jlo. ubllcau , A work of art from cover ti cover. Tha weaving of the imrrativo in charmingly done , the excellence of the engntvlte" In comparable , an 1 the book u thing nf beau- , v , Is n Joy forever. St. Liiuls Globe- Democrat. The time hai gone by for cheap , catch- > enns thing * , nnd no more fitrikin ; txein- > llfljutlon can bo f nn I nf the fact than his book. Toledo ( Ohio ) D ade. A work of art , and so far superior to anything of the kind that has been brought > fore the public as to bo entitled tn peclal mention uu I unusual praise Chicago cage Tribune. The enir \ ings are not ordinary wlc- ures , but finished works nf art , and the fxqut-ltuly beautiful book all through is B m.rval ol Interest The cover U an ATlle- lo gem both In dcilpn and execution , and H n 11 ting envelope for what It contains , Detroit Free I'rees. Throughout , ( be work is remarkable for completeness nod finish. The reading matter Is as pionounced a dopirture from ho tmial run us mo the engravings. It Is ndecd a nuperb picco of work Cincin nati ( jazette. The reading matter is unusnallv bright and tnti-rtainfng , the Illustrations exquia- to , and the mechanical portion wonder- ully fine. Milwaukee Sentinel. Equal in its art value and literary merit o anything that ran bn found in bojk tores. Chicago Inter-Ocean. Surpa soi all proviuua attemplR. An ilpgant and pcrfcctjpuulication , AichUon Kan , ) Uhnuipion. It proves h > vv much farther art has nd- VMiiculIn thin coii"try thanin Europe. Cedar Falls ( lovra ) Iljpubl cm. The book OH a work of art , in material. Vporaphy , engravings in ido and out- uio it ninniTrl of i'L-niu . In fuel , it is ncompnrublo. St , Piul Pioneer Press. There is a freshness anrl novelty about he work which at once creates n interest n it. Indianapolis ( ( nd. ) Journal. The most perfect thing of the kind over mblfchod , and will bo f > und as readobleas .lie Illustrations are beautiful. Chicago leruld. Compares in every way with the finest mblicatlorm from the most noted book touted. Leavcnworth ( Kan. ) Times. The great publishing houeea will have to OLk to tluir laurel * , and go to no ordinary eflVrr. If they would excel It. Walla Wuf- a { Wash. Tor. ) Statesman. A splendid thing , perfect throughouc. New Albany ( Ind. ) Ledger. The look is In narrative , historical descriptive ftyle that li simply dellghtfu leading. Cairo ( III. ) Bulletin. One of the most bauds' mely illustrated and artlttlo illy g 'ttcn up books of the time. Portland ( Oregon ) Standard. The Illustrations and marline oomprico pen-and-ink akttches end nenclllnga ol rare Interest and include many graphic pictures of bittle scenes of the late war. i'h cover of the book is simply gorgeous. Montreal ( Canada ) Post. There cin bo no question of the fact that nothing has been thought too costly to nulco thl < book the finest of the kind ever produced. Charleston ( S. C. ) Mer cury. cury.A A marvel nf beauty in all its details. Richmond ( Vn. ) Whig. An ornament to any centra table , so ad mirably is it gotten up. Baltimore Hun. " ' " " "Harper's" or "ScrihnerV never snr passed it. Memphis ( Tenu. ) Appeal , The b'ok la undoubtedly one of the nest graphic in description and interest- ng in style over published , Baltimore Day. Excels any publication of the Illustrated order ever before attempted. Columbus ( Miss. ) Dispatch , No euch gem was ever given to the pub Ho , and it lithe greatest laurel of the many won by the authtr. Plttsburg Poit. Evidences a great deal of tnito. And cer tainly excels In the beauty of its detign anything of the kind ever before attempt ed.-Harrtsburgiil'a. ) Patriot. Onoo picking it up one cinnot lay il aside without running through It. Cov- Ingten ( Ky. ) Commonwealth. The sketches nro cleverly written , and the letter-preen ii iu keeping with the rest of the work , which , in n word , in about the handsomest of Its kind ever Issued. Washington Star. As coat as typographic art can mike it , niiditu content * , both loiter piess und II lustrations , are very entertaining , Wash' ' iiigtun Critic. A wealth of illustrations , in which the ortUtlo ch tractor of thn drawing is rivalled by the finish tuid beauty which lm of late years made Am rlcan engraving the woa1 dor and envy of the nrtUtlo world 1'itts burr Comtnurclal , Iti artistic excellence Is phenomenal , Wellington Post. The narrative ia fresh , original and en tertaining , without a semblance to tha usual haclaiejul style , anil ua literary work posso-seu nil the qua ity of I ho lines umgazli o descriptive. It is nue of the handsomest and most urtUtio of books , Iks ton Pout , An exquisite book , well written , admir ably illustrated , nn 1 the enterprise thai gets out BO choice a volume of America : scenery Is etitiljed to ft full reward. Hartford - ford Courant. Kvi rythlng of Interest to the traveler is so graphically and ple.nantly interwovei in the imrrativaof the adventures of n joy. lal quartttte that the reader forgets thai he Is obtaining valuable information InliU deep intern-1 Iu a most entertaining story. -Boston Traveller. In every way A literary and artistic gem. ItJs be utifully printed , elegantly illustrated , and the mutter it contain * Is of much literary merit. Boston Journal It'Is an exquisite publication. The en Cravings are fully up to the best of thoit which in " and " appear "HarperV "Scrlb- ner1 ! . " Bridgeport ( Conn. ) Standard. . The great publishing firm * will have to exert themstltes to prodnca work excel- ting -Newport ( K.I ) News. The narrative is told in an off hand , unaffected fctyle , which admirably sustain * the intercut. It Is tbr Ujhout n U | < rb book.-ProvIdencs ( H. 1 ) Press. It ban an aesthcctlc civer , and MA spec Imen of the resource * of the printing1 art alone is valuable souvenir , Newbury port ( Mftis. ) Herald. Evidently money h been spent with an Almost prodigal hnnd in its | .rr para,1 Ion , and the u her h t-i be congratul ted upon producing mi superb ft work. Kail JUver ( Moni. ) News. Perfectly printed , elozantly Illustrated , nnrl most icnthf-tlc in nttlstic design , Biddefotd ( Me ) limes. Certainly excels 1 1 U e and workman- hlp nuything ol the description yet seen front an Amcricm source , liiantford Ontario ) E The highest standard yet reached St. Album ( vt. ) Men en er and Advertlrer , A most Ruperb publication , and the illustrated bonk if the season. Ports mouth ( .V. II ) Uhinnlole. The charm of a descriptive and anecdo * .al story concerning a laiid full of rein. . nlfconces arid traditions of interest to every one. N. Y , Time * . The hand ome-t book if the Mnd ever .ssuod In this country. N , Y , World. The historical and dcscrinttva parti Are done in a Iivnly vein and witn clover toush.B. N. Y. Trllmne. Quito excels anything of its kin-l ever publinhed. The literary tnatier is r < oy a d readable , and the woik of both artists md engravers is of the highest order. Brooklyn Times , May well be considered an ornament to any centre Ut > le , so ttwtt fully and artisti- call has it been gotten up It would be diflicult to Mirpa s the execution of the engravings. Applet' .n' . Quide. It Is by all od B the best illustrated work of the description ever published , and really a charmln * volume. Buffalo N.Y. ) Courier. _ It is in every recpect a publication of iterary and urtittlc value. Philit. North American , "PICTURESQUE B.&O. " May bo found upon the Counters of WESTERN NEWS CO. OHIOAGO , ILL. Ana of all Book nnd Nowmlenlors- FAST TIME ! In going East taku tha UMcago & Ifortliwest- Traln leavu Omahu :40 p. ni and 7 : < 0 x iu I full Intormntlon call on H. P. 1)UET , , Tlcko Agent , 14th and rVrnham ( Us. J , 15KLU U. F * Hlway ! Depotor at JA111WT CLARK , Oeno A/ani. The feeble and emaciateu suffering from dys- pepsit or IndlgeHlnn In any form , are advised , fur the sake ol their ow > i bo.llly and mental comfort , to try Hosteller's Monmc i B ttera. Ladles ot the most ( .el cat constitution tostif to Its harm less and roitoratlvo properties. Pftyslciani everywhere , dlsguKted with the ndultenttd liquors of fomnierce. prrecrlbo It aj the 8afe t anil molt reliable ot all stomachics. For sale by all druggists and dealers trenorally al to ml GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADI MARIC -tTIUJM IMIIIC cdy. An un failing cure for Seminal Weakness , Bpormator- rhca , Impotency - ency , and all Dlscuesthat " * s Srnc" JUFTEI TAIUI. Soll-Abu e ; as Loss of Memory , Universal Lassi tude , Pain In the Back , Dimness of Vision , Pre mature Old Age , and many other Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Prema ture Orave. . CTFull particular ! In our pamohlet , which we desire to send free i r mall to every one. rarrho Specific U dlclne Is told by all druggists at II per package , or pack gea for W , or will be Bent free by mall on reel p tot the money , by addressing THE QUA iEDICINECO. , Buffalo , N , Y. orsaln- ocTmn-ocd SYPHILIS inanyctago Oatarrb , ' ECZEMA , Old Sores , Pimples , BOILS , or any Skin Disea se Cares When Hot Springs Fail UAVIBM , AKK. , May J. 1831 We have c-iioi In onr own town who lived at Ilot r ) , and werofinally cured with 0. S. S. IP YOU uoubl.comatoieaus and \KWILL CURE YOUn OH charge nothing 11 Write foi particulars and copy of little Cook ' 'JJeseage to the Unfortunate Suflerln' 21.OOO Rewnrtl wl11 paid to any cheuiJ4twEowTlTfiud7 on analysis 100 rottln ' " S. 8. B. , one particle o'f Mercury" , Iodide Potai ilium or any Jlncral lubttanco. CO. P ropf. Atlan Prloeof Small il e.f LOO. yKKMKA BB08.'li 00 Owtiallr , If yon suffer from DjcPCJXI * , use BUItDOCn. 'LOOD BtTTEnS. [ ( you are afflicted with Billouincm , tmo OUnDOCK DLOOD DITTEE3 : ( you are prostrated with sick Headache , taVe BimDOCK DLOOD BITTERS If your Bowels are disordered , regulate them with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERa If your Blood Is tupure , purify It with BUUDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. tjoulnvo Indigestion , you will lind an antidote a BUKDOCK BLOOD BITTERa If you art troubled with Spring Complaints , er adicate them with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERa If your Ll crls torpid , restore It to healthy action with BU11DOCK BLOOD BITTERS ( your Liver Is affected , you will find a euro re storative In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. [ I you have any specie ) of Humor or Pimple , tall not to take BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. [ I you have any lynptoms ol Ulcers or Scrofulous Sores , acuratho remedy will bo found In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. TOT Imparting strength and vitality to the sys- < m , nothing can equal BURDOCK BLOOD BITtERS. Tor Nervous and General Debility , tone up the rystcm with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERa Price , 01.00 oei Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Ot * FOSTER MILBURN & , , Co , , Props , BUFFALO. N. Y. Bold at wholesale by lib & UcMahon and 0. F. Goodman. Jo 27 ood-ma If YOU am nun y /U you nrdi. man at ) . _ trrftol'.inzoTjrnil' ' rour duties * avcli1 nlKhl work , to rti ttlmulanUanrl u toibrain nerTC unf Hop D'lttoro. InvtB uio Hop O < If you lire yOttJiR n < J J jimcrlnglromftiiT iu attention or dUMpa. Jtluni tf youarumur rlca or ilBBle , old or I J-nuDft , tulTeilntr from nowrhoaltta or Unguun lite on a bee f ffcV ocso , rely on HopJ 1 Blttera. VTiocrcr yonnre , " wlitnorcr you ( ccl 1 njall from oomf th t your ijttcm I form of V : u n e > needs clcnnslnu. ton > dliou" < that inlk'bt Invr or ftlmiuaunR , I ncj k bra timely 'i tnlto Hop Hcpf.ttorin . - ? rpf < a. l-ttiiicii Or I. O nrvt'tmrucom- In an cbsoluU fxaln , , dlseane nnd IrrcslBtc ot t i * vromdcA , . HOP l > le cure 1 01 bnirtft , tlooil. druuk nnoei , thtr or nernt I use of oiil'J.-n , Ton will tie1 tobacco , o' cun.dlfyoaH86 nvcatlu. Mop Dlttors Ityaabreflini . Bead far . > lr w * n k ( ind lovctvlrltca.try NEVER Circular Hi It may nopBrrrxu , Biivo your FAIL BTfl CO. life. It haa , Kuved hun- llMiwlM-.S , I a reds , AT'rento , Otl. ( US Disease Is an f fleet , not a cause. Its origin la within ; Its manifestations without. Hence , to euro the disease the OAUSR must bo removed , and In no other way can a cure ever < o cdcttcd. WARNER'S SAFE K1DNDY AND IiIVER CURE Is caUbUshod on Just this principle. It realizes that 95 Per Cent. of all diseases arlzo from deranged kidneys and liver , and It strikes at once ht the root of the difficulty. The clemo'its of which It Is composed act directly upon these great organs , both us a yooo aiid HKSTORBR , and , by placing them In a healthy , condition , drive dlicaao and pain from the syitcm. For the Innumerable troub'cs caused by un healthy KIdne ) i. Liver and Urinary Organs ; for the dtntrosslng Dltorderaof Women ; for Malaria , ami physical derangements generally , this great rem dy hai no equal. Biware of Impostors , Im itations and concoctions said to be just as good. KorDlabcteii , as f or TV ARNER'S SAFE DIABETES JGITRE. lor Bale by all dealers. H. H. WARNER & CO. , me Rochester N. Y. The Great Lnglish Remedy iNercr falls U ct. _ Nervous Debility , Vi tal Exhaustion , Emla- ilona , Seminal Weak- nesHc.LOBTMAN HOOD , and all the evil effects of youth ful follies and execs- lies. U stops perma nently all weakening , Involuntary long sand drains upon the sjs- coni , the inevitable re- , , , wltof thcsoovilnrao * tlces , which are so destruotlvo to mind and body and inaku life miserable , oltcn leading to Insani ty and death It strengthens the NcncsDrain , ( racmoryf lllood , Jlua ' 163 , Digestive nnd llepro- ductlroOrirma , H restores t ? all the oreanlo funitl'-ris their former vigor and \ltallty , inn- king Hie cheerful oml enjojablo. 1'rlco , $3 a 'lottle , or four times the quantity J10. Sent by cxprcs * . secure from obscrvntlon , to any address , onreooiptof prlco. No. 0. O. D. 6nt , except on receipt of { 1 as a guarantee. Letter * rj- quu&tlng antnerj inust Inclose etainp. Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pilla ar It ) bcf > t and cheapcut djgpopsla and blllloug euro 11 thu markvt. Sold by all druggists. I'rlcc 60 cents. Dn HI-NTIII'S Kiusrr HBMEDY , NBrmmcnr , Cures i II kind of Kidney und bladder complalnta , gonorrhea , gleet and loucorrhca. For etlo by all aauL-iita : 31 a bottle. KNQUSH MKDICAL INSTITUTE. 7I80llvuSt. , Kt. Louis , Mo. Kor Sale In Omaha by 0. F. GOODMAN. JanSMv NERVOUS DEBILITY , A Cnro Gtuvrantnorl. Dr. E. 0. WcuFs Neno and Uraln Treatmen A epeclflc for Hystorla , l > l fncu , Con\ul lons. Nervous Headache , Mentil Depression , Loss of Memory.Sperma torrhoia , Iin no tony , Involuntary Emissions , Premature Old Age , caused by orer- oxcrtlon , self-abuse , or ovcr-lndulgenco. which loads to misery , decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Ea-b box contains one month's treatment. Ona dollar a box , or eli boxei for five dollars ; sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. Wo guarantee six boxes to euro any case. With each order received by us for elx boxes , ac companied with fl > e dollars , will lend the pur chaser our written guarantee to return the money If the treatment does not edict a cure , 0. r. Qoodman , Druggltt , Solo. Wholcwlo and regul Agent , Omaha , Neb. Orders by mall at EUROPEAN HOTEL , Corner Fourth and Locust Streets. SOT * . X.OXJXS , XMCO. , J.H. HURST , - - Prop- Rooms , 75o , $1 , and $1,50 Pnr Day An elegant Bottaurant Ii connected with thi houM where meali arc > ivedat reagooauUpilcot Open y and night. WB. MILLARD. F.U. JOHNSON \ MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Commission and Wholesale Frnits. 1111 FARNHAM STREET. y CONSIGNMENTS CODNTBI PRODUCE SOLICITED. S Agents for Pock & Lard , and Wilber Mills Floor ' OMAHA , NEB REFERENCES' OMAHA iNATIONAL BANK , STEELE. JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS , Boots and Shoes. OMAHfl , HEB. O. IE1. X3XT DRUGS OILS. , PAINTS , . Window and Plate Glass. < 3TAnyono contemplating building store , bank , or any other flno . front , will Had It t9 their ad. vantage to corns end with us before purchasing their Plato Glass. C. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA - - - - NEB. . O. lyrp-R.Gf A TSTJ WHOLESALE GROCE , 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha. WHOLESALE ifiA A T & * , UUAii S . On Eiver Bank , Bet , Farnham and Douglas Sts. , -DEALERS IN- HALL'S SAFE AND LOCK GO , Fire and Burglar Proo \ . , V 1020 Farnham Street , STEELE , ; JHNSON & . , WHOLESALE GROCERS y AND JOBBERS IN " Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of AMI IAMACT TOBICDO. JgGnts for BEHWOOr HAILS ADD LAFMH & HAND POffCEE 0 HENRY LEHMANN , JOBBER OF AND WT JM " JJ A y JLr MIS FARNAM ST. OMAHA . WHOLKaALE AND HETAIL DKALKK B.1 . I OCT. fa Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BUNDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT AQKNX FOH WLWAUKEE CE11KNT Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA NEB POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , \ MAOHlNKaY , BELTING , HT * HALLADAY WIND-MILLS CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLI A. L , 8TRANJ205 ( Fo 1 * ' ? St. , Omaha