Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1882, Image 1

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    r / .
How to
made only by W. T.
HAM , N. 0.
is put up in bags of dif
ferent sizes , containing
ono-oighth pound ; one-
quarter pound , one-half
piiund and ono pound.
The Inbil is lUuk , with
the trade mark of the
BWLL , the w6rds "Gim-
uinu Durham Smoking
Tobacco" and the name
of W. T. Blackwoll &
Co. in gold. Don't criti-
r ciao the Bull. That pic
ture was made a good
while ago , and the brood
ns well aa the tobacco
have been much im
proved since then ,
HAM , LONG GDI' . NO 1 ,
ia put up in ono-oighth
pound , tin foil packages ,
covered with the hand
somest wrappers over put
out. The label ia a hand
some picture in cold and
silver of the Bull on top
of high mountains , while
iu the foreground is a
child cutting the word
"Durham" on the rock.
The wording en the label
roadp , "Black troll's Dur
ham Long Cut. " On the
reverse ia given the
analysis of Prof. Vaalcker
( the famous chemist ) ot
the leaf tobacco used by
is also put up in ono-
clghth pound tin foil
packages. _ On ono side
of the wrapper is a pic
ture of a girl smoking a
cigarette. The picture
la diamond-sha ; o 1 on
gold ground while the
words "Ditr/iam Long
Cut Smoking Tobacco '
surround the diamond.
On the rovereo is picture
of W. T. Blackwoll &
Ct > . 'a factory , aud under
neath the words "Manu
factured from Bright
North Carolina Leaf" on
red ground , and thn
words ' 'For Pips , and
Cigarette Smoking" on
white ground. The man
ufacturers' name does not
appear on the package ,
ap bo euro you &ot the
J right one' .
are put up in packages of
two sizes ono contain
ing 20 cigarettes and ono
JLO cigarottoa. '
The label is the same
as used * for BLACKWELL'S
cept that instead of the
words "Long Cut" the
word ' 'Cigarette" is uaed.
The label roads : " 'Dur
ham Oigirettes , " Black-
well & Co. , Durham ,
N. 0.
Bo HURE you got the
genuine , and then you
will have the purest and
best gobds in the market.
Setoasto National
( No. 2685. )
WASHINGTON , April 26th 1882.
WIIIXIAB , by notlsfactory evidence presented
to the unders pned , It been mode to appear
OMAHA , " in the city of Omaha , Ia tbo county o
r Douglai , and atato of Nebraska , has complice
with all the provisions of the Revised Statues o :
the United btatcn required to bo complied with
befoie an association eball bo authorized to com
mence the buslines of Banking :
Now , therefore , I , John Jiy Krox , Comptroller
of the Cumucy , da hereby certifv that "The [ link of Omaha. " In the city
of Omutia , In the o unty of DouglM , and state
of Nebraska , l authorized to commence the
bunlaosi * of Bankingai provided In Section Fifty
One Hundred and Klxty-Nii.o of the Itcilutd
SUtutes of tl o Unltol States.
In tcbtnnony whereof witness my
( ) hand and foal of office this 2Stb
' WAL. V day of April 1 82. "
' ( - * ) JOHN JAY KNOX ,
Comptroller of thu Currency
The above Bank is now prepared to recelie
butilnvtm It cominrnces with a fully pa d up
cap tal of $260,000.00 , with oillocre and dircctora
as follous :
S. H. JOHNSON , rxniiprNT. of Stecle , John
son A Co. , Whnleealo CJroccra.
A. K. TOUZALIN. Vio.-I'iiiuiiDiUiT , of 0. B. &Q.
K. It , , Uneton.
W. V. MORSE , of W. V. Morse and Co , , Whole
bale UooU and Hhoeu.
JNO. S. COLLINS , of 0. H. 4 J. S. Collins ,
Wholesale Leather and S ddlory.
JAUBJ M. Woo worth , Counsellor and Attoruoy
at Law.
LEWIS S. UKiD , of Byron Reed & . Co. , Heal
Estate Ocilc.B
HENRY W. YATK3. Ca hler , late Cashier of thi
FIrtt National liank of Omaha , and
connected with the active manage
ment of that Bank since Ita organ
Uatlon In ) W
" \Sranfo/-J AeIlta'orthe ( ! LUe Times and
YY ttlll/UU Trcaoliorons
< writt.n by hff' iifJBBBB James
tha only llf.i authorized by her , and which will
not bo a "Blood and Thunder" utory , such as has
been Kill will be nub lahed , but a true Life by
the only p ison who la In p oi.loa of tbo facts
afaihiuland devoted wife. Tiuth U more
Ictereetint ; thai fiction. Agents iitiould apply
for tcrr tnry at on-.o. Send 75 cti. for Gam-
pie Boo } ; J , H. Chambers & Co. ,
miod-&w.oow St. ijnuU. Mo-
The bust la the country ; far the money.
A. McNamara ,
ourteenth Street , Omaba.
The Star Bouts Trials Disgust
the Donrfc With Their
Slow Progress ,
Over Seventy Anti-Polygam
ous Patriots Ready to
Work For Pay.
The Japanese Lobby Looser
Its Grip on the Senators.
The Sioux Oity and Paciflo Au
thorized to Bridge the
lonra and Nebraska to Bo Jadi-
Tno Campaign Cotnmlttoo
Kutlcnil Ajooclatod I'rina.
WASIIINQTON . 0 , , Juno 12.
Postinasters : Oalvin 11 , Upham , al
ll'pan , Wia. ; floury P. Strong ,
Buloit , VVis. ; .Prank. D. Harding ,
Hudson , Wis.J.John H. Brinkorhoof ,
Waupuu , Wia. ; Samuel L. Billings ,
Matquetto , Mich , ; UfChardM. Smith ,
Cherokee , Iowa ; Geo. B. Hunter ,
Newton , Iowa ; James H. Morris ,
Akron , O. ; Allen Sieclel , Hudson , O.
The president has signed the joint
resolution of congress , expressing
sympathy of the people of the United
States with Italy over the death ol
Blaine has not * yet "returned from
the west and it is doubtful if ho will
bo on hand to testify before the for
eign atTiira committee to-morrow.
Considerable comment has boon
caused by the fact that the present re
publican campaign committee have
made a call on some mechanics and
apprentices in the department for con
tributions to the campaign fund.
had an animated theological discourse
with Dr. Hiks to-day. Ho seems to
delight in the idea of a spiritual ad
viser , since it gives him some ono to
talk to.
The forenoon was occupied in ex
amination of potofficj records con
cerning routes.'f'Liter on Morrick
made objection to the introduction of
a petition for decreaao of ihe service
onrouto 341,397 , J. M. Peck , con
tractor , but J udgo WyliOjB'dmittod it.
The court expressed annoyance at the
slow progress of the case. Adjourned.
have already been filed with the > pres
ident for position ? on the Utah com
mission. Among' the Applicants are
sotne ex-aenaiors" and" vroll known
people from the western states. ,
National Associated Vices.
WASHINGTOND. 0. , .Juno 12 , Senator -
ator Garland introduced a bill repeal
ing the iron clad oath , as a substitute
for Gibb's bill , prohibiting United
States commissioned officers , who re
signed to join the confederacy , from
holding positions in the army and
Bills passed authorizing the Sioux
Oity & Patilio railroad to construct a
bndgo acroas the Misuouri river ; also ,
to divide Iowa into two judicial dis
At 2:15 : the Japanese indemnity
bill came up. Senator Merrill
amendment that the amount to bo repaid
paid should bo $785,000 was adopted
23 to 20.
Senator Merrill then moved to
amend that the bond iu the treasury
department , known as the Japanese
bond , bo cancelled and destroyed
Carried ,
Senator Morgan berated the senate
for not passing the bill as reported.
After further disousrion , in whicl
Senators Morgan and Ingalls had i
spat , the latter charging that tlio
lobby was interested in the bill , which
the former denied , intimating that the
senator from Kansas was mentioned
as once connected with a lobby , the
senate without concluding und after
tlio appointment of a confereiico committee
mittoo on the army apprcpriation
bill , adjourned.
The house passed a bill appropriat
ing $70,000 for a public building at
Dallas , Toxas.
The army appropriation bill was reported -
ported as amended by the sonat3fixii g
the rotinng ate at 01 , which was con
curred in. The remaining senate
[ vmondraents were sent to u confer-
unco committee , Mr , Buttorworth ,
who reported the bill , recommending
rum concurrence. A billwasintroduccd
permitting the construction of the
north branch of the Union Pacific. A
bill passed establishing two judicial
circuits in Nebraska.
The commerce committee favorably
reported a substitute for Reagans
railway commission bill , making the
commission a bureau of the interior
lepartmont , also allowing courts to
sot aside patents obtained by fraud.
The bill giving $1,500,000 for the
ncreaao of water facilities for Wash-
ngton passed. Ailjoiirned.
Labor Troubles.
National Associated P/coe.
NEW YOKK , Juno 12. The men in
3onnor's typo foundry , also Farmer ,
Liittlo it Go's , foundry , struck this
norning for 15 a per cent raise , The
non now average $15 weekly , era-
tloyod on piece work for casters and
Iressers. , The employers offered the
asters and twenty-four of the dressers
0 per cent increase , provided they
gr e not to bring beer into the build-
Qg. Refuted. If the strike is suc
cessful it is probable that there will be
a gonml strike among typo foundry'
men and rubbers.
Iho boiler makers are stilt out.
The horse sheers stnko was settled
and the strikers resumed work thu
CINCINNATI , O. , Juno 12 , Every
mill hero and in Covington and New
port resumed work this morning.
Trnln Ditched-
Nitlon&l AfuxUtal rrcss.
WHEELING , \V. Va. , Juno 12. A
Baltimore it Ohio passenger train wna
derailed at ApoRulla last night and the
engine , bapg.igo car and four coaches
wrecked. The engineer , newsboy and
ono of a company of soldiers were
slightly injured.
A Cmmrdor Arrronnd-
National Aieocuted I'rrea.
WASIIINOTON , D. 0. , Juno 12. The
Cunardor Servin , from Liverpool for
Now York , after rounding Sandy
Hook , at 7:45 : a. in , , grounded iu thu
main channel , north of Southwest
Spit. The VOBBC ! is all right and will
float off at high tide.
Tbo Drummer * .
National Annoclnted Prow ) .
CINCINNATI , Juno 12. The National -
al Mercantile Travelers' association
began a three days' suasion hero to
day.Hugh J. Jowott will bo hero to con
sult with railroad magnates to-morrow.
Wntar Sponit In Colorado-
N tlon i Ai ocUl < l
DKNVEII , Col. , Juno 12. Great
damage has boon done hero and along
the Platte river by water spouts.
Several houses near the Platte river
have boon carried away. Two Ger
mans , Ludwig Merner and Tolnolc
Drier , were drowned ; three children
also perished. _
Nfttlon&l Araoclatcd Proas.
BOSTON , Juno 12 Oummlngs' block
was destroyed by Cro this afternoon.
The occupants were Cummings &
Kpnney , hardware ; M. J. Rico , doors ,
window plnss , pianos and covers ; J.
D. McOIollan it Hanger , carpenters.
Loss , § 05,000 : pittly insured.
SAVANNAH , Ga. , Juno 12. The Sa
vanna nil works were destroyed by
Gre. Loss , $50,000.
Thn armory of battery A , in the
roar , was nlso destroyed , with bat
teries , accoutrements , etc.
B. & W. Whitcomb's dry goods
house , story and a half , was crushed
by falling walls.
LE AUS , Iowa , Juno 12. Nine
buildings on Main street , between
Sixth and Seventh the business portion
tion of the town , have been destroyed
by firo. The loss is estimated at $70-
000 ; insured for 840,000.
National A&wcUted From.
"WASHINGTON , Juno 13 , 1 a. m.
For the Upper Missouri valley , in
creased cloudiness , followed by local
rains , south to west winds , lower
barometer , and slight rise in tempera
ture. The livers will fall slowly.
Obloaeoans Dying Off.
National Associated Prow.
CHICAGO , June 11. Eleven deaths
from email pox the past week. Total
deaths from all diseases , 224 alarm
ing increase over previous records.
Texan Data.
National AsaocUtea Press.
ST. Louis , Juno 12. The firet lo
of new oats on this market was re
ccived from Texas and was sold
auction to-day at 55 cents in bulk nu
58k cents in sacks.
Mai iuo.
National Annotated Prcwi.
NKW YOKK , Juno 12. Arrived ,
Sorvia and City of Berlin from Liver
ANTWEUP , Juno 12. Sailed , 10th
Waealand for Now York.
HAVKE , Juno 12. Arrived , llth
Ameriquo from Now York.
QUEENSTOWN , Juno 12.Soiled ,
llth , Scythia and Wisconsin for Now
LIVERPOOL , Juno 12. Arrived ,
Baltic from Now York and E ypt from
Now York.
PLYMOUTH , Juno 12. Arrived ,
Herder from Now York for Hamburg !
.Ending Hi * Faini.
National Ajuocutod Preen
LEAVENWOIITII , Kan. , Juno 12 ,
Harris French , conlinod in the county
[ jest house wih small pox , jumped
iut of a window , breaking his titclc ,
Death waa intUantanoous , and it ia the
irst case of death of a small pox
? 4ticnt in thin city for over a year.
L'ho deoaascd wa-j a mamlwr of the
: olored benevolent order , Knights of
Utah's Caiiktltutiou.
J tlnni ! AiMOclatod I'rmt.
SALT LIKK , UTAH , Juno 12.A
lolcgation of three monogamous Mor-
nons started for Washington this
naming to present a draft of the ro.
: ontly adopted atato constitution , and
o memcivilitfj congress for admission
o the union.
A heavy rain foil in the Salt Lake
'alloy this afternoon , the first since
ho beginning of April , doing much
; oed to crops , many of which will ma
uro without irrigation.
Minonri Progressing.
rational Ainoclated I'riaa.
KANSAS CITY , Juno 12 , Mrs. Jesao
'amea arrived hero thia evening sick
nd disgusted with the complete
ailuro ol her leoturo tour. She did
iot have an audience largo enough in
ny town to pay expenses.
Water Worl/ii.
'atlon&l Airoclated Prcsj.
LEAVENWOIITII , Juno 12. The con-
ractors will commence the laying of
lains for the Leavenworth water
rorks on the 15th. The system will
o an extensive ono and first-class in
very respect.
ANGK-June 12 , 1882 , Frederick Lange ,
aged 60 yfare. Funeral Tuesday , June
13 , at 3 p. in , , from the residence , corner -
ner Thirteenth and Jacksom itreeta.
A Scandalous Oiime Brought ti
Light at the State
Capital ,
A Doctor nnd a Lawyer on the
HighRoftd to
A Kama * Town Stilt Bollowlnt
Forlilnok Blood.
The Loadora of the Mob Indicted.
Bpcdal Dispatch to 11m Iln.
LINCOLN , Nob. , July 12 , A docio ;
and a lawyer of thin city nro ropoitct
to bo mixed up in n case of abortion
performed on Mnry HCBS of Oloi
county. It ie expected that arrcal ;
will bo mndo to-morrow.
The council mooting to-night divided
od the city Into four wards.
National Amoclatod lro&i.
CIIIOAOO , Juno 12. lUorden , Wit
chull and Murphy , three atrikors wlu
attacked a train at Brighton Park ,
were hold in $3,000 bail each tliii
JACKSON , Miap. , 12. Miss Soronr
Benton , an old lady , waa aeaaeainittec
and robbed near Boonovillo lost nighl
in the abac co of the balance of the
family , who were at church. Morf-M
Hamilton , colored , waa arrested , ant
ono of her rings was found in his poi
sosaion. ' I
JACKHON , Miss. , Juno 12. George
Becker was taken by vigilantes from
the jail at Blourso county at midnight
and hunted to a projecting beam ol
a blacksmith ahup for the outrage
of a littln girl ycatcrday.
BOBTON , Juno 12. Patrick Murray ,
aged 3G , a atone niaaon , suicided with
a pistol. Oauao unknown.
LKAVKNWOIITH , Kap. , Jur.o 12. A
special to The Standard from Liw-
rouco aaya a lar o mooting of colored
people was hold there this evening iu
reference of the lynching of three ne
groes there on the 10th < by a party of
masked men. The mon who were.
hung were King , Robertson ai > d Vine
gar , the first * two fur tho-juurdor ota
white man ton days before , and the
ether as an accomplice. The whole
town was in a state of intense excite-
mont. Tho.following resolution was
passed , 'with others :
Resolved , 'I hat wo recommend .to
the colored people of this city to ab
stain from all expressions tending'to
increase the present excitement' in the
public mind. , /
LAWRENPB , JKas. , Juno 12 Th
graud jury indicted four of the mo
who participated in the recant lynch
ing of throe negroes. The officers are
searching for thorn.
Suioido in Cbnrob.
National Associated Press.
' BUFFALO , N. Y. , Juno 12 , Egidui
Hecht , a young man , in company with
his wife , while in St. Mary's Ciitholi
church yeatorday morning , became
uneasy and started to go home. Ho
grow nervous and the wife , supposing
him faint , took him in her arms. II u
dronr razor , cut his own throat
staggered a few steps , and fell dead ii
the iiielo. High mass was fitoppei
amid great excitement. On Decora
tion day Hecht drove a wagon over a
woman accidentally ; ho had boot
norvouj over fear of arrest over since
and it is supposud grow insane. N <
services will bo hold in the churol
until it is ascertained if ho waa in
sane ; if hot the church will bo recon
Tlio Malloy Trial-
National A ocfato4 1'rici
NEW HAVKN , Juno 12. The Hal
ley trial will probably bo resumed to
morrow , Juror Lovejoy having recov
National Associated I'rea * .
PUOVIDKNOK , R. I. , June 12 Chi-
.nnoi 1J ! , Providitncrn ! ) .
DOST N , Juuo 12. Olovelands 4 ,
! 3oitona 10.
WonuKhTKH Juno 12 , Worctcters
5 , DjtroitH 7.
Titov , N. V , Juno 12. Treys 15 ,
JullUIoa 4 ,
ST. LOOJS , Juno 12. The St. Louis
Tuckoy Club continued its spring
netting to. day. First race , , three
[ uarteru of n mile , all ages , waa won
> y Mummonut , Saunloror eccond ;
itno , lllj. :
Second race , citixon'd plato , inilo
, nd three-quarters , was won by John
Xiviv , Monoginm second ; time , 3OGj : ,
Third race , all ages , milo hota , wua
ron by Topsy , ItooheatiT second in
ho first heat , and Startle second in
ho aocond heat ; time , 1:47 : , 1:40 : ,
Fourth race , for beaten horses , milo
nd u furlong , was won by Metropolis ,
iauiitoror second ; time , 168 ; | ,
NEW YOHK , Juno 12. James Mur-
ay whipped IJennio Oreono in a prize
ght of twcnty-hix rounds in an hour
ud a half nt Hod Leary's hotel ut Ft.
lamilton this morning.
"NEW YOHK , Juno 15. First race ,
jr inaidunr , throo-fouitlis of a mile ,
ran won by Flora \V. Lord , Edward
icond ; time , Ijl'Jj.
Second race , throe-fourths of a mile ,
wo was won by Red For , Arsenic
icond ; time , l:10i. :
Third race , ono" mile , for throe-
ear-olds , was won by Wanculla , Ton-
wonda second ; time , 1:44 J.
Fourth race , selling allowance , ono
milo , was won by Baton lloiitro , Jin
Vnndoworo second ; time , 1:43J. :
Fifth race , Ocean Hotel stakes , fo
two-year-olds , five furlongs , was woi
by Dalian , Barbarian iccond , time
Sixth race , handicap Moeple-chase
short course , was won by Kittto Clark
King Dutchman Bocond ; iio timo.
Piiiumu.rniA , Pa. .Inno 12-A
Ardmoro , Pa. , to day , the Pittsbun
cricket club defeated the Meriam clul
by a score of KI3 to 123 in the lire
" . "
Colorado "Excursions.
The Denver Tribune of Sunday con
taincd this refreshing news to Colur.i
do travelers :
The Union Pacific people are watch
ing every corner around which a Bur
lington man might come , and nmkim
ovury ullott to prepare for a war whicl
they alone are precipitating. J\ \
Tribune representative happened tob (
present nt the V/inrisor hotel a fov
nights ngo , when Mr. Kimb.ill , tin
assistant manager of thi > Union Pacific ,
plainly showed his hand and win
worsted. It was a meeting betwoei
him and General Manager Potter , ol
the Burlington.
"Wo are fixing up to make it livclj
for you , " anid Air. Kitnball.
"HoweoJ * asked Mr. Potter quietly
"Well , wo intend to put on anothei
passenger train over the Julesburj
cut pit'as soon as you cointnenci
running , which will give us four fasl
trains eaat every day , ns against you )
ono. I rather think that that will
crowd your business. "
'There's just this ono thing aboul
" said Mr. Potter , slowly , ' 'and ' ]
* ould hko to give you' respectful
warning. The minute you put on
another train nway go our rates , and
for every extra train you acrid out , the
faro will bo lessened. I am going tc
run only ono train. I think I can
Bond that ' hrough at a great deal lost
cost than you can four. I cm afford
to give the people cheap riding bo-
Lwoou hero and the Missouri , if you
insist on increasing the number ol
your trains. "
Promotion *
Nctlonul Amxxtatoil I'rnv
LAWKENOE , Kas. , Juno 12. Sam'l
L. B Hines has been appointed gen
eral freight and passenger of the
[ vtmsaa uity , Ltwronco & Southern
railroad in thia city.
On to Omaha.
Maclitctt Vtvm
Cuiuvuo , Juno 12. Frank Ohand-
er , general passetiKer and ticket agent
of the Missouri Pacific railroad , an
nounces the near completion of a now
inbrokcn line from St. Louis to
) maha , on which it through car eys-
cm will bo introduced.
Give TJa Somutlxlng Now.
Sf.tioml As-ociatwl 1'tvua
GUICAOO , Juno 12 The Denver
extension of the B. & M. railroad is
completed and will bo opened for
msenger business July 1st , with
hrough trainsbutwaen Omaha , Platts-
mouth , Kansas Oity and Denver.
The FlrstfAnniversary of One ol
Omaha's Best Social Clubs.
The nrst annual banquet of the
Belloa Lottros club was celebrated on
Saturday evening last at the hand-
sojno now residence of Hon. John L
Webster , the alMr being ono of thu
most recherche over nivcii iu this city.
This club has been ono of the must
modest in its claims to publin notice
of any over organized ia the city , the
members not only avoiding but depro-
citing public notico.
Its anniversary was signalized by
what wus called n "literary breakfast"
although it was enjoyed in the even
ing. Hdiidsomo programmes were
printed on white a\liii , the reverse
side of which bora the monogram of
the club surrounded with dainty land
scapes , all hand painted by Miss Nol-
Ho Simpson , whoso artistic woik at
tracted no little admiration ,
The club ia composed of the follow
ing members : Hon. and Mrs. Win.
H. Burns , Mr. Richard Carrier , Mr
end Mrs. Win. II. Jurvlp , Mr. and
Mrs. A. 0. Powell , Miss Nellie Simp
son , Mr. Guorgo P. htebbins , Gon.
and Mrs. K. F. Test , Hon. and Mrs.
John L. Webster , Miss Mary D. Wil
son , Mr. and Mra. J. J. Dickey , Mr.
Lyle Dickey , Miss Belle .Dickoy , Air.
and Mrs. N. Shelton , Muj. Q. S c
oiison , Mr. Frank Shelton , Mr. War
ren Swil/.lor , Gon. and Mrs. Thos.
Wilson , Midi ISttn Wilson.
At 8 o'clock the compiny sat down
to uu ( . lot.'uiit supper wnioli consulted
uf eight crmraof , anii they did not mo
from the tublo until the hands of the
clock pointed to ihohonr of midnight.
The piea"iir < : H of tliia literary aa well
us culinary feast were enhanced by
thu most delicious inuiio furnished by
the Musical Union orclie&tra led by
Prof , Stoinhaubcr , and by the follow
Init prournnimo of toasts ;
Tlio Uallea LuttreH clwb "Labor Omnla
Vlncit. " Kedpuuhc , Hun , John Ii , Well-
March "Musical Union Orchcbtra , "
The Trainn-"AU the World's a Stage ,
ind ull tliH Men an \Vomcn I merely
L'Jityirs. " Keepauo , Gmtavui Steven-
ion , 3C > q.
Selection "Strftdolla , " Fl wtow.
Voice and Ac If n ' 'Hull tlio Actbu to
.o th'i Word , anil the \Vurd to the Ac-
.Ion. " lleupoiibe , Mra. J. J. Dickey ,
Gavotte "Sacred LJVO , " Ilneih ,
iliitory "Hli'urieu make M n wlto. "
ieaponto , Wanen SIt ! er , Ktq ,
Overture-'Trlncesa of Wales , " Stein-
UhakeiDcare "Sweetest Shakospearcj
fancy'ij Child , " IteHpouee , Mr . Webster.
HeUctlcin "M ii'-cjtte. " Amlran.
Walter Scott 'iVovellst , ( /'ritlc , Histo.
Ian uiul Pout , the Favorite of hU Ago. "
Cubiiurieo , Gen. Time. Wi'suri. '
Uhariv rlo "Olivette , " Andran.
Mtfblo "There ba nnna of Heauty'H
) AUglitorH with a Maijlo liku Thee. ' Ite-
jxauo , Mrs. A. U , Powell.
liluiuenlled Liiife.
Poetry -"And her ullver Voice la the
Ich M-isIo of u Hiiininor lllrd , " Itcuponee ,
fon. Win. II , ISurni.
Waltz "Saengerfeat , " Stelnhauser ,
Tlio club is to be congiatulatod upon
Iio auccess of its first year's exist-
nco which it is hoped may bo pronged -
> nged for many yuan to como ,
Frightful Slaughter of Enropam
by the Moll at Alexandria ,
Mon , Women and Children Plj ?
to the Ships For
A Handful of Sold tor * Snnt to the
Front to Pacify the
Dlemarck Dolivoru n Three Hours
Bpoocu on Tobacco.
HISMAIICK OX THE WEED. , Juno 12 In the Heichatflfr
Bismarck made address
to-day Prince an
dress of three hours on the tobacco
bill , Ho stated ho only remained in
oillco out of personal consideration to
the Emperor. Ho entreated them to
uphold the national idoaa against the
spirit of faction , and not to dim the
name ol Germany before Europoupon
whoao horizon clouds were now rising.
The speech created a great conaation ,
OAIIIO , Juno 12. Fifteen hundred
Ejjj ptian troopi left thia city to-day
for Alexandria. Arabi Boy , in a con
ference with Dervish Pasha and con
suls general to-day , engaged to strictly
obey the order * of the khudivo , who
undertakes to maintain order.
LONDON , Juuo 12. A uispatch from
Alexandria says ofllcial returns of the
riot gives the number killed and
wounded at 300 , including sixty-seven
Europeans killed. Most of the shops
in the European quarters were cuttud
by the riotors. Great excitement
continues in Alexandria , and mer
chant ships and steamers in the har
bor are crowded with refugees.
Adspatch | ! from Cairo says there is a
fevered atato of excitement prevailing
among the population of that city and
numerous assaults have been made on
LONDOK , Juno 12. Eirl Granvill
in the houao of lorda and Sir Oharlc
Dilko in the houao of commons , statec
this evening that the Egyptian riot
were non-political in character ; tha
the admiral commanding the Britis
( quadrou at Alexandria had boon full ,
empowered to land sailors if neccsaar
to protect British residents und preserve
serve tlio peace.
ALIXANDIIIA , Juno 12 The ex
citomout is uudimished and the troop
are distrusted. English residents ar
embarking on British men-of-war am
are being cursed by Egyptians alon
the streets. '
ST. PETEiwuuno , Juno 12. Gen
Tolosti ha * replaced IguatiofT as mi jia
tor of the interior.
, Judd'12. 'In the houso'o
commons to-night , in answer to at
inquiry , Gladstone naid the report o
the engineers of the Suez canal show
ed that it would bo very di'fiiculr , i
not impossible , to insure navigatioi
on the canal.
A Now and Entertaining Minstro
On few occasions since the opening
night has the Boyd bocn filled as it
was last evening to BOO the perfect
performance given by Havorly'a Mas
todons. The genuine art n Inch is ex
hibited throughout the entire pro
gramtno leads ono to forgot the old
school of minstrelsy , and realize what
perfection can bo attained' in this
class of shows. Tlio singing was all
of good quality , and the puns of tha
end men were not the ones wo have
hoard since the beginnipg of the
world. The absence of the commonplace -
place clog danca , which the lessor
shows are wont to put so much stress
on , waa a commendable omission in
thia show , and all murks of vulgar
inferences were stricken from the
mid. It waa a pleasing performance
fiom beginning to undinu' , and ono
which any ponon , however fastidious ,
could not fail of enjoying It will done
no good to mention : uiy particular
character 113 having distinguished
ituolf union : . ' iho brilliant galaxy of
stiiw , forthoy were equally meritori
ous und worthy of honest praiso.
No Such Word as Fall.
" 1 have n t-d your Eriti.Nct Ui.o'-.bOM ' for
lyipep la , ho.vtucha mul constlpitioiiand
fiuil It hai done inn a t'rcat deal of guoil , 1
ahull recoinnienil It to my f/leiuU.
"May 2UU. 0(1 ( Main St. , Uuff Io. "
T.-Ico 5'J cents , trial hiHtleu lUc. j Wil 1 w
A B ! ? Plantation.
Maj , B.V. . Bdllatny , who owned
lovcral hundred sluvoa before the
American civil war , ia now the master
jf 1,000 negroes , who -cultivate his
farm of 10,000 acres near Quitmnn ,
Ga. ! They live in neat , white-washed
sottogcs , und are provided with
churches , schools , and , if the local
lowspaper is not nimuken , withdanco
liousus. Every dwelling has its gar-
Ion , potato patch and orchard , and
ivery tenant is encouraged to save
nonoy , buy land mid develop hh in-
lividuality. It ia said that all the
jhildreii over ton years of ngo can read
mdwri'o. At the plantation houao
.liingB ore done in the old stylo. A
reporter who recently dined with the
ilanter writes that thu principal dish
, vaa u gigantic chicken pie , and that
, ho round of beef made the stout boy
vlio sat it on the table stagger.i
J Popularity.
TUOJIAB' EoLEOTRia On. has obtained
; reat { joiiularity , irom Itj Intrinsic value
is a reliable medicine , iu curing hoarae-
icaK , and all Irritatluna of the throat , dU-
lateiof the cheat , etc. For these Ic Is an
noomptrable pulinonlc. ] 13-lw
& SON ,
' .
Dm. Ml tarn 8t
Magazines of all kinds
Send for REDUCED
price-list of Job Print
Importer of , and Dealer in
Zitlior Strings and Music ,
1121 FarnamStOmaha
Murray Iron forks ,
Burlington Iowa.
Semi Portable
Engiuos ,
Printinq :
Ktc. ,
; A Spooialty ,
J'ho Liirgest Iron Working Eatabliah-
mont in the Stdto.
Steam Engines ,
Clio Howard Automatic Out-Off
Steam Engine ,
Rend for Circulars. m23-lm
080 , 3HORTJ.iHE , 1880.
Direct Line to ST. LOUIS
From Oraabnand the Went ,
All trains IO.IYO B & U. Depot , Omaha : Neb.
a ohin.-je ol ura butwecn Omika and m.
tai\ \ bet ono between OMAIIA and
3aily PassengerTrains
UUAU029 and IN AUV'AMIG ol UIi
entile line Ii < iui | > i d with nllmau'ii
* ! ace altoplDB Ciw , 1'olace l ) y CoacliM , lllllar'i
r riatfarm and Coupler , and the
. that your ticket readi VIA n.AH8A8
oad , via St. Joseph and St. Ixiula.
Tlckota for tale at ftll coupon btatloni Ia th *
feet. J. y > UABNAKD ,
0. DAWKS , Qen. Bupt. , 8t. Joseph , Mo
I1 Ota. PHI. and Ticket Att , Bt. JoBeph.Mo.
AXDT BORDIS , Hcket Agent ,
lOSO-Funbam ctreel.
W. J.Divm-iTORT , Otaeral Ajrent ,