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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1882)
r * . -9 ii THE DAILY BEE-MONDAY , JUNE .12 1882. JO- o. o. OOOB : : sc 00. COMMISSION MERCHANTS , City Market , CconcH Blurt * , lovta , WHOLESALE FLOUR HOUSE , Central AgenU for the Celebrated Hills of II. D. Rush & Co . Ooltlon Kaglo Flout , LcaYenwoith , Kansas , nod Queen lice MU1 . Sioux F ll , Dakota. BtfflTence , 8mltli & Ctl't ndcn , Oonncll niiilTa. lit. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STATIONERY AND PRINTER'S GOODS , COUNCIL BLPFF3. IOWA. TITLE ABSTRACT 0 FFICE. JT. "Wr. ia < a XT 3C 3S6 33 An O G . Lands and Lots Bought and Sold MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATiSS. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS COUNCIL BLUFFS . IOWA 15 North Main Street. WHOLESALE DEALER IN SHOE FINDINGS. Rcadr-IUtod upper * , In call ekln and kip. Oak and Hemlock EOLK LKATUER , and al cods appertaining to the hoe trade. Oo d < told a < cheap M In th o EaM . _ _ PBRIS' ' m ULLINERY STOEE FOR STYLISH SPUING MILLINERY. PATTERN BONNETS AND CHILDREN'S HATS A SPECIALTY. 105 South Main Street. Council Bluffs Ia. That norcr require crimping , at Mrs. J , J. Good's Hair Store , at prices ncer bolero touched l > y any other hair dealer. Also a full line ol switches , etc. , at really reduced prices. Also gold lher and colored nets Wines undo from ladles' own hair. Do Dot loll to call before purchislng elsewhere. All gooilH warranted as represented. MRS. J. J , GOOD , Z9 Main street , Council Dlutfa , Iowa. MASON WISE , IIVERI , FEED & SALE STABLE The largest and besl stables in the west Roadsters , Saddle anc draft horses for sale also afine lot of mules just received which will be closed ou1 cheap. SCOTT ST. , NEAR BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. IA. IlEMOVED without the OAIOEES drawing ot blood or use ol knife. Cures lunjr diseases , Fits , Scrofula , Lhcr Com _ . . . _ _ _ plaint. Dropsy , Hhcuma T II M ll R St tlsm , IVvor and Mercur- I U III U n O tal 80ro8) Krjslpelai , Sail Rheum , Scald He id , Cita rh , weak , lufUmcd and granulated Ejcacrofuloua Ulcers and Fu- male Disease ot all kinds. ANo Kidney and Vouerlal disuasea. Hemorrhoids or Files cured money refunded. /All diseases treated upon the principle olvejrefr ble reform , without the use of mercurial polo- f cms or the knife. Electro Vapor or M-dlcatod Baths , furnished OK who desire them. Hernb or Rupture radically cured by the ust thro Elastic bolt Truss and Plaster , which ban eupcrior In the world. _ CONSULTATION FREE- CALL OS OR ADDRESS Brs , E , Rice and F , 0 , Miller , COUNCIL BLUFFS , la. LIVERY , Feed and Sale Stables , 18 North First Street , Bouquet's old stand. Council Bluff * , Iowa. WILLAUD SMITH. 1'rop. W.D.STILLMAN , Practitioner of Homeopathy , consulting PhysicianandSnrgeon. Office and residence 015 Willow avenue , Coun- ril muffs , Iow . W. K. BINTON , DENTIST. 14 Feail Street , Counoil Bluffs. Eitractlnvrand filling a ipeclilty. FIrst-cIui work guaranteed , DR. AF. . HANCHETT , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office , No. 14 Fcarl Street IIoun , 9 & . ra. to 12. , and 2 p. in. , to & p , m. llealdcnco , 1ZO Bancroft ttrcct. Telephoulo connection with Central olllce. DR. AMELIA BURROUGHS , OOEMETECJJSJ No. 617 First Avenue Hours from 10 to 11 a , m. , and 2 to 5 p. m. Merchants Restaurant J. A. ROSS , Proprietor. Corner Broadway and Fourth Streets. Good accommodation ! , good faro and cour teous treatmeut. S. E. MAXON , A. 3E& O 1BC X OC'J El O " 3C. Office over livings bank , COUNCIL , BLUFFS , . . - Iowa. REAL ESTATE. W. 0. Jamea , In connection with his law and eollcctlon builacsa bu ) i anjl sells real estate. Persons wishing to buy or Bell city property call at hla office , over liushnell's book store , 1'earl atreet. atreet.EDWIN EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. 4l5Broadway , Council Bluffs. Pwdl and mortgages drawn and acknowledged HAIR JiOOOS , WATER WAVES In Stock and Manufactur ed to Order. Waves Made From Your Own Hair. TOILET ARTICLES , All Goods Warranted as Represented , and Price Guaranteed. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT 337 W. Broadway , Council Bluffs ; - - - Iowa MRS , E , J , HARDING , M , D , , Medical Electrician AND GYGNECOLOGIST. Graduate of Electropathlc Institution , Phlli dclphik , l'oon . dice Cur , Broadway & Glenn Ave , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. The treatment of rdl diseases and painful [ dif ficulties peculiar to females a epcclilly. The Star Bakery , HOWARD & ROBIE , 227 MATNST , Employ the beet Broad Baker In the West ; als < a choice hind for Cakes and Plea. Bread delivered to all parta of the city. FRESH FISH ! Game and Poultry , Can always be found a B. DANEHY'P , 130 Upper Broadway JNO.JAYFBAINEY , Justice of the Peace , 314 BROADWAY , Council Bluffs. - - Iowa. W. B. MAYES , Loans anflEealEstate , Proprietor of abstract * of Pottawattarale county. Olllco corner of Broadway and Main aireeu , Onincll lllullj , Iowa. JOHN STEINER , M. D , , ( Deutschor Ant. ) ROOM 5 , EVERETT'S BLOCK , Council Bluffs. Dlecasca ot women and children ft spoclalty. P , -J , MONTGOMERY , M , D , , FKKE DISPENSAUY KVKUY SATUJIDAY. Office In Everett' * block , Pearl treet. Resl ] denco (23 Fourth atreet. Oltlco hours from 0 to 2 a. m , , 2 to 4 and 7 t3 8 p. in. , Council I luffs F. G. CLARK , PRACTICAL DENTIST. Peari street , opposite the pojtofflce. Ono of the oldest practitioners In Council Bluffi. tiatli lafactlon iruaranteed In all cases DR. F. P , BELLINGER , EYE AND EAR SURGEON , WITH Bit. CHARLES DEETKEH , Office over dm s ( tore , 41 < Broadway , Council niutl * , Iowa. Al ilnut.cJ of the eve and ear treated under the mo > t approved method , and all curcH guauuteul , JOHN LINDT , ATTORNEY'-'AT-IAW. ' Will pctlc la all Bttte and UclttKl Statw rourti. fipctkf Oenoan Language. IOWA ITEMS. A cor not band ntBoono is compose exclusively of colored men. Krokuk hns discarded goo , nnd paj $10.oO per annum for lamps. In the Union county poor houe there is nn inmnto who is one hundro years old. The OHumwa board of cqimlir.itir 1ms rniflod the assessor's figures abou $40,000. The United States fish commission ! hru sent a million Potomac shad to b placed in lourn waters. The organ for the Episcopal clutrc at Dubu ( iio reached that city on th 6th. It tilled two freight cars , The Fort Dodge city council ha granted a party by the name of Millo the right to establish gas works in tha place , In the absence of a church edifice the pcoplo of Maple lUvor junctioi utilize a box car in which to cspouni the gospel. The Cedar Rapids city fathers scni fire IniUlics to the state toornamon with $500 of municipal money in thci pockets. DCS Moincs has invested in a $0,00' ' steam roller with which to solidify th sanded and graveled surfaces of tin stroots. The Scottish American Land com pany is going to orcct at Emmctsburi n three story and Imomcnt bricl hotel , at n cost of $25,000. A farmer named _ Moore , of Gran township. 33uona "Vista county , recent ly killed ono hundred nnd fifty-sovoi rats while tearing down the corn-crib Several well-to-do bachelors of Mar shalltown propnso to organize with i capital cf $10,000 and build a clul house after the fashion of the large cities. cities.While While trying to catch n horse n Emerson recently , James Griflith wa kicked by both hind foot of tin animal , and lies in a dangerous con dition. Two deacons in the Prcsbytoriai church had a fight last week. Donisoi cnn now stand it another month with out a circus , bless the Lord. Donisoi Bulletin. West Union is elated nnd Fayetti depressed. The people have docidoi by 1,326 majority against calling i special election upon the removal o the county-scat. There will bo a reunion of tin Twenty-fifth Iowa regiment at Bur lington on the 27th of next Soptem bey , tb.o occasion being the nnnivcr sary of the mustering in of this regi montin the fall of 18C2. At Lyons on Sunday five younj men went out boat-riding , when bj the overturning of their skiff thoj wore thrown into the river , but all sue coedod in reaching the shore oxcopl Chas. J. Burghardt , who was drowned A few days since the body of .Tad Hunter was found horribly manglec on the railroad track near McGregor , The supposition is that ho laid dowt on the rails in a drunken stupor. Hi leaves a large family. At West Union on the 5th , R. Lip pincott , aged 75 , for thirty years i resident of that place , committed suicide cido by taking opium. Ho was pos sessed with I ho idea that ho was about to become an inmate of the poor house , In Hardin county a few day since , an old gentleman named Truman was thrown from a wagon , breaking hii neck and killing him instantly. Hi had been a resident of the county foi eighteen years , and was much os teemed. Conductor Charley Brunei' had t narrow oacapo from death on Villisct hill Saturday nigtit. Howas seated in the cupalo of his way-car when ho hoard a shot and in an instant thoglast near his head was shivered and a splinter tor of wood passed in such close prox imity to his head as to make his hair stand on ends. Creston Advertiser. Two neighboring farmers noai Boone. named Myers and Davis go I into a dispute about some cattle of the former which were discovered in the 5eld of the latter. Myers wont for the cattle , and Davis insisted on hold- ng them until the damage waa ad justed. A fight ensued , in which Myers was severely stabbed in the aack and Davis badly beaten with o club. Both a.e in w critical condition. At Marshaltown the other evening , a brakeman named Delancy Abbott 'ound a , young girl , friendless and moneyless , wandering about the depot. She said she wonted to get to frlonde n Illinois , and Abbott offered to help ler. Ho took her to a hotel , rogts- orod as man and wife , and effected lorruin. The girl is evidently weak minded , and a warrant has been issu ed for the arrest of Abbott. Not a Beverage "They are not a beverage , but a nodicinc , with curative properties of ho Inchest degree , containing no poor whisky or poisonous drugs. They do not tear down an already debilitated system , but build it up. Ono bottle sontains moro hops , that is , moro real top strength , than a barrel of ordinary > eer. Every druggist in Rochester jells them , and the physicians pro- cribo them. " [ Evening Express on Hop Bitters. Bupromo Bottlomonts. The following decisions have been iled in the supreme court at Dee Moines : Patton , appellant , vs. Baker , Appa- loose county. The affirmance hero- oforo ordered sot aside , Henry vs. Evans , appellant. For- nor opinion adhered to. Iowa Loan and Trust company , ap- icllant , vs. King , Polk county. Re- foraod ; the defendant , Hllen A. King , o pay the cost of this appeal. Kondig vs. Marble , appellant ; 3rundy county. Affirmed. Mast & Co. vs. Pearce & Carver. Dormer opinion adhered to. Joncks vs. Knott'a Mexican Silver Vlining Co. , appellant ; Clark county. \flirmed. Estate of J Hollingsworth ; liar- ison county , Raveraed. Johnson vs. 0. , M. & St , P. Railway - way Co , , appellant ; Tama county. MUrmod. French vs. Reel , appellant ; Potta- ffattarnio county , Reversed. Wolf vs. Chandler ot al.j Fremont ounty , Affirmed. Vettoo , appellant , vs. Richardson ; larrinon county. Affirmed. Danio'a , appellant , vs. Smith ; Bontc county. Affirmed. City of Oontorvillo vs. Drake , n\ \ pollnnt ; Appanooso county. Appc dismissed. Stnto va. Mitchell , appellant ; Faj otto county , Reversed. Stnto vs. Molntyre , appellant ; Ila risen county. Affirmed. Estate of J. Soaton , deceased ; Il.u risen county. Reversed. Fan-celt , nppolant , TB. Lberl ] SVoodbury county. Affirmed. Cotton vs. llatnil it Co.appallnnti Dallas county. Reversed. VaURhn vs. Smith it Co , , appol antsj Taylor county. Reversed. Strntton VB. Dronan , appcllanl Polk county. Rovorsod. Wliito vs. Sccor ct al. , nppnllaiils Adair county. Modified and afllrmed Crosby , appellant , vs. Hungorford Sioux county. Affirmed , "Every OaoWna Astonlfflaod. " NKWCASTLK , Ind. , May 30 , 188L. 11. II. WAHKEH it Co : SSra-Abou 3 years ngo I was stricken with cMcti lus of the kindnoys. The best pbjsi ciaiis could do mo no coed 1 usci your Safe Kidney and Liver Cur and every ono was astonished nt in ; complete and rapid recovery. Galw TUOMAS 13. LAIK. " 'Possum Sop an1 Tatoral" BrunswickU. , llovlcw. The opossum is n great delicacy i ; the southern portion of the Umtei States. The negroes especially g fairly wild over them , and during th season their moulhs water nt the bar mention of " 'possum. " A Georgi negro Rives expression to hio fooling on the subject as follows : "Oo-oo-eo ! go 'way niggor ! Ypi low country , marsh-tacky darkic don't know unfiln' 'bout 'possum sean an * tator. You dos gim mo one of d up country 'possums say fo' yore ol bcqa king of do range sonce 'eim mon time ; you take yo dog , run hiti 'bout five mile , till ho git tender , arden don tree him , cut him dotvn cotch him , and bring _ inh hoipo ; clean him all ober nice , sal him down , and lot him lay 'zactly tw days and t'reo nights ; don on do thin day in the morning parbilo him by d watch t'rco hours ; don you take hit : outon do bile , put him onto do stow don you base him wid butter , poppo and barbecue for two moro hours ; doi put crate big yam tators all roun * hin 111 n row , an1 pour on do butter on stew an' barbecue all over do tater an * 'pussum toll it all smell like Utcr an1 las' like 'possum. Cook it tellyoi smell it up do road an' down do road in do loff , an * so you kin tos' it a ob'ry breff ; den you take him up , plac him in a grate bi ? dish , wid uo tater an' sop , an * you "bring along de haf gallon cofly pot , rite full an * hot don nigger , you go out an' don shut d door artor you , an' wato tell I call you. " Caution. J. Hochstrassor and the Brunswicl and Balko billiard table company sent no agents , repairers or peddlers ou through the state , and any ono win travels with such pretentious is ; fraud , and persons will do well to lo lira alone. Any parties wishing any thing done in this line should send di rcct to Brunswick and Balko Co. , CO ! South Tenth street , or to J. Hoch strasser agent. Satisfaction guaran toed. may22-lm President Arthur's Style. Boston Transcript. I recognized the president at onci by hit ! photograph. Ho is n splondu nan in size , form , feature and bear ing , and ho appears in style befittinj the chief of moro than fifty millions None of your Johnson typo , harangu ing the crowd and rotrardud will ' Bully for you , Andy , " nor of th < Hayes type , walking with his wife tc church and elsewhere , in ropublicai simplicity , with a crowd of brothror after him. When Arthur appears it public , the public know it by his clo ; ant carnage and span to match , witl ilack coachman and footman besldt lim in livery , their buff-colored euiti tudded over with shining emblems and other vehicle ; , big and small ii rank , quickly and quietly mon aside. And yet there is nothing jbtrusivo ; the president in a suit o ! ) lack , sits back in his carriage , accom janiod by his seciotary , or some mom } or of his cabinet. It is simply tin president of a mighty nation moving ibout as becomes such a dignitary , Che white house every few evenings ii all ablaze with illuminations on the occasion of receptions and dinnoi mrties. Yet President Arthur is al inability when approached , and partic ularly attentive to littio children , graceful and dignified to the ladies , and courteous to all a splendid spool non of an American gentleman whc ms mingled with the boat society , and cnowB how to receive a diplomat 01 he most unpretentious of his follow cltizeno. Worthy ot Praitn- As n ralo we do not recommend Patent ilediciiio" , but when wo know of one that eally la a public banefactar. and cloca 'OBltivoly ' cuie , thun we consider { tour uty to impart that informntiou to all. Clcctrlo Bittern are truly n most valuable riedlclne , iincl will nurely cure liillousneaa. ' 'o er and Ague , Ktomoch , Lher nnd CJJnoy Complain B , ev > n were nil other emedleB fail. Wo know wercof wospealt , nd can fieely recommend tliem to ull. Ixcli. Sold nt fifty ceiits a bottle , by J. F , Goodman , The 1'ronoh Army. 'ho Spectator. By the last accounts the frontier prtreBses have boon vastly onlargoncd nd fully provisioned , the arsenals are II full , the supply of officers keeps up nd the ministry have at their dis- losal , without ruokoninc the "Terri- onalistH , " or ultirrate reserve , 284- 00 infantry with the colors , 08,000 avalry and 08,000 urtillaryj or with lie administrative corps and gond- rmorio , all ooluiora , 499,000 mon , bo- ind whom stand 327,000 reservists , 11 seasoned men , capable of being nobilized in a fortnight. Allowing or a failure of 10 per cent for sick- ess or other cause ? , the ministry can ut in the field , for any sufficient auso , 700,000 men , armed , drilled , nd organuod , leaving behind them t least as many adults under 30 who aye boon soldiers. That is a most onnidablo army , oven against a ( i t lass power , and the only question is 'het-ior the mon are worthy soldiers , 'ho critics say no , because Uioy are oung , because they are unwilling , ecauso they are materialists ; but all liat resolves itself into the single jdoa f want of heart. Napoleon's wars roro made with conacnpti , strong- Bethesda BATHING HOUSE At Bryant's Spring , Oor , Broadway and Union Sta COUNCIL BLUFFS. rUIn , Medicated , V per , Flcc'rlc , l'lunR < Douch , Shower , Hot ant ) Cold Baths Con pttcnt n alt anil ItmOo t tiroes nnd at'cndant n1 ajs on hand , and < hobc < t olrit o and alter tlon RUpn pUrjnj. Spacml tl ntlon Rl\on t liitnlnf children. Investigation nud | tronapr tolicltclDR. . A. II SrunLKY & Co. , 100 Upper Broadway. Pr , Bttid'cy : Triatmcnt ol chronic nndBMpceUlty. One ot the beat tend elms Hotels In the West Ut ho BROADWAY HOTEL. A. E imowtf , rroprlttor. Nos. (34 and ESO Iroid ay , ' ouncll lllull , towl Table nuppllcd with tlin best the market at lord * . G od rooms and flrst-claiM beds. Term ury reasonable. UNION AVENUE HOTEL 817 Lower Broadway , Mrs , C , Qerspacher & Son FIRST CLA 8 UOTRt , AT PUinm. TRANSIENTS ACCOM MOD ATT.I ) IIOTT.r , FOtt BALK. COOD UEASON8 FOI 8HLUNQ. _ SCANDINAVIAN HOTEL. N. Andenon , - - Proprietor , JSS Lower RrDadn ay. Table tuppllcd with the bent the market af lonls , Terms fS.fiOaiid 81 00 per flock. Translcn tl.OOpcrdai. _ if Yon Wish n Imnoli Go to LOUIE DUQUETTE , Soups , Mcnts , nnd Eatables always 01 _ Imiul. Plve Cento per cull. STARR & BUNCH , HOUSE , SIGN , AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS PAPER HANGING , KALSOMININ& AND BRAINING Shop Corner Broadway nnd Scott St HUGHES & TOWSLEE , DEALERS IN Confectionery , FruitsNuti Cigars ard Tobacco. Fresi Oysters and Ice Cream ii Season. 12 MAIN ST. , Ooiincil fllnffa. _ MRS. J. P. BILLOWS , PBOPHIETOR OF RESTAURANT & EATINfi HOUSE 813 South Main Street , Council II uffj. New houao and newly flttid up In first clai etj la Heals at all liourj. Ic cream and lomo tiado every ovcLlnj. FrulU a > d Lontcctloncrlce J. G. TIPTON7 Attorney & Counsellor , Office over First National IIink.CouD'll Bluffs Inwa. Will rmctlco In the stain and conns 723 W. Broadway. LARSON & ANDERSON , Proprietors. . Thlj laundry hw Just been opened for busi ness , and we are now priparcd to do Itundrj work of all kinds and guiraotco satisfaction / tpfclaltytiaJo of line work , such as colltrt luffu , One thlrts , etc , Wo want evotyboiy t < giro us a trial. LARSON & ANDERSON. theuod by old soldiers ; and war once declared , the mlnistay woula have ir every arm of the service to every ton men , four old seasoned aolrllora , twc fairly seasoned soldiers , and foui with only pno year's training , That proportion would work well enough if only the officers were competent < potent ; and as they arc all thoroughly and scientifically trained , their com petence , like the spirit of the men , would depend upon their loaders and ovonta. There ia the strength and weakness of the French army , and there ia has always toon. These masses of fightora have drill enough , discipline enough , material enough to do everything , oven to face Prussians , if only they have leadom , a motive , and Unit small modicum of victory which , to men of their temper , sup- plica heart. Give them chiefs who can win , and evidence that they nan , and a cause they understand , and Europa , which ia now decrying them , not without a secret cpmplaissanco , would again bo complaining of the in herently military character of the French people. Aa yet they dp not jpo the cause , and recollect the inva < lion of 1670 , and are out of spirits ; but the merest accident , an alliance perceptible to the people , an affront which came homo to them , the appear- inco of a general , might change all that in a week and make France oncn nero a prime mover in councils of Buit'po. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "By asking too much wo may lose ; ho little that wo had before. " Kid- icy-Wort asks nothing but a fair ; rial. Thin given , it foara no loss of 'uitli in its virtues. A lady writes From Oregon ; "For thirty years I mve been affected with kidney com- ilaints. Two packngoa of Kidney- Wort have donu mo moro good than ill the medicines and doctors I have md before , I boliovn it ia a sure Fast , brilliant and fashionable are .ho Diamond Dye colors , One pack- igo colors 1 to 4 Iba , of goods. Ten : onta for any color. KKDDINCI'H Kusala Salvo hna genuine nerita , us all wbouieit will testify , Price ° - Try It. No bead-ache or li.uK-.ielie for India " ' ' Sic "WINE OF CAnOUl. ' DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTEL8 HOTELS , PROPRIETORS TOWKl' ARLINQTON. J. O. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Neb , 8ARATOQA HOTEL , J. 8. BTELLINIU8 , Mllford , NetxU MARSH HOUSE , E. MANS , DROWNSVILLC Nb COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , Stromtburs N * HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL Loulivllla OITY HOTEL , OHENEY & CLARK , Dlalr , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTE _ 0. Q. MEAD , Nellgh , Neb. QRANO CENTRAL . ( ,8EYMOUR , Nobraika City , Neb MISSOURI PAOIFIO HOTEL , P. L. THORP. WeeplngW terN COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. OAARPJER , Hardy , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE , W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , N b COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. STOREY. Olarlnda , Iowa END'S HOTEL , E. L. END , ' Eremont , Neb EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. B. HACKNEY , Alhland , Neb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVELL , Atklnion , Neb. MORGAN HOUSE , E. L , QRUOD , Guide Recd , Neb SUMMIT HOUSE , OWAN ft. DECKER , Qretton , la. HOUSTON HOUSE , OEO.'OALPH , Extra , IB , REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. M.REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUOE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. DURQE88 , Noola , la. OITY HOTEL , Dl A. WILLIAMS , Harlan , la , ' PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMINQ8 , Corning , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , J , L. AVERY , Stan ton , MERCHANTS HOTEL J , W. DOULWARE. Durllncton Junction. M COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Dlanchard , la. PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Shenandoah , la , OOMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , Dayld City , Neb DAQNELL HOUSE , CHA8. DAQNELL , Oollego Spring * , la. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , VIII Itca , la. JUDKINS HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , la , DALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Grove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE DF. STEARNS , Odebolt , la WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Oiceola , Neb. DOUGLAS HOU3E , J. 8. DUNHAM , Clark * , Neb. BEDFORD HOUSE J. T. GOEEH. Bedford la. ARLINGTON HOUSE , 0. M. BLACK & SON , Marjtvlllo Mo NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUQE A. T. POTTER , Norfolk Junction Neb WINSLOW HOUSE o MCCARTY , Seward Neb , AURORA HOUSE M. D. JONES , Auro rNeV. CROZIER HOUSE O. R. OROZ'ER , Sidney , NoS. AVOQA EATINQ HOUSE D. W. ROCKHOLD , Avoco In. CENTRAL HOUSE LOOKWOOD & 8HATTUOK. Red Oak. THE JELM MOUNTAIN AND IT T TT1 i JrC > Mining and Milling Company. > Vorklr # Capital' ' - (300,000. Capital Slock , 11,000,000 Par Value ot Shares , (25,003. STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Minea Located in BRAMBL MINING DISTRICT. 1 I DIl. J. I. THOMAB , President , Cummins , Wjomlnp. Wit E. TILTON , Vlce-Presldent. CummlM , Wyoming E. N. HAIIWOOD , Secretary , Cummins , Wyoming- . A , 0. LUNN , Treasurer , Cummins , VTyomln Dr. J. I. Thomai. lonli Miller W. 8. Bramol. A. d. Dunn. E. N. Iluwood. Francli Leaven ) . Oco. n. Foloo. Lewis Zolman. Dr. J. C. Watklni. nniimnlSm OKO. W. KKNDALTj , Author'zml ' Arcnt fnr Salt of Stock ! " " . n .o > . ! < ' . < GREAT URliNGTO Is the old Farorllo and - FOB - CHICAGO , PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORKBOSTON , , And alfPolutt'East andC9outh-E it Nearly 4,000 miles , Solid Smooth Steel Tracki All connections ro made In UNION ObPOTS. t hu a National KepnUtlon as being th Qreat Throuch Oar Line , end Is universally conceded to be the FINEST EQUIPPED Half rood In the world for all classes of travel. Try It and you will find traveling a luxury nstead of a discomfort. Through Tickets via rhls Celebrated Line toi sale at all offices In the West. All Information about Itatex of Fare , Bleeping Car Acocmuio Jatlons , Time Tables , Ac. , will be cheerfully K'by ' applylnln to T.J.POTTEn , 2d Vlco-1'rcs't & Qen. ManaKor.Chlcago. PERCIVAL LOWELL , Gen. Pobiienfvr Agt. Chicago. W. J. DAVENI'OHT , Clou AL-ont , OonncU Illufl ! . . 1HJKLL , Ticket morn ed ly . 1880 , KANSAS CITY , U TUl OSLT Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AHDTnGKAET From Omaha and the Weak All trains leivo U & U. Depot , Omabt ; Neb. lo change of oara br tween Omaha and at. acd b = l o-ie bctsvcea OUAIIA and HEW YORK. SDJ3E3SC Daily Passenger Tr6ma AND T/KSTRHN CITIES with LES1 QlIAKUUii and IN ADVAKOU of Ufi entire line Is cqiuppad with nllciaa'i Pt co Sleeulng Cars , Palacu Day Coaches. UIU i'i Mfcty l'litlorn and Coupler , and the colobrstee VcdtlcghouM All-brake. CSTUeo that your ticket reads VIA nANBA ! ITtT. . JOiJKI'll Si COUNCIL llLUFiU IUU oad , via St. Joaupb and St. houls. TtcVul'j (01 Dais at all coupon etatlous lathi Wort. ) > V. I1AUHAHD , 0. DAT/ES , Oen. Bunt. , Ht. Jooeph , llD A' Oen. J'fcM. uJ Ticket Act. , St. Joseph , Ho. &SOY } KIVDIH , Ticket Agent , 10JO Faraham street. W. J.DAVKNfOBT , Oeueral Agent , OtlAUA.KK ' FAST TIME ! In KODC ! Uast take ths DMcago Mortliwest- Tialni leave Omaha B.tO p. m. and 7 : < 0 a. m. ilfoUlDformatloa calloa II. P. DUK.'L ' Ticks ) Agent , 14th and K < trnham HU. J. BELL , U. 1' . ttUlnay Depot , or at JAUU3 T. OLAHK , Ooner i. Oaiatui. | alTmli U City S facie THH SIOUX OITY ROUTE Runs a Rolld Train Through from Council Bluffs to St. Fanl Without Change Time. Only 17 Hour * J3.OO MILKS TUB imOUTEfcT ntosi COUNCIL BLUFPB 10 CT. FAITL , MINNEAPOLIS OULUTI ] OR BISMAKCG and all points In Northern Jew . KlnncxwU aod DuV-Oti. This line la equipped with the Improved tVnstlnghouso Autonulla Alr-brika aud llllle tfatfonn Coupler and liutfcir : and fo > BPEnD. SAFBTi'lf AKD C01IFOET lo nDetirjiawcd. Pullman Patura blacplnir Car run through WITHOUT CHANGE between Kan suCttyand St. Paul , via Council lilufls and Sioux City. Trains leave Union Pacific Transfer at Couti- ell Dluffa , at 7:35 : p. m. dolly on arrival of Knngaa City , St Jojephond Council lilufla trnla from the South. Arrlrlng at Sioux City 11:36 : p. m. , ard at the New Union Depot at St. Paul at 12 80 rcon. SOU HOURS Dl ADVANCB OF ANY ( jl'UKH BOUTE CSTRemembtr la taking the Stouz City Kontt you got a Through Train. The Bhorleat Line , the Quickest Ttmo and a ComforUblo Bide In In * Through Cars between COUNCIL I1LUFFS AND ST. PAUL. tVSeo that your TJckott lead via the "Bloai City and PaciQo Railroad " / . B. WATTLES , J. B. MU01IAN AW Ouporlntendont. Oen'l Poas. Ageul. P. E. ROBINSON , Aes't Clen'l Pass. A't , Mloaourl Valley. la. W. E. DAVIB , Southwestern Agint , Oauocl Ulufs Iowa At nU for th LUaTltncs and oooboroj ( Written by hr only life authorized by her , and wh'ca will lot bo a "Blood and Thunder" story , such M has joon and will be published , but a true Life by the only p rson who I * la pinsei.lon of the ficts afalhfuland devoted wife. Truth Ii more ntorcgting than fiction. Agents shoald apply or territory at onio. Bind 75 cti for Cam * plo Book. J. H. Chamber * & Co. , me < od-4w.oow * t. oa ! . Mo- SYPHILIS itianyEtngo Catarrh , ECZEMA , Old Sores , Pimples , BOILS , or any Skin Disease dares When Hot Springs Fail MivsBN , AUK. , May . 1881 We have casoi In onr own town who lived at Hot Springs , * nd wsre finally cured with 8. S. 8. MoCUXKOM * UCUIT. If YOU douut , coma to toj us aud \ K VfiLti OURK YOUlt dlt charge uotblu ; t ! Writ * ( or particulars and cony of little llook'iUssage .0 the Unfortunate Sutferlnir 81 , ( > ( ) ( ) Reward wl" Pld k ° y cbcmfat who will find , on analysis 100 tottlo S. 8 , S. , one particle of Mercury , Iodide Potu Blum or ny Mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC ) CO. Props , AtUnU Price ot Small sits , { 1,00. Large elio 11.76. Bold by KENNi B D BH03. * CO ndDruZKliU Uenerallr. ANTI-MONOPOLY LEAGUE. Wiuk membvrthlp rolls ( or the aiiti-monpoly league , ognUlnluj stateuiont of princ pie met- nxu of preoodure anil Instructions bow to oriran- ID , will bo wat on appliiation to O. II. dale , Uelroy , Nek. Endow stunp. niU-11