Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1882, Page 6, Image 6
6 THE DAILY BEE : COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA MONDAY , JUNE 12 , 1882 , > i - i The Daily Bee. & * COUJJCUrBlUFFST Monday Morning1 June 12. sunscnirrioN KATES : By Carrier , - - - - - SOccntaptr week. - - - - - - - 10.00 per Year. Offlco : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway. 0. E. MAYNK , VMMITCT City Circulation. H. W. T1LTON , City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS , Go to Hcrzman for bargains. Sherraden tnalccs photographs. . The dlstrht court meet again to-mor row. Go to Herzman's before buying. Uexlcan Bca grass Imnmocks nt Sea man's , The county board of supervisors ad journed Saturday after being In session all the week. Everything cheap at Herrwan's. A largo assortment of baby caps at Bliss' . Sherraden is the boss photographer. In Saturday's game between the Council Bluffs nine and Glenwood nine , the former won by 16 to 9. Hcrzinnn Is bound to close out. Joseph Relor ! makes autts In the Int ent styles at 310 Broadway. A new line of riding , driving and drovers' whips just received at Bcckman's. Buy of him nnd save money. A jail break in reported at Glenwood , and the officers here are on the look out fur the two who arc wanted. Railroad tickets Louizht and Hold Buthncll , five doors north of 1'ontofilco. Can tave money on the tickets. Don't forget to cill at the new ice cream parlors of Mrs. J. A. Gray , over 605 Broadway. S. ll.t Foster hooked legitimately though a fine string of fish In Mynstor Inko the other day. Joseph Ross , of 015 Upper Broadway , Council Blutfs , makes the bojt butter tubs in the west , and sells them at the lowest cash price , A horse belonging to Mr. Bray , the liveryman , was killed by lightning while in paituro north of the city Friday night B. M. Smith , whoso hotel was re. cently turned , ban leased a large house in the west part of the city and will Tit it up for keeping boarders. The case of Mrs. Barrett , the partici pant in the ncighboily row , In which Mrs , HOBS wixs also concemed , is to have a hearing before Judge Aylcs worth next Tuesday. The Harrison county News nays that it is reported at Lo nn that Major Ander son furnished passes for many of the per sons who were in attendance at the inform al caucus held on. the 2d Inst. Mr. Columbine , whoso artistic skill as a portrait painter is known to many of our citizens , has just completed an do- gnnt portrait of Longfellow , which Is cer tainly a moro than ordinary piece of work. Mr. and Mrs. Lentzlnger , living on Broidway , have been bereaved by the death of their young son Anton , who died Saturday afternoon of lung fever. The * f funeral services wore held yesterday after noon , It it announced that Gov. St. John In ftttf * ° 8Iolk On P Prohibition question ut " Dulmny'a next Sunday evening , and that Miss Francis Wlllard will speak here soon after that date. The name and fame of each will draw crowds to hear them. Marshal Mitchell , of Lo an , was here the other day posting ; up on police mat- torp , and during his stay some ono entered bis house , but was discovered before ho could secure any plunder. The thlof frightened a young lady visiting at the house , into a faint , and made good his es | cape. The members of the Presbyterian church ore to moot this evening to take Into consideration the resignation of their pastor , Hov , Dr. Oleland. It is deUrcd that every member be present that a full and free dUouislon of the matter may be had. A quiet wedding occurred at the Re vere house Saturday ove&lng , the con tracting parties being William Ira Walter , a teacher at T.ivmg Springs , and Miss Mary Walter , of Pittsburg. Pa. , who has been visiting her brother , who lives at Sioux City. . The decision of the Harrison county court in the case of Beaten vs. Seaton has been reversed in the supreme court. The attorneys , Atnent It Sims , In the lower court , tried'o get the ao'.s of the aduilnls- stratcr set atlde , but the court dismissed the action. The decision of the supreme court gives their client about 1,800 acres of land , Henry Warren , the deputy clerk of the courts , has in his possession A tobacco- box which formerly belonged to Black Hawk. The box consists of a shell with solid silver mounting * nnd coyer. It was among the presents which BUck Hawk received when he was taken to Washing ton years ago , and the old chleftan gave It to a grandfather of Mr. Warren , and It has thus been handed down. It is still In good condition , Anew lodne of railway conductors has been organized In Wisconsin to be known M the "U. L. Thurber Lodge No , 03 , Iowa and Minnesota division of the O , M. & St. P , , orJer of railway conductors. " This title U ( riven a sanother tribute to the mem iry of Conductor Thurber , who not only bed many Mends here but no lees a number in Wisconsin , where ho was for years in railway business , and for ten years was conductor between Prairie du Chlen nnd Chicago. Mr. Peate , the engineer , secured a few days ago , the services of Mr , Barke" , the photographer , to take some views of the government work being done In improv ing the river , Some very interesting views were taken near Florence , and one of them is remarkable , as the profile of one rock stands forth so like a human face as to be almost startling , the features be ing very closely those of an old man with a hat on , These views are to be forwarded to Washington , and made a part of the re port , and they surely are so exrellentshotr- tugs of photographic art as to bear com parison with Any lo be found with any similar reports. The views wcro taken by the Instantaneous gelatine process , which Mr. Barke was the first to introduce here , and wh'ch has given him much credit. Jte uses this process In his gallery -work also , and has lately put in some tcry FIDO accessories series In the way of Ret pieces , by which ho can make eight different combinations , representing balcony , verandah , and other scenes , On Saturday Juntlcc Abbott tied the knot which made Frank Ells and Julia M. Balrd husband nnd wife. Both par ties wore from Atchlson , KM , , nnd their Intention WAS to get married there. They had procured their railway tickets for Omaha , nnd then trial to find the county judge to get a licence. They were unable to get one In time nnd so took their wel ding trip and had the ceremony performed hero , reversing the usual order. WANTED. Tobuy 2,000 buahpls of Wliito Corn. Highest market price paid. Mayno & Co. , Broom Factory , Council Dlufla. rnaj27-tf A Model Livery Stable. Yesterday in his wanderings a BF.K reporter dropped into a Main street livery stable nnd was saluted with a friendly greeting from its proprietors , Messrs. Holland & Miller. For years ono of the pressing wants of that sec tion of the city has boon a first-class livery stable and this want has been finally supplied by these gentlemen. They have erected a now building for thor business , affording ample carriage room and stabling for about thirty horses , The livery department has been enlarged and great improve ments made in the class of stock , now buggies and harness procured. The use of ponies in the businoes has been discarded and a stable full of nice sized horses and good roadsters sub stituted in their stead. The stable is well supplied with elegant and easy riding single and double buggies , nnd the harness are all now. Two good hostlers are , connlnntly employed in the barn , and diiy or night are ready to wait on patrons in n gentlemanly manner and attend to their wants promptly. In addition to the livery depart ment Messrs. Holland & Miller con duct a sale nnd feed stable. They have a neat and comfortable barn where horses will bo well taken care of and will bo protected from the rain and sun and got an honest food nt n reasonable prico. They will bo pleased to meet customers at their barn on Lower Main street at any tiino and will uivo them every accommodation in their line and charge only a reason able rate. The best of attention will nt all times bo given boarding stock , and , parties owning "flyers" can have thorn taken such care of as will in sure their always being in good condi tion , while family animals will receive the best attention. WAYS OFTHE , WICKED A Lively Tlmo With a Discharged Employe of the Ogden House- Other Dolnga of Interest to the Police. For about three weeks past there has boon a young man employed nt the Ogden House by the name of Scott , who came hero from Denver , where it is said ho'had ' a lively row , in which ho cracked ono policeman's skull , and broke the arm of another. The follow was discharged Saturday from the employ of the Ogden House , and yet insisted on hanging' about there , so yesterday an oflicor was sect for to take him away. Officer Morse on going to the house found Scott in bed , and on rousing him up told him to leave , Ho showed fight , nnd when the oflicor got his man in the roar of the hotel there was a regular sot to. Officer Morap tumbled into a hole while in the struggle , but rallied and thumped the young man's head , and succeeded in starting for the station , when Chief Field came to the front and assisted. On the way thither the two had another lively soufilo with the prisoner but succeeded in locking him up. up."Texas" the well-known darkoy was on a loud drunk in rotten row. and was led in by Chief Fields and Oflicor Sterling. Oflicor Sterling was arrested a shoe maker named Wilson , who was so drunk that ho kept the calaboose lively for an hour or moro after being looked up. Morao picked up another drunk who registered himself as Robinson Crusoe. Richard Stack was so wildly drunk yesterday that it took two officers to shut him up. A lively little row is reported as having occurred in Stella Long's house Saturday night , in which ono of the girls who was not taking an active part got hit on the head with a boor glass giving n scalp wound. No ar rests. STYLISH LADIES all go to Bliss' for nice Millinery and Neckwear. PERSONAL. Mayor Bowman spent Sunday In KanSan - San City. Mrs. D. Burroughs has returned from a visit to Ohio. Dr. Paulson has started for Indlanapo- Ha to attend the national temperance med ical association , expecting to bo gone about a week , Hov. Dr. Cloland is to deliver an ad dress at the commencement exercises of Parson's college , Keokuk , on the 21st inst. 12. C , Swain , of Hnr'nu ' , Iowa , a liveryman - man , son of John Swain , Esq. , the oldest hotel man lu western Iowa , was in the city yesterday , Mr. Swain , Sr. , has kept a hgtel in Harlan for thirty years. Mr , and Mrs , Stewart leave to-day to visit friends In Oakaloosa , expecting to bo absent about two wetks. Hon. John V , Stone and son , of Glen wood , dined at the O den yesterday , J , Fred , Meyer * , of Dennlion , wan in the city yesterday. FRENCH PEUFUaiERY AT BLISS1. SHOOTING STYLES , The Particu'ars of the Tragedy as Told By the Wit nesses , Van Mason Discharged on the Qround That the Shooting Was Justifiable. The Sympathy of the Community Evidently With tlin Shooter. The killing of Styles at the Transfer on Friday night has teen a theme of constant talk hero , and the details have boon discussed freely and fully. On all sides are hoard expressions of regret that n human lifo has thus been taken , but ot the same time very free sympathy with "Van Mason who did the shooting , and who is himself lying at the Pacific House suffering from the severe injury which ho received at the hands of the man whom ho killed. The examination tcok place Satur day morning before Judge Ayleswortn. There wore several witnesses being hold here , and as detention for any length of time would caueo them ser ious inconvenience , it was dcomod best to got their statements , nnd to learn whore they could bo found in case they should over bo needed again. The defendant was too ill to bo present in court , but ho was repre sented by his attorney D. B Dai ley , white the state was represented by 0. R. Scott. A short hand reporter was employed to take the evidence ver batim , and a largo crowd gathered outside the rail to hear what each of the eye-witnesses to the tragedy had to say. T. D , Brown , of Oakland , Cal. , was the first witnos ? . Ho had como in over the Northwestern road Fri day evening. Early in the evening ho was oitting on the porch outside the Emigrant house reading , when ho heard a dispute going on outside the house about checking some baggage Ho soon saw Van Mason como rush ing out of the door and Styles follow ing him , shoving him and hitting him on the head and shoulders. They had reached nearly the edge of the broad platform when Van Mason , dropping his valise and overcoat , turned and struck at Styles , but only a glancing blow. Ho struck again nnd that tima knocked Styles down. Styles gather ed himself up nnd wont into the house , and Van Mason took up his baggage and wont toward the depot on a sharp walk. Styles came on with the largo iron poker and followed after him. The witness did notknow what occurred at the depot except that ho hoard two shots fired. J. A. Brown , , of Mount Vernon , Iowa , was the next witness. Ho had arrived on the Northwestern train Fri day afternoon. Ho was walking down toward the Emigrant house when the man who was with him remarked thorn vraa a fight down there. As ho lee ! ed ho saw Van Mason knock Styles down , but could not BOO what Styles was doing. Ho mot Van Mason about half way down nnd asked him what the trouble was. He replied that he could get no satisfaction about his baggage , and ho had given the fol low all no wanted ho guessed. A lit tle further along the witness mot Styles with the iron bar in his hand , walking along toward the depot after Van Mason. The latter was ahead of him and going at a good fair walk. The witness did not BOO the row at the depot except the flash of the revolver , and hoard the two shots. W. B. Carpenter , of Marian , Iowa , a farmer and cattle dealer , who had arrived on the same train as the preceding - ceding witness , was walking from the depot to the Emigrant house , and was about half way when ho saw n fuss at the Emigrant house and Styles shov ing Van Mason out of the house and following him up. Ho saw Van Ma son turn about and strike twice , knocking Styles. Van Mason then picked up his valise and started off. Styles , after going into the houdo , carao out with the iron poker and followed him down , and the witness , turning about , followed after them , Ho hoard Van Mason call to some ono to stop Styles , and hoard Van Mason toll Styles not to como any further or ho would shoot. Styles rushed right onto him , and as they came close to-gethor , the witness saw the flash of the revolver. They clinched and went down , Van Mason had been walking very fast. Witness did not BOO anybody try to stop Stylos. Ho thought they clinched between the first and second shot , and both fell together. After Van Mason called on Styles to stop following him , Styles did not stop , but en mo right on , The witness saw Styles lift the poker as they came together , and saw the blow como down , The blow and the first ohot wore close together. When Van Mason called for some ono to stop Styles following him , ho said : "Stop that man ; ho is after mo and will kill mo. " The witness thought Van Mason said this to a man with n crippled foot , who is an emigrant agent. Styles was thirty or forty foot behind Van Muson when the latter said thic. John Norman , special policeman of the Union Pacific for about two years , next testified. Ho was standing in the ladies' sitting room , looking after passengers for the Kansas City trains , when ho hoard the first ehot. Ho started for the door as ho heard an other shot. Ho BOW the crowd , nnd when ho got there Styles and Mason were both down. Ho saw Styles had a revolver in his hand. John Quinn , the baggageman , had hold of Styles' hand , and I grabbed the ether , while zomo ono took the revolver away , The witness nskod who was shot. Styles replied that ho was , mid that the ether man had shot him , The witness took Van Mason in charge. Ho did not BOO Van Mason have any. thing , and did not search him. Ho took the prisoner to the north side of the depot , and had the blood washed oil'his head. The revolver in Styles' hand was the ono Van Mason used to do the shooting , and witness under stood that Styles had wrested it out of Van Mason's hand in the struggle. Al , Keller was holding Van Mason down when witness reached the spot. Keller worka for Markel & Strobe. JGC/U / t , t' . Stylcn alio worked for them. Swobo WAS nlso there. William Dudley , of Palmyra , Mo. , was also sworn. lie stated that ho was n deputy sheriff. Ho saw Van Mason coming from the emigrant building , and just as ho reached the turn in the platform by the depot , ho spoke to the emigrant agent , and told him to stop the man who was follow ing him , Thn witness also hoard him worn Styles not to follow him , When Styles WJIB close onto him Van Mason turned Mid kept backing away , and as Styles came on ho fired the first shot. Styles WAS raising the poker , nnd was about six foot from Van Mason. Styles seemed very angry , and was making an effort to get nt Mason. The second shot followed quickly. 0. D. Eaton was called , but before ho could testify Mr. Scott in behalf of the state moved that the prisoner bo discharged , saying that Van Mason , in his opinion , did just right , and that the man's pardon ought to bo asked for delaying him hero for an examina tion oven. At this the crowd cheered lustily. Dr. MoKuno was called to the stand , and testified as to Van Mason's condition , ho having attended him. The doctor described the wound as on the top and back of the head , almost exactly in the center , it being about two and a half to throe inches in length , and cut clear through the skull. There was also n wound over the left eye , nnd the throat was swol len as though it had boon choked. Van Mason also complained of bruises and sore spot ? . The blow fell where tha skull was the strongest , nnd ho should have expected that such a blow as this would foil an ox. It was hard to tell what the result of Van Mason's wound would bo. Ho considered it n very serious wound at least. Judge Aylesworth stated that from the testimony it appeared that Van Mason was justifiable in shoaling and discharged him , n conclusion which scorns to bo heartily approved by the citizens here , oven among those who realize that the taking of any human lifo is n sad and serious matter. Van Mason scorned to bo a little bolter yesterday , but is by no means in condition so that his recovery can bo assured. Withdrawn from the Race. HAHL.IN , Iowa , Juno 0 , 1882. lion. GeorgeF. Wright , Clulnnan Commltttco Mnth District , Council uluffj , IOWA. MY DEAII Sin : Fooling that a further contest on my part would only result in complications at the coming congressional conven tion , and in order to promote harmony in said convention and se cure n moro complete triumph for the republican ticket in the Ninth con- grcasicnal district , I hereby decline to bo a candidate , and I deairo that my name shall not bo presented to the convention. I hereby tender to my many friends in the district my grate ful thanks for the support they have given me In my candidacy , and I shall over have a kind , reciprocal feeling toward them for the interest , mani fested in my behalf. . PLATT WICKS. In commenting upon thowithdrawal , or perchance n part of the considera tion promised by Anderson and his organ , tno organ devotes considerable space to lauding Mr. Wicks action as an expression of wonderful loyalty to the best interests of the patty , and 'a ' sacrifice of personal ambition upon the altar of principle. " A short time ago another candidate withdrew in a like manner , but the organ failed to devote any such praise at that time and upon that man. Profitable Patients , The most wonderful and marvelous success in cases where persons are sick or wasting away from a condition of misorablonosa , that no one knows what ails them , ( profitablypatients for doctors , ) is obtained by the use of Hop Bittern. They begin to cure from the first doao and keep it up un til perfect health nnd _ strength is re stored. Whoever is afflicted in this way need not suffer , when they can get Hop Bitters. [ Cincinnati Star , COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special advertisement * , sue us Lost , Found , To Loan , For Bale , To Kent , Wonts , Boarding , etc. , will be Inserted In this column at the low rate ot TEN CENTS PER LINE ( or the flrst Insertion Mid FIVE CENTS PER LINE ( or each subsequent Insertion. Leave adv ertlsementa at our office , No. 7 1'carl Street , near Broadway. Wants. 'ANTED Good girl ( or general housework Inquire at Dec ofllce. maylPU Everybody in Council Bluffs tote WANTED Till UIB. 20 cents per week , de livered by carriers. Office , No 7 Pearl Street near Broadway. "TirANTED " To buy 100 tons broom corn. VY Tor particulars address Council Blufft Broom Factory. Council Uliifld. Iowa. OSS-ZOtf For Bale and Rent THOU I'KNr. Varto ( a rfuldcnco or111 ecll J tlio wli la on easy tiriim. ICiniuIro at UBK olllco. J-fl flt _ BALK-1 lu\u on hand ono kiln BlUUlfroit brick oa an bo had III the city. I' rtloi dcs'rntf n gocd utlclo will find It lo tliclr advantage to call at my rctldence , on Lincoln avenue , ornddro'8 Itobcrt Tlnclalo , Jtox 611 , Council lliuffa , lona. Junol-lm * MUlt tiALiK Two new bjclcha at a bargain , j K It. Stolnhllbcr , at now furniture lactory on So\cnth nnnuo , next 10 C , Jt N , W , H. It. _ _ _ T710U SALK Sheet muelo worth 35 cents to X' Si 00 ( or 6 rcnta a icpy , and over 10,000 other UKcful articles , at Brclth & I'.vcrolt'sUrcat Klvo and Ten-Cent Store , No. 140 Biaidway , Council llluft * . IOMI. may SO t ( TJ1OK SALE. Elghty-acra Una partly cultl- vatoJ , two iiilluj went of Omaha. Udell & 1 ay. mO-t ( Olt HKN'l l'&rt or whole ot nice residence , _ or will toll on eavy terms. 4pply at Luj office. inajS t ( in OH SALE Ucautilul residence lots , $00 ,13 each ; nothlucdotvn , and $3pcrironth only , by EX-MAYOHVAUaiJAN. ' 'aplJ-M Miscellaneous. . A Water Spaniel pun about three month * old. Finder will be liberally re warded. TIIEO. I31IAUN , Jel9 2t * Cor. 10th fit an Ulli Av < im To loan at Irom 0 to 10 per cent In- MONEY byOUKLL&IJAY. JO t ( TTIXCELSIOK UALLEHV utllUhmd and the Jlj baiigilUrr In Council IfluUa. Grand new accessory ncenery lo arrive this week. Call and ee. 100 Malu street. . W. L. PATTON-Pbjilclan nd Oculist. DB. euro any raaeot tore ej e . H Is only a matter ol time , and can cure generally In ( rom three to flto weeks It make * no differ ence how long dUeaeod. Will straighten cross eye * , operate and remove Ptrcitlnmat etc. , and Insert artificial eye . Special attention to re- ap5-tl A JiYONK WAN UNO somehno quality broom Jr\ . corn teed can get U br writing to . UAYNE Council Blufft IFITE CENTS SAVED BV BUYING YOUR GROCERIES AT THE Boston Tea Co's ' Store , 16 Main St , and 15 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , TttY IT AND lake loney,1 W.W.SHERMAN MANUFACTURER OF Road , Track , Coach & Livery FINE WORK A SPECIALTY , , E. H. SHERMAN , Business Manager. WM. CHIUSTOPlIEa , Mechanical Manager , 124 8. Main St. , Council Bluffs , lo. Sell More Groceries , 'Sell Better Groceries , Sell Groceries Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE CITY. LOOK AT TBEIR PRICES ON A FEW LINES. 11 lb FxtraC sujfarfor , . ' . 81 00 10 IbStandardjA sugar. . . 1 00 fl lb Granulated su nr 100 7 lb No. 1 Roosted bio coflccc 1(0 TlbNolOrccn MocoSco 100 1 lb Beat Koastcd O. O. Jiu.i coffco 30 1 lb Best Roasted Mocha. . . . ' SO 1 lb Mix , ha''ava ' and half Klo. . . . , 25 lloCnnihi ] > cd Dried liocf ? 5 lill ) cans CallfornlaFni ts , 25 Choice Table liuttirj crib , IE Tork State Gallon Ajij ) ot.v 30 albCan Yelow Peiclics 20 Gib Can lie Peaches 25 2 lb Cai Slnr Peaches 15 SlbCan > cry best Sweet Corn 20 Best brands Spring Wheat Flour per sack. . . 3 76 IS lb Bars Glllett s Hrap 1 00 18 lb Ban \MiltcKubsianSoap 1 00 liojd's H.ima rxr Ib.i. . 1C Boj d'a Breakfast Bacon per lb 10 Or.elda Community Fruits per jar 76 Gordon & Dlllworth'sPreserves C5 And Everything Else in Stock Proportionally Cheap. Don't Buy Any Groceries Until You Have SeenUs. . Terms Cash. F. J. OSBORNE & CO. COUNCIL BLUFFS IRON WORKS , MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY Offlco and Works , Main Street , .COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Wo giro special attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces , HOISTERS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK will receive prompt attention. A general as sortment ol Brass Goods , Belting , Pining , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , Ooke , Goal , OHAS , HENDBIE , President. Rubber Hose , Iron and Lead Pine , Iron and Brass Fittings and Trimmings , at Bixby & Wood's , THE PLUMBERS. On Bancroft or ( Fonrth Streets. ) J. M. PALMER , DEALEK IN REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT , COUNCIL BLTTFFS. IOWA. Drs ; Woodbury & Son , 30 33 33ST fX ? I S " 3C S . Cor. Pearl < b lit Ave. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MAURER & CRAIG , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Bleb Out Glass , Fine French China , Silver Wore &c. , 810 BROADWAY. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. MES. fl , J , HILTON , M , D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , 222 Broadwav , Council Bluff * . W. 8. AIIENT. JACOB 81118 AMENT & SIMS , Attorneys & OounEellors-at-Law , OOONOIL BLUFFS , IOWA , HARKNESS , ORGUTT & GO. , DRY Broadway , Cor. Fourth Street , , Council Bluffs , Iowa. mar-2-8m J. MUELLER'S I mean business and no blowing , Having recently oontiaoted for 600 .A. Oigans and over 200 Pianos for the season to ba sold for Gash and son , at Bargains , on time Agents wanted. TJ Correspondence solicited , S I a J. MUELLER , O IE COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , F. F. Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2,00 Bluff and fillow Streets , Council Bluffs. Mirrors , Upholstery , Bepairing , Etc , , Wood and Metallic Coffins , No. 430 Broadway , Cor. Bryant St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. UNION BAKERY , 517 SOUTH MAIN STREET , THE BEST BREAD IN THE CITY. None but first-class Bakora employed. Bread , Cake , Pies , &c. , delivered to any part of the city. Our Wagons run all day. P. AYRES , Proprietor. M E T C A L F BROS. , - WHOLESALE DEALERS , , IN - Hats , Gaps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves. OHIOAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. REAL ESTATE AGENT , Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands , and a number ot Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and NVbraaka. Office with W. S. MATKE , over Savings Bank , - OOTJNrOIlj BLTJPS WALL PAPER AND SHADES. Hew Styles Just Received. 11 Pearl Street , Conn oil Blnffa. C. A. BEKBE , W. HUNYAN , W. BEEBE C. A. BEEBE' & CO. , Wholesale and lletall Dealers in FURNITURE AND CROCKERY , Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Mrs. J. E. letcalfe and Miss Belle Lewis Are now dealing In all kinds of fancy goods , such s Laces , Embroideries , Ladles' Uoderwoa of ell descriptions. Also LUndlerchlefe , both In Bilk and linen , hose of all Hindi , thread , pint , needles , ttc. . We hope the ladles will call and Bee our stock of goods at 636 Broadway before go tag elsewhere. E. J. DAVIS , 13 PEARL STREET , Dealer In ZEPHYRS , GERMANTOWN AND FANCY YARNS of All Hindi. A Fall Line of Canvas , Felts , Embroidery , Knitting Silh and Stamped Oood - Nice A gortnont of A vnli po Plotnro * Z. , T.LINDSEY : : & CO. , 412 BROADWAY.ICOUNCIL . BLUFFS IQWi And W1SI8P 8QUABE CLARINDA IOWA.