Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1882, Image 4

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Desire to call especial attention of the rade , to their latest and most DECIDED SUCCESS in the Cigar line. Their justly celebrated brand
' Made In five different prevailing styles and sizes , is manufactured from the choicest quality of Tabacco carefully selected and is all that skillful labor
combined with the very best stock , can produce , Lovers of a really FINE CIGAR will best consult their Interest by giving our "ROSES" brand a trial. Call for
it at vour dealers' and take no other. A single cigar will satisfy you that under the ROSES brand we put up the finest goods for the money , yet offered
Combination 6c Cigar. Combination 5c Cicar. ; Combination 5c Cignr.
Comlituition flo Cigar. Combination 5o Cigar.
Combination 5c Ciijnr , Combination 5ic Cigar. Combination _ Cc Cignr.
Combination 5c Cignr. Combination 5c Cigar.
Combination 5c Clgnr. Combination oc Cigar , Combination. 5c Cigar.
Combmntioii'5c Combination 5c Cigar.
COEIEI EI. 000-00 *
The Daily Bee.
Mondav Morning1 , June 12.
"Weather Hoport.
( The following observations are taken at
the Bamo moment of time nt nil the station )
Twenty Swedish settlers arrived yes
terday for Oakland.
Frank Bindle has been elected cap.
tain of the U. P. nine.
Havnrly'a Consolidated Mastodons at
the opera house to-night.
Joel T. Griff en haa returned from
Colorado with 1,203 mountain fir tree * ,
ho propote4 to plant on his farm.
, V. ranaw&y occurred on Hurnoy i.nd
| lY > urUenth tro. ta Saturday night , caused
% Cy n otonll boy'fritthtcuiog a farnior'd team.
A wcdfiiug of n private nature , OB
datno rumor lion it , will soon take place on
upjver Fwnara ktrcot , not many hlocko
from Fifteenth street ,
A lively fight occurred lout evening
about six o'cl clc In a saloon on Pornatn
treet. Mo damage waa done further than
-name ( mashing of glass.
The new Union -Pacific road to tbe
North Loup is now covered all along the
line with teaina nnd men , nnd will bo
completed in a few days.
Omaha nnd Lincoln were connected
rby telephone yesterday with great BUCCOJH.
C A circuit taking in all the leading No-
bratlca citlei will soon bo established.
Thw is tha last year in which the
state fair la bound to be held In Omaha.
The board of trade will to-night consider
tbe prppoaitlon fora five years' extension.
Deputy Sheriff Hereford , of Obey-
, -onne , arrived in the city last night , and
' left for home * yesterday with a prisoner
Accused' obtaining 1250 In cash under
' . ' ' .false pretenses.
"Help "yourielf" waa the inscription
placed on a cooler- , outside uf Scblank it
Prince's ( tore Saturday. This la aa ( rood
, AS a drlokiug fountain , and they are iteul *
Jog tbe laurels of tbe Jiutnane society ,
The monthly meeting of the board
takes place on Monday , the 12th , nt 8 p.
3D , Business of importance is on the t < ipl *
especially with regard to our fair grounds
It U requested tlmt nil meuibera bo pret
erit. II. O. Clark , president. Thoi. Gib
an , stcretary.
There I * n dangerous hole , larg
.enough for a horse to Btoi through , on th
bridge nt the foot of tbo hill on tbe rene
. .leading t > 1'ruspect Hill cemetery , and
another dangeroua hole nnd washout on
IHnth street , between Farnarn nnd liar
uey streets.
Jlru. ISliza Poteet , un nged colorei
womtn waa Lurled At Troipect Hlllycstor
< day , the funeral taking place from the
A. M. E. ihurcli , at S p. in. The de
ceased waa a pbllantrophltt In her humble
wayAndhuvinguuchildren if bur own
had raked a large nutaher uf other peoplo'a
A cricket club was organized In this
city last evening. Dr. Linyou was el.
cted president ; J. lioUiwell , * ecretar > ;
nd W. J. Whitehoute , treaiurer , A com.
znittee waa appointed to purcliase batr ,
wicket , li U , tc. , awl core grounds.
"The initiation fee it one dollar , and cau be
fibaaded to tbe necretary ,
There were two plntii drunka on the
amourneni' bench yetter. One paid
* ad the other proitlsed to do BO , Action
.Xelng temporarily euspeaded.
Kotwithstitudlog the rain tbe iiutch
jgame of basa b .11 betiveeu TIIK BKK nine ,
and A picked ulna of the Western News
paper Union win played on tbe ground *
near the nail worka cm B tturdty last. The
game wu called at 4.-00 , And lasted
t re Inning * , , when the ipore stood
clevf n for THE BED , nod nineteen for the
picked ntna of tha W. N. U. Another
g mo wilt bo played at an enrly day.
The evidence in the star roulo ca o
was concluded Friday.
The now nwnlngs just pat on the
Strang building give it a drewy appear-
Haverly's Consolidated Mastodons ot
the opera liouao Monday and Tuesday
-The examination ftt St. Catherine's
Academy in this city will begin u Thurs
day next , at which tlmo the ptize medals ,
including that offered by lion , John Ruth ,
will bo awarded.
The jury in the c io of DroBto v . The
Omiiha Test printing cjmpany yester
day returned n verdict for the plaintiff of
$1,200 , with 10 per cent interest from July
30th , 1879 , making in all $1.513 33. Mr.
Will Rcdlck may well feel prnud of the
result of hiafiiat case , notwithstanding ho
had the assistance of his talented brother
Quo of the happiest men in town now
b II. E. White , of the U. P. shop ? , and
the cause of bis rejoicing in the arrival at
till houto of a ten-pound baby cirl on
Thurfday last. Ho is receiving the con
gratulations of all the boys , and the neigh
borhood c-f Thirtieth and California en
joys big raptures over the little one ,
which , together with Its mother , it doing
During the thunder storm and rain
Friday about midnight , n paity who
might well come under Judge Beneke'u
Jurisdiction , as having "no visible means
of BUD port , " arrived at the residence of
Mr , G. W. Hyde , the ex-policeman , on
Fomteonlh and llarnoy streets. Hyde
did not put him out , however , but will
keoji him in custody until ho shall be de-
inimdud by thognnt judge of all things.
It WHS a bouncing boy , weight twelve
pounds. All doing welL
The Missouri Pacific bund of Spring-
Cold , Sarpy county , which ban been re
cently organized in that growing town ,
will celebrate the Fourth of July with a
picnic. Springfield , ulnce the opening of
the Missouri Pacific , lays claim to being
tlio liveliest now town on tha line of the
road , and the coming anniversary will be
celebrated by its cltlzjna in fine Htyle.
Dancing , tmuir and speaking will bo the
order of the day , and nothing will bo left
undone to make tbo occasion n pleasant
one to all who participate.
The entertainment Committee of the
Young Men's Christian association , con
sidering the lateneen of the ceason , the inclemency -
clemency and uncertainty ot the weather ,
and clrcumstancesover which they had no
control , have concluded to postpone the
concert of plantation melodies and war
aongs until early in ibe f ll. The" com
mittee desires to thank all of those who
bad 00 kindly tendered their services for
the occasion , and iope for their assistance
when the proper time comei.
It was stated some time nsjo through
the columns of TIIK BXB that the old
cathedral bulld'ng. which stood on the
corner of Eighteenth and Capitol avenue ,
would be removed to a suitable location
and repaired for the use of the colored
congregation nf the old Trinity mission.
The building has been located the
southeast corner of Nineteenth and Cum *
in ; ptreoU , and has been subjected to a
thorough course of repairs and will here-
niter be known an St. Philip's
chapel. The olilcera of the * chapel have
ju t purchaied from the firm of Max
Meyers Bros , ona of their handsomest or-
gauH and as la their custom they did the { j
lundsouie thing , The first services was
held yesterday at the usual hours ,
* '
Joseph Duninluruer , Hrondway , liuf
falo , wai Induced by Ills brother to tiy
TIIOMAH' KLECTUIO On , for a vnraiued
ankle ) and \viih half a dozen applications
ho was enabled to walk round again nl
Tbo Inquest Baturday la the Case of
U , D. Stylos.
When TUB UKK reporter left the
bedside of 8. D. Stylus , the man who
was wounded in tbo ehootinc affray at
the transfer depot Friday Dra. Big
uor nud Macrae wera uncertain M to
the question of the danger to bp ap
prehended from the wound received.
After lingering through the night the
victim died about 8 o'clock Baturday
morning , .
Coroner Jacobs was notified and
wont down to the residence during the
forenoon , and niado arrangements to
iold an inquest at 4 p. in.
Dr. Rigger was engaged to hold u post
norttun examination at 2 o'clock , the
nquoil being postponed until the late
lour named on account of the impoa-
ibility < > / ipcuring ( ho attendance of
the witnessed from the other oidn until
that time.
So far as can bo explained at pres
ent , it may bo said as to the nature of
the wound which caused the fatal re
sult , that the bullet entered the right
pirt of what is termed the lumbar
muscles. It had lodged under the
akin at a point directly opposite the
left side , and it is aa supposed that
the bullet had taken its course be
tween the muscles of the abdomen
until its force was spent , and it lodged
as is indicated. The result , however ,
would go to show that this was not
the case , and that it must have passed
through the walls of the abdomen and
out on the opposite sido.
Mr. Styles has been married twice ,
his first wife being a sister to Mrs.
Captain Marsh. By his first wife hu
two children , the young man alluded
to Saturday a daughter who is mttr
ried and no vv resides in Boston. lie
married his second wife , who is tht
sister of Mrs. William Umpherson , on
thn 4th of last month ,
Tno Nonpaieil of Saturday pub
lishes an account whictm undoubted ! }
the statement of Van Masonand from
which the re parts appears to bo in eii-
tire conflict with that published above ,
which is the statement of three or four
witnesses each taken separately and
from present appearances would seem
to bo the correct history of the deed.
The Council Bluff * reporter of TUB
BKB sends us by telephone the follow
ing report of the proceedings over
there Saturday , from which it will
bo seen that Van Mason haa been dis
charged. Without knowing what
course the authorities will taku it
seems probable that he will be rearrested -
rested , now that Styles has died , and
he may yet have a serious time in get
ting out of this trouble.
The witncssebjworo examined Satur
day by Judge Aylesworth and Yan
Mason was tmablo to bo present , his
injuries confining him to bed.
T. D. Brown , of Oakland , Gal. ; J.
A. Brown , of Mount Vernon , In. ; W.
B. Carpenter , of Marion , la. ; John
Norman , the special policeman at the
trantfer , and Win. Dale , of Palmyra ,
Mo. , were sworn.
The evidence showed that Styles
had kicked Yan Mason out of the
Emigrant house , and was still thump
ing him , when Van Mason turned and
knocked Styles down with his fist.
Yan Mason started toward the depot
and Styles gottiug the poker folio wed ;
then van Mason tried to got away ,
but Styles overtaking him raised the
poker and as ho struck Yan Mason
the latter shot. Both clinched and
the second shot was fired and they fell
Mr. Stott , attorney for the state ,
moved that the defendant bo dis
charged , and the court so decided ,
remarking that from the evidence the
shooting appeared justifiable.
Bo is cut. upon the loft side of his
head about two and a half or three
inches in length , and clear through tone
no skull ; there is no fracture of the
skull , however , There is another
slight wound upon the loft thigh. Ho
is now confined in the Pacific house
and under medical treatment.
The inquest in the case of the late
S. D. Style ? , who was shot by an emi
grant at the U. P. Transfer depot
Friday night , was hold at 4 p. in. ,
Saturday , at the late residence or
Sixth between Division and Walnut
streets , the jury inoludingO. P. Clark ,
M. 0. Market , W. Uompstcad , J. D ,
Her , M. U. Parrish and Ira P. Higby.
The witnesses were Thomas Swobe ,
James Pickard , A. E. Keller , T. J.
Lowery , Dr. D. P. Bigger and Dr
The testimony was in accordance
with the facts as published in
BEE of Saturday.
Dr , Bigger testified that ho hold a
post mortem examination ; that the
wound was made by a 22.calibor ball ;
that it struck the left aide , passed in
two inches above the crest of th
ilium , and three inches back of it ,
wounding the meaentcrio arteries , anrl
the richt lobe of the liver , and pass
ing through two or three of the
smaller intestines ; and that death re
sulted from hemorrhage of the ur-
Dr. Macrae's testimony was substan
tially the flame.
The verdict of the jury was that the
deceased came to hia death on Juno
10th by a pistol shot fired by Charles
Yan Mason , on Juno Dth , at the Union
Pacific transfer in law
, a. t
of Mr. 8. D. Styles will take plazo to
day at 2 p. in. , from his residence on
Fifth street , between Division and
Children's high out Slippois 50o , at
The Turner Delegation Receive
a Brilliant Reception at
Motz Hull.
They Visit the Gorman Thtatro in
a Body and Have n
Iiivoljr Timo.
Yoatorday the Missouri Valley
Turnbezirks , or Tumor association ,
oolobratod their third annual festival
ia this city in Mctz hall and the eom-
mor garden. The beautiful weather
drew quito a respectable audience , and
the porformancs in the summer gar
den was graced by the prcsonco of a
number of the fair BOX.
There wore present largo delega
tions from Atchison , Kinsas City , St.
Joseph , Lcavenworth , Lawrence ,
Marysvillo and Council Bluff * , and
about thirty of our own turners. The
Council Bluffi delegation numbered
sixteen members , led by their accom
plished chief , Mr. W , Roinhardt. Mr.
Quonthor , the loader of the St. Joseph
turners waa also proeoat.
After they had been cordially wel
comed by Prof. Paul Witte , the
leader of the Omaha Turnoru , they
proceeded to business.
Tiie exercises in the summer gar
den TTtro enlivened with some capi
tal iuBtrumeiital musie , executed by
Prof. Stuiuhouaer'a well known or
chestra. The reporter has had the
good luck to witness a great many
exhibitions uf this character , but ho
has never in his lifo seen any finer
amateur performances than that ex
ecuted yesterday. Some of the feats
were perfectly paral ) ing , and demon
strated very clearly that these levers
of athletic sports were thoroughly well
In the evening the various delega
tions visited
where they were regaled with a very
fine representation of. "Die Pfarrora-
koochin , " or "Tho Priest's Cook. "
Thia is a very pleasing musical
melange , and waa played hero for the
first time.
The fascinating Miss Ahl-Pula sus
tained the character of Gustl , the
cook in a very taking manner , and
Mr. Ed. Bchmitz personated Father
Kiliau in a way that drew enthusiastic
applause , and ho was repeatedly en
Mr. Molchia in the uniform of a
Hussar officer looked every inch a sol
dier , and ho waa very well received.
Mist Thiesaon ; who waa gotten up re
gardless of ozponso had assigned to
her the role of Flora Weissenbach ,
which she managed very effectively ,
and Miss Buschmann as Frau You
Stein waa a great success.
Mr. Llndemann made an excellent
podagoguoand Otto Puls an equally
good military servant.
The play was interspersed with some
very lively songs , and the duets between
tween Mits Ahl-Puls and Mr. Ed.
Schmitz wore especially good , and
they were vociferously applauded ,
Ihe Turner delegations oxpressei !
themselves aa being highly delighted
with their reception , and wore much
po8S3d ! with the thriving appearance
of our city.
Ba ! > y' Appeal.
"WfcU roaVei ley anil fjilc , 8 p lie nvicbtjlf
Came stcmacu trn , an 1 sour li mv m mfli ;
Unuto , too , c.n't sleep , inJ worms bho e b.lly ;
"F < ncr"t4barleelluo Iwi Jel Y
Oucn } i ur tablet cry , DIci aiU Victor ! * ,
V lioa matnma'd gone , und don't hu OASTOHU
"Yoo'r light , th'y f lrlyjoll."Ther.Un.locy ;
Cousin j'uk Imo CASTURU , > e don't cry.
Organizing in Omaha for Western
For aoveral days past a party of six
United States surveyors have been
stoppidq with mine host Wilsouof the
Metropolitan. They were Messrs. D.
G. Major , U. S. surveyor ; J. J.
Major , topographical engineer ; Oapt.
A. J. Marshall , Oapt. J. D. Brad
ford , Wm. J. Petera and Eugene
Elealey , 17. S. surveyors.
The object of this party was the or
ganisation of a body of men to survey
the lands for the Uncompihgro and
AYhito River Uter , in a portion of the
Uiutah Eoiorvation and the lands
lying east of the same and along the
western boundary of Colorado. About
llfty men will bo required for this
workand forty of thesogofrom Omaha.
Iliooutfit , consistiugof mules , wagona ,
ute , , was purchased in this city
nid pent forward on Saturday last ,
They go. to tho" scone of their sum
mer labors by way of Carter Station ,
on the U. P. , Fort Brigor and Fort
Thornburgh , and once put in that
country will bo divided into five.or
six parties , which will bo placed in
charge of the gentlemen named above.
They will bo mot at an early day by
tbo Utp commission , and the work of
surveying as laid out will occupy all
of this season , and probably run over
into next.
Nil IDoiparauduin.
When your girl gives you the mitten , and
you feel your h art is broke.
Don't give way to black despair , but treat
it as n Juke.
Get your hunlth in first c'nss order , a hot-
tlo of SrniNO BLOB on I my ,
And gaily jaiu a sinking class , and for
another uweetheart try.
Price CO.centi , trial bottles 10 cento.
Proceedings of the State Eclocti
Medical Association.
The Nebraska State Eclectic Mod
ioal association m t purs
ant to adjournment , President R. I
Grimes , M. D. , in the chair.
Roll of officers called. Absent
Treasurer Vancamp , of Omaha
andE. L. Siggins , corresponding sec
Minutes of last meeting read anc
The president then delivered his
annual address. Ho referred to the
status of eclecticism in the west
the present condition of our aasocia
tiou ; urged members to stand
by our principle ; , which arc
founded on everlasting truth , and r.j
forred to * ho illiboraluy of allopathy
and the discrimination by soina of ou
public functionaries in the distribu
tion of public favors. However un
popular our cause may have baur
despite the suppression of our name ,
our doctrine , and our achievementb : ;
the wretched tools of a barbarou
practice employed by the nationu
commissioners of education , ockciii
medicine has a piaco in American his
tory. Taking ic altogether , the address
dross was one of the best ever deliv
ered before the association.
Rf ports of committees boint ; in
order , the committee on medical log
{ station reported progress and was
Th'e committee on medical colleges
reported ; the report waa adopted am
the committee continued.
Dr. Latta read an essay showing the
effects which may be produced upon
the foetus in utoro by frightening the
mother , which led to an animated
discussion , several members partici
Recess was then taken until 8 p ,
m , at whicli time the meeting was
called to order and an essay waa read
by Dr. Woodward subject , "Cerobro
Spinal Meningitis" which was fol
lowed by Dr. Van De Walker , on the
same subject , which brought out a
general discussion.
An interesting essay waa read by
Dr. Sturdovant subject , "A Rational
Practice of Medicine" whioh w
well received.
The hour beincr late , the association
adjourned until 8 a. m of the Uth , at
which time the association was called
to order by the president and election
of officers declared in order. The fol
lowing o dicers were elected for the
onsuiuir year :
Dr. R. B. Morton , president ; Dr.
A. L Root , vice president , Dr. 0. L.
Sturdovant , secretary ; Dr. R. S.
Grimes , corresponding secretary ; Dr.
J. S. McGasland , treasurer ; Drs. Babcock -
cock , Van Do Walker and Woodward ,
board of censors ,
A committee of two was appointed
to eicort the offisors to their respective
tivo chairs. After a few appropriate
remarks from the retiring officers and
those newly installed , the association
elected delegates to attend the na
tional association , consisting of Dra.
Litta , GrimeaVcodward , Morton ,
Root , McOasland and Bibcock.
Report of cases in practice and gen
eral discussion for the good of the
association followed at some length.
A vote of thanks was tendered to
the retiring officers , to the different
railroads for reduction of fares , also
to Mr. Mclntire , of the Arlington
There being no further business before -
fore the association it adjourned to
meet at Sevrard on the last Tuesday in
May , A. D. 1883.
0 , L. STOKDEVANT , Seo'y.
Error Corrected.
Through your excellent medium ,
THE BKB , wo would respectfully in *
'orm the public that the grocers' con *
vontion last week waa called , not to
raise the price of goods or make con
ditions to any individual grocers as
many suppose , but simply for mutual
protection from dead boats and the
selling to consumers by wholesale
dealers and commission men what
legitimately belongs to the retail
grocers of Omaha , J , M. VITTIE.
An Old Friend.
He wasaflllcted with a lama back and
general dfbili y ; ho was recommenced
THOMAS' ECLECTIIIO OIL , which cured him
at onco. Tnis fatuous specific is n positive
remedy for bodiiy pair. Gdlw
y. M.C. A.
The Monthly Report of Secretary
The General Secretary of the Young
Men's Christian Association made the
following report of attendance at read
ing room , Farnam and Tenth , meet
ings , etc. , to the Board of Directors
on Monday evening last , for the month
of May :
Visitors and renders . l,70"i
Sabbath atteruo m raeitme . 405
Saturday evening eaag tervice . 255
Men's meeting Sabbath evening. . 235
Dlatrk-t meeting . 115
Sabba-li morninu meeting . ( .9
Yo e Fellow's meeting . CO
Wrokly praise raottinjf . 51
Helpers at jail . 31
Bibtestudya . ly
Total attendance . 2,930
Ppers and tracts distributed . 213
Visits to sick , ho pitals and families . . 13
Directed toroom nud boardinghouses. , 9
Employment found for . G
The rooms of the association are
kept open from 8 a. m to9 p. m , , and
are quite well supplied with papers
and periodicals , the table where paper ,
pen and ink is free is used very frequently -
quontly and appreciated.
An evening reception coirimittoo is
at the rooms each evening , and they
endeavor to make it pleasant for all
who call.
Thanks for flowers that have been
sent in. Othcis who deairo can send
them to the rooms or drop a card
to the secretary and they will bo
called for.
Mra. Smith , mother of Col. W. B.
Smith , has just placed in the rooms a
large and nicely framed photograph of
the colonel. Ho was tne firat presi
dent of the Onuha association , aad
was a warm friend of younc men ,
The railroad branch on Webster and
Sixteenth ( has a nicely furnished suite
of rooms and is well patronized by rail
road men. The committee in charge
Messrs. Nichols , Bayard and Willet
are doing all they can to make the
work in that part of the city a success ,
aa it is. The rooms for the present
are only open during the evening.
Friends interested in young men
and the success of the association are
invited to send in books , periodicals ,
pictures , mottoes , sterioscopio views.
etc. Thanks are given for all remem
brances ofthopast.
Hlldnoy Complaint Cored.
B. Turner , Rochester , N. Y. ,
writes : "I have been for over a year
subject to serious disorder of the kid
neys , and otten unable to attend to
business ; I procured your Burdock
Blood Bitters and was relieved before
half the bottle was used , I intend to j a
continue , as I feel confident they will I "
ntiroly cure mo. " Price $1.00. Id4w F
Made from the wild flowers of the
it is the most flagrant of perfumes. \
Manufactured by U. B , Slavcn , San a
Francisco , For sale in Omaha by W. 1
J. Whitehouso and Kennard Bros. . 1
&o. 3
The Grand Jury. v
The grand jury on Saturday ad- c
[ ourned until to-day , when they will (
resume business. The following is iir
the business far r
so transacted which
can bo made public :
Carr Kendall , grand larceny ; John
Pierson , highway robbery ; lienry O.
Donohoe , burglary ; Michael O'Brien , &
grand larceny.
DISClUllflED ,
No bills were found against the fol-
owing persona :
Charles Dearborn , grand larceny ;
) harles Finn , embezzlement ; James
2. Moran , foigery ; John Day , housebreaking -
breaking ; Mrs. Fjntrfy , grand Jar-
ieny ; James Murphy and William
irtland , robbery ; Uoorgo Grooms1 , . '
arcony ; John G. Nugent and Rob. )
nt G. Glenn , selling liquor without
Wanted A bright active boy of
wo years experience in the business.
Address , KUHN&CO. ,
0 3t Omaha ,
Probable Settlement of the
Union Pacific and Burling
ton Difficulty.
News from Various Sources Con-
cernlnK TraVel and Traffic.
The enterprising managers of the
"Groat Burlington Route" have finally
made satisfactory arrangement whereby -
by they will bo enabled to do their
passenger business in Denver nt the
Union depot. Commencing July 1st
through passenger trains will run be
tween Denver , Omaba and Ohioigo ,
without the great annoyance caused
by chancing cars.
Round trip tickets will bo placed on
sale from July 15th until September
25th from Missouri points to Den
ver , Colorado Springs and Pueblo ,
good to return October 31at. _ The
rates by this route will be as cheap as
by any other in the union , and a daily
train will be run , which will give the
local travel facilities which they have
never enjoyed before.
The Chicago Times of Friday
says : Mr. T. J. Potter , General Man
ager of the Chicago , Burlington A
Quincy railroad , is still in Denver. It
is understood that he is holding a con
ference wih the officers of tha Union
Pacific with a view of bringing about
a satisfactory traffic arrangement on
business west of the Missouri river. \
The prospects for an amicable settle- \1
menc of the Colorado traffic difficul
ties arisii'g ' from the 'Completion of
Burlington's Denver line have much
improved during the l.ut few days ,
and it is now predicted that every
thing will be satisfactorily settled be
tween the Burlington and UnionPaci-
fic roads before many days have ptas-
ed. Neither the Burlington nor the
Union Pacific desires any war at pres
ent , and both will make concessions
to avoid a serious conflict. If the
roads west of the Missouri river settle . , *
their difficulties , thpro will probably r
bo no great trouble in reorganizing the
Colorado pool between the roads east
of the Missouri river.
Arrangements are being made for a
convention of the druggists of the
state to bo hold in Lincoln June 21.
The Union Pacifio have nfFdrod to re
turn members at one-fourth rate , and.
the same favor will probably bo
secured from the B. & M. The board
of trade rooms have boon secured for
the occasion , and the Lincoln drug
gists will do everthing in their power
to render thn convention successful
and agreeable to all who attend. The
project of forming a state association
of druggists is a very laudable one
and should bo waamly seconded by
the men of the profession throughout
The Union Pacific railwayannbunces
the following reduced freight rates
from Chicago to Beatrice , Neb : First
class , $1 30 ; sosond class , 81.10 ; third
class , 85 cents ; fourth class , 65 cents ;
special class , CO cents ; salt , cement
and plaster , $1.05 ; class A , 63 cents ;
class B , 48 cants ; class 0 , 38 cents ;
lumber , lath or shingles , 32 cents.
The general pisson er agents of the
Atchison , Topeka & Siuta Fa and
Union Pacific roads hold a conference *
at Ohicigo Saturday , with simi
lar officers from the Northwestern ,
Rock Island , Burlington and Alton.
It is rumored that the Chicago lines
will bo asked to consent to a division
ot the through passenger faro to Chi-
ciqo on a basis of five dollars between
Chicago and Kansas City. The divis
ion is now made on an assumed tariff
rate of S14.80.
Both'LydiaE. Pinkham'a Vegeta
ble Compound and
Blood Purifier are
prepared at 233 and 235 Western ave
nue , Lynn , Maas. Price of either ,
1. Six bottles for § 5. Sent by
mail in the fjrm of pills , or of
lozenges , on receipt of price , $1 per
box for either. Mra. Pinkhara freely
mswera all letters of inquiry. Enclose
5o stamp. Send for pamphlet. Men-
ion this paper. jtO-eod&w
If the challenge that appeared in
'nday's BEE was from the en'
Ioyes of B. P , Morse & Co'u. Dry
Joods Store , Oruickihank's nine will
hocrfully try conclusions with thorn ,
no account will wa allow thorn
uhidera , as in the last game. This
nuae bo a regular nine innings game ,
tftor the gama of ball is over wo will
nswor your athletic challenge. '