Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1882, Image 3
THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA MONDAY , JUNE 12 , 1882. 1 * ' ' IEIID & OO , The Only Exclusive Wholesale Hardware House ITXT 1108 AND 1110 HARNEY STREET ' OMAHA - - - - - NEB. WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DEALER N- Wall Paper and Window Shades 1304 Farnham St. Omaha Neb. & JOZDsTIElS Wholesale Lumber , Ho. 1408 Farnhain Street. . Omaha. . THE MOLINE STOVE ! Manufactured by Theymnko n specialty of COOKING STOVES , and have this jear plarcd . In the market oneof the JIOsT ECONOMIC , AND M'lST ' SAiISPACTORY . STOVES ever made. They make . both Plain and extension top and guarantee ) all their goods. The agents ( or the company are. PIERCY & BRADFORD , -DEALERS IN- Furnaces , Fireplaces , Heaters IMC .A. WT O ? XI X. S3 , GRATES , RANGES , STOVES , HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS , Etc. 211 FARNAM STREET. OMAHA NEB CARPETSEASON. SEASON. J. Invites the attention of the public to his LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK O3E" New Carpets ) Embracing all the late pat0 terns in everything in the Oarpet Line. Mattings , Oil Cloths and window Shades. In large quantities , and always at the Bottom Prices. LACE CURTAINS A SPECIALTY. J. B. DETWILEE ! 1313 Farnam Street. OMAHA , - - NEBRASKA STATIONERY AND BLANK BOOKS We keep on band a Ml and complete line of FANCY AND STAPLE STATIONERY 'of . Pocket-Booka description. - every Gold Pens. Pencils , Inks , Mucilage , Envelopes ; Vlsi' . , Playing Regret , Dinner and Birthday Cards , &c. , &o. Give us > call , GILMAN R. DAVIS , & CO. 105 S , 16th Streets .Opp , Postoffioe , t tnlO-Jm PHE DAILY BEE The DEE PUBLISHING CO. , Prop'rs 610 r rnh m , bet Oth find 10th Gtreoti , TRRltS OK SUBSClUPTtON. ' Die eery 1 rmn ! duncopwpald ( ( ) ' * J10.M 8 month ) " " i.CO month " " - R.OO * AIL WAY TIME TABLE. OJU ) 0111000 , t. MVfc , OIIAIIA RAUHOin , I.MVO Omr.T P/xswircer / No. t , gi30.m. Ac mznpJatlori No. 4 , 1:0 : ( p.m AitlveOmfthv- v.air No. 1,5:50 : p. m tc f tiUUon No. S , liO a. m. tHuu tAxr on hourn N > OKB. a , B. 6 0. 7:40 t. I3.--S.IO p. m. 0. & N. W. . 7:10 : 11. m. 8:40 : n , in. IX , H. I. 6 P. , 7:40 : c. RI 8:10 : 1 > . m. 5. C.StJ. & 0. IX.loivcsnt { 80 * . m. nd7:4 : re. Arrives at S I Louis at C:80 : t. m. and 6:5 : tu. tu.W. , 6k. T. . fc P. , lows ftt 8 . m. and 8:10 : p Arrives a tit. Lenis at 0:40 : . m , and 7SO : m rvr OK BOtrrawMT * . 0. A K. In N n. , Through Exprm , 8 : < 0 a. m n. U M. Llnccln Kiprcs * : SO p. m. U P. CHcrliml Express. 13U : p. m , 0 , li R. V. tor Lincoln , 11:45 : a. m. 0. K K V. for Osceolft. 9:40 : i , m. U. P freight No. 6 , 6:30 : a. m. C. P I roldit No. B , 80 : a. m. U. P. freight No. IS , 2:50 : p. m. U. P. freight No. 7 , C:10 p. ru. emt r nt. - . P. Denver cxnrctu , 7SS : p. m. U. P. freight Nn 11. 11:30 : p. m. U. P. Denver freight , 8:29 : p. m. AKMVlflO BO iST AKD SOOTH 0 B. * Q 4:00 a. m. 7:16 : p m. 0. A N. 1V..BM6 a. m. 7S6 : p. m. a K. I. * P. , 9:45 : a. ru. 9:05 : p. m. < . 0. , St , Joe & 0 n. , T8Ja. ! m. : p. a ARUW't I'KOM THI WK9 AID BOOnTWMf. 0 , ft R. V. from Lincoln 1 )3 p. m. U. P. raclflc Kxprosd 3:28 : p. m. D < 6 It. In Nob. < Through Kinraw 4:11 : p m H. ft M. Lincoln Exproso 0:46 : in. U. P. Denver express , 7Si ix. m. U. P. Fraljtht No. 14 2:60 : p. ro. U. P. Ifo. ( W8:20 a. rru Kmlgionl IT. F. freight No. 14 , 12:18 : p. m. U. P. So. 8-0:00 p. m. U. P. No. 13 1:45 : a. m. U , P. Denver freight , 1:10 : a. in. 0 , A R. V. mixed , ar. 4:15 : p. m. BD3O1T TAAIK8 BrrWKCS OIUIU JOT ootmit. BMJrr * . tcaro Oronba at 8:00 : , flCO : , 10:00 : and 11CO : m. ; 1:0 : B:00 : , 3:00 : , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. in. Ltnvo Council BluHa at 3:22 , 0:25 : , 10:25 : and : a. in. ; 1:25 , 2:25 : , 3:20 , 4:25' : and 5:25 : p. m. b'nudaya The dtimray loaves Omnha at 9:00 nd 11:00 : a. tn. ; 2:00 : , 4:00 : and 6:00 p , m. LOATH ) inmcll BluBa J ; S5 aud 11:25 : a. m. ; 3JB : , 4SC : Dd t5 : p. m , Through and local puManpcr trains between Omiha nnd Council Uluds. Lcnvo Omaha 6:15 : , ; IS , B:60n. : iu. ; 8:10 : , 5:45 : , C:00 : p. m. Arrive OciMvi 7:10 , 11:8 ! ! , 11:45 : a. m , ; 6:40 , 7:05 : , 7:15 : , p. tn _ _ Crionlng arm doling ct Mplli. tooir. cr . CLOSE. c. in. p. tn. n. m. p. m. W . 11.00 8:00 5SO : 2:40 : , It I. U F clfle.U:00 : 9:00 : BSO : ! :40 : CMcsRO , B. ti IJ. . . . . .11:00 : 0:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 : t.rifon ! . ; . i2sa BSO : s : Hoax City tnd IV.clflc. . 9:00 : 6CO : S:40 : r/nlou rociO : . 1OT 11:40 : 4:00 : 11:40 : 3.411. luNcb . 4:00 8:10 : Donna & Sioux City. . . . 0:00 : 7:50 : L. & M. Lincoln . 10:30 : : CO 17. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:80 11 SO J. F. iJcurer Exp . fl.-OO CSO : O.alourCltyftSt. P. . .11:00 2:40 : Local malla for State of Iowa Itvro but one * a l y , vli : 0:30 : a. m. Oflca open Uundaye from 12 m. to 1 p. m. THOS. F HALL P U. Business Directory , Abstract and Real tttate. JOHN L. McCAQUE , opposite Post Offlcs. W. B. BARTLEIT 317 South IRth Street Architects. JUFRENE 4 MENDELSSOHN , AKCIHTKCTa Room li. Crclghton Clock. A. T. LARGE Jr. . Room 2. Ciclehton Block. Uooi nd bnuct. JAMES DaTINB & CO. , Hat Hoata and Shoal. A good vwortmonl atjms work oa hi nd , corner 12th and llarnoy. rn03. UUICRSON , S. E. cor. 16th untl DonjUs. JOHN FORTUNATUS , 5C510th street , manufacture ! to eider peed work tl f ! r prlccn. Rcoalrlny done. Bed Springe. LAKRIUER Mnputacturcr. 1617 Douylnaet. books , news and Utntlonery. J. I. FRUEUAUF 1016 Farnhun Etroel. butter tend KoSHANB & SCHROEDER , the oldeal B. and E. viuaa lu Nebraska tabll hod 187B Omaha. RESTAURANT , MR8. A. RTAN , Hatbtreal corner 16thand Dodgu. Best Board ( or the Monay. Satisfaction Ooaranteod. a I all Hoars. Board by the Dy , Week or Month. Good Terms foi Cash. Furninhpd RnnniB Supplied. uarrlagea nnn Road Wagont. HU SNYDER , llth and Harnov Btreetg. Olothlng Uought. I. HARRIS will pay hlgheatCash price ( or Mcond nd clothlnr. CornenlOth and Farnham. oewe era. JOHN BAUMER IBli Farnham Street. dunk. H. BKBTHOLD , Raga and Metal uurnoer Lime and Ooment. rOSIER & GR Y corner 8th and Douglas SUi Lamps and Qlatiware. f BONNER 1B09 Donglaa Ht. Good Variety. Merchant Tailor * . Q. A. LINDQUEST , Joe ot our moat popular Merchant Tailors la re- 'dvlng the lateat doslirna ( or Spring and Bummer Bcioda ( or gentlemen wear. Stylish , durable , nd nrlcon low aa ever 216 IBth bet DOUK. & Faro. Millinery. URS. 0. A. B1NOER , Wholooala and Ratal ] , Fan. y floodg In great variety , Zephyn , Can ) Boards , uoslory , Olorea , donate , &c. Cboapoat 0ouao In ho West. Purchaaora eave SO per cent. Order > 7UalI. 116 FUteenth Street. roundry. OffW WBARNB A SONS cor.lith&Jackaonite r lour and Fowl. OUAIIAOITY MILLS , 8tb and JTarnham III. , SVelahans Broa. , proprteton. Qrocera. C. STEVEN8 , tlat between Cumlng and liar r. A. MoSHANE , Corn. S8d and Oumlntr Btreett. Hardware , Iron ana Steel. 9LAN & LAKGWOKTI1Y , Wholowle , IIP ani1 12 IDtb street A. HOLMES come into and California. nnrneaa , Or.adlea , ttc. C. WE18T 80 18th Bt. bet FarnHarney. . Hotels K , On. Ctnfleld.Oth & Famham 10KAN HOUSE , P II. Cary , 013 F nih mBt. BLAVEN'8 HOTEL , F. fiUvcn , 10th St. nntlicrn Hotel Qua. Hamel 8th < t Lo vcnworth h'Mlnm ana Ullt. iCUUN & CO. tf.nna = ! at . lrlns OooJs , Oar. liln and DODzii * itrecta. rr. J. V/IUTEHOUPE , Wholceale & Retail , loth al. 0. FIELD , 202S HortU Side Cumlcg Street. PARR , DfiiarifLit. loin and Howard Btrcetn. OentltU. Pit , PAUL WllHama UlocK Cor. 16th & Podge. ury uooat r otion , tto. JOHN II. F. LEHUANN & CO. , w Yerk Dry OooJa Keorc , 1810 and 1811 Faru- bam itrtct , i. 0. Knewold also booU and ghoea ft Paclflc. ruruuure. ' k. V , GROSS , Now and B end Hand Fnrnttnrt ad Btoro , tin Dciulai. Hl bc t caab price ild ( or cocond band 00001. BONNER 1809 Donrla at. Tine eoodi 4c. frrce Works. OlIAKA FENCE CO. OUT , nUES&CO UlBHarneyBt. , luprora d Ice Bozoi , Irrc anj Wood Kencoi , OSca lllo . P/innlf i pina anil Walnn * . fuwnoroxera. ROBENyELD 10th St. , bet /ar. ft Har Herrlgerators , Oantlold's Patent. OOODUAN 1th St bet. Faro. & Ulgari and Tobacco. WEST & FRITBOBER , manufacturer ! of CIgari , nd Whalodalo Doaleral n Tobactoa , 1806 Dotulaa. y. F. LORENZEN manufacturer 1418 Farnham Florist. A. Donaghne , plantj , cut Boweri , Medi , ooqneU to. N. W. cor. 10th and DowIM ititeU. GO To CRAWS Green House 17th and Webtter street , ( or lanti , BouquoU , Flowers , Floral De < hni be. Oornlc * Work * . Cornice Worki , Marrattttnren Iron Domic * , Tin , Iron and Bltte Rootling. Ordcri from any locality promptly executed In the b rt manner. Factory and Office ISIS lUrney Si. 0. OITOIIT , Prorilctor. , 0 l * slrcvl Iran Oornlcos , Window Ct , tte. , msntificturod nnil irat up In any putt of the fmirttr T PINITOTill 41 * TTilrfnsnth irtrppt Orockery , J. DONKHR IBOtl Petiglm ttrett. Ooaj line Uommiealon Mercnanti , JOHN O , Wlh LI8.14H Doil e Sticel. D D. HKKMKR. For dcUlU toe Urge tdmil mint In IHllv amlWroVlr. 'Olvll Englnecri and Surveyor * , ANIHtlHV R09KWATEU , CrelRljton Block toirn Duncy * , OrMlo and fieworajo nyttctri a Olothlng and Furnlihlng Ooo s. OKO. II. PETERSON. Alw H&tfl , Cap ) , ttootn , Short Notloni and Cutlerr , BOI8.10th etrtel. Show Date Manufactory. ) 0. J. WILDK , Uanutactnrrr and Dealer In all Mndi ol Show Caw , Upil ht Casco. A 13U Caw Bt. FRANK L. OF.RHARD , proprietor Omaha Show Cato manufactory , BIS South 16th street between Learenworth and Uarcy. All Rood irarranttyl Brnt-clM * . ores ana mwnre. A. BURMESTKlt , Daaler In CtovM and Tinware , and Uannfacturt of Tin Rootn and all klnda of Building Work Odd Fellows' Block. J. BONKKR. 1BOB PontlM 81 Bftd and Chean. Ueedk. J. KVANB , Wholwiala and Retail BMH ! Drilla and Cultlratora Odd Folio * Hall Pnyilclana and Ouraconi. W. B. GIBDS , U. D. , Room No I , Orelghton Block , 15th Street. P. 8. LEIBRNMNO , tl. D. Uaoonlo Block. L. HART , M. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. poitofflce DR. L. D. ORADD7. Ociitlit and Aurlnt. B. W 16th and Farnham Sk PnotOKrapnere. . HKYN , PROP. Grand Central Oallenr , SIS Slitwnth Street. near Muonlo Hall , f Irtt-class Work and Prompt neg Kuarantoet ) Plumbing , Uas ana titoam Fntlna. P. W.TARPyACO..S18ia 8t , bet. Farnkam andDouglM. TVorkpromp yaltondod to. D. riTZPATRIOK. 1/ouelM Btreot. alntlnn an aper unglng. 1ENRT A. KOSTKUH. Ill Ondite Street. Bhoo Otoroi. Phillip Lan 1180 Farnham ft IK" lEih ft llth Second Hand btoro. PERKINS & LRAR , 1110 DoiigUa St. New and Second Hand Furnlturo , Houao Fiirnhhlne Goads & . . IwiiiDht and Hold on narrow nmnrlrw Unaenakert > , OHAH. UIKWE. 101 ! ) Farnham bet 10th i > lltJ 00 Oent Otoret. P. O DAOKU8 Tarnham S > . Vmnv nond Ualoons. HENRY KAUF1IANN , In tno new brick block on DouclM Strnel , ha lust opened rt moot olcjant Bcca Hall , Hot Lunch from 10 to IS every day. "Cali-donta"J FALCONER 070 Hth Btreot. STATE CAPITAL GOSSIP The Dandy Hull and His Little Bar'l. Regent Gore Still Rootiting "Old Si" and Hid Titlo. Corroipondcnco of The Bee. LINCOLN , Nob. , Juno 10. The principal topic of conversation hero ia iho extremely low bail bond re quired of D. G. Hull , the Into cus todian of our government building. Even the .Lincoln Journal , that novcr moans to say anything , gave the Uniled States district judge for the district of Nebraska a backhanded alar ; the other day for allowing a man to go at largo -with only $1,000 bail , after having boon indicted twenty or thirty times for stealing § 0,000. Mr. Hathaway evidently never knw that such an item would appear , or ho would have suppressed it , for fear that the learned judge might in hie profound wisdom decide that some of the legal notices might bo published in a more legal sheet. The people of Nebraska have also spoken in tones loud enough to bo distinctly under stood on this question , and if thb is an indication of the course to bo pur sued throughout this trial , Mr. Hull may as well bo turned loose at once. Lawyer who pretend to bo posted , have said from the beginning that the trial would bo wurso than a farce , THE UNIVERSITY of Nebraska is in a muddle now , and no mistake , and the people all over the state are watching with a great deal of interest the course to bo pur sued by Hon. 0. H , Gore , the newly appointed regent. Mr. Gore has al ready commenced his usual straddling process , and before the second moot ing of the board his logs will bo about ; wico as long as they are now , and his Dody correspondingly short. The pro gramme , OB it now stands , is to retain , ho chancellor and take back Profos- lora Emoraon nnd Woodbury , and oavn Professor Church out m the cold. But this is subject to change in ; aso the Slate Journal can bo sure of a ittlo extra patronage by bringing the : hango about. Mr. Gore holds the > alanco of power in the board cf re- ; onts , and the people who do not enow him are expecting great things. Some even declare that ho is to clean mt the institution , root and branch , > ut this class of people do not know heir man. Ho has not got a decent izod back bone , and what ho has gets s made of the very poorest material. POLITICAL NEWS s rather ccarco at this writing. Gen. 3i Alexander who has been expecting o bo boosted clear into the guborna- .oriftl chair by the G. A. It. boom , inds that there is a prospect of a real oldlcr coming to the front. Hi was lever in a battle tillho wont to "Gamp Jump , " and never saw a live rebel era a dead one , either , for that matter , ind was not out of the state during .ho . war and how ho over bocaino the ommander of the G. A. R. is u mys- ory. It is now definitely arranged hat Assistant Secretary of State loggun is to bo the Gorman candidate in his own mind ) for secretary of tate , and if boor drinking is the only ualiflcation ho is fully up to the tandard , In this congressional did- rict there appears to bo no lack of andidatos. Wo have heard the same f Gen , Mandorson mentioned from rour own city and Judge Weaver of tichardson , is also spokon'of , while Ion. 0. 0. Whodon is prominently named as the anti-monopoly candid- to , and the railroads have decided is a last resort , to bring forward Gon. ) ebb , in case Iho anti-tnonops pro- ont too strong a front , but this is inly in case all other dougos fail. In bo Second district James Laird is the ailroad candidate , and ho and his rionds calculate that they have a walk-away , Of course the Alliance will control Adams county , none no doubts that , but then ho is mak- \inpf \ his arrangements to control the Alliance , and that will give him his own county to start with OO.VE TO WASHINGTON. Our townsman 'W , II. ] J. Stout is it Washington , figurine to have the smallest colonel in the United States ( Col. Smith ) , of this city , appointed to the position of supcrintcndon of the Denver court house and post oflico thnt in soon to bo built at thtx place. It Smith gets the covotci place Mr. Stout will undoubtedly have the satisfaction of putting in a few rock at reasonable figures. KNOX COUNTY. Cotrcsjwndcnce of The Itco. NionnAirA , Juno 8. The past three days has been very warm and im proved the corn very materially. Smal grain is doing well and promises a peed viold ; no frost in this section of the country to do any harm. The AViej says Niobrara is to have a boom this month , probably the ex tension of the C. , M. A St. P. 11. U. across the Missouri river , thence in a southwesterly direction to some point on the U. P. H. H. WAHOO NOTES. Corronxmdenco of the BCD. The John A. Andrew post of the G. A. 11. , with the Wahoo Base Ball club , are arranging for an excursion to Fremont and Columbus on the 15th P. M. Stratton'a ' now brick block is well under headway , some fifteen or twenty men being engaged thoroon. Joseph & G ratio will soon commence largo addition to their present com modious building. The Dolloo house , the only first class hotjl building in town , is still without an occupant. Why this so your correspondent is not informed. It stands en the corner of Fifth street and Broadway , an ornament to the town. It was built expressly for n hotel and is four stories high includ ing basement. Iloro is a good chance for some good hotel man. The building boom still continues in Wahoo. Twenty to thirty build ings can bo counted under construe tion , anong the finest of these may bo mentioned the roaidonco of 0. F. Williams , 0. M. Oopp and J. B. Stur dovant on Linden avenue and I. E. Phelps on Broadway. Oatonborg & Co. are now shelling and shipping their immense crib o corn. This corn was mostly bough from thirty-five to.forty-fivo cents po bushol. A handsome profit will bo realized on the investment. THAT OTHER FELLOW. Qivea Away. Wo cinnnt help oilc made to nil invalids nnd Hull'ercra by lr King's Now Discovery fur onsmnptioii Youtira miticated to call at O. F. Good innn'a Drug Store , nnd pi t a Trial Bnttl free of cost , it you nro sufTeriiiiF with Con sumption , Severe Coughs , Colds , Anthmn Bronchitis , llay Fever , LUSH of Voice Hoarseness , or nny nlFoition of the Thron or Lungs. It will pofutivcly euro you. Roses atNow Orleans. New Orleans Commercial. I don't believe there is any region on earth where roses arow in such abundance , variety , beauty and sweet ness as they do m the Now Orleans country. A Mississippi gentleman , to whom I have been indebted for in formation on various subjects , to'ls me that there is growing and in bloom at his homo this moment a Lamarquo vine eight foot long. The stem is eight inches through in the thickosl part. It was planted seventeen or eighteen years ago. It is twined around a veranda , and its gorgeous clusters of cream-tinted roses are splendid to bohold. At Now Orleans the Mareclml Niol roses cauao the Northerner to stare in speech' ' loss wonder. I saw ono of the plants that must have been fifty feet long. I have soon vines of the same rose that long in the North , but they wore scraggy , and loan-looking , and in the florist's greenhouses. AtNow Or leans they run wild and zovol like a midsummer night' * dream , The blos soms grow in gorgeous clusters ot half a dozen or more , and the flowers arose so largo that they would more than cover the top of a largo sized coffoo- : up. A single ono of the pale-gold beauties will fill a room with perfume. They are as plenty down * hero as "white top" in a northern moadow. And they sell for 81 a bud up north , [ n some of the private citizens' yards in Now Orleans there are as many as a hundred different kinds of roses all in bloom at oner. They do not require quire protection from cold at any imo. They all stand out-doors in the open ground , and many varieties bloom more or loss all the vintor through. The rose is a avorito flower at Now Orleans. At ho jockey club races wo saw dozona of handsomely dressed ladies with ex quisite bunches of rosebuds at their ) olts and elsewhere in their dresses the sweet , lovely flower that nature imdo , none of your abominable arti- icial things. The rose the French in- labitants of Now Orleans are fondest of for decoration is called the "Gold of Ophir. " Northern florists have it , > ut it is not common. The bud is especially prized for its beauty. It is a smallish rose , of n very palo-pink , hading on towards the heart in a deep , rich gold color. Faint streaks of crimson touch the outer petals , t Is one of the loveliest roses I over aw. Our Glorious Iiidopondonoo. What can be more ( 'lorioua than to ba ndepcmient of milfoilu , caused by dya- lejiBia , indigestion , constipation , Hick leadache , or other diseases emanating ram the utoirmch. This can be easily aineil by a timely use of BURDOCK Bi.oon JITTKIIH , Price 81.00. Odlw Genius Rewarded ; Oil , riio Story of the Sewing Maoliino , A handiome little pamphlet , blue and gold , eve with numeroua cngravlnge , will bo GIVEN AWAY ot ny kutilt poreon calling ( or U , at any branch r lub-oBlco of The Ulneor JlanuUcturlnif Coin- auy , or will bo tcut by mall , post paid , to .ay . pcnon living at a dliUuce from our olllcoi. The Siiigor Manufacturing Do , , Principal Oflico , 34 Union Bquare , NEW YORK. ( bl8 dw "WINEOrCARDUl" four times n 1 | _ f uiuked u hujijiy houbchold. * SPRING AND SUMMER -OF- : Men's , Boys' and Children's CLOTHING Ready for Impoofcion AT POLA'CK'S CLOTHING HOUSE The Lowest Prices Guaranteed , f 1316 Farnam Street , Near 14th. L- * " * * " DEWET & FURNI I'l ' Ji ORCHARD & BEAN , | J. B. FRENCH & CO. , CARPETS flG ROGER Sf I L. B. Williams & Son's. DRY GOODS AND CARPETS , fel ivi 1I422 and 1424 Dodge St , "PARASOLS ! " Owing to the lateness of the season we will close out our entire stock of PARASOLS at a Great Reduction from former prices. 150 BLACK SAJIN PARASOLS , $1.25 150 BLACK SATIN PARASOLS , LINED $1.50. 100 BLACK SATIN PARASOLS , LINED $2.00. i 100 BLACK SATIN PARASOLS , LINED 25. t 75 BLACK SATIN PARASOLS , LINED AND SPANISH LACE TRIMMED $3.00. " ZBXG- i IMf 24-inch All Silk Sun Umbrellas , $3.00 24-inch All Silk Sun Umbrellas , $3.25 Finer grades up to $15.00 which we are selling at a great reduction in order to close. If you intend buying a Parasol , don't fail to examine these before purchasing. MAIL ORDERS 'RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTIOH. L. B. WILLIAMS & SONS. Cor : Dodge and 15th Street. f ( f