Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1882, Image 2
THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA MONDAY , JUNE 12 , 1882. J 'THE LODGES. \1 \ Notes on Masonry at Home and Abroad. AMoeonio Funeral at Donvei in Wnloh Church Rites Wore Refused. Lpcnl Lodges nnd Goat Hairs. THE .FREE . MASONS. MARONIO IUTE8. The numerous rites of Masonry on all moro or loss worthy of study. Th < most generally diffused are the Yorl nnd Scottish rites. Aside from tlicsi all others are moro or loss local it character. The lloyal Arch Chapter the strongest and most fntluontia body in Free Masonry in England , Scotland , Ireland , the United States Canada and the British Colonies , ii actually unknown on continental Etr rope ai'd South America. So with the Templar body. The Oryplio rite is American in origin , and although there is a grand council for the Do minion , many of the subordinate councils are in a lethargic conditiop , The Constantine Order on the othoi hand is English , and lloyal Art Mariners is conferred in Scotland it the lloyal Arch Ohaptor. In Enplane thcro is a grand ledge of the order and aorao Mark Lodges confer the do grco whilst in this country the counci is now absorbed ia the Grand Oounci of lloyal ana Select Masters , as ii Hod Cross of Constantino. The Scot tish Rite ia the most universal ii character , and in many foreign juris dictions it confers the symbolic do groos. The Royal Order of Scotlant is , of coarse , essentially Scottish , II Bro. Hugh McKay , 33 deg. , ol Hamilton , being the Provincial Grant Master for Ontario and Quebec , ant Albert Pike , 32 dog. , holds a similai office for the United States. The Bosicrucian society docs not claim tc bo a branch of Masonry , although it has nine degrees , with retreat , aecrots , and passwords , and candidates for the honors must bo Master Masons in good standing. 11EFUHED HDIlIAIu Don Miguel Otoro , formerly dole' gate to congress from Now Mexico anc ono of the best known and wealthiest residents of the territory was burioc by the Denver Masons last week. The Tribune gives the following account ol the trouble which resulted in the re fusal of the church to permit Bro , Otoro'a body to Ho in consocratoc ground , The body arrived from Ln Vegas on a special train on Thursday and it wan not until the evening o ; that day that any ohango in the pro graramo was announced. Upon hii arrival in the city with the body of hii father , Mr. Page Otoro was informed by Father Pinto , the priest of the Church of the Sacred Heart , hat Father Bavordy , Vicar-General to the Bishop , had commanded him not tc rocuivo the body of Don Otero into the church , and to have nothing to dc with the sorvicFB at the burial of the body. Father Pinto assured younf Otoro that ho deeply reg > otted the cir \ . jwH-rotVi-STcT'SceVciyS-ihC Body Wto the church but that ho .did not dare dis obey , the order of the Vicar-Ooncral , Father Pinto did not state the roaaon of the objection , but hinted that it waa because the body woa to bo buried in the Protestant cemetery , and also because Don Otoro had boon a Mason. The Masons of Denver at once in terested themselves in the matter , and , finding that Don Otoro had boon n member of the Order in , good stand ing at the time of hia death , desired to conduct the funeral. AtrangomonU wore made to have funeral services conductedat the Trinity church , and this progatnmo was carried out , Mr * Page Otoro was very rauoli grieved nt the refusal.of the church t ( give hia father Christian burial. ' 'Thej refuse to receive his , body now. " saic ho , "but they never refused to rocoivi bin chocks. " Father Raverdy , vicar general o the diocese , was sought by a reporto who . desired to interview him on th subject. In answer to the introduo tory rtuestion .Father Ilavordy said : "We never receive the bodies c men who die belonging to secret so cietiesMr. Otoro was a Mason. " "Do you never give Oat hello burin to Masons ) " "Never if they die Masons ; o course , { f they renounce. Masonry ant come back into the church wo.rccoiv . them' and give their bodies burin whori they dio. If a man renounce the churcti the church renounces him The church says a man cannot bolon to secret societies and the church toe If ho gives up the church the Churcl also gives him up. If a man joins secret society and then voluntaril ; leaves it the society takes no nior notice of him. If this man had re nounced the Masous they Mould no now giyo him burial. This is the enl ; objection to receiving the body of Mr Otoro. It applies in every caeo. " At Hiversido thosolemnand impron aivpritosof the Masonic funeral ser vicb wore celebrated OH the body wa laid in a vault which had boon pre pared for its reception. Iowa tiouons. At the lutn meeting of the gram ledge ot Iowa , the following gram officers were elected for the nnsuin ; Masonic year : Goo. B , Vansaun , o Oedar Falls , grand master ; Charles T J. Granger , of Waukon , senior gram warden ; J. D , Gamble , of Knnxvillo junior grand warden ; Phillip Schallar of Sao City , grand treasurer ; T. S Parvin , of Iowa City , grand score tary. _ Goat Halre. The Zirkel , of Vienna , has an inter eating study upon Masonry in Jap in There exists seven loilces there. Yo kohama boa throe , Tokio two , of wliicl the Misrion ledge dutea from 1870 .Koba is the seat of Iliaing Sun ledge No. 1401 , founded in 1872 , and of tin Iqdge Biogo and Osaka , No. 408 founded in 1870 , All the lodges an composed of foreigners , bu * at Americant General Leeendro , ia endeavoring deavoring to found a ledge of native : t Tokio. The Orient of Italy boa under iti obedience 185 lodges , of which 12C are actively at work , Each ledge has nn average of I > 0 members , making n fatal of about J 0,000 Italian Masons. The budget of receipts and expendi tures amounts to about 400,000 franca annually. The Italian Masons are very earnest in holding a Masonic congress , which is to otsqmblo at Homo , on which occasion they pro pose to consecrate a splendid Necro polis in the cemetery at Campo Vorano. Thoroaro 650,000 Master Masons in the United States , the proportion being over ono to every hundred. St. John's Ledge held a special mooting on Thursday and conferred the E. A. degree on a candidate. The regular meeting of Covert Ledge No. 11 , held on Wednesday , was well attended. Mooting of the Scottish Rita this evening at Masonic hall. A full atlondanco ot mcmoers is requested. Preparations are being made by Mt. Moduli Ledge of Perfection , Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite , to hold a session forwork on Juno 23dand 24th , in which the degrees of the Ledge up bo the 15th will bo conferred on a class of candidates , many of whom will bo from the interior nf the state. O. B. P. S. The Grand Lodqo of Nebraska of Bohemian Benevolent society holds its annual mooting this year at Schuylor , Nob. , Juno llth and 12th. Tnoro are cloven lodges of this society in the state , all in prosperous conth tion. The Grand Ledge meetings of this society are each year national fetes of our Bohemian citizens. They bring together the most prominent citizens of that nationality from all parts of the state , who combine busi ness with pleasure. Besides the busi ness mooting there is arranged always a line of entertainments. This year , besides a picnic , n prominent feature will bo a dramatic entertainment by the most prominent amstour artists in the atato. The interesting drama , "Tho Two Orphans , " will bo pro- duccd. NEBRASKA. NOTES. Religious. The Ulnlr Episcopalians contemplate building a $2,000. The Methodist chut ch nt Bono Creek will bo dedicated on the 25lh. llov. J. Woodruff ban become settled I'rtsbytcrlan pastor at Nelson. Chapel of the Nollgh Congregational col lege will bo dedicated on the llth , Tbo erection uf a Catholic church at Syracuse i among tbo probabilities. riio thhty Sunday Rohools of Antclopo counvv have au uttendanco of 1,500. The I'resbytorianH of Alexandria will soon erect a temporary chinch building , The M. E. church at Franklin has re ceived an elegant organ from Heridnn , Conn. ' Ilov. IX W. Hutchlnson. of New York , newly assigned to liloouilngton , baa ar rived. Organlzitlon of the Sunday school nt Pierce was completed on tbo 28th ult. It lias two blblo classes. Contracts for the erection of Catholic , Episcopal and unlver. < olist churches at Tecumseb have been let. Tbo proposed Congregational church at York will bo rn elegant.edifice. The di- uieneiona are 40x05 , with a 73-foot tower. In the last four months the additions to the United Presbyterian congregation of Pawnee City number 52,10 on profession of faith and 42 by certitioate from other congregations. The Presbyterian utrvwberry festival at Tekamah 1 > st week bad to be postponed ( Onjicgpunt o lack' ' of tu } jpflipThat'u tno'ttilliYin'u'botwSeniCfawberry nnd oys ter festivals. The B iptfst organization of Steele City JOB secured the service * of Kov. J. K. Dlmnnfelt. of Mncon , Neb. , to preach fur , hon In the M. K. church every other Sau- mth , beginning Juno 11. Personal and Social. Goo. W. E. Dorsly nnd wife , of Fre- nout , Have gone to Clifton Springs , N. Y. Senator Van Wyck is expected to be irescnt at the Falrfield celebration of tbo Ith of Ju y. That Sownrd party of " Tramps Abroad" Norval Kribelor , et nl. landed at Glasgow on the 7th. Mrs. M. B. Watch , of Blue Springs , was tendered n pleasant birthday surprise party on the 30th ult. Thos. 1' . Wcedln , formerly of Fremont and Omaha has now became sole proprie tor and editor \.ot \ the Florence ( Arizona ) Enterprise. "Lcs Bonnes Amies. " a Lincoln society organization of tea young ladles , gave A brilliant farewell party to Miss Annie Van Syckle on the Gtb , Ono of the events of the week was'the surprise party on Miss Alice Swan , last Tuesday night , her 21st birthday. llislng Sun Independent , The citizens of Nelson made the odltoi of the Herald happy on the 27th ult. , it being the 25th anniversary of his marriage , and eeveral iia ! presents were made to Mr , and Mrs. Ellis an testimonials of their s. teem , lion , George W. Doaue , of Omaha , re1 plylnz to the 4th of July committee , ol Tekamnh , gaya ho cannot deliver the oration tion there on account of press of court business. The onitlon ho delivered there twenty-five yu rs ago , he nay ? , woa the only clfort ho WUH ever "guilty" of , Mlus Eva BarncH , of Kalam 117.00 , MnJ ! sou county , is building an addition to hei fathcr'a house , Minn Eva is nn cuterprls. Ing young lady. A correspondent of the Madison Chronicle says , "if we had n dozen Buch daughters wo wouldn't do o thing but nut on aim and write for tlu Oiironlclo. " "Billy" SUdehran , nf Lincoln , on the evening of the 0th celebrated his 4Gtli birthday , the 2Cth nunivomiry of hu arrival in Nobraa a ; and the birth of c flue boy which was presented to him 01 : the evening pievlous. The friends of Mr , S gathered in llurmonlo Hall at hU ro queat and geinmu cheer flowed in nbund < auce , A number of friends of Mr , and MM , Hey W. Itbonr , of Kepublican City , came in upon them lost Wednesday evening and made several hours pam very pleosantl ) with their sociability and game * of nmue& in nt , Lunch was served at 11 o'clock nd a little later the party dispersed to their homes , Enterprise , The Lincoln Sportmen'a club presented their president. Col. Burr II. Polk , with a brand new , uicklo plutod , stem-winding watch with steel chain and charm com. plrte , the whole valued at six American dollars , Tliis appropriate present was tendered the gentleman tu take the place of the watch stolen from him last week. Charles Able has told hid farm of 138 ncroi to John Toll , of Ohio , for 81,700 , mid will move In a short time to Buffalo county , Nebraska , where ho will embark in the raking of stock. Charley Is a hard worker and a good manager , hence he bos ctlned money sluca 9ltllngonthefurm which lie hsa just disposed of. Buffalo county , Nebraska , gets one of our beat families. Emenon ( Ia. ) Chronicle. A number of the friends of M'ss Mamie Mullen , of Co uinbu , "nurprlaed" her on the evtnlng ot the 27th ult. The occailon was the nnnivmary of Misa Mullen' * birth , an her friends , desiring to celebrate the occasion , atneinbled at the residence of Mr. G , G. Bowman , and marched in a body over to her home , carrying with them a bountiful eupplyof the good things that make life worth living for. The evening WM pleasantly spent In conversa tion And cards. Judge ? > mtin , iinllka Artemun Ward , did not fire the national salute when the doctor announced that he was the father of twins both girls , but actually got mad nnd swears the doctor shan't have his pat ronage any more , Thin happened on Hat. urdny mornl-.g last , nnd we hope by this time the judge \ willing to accept the In- evIUblo nnd wclcorrrtltho little strnDg'n with n paternal IOTO"/"Mother and babies both doing well. Falls City Nowi. MATRIMONIAL At Fremont , May 31 , George A. Storey tiEllnE , Doggett. AtOrd , May 31 , by Judge Mcsher , John llyhln tu Anna. A , Horabck. At Dorchester , Mny 28 , by Ilev. S ml. Jones Lowh Jewell to Ahnira E. IL 1I. At Plftttumouth , Juno 1 , by Ilov. Mr. Balrd , William Valentine to Alia Sage. At Wnhoo , Juno 1 , It. L. Briggn , of Hooper , to KrmnaL. SI in inn , of Wahoo. At Fnlla City , Mny 28 , by Elder T. W. Pinkcrton , John 11. Cone to Ada M. Cox. At Jacks m , June P , by Ilev. Fr. Law- ICSK , Benjamin F , Sawyers to Koto Bulcr. At Columbui" , June 1 , by Kev. Frank- lln Pierce , Joseph K. James to Alice L. Crisp. At Albion , June 1 , by 3ov. ! A. A. Crersman , Thomas Armstrong to Mlnnio Jordan. At Red Cloud , June 1 , by Rev. G. 0. Yol cr , Wm. It. Smith to Bertha Sher wood. At Wood River , Mny 31 , by Rev. 1J. Phelan , Timothy Runch to Johanna Carey. At Beatrice , Juno 7 , by Judge Hill. E. A. Hitchcock to Alice DuboU , both of Wymoro. . At Indlanoln , Juno 5 , by Rev. Amos Dresser , David McKce. uf Maryvllls , Mo. , to Mary E. Porter , of RsJ Willow. At the residence of Ellas Gamble , Dry Crock , Furnns county , May 21.1882 , by Kov. II. K. Bmhucll , William T. Colllngs to Clara Hill. , At the homo of the bride's mother , in Highland precinct , Lancaster county , Henry Flicker to Hannah L. Wisscnburi ; , Rov. Stockfcl olliclating. At Shclton , June 1. by .Tudgn Heather- innton , John M. Hosklns t ) Lizzie J. Whorton , nnd B , F , Parks to Mary A. logne , all of bhelton. The double mar riage an demoralized the Cl pper man that bo forgot himself and ns about to "go then a1 d do likewise. " but the -people of school district No. 17 thteatennod to get out n mandamus. Hortfnra'n Aold Phoiphnto IN.L1VER AND KIDNEY TllOUDLEH. DK. O. G. C1LLEY , Boston , Bays : "I have used it very extensively , and with the most remarkable success in dyspepsia and in all cases where there is derangement of the liver and kid- noys. " Cd-wlw iSELTZE Tha Oenllo Way Is Oeit. In dy ipcpsla , liver complaint and conitlpttloii the diseased organs ro and tender. Do net use them rouprhly. An l'o < uttva likoTiBRASt's SILTZER ArKRiKNT. that tone' , < turrets avd purifies the syhtcui with ut tiudu'y exciting or irritating cither the ttomacb , the liver , or the bowel , U the truoHpeciflo in such casca. Ucnson toacbcs this , and experience con Iru 8 It. SOLD BY ALL DKUQGISTS. J7-5m MONIOR OILSTOVE Improved lor 1882. THE BEST AKD ONLY ABSOLUTELY SAFE OIL STOVE IN TUB WORLD. Every housekeeper fools the want of something that will cook the daily food an da void the excessive heat , dust , litter and ash OB of a coal or wood utovo. THE MONITOR OIL STOVE WILL DO IT , bettor , quicker and cheaper than any other meana. It is the ON LY OIL STOVE made with the : OIL RESERVOIR ELEVATED at the back of the atoyo , away from the lieat ; by which arrangement ABSOLUTE SAFETY is secured ; as no gas can bo generated , fully twenty per ' cent moro heat is obtained , the wicks' are pre served twice as , long , thus saving the trouble of constant trimming and the expense of now ones , EXAMINE THE MONITOR and you will buy nc other. Manuficturcil'cmly by the Monitor Oil Stovo' Co , Cleveland 0 , Send tor descriptive circular or cal on M. Rogers it Son , agouta for No. brush a. Betoaska National BANK. OF OMAHA NEBEASKA ( No. COS. ) TIIKA8URV DKl'AUTMKNT. ) OIUCO Of OOkllTHOLLlIK Of Till OVRRINCT. > WMUINOTO.V , A | > lll 261U ! Hb2. j WliHRitB , l > y satUfactory e > ldimcu urcwntod to the uudcrn'k'iKHl ' , It lia liccn motlo to appeal th t "TUK WK11KA8KA NATIONAL IJANK OF OMAHA , " In the city of Omabu , In the county ol DougUn , anj Btato of Nvbruka , baa compiled with nil the previsions Of thellovUcd Statues ol the United butc * required tu tie compiled wlUi beloto oil association tlull bo authorUed to com- uonca the buslntss of Uaiiklutt : Mow , therefore. I , John Jay Ktoi : , Comptroller of the Currency , do hereby ccrtllir th t "Tlie Nebraska NMlcual Ilank of Omaha , " In the city of Om n , In the county of Douuliw , and utatc of h bra > ka , Ii authgrlz d tn cotuiut-nco the builnem cf llinkliiffai inovldud In Seitlon Kilty One Hundred and KUty-Mi.oof the llevbvd BUtutenof tlio United Stolon. In tcktluiony whereof witness my ( ) hand snd eoal of office thl 2 ti \ BEAU V dayot April 1-82. I - ) JOHN JAT KNOX , Comptroller ot the Currency The above Bank Ii now prepared to receive It commence ) with a fully pad up capital ot 1260.000.00 , with offlcerg and dlioctori 13 folio * ! ! H , 1U JOIINSOK. I'Ktsiptiir. of Steele , John. sou & Co. . Wholesale Oroccra. A. S. TOUZALIN , Yloi-I'ftiuiiDBiiT , of 0. B. ft Q , It. R. , Umiton. W. V. MORSK , of W , V. iloree and Co , , Whole- Bolo lioota and Hhooa. JNO. S. COLLINa , of Q. II. d J. a Oolllm , Wholesale Leather and S ddlejy. JAVIES U. Woolworth , Counsellor anJAttoruey at Law. LEWIS 8. ItKKD. of Dyroa Reed A Co. , Real K Ute DeiUn. UKN11Y W. YATES. Canhler , UU Cuhlcr of thi Kltit National liauk of Omaha , and connected wltli the active nunage- meutof that Ilank sluoo IU ItitlonlaJStW M7TBCOEI Inrray Iron forks , Burlington Iowa , Soml Portable FOR Cr.EAUF.niE3 , riM HUM , Printing Offices , Etc. , uA Specialty , The Largest Iron Working Establish ment in the State. MANUFACTURERS OF Steam Engines , AND GENERA ! * MACHINERY. The Howard Automatic Gut-Off Steam Engine , Bond ( or Circulars. mS3-lm D. M. WELTY , ( Snooouor to D. T. Mount. ) Manufacturer and Dealer In Saddles , EarnesSf Whips , FANCY HORSE CLOTHING Robes , Dusters and Turf Goods of ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Agcntfor its. n. Hill & Co.'a O E1 CONCORD HARNESS ' 'The Beat in The World , " so ? . Order * Solicited. < J MAH A. NEB moly KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. The Most Successful Remedy ever discov ered , na It Is certain In ita effects and does not bllstor. BEAD PROOF UKLOW. Also excellent ( or human.flosh. FROM A PROMINENT PHYSICIAN. Wuhlngtonville , Ohio , Juno 17 , 1831. Da D. J. KINPALL , & Co. : Gouts Heading your ad vertisement In Turf , Field and Farm , ot your Kendall's Spavin Cure , a d having a valuable and speedy horaa which had been lame trom spavin ( or eighteen month ) , I sent to you ( or a bottle by express , which 1 1 six weeks removed all lament-is and enlargement and a largo splint from another horse , and both hones are to-day us sound as colta. The one bottle was worth to me one hundred dollars. Respectfully yoirs , H. A. B.'Btourrr , M. D. Send ( or Illustrated circular giving positive proof. Prlcoijl. All Druggist * have It or can get It ( or you. Dr. B. J. Kendall & Co" , Pro prietors , Enosburgh Falls , Vt. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. d-wlv _ To Nervous Sufferers Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific It ta ft positive cam lor tipormatcirhea , Bernini Weokncta. linpoUtncy , and Ml dlaoaoeg rcanUlof from Sou-Abnso , ua Mental Anxiety , Locsi klrraory , Paln.i In the Bach or 81dp , and illeoiaos that lead to Consumption Incaulty an , earlygrart ihe SpcclDc Medicine te being nstid with wonder- ( ul ouccesa. Pamphlets sent free to all. Write far them and Cob fall par- llculars. Price , Specific , 11.00 per package , or ilz pack ages ( or 16.00. Addreoo all orders to B. SIMBON MEDICINE CO. Nos. 104 and 103 Main St , Buffalo , N. Y. Sold In Omaha .by 0. f , Goodman , J. W. Bell , J. K. Ish , and all druggiaUererrwhero. 0 I . < J * EUROPEAN HOTEL , Corner Fourth and Locust Streets. SOP. X.OT7XS , XUCO. , J.H. HURST , - Prop- Rooms , 75o , $1 , and $1,50 Pnr Day An elegant Rentauiant Is connected with thi house where meals are suivedat reasonable prlcns Open y and night. ra-IOc The feeble and cmauiatea BUtforlnir from dys- pepsi % or Indirection lnanrf < mn'aresdvlsed , fur thesaVcof their own bodily and mental comfort , to try Hosteller1 * btomaou Ulttera. Ladles 01 tbo most del cate constitution testify to its harm- lei ! and rejtoratire properties. 1'tiyslclani everywhere , dlsgubted with the adultertted liquor ! of commerce , prescribe It ai thotafoct and raoU reliable of all stomachic ! , Poiloale by all drugglsta and dealers generally al to ml OKAY'S SPECIFIC MKDICINE TRA08MARK TIie ; < MARK English rem edy. Anun * falling cure i ( or Seminal WeakneM , Spermator * ihcu , Inipot * ency , and all DUcasetthat ' ' " * BErCHETARINO. i'Se'nc" AFTER TAJIKD. Sell-Abuse ; M Lots ol Memory , Universal L sel. tude , Pain In the Back , Dlmneu ot Vltlon , Premature - mature Old Ace , and many other DUciioa that lead to Insanity or Coniumptlon and a Prema ture Grave. CVKull particular * la our pamohlet , which we desire to itnd free I r mall to every one. iiSTbo Biwdflo Ltvdlclne U told by all druwliU at 91 per package , or 0 packvjoa ( or 15 , or will be int ( reo by mall oa reel pt ot the money , by addrwlng TUB QUA iKDIClNE CO. , Borralo. N. T. orHald1 * ooYnuwMid A tntl package of "BLACK-DRAUGHT" ( tea of charge , I BITTERS Mrs J. O , Itobcrtmn , I'lttabtirp , Pa. , writes : " wa * sufferlns from general debility , want of ap petite , constipation , etc. , no that fife WM a bur den ; after Using Burdock Blood Hitters I felt l t- ter than for yean. I cannot praise your DltUin too much. " R. Olbbj. of nuff lo , N. T. , writes : "Tour Burdock Hloc titters , In chronic diseases of the blood , liver auJ kidneys , have been signally marked with success. 1 have used them myscl with bent results , for torpidity of the liver , nnd In cnsoof a friend of mlno euucrlng from dropsy the cdcct was marvelous. " Bruce Turner , tlochcster , N. Y.twrltes-'l have been subject to serious disorder of the kidneys , and unable to attend to business ; Burdock Blooc flitters relieved me before hill abottlo was used I feel confident that they will entirely cure me. " > Asentth Hull , Blnghampton , N. Y. , wrltct : "I suffered with a dull pain thrsugh my eft lung and shoulder. Lost mj spirits , appetite and color , and could with dllllculty keep up nl day. Took your Burdock Blood Bitters as di rected , and have felt no pain elnco first week af ter using them. " Mr. Noah Bates , Elmlra , N. Y. . writes : "About four years ago I had an atUck of bilious fcver.nnt never fully recovered. My digestive organs wora weakened , and I would be completely pros- traU-d for days. After using two bottles of your Burdock Blood Cillers tbcl raprovemcnt was so vl-lblo that I was astonished. I can now. though 61 years of age , do a fair and reasonable day's work. 0. Bhckct rtobtnson , proprietor of The Canada Presbyterian , Toronto , Ont. , writes : "Ferycars I suffered greatly from oft-recurring headache. I used yeur Burdock Blood Bitters with happiest result * , and I now nnd mvgclt In better health than for years past. " Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ! have used Burdock Blood Bitters for nervous and bll lous headaches , and can recommend It to anyone requiring a cure for bllllousnosa. Mrs. Ira Mullnolland , Albany , N. Y , writes "For several years I have suffered from oft-rocur rlnp bllllous headaches , dyspepsia , and com plalntg peculiar to my BOX. Since using your Burdock Blood Bitters I am entirely relieved. " Price , 81.00 t > ei Bottle ; Trial Bottle * 10 Ctt FOSTER , MILBURN , & Co , , Props , BUFFALO. N. Y. Sold at wholesale by Ish & McMahon and 0. F Ooodman. lo 27 cod-ma 13 * If jouaroinunV y ofCu tnc , weak- J ma ot lev rned l < y tlie strain or tcrteUnjjoTorniii ( your duties aTolc * nlRbt work , to rc - etuuulantsantl u $ torn brain ncrTcati Hop Dittcrai ( waste use Hop B. If yo yoim ind I discretion or Etlun ; u you arc roar- rlccS or line on n bed of flcV. oesn , rclr on Hop ] IBItterat \Vnocrer yon arc. wheneTcr you Icet . ally r r o m V > nr that your 7 tem j Ifornuf IfStiriO ) > ils3&i > 6 that might needs clcnnslnff. ton- \ ( or ntlmulatlnir , I hnvo boenprcventco wlthouUnlox/caHnp , I by ft timely nmo ( Cake Hop ptpt'a , ktdntv , ' 0,1. o orunnarucom- Is an absolntt dlscone plaini , and lrresl > ta > ot t i ftomacA , llble cure toi EOP tmirclt. bloort. drunlwnneai. Kwrori n l Ittsa of opluic , You will tic llt&bacco , " > ' cured If youBW Ilnareotlea. Hop Bitter * ICrouareBtm. I Bold by area pi IT ; " , e K nd NEVER Clrculu. fiats. Strjro ; K it may ooinrrrut aave your ! FAIL re co. llfo. It hat * nved hun- aredsr Dleeaso Is an ( ffoct , not a cause Ita origin Ii within ; Ha 'inanlfoststions without. Benco , to cure the diseaso.the cAvexmust bo removed , and in no other way can , a cure ever te effected. WARNER'S SAFE K1DNDY AND LIVER. CURE fw established on juat tbls principle. It reallzca that 95 Per Cent. olull dlsoiees arlzo from deranged kidneyg and liver , ' and It itilkcs at once at the root ot the difficulty. The element ! of which It 1s compot ed act directly upon.theao great organs , both aa a FOOD ai d BEBTORIK , and , by placing them in a i.ealthy , condition , drive dlseauu and pain from ibo syetcm. For the Innumerable tronb'ea caused by un healthy Kidneys , Liver and Urinary Organs ; for the dittroulnir Dliordcriof Women : for Ualana. ant. physical derangements generally , thli great rerut dy hat no equal. Bi ware of Impostors , 1m- Italians and concocttoni said tn be lust as good ! For ( ale by all dealers. H. U. WARNER A : CO. . ma Rooboitor N. Y. The Great Jbnglish Eemedy BNorcr fall ! ta cuio iNervousDeblllr , VI- Btal Exhaustion , Kmls- Idions , Seminal Weak- Ineg-ms.LOBTMAN llHOOD , and all the } ] vll effects of youth- ilful follies and cices- tics. It stops pcrma- laontly all weakening , involuntary losdtsand Jrolna upon the ttys- Icsm , thpInevitable re- . . "suit of these evil prac tices , which are BO destructive to uilud and body and make llfo miserable , often leading to Insani ty and death. It stronifthons the Nervcs.Uraln , ( inemoryf Blood , Muscles , Digestive and Repro ductive Owni , U restores to all the organic funstlms their former vigor and vitality , ma ting life cheerful and enjoyable. I'rlce , W a Mottle , or four tlmea the quantity $10. Sent by express , secure from observation , to any address , on receipt ol price. No.O. O. B. sent , except on receipt o ! $1 as a guarantee. Letters re questing answers must Inclose utamp. Dr. Mintie'a Dandelion Pills are tb ) beat and cheapest dyspepsia and bllllous cure I a the market. Bold by all druggists. Price 60 ccnta. Da , MiNTii'a KIUMFT REUKOT , NETBITIOUU , Cures II kind of Kidney and bladder complalnte. gonorrhea , gleet and Itiucorrbea. For eale cy all uauggisto : it a bottle. ENGLISH MEDICAI. INSTITUTE , 718 Ollvo St. , St. Louis , Mo. For Sole ID Omaha by 0. K. GOODMAN. NERVOUS DEBILITY , Dr. E. 07\Vif Scrv auTuraTnTreatment A epeclQo for Hysteria , Dlzzincw , Convulsion ! . Nervous Headache , Mental Depression , Loea elLI LI emorySponnatorrhaa.Iui potency , Involuntary Emlwloni , Premature Old Ago , caused by overexertion - exertion , self-abuse , or over-Indulgence , which cad * to misery , decay and death. One box will : uro recent cases. Ea h box contain ! ono month's : rcatment. One dollar a box , or six boxes for five dollars ; sent by moll prepaid on receipt of > rlce. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case , iVIth each order received by us for six boxts , ac companied with five dollars , will send the pur chaser out written guarantee to return the money If the treatment does not eOtct a cure. 0. r. Goodman , Druggist , Bole. Wholesale and Agent , Omaha , Neb. Ojden by mall at uwir W.B. MILLARU. F. B. JOHNSON . . . MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Commission and Wholesale Fruits , YJ * 1111 PARNHAM STREET. CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED. Agents for Peck & Bausliers Lard , anfl Wllber Mills Floor OMAHA NEB , - - - REFERENCES ? OMAIIA NATIONAL BANIC , STEELE. JOHNSON & CO. . TOOTLE aiAUL & CO. or. j. BEO"W" Jsr tSc o o WHOLESALE DRY GOODS Boots and Shoes. OMAHA , . NEB. c. xrar DRUGS , PAINTS , OILS. Window and Plate Glass. 3TAnyono . contemplating building store , or any other fine . front , will find It ta their ad > vantage to .corns end with us before purchasing their Plato Glass. C. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA - . . - - NEB. IF. O. 3 CORGS--A.IT3 WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnhem St. . Omaha , FOSTER & GRAY , WHOLESALE- LUMBER , GOAL & LIME , On River Bank , Bet , Farnham and Douglas Sts. , sea DEALERS IN HALL'S SAFE AND LOCK GO , Fire and Burglar Proo \ 1020 Farnham Street , STEELE , - HNSON & CO. , AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of CIGARS AM lAiUfAGTURED TOBACCO. tgenta for BEHWQOD HAILS ABE LAFLIH ft BAUD FOBBER D HENRY LEHMANN , JOBBER OF I AND WINDOW SHADES EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. 1118 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA J. A. WAKEFIELD , WaOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALKB IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDIMOS , Li E , CEMENT MTSTATE AQENI TOR MILWAUKEE CK1IBHT OOUPAinrj Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHANEB sxzercat-xuzi POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , UAOHUiKItr , BKimNd , HOSK , BHABS AKD IRON FrrnNOS . PIPK , 8TEAU PACKING , AT WHOLESALE AMD UCTAIL. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS A. L. STRANG205 F w"l" > St. , Omaha