Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1882, Image 1
x \ , HE OMAHA DAILY BEE - * ELEVENTH YEAR OMAHA , NEB. , MONDAY MORNING , JUNE 12 , 1882. 301. IGoMess Drib Cracked Bio ThirtoBnth Street Sonsatian That Startled and Shocked the Oity , A Deed of Expert Safe-Blow ers , Thoroughly and Suc cessfully Done. Resulting in the Fatal Injury of a Prominent and Ro- epeoted Merchant. Ho Falls a Distance of Sixteen Feet While Alarming tha Neighbors. The Burglars Blow Open the Safe and Secure $1OO in Notes. The Tools and Footprints of the Raiders Probability of Early Capture. Oomploto Details of the Giimo and Accident. The outiro city was startled and hocked yesterday morning by the nowa of the double sonaation of a safe- burglary nnd probably fata ] accident on Thirteenth street , near the corner of Jackson , the victim being Mr. Fred. Lang , the well kmown grocer. The reports wore ao numerous and contradictory that it was * not until TUB BKB reporter called at the seone of the occurrence that the rnal facts could bo ascertained. The burglary took place between two and three o'clock ' on Sunday morning , the "knights of the jimmy" choosing THE DARKEST HOU11 of the night and one of the quietest parts of town for their raid. The ob ject of their attack was the safe of the firm of Heimrod & Dorman , who re cently purchased the grocery store of Mr. Fred. Ling iu his new and splendid brick block , on the west side of Thirteenth street , two doors below Jackson. TUG ESTABLISHMENT occupied the entire lower portion of the building , 44 by GO feet , and in cludes three rooma , n retail grocery store occupying the of the first floor , the 'flou ? and feed ware house the south room , nnd a boot and shoo department a room opening into the grocery store. In fact the firm . controls all thorooms an farnorth. _ as _ * * * Jackson BtreeT except thT ( bar 'room" opening on that street. A stable wit a carriage house in'the rear , the pri vote property of Mr. Lang are be tween the brick and the alloy.Th apartments above the retail grocery rooms were occupied by Mr. Langs | family and by the barkeeper and his wife , while Mr. Dorman slept in thi frame building on the corner. Mr , Heimrod lives on Cass street and was consequently not a .participant in th occuirances of the night. TUB BURGLARS , who are believed to have boon throi in number , were evidently after th money supposed to bo in the safe , am must have been well posted as to th lay of the land and the time when they wore most likely to make a good haul. Hoimrod & Dorman do an immense busiuoas , and Saturday is THEIR CHEAT DAY , the farmers coming in from the coun try and the shopmen doing th'eir Sun day marketing at this time. At 1 p , m. Saturday Mr. Dorman made i deposit in the bank , but business was brisk all afternoon , especially abou' 5 o'clock , and a good deal of money was taken in. It is probable that the . burglars , or some of their confeder ates , were in the store and carefully observed what was going on. The safe was in the roar part of tholr retail room , and about twenty feet from the ' back door , Now it happened that Mr. Dorman has MOT A DEAL OP FAITH in safes , except to protect valuable papers from tire , and never puts the cash balance away there nor carries it about on hi a person. Instead of that ho sticks it away in some nook or corner , n flour barrel , a cofloo bin , n coil of rope , or wherever ho may take a notion to , knowing that it will bo 1 the last place the robbers are likely to look for gold. In fact they might as well stop to look for the combination of the safe , so numerous are , TUB HIDIN'U PLACES which are changed three hundred and sixty-five times every year. On one occasion Mr. Dorman hid quite a sum away in this manner , which ho needed for a special purpose on the following day. Next morning ho had lost his combination and couldn't remember where ho put the cash , and it was not found for throe whole days. Satur day night there was a cash balance of over $500 and the even sum , all in gold twenty dollar pieces , was stuck away in a pile of sacks of flour in the warehouse , about the last place anyone ono would look for it. The books and chocks , amounting to about $100 , and a few dollars in small coins , wore de posited in the safe , HEUUINO'S FIUK I'ltOOP , of medium size. At the time men tioned , nearly 'J a. in , , the thieves came , everyone in the house being aound asleep , An entrance to the back yard , which is surrounded by a high board fence , was effected by the ' removal of two boards from the alley aide of the carriage house , the chisel marks being plainly visible. Ono in- ido the yard , the gang proceeded directly to the window opening into the retail room , nnd right behind the safe , a pxno of glass , font teen by thirty inches m BZ ! ? , was taken clean out of the window , after which the iron bar was removed and the window raised. ONCK INSIDE , they began operations immediately on the safe , which faced the front door , Contrary to the usual method , they began work ai the back of the safe , drilling a thrco-ci hths-inch hole through the lower half of the back place , a diamond drill being first used and then n twist drill. They then took the loaf of a copy book , twisted it into a funnel , and through this loaded the cavity with the explosive material used , which was either dyna mite or gun-cotton. Soon uftor there waa A DULL , HEAVY BItOOK , and the whole back half of the safe waa blown out , leaving the interior entirely open to the depredators. The thick packing of an alum preparation , which is supposed to bo fire-proof , and which resembles a mixture of fire and corn meal waa scattered all over the floor and blown through the window and out into the yard. The iron back was BLOWN CLEAR OFF , and the throe-eights of an inch stool bolts stripped clean off their threads , as the plato was torn away. The bur glars doubtless pounced at once ppon their booty , and secured some books , about § 60 in money and $100 worth of checks , a portion of which they might possibly use. The shock awoke Mr. Lang , who slept in the northeast corner of the building , and going to the elevator ho called down , "If you don't make less noise I'll como down there ! " doubtless thinking it was some of the employes. The answer made was , ' ' 11 you como down hero WE WILL BUOOT your G d d n head off. " This , of course , revealed the true 'state of af fairs , and Mr. Lang ran back to his room , intending , it is supposed , to go out over the frame sheds next door to Mr. Dorman's room , and awake him. It had been raining and was very dark and the roof slippery , and Mrs. Lang caught her husband by the arm , and tried to dissuade him from attempting the perilous passage. She was unable - able to hold him , and ho swung out of the window , and the next moment fell with a heavy thud to the sidewalk bo- low. THK FALL was at least sixteen feet , and the un fortunate man alighted on the grating of glass and iron which covers the collar window. Mrs. Lang , * frantic with ft'ar for her husband's life , called to Henry , the bar-keeper , and ran down the stairway to the sidewalk. Not seeing her husband , she ran by him to the rosier , and then returned , when she mot Henry , who had dis covered Mr. Lang's prostrate form where it had fallen near tbo doorway. Henry picked him up , and started to carry him into the house , but he ex claimed , "FOR GOD SAKE lot me sit down and jest , " and leav- ' " u.i't * > -j-i mM .t- i Ing' him on- too stops rienry ran across the street and called ' Augua Bohne , the harness man to' his assistance anco , and the two succeeded in getting ting the injured man back to his bed , An attempt was made to call a phy sician by telephone , but as they coulc not got the central office ; messengers were dispatched in all directions , f 01 by this time the whole neighbor hood was aroused , and in a ahorl time Drs , Hoflman , Jensen and Mcr < cor were H AT THE BEDSIDE of Mr. Lang , whose injuries appeared to bo almost certainly fatal. Then were several wounds on the left side o : the face and head , the light arm was broken three inches above the wrist , and there were internal injuries which appeared still worse than these The patient vomited blood , and tin catheter being applied also brought i flow of the fcrimson fluid , indicating a rupture of some of the vital parts. Everything possible was done for the rolitf of the patient , but ho BUFFERED INTENSELY and the opinionof his physicians as to bis recovery was not assuring. In the meantime the burglars , who had probably fled precipitately as joon as Mr. Lang left the elevator , ran through the garden to the door Dponing out on Jackson street , west D the barroom , and finding it locked , : limbed over the fence by means of a ; hair used as a stop. Foot prints were found on both the chair and the 'onco , and tracks identified by the vliito powder from the tafe , which md adhered to the shoes , were fol- owed for a hundred foot , ono of the noii evidently having FALLEN DOWN i few feet from the gate , near the jcoppr mansion , where there is a do- ireasion of two stops in the sidewalk. : Some ono reported seeing three mon n eight , two on foot and ono on lorsobaclr , who escaped by Jackson , nd then north to Fourteenth street. in examination of the tracks showed mo sot to bo very peculiar , the shoes icing of unusual size and newly half olod. $ In connection with this a young nan who boards at the Western House , lorthwest corner Jackson and Four- oenth streets , tells a story which may hrow some light on the subject. Ho oturnod homo very late , probably bo , 1 ween throe and four o'clock , and on ntoring the hall , metA A STRANGE MAN oming down stairs. Ho slopped to ; t him by and thought him a new oarder. The fellow said , "Good lorning , " and , receiving no response , omarked , "Fine morning ! " Ho then oflsed out of the door , and the real oarder tried to open it to see which -ay ho wont , but found the stranger ofding it. The latter ran around the Duth side of the house and disap- eared , About the same time a man 'as seen running up Fourteenth reet , in front of the Western House , ward town. It is believed that JOBO two men were connected with 10 Lang burglary , and were ignorant oHho accident resulting from their crime. A SKELETON KKV picked up in the corridor of the West ern confirms the belief , Thomnn who waa mot on the stairway is described as being about five feet seven inches tall , weight apparently about 150 pounds , black soft hat nnd dark clothes , thin face nnd dark moustache. Ho looked like a hard citizen. .From the fact that no goods wore missed from the store other than thoio mentioned , it is evident that the unfo was TUB MAIN Horn of the villains , and that they had no time to look further after the explo sion. They loft behind them a lan tern , brace and a 1 } inch chiselwhich may , with other clues , aid In their de tection. When Tun BEH reporter viaitod the promises in the afternoon Mr. Lang's condition had had not improved , and there was little hope of his recovery. LATSST. At 2 o'clock last night a BKK re porter called up the store by telephone - phone , and learned that Mr. Lang was doing fairly well and was then asleep , and no immediate crisis in his case was anticipated. PBBSONAU S. J. Collins , of Hock Island , ia nt the Crcighton. 0. W. Kitchen left for L rame yester day at noon. George W. Ballcntine , of Lincoln , la at the Withnoll. Max Meyer and wife returned from Fre mont yesterday. Hon. J. II. Ivy nor caino in from the west yeiterday. J. 7. Scott , of Florence , has returned from the south. James Kipling , of Now York , ia at the Crcighton Ilouso. 0.11. Diver , of Little Rock , Ark. , is at the Metropolitan. Thomas H. Mulholland , of Now York Is at the Crelghton. 0. F. Driscoll , the architect , left for Missouri , last night. Mrs , Dr. Graddy has gone to pass the hot season in Tennessee. H. A. nolle ? , of Council Bluffy was at the Crcighton last night. Capt. Forbep , Fourth infantry , came in from the west yesterday. Gen. Crook and Paymaster Stan ton lea\o for Cheyenne to-day. Judge Fendery and wife , of Leadvilie , are at the Withoell house. Mrs , G. W. Tibbels has gone to visit her old home in Cincinnati. Austin Kelson and- daughter , of Te- kninah , are nt the Withnell , D. Cash and daughters , of North Platte , are registered at the Withnell. F. M. Sackett and F. H. Galbralth , of Albion , are guests at theWithnoll. , "William"Hawice and' CotaJrown , rfpro sent Nebraska City at the Withnell. Rev , .Father Riorden wan among thd ar rivals on the overland train yesterday. James Pettee , of Plattemouth , was in the city yesterday , at the Metropolitan , E. Williatnn and Samuel Cheney , Hastings , were at the Metropolitan las1 night. Mrs , Henry Hobble and Mrs , Chas Willdns have gone to New Hampshire for an extended vlsif , Hon. Webster Snyder , general manage : of the Louisville , Evansvllle & St. Louii road , is in the city for a few days. Mr , Harry Hall , general traveling pas senger agent of the B. & M , , left on Sat urday night for St. Paul on business. Seth Sharpless , sheriff of Cheyenne , will pass through the city tblf afternoon with sic prisoners for the Joliet , Ills. , pea itentinry. Mr. A. T. Large , the architect , left tor Chicago yesterday to attend the bedside o : bis brother , who is reported danger jusly ill. Capt , W. S , Jones , for some years In' ipector and clatslfier of freights at the LJnlon Pact fie transfer , left yesterday for i short visit to Alhany and other cities on .he Hudson river , in New York. His nany friends in Omaha and vicinity wish ilm a pleasant Journey to the scenes of lis youth and a u fe return , Gineral Manager T. J , Potter of the U. t M. arrived hero yesterday on the U. P. train from Denver , and his i rivato car net him At the depot , and ho In com- mny with General Supcrintondont Hold- fge and Chlof Engineer Calvert , left at loon for Plattsmuuth , where ho will leare Messrs. Ifoldrcjjo and Calvert and pio- otd , via the 0.13. & Q , to Chicago , i CONGRESS. National Aeaorfatccl I'rosi. HENATiS rilOOKIiWNUH. WASHINGTON , D , 0.Juno 10.Tho louse wont into committee of the vholo on the appropriation bill. An mondinont was offered transferring ilaims under the act of July 4th , 18(14 ( , 0 the court of claims. The entire day was spent in consid- ratipn of the legislative , executive ud judicial appropriation bill , nnd at ' o'clock , without concluding , ad- ourned. Jowitli Refugee * . rational AusocUtod Proas. BALTIMORE , Juno 11. A mooting f prominent Hebrews was hold this ftornoon , and $3,000 wore collected i cash for the Russian refugees now ! ore , and a committee appointed to iko further steps for relief , GRANITE PAVING. No need of saying granite blocks are jo dear for paving the streets. There i a man in Omaha that will give sure- y and put in granite blocks 8 inches eopfor $3.25 per yard. Address 10 lee office. m24-2w > wed < fri THE ARABS ARE UP. A Sadden lUsing For Blood and Pillage Lasting Fiyo Hours , Europeans Mercilessly Mauled by the Mob at Alex andria , A Disgraceful Epooimon of Irish Inhumanity Over the Oorpso of Walter Burke. A Dollghtf al Feminteo Story With Parnell in the Back- ground. Tbo Irish Coorolon Bill and Other Foreign Matters. PKKNC1I JDDQC.S. n PABIB , Juno 11. The Froncji chamber of deputies last evening adopted a clause abolishing the irre movability of judges by a vote of SOO to 204 , and also voted in favor of the public election of judges. AUAIU BEY TUMBLKS. OAIHO , Juno 11 Arabi Boy is wav ering ; ho is convinced that Dervish Pasha intends to compel submission , forcibly if necessary. SKOBELOFF'S NEW POSITION. ST. PKTEUSBTRQ , Juno 11 Skobol- off has been appointed to command of the Filna military district ; the population is mostly Gorman. THE MISSION OF DKUVISII. OAIUO , Juno 11. Said Pasha de clares that the object of Dervish Pasha's mission is to strengthen the Khedive's authority and maintain statu quo. The western Gorman sta tion nnd .Russian consuls have sent a circular to" the porto in support of a oonforcnco. A RIOT. CAIRO , Juno 11. A serious out break by the population of Aloxundria took place to-day. Thousands of Arabs armed with sticks and awards cleared the streets , attacking Europeans and plundering the shops and houses. Mr. Oookson , British consul , was seriously wounded. European ladles and chil dren took refuge on board ships in the harbor. The Egyptian troops dis persed the rioters. Dervish Pasha and Arab ! Pasha left the city for Alexandria on receipt of the now4 on a special train. The num ber of killed 'and wounded is reported to bo considerable. The rioters were unchecked in their demonstrations for five hours before the troops were called out , the police making no attempt to interfere. ' .The Greek and Italian consuls are riciong the wounded. It is estimated that forty persons were killed , among'.them on English naval officer of tbjj * < i'ij * \ ' < - rioters. An attachment of marines from the English fleet is now on guard at th English consulate. A rising is feared in this city. Arabi Pasha declares hi is determined to maintain the posi tion ho has taken. The porte , in answer to the circular of foreign consuls of this city , still persists in rejecting the proposal for a conference. MRS. LANOTRYAS "ROSALIND. " LONDON , Juno 11. Social circles , and especially the male section , are fluttered by the announcement that Mrs Langtry ia studying the part o'f Rosalind in "As You Like It , " a character - actor which will give an opportunity for pronouncing a moro decided opin ion on the vaunted beauty of her figure. A GOOD HTORY ia circulating about tbo Ladies' league and Mr. Parnoll , to the effect that in an interview between him and the ladies' executive committee , ho' found himself fiercely attacked for lowering the Land League flag by consenting to the introduction of Redmond's ' bill for amendment of the land act. Mr. Parnoll , in his usual cool way , listened until the ladies had exhausted their denunciations , and then ho asked if any of them had read the bill. They wero. obliged to confess they had not. This incident is too utterly feminine not to bo delightful. THE SIIOOTINO OF MR. I1UKKB and his escort produced n profound impression in the House when the nowa waa first whispered about. There was something like consternation among the members , who assured each other that this was an additional proof that nothing but strong meas ures would bring ponce to Ireland. It has undoubtedly made the govern ment more resolute in its refusal to modify the nrovontion-of-crimo bill * despite the arguments and an. peals of the Irish members , It also brought about a painful and dramatic scene. Mr. Burka's brother called at the house to learn the latest news about the rumor of his brother's assassination. While walk ing down the lobby of the house with Mr , G , 0 , Trovallyan , ho caino upon Messrs. Paruell , Justin McCarthy and Bigpar. When Mr. Burke , who was laboring under great excitement , saw the three members , ho exclaimed , "Parnoll , this is your fault. " The Irish loader piid no attantion to the remark , Mr. Burke then addressed Mr. Bigpar threateningly , calling out : "You will pay for this ; your turn will : omo some day. " Mr. Trevallyan put m end to this painful scene by taking Mr , Burke by the arm and leading iim away , IRISH INHUMANITY , LONDON , Juno 12. The people in ho district whore Walter M. Burke f&a murdered , refused to help the do- ieasod's brother to lay out the body > r permit his friends to got refresh- nonta. ACCIDENTAL DKATlf. QUEUKO , June 11 , Farmer Labor- igo waa driving homo with a married laughter , Mrs , Richards , last night. When near the bridge crossing the Montormio river , about thirty foot above the falls , the horse bccamo un manageable. The vehicle struck the bridge , pitching the woman , horse aud vehicle over into the boiling tor rent , which swept thorn over the ter rible nbyss. The body of Mrs , Rich ards , who leaves seven children , was recovered at the font of the falls. THE HUMANE SOCIETY. ASkotoh of Its Organization and Objects. Moetlnu ; at tha Council Chamber To-Night There being n desire to know moro concerning the Nebraska ilumnno So ciety and its work , the following facts have boon obtained from ono of its officers : The society was organized in August , 1875 , at A meeting called for that pur pose , in the purlors of the Grand Cen tral hotel , with the following mem bership : Judge and Mrs. James W. Savage , Dr. and Mrs. George L. Miller , Mr. nnd Mrs. 0. S. Chase , Bliss Fannie Buttorfiold , Miss U. F. Thomas , Mr. and Mrs. Watson B. Smith , Thos. F. Hall , Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Peabody , Gen. Eitabrook , Dr. Enos Lowe , R.H. Wilbur , J. M. Wataon , Joseph F. Sheoly , W. V. Morse , Mr. and Mrs. John T. Boll , Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Lacey , Mr. and Mrs , J. T. Allan , Mrs. Itobort Clarkson , Mrs. J. W. Davie , Mrs. Van Nostrand , Mrs. J. M. Woolworth , Mr. and Mrs. 0. F. Catlin , J. 11. Kolloin , Mr. and Mrs. George W. Iloman , Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wallace , B. E. B. Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. George Thrall , Dr. R. L. Miller , John G. Bradisli , Mi. and Mrs. St. John Goodrich. A constitution was adopted , fixing the annual dues at ono dollar , upon the payment of which any ono becomes - - comes an active member of the so ciety for a year , and a permanent or ganization was olTocted by the election of the following officers : James VV. Savage , president ; B. E. B. Kennedy , J. H. Kollom , JamoaT. Allen , Mrs. St. John Goodrich , Mrs. T. L. Kimball and Mre. J D. Brown , 'vice-presidents ; William Wallace , treasurer ; Watson B. Smith , record ing secretary , and Mrs. Lowago , cor responding secretary. A largo number of vice-presidents , residents in nearly every county in the state , were afterwards elected with a view of securing the organiza tion of branch societies in all portions of the state , but thus far vice presi dents have been , generally speaking , more ornamental than useful. Mr. E/Gronnoll , of Washington county , being the only ono who has carried out the objects of his appointment , that gentleman being now paesidont of a .Human society , at Blair. - - 4St irf ii35ttasiSiiiLtlr presidency of the society in'conse quence of having been elected to the district bench , and Dr. Miller was elected to his place , serving the so ! ciety most admirably until the moot ing last month , when ho resigned and B. E. B. Kennedy , Esq. , was elected t fill the vacancy , and John T. Boll was elected secretary to fill the va cancy caused by the death of Watson B. Smith. Since its organization the society has gradually gained in strength and prestige. Some of those who joined at the outset immediately lost their interest'and , have aided in the work of the society by their influence from that day to this , but their places have boon taken by others , whoso regard far the work of the organization has boon demonstrated in a practical way. In addition to the "char- tor" members , the following have joined the society : Dr. 0. 8. Wood , Rev. John Williams , Rev. A. F. Sherrill , Rev , W. E , Gopoland , How ard B. Smith , J. 0. Crawford of West Point , J. J. Points , Ferdinand Btroitz , Mrs. J. B. Gardner , Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Davis , Mr. and Mrs. P. Le Perine , Mrp. W. V. Doolittle , Ed. Walsh , W. F. Erdman , Dr. Wm. Mo Ololland , Samuel Herman , Mr. and Mrs. 0. 8. Montgomery , M. H , Car- elton , Mri. Joseph E. Blake , Mrs. D , P. Wholplay , Mrs. Samuel Hawvor , Roswpll Smith , Dr. P.Leisinring , J , Fonnimoro Welch , Mr. nnd Mr * . 0 , Mandorson , E , W. Slinoral , M. Foft , Mrs. Wm. J. Council , Lyman Richardson , H. W. Yates , A. E. rouzalin , J. W. Paddock , Mrs. M. J. Droigh , John I. Rudick , M. R , Ris- Ion , John A. Croighton , M. Wool- tvorth , Mrs , Lewis 8. Rued , Horace 3. Stripe , John B. Furay. For n time Mr. D. B. Houck waa imployod as the agent of the society , aoing deputized by the mayor so that 10 hud authority to make arrests , and n this capacity did it most useful work , but owing to the lack of funds .he society was unable to continue the nodcst salary asked for by Mr. Houck , md reluctantly suspended his services 'or the time being , The active work > f the society ( the name of which has jeen .modified to the Humane society ) s now in the hands f an executive loimnitteo consisting of E , W. Sim- iral , Murin Dunham , T. II. Loavitt , Ura , J. B. Jardoau and Mrs. P , L , Merino. AD effort is being made to iccuro the erection of public drink- ng fountains for man and beasts in 'iiriDua portions of the city. Mrs , kV. D , Apple ton , of Boston , has given ho society the sum of $100 as a bo- { inning in that direction , Dr. Miller idding $25 to the amount at the last noeting of the society. It is oxpoet- ) d that the Appleton fountain will bo ircctod at the southwestern corner of lelFeraon park at an early day , The society now meets monthly in ho council chamber , The next meet- ng will bo hold this Monday evening , ind all persons interested in the work > f the society are invitep to bo pres- snt. ' Slootrio Light ana Power Company. Articles of Incorporation of the Sforthwostern Elootrio Light and Power Company wore filed in the clerk's oflico on Saturday. The in corporators nro M. M. Mar shall , Gco. B. Lunc , W. C. B. Allen , J. J. Dickey , of this city , and Janus 0. Robinson , of Now York. The capital Mock is 8100,000 divided into 1OCO abates of $1CO each. The term of existence of the company is twenty years. The objects for which the company is created nro sot forth na being the purposes of convoying through wires from contial stations , electric currents to producn olnctric light for streets and outer illumination ; to build , equip and maintain wires , posts and Bin- lions , with all other equipments need ed to carry on said business of manu facturing the electric light , of trans mitting power for other purposes ; to furnish power and steam to customers from its central Italians ; to sell and lease electrical apparatus , lamps , car bon , electro-plating machines , nnd nil classes of electric apparatus , etc. PECULIAR PASSENGERS. Some of the Consignments Handled by the Puclflo Express Company. The overland train from the wct yesterday was an unusually largo ono , there being five bnggago cars , throe passenger coaches , two Pullman's and a "special. " The two forward bag- gogo cars consisted , first of a dinkey , which contained six crates of sea lions , there being two lions in each crate. This is the first cargo of those marine monsters that has gene through this season , and the lot waa assigned to Mr. Charles Richie , the well known bird fancier and eoologist of Now York City. The car doors were loft partly open to allow the free circulation of air , but of course those animals suffer moro or less from want ot water on a long journey like the present ono , having como all the way from San Francisco , and they kept up a barking during their stay hero , rather pitiful for those who have n feeling for dumb brutes. A BEE reporter entered the car aud looked at them through the bars of their cages. Most of them appeared rather young and ono was a baby not ever fourteen or fifteen inches long. All were of n dark brown color , their soft , glossy coats of hair looking very pretty , and tholr lustrous eyes had a sorrowful expression. Gentle aa they look they are by no moans pleasant to come iu contact with if turned loose in their gos. They are fed upon raw meat , and if they got a chance will take a little human meat by way of dessert. The baby has created a good deal of trouble on its course by its being able to got out between the bars. For in stance at Sidney , last Saturday night , when they wont tu feed them ono of the lions broke a bar from the cage and several of thoni succeeding in getting out into the car , they had quite a time to get them back. They were twelve in all , and were received from the Wolla Fargo Express Company at Ogden , coming jrom a , company which has , " Mulford , who was originally the enl capturor of sea lions. Those ani mals are very valuable indeed , and are transported over the country at an enormous expense. FINE HORSES. The next car was a Central PC. cific express car , containing eight fine speed horses , in charge of Capt. L. R , Martin , of California. Five of these were the property of E. J. Baldwin , of the golden state. Among them being "OlaraD , " Duchess of Norfolk , " "Gano , " "Lucky B" and "Grisner , " all being two years old , except the "Duchess of Norfolk , " who was three years old. There wore aluo two stal lions in the lot , which are being shipped - pod through to Now Hampshire. The ' Duchess of Norfolk" is the property of Theodore Winters , the wall-known artist. AH the horses are engaged for the season and will stop at Chicago cage for the races. The "Duchess of Norfolk" being entered both for the Oaks and the Derby , and if successful hero they will bo taken to Now York , and if not , they will bo returned , to Califor nia. Only ono stop was 'made on the through trip , whicn was twenty-four hours at Ogdon. i Captain Martin stated "that the Hon. I/eland Stan ford's horses , , including St. Julion , would leave California for the east about the 5th of July. Army Orders. Capt. Thorantj F. Quinn , Capt. Joseph Koofo , Firflt Lieutenant Ed ward L. Bailny and Second Lieuten ant Carver Howland , Fourth infantry , ire relieved as members of the general - oral court martial convened at Fort D , A. Russell , Wy. , by paragraph I ) , ipccial orders No. 55 , current aurics , from these headquarters. Captain Richard S. Vickery , assist- mt surgeon , U. S. A. , First Liouton- nit John J. O'Brien and Second Lieu tenant Frank B. Andrus , Fourth inFantry - Fantry , are detailed ns members of the general court martial convened at Fort D. A. Russell , Wyo. , by para graph 3 , Spociil Orders No. C5 , cur rent series from these headquarters , A general court martial is appointed to moot at Fort Thornburg , U. T. , on the 10th day of Juno , 1882 , or as soon thereafter as practicable , for the trial jf Priyato Charles K. Fisher , company [ I , Sixth infantry , and such other ; iiisonors as may bo brought before it , Detail for the court : Captains Hamilton 8. Hawkins , Sixth infantry ; Jeremiah P. Shindel , Sixth infantry ; Daniel II. Murdock , Sixth infantry ; William 0 , Shannon , assistant sur geon , and Jacob F. Munson , Sixth ntantry ; Second Lieutenants Lyman M , Y , Jvonnon , Sixth infantry , and Simoon M. Dinking , Sixth infantry. titst Lieutenant Charles Gurly , Sixth infantry , judge advocate. A greater number of officers than those named cannot bo assembled without manifest injury to the service Oarsmen Off for England , National Associated Press. PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , Juno 10. The Iliflsdale crow sailed for England on the steamship Pennsylvania this morn ing. A LUCRATIVE LAYOUT. Congressional Work Oalondareft for the Present Week , All Members Preparing to Spout for "Thn Old Flag ] and an Appropriation. " The Tariff Commission on the Protection Plan Doomed to Defeat. The Cotton and Corn Crops Reduced by Water tea a Low Average. April Expert * and Now Mexioam Grant * The Prin ter * Kicking * OAPITAI. NOTES. Nation * ! AwocUted Trots. VROf WASIIINOTOW , Juno 11. Juno crop roporta of the agricultural department represent the area in cotton 2 7-10 per cent , loss than in 1881. Texas makes nn increase. All other atato loss. The greatest deficiency is in the over- ilowcd districts. The average condi tion indicates a depreciation of eleven per cent , from perfect hoalthfulnosa and average condition. The condition is best in Florida and worst in Vir ginia. Returns say that with the re cent fine weather cotton is improving , and give assurance * of a bettor report in July. The condition of winter wheat is very high , averaging 100 per cent against 70 this data last year. The average of spring wheat is about 12 per cent less than last year. Taking winter and spring areas together , and assuming a continuance of the present conditions , a yield exceeding thirteen bushels per aero would result in an aggregate exceeded only by that of 1880. Corn planting is every where late , ia amall { and not of average vigor or color in consequence of cold and wet weather. In oats , the in creased acreage is 7 per cent ; average condition , 100. Barley , increase 10 per cent ; average condition , 40. HOUSE WORE , _ It is expected that the house will give most of its attention to appro priation bills now , until they are well out of the way. A number of spe cial orders intervene , and it is not im possible that the committee on elections - tions may ask for some of the election cases to bo considered within the next two weeks. A round half dozen or moro appropriation bills yet remain for action. The ono on which the house has boon engaged the past two or three days will not bo finished before - fore the middle of the week. To morrow belongs to the District of Co- . . . . , .lnrrrtrt .ov : i.-fa.v Tu bly\o bo giVen o -t business and special order fixo'd for that day. It is expected the river and harbor bill will bo called up after the legislative executive , and judicial bill has boon disposed of. ADJOURNMENT. Members generally put thn data for the adjournment of congress about Julu 10. STRONG EFFORTS are being made to secure the nomina tion of gentlemen whoso views on the tariff are less protective , in place of Wheeler and Phelps , and thereby re move from the tariff commission the appearance of partisanship , which al most the democratic vote against con firmation would give it. To 'this end nominations already sent in will prob ably not bo acted on at onco. AFUIL EXPORTS. Petroleum , 41,861,955 gallons , near ly 1,600,000 in excess of the same month last year ; total exports fcr the ton months ending April , 413,934,012 , 10,000,000 more than the last ton months of 1881. , LAND CLAIMS' . ' In answer to a communication about - Now Mexican claims , the general land office estimate places the claims of that territory at 10,104 , of which 141 have boon reported to congress , 05 have boon disposed of , leaving 76 ponding. The remainder are yet to bo filed with the surveyor-general. Claims pending in congress apply to one-half the territory of New Mexico ice , and show every alternate aero in litigation. I'KHBONAL. Mosara , Teller , Howe and Chandler ivero out of the city yesterday. Chan- ller returned lost night , and leaves to morrow for a ton days' trip to the 2nst. BHOOKWAV , TUB FORQEll , , vill bo released upon the return of Vitoriioy General Browstor , Win. A. Wheeler , of New York , ms written the president that his liealth will not permit him to accept he appointment of chairman of the ariff commission. COMING KTUIKK. It is reported that the government irintora will strike because of the ro- uaal of the government printer to pay extra for work outside of regular tiours , KOUQHUM. The commissioner of the agricul- kural bureau will shortly issue a circu lar to manufacturers of sorghum , mak ing a proposition for chemical analy sis of their products , asking for regu lar reports of their work , aud stipulat ing that all who intend to enter upon this work to so in form the department before August 1 , Mr. Itiffoiistein , Boston , Mass. , writes ; "Your Si'iUNQ BLOSSOM boa cured mo of dyspepsia , of four (4) ( ) years'Btanding. I have regained my normal appetite , can sleep well , and feel like a now man. " Price 50 conU ; trial bottloa 10 cento. 0-d-w