THE DAILY BEE OMAH V. SATURDAY , JUNE 10 , 1882. The Daily Bee. EJaturJay Mornlntr , Jure 10. "Weather Kopott , ( The following observation * ftto taken at the name moment of tlmoatMlthe stations The era of heat and dual is nlmoat nt hand , la Omaha golnj ? to Imvo n public cclo- liratlnn of the Hh of July , or uoll Ueliclutn strawberrlcn , raspberries and other frulU ol the Bo.iBon at Wieiiior'8. _ This is BplonJId corn weather nnd the. stalks nro allotting up so fast that they can almost bo vcon moving. The time for tha rendition of the "Jout" Ins been sot for Juno IClh nnd 17th. The Burletta to Lo given at Itoyd'n , JnuolOnndlT , is the "Olil Joust , " but not "Joust ns of Old. " Now colloquy , music and scones have been added. A now clerk of the couuty court hna bean nppointeJ nnd assumed the duties of his oflL-e. It , is Mr. Will. Gurloy , n ncphow ot Gen. Wlleon , of the military lieadqunrlcm. One of the handsomest bouquets wo * have eecn thin icasou waH that left by County Surveyor Smith nt the county clcrk'i ) olfico yesterday. Ho Kit'iored ' the floworfl on his own place. The hearing tf John Bcott , on the charge of nis&ult and battery upon the person of George Wilcox , ! H fixed for 2 p. m. , of the 13th , but ho will likely hear from the grand jury before tint timo. There id a great deal of complaint now of thp quality of qaa furnithod to con sumers in thin city. Half the time n tal low caadlo would giro bettor light than seine of the gas jets , and those who pay n high price for good gas want to know why they don't get it. A hole 0 enough for a man to in sert his arm has been cnt or broken in the powder hou 10 out ou the Hits. It is probable that HOUIO hays have broke in the hole anJ iierhipi .obhtractad some of tbo powder , and ct ull ovoutn the place ia in u dangerous condition. It has btcn currently reported that n consolidation was pending between the two German papers of Omaha , The Post and Telegraph , bub wo learn from good authority that' the consolidation will not take place. The thermometer at Mnx Meyer & , Bro. , the Jewelers and Optician ? , from 12 m/Tliuraday until 12 in. Friday indi cited the flowing : 12 m. , 82 ° ; 2 p. m. , 2'j7 n.'m.80 ° ; 0 p. in. , 75 ° ; 7 n. m. , C8/j 10 'Vt. JM. , 720 12 ' in. , 60 ° ; 2 n , _ The nnnuaf'jiarish Sunday school picnlo of St. Barnabas church A ill bo held to-day nfteinoon at the park , A cor dial invitation is extended to nil the people of the parish nnd tlniir friends ; also to the friends of the children ntlendinr the par ish school nnd not otherwise connected with the pailsli. Through the columns of Tun Em : , wo would wish to challenge Cruickahank'i ) baao ball nine to a game to bo played on the -1th ol July. Abe to remind them ol of our challenge to other games , issued a short lima vga , nnd of which wo rcrmeal their acceptance or rcf uial , Morso'a base boll nine. Mr. N. 0. Thill U quite indignant at the action of the nuthorltioa with regard to tbo men arreeto I on Sunday night on BUB piston of burglarizing the saloon of Jettaon and Skew , bccnuno of ono of the nutnbe being taken out of bed after he hod been there for eomo time , nnd afterwards , when the charge could not be made on burglary two of the men were convicted of Intoxl cation and Bent to jail. Mr. Thill ha since paid their fines and released them and ho wants it understood that ho can always be found at homo and ready to ex plain the alleged burglary to the natMao tion of til. A new track ] * being laid south of th Union Pacific depot , which , when com pletcd , wilt ba used by the dummy train ThU will BVO passengers ono trip acrcn the numerous trucVo , aa they will n it hav to come back over the tracks after reach kg the denot and imrchasingtheir tickets One of the men at work on the Soutl Oman * sewer , Mr. Shannon , was liodly injured Friday by the slipping of ui odre which he waj using , by which he jo- coivcd a bad cut In the right leg , -"Paint" ia the motto now decoratlnj , the varioui nontofllco entrances , and is a precautionary measure which those wh KO about in good clothes will do well t heed. President Perkins and Vice 1'realden Tonzalin , of the Chicago , Burlington am Quinoy , nre 01 pouted In Omaha on BunJa from Denver. Mr. Touzalln will remai Jiere several days. The Lutheran youn j peoploU eociabl was held latt night at the house efMrf JUthaui , Howard street , between Fi teehth and Sixteenth streets. The caje of Cartberlue Tully , chargct with beating a son of Frank Benolkcr was continued in police courfi until Jun loth. Ktiluojr Complaint Cured. B. Turner , Kochestor , N , Y. writes ; ' 'I have beou for over a yen subject to serious disorder of the kid neya , and otten unableto attend t business ; I procured your Burdoc Blood Bitters and was relieved bofor half tbo bottle waa used. I intend t continue , us I feel confident they wi entirely euro me. " Price $1.00. A STATELY STRUCTURE , The Marble Palace Now doing Up in the "Lono Star" State , Planned by the Architoot of the Omaha Oourb * HOUBO The Bronza Figure and the Blazing Biar. A Fairly-Liko Ediflco and a Spartan Sronghold. Moans of Protecting the Texan Tronnaro Box. A Talk With the Man Who PJnnnod tbo Qroat Work. TUB UKK yesterday chronicled the rrivr.l of Mr. E. E. Alyom , the nroh- , cct of the now Douglas county court louao nnd last evening the reporter md thn plcaauro of mooting the iron loman nt the Withuoll huueo , where * 10 in stopping. In the contest for the privilege of urniahing pluna for the Omaha court ioua , Mr. Myors came out ahead in a very largo list of competitors , and a noniion of anmo of the olhor work which ia at present occupying hia at- ontion , nnd bo of interest to our itizcn ? , and may convince them of ho wiao choice made by the county ommissionora. OUR OWJt OOUKT IIOUSH , First , however , it ia well to say hat Mr. Myers came to ascertain lie piogrcas now being made upon the mihliug on the Fnrnam street hill , vhich ho visited yesterday in company with Commissioner Droxcl , and coined much.ploasod with the condi- ion of things them. The concrete is aid , the footings wore being laid yes- prday , and to-day the mam founda- ion walla wcro commenced. Mr. tfoyors is of the opinion that the grading of Farnam street and the TOSS otroots , which has been going on or Bonio time , will prove of great ad- antago in adding to the fine appoar- nco of the now structure. Till : ARCHITKUT AM ) HIS FIELD , Mr. Myors is a citizen of Detroit , Michigan , and was engaged in the onstruction Borvico during the war of ho rebellion. Ho is in the prime of ifo , tall , powerfully built , with iron grey hair and moustache , and would safiily bo tnkcd for a retired oflioar of ho regular arity. Ilia field of work xtonds over a very largo territory , in- luJing the entire United States and ha Dominion of Canada. The crowning work of his lifo. how- vor. ia the now capitol of the "Lono Star' ' ' state , Texas. This magnificent tructuro will bo the second largest ) uilding in size in the world , the capi- , ol at Washington being the largest. t was ordered by the legislature of 878 and is being built by J. B. Fur- well & Co. , of Chicago , in considora- ion of ofAN AN KN01UIOUH LAND ( HUNT of : i,000OOD acres of land situated in ho northern part of Texas and ad- dining the Indian Territory ; The , ract thus ceded is 107 miles long and 52 miles wide , and is almost as largo as the state of Indiana , and many imos the size of some of our eastern states. A river runs through its on- ire length , it is fertile , well watered , md withal ouo of the finest pieces of and the aun ever shone upon. Throe lifleront railroads are being built awards it , but will not bo allowed to > ass through , as the owners are colng o stock its vast plains with cattle , md propose to for that pur- > oso. TJI15 VALUH was not to oxcced $1 per aero at the time of the grauf , but the wise action of the Texas legislature within the pist few years has enhanced the worth three or four times over. ' A strong English syndicate was after the property , nnd since its cession lo Far well & Co. have made the propo sition of an outright purchase of their contract , agreeing to carry out their obligations and give thein'a bonus ol ? GOOCOO , for the land. This , however - over , the Farwolls refused , as they think they have got A 1IUU11 IIKTTEII THING and intend to retain the property in their own hands. They are the largest individual land owners in the world , and , strange to Bay , the pee * plo of the state of Texas do not aa yet seem to regret the giving away of so largo a tract of their territory. The grant embraces HEVEllAI , COUNTIES , which , although laid out , had no oiU- cors nor organized local government. Farwolls will proceed to have the country settled up and organize coun ties , after which they will bo enabled , as will bo readily seen , to send thoit own representatives to the legislature and ultimately wield n HTKONO I'OMTIOAI. 1'OWKU. This land is not only adapted tc grazing and cultivation , but it con tains Bonio very valuable mines among others several quurrios o white inarblo said to bo aa line as nnj in the world , and in fact Texas has ai almost INKXHAUBT111LK HUl'fLY of this stone , which they are enabled to use in erecting the public build ings , at a loss cost than is paid here for ordinary material. The now capitol building , whicl would cover nearly three blocks at they are laid out in Omaha , is to be built of this marble. It will bo built at Austin , upon a splendid eito over looking the town , The base line wil bo eighty foot jbovo the sidownlk , which Burrounda their court house 'and the BUONZB Fiauui ! which will surmount Uio dome will be tbreo hundred and sixteen foot above the base , hus making the entire height almost four hundred feet. The building will bo provided with every convenience and appliance known tc modern ingenuity that can facilitate the transaction of business in the various departments of this OUEAT AND OI1OWJNO RTATB. Electric call bolls , telephones , the tclcgrnph and a thousand other means of intercourse between the various rooms in the building will bo put in , nnd most important of nil the entire building will bo lighted by the electric light , the Brush system being used. The broiizo figure upon the dome will stand with an arm uplifted hairi ng in one hand THF. LONE KTAll , which is the state's emblem , of which the Texans sro so proud , and in the other hand a drawn sword. Every night this will bo brilliantly illumi- nat d by the electric light , nnd the blazing star will bo visible for hun dreds of miles , This little item ex cites great enthueiaum among the pee * plo of that ttato who are very proud of their IMPERIAL HKI-OIID. Without going into details as to the magnificent finish which will bo put upon the building , the entire coat of , which will bo Hbout $1,000,000 , thoru is ono especially intonating matter , which ia the precaution taken lo secure their stnto funds. Texas has the LAHOEHT AMOUNT OK MONEY in her treasury of any state in the Union , amounting now to about § 3,000,000 , and this enormous Bum is being incrouaud every year. Since railroads entered the state nnd the lauds nro rapidly being nettled up , the revenues increasing nnd the atato becoming nioro wealthy in every respect , it is necessary to guard this troanury by a special detachment of soldiers , known na Till ! HAKOEHH , and in the building which ia now be ing constructed the gruatoat puns will bu luken to make this treasury secure against the inroads of the boldest band of robbura that can bu turned loose upon it. The devious entrance to the vault which will contain the money is about half a block long , and ia guard ed by EIGHT HTKEL DOORS. It will bo almost nocoaaary to have n special messenger to make the trip once or twice a day when funds are re quired or to run u private street car line for the uio of the treasurer. It is ao arranged that unless the oiticcr in charge ot the vault is the ono who at tempts an entrance AN AT.AUM will bo sent all over the building by means of the electrics apparatus , which will illuminate the whole building and at the satno tjmo tound an enormous gong which la situated in the tower. These are only a few of the tnoro im portant precautions taken to protect the money and the gonercl arrange ments of the building are oa A SIMII.AR.KCALi ; . Should a window bo loft open in my of the upper stories , when the Building h.ia been closed for the night , or any disarrangement of the prop erty exist which miuht cause damage , , ho electric signal will give notice ot .lio faot , to the mon in charge. The contract with the state allows th Chicago company SIX YKA1W ' n which to complete the building , and n case of their failure to have it done within the specified time , they for- oit § 500 for each and every day on which the building remains in an un- Iniahod fit a to. Mr. Myers will , on caving Omaha , proceed to Austin and my another visit to the work , which 10 is personally Buporintunding. MEDIC A U ETHICS. A Disturbing : Cauao Amoner Doctors. OMAHA , Juno 1) ) , 1882. To tbo Editor of The Dee : I find on my arrival in Omaha to-day that a purely medical matter , that could only bo understood by med ical mon , had been so distorted and published as to do mo an injustice. I deem it just to myself and to others that an explanation should bo made. I was elected a delegate by the Omaha Medical aocioty to the American Med ical association , and was not admitod on a mere technicality. I had refused to pay dues to the State Medical aor.ioty of Nebraska because it hnQ grossly violated the coda of medical ethics and ignored its principles. There are many men in Omahu and this stata who believe as I do , and desired that the facti should bo presented for the con sideration of the National association. These facts wore pre sented to the judicial comtuittoo ol that association ono year ago and action was postponed , according to a law of the association , until the pres ent session. All ethical questions are decided by a judicial committee ol twenty-one members. Seven mem bers only of the judicial committee wcro in attendance nt the session held at St. Paul , and those seven members decided upon many promises of future obedience , to the cede by the delegation tion from Nebraska that at the pres out tune there seemed to bo no reason why the Nebraska delegation shouh bo excluded. The Now York delegation - tion waa excluded , as I huvo under stood , because the members of the delegation refused to got down on their "marrow bones" like the Ne braska delegation. This whole question was , and is ouo of medical ethics , and to bo properly orly understood a knowledge of the cede of medical ethics ia necessary , I hnvo stood up manfully for the let ter and spirit of the code , and for thin alone I was rejected by the society that made and promulgated the cod' for the guidance of the regular mcd ical profession , and that , too , upoi the merest technicality. I will , some time in future , give the mutter in detail tail to the medical profession , Jo.iKi % NKVU.LK , M , D , To Tax Payers. The books of the assessment fo the Fifth ward , will bo open for inspection spoction at my cilice , corner of Twelfl and California streets , Friday the Oth and Saturday the 10th of Juno , 1882 for all parties to ascertain what thoi assessments are and if uny injustic has boon done to correct the eamo Please bring the number of block am lot to aavo time. S. WAKKFIELD , Assessor Fifth ward. Hutbla Salve has genuln merits. M all who use It will testify , Priot Mo. Try It. BLOOD AUD BULLETS , Desperate Encounter Between , a Tenderfoot and an Emi grant Agent , Poker * ? , Revolvers and Fiats Freely Used. Oao of tbo Pnrtlcn Shot Twice nnd Fntnlljr Wounded. While the Denver west bound train was lying at the Union Pacific trans- cr depot last evening , a sensation oc curred which probably convinced the imid travelers from the east that they md reached the frontier of civilizo- ion. This train leaves the transfer at 7 o'clock , and the various trains on ho Iowa liucH.arrive with their pas- ongcrs about half put sis. On the arrival sf one of these trains nat evening , a man named Charles Van Mason , who was from Now fork , and who was a rough looking , medium seized and sort of devil may- care person walked down the ) latform to the emigrant house and inquired concerning the time of do- urturo of the emigrant train. lie ros told that there would bo no traih out unttl to-dny , and immediately bean - ; an to curse the railroad company and ill concerned therewith , nnd made limsolf obnoxious to nil about the louse , and especially BO as thuro wcro ladies in the waiting room at : ho emigrant house. The clerk Mr. Wckard explained the matter to him , ) Ut it only seemed to make lim more violent , and Mr. S , D. 5tylos the night watchman had his attention call to the man. IIo topped out from behind the countorand told him that he must not use ouch anguago thorp , whereup-m the bol- Jgeront Now Yorker transferred his wrath towards him instead of the rail road company and called him names more forcible than polite. Mr. Styles udnortook to put him out of the houao when the fellow knocked him down and then started off along the platform .awards the hotel building. Mr. Styles soon rocovercd himself and snatching up a puker started after the stranger , who on his way up was met ) y Mr. Keller , ono of the Union Pa cific olliciak ) , who aakod him what was the matter , and noticing thac ho had revolver in hia hand , inquired , What ho was doing with that gun ? ' The man said , "I have just had a fuss down hero with a follow and its I have no ono to protect mo , I intend to pro tect myself. " Mr. Keller said , "I will protect you , " and at that moment Styles came up with the poker in hia land. Mr. Keller stepped between bo two and told Styles to toep oil' , and ho did so , ) ut as quick as a flash the stranger "drew bead on him" and fired the first bullet , striking him in the thumb and inflicting a wound that a not of much consequence. Styles at once sprang at him with ; ho poker and struck him over the lead with it , knocking him down , and subsequently struck him on the nose with his fist. The stranger fired igaiii , and this time the bullut struck Styles in the 'eft ' front of the abdo men , the bullet passing through and appearing beneath the skin on the right side. Whether it passed through the cavity or merely between the walls of the abdomen was not known. Keller , after the second shot , jumped upon the stranger , seized him ty the throat and took him down to the walK , and three or live others com ing to his assistance the assailant was secured , and the revolver , which was ; { 'J-calibrp weapon of the style known ns "Veteran , " wan taken from him after considerable difficulty , and be was taken into the ticket ufiico and held until an oflicor" could bo sum moned to take him to the jail in Coun cil Blnfla. Thii all happened on the platform , midway between the main corridor of the building and the door leading to the ladies' waiting room , and was , of course , witnessed by all the passengers of the train and many others who wore standing about. Btylen , after the encounter , walked to the baggage room and on being asked what was the matter said that ho was shot. His friends could hardly believe this , but .upon examina tion tound that ho had indeed been wounded as described above. Dr. Macrae , of Council Blulfs , was summoned and a special train was ordered from Omaha to convoy him to his home , which is upon Fifth street , between Division and Walnut , in this city.Dr. Dr. Macrae upon examination found that ho could not state the exact ox- tout of the injuries , but pronounced them to be of a dangerous character , and upon .tho arrival of the dummy train the unfortunate man was put on board and attended by Capt. Swobo , of the U. 1 * . hotel and several others who had been present at the time was brought to this city arriving about eight o'clock. A messenger had boon sent over on the Denver train to notify Mrs. Styles and prepare her for the re ception of the wounded man who was carried to his homo on a stretcher and there attended by both Dr. Macral and Dr. Bigger , of the U. P. lios- pitnl.Mr. Mr. Styles upou reaching homo was still suffering great pain , but being under the influence of morphine was hardly conscious of his actual condi tion. The doctors thought it not advisable to probe for the bill until the reaction not in , and they could aaj nothing more in regard to his condi tion and the probable result than has been stated above. They were ot the opinion that the opinion that the wounds were exceed ingly dangerous , and therowaa a great probability that they might provo fa tal , still they would not say it was absolutely of the most dangerous character. Mr. Styles has been a resident ol this city for several years , and fet sonic time has boon engaged in his ca pacity aa night .vatchman at the emi grant depot house. Ho has the high est reputation for integrity , sobriety and reliability in whatever station he may bo put and his employer suyi ho is ono of the most popular one faithful rneu ho over had in hia ser vice , and the last ono who would bo expected io get into any difliculty , JJis family , betides his wife , con * sitts of ono son , a young man , Mr. Qua Styles , who is employed in the auditor's oflico at the Union Pacific huadqUitrters , The patient will receive every care that it is posaiblo to give him , and his friends cannot do more than hope for his speedy recovery. Van Muson has a wifuand one child in Nuw York , and ho was on his way to Norfolk , Nebraska , with expecta tion of settling upon lands up there. STEAM VF. HORSE POWER. A Serious Collision Botwocm n Union Paclflo Locomotive and n Street Car. About 7 o'clock last evening a blockade - ado of street cira was noticed on lower Ninth street , and upon inquiry aa to the cauao Tun HKB reporter ascer tained that there had boon an accident on Tenth street crossing at the Uait n Pacific shop tracks. It appears that 11 : < 1 Line car No. 2 oft the turn table , which is the ter minus of their track , in front of John Doll's ding store , with quitu a load of pstneengorf , and itartod on the down grade , the driver nteuding to make the usual stop bo- 'ore creasing the track. Ho sanded ho tinck , and as ho approached the crossing owing to the tain which had 'alien a short time before , and the ilippury condition of the roads , the whuela slipped , and before the car could bo cnockod it was well Up on the track. At the nnmo time a U. . * . engine was approaching from the direction cf the Union elevator back- ng up alowly towards the street car. The engineer saw , ho car , but supposing of course that they would stop , made no effort to check his en- ; ino , and the street car driver , whip- ) ing up his horses , tried to get out of , ho way. It was ono of the cars known as snmmor cars , and the curt lins wore all down BO that the passengers inside did not see nor reahzj the danger , or else a panic would have cilsuod and probably loss of lifo. The team had crossed the track and the car was nil safe except the hindmost portion , when ; ho tender struck the cir about the rear axle and shoved it off the track , juohingit about an anglo of forty-five legroes and shaking it up in a pretty lively manner. The passengers were considerably paralysed and thought that a stroke of lightning had struck the car. They scampered outus fust as they could and it was soon found that every ono iiad escaped uninjured. The driver behoving that a collision waa inevitable had jumped from his seat and left the car to tnko care of tsolf , which was abuutas good a thing aa ho could have dono. The paasan- , 'ors all Hi in the mud and 'wero moro or loss covered with dirt and wralyzsd with fright. Ono or two of ; hem who kipt sail until thcylud reached the open air , sot up a succes sion of scrcama , winch wuro untiroly uncalled for. Aftsr the engine was s oppcd the ar was soon put back on the track , and found to bo uninjured beyond liaving ono aide staved in. The pas sengers re-entered and ic proceeded upon its way , and what might have been a most terrific accident iu reality terminated very mildly. SUING TOR SHARES. The Caao of Drosto va. The Omaha Post Printing Co. In district court pesterday the care of Drosto vs. The Omaha Post Print ing Co. , of which Chas. itankea is president , is on trial by ] ury. Drosto and B-inkes wcro , in 1870 , printing the Omaha Post , newspaper , at which time they sold out to the Omaha Post Printing company , com posed of half a duzau parties , the stock and good will of the paper for the sum of $3,000 , to bo paid in shares of the nuw company , supposed to be worth § 100 each , the cap ital stock of the company being § 10,000. Drosto claims that ho was to have one-half of the purchase money , but I3ankes claimed that Drosto was owing him money , and that twenty of the shares were to go to him and only ten to Drosto. Failing to agree the latter brought suit for the fifteen shares of stock alleged to bo duo him , which is the question no * to be determined. 0. R. Redick and Will Rddick ap pear for the plaintiff , and O'Brien and Bartlett for the defense. City Labor and Wages. THE BEK unintentionally placed Mr. 0. C , Thrano councilman from the First ward , on the wrong side iu the recent vote on a resolution introduced in the council to pay S2 per day for all labor performed for the city. Mr. Thrano gitvo hia reasons for opposing the resolution , and when the ayes and nays were called felt it to bo his duty to vote against it , although ho taid ho would bu glad to see the mon paid § 2 per day for work , Messrs. Kauf- manu , O Keofe , Leoder and McGuckin voted for the adoption of the resolu tion. The city lias been paying § 1.70 per day for labor for the past two years , and as but a small number of men were employed this did not in terfere with other contractors who paid less wages. Those who work for the city have but a nhort season , generally closing in October and being obliged to wait un til the end of the month for their pay , it was thought were entitled to a little moro than others who are paid weekly. Again , they are liable to bo lot out on a day's ' notice , the strength of the street force depending upon thp coun cil , in which the whim or caprice pi ono member may at any time result in cutting the street force down to a nominal number or discharging them entirely. There nro many such things to contend against , and for this reason the slight additional pay has never been deemed exhorbitant nor as inter fering with the rights and privileces of others. DRUG OLERK. Wonted A bright active boy ol two years experience in the business. Address , KUHN & CO. , -3t Omaha. CUPID'S CULMINATION. Mr. Frank Brayton is United to Mies Oraco Trolor. Marriages seem to bo oxcoplionably nshion blo in this city just now nnd .t is our pleasing duty to chronicle yet another piece of cupid's handiwork , On Wednesday morning last Mr. frank Brayton and Miss Grace Tro lor wcro united in the holy bonds of wedlock at the First M. E church , Ilov. J , Stewart tying the connubial knot. The bride were a rich seal brown silk dress , made in the latest and moat approved Parisian style , and her lovely jot black hair waa ndornod with the customary ornngo blossoms , Alto gether she presented quite a charming picture. The prosontn , though not viry : numerous , were . 'ill of elegant design - sign utid very costly. The happy couple wont west to spend their honeymoon , but will re turn to this city in a short time to take posaocMmi of their lovely liUlo homo on Thirtieth stroot. This de lightful little place has boon very handsomely furnished by the groom , and their many Omnrm friondc trunt they will bo blest with u long itnd prosperous fnturn. WoUdlnit Oifte. O.ring to the departure of TKI ; 13r.K reporter froru < the wedding nt Mr. W. H. Bonnor's , on Davenport street , last Wedntsftlay evening , before the conclusion of the foativitieB , uoveral presents escaped notice , prominent among which was a huge pyramid of candien , n present from II. E Weaver , nnd ati elegant individual castor from the following named members of the I. 0. G. T. : Misses Noaln Daniels , Oraco Aikon , Jennie Howard , May Gould , Jennie Aikeu , Nottie Gould , and Messrs. Weaver , Bunco , Barton , Small , White , Jones , 0. Buuce , Wai- thors , Bexton , Furnns. Caution- .7. Ilochslrasscr and the Brunswick nnd Balko billiard table company send no agents , repairers or peddlers out through the state , and any ono who travels with such pretentious is a fraud , and pornons will do well to let him alone. Any parties wishing anjr- tiling dona in this line should send di rect to Brunswick and Balko Co. , 509 South Tenth street , or to J. Hoch- strainer ngeut. Satisfaction guaran teed. miiy22-lm NOTI . IU uOArt MOM : . | M11.X iUUAlt C i ttfc t1tJUlll * Ol I. . Thorwvi Itojai8 CiaUhton Hindi. .V LOAA At per ce'ntln- Ws/t/V / UJV tortot In C2.CCO and uprde , for li to D , on flrst-clu'tf city aud ivrmsropcrty. Bisna Bru , Entire hcil Ui WANTED. ASTAO-R 'Cd plrl i > t the Gamtmrcitl W lloto , 11 h and I. nvtrmorths r'cet < 431-0 A K" d B'rl for Rcncril h-.use WANTED a HII.11 faiily. GocdwJRca. S. E. corner 17th and D.dge. 43 / tf A ycung nan 'o take charge of WANTED at.d dtl.vcr Boda. L. V. Jlora , irOS DjdBc street. 433-10 \\7 ANTKD Ttn Rnmrt tccrjjetlc rclcaamn to \V trivtl ia Ntbra-kn and Dakota. 830 00 n week cattily nmdo beside expense. Call at oucaun 0. A. VAIIMULEE , 1516 Farnam bt. 4194 * ANTED Oocd c ok. Apply to Hepptl W Homo , Hair , Nib. 421-11 TT""ANTED A ycung man for oflico Addrces VV Iihir.d wrltliiBKl lax refonnies , atU ail .iy f xpectod , Z , lice oHicn. 412-lf ANTKD Chtin rmald and tinlni ? room girl at Ilia 1'a iflc Homo. 424-12' 'ANTED 4 birbjr , 705 soath 40M , * DaL < it. Tt rA.NTEO A utrt-fiM laundrcira at St , V VrA.NTEO Hotel Ilan ev etreit. 894-tf ANTII ) Ten ttami to work on Florence W Cut-Off. Wngea * 3 BO per clay. 377-tf MUniiKlit , VINCENT. MEN WASTrD At F.onrca Cut-OIT , ulno mllca i"rth it Ou i hi. W 81.76 pot day. IIII'CUELL VINCENT. RDJ-tl Sltuattcn byayoqnar g'rl to Uo WANTED . Inquire at the Hmn- ell a > Ian IloUl , llti itrect bctweon lca\en- worth and Jonw. 4i7-10t 'ANTiCD By a single man , l > oird ami rcora W inare wab'o privtto house. Call or a-.dtesiA. U. ho. 11011)oujU t , corner llth. 410 Or AJViEli Ituatlon In a private fuoily to do Keneral housow ork. Apply at No. H22 , outh fcth Bircot. WANTS. " ANTED To loon. ta.OO1) . on eood mill W"ANTED property In Douglas county. Addrena Lock tox7KI , Omaha , 3 0-17 ) 200 laboieiH BO work on the C. , WANTU . 1' K. R Wa/ei * 1.60 and 81 76 imfilnjstrtclywork ; ll thu H a on. Aqp'y ' at Jm.lmorB otlics. r.-"ra 6 , Kv.nt.'d tloc < , Coun cil Biuffa , crat Me ' * " - f w boart'ora in a private W family , at 1410 Jacstonslreov. & 05 li * Julv iBt. unfurnished room not WANTKD 1'Jxlfi , must ha in buiinvia port - t on of City. Addreta T. Jl. A. , IKo olllco. JOtf homebody to Inroit In a well WANTED .lie.praii o to enlaigolt puturj and haylnd ( ur U.OOO ihnp. Bonds ( f' ' ou for u ilsiUlcg Addr.ns ANTON Q3ANTXEU. nor-at BOS Nottii istu at. ANTKD CMIdrcn aa boardcra In o select W sUiOl. N. W , corner California and 10th street * . L. U. LOOM IS , 200 tf \ rAH'i'lil > Kundlni ! Dtlige aail cnool VV H. T \ TANlrD 600 privy * au.W , eiuka And cew \'V pool * to clean with Sanitary Vault and Sink Cleaner , the beat In use. A. Evana & Co. , residence 1200 Dodge etrect , Omaha. % To rent , with prlvl'fga of buy- yog after - - - about - - - - three 1.1.1. month . * u cottage _ . . .i of _ „ flv t rooms , good locality , within touty inlimtcu wulkol pnstolllcc. Acidrcsi Btating tciiua and location , "Hou'ti" II olllco ni7-tf FOR RENT KOUaEO AND LAND. 111011 KENT A tmn 'iri'iulreN. E corner 10th _ 1" and Dnenpoit sine' . 411-10 * T70H ItEST A fur UaeJ front room , sultallo I ) for two gcntlfmcu , at 1010 iarnau tdreot. 423-10 ItENT T o now houict ono of 8 and one FOH 6 rooma , eto y thing converlcntly r- nneed. Inqulra on prcmltei , tOi 8. 'Ailli utrrct near Loivcnwi rlli. 417-10 * \T1CELY ( urnUhed room , Ono door eoith of JM Dodge on lSti Btieet. tOM6 * OU RKNT-HouBo f six rooms , on 14th et , bet ct > n Chicago and Caw. Applynt south 401-U _ B RENT Small neatly furnlahed front rooms , threu blocka Bjuth-out of port of. lice. U tetif rexsontblo , at 1407 Howard , between 14th anil 16 h ttteeU. 401-tf _ mo LET One large furulihed room , with JL bo rd. IbOS C llfornlitrcct. . SOT-tf A FUnmSHED OOMInprira'o famUy for j \ . gmtbn an Tilfi rpfcrenco. 1812 todgo be. twcen 3th and 14th strcit 374-tf KFNT-A nicely furnished room M Hit Chicago street , Lctwioi 4th and 15th. Ci6-tf tJ OKKNT ' urnnlicd room , Lav < nport Iwt. 1 1'lhanil 7th. third house S7J-1U i\oa \ HKNT Two nlctly fuml < > lir < l rooiim , Ion prievs , brici hou. o S0i3 ia.str ct. \ | , \UK'l niniishwt 100,11 , oi/J IDih Htrevt JL ? botwccn C.6J and CA'.tfotnU , FOR RKST flca a'itly fuinlshe ) room , 117 South 17th bt cet , ont uoot notth of Dong * las. rnWOKtlRNISHKD iuthroom § for rent. 8. JL W. cornet 19th ti.d Davcni > ort. 300tf FOtl HUNT Mood homo with -Ii room ? , and nil modern Imp Okcmonlx , nnd couvoulont ta Itrcct car. Inq'ilraat ntore , corner 20th and turning stract. 233-tt T710R KENT The tpiclous and clceant hall I.1 ttlto n'l modern 1 pr. , > oincntHluCUrk'i ) nd Ko&tct'a Block. Apply t ) ' . M. Clark , or to H. A. ho.ter'3 10j and ' 07 d. 14th direct. CU7-U 'I.-.OH IlEI.'T S furntBhfd tocnia o % i ilo Q cbtntr'HxchinKc.ft.E tor. IKth u.l T7IOU IliaT Nicely furnished rooms with ft .0 without board. Ucaaonablo prices. iClS Ca ) St. w > FOR HALE Ono talklnj xirrot , onomtck- ATAUCUON Cumin ; * ' auct'on ' Mott > , l > Ini ttnet , Saturday tbo Ktn , ut to o o ock. T7IOR SALE Fxtliaiii' HiUl , a JL Neb , Including' itunlture nnd otorCK , lo.-tttton and ivitruiipo. hotel In tanti. For tvraiR aldruoe , M C. MAVfhON. 4S7-22 As , nt i : 8ALK-A hcu < o. Aip'yut Flodman Ekblal'B Btoro , 1.0 $ N , lull afreet. 4:0-9 A 48-Inch Columbia Ilkydo war- FORSAfjK In fir < . -clin' cuudltlou , wlih craJ a tiring 21 Inchhandlo bir , aud nUKIo plitoJ head , objict ot sain to liuv ' now nd .lar > cr n-a- rhlno. AddrrM J. H. Lth'mtr , 1U1/Mi'ioco ' fit. Oitiaba. Nob. 422-14 i , HALE V cottrjfa of ihroa rooms north FOR . Nlch li4 b.-tw.on IHth a U 10 h. lliqtlt o within. (4'2lf ( ) DAVIDUENTKT. BALE IhobURlncna and flxturca ofa flrt FOR meat market In Central No raskn , Kent location ; ucst cash tradu In the city. Itotuo * for lllrif , ' , for hwxlth. Address Uutchcr , Uu * IDc * . 337-lra llhT Ui : bt l.D-C3 = scree In I'olk county 1'rlc S5OCO. lnqulro < il .1. It. Kiunian lotllco , RIslug City , Dialer county , ru. fA it. A pool famty naro , w.irrniuod gentle , mil nblo lit Kroccr > ' " son , nlso row ncs.4 , leather top phao'on , ncarl ; new , and coaipletcstablooutit. f Ublo for ruit. Call af ter 6 o'clock , 1013 Wcbs'cr ttreet. 37D-11 OUAULES MARLUY. TJlOE SALE Ch > p A hou c of Ux loom and JC lot , 3x ! JJ. Ju t north cf Iflt htr c i brid 3 rents c at en i5th utrcji. 1'it.o only 3 > 00 , dual o .h pty.rcnta , baliucu'in uonthl > paynrti. . Ecquirii at Newtp pj/ Union , Kill aud ll uard ttrtctn. fC3-f B iino lot 132 feet frontige bv CO JL' feet dcop , on nouth lali Htrcct , on (10 ptr month paymcntu , to anycno who will uulld. ln- qulro 14U7 Ilo-'iril , bauucu Mtn and 15th bis. TJ10H SALE Jlarnh han ester , cheap at my i. farm , two U'llca K > uth of Hellenic. I-'or terms nddrosn B. Tzsc&uck , 1'Ujib.i , Neb. S3fl-t/ BjlUH sAI-ii Houitllul aero let Hnd house on JJ Calltornm > licet , S1JGO. MoCAOUE , 253-tf Oii-MMito Post' tllco. oAur. uouto of li ) 100. UB au < i 1 it enC C nodtra street. flUOO. Small house ard two bta In bhlnti'u addition 0)00. McCAGL E , SDl-tf _ ppposlta i oitjlllcc. I7bRS.CLE A h5U3o anil lot IDOtllS fronT ; U with bun , t'.vo wells end cistern 123 * South 14th struct , eoond luiiao north of William street. Price S14TO. SALfc-hLfctaurai-t cm n wfll tr vol.'d Ptrest. II. MAN.MWEILKIJ. gjl-U 11 h > trc t. near TAtnam. TUK SALf. 'louso of ix rTiuiiH , and lee ) x J1 220 , north of nlxtecuth street litldKO. Ap ply corner 12th and IIvard. . Newspaper Unloa. Ifi2-tf 170R SALE The POt'ULAll HOTEL , known JlJ as thu DOY3' IIOilE. This houio la eo - trally located , baa sou h and oa t front , and Is Burronndcd w th flno rbado trees ; conttlnjthirty s teplni ; roomi , haa leo hoiue. laundry , eamplo room , tic. Hai a world w do reputation and n better patrongo than many houses of twlco its capacity. Price 85,000 for paitlcuitM J- dress , A. A. 8A\VDKY , Rod Cloua , xicb. E64-tf THOR SALE Or will oxcha po for Omaiu tro- Ju peity , an improved eec on of land adjoining - ing & station on U. V. R. K. M. DUNHAM , 141 Farnhamtit. , Omaha. 7:2' : ! Suit IUGIC FOK B MS-tf K3TABKOOK fc Co" . HAY At A. II. Haudi-r' Fetd St BALED . el'J-\.t \ O T A pocket cuocf HirRlcil InMnimeiiM. Hud r OAdiaii'o diUu store nnlro- l. 1 25-0 1 \ IU5NTNextly fur 1 lu-d fults of rooms , T\n trputiirorHlnily ; , with " bondtlna dirable { uitotihccly .Vidros ii , Ik'uOIko 1 23-10 1 UPAycuru cow , about 3 j cars o'd , _ wlilto with n if cars at t-o J N. II. Patrick farm , 3 mil.b wet of city. H. JJower. 40-121 T OST Oa Snerraan ATO. , Ia te nlny wrst- I J odbp rnbe , llguro tf horse In ccn nr , bjt- Bon wrners. Finder will poi ! i cjmaaun- ili tub cri'jo and roadvo rowaid. LOUIS Lirri-EFIcLU , 1' . O. IJox , 7M. ' 431-lQ . , . AMtnall rod cw , w'tli while and whl'ef ribtad ; Sjuarnold. 0 J. crdahl 1717 Burt street. 435-12) ) ' UP A reJ coir , a1 ! Pttr ( Boo-enV Mercer ave , west of Ujan's placo. 41310 * To Burnett IND fen PnAkKXH tut N01ICK Ihuvoli-oaud Diiri ) idculJ n.ora ? ! ) for ten car trade. Mr 111 ( < re till Novem ber , nd guaian ee to hold butur and ejKuawect and fr.cli. Will ihiio praflta equal y with pir ll- storing ttock cr fuinljtjlrp mo cytobuylt with. * IOCO3 to { 20.001 profit can bu cleared Iu flvo mrnthi time. Coirespond with infrroncn D.ll. IJEEMEIt , H. Kountie , Omtta Prosideut First National fltnk. < utf < ) EDWAKD lIUEHL MAOISTEK 01' I'AUIYSTEUY AND.OONU1 TIOMAL1ST , 193 Tenth Btrooi , between Ksrnwn undlltirnev. Will , with tbn aid of rcudiio Dplrlto. obtain tor any onsagUnco at the past and present , ami on curtain ponJItlona in thn fa > ture. Bootu ud Chooa aiJu to Jjder. I'oifea t'Uiriatood Absolutely Pure. 7bla powder never varies. A marvel ot p py , utrength and whoUwmenoai. Mora eccfio mlcal thui the ordinary klndi , and cannot bo told ia competition with the multitude oft ow test , abort weight , alum or phosphate powder * fold only In cans. Korib.lUufiO fowcut CO. , n\Vtll8t.1Ne > rYoik