Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee.
PnblMied every moraine , except Sunday.
Kb * only Monday morning daily.
One Vsar 810.00 I Three Month.83.00
Oil Months. o.OO I One . . 1.00
Tint WEEKLY BKB , published er-
ry Wednesday ,
OneYcar. . . . . $2.00 I ThreeMonths. . 60
BlxMcttli * . . 1.00 I One . . 20
or Newsdealers In tlio United States.
l\ttons rclfttlnn to NewHandKdltorialmat-
n nhould be addrcnsod to the KuiroB or
THK Hrr.
Iie.tett ) uiirt Kemlttancos Bhoulcl bo ftd-
dr ic < l toTiiu OMAHA I'DBURIUHO COM-
BAHT , OMUIA. Drafts , Checks and Tost-
ofloo Onlcrs to bo made payable to llio
tJer of the Company ,
The BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Prop.
VAI , will need a pair of Dan O'Loary
nhocs for that congressional walk-away
which ho Bponlfs about.
ro forced to
epond nine-tenths of Ihoir wages for
food and I'ouso rent , trade of nil
kinds experiences a dullness. This is
especially 1 ho case with clothing and
dry goods houses.
TUB vnlliant Jim Drisbin has again
been heard from. This time ho comes
to the front with a highly colored ac
count of a desperate Inlun Bcrimmsgo
in which ho came off without a scratch ,
AS usual.
THE debt of Now York city is S144-
000COO , and Vanderbilt could liqui
date the cntiro sum and have a few
million loft. But then the crowning
glory of railroad kings lies in their
ability to contract immense debts ; not
in paying them.
TUB president has ocnt in the names
of nine gentlemen to bo members of
the taiiff commission. It isanotico-
able fact , that with two exceptions
every nominee is an ultra protection
ist , . Several are ofllcers of associa
tions whoso object is to maintain
the present status of the tariff un-i
A BILK by * the name of S. It. Smith
is traveling through Dakota lecturing
on temperance and representing him-
Bolf as an agent of TIIK BEE. Tun
BEE hat never employed Smith in any
capacity. He is a drunken vagabond
and hotel beat , who victimizad the entire -
tire Iowa slope while corresponding
for one of the Omaha dailies.
JUNK is the commencement month ,
and a couple of thousands of boys
and girls will shortly bo dolivorirc
essays on the "Lesson of Life , " prior
to packing away ribbon tied diplomas.
It takes the average college gradualo
about six months to discover that the
lesion of lifo only begin to bo learned
when school days are over.
JOIIK I. DAVENPORT hain't found
yet the name of the author of the
Horoy letter. It is very probable
that ho isn't burning up with curiosity
to learn his whoroabouts. Up to date
the great political detective has drawn
over $20,003 from the republican na
tional and congressional committees
with which to carry out his investiga
tions , The question , "Aro yon there ,
Horoy 1" still remains unanswered. .
TUB department clerks at Waah-
ington are shamefully overworked.
These political serf * of Uncle Sam
have been putting in six hours and a.
half of hard labor five days in each
week , but Attorney General Brewiter
has come to their rescue by cutting
down the time of the oppressed clerk *
of the department of justice to five
bourn and a half. All the other de
paitmonts will soon follow , and a cry
for moro help will soon bo heard all
over the land ,
BISHOP Qiuioun , of Cleveland ,
doesn't approve of women engaging
in politics. The bishop who in de
nounced as a crusty old bachelor , dc
clarcd in strong language in his re
cent pastoral that no woman can bo
brawling politician , and a good
Catholic at the same timo. Without
expressing any opinion upon the ru-
ligious points in the controversy there
is no doubt in the minds of all com
mon sense Nebraska women that no
woman can be a brawling politician ,
and retain the respect that is duo to
her BOX
THE railroad corporations ef the
United States represent the greatest
combination of capital over concen
trated by human ingenuity , The pro
ducers of the nation are annually call
ed upon to pay dividends amounting
to 000,000,003 upon more than five
billions of real and fictitious capital.
Of this enormous sum two-thirds is
' controlled by nine interests which
combine whenever it is to their mu
tual advantage to prevent the public
from restricting their schemes for
plunder and extortion. Four railroad
kings control two billions of capital
represented by the bonds and stocks
of their corporations. Such an aggre
gation of wealth is absolutely unknown
in any other nation on the globe.
Wealth .brings power and undue
wealth in. the hand * of unscrupulous
men ii the danger which to-day
threatens our republic.
Nebraska has baon in the union
nearly fifteen years , from a terri
tory that contained 28,000 people [ in
I860 , she has expanded into a com
monwealth , with moro than half a
million population. With only two
or three exceptions the men who hold
the highest position within the gift of
ttis commonwealth , our governors ,
congressmen and senators , have been
second and third rate men. While
other states hove only conferred thoio
honors upon men of known
ability , who towered head and
shoulders above the common mats ,
Nebraska seems to have picked her
governors , congressmen nnd senators
iu the political hazel brush. In nearly
every other sUto nn ex-governor
alnr.13'8 ranks as n political loader and
distinguished citizen. In Nebraska
our governors are no sooner retired
into private life than they sink into
the obscurity whence they have
sprung. Of the five governors Ne
braska has had since her admission
into the Union , Divid Butler , who
was impeached and removed for dis
honest practices , was by all odds the
ablest. Since his day wo have boon
steadily going downward until now ,
when every political dunghill rooster
who happens to control a dozen beer
honso politicians in his own bailiwick
insists that ho is a fit person for gov
It is eo with our congressional nnd
senatorial timber. Heretofore , with
ono or two exceptions , none but fence
riders , who know how to dodge ovary
issue and have no positive views on
any question , have boon our represen
tatives in the national legislature.
The time has come now for Nebraska
tn elevate the standard of her public
men. Wo have in this state a sufliciont
number of men of brains and
firstrnto ability , and this class
should bo brought to the front.
But wo do not only want men of
ability , but wo want men who have
pronounced views on the living iaauoa
of the day , and have courage to main
tain thcso views , If the corporate
m'onop ilios must control our state
oflicurs and cpngrcssional nominations
wo should compel them at least to
gtvo us men of brains , nnd not mere
dummys who only know enough to bo
non-committal and subservient.
There is , however , a manirost dis
position among the people of this
state toward n radical now departure.
The coiporations have forced upon
thorn wooden men and dummys who
are their pliant tools and puppets.
Henceforth Nebraska will damand a
higher intellectual standard for execu
tive positions and congressional repre
sentatives. They will insist that
small calibre politicians who are
scarcely fit for justices of the peace or
village aldermen shall not force them
selves into positions which they dis
grace by theirincompotonoy. . They
will insist that candidates for state
offices and congressional seats shall
ittko an open and positive stand upon
every question in which our common
wealth is vitally affected. They will
want something more thanmoroemilus
and nods aa a guarantee of fidelity
to fixed principles. It will be well
for those who are personally concerned
in the coming campaign to govern
themselves accordingly.
"The unspeakable Turk" is again
proving himself moro than a match
for the European diplomats. Ho has
taken in bis own hands the solution of
the Egyptian trouble , and while po
litely warning England and Franco
away from his rebellious dependency
ha sent a commission under Dorrlsch
Pasha to bring about a compromise
between the Khedive and Arab ! Bey.
In rejecting the proposal of England
and Franco for a conference of the
powers the Sultan took unanswerable
ground against any foreign interfer
ence before the power of the Porto to
settle all difference in his own detain
ions had been tested and found waniing
It is u shrewd game which the Sultan
is playing , the object being nothing
less than complete control of Egypt
and a loosening of the grip which
Franco and England have secured at
the cxpensu of the Ottoman power.
At present ho ia- little more than the
nominal sovereign , but under his
treaties in a .contingency like the
present ho will become the actual
sovereign instead of the Khedive , and
what then becomes of the English anp
French control ? England and France
cannot invade the rights of Turkey as
they do those of Egypt , to satisfy the
claims of bondholders , without run
ning the risk of a European war.
Humors of an impending dissolution
of parliament still continue. Why
they should bo current in the face of
such an overwhelming majority in
favor of the government programme ,
as was evident by Wednesday's vote ,
it is difficult to see , unless it is that
such rumors are always rife in times
of political agitation , whether there is
ground for them or not. At present
there is loss reason to expect a now
election than there was a few weeks
ago , before the partial reconstruction
of the Parnollitoa and the Dublin
murders. Under ordinary circum
stances , the failure of the government
to restore order in Ireland would have
brought about a dissolution long ago.
But the present circumstances are ox-
traordinary. Among the people at
largo there is little desire to send up 8
now parliament , for the very good
reason that , though the liberals mnj
have done poorly , there is no reason
to believe that the conservatives would
do any bolter. The latter party is
not anxious to take the reins at pres
ent. Now its members have full
swing to curse the ministry , and the ;
know that in case of their coming to
power the boot would bo on the other
leg with a vengeance. Two other in-
flusncos also work to maintain1 the
status quo. Parliamentary elections ,
what , with loBilimato expenditures
and corruption funds , are enormously
expensive. Rich men do not welcome
thorn ; poor men in politic ? absolutely
shrink from them. The other oppos
ing clement is dread of the homo
ruler ? . An election this month would
return many moro commoners of this
third party-nnd neither of the other
parties wants io BOO that brought
about. Mr. Gladstone , therefore , is
still "on top. "
Mr. Parnell remains the ono man
to-day who possesses all the requisite
qualifications for Irish leadership.
No ono can be fully conversant with
his acts and utterances without com
ing to the conclusion that ho is a bom
statesman , and chiefly because a
statesman , the ablest speaker of the
Irish parliamentary party. If rare
powers of eloquence nnd great oratorical
torical efforts constituted the solo
claim to leadership , Parnell would
moot with successful rivals , but , as it
IB , ho is without a single real competi
tor. Parnoll , after his great victory
in 1882 , may , like Grattan , after his
great victory in 1782 , bo in effect de
prived of the Irish leadership and
retire from public life in distrust. But
Parnoll is Mil less likely than Grat
tan to have an immediate successor ,
ninco there is now no commanding
figure in vinnr. The mantle that , after
1782 , foil from the shoulders of Grat
tan did not fall on his great rival ,
Flood , It did not ovovi quite fit his
llrat successor , O'Connoll , and had to
bo reserved for his ultimate successor ,
Parnoll , who was born a hundred
years later , began hit ) public career a
hundred years later , attained a great
victory over England a hundred years
later , and who , possibly fur the want
of cohesion among his followers , may
require to bo succeeded by another
great leader a hundred years from
A proposition laid before Ihe house
of commons to amend the laws relat
ing to murder , so as to establish dif
ferent degrees of guilt , has excited
singular opposition. The suggestion
was to have every person deemed
guilty of murder in the first degree
who committed murder * deliberately
with express malice aforethought , or
with a view to escape , or to enable
another person to escape , after com
mitting murder , arson , robbery , bur
glary , rape or piracy. Murder of
loss gravity than the above was to beheld
held murder tn the second degree ,
and the juries wore to assets the de
gree of guilt. The penalty for the
first drgroe was to bo death , that for
the second imprisonment. To an
American nothing could bo deemed
moro just than those distinctions.
When the subject was brought up in
the House of commons not long ago ,
the government announced that it was
unprepared to give the proposed
support , and the matter was shelved ,
though it received many votes on both
sides of the chamber. It wan
pointed out that the plan proposed
'was in successful operation in many
countries , but that made no difference
with the fossils who opposed the in
novation. Thus , the St Jamea On-
Kite insisted that the change kwas
"practically unnecessary when it
would not bo pernicious , " because , as
matters stand , "recommendations to
mercy" are always made by the jury
when the guilt is of the second de
gree , approved by the court , and list
ened to by the he mo office. What
there would bo "pernicious" in having
a statute enrolment take the place of
more precedent did not appear in the
tory oracle's deliverance , but it under
took to bring ridioulo upon the bill
by calling it a scheme to abolish cap
ital punishment.
It ia not generally known that
nearly all the male members of the
imperial Gorman house are well train
ed and proficient artisans , and that
the members of both Boxes are ac
complished in the fine arts. Both
the Grown Princess and the Princess
Frederick Oharlos might succeed as
painters , and the former is skillful as
a sculptress. Frederick William him
self has been the designer of many a
church and publio building. Prince
George , under tha name of "Oonrad , "
is a dramatist of considerable reputa
tion. But it is inusio that has most
occupied the royal house , Frederick
the Great , in the darkest period that
ho experienced , played the flute ,
while his sister , the Princess Arnalia ,
and the Prince Louis Ferdinand wore
good composers. The present Prince
Albrecht is well known and admired
for his compositions , and a growing
formidable rival of his ia the heredi
tary Prince of Moiniugou. Four of
the favorite military marches of the
present day are said to bo of royal
There seems to be no end of tunnel
talk in Europe. Aa if Mount Oenis
and Mount St. Qothard and the En-
glish channel were not enough to deal
with , there is actually on foot n
ichcmo for a tunnel beneath Mt ,
Blanc. This would bo a great and
possibly a paying enterprise , though
how the latter phase of it could bo
true almost passes comprehension.
But it would bo attended with peculiar
difficulties. The headings would hove
to bo driven through an extensive
formation of anhydrous gypsum ,
which is the worst rocks in the world
to bore into , and the lunmlinfi could
not avoid very inconvenient degrees
of heat , It is calculated that , on
account of the depth of the proposed
gallery below the sutface , and the
form of the superincumbent mountain
mass , that the minimum temperature
of the interior of the tunnel would bo
80' , and the maximum 122 ° . The
maximum heat encountered in the
Mt. Gothard tunnel tvas 87' , and in
the Mt. Cenis 84 * . Whore the tern
peraturo rises above 115 * work is next
to impossible , nnd oven where it is
very much loss intense than that re
lays have to bo frequently s nt in , and
the cost of the underground opara-
tlona is thereby greatly increased.
With wonderful success Italy has
prepared for the resumption of specie
payments , now about to take place.
The gold premium has gradually given
away , as coin and bullion have been
accumulated in the treasury , and m
the publio has become confident that
the promises of the government would
bo carried out. In this respect the
experience of the United States has
boon exactly duplicated.f { But Italy is
going further. A considerable amount
of the outstanding paper notes is to bo
redeemed , leaving a vacancy in the
circulation to bo filled by qood , bright ,
substantial gold and silver. The coin
In the country is estimated nt about
§ 225,000,000,01 which $1(50,000,000 (
is gold. As the business of Italy gets
on a firm basis again , the hoarded sil
ver finds its way out of the hiding
places where it has been for many
yearn. Some of this may have to bo
rccoined , but future financial opera
tions on a metallic platform will bo
very simple.
lioturns just published in London
give for Great Britain nnd Ireland a
total of only 3 134,721 electors. Of
theao , 1,212 09G live in counties ,
1,891,719 in boroughs , and 30,080 are
on the university lists. Birmingham
is the largest constituency , having
64,051 doctors ; Liverpool is next ,
with 62,039 , and Manchester next ,
with 53,042. Of the 3 , 134,721 , there
are 2,591,402 credited to England ,
228,278 to Ireland , and 115,121 to
The bronze coins now in use in
France are to be abolished and nickel
coinsto ! bo substituted. Coins of this
metal are now being used in Germany
and Belgium. The peculiarity of the
proposed now French coins will be
thai they are to bo of octagonal shape ,
EO as not to bo confounded with the
silver pieces now current.
The Japanese will abolish polygamy
In the near future. Kitabako , a
Buddhiaht high priest , is now at Ber
lin studying , on behalf of the Japanese
clergy , the institution of monogamy
and its effects on the position of
women in European society , with ate
to the introduction of the European
system into Japan.
The price of Havana cigars in Paris
has boon regulated by the minister ol
tinanca to bo as follows for each cigar :
Ono dollar , ninety cents , and eighteen
lower grades , the lowest to bo sold at
five cents.
MR. RoiiEBON always waxes pious
when ho turns his eyes upon the
American navy. Just what connec
tion existed between Mr. Roboeon's
makes and our worm-eaten sot oi
hulls was never perfectly clear until
the other day , when the old salt
from New Jersey rose in the house
and warmly thanked God that every
ship that now bears the United
S atos flag hud been built by him or
finished under his direction. From
the reluctance which congress exhibits
to place any appropriations under Mr.
lloboson'a disbursement , it is plain
that tha people of the United States
.Uinnk God that the secretaryship of
the navy is not a lifo position and
that Gee , M. Robeson is never likely
to occupy it.
Cell For on ZLutUmouopoly Con
Wo , the uudornigned citizens of
Juniata , Adams county , Nebraska ,
favor the organization of a state
anti-monopoly league , nnd hereby
authorize the use of our names for a
call for a meeting to bo held in Lin
coln for that purpose ;
\V B Gushing S L Picard
L U Pnrtridgo A N Cole
E N Crane James Nuwell
J W Liveringhouso A P Slack
E Moore B F Hilton
U Nolan Gee Walker
II U Uartle E E Adam
HTwidale F E Wilson
W L Kilbura F M Anderson
WPNorris John T Hill
W 11 Burr W D Belding
L U Thorno Gee T Brown
0 A Antrom S L Brass
1 R Newell W G Bealo
W D Sewell A H Brown
811 Clark G S Guild
EF Walker E M Allen
S 0 Angell Gee W Onrter
W Ackloy E W Morse ,
1 M Tapper A Bordeu
F W Eighmy N M Lloyd
D H Fleemau Will H Paine
0 F
The mooting for the formation of a
state league will be held at the Acad
emy of Music in Lincoln on Wednes
day , June 21 , 1883 ,
From the outset the proposed com-
mhsion to revise the tariff has been amore
moro subterfuge. Nobody in or out
of congress who has favored this com
mission has boon honestly in favor of
a speedy revision of the tariff. Thu
main object of the promoters ot this ,
scheme was to stave off action by con
gress to some future nnd distant day.
President Arthor has entered into the
spirit of this schema by se
lecting men for the commission
who have no dceign to redress
the abuses that have crept into our
protective system. With two excep
tions the commission ia compcsod of
men who are cither directly interested
as manufacturer * iu maintaining the
present tariff , or have been under pay
from manufacturers that now enjoy a
monopoly in certain branches of in
dustry nt the public expense.
According to our advices from the
national capital nn effort will bo made
to roj ect the parties nominated by the
president. Among the opponents of
the commission ia Senator Van Wyck ,
who , it will bo remembered ,
voted against the bill creating the
tariff commission when it was before
the ecnnto. Inasmuch as it is well
understood that the commissioners
are expected to do nothing except to
postpone action on the question of
tariff revision until after the next
presidential election , it is not material
whether the commission enters upon
its labors this year or some ether year.
Senator Van Wyck is consistent in
opposing the men nominated by the
president , { but ' 'even if the presi
dent had nominated men who are in
earnest about tariff reform , the com
mission would be a moro waste o
time and monty. All commissions to
investigate what is already known ,
are mere make-shifts , gotten up to dc <
lay aomo important reform. Althougl
the democrats in the senate claim to
bo a unit in opposition to the com-
miesioners named -by the president ,
it is safe to predict that a number oi
them who have n hankering after the
federal flesh pota , will turn in nnc
vote to confirm.
While wo have always advocated
the judicious encouragement ol
America- , industry by a tariff on im
ports thai ; will enable America to
compete with foreign countries , we
have also insisted that the government
han no right to impose needless bur
dens upon American producers for the
benefit of irdustrial monopolists. The
present tariff ncedi revision in many
particulars , and congress is as compe
tent to make the needed reductions
now as it was to impose the high duties
when such duties were regarded an
absolute necessity to keep our rolling
mills and furnaces in active operation.
IN referring to the coming mooting
at Lincoln , on the 21st inst. , to organ
ize a state anti-monopoly league , TUB
BKB inadvertently stated that the
ratio of representation was not fixed.
Every anti-monopoly association wil
be entitled to send two accredited
delegates under the call issued. It is
hiizhly important that in precincts , vil
lage ] and cities where no buch associa
tions already exist organizations
should at oncu bo formed. Indica
tions point to a largo and successful
gathering. _
A department of elocution has been es
tablished . t Trinity College , Hartford.
Thftrtj ure i".01 pupils including fixty-
one Indians at the Hampton Norzna ;
A hquad of University student ? are on
camptd near Traverse City Michigan , do.
ing held work in surveying , etc.
It ia reported that diver * member ? of the
Cleveland board of education wish to
abolish the normal school in that city. It
has been In operation for the past eight
yearn , and all the students it has graduated ,
except fuur ur five , have entered the
chooli os teachers. There are LOW i07
normal schools in this country.
The tirown university scirntltio eipedi
tion will sail from lioiton the day kf ter
o > mmeucement. It ia expected that the
Smithsonian Institute will lend dredges
and other instruments for iVep rea sound-
ings. The Grand .Menan la.and nnd the
ahorea lying about the Hay of J-unday will
be visited , and a collection of mineral and
geolngLal upeclmeua will be obtained for
the college museum.
The Ca-o Hc'iool of Applied Science in
Cleveland will end iU brut yrar next
month. So far as its instruction goes , it
has been an eminently successful one. Its
chemistry department in splendi lly
equipped a a no in that nf i > hj a CH , which
will be put in operation next toim. Tha
Bjho 1 cfuriuK the pant year has inutrticted
a freehuian olasn of tweh e and four special
BfjdeutH in cheuii'try.
Bald an old HIJi school graduate after
itUMudiig the parn o of the school icyl- '
meut the othtr day , "Ah ! their legt are
longer and tlmv ure slimmer tliuu they
u < ed to be. " There iua > bo im Mo t iu this
that boys do not Ret BO much out door * ex-
ercii-e aa they fonuerly did la "old Bos
ton , " nor to iimch nn they y need ,
loarnin , ' amounts to Imt little without
utauiina. Boston Tr n-ciipt
At the reie < t meeting of ths New Kng.
land Association ol School .Superintend
ent ! written ex iminatiom in tbe schools
wtre recommended , but it wai urg-id tnat
oral examiiutloiia shout i tuppleuieot or
alternate with written exmninuluni. By
Mime Hprakera it was propo ed Unit orul
exuiniiutiim * should be lUObtitutrd entire
ly for written ones , hu-uttuetheio were cei-
tain nervoudy conititutetl children ulu > ,
though n tnally brlklr , ere phynioally
unable to pats with credit ex induationa.
While thii waa udmitud , it vi , < n the
other h nd , averred thiu some children
who beoauie nrrv m when orally exam
ined could express themtelvea uoirectly in
writing. It was utnerudy agree I , how
ever , tbot it wad df | reci.nive of the value
of txarnluUiuns tn work up the chlhlrrn
to a stuta of undue mental oxdteinent at
eiauiiuatiou tlmo , ab W.IB hubltually done
in uiauy school' . The bildren bhould not
be cniDutrawtd or fi reed iu nny way , In
regard to enaniimtious im u busts o ! promotion -
motion , it wa < hold that examinations
ihould not buihe only bmis of r motion ,
uut that regul < r attendm ce , studious ap
plication u < t the general rtoommcudntioua
A the teacher Miouid uUo rectlro due
weight In promoting a child. The bysUin
of percentage marking WUK held to be of
dubi < ut utility , Superintendent Seaver.
of Biuto i , Deemed to expru n the sense ot
the uiestlug when be t-uid that the judg
ment ol the teacher i-hould bj the basU of
promotion , rather lhau buy examination ,
written cr oral.
Houses ,
Farms ,
OS'S" .
Bo ut'.ful but'dlnt ' ; dltofl 01 Sherman avenu
( ICth strctt ) SDUih of Poppltton's and J , J
lirawn'8 nahicn t the tract bulongl g to Sena
lor Paddoci tor aa many joar * being
85) feet went Ironticn rn tbo kvcnu-
bv tnm 3'0 to 650 ttct Io depth
running cosUurd Io the cmaha & St. Paul K. U
Wl'l ' sell In strips ot 60 feet or more t ontaso on
thenvutiuoulth lull dip h to the rallroo1 , wil
sell tto uliovounabou.uny teimn hatpurcha ol
may desiro. To partlcauhi willnifrcuto built
tniiKCHCo tlnz lli 0 and tipvnrd will eel witb *
tut anr payment down foroneytar , and 6 to H
iqual aitnnl pijn intsihtmlttr > t7per cent
h t r st. To | artlcs w.i' d ) not Into id itiipror *
I'lglmmcdla ciy will B 11 lor me Blxthdxn and
G equal njuual pjjniontathcreait r at 7 per cenl
Inlcrts' .
( .hoi o 4 aero bl > < - ! < In Smith'snddlt'oi at west
cndot K < rnsm btrect will nho mi ) length ol
Uina nqulr.idut 7 per < o iInter.t. .
Al > o a upljndl in a ru block In Smtth'd aWl
tlan on mme liberal terms a ) the forci ; In , ' .
No. 805 , Hj.f lot on izird near -O.h street ,
* 700.
Ao SOI , Lo' on IS'h otro't near Paul , S12CO.
Mo 30. , Lot UOxiJO tcct on 15th erect : , near
No 203 , Ono quarter acre on Burt street , near
Dutton 8500.
Mo 207 , T-volot ? on Blonde near Irene street ,
2tO andglOOrach.
f\o20JTwo luti en Georgia near Michigan
btrctt 3120) .
No20j , Twolie choke ra Idcnco lots on IIimll <
tonttrtetin bhlnu'a kudltton , fine and sightly
is 0 to * 5 o each.
No 204 Beautiful half lot on St. Mar'a av.
enuo , 30x8) fiet , i car Bishop CUtkson'g and
.Oth street , 31D.O
No 192 , Ft u cioko lotson Parlcavenna , EOx
ICO f ach , on street nil way , 83CU oich.
No MlSix lota Iu Mlllatd & Ca duel 'a addition
onfherman A\enuo uoir 1'oppletOu'e , $3Ota
8150 tain.
N 2:9 , Choice lot Bin Varlc avenue and street
car line on r a < t to Park , Sl.'ft to $10.0 each
I > o285 , E'evm Io a on Deca ur and Irene
i tree to , near bo mders street , * 3i6 to 8160 each.
No 182 , Lot on IHn ucir-l'aul ttruct. $750.
No 281 , Lot 65x140 feet near St. lUrj'a uvouuo ,
ail" 20tn street , $1500
No 219 , Lot ou Dollar tear Irene ttrtct , $325.
ho 278 , Fiur lots on CaUwcll , near Slanders
lire t , $50J Dich.
ro Z',0 , Lotoa Clinton street , near shot tower ,
? 125.No
No 27B , Four lots on HcLeltan street , near
Bloudo , KiRan'a idJltl > n 8--t > oich.
No 274 , 1'nrco loU uoar race course : make
No i63 , BevjtUal corner aero lot on California
s not , oipi-lto .1 dadj..lulus 3acied Heart Cod-
> eiit ground810 0
Mo 4.0 , i.uv oulU-on , near 16'h stre't. $1,350
100 Io sin "Credit r"ncltr"and "Gran I View *
addlilo s , Just south-cast of I' . I' and D it U ,
allroad epota , tanging train tl&0 totloOOcac.1
an J on easy terms.
licautUul't'eaidcnco Lots at a bargiin lory
handy to shop * 100totO : each , 6 per untdjwn
nd i ) per cent per month. Ca 1 aud get plat aud
full partial are.
No 25U , Kuil corner lot on Jonofl , 'Near 15th
btrt'd , $ jCOO.
No 26J , 'J wo lota on Center street , near Cuui-
InLfctreet , $ -.00 for both or(500 each.
No 251) , Lot on Seward , near King street ,
No 249 , Hall lot on Dodge , near llih street ,
No 217 , Four beautiful leeldenoe Iota near
Crnlgbtou College ( or Hill separate ) $3,000.
No 246 , Iwo lots on Center , uear Cumlng
stiett , $400 each.
No UdtiJ , Lit on Idaho , near Cumtng street ,
uNo 745 , Bouitlful comer aero lot on Cumlng ,
ear Dutt'in ttreet. mar new Convent bf bacred
IlMlt , 81,500.
No. 244 , Lot on Farnam , near 18th etreet.
No 243 , Lot 03 by 133 fo t on Co'Iego sU et ,
near ht. Uary'a avenue , $700.
No 241 , Lot on Putnam , near SOlh street ,
Mo 40 , Lot 66 by 99 foot on South avenue ,
dear Mason ettcet. $650.
No MU. Corner lot on Hurt , neu 2d street ,
No 238 , 120x132 feet 6 1 Harney , near 24th ,
street ( hill cut U up)82,400. )
No 224 , Lot on Uouglu street , ne&r'k25tb ,
No 232. Lot on Pier street , neur Sewud ,
No 227 , Two lots on Decitur , near Irene street ,
| 2QO f ach.
Mo > 2J , Lot 143 by 441 feet on Sherman ave
nue (16th st.eet ) . ne Grace , $2 400 , trill dl vide.
No 220 , Lot USxOrct ou Dodge , .near 18th
stieet ; make in offer.
No 217 , Lot on 23rd nearCl&rv.ftm
No 21t ) , Lot on Hamilton near King , $ ' 03.
No 2jtl , tot lm 18th btrwt , bear Nicholas
$0 .
No 07 , Two lota on 10th , near Pacific ttrest ,
Nov.01 , Beautiful reeUcnce lot on Dlrlslon
street , mar Cuinlug , 8 < 00
No 1U.J Lots ou 15th street , noir PUrce ,
8COO.No 19-j , Lotson Eauuders street , near Sew.
srd lo0.
Ko 1'jlj , Two lota on 22d , near Once srtrml ,
Mo 1021 , Two lots on 17th street , near wlilto
lead ark * , $1,050.
Nollj8)O'o ) ; ' full block ten lot * , near the
barrarlS , # 100 ,
No m , LoU en Parker , street , near Irene
830. ' .
No IC3' Two lots on Can , near 21st street
fciit ode * ) . * , co i.
Mo ISO , Let ou Her near Seward , CW.
No J7j , Lot ou I'idQo street , uoir Hth ; make
Mo 109 , Six lotson Faraam , near 21th street ,
(2,400 u $2r50raih
Mo 103 , Kail block on 25th sirred , near rico
course , at d ihruo luis n Cl.c'i addition , near
Baulidero and Coajius btreets , 2,000 ,
Mo 127 , ot on Istn stieit , near wble lead
works , 525.
Mo 122 , 123sl32 fort (2 lots ) on 18th street ,
near 1'oiipUtun'd. * l , 00.
No 110 , Iota In UIUar.1 ij Cal-
Iwell ad'l tlond uu Sherman avenue , Spring and
sarat > gastrteU , noir the end ol gieoa tlroot
car track , 8s50 to Jl.COO each.
H. . 89 , Lot on Chicago , near 22d stiett ,
No 68 , Lot on Caldwe'l itreet , near Blunders ,
( soo.
soo.No 89 , Corner lot on Charles , [ near Saund-
le.s street , $700
No 75 , BoxsS f ect on Pacific , near Btn street
No 10 , Eighteen lota nn 2Ist , 22J , 21d and
iaui dir < ttieom , near Draco aud Blunders street
uldgi' , JiOOi-a.h ,
No 6 , One fourth block ( lEOxlU feet ) , neir
he Convent ot roor Claire , on llaiulltou tiee > ,
icar the end of the rod street iar trick , 11,10.
15th and Douglaa Street ,
Can Be Hand'ed By a Bo
Tbo bax need ncner bo tiVon ntl the wagon ai
all tha billed
Grain and Grass Soecl Is Saved
It c-etsloii than the oil ctrlo cks. Evsry
standard wagon Is told with our ruck comjilo e
Or buy the attachrronU n-il ripp'v thorn to
J our old wpjtnn box. for Kilo \cbrtvskftb
J. 0 CLVI.K , L main ,
ilA-Jiij.oA Htss Oinha.
FRKO roDP , Orand Is and.
HAtiai.ETT & an ri < , dn t Has.
CHARM H 'cnrornKn , Co umbm.
EPAVOOLK& , lto < l C oud ,
0. It. CRANE & Lo , Ked Oak , ! > .
L Vf. ItfBSKL , Gomvno' , low.
And < > vcrv Ilfat cl s dealer in the vrni. A'k
them for dc8crlpll\o circular or load direct
toil * .
J , McOallum Bros. Maimf'g ' Do , ,
Office , 21 West L io Stroo' , Ch'ca o.
Improved ior 1881.
Every houackcopor feels the want of
something that will cook the daily
rpod audavoid the t-xccsaivoheat , dust ,
itter and nahos of a co.ilor wondstovo.
DO IT , bettor , quicker and cheaper
than any other means. It is the ON LY
OIL STOVE mide with the OIL
jack of the stove , a way from the heat ;
ly which arrangement ABSOLUTE
SAFE I Y is secured ; aa no gaa can bo
; enerated , fully twenty per cent more
teat ia obtained , the wicks are pre
served twice as long , thus saving the
trouble of co a static trimmine and the
expense of now ones. EXAMINE
THE MONITOR nnd you will buy no
Manufactured only by tha
Monitor Oil Stove Co , Cleveland 0 ,
Send lor descriptive circular or call
m M. Rogers & Son , agents for Ne-
Nebraska National v
( No. 2005. )
WAHIINUION , April i'fith 18a2. J
WiiEKHAS , by satisfactory evldeucu presented
to the tinders pncd , It I as been made to appear
OMAHA , " In the e ty of Omaha , In the county of
Douglas , and State ot Nebraska , has compiled
with all the provisions of tholteilscd Statues ot
; he United btateo required to be compiled with
befoie an association shall be authorized to corn-
memo the business of UanUIng :
Now , therefore , I , John Jjy Ki-ot. Comptroller >
of the Currency , do hereby certify that "Tha
Nebraska National Bank of Omaha. " In tbo city
of Omaha , In the c mnty of Douglas , and state
of Nebraska , Is authorized to commence tha
luslneea of Banking a < provided In Section Fifty
One Hundred and Sixty-Nine of the IlevUed
Statutes of the United BUtea.
In testimony whereof wltneea my
f ) hnnd andseal of office this lE > th
BKAL. } day of AprIll-82.
_ , Comptroller of the Currency
The above Bank to now prepared to receive
mslneaa It commences with fully pa d op
capital of $260,000.00 , with officers and director *
u follows :
8. B , JOHNSON , PBBSIDITKT. of Btfelo. John
son & Co. . Wholesale Oroocra.
B. B. , Boston.
W. V. MOUSE , ot W. V. Morsoand Co , , Whole
sale Boots and Hhoes.
JNO. B. COLLINS , of Q. H. & J. S. Collins ,
Wholesale Leather and S ddlory.
AMES It. Woo worth , Counsellor and Attorney
at Law.
LKWI3 S. HEED , of Byron Reed & Co. , B al
E Ute Do-.lcia
IENKY W. VATE8. Cashier , late Cashier of tha
Flnt National liank ol Omalio , and
connected with the nctho manage
ment of that Bank since IU organ
ization In ] SUH
W , S. Uxisms , Sec. aud Troas.
Lincoln , Neb ,
Corn Planter * , narrow. , rnrm Roller * ,
ulk Hay Rakes , Ducket kl Vtlng Wind
ml &c.
We are prepared to io Job work and ounut 1I
urlnic for other parties ,
AJdreu all orders
Genius Rewarded ;
OR ,
lie Story of the Sewing Machine ,
A handsome little pamphlet , blue and gold
ae with nuraeroui engravlnga , will b
xn ny auult porsnn calling for U , at any branch
r DuU-otflco of The Singer Manufacturing Com *
jiany , or will be sent ur mall , post paid , to
ny person living at a distance from our offices ,
The Singer lanufacturlng ( Jo , ,
Principal Office , 34 Union Sqore ,