THE 4BA. j TItAY jJD HONEY FOB THE LA.DIE3. Jeweled ecarf-pins are used to fasten bonnet strings. India cashmere border * like those on ehawls ate need for tilmmlng wool dresses of pin n color. Drewes of mauve , lilac and pearl tints tlval the white toilets at Spiing wedding-- nd rcceptl ns. A Marguerite gnlmpe In round puffs of cllk muslin and lace fills out the halMow round neck of full-dress corsages. The new lawn-tennis hats arc of soft felt In peacock blue , crimson , or cream color , and there are others that haye white WAteied figures up them. Sleeves /orn cd of horizontal tucks are added to the tucko'l . Jackets tit plain wool drc se . The skirt has length wise pleats tbnt are partly tucked. A lloman scurf with stupes of pale ehade < of pink and blue makes a charming wrapor drapery for the white toilet * worn by young la Ics at wndding receptioni. An Iowa woman stttick at n I ramp with hair from his tiea ' . an AX and cut n lock of ll she had beenepllt In * wood she conldn t have hit within three feet of the stick. A Dubtinue man who found a wallet containing $ .101) ) In cash , refused to give bin wife $5 to i uy a h it , and she peached on him and made him tejture the whole turn t J the loier. Sleeveless jackets .f snrah with sur plice fronts and a great sash bow in the Luck nro worn over white mtttlin dresses. They arc made nf sapphire blue fur blondes and daik garnet for l.runettcs. - < Vc , " said the lody , "I like to hac a hanilsomo cook. You see , my husband B business keeps him out late at night and thcre'd bo no man in the house If the didn't have a policeman visiting her. " Brides' veils at June wedding * are fas tened liy the traditional chaplet of ( lowers instead of by Jewels. Diamond orna ment * formerly mod for this purpose are now thiust irregul rly In t'no lace that trims the neck of the dross. India foulards with dodgns that cover the ground entirely make tasteful sumn r dress. They are inado up with pleated skirts and panli > r drapery , with plain satin for facings and piping * , frills of creamy lace end ( lots of narrow ribbons. Mountain dresses of flannel in order to be of light weight are made nil in one plcco without dmpery. Ths waist is fitted like n Jersey and the box pleated-skirt sowed to the edge of the waist wi h an erect heading of pleat * around the hips. Lilacs are the favotito flower at present. They are worn In two or throe shades on the bonnets of quit * young ladle < ; are arranged In clusters on evening dresses , and ara mingled with rosebi.ds in the great bouquet * carried by biidermaids. A growler's luck : "This is just my luck , " said the gloomy man at the the .tie. "'ii a peiformanco ( join * that' * m bad its agonizing to witnisg , and ito the first , time in six month * that , I huveu't had a woman with a liath-tub lint in. front of mo when I've been to the theatro. Creamery whlto mull drescos have polka dots an inch in diameter , wrought in them In rowH uf chain stitching forming the Japunefo emblanvitio circle. ThU is used for thepanlcroverdienH , while the lower skirt IMS 11 mnccH of embroidery in front with tucks across the lull buck breadths. Pull dress bonnets are xmall capotes with a crown of flowers and thlrredftbrim of tulle or crupe. A pretty arrangement is pale pink rotes for the crowu with dark blue tulle for the and blue velvet strings. Vloletr , lllac-i , and pnniles alsn form crowns with u velvet Alsutittn bow in the front. A timid Cincinnati woman , whose hus band was at the hospital sick with the small pox , refused to talk with the nurse through the teleph. no for fear of o itching the diaeaso , and mucle the person at the central oflioi d it for her because he waa a man , and "It Isn't no uwful for u man to catch the small pox. " Pompadour saltens of lustrous cotton ! are made up for day dresses for the coun try. Rose grounds strewn wilh golden wheat , c1 earn gioumli with carnation' , or maroon with uSur de 11s are used for the paniered overdress , above a pleated skirt of plain colored satteen that It trimmed with yellow lacs A new departure has been made in the nttlro of ball room waiter * in London. An a fociatlon has been started , all the members of which adopt neat livery of black with gilt buttons and knee-breeches with silk Blocking ! . Drested thus the waiters will not be mistaken for honored . , guests. - -f A Springfield woman , whlpi ed by hei husband , called in a policeman , who sub dued the bully with groit difficulty , ami .started with him for the station house. Then the wife discovered that tha pris oner was without th > o < , dto arod that he would o ttch cold , iutfsted on delay while aha procured tin in , fought the officer Hku fury to make him waft , nnd Onu'ly ' was taken to prison withhur hpjuuo. A young man recently returned to San Fruncisco from Montann , pave his grandmother - mother such a hug that she fainted , . A physicUn found that three ribs were dis located , and the old la > ly continues under medical treatment. [ New York Tribune. A young man , recently1 returned to Chicago cage from St. Louie , gave bin girl such a hug that she fainted. A physician found that no riba were dislocated , and the girl explained that she fainted from grief becauseArthur stouied to have lost hit grip. grip.An An Illinois clrl lately called at a core ner's office and , addressing the solitary oo- cupant of the ap-titmeut , paid : "He you the coroner ? " "I guetm you'd think 10 il you ever see an nudertiker shake hand * with me , " b'audly answered the ofliolal. "You alnt going away nowhern for a day or two , be you ! ' "Not that I know. " "Well , I'mcla I to hear it , " continued the -maiden with an air jf much encourage ment. "Johnnie Bowlo * ha * bean keepln' Company with me ulnco Uhrhinai , but 1 bear that he'a uoiuu to take onother girl to the ciicus to-night , and if he dots , I'll awaller p'ison. In England the woman who wests high- heeled bo tM dot ) * no at her peril. Mr. and MM Blm.d , of Woolwich , vitlted Urighton latt bummer , an f , wishing to take a short PUU trl , proceeded to the dock of a steamer owi.ed . by one Gurdner. In stepping nn h mrd MM. Bland put one foot on a roll of mtttlntr , s ipped aud fell breaking a leg. When the recuveied she sued the owner of the bolt for damages , but in the course of ilio It cama out that Mr * . BUud wore hUh-heeled boots. A pbjsiclan tealliol that high-heeled boots caused u vuiluiy of iiccldrnta. In Home can s they c usttd injn y to the spine and to the tinkleuiul their wearers were particularly liable to fulU and sprain * . The iury promptly returned a verdict for the defendant , CONNUBIALiriES. A daughter of l're ldrnt Wlilto of Cornell - nell untverxlty wis uiHrrl don Juno 8 to 1'rofeesor Newlwrry , of the same lastltu- Jon , At a recent wading nt Balado , Toxas. the groom wan nix feet hUh and weighed ICO'pounds , while the bride wan only two feet eleven im-hm hixh * nd weighed sixty- five pounds. She was twebty-tlx yearn of age. age.A lural minUter in Unchanan county , Iowa , baa ttrnck a new idea. He mar ries a couple by weight. H U tariff of charges in four cents a pound for the groom Aud two cents for thu brlle. A romantic marrhgo Is reported from San Antonio , 'IVus , Lieut. Hewitt , of the Twenty-moon < iufantrv , was married on his death bed to Ml-n ICatherlne , daughter of lllaaton Duncan , of Ken. tucky , who isixpcct. d to survive but a few weeks. A wedding parly gathered at a house in London , Ont , a few days ago , awaiting the arrival of the brldgroom , The expect ant bride , a buxom wld iw , becoming alarmed at the prolonged tkrrying of the cwni , IIICB mper was dispatched In earch of the laggard. Upon his return a general consternation waa canied by the announcement that the hearties * young won had eloped with n fair damnel from the Hamilton road. Kobort Buchanan , the author , has just returned tj KngUnd from A matrlmonnl exptdltlon t > Switzerland , where ho w s married to his sl ter-in-l w , MIsi Ji > y , author of the 'Queen of Connaught Marriage with ft drcea ed wife' * slstfj- , which is unlawful In England , Is lawful In Switzerland. The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey M. Wattemon will b * celebrated next Monday evening at the home of their son , the Hon. Henry Walter- son , Louisville , Ky. The elder Mr. Wat- terion was in cnnere a f om Tennessee years ngo ; but of late his active interest in politics has been chiefly in following the career of his dlntinguMied ton. Kng'tnh society ts much scandalized nt the elopment < > ( Mr. Jonas Libdow with a Mr * . 1'eile , n Irido less than ten day married. Mr. Jjliidow , a married an of family , wai the cnniervnlho candidate for parlUmcnt from West Cumberland. The couple nre paid to Imvo coino to America under the luiprrfldon that society hero will forgive their little irregularities on the score of their wealth. Thf Hon. Trenor W , Pork , the Vcr- in nt mil innalre was married In San Francisco , Tuesday , to Miss Klla NichoK The Al > any Argus sayn The bride ! an Intimate friend of Mr. Park's eldest daughter , now Mm. Gen , McOullough , nnd some years ago made on extended vl ll tn Mr. Park's homo In North Ben- ningtun , Vt. Mrs. Park's age is about 30 yearn , while her huiband is 48 years old , The first wife of tholatter was Miss I.nura Hull , daughter of the Hon. 1 1 Hand Hall , ix-Qovernor of Vermont , Hnd a very love- iy lady. She die < l four or five years ni < o. ' ' The Folded Across the meadow Und together A youth and merry maiden sttay'd Where gratum grow nnd purple heather , 'Midst checkered peeps of mn and shade. At last bj ide the river -oiUcd , Ho fnok her book this lover sige One fallen willowlvnf secreted , Then elowly folded down the page. Next year the maiden , slowly strolling Alone besldo the river's brim. Saw Summer-time to Winter rolling , And rested there to think of him. Her eyes with sorrow's tinti were shaded , Her book still pictured youth and age ; The fa'len ' willow-leaf dad faded Wocre ho had folded down the page. Years after , by the stream forsaken , In Wintcr-timo she wando cd forth ; O rent f. . > rc < t'treo < with stirms were shaken , Sent from the Kingdom of the Noith , She found the spot where they were noatd Bcforo he left her for tcnown ; No willow-leaf the book secret toll , .But life's svl page wan folded downl Them arc 108,100 drunkards lu 'the United States Erangpllit Mnouy will spend another year in England , Mr. Harrison ii conducting a s ° rcs of successful ravivitl meetings in St. Paul. Bishop Oilmour , of Cleveland , threat ens to oxcuminnnicate the women of his church who belong to the land league. The numl er of commuuicants of the Eplfcopal chuich In Massachusetts is nearly 18.000. or a gain of over 60 per ent since 1873. Professor -Felix Adlerhas formally with drawn from the Free Keilglous association of Boatnn hecuuau ho could not induce it to un crtake benevolent wi > rks. After a vcrvica of t > Ixty.ffo ! years in ttie ministry , thirty-nix of which have besa spent in the eplncopacy , Ulsliop Paine , of the M. E. church , South , a ked leav * ti > retire. Ten years ago , the Central Presbyterian church , at Denver , was a missionary church. Now it has 9100,000 edifice , pays its pastor a largo salary , and has a uembershlp of five hundred persons. The total of Congregational churches In the United Slaten la 3,801 , with pastors , 3 713. There lias been a nit guin of nfty- nine churches the lint vear ; and the benevolence - olence < amount to $1,227,108.21. The whole number of comiiainio'nts in the Presbyterian church , is 578,671. to which may bo added 120,028 for the PrcH- byterian < hurch , South. maKiu ; the wholt numiior 698,000 ; and the unite I contilhu- tlons of thu two diviKions wore 31)423,361 ) ! . The MethodUt blxhops elected at the Nashville ftonfurenoo me Tlev. Alnheui W.S ilsonjof Baltimore , Dr. C. Ornn- berry of Viindvrbllt univeri'lty , Dr. A , G. Haygimd uf Gforgin. KBV. K. K. liar- groyo of Tonncesoo , and Kau. Linua Pur- kr of Louisiana. Tlio four Iowa conferences of the Meth odist chinch will bo held this year as fol lows : The I > wa conference nt Muncatiiu * , September G Bishop Wiley iireniding ; the Dos Mulnes conference \Vlnter et , Sep tember 13 , Bihop Wiloy prexiding ; the Northwest conference at Sheldon , Septem ber 21 , Bishop FOBS presiding. It is believed that at the next Consis- lory , which Is to be held early in June , the name of the last of the cardinal re served in petto will be published. Ho is generally supposed to be Mom gnor Blanche , Nuncio at Madrid ; and it i * thought that on the same occasion the Arch-Biihop of Cologne will be raised to the purple. St.Ttlark'n chapel , near Tenth street , New York , is to be rebuilt. The struc ture will coat $100,000 , with a froitage of 113 feet. The chapel will b a memorial building , erected by a wealthy gentleman , who withholds his name. It will contain a day school room for 8lO pupils : also a room for a cooking school aud for nkitchen garden. There will also be a large lec tureroom and n free reading room to bo opeu every eyening. * The canvass of the ogent of the Connec ticut Bible iociety in Hartford ha * devel oped the following facts ; There are some 400 more families of tbo Komin Catholic denomination than anv other , and the l/'ongrcgatlonalliit lies nre more numer ous ) > y H imo 410 thun nny < ther Protestant donomlnatl in , jot the Congregational churches dlumUted more moinberM than they receive I la t j oar , Of the 0,000 fam ilies In tli city whose religious c < .ii < Hlion bin jut bom inquired into , 3,760 are Aimrican und 2,2f > 0 of other nationalities ; CS'Jnf thofo lamille-i never attend church , and f/JO children of Piotestaut parent J are not in any Sunday school. IMPIETIES. . , The Syracuse Herald is In favpr of sub * BtltutliiK etcainvlilatln for church bolla. Tboy om be heard further , create mure dial rbanco , nnd it Is hnndler to drop in and murder the chap who pulls the rope , The church choir uper title I y nnmeans eilmubta the church "rocket " "Why nut "church choir bar,1' "inlnbtera nun tln far , " "commuulnnIcecream na lor"dei. cnn'a snuRtrer , " "sextou'H lodpinc house , " "Sunday school Police News , " eta , etoT Pedobaptist ehaving parlors , II in alleged tlut-the change of belief in Her , Sir. Mlln was brought about by his pet parrot. This naughty bird had a habit of awearlog , and the fact that It had foimerly belnnRed to a PresbyterKn niln- later inspired the famous sermon which set the whole country talking , A new cont' ibution basket has just been Invented , which rims a gong every time a button without an eye , or n ten-cent piece * lth one. i dropped into It. The first Sunday it was tried in an Amsterdam church it went elf like a Qatliug gun the whole round trip. , Col. Ingersoll says it U abiurd to ask htm to believe th tt wen men could or did blow down the walla of Jcriche with rams' I orns. We do not know how rams' horn ) sound , but if they are anything like band instruments , eavtn amateurs out for prac tice might do a good deal of damage. jl'hlladelphla New * . "How can you get five Sundays In a month ) " Mked a high school girl W _ can't , They jnat coma thht way eome. lime * nnd we can't * top them. It's nwful rough cm the uoor hard-workincr preacher who only get * thn came pay for A five- Snndnj month thnt ho gets for a four * Bnndayer , bnt It's A royal bonanza for the beer garden. [ Burlington Hawkeyo. To commemorate hU services as A peace maker between two of bli col'cagues ' who longed to d o the field of huntir with each nther'n K < irc , Con.res man Carlisto , of Kentucky , had h en n > e < nted with a handrome y lllumlnatMl card , hearing the text , in (3reek : "lle ! * cd are the peace makers , for they "ball be called the chil dren of God. " The initial letter of the first word lncloc n dcvici of "pistols for two' crnvorl beneath a pedeatnl boring a cup of "coffee for one , " while overhead hovers a sn.iwy dove , tmhlematluof Mr. Cntliale. bearing an olive branch , and tin- v'crneatli nil are i hn dates of the quarrel and arbitration , "MJny 15-22,1832 , ' ' la the Bwing. She Is swinging mil the trees Mid thoblooirHKO whlto and red , Sparrow * in th" nest n' r head , Not ouo whit afraid ore these. Though she ntlll swing * plowly on , They nro n tafraiJ ; Oh , nul Lazy swin il g to n d fro , Cruel only she to unc. C'imo's he now through the gite , As Mho s ingn there to ana fro , Cruel , cruel Bertie , now She will hide , nnd lot him wait , She wlllhidennd let him wait , liutuhe will not o'er again , For ithe loams at evo'wlth pain , Ho will wvd Lor i-lster Kto. Flora Kllict Sttrcni. PEPPuBMINT DROPS. An Indiana man killed the currant worm on his hushed with eoft eoip. Aluo , the bushes , Ho will have no more trou ble. ble.Tho The most sensible pnple of the country live at Linking , Mich A butcher shop in tint place bears the Bl n , "Closed till meat gets ch aper. " Philada phsa News , Hftwmllla were first unoil in Kurope in the fifteenth century. Before that , a man wha swore ho lost his leg In the army was generally believed. San Krunciaco Chron ic'o. Three Cairo nldermin , cnch with a black eye , attended the same meeting of thn council the other night , and nil told the ra'i.o story uf a stick of wood flyIng - Ing up. Proprietors of seashore resorts are growllnn at the backwardness of the eoa- Min. They like weather that will enable them to chargn a man $1.M ) for a fifteen- cent meal. Philadelphia Chronicle. A Pittsbur # firm has secured a patent for glass thlngleg , hnd ( iropo-o to manu facture them. Shouldn't think they'd bo Kood. The firctlidc would break 'em , be- lure yuu got good yell out ol the bey. Huston i'ott. "You have a terrible high pulse , " said a doctor to it well known local politician the other day. "V\"hy not Urop your'bourn ? ' 1 guess the people can find you if they want you. " The parting waa a very cool one. Ituston dflubo. A New York state man who tried a flying machine of hla own invention last week had no ndvlnn to pivo thojo who crowded around. All ho said waVoik in 'durno'l tool' eomewhero on my tomb stone I" Cincinnati Gazette. Professor Bclnech , of EiiRland , has come to tlio cunclUHJon that coal has not been formed by the alteration of a cumulated land p'unts ' , but that it consists of micro scopical i rganlo forms ol a lower order of protoplasm. ThU may explain why a tun i.f it weighs only 1,700. A New England man wanted a horre to ride at the i.nnual parade. "Do you want n spirited animal ? " asked the liveryman "No , n .t very. " "Do you want a quiet one ? " "Ao , not very. " "What do you want then ? " "I want a horse that looks a good deal mnro bpitited thun he real * ly in. " Three men and a dog were in a boat nn the St. Lnwreto. Tuo boat oapiized , and the d"g , instead of saving the men sapa- luusly Mva'ii ashore uni let them drown. I'liUUonMif the little do > r btorita that will not be retited in that touching nubli- cition , 'Our Dumb Animals. ' Louisville Courier-Journal. Down at Oumhn , a shurt time ago , there wai a otabbing affray in a natuur nt , wherein one man jtthlied annthtr uuJei the tcizzard with onn o Item Brother * hllvtr plated knivet und then put uil hU victims nose < ff witli a nut crauktr. The i-hock waa B ) great that the imir In a plutu liash turned snowy white. lioc meraug. Some awfully mean scoundrel filled a grocer's whisky barrel with rain watjr , and tha next Monday mo < nng ! the a-iper- intendent of school ? , the president of the tomufrnnce alliance , and two school teach- e came.rnund to the store , denounced the astoni-hed grocer as a hwindllnz thlel and a perjured villUn , and demanded their $1,50 back again. "I say , mammy I dld'nt yo" fell Peleg dat ho mus'nt BO In having ? " "Yo * right I did , chile ! Has yo' been dis'beyin * my 'structlons , Peleg ? " "No , mammy , I ham't ! I "clnro to goodness I hasn't been In bavin' . Yo' see I put on Unkle Jo < h a britches by mistake dor smori in' , 'an' dere wuz slch a heap o' looseness to 'em dat when I un'ertouk ter jump ober do brcok dey dropped off an' I natter Ruin arttr 'em. Ob , no , I hasn't been having , mam my ! " Home Sentinel. ' Did yon see anything of a strarge hen over in your yard this morning , Mr. Brown ? ' "Well , yes , I did , Mr. Jon a. There was a-hen hero that acted so strange among my voung tomato and cucumber plants that I thought there must be some thing the matter with her , and so I 'con cluded I would try to cure her , " "How you going to do It ? " "Well , I thought I'd try what effect tutting her would have ? " "Where you going to set her ? " In a dripping pan first , and after that In the ovtu. Come over and ntsht at the in quest , won't you ? ' Home Sentinel. ' 'I ain't got enough seme t < vote at a ward rlectlon , " remarked o'd Isom. ' Why1 ? asked a byxtamler , "Yer see , a nU'por what keeps a bacon * Ktore at de udder end ob town give CO cents premium on a silver dollar made latt year , I tuk u dollar wld de carreck date , na' going to do uloro , handled It lor him , and tole him ter gin me do premium. He looked at. do dollar , handed me 50 cents and dropped it In do druw'r. I tuk de 50 cmi nnd come on up town , I luvo just di-kiveml dat 1'ue out 50 cents. I repeats dat I ain't got sense enough ter vote an1 do ISounhed States oan hah my frvedftm back at any time do etcrutary'o/ will notify mo ob dat fack. "Every Ono Wu Astonished. " NKWOAHTXK , Ind. , May 30 , 1881. n. II. WAUNKH & Co : Sira About 3 yearn ago I was atriokon with calcu lus uf tlio kindnoyB. The best physi cians could do mo no good I usud your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure and uvory ouo was astonished at my coiuploto and rapid recovery , Cdlw THOMAS 13. LAIR. SELTZE The Gentle Way Is Dest. In dyiprpsli , llur complaint and coiutipatlon tha dlsoaaoJ organs me sensitive anil tender. Do n t use them An slieiatlro like Tiium's BUTZER AriBiB-sr. that tenet , torrocts and purities the tyttem without unduly exciting or Irritating cither the ttowacb , tha liver , or the bowelr , It Iho truenpociflola such CMOS , lltaxm teaches this , and cxperlenco conBrus U. HOLD BY ALL DBUQaiSTS. Murray Iron forks , Burlington Iowa. Soml Portable Engines , FOR CltKAltKIUES , MUM M1LU ) , Printing Offices Etc. , ggA Specialty , The Largest Iron Working Establish mcnt in the State. State.OF OF Steam Engines , AND GENERAL MACHINERY. The Howard Automatic Out-Off Steam Engine , Bond for Circulars. mZ3-lm D. M. WELTY , ( Snoooisor to D. T. Mount. ) Manufatturcr and Dealer In Saddles , Harness , Whips , FANCY HORSE CLOTHING Robes , Dusters and Turf Goods of AUj DESCRIPTIONS. Agent fo : Jas. R. Hill A Co.'a CONCORD HARNESS "The Best in The World , " 3L-3b3LS XLTEC Vfja XX. SO Order , follcltcd. OMAHA. NEB moly To Nervous Sufferers THE QREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific U le A pwtlvet.ure | for Kpurm&toirnt * , 6eraln Wvokiicmi , lmXAocy \ , niul all dleo-ivc * reeultlog from Bolf-Ahuno , M Mental Anxiety , Losa > Memory . , Palm . In tb llick or Side , and dlieuel that le d to Consumption Inianlty an earlygrat The Specific Medicine It being uaud with wonder ful Kiicceaa. Pamphlet * tent free to all. Writ * for them and get full par- aculan. Price , Specific , II.Ou per pMk e , or ilz pack. . % ge for 16.00. Addrcu all ordun to B. 3IM8ON MEDICINE CO. Nos. 101 and 108 Main 8L Buffalo , N. T. SoH In Omaha by 0. F. Qoodman , J , W. Bell , S , K. Iih , and all .irntrd t twrrywhcre. The feeble and emamUti tufferinir from dys- pejauorlndlgettlin in any form , areadvlsed , for the sake of their ow > i bodily and mental comfort , to try HoatctUr's etomocn , Bitters. Ladles ol the most del cate constitution testify to its harm * lets and reiterative properties. Physicians everywhere , dlsgtiited with tha adufter.ted liquors of commerce , prescribe It at the iafe > t and most reliable ol all stomachics. For sole by all druggists and dealers generally al to ml The Great Lnglish Remedy Never ( alls t cuio Nervous Debility , VI Ital Exhaustion , Eml | * lon , Seminal Woak- lne * aIJO8TUAN llHOOD , anil all the 1 vll effects of youth- ilful ( olliea and execs- j < ca. It stops perma Inently all weakening , [ involuntary lo ai s and llrulna upon the BJS- Item , the Inevitable re- ltfll "dult of thcsoerilprao * tlcos , which are so destruotlvo to mind and body and iiiako life miserable , often liiadlng to Insani ty ntl death. It stronifthona the Ncne9Uratn , ( mcmor > ( Blood , Musdos , Pi 08tlvo and Ilepro- ductl o Orif.ui , It restores to all the organic functions their former vigor and vitality , m - ting life cheerful and enjoyable. Trice , $3 a 'ionic , or four times tr.o quanclty $10. Sent by uiiirutid , secure from ebtcrratlon , to any address , on receipt of price. No. 0.0. I ) , sent , except on receipt of tl a cuara'itoo. Loiters r > qucetlnc answern must lucloio stamp. Dr. Mintie'e Dandelion Pills are tt J best and cheaneat dygpopula and bltlloui cure I u the marktt. Bold by all Urugglata. Price WccnU , Da MiNTiVa KibNir HmmDT , NEPR TICUU , Cures 111 kind of Kidney and bladder comnlalnto. gonorrhea , uleut and leucorrhca. For tain uy all uiunirlsta : 91 a bottle. KNQLISU MEDICAL INSTITUTK. 718 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo. For B eln Omaha by GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADE edy. Anun- falling cure for Seminal Weakness , Spermator. rhca , luipot- ency , and all DUcascsthat1 follow as a aof AFTER TAIIMQ. Belt-Abuse ; as Los * of Memory , Universal Lassi tude , Pain In the Hock , Dlmuen of Vision , Pre mature Old Age , and many other Disease * that cad to Insanity or Consumption and a Prema- XJTKull 'particulars in onr pamohlet , which wo desire to send free I r mall to every one , tSTho Speciflo Uedlcin * U sold by all druggists at II per package , or 8p ek ge for fi , or will x cent tree by moll on reel ptof the money , by additM r TUKQUA SKDICINU co. , ButUlo. M. T , orsal * t oc7oi4 Urn J. O. Robertaon , Pitteburtr.Pa. , writes : "I WM suHcrlnz from general debility , want ol ap petite , constipation , etc. , so th t life WM a burden don ; after using Unnloch Illood Hitters I foil bet ter than for years. 1 cannot pnilio your Bitten too much. " n. Olbbn. ol JJnflsto , N. Y. , writes : "Four Durdock Bloc Bitters , In chronic diseases of tha blood , liver & .iJ kidneys , have bcon signally marked with succeus. I have used them mjsclf with best results , for torpidity of the liver , nnd In case of a friend of mine suffering troa dropsy , the effect was man clous. " V Bruce Turner , ftochcster , N. YJwtltes-'I : have been subject to serious dlnordcr of the kidneys , and unable to attend to business ; Burdock Blooc Bitters relieved me before half a bottle was used I feel confident that they will entirely cure me. " Ancnlth Hull , Blnghampton , H. Y. , writer : "I suffered with a dull pain threuih my efl lung and shoulder. Lost my uplrlts , apxtlt ] ( and color , and could with dllttculiy keep up at ! day. Took your Burdock Blood Bitters as di rected , and have ( elt no pain since flrrt week af ter tulnv them. " Mr. Noah Bates , Elmlra , N. Y. . writes : "About four yean ago 1 ha Jan attack of bilious fever.and never fully recovered , Jly digestive organs were weakened , and I would bo completely pros trated for days. After using two bottles of your Burdock Blood Bitters thcl mprovcment was so vl-lblo that I wo * astonished. 1 can now. though 01 years of age , do a fair and reasonable day's work. 0. BUckct Robinson , proprietor of The Canada Presbyterian , Toronto , Ont. , writes : "Ferycars I suffered greatly from oft-recurring headache. 1 used your Burdock Blood Bitters with happiest result * , and I now find tnvpelf In better health than for years past. " Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ' -I have used Burdock Blood Bitten for nervous and bit Ions headaches , and can recommend It to anyone requiring a cur * for bllllousness. ' Mrs. Ira Mullnolland , Albany , N , Y , writes "Far several years I have suffered from olt-rccur ring blllloua headaches , dyspepsia , and com BAinta peculiar to my sex. Since using your urdock Blood Bitters I am entirely relieved. " Price , 01.00 cei Bottle ; Trial Bottle * 10 Ctt FOSTER , MILBUEN. & Do , .Props . , BUFFALO. N. Y. Bold at wholesale by Ish & McMohon and 0. F Goodman. Je 27 cod-me jou areamnn lit Tnunrji , ' man of lev _ ' rneifhr tlio strain or ten > tclUncoTornnu your duties avoli' nlKkt work , tu tea itlmulantsanil ut torf * brain nprronai Hop Bittoroc I\fju-te usu Hop O If you are joiinK nd I nulioiA&itT u dticiTtlon or iliirlpa C tlon i If you arr- marline rlcd or flDRle , old ur poe rheaKtt or lan ulsu ] line on n boC llcl , Uftat , rclj on H o pj Bittera. Whoctur yonarc. 1 ole < ' whenever you iccl i naal , Y r r c m > uie that your system form ot V Jonoj needs clcansinp. toii 'ills ? & . chat miKlil lax or stimulating 1 have been pre cnioc. Ibr ft tlm ly .nkr. Hop Hlltc- " . Or I. O orui'nurucoiii- tbsclutt an , illscose I'Kiln . and Irresistt of th" trumucft , HOP lle c n r e ioi ( xirrlk. dloori , drankcnneaa ' Uvtr or nerve use of opium. You wl41 bo tobacco , P cured If youHse Eircotlr * . Hop Bitter * \t you arc simply Bold D ; drag : ireak and ; kti. Bend fa' low ply spirited , try NEVER Clrculkr it i It may BSIVO your I FAIL BTfl CO life. It hoe aved hun Bo t > ltrH 1 dreds AT-nntoOut. Dlieasa'Is an c fleet , not a cause. Its origin la within ; Its manifestations without , llenco , to euro the disease the CAUBB must ba removed , and In no other way can a cure ever I e effected. WARNER'S SAFE K1TJNDY AND LIVER CURE Is C3cabllahed ou jukt this pilucllo. | It realizes that 95 Per Cent. of all diseases nrlre from deranged kidneys and liver , and It strikes at once at the root of tbo difficulty. The elements of which it is composed act directly upon these great organs , both as a FOOD ai d RraioaBB , and , by placli.g them In a bealthy , condition , drive dlsc&so ana pain from tba syitcm. For the Innumerable troub'cs caused by un healthy Kidneys. Liver and Urinary Organs ; for the dutrottlDpr Dliordertof Women ; for Malaria , ann physical derangements generally , this great rem dy has no equal. li ware of Impostors , Im- ttetlons and concoctions said to be just as good. For Diabetes , as for-WARNER'S SAFE DIABETES CURR For sale by all dealers. H. 'WARNER K CO. , mo Roohe tor N. Y < SYPHILIS innnystngo Oatarrb , ECZEMA , Old Sores , Fimplea , BOI'LS , or any Skin Diseases Clares When Hot Springs Pail UAYIUI , ARK. , M y S. 1881 We have cisei In onr own town who lived at Hot Springs , snd were finally lured with 8. S. S. tlCOAMUOM A MOBHT. IF YOU doubtcoino to f eiu and \ WiLL : UKK YOUK OH charge nothing 11 Write foi articular * and copy of little Book a the UnfortunaU ) Bufferlnf Cl.OOU Reward will be ( aid to any iiemftt who wUTllud , on analysis 100 tot tie 1. B. a. , one particle of Mercury Iodide Fotai ilum or any illneral substance. 8W11T SPKCIFIO CO. fropa , Atlanta Prlc of Small sire , tl.OO. Large Kite 11.76. SoldbyKKNNAKDBHOafcCO Usnerallv BLACK-DRAUGHT" ctirra dj anj heartburn. W.B. MILLARD. " r , B. JOHNSON 1 MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Commission and Wholesale Frnits , . 1111 FARNHAM STREET. , " CONSIGNMENTS COUNTBI PRODUCE SOLICITED. i Agents for Pock & Bankers Lard , and Wilbor Mills Flo\ OMAHA , - - - NEB , REFERENCES : OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , STEELE. JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. J" . J" . BS-OWsT &c O O- WHOLESALE DRY GOODS , Boots and Shoes. OMAHA , NEB. o. IF. G-OOIDM.A.NV DRUGS , PAINTS , OILS. \ Window and Plate Glass. ' ] > S3T Anyone contemplating building store , bank , or any other fine . frpnt , will flnd It to their ad- . < < \anUgo to corns end with ui before purchasing their Plato Glass. C. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA - - - - NEB. IE1. O. IMIOIRGKA.IN' , WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnhem St. . Omaha. 9 WHOLESALE , LUMBER , GOAL & LIME , On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. , -DEALERS HALL'S SAFE AND LOCK GO , i Fire and Burglar Proo 1020 Farnham Street , STEELE , JJHNSON & CO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of CIGARS AND MAMACTeED TOBACCO , for BBNWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & BAND FOWDEE 0 HENRY LEHMANN , JOBBER OF AND WINDOW SHADES EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. 1118 FARNAM ST. - - . OMAHA J. A. WAKEFIELD , WIIOLKSALK AND RETAIL DEALER Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT WBTATK AQEN1 FOR MILWAUKEE CEMKHT OOUPANT ) Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA NEB POWER AND HAND "CT 3JMC JE * Saft X Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , HALLADAY WIND-MILLS CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS A. L. 8TflANa205 ? * * * St. , Omaha