Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Friday Morning , June 9.
River 8 feetO luchca bebw high water mark al
Omaha and 4 feet 6 Inches at Yonkton.
Col. SclU haa been elected manager ol
the Union 1'nclfie bwo ball club.
Wo noltco that A. Cruickeliank &
Co. have put on a very hamhtimo now
The pre-tent grading of the High
nchaol ground * will make thorn vltiblo from
the street.
Four rntnn of tea , ngjre < ftlni ! { fifty'
BOTen can , paucd through Omaha yes
terday from the Pacific cout.
The festival to have been hold thli
wcokattho patlors of the PrcBbjlcrlat
church bos boon pontponed until fall.
The cano of Frcelericka Ooi t , chargee
Vf Ith asiaulting another woman , was sol
tor trial oetterdar afternoon.
A colored man yesterday complalnoc
against the proprietor of the nntlquuiai
bode ( tore , charging him with aHuault.
There were two arrosta WodncHtay fo
dktnrbanco of the peace , bat both partlci
wore discharged , one on account of sick
In the district court Wednesday tin
grand Jury reported iniltctmcnta agalna
Henry Donahue , for burglary and Ur
ccny and against John Plenum for rob
bery ,
The board ot education hai ro-clectoi
the committco to examine teachnrevhlcl
consists of Meura. Hunh , Bloom and G11
bort. The committee will sit on July 5th
6th and 7th.
It is stated that about twenty prison
era are held at work at the court hous
excavation , and that they are doing we ]
enough to satisfy Contractor Coota will
the experiment.
Al dispatch hai been received fron
Fremont , Inviting Col. K. F. Smythe am
the Omaha glee club to be present am
participate In the celebration 'of July 4th
In the report of council proceeding
Wednesday the name of that worthy rep
resentatlro from the First ward , Mr. 0 , 0
Thranc , was unintentionally omitted ii
the vtte on the Increase of pay for cltj
labor to $2 per day. Mr. Throne votei
against the resolution. . .
A party of young people , motlj
members ol th Good Templar lodge , hole
piqnlo ai Pries' lake Wednesday. Abou1
twenty ouple weto present , and the ilaj
waa pwsed in the plea anteat munner pos
tlblo , the lake and grove being in excel
lent condition and the day being all thai
the most particular cou'd deehe.
There l a good deal of complaint
about vititors to the park plucking' and
carry Inge ft roses , etc. This In something
that should not bo allowed at all. It
coat the city enough to get the park in
good ehnpa that all thcua natural ( orna
ments should be left alone , The park
keeper should look xfth * wtttcr ,
Leave of absence for fifteen days Is
granted paptaln John Ii. liabcock , Fifth
cavalry ,
The examination ot teachers for the
Omaha city tchools , wljl tiilio place on the
Ctb , CthondZthof July.
That little Bavarian band favored
Tint EKB office with another delightful
icrtnade about midnight laat night' They
play in wonderful harmony rind aa if the
muslo.were p duced by one man ThU
band has created qulto a een tlon _ lnOma
ha by their splendid playing.
In , the old , long standing 6ase of Me-
Oormlck va. Illewe , lheury ] yesterelay returned -
. turned a verdict , niter elghteen bourn deliberation
* ' (
liberation tor Rlewe. givinglii'm $350 and
7 per cent. Interest from the date of the
oonunencemont of the suit , which waa
arlrJnl87fl. %
Last evening the fjinoun little Bavar
ian ban4 gave Julius Tulelo n benefit in
Tlvoll Gardens. There was mnalo end
dancing at fresco from eight till shortly
before midnight , and quito a number of
couples took part , The affair waa In
very eenso an enjoyable one.
The Woman' * Christian Temperance
v Union held a very pleasant nejulon yesterday
day afternoon a"tho First M. li. church.
The different phases of the temperance
question were discussed and opinions
fluhed from one to another in the most in
teresting manner , The meetings will be
held every Thursday afternoon at 4 p. ui ,
at the came place and all ladies interested
in tbla noble work are woit cordially in
vited to be present ,
TUB BEB will shortly issue a caro-
folly prepared index of principal in
tproaU of Omaha , to bo circulated
throughout all parts of the country.
This unique publication will offer un
usual advantages to our business and
professional men to widely extend
their business.
The agent of Tun BKK will call upon
you and explain the nature of this
novel outorprieo , and wo trust our live'
basinets men will gtvo it their hearty
aupport. m&ei-tf
* ' . . . . . i
Etna Creamery.
inery at Slounf Etna ,
W about a,020 gauges
of ofButn is AW ) ancl 't ' I9 oxpoctexl
jiUortJy. to > w SU 6,000'gaugca per
aaekitk ; The butter baa galaed a hist
Remarkable Trip of a Sack o :
Jay Gou'd's ' Gold.
Flashing Monopoly Money it
the Faces of Spirits ,
Omaha Merchants Denied
Readjustment of Bates.
Important Missouri Pacific and Otboi
Hallway News.
The proofs adduced in the recant
chnrgo made against Liout. GOT.
Darns and the Union Pacific railway
of an attempt to buy up the chair
man of the railroad committee in the
IIOUBO may not have struck the popu
lar chord , but a BBB reporter yester
day came unexpectedly into possession
of some interesting facts which may
throw a little light on the matter , and
which were obtained from an author
ity than which none bettor can bo
About the tlmo in question , when
the live thousand dollars was wanted at
the capital , the regular U. P. train
leaving this city wont out with orders
to run to some station , wo boliovs
Wahoo ,
and loft this city a few minutes ahead
of regular leaving time. On this train
was , among other passengers , Mr.
Horace Nownmn , special agent of the
road with a largo sack filled with gold
coin , which our informant was told
amounted to $5,000. At Wahoo the
train was mot by a locomotive which
had boon run up from Lincoln "light , "
that is without any cars attached ,
Here Mr , Newman and his
waa transferred to the engine which
at once pulled out for Lincoln
at the rate of sixty milot
an hour , which time they nctuallj
made. This is the little circumstance
which would go to confirm the charge
of bribery being attempted , and while
merely circumstantial evidence , woulc
go a good way with a jury.
On the same evening there was t
grand exhibition at the opera house bj
some great spiritual medium ,
probably , at which it will bo remembered
bored Church Howe and two othoi
prominent pollutions were appointed t
committee to test the modium'i
honesty. During the porforraanct
Church Howe offered to but $500 thai
the show , or some part of it , was r
fraud , and our informant , who wai
present , saw him pull out of his pock-
ois five or six hundred dollars in
bright now double eagles. Thin , he
says , came out of the sack of U. P.
gold which the special engine
to the slate capital to buy up a legislator
later , nd which , failing to blind hit
eyes , was used to bluff the traveling
clarivoyant. Thin little revelation
will prove interesting reading to those
who have no taste for reading affida
vits or think it aa easy to swear to a
Ho as to the truth.
The annual mooting and election of
oflicors took place during the presence
of the 'Missouri Pacific tflicials in
Omaha Wednesday at which directors
were elected as follows : Jay Gould ,
lluBBoll'Sago , A. A. Talmage , John L.
'Webster , F. R. Drake , Thos. J.
The following oilicers" were elected :
President A. A. Tulningo.
Yico-Preaidont T. J. Portis.
Secretary F , B Drake.
Under the recent consolidation of
the Nebraska line with the main line ,
Omaha is the northern terminus , of
the 'MLusouri Pacific and St. Louis the
southern ,
A week or ton days ago , a delegation
of Omaha merchants waited upon the
oflicors of roads comprised in the Iowa
Trunk'Lino association , in Chicago ,
and presented their grievances. Ono
matter for complaint was the fact that
cheaper rates were given shippers
from Chicago to Lincoln and Fro-
mcnt , Nob. , than from Chicago to
Omaha , and that in conscnuonco of
this difference they wore unable to sell
goods in the interior of their own
state. Thoy'osked the roads to grant
the wholesale dealers of Omaha rpjoial
rates on small as well as largo ship *
monts. The complaints .wore taken
under consideration and decision re
served. Commissioner Daniels , by
order of the linen in the association ,
has just forwarded a letter to the
Omaha merchants. In it ho states
that the complaints have boon care
fully examined , and that some of the
matters complained of have been cor
rected. Lincoln , Fremont , and other
towns have boon embraced in the
pool , and , as a consequence , the rates
liavo boon so equalized as to overcome
my discrimination against Omaha.
The petition of the merchants for
special rates is denied , on the ground
that no concessions are granted shippers
pors of any class anywhere.
Since the arrival of the Burlington
afllcials in Denver a reporter inter
viewed the taciturn Mr. rotter , with
the following result :
"floyo you decided whether yon
will out on the present rates or not1
"That is n matter which wo have
lot decided on , but I do not believe
t would bo in the interest of the poo-
) lp herd to have any cut in rates,1'
"Then you will probably not cut
atus ? "
"No ; lam inclined to think not. "
"Is there any probability of your
coupying the ofllcos in the Union do-
> ot left vacant by the Itio Grande
moials ? "
"No ; I do not oxpcot that we will
oed them. "
"When do you expect to have the
oad in full running order ? "
'By July. Wo will not have our
nuipmont before then. This is some-
'hat ' earlicr.than we expected. " '
"Aro your'stations built all the
-ay through ? "
r'All but through the fifty miles
east of here. Our dlning-houses ar
not completed , however. "
"Jhon you do not mean to rui
dining-car *
"No ; thcro is not sufficient first
class travel for that. It requires i
largo amount of first-class travel t <
make dining-cars profitable , the sec
ond-cl&sH preferring the dlnlng-houti
plan , The latter is quito as success
ful where properly managed , suflicien
time being given , and other detail
attended to. "
"Da you intend to build any ahopi
hero ? "
"No , but wo will have ropair-shopi
hero. Theio will bo built at once
however. "
At the annual mooting of the Rod
Island & Pacific road ycs'erday the fcl
lowing directors were elected : Da vie
Dowcs , Sidney Dillon , Hugh Riddle ,
U. It. Cable and U. U. Hinhop. The
latter takes the place of W. L. Scott ,
of the Erie. The annual report ehowi
the not earnings to ba 85,043,781 , ar
Increase of $018,000 over last year'i
A union mooting of the Brothorhooc
of Locomotive Knginuen will bo holt
at Winona , Minn. , Juno 25 , 1882 , ai
10 o'clock a. m. , under the auspices ol
Waaoca Division No. 0. The G. 0. E ,
will bo present and deliver an address ,
All members in good standing are Invited
vitod to attend. Arrangements have
boon made to run a special train fron :
SItopy Eye to Winona and return ,
leaving Sleepy Eye about 12:30 : a in.
Sunday , and leaving Winona to return
at G p. m. By order of committee.
TIIF. U. r. IIBAl ) TAX.
St. Paul Frte J'tcss : The U. P.
U , R. Co. has levied an assessment
upon all employes of the road of fifty
conU a month , for Hie purpose of cs <
tablishing a hospital fund for theii
benefit. It dates from the first oi
Juno. In our opinion it would lool <
bettor for the big guns of the rood tt
establish the fund , rather than to talu
it from poor men.
The Broom Drill To-Nlght A Choi
longo The Picnic.
Boyd's opera house was filled , BO fai
as the parquet and dross circle wore
concerned , last.night by a refined one
not over critical audience , on the occa
sion of the repetition of the "Broon
Diill" and the accompanying pro
gramme , arranged by the young ladiei
of Trinity church. The programme
was varietfand full of interest , the
literary oArts , especially that of Mrs.
Col. J. J.'Dickey , being very fine.
The principal feature of the ovoninp
was , of course , the appear-
unco of the broom brigade.
This consisted of sixteen young
ladies , dressed in a uniform of scarlet
dress and hosiery , white apron with
bibs , white cap and high cut shoes
Each curiod a now broom bouod
about the brush with ' a scarlet
ribbon , and n dust pan swing
ing across the right ot the
waist as n cartridge box. The captain ,
graceful and captivating young lady
carried a fine fly brush of peacock's
feathers , and issued her commands in
a voice that was awoot enough to in
sure obedience. She put on
as many flourishes as a regu
lar army officer , and her
feet kopt'timo to the inspiring mneio
of the Musical Union orchestra. The
brigade marched and countermarched ,
wont through all the difficult' evolu
tions laid down in the tactics and the
manuel forms to a degree not
known by the veterans. They
were greeted with frequent rounds of
applause , especially in the firing prac
tice and the hollow square. It was a
charming exhibition , and there was
not a young * man in the audience who
would not gladly have been made a
prisoner of war by thoao fair Amazons.
_ A joint meeting of the land league ,
with the Ladies' land league , was
hold at Kuony's Hall Wednes
day night to consider the matter
of the Fourth of July picnic at Has-
call's park. A mumbar stated that
Mr. Hascall was making elaborate
ind extensive improvements on his
puk , comprising a very convenient
ind well ventilated dining hall , 80x30 ,
kitchen , closet * , etc. , attached , cloak
ind hat rooms also arranged at a con-
cenicnt distance from the dancing
platform. All those new improve
ments are enclosed by a close board
fence , eight'feet ' high , and occupy upwards -
wards of a aero of ground , m the
southeast corner of the park. A
splendid well of good water is also
within this inclosuro.
A resolution waa put and carried
that the ladies land league hold i
meeting in the U. 0. library rooms ,
Oroighton block at 3 o'clock next Sun-
lay and that the committee of ar
rangements of the gentlemen's laud
oaguo bo invited to attend to advise
md counsel aa to the best means of
nuking the picnic a success.
After a very generous distribution
> f tickets for sale for the picnic the
uooting adjouin'cd for two weeks.
Tronic MoKeo , agent for Harorly's
Consolidated Mastodons , desires to
tmko a slight correction as regards
ho wacor made by him as published
n the papers yesterday. Ho
ays that ho will wager $100 that
luverly'a Consolidated Mastodons are
uporior in every respect to any rain-
trol organisation that over visited
) maha. Ho docs not car to specify
joavitt'a Gigantcans , because ho says
hey do not , boar the slightest com-
larison to the company ho represents ,
'his wager to bo decidtfd by any com-
lotont critic of any daily paper iu
hnalia , the critic to be selected by the
iarty who accepts the wauor.
'ho Culmination of a LOHR Standing
Quarrel Between the Ne
braska Doctora.
A quarrel has been going on in the
lodical profession in Nebraska for
welvo years past , in which a few mem-
era in Omaha are said to have at-
aaipted to control the interests of the
tate medical society by exerting
fieir influence in a projudi-
ial way against loading members
f the state uocioty. This quarrel cul-
unaod ( in charges beingniado against
looters Mercer and Demise ) , who fervor
> vor l' years have been managing
hat was called the surgical institute
on Harnoy street. Charges were preferred
ferred against them in the state mcd
leal society five years ago and thepbca
the members who preferred the charge
and then the doctors who were do
ftatcd appealed to the national modi
Crkl society , where it remained undecided
cidod until Wednesday , when it wa
finally decided in the national spcioti
in favor of Drs. Mercer and DenieoJ i
will bo seen by the following telegram
Si PAUL , Minn. , May ? , 1882.
To tht Secretary of the JfebratLa Slat
Atcdital Socttty , Omaha :
The Nebraska delegation victorious
Judicial counsel has declared that tin
charges prtferred by Drs. Pock , Pea
body , Obokling , Neville , and others
to bo unwarranted and without causa
The entire delegation admitted.
( Signed. ) II , V. COFFMAN ,
L. J. Aniiorr.
This settles the Inrg and bitlorlj
fought question and Drs. Mercer's and
Dunise's standing in the profession ir
their favor in the national society ,
The Nebraska state medical Bociotj
protested against the admittance ) oj
Dr. Neville in the national medica
society and the following dispatch wa
received to-day bearing upon the subject
joct :
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Juno 8.
To Dr. Merc-rOmah , ,
Judicial council just reported pre
test sustained. Neville not admittoc
( Signnd ) Mooiti : . It
The Guardians of Our Bduca
tional Interests in Oouncil.
The New School He-men to Do 23 a 111
in Soatli Omaha.
An adjourned meeting of the bean
of education was hold at their room
in Williams' block , last evening at
There were present Messrs , Andersen
son , Oonnoyer , Ferguson , Points
McShano and President Long.
The committee on claims repartee
favorably on several bills and the report
port was adopted , and the presidon
and secretary authorized to draw war
rants for the several amounts.
Mr. Anderson objected to the item
of the secretary's salary , but all th
rest voted for it.
Plans for the addition to the Hart
man addition school house and the
now house at Eleventh and Conte
streets , furnished by Messrs. A. T
Lirgo , Olevcs Bros. , Dufreno ana
MtindolBsoln , and Mr. Driscoll , were
submitted for the inspection of mom
Mr. Anderson moved that the ar
chitcpts be requested to furnish spec
ideations , witn plans , and that adver
tisemonta bo inserted in the daily
papera for one week for bids , th
board reserving'tho right to rejec
any and all of them.
Mr. Connoryi r called for a repor
from the special committee appoiutei
in this connection.
The chairman , Mr. Lcnjr , made a
verbal report , stating that ho was in
struotod by the committee to recom
mend the acceptance of the plans sub
mitted by Cloves Bros , for both build
ings. The report was adopted.
The subject of heating ttpparatu
woo discussed in which steam seeraei
to bo preferred by the majority of th
In response to a question by Mr
McShano it waa stated that the cos
of fuel at the various schools for the
past year varied from $57 to $95 per
month for each house and the cause
of the great variance in cost was talk
ed about at length.
The subjects ot the now schoo !
buildings being recurred to , it was as
certained that the entire cost of the
Eleventh and Center street hoima wa
$8,000. and of the addition to the
Hirtman shtol 87,000. The lots hove
cost $2,000 and the appropriation was
515,000 , from which it would appear
there will bo a deficiency of abou
$2,600. The now buildings will each
uontain fonr reams , and the seating
capacity will bo quite largo.
The following was adopted :
lit solved , That the secretary bo one
is hereby instructed to notify the city
council that the following ia the esti
mate of the levy required for schoo
purposes for the ensuing year : Inter-
3st on high school bonds , $15,000 ;
linking funds , $1C,000 ; school sites
ind extra buildings , $10,000 ; total ,
540,000. Adopted.
Mr. Anderson raising the question
> f the legality of the manner in which
.ho work on the high school grounds
TOB being carried on , Mr Connoyer
cad the contract and stated that it
aras guaranteed legal by Judge Sav-
igo.Messrs. . Points and Anderson were
ippointod a committee , with Suporin-
endont Line to arrange the details
md method of the forthcoming vx
iminations ,
Adjourned to 6 p. m. , Juno 20th.
Jr. Hazon and Mra. Lowe Soy a Word
for Themselves.
Mr , L. P. Hazon , concerning whom
, great deal has boon published by the
trees throughout the state , was In the
ity Wednesday and handed us the fol
owing cards for publication.
'o the Editor ot Till Ilu.
My attention was called to that
.rticlo in your issue of yesterday
fhloh was copied from the Grand
island Independent , Allow mo to
ay that it was in the main a gross
ixaggoration. I did go down there
or a lady and brought her back with
no. Aa for her weeping , as the
.rticlo . stated , it is a falsehood , and
ho statement that I swindled the
ounty out of $000 is another , as I can
irove. _ In the faithful discharge of
ny duties I have of necessity rn&dj a
; reat many enemies and they are now
rymg to ruin me , L. I' . HAZEN.
'o ' the Editor ot Tin BKR :
Please say for mo thtt that article
rhioh you copied from the Grand
aland Independent was an oxaggora-
ion. I was greatly surprised to BOO
Ir , Daren HO soon but I canio back
rillingly , and as to the crying that
ras all a falsehood , reports to the eon-
rary notwithstanding. 1 was up
Uoro on a matter of business which it
i not necessary I should explain.
.Respectfully , Miw F.M.LowB.
An Attempted ABsaesinatiot
Yesterday Afternoon.
A Cnio "Which Iho Ornncl Jar ? trill
About 2 o'clock yesterday afternoor
an outrage was committed on Califor
nift street which , if as bad as it is described
scribed by the witnesses , was ono ol
the most brutal deeds over committee !
in the city. .
Mr. George Wilcox is the driver oi
an cxprots wagon , is old and gray
haired. John Scutt is a largo , power
fully built man of great strength oi
body if not of mind. It is claimed
that Mr. Wilcoi , on Wednesday , gave
Scott's boy a whipping and that the
subsequent attack on him was in re
taliation of this.
Wilcox was driving down the street
between Fifteenth and Sixteenth ,
when Scott came out of his house
with a hatchet in his hand , Ho ran
up the nidowalk until Wilcox had
driven by , and then running up behind -
hind him jumped into the wagon and ,
advancing to the driver , struck
him across the back of the neck with
the edge of the hatchet , which
must have been very dull , indeed ) or
it would hgvo killed him , Wilcox full
forward across the dashboard insensi
ble , and Scott , picking up the scat
with both hands , dashed it down on
his prostrate form , with the ex
clamation , "G d you , I'll kill you
anyway , if I have to got an axe to
do it. "
A ctuplo of women rushed out and
ono throw herself between Scott and
his victim to prevent his completing
his work , while the other hold the
horse to prevent his running away.
At this juncture sevnral men arrived ,
among them Mr. John H. Butler , the
watchman at TUB BEE office , whoso
daughter had witnessed the occur
rence and woke him up to interfere
with the work of Scott , who
BQomod bent * on completing
his bloody work. Scott was
icon coming back from his house ,
where ho had gone as if to got an axe
to carry out his throat , and the
women oic'aimod ' that ho would kill
Wilcox. Mr. Butler , however , quieted
their fears by assuring them that ho
would take u hand in the next row ,
and Scott , brought to his senses by
the presence of the crowd , doaistod
from any further demonstrations.
Mr. Butler accompanied Wilcox to
the city court where n complaint was
made charging Scott simply with as
sault and battery , on which accusa
tion ho was hojcl for an appearance te-
day. His injuries were quito severe
and ho bled a good deal but was able
to proceed homo alter Scott's arrest.
Steps have boon taken to hao the
case thoroughly investigated , by the
grand jury as it is pronounced by
those who saw it as a brutal and cow
ardly attempt at assassination , and
Mr. Scott may yet go over the road
for his afternoon's performance.
A Bad One on Hurt Street Church
Howe the Victim of Another.
A terrible runaway took place last
evening on California street , which
resulted in the serious injuryot a little
nine year old daughter of Mr. J. B.
Dotwiler , the carpet man.
It appears that the team was hitched
and standing in front of his house on
Twenty-second and California streets ,
when the horses took fright at some
thing and started off on the run. Mr.
Ddtwiler's two little girls , aged 9 and
11 , wore in the carriage , and
were carried along with the outfit.
The horses dasheddoivii , the hill at a
terrible speed , the little girls scream
ing and every one along the street be
ing paralyzed with , the sight. After
running qvor four blocks , dathiug
across the crossings , and shaking
things up in a lively manner , the ox
peeled crieis came. Ac the corner o !
Eighteenth and California the carriage
was overturned and the children
thrown out , the youngest being quito
wdly hurt , but at the late hour when
ho news was spread , the extent of the
n juries remained unknown , The
team was captured before they had
gone any further ,
Mr. Church Howe registered at Iho
Withncll last night and carried ono
irm in a sling , and a decidedly stiff
aock. Inquiry developed the fact
.hat before leaving his home , North
iuburn , for Omaha the team behind
which ho was riding ran away , the
auggy was upset and ho was hurt to
ho extent mentioned. His injuries
ire not dangerous and ho was able to
DO about on the street f usual.
FESTIVE ODt fljfflr * OWS
, * fy
Cho Colored Odd Fellows Glvo a
Grand Ball ut Standard Hall.
Last evening the Unity Social club
rave a grand ball at Standard Hall
or the benefit of the colored Odd
Bellows lodge No , 2220.
There was a very large attendance ,
nd a very long and attractive pro
'ramrno was carried out.
Prof. Stoinhausor's ubiquitous and
nlontod orchestra discoursed some
[ vely and ooul inspiring music , and
ho dancing was kept up in lively
Every one present were highly do-
ightod with the way in which things
tad been managed , and the reporter
ras informed by a number of the
uests that they desired their thanks
0 bo tendered through TUB BEK to
lesars. Thomas W. Fleming , John
I. Moore , William Scott , II. B.
irown and 0. 0. Gary , the committee
n arrangements , for the efficient way
1 which they had performed their
uties. They also desired to thank
! io ladies who had superintended the
efroshment department so excellent-
7 , The names of thoao ladies are
In. Libby Gary , Mrs. Mary Scott ,
Irs. Laura Hector , Mrs. Frances
Vashington and Mrs. Alice Fleming.
Mr. J. H. Curry , our well-known
arbor , made a very efficient traas-
rer ,
The receipts from the entertainment
will probably foot up qnito a nice lit
tie sum , and the entire entertainmen
was a brilliant social success.
Mr. Iliffunatein , Boston , Mass ,
writes ; "Your SPRING BLOSSOM ha
cured mo of dyspepsia , of four (4 (
years standing. I have regained in ;
normal appetite , can sleep well , am
feelliko a now man. " Price 60 cents
trial bottles 10 cents. C-d-w
Made from the wild flowers of tht
it is the inost fragrant of perfumes
Manufactured by H. B. Sloven , Sai
Francisco. For sale in Omaha by W ,
J. Whitohouso and Kennard Bros.
ONKY TO LOAN Cxll at Law Utaco ol D
M L. Thomai Roam 8 Crelahton Dlock.
, , rl VTO LOAft AI B per cenlln
yUiUUU' tercel In snms.of ( ZCOO an <
upwards , lor 8 to B jroars , on flrrt-claga city am
( arm property. Hume Hub KBTATI and LOAI
Aonscr , ICth and Doudas Sta.
Ttn smart energetic ftlcsman U
WANTKD Nebr kn and Dikoto. $30 CX
n week rel.lly made beside cxponstuL Call ai
once on O. A. PAUMnLKK , 1917 Farnam st.
4 ID-4'
ANTED Oood c ok. Apply to Hcppe
WA" House , Uair , Neb. 421-14
A" TKD A 103 ! girl fnr R'tcral
wjrk. Apply at 1117 Howard B.K
\TtrANTRD-A yruns nan for office Add re K
V > It hand wrltlnif , gl lag rcfonncos , nnd
Biltiy apectedZ , lice offee. 41tf
Chimbi-rmald nnd tlnlnsroorr
WANTBD the 1'a Ida Homo. 421-12'
\ bitber , 705 soith 10th strict.
WANTED . ' DtlfJR.
ANTED A urn -clas < laundress at St.
W Charles Hcttl Harkev street. * C94-tf
Ten teams to work on Florence
WANTiSU . Wages 83 GO per day.
| nn MEN WANT D At Forenci Cut-Off ,
\\l\l \ nine tulles ntrth cf Ou h . Wages
$1.76 pjr daj. JIITCUKfJt , VWOKNT.
"ITTTAKTSD By a elng'e man , boird and r"om
VV Inare'pjc'ab'e prlrito house. Call or
address A. B. Ho HOI Douglas it , corner llth.
416 Of
AN I ED Ituatlon In a private family U
dORcnertil housowork. Apply nt No. 822.
nouth Sth street _ 3390 *
\TTANTED-To loan. W.OOO. on rood mill
YY property In Douglas county. AddroHg Lock
Fox 7W , Omaha. 310-17'
ANT I-200laboton so wjrk on the C. ,
M. & at. I' . R. H Wa ea 41.CO and 91.76
per day ; stctdr worlt * 11 the B a on. Aqpiy at
oti.ln.ern'olllcj , room 6 , I'.v.rttfd Bloc-e , Coun
cil Bluffs. , or at NecU. Ioi\a.
K. 0. NOUR3E ,
A7JTED A f w boatdore in a private
W family , at 1410 JaCKton stroot. a J5 12 *
Julv 1st , unturnifhrd room not
WANTED \ 12x16 , must bo | n business por-
tonnfCity. Address T. H . A. , Bto olBcc ,
ANTFD-"emcboily to Imest In a well
Mar ed be. p range to onln ( felt pioturi
snd hayll'd for 2000. h p. Bond * frucn lor
[ re dj ilrg Addr > sa ANTON QSANTSER ,
B07-01 _ 60S Nonh 18th tit.
. - M boardcri In a select
eiho.l. N.W coiner Colllornla and 10th
Btrcel" . L. ki. LOOM IS ,
280 tf _ _ _
WANTED Funding bridge and school DoncM
rr TV Clurt B
_ _
" \\TAtrrhD COOpnvy vau.t , sinks and cess
VV pooli to clean with banltary Vault and
Sink Cleaner , the best In use. A. Evans & Co. ,
rcxldenre 1200 Dndire street , Omaha.
To rent , with prlvl ego of buyIng -
WANTKD about three monthi a cottage oi
Or- rooms , good locality , within tJronty minutes
walk ot pnstofDce. Address stating terms and
location , "llou e" B cilice . _ rol7-tf
1JIOR RENT Abirn. Inquire N. E corn r Ifith
_ L' and Da > enport strco\ 411-10 *
f7KR ) RENT A fun Ishod front rxjui , suitable
JL' for two gentlemen , at 1610 J-arnsm street.
T7IOR RENT A f font ro > m and tno airy socth
1J rooms , all newly furuhhcd , with or wl'h-
jut board. lS07Ci3iBt , 4188"
ITlOKREMT T e new hcujis ono of 8 and one
JO ol C rooms , u\o jthinjf cmvci'Iinlly a
anitud. luqinra on pKuilscj , tO > a. 2Qih ntreo
icar LOIVCIIW r h * 4 7-10 *
VTlChLV furnMifd rooms , ono door north o
UN Dodge on 18fi sirett. _ 88MS *
I710R KENT I'ouso ' ol six rooms , on 14th st
L between Cbl > go ana Caen. Apply aceoutt
a > t o.rucr uta iua GisJ. 401-tf
nOK KENT Small neatly furnlthed fron
C ro ms , thri > e blocks Sjuth oist of post ol
ice , lUteitry reis nib e , a ) 1407 liowaril
mtweo i 14tl > anil 16 h btioats. 401-tf
IOHRENT WeisvutfurnlshtdorunfurnUhec
L1 rooms , bckcillui Ucatlou , 171K liuit it
LUogco.1 liable oil prernUoi. 409 8r
nOB REN'T-Housa No. 110 and 112 sou't i 12th
L1 .tro.t. (3ai-6t ( ) AtF. I
1011 RENT One furnlthed room. 1723.Doug
1 las stieet *
PIO LET Ono large furnlabed room , with
board. 18.8 C liforuli street. 393ti
A FUBNI&IIED HOOM-Inprhate family fo
: \ . gentlsnen with rtforcnco. 13r2i.odgube
* een Sth nnd.Hth street 374-'tf
. . RtNT A nicely furnished room at 141
Chicago street , tetwiu i .4th and IBth.
OttI tf
[ 7U'l RENT ViirnUhuil room , Euvcnj > ort but
J Utli anil ,7tli. third IIOUBU ! J7j-lut
7 ) a KENT lo nU-tlj furnlshtd rooms , low
J prlici ) , trici lioiisu ui3 cam vtr et.
> on Hh.Vl tiiuutlieil IDO.U , M'j il m etreut
b Lolwicu ana Ca'lfurnla.
853 If
[ 7IOR RENT Plea antly ftirnlihel room. 11T
J Uouth 17th bt.oot , one .loor nortli of Douv'
" 60 tf
MIVO FURNI9UED muth rooms for rent. 8.
L W , corner 19th and Davcnpoit. 306-tf
RISNT-OcKKi home irUb tlx roomp , and
FOR modern Imp'orementu , and coaveulenl
utroetcar. Inquire at grocery store , corner
3th and cumlng ttrect. Z68 ti
RENT The cpiclous and elrgant hall
J withal mcdcrci I prcTcmentslnCUrk' and
ester's lllock.pply ti A.M. Clark , or to H ,
. ttoUer'a 10S and 1071) . 14th street.
710R RENT S furulihad room ) over iU
< chints' Blchanyr.N. li. cor/lOth and Do'lf
J ) tf
T\OH \ RENT Nicely lurnlahed rooms with ei
without boarJ. Riaaonablo prices. Mis
k 3 SL t a i-
rORSALE-A home. Arp'y at Flodman &
Kkblal'i store , toi N , Itth utreet. 4,20-9
J10R 3ALK-A 48-Inch Columbia Bicy U w .
' ranted In firrt-chsi condition , with era I o
ring 24 Inch handle b > r , and nlckle plated
ad , objict ol sale to buy new tnd larjor iua-
line , Addrm J. R. Lchmer , 1917 Chlcato st.
maha. hob. 422-14
J10RHAL&.A.cotUgo of three rcomi nrrlh
J ildeof Nicholas botwten 16th a d 10th ,
qule within. (402 ( tf ) DAVJDUENntY.
SOU BALE-lhObuslnuu and fixtures ofa flnt
! class moat market In Cvntral hecraska
at lot-atloii ; Dwit cash trade in tlieilty. llu-xson
rw.lling.for htalth. Addruw BuUher , Bvo
lcv- ' . 8a7-lm
TUtiT J1U bOLDs acres In PollTcoantV
. TJ > rlc , , 'ocOluaulro . f J. It. Kiniu o
( .tofflce , UWnjCity , Butler eountr.oeb.
& 01-1
TTIORPJU. ! ? A ( rood faml'y irare , wamwtM * |
L1 trentle , tul able f < r jrroctry wagon , also i ew J
harntws , leather top phae on , ne rlr new , an ] *
Joiuplet * stable out , t. table for r nt Call af
ter 6 o'clock , 1818 Webster street.
poll SALEChspAhu of ill room and
JL' lot , Si 2o , Ju t noith f let i-irrei brldgs
n > ms st.n ethsticeu Pil.ecnly S O.BiTil
owh ptyj nts bal.nceon iionthl > fajwtn. .
Baquiro at Ncw.p.pj , Unl5d , mh aud He ward
_ JOO-t
lOIl HAUK-One lot 132 f et by
, , . . .
quire I40 , between Uta and ISth sta.
HOU BAtE-JUrah h n'MUr
, cheap , U my
JL ? farm , two n Hog jonth of Belloruo. For
terms Addrcm B. Tzmnuck , Uimha , Nrb. 800-U
BALE Doautllul itera lot and bouM oa
Cilllornia tte t , J1300. UoOAQUK ,
868 tt _ Opporilo Po tfflco. .
TJWrt BALK iioiiMOf ma rooii * ud Ijtaa
JJ Dodge street , | 1600 , Bmill house Bud
loll In flhlno > addition (600. 'Mot.1 AGUE ,
- homwj and lot lCOxll8 fron < ;
FOU8ALE-A two wells * nd cistern 123 *
South llth street , second bouse north of WlllUta
strret. Trice 814"0 29Ml
lO ju OAI.JI Ktwtaura , t uu a will tr.
street. H. MASHWEILKl. ,
251-U 11 h stre t , near Fnrrnm.
| , > OK8ALK Uousuot ix room ) , and lot SOx
JU 220 , north o ! tlxtceutti strict bildjro. Ap
ply corner 12th and Haw rJ. Menspiper Union.
171011 SALE The POPULAR HOTEL , known
I ? as the BOYS'HOilE. This house Is cei-
ttally located , him sou h and e&st front , and Is
surrounded w th One tha-lo trees ; contains thirty
Sleeping rooms , DM lea houit , Uundry , simple
room , fee. Has & world w do reputation and
bettor pattonrgo than tinny houses ol twice Its
capacity , price $5,000 For pikrticulan 4-
dt < x , A. A. SAWDKY.KoJ Cloud , Mb.
[ EM-U
TTlOn SALE Or will excha fa far Omaha pro.
JL'I petty , an Improved eec caofUnd i > Jjoln >
ing a station on U. F. R. H. U. DUM1A1I , lilt
Furnhnm [ it. , OiruJiv 7EO Smt
B 203-tf KSTAttHOOK ft COE.
UAY At A. U. bander * food k'to
BALED Hnrnov Ot. ol3-lt
TRATEDOR STOdEN FroafprernlVe's "of
§ the undcrsljntd , a dun or rnoa-o oIored
rae , 9 5 cars old , nearly 16 hands hUh , brindad
J. F. on the hip , and pltce Up > ed from ear.
414.14t JOHN TAYLOR. North Omtha.
UP \ re * cow , a * Ftt r BcotenV
Mercer art * , west ol lijan's place. 418 10 *
T OST A ri d cow medium sn , large star la
11 foroie d , white trlp up taih fl nlr , short .
i rilfht lorni , 4 years old tto flnderwlltbi . . i
tullnbl tewaracd bt leaving hr a 7tn and ' *
Murcy strut. (403-bt ( ) U. BARRY.
_ L > ( SrKCUUTORS l have Ice and ni.M cd cold
iMrajrutor t n carlrads. Will * re tillNjTom-
ber , and ( ruatan ee to hold butur and ejtmswetk
and Will shtre praflta equal j with par
( I f storing ttxk cr fu.nljbllffmo < J to bay It
with. * IOCOJ to $20,001 proQt can ba cleared la
Qvo month t tlmo. Correspond with
Reference D.B , I1GBMER ,
If. Kountze , OmiU-a
President first National fiinlc. 400-W
TIONALIST , 408 Tontli Street , between Pirnim
andllatnor. Will , with tee aid ol guvrttsn
spirits , obtain ( or any ono a glance at lao pwl
and procont , and on certain conditions In too fa >
cm. Coots mil Shoe * invU to ltdor. Porto *
' ' dtoD puaraateod " , auSIJ.lrn
This powder never varies A marvel at p
By , strength and wholesomcneaj , lloro ocono
rcicul thin the ordinary kind ) , and cannot k
.old In competition with the multitude o ( ( 07
; cst , short weight , alum or phosphate powders
Sold only In cans. ROTAI > HAKINO POWDBB Co. ,
Proprietor ,
- 1213 Harney Street , ' - '
, - - -
Cornices ,
Dormer Windows , Finials , ,
3p cht'B Pattmt Metallic slky-
Patent Adliutcbl Ratchet Bar and
am the general tate Agent ( or the abore
of goods
Ireatlnsi , Daluttradct , Vcrando , tOmco tnd
Uarik Railings , Window and Cellar
Guards ; also
Peenon and Hill Patent Inilda Blind * '
nv-l n
tau > tb
tbOOMHKTOB tBi ivnrn.
'ay Taxes , Bent Houses , Etc.
IT Tfin ttmr TO VP * n * ti
The City Water Works Company of
mnha will receive bids , at its oflica in
inaha , up to the 10th day of June , 1882 ,
> r the doing of thr following work upon
a storage reservoirs , to the extent of
jont four thousand square yards , mure eras
as :
First , Tha lining of the Inner slopes
ith puddle in the wanner , character
id quality Bet forth in the speoinuatloai.
Second , The placing upon and ramming
to the puddle broken stone , to the ex-
nt , in the quality and inftnnsr provided
r in eneclfkanons.
Thiru. Thenavlne of the inner slopes
Ith brick , laid in the manner , form and
ndition tot forth in the e-pecificatlonn.
The Company reserves the right to
ject any and all bids , and will require a
md for the perfprmanco of the work.
11 material will bo furnlt lied by the water
inpanv at the site of the reservoirs , ,
By 8. B. JohnsoiJ , ' President.
jttD 3-7t