V .L4JLJU JL/21JULJO. JL JLUL A.t * . JL , vj ijtJi C30TT3KTOII. BX.TTFFM O. O. OOOXK JSx 00. COMMISSION MERCHANTS , - * City Market , Council BlBtrt low , ' FI < OITR HOUSE. . IE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STATIONERY AND PRINTER'S GOODS , \tr. \ COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. TITLE ABSTRACT 0 F FICE. _ , JT. " - . Lands and Lots Bought and Sold MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW HATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA IBl 15 North Main Street. WHOLESALE DEALER IN SHOE FINDINGS. Roady.flttcd uppers , In call ikln and kip. Oak and Hemlock EOLE LEATHER , and al ooda appertaining tothethootr.de. Oo d < gold M cheap m In the K . IESPERIS' ' Hlff ULLiraY STORE FOR STYLISH SPRING MILLINERY. PATTERN BONNETS AND CHILDREN'S HATS A SPECIALTY. 105 South Main Street , Council Bluffs la. That ne\cr require crimping , at Mrs. J. J. Good's Ilalr Store , at pr ces never bctero touched by Any other hair dealer. Also a full line ol switches , etc. , at greatly reduced prlcun. Aha gold ll\cr and colored nota Wares made from ladles' own hair. Do not ( nil to can bcforo pitch islng elsewhere. All goodn warranted aa represented. MIS. J. J GOOD , 29 MMn street , Council llluds , Iowa , MASON WISE , LITEE1 , PJ3ED & SALE STABLE The largest and best stables in the west. Roadsters , Saddle and draft horses for sale , also a fine lot of mules just received whjch will * * be closed out cheap. " SCOTT ST. , NEAR BROADWAY. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IA. fl A THTI TllTl (1 HBUOVED without the 11 fl IU i i H. n N drawing ot blood or use of U till UiUlUlJ knllo. Cures lunp diseases , AMn nfnicr ? Fltfl , Scrofula , Liver Oom- Plaint. Dropsy , Kheuma- v A n M T II M si R S tlsm. Fever and Mercur- I U III U H O Ial Boreg | Eryslpclag. Salt Rheum , Scald Iloid , OiU rh , woik , iuflimed * nd granulated Eye , r crofulous Ulcers and Fu- male Olstaae o ! all kinds. Alto Kidney and Tanerial diseases. Hemorrhoids or Piles cured money refunded. A'l disease ! treated upon theprlnclpleof vcget- Able reform , without the use ol mercurial pols- as or the knife. Bw. Qoctrj Vapor or llidlcated Baths , furnished en who dulrethem. HeruU or Rupture radically cured by the uo tin Elastic belt Truss and Piaster , which hu superior la the world. CONSULTATION FREE- CALL OS OR ADDRESS . * t * % - Drs , ' R , Rice and F , 0 , Miller , COUNCIL BLUFFS , la. m LIVERY , feed and Sale Stables , 18 North First Street , Bouquet a old stand. Council B'uffi , Iowa. WILlAltD SMITH. Prop. W.D.STILLMAN , Practitioner of Homeopathy , consulting Physician andSurgeon , OfQoe and residence < J15 Willow avenue , Coun- fl Ulutfs , Iowa. Iowa.W. W. K. SINTON , DENTISt. 14 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. Extracting and filling a spedilty. Tint-clou work guaranteed. DR. AP. . HANCHCTT , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office , Ho. 14 Pearl Street , noun , 9 a. m. to 12. , and 2 p. m. , co 6 p , m. Residence , 120 Bancroft street. Telephonic connection with Central office. DR. AMELIA BURROUGHS , No. 617 First Avenue Hours from 10 to 11 a. m. , and 2 to 6 p. m. Merchants Restaurant J , A. K03S , Proprietor. Corner Broadway and Fourth Streets. Good accommodation * , good fare anil cour teous treatment. _ S. E. MAXON , , k. XC O 3EC X 0 ? j S3 O * T. Office over savings bank , COUNOIti BLUFFS , Iowa. REAL ESTATE. W. 0. James , In connection with bis law and collection business buys and sella real estate. Persons wishing to buy or sell city property cell at his office , over BtuhncU'g book store , Pearl ttreet. ttreet.EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. 416 Broadway , Council Bluffs , D d wed bMrtcogM drairn and HAIR JJOODS. WATER WAVES , In Stock and Manufactur ed to Order. Waves Made Prom Your Own Hair. T0ILET ARTICLES , All Goods Warranted as Represented , and Price * Guaranteed , MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , 337 W. Broadway , Council Bluffs Iowa. ; - - - . MBS , E , J , HABDING , M , D , , Medical Electrician AND GYGNECOLOGIST. Graduate at Electropathlc Institution , Phila delphia , Peon * . Office OOP , Broadway & Glenn Ave. - * * - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. The treatment of all disease ] and p itnful Jdlf- Icultleo peculiar to fciralca ft specl.lty. 1 he Star Bakery , HOWARD & ROBIE. 227 MAIN ST. Employ the best Bread Baker In the Weet ; also a choice hind for Cakes and Pies. Bread delivered to all parts of the city. FRESH FISH ! Game and Poultry , Can always be found a B. DANEHYV. 138 Upper Broadway. JNO.JAYFEA1NEY , Justice of the Peace , 314 BROADWAY , 1 Council Bluffs. - - Iowa. W. B , MAYES , Loans andEealEstate , Proprietor ot abstracts of PotUw attamle county. Office corner of Broadway and Mala sirocu , Ceuncll llluflj , Io a _ JOHN STEINER , M. D. , ( Deutscher Ant. ) ROOM 5 , EVERETT'S BLOCK , Council Blufla. Dleeoses of women and children a spaclolty. P , J , HONTQOMEEY , M , D , , FKEK DISPISNHAUY KVEHY SATUIIDAY. Office In Frerett's block , Pearl treet. Reel dcnce 628 Fourth street. Office hours from 0 to Z a. m. , 2 to 4 and T tj 8 p. m , Council I | uB > F. G. CLARK , PRACTICAL DENTIST. Pearl street , opposite the pottoffice. One of the oldest practitioners In Council Bluffs , fiatls bfacttoo guaranteed In all cases DR. F. P. BELLINGER , EYE AND EAR SURGEON , WITH DH. CHAKL18 1'KhTKKN. ' Offlcoover Jrur store , 111 llroailu-ay , Council Buffd , toua. Al dUui CM of the uku and car tre ttd undirthoiuoitappfovud method , and all JOHN LI.'JOT , ' ' ' ' A'T'TORHEY'-'AT-IAW. Will prattle * In all sU Lj > i tourUJ flpaits Qtrmao Unfiurf The Charges j&faintt Mr. Tiael Iowa City Republican. , The tasft of replying to the clmrgt contained in the letter of 0 , 0. Bui nott published in The Ilopublicanc the Oth inst. , is made easy by the kin and prompt courtesy of govern ! get tlcmon to whom I wrote for evidence My only difficulty is an ombarras ! meat of riches , The letters are B full thai I am compelled to abbroviat somewhat , but I hare loft out no im portant point. The letters nro pul lUhod in the order in which they wtr received , The first is from n gentleman well known to mo , a successful 'wholcsal dealer in hardware , 0. L. Bauin , Esq Ho writes ns follows : LINCOLN , Nob. , Jlay 12,1832. lltv , O. CLUTK-DBAII Sin : Youi letter and Iowa City Dally Iti p iblicat of May 9th , nt hand. * * ' Thu Jutnata matter was a charg < niadoby ono member of the lodgi there , and published. The letter referred forrod to was signed ' 'Bird" , No1 long since the Juuitn Ledge was sua ponded from the1 Grand Ledge fo ' 'contempt and malicioui slander ; ' the whole cause based upon thu charge mralnst Finch. All of which ] will send you by curly mail , ns published lishod proceedings of the Grant Lodge , and in other forms equally an- thoritivo. The Lincoln Daily Djm-crAt pub lished at ono time a charge that John B. Finch had "inado improper pro posalsto n young woman , and wrcstlec with her on the lounge. Mr. Fine ! sued The Democrat for libel at $10 , 000 damages , which case has novel some to trial. 1 ho young lady tc whom reference was made , made oatb before our present county judge , f copy of whicti I will also mail you , ut < terly denying the charges , and in sub < Blanco completely exonerating Mr , Finch. This is all thut has appeared upon any court records in this city in the nbovo matter , and Air. Finch was never made defendant iu n bastardy and seduction case , but was plaintill in a libel auit against The Daily Democrat , growing out of the aboyi rumor. Suiliuo to gay , the woman in qmstion never had cuuso for bastardy against any one. Mr. Finch is looked upon hero by the better class of pocplu as an excel lent man , ana sustains an enviable reputation. The men whom Mr. Burnett repre sents , by his published letter , arc hero , as well as elsewhere , loud in their denunciations of Mr. John B. Finch. Very truly youre , 0. L BAUM. The second letter is from a dentist , long a resident of Lincoln , well and honorably known : LiNOotN , Neb , , May 15 , 1882. REV. O. CLUTE DEAU SIR : Y < urs of the 12ih inst. , is received. The copy of The Kipublicun which you speak of sending mo , has not yet reached me , therefore am not advised definitely what the charges referred to are , but presume they are the slanders of two years ago , published in The Lincoln Democrat at that time , with the usual additional accumulations of falsity and filthinesa that time and distance lend to such infamous slan ders. ders.That That paper published an article to , ho effect that a young lady living in inch's family had been improperly approached by Mr. Finch , and im moral advances made to her , etc. , 3ut charged nothing criminal as the result. Air , Finch commenced at > nco against the then editor of The Democrat for libel. The caao in the courts yet ; the defendant never being ready for trial has obtained a contluu- anco from time to time on one pretext or another. I think it will surely como to trial at the next term of court. Nobody hero believes thtro is L shadow of truth in it at ail , unless t bo the liquor dealers , and 1 c innot H'liovo they do in their hearts. In act the young lady made affidavit hut it was the basest falsehood , and hat Mr. Finch never acted anything ) ut the perfect gentleman toward her. There is noubt but that it was gotten up , and is continued in the interests of the liquor traffic. The standing of Mr. Finch hero at lome cannot bo illustrated bettor than t was tbo last time he spoke in our city , early in January last. Our largo and commodious Opera house was lit erally packed , and many went away who could not got standing room. Enclosed I send you editorials of our city papers in regard to tko revi val of the scandal in your state. Yours respectfully. S ? H. KIMO. The editorial mentioned by Mr. ting was from the Lincoln Daily lows of May 13th , and from the ) aily State Journal , of Lincoln , of tfay 14. They are too long to qnnte it this time in full. Here is what the Tows says of Mr. Burnett's statement of the cauQ. of "seduction and bas- ardy : " "Such infamous , bare-faced falso- lood should uovur liud u place in it espectablo paper , $ only to condemn ho vile hypocrite who originated it. t is unnoctsoary to say that it is a landerous lie , thut no ono who has ny regard for truth or honesty will five utterance to , and yet ho com mences in order to give color to his lander , by saying ho in a 'minister oi ho gospel of Jesus Christ. ' Wonder 1 Christ has many such ministers. " The Dally State Journal , referring o the same case , says ; It need not bo said in Lincoln that ho assertion that ho was openly barged by The State Democrat with rimmal intercourse with servant girls n several occasions , and that it pub- nhod affidavits to support the charges s willfully , absurdly and inexcusably untrue. Mr , Finch is , however , ara- > ly able to fight his own battles , and rhen ho gets homo ho will doubtless > o heard from. The next is from the Hon. 0 , P. lason , ex-chief justice of Nebraska. le says ; LINCOLN , Nob. , May 10 , 1882. UEV. 0. CUJTK-DKAU Sm : Your etter of the 12th hist. , and paper onUining the statement of the Iluv. 7. O.-imjiton Burnett in regard to ohn B. Finch , is received and road , 'here is no truth in the statements aide by the Rav. C. Oorapton Bur- lett , The whisky interests in this tate have spared no labor or money o scandalize John B , Finch , but BO ar their every statement , reflecting upon his character as a man , ha been epeatedly proven to bo false. The Juninta Herald statement ' * false , an has boon proven to bo so. No sue letter was ever written by John I Pinch , ha all who desire to know th truth well Icnow , The SUto Journal of Lincoln , while under the manage tnent find control of Victor Yifquam was the hq < ior men's organ in ( hi state. The Weekly Journal , of PJatts mouth , did publish a eciwdnhus libo and falsehood on John B. Finch , oi the occasion of his visiting Plaits mouth with Gov. St John , t f Knn. sas. Finch assaulted the editor , anc whipped him nt the time , nnd the citizens zons of Piattsmouth , good men and true , promptly paid the line and cots , and nil decent people felt Finch did ncht in whipping the editor. The State Democrat published a libel on Finch , charging him wi h iinpropoi advtoicjs to sumo servant ulrl. A suit for libel was commenced , and at ench term tlnco Finch has In on ready and pressing for trial , nnd the do fendnnts hnvo upon otip pretext nnd another secured n continuance. You will find nil those clurgas ngivnst Finch nro fulso. * * * No truthful citizen of this state , no ono who knows the facta or who desires - sires to speak the truth but will tell you at < d nil men that this sUtement of llev. 0. Compton Burnett is lalao a-id untrue , a tissue of falsehoods woven by the liquor inttnst , nnd the web presented to the public through thu Iluv. C Cjtnptou B'urnott. * * To mo it is an appalling spectacle to see a clergyman of the church the church to which my family belong , and which I respect more than auy- thing , standing in defense of these crimes , ns if they wore the ark and covenant of civil and rolii ious liberty. Which of the prophets have they not persecu ted bvun unto death ? "Ho that is not for mo is against mo. " Ho that is not for prohibition absolute , is for the continuance of this great iniquity. The liquor interest realize and appre ciate thu fact that it is the character of the man that uivua power and effect to his words , and hei'ce this effort and use ot falsehood , scandal , and malic ious vituperation tw break down and iniuro the character and ronutution ot John B. Finch. Their ufFjrts have proved a signal failure iir * Nebraska , and they will bo BO in Iowa. The nrong cannot long prevail. It may gain 11 temporary advantage but in the end its failure must bo final and com plete. ' 1 hero is no stain or taint upon the character of John B. Finch. He is a worthy man. Youn truly. 1) . P. MASON. Having hoard that Mr. Finch had commenced auit aguinst the editor of thu Lincoln Stito Democrat for libel , a letter was aunt to the clerk of the county clerk there asking for facts. His reply follows : LINCOLN , Neb. , May 12 , 1882. DEAR Siu : Yours of the 10th inst. , at hand. In reply would bay that the case of Finch vs. Vifquam stands for trial iu this court , nut yet having been determined upon the merits. I know nothing against the charao- cer of Mr. r inch aside from the slush published sometime ugo iu the col umns of the State Democrat in this city , and on account of which the li bel suit is now pending. Very truely yours. J..S. DALES , Deputy Clerk , District Court , Lancas ter County , Nebraska. H. U. Lett , a prominent grocer of Lincoln , spaaks briefly , but to the paint. Ho says : LINCOLN , Neb , May 15,1882. RET. O. CLUTK - DBAH Siu : L looked over all that your paper cjnuined in reference to John B. Finch. I have known him a long time. I have never heard any one , that had a character of his own , eay a word against Mr. Finch's morul character. These old charges have long been stale. I know of no moral person in the state who tolerates for one moment the truth of theau charges. They have , us I hove reason to know , investigated the charges fully , and have unani mously exonerated him. Ho can , in this city , ut any time , command the largest ornwd of hearers of any man in Nebraska , if annocncod that ho is going to Mptuk. All those charges I believe to be a strike at the cause of right. Yours , H. U. LETT. Mr. Finch has been for many years an active worker among the Good Templars , where ho has held the high est offices. The executive committee af the Nebraska grand ledge thus speaks of him : EUITOE REPUBLICAN : Wo aeo in a Into issue of your paper a letter writ ten by ono 0. Compton Burnett against John B. Finch , of this state. We , as the executive committee of the grand ledge of Good Templars of Nebraska , D ( which lodge Mr. Finch was grand nrorthy chief two years , snd was unan imously elected for the third term , last January , but refused to work long- ar , beg leave to state to your readers : hat wo have known Mr Finch for ivo years intimately. Wo also know .hat that portion of Burnett's letter re- 'erring to seduction , bastardy and critn- nal prosecution is wilfully and wholly 'also. Mr. Finch has no\er been ihurged with bastardy in thin state or ) laowhere , until that whisky advo- : ate , Burnett , who says ho received a ; houand dollars for fifty lectures , nid live dollars a day for oxponsfs 'rmii the liquor association of Illinois 'or lecturing m the whisky interest , iaa nmde the charge ; nor has any : ivil prosecution been entered against VIr , Finch. \Vo deeply regret that it has been eservrd for a preacher to descend 0 went of all the vulgar traducers of ; his most dlidunt temperance orator. Two or three years ugo The State Qitinocrar , of Lincoln , Nub , published m article against John B , Finch , for vhieh Mr , Finch sued iu editor for $10,000 $ fur libel , which suit ia put off nan time to time at the request of the itfoiidiiit. Mr. Finch moved an investigation if the charges made by the Juniata Herald , in his own lodge , and was nest fully acquitted on all points. At hu Grand L > dgo ho was most fully indorued by the temporaries people of his state , and after living hero for ivej euro and speaking in Lincoln a lundied tiiroa , ho tvus again asked to pjak , and notwithstanding an ad- iiittunco fee was charged at the door , lie opera liouso waa crowded with ono > f the largest audiences that over waa teen in this city. Tell your people , hut the Honorable John B , Finch is 1 gentleman , and worthy the full con * idenoj of all good men and women. Wo regard John B. Finch as the itrongost leolorer , in this or the old , nrorld , on temperance , ( Signed ) Bethesda BATIIM HOUSE At Bryant's Spring , Dor , Broadway anfl Union Sts COUNCIL BLUFFS. ri\r ! , Mctltcited , V-pnr , Ftea'rlr , I'lunge Danth , fjhower , Hot r > n < ! Cold tU hi Competent potent n al unit Utntto i nr os and t eniUnt ulna ? * oa hand , and hs b tolra oand atUn tlon clrjn intrjns Spunlntt ntlon Riven t < liVnliif ; children. Invrt'gatlon aud | mtron K iollcltolDR. . A. H STUDMIY & Co. , 100 I ppor Broadway. Dr. Sttnl'f } : Tnatmcnt ol chronlo nudr One ot the bcsl * cond clam Hotels in the WcitUthe BROADWAY HOTEL. A. K HR4WN , Proprlitor , NOD. Mt and 438 Urcudwajr , ' ounelt llliiT , Iow T UB supplied nlth thn bc t the market at ( O'd ( . O od rooms and flrat-dau boda. Termi cry rc UNION AVENUE HOTEL , 817 Lower Broadway , Mrs. 0. Gerspacher & Son , FIHST CLA S HOrUf , AT UKAPONA71LI PIUiT. . TIUVRIK.NT3 ACCOM JIODATKD IIOTKC , tOO. 8AI.K. GOOD KKASONB KOI 8F1.MNQ. _ SCANDINAVIAN HOTEL N , Anderton , - - Proprietor , 732 Loner Broadway. Tahlo mppVed with ( ho brat the market at- fonlft. Tornil 13.50 and ( I 00 per week. Trftiulonl H.OO per da\ . IT Yon "Wish a Ijnnoh Go to LOUIE DUQUETTE , Soupn , Meat * , nnd Entables nlwaya on liani. 1'ivo CenU per call. STARR & BUNCH , HOUSE , SIGN , AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. PAPER HANGING , KALSOHININQ AND GRAINING , Shop Oornor Broadway and Sontt St HUGHES & TOWSLEE , DEALERS IN Confectionery , FruitsNuts Cigars and Tobacco. Fresh Oysters and Ice Cream in Season , 12 MAIN ST. , Oounoil BlufTa. _ J. Q TIPrON , Attorney and Counsellor. Office orer Flrit National Dtnk.Coun'll , Iiwa. Will vractlce in tbe tUtn and failcral counH _ STEAM LAUNDRY. 723 W. Broadway. LARSON & ANDERSON , Proprietors , This laundiy hii Juat been op nod ( or busl- nosa , and wo ore now pripartd to do Uundry work ut all kinds and gu , rantee gatlslactlon A ipfilalty irftle ol Hnu work , "uch as culUrr , LUlTn , Unofhirtd , ttc Wevant bveiyboJjr to b'iro ut a trial. LARSON & ANDERSON. JOHK S. MINI K , G. W. 0. T. T. B. DAWSOK , O. W. T. GKOHQK Scorr , G. W. 0. ANNA SAUNDKHH , G.V. . V. T. The ledge at Lincoln , Neb , , thus speaks of Mr. Finch and of tbe shargea : LINCOLN , Nob. , May ID , 1882. Wo , the undersigned , offijoM of Lincoln lodge , No. 35 , I. O. G. T , liereby declare that Brother John J3. Finch has boon a member of this odfiu for throe years ; that ho hoa al ways berne the charaott r of a moral , Jhrietian gentleman in this city and .hroughout the state , and that the bul Blander published by Compton iiurnett as an advertisement in the [ osra City Daily Republican against lira , is in every particular false , and s evidently a malicious lie , manufao- urod in the interest of tbo drunkard- naking fraternity , against whom Mr. 7mch has always waged an earnest an ifl'octivu warfare. 0. E. HKDOW , W. 0 T. E. G. OLKMKNTH , L. D. S. 0. COOLKY , Sec. JOHIKDOWUBN , W. P. S. A.F.SnauY.P.W. 0. T. It H ill Lo suun from the above lot- Lrs and editorials that Mr. Pinch's haructer io ubovo reproach , The at- dck made upon him in Iowa City was lased upon uld ruinora , the falsity of rhich any ono could hare learned if 10 had cared to know. I ask all hotu'htful voters to consider if a mrly that resorts to such base inotli- ds oi warfare is worthy of support. Vill you support men and measures , hat , fuili > g in argument , resort to ho most unblushing falsehood , nd coucooo the vilest somdals gainst men of known integrity ? The iloctiun will soon bo hero. It is for 'ou ' to cheese whom y ; U will servo. Tlio temperanco.pooplo of Johnson ountywill probably give no further .ttuntion . to thcso statements against * Ir. Finch , nor to statements of aim- lar character against any advocates of > rohibition. They are aside from the nain JBBUO. The question is in regard o prohibition , For that wo want the iclpof every voter in the state. Men if all sects and of no soot , of all politi- : al purlieu nnd of no party , born in mr own land or of nationalities be- 'ond the sea , will you not vote for his measure that will put money in rour pockets , peace and order upon /our / streuts , prosperity and industry n your homes ? 0. Cturu , Pros. Johnson County P , A , 0. An Old Friend. Hu was allliaed with a lama back aud tmernl lUtilli y ; be was recommended PIIOUA * ' ECLKOTUIO OIL , which ourej him it uaoe. Thia famous ipaolQc la ft positive r mody for bodily palo , Cdlw DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTEL ? ' ' X. n n SOTSLS , PROFRlRTORa ARLINGTON. J. O. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Nefc. OARATOQA HOTEL , J. 8.8TELLINIUO , MllfonS , HebJ MARSH HOUSE , E. MANS , BROWNSVILLE COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAH , Otromiburg N HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL Loultvllla CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Dl.lr , Neb , COMMERCIAL HOTE- , J , O. MEAD , HoHgh , Neb. GRANO CENTRAL E. SEYMOUR Nibraika Olty , N b MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP , W eplngWt rN COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. OAARPER , Hardy , Nab. GREENWOOD HOUSE , W.MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb COMMERCIAL HOUSC. E. STOREY. CUrlnda , IOWA END'S HOTEL , E. L. ENO , Eremont , Neb EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. B. HACKNEY , Aihland , Neb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVELL , Atklnion , Nett MORGAN HOUSE , E. L , QRUDB , Qulda Recd , Nab CUMMIT HOUSE , BWAN & DECKER , Oretton , In. HOUSTON HOUSE , GCO.OALPH , Extra , la , REYNOLDS HOUSE. O. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE. D. H. WALKER , Audubon , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. BURGESS , Neota , la. CITY HOTEL , Dl A. WILLIAMS , Hftrlan , la. PARK HOUSE , MR8. M. E. OUMMINQ3 , Corning , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , J , L. AVERY , Gtanton , MERCHANTS HOI EL J , W. BOULWARE , Burlington Junction , M COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Blanchard , la. PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Chermndonh , la , COMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS. Dayld City , Neb DAQNELL HOUSE , OHAS.BAQNELL. College Sprlngt , la. 30MMEROIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , VIII lie * , la. JUDKINS HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , la , CALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida drove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE B , F.8TEARNB , Odebolt , la WOODS HOUSE , JOHN ECKERT , Otceola , Neb. DOUOLAS HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Olarka , Neb. DEDFORD HOUSE J. T. QBEEN , Bedford la. ARLINGTON HOUSE , J. M. BLACK & 80N , MarjivllloMo NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A. T. POTTER , Norfolk Junotlon Neb WINSLOW HOUSE a MCCARTY , 8eward Neb. AURORA HOUSE M. B. JONES , Auroar.Nab. OROZIER HOUSE O. R. OROZIER , Sidney , Neo. AVOOA CATINQ HOUSE D. W. ROCKHOLD , Avooa la. CENTRAL HOUSE LOCKWOOD & SHATTUCK. Red Oak THE JELM MOUNTAIN AND IT" , "T7 Mining and Milling Company. forking Capital ! - WOO.OM. Capital 8 Jock , 91,000,009 Par Value ol Shares , - i2BOM. STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BRAMBIi MININGDISTRICT. . OJfc'Jb'XCSJLUCSi DR. J. I. THOMAS , President , Cummins , Wyoming , WM E. T1LTON , Vice-President , Camming , Wyoming E. N. IIARWOOD , Secretary , Cummins , Wyoming. A. d. LUNN , Treasurer , Cummins , TYyomia Dr. J. I. Thoruaj. Louis Miller W. 8. BramoL A. O. Dann. E. N. Ilarwood. Francis Leavens. Goo. II. Faloa. Lewis Zolman. Dr. J. 0. Walking. OKO. W. KENDALL. Authorliod Airent for Rale nf Stock' IV - ' o , v . j.v , Of Lewis , Cass Countyv Iowa , [ On the Atlantic and Griswold Branch of the Rock Island Railroad. ] L. 0 Roing i Bank Harris & Itobberta Steam Elevator , Live Stock , Coal and Limo 0. E. Myers & Co Steam Elevator and Live Stock I \V. Baker Lumber and Coal Shaw & Orombie Lumber and Opal Graham & Wheeler . . JBotana Milla L. O. Rotate & Oo General Merchandise McKinney & Perkins General Morch ndise- Mrs. 0. J. Keihl . - Grocery S R. Barhito r- Grocery \Vm. Murnon ! Grocery A. H. Giffbr ' . . . .Variety Store ? 0. W. Baker Clothing , Hats , Caps , Boota and Shoos J. R. Reynolds , Jr > . Jewelry Kennedy Bros . .Hardware and Farm Implement * Steele & Gardener Hardware M. E. Louis Farm Implements 0. F. Hamlin . .Furniture M. J. Davis Drugs and Postomco I E. B. Downos . . . . . .Drugs Mrs. Langdon Millinery Store \ 51 Royal & Cutting Millinery Store Miss MoLnughlin Millinery Store E. 0. Nowcomb Photograph Gallery Oapt. John Foster , : Foster House .Pennsylvania HOUEO Henry Myers - T. Worthlnctoli Restaurant , Bakery and Confectioner/ Morgan & Hardonburg kjyerjr Oarr & Bates Wacon Shop Disbrow & Son Blacksmith and Wagon Shop Stevens Bros Jflour and Feed Store A. E. Suydan , Barbon Shop G. I. ChUu.u. . . .t Lawyer , Justice and Mayor K. W. Maoouabor * i.- * " .IMr M. J. Davis , M. D Physician 3.E. H. Gannon , M. D Physician Newlan , M. D . , Physician f L.M. Andrews , M. D S " , ? " I J. G. Rlshol , M. D ; . r ' . Homeopahtio Bhyoician J. B. Erion i Independent S. 0. Halsey & Cof , MoAt'Markej Jacob Stovons. . . . . Brickyard L Marshal Carpenter \ 1830. SHORTJ.IHE. ES80 , KANSAS nis OHLT Direct Line to ST. . LOUIS ANDTHKKAbT _ From OtnAhaand theWeiit. All tralnt low * B A M. Depot , Oinaia : Neb. No change ot eau between Omaha and o . uonli , and lot > oua bctwoau OMAUA and Ji'KW YOllit , . Dai ly PassengerTrai n& KA8TKIUJAHD WE3TKIIS QlTIKSwUhLfUl OIIAHUCH and IN AAVAMUBof UI < Ol'lIKtt U > RA Thl aoiliM Dun u uqjuvBwl with ullmvti r * Uc HioepJoK Can , Pulaui Day Coochoa. UUUc % dalety VUtlorm and Ooqylw , and thi oelebiattc WMtUeUtnmo Alr-braka. tSTtiM that yonr UuUat readi VIA uJJWAi OIT , UT. JOSEI'lI It. COUNCIL ULUlTtJ lull load , via 81. Jotoph uvi Bt. Louli. Ticket lor &ale fci all coupon etitloos In Ibl Wcrt. J. K. BARNAAD , 0. VAWK3 , Gen. gunt. , HI. Jotjpb , MO A i VKin. Pau. and Ticket Art. , tit. Jotui > fak If o. AMiir UOUDVII , Tlcktt Agvul , 1020 Farnbua utic l. W , J.UAVUiroBT , 0 n rxl Ai-en , TIME I In going K 4t tikt tha & Karthwest- 8rn "mr-- " * ? * Trains leava Omah * > :10 p. m. and 7iO : a ID l lull tnlormatlon call on U. f. DUKL Tloket Agent , lith aud fAloham Btf. J. IlELi. U. P. Hallway Depot , Of M JAHM T , OJj&RK , Qenti. 1Om U , WlB * U i J Sioni City & facie THE- SIOUX OITY EOUTB Hunt A Rolld Train Ihrough from Council Bluffs to St. Paul Without Ohanno Time , Only 17 Hour * li u 3L < OO VOUSS TUK HHOKTKUV BOTJIK raon OOUNOILi BLUFFS TOST. PAUL , M1NHEAIHJL13 DUtUl'0 Alt BiaUAKOa and all point * In Northern town , Ulnua&.U ted DiUioU. Thll lint U < xiulpi U wlib tli Unprcnd iWutluKboute Automauo Alr-l ) kt > * od UUto I Platform Coupler and HuBoi : and ( or SPEED , 8AFG3V AND COUlfOKT U nniurpaued. PuUman I'alato aln ing Cat run through WITHOUT CHANQ K Ixilwicn Ian miOltyand at. 1'aol , rla Council lilufl * aoJ Hloux Olty. i Trains leave Union I'oclfla Trsinnlitr at Com.- dl Ulufl . at 7:36 y. . m. lUlly on arrival otJUoou City , Bt Joseph and Council Blufl trtip Irou ) the Bouth. Arriving at Bloux Clt > liM ; p. m. , and at the N w Onion Depot a 8t. PaurntlSJJ noon. * ( KM U00HA IN A.DVANCK OK AliY'OTIUU ' BOUTE . v rlUmomtor In taking the BlouiClty Boot * you get a Through Train. The StjcUiut Una , t the QulckwiTlmo and a Comfortable Ulde In lb Tbrouk'U Oua bbtwuou ' ' , ' ' COUKC1L BLUKK3 AND 81 * ! PAV . i KSTBeathat your Tlckttd mad > U tlie'"ijloax.- Olty and Paclflo Kallroad - J.B. WATTLES , J , U. HUOHANAN Huutrlutondent. Ow 'il'u. P. K. KOB1NSOK , Aw't Ota'l r'aiJ. . . . Mituwrl V'Uluy ' , W. E. DAYIB , BoutUv-wUTiiA out Oauni I IUu3 EUROPEAN HOTEL , * Coruer Fourth and l.ocvii C V. X.OT3X8 , J.U.HUHST , M - Jfiop Roonts , 75o , 91 , iud ? l,50 Pof Day He t uiau ijeonumW with U