THE DAILY BEE : COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA FRIDAY , JUNE 0 , 1882. The Daily Bee. COUNCIL BLUFFS. , - % Friday Morning June 9 flunscniwioN HATES : FT Carrier , ctnU DjUall , - $10 00 per Year. Office : No. 7 pearl street , Near Broadway. C. B. UAYME , Manager City Circulation. H. W. TILTON. City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS. Go to Herzman' * for big bargains. Sherroden makes photographs. The pulillo library has now hung on the outer wall n now sign of gold lettcrn In script upon n black background , Shcrradcn Is the boss photographer. dating out of entire stock at llcrz- man's. Rich F. Trevelllck , ot Detroit , will bo in Ceuncll Bluffs on the Ifith Inst. , to deliver ' 'Labor and IU . " liver a lecture on Wrong * Mexican ECB grass hammocks fit Sea- man's. Visitors always.welcome at Maurcr & Craig * . Joseph Keller makes BuItB In the lat est styles at 310 Brondway. npr4-tf Rev. J. FIfk performed the ceremony last Sunday l > y which Hans Ocdoon and MIsi Mnrlnli Morris , both of Council ! Blu& > , were made husband and wife , Herzman la bound to cloao out. * Don't forget to c ll nt the now Ice cream parlors of Mrs. J. A , Gray , ever C05 Broadway , may22-tf Burnham , Tulloys , & Co , nro having placed In their office some of the most elegant counters ever teen In this city. The improvement Is not only ono of conveni ence but of beauty , Joseph Horn , of 616 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs , make * the beet batter tubs in the west and sells them at tbo lowest cash prico. npr23-tf John Harris , of Missouri Valley , Is mentioned among ths democrats as liable to necare the congre&tonal nomination from their hands. The name ofY II. M. Putoy , of this city , in also whispered in the democratic camp. Railroad tickets bought nnd sold Dutbnell , five doors north of I'otttofilco. Can rave money on the tickets. A new line of rid'nj ? , driving and drovers' whip * just received at Bockman'g. Boy of him and save aonoy. There is a prospect for a hundred-bird shoot to take place soon between Dr. Harlo and Mr. HofTmeycr , as representative * of the two tportnmen'n clubs in this city. As both are excellent shot * , such A match would prove a decidedly interesting one. The anniversary of Simpson Centen ary college M Ihdlanolo , Iowa , will occur June 10th to Juno 21st. Bishop Simpson It to be present and will give the annual sermon on Sunday the 18tb , and an ad- drcas on the following Monday evening. The annual mwtlns : of the alumn ! will been on the following Tuesday evening. The funeral services of Mrs. Bat-stow , wife of Dr. Buntow , and daughter of Cspt. Knabo , were held yesterday after noon at the Presbyterian church and were largely attended , the deceased having many friendi to thus join in paying re spect to her memory and sympathy 1 the relatives. Rev. Dr. Cloland officiated , and conducted a very tender and touching service. Everything and everybody at Sea- man's hook Morn nnd paper warehouse seem on the boom , and preparations nro being made to soon move into rnoro com modious nnd convenient kcadiuiaiten' , Mr. Benmtsn Laving lenied the ( tore now'uscd ' by Mr. Judson , No.105 Broadway. Ho will occupy the entire building and will take possession next month. The now ordinance paused ly the council regarding the measuring of wood , provides that the seller shall get a certifi cate from the city wclghmaster na to the amount ofu wood In the load , unless the buyer agree&s to amount or to have It corded up on deliver ) , and then if buyer , nd seller cannot agree on amount tbo city ; wilgher li to be called on to measure it , . , mad fa to be allowed'extra foes. ' The lien- f Bidtjj foV violation'Is 8tnd costs. i ( j- r ere * f eenw ( to be a dliposltlon "to let I Jitbe cbleftalnihlp' the fire department r vacant for a time At "leMt"nid ) ) to ict Fr ( t Aralitant Temple- ( tjHocpnpy.tlie position. iThe departunnt "t v'e elected Wr. Gmnella , and asked the council to confirm him , but the aldermen mre reailng easy. It li understocnl that the prHrnt council proposes to have uomo a y in fire department nutters , and that II an Attempt h made to force any action which the aldermen do not favor , that on ordinance already prepared will be sprung , changing the department into a paid ono instead of semi-paid and ieml-volunteer. Dr. 1'auhon'a large black Danlth Lound had a lively tussle with wolves near thedoctur'd firm Wedoeeday night , It a ema that a pack of wohea hare bom hanging around thcr for some time , and on the night named they were howling About BO close to the housoa that tt e other tlr | ; on the neighbor's places iklppcd Into the house * for theller. The doctor'o hound , who baa had a veral oonillcti before with wolver , and vrho hates them bitterly , daahed Into their mldit , And had a hard battle with three of them. lie nucoeoded la driving the waive * off , but not b for they had bitUn him severely in several liUoei. The bound bled badly , and some ntltcbes had to re taken to close up hli gaping wounds. He Is pretty weak to-day but will recover doubtlee , and will soon join with bii comrade ID a wolf hunt which the doctor la planning. Mr , Wheeler , the engineer of the Itetcue , yesteiday captured near the crtek a regular Texas horned toad , of large nire , liorcu , tall nnd all , making it a rt tpecl. men. It WA bottled and placed In Tern- platen t Lau.o'a cigar ttore , where It at tracted much attention , There li a natu ral query as to whore tbt homed toad came from , MI there are none found here , f-lt b * tated that ; icven yean ago , "Jjouif , the mt urant man , brought a lit. He one btie from Texas , and after a while One wa * ' * 'about two yean at * * creek. It Is now conjectured that this rnufct be the mme horned toad , only it has grown. Louie will have Rome difficulty though In idejtltylng his property. IONCERNINQ THE OITY. Various Matters Command tbo At tention of the Aldormon. At the adjourned mooting of the city council Wednesday night Aider man Qouldon reported nn ordinance raising the license of common carriers to $25 n year , and raising also the li cense of transient shown. Referred to the city attorney. Alderman Newell reported that the committee had rented the Glebe gas iiqht company's fixtures , BO that the city would attend horoattcr to light- ng them itself. As chairman of the fire and police committee ho also reported that ono of the old Bluff Oity fire horses had been lold for $125 , and that n now team iad been purchased for § 150. The iamo committee asked for further time n regard to the selection of a chief 'or the flro department. Time was granted. The county supervisors reported ; hat the board wan willing to perform the county 'apart of the levee contract. The committee on the extension of Washington avenue reported that the avenue would coat $5,000vhilo liar- nony street could have been extended [ or $000 , and answered the same pur pose , but as the work had boon pushed 10 far it would not bo expedient to abandon it now. The committee on extending Bluff street reported in favor of the project , provided Mr. Turlpy and Mr. White would donate the right of way. Other wise the work should bo abandoned. An ordinance vacating an alloy in block 1C , Riddle's sub-division , as naked for by J. M. Palmer and others , wan passed. An ordinance was also passed de fining the duties of city woighraaster in the matter pf measuring wood and fixing a penalty on parties selling wood without first having it measured , An ordinance was submitted creat ing the office of sidewalk commissioner and defining his duties. A aooaon of refreshment and rest from the heat ' was then indulged in , of which the ch'ihf feature was the in troduction of several measure ! ) of Inrn- onado , which wore passed unanimously down the thirsty throats of the alder men. men.On resuming business the commit tee on streets and alloys wore in structed to advertise for bids for a sidewalk , thirty-seven foot in length , in front of the old building south ot Pierce street , at the intersection of First street. A petition for the abatement of taxes for 1881 and 1882 on the driving park was presented and allowed. Alderman Newell and the mayor were appointed a committee to con fer with the boara of supervisors in re gard to the bridge over Indian creek , on Union avenue. The marshal was instructed to en force the ordinance in reference to the numbering of buildings. The mayor , city engineer and chair man of committee on streets and al leys were appointed a committee on Yaughan avenue. The fire comudttoe , mayor and city engineer were instructed to relo cate fire hydrants where necessary. W. D. SiodentalT , Newell and Wood were appointed a committee to secure ground near the court house for the city maikot place. The police committee brought up the mutter of having improvements made in the calaboose. Mayor Bow man has been communicating with other cities , and it was thought that two or moro iron cells could bo put in the yard in the roar of the city build ing and surrounded by a bnok wall , the cells to bo portable , so that iti case a now building was created the culls could bo moved. Further time was granted the committee. Adjournment was taken until next Monday evening. _ LOST. Bill Book , Memorandum book at tached. Liberal reward offered for return of same to this office , or Chica go Lumber Oo. WANTED. To buy 2,000 bushels of White Corn.b Highest market price paid. Hayno < CfOj , Broorq aotory , Council Dluffc. \ may27-tf Borrs IB ODII.TY. Tbo Twelve . Mon Tried and Tmo Bay" Bo. The trial of Joe Bolts for assault with intent to commit murder yester day occupied the time and nt'cntion of the district court. The testimony showed that the notorious darkey , [ Jolts , who has already served in the Nebraska penitentiary , joined with ils white men , Murray and Dock- stcdor , in u plan to rob Mr. Sludo- jcck'o house in Keg Oroek township , they learning that ho had a largo amount of money on hand. They wont there , and masking themselves entered the house , Btudobooker jump ed out of i , window and ranwas chased by Murray and Bottr , and brought back to the house in the hope of fore- ing him to tell where the money was. They succeeded in getting a few dollars lars only , but in tho-scufllo ono of the party shot Studobockor , inflicting a > round which came near proving fatal. Holts denied that ho was the man who fired the shot , though ho admitted ho wag in the party. He claimed that Murray was the ono who shot , and neither Murray nor Dockatodor have jeoa found yet by the officers , Tito c.ise was fully and ably argued iy District Attorney Connor and Mr. Daily for the defense , and was sub- nitted to the jury yeatoriday after noon , The twelve were out about an lour and a quarter , and returned a verdict finding him guilty aa charged , which is serious enough to send him across the state. Ilia sentenced will probably bo pronounced Monday. 1UBBONS J KIBBONS | ! Harknoss , Orcutt & Co. . have just put on aalo over 2.300yarde pi Kib- bom. This is a job lot and U being old at Ices than one-half cost of im- POPPING PIGEONS. An Exciting Content at the Etato Shooting Tour- nament. The Winner * of the Prize * . 8p cUl Cormpondtncfl of Tim Uxx. CF.DAK RAT-IDS , Juno 7. The contest - test to-day was for purse No. 3 , the terms being ten sinclo rises from ground trap ? , thirty rods rise , use of tube barrels , English rules. The purse consisted of $500 , the first prize being $100 , the second $125 , the third prize $100 , fourth $70 , and fifth $50. $50.Tho The following was the score and the winners : MJUADXO. 1 , Barbeo 4 , Scabcrgcr 9 , Lifingwell e , Gage 8 , Gillilan 7 , limner 10 , Oil- limnn 7 , Chamlxr 8 , S.iuor 8 , HIIIB- dale 7 , Woodering 8 , Waddington 7. fiQUAD NO. 2. S. Hi Mnoro , 10 ; II. Taylor , 2 ; Hammond , 4 ; McCrenry , 2 , Mounk , 10 : Phelps , lOj Ellis , G ; E. J' . Phelps , 8 ; Dyer , 9 ; O'Brien , 8 ; Peck , 0 ; 1'ubbs , 9. KQUA1 > NO. 3. Hastings , 8 ; Williams , Pj Brown , I ) ; Dr. Nicholson , 9j Wheeler , 9j Kon- valmko , G ; Lhidt ) , 9 ; lUwingun , 8 ; Mincrt , 8 ; Hanson , 8 ; HofTmayer , ti ; Mullio , 7. KQUAI ) NO. 4. Goodnow , 8 ; Cole , 8 ; C. H. Clark , 0 : arifTuy , 8 ; 'Jate , lOj Brodh-yi 2 ; Woito , 0 ; N. P. Hanson. 0 ; J. ( I. Smith , 9 ; Thornton , 8 ; D. O'Brien , 7j lorry , G. N pguAD G. S. B. Anson 8 , N. J. Potter 8 , R. Daw 7 , Sohramm 10 , 3. Randall 8 , L Tate 0 , Durant 10 , Hewitt 7 , M. 0. Brown G , Schmidt G , Riokman 7 , Rey nolds 8. SQUAD G. Bchmidt 9 , Hughes G , Campbell G , 0. 0. Williams 10 , McGotchio 8 , Browne 7. Booth 0 , Cartwright C , Clark 8 , Woodruff ? , Fanhoad 8. The following arc the scores of the shooting off of tics , five birds each : TIBST TIE. Uemir , Moore , Monk , Phelps , Tatr , Durant and U. C. Williams , five oaoh. RECOND TIE. Monk , Tate , Durant , five oaoh. These throe divided the first prizo. TIES ON NIM5. The shoot off of ties on nine resulted as follows : In the first shoot , Dyer , J. L Wil liams , Dr. Nicholson , Winder , Budd , J. G. Schmidt and A. L. Schmidt took five each. On the second Dyer , Wheeler and Budd ( cored five each In the third the same three took the full five each. ' The fourth shoot off resulted in Budd dr < ppint ; out and left Wheeler and Dyer to divide the second prizo. TIES ON EIGHT. In shooting this tie the first five birds were killed by Woodring , E. P , Phelps , O'Brien , Hastings , Reynolds , and Fairhoad. In the second shoot off pll of these but Hastings. Reynold and Fairtiead got left , nnd this trio divided the third piizo. TIES ON UEVEy. la this shoot off Gillilan , Oilman ind Browne each killed five out of a possible fivo. In the second shoot off Browne won fourth piizo. TIES ON BIX. In shooting of this tin the first trial dropped all but J , M. Terry , Hughes Dtnd Oartwright. The second resulted in Hughts and Cartwright dividing the filth prizo. ii Another lareo invoice. NEW PA PER , HANGINGS juft received at BlfiARD'S Wall Paper Store , 11 Pearl street. SEK TUEH , THEY ARE IIBAU IIK.H. PERSONAL. J. B , Jncqueintn hna just returned from the west. Hon. Johu Y. Stone was In the city yea- terday. . J , V , Hinchman and wife of Glenwood were in the city yesterday. , Mr. Bias , of Dita & Co. , 1ms returned from au extended trip through the west. J. Wemberg , of Milwaukee , was in the : Ity yesterday , stocking up dealers with : lgan. Missouri Valley was represented at the 3gden yesterday by M. Holhrook , F. O. Carlisle , and Dick Holhrook , A , Alexander , the liveliest clothing man if Ilia size running nut of Chieagj , wai ooklng ufter the trade hero yesterday. O. K. Silvcrthorn and Miss Flora K. yaifi were among the representatives : rom Crcstcn who were at the Ogdeu yoa- tarday. Mr , llotchliisv , the happy landlord of Lho llovero hound at Jefferson , and of : ourso a con.tnnt reader of Tin : BBS , was in the tlty yesterday. T. Ii. lloyt , the oldest assessor in the 5o t end and a prominent rea'dent of Val. ley township , is In the city atttndlnn to Lmslnesa before the hoard of supervisor * . lllchard Bollard , a prominent resident rt Valley township , is in the pity on busi ness hefure the board of supervisors. Mr , Italian ! has been amiing the unfortunates. Ho lost his right arm iu a threshing ma- shine four year * ago and the next year he lost all the fingers but the fore one and the thumb on the other arm. The wounda iiave recovered , however , nnd Mr. Bollard , though sorely a filleted , asks no favor * of inyone physically. _ Joseph DurjInlurRer , Broadway , Buf falo , was induced by his brother to try raojun' KLLCTHIO OIL for a Bjirnlned uUle , and with half a dozen applications lie was enuuled to ualk round again all right. PEACE BUEAKERS. Some of tlio Offenders Who At tracted the Attention of the follco. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. John Snyder , whoso husband is in business in Upper Broadway , was | ho vlqtiui > flaa assault at'the hands of' Ohri MachJen. According to'th story , her baby was taken ill , and she stepped to the door to call her hus band , who was near by. Mnchien wns passing at the time and was ugly drunk , and for some reason unknown to her , possibly bcchuso ho thought she was saying something to him , he attacked h r , niul swinging his tin dinner bucket hit her a blow on the head , which cut open the ecalp , and caused the blood to flow freely. HH was arrested and locked up , and the of "bust chnrco registered againethim ing Mrs. Snydcr's head. " Mrs. Barrett and Mrc. Rosi had some trouble yesterday , a iioighbor- hood row , in which it is said a razor was drawn and a rolling pin went fly ing through the air. but no blood was shed , nnd the parties hurried to Judge Ayleaworth fur adjustment. Mrs It s was found guilty uf nemilt nnd fined and costs , amounting to $17 , nnd hav ing a curiosity to see the inmdo of thti jail was given n clinnco to gratify it to that extent. Mr . Barrett is to have her hearing Saturday. There win a sort of a froo-for-all fight at Lowers hotel about 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon , in which several were concerned , three of whom were arrested nnd locked up. Ono drutik without fri/zes , was brought before Judge Ayloaworthypn- terday and assessed the finp of $0.80 asbecomcth "a first-elnss city. " FrofltuTilo Patients , The most wonderful and marvelous success in cnsca where persons are sick or wasting awny from a condition of mincrableiies ? , that no ono known what mis them , ( profitable patients for doctors , ) is obtained by the use of Hop Bitters. They begin to euro from the first dose nnd l.cop it up un til perfect health and strength is re stored. Whoever is efllicted in this way need not suffer , when they can et Hop Bitters. [ Cincinnati Star. SUBJECTS OF SUPERVISOR. The Action of the County Supervi sors YoHtorday. The couuty board of supervisors continued their session yesterday. Horace Everett was allowed a credit of $3 050 valuation on his assessment for 1882 , in consideration of the num ber of trees which ho had planted inNer Nor walk township. f The road petitioned for by J. T. Hupp and others was established. The board concurred with the ci'y council in the abatement of taxes on the driving park. E. Clayton was authorized to builu a biidco across Jordan cruek on the east and west reid instead tf on the no th and pouth road 'hear the Hunt farm in Center township. An examination was made of the county treasurcr'ii books and they were found to ogrco'with those of the auditor. A settlement was made up to Juno 1. The road petitioned for by Thomas Triplett and others .in Hazel Dell township was established. The board will continue in session to-day. "By asking too mi'ch we may lose the little that we had before. " Kid ney-Wort asks nothing but a fair trial. Thin given , it fears no loss of faith in its virtues. A lady writes from Oregon : "For thirty years I have been affected with kidney com plaints. Two packages of Kidney- Wort have done mo moro good than all the medicines and doctors I have ha d beforo. I believe it is a sure cure. " Fast , brilliant and fashionable are the Diamond Dye colors. Ono package - ago colors 1 to 4 Ibs. of goods. Ton cents for any c > lor. GOUHCIL BLUFFS SPJECIAL NOTICES. NOT1CK. Special advertisements , euc &g Loot , Found , To Loan , Tor Sale , To Rent , WantiJ , Boarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In thlf column at the low ratoot TKN OHNTfJ PEP LINE ( or the first Insertion and FIVE CENTS PER LINE lor each subsequent Insertion Lca\o oJv ertliementi at our office , No , 7 Pearl Street , near llrnatlvtav. Wants. ANTKD Good ( ; lrl for Rentrol hpuncwork W Inqulro at Dte office. mayiotf ANTED Everybody in Council Bluds Ic to take Till 1J . 20 cents per week , do llrerod by carriers. Office , No 7 Pearl Street near Broadway. To buy 100 toni broom corn WANTED address Council Bluffi Broom Kartorr. Council niuOa. low * . For Sulo and Rent -riOil KENT , Partof arxldcnco or will cell J1 the while on uuy terow. Ennulre at HBH otllce. jm Ct KOK SALE-1 have on hand ono kiln BHIOK gooJ brick as can bo had In the city , J' rtlci dtBrritf B gocd ttlclo lll find It 10 their * dvaiil KO to " " . " at inv ruldcnco. on Lincoln a > ente , ormlJro B Ilobert Tlulile , liox Oil , Council B liflt , Io a. junal-lin * I.AUtt BAl.t. r'ro-h mlik iow. and oiHen at Jj 8 au llro.'a jard ) , Uppoi llroadwty. _ TT10U HAU5-T o new J'ytlcl.H atabargoln. J } E H. btelnhl bcr , at new furniture Jactory on Seventn u\tiiuu ( iiuit 10 C. & N. W , H K. _ _ " uu > ) 'J3-lm ) RALK Sheet muslo worth" 85 nti to FOU for 6 tint ! a iopy , and over 10,000 other useful articles , it HiUth A , E\erelt > Ureat Kivo and Ten Cent Store , No. 110 Broinway , Council ll'udii. Irwa. niatiOtf "TOO it HALE. E'ghty BCIO farm tartly cultl- J ? > atcd , two mlU < ) ucbt of Omaha. Odell & J ay. _ _ _ m 8 tf lOll KKNj rart or whole of nice residence , . ' or ulll volt on easy tetn.n. pply at L'oa WHce. _ * " TTAOlt SADBcaitiful rtbldcnce loU , (60 U tach : notUliiLilonn. . and SGDer-ronth only. by KX-MAVOHVATjaUAN. aplS-tf MlscollonoouB. ONEV To loan at from 0 to 10 per u.-nt In- M DAY. jo u 71XC tblOU UALLEUYnUanrtd and the ] li hot * t ; > lli rr In Council DktilT * . Grand new no.ii > 3cry ncdicty 10 airho this week. Call and see. 100 Main street. ANYoHo hi > Inslo t'a red hcl'er with large he I , can lu < n ol vtherulouti l > y u lllng at the lilt ollloi. ] . .j ( Y"vll. W , I * 1'ATfON 1'rij nimii and Oculist. \J Can euro any case oleorocjc" . H U only n matter of time , anil can euro ircncrally In Iroui tbree tc Hie uiuli-lt inaVtn iioiliOcr- toco how long discard. Will btrajghtcn cr-ws e > ci. operate and rcmo > e I'tjrfxlnnio , etc. , nd In.ert artificial cyei , biioibl attention to re- mo > e'rijr UJeH orins. qp5 tt A hYUtiK WANUM1 on > e nne quality broom Jcoru ced can pet It bv writing to ! > | pP. T. MAYNK Council Bluffi MRS. J , P. BILLUPS , PBOpniETOR OP RESTAUBANT & EATIN& HOUSE , 81 $ South Main Btrwl , Cooc New hotuo u d ne ljr fltltj p'p InflritcUM Ucili at all hour * . Ice crtam and Icmo- FJ SAVED ON tVERY DOLLAR BY BUYIKO YOUR GROCERIES AT TUB Boston Tea Go's ' Store , 16 Main Bt , and 16 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , TRY IT AND Make Money , W.W.SHERMAN MANUFACTURER OF Road , Track , Coach & Livery FINE WORK A SPECIALTY. E. H , SHERMAN , Business Manager. WM. CIIKISTOPHEa , Mechanical Manager. 124 S. Main St. . Council Bluffo , In , F.J.OSBORNE&CO Sell More Groceries , Sell Better Groceries , Sell Groceries Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE TN THE OtlY. LOOK AT THEIR PRICES ON A FEW LINES. lllb'FxtraC suarfor . 81 00 1011) SUmlaid A nugar . 1 CO n Hi t.ramihtwl sugnr . . . 10 > 71bKo. 1 Hoastcd i locodcce . 1 10 71 > No 1 Green I locolto . 1 00 1 1 > 1 est tioastcil O l > Java coffco . SI 1 Ih Best Itoa-tcd lloihi . 30 1 It > Jilx.haf n\n end half Ulo . 'JO ll.Can hi ptil riollcef . j . 25 Slncans rallfornliK-u ts . 25 ChoiceTablo i utt ricrlb ( . IB Yor < Gallon / ) > ) > CH . . . 21 3 b Can cl ow Pe Uics . 20 OliCan lo Toadies . 21 2 Ib Ca Star Pcacli . . . . . . IB 3Hian > cry 'est Sweet < orn . H ) Best I rands print ; Wheat Hour per sack. . . 3 76 1 liKarsGlfletto op . 1 00 18 Ib Bars Kirk's hlto i.usshn boap . 100 ' ' . . . amsixrlb I ID Ilojd's Pnnkfas' Bacon per Ib . 10 jclda Community ITU taper jar . 75 Gordon & Dili worth 3 l'r > erve ; ) . OS And Everything Else in Stock Prop optionally Cheap. Don't Buy Any Groceries Until You Have Seen Us. Teims Cash. F. J. OSBORNE & GO. COUNCIL BLUFFS r © " rm MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY Offlce and Works , Main Street , OOUNOIL BLUFFS , IOWA. We glre special attentlori to Stamp MiUsv Smelting Furnaces , ' HOISTERS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK will lecelTa prompt attention. A general as sortment of firaea Goods. Belting , Fining , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Fig Iron , Ooko , Coal , OHAS , HENDBIE , _ President- Eubber Hose , Iron and Lead Pine , Iron and Brass Fittings and Trimmings , at Bixby & Wood's , THE PLUMBERS. On Bancroft or ( Fourth.Streets' . ) J. M. PALMEB , DKALEll IN REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT , COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. Drs ; Woodbury & Son , Cor. Pearl & 1st Ave. COUNCIL BLUFFa & ORAIG , ARTISTIC POTTERY , nicb Cut Glnsd , Fine French China , Silver Ware &a , 810 IlttOiDWjLT. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IQVVA. MRS , fl , J , HILTON , M , D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 882 gro d\rr , Council Bluff * W. B. AUENT , JACOU 6IUB AMENT & SIMS , Ittorneyg & CoeseUors-at-Law , OODKOtI BLUPPB , IMWA. HARKNESS , ORCUTT & GO. DRY ODS AFD CARPET HOUSE. Broadway , Cor. Eonrtli Street. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. mar-2-.lm J. IP I mean bociness and no blowing , Having recently contracted for 600 Oigans and over 200 Pianos for the sea son , to bo sold at Bargains for Gash , and on time Agents wanted. TJ Oorrespondecce-Eolicited. \ S I G J. MUELLER , O COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. F. F. FORD Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00 M7JBT3ES Bluff and Willow Streets , Council Bluffs , FURNITURE HOUSE. Mirrors , Upholstery , Eepairing , Etc. , Wood and Metallic Coffins. No. 436 Broadway , Cor. Bryant St. , Council Bluffa , Iowa. UNION BAKERY , 517 SOUTH MAIN STREET , THE BEST BREAD IN THE OITY. None but first-class Bakers employed. Bread , Cake , Pies , &c. , delivered to any part of the city. Oar Wagons run all day. P. AYRES , Proprietor. METCALF BROS. , - WHOLESALE DKALER8.\ IN - Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves. OHIOAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. REAL * ! ! STATlf AG E NT , Bas For Sale , Tonrn Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands , and a number ot Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Office with W. S. MAYNE , over Savings Bank , - COUNCIL BLTJFS few Styles Just Received. 11 Pearl Street , Conn oil Bluff * , , C. A. BEKBK , W. KUNYAN , W. BEEBB C. A. BEEBE & CO. , Wholesale and Ketall Dealers In FURNITURE ANQ CROCKERY , Nos. 207 * & 209'Bfoadway ; Council Bluffs , . Mrs , J , B , letcalfe and -Miss Belle Lewis Are now dealing In all kind * of fancy goo s , itich as Lace * , Embroideries , Ladle * ' Underwea of all dcitrlptlona. Also linndVerchio's , both In eiik and linen , ho o o ! 11 Ktndi. thread , pint , needles , itc. . Wo hope the laalea will call and ecu our itock of goodi at 628 Broadway IK ( ore go bg elsewhere. , E. J. DAVIS , 13 PEARL STREET , Dealer In ZEPHYRS , GERMANTOWN AND FANCY YARNS of AU Kind * . A Fall Ltua of Canvo , Felti , Embroidery , Knitting Sllln and Stain-loci Qoodi. 11 lea Amortnont of A mil no Picture * , tf , Z. JLINDSEY & CO. , 412 BROADWAY.gGOUNGIL . BLUFFS And W1STSIIJ ! SQUARS CLARlNrA IOWA.