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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1882)
THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA EBIDAY , JUNE 9 , 1882 , The Omaha Bee , Published everr morning , eioaptSnnckr , Che only Alandy morning ( tally. TK11MS JJY MAIL - Ihta V ar $10.00 I ThreaMonth$3.00 Bk Afontbf. o.OO | One . , 1.00 JCIIE WEEKLY BEB , pnblUtedBT- ry Wednesday. 3JKKMS POST PAID. Ono Year. . . . . $2.00 I ThroeMonlhs. , 50 Sir Me itlm. . . . 1.00 | One . . 20 AMERICA * NEWS COMPANT , Solo Agents or Newsdealer * in the United Stntos. COIinEaruNDKNOE-All Oommnnl. a lUorui relatinic to New * and Editorial mat ers should be addressed to the EDITOR or Tar lie ? . BUSINESS LKTTERS-A11 Business JJa.lera and Remittances should be ad drewicd to TUB OMAHA PUBLISHING COM tun , OMAIIA. Draft * , Chocks and Pont- 0)Ticc Orders to bo mode payable to the erier ol the Company , The BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Props , Ei ROSEWATER , Editor. NOTICE TO NEWSDEALERS. The publishers of THE BSR have made arrangements with the American Nona Company to supply New * Dipota In Illi. ooln , Iowa , Nebraska , Wyomtajr and Utah. All dcalcra who keep THE DAILT BEB on a tie should hereafter address their orders to the Manager American News Company , Omaha , Nob. tl tla tlit IP any ono wants to guago The P it pMican'f circulation lot thorn fool/no ittl itb public pulao. / tl tld tlb THERE is a ory clooo connection d between our exorbitant national taxation f , tion and the present strikes. nn nI REPORTS from Washington an n nounce that' the proposed poacq congress - n gross has boon postponed. Pomsyl- vnnia would bo a good field fr its a a mcrabors'to operate in. c P VIRGINIA hospitality during the t Yorktown celebration consisted in an t addition of $30,000 to the government v bill for the benefit of the junkottew 1 of which amount § 7-100.70 wu for 1li whisky and cigars. liI liV A WASHINGTON horao trainer as aorta that horses have memory , jndg 1 mont , reasoning faculty and sense of 1B 1t duty. Which moves a facetious ex B change to remark how superior to \ congressmen , horses are. 0 0tl tl tla Ma. HKWITT is oaten up with curi a osity to know how the immense naval ii appropriations of the pant ton years 8 have boon disposed of. A postal card 8b 8P dropped to Odorgo M. Robcson might P result in some additions to his stock w -of information. L h TEXAS has always claimed the prize t for cowboys , tarantantulas and cactus , b and la now beginning to brag loudly 01n over her wheat. It is stated that her 01A wheat crop now being harvested is the A finest over grown , many fields yieldIng - faJ Ing thirty oushels to the acre. Those J arc the kind of reports that will give j black eye to the high prices. THU opening of the Burlington road to Denver is creating the usual rumors of coming changes in rates and clasm Coatioua .from the oaat. Up to the present time no through bills have boon iatuod on freight from Chicago to points beyond Omaha and a differ ent classification has been in use on > the Union Pacific from that on the jiool lines. The through billing of freight by the Burlington road will pi tf force the same courno on other lines and prevent the charging of full local fc .rates to Missouri river points and ar < 0 ( Jbitrary ratea to points beyond. tttl ttb "How investigation * invoatigato" is tl the title of an editorial in yesterday's Herald. A few remarks from the 1 Doctor explaning why investigations 0w frequently fall to investigate would be w timely and'doubtleu interesting. The 0Cl Cl printing stool inquiry which caused ClEC EC the Doctor's partner to suddenly re ECCi member that he had pressing business Cih h : in Colorado , and the Teffc and Gra 11 ham investigations weioh fell flat as 0 * eon as the Herald wind bag wan Bl punctured , are cases in point. There BC is plenty of room for a series of extended tl tended articles by Dr. Miller on the Bl' ' investigation question , with personal remfnesconces of his own connection 1"F with several of these rib tickling legislative Cl' ' islative incidents. But will the odilor is of the Herald give them ? JTncoB DILLON , who forever placed sifc the monopolies in his debt by hit un fcP1 righteous decision on the Uf P. term P1 inus question , has resigned his profes- it vorabiu in the Columbia College Law itw cbool , on account of his important a professional engagements. Mr. Dil < tli Jon is Jay Gould's attorney , and his tliB address has been vet ? valuable to the ai great railroad wrecker in his Manhat aii i < tan stock swindle , ut required the in ruin of hundreds of stock holders , the IK purchase of a judge \and \ the cor IKij ruption of a legis ature to carry ijwl dould'a nine million grab through wlu and Sldnny Dillons nephew assisted greatly in the consummation of the fraud. It in a strong' conuuentary on aa too enormous power of the monopo aaV Vn lies that they are able to offer greater Vn inducements to the legal profcsiion to w n ! proatitute their Borvioea in behalf of h the corporation ! than are offered to wards honest dealing by an honorable Deputation and the < x > Bfid ueoW the , x ' ( Ql l JOHN B. FINCH AS A REFORMER. At the rcqunat of friends of fpro poaod prohibition nmondmorLr thc constitution of Iowa , wo i batch of letters that apr'cd las month in the Jotco City l ? * > 'lKa ito bolster the character of f < .John B Finch , who has been fmP'n8 Iowa in favor of the amoirontt Without disparage the cause temperance wo ay/oat emphatically that wo take no > ok in John B Wilh n1 Finch as n morat'fonnon duo deference tr ° Plrtioa wll ° hav taken it upon t'm8olvoa topronounc iho charges tl/ have connected th name of & Finch with i ecandal /ialacioas libels which no roputatyP ° rBOn 'n ' Nebraska can bo rcado t believe , wo are of th opinion t > 1 a lnrg ° number of ropui nblo pee * 'n ' his state do boliev that tli $ ° wfta moro truth than poetry try in tdao chargoi. The fact that thi Qran ° r > 0 ° t'10 ' temperance ordoi us ySpondod the Junhta Ledge fo and malicious slander fo ; on npt , ; fishing a certain immoral letter j-which Mr. Finch was believed to 3 the author , disproves nothing , nm n any stress bo laid upon the fao lat Mr. Finch can draw largi idioncoa at the Nebraska state cap al. Boccher and Tiltoi ) th draw largo audiences wherever toy appear , but no unbiassed person aliovos that the Boechcr-Tilton scan il was altogether unfounded. Th ct that the woman in the caao has iado en affidavit exonerating Mr inch also amounts to nothing. No tany years aqo a prominent Omaha linistor had a scandal on his hands nd the woman in the caao also made a affidavit , but the majority of iho lurch thought it would bo moro rudcnt for the exonerated minister > find another place. It 10 cado of' Mr. Finch the oman was induced to emigrate to the British dominion and common roper as it that the money for her passage as advanced by a near relative ol Ir. Finch , It is true Mr. Finch has brought i bol suit against General Vifquain , ol 10 Lincoln Democrat , and wo pro i mo ho feels confident that Qonora 'ifquain cannot provo all ho publish 1 because the original toll ilo letter has been dcstroyct id the principal witnc * that woman" has gene to Nova cotia. But why did not Mr. Finoh ring a libel suit against the Omaha pcr published by Fred Nye , which as moro severe than the Lincoln emocratf Fred Nye and his paper ipponed to bo under the wing of the nlon Pacific , and Mr. Finch proba y did not wish to fall out with the irporation that generously supplies oral reformers with free posses , B a olinohor to provo that there is no int or stain upon the character o < aim B. Finch , wo are told by Judge [ ason , his principal backer , that "tho roukly Journal , of Flattsmouth , did iblish a scandalous libel and false iod on John B. Finch , on the oo- .sion of his visiting Flattsmouth ! th Qov. St. John , of Kansas. Finch saultcd the editor and whipped him the time , and the clli ns of Flattsmoutb , good and true , 'omptly paid the costs and all decent loplo felt Flnoh did right in whip ng the editor. " According to Judge I AJon the ovlnco of the moral reformer is toke ko iho law into his own hands and ' mauling a person physically his in- rlor establish the purity ot his char tor. Now enppose that the tables were mod upon Mr. Finch. It was reported r a Mount Pleasant , Iowa , piper .at . Mr. Finoh in ono of hl late tooohos on tomporauco slandered maha workingmen by charging them ith being a mob of drunkards and itlawi. Suppose Mr , Finch should imo * to Omaha next week or next onth and a burly , raw-boned , big > ted laborer should assault and maul m within an Inch of his lifo for ma- itous slander and citizens of iiinha , good people and true , ould pay the costs would Judge Ma il say it served Finoh right ) Would at cstablieh the fact that Finch inderod the workingraon ? For our rt wo regard the conduct of Mr. nch in using brute foroa to viudi- to hhnselt as the best proof that ho totally unfit as a champion of moral form. The truth is Mr. Finch is nply a Iloisiau that fights r pay and not from principle. The field in Nebraska for true torn- iranco reform is in the strict on rctinoiit of our prosout laws , but lore has Mr. Finoh over appeared as Bomplainant in the courts or before o license board to sustain the law. is mission is that of a paid attorney , d ho is as untcrupuloua as any po tt court lawyer. His labors in Iowa ly produce good results , but wo do t want TUB BEE placed in a false ; ht as the ondouor of a man in lorn It has no faith whatever aa a > ral reformer. THE Amoriecan Woman Suffrage ioiatiun have sent Mrs. Margaret , Campbell as their agent for six > nths to Nebraska , to aid in ruiour- ; the adoption of an amendment lioh will give suffrage to women on a same terms as men. Cleveland adtr. airs. Oarnpboll can't come any too in , . | T& ) Nebraska woman sufferers ) very much in need of now material on the lecture platform and now argu ments from the lecturers. The ma jority of common sense , practical wo men in the state are too busy at pres ent in attending to their domestic du ties to pay much attention to the spasmodic shrieks of the chronic woman's rights agitators. The woman's euOr.igo campaign needs galvanizing very badly. The pre < have become sick of the subject and the pcoplo oven sicker. The mothers and sisttrs who wcto granted the right to vote at school elections very unanimously decided that they preferred ferrod the parlor to the hallr , and the late convention at Lincoln failed to muster a corporal's guard. Under those circumstances it is not at al surprising that the American Woman's Suffrage association have sent Mrs Oiimpoll to the rescue. Wo are free to confess that wo don't know who Mrs. Campbell is or what rank aho holds among the high priestesses o the nil/Turing / sisterhood , but Nebraska offurs her an excellent field to achieve glory. If she can succeed in making woman suffrage a live issue in the coming campaign eho will accom plish moro than wo give her crodil for. Valentino from Nebraska , reports that the manner ir which his Btato has been redistricted Is m 3st satisfnotary to him. Hu will hereafter reside in the Third Nebras ka district. Ex-Senator Paddock stated that Judge Valentino would bo nominated by acclamation , and that the rodistrtoting of Nebraska will bo the moans of destroying numerous factions that have heretofore existed. Chicago Times. Ex'Senator Paddock is not a very reliable political weather prophet. He predicted that Nebraska would bo solid for Grant two years ago but she sent a'olid delegation to Chicago for Blaino. Mr. Paddock predicted that ho would bo ro-oloctod to the Bonnie on rho first ballot , but after thirty-six ballots the legislature elected Gon. Van Wyck. What the senator says about destroying the numerous factions is all bosh. There are only two factions in Nebraska , the railroad corporations and their retainers on the ono side and the people of the state upon the other. These factions will continue until the corporate monopolies with draw from the political field and allow the people to govern themselves. The manner in which the state was rodistriotod may bo most satisfactory to Valentino , but ho will discover be fore three months roll round that the Third Nebraska district is not a third term district. TUB principle at stake in the recant struggle at Washington over the con' ' tested elections was a simple but im portant one , viz , whether or not a parliamentary body is the solo judge of the eligibility of Its own members , and whether in the determination of that question the voice of the major ity shall rule. A ton days contest with partisan obstruction has settled the question and resulted in the seating of throe republicans and ono green- backer , and the ousting of an aqual number of democrats. The hrdlnoss with which election cases are adjusted is attracting well deserved comment. At the opening of congress twenty-two claimants for seats appealed for a recognition of their rights. Nearly six months elapsed before the Oampbell-Oannon : aso was decided. Reports have been made to the house in seven coses , and nine .are yet pending in committee. I'hls delay is a grave injustice to the Individuals directly concerned. It is i still graver Injustice t * the constit uents of lawfully elected representa tives deprived of their rights while a minority candidate occupies the scat to which he was not elected , and Irawi pay to what he U not entitled , [ n several instances men , who had no more title to the seat in ; engross than Chalmers , who was kicked oat after voting and epoaklng for six months , have only boon ousted within a few days of the expiration of the session , This uncalled for delay is expensive to the government , An ousted member is generally granted full pay for his services. When the awfully elected contestant is awarded lis seat from which ho has boon do- jarred ho is given a sum equal to tbo mlary which ho would have drawn from the beginning of the session if ; here had been no contest. And if a jontcstant has been unsuccessful con- jroBs defrays the expenses of his coji- : eat. The consideration of contested ileotion cases ought to bo made the irst business of congrets after its or ganization. It is duo to all parties ioncorned that the determination ihould bo made as quickly as possible. [ t is duo to the government , which low pays two salaries and in addition ifton gives a bonus to disappointed md unsuccessful claimants without a ihadow of right on the side of their petition. Ov Moses Summers , whose fatal mrt in Now York has olicltiul BO much ympathotio remark , the Jtfmtro Ad- < crtitf says ; "At the call of his louutry ho throw down' the editorial ion to take the sword. " This is high- y figurative. Mr. Summer's cominis- ion was that of paymaster , and hough ho may have kept his accounts nth a sword it is rather improbable. t is safe to say that all the wounds he ivor hitllclod were given with a steel ion. Buffalo Exprett , Omaha has a sooro of colonels , ma * on and captain * who aaw less of the war of the rebellion than Mr. Sum mers , and whoso fighting was done al long range in the cradle or public school. Tnp. attention of intelligent citizens of our city continues to bo drawn moro and more to the boar garden in this town , which respect for law and usajo alone compels us to call the common council of Omaha. Under the late addition that was made to it by the hoodlums it well deserves the name ol common council , for it is certainly true that A moro common cot of num skulls never before disgraced the municipal government of Umaha than the majority that rules in that body. -Herald. We apprehend our present counci will compare favorably with any preceding coding council during the past ten years. The late addition may no1 suit the Herald but wo take it that every man elected last spring is as com petent and reputable as the dofeatoc candidates supported by the Herald. Wn have had no such scandalous scones in the council as were on1 acted when Hascall , Jim Stephen son and Barney Shannon hod their weekly bouts. On the contrary the present council has boon as orderly and respectable inits proceedings as any similar body in any city in the union. But of course they have refused fused to confirm some of Dr. Miller's pots nnd that makes them all hood' ' lums. THAT excellent journal , the Phila delphia I'rca , roaches our table in an enlarged and proatly improved form , with a now and handsome dross and filled with the freshest news and the brightest correspondence and strong and forcible editorial opinions upon the topics of the day. Within the past year no metropolitan journal has made greater strides than the Pi ess , which now occupies the position of the best and most influential republi can now piper of the Keystone state. Tbo Farmuro' Alliance uncl Politics. 8enrd Reporter. Many papers of the monopoly stripe throughout the state are continually howling about the Farmers' Alliancu and its connection with politics , assorting that the Alliance properly has nothing to do with politics , and should confine its work to matters of farm interests alone. Ono would im agine , from the tone of thcso papers , that the farmers have nothing to do with politics , and have no interest in the propir administration of public aQaira. The business of the farmer , as these monopoly orgitis would seem to indicate , is simply to raise corn and wheat , breed hogs and cattle , and let the self-sacrificing individuals who run thoio newspapers , look after the political interests of the country. The Alliance meetings are regarded by this class of men as a harmless kind of amusement for agriculturists to engape in , so long as they discuss nothing but the best stock of cattle to breed , the amount of grain to sow on an acre , and kindred subjects ; but the moment the farmers begin to talK , in the Alliance meetings , of the exorbi tant rates which they have to pay to got their produce to market , and try to devise some plan to curb the extor tions of the railroads , these mon kold up their hands in holy horror , and cry'out that the Alliance ia being sub verted from its original purpose and made a political organisation. These papers call themselves "friends of the tanners , " and they cannot sit idly by while the farmers neglect their legiti mate business and talk of how to save a part of their crops from the oxtor tioiia of the monopolies. No , they cannot , because if they did , the mo nopolies would withdraw their sup port from them and then their occu pation would bo gono. Now , it is patent to any observer , that either the editors of such papers do not know anything of the real pur poses of the Farmers' Alliance , or else that , they are coutrorled by the monopoly politicians. The Alliance was instituted to enable farmers to act in concert , In order to accomplish any end which might seem to bo for their interest. This would undoubtedly include all matters , connected * with crops , stock , etc. , but does not neces sarily stop thero. There is nothing the constitution of the Alliance , as originally organized , to prevent it from acting as a political organization , or taking cognizance of politics. No Boonor did the farmers come together and exchange ideas , than it was seen that they were all of one mind on the subject of the exactions imposed upon them by corporate monopolies. Then , of course , they made an attempt to help themselves , and it is the fear of this attempt prov ing Buccesaful that animates the mono poly organs , the pretended "farmers' friends , " to cry out about the degen eracy of the Alliance into politics The farmers can afford to let thuso fol lows howl ; it is an indication that the cause of ant ! monopoly Is gaining ground , and that the monopolists are In fear of being overthrown. The Farmers' Alliance is doing well to discuss 'politics , and to make itself Felt us a political organization , and the ilay is not far distant when the views it advocates will have to bo incor porated into the platform of every political parly that hopes to succeed. Repreeontaiion of the People. S'ew York1la e. The events of the last week furnish i now illustration of the difficulty of iccuring a faithful * representation of the will of the people in the existing } ondition of politics. The result of the Westbrook investigation and the general character of the legislation of the session which has juot closed were certainly not in accordance with the wishes of the mass of honest and intelligent citizens who constitute thu body politio of this Btato. Influences ivoro constantly brought to bear upon ho legislature which were hostile to , ho highest public interest , and they reached a body of mon who were nero strongly swayed by them than jy a sento of public duty and of ro- iponsibility to the people. There is greater need in these times ban over before of a strict ropresen- atlon of the popular will in all public jodics , Corporations have so grown u power and wealth and are so far controlled by men whoso selfish in terests are in conflict with public and private rights that the people have special need of protection from their encroachments. Corporations engag ed in the business of transportation servo a most useful and valu iblo pur pose , and there ought to be no antag onism between them and the people with whom they have dealings. No body desires to ruin or to cripple them or to prevent their stockholders from deriving a fair profit from their busi ness. But they are controlled by a comparatively small number of men , who ore not content with legit imate gains or willing to bear a fair share of public burdens. In theii efforts to incrcaso their gains nm evade their burdens they are disposed to use all the power that wealth gives them. They concentrate it upon the judiciary when their nbjpcts are to bo secured by its action , and they dirccl it upon the legislature to gain privi leges and immunities or to defeat ro- ttrictivo or coercive measure intcndei to protect the rights of the public. They employ the best legal talent in their service , and they subsidise so far oa they can the men who make a bus iness of politics. Jf the people can fcul no assurance of integrity on the bench or honesty in the legislature , they are certainly in a bad case. Wo have seen a struggle to punish judicial dereliction and puree the bench of dishonor utterly defeated. Wo have aeon the contest of an up right and courageous minority in the legislature in behalf of wise laws and against Corrupt schemes in a largo de gree overborne by the baser elements. Where the interest nnd the wishes of the people havti boon in these contro versies there can bo no mannnr ol doubt. The results are not duo to a dogonotato public sentiment nor a hopeless public indifference , but to the failure of the chosen representa tives of the people to represent them. There are in some communities con siderable masses of voters who through and lack of civic virtue may be used to sustain schemes of public infamy , but in general the body politio is sound. The people want good gov ernment , wlso laws , and upright pub lie dealing , They prefer men of ability , integrity , and Honor in places of public 'trust and responsi bility , and they would vets to put them there if they ercrcised a choice that was neithtr trammeled nor thwarted by other forces than their own apathy and inca pacity. Lot a vote bo taken under conditions that secured a perfect ex pression of the popular will and such men as Roosevelt , Spraguc , Crane , Robb , Morrison , nnd Chapin among the representatives of this city and Brooklyn in the late assembly would receive the fullest assurance of public confidence from their constituents re gardless of party , and the incompe tent and dishonest corruptionists would be overwhelmed with condem nation , and yet to day it is a matter of some doubt which of these classes of men stand the better chance of being again among the nominal representa tives of the people. There is a power at work in our politics which , to a large extent , de feats popular representation. The legislature which adjourned on Friday did not represent the people , and tionce was not faithful to their inter ests or obedient to their will When the people really choose their repre sentatives they will show their prefer ence for men of character , ability and firmness , who cannot be corrupted or swayed from fidelity to public interests , but they will not choose them for any length of time BO long as the irresponsible and unregulated cau cus fcyatom of nominations is allowed . to exist. They must first of all , by some moans ai'curo in dependent candidates , independent either in the method of their nomina tion or in their known character , and having once obtained a really repre sentative body of legislators , they must insist on a permanent , legalized method of selecting candidates by pop ular vote which shall make represen tation secure in the future. ' They can prevent the failure and disgrace of the institution of free government only by exorcising their own power and really choosing the mon who are to make their law's , protect their interests , and vindicate their authority over un worthy officers , if such are discovered in their service. Call For an Anti-monopoly M3o - YAntion. Wo , the undersigned citizens of Juniata , Adams county , Nebraska , favor the organization of a state anti-monopoly league , and hereby authorize the use of our names for a call for a meeting to be held in Lin coln for that purpose : W B Gushing 8 L Picard L B Partridge A N Cole E } N Crane James Newell J\V Livoringhouso A P Slack B Moore . B F Hilton tt H. Nolan Gee Walker El U Uartlo E E Adam H Twidalo V E Wilson W L Kilburn F M Anderson WPNorris * John T Hill \V H Burr W D Belding L B Thorno Goo T Brown D A Antrom 8 L Brass [ U Nowull W G Bealo VY D Sowoll A II Brown 3 H Clark G S Guild K F Walker E M Allen S O Atigoll Gee W Carter \V Ackloy E W Morse 1 M Tapper A Borden F W Eighrny N M Lloyd D II Floeman Will H Paine 0 F Uogg The meeting for the formation of a state league will bo hold at the Acad- jiny of Muaio in Lincoln on Wednes- lay , Junu 21. 1R82. The " 300" Medals Ready , it. Louti llepu llcan. The historical medals which have been struck off in this city in com- Tiemoration of the ballots east by the 106 mon for General Grant for presi- lent at the Chicago convention , which lave been finished for aoino time , lave left the hands cf the engraver md are beiti ; distributed to the mom- jera of thu Old Guari' entitled there- o , The business has been involved n Bomomya'ery ; the lips of the on- ; raver and hia assistants have been ealod , as it were , nnd they have icon warned against giving any in- ormation. But as to the fact of ho medals having "changed hands" luring the patt week there is no uoral doubt , and each of the 3CG , in- iluding the colored delegates from the louthern states , and one irho is sup posed to bo in the penitentiary , will probably rocmvo the medal on whio I his name is inscribed before the ba ginning of the leafy month of Juno The designers had some trouble it getting a good profile of Genera Grant , which was finally sccurci through Colonel Fred Grant , who go his father to sit for a photograph which is the ono cut on the modal ) The medals are composed of a dar rich bronze , and are ono inch nn < throe-fourths in diamater , with thi cdgo perfectly round , smooth nm unmillod. On ono side is a profile of Grant and underneath and extending rounc the head is a wreath of loaves , nn < around nil this is a raised circle o which are engraved the thirty-six bal lots for Grant , the record beginning at the bottom and going round th circle meets again , the last ballot , 30 ( coming in contact with the first ballot 1)04 ) ( voter ) . Outside this record am along the rim is a lljur do lis , whic completes the profile side of th modal. On the obverse side the cen tral portion is inscribed with n circle and within is the following iusciip tion : COMMEMORATIVE OF TUB THIRTY-SIX BALLOTS OF THE OLD GUARD ' ran ULYSSES S. ORANT KOU I'RBRIIIRKT , REPUBLICAN NATiONAL CON VENTION , Chicago , June , 1880. The upper nnd lower lines are onth are of a circle , and the rest ar straight. Under the lower line is th name of the member of the ' Oli Guard" who receives the one awardoi to him. On the outer border of thi side ia a wreath. On the margin o the medal , at the top , is a perforation for a ribbon. Horifora'B' Aoid Fhotphato IN LIVER AND KIDNEY TROUBLES. Dn. 0. G. CILLEY , Boston , says ' 'I have used it very extensively , am with the moat remarkable success in dyspepsia and in all cases whore there is derangement of the liver and kid . " 5d-wlw neys. - _ _ _ _ AMBRIGA'S SAbAMANDEU. An Animal That Wouldn't Think of Going : Into or Near a Fire. HochCB'cr Poft-Ejprc s. Rochester is the possessor of the only living salamander now in this country. This wondtrfnl natural curi osity was secured in Japan by Professor ser Henry A. Waid and brought homo under hia person : * ! supervision. The salamander of fublo is ono of the big gest frauds on record. A famous maker once named his safes after the salamander to indicate their indestruc tible composition , but it is to be feared that if they could not endure firomoro readily than the salamander , as he really oxisto , none of their number bor would be found again after a firo. But the very fact that so much romancing has been done about the wonderful endurance of this monster , makes htm an object of unusual in terest. The specimen in question , which was viewed by a Post-Express reporter shortly after its arrival , is called the Gigantic 'Salamander or Steboldia Maxima. It was named in honor of Dr. Von Europe and placed it in a tank at Leyden , where il passed a period of ' many years in'cap tivity. Its length was about a yard , and it ia stated that two specimens were brought oyer at the same time by Dr. Siobold , but thenule unfortu nately killed his intended bride and ate her np , leaving himself to pass the remainder of his lifo in celibacy. It may be stated an a coincidence the Profesbor Ward a'so started from Japan with two aalaminors- mole , the other a female and thai the female in this instance also came to an untimely end on the voyage , But her death was not duo to any can uibaliaty trait in the character of the male , but rather to the fact that the water with which her tub was replen ished upon ono unfortunate occasion ws too warm for her constiution. The sad event took place ono day be fore the steamer landed at San Fran cisco. The survivor measures thirty inches in length , and ia apparently full ; rown. So far from longing for a liath in a fiery furnace , this one can- aot endure even the mildest form of beat or light. When brought from the dark recesses of the cellar in which it is temporarily housed , it creeps into the darkest corner of the tub m which it is confined. It has four legs with rounded to s , which re mind ono of the fingers of the rag- babies in Nast's cartoons. Its tail is long and resembles that of a lizard , and its soft skin is of a pale brown color , withdarkermarkings. Its head Is large and flattened , being wider than any part of itn body. On the fore part of its head it has small dull eyes , which , unlike the jewels in the head of the toad , do not relieve the gen eral ugliness. Its entire body is covered ored with warty excrescences. The irpsout specimen , has not eaton any- hing several weeks , the appetite of lalamauders being very irregular. They fued chiefly on fish , which do- apito thuir sluggish behavior , they are able to catch. They also devour other animal eubstnncea. Both Lydia E. Finkham'n Vegeta ble Compound nnd Blood Purifier are prepared at 233 and 235 Western ave nue , Lynn , Mase. Price of cither , 81. Six bottles for § 5. Sent by mail in the form of pills , or of ozonges , on receipt of price , $1 per box for either. Mrs. Pinkham freely answers all letters of inquiry. Enclose 3s atarap. Send for pamphlet. Mention - tion this paper. jeO-ood&w P1PIR KEIDSIEGK CIGARS , OH1J1PAONE FUVOR , -A. 3EMC M H S3VEODBCH , Toe li .t lu the country ! for tbe maney. M. A. McNamara , SOLE AGENT. 11 6m Fourtaontn , Street , Omautk. W. B O E H L , Maiuil c'urercf the NEW IMPROVED AWNING. COR. Hth AND HO WARD. A | o Jw U klndi cf machla'it Bui lock" iUlh wyrk , ' f LYDBA E. PINKHAM'8 VEGETABLE COMPOUND. lanPoiltlvoCnro For nil the * 1'alnftil Complnlnt no common to our bent fcmAlo population * A Medicine for IVorann. Itmntcclbjr \Toraan. . Prepared bjr a Woman. tk Crtilnl BnlltU Dliwrprj Kl te Ihl IHi of Illnlwy. Wltrorlrcs the ilrooplnpr eplrlti , Invlftoratci anil harmonizes the organic functions , Rives elasticity and flrmneu to the step , restorer the natural lustre to tb eye , and pLinti on the polo chock of woman the f mh roic of life' * tprlng and early summer time. < tSTPhjslclans Use It and Prescribe K Freeljr.-CS H removes folntnmi , flatulency , dcatroja all crating for fltlmutant , anil rvllorei weakness of the stomach. That focllnj of bearing down , causing pain , weigh ) and backache , la nlwayn pcrnunenllT' cured Iiy Ita nse. For the cnreof Kldncr C BIalnt orclther iu tblt Compound I * uiurpniicd. j T.TDIA H. riNKIIASTM BLOOD PUniFIEH will cradlcAto orcrj * rrstlfco of numom from lh Blood , and ( tire tone and utrenffth to the Byrtem , ol man woman or child. ln l tun Doth the Compound and Blood PurlQer ara prepared at 233 and SB Western Arcane , Lynn , Uau. Prlcool clthcrk $ t Six bottles for 8-5. Sent by mall In the f cm of pills , or of lozenges , on receipt of price , $1 prrboi for either. Mrs. I'lnkharo freely anawcn all letters o | Inquiry. Enclose Set. bUmp. Send for pamphlet. i No famllr nhould bo without LTDIA E. riNKTIAM'l IJVKIl PILLS. Ther cure constipation , LllloujnciH and torpidity of the liver. 25 cents per box , 3Soldbr nil DriiRBlats. ffia ( I ) THE IcCiLLUI WAGON BOX BACKS. WEIGHT OHLY100 IBS. BOX Can Be Handled By a Boy. Fho box need never be tiken oH the wagon and all the .helled Grain and Grass Seed Is Saved ! 'it co8tale thu > ths oM ttvle racks. Every standard wagon la told with our raok comple.e BUY NONE WITHOUT IT. Or buy the attachments ard apply them t * your old.wsgon box. For ealo In Nebiuakaby J. C. CtkK , L nc-oln. 4 IIr 9 , On aha. FRKD ' 'KDOB , Grand Is.and. UAOOLFTT &aRK < , ha t ns. ClIAKL'8 UCIIRODRKU , CoIUmblU. ErA > ooLii4 ! KCNK , Hod Cloud. 0. If. CEAS * & Co. , Rod Oak , Iowa. L. W. ItussKL , O enwoo1 , IOWA And everv llrst cls dealer In the writ. A'k ; hem for d rlplve circular or Bend direct to an. J , McOallum Bros. Manuf'g Oo. , Office , 24Vot Like Strwsf , Chlc.-gO. _ m&i 23-lw 3TO73 , XOO1. AND ABSOLUTELY - 'Tivt : n ; TIIK wor.t.i > . Ifc-tcci < . < rfr j fin tin.- want at .u > irf ( tn t wil ( ixl ; Il.o daily food 1 I it " . ' 't lliqpxccKiiM ) ( M.duRt , litter .ut .ir.nM of u i on ) or v.'r > i il ptnve. Iho rtcauur ( il f.tcvo Trill do it , better , iiiclu-r anil clicniicr tliun by any other neann. It v > the only Oil StOVO made ? ith the oil reservoir olovatol at the nek of ( he ptovc , away from the heat 5 by finch arrangement ODOOlUtO IftfOty 19 ecurcdjaanogas can be generated , fully 10 p r cent more heat is obtained , tha rlcM are preserved twice as long , thus living the trouble of constant trimming nd t lie expense of new on en. EzJUHinO ho Monitor and you will buy no other. Manufactured only by the Monitor Oil Stove Co. , Cleveland , 0 , Send for dewrintivo circular orcnU n AI. Rogers & Son , sole agenta for uibraakn. IMPERISHABLE PERFUME. Murray & Lanman'sn FLOKIDA WATER. test f-ff'TOILET. BATH " - Lining , Tent and Wagon Covora MANUFACTORY. tor. 14th and Howard Sts. A. GRUENWALD , Proprietor.