Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1882, Page 3, Image 3
' - 'THE'biittr i3EE--clM HA. FBJ AY , JUNE ! o ; IEID < Sc CO , , The Only Exclusive Wholesale Hardware House 3CW 1108 AND 1110 HARNEY STREET , OMAHA NEB. -WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER -AND DEALKU N- Wall Paper and Window Shades 1304 Farnham St. Omaha Neb. ZROTIH : & Wholesale Lumber , Mo. 1408 Farnham Street. Omaha. . THE MOLINE STOVE ! Manufactured by xwox.xKrEi : : : They make a upec'aUy of COOKING STOVES , and hare this ye r p'oi-od . In the market one cf the MO VT ECONOM < 1 A VU II' ' S T ISKACToRV BTOVB3 ever made. They make botn Plain and extension top. and guarantee all their goods. The agents' for the compauy are. PIERCY & BRADFORD , . -DEAJ.KU8 IN- Furnaces , Fireplace s , Heaters XWC .A. 3WOP 3ES X. , GRATES , . RANGES , STOVES , HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS , Etc. , . 211 FABNAM STEEET. OMAHA NEB s" " " ? : Invites the attenl ion of the public to his LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OOE" New Embracing all the late pat terns in everything in the Carpet Line. Mattings , Oil Cloths and window Shades , In large quantities , and always at the Bottom Prices. LACE CURTAINS A SPECIALTY. J. B. DETiWILER ! 1313 Farnam Street. OMAHA , - - NEBRASKA STATIONERY AND BLANK BOOKS Wo keep on hand a full and complete line of PANOY AND STAPLE STATIONERY 'of ' eyery description. Pocket-Booka Gold Pens , Pencils , InksMucilage , Envelopes ; Visiting1 , Playing Kegrefc , Dinner and Birthday Cards , &o. , &o. Give usa caU. GILMAN R , DAVIS , & CO. 105 8 , 15th Street : [ Opp , PoBtoffioe , Olio-Bin THEATRICAL SECRETS. Art of Making up Actors Faces A Veteran Be- tnoauBlts Decay. How Young Faces rue Mndo to Loot Old or to RoBemblo Those of tbo Dead Building up Nose a and Clilno. New York Sun. A man , \rhoo face was crcasod by iumunurnblo expressive lines , loaned with studied nrgligonco against a post on Union Square nnd gazed at passers by with an air of legitimate nnd wall bred interest. IIo had a strikingly "professional" look nnd wore his clothes , which wcro ultra-fashionable in ' 77 , with n jaunty cnroloesncss that ignored the whitened reams nnd denied the shining back. Ilis tall silk hat was tipped at an tingle over his oycs. 11 o looked contented and loquacious , and very much like an nctor. Proa- ontly , when an acquaintance passed ho coughed , nodded rapidly , looked ex tremely waggish nnd naicl : "Ah , there ! What arc you up to , you rascal ? How d * do ? " "Why , hullo , Billy 1 When did you got in } " "Just now , my boy. " "How was the working ? ' ' "Ah , there , you raacaU" nnd Hilly burst into n broad and moaning smile , and gently shook his head. Ilis friend went on , and ho turned to the repor ter nnd said , in n lull , round , oratorl- oil tone : "Would you oblige mo with a light , sir ? Thank you. The boys will linvo their little jokes , you know the ras cals. The obvious meaning from his question was that I had walked in. Our combination went to pieces in Ohio , but wo nil got hero comfortably , thogh wo loft many other wricks be hind. The number oi busted com panies between hero and the ono-night towna of Onio would draw tears from n cast-iron Sbylock. However , I'm back , nnd I toll you , sir , it docs mo good'to ' Ijok at Broadway again. " "Yes : the spring fashions make it bright.lf "It isn't the fashion ; its the faces. To my mind it is the most absorbing study in the world that of men's faces. You ace , the thing has moro interest for mo than for the run of men oren in my profession , because I'm enthusiast in n certain senso. I belone to the time when the study and make-up of faces was mighty im portant in the theatrical line. It wasn't such a long time ago , either ; but the times have changedaincothen , until now there seems to be almoat no effort at all to make up and look your parr. I never saw this moro amazing ly apparent than when I got in last night. I went in to 'Odette' at Daly V , and naw Harry Pitt , who is an actor of experience , slap the audience , so to speak , sqiuro in the face. In the first act he is the injured husband and father , and looks about forty-two years' old. By the time the next act is reached fifteen years are supposed to have elapsed , which were full of bit terness and torture to him ; but ho comes bouncing on the stage , looking about forty , instead of fifty-sevon joara old. Of course all the unities are jarred , and the piece intrinsically injured , and simnly because he wasn't made up. The vice is spreading. Ac- tora won't diaguiao their good looks fern n part. Does John MtOullough's Vir- pinius look like an aged Roman father ? No ; ho looks like what ho is , a mag nificently matured man in the pnmo of life. Lsstcr Wallack never makes up or shaves cff his darling moustache , no rnatter what the part , and Toarlo is always Ttarlo. " "It must bo a great deal of trouble to'mako up everv night. " "Ah , but , mo boy , look nt the re sult 1 Go d wn to the Thalia Theatre , where they still'do it , and if only five years.lwyo olaped between the acts , BCO how it is shown on every face on the fitatje. " ' It is difficult to mnko up well , is it not ? " "Well , no , " said the actor , lighting a fresh cigar and assuming a moro confidential poaej "tho rules nro sim ple enough , and with a little practice , alunst any amateur could Jcarn to make-up artistioilly if ho has any eye for effect. Somoiiaits ' , like Rumoo , Charles Surface , 'Sidney Darroll and Claude Dttlmotto , requires very little make-up t < fr a young and good-looking actor. Thofaco , and neck should bo thoroughly covered with white pow der , and the cheek bones and chin lightly touched with rouge , which should not bo too rod. Than , as the lover ought to look handsome , ho should draw a iino black line under his lower eyelashes with camel hair brush and burnt amber. This makes the eyes brilliant. I'm fluro it isn't much trouble to make up that way. " "Other charaotora are harder , though. " "Oh , immeasurably BO. But to make a rrwturcr man , like Casjio , lago , Morcutio , John Mildmay , or Uuwkuley , it requires only a little moro work. After the actor has laid on the powder and rouged his face pretty heayliy ho must take his brush and limber and trace some lines from the outer corners of his eyes , and other lines down toward the corners of the mouth from the noso. In short , ho must make the crow's feet that are visible in all mmi who have lived over thirty yeara in this tantalizing world of ours. Then the chin should bo touched with a little blue powder , which makes it look as if recently shaved. Theao precau tions will make the most juvenile face look mature. If ho has to go further , and look like old ago , as in such characters - actors in Lear , Virginius for , as I said before , Yirginiua was an old man Richelieu , Sir 1'oter Teazle , and BO on , moro work is necessary. Heavy fatso oyobroiva must bo pasted on , and the eye hollow darkened and fairly crowded with lines. Wrinkles must bo painted across the forehead , fur- ro-ya down the checks , downward lines from the corners of tlu mouth , and ( very important ) three or four heavy wrinkles painted around the neck to give it the shrivelled appearance - anco common to old ago. The hollow over the upper lip should bo darkened , and also the hollow under the lower lip , This gives the mouth-iho pinched and toothless look. A littlopowdored antimony on the cheeks makes thorn look fallen in and shrunken. Then tone the face down with n delicate coating of p arl powder and you'll Imvo its old a looking man as you'd cnro to sce < " "How does it nil fool ? " "At Grsl yonr fncc fools tightened , and the muscles don t play oft } but nftcr n few grimaces it comes all right. It's a great relief to got it oir , hotr- over , aflor three hours' work. " "It must caiuo rather mournful forecasts when n man looks on his own face made up for the ago of say eighty years ? " " .Not so bad ns when ho makes up for a corpse , however. I'll never forgot - got the first glnnco I had nt my face after it had boon made up for Uaaton's death scone , when plaving the 'Man in the Iron Mask * in ' 02. It positive ly appalled mo , sir , nnd I lay awake nil that night thinking of it , and dream * ! of myself in n cnlliu for n month nf tor wards. " "How ia it done ? " "Well , it varies slightly. You BOO such characters na Lear , Virginia , Werner nnd Beverly nro bolero the audience some time before they actu ally die , nnd therefore their faces can't 1u mndo so very corpse like ; but Tatthias , in 'Tho Bolls , ' Louis XL , Goaton nnd Danny Man nru discover ed dying when the scene opuns or nro brought in dead , so that their faces can be made extreme. For iho liut njrics the f : < co nnd neck should bo spread with prepared white , and afterward touched up with Dutch pink to give it n livid hue in place. Then put n deep shading oi powdered antimony under the eye brows nnd well into the hollow of the tyo , on the checks , throat nnd temples. This is very clFectivo , as it gives the face that dreadfully cunkou appear ance nR in death. The sides of the nose and over the upper lip should also be darkened and the lips powder ed blue. Then the face will look about as dead as it would three hourr after n real death. " "In iho make up of grotetquo faces do they use false noses and chins ? " "Very rarely. Usually the method is to stick some-wool on the nose with gum and mould it in whatever shape you will ; then powder and paint it as you would the natural nose for gro tesque or comedy parts. Paste is put on with Rum , instead of wool , some- times. Clowns have to encase them selves fairly with whiting , and they find this trouble enough without build ing up nosca or checks. Grotesque artists have to work hard with thuir faces as a rule , but they often are re-1 paid by discovering neat points. Many of our best Du'ch and Irish comedians ere their first lift to a lucky made-up. " "I suppose there are types for the representation of different national- ! tiesT "Well , n gentleman is usually made up the same , no matter whore ho may be supposed to belong , but the carica ture it * usually onu of the well-known make-ups. A Frenchman has to bo powdered with dark rouge , and has his eyebrows blackened with Indian ink. All dark characters , as mulattoes - toes , creoles , Spaniards and so on , , are done with whiting and dark rouge , with plenty of burnt cork and um ber. " "Is tnuch work necessary on the hands ? " "In witches it is of throat impor tance that the hands and arms should be skinny and bony. This is usually done by a liberal pondering of Dutch pink , and painting in between the knuckles with burnt umbar. Painting between the knuckles , you see , rnaEb's them look largo are bony. But this sounds u good deal like ancient history now , does it not ? The art is falling into disuse , me boy , and I've no'doubt but that the timo'a not far : ° ff when wo shall havoyoungsters playing old men with signs on their back reading , 'Please sir I'm old ' , , eighty yeara , while their faces are as fresh as daisies , " 'To what do you attribute this tendency ? " "Lizincss. The theatrical ago of to day IK n profound wonder to mo. The entire profession wanto to stir. An actor plnyu old men now simply for n living , while ho matures lib plans for his contemplated starring tour. An actress doca old women heavies , or juveniles , only until she can find a capitalist who will enable her to star , and none of them seem to take any pride in the minor parts. Honcothoy don't _ take the trouble to make up artistically , and the stage is robbed of its chief charm realism. " Ho buttoned his coat with great nicety , tipped his hat a trifle further forward , and , after a hearty hand shake , loft the .reporter and strode jauntily up Broadway , his shining hat bobbing w'th automatic regularity above the Easter bonnets , until lost to view in the crowd , Never Give Up. If you are uulfering with low and ( IB- pressed Bjilrita , lorn of appetite , geuerul debility , disordered blontl , weak constitu tion , liowlirche , or any disease of a blliou nature , by all uieanit procuru a bottle of K'ectrJc ' fil ten ) . You will be antiirited to tto the rapid improvement tliat will ful ow ; you will bo inspired with new life : strength nnd activity will return ; pain and misery will ceane , and henceforth J on will rojulco lu the pruftso of Klrctric I ilium , Sold at fifty ceuta a.hottle , by 0,1" Good- man. ( WJJwiu " " " iWf SELTZER The Gentle Way It Beit. In dyipepula , llrcr complaint and couttipUloa the dneanod or ana ro eiiflltTe anil louder. Do n t uao them An fl'o'utlra MkoTAHuNT'a . tliat lone' , ( orr.'cls ' and purlllea Iho yitem with ut undu'y Helling or irritating clllier the uton ace , the liver , or the liowd , la Iho trueiipec.fUln ouch catei. Rcaian teicncu tbli. bad experience o nlnn it. HULL ) lir ALL , DttUUdlSTS. J7-Iin _ THE KENDALL PLMTM IAOHIUE I DRESS-MAKERS' ' COMPANION , It plaits from MO of a n Inch to nldth In tbocoamuit fults or Uncut el ki It does all kind ] acd vtylee of i hltlnj In uee , Ho lady th&t dooa her own dVciw-inakIng can afford to do without one 13 ulco plaiting If never out of fashion , If escn It Mill Itself , For Machine * , Circulars or Ageofa terms addrcai CONOAR & CO. , M * ArlAirmRt. Ohlouro John G. Jacobs , ( Formerly GUh i. Jacobi ) UNDERTAKER , i Easiness Directory. Abstract nd Real tttnte. JOHN U UoCAOUR , Ofiroslta Toit Ofloe. V7. R. ttAHTT.KTT St7 < W"M. t h ftreet Architect ! . \ MENDELSSOHN , ARomTKora Room II Crolfbtoo Clock. A. T. IAliCir ; Jr. , RoomS. Cirlghton tllotk. Coon nnd Uhoet , JAHKU UiVINR A CO. , ftna IkniM and fihoai , Atxoj uAortment tcme wurt on hand , corner 11:1)1 : * ad Ifarncy. CHOSJ. KRICKSOX , H. a rot. IGlh nd DongUa. JOHN FOnTUNAT08 , Itt 10th Hrwit , mitivifuclurcs to otter mod work K nVT nr ilenc UcU tARRIMKH lltmiKcttirrr , U.17 Doarlamit. UOOK > , nan * . HHU UKtionory. I , I. rntlKIIAtlF 1015 Farnham Ptrcrl. Uultcr and Cggt. < ( rtn/J < r.8CUIlOiDKU : , thcoMwt n. aad K. UMIWI In Nolirank" " 1iUtin ! > l ! " * nn < ha. UlUtlKAIi UKJ1TAUKA1IT , illia. A. HYAJJ , thrrcrt corurr ICIlnn.l to k-o. licit Uc rJ for tbo MOIUJ. llttlefactlon Ouitranlmd , al all Hours , Board by the Dr , Wock or Month. Gmxl Terms for Cash , omj Kniill < xl. lloa CNYDRK,14thin < lItarnarR > nitt * . Clothing ' , nAURti will i .y MirhMtCathtirlca foi gecaotl ti > nil rjcthlnr. Cornnr.inth anil Frnb m. OOAO era. JOH1I HAUMEU 1311 Farnham BtrMt dunk. . nKUTHOU ) . lUtm and Lpinbar Llmo ana ueinanl. fOSTKfl At OH-vV cornnr 8th and Poutlw Lninpa nd Ulaaiware. f. tJOXNKn 1IW9 Doiiglm Ht. OooJ Varli-ty. Merchant V nor . Q. A LINDQUK3T , Ins of CUT most popular Vtcrchant Tailors In it- elrlnjr the liloet doa'.icna for Spring ; and Bumtnet locili for ifcntlomou B vfonr. Stylish , durable , nd nrlcea Inn ui ovnr 11618th bot. Dotiz.ft Ff. n. Millinery. iHB. 0. A. KING nil , Wboleule and Retail , Fan- > y Geode In Krcat rarloty , Zephyrs , Card Doatd , Jotlorj' , QlovM , Cornets , &c. Choapcst Uoua In he Went. Purcliwwru Bare SO per conl. Order > v Uall. 116 Fifteenth Htroot. rounary. WBARHE & SONS cor. UMikJarkjnnit Plourand Food. . HAQAOITr MILLS , eth and raraham Vel ians Broe. , proprlelon. Qcoser * . I. BTItVENS , Slrt between Cumlng- and liar' r. A. UcSnANE , Corn. 23d and Cumins Htreet * . Hordwaie , Iron and ute l. DLAK & LANQWORTUY , Wholesale , 110 ant * 13 Uth etr et A. HOLMES corn * 1Mb and California. narnea * , tuuidiot , Ac. D.WEIBT 5018th Bt Iwt FamHainf.y. . Hotel ! ANFIELD HOUSE , Ooo. 0 nfleldHh ( & Farnham 10UAN UOUSE , P. n. dry , BIS Farunam 8k. DLAVEN'Q HOTKL. F. Slaven , 10th SL 'nntborn ' TJotel Oi . Harnel Dth Jb Oavtnwortb Palnti unaUlli. KUHN It CO. hamiclot , Fins Fane UooJn , Cor. Itlo and Docitltt ttrceta , T. J. WEITKUOUFE , WUolcaale & Hotall , 10th n 0. FIELD , 2022 North Sldo Owning btrcel. PAKR. Druggist. 10th and Howard BtroiiU. Uentlau. . PAUL Wllllanu Hlock Cor. 18th ft Dodge. ury Uuoai Notion * , tic. JOUN H. F. LF.HiI.VNN ft CO. , u york niy OcoJaBtorc. 1810 and ISIS Fain him dtrcet < D Knewold alee hoot * and hoc A PaclBe. ruruiiure. > r. GH080. How and Beooud Hand Furniture id Ctovoo , 1111 Dcu UsBlgheet caih price td ! for second band coooa. CONNER 1809 Donyla it. Fine eoodi Ac. rerce World. OIIAEA FENCE 00. JUST , FRIES * CC maUarneySI. , Improre d Ice Boiei , Irct acj Wood Fencea , Offlct ROHKNFELD lOtb St. . bel far. A Hat Herngeratbri , Oannoid'a Paient. 1th Bt hot. Faro. & uitt r ana I GUUCCJU. ) VIUT ti FIUTSCneil , manufacturer ! of Cigars , \VholcKvlo Dealers ! n Tobaccos , INS Douglaa. X K TOTIKN7KM m niifmtur r U1H Farnhim Florlat. A. Donagbue , plants , cut flowers , teeda , ooqnot > etc. N. W. cor. 16th and Dowlas etreeta. CO To CRAIO'3 Orecn House 17tli MiJ Wcbjter itrcct , for Plants , Douqiiota , K owtra , Floral Dctlgns &c. Uornlco Worn * Western OoinlcoVorks , Mannffcclureri Iron 0)rulce , Tin , Iron and Blate Iloofllng. Ordore from any locality promptly cxuculed In the beet manner. Factory and Oflico 1213 Harney St. 0. ai'EOHT , Proprietor. Oal'anltod Iron Cornices , Window Cans , eto. , manufactured and put up In any part of f country. T. RIWIOM ) 41A Tlilrtnrnlh ntrnnt Ol ll Englnaera and Surveyors. ANDREW ROSUWATEIt. Crelghtoo Block , Town Surreys , Grade and Sewerage Bytteum a Bpeclalty. Oomminion Mercnanu. JOHN Q. WIL LlSiltli Dodge Street. D B. BKUMKU. For dculls e Urge advertise , ment In Dallv and Weekly. Crockery. / . BONNER 1809 Douglas street. Good Una. Clothing and Furnishing dee * s. OEO. H. PETERSON. Aim Hate , Caps , Bootf , Bnoeg Motions and Oatlerr. BM 8.10th street. Bhow Oaie Manufactory. : O. J. WILDE. Manufacturer and Dealer In all kind * of Bbow Cases , Upright Casei , A \ , 1317 Can St. FRANK L. GERHARD , proprietor Omaha Show Cui manufactory , BIS ( south Iflth street , between Lcavenworth and Xtaroy , All goodf warranted Drut-claBD. ovoa ana inw re. A. BURMESTKIl , Duilor In Sloven and tlunare , nnd Manufacturer of Tin Ucofs and all kinds of Balldlnj ; Work , OiUFcllowo' Block , / . BONNKR. U fl Dniwlwi St rod and Ohoap. ooetu. J. KVANB , Wholesale and KoUll Utod Drltli tnj Caltlrator * Od'l Kclio * * Hall. . I'nykicidn * nt uur ooni. W. 8. OlIillH , U. I ) Roam No I , Ord htan " ' .UthBtroot. P. U. LKISKNR1NO , H. D. Uaionlo Block. 0. U UART , II. D. , Eye and ar , opp. poitofflce DIt. IU. . OIUDDV. Ornltut and Aurlnt. B. W 16th tnd Farnham Sti OEO , HEfN , PROP. Qrand Central Qallerr , 218 UUtocnth Street. near Uanonlo Hall , Firet-closa Work and Prompt ncaj ( fuaranleop flumoinic , Us and tiieam h.'ltlng. ' P. W. TARPV & CO. , 21812 Ut , bet. Farnhsm and Douglas. Work protnp yaltunded to. , D. VITZPATRICK. Wiuzlas Street. aiming en aper HSNRY A. KOSTKRS. 141 Dodae Street. Shoe Btores. Phillip Lan 2Q Farnharn ft l r th & Hth. Uocond rland titore. tERKINS & LEAR , 1110 DouKUs St. . Now tnd Second Hand Furniture , Uouse r'urLlehlnj ; Goodi , a. ImtpM tnil nM nn narrnw marrlna. unuorlakuri. CHA8.1UEWB. 10 i' 10th ft HtJ. 00 O nt 8torer. P. 0. BACKUS Farnbaro Bt. . Faoor Ooodi U loon . DENRY KAUKMANN , In too o w brick block on Douglu Btmt , bu ] aii opened a moot elegant lloei IU11. Hot Lunch from 10 to 18 rery day , " Caledonia "J.yALOONEB 618 Uth Street. ANTI.MONOPOLY LEAGUE. Blank mcnibcrulilp roles ( or the antl.uioupoly league , oontalnluir utateaa-jit f principle met- h < KU of procedure and InitrucUoiiihow to orictui- lie , will be sent on application to 0 , U. tialt , Wclror , H k. KnUoM stanip , mini DEWEY STONE , * a . utflMr.RinKvtTi'-jw prjf'rr'i ORCHARD & BEAN , J.B. FRENCH & CO. , C A R P ETSI G R O O E R SI SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF : Men's Boys9 and Children's , , , , ' . ; - , ' * f $ P4' lit I , CLOTHING 1 ft ' ' ' ' $ , < : iia ' Ready for Induction \ ' u ' I V -AT- - - 4f POt A'C K'S CLOTHING. HOUSE. The Lowest Prices Guaranteed. 1316 Farnam Street , Near 14th. . ICtrlt > od. The Oldest Whole sale aud THIS Retail JEWELRYHOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here I1J TDK WEST I General Agents for the find all novelties in SILVER Finest and Best Pianos and VER WARE. CLOCKS , Organs manufactured. " ' Rich and Stylish Jewelry , pur prices are as'Low as uhe Latest Most Artistic any .Eastera Manufacturer , , " * * and Dealer. Ml < and Choicest Selections in Pianos and Organs sold I i RECIOUS STONES and for cash or installments at Bottom Prices , all descriptions of FINE A SPLENDID stock ol WATCHES at as Low Pri Steinway Piano& , Knabe ces as is compatible with Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi honorable dealers. Call anosand other makes. Also O'iough & Warren , and see our Elegant Now Sterling , Imperial , Smith Store Tower Building , , American Organs , &cl Do corner llth and Farnham not fail to see us before pur Streets chasms * . i MAX MEYER & BRO. , , MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW GASES ! Large Stock Aways on Hand. HAS THE BEST RVOOK IN OMAHA AND MAKES THE LOWEST PRIDE The only Furniture House in Omaha that , does not deal in Second-Hand " ' CHARLES SHIVERICK. FURNITURE BEDDING MIRRORS , FEATHERS , Window Shades , Cornices , Curtain Poles , i ! Lambrequins , Office Desks and Every thing Pertaining to the Furniture | and Upholstery Trade. * " * * CHAS. : SHIVERICK. : T 1206,1208,1210 Farahami :