, i "L ffCi"L .r Jr JJIlV ffCi : i < ' * ) i < r r- ! ; u , DAILY BEE.i ELEVENTH YEAR OMAHA , FRIDAY MOBNING JUNE 9 , 1882. NUMBER , 299 $645,591.33 That's , A pretty big amount and of itself would bo a largo business to do in ono year , wouldn't it ! Well , that is jmt the amount W. T. Bluckwoll & Co. paid the U , S. Government in 1881 for stamps to puton the tobicco they sold , and those stamps woto put on over twenty-five million little bigaand packages of tobacco that are nil smoked up long before this , for millions of little bags are being filled with tobicco , label ed , stamped and shipped - pod all the time. Every one nf theio little bags is lilted with BLACKWELL'S BULL DURHAM GRANU- LATKDSMOKI.NO ToDACOO. Granulated Smoking To bacco is more uied than any other kind for is to meet the dsuo of the average smoker who wants a good pure emoko and doesn't want a" fancy article. More wo were going to say. more than is made by any other three manufacturers combined and WQ believe that would bo true - but wo are mod oat and won't say it of BLAOKWELL'H- 33DLL DURHAM GRANU LATED SUOKINQ TOBACCO is u od than of any other Why is this ? Simply because it is the best. Messrs. Blackwell&Oo. , . are located in the heart of the finest tobacco growing country in th& world. They have plen ty of capital , are the largest buyers of the best grade of leaf and thus have the pick of the maiket and what is more they have never yielded to the common practice of adulterating their to bacco , but hare always kept it up to the stan dard -perfection , and BO the tm iking public havii g fbuiid' ' them'truo and their Granulated To bacco always just right , insist on having BLACK- WE'LL'S BULL DURHAM : GRANULATED SUO&INU- TOBACOJ. Their trade , mark is the Uurhnin BULL , nnd you wi 1 tied a picture of him on every bag ot' the genuine BLACEWELL'S BULL DURHAM GRANU- LATEDSMOKIKO TOBACCO. It has cost them over $100,000.00 to defend their right to that Bull. It's funny how many manufacturers try to got something on their label that looks like a bull. They seem to think if they could only use that trade mark they could make their tobacco sell. Don't forget about Blackwoll's Bull , Dur ham Cigarettes. Black- well's Bull Durham Long Cut No. 1 and Durham Long Cut No. 2. Try them all and then decide which you want. SEGER & TONER , BARNE6S MAKERS ! Hare removed 'from there eld lUnd , to Uo , 116 North Sixteenth Street NEXT TO-CAHIUAOE FACTORY. Ilf re 'w jrfon bind a good Mjortmcnt HARNESS AND SADDLES. NORTH WESTERN Marble1 A. BAfJMEISTER , 1242 JfOETfl SIOHTEEHTH t-ST. m9-3nj BUBKE , General Undertakers , . S3 * U Bet > JE'aomm and Donglaa. UeUUIr , Wood t i Cloth Covered CASKETS , COFFINS , ROBES , SHROUDS , CEAPE , &o. , onstuill/ hind. OrdeN ( roil the conn tr- lollclled. nd pronfct'y ' attenjed ta. mill ANTIQUARIAKfiGOKSTORE 1420DOUQLA8STBEET Bsaflqnartors of tlie Literati , the Chcapert , Larjot Had cbofoait collecttoo ot } NKV7 AND SKCOND-HAN1) BOOKS la the West. BOHOOL BOOKS A SPECIALTY. Caih paid for Socond-IIand Hooks or oxch.uigcd for now. . H , SOHONPELD , ao'22-ly PROPRIETOK. Fanoy anfl Staple BrocBrios , AT BED-ROCK PRICES. BUyTER AiyD EGGS , FKE8H r OM TJIE COyNTKV , No. 916 'North' ' 'Sixteenth St , lut-im Ai Hi SWANs THE TARIFF COMMISSION , Strong Probability that Most of tlio Names will bo Rejected. The Democrats Caucus but Fail to Unite Against the List. Senator Van Wyck Leads the Republican Opposition. The Star Trials Slowly Pro gressing The Testimony Begun. The Deficiency Bill PoMod by the Hon o-Doing * in the "kmnto- A Vivrloty of Otbor Itoma from the National Capital. CONGRESS Nation * ! Associated Prom. BENATB KnOGEBDINOS. , \VABUINOTON-Juno 8. The senate pissed the bill authorizing the _ troaa- ury to report the amount of claims of Texas , Oregon , Nova'do , and the ter ritories of Washington and Idaho for money expended and debt incurred in suppressing Indian invasions and re pairing results. The finance committee - too has agreed to1 report the entire tariff commission , iBayard and Bock only voting "no. " The sohato resumed consideration of and passed the district appropria tion bill. Senator Hawley reported a bill making an additional appropria tion of $15.000 for the relief of suffer ers by the second overflow of the Mis sissippi , and it tras passed. Adopted 3:37 : . .p.m.HOUHI HOUHI ! rROCHEDINGH. After several fruitless efforts to pass bills by un'animaus consent , the house went into committee of the whole on thn deficency bill. The house spent the entire day on the deficiency bill , it passing an amendment to the section approprial ing$350,000 for repairs to the navy and that for payment for army trans portation , the republicans voting yea and the democrats voting no. When it came to the section appro priating $122,000 for p ymontc of spe cial deputio at congressional elections , Mr. O ix stated , as the marshals had worked in good faith , expecting to be paid , his side had decided to vote in favor of paying them , disclaiming any , responsibility f * r the law , and stating expressly they did not yield their judgment as to the constitutionality or justice of the law. The section was adopted by rising vote , most of the democrats voted against it. The bill passed then by 116 to 7 and the hoUoo.took up the legislative , ju dicial and executive appropriation bill , Mr. Cannon (111. ) making a ahort speech explaining the bill Mr. Calkins then submitted- re- part on expenses of election cases in tavor of allowing each contestant who was seated or not a portion of the ex penses , in no case to exceed $2,000. Adjourned at 5:30. : CAPITAL NOTES. ENCOCIU.aE.NG AMERICANO. Juno ' 8. The Moxi- crn congress , to encourage investment of American capital , has repealed the export duty on silver coin and bullion In force since Spanish rule. PAT UP VQK. PATKXT8 , Secretary Tellers has decided that no further patents will be issued to the Northern Pacific road until the road pays the government for select ing , surveying and convoying the patents already issued. riiK WIIUKV KINO. , H Hill , city editor of The Louisville Commoioud , was before the Wiudoux committee. Ho reaffirmed the cor rectness of his published interview with Athorton. A. 0 Buell , editor of The Washing ton Critic , testified ho had been-in formed by congressmen that -certain senators were interested in the bond extension bill , and would give' the names if the congressmen would con cent. TIIK TARIFF COMMISSION. ) The caucus of the democratic sena tors lasted four hours and a half. Thu object was to unite the party in oppo sition to the entire list of tariff com missioners. It waa believed that Van Wyck would vote with them. There were twenty-four present , and the dis cussion was animated , owing to the fact that Boino members of the com mission wore appointed on recommen dation of some members present. It was found to bo impossible to unite the party on the entire list and the caucus adjourned without any action. I Each senator will votoiii the executive session as ho sees fit on individual . names for the commission. Senator Bayard made a speech in which ho declared the design of the bill to establish a tariff commission [ was sure to bo defeated by the plan evinced in the nominations. It was understood that the idea was to take the whole question out of politics , but * it might as well bo loft alone is to form a commission from the exponents of specific interests , ' the original purpose was to appoint experts on the question , while notjono " ippointoo appeared to know anything jut what related to their own epo- iialty. Senator Beck made a speech of the .amo tenor. , It is known that some of the re- mblicans are dissatisfied , and it is tated thut several names will bo re- octed. UTAH IIO < JT TRIAD } . Mr. Wylio , for the prosecution , so- ni oroly censured press criticisms of the nibi rial and jury. Mr. McSwoeny re- biB umed for Dorsoy. hi In the star ronto thin cases after- cc } loon the appointment of Keyi , Janioi , or Maynard and Brady were plncod in evidence. Several clerks wore ex amined ns to the rules of the postof- fico department and their allowance. The statistician | began to give figures on the star route service , and other statistics , by way of comparison are to bo presented to-morrow. Wheeler Doolinoi. Rational Anoclatod 1'resn. PtATTsnURO , Juno 8. Mr. Wheeler was interviewed at Malpno to-day , When ho saw the publication of his nomination to-day ho at once tele * graphed the president if the newspa pers wore correct ho inust decline , and would forward his roa ons by mall. SPORTING- National Auoclatcd 1'rotn. AMKIUCAN JOCKET OLUl ) . NEW YORK , Juno 8. The American Jockey club meeting continued to day ; weather splendid , attendance large. First race for two year olds , one-half milo , was won by Soubrette , Parthonia second ; time 41. Second race , Belmont stakes , three years olde , milo and one-half , was won by 1'orator , Babcock second ; time 1:43. : Th rd race , Westchcstor cup , two and one-half miles , was won by Thora , Grenada second ; time 4:12. : Fourth race , three year olds and upwards , milo and a furlong , was won by Clarence , Uirard second ; time 1:59J. : Fitth race , handicap for all ages , ono milo , was won by Dau K. , Mark second ; time 1:4CJ. : fir. tODIi 1UCKKT CLUB. ST. Louis , Juno 8. The spring meeting of the St. Louis jockey club continued to-day. First race , milo and a furlong , was won by Lizzie S , Maggie - gio Ayer second ; time 1:501. : " Second race , Jockey club" stakes for two-year old , ono milo , was won by Ascender , Bondholder second ; time 1:401. Tnird roc ? , mile and aturlong heats , had only two starters , Pope Leo and Suspector. It was won by the former in two straight heats ; time 1:39 : ; 2 m. The one-mile dash was won by Wager , John Henry second , in 1:45. : THE ASCOT < JUP. LONDON , June 8. Foxhall won the Ascot gold cup race , Faughaballa second and Potttional third. St. James palace stakes wore won by Battlefred , Garrioth second. Sachem third. BASH 1IALL. TROT , N. Y. , Juno 8. Treys 1 , Olovelands 0. NEW HAVKN , June 8. Worcesters 9 , Yales 3. NEW YOBK , June 8. Metropolitans 3 , Dotroits 4. CRIMINAL NEWS. National Aaumiea I'ra * PBISONEHS BECAFIUHED. Lmr.E kllocK , Juno 8. Bennett , Sutlerand ; Doherty , who escaped the national-prison last week , have been captured in the Greek nation as cow . " 4 boys. , t , iir'TENTS EXCITEUENT. INDIANAPOLIS ; Tnd. , Juno 8. In a riot in a circus last night , three clr- cusmen and several town people were injured. Btuinesc Failures- National Aowoclated I'reaa. NEW YORK , June S. The suspen sion of Miller Bros. & Co. , grain and provision merchants , -Jersey City , is reported. It grows out of the sus pension of Miller , Jlealy it Co. , their , branch house at Cahacton , N. Y. The bulk of indebtedness was made by that house. ST. 'Louis ' , Juno 8. The Jackson ville car company , of this city , has failed as the result of attachments yesterday. Assets , 8150,000 ; liabilities - ties , § 140,000. > Marino Intolliconoo- National Associated 1'reaa. NEW YOIIK , Juno 8. Sailed Gil bert for Hamburg , City of Paris for Liverpool , State of Nevada /or Glas gow ; arrived City of Montreal from Liverpool , Serda from Hamburg , Cornwall from Bristol , Bengenland from Antwerp. TiiiLADELPiiii , Pa. , Juno 8. Ar rived Lord Gough from Liverpool. AMSTERDAM , Jane 8. , Arrived Amsterdam from New York. ANTWERP , June 8. Sailed S wit- serland for Philadelphia. i LiVEKPoot , Juno 8. Arrived City f Now York from New York ; sailed Germanic for New York. Columbia Celebrating National Aaaocl&tcd 1'ioea. PORTLAND , Oregon , June 8. The iver hero is 24 fuot above low water nark and rising rapidly. . Merchants ire removing goods from the lower itorios. The Columbia rose 3 feat at . Dalles yesterday , the highest water : cnown hero since the settlement of ho county. It was 28 feet 2 inches n Juno , 1880. The water was then foot deep in the lower part of the Hy , It is expected to bo as high In few days. Great quantities of snow till remain in the mountains , Polarlo Point * attonal Auoilated l'tt # . \ : TORONTO , Ont , June 8 , A dispatch ios boon received hero from Winno- ieg stating that owing to Hanlan's llncss the regatta has boon declared Indication * . 'atlonal Associated Prcu. WASHIMQTON , Juno 9 , 1 a. m. I , i"or the upper Mississippi and Mis- ouri alloys : Pattlr cloudy weather nd local rains , easterly to southerly rinds , stationary or a light rise in amporaturo and stationary or falling aromoter. The rivers will fall slowly , Kidney Complaint Cured. B. Turner , Rochester , N. Y , , ritoi : "I have been for over a year nbjecfc to serious disorder of the kid- oys , and often nnablo to attend to usiness ; I procured your Bnrdock Hood Bittoiv and was relieved before f alf the bottle was used , I intend to ntlnuo , as I feel confident they will utirely euro me , " Price $1,00 , Idlw BLOODY BUSHWHACKERS. Two Here VioMmi of Assassins Fall in Irolanfl , Tfco Cousin of the Late Pocro- tary Burke , and His Guard , Shot Down. The H IIBO or Commons Vet Down Every Amendment to ths Co ercion Dill. The Turkleh Peace Commleelonora Wrvrmly Qrootod in Egypt. National Associated Prow. A DHNIAL. LONDOS , Juno 8. In the house of commons Una evening Sir Clmrlcs Dilkc , under foreign secretary , denied that England and Franco hud sent an idontial note to the porto ( misting en conference for settlement of the Egyptian question , uuuvisn onr.ETED. OAIKO , June 8 , Dervish Pasha ar rived hero to-day and was enthusias tically received. A grand military display was hold for his honor. The eastern cable has boon buoyed at Alexandria , thus preventing the pos sibility of its being cut. TWO MOKE VICTIMS. DUBLIN , Juno 8. Walter Burke , of Curraloign , county Mayo , cousin of the late Under Secretary Burke , was to-day shot dead , together with his escort , a soldier of the guards. The volley was fired by aomo persons who were concealed bahind some bushes , and Burke and the soldier fell imme diately. COERCION. LONDON , Juno 8. In the houio of commons last evening the considera tion of th'o repression bill was re sumed. Parnoll's amendment defin ing th6 intimidation as being in effect legalizing of some forma of boycotting , was rejected by a vote of 247 to 36. T1IE OUDEIU5. Oil no , Juno 8. Dervish Pasha to-day presented the khedive a letter from the sultan assuring him of a de- airo to uphold Turkish suzerainty. TIIK BUBIKD CHIEF. ROUE , Juno 8. General Garabaldi was buried at Caprera to-day. The most terrible storm reigned during the services. Drowned- National Associated Pros * ' ST. Louis , Juno 8. At a school picnic to day at Bodiwaua Grove , this city , a boat laden with school children capsized in the lake and two girls were drowned. Heathen Slave * NatlonaliAModatod Press. SAN FBANCISCO , Juno 8. The Brit ish etoamor Coptic arrived from Hong Kong to-day bringing 900 coolies. , AN OLD INDIAN TOWN , The Settlement Made by the Potttt attamiea When They Moved. Dosplto Disadvantages and XiOia of Power , It Still Lives. Correspondence ) of The Deo. Luvris , IA. , June 2 , 1882. - II was in the year 1833 , if wo re member correctly , that the 7,000 Pot- tawattamios mot at the village of Chicago , and agreed to move beyond the Mississippi ; and , it Booms to be well understood , that after that date , the principal settlement of this tribe was at Indian town , a mile or to west of the present 'town of Lewis , or in other words , the rod man's village was on the west sitjo , and the white man's town , afterwards , way 6u the east bank of the east Nishna ; and only a ihort distance from the "crab apple trove" that was known for some miles way , as was the "lone tree , " at the lomo of Buffalo Bill and the present Central City. Indiantawn was called , jy Mi-au-miso ( the young Miami ) , iftor their favorite chief. The trading ioat und Indian agency was at Traders' , 'oint on the Missouri , and the store hero waa kept by Peter Sarpy , of St. li jouia , a man quito famous in Nobrs > lic lin u , and for whom a county in thut c tate is named. Tradition brings to . is the story of a clerk in the store at traders' Point falling in love with a kss county Indian girl , and rhon the settlement of Indians noved along , instead of drowning Jmself , or wasting a quantity of ipwor and valuable load , trying to ill himself , ho just put on the Indian tress , and wore paint , and "jinod in or the balance of life , " and is sup- losed to have received his rations nd full quota of arms and atumuni- ion from the government , and done iis part of the scalping like a faith- ul and patriotio Indian. The tribe ad a burial place at Indiantown , and ' is supposed that there are buried he remains of their most noted chief , lahaska , who wan shot by a inoak liiof Indian , while sitting by the lire , n the banks of the Nodaway , during fishing excursion , and the records f the trial and execution fail to how that those simple-minded people laced any dependence on the "plea f insanity , " or that the beautiful and oOnod ladies of that day showed very attention and kindness , allow- 1 bio to the murderer ; and forgot all tie oilicos and noble qualities the fallen chief , who ad h died instantly , because i o h d not led his friends whore f ley could take 11 the scalps they needed. The white people have re- mombercd the fallen chief by giving his name to ono of the counties in this stntr. In the fall of 1840 the Mor mons scattered all over this pnrt of the tate , and some settlements wore made along the Nishun , and ono of these was nt Lewis , orlndinnlown , which In 18-10-7 branch of the main - - was a camp at Kanovillo or Council Bluffy and contained some twenty families , nnd In 1841) ) they had the first privilege of voting , During the years 1851-2-3-4 Iran- iston , three miles west ot Lawis. on Indian creek , was the principal trading point , although Indiantown had two or three stores , The names of many nf men who figured here at that time have become quite noted , among which ono Bradshaw and Wintuisot , and Peter Hedges , who kept a tavern at Irouiston , nnd was supported most ly by emigrants. V. M , Conr d or dinarily owned the laud whore the town of Lewis now stands , and feel ing that duplicity was used by the legislative committee or some ono else , wfien the town was located , so that the land was secured from him nnd the profits given to another , has taken sweet revenge in helping , a few years ninoo , to remove the county seat from this place to Atlantic. The old town of Lewis , with its churches , largo stores , fine houses , old shndo trues , busy tradesmen and county offices , has gone to decay , for since Iho coun ty seat wont to Atlantic in 18G9 the town had to settle down in quietness and build on a now foundation. Two years ago when the railroad was'built here , an addition was laid out between the old town and the railroad , and the business has all boon moved to the now addition , The town is beauti fully' located on a rolling well drained , slope , well supplied with strong stado trees , good siuo walks , many good residences , and plenty more excellent and iuvitin locations. The design of those who laid out the now town was that the trading houses should bo collected around a public square , but the average burger selects Ills own trading ground as independ ently as the Union Pacific road selects its congressmen , or lieutenant gover nors , for their "trading advantages , " and the lower side of the tquaro has been loft op on. The park , or square has just been sot with trees , and a beautiful white fence placed around it , making it a thing of beauty. .THE OUOWTH of the town has been quite steady and satisfactory since the railroad came along two years ago last fall , and now it is claimed there are about 800 living souls in the city , and a rich and1 prosperous farming settlement all around. Tho-'Nishna valley is here narrow , and the stream furnishes the best wafer pow.er expected anywhere in this state. ' ' THE' EDUCATIONAL INTEREST ) ] ' are all that , oould be asked for. Thor are several good churches and th Methodists ore to build a now house i the new town , in a commanding posi tion this season. This $ 12 000 brie school house is in a central 1'ocatio between the old and now town an hns a g6od'ground , and „ the. Masoni 'order have a prosperous lodge. Proi J. 8. Orawfoid , an enterprising on thorough going young man , has bee secured for the coming year to tak charge of the school , and the schoo board seemed determined to make thi school all that may properly bo aako of it. The nowspapois all went o ; when the county seat wont , and th darkness was unbroken until tw < years ago when Mr. J. B Erion , a native tivo of Mount Vernon , Knox county Fhio , came hero from Missouri am started a paper , when the ground equirrels were playing around his office fico and the prairie soil of the towi was unbroken. Mr , ICrion is a quiet , dignified gentleman , who labors faith fully for the public. Who readu the Independent , or visits his fine , clean oflico in the only two story brick in the , town without thinking that ho is a hardworking man , ai well as a kint and pleasant companion and a good business man , who thinks for himsoll as well as the public. THE HILL was an important feature of the town in its prosperous days. This mill has been known as Wlioolor's mill for twenty years , and the grove , thirty miles east of the BluuY , is also named For him. His son , S. J. Wheeler , is jiving bis personal attention to th mill which is still doing a largo busi loss , while his partner is handling a lour and food exchange at Griswold , md the business is in the nunm of jlraham & Wheeler. L. O. RKINUl s ono of the oldest traders here , and ,0-day owns and manages a bank , nnd B the principal owner of ono of the inest dry goods , clothing nnd general nerchandiso houses to bo tound in the lounty. Mr. Hjinig rioeo a largo iubint'B3 , which ho poreonally supui- ntonds in both departments , besides its real estate and other trading busi- less , nnd is dealing largely with Coun- il Blufl's , and Steele , Johnson & Co. , f Omuha , KINNEY & PEItKINH ave a largo stock of general inor- handiao , a good location fronting the ark and the hills , valleys and timber long the Nishna , in the distance a irgo building , a full stock and do a oed business , They are young , on- rgotic men The senior member of liis house , Mr , A. MoKinnoy , has a rm and friend near Wahoo , Neb , , 'hero ho goes yearly to visit. CUAK. HAULIN as a full itock of furniture , and ill lie fourteen months ho has been hero 0 has built up a good trade. His irgo warehouses , full stock and en- irpriso are a guarantee tjiat ho can arnish anything from a baby carriage > a coffin. KENNEDY 1IROS. , n the corner , have as largo a store as often found , and fully stocked with ardwnro , light and heavy , and they ave piled up the farm implements on 11 sides. They have boon two yean this stand , and do the largest part the business , having a business ud personal acquaintance with peo- ' plo all over the county for many years. M. J , DAMfl , U. D. , has boon a practicing phystcinn in this town for sixteen yoira , and since the "now departure" in tiwn mattora , ho haa taken up his office in his drug tore , where ho does at oflioo practice only , and holds the ptatoflicc. The doctor has a fine property , , t. W. RAKER has thp only exclusive clothing am ( furnishing store in tore town. The two lumber yards an doing a Quo business , and keeping a heavy stock on hand , I , W. Baker scorns to have acres of wood piled up to sell besides ovorthing from n shingh to a barn sill , or a punt pot , HARRIS i& nODBEUTU are doing a largo business in grtin and live stove. Their elevator was the first in the town , and they hnudlu nearly n half n million bushels of corn last year ; while C. X. MYERS & CXI. have built another elevator nnd are taking their share of the constantly increasing business , and both firm have branch houses at Griswoldt nnt both are doing a largo business , par ticulnrly just now in hogs , which are brought in from long distances in great quantities. Mr. 0. E. Myors of the younger firm , was formerly i member of the other firm , and the ono who located the grain business hero. TUB FOSTER 1IOUHB is the now sign to bo hung out from the old Buckeye house , which has con tested the right to entertain the trav olini public , with the Pennsylvania houso. Mr. J. W. Fuson , the pro prietor of the Buckeye , an old soldier and well known as "tho landlord , ' since the hrgo hotel burned hero las year , has rented his house to Capt John Foster , who was for some tim in the Dcp > t hotel at Hod Oak , am comes here from the Whitney house ot Griswold. The captain was fo many years in chnrgo of boats on the Mississippi , and haa n reputation at an hotel manager , and the boys wil bo huppy to mbot him and his tralnoi dog. TUB GENERAL PROSPERITY of the town is in keeping with ou wide awake young Iowa towns , a might bo expected , with such ric farming ! lands and successful farmers around it. Quo of these "farmer kings ; " am a regular reader of the BEE , althougl miles from town , is ELI CLAYTON. Mr. Clayton was a farmer and sue cessful merchant in Wisconsin , con ing hero with the location of the Hoc Inland road. His farming is upon largo scale , and spreads over near ! two , thousand acres , while ho propi gates and handles stock and grain coinfoitablysituated withfineimprovo raents and largo buildings on Walnu creek , eight miles west'of Lowis. Mr Clayton is the brother of the Hon Charles Clayton , a member of congress gross during Grant's term , and fo some time surveyor of customs at Sa : 'Francisco , having .located there i : 1847. Ho waited'six ' weeks in St. Jo to collect a train to cross the plain n that early day , , securing sixty , to star for the "Golden Gate , " whonther _ was fib San Francisco , and a year a'te his arrival there wore only thro houoce. But time waits for no man , am Iowa is filling up little villages into good cities. The Kennedy Bros. , L O. Reinig and Dr. Davis have organ ized u fine fire department , scoured nil engine of small size , located tankage , and are trying to keep up the reputation of "a city lira department , " while they protect their property ; although it is hardly expected thut Dr. Davis can attend the firemen's touriiamonl this summer. VIRH. WILLIAM H. REYNOLDS , a sister of the popular and successful young attorney of this place , will bo remembered as having attained a na tional reputation for her care of the sick and wounded on.tho battle fieldp , md this noblo'woman ' is credited with wing the only one upon whom Gov. YtttoB conferred a military rank , and one of the few in the nation ; and to-day iho is spoken of and referred to in a lundrod villagei , while wo gather to trow flowers on the graves of our alien dead , on "Major Reynolds. " 3aaa county was named after Lewis ) < isa , and the name for this town was akon from his name , and the Intend olutea thut certain of the admirers of hat notable gentleman notified him f the honor conferred on him by ilncing his name on the county nnd : ounty Hi'ut , and expected a return lot- er with a bank eh'ck , affording some ubstantial aid for the improvement of ho young city ; arid the old Michigan- or's reply in said to bo more cruel lian an affidavit ngainet an official or late frost , but the town is growing teadily , has n good location , the beat f water , ontoiprisiug business men , nd they read TUB BEE. BUCKEYE , Tariff Mmtllie Raited. LACONIA , N , Y. , June 8. Ropro- cntativos of all the hosiery manufao- urors of the state yesterday unanim- usly agreed they must suspend unless oiiL'resa raises the tariff. O. U P , U , Vill hold a grand picnic on Sunday , une lltb , ut IlascuU'a Park. They itond to furnish different kinds of mueumenta , such au foot races , jump- nf , ' , throwing the sledge , etc. Prizes } fill bo given to the successful pavties , lembers ute requested to moot at loir hall Sunday morning , at 8 'clock , to march in procession with uusio to the grounds. All members re invited , By order of the cominit- oo , jO-Ut Buoklin'a Arnica/Salve. / The BEHT SALVK in the world for CuU , rulacs , Bores , Uloers , 8 lt Itheum , F - er SoroB , Tetter , Chapncd Humid , Chll * lams , Corns , and all nkiu eruptloua , and xxltively cures plleu. It Itf guaranteed to ive satlafootfou ormoney refunded. 'rice , 25 conU per box. For sole by C. ' . Goodman , THE DOOMED BOSS. , A Patnffll Attempt to Regaia His Political Kauilibrinm , A Nameloea Friend Strains tho. Truth to Rectify that Threat. Cameron Dragged Through a ,4 , Small Hole by Bia Honoh- " . " men. The RopnMlonn * Sweep the Field. in Or con Iowa Groonbaoktrs. ff A Cameron Story- Katlonal Awclatod I'rcas. PuiLADEtruiA , Juno 8. Develop' wonts made to-day show the absolute falsity of the widely published state ment that Senator Cameron , at a re cent conference with representatives of industrial interests , thi oaten to op pose all tariff measures in the senate unless the general support by republi cans was given the llnrrinburg ticket. It now appears that the story was told as a joke by a looker-onat , the conference once to a friend , who is a reporter on an afternoon republican paper bitterly hostile to Cameron , and in which the statement was first pub lished and from wnich it was tele graphed all over the country. Tho. Sunday morning papers which pub lished the statement obtained it from- Iho same reporter. Yesterday even ing a friend becoming alarmed at the' feeling against Cameron which the statement had created sent for the reporter and made a free confession to the reporter , who < is an anti-Cameron man , and also- made a lull statement to Col. Frank Taggart , the secretary of the regular republican state committee. In tho- same connection , it may bo said thai a number of pacticipants in the con ference who were interviewed a few diys ago by the National associated i hoard Cameron press n prcsontative , make the remark. The name of the- "friend" involved lias not yet been made public , but It is said that the republican state committee contem plate immediate action in th * promises. _ _ Iowa Greonbaoken- National Associated Press. DEH MOINEB , Iowa , Juno 8. The- greenback state convention made the following nominations to-day : For state treasurer , Geo. Dorr ; state-aud itor , J. H , Hicoj supreme judce , M. H. Jones ; olork of supreme court- E. M. Clark ; reporter of supreme court , J. H. Williamson. Ex-Congressman Gillette waachosen- . chairman of the state central commit- too. Resolutions were adopted re questing President Arthur to vote the national bank charter bill , alee sym pathizing with the .Irish people in their struggle against landlordism. The platform also declares a revision. of the tnnff law in the interest' ' of American , wprkingmon , and not rich corporations and monopo lies. Illinois Democrats. National Associated tna. The democrat state central com mittee mbt to-day , and issued a call fora state convention in this city , , ' September 1C. . , - ' ( W Oregon Republicans- ' . National Associated 1'rcsa. PORTLAND , Juno Republican * have re-elected M. 0. George to con gress and entire state ticket. - Anniversary. National Associated Prom. LYNN , Maso. , Juno 8. The two nJ hundred and fiftieth anniversary of , < the first Congregational church , the- oldest orthodox society in the conn- try , was observed fo-day. Tiro- ' Rational Associated Presrf. ' " " ' ' ' } J MANISTEE , Mich. , Juno ' 8. Thw' First ward school house bucno'd" this morning ; loss , 875,000. 4' / , 1ST. LODIH , June 8. The'soap and ' oil works on Poplar street wore de stroyed by fire Loss $60,009 , In sured. INDIANAPOLIH , Ind. , June 8. Bus- , tod's twelve ice hotinus burned. Loss $80,000. Insured. Shot Dead. National Associated Frew. BEAIIDSTOWN , Ilia. , Juno 8.--Alpha ' MuNuur , shot duud Annie Siopps , an ' inmate of Bsrth Minor's house of ill Fame last night and escaped. UtoH Uprising. National ANOclated Pros * . PUEBI.O , Col. , Juno 8. The South- jru Colorado Utoa are in a state of jroat excitement , and it is feared they are preparing to take the war path , Largo numbers have already jathorod at a small station on the Denver & Ilio Grande road , hideously laubed , for the purpose of avenging1 the killing of some of their members- maliciously reported to them by a. lialf-bred Mexican. It is believed they will make things lively before they submit to the removal provided for in their last treaty. Clgarmulfer's Strilio Ended.l ' National Associated Frew. MILWAUKEE , Juno 8. The strU f the cigarmakers which has been Wi progress for eight months is now t an and , partly because of the failure of Funds upon which the strikers havfc been supported , and partly because the shopi have boon filled with im ported workmen. Millions Given Away. Million * of Bottles of Dr. King's jNew Discovery for Consumption , Coughs and. - Colds , have been given away as Trial . Bottles of the largo elze. ThU enormous Dutlay would bo disastrous to too pro- priaton. were jt not for U o ro merits * * * * * A \ / * * H J * l - t o Tr fall * to cure , , < *