THE DAILY BEE-THtRSDAY , JUtfE 8 , 1882. 7. O. O003 . COMMISSION MERCHANTS , City Market , Council Ulnffi Iow , WHOX.ESALE F Ii O U U HOUSE , Oeceral Agents lor the Celebrated Hills or If. D. Kush ft Co. , Golden Eagle Flour , Leirenwoith , Kunjas , and Ouoen Dee Mil' * . 6loux Fall * , IHkotv. Fetertncf. Smith is Crl't nJen , Council Dludt , t . HI. EL WIOLE3XLE AND STATIONERY AND PRINTER'S ' GOODS , OOHIIOII. BLUFFS , IOWA. TITLE ABSTRACT 0 FFICE. j" , 'w. 3 Q " * T x xc , aa SB c ? * ct > . Lands and Lots Bought and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW HATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS. COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA. IE31 L-AJRSOZLsT , 15 North Main Street. WHOLESALE DEALER IN SHOE FINDINGS. ncndy-nttcd uppcn , In calf akin nod dip. Oak anil Hemlock HOLE LKATlIElt , and at ootls tppertalnlng to the hoe trade. Oo'doold a < cheap ni In the Kant. IRS ; -NOBEIS S ISlNEBT STOEE FOK STYLISH SPRING MILLINERY. PATTERN BONNETS AND CHILDREN'S HATS A SPECIALTY. 105 South Main Street. Couacil Bluffs Ia. That nerer require crimping , at Mn. J. J , Good' * Ilalr Store , at prices never bctcra touched by any other hair dealer. Also a full line of switches , etc. , ntprcatly reduced price * . Also gold , stlter and colored nets. Warts made from ladies' own hair. Do not ( all to call before purchasing elienhero. All goodn warranted 03 represented. JwllS. J. J OOOB , 29 SUtn streCk , Couiic.ll Bluffs , Iowa. MASON WISE , LIVER1 , FEED & SALE STABLE The largest and best stables in the west. Roadsters , Saddle and draft horses for sale , also a fine lot of mules just received which will be closed out cheap. , SOOTT ST. , NEAR BROADWAY. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IA. HGMOVED without the CASOEBS drawing ol blood or use ot knife. Cures lunjr diseases , rvPHWT ? Fits , Scrofula , Lhor Com- i mmPi J& P11" ' . Dropay , llheuma. T II M n R S tlsm , Fever and Mercur- 1 U HI II II W lal 80rcei EryjlyelaB , Salt Rheum , Scald Held , CUatrh , walk. lufumcd and granulated Eyes , ccrofulous Ulcers and Fo- maleDlsiaaoiOf all Itlndi. Alio Kidney and Veuertal disuasci. Ilomorrhold4 or Files cured money refunded. A'l diseases treated upon thoprlnclploof veget able reform , without the uu of mercurial pois ons or the knife. Electro Vapor or M-dlcatod Baths , furnished OKwho desire them. HernH or Rupture radically cured by the use tha Elastic belt Truss and Plaster , which hod superior ia the world. CONSTJXTATION FREE- CALL OX OR ADDRESS Drs , E , EicB anfl F , 0 , Miller , COUNCIL BLUFFS , Ia. LIVERY , feed and Sale 18 North First Street , Bouauet s old stand. Council Bluffs Iowa. WlLLAltD SMITH. I'fop. W.D.STILLMAN , Practitioner of Homeopathy , consulting PhysicianafldSnrgeon. Office and residence 015 Willow avenue , Coun cil Bluffs , Iowa. Iowa.W. W. K. SINTON , DENTIST. 14 Peirl Street , Onraoil Bhffa. Eztractlnftand SUlng a tpeclilty. First-class work guaranteed. DR. A. P. HANCHETT , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office , No. 14 Pearl Street , noun , 0 a. m. to 12. , and 2 p. in. , to 6 p , m. Realdence , 120 Bancroft utreet. Telephonic connection with Central office. DR. AMELIA BURROUGHS , OJE'-JEMTOHI No. 617 First Avenue , Hours from 10 toll * .m. , and 2 to 6 p. m. Merchants Restaurant J , A. ROSS , Proprietor. Corner Broadway aud Fourth Streets , Good accomaiodatlons , gooil faro and cour. tcaus treatment , S. E. MAXON , aa Offlce off r si ilags bank. COUNCIL. BLUFFS , - - Iowa. REAL ESTATE. W. 0. James , In connection with his law and _ collection builncsa buys and sells val estate. Persons wishing to buy or sell city property call at bis office , over Buahnell's book tore , fearl street. street.EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. 4l6Broadwayt Council Bluffs , Ddj and mortag s drawn and tckooledged HAIR JIOODS. WATER WAVES , a _ _ _ , In Stock and Manufactur ed to Order. Wavoa Made Prom Your Own Hair. TOILET ARTICLES , All Goods Warranted as Represented , and Prices Guaranteed. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , 337 W. Broadway , Council Bluffs Iowa. ; - - - . MBS , E , J , HARDING , M , D , . Medical Electrician AND GYGNECOLOGIST. Graduate- Elcctropnlhlo Institution , Phila delphia , Fenua. Office Oor , Broaflway.ft Glenn Ave. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. ' The treatment of all diseases and P'lnlul [ dlf- fleultles peculiar to fen'aloa a specialty. ; 1 he Star Bakery , HOWARD & ROBIE , 227 MAIN ST , Employ the best Bread Baker In the West ; also a choice hind for Cakes and Pics. Dread delivered to all parts of the city. FRESH FISH ! Game and Poultry , ' Can always be found a B. DANEHY'9 , 130 Upper Broadiry. JNO. JAY FKAINE Y , Justice of the Peace. 314 BROADWAY , t Oounoil Bluffs. - - Iowa. W. B. MAYES , ' Loans andEealEstate , * D Proprietor of abstracts of Pottawattarale county. Olllco corner of Broadway and Main aircct . Council Bluff * , Io o. JOHN STEINER , f/l. / D. , ( Doutechcr Arzt. ) ROOM D , EVERETT'S BLOCK , Council Bluffs. Diseases of women and children a Bpoclalty. P , J , MONTGOMERY , M , B , FKEE DlSfBNBAUYEVElivSATUBBAY. ' Office In Fvcrctt's block , Pearl trcct. Kctl dcnce C2S Fourth utrcit. Olllco hours from U to 2a.rn. _ _ , 2 to 4 aid 7 t } 8 p. m. , Co'incll lulli " " ' "f.'O. CLARK . . , PEACTICAL DENTIST. Pearl street , opposite the postofflce. One of the oldest practitioners In Council Bluffs. Satis Ufactlon guaranteed jn all cases DR. F. P. BELLINGER , EYE AND EAR SURGEON , WITH DK. CHARLES DEKTKEN. Offlce over drur. store , 411 IlroaJnay , Council Bluffs , Iowa. At tlUe.t-cs of the cje and car treated under the most approt oj method , and all curts guaranteed. JOHN LINDT , A'T'TORHEY'-AT-IAW. ' ' VH1 practice In all ita" fan eourt * | Bj eats 0 rmaa lAsyuatf VOYAGERS' VAGARIES , A Purser's Knowledge of Pas aengers' Peculiarities , The Norvoue , Inquisitive , Alwny Hungary , Evorlnatingiy-Drr , Poetical - ical nna Proud Oablnttoa of Ocean Steamships. Fhllvle'phlt Trots. "Yes , I ought to know Bomolhing about the eccentricities of ocottu pis songon- , " remarked the purser of i fine steamship now lying at Christlm street whntf. "I'vo crossed back wards and forwards with them for the lust fourteen j earn between JS'ow York , this port and Liverpool , and rrhiu J don't know about 'om ain't wdrth toll * ing. It's the doctor andmyeolf ns nr constantly with them , who become , ao to speak , their protectors and guar dians. The doctor , however , only looks after their health : I tnko care ol their cumforts. On board ship , just the same as any where ulse , the stomach plays tlio principal part in puuplo'ii thoughts. _ 'Are wo going to liavo boiled or fried Hah for dinner to-duy , Mr. Purser ? ia the anxioua inquiry I usually receive for aniorniiiQgrouiing. In vain I try to dolegatu my informs tion on such subjects to the chief steward ; they lake no notice. I mutt know nil nbout it , and so I regularly post myself in the bill of faro for the day before breakfast. "I class my passengers into two divisiona you understand I am talk * ing of cabin people only the nervous ones , the inquisitive , the hungry , the everlasting dry , the poetical and the proud. Take the nervous ones first. They are generally old maids , fat men and young clergymen Directly the sea becomes iv little rough , the spins ters RO into hysterics , the corpulent gentlemen go to bed , nnd the parsons go on their knees. It takes the dovil'a ' own job to reasauro them , and at lirst has a most depressing effect on the other passengers. The hitter soon become - como accustomed to it , however , und the nervous are allowed to indulge in their particular enjoyment when it is rough almost nnnoticorl after the first two or three days of the voyage. The inquisitive ones , I must own , are somewhat of a nuisance. I.VQDIS1T1VB I'ASSKNOKliS. "They are forever pusteriiiR every man and officer on the ship with ques tions. Thpy will usk you why the sea ia not red instead of blue ; why the smoke-stack ia not in the rudder- house and the wheel in the forecastle. They will go down in tho. engine room and nearly blow the ship out of water by trying to discover if certain handles will turn the other way. Of course wo frequently guy them with our answers ; but they jut every thing down in their note-books , and oven have the audacity to talk to the man at the wheel. As a class they are usunuully composed ot younjf ladies who wear blue eyo-claeseei. The always-hungry passengers are disposed of very easily. All you have to do is to hand them a biscuit whenever they look at you. I always carry a bag in ono pocket and a tin tandwich case in ; ho other. By filling these every half lour Thavo no trouble with the cheer ful , buxom women and men who corn- lose.tho famished division. Thouver- astingly dry are the most profitable jersons the ship carries. They say .ho salt air cree s into thtir lunge , and they must drink. Now , I am of opinion that the majority of the. indi viduals who are sued topers while at sea are the reverie when on shore. Aboard ship they drink to pasa away the time ; they bet on every trivial possibility for drinks , they p'ay carda 'or drinks , and when they become noisy or quarrelsome all we do is to aeud in a couple of men , who carry horn'off to their cabins and put thotu to bed rOKTICAL PASSENOEHH. "The poetical passengers are almost as big a nuisance as the inquistive. Every wave or change of sky , or p.iss- ing school of fish , or anything else reminds them of what this poet or that poet has written on the subject and they insist on my hearing it. Or also they are inspired , and thun I have to listen to their own composition ibout ' ' ' ' ' 'briny wave' and 'sailor'uqravo , 'ocean ' and 'secret ' ' deep' keep , 'gulls which eoar and 'billows roar. ' Poeti cal passengers are generally young maidens and young men. The latter always wear glasses. The proud pas sengers are a class apart. They are people who speak to nobody , and who always turn up their noses at every remark they hoar. They never sit in the public rooms , but confine themselves mostly to their cabins. They give the stewards a lot of trouble and never'remember to tip them. If they talk to each other it is usually something about 'so mixed * and 'forced company with common people , ' They are generally miserable the whole voyajje , iwd only have their utuck-up notions to thank for it. "Warm friends are often made on board , but I doubt if they last beyond the voyngo. Three or four young la dies usually fall in love with the doc tor , which accounts for the number of pretty knick-knucku always to ba found in the 'modiunl oiliaor'a room. Some passengers wo got to know vury well because they travel so frequently with us. Wo brought back from Eng > the voyage before last the corpse of an American gentleman who crossed with UH eight times during the three years this ship haa been iu the com pany's service. Wo used to call him 'Bluebeard. ' " "What was that for ? " t"IkCAUso lie Appeared with throe t difiuient wives , und always on a hodoyr-ioon trip , Ue was about fifty- five yeara of ago. He took hid first passage with us in ' 70 , Ilia wife was a pretty little thing of eighteen. They had a double cabin , and ho seemed to spare no expense ; but it was plainly to bo seen that she had married his money , not him , He came back from JSnrope six months afterward in deep mourning ; his wife had died in Switzerland. A few voy ages afterward the bridal cabin was again engaged for a Mr , and Mrs , N . It was the same man , but a new wife , another young girl. They returned in a month or two , and he crowed twice with us alone. A year after hiv second marriage lie came and engaged the bridal cabin again. 1 looked a little surprised , and he no ticed it. 'Oh , it'a all right , ' eaid he. 'I waa divorced from my other wife ix weeks ago,1 He turned up in due time with Mra , NNd'S. . She was a woman about thirty- five plump and good looking , bu evidently ft Tartar. 'You've got your match , Mr. Bluebeard , thinks I. I soon saw I was right for she made him fetch and cirry ll that voyage just pa if his limbi were made of I lid in rubber. She came back alone last month from Europe ; they h d been away neatiy a jonr. 'Is Mr. N. quite well ? ' I nsked the lady. I did nut notice her black dre . 'I hope so , ' she replied , 'the coffln is in a nicking case , nnd the captain told mo it was anugiy placed in the hold. 'Good henvoir ) > , nmdatnl I exclaimed , I had no idea the person wo were across was your d , or should not have Ventured to'Oh , you need not apologize , ' she replied , 'ho was a cruatly old fellow , nnd I vr.s a fool to have married him. " and with that she swept into lur cabin. " BTfllUAOK I'ASSKXOEllH. "How do find you the steerage p aeiigortl" the purser waa naked. "As a rule very tractable. A good many travel in that manner who Imvo seen much botttrdajs. I don't pity the men much , they c.m rough it. i'lio women , however , some of whom ute evidently refined , tenderly-nurtured adics , must Buffer dreadfully. Wedo ill wo can to relieve in such cases ; but wocuuiot do much , as the others vould bo jealous , and all pay alike. Joaidos , some are aa proud as Lucifer and would refuse anything which ookod like charityV > , hud a singu ar CIXBO the last voyage in the aiutr igo. " "What was that ? " n/'Why , just us wo wore nb , nt leav n Liverpool a Swedish woman who tad taken pusagu with lur baby nnd six other children the oldest a boy of fifteen waaorderid ashore by the doctor , us the infant aliened sigim of neasles. The mother wrnt ashore to argue the matter with the port author UUP , and meanwhile the ehip sailed away with the six children , who by some accident wore not put on board he tender with their mother. There van no help for it , of CCUMP , so wo lad to bring them on here. The notlier hai the tickets and the keys if the trunks containing their scanty jolongings , and ao the young lad of ifteen finds hiniEolf the temporary load of a promising family. Ho islet lot in the lo.nt put nut. A mission ary soc'oty hua taken charge of the ivo younger ohildio i , and the boy iuys ho will find work and have a dol- ar or two saved for liin mother when ho arrives. " Mr. lUiTtmstoin , Loston , Mass. , vritesj "Your SritiMi BLOSSOM him urcd mo of dyspepsia , of four ( ! ) ears' standing' . 1 have regained my lormal appetite , can sleep well , and eel like a new man. " i'rico 50 cents ; rial bottles 10 con's. ' 0 < d-w CREAMERIES. Moro Grosa ana Less Corn. o. ) LoJgoi. Iowa has over five hundred croam- ritie , and there is no reason of any ort that they should nut be propor- ionutely numerous in the ountiea of Missouri , in the midst of vhich Audriau is situated. All that i needed for their introduction is a ttle enterprise in Mexico and other uitable points. The creamery ia an advance upon he old style of dairying , and the still more antiquated methuda of butter- nuking. Every farmer , and especially very larmor's wife , understands from xporience and without explanation of uy kind , the drudgery of keeping > aus and churns in tit condition to iroducu first clans butter in localities estitute of springs and spring-houses. Neither do 'hose living in tbo neigh- jorhood of succtsiful dairies need to > o reminded cf how much their mode f guvhering milk und converting it nto butter and cheesu simplified their ubors and increased their profits. Jut oven all these do not fully com- ) rehend , und , .therefore , need to be nformed that creameries go farther ban dairies in producing desirable re- ulie. A creamery sends fur and athors up cream in place of milk. 'tie latter , therefore , is left with the armer as an additional source of Honey-getting to be utilized by being ed to calves or pigs , to whoso increase- f bone and flush to the greatest pos- ible extent , it ia of almost indispenai- > lo importance. The ptrtiea most interested in the stiblishment of creameries are thu urmurs and their families. Instead of keeping and churning their milk nto grease to be exchanged at little or 10 profit for goods or groceries , when * roiuiories are in successful operation , ts product can bo sold in cash for an nuch as can be proportionately gotten or the first class butter wadu out of t. Uy subittitutinir pastures und meadows for corn land , danger of in- ury from bugs is measurably obyi- ited , and at the same time thu fort Hi- y of the whole farm ia greatly in- roaeud. It has been calculated thut he average yield of cows for six nonths among croamcritis is $20 , and at the end of the year the culf. with .he assistance of tikimmod milk is vortlt about $2. The success of the creamery system , low HO thoroughly authenticated by rial , ia due almost wholly to the in- rention of canu for receiving and keep- ng milk und gathering cnum. Tno c. n ia made with a cylinder 11 itx centre , furnishing thu inenim of horouglily cooling milk , and thus prc- uiing it to throw up pure crouiu. i'lioy also Imvo fluea for filling and emptying. The gathering cans are > rovided with uir-tiglit covernthat ox- iludo dust und other impurities in ransportation. They are also to con atructod that the orotvm in thorn can lot be shaken up by the motion of the wagon. Oream can , therefore , be muled in them for long distances , Many creameries transport their cream over twenty-five miles without injury to its productiveness , Our attention haa been drawn t < his subject by partietf contemplating ho introduction of 'creameries inU his country , We have been informed that if our funnels are willing to iledge their co operation the capita ! icctseaary for their establishment wit ju forthcoming , Already a number of prominent fanuera have undertake ! .0 furnibh cream from 75 to 100 cows each. From investigations made , we are autiefiod that small farmers wil lerivo greater proportionate benefits rrom creameries than largo ones. With proper co-operation thera oughl .0 bo no difficulty iu making from 1,500 to 2,000 pounds of first-claw butter hero daily , for a considerable Bethesda JUTHIJfBHOUSSI At Bryant's Spring , Oor , Broadway and Union Sts. COUNCIL BLUFFS. ' Tlt'n ' , M tlfc\tei1 , V per , Ktcc'rlf , 1'ltmRC , inih , Hhower , Hot am ) ColJ H < hi Com. toiit n l nd timtta tires and nt'cncUnts on hnnJ , ml haboit otrn uttjn- tlon Klvcn p tr-in . Sp > ' . l tt ntlon g\\tn \ lo liVt Inft children. Intet'Ratbnad j tron ( fa lollcllolDR. . A. H SIUDLBY & Co. , 100 1 ppor Broadway. T > r , Ptud'cy : Tnntmcnt of chronlj iiadcn tptcUlty. Ono of the bcsk * lond-dMj Hotels In the West Id ho BROAD W AT HOTEL , A. K imVN , Proprietor. No * . Mi and 63d lro ) -ayCouncil Uluff , Iowa. Table Dupplled with thi best the market af- onK 0 od rooms and ftrst-clasi beds. Terms ery UNION AVENUE HOTEL. 817 Lower Broadway , Mrs. C. Gerspacherfc Son. FtnsT c A s iiorKt , AT HKAPONAHUI 'UI'm. ' ' THVNBIKSTH ACCOMMODATED. IIOTKI , FOi ; BALK. OOOU UKASONS FOR SCANDINAVIAN HOTEL. N. Anderion , - - Proprietor , 732 Lower BronuVay. Table mppVed iillh ho licst the market af- rr > l . lent * 83.60nnd ( I 00 per week. Transient 1,00 per ilav. It Ycm Wl h n Lnuoh Qo to LOUIE DUQUETTE , iottp ? , Mont * , nnd KnlnlileR always on hnntl. Five CenU per call. STARR & BUNCH , HOUSE , SIGN , AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. P.\PER HANGING , KALSOMININQ AND GRAINING , 3hop Corner Hroadwnyand Scott Sfc MRS. J. P. BILLUJPS , ruopniETOii OF RESTAUHANT & EATING HOUSE , 813 South Main Street , Council ll'udj. Now homo nnil iio.wly flttcil up In flrat clarg etjlo Jloalt ) at all lionra. Icj crram and lotuo- uJo evurv tieiln ? FruUin < 1 oonfpctlcnorlw. HUGHES & TOWSLEE , DEALERS IN onfectionery , FruitsNutB 3igars and Tobacco. Fresh Oysters and Ice Oream in Season. 12 MAIN ST. , Council Bluffs. STEAM LAUNDRY. 723 W. Broadway. LARSON & ANDERSON , Proprietors , Tlili launJiylus Jmt bion opsne'l for bust , net. ' , ami wo nru nowjiriparcd lo do laundry work of ull kind * nnd piuatitio naMsfHctlon A pjj'ul'.yii.alo of llfi'j wnrli , ajch ns ocllarr , uffn , Quo ( hlrtu , Uu , Wo want c\ar > liody to jho uja trial , LARSON & ANDERSON. lorlion of which a peed homo market ixistn , while thu balance could bo roudily shipped to either St. Louia or Chicago , and ovou to New York and ithcr eusttirn cities for both consump tion und oxpurt.Vo know of no other ontornriaua which are as certain. if Bucooaa ns that of creameries , ttuxioo has such railroad connections .hat oroam from the neighboring counties could bo readily brought to it and our town thereby made us proj- joroun a butter cpnter as points in ) thcr states possessing similar ad van- mgea. , Our Glorious , Wh'it can be mnro glorious than to be inilenendeut uf aulTeijnj ; , caused by dy - ) cnla | , indigestion , coimtlputipn , mck ituduche , nr cithur dlaeaHen enmuatlnjf Frnm the etmnnuh. Tills can be easily nalni'd by n timely use of UunnooK IH.OOD UITTKIIH. 1'ricu 1.00. CJlw A Fool lull Alarm , Clivv'ard Luiitor. ' Tlio QorniaMB tire unnuoosaaiily iilat'iiivd ut the upponntnco of it couple of Amuriuui mon-of-vnir in Egyptian waters. They imuginud thut they enw iu the uppuariiiico of those ahipn the fuibjugdtiou of E ypt by the Oruitt Hopubhc. TJiu foolish Diitunnuin wore probably Ignorant of thu fact that our vcBsolu of war are umong the inntitutiona of our grunt country. Their arnampnta uro more pop-guna an coin ( > i > rcd with thoao in usit in thu iiiodum European ships u war , Whun Mr , liiHinurck fnulu out things , liin nervca will probibly bo iJunlulurKur , Drn/iilw.iy , Uuf. win linlnLvd liy hin liruther to tiy THOSIAH' KI.KOTIIIO OIL fur u auklt > , ami with hul ( u dozen appllaatlona ho wax enabled to walk rnund uguin ull right. right.Genius Genius Rewarded ; Olt , The Story of tlio Sowing Haohiiio , A luudsouio little pamphlet , blue and gold cove with numerous eurfrarlni'i , will bo aivKisr AWAY tot ny auult IHI IO calling' for It , at any branch or sub-ouUwol TheUlu/ur Manufactu > [ niCaui < piuy , or will bo sent uy mail , post paid , to any p r ou llvln ; at a distance from our offices. The Slngor Manafaotaring Co , , Principal Office , 34 Union Square , NEW YORK , tobUdftv DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS HOTELS , PROPRIETORS TOWW ARLINGTON , J. O. MelNTIRE , Lincoln , fleb , 8ARATOQA HOTEL , J. 8. 8TELLINIU3 , Mllford , NebB MARSH HOUSE , E. MANS , BROWNSVILLE , Neb COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , Btromtburg N HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL Loulivlll OITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Dlalr , Nab. COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J. 0. MEAD , Nellffh , Neb. QRANO CENTRAL E.SEYMOUR ; , Nabratka City , Nab MISSOURI PAOIFIO HOTEL , P. L. THORP , WaeplncWater.Ne COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. OAARPEF1 , Hardy , Nab. GREENWOOD HOUSE , W.MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Nib ) COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. STOREY. Olarlnda , IOWA END'S HOTEL , E. L. END , Eremont Nab EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. D. HAOKNEY , A hl nd , Nab METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVELL , Atklnton , Nab. MORGAN HOUSE , . E. L. QRUDD , Qulda Recd , Nb , GUMMIT HOUSE , QWAN & DECKER , Oraiton , In. HOUSTON HOUSE , QEO. OALPH , Exlra , la , REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , In , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , I * . COMMERCIAL HOTEL , G. DURQE8S , Neola , la. CITY HOTEL , Dl A. WILLIAMS , Harlan , la. PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMINQ3 , Corning , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , J.'L. A VERY , Ctanton , MEROHANTO HOTEL J. W. DOULWARE , Burlington Junction , M COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Blanchard , la. PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Ohanandoah , la , OOMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILL8 , Dayld City , Nab DAONELL HOUSE , CHA3. DAQNELL , College Spring * , la. OOMMEROIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vllllica , la. JUDKINOHOU8E , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , la , BALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Grova , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE D , F. STEARNS , Odebolt , la WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Oiceola , Nab. DOUOLAO HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Olarki , Nab. BEDFORD HOUSE J. T , QOEEN , Bedford la. ARLINGTON HOUSE , J. M. DLAGK& 80N , Mnrjivllla Mo NORFOLKJUNCTION HOUSE A. T. POTTER , Norfolk Junction Nab WIN3LOW HOUSE Q. McOARTY , Oeward , Nab , AURORA HOUSE M. D. JONES , Auro rNer. OROZIER HOUSE O. R. OROZIER , Sidney , Nab. AVOOA EATINQ HOUSE D. W. ROOKHOLD , Avoca la. CENTRAL HOUSE LOOKWOOD & 8HATTUCK. Red Oak. THE JELM MOUNTAIN " " " " " ' ' 4 X "V"T" I \ GrOlLjLD AND " i a1 ' i I"1" * jtLi JtCi Mining and Milling Company. Vorlilnjt Capital' _ _ . . . - - - 8300,000. Capital Block. . . . . . . . . (1,000,000 ' r Value of Shares , . . . . . . . . 625,000. 3TOOK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BRAMHL MINING DISTRICT. DR. J. I. THOMAS , President , Cummins , Wyoming. , WM Ii. TILTON , Vlco-Presldcnt , Cummins , Wyoralnj E. N. HARWOOD , Secretary , Cummhn , Wyoming. A. 0. LUNN , Treasurer , Cummin * , Wyomln Or. J. I. Thomai. Loula Miller W. 8. Dramol. A. 0. Dnnn. ! .N. llarwood. Francis Loavono. Ooo. II. Faloi. Lewi * Zoloun. Pr. J. 0. Watklne. OKO. W. KKNDALL. Atlthorliml Agent for Bale of BtooVl fl- * " 1880. SHOBTJ..NE. KANSAS OITY , 3t , Joe & Council Bluffs TFy. j x "nc * ssPi.iyfc i - t fc u nut out ! Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND TUB EAST Prom Omaha and the West. All train ) leave B & U. Depot , Omaha : Neb. flo changa ot care between Omaha and Bi. i.cnU and bo ) one between OMAHA aa-J t NKW YOIIK ; Dai ly Passenger Trai ns BACUUia ALb ABTBRH AND WESTKONj CITIES trlth DBS- OlIAltOES tn.l Vi ADTANOB Ot VI r , OTHEU LINKH This entire line Is equipiKiU with nllmnnt Calace Sloopin ; Carq. Palace liny Coajhcu. UIIUi' * afety Platform anil Coupler , Mid the ct > 19br tiu < WeetiDKhouoo Alr-br/ito. / _ flTSeo that your tlcknt rtada VIA nANHA * IT * , UT. J08KPH & COUNCIL BLUFfS Eall or.d , via 8t. Joseph and fit. Louis. Tickets for ulo at all coupon stations In Ibi Went. J.K/BARHABD , 0. 1 > AWE3 , Qen. Snpt. , St. Jotepli , Ho A' Oen. Fau , acil Ticket AgV , 81 Joocpii , Uo. ASBT EouniN , Tick el Alftut , 103) Farnbim ( treel , W. J.DlvmrORT , Uoncral A nt , OWAIIA. HR 8TPHIL in any stage Catarrh , ECZEMA , Old Sores , Pimples , BOI-'LS , or any Skin Disease. 3ures When 'Hot Springs Fail lUv UM , ABK. , tluy . 1881 Wo hive caien In our own town who lived at lot Uvtlnxa , snd Here finally cured with S. H. B , IK YOU iloubc.como totoj ua anil \ K WILL CU11K YOUlt Olt charge nothing 11 Write for > artlcularil and copy of little Book .0 the Unfortunate Buffurlnv Kl.OOO RuwurtI will ba paid to any chcm'Jt who will Und , on analysis 1UO tottlu 8 S. 8. , ono iKtrtlcleof Mercury , lodlda I'otu clumorauy tllncral BubaUnce. BWItT HVEC'IFIO CO. J'ropt , Atlanta Filce of Binall H'te ' , 11.00 , Large utie tl.1t. Bold by KKNHAttD BU08. fe CO Onn r ll GRAY'S BPECIFIjO TRADII oily. Anun- falling euro for Bcmliml Weakness , Bpermator * rhea , imiiot- ency , and all PlM > aiM. sthat' follow as A Aof AFTER TAIINO. ; an Loni of Memory. Unlvcrwl Lu l tude , I'aln In the Bauk , Dlmnuiu of Vlnlon , Pre rnaturt Old Agv , and izauy other Diseases that lead , to Insanity or Cotttauiptlon and a Frema. ture Grave. * yKull pattlculurv Iu our pamohlet , which we desire to scud free I Y mall to every one. WTUO Spoclflo Mvdlclne U Mid by all druggists at II lr package , 01 6 packtgei for IS , or * ll ba tent free by mall on rent ptof thi money , of addressing TUKOBA SuiIUlNUCO. , BuSalo , M. V. oc7ia-cd li URLINGTON J&OUTE- EASTWARD Is the old Favorite and FOB CHICAGO , PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAOAEA FALLS , NEW YORK.BOSTON , And all Poluts East andWouth-East , THKUNKCOMPKISKS Nearly 1,000 miles. Solid Smooth Steel Track * AU connections ue made in UNION DkPOTS , t hm a National Itepntatlon as beinsf th Qreat Through Oar Line , nd ls ualrersally conceded to bathe FINEST EQUIPPED lUlf read in the world ( or all class : ! of travel. Try it and you will dnd trayellng a Inxnry nitead ot a discomfort. Through Tickets via rhls Celebrated Line ( ot tale at all offices In the West. All Information about Ilatos of Fare , Bleeping Car Accommodations , Time Tables , & & , will b * cheerfully Rlvnn by applylnin to 2d Vloe-t'ren't A Oon. MinaKer.Chlcago. PERCIVAU LOWELL , Ueii. l'nsaener Agt. Chicago , W. J. DAVKNPORT , Oen. Atfent , Conncll Bluffs. II. I * . UUKLL. Ticket morn-od ly THH SIOUX OITY EOUTB Runs a Hnlld Train Ihroujh from Council Blufla to Bt , Paul Without Change Time. Only 17 Hour * ir IB 3LOCO WILE3 TUK 8HOUTKET KOUTB tuoit OOUNOIL BLUFFS TO f > T. PAUL , UINNEAtOLla UULUTI ) 03 BISUAUCK and all points in Hortheru leva , litnnetK.ta and Dakota. This line Is equipped with the ImpioTiid Wextlogboufd Automitlc Alr-brabo and 111U flttfona Coupler aoil llottei : and for SPKEI ) . BAPKl'V AtlD COUVORT Ij UEBurpiWJod. 1'ullman falace Bleeping Car run through WITHOUT CHANGE betwetta Kan siiCltyand tit. I'aul , via Uouucll BluQs uid Ktouz City. Trains Isaro Union 1'acltto Trauifer at Couu- ell Uluflj. at 7:86 : p. in. dally on arrival of KansM City , fit Jotieph and Council llluffi train from the South. Arriving at Hloux City 11:36 p. m. . odat the Now Union Pepot at H ) . Paul t 1S:30 noon. TBH IIOUIIS 1M ADVANCB 09 AllYOTHKa itOUTK , a3 "Kemoinbe In tasin the 8oiu ! City Iloat * you get a Through Train. 'Ih HhortMl Llns , thu Qulckuat Tlina and a Comlosublu lllds In Uit AND m. IAOL. ; fSTHce that your TickeM ru d via the "Sioux City and Facluo Kallroad * / H. WATTLBd , i , BUCIIAN A tiuiwriuteuaoni. Uen'I Vxa. A < yul. V. K. HODUJbON , Aw1. Osu'l Vad. A-f-t. , Ulwourl Valley , I W , E , DAVIH , BouthwotternAifO it. Uouncl Afonts ( ar the Ll/J Turn * anil ( Wrlttea by hMfcrtf thi only llfd aullioilze I uy her , aud wh'.cti will not be a "Blood and Thun Jer" story , acb M haa been an 1 will tie pub'haod , bul a trua Life by the only p.inon ba U In pouei.lo i ot the ( * cM ofilhfulaud devoted wife. Tiutb I * raoro lnteretia < tnaa flotlon. Atteots should apply ( ot territory at onie. 8snd 75 eta. fur 8 < u K ploBook. J.H. Bie- < xl-w-oif