6 THE DAILY BEE : COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA THUBSDAY , JUNE 8 , 1882. The Daily Bee. COUSOIL BLUFFS. Thursday Morning June SUBSCRIPTION KATES : By Carrier , - i. - - - SO ccntt per week. By Hall , - - - - - - fc tlO.00 per Ye r. Office : Mo. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadwny. a E. UAYNE , Wander City Circulation. H. W. TILTON , City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS. Go to Herzman's for blg'bargatus. Shcrradcn makes photographs. -Justice Abbott glandered horse- continued In our next. Shcrradcn h the boss phntogrnphcr. Closing ont ot entlro Block nt Herr.- man's. Leave to wed was yesterday issued to C.W.Crum and Lilly L. TlbbittR , both < if Avoca , Visitors nlwfiys. welcome nt Mnurcr & Cralgs. ' Joseph Roller makes suits In the lot- esl slylcs nt 310 Broadway. r.prl4-tf Herzm.in Is bound to close out. t , The picks nnd shovels haTO been sat at work on Broadway digging ft grave In which to bnry the water worki pipes. Railroad tickets bought and Bold 'Bushnell ' , Cvo donra norlh of PoslofBce. Can save you money on tickets. A now Hoe ot ridlnf , dilvlng nnd drover' * whips juat.rccalved al Bookman's. Buy of him and save money. To-ntght n happy lime Is promls-d nil these who altcud the ttrawbcrry and Ice cream festival to bo given nl the Baptist .church. .church.Don't Don't forget to call at the now Ice cream parlors of Mrs. J , A. Gray , over 05 Broadway. may22-lf The county board of supervisors was yesterday In session still moat of the tint * Trtlng taken up with settling with the overseer of the poor , and adjusting other mailers not very readable to tbo public. The wires for the electric flro alarm are being stretched , and the only delay , If any , will bo caused by the wanting fa. J the boxe * , which have to be made to order , j The city Is lighting the lamps of the J I Globe Gas Light company ItsoH , having leas id the fixtures , and buj ing its own gasoline. It b claimed that this will prove a serving. Joseph Hors , of 615 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs , motes the best bntler tubs in the west end cells them at the lowest cash price. apr23-tf Mrs. Bat-stow , daughlor of Mr. K. TCnabo , died yesterday morning In this city. She was formerly a teacher in the public schools here and was widely known and highly esteemed. Ono solitary drunkwas before Judge Ayloiworth yesterday , nnd was let off easy on account of , his evident lack of funds , and his desire to have a'cbanco to earn some. He gave hls.namo as T. Ed- The Standard seems to be attracting considerable attention as the brgao of the prohlbltionlitBandit presents that side of the question so clearly and strongly that it is receiving many favorable notices from the press In plfferent parti of the state. Emigration is moving east ai well as -wett , , , Three carloads went through hero yesterday-bound eastward , many of' them Canadians who ate bound back on a < vlctt , expecting to return again to tbo wot. Twelve Chinamen pasted through hero the day before 'bound lor Chicago and points further cast. The.project for a new city hall nnd market house combined bai not died out As soon aa the city condamns the property needed for the purpose , cUt ns stand ready to form a company to put up 'the "building. It is exp < cted that a move will . eon bo made in the matter , which will start the entcrprlaa into active operation , * The Rescue running team haa broken up , BO that it will not enter tbo races at the Btatotournmcnt at MuHcatlne. The Bluff City team will therefor .represent Council "Bluff * , and with their present m'aVoup nd ehuvilng tf iBpeedJn praotiof , ' will doubtless'capture"high 'honors in the contest * . Itla proposed to'Bhowr how much' thV citlzms1 ; j.ppreoiate. .tb'oipreipnc'e ' of mci .teaiBfana > hoj eage/r / hey/are to ' glyo It'support , In fact as wellTs In , word , A liubscrlpllou is to bo sent the' rounds for the purpose , of raising money to hflp defray the expenses to which the team has been thus fur. , T ' " , 700JJUSHELS Choice White Oats for sale cheap. Mayno & Co. , 34 Pearl street. t PBEBO AL. A. W , Of ffman , one of Avoca'n most prominent citizens and tbo proprietor of -.the opera bouse there , was yesterday 1 taking in the city with his old friend Mr , iTiptpn , , MM. P. J. Osboine , wife of T , J , O * < 'Icorne , the Broadway grocer , bis given rl > irih to an eight pound girl , and in coute- quence there It great rejoicing in that toiuehold. Mother 'and child are both doing well under the skillful treatment of Dr. H.J Hilton. , 3 , W. Haven , who for tome time bos bees the leading editorial writer of The Nonpareil staff , bis fevered bin connection -with th t raper. Helms proved himself the ; best writer The Nonpareil has bad in U- Mr. Elliott L , Kirkpatrlck in to-day "BOOB .to cuter the bunds of matrimony , thelirldo being1 Miss Jennie. Oorbelly , daughter of J , Bf Corbelly , who lives a hort distance from Crescent City. They Billet ait to-morrow on a trip to Califor nia t a vjalt friend * of both , Mr , Corbelly will accompany them on the trip , iu the - bepe of bettering hl health. Among the frlwda whom they will visit in Mr , Kirk * jftttuk't father who I * a resident of Oak. , , la l. The happy groom has long been * ) travelling representative of McDonald & Co. * . nd liu ft large circle of acquaint- "inner wad frlwids here who will congratu late * UfB 'heartily oa thl * event , while U trljhfT/r" IM ia aainber or In heart * ' ' ' o i ADJUSTING THE SCALES. The Aldonaon Boom to Find It Quito a Ootnptlcatod Tosic. The various phases of the situation in regard to city scales hnvo been pretty thoroughly discussed at sundry times and in sundry manners. The old city scales have been handed down irom wcighmwtor to woighmoator , each in turn purchasing the same ol his predecessor with the asiuranco Mint when ho should fltep out his suc cessor would take them at the same figure-$300. Oapt. Williams , the present official , would not pay that amount for the scales , deeming them not worth over goO to $75. After much talk and many delays ho pur chased A sot of scales and established his headquarters nt the juncture of Main anu Pearl streets , where ho is attending to the duties of his oflicc. This leaving the old scales on the city's hands , the matter 1ms hung along until now. At the Inst , meeting of the council it wan decided to pur chase the old scales , and they are to bo sent to the factory and rellttcd in good shapo. It remains to bo seen what the city will do with thorn thun , ns the present woighinaslor haa n now not nil in place. WANTED. To buy 2,000 , bushels of White Corn. Highest market nrico paid. Mayno & Co. , Broom Factory , Council Bluffs. may27-tf OASES IN COURT. Jncte Suloldo Found Guilty of As- eaultmg Mr. Jennings Tbo Botta Case Begun. In the district court the jury in the case of Jack Shield were out only a few minutes , nnd then brought in a verdict of guilty of assault with in tent to do great bodily harm , Most of the citizens are familiar with the facts of the assault made upon Mr. Jennings last sprint ? , by which Mr. Jennings was brutally beaten. Shields has not boon sentenced. Yesterday the trial of Jo Bolts , the notorious darkey , was commenced. Bolts stands charged with having been concerned in the assault and robbery of the Studpnbeckor family in Keg Creek township , in which the husband was shot by the masked robbers , and badly injured. There was time spent in scouring a jury , and the case will bo still on to-day. Mrr. Ellen Harris , nee Bush , had her examination before Judge Aylos- worlh yesterday afternoon on the charge of assault with intent to do great bodily harm , she being the woman who shot at Mrs. * E wing , a neighbor in Strootsville. The woman was bound over to the grand jury in the sum of $200 , and not being able to fiivo bail was locked up in jail. She is apparently indifferent to her fate , and says that whether she "goes across the state or not , " she is bound to got satisfaction of the Ewing woman. LOST. Bill Book , Memorandum book at tached. Liberal toward offered for return of saino to this office. Fixing for a Fair. The Driving Park association is pre paring to have a fall fair held here , which , if given merited support , will dovolopo into a lar e and prosperous enterprise. It is planned to erect the necessary buildings at once at an expense < ponso probably of $5,000 , Mr. Hont expects next week to visit St. Joe and other cities to see plans and to got practical ouggcstionc , and it is prob able that the actual work will soon commence. There is no reason why this city und county shall not have na good a fairns anywhere inthostato , and with a little push and a little money it con bo accomplished. An attempt is being made to induce the city council to remit the taxes on the driving park. Some of the al dermen object , not believing that they have the right to do so , but if it be comes an agricultural society , using the grounds for fair purposes/thero will bo no hesitation in the remission of thotaxor , Tbo City's Finances. As all know , the city's pockcl book is temporarily prottyrwoll drained , and will remain BO until the taxes como in in the fall , At , present these ol the bills which have to bo paid in cosh are thus mot from the police' fund , while others are paid in general func warrants. These general fund war. rants are at about fifteen per cent dis count in the market now , and the late resolution of the council that only a portion of the taxes could bo paid in them has not helped any to drive them toward par , but the very ro verse. Since the recent action in tin injunction cases , by which decision many who have hold out about paying their taxes will now como in , the al demon have renewed faith. It is ex pected that about f 6,000 will thus b turned into the treasury , It is pro posed to rescind the previous roaolu tlon in regard to taking warrants in payment for taxes , and these wlu have this $0,000 to pay in will nat urolly take up what warrants they can find m the market and pay in those It ia expected that by this niovo th outatanding warrants will bo taken up and that the price of the eauio will gi up to within two or three per cent o par. With the police fund lo pa1 Bomo bills with which require cash' and with warrants worth soy 97 cent on the market , the city can get alonu nicely until raoro cash begins cominj in. The prcsont council ia llinitini its expenditures as closely as possible and expect by , fall to have the tinan cial ( situation much moro healthy am hopeful. Honferd' * ) Acid Phosphate IN UVEll AND KIDNEY THOUBLKS. Du. 0 , G. OILLElf , Boston , says "I have used jt very extensively , an wjth the most remarkable success i. dyapopalA and in oil cases where thor u denuigoraeat of the liver and kid Jjejw. " . : . - 'g ' * ' ! * * ' ' 'f * * ! THE I.AT Or THE LAND The i Brick LayerB and Carpentorn are Discussing the Matter of Wftgos. These who nro concerned in anj way in building enterprises are at present giving much thought and alkto tha matter of wages. The iricklayors , who have been receiving ! i a day , now desire $5 a day , nnd hero has arose a difference of opinion among contractors as to whether tlm amount shall bo paid or not. Two ontractors commenced paying $5 per day at the beginning of this month , ut others are holding off , and nro icsilating whether to ncccdo to the [ cmands for n raise or let the men go. t is claimed that brick layers have to ese moro time in n year , on account f weather , than any other class of workmen , nnd that the wages should jo made tj correspond somewhere isenr- y as well ns to conform with the ad. mnced coat of living. On the other land it is claimed that the $4 rate is ligh enough , or $4 CO at the highest , fid that if it is any higher than this .t will prevent many building cnlcr- > riacs to stop , end will lese the liiantity of work so much that ho bricklayers will lese moro than hey will gain by the raise. Th"ro nro several who contemplate ) uilding htro , who nro holding offun- il it becomes evident what the result will bo , and oomo cent motors will not igroo to entur into a contract unless hey can bo guaranteed against any advance . of wages. It is understood hut Air. Sbugiirt , who is preparing ho 1 ground for a largo brick block will wait until nnothor season' rather than iiy : $5 a day for bricklayers , nnd that ithers who are planning for putting up brick buildings will take the same ourse , thus causing a loasening of vork , and a stay to many improve- notllr , The difference between $4 and $5 day for bricklayers would not count p to any very largo sum in the put- ing up of an ordinary building , but liero | s < ! ems to bo some little fooling at do bottom of the diecusaions , and all ro not as judicious in their talking nd planning as they ought to bo. Jt s to bo hoped that a satisfactory' ' ad- ustmont and undereianding may bo cached , so that there may bo no in : srruption in the business boom which corns to have got a good start hero lis season. Many of these interested are do- ending largely upon what is done in ) maha by the contractors and by the ' iricklayers , as there can bo no great lisparitv in prices between the tnro ities. Consultations are going on bo- weon parties of both cities , and the matter is bc.ing thoroughly canvassed nd discussed , though quietly. CLIMBED A CORNSTALK. What an Old Time lowan Did lu Pot- tawattamto County. OIIESCBKT , IOWA , Juno Oth , 1882. otroepondcnco ot Tbo 'BOO. I saw a communication in your aper of May 31st , from Samuel Vood , of Unionbarg , Harrison county , owa. I have known Mr , Wood as ongas I can remember , and that , is a long time BS I am 33 years old. I hink ho could relate many1 things that would interest the readers of THE JEK. I have heard him toll of hunt- ins ; wild boo trees and how they used to go to see their neighbors with a earn , also how they used to go 16 Missouri for corn to make bread. Now . ' hope ho will como out and give us a eng letter of the pioneer days of Western Iowa. also heard that this man Wood once climbed a stalk of corn in Potta- wnttamio connty , and sat on the car , nd I novcr believed it until I asked lim myself and ho told mo it was no ; that there were two moii there who saw him do it , nnd ono of them is nlivo and would swear to it. I believe t is so as Mr. Wood is an honorable man. man.drops in this neighborhood look much moro favorable than they did a week. ago. Respectfully , Houou. IOWA ITEMS. IM. . Kellogg has bought the steam mill at Missouri Valley for $11,000. ' Over $23,000 boa boon invested in now buildings in Sibley so far this year. 11)6 ) Free Baptist .ministers' conference once and yearly mooting.of. . Iowa is in session in Bponcor , Work has boon commenced on the addition to the Catholic cathedral at Dubuque. .The size of it is 47 by 100 feet. feet.Iowa Iowa stands at the head of the lis in the number and value of hogs , No 'J in the value of oxen and other cattle tlo , and No. 3 both in number ant value of milch cowa , The survey of the Wadena extension of the Chicago. Milwaukee and St Paul road has neon commenced , am it is expected that trains will bo run ning to West Union by the first o October , TUB BEG correspondent at A gone1 City , under date of the Cth , writes as follows of the crops : "llye. agrea deal sown and promises a full crop fall wheat , none sown ; spring wheat promises very good but n smal amount sown ; oats , ' moro than ai average amount sown , promises a gooi crop ; corn , not all planted on accoun of the continued rains , coming vor ; slow and the outlook for a crop bad , RIBBONS" ! JIIBBONS I t Harknoss , Orcutt & Co. , have jus put on sale over 2COO yards of Itib bona. This is a iob lot and is beinj : sold at leas than ono-haU cost of 1m portution. ' Profitable ! Patient * . The most wonderful and marvolou success in coses where persons ur sick or wasting away from a conditioi of misorablonoss , that no ono knows what ails them , ( profitable patient for doctors , ) is obtained by the use o Hop Bitters. They begin to cur front the first dose and keep it up un til perfect health and atrongth w re stored. Whooyer is , atllioted ' in jtta w ynood not , ufl'er , > fh n'they ; can get Hop BU w , . THE 8POKTSMEN. How Tnoy nro Enjoymsr Themselves and Capturing Prizes at Cedar Rapids. Sftchl Corrcrpondcnco of TJIK IK * . CEDAR HAPIDS , la. , Juno 7. The first day's sport of the slate shooting iournamont was a successful and en- oyablo one. In purse No. 1 Mr Ooodenough , of Medoapolis , la. , won first prize. Wil- iams , Hastings and Woodering di- ided second prize } T. A. Tate third prize , and Mr. Bruner , from Marshall- ton , won the fourth prizs. In purio No. 2 , Col. J. 0. Hoff- mayr , of Council Bluffs ; Mr. Tubbs , 'rom Modcapolis , and Mr. Wheeler inch killed five double birds straight , [ n the shoot off Hoffmayr and Tuobs each killed three pair straight , when hey divided first prize. Mr. Woodcr- ng won prize No. 2 ; W. H. Phelps prize No. 3 , nnd Mr. 0. W. Budd , of ) es Moines , fourth , Mr. W. G. Oliver , of Council Bluff * , did some excellent shooting , killing nine out of ten in purse No. 1 , and the amo in purse No. 2 , but when it canio .o shooting off ties , ho was shot out jotli time. There nro about 150 shots on the ground. Excellent weather , good trong birds and the management of ho tournament in n No. 1. At n ncoting of the association ( his eve * ling , the constitution will bo so mended ns to make the first two days > f the tournament open to members of ho staio association only , nnd the last wo dsys open to the world , even Oapt. iJogarduo not oxccptod. The location for the next annual ournament will bo decided upon to morrow evening , probably Marshall- own , Iowa. CITY COUNCIL. Tbo Proposed Levee and Market House. ' A commiltco from the board of rado reported to the council at the ossion last evening that the board of aporvisors was ready to turn over ho $2,000 appropriated by tho.ni Awards building a levee , providing ho city take action to perform their > art of the contract , which .they are uaking arrangements to do. The mayor and Aldermen Shugart , nd Wood were appointed a commit- co tn confer with the parties having n charge the matter of raising money 'or the now city hull and market place. republican' Convention. The republicans of Pottwattamio county will mutt in delegate convcn- ion ut the court house in Council Bluffs on Tuesday , Juno 20 , at 1 p. m. , for the purpose of selecting thir- con delegates to attend the congres sional convention to be held in Coun cil Eluffr , Juno 22. Each township rill bo entitled-to the following num > or of delegates : ane , 1st Prec't. . .0 Lay ton 5 ane,2.1 Prec'c..7 Lincoln..i.-.2 tane , 3d ' rec't. . .7 LowJ ! . . . . . . . . " . , . . li [ Carie4thPreo't. ' . .0 Mnc'edonia . .3 iilnomer 2 Mindcn 4 JelUnap 3 Neola . .4 Crescent. 2 Nor walk 2 3ars m ,3 Pleasant , . Center 3 Rockford Grove 3 Silver Creek 2 3arner 2 Valley 4 Uarditi , 3 .Washington 3 HazelDell.i .3 Waveland-.3 James. , 3 Wright ! Knox 8 York . . . . . ' . Keg .Creek 2 The primaries in each township , un less.ordered . by township committee man , will bo held Saturday , Juno 17 , at 8 p. m. By order of JOHN W. BAIIID , Chairman Co. Rep. Cent. Com. Bucklin's Arnica Salve. The BEST SALVK In the world for Cute , Bruines , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , ITe- ver Sorr-p , Tetter , Chapped Hands , thll- j blainp , Corns , un 1 all skin eruptions , an I positively cures illes. It Is ( , 'uurnn-eed to vivo enti/ifactfon / or money refunded. Price , 25 cents per box. For sale by C , V. Goodman. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special advertisement * , , stic , as Lost , Found , To Loan , For Bale , To. Bent Wants , Boarding , etc. , will be Inserted In this column at the low rate o ! TEN' CENTS PEB MNE ( or tbo Oral Insertion and FIVB CENTS PER LINK ( or each subsequent' Insertion , Leave Kir crtlsements at 'our office , No. 1 Pearl Htrcct , near llroadvyay. Wants. 'ANTKD Hood gIrl ( or jrtneral housework Inquire at Uooortlce. maylOtf " \TrANTED Everybody' In Council Bluffs Ic YV to take Till Bis. 20 cents per wcoli , < Ia llvcred by carrlora. OSlco , No 7 1'carl Street near Droadway. WANTED To buy 100 toni broom corn For particulars address Council Bludi Ilroom Fctorv. Council llliids. Invri. C ( > 8M' For Sale and Rent FOK HKtfr Vartofnr.Mdeiicg or will eel the wh le on easy tornu. Knqulm at oJllc. _ _ BUIUK FOlt BAuK-I have on hand ono kiln ol an gooJ bilck as cm bo dad In the city Parties des'r PR a gccd rrtlUo will Hnd It lo their ml v § iil go to c ll at my rcildeDco.cn Lincoln avenue , or addro a llobcrt 1 1' ' Uilo , flax 511 , Council Bluff * , Iowa. Junul-lm * | I\UK \ bALK Fro-li mlilc io * < and oilyca * ' J" Kv au llro.'n yard * , Upptx Ilroadwty. U129-61 * T10H SALE-Two new tydcl.o at a bargain K II. btolnhllbcr , at ncwturnltuto lactory on BcvcntU uvmuo , tivxt 10 C. & N. W. 11. K. PPH IJALlI-Chcct wuslp north 35 cents to 81 00 ( or A tints' a topy.au4 over,10,000 other useful articles , at Bnltli i Kverett'stireat Five anil Tcn-Ceut Btorc , No. HO liroidway , Council JiuCr : , lou-a. ' niavJO-tt 70 rt BALK. E'ehty-ftcn ' firm pattly caltl ; \atod , two mllci west ol Oinatia. Udell 6 m-8-H T7IOU KKNl 1'art or whole ot nlco residence , J ? or will soil ou easy terms. 4mdy at' Ue ntllce. u j2-t ( Tj OR aALK-Uca'it.lul residence loU , (00 1 } each ; iiotlilnK down , and Japcrtrontli only , > „ . UC-MAYOlt VAUQHAN , apl3-tf . Mlacollaneoua. EXUKLblOH UALLKKVsiUlatind aiid the bjisgill rf In Council llt ifTj. Orar.d aevr . ao.ptaory w nory lo arrtvs thlj wcelt. Call and see. 10Q Jltln street. A NVp olmlntflestaml belfer with Urj ( J\ ball , can Icain ot uherealouts liy o Hint' al the BE onics. _ * j. . { ( It. W. 1 * I'A'rrON-l'iiytlcian ' aud "OcullstT CaucuroanycaMOfBoroeyci. It 1 only matter ot time , and can cure generally in gui throe tc five wcek wceklt make * BO differ ence how long dUeawd. Will itnilcbtoa cross eyci , operate aad remove rtyrfdnuu. eta. and Insert arUflclal eye * . Special' ittc lou to motolnjr Uulcwormu. api-U JiYOJSE WAKT1NU some nn. quality corn toed can get It br wrltloif o UAYNB Ootutcll BtaM FIVE SAVED ON EVERY DOLLAR 11V BUYING YOUR GROCERIES AT TUB Boston Tea Go's ' Store , 16 Main St , and 15 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , TBY IT AND lake Money , W.W.SHERMAN MANUFACTURER , OF Road , Track , Coach & Livery HARNESS ! FINE "WORK A SPECIALTY. E. n. SHERMAN , Business Manager. WM. CI1KISTOPHEH , Mechanical Manager. 124 8. Main St. , Council Bluffs , la. F.J. Sell More Groceries , Sell Better Groceries , Sell Groceries Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE 7N THE CITY. LOOK AT THEIR PRICES ON A FEW LINES. sujarfo'r. , . 81 00 10 Hi Standard AsUffar. . . . . . . . , ' ,1 OC H Ib ( iranulitcU { niynr . . . ! . . _ . 1 o > TlbKo' . 1 Koastcd i loeoUcce . . . . 1 10 7 It ) No 1 Green i Io.cocu . , . , < 1 00 111 lest hoasted O H. Java coffee. . . , . , - . 3) llbCc4tnoa.tcdUocln. > . .v . 30 1 Ib lllx , ha f n\ui.nJlialf Hlo. . . . . ; . 25 11. fan ht pcil I rlo I Uvcf . ' , . . . 25 Silicons CallfornhFiuts . : . . . . ' . . . . ' - Choice Table intt r I crib . , . , . . . . . . . . 15 Ycr * btito ( Inllon * pncs. . , . ' . , . . , ' , . . . , „ . 3' ' It b Can Scl ow Pciuhos. . . . . . . . . . . . 2f OliQin lo I'cachoa . ' . . . . .i , . . . . . . . 21 ZlbCalBtar Peach- . . ' . . . . , . . . ID 3 Hi an'-vcry lest S cct < onn. . . . . . ' . . . ' . . 2t Best Irand 'prlng Wheat Flour per Back. . . 3 7f > liFaraGirictts h.np. . . * . . ' . . .il 00 18 11) Cars Kirk's white Husshn Soap , . . ; . . 1 00 Poyd'g aouifrlb . . . . . . . . . 1C Boj'd'B Preakfas'- Bacon pet Ibi. . . . . * . . It i cJ Community r ni b per Jar. . t . - . . 7B Qkixlon & Dlllworth'a I'rcecrvcs. i. tv. i . . . . 05 And Everytning Else in Stock Eropoitionally Cheap , Don't 33uy Any Groceries Until You Have Seeir-Us. Tei ms \ Cash. F , J , OSBOEM & 00 , GOUNGIL-BLUFFS GOUNGILBLUFFS'I ' - > - - - , - - --'I JIANUFAOTtJRISRS OP ENGINES. BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY Office and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. We giro special attention to Stamp Mills , SmoltiBg Furnacaa , t , HOOTERS AND QENEBALrlILL MACHINERY , HQtJSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK will , receive ; prompt attention , A general is- ; gortaont ot Brass Goods. Belting , Fioing , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Fig Iron , Ooke , Ooal , ; : QHAS , HENDRIB , President. Eubbor Hose , Iron aud Leac Piye , Iron and Brass Fittings and Trimmings , at Bixby & Wood's , THE PLU1MBERS. On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets' ) J. M. PALMEJR , DEALER IN REAL ESTATE ANO LOAN AGENT , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Ors : Woodbury & Son , aw a ? Cor. Pearl is lit Ave , COUNCIL BLUFFB. & OBAIOr , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Bleb Out Glaaa , Fine French China , Silver Ware Sso. , MO BaoiPWAT. . COUNCIf. BLUFFS. IOWA. MES , fl , J , HILTON-M.D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 222 Broadwav , Council Bluff * . > y. S , AUENT. JACOB BlilS AMENT & SIMS , Attorneys ft Oounsellors-at-Law , IOWA. HARKNESS , ORCUTT & GO. DRY AND CARPET HOUSE. Broadway , Cor. Fourth Street , , Council Bluffs , Iowa. . mrvr-2-Sm - - TT1T T JTUf U JDJuJLi I mean business nnd no blowing , Having recently contracted for 600 .A. Oigans and over 200 Pianos for thfi sea- eori , to bo sold at Bargains for Oasb , and on tiao Agents wanted. tr Correspondence solicited , O J. MUELLER , " G" IE ! COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , F. F. FORD Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00 Blnff and Mm Streets , Council Bluffs. W ATTQ11 . Mirrors , Upholstery , BepairiDg' , Eto , , Wood and Metallic Coffins , _ No. 430 Broadway , Cur. Bryant-St. , Council Blufla , Iowa. _ UNION BAKERY , 517 SOUTH EVAIN ? STREET. THE BEST BREAD IN THE CITY. None but.first.class Babora ; ' employed. Bread , Cake , Pics ' , &c. , delivered io any part of tbo city. Oar Wagons run all day. ' _ P. AYRES , Proprietor. M E T C A L F BROS. , WHOLESALE DEALERS ! IN \ Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves. CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. REAL"E STAT ? AG E NT , Haa For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands , and a number ot Well Improved Farms , both in Iowaand Nebraska. Office with W. S. MAYNE , over Savings Bank , CPU MOIL BLUFS WALL SHADES , Hew es Just Received. 11 Pearl Street , Council Blnff . C. A. BEEBJS , W..KUNYAN , W. BEEBS C. A. BEEBE & CO. , Wholesale and lUtall Dealers In FURNITURE AND CROCKERY , Nos. 207 & 209 .Broadway , Council Bluffs. Mrs , J , E , letcalfe and Mm Belle Lewis Are now dealing In all kinds ol "fancy " froode , wch kg Lnccf , Embroideries , Indies' Underwea of all detcrlptlong. Also ll tidVerchlel , both In silk nJ linen , bose ol.ull ulndf. thread , pins , needles , ttc. , Wo hope the l&Qle will cell and we our stock of Roods at 633 Broadway biWre go - h ? elsewhere _ " _ _ ' E. J. DAVIS , 13 PEARL STREET , 'Dealer ' In ' ZEPHYRS , CERMANTOWN AND , FANCY YARNS of All KindR. A Fall JLino of Caiivos , Tolts , Embroldarf , Knitting Still * nnd Stamnott Goodg. VHoo Angartnnnt of A < nli xie Picture * Z. T/ILINDSET & 00. 9 \ 412 BBOADWAYCQUMCIL , [ BLUFFS IOWA , " : | / . ' ' * * * ' 'V ' v'r' ' f f t. , , st , t ' : f ih'r-loifsiDi gQum ciARiHrAriowi ;