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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1882)
THE DAILY BEE OMAHA THURSDAY , JUNE 8 , 1882. fie OCX The Only Exclusive Wholesale Hardware House 3CKT 1108 AND 1110 HARNEY STREET OMAHA . NEB. - WHOLESALE - BOOK SELLER AND STATIONEF AND DEALER N- Wall Paper and Window Shades 1304 Farnham St. Omaha Neb. Lrf CTOlsriElS holesale Lumber , No. 14G8 Farnham Straut , 'Omaha , M. MQLINE STOVE ! They make a gpec'alty ' of COOKING STOVES , and . have . thU year pVcd . In the market onaefth ( MOVrECONOU < ! A > il > II ST SAilSKACToRY.8T. . > Vli9 over made. They make . botn Plain and extena'on ' top , and guarantee all their goods. Tbo ajcnta far the company arc. PIEROY & BRADFORD , DEALERS IN Furnaces , Fireplaces , Heaters HOC .A. 3KT T 3E3 3C f38 , , GRATES , RANGES , STOVES , HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS , Etc. ill FARNAM STREET. OMAHA NEB Invites the attenlionof the public to his LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK News Embracing all the late pat terns in everything in the Oarpet Line. Mattings , Oil Cloths and window Shades , In large quantities , and always at the Bottom Prices. LACE CURTAINS A SPECIALTY. JTfc "H I1 ! V .TIT T T IP TJ t O JU > rO J. SJ W Ji Jj MS rli l 1313 Farnam Street. OMAHA , - NEBRASKA s , 'ATIONEKY ' AlF ) BLANK BOOKS We keep on band a full and complete line of PANOY AND BTAPLB STATIONERY 'of eyery description. Pocket-Booka Gold Pens. Pencils , InkBMucilago , Envelopes' ; Visiting. Playing Kegrefc , Dinner and Birthday Oorda , &o. , &o. Give ua a oafl , OILMAN R. DAVIS , & . * CO. -105 S , 16th Street : " * - inl03oi CAMILLA'S ORIGINAL. The Story of Uuoifth' Horoint no Told by Mile. Le- randt > . The Well-Known French Actros ; Tells n Romantic Tale Drought to Mind by the Flowers of Dec oration Day At the Antipodes. Philadelphia Pifss. A graceful , charming woman ii Mllo. Eugonlo Lcgrandc , the nrtiatu notrois , who is now starring at tlu Ohostnut street oporn house. She ii tall and thiti-waistod , nnd wears ho ) hair low on her brow like the Born himU. Her oycs nra largo nnd flash ing nnd indicate her genius : "I mot Rovoml of your niilitarj poata this morning ni I was driving t < the park , " she siicl to n nowspapoi mixn ycatorday. "You know wo have n aimilnr ceremony in Franco , onlj wo decorate the gravoa of nil our done every year , just to keep the dear ones in remembrance. 1 was thinking a : wo wcro driving , of the jiravo ol Alphonninu Duulcsais in 1'ero 1 ; Oliaiao cemetery , Paris. Of courat you know her story ? No ? Wlij she was the origin of tlu elder Dumas' atory , 'La. Dame nm Oauieliiis , ' the novel from whicl the plnyof 'Camillavai ndaptcd , aiii ] which also inspired Vordi'a opera , 'Lti Traviata.1 But I must tell you nil about it. When the younger Dumas WB8 a dashing follow about to n he used to make himself especially agreeable - able to ladies. Ono night at the opera ho was particularly atruck witli the beauty of a certain lady who occupied a box. Ho followed her brougham iu ri cab and discovered where she lived ; it waa in thu Quartier Breda. I need not explain to you whatsort of locality the Quartior Breda is ; sufficient to say , that Dumas Gls presented himself on the following morning to the lady. At first ho was ropuhcd but ho poran- vored ho waa in love , desperately in love with the woman whoso surround ings plainly indicated her condition. That woman was Alphonnino Duplea- sis. Dumas called again and again , and his ourneatness BO gained upon Alphonsino that she returned his lovo. She cast loose all other chains which sound her , and promised to live for lira alone. They were to bo married , and then the older Dumas hoard the story. Ho was naturally liorriQed at the union his eon was about to make , and remonstrated with him but in vain. I forgot to tell you that Al- ) honBino is ( .fllictod with consumption ust as Oamillo is depicted in the pUy. finally the elder Dumas determined ; o rcGcuo his son at nil hazard , called on Alphonsina and bogged ana im plored her by the love she bore hia son to renounce him. Ho demon strated to her the social degradation she would bring on the young man by uniting her life to hia , and at lait she consented to rcpulao young Dumas in such a manner as to break off the mar riage. _ She was true to her promise and within three months died of con sumption and a broken heart. Prov- oua to her death aho sent for her over and acquainted him with the sacrifice she jiad made in hia behalf. The elder Dumas immortalized her self-abnegation < n his novel , but hia son kef pi her memory green to this day. Her grave in Pore la Ohaiso is ilwoys fresh with flowow , and on All Souls' day , the day upon which wo pscially decorate the tombs of the dead , the lover , now an elderly man may always bo seen paying hia devo- ; ion in person at the grave of the ill- atsd Alphocaine. "I have told you a long story , have I not ? But , do you know , I never nought pf Josephine's story in con nection with any pirt of "Oamille" until to-day , although I have played the relo hundreds ot timcsiri England , Australia , Tasmania and Now Zaa- and. " HER TIUV TO THE OTIIEU WORLD. "What induced you to uo to the Antipodes ? " "What do you suppose ? You may bo sure it waa ii largo salary. How- iver , I cannot regret my venture , for . ' have tpunt some of my happiest days n the "other world , ' as the great solony is called in Europe. Somehow , scorn to bo a wanderer over oinco I nado my debut at the Odeon theatre , n Paris , in 1868. I waa quito a younc girlbut I loved the stage , and nyiathor , who was a troatury official , md interest enough to get mo into the 3onserv toirn , At the OJeon I at- ractcd the notice of the emperor and mproBB J was named after the em- > roBj and at their dcsivo I was trans * erred to the Vaudeville. What ray ate would have been had the Prus- ian war not occurred , I do not know , lowevor , that event drove mo to En- lund , where , as a member of DajaKut'a iompany , I pei formed for a Reason or wo at the Opera Corniquo Theatre , jonduu. I fell in luvo with Slmkc- ipoaro and determined to Jcurn Bug- irh. I utudied hard , and in six lonths I waa enabled to make my obut at the St. Jdtnes theatre as Ophelia. Alter a year or two I waa ngagcd by Ooppin'a agent in LDiidon jr the Thentro Jlnyal , Melbourne. I pve Australia. It ii thoroughly re- nod and civilised , and the society of Melbourne. Victoria , Sydney and the/ great towns will compare favor-- bly with that of great cities in Amori- a and Europe. "I learned to ride , shoot and swim iut there , and I guess I could aston- sh a lew spor'-smen if they wore to loot me in the field. I have boon ays at a time in the saddle and have bought no more of shooting a kan- aroo than & rabbit , Ono of my riendain Victoria was Bir Samuel Wilson , the Australian gentlemen ho recently purchased the late Lord loacontiold'asear , Hughendon Manor. Duo of hia estates , and ho has several i Australia , is 3,000 inilca square , nd I suppose ho possesses three or our million sheep. It ia impossible o describe the vastucsa of a seat in \ustralii , On ono occasion ho gave friend 20,000 sheep on the condition mt the animals bo removed the same ay. It waa the dry season , and am- In as the pastures wore the Wilson leep were running short of teed and ' yatur. The friend took the sheep , nd the next morning succeeded m boosing of them for seven shillings ach. Not a bad gift , 7,000. How- rer , the donor never missed it "You have not complimented moon ny acting. Bah ! You will flatter now , of course. Do you know tha rxn American named Waahingtot Trvitiff Bifthop claims to possess thi solo right of production of ' 0millo , whether in England or in Fr.tnce The play WAS originally adapted froit the novel for Miilildn Heron , iuir ttithop imerls ho purchased the rich trom her aqont after her death. If hit claim is just nnd ho brings null , hi will bo able to sue for n fortune in royalties from Fanny Davenport , Clara Morris and several othoi actresses , including my unfortunate self , However , sutliciont for the daj is the evil thereof. Meanwhile , av rovoir , it is titno for mo to go to the theatre. " An Old Friend. Its wonnflllcted with ft lama bnclc n > ! general iMlll > y ; ho WM rfcoinm n < lci' ' THOMAS' KctKornio QH/ , which euro I hlir at once. Thii fatuous spcclfli ) in n pi > ltlv < remedy for bodily pain. Cdlw NINETY MILKS IN EIGHTY MIN UTES. An Engineer Who Trnvolod from Now York to Philadelphia in Ono Hour aiid Twenty Mlnutoa. From Uio Prootljn Kajle. " 1'vo made some protiy good time mysoH , " said the second onpincor. "I look a train through from Now York to Philadelphia in eighty minutes. " "Oh , that's child's ploy , " naid the firflt ongineor. "Why , man , I'vo made that run myjolf , and with ono piston rod gene at that. It waa a lively trip and don't you forgot it. I'd just got back from a epcoial run up through the coal ropionn , when word cruno that ono of the big guna of the company wished to start at once for Philadel phia. I knew what that meant , so I jumped aboard long-lcggcd Jim , hitched a construction train car behind tha tender , and a drawing-room coach behind that , and reported for duty. I know my angina and I ran up forty pounds more steam than she was marked to carry. When the word came I lot everything slide nnd the old boy jumped in the air. Then ho settled down to his work Everything was clear in front of ua nnd I lot him out for all ho was worth at the start , [ n loss 'on five minutoj you couldn't a counted the telegraph poles , they flew by us BO fast. I had two firemen un' [ just made om rarn their passage from the word go. Old Jim must have oat up two ton o' coal inaido of ton miles. " "What ! " ejaculated the second en gineer. "Suro ! " said the firat engineer. "And wo hadn't been out of the ela tion fifteen minutes before every blasted boiler pipe waa rod hot , and wo had to keep Hooding the cab with ivater to keep from burning the darn thing up. Oh , wo was juat gettin' there , my boy , and I didn't lot up a pound. Every time wo took a curve the outside wheels would bo at least a root up in the air , and once or twice , ho tender jumped clean on to the ties , and old John would yank her bactr again , and " J'Ain't you kind of stretching point ? " asked the second engineer. ' "Not a bit of it , " aaid the first on- jtnoer. "Why , afore wo waa half iay Philadelphia , both of those itokcrs were down on their'knees prayinp , and I had to do the feeding myself until I a wore 'em back to their senses again. Well , everything went well the first two-thirds of the run , ind I was just a whistling to myself iver the record I was piling up , when there came a report like a tiflo , and I knew ono of the blasted piston rods bad busted. There was nothing to io but stop , and I lost ten fixin' up. The big gun left the coach and came down to BOO what was up. 'What's to bo done ? ' said ho. Tvo got ono piston-rod loft'says I , 'and 111 take pou through on time. ' Ho knew mo , and ho juat lit a fresh cigar and walked back to tne coach as contented us a lamb. Well , I just sot those praying firemen ' to work for all they were worth' , and I had her up to sixty pounds over the limit in lees 'on no timo. Then J let her ulido , Lord , Harry , I thought old Jim would jerk the BtufhV out of everything behind him. We just played hop sketch , and i ; don't behove wo touched the rails mbro nor four or five tira'ps a milo. I know it waa § 100 check or nothin' , an' I waa after that chock. Well , those firemen got to praying worse 'en over , arid I had to awear I'd throw them overboard afore they'd come to time. [ tell you wo was juat movin * . Why , tha towns got' ' runnin' 'all together , ind wo had no more 'en got a'squint ' it one station afore wo was five miles past the next one " "HcarJ hear ! " eaid the second engi neer , "that's laying it on too strong. " "True as yoVi'ro hero , " said the first sngineor. "I'd introduce you to the praying llromon , but they cut the bus iness after thut run , nnd I kinder lost light of 'om. Well , wo got within ton nilea ot Philadelphia and I bc-guu to itop her. " "Step hnr1' "Yo.r ; [ know I couldn't do it inside ) ' ton milesaud I didn't quito fetch it it that ; for wlum wo ran into the sta- : ion via smashed in the bumpsrn and ippud up about twenty feet o'tho ) lutform before old long-legged Jim yoiild ugroo the ru woo over , but I jot the check , " mid the Ydiikoo on- ; inopr thoughtfully drained hia glass , IB hia friend ordered the barkeeper to 'sot 'em up again.1' Never Qlvo Up. If you are Buffering with low niul ilo- irosBed Bplrlts , losa of appetite , general lebility , disordered blood , weak constlln- .Ion , hetduche , or any disease of a billon uture , by all inyanu procure a bottle of Blectrlo Blitere. You will bo surprised to ee the rapid improvement that will fol'ow ' ; ron will ba Inspired with new life : itrenjth and activity will returnjpaln nod nlaery will cease , and henceforth you will ejolce iu the praise of Klectrlo Hitters. ! old at fifty ceutu alottle , byO. F. Good. nan. Th Qentlo Way Is Dest. In dyjpcpili , liver omplalnt and con iti'u lion tbo d incased orirani re nnultTJftml tender. Do net uio them oughly. Aimlieiatlve like TAk HINT'S Him * * .miKMT. . that tonei , < err cts and purllies the rttcm without unduly eicMug or Irritating Ither the titouiacb , tbo liver , or tha bowel * , if hetruettpeciaoin ucb casts. Beaten teaiict bis , and experience u5nrraa It. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS , Bnsiness Directory. Abstract and R al batata. JOHN L. HcCAOUK , opposite Pott Offlea. W Tt.nARTT.KTT HIT ftvirhlEth m > l. Architects. OFKKNK A MKNDKLS.10HN , AncniTKCT ! lUxna 14 Crnlghton block. . T. t AhQK Jr. Hoorti t. Ciclghton Ttloek Dooti nd 8ho * . JAMia UnVWE ti CO. . 'Inh llnoto and Hh3 i. Arood aaMrtmeat Gitio wdrx on hand , cornnr Hth and lUrney. HOS. KHICKBON , 8. K. cot. IBth and DctwlM IU loth rtioot , ruinutact'ine tr ' n' t good woi il Nlr nrlctn. RMtlrlnp < jnn . _ l ! s ] Uprlng , bou , now * MHO Uv tion ry. 3. 1. VUUKHAnr tfU F mh m Plml Duller And ERK * . IOKI : U , thooidnt n. nd i < c In NohrwVi niMlilhrm. ] ! On. h UK < fTAUKA.NT , UliH. A. r.YAN , inihrtu ! ooruor IRthixoit UoJisw. But llu r J tor the Monujr. Cttlifactlon UuMnnlrfi ! nil Ilonrj. Ucud liy the D J"Ycok or Month. Good TctiCd ( or Carl ) OtrrlAio nna Road W coni. f V IN Vnr.U. Uth ml llarnev ntrcf It. _ Clothing Uought. I , UAHV.13 will my hlghcftCtsU pries for meoni ndcnthlnf. ! Onrnctilftth ivl r\mli m. oaMra era. * JOHN DAU11KU 1SU I' rah m Streol. Junk. U. HKUTIIOI. ! ) . lUw ml MH > 1. Lumbar Lima mm Cement. K1I1TER A Olt\Y comer Bth > nd Lompi nd Qlattw&ro. I. notfMKU 1800 UangUi St. Good T tl > tr. Merchant r llor . a. A. L1KDQUUST , > na ol our most popular Mcrchnnl Tsllora Ii r - ivlng the latest ilralznj for Spring nd Bummoi ICKX'.S ' ( or pcntlomcne woar. Etyllnli , duntle , md nrlcca low an ever SIB IBtb bet Dauit.A firn , Millinery. IRS. 0. A. niNQKR , Wholesale and ReUtl , F n- v Uoodg In great variety , Zephyrs , Cant Uoirdi , lelory , Qlovcs , Coricti , &o. Chottpott lloiuo In hoWuab. PurcbMcri care S3 per cent. Ordtr y Mail. 115 Fifteenth atrcat. _ rounary * 01IN WKAUNK & BON'B cor. 14th A J > ct on ti r lour end Food. 'HAUAOITY U1LL8 , 8th and raroham BU , Tclshins Bros. , proprietor * . drocera. C. RTEVKNB , 11(1 botwocn Cutnlnj and lur T. A. VlcSITANK. Com. 83d and Onmlng Btroett. rtardwaio , Iron and ttte l. OLA1 } 4 LANaWOnTHY , Wbolesal * , 110 an ? .12 Htb etroot A. 1IOLME3 eorna 1Mb and California. Haroeai , JiJiadloa , Aa n.WKlST to 15th St. hot Faro. & Barmy. Hotels ANFir.LD nonSKOoo. Canflcld.oth & Farnham 10KAN DOUSE , F. B. Gary , 913 Famham'St. ' BLAVEN'8 HOTEL. F. Sliven , 10th Bt 'cnthern Hotel Out. iTamcl Bth ALctvanwortb rug * , Halm na Um. KUUN & CO. 'bkniiaclsta , Fins Vane Uoode , Cor. Itta and Doueii * ktreota. r. 3. VmtlKnoUPE , Wholesale & Retail , 18th ct. t ) . FICLD , 2023 Horlh Blda Oumlng Btreol. FAHU. Dnigglet. 10th and'lloward Stretta. Oentlata. ) B. PAUL Wllllama Ulock Oar. 15th A Podge. Dry uouaa Motion * , ttc. ; OH1 ? n. F. LKliMANN & CO. , ' Ti Ycrh Urf Osadj Bwre. 1E10 and 181 ! rant- bam street. i n. Snfgnld alao hoobi and hoe > APtdfiq ruruiiura. k r. anOSB. Kew and Beoond Hand rnrnltnrt td Btorea , lilt Doncla * . UJcheet caib price ltd ( or second hand good * . BONHKB ISOa'Dtmyla ' H. Flna modi IK. Fcrca Works. OMAHA , FENCE 00. | fjT , FRIES fr CO manarneySkn ImproT * d Ice Eoioo , Ircc acd Wood Fence * , OOlct llpg | . Onnnlf t Pttn and Walnut , _ i r PawnoroKer * . R03KKFELP 10th Bt. . bet far. A Par Kerriitarator * , Oanneld'a Patent. GOODMAN 1th fit bet. Farn. 4 Ulu > ra na looacoa. \TEOT \ ft FK1TEOUER , manufactaren of Cljran , nd Wholcenlo Doalorel n Tobaccos , ISO ! Douglas. I ? F. T.nilF.N'ZKN innniltuctiirnr 141B Farnham f'lorlat. A. nonagbao , plants , cut flowers , teoda , ooqntta Ic. M. W. cor. lOtb and DoupUa ttrcoU. GO To CllAin'3 Qroon Houie 17th i.nd Webster itrcct , for 'lants , Bouquota , F.oiven , Floral Dctlgnf &c. Oornico Worm. Fuatern Cornice Worki , Manufacturorg Iron jrnlco , Tin , Iron and Klato lloofllnj. Orders rom any locality promptly executed In the best iinncr. Factory and Offlco 1213 Harnoy St. 0. 8PECIIT , Proprietor. U lahanlzcd Iron Cornlcoe , Window Caps , etc. , unufocturod and put up in any part of the onntrr. T. 81NHOLU iin Thlrtoonth atroet Civil Engineer * and Surveyor ! . ANDRUW ROBKWATKR. Crolghtsn Block , own Barveya , Qrado and uoweroee Syitems a pcclalty. Uommlaslon Mercrianu. JOHN 0. WIL LISI414 Dodge Street. I B. liUKMEE , For details ece large advertise- lent In Dally and Wefkljr. Crockery. . BOKKKU 1E09 DoaglM Ureet. Good line. Clothing and Furnishing Qocx i. IEO. H. PCTKUSON. AIM BaU , Cape , Boots , hoes Notions and Cutlery. 601 B. 10th street. ttnow Gate Manufitctory.1 O. i , < WILDE , [ anotactnror and Peeler In all kinds ol Show 'MM ' , Upright Cases , & 1817 Caes Bt. FRANK L. OBRHARD , proprietor Omaha bow Caao manufactory , SIB South 16th street , ottvoen Loavonworth and Marcy. All goods rarranted flmt-clam. A. UUHMK8TKU , laalor In ntorco and Tinware , and Manufacturer f Tlu Ilocft and all klndii of Ilulldlux Wort , idd Fellowa * Ulock. U. IMP Douglas fit. cod and Chop. tlOJUn. . KVAMil , Wholrralo and Rutall Givl Drills and ultlvttijfs Od1 1'dUotfj Hall. Hiiriicmna na uurcooita. I. B. OIIlliB , tJ. I ) . , Room No ( , Orelcbton iloelr , 16th ( Street. _ P. U. LKISEiailKO , il. V. Muorilo Block. L L. IIAI'.T , U. D , , Kye and Ear , opp. postoCDco DR. L. B. URADDT. 'onlltt and Anrlat. 8. W 16th and Karnbam Bti Pdoiojjrapncra. QEO , IIKYN , PROP. Crtnd Central Gallery , , Sl'i BUtcenth Btreat. nr Uatonlo Ball. Fust < lae Work and Prompt * oai guaranUop , uaa no Uiontii r-'ttlng. . W. TARPY & CO. , 218 12 Ut , bet Farnbam adVougbM. Workpromp y attended to. D. yiTZPATlHCK. Unuglae Street. n , npor HKNRY A. KOHTKU8. 141 Dodge Street. Choc Btorea. hllllp tan H20 > r > lath H l > h. Uecond Hand btora , KRKIMO & LEAR , UIO Douglas Bt , New tud ; cond Iland Furniture , Ilouna FurnlehlnKaoodi , o. . Imiiyhtand Hold on narrow marirlni UnuiirtKKtiri , PAH. RIEWB. 10U Farnham bet , loth & llld. 00 Oont Otcrt . . 0. DACItUB rVniham St. . Fancy Ooods Ualoona. BENRV KAUFilANH , i tns new brick block on Doughui Btrsul , has Jnit opened a moot elegant ttoai Ball , < Bol Lunch from 10 to 11 every day. CaloJonU " ; , FALCONER (79 16tb Bireel. A TLMONOPOLY LEAGUE. Illanlc incmbendilp roles for the antl-monpoly agu . contalalac aUUmviit ot , principle met. xu ol procedure and Initnittlons bow to organ * o. will begont on application to d. 11. Oals , elioyN b. Enclose stamp. n.l-ll DEWEY FUR I ORCHARD & BEAUT , J.B. FRENCH & CO , , C A R P ETSI G R O C E R SI SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF- : Men's , Boys' .and Children's CLOTHING Beady for Inspection -AT- POLA'OK'S CLOTHING HOUSE. The Lowest Prices Guaranteed , 1316 Farnatn Street , Near 14th. The Oldest Wholesale and Retail JEWELRYHOUSE inOjuaha , Visitors can here find all novelties in SIL VER WARS , CLOCKS , Rich arid Stylish Jewelry , the Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in RECIOU3 STONES and all descriptions of FINE WATCHES at as Low Fri- cesas is compatible with nonorable dealers , Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and. Farnham Streets THE LEAKING music HOUSE aJN TBE VfEST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. " Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices , A SPLENDID stock oi Steinway Pianob , Knabe Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes , Alee Clough & Warren , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pur chasin ? . MAX MEYER & BRO. , , MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW GASES ! Large Stock Aways on Hand. HAS TEE BEST KTOOK IN OMAHA AND MAKES THE LOWESi1 PRIOR The only Furniture House in Omaha that does not deal in Second-Hand Goods , CHARLES SHIVERICK. FURNITURE BEDDING MIRRORS , FEATHERS , Window Shades , Cornices , Curtain Poles , " Lambrequins , Office Desks and Everything - * thing Pertaining to the Furniture . * "J and Upholstery Trade , Q * , GHAS. : SHIVERICK. " " ' " " ' 1206,1208,1210 Faraham ,