Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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Hundreds of Human Bones ii
Ghastly Heaps.
A Mechanical Anatomist Unnts
Hla Horrible Occupation.
Fhllndctptila Fto'S
In a room on the top floor of
somewhat dilapidated house in n littl
cul-do-sao stretching from Tontl
street to the postoflico building tw
men may bo found industriously n
wotk during the business hours of th
day. For a moment as you enter th
long apartment you imagine yourscl
in a wood-carver's workshop , bu
hardly has the supposition flashei
throuuh the brain when the oyi
recognizes the presence of hunut
bones. Piled up on ono side in i
nhastly pyramid are , n number o
skulls ; arrayed on shelves are rev
upon row of thigh and arm bones ; ar
open drawer is full of sections of bapli
bines ; another drawer reveals amis
cullancous collection of small botici
and ribs all in a heap in a corner , and
hanging in bunches from the walls an
breast-bones , jaws , and hero ano
there a baby skeleton or mum mi ( let
M. . limb. The two workmen are mechanical
M.i i cal anatomists. All day long thoj
patiently clean and scrape and polls ) :
tbo osseous remnants of humanity
which a few months previously formoc
dart and portion of living beings
Their dismal surroundings evoke nt
feeling of disgust or horror in then
breasts. Bones to them are eimplj
implements of toil ; death the provide !
of their daily broad.
"You haven't soon the worst yet , '
remarked ono of the men to the visi <
tor , "look over in yonder trough. "
The anatomist was right , -Human
bonoa evoke moro nwo than disgust ,
but the contents of the trough wore
something horriblo. Soaking in
water were heads , arms , logs , hands ,
feet a horrible heterogeneous collec
tion to which many coipsea hud evi
dently contributed )
"That's the way wo got them from
the hospital , " said the anatomist ,
i ; looking rather tin prised othis visitor's
rcpugnanco at the sight. "There's
nothing offensive about them bits of
stiffs ; they're all embalmed. Why , I
think no moro of picking and cleaning
ono of them limbs , " ho continued ,
helping himself to an arm out of the
trough , "than I should of picking a
chicken bono. Science must have
specimens by which to study. New ,
in my opinion , the human form ,
divested of all its flesh and muscles
. and sinews , looks very protty. Why ,
I find my work particularly interest
ing. After the doctors have finished
dissecting a subject , I buy the rem
nants. Ono condition is exacted of
mo which I always fulfill. The flesh
I acrepo off the bones I take back to
the hospital , where it is buried in the
pit there. I receive orders for skele
tons , skulls and other portions of
human anatomy from all parta of
America , and a very profitable busi
ness it is. Any skull after I've fin
ished it off will f etch mo $10 ; while a
whole framu fitted with best copper
wires , gristle intact on the sternum
and all bones perfect , is worth at least
$100. "
"But skeletons must bo made up of
bones formerly belonging to ditforent
.persons ; you can't possibly sort out
that moss in the trough , " observed the
Visitor. , * .
"That's so , But every bond is
pretty evenly matched , though proba
bly the thigh bono of ono imiu very
often shares u plaaa case in a museum
with the shin bono of another man
whoso acquaintance he never made in
lifo. Seine anatomists are a little
carol0s , I have mynolf soon a female
skull on n male structure. Bones
will got mixed , however , and I. defy
anybody to sort shin bones into legiti
mate pairs. I often think of an epi
taph 1 ouco read when I look at a
heap of ribs lying ono on top of the
other. A man burled three wives in
ono grave. Some yeara afturwurd
he wished tp remove the ruinainn of
his latest wife from the city church
yard where all throe upouses were in
terred , to a country cemetery. Upon
opening the grave it waa found that
the coffins and bones had beoomo
very much mixed , so that it was im
possible to toll which was which. He
accordingly gave up his intention of
removal , but caused the old inscrip
tion on the tombstone to bo erased
and those lines to be Inscribad in its.
1 place
Beneath this heap of mouM'rlofj ttones ,
llspoao the reinafut uf Murth v Jonen ,
Mixed up In KOUIB liiexpltoabla maunor
With all tbat i left of Matilda aud Han
nah ,
"Do you always rolain the tooth in
the skulls ? "
"As a rule , yes. Still ; wo have a
good many ever from skulls which
nave beuu too much damaged by the
surgooii'd kmfo fortpdcimuns , These ,
if in good condition , are sold to dentists
tists , In the years immediately fol
lowing the war , I used to discover u
good deal of gold filling in teeth , now
it is quite n ruro occurrence , Under
ordinary circumstances it is hardly to
bu expected Unit parsons who die pau-
par tiuaths ut hospital * would over
Jiavo had money unough lu put gold in
the'tr mouths ; but after the war omli
waa very plentiful , and the fuct show
ed itself in teeth as in everything else.
People suddenly bucuuio rich and
went in for luxuries , gold teuth , Isnp-
poae , among other things ; than us
quickly became poor uguiii uiid died in
the pour ward , Suoh U life , u con
stant J-1"10 ° f I" " pins up ono mo-
inent and down the next. If BOUIO of
those grinning skulls could talk , wu
might near sumo strange stories. Qlad
to GOO yon , sir , whenever you feel in
clined to cull again. "
Death of a Woman Who Was Dorr
at Mount Vernon Nlnetr-flvo
Youru Ago , and Who Lived
There 'iill After WusU-
ington'd Doutn.
> ' H w Vork lUift'.d , June * .
A remarkable woman has just diet
Y at Richmond , Vu. She wss perhapi
the last living human being who hat
seen and talked with Washington
notwithstanding the number of strag
gling protendura who occasionally ap
pw r before the public as claimants foi
this honor , Mra , Young , the jwrsot
to whom reference is made , was tin
last nurnvlrtR child of Oon. Washing
ton's atoward , Anderson , the hones
'ind frugnl Scoschman , who for ai
many years had control of hi
domestic affairs at Mount Vurnon , He
maiden sister , Ml > s Nellie Anderson
died in Richmond more than fifteoi
advanced of Oo
years ago at the ngo
.ind now the venerable tutvivor dc
putts this life after having lived ex
aotly the same lonnlh of time. Shi
was born at Alt. Vernon in 1787. Foi
moro than sixty year * she had rusidec
in Richmond , ro-peoted by the ontin
comtnunily and beloved by all whos <
privilege it was to enjoy her im
mediate acquaintance. Ilematkablc
for strength of body as well as vigoi
of mind , she had perfectly retained
until within the past ' > " dfty > MCo1
kotionn of the early jtnrt ol
her lifo at the homo of Wash
itiglon. To all who conversed will
hir on this subject , and its intoroatinj
as'ociotions aho gavp , without osten
tation , Batifaclory replies. To grea
dignity of bearing slio united thai
ttuo modesty so characteristic of tin
rtal woman , She died na cho hac
lived a devout Christian. The writoi
of this sketch conversed with her ii
years past upon subjects connected
with her lito at Alt. Vernon. tiht
was 13 years of ago when the head ol
that bereaved household and the na
tion died , and , of course , could re
member many incidents of her child
hood. The account she gave of what
she insisted was the real cause ol
Washington's death differs much from
that given by historians generally.
Although all ncrrco that the attack
which carried off the illustrious man
waa brought on by his exposure on a
cold December day while taking his
ustul ride on horseback , yet oven
; his might have been averted
md not the incident occurred
which is now qivon as it came from
the lips of Airs. Young : "Tho iron-
oral had returned from his ride cold
and shivering , had retired to the house
and was actually about to take , his
dinner when a message came to him
rotn ft boatwright whom ho had cm
> loyod , and who desired immediate
nstructions before ho could finish the
) o\t ; upon which ho was at work.
Vashingion , probably somewhat frot-
ed at the untimely interference , liur-
icd down to the nvor bank without
mt or overcoat , and stood exposed to
lie chilling blasts that blew over the
'otornnc. Bis anxiety to finish the
msinoas kept him there too long ,
'ho consequence waa a violent ncocs.
ion to the cold ho had already taken ,
which1 ; during the following night ,
ulimrwted in the attack which so soon
roved fatal. "
Mrs. Young always took great
ilcaguro in dwelling upon the good-
less and uniform kindness of GOD.
nd Airs. Washington to all connected
rith their establishment. It must bo
omomborod that at that time the
olativa social positions cf dependents ,
omdstics , and the great proprietors
Hrero strongly contrasted. The aris-
.ocratio sentiment prevailed , and
bout the "great house , " as it was
ailed , a moro than ordinary sense of
we presided. With this worn con-
eoted the strictest rules of decorum ,
gainst which it was moro than trca-
m to err. Notwithstanding thi * ,
lie children of all the adjoining
ousoholds wore free to corao and go ;
nd Mis. Young and her plater often
ompod on the porticos and
hrrugh the hall of the stately man-
ion with the children the Fairfaxes ,
Jurtlses , and Lewises , some of whom
rero constant guests of Gen. anil Mrs
VushtngtoD. Indeed , she h * > told
.ho writer thai she and her sister were
rarely permitted to retire from the
> rosonco of Mrs. Washington before
laving received some token of kind-
loss in the way of fruit , cake , and
ach like , and that on , no occasion did
lie General pass them without a
indly greeting. She took special
leauuru in referring to an inoidont in
which Washington's atopsou , young
ustis , and llawlins , one of his mium-
era , met with n aero discomfiture ,
'ho two were indulging their favorite
astiino of dancing and fiddling , Ous-
a being the dancer and Rawlins the
ddler , when to their surprise and
iamay the Uonoral futepped suddenly
pen the oeuo. Wo may well im-
gino the effect of so august a pros-
nee at suoh a moment.
The air of Mount Vurnon must
iayo been conducive to longevity.
Vashington'a favorite negro hunter
nd body servant during the war ,
Vill Leo , lived to bo moro than a
lundred years old. Thomas Bishop ,
lis English servant , who had been
with Braddook in the saino capacity
m the continent and in America , UL
o the time of the lattor's death , and
who at1 the dreadful day of Alonon-
( ahela diuoucuned Washington from
lis slaughtered horse and lifted him ,
worn and weak , upon the back ol
another , also survived to nearly the
auia length of duya , and so did old
'Father ' Jack , " the African iUhor-
nan , whoso duty it was to tmpply tin
ublt ) at Mount Vernon with fish from
Im waters of the Potomac.
Not u Bovcr Ko.
"They are not a liuvorugo , but c
nodioine , with ounitiva properties ol
ho highest dogreu , containing lie pooi
whisky or poisonous drugs. They dc
lot tear down uu ulroady dobilitnled
ystum , but build it up. . Ono bottlt
iontuins moro hops , that is , moro real
lop strength , than a barrel of ordinary
> eer , Every druggist in iloohuutot
ells them , and the physicians pro-
oribo thoin.Kvening Express on
lop liitiure.
A Wonderful Word Ptoturo of the
1'rulrlo of tuo Eubt ,
i-roin "Magjarland. "
At first the plains softly undulating
ire dimpled hero and theiowith shady
lollows , while like golden islands in
an ocean of vivid green lie long
stretches of yellow colza and ripeninu
corn. On the goutly rising upland
Bender a dark speck appears against
: ho sunlit sky , gradually it elongates ,
and we hear a voice singing in a quiv
ering trublo some national idyl. It in
* husbandman emerging from the
hollow and trudging homuward alons
the crest of the undulation. Then all
it silence and solitude unco more , till
coming tp a standstill at ono of the
primitive wells by the roadside , ve
hoar the distant rumble of a wagon as
its wheels grind heavily along , the
driver of it singing , as he go ? * , a
melancholy ditty in the minor key.
Then one by one the villages and soli'
taryfsrms lying on the horizon die
away , and wo enter the boundtes
plains. How lonely we fool , and wha
tiny atoms of creation , with no Ob
j cts to measure ourselves by save bird
of prey , and the white clouds sailini
far up in the great , blue , glorims oky
Our carriage , though imposing only ii
the matter of size , proved very com
fortable , its ponderous hood shicldini
us from the heat of the sun , savi
where , taking mean advantages of thi
weak places in its constitution , it she
fiery arrows in upon us , scurcoly less
piercing than those that p mr down
npon the head of the traveler in thi
disort. The eun reflects itself in tht
white and dusty road. Above the
soil on either side there is a flickering
motion of the air like the haze from i
limo kiln. Everything is hot anc
dusty ; not an insect is soon hovonnt
ab ut the low bushes which now and
then skirt our pathway All nature
is taking its sicstiu'n the dreamy noon ,
tide , and nothing is awake but the
scarlet pimpornal that with wido-npar
unblinking tyo looks straight up al
the b'azlng ' Min. Wo now como to
marshy district , where a lonely heron
is contemplating its lovely imago in t
small still pool , and then away wo go
again out into the broad purple
patches of newly upturned toil , bandi
uf emerald corn and speckled stroake
of tobacco , with ita largo red and
green' leaves , and on through
cool labyrinths of maize , till
wo como to vast tracts of uncultl
vated lands , where wild horses wiUi
flying mattes go scrampering across iti
BUrfaro with all the natural grace ol
untamed things. AB day advances
and the shadows of the clouds bogie
to lengthen across the plains , a breeze
springs up and plays about us softly ,
rustling the larqo , white , surplice-
like sleeve of the driver's garment ,
but not sufficiently strong to stir hie
black and flowing locks , which ,
weighted with some unctuous matter ,
rest calmly on his shoulders. Out
nearest town is Votzprim , but at the
pace wo arn at present going wo are
scarcely likely to reach it before night-
Pall , if then. But what does it matter -
tor , when wo hai o the whole of to
morrow , and the next day , and tbo
day after that , aye , and our whole
ivcs , to do the distance in if neces
sary ? How delightful to enjoy for
Dnco the true feeling of rest in this
world of hurry-scurry , where wo are
> ut tQo often compelled to live at
tngh-prossurel Lot , oh ! let us for
Dnco take lifo easily under the broad
ind peaceful canopy of Heaven , and
reduce the dolcefer nicntc to a ecionco.
"Every Ono Was Astonished. "
NEWCASTLE , Ind. , May 30 , 1881.
H. H. WAHNKU & Co : Sirs About
I years ago I was stricken with calcu-
us of the kindneys. The boat physi
cians could do mo no good I used
pour Safe Kidney and Liver Cure
\nd ove'ry ono was astonished at my
jomploto and rapid recovery.
Tbo Diflorence in Olrls.
3oo. W. 1'cok.
An old man got into a street oat
with his umbrella as wet as it is possi
ble for un umbrella to bo. The seats
trero all full , and ho closed his urn-
> rella and put the point down on the
Soar , as ho supposed , but in fact he
mt it right into the low shoe of one
if these sweet , modest girls , right on
o her stocking , and the dirty water
moro than poured down into the shno , '
At first she looked as though she
would move her foot , and call his
attention to what ho was doing , but
she seemed to relent , and , with'i
ilgned expression , as though she
hoped ho was not going to ride many
blocks , or perhaps somebody would
jot out and give him a seat , she
looked out of the window. Once she
( noved her head as though she would
look down at her shoe to see how near
full of water it was. After a few
minutes she began to shiv r , which
: vas conclusive evidence to eomo that
; ho water was coming up around hoi
; nstop , and gradually overflowing the
banks. Finally she became nervous ,
and when a girl begins to get nervous
lomothing has got to bo done. She
Pushed and touched him on the hand
; hat hold the umbrella handle with
tar little fluttering finger and said ,
"May I ask you , sir , without seeming
to bo impolite , to do me
a favr ? " "Why , certainly , miss , "
eaid the old man , as he looked
down at her , "What is it ? "
"Will you please take you umbrella
out of my shoo fora moment , and lol
mo take the shoo off and empty iti' '
"For , heaven's sake , miss , was my umbrella <
brolla in your shoo ? I beg tmrdon,1
and ho took it out. "It's of no consequence <
quonco at all , " said the little lady , ai
tilio turned up her shoe on the side
and lot the black cimpbrio 'water out ,
"Thoro , you can put it right back , 01
if you would prefer a dry shoo foi
your umbrella you can put it in thit
other ono. " But the old man blush
ed and moved off to the other end ol
the cur , and stepped on another girl'i
foot. The other girl was not thai
kind of a retiring child of nature , and
she looked up ut the old blunderbua !
with fire in her eye aud evury tedhnii
on her head moaning buaiiitwa , said :
"Can't you keep off of people'a fuel'
You batter ride in a sprinkling curl
when you go anywhere , Why don'l
you look where you are walking ? ]
don't see what the city bought a stone
crusher for , when you could walk on
i > stone quarry and furnish cobble
stones for pivomont ; " The old man
pulled the boll rene , and putting hie
umbrella under Ins arm ho walked the
nholo length of the car , knocking oil
suvural huts with his umbrella , but lit
didn't icaslnuiy feet , for all the pas-
vengura put their foot under the suat.
ft brata till what a dill'ormico there in
11 girlt.
Nil Denporaudum.
When your girl fives you the mitten , and
you feel your heart la broke ,
Don't nlva way to black despair , hut treat
It ua a joke.
Oft your health in firot c'nsa order , a lot
tie of SriiiNo LLOSSOM Imy ,
Aud K'flly Join u tinging class , and foi
another sweetheart try.
Price 60 ceuU , trial buttlea 10 cents.
JuuU-OiMw ,
In K < > In | [ Kwl Uka Ui
. enWATT. .
Trains leave Oman * 8:10 : p. tu , and TiO : a. m
ifull information call on 1U. P. DUKL , Tlckol
Agent , lith and r rnnam ats. J. BELL. U. P
Boll way D potorM JAHK8T. OtAKKCI D r
uaU. talTmfct U
Murray Iron forks ,
Burlington Iowa.
Offlcos ,
Etc. ,
© A Specialty ,
The Largest Iron Working Establish
ment in the State.
Steam Engines ,
The Howard Automatic Cut-Off
Steam Engine.
Send for Clicubrs , m23-lm
( Snooosior to D. T. Mount. )
Manufa'.lurcr and Dealer tn
Saddles , Harness , Whips ,
RODBS , Dusters and Turf Goods
Agent far Jos. R. Hill & Co.'a
"The Best ia The World , "
Ordcri Eollcltcd. OMTAHA , NEB
mo ly
Corner Fourth and Locuil Streets.
J.H. KDUST , - - Prop-
Rooms , 70o , § 1 , and $1,50 lor Day
AnilcRant Ko-tiu > ar.t I'coniicctcd with thi
haaxa whom mi al < are H.ivcdatreasonabl ptlcns
Open y and night. _ nrlOc
Murray & Lanman's
Best frr TOILET , BATH
The Most Successful Remedy over dlecov.
ered , as it la certain In Us effects and does not
Jllster. READ PROOF UELOW. Also excellent
'or ' human. flanh.
ffashlngtcnvllle , Ohio , Juno 17 , 1881. DB
H. J. KRNDALL , & Co. : Qeuts Reading your ad
vertisement In Turf , Field and Farm , -of your
Kondill'a Spavin Cure , ard having a valuable
and speedy ho o which had bcon lame from
spavin for eighteen months , I sent to you for a
bottle by express , which In six weeks removed
all lamenns and enlargement and a large splint
trom another hone , and both horses are to-day
astound as colta. The one bottle was worth tome
mo one hundred dollars Respectfully
yonn , II. A. BIRTOLBTT , M. D.
Send for Illustrated circular giving positive
proof. Price (1. All Drupglats have It or can
jet It for you. Dr. B. J. Kendall & Co ? , Pro
prietors. Enosburgh Fails , Vt.
rl-wly _
The feeble and cmauatcu tutlurlnt' from dvs-
| < epmicrlndl > ; o < tloii | nuiivfarm'are d\l8d , for
ilia Lo of their own I'odlly and mental comfort ,
to try Iloatottcr fttomaoti Bitti rs I , dlcii o
the ir.o-it I'ullcite constltiit'ou ' tottitf to Its harm-
le s 6iU restorative properties. Pjiyilclanj
eurrwhcrr , ( lls uJod with the ajuiter > t..d
liquors of tommeroe , preecrlho It aj iliuiafo.t
i'linojt ' reliable of altstniuachlcs.
For bale by all Jruirirtt and doalerv generally
' _ al tn nil
To Nervous Sutterers
Dr , J. B , SimpBon'a SpooJflo
It la a po | UTOCuro for Bpcrmatouhea , !
Wroknta , ImroUocy , and all dlruux.rMiiltloc
from Bclf-AbuM , ut llcntal Arulety , LOHI
Ucuorr t'ftlru In tlio li&clt or BIJfj and dUcxset
. , , . .
t. - that lead to
lh HpaclOc
Modlc'.DO | c
being ui d
with wonder.
fill BUCCCM.
3nnir7o"to"iij. Write for them ted g lull p .
Price , Bpedflc , tl.OO per j ck 2e , or li rack.
No * . IM od 106 Main Bt. BufliJo , N. Y.
BoM luOmaha b a * . Ooodmap , J. W , IfcU ,
J. K. lib. md JI 4ruKll v rywhM .
urt heartburn.
Mr * J , n. llobcrtton , rittxtiuw , Pa. , write * : "
was suffering from general dcbllltj' , want of ap
petite , constipation , etc. , BO th < it IIfo vra ft but
den ; alter u lnf ? Runtocl ; Dlooil lllttorl I felt bet
tcr than for j cars. I cannot praise your Bitter
too much. "
Jl.Olbbs. of Cuffulo , N. Y. , writes : "Tou
Burdock moc i Bitter * , In chronic dlic&aca ol thi
blood , liter a > .J kldncrs , hnvo been elfnall ;
marked with succcJ. 1 have used them mj-fcf
with best results , for torjiklltj' of the liver , find Ii
cviQot n friend of mlno nuucrln ; ( romdroiuy
the effect was marvelous. "
Bruce Tumor , Rochester , N. Y./wrltcs'l havi
been nubjcet to serious disorder of the kidneys
and unable to attend to business ; Burdock Blooi
Bitters rcllei cd mo before half n bottle waa used
I feel confident that ( hey will entirely euro me , "
> Ascnlth Hall , Blnghampton , N. Y. , wrltoc
"t suffered with a dull pain through uir cfi
lung and shoulder. Lost injr splrlu , appetlti
and color , and could with dlillculty keep up al
day. Took } our Burdock Blood Bitters as dl
reeled , and ha > e felt no pain since first week at
ter ualuu them , "
Mr. Noah Kates , Elralra , N , Y. . writes : "Abou
( our J cars ago I had an attack ol bilious f over , am
novcr fully recovered. My digestif o orftani
cro w cakcncd , and I would bo completely pros
trated for days. After using two bottles nt you ,
Uurdock Blood Bitter * the ! mprovcment was K
vl Iblo that I was Mtonlihed. I can now. thougl
01 yean of ago , do a fair and reasonable dny'i
0. BUckct Robinson , proprietor of The Canadi
Presbyterian , Toronto , Ont. , writes : "Forycari
I suffered neatly from oft-recurring headache. :
used your Burdock Blood Bitten with happlcs
results , and I now find mrnelf In bettor bcalU
than for years pott"
Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ' ! havi
used Burdock Blood Bitter * for nervous and bll
lous headaches , and can recommend It to anyoni
requiring a cure for bllllousncss. '
Mr * . Ira Mullnolland , Albany , N. Y , writes
"For Bc\cml years 1 ha\o buffered from oft-roctu
ting bllllous headaches , dyspcrala , and com
plaints peculiar to my tcx. Smco using you
Burdock Blood Bitters I am entirely relieved. "
Price , PI.OO pei Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 CU
FOSTEft , MILBURN , & Co , .Props .
Sold at wholesale by Ish Ii McMahon and 0. V
Goodman. Jo 27 cod-mo
„ . If jo'iaroisnnn
enul 1'f tl ) strain or .
/our dtttlM avoli' wore , to . - <
ftliuulautiand ut9 torn brain uvtv e itut *
Hop Bittcro t , u > H0 | > C3 <
If j on are remit : and iitrcrlnKfiomfti.T ti
dlecixtlon or Umi If you an , ria ?
iri 01 KlfiBle , old or "cninp , raircrlKf frcn
posrlwtltb orUcpulvi lntr oj n bcs : : cicL
ueso , rtly on Hop B.ttyre. .
IVhoercr yonnrc. h < ymnas ae AT
.ihenocr you Ircl
that yo r s jet * in I
ft. < o&-
Or I. O
nnil trreslsts
ble cure to.
tauth , > lootf ,
dru&teenno s B
use of opiurj
You will do tbbnoco.a
rn red If JOIIHSC
Hop Bitters
Ifyon re > lm-
rlsti S nJtci
nly r > ei > k and ClrculucS
low Hlrltc < ltry Clrculuc
iti it may
t uve your .
lifo. It has ,
ssvcd hun- ilfc tlerly
3 redo AT rooto.Oct ,
Dlseaso Is an ( ffctt , not a cause. Its orlijlti Is
within ; Its manlfoatatlons' without. Ueiiro , to
euro the disease the CACSB must ba removed , and
in no other way can a euro ever to cffoited ,
XjIV R CURE is establUhed OB Juat tbU
principle. 1C rtalltcs tbat
95 Per Cent.
ol all diseases arize from deranged kidneys and
liter , audit ( titles at once tt the root of 'the
difficulty. The elimects of which It Is composed
act directly upon these great organs , both as i
rooo aid RZATOHII , and , by ptocltg them In i
nealthy , condition , drive dUea e and pain from
the system.
For the Innumerable troub'es caused by un-
Itealthy Kldnejs. Liver and Urinary Organs ; foi
the dutretnlnir Dhordersol Women ; for Ma'ari * .
and phyislotl deiangtments generall ) , thisgreaj
rem dy hai no equal , litwaro i.f Impostors , 1m
itatlops tnd c-onccctlonitBaltl tn be Just as good ,
or sain by all dralort.
mo Kootiestor It. Y.
The Great Lnglieh Kemody
iNerer falls t cuie
iN'crvous Debility , VI.
Uil Kxliauntlon , KmU <
Ions. Hemlnal WeaL-
HOOD , and all the
rvll effects of ) outh <
lul follies aud CXCCH-
, . It stops penua <
laoiiUyall weakening.
Invol untary lotiu s aud
JilraliK upon the uj -
Jteui , tlu'IninltnMo re-
ult of thua ovilnrao-
ticca , which are BO destructive tomlml and body
uid taaku lifo miserable , oltcii Icudlnj : to Insani
ty and death. It rcn thons the Ninen.Hmlii ,
( mfmorrt Illood , Muj lea , Dlyoktlxo and llopro.
diutlvo Orioiw , It restores w all the otvanln
functions their former vigor and vitality , iua.
Unir life cheerful and onjoyabte. 1'rico , fJ u
.ottlo , or four times tt.e quaiulty (10. Bent bj
oxprcua , secure from obsvrvatloii , to anyaddrcsj ,
on receipt ol price. No. 0. O. I ) , writ ,
on rocdpt of 81 as a guam-iuc , letters n-
RuoatliiK answers must Inclose Ntarap ,
Dr. Miutift'a Dtindelion PiUs
MO tt I best ami cheapest d > sK | ) a aud blllloae
cuiu I < the market. Bold by all drugK ts. I'rlcc
60 cents ,
Uureaillklndof Kidney and hladdtr Lomulalnte.
gonorrhea , gleet and leucorihca. fat tale oy all
uau sl8La ; : 81 a bottle.
718 Olive St. , tit. I-ouIn , Mo.
For Bale in Omaha by
Jan 6-lv
A Cart Gu&rantnail.
Dr. K. C. Wont u Nurvo and ilraln Treatment
A speclllo for Hyeterla , fliiluntj , Convultioua ,
Nctyouj Headache , Menial Deprewlon , last ol
Ucmory&pcrmatorrhaiaIiuuoteDy , Involuntary
Froliwlons , Premature Old AKO , c uvod by ovtr-
exortlon , self-abuM , or over-lndul cnco. which
leads to misery , decay and death. One box will
curoreitotcatcs. Ea h box conUlnsonemonth'i
treatment. Ono dollar a box , or nix boxen foi
Q > e dollars , ' sent by mall prepaid on receipt of
price. We guarantee six boxes to curt any caso.
With each order received by us for six boxes , so <
comp&nle4 with five dollars , will send the purchaser -
chaser our written tniarantM to return thi
money If the treatment does not effect a CUM.
0. t. Goodman , Druggist , Bole. Wholesals aad
rtrul Ag n ( , OmiaDi , Neb , Orders by mall al
BtulUotlea. dkwlT
Storage , Oommissioji and Wholesale Fruits ,
Agents for Peck & Bausliors Lard , and Wilbor Mills Flonr
, - - -
Boots and Shoes.
O. IF1.
Window and Plate Glass. "
43TAnyoco contemplating t < ullitn ? store , bank , or any other flno front , will Dcd It to their ad
vantage to ccrrvs end withujbcfoiopuichaslrg their Plato Glass.
OMAHA - - - NEB.
IEO. .
1213 Farnhsm St. . Omaha ,
' 9
On River Bank , Bet. Farnliam and Douglas Sts. ,
Fire and Burglar Proo
1020 Farnham Street ,
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies , '
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
1118 FARNAM ST. - - . OMAHA
_ J )
'o ;
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Near Union Pacific Depot , - OMAHA
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
A. L. BTRANG205 F " * 8t , , Omaha