Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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The Dai IY Bee
"Wednesdiv Mornin ? , Jure 7
Weather Koport.
( Tha following obaervntlnns are taken at
the same moment ot time at all tbe eta-
tionsnatned. )
W a DirAktMnrr. U. B , B to tit , BKRVICS , \
O i n June . ! < 'V4K n m. f
> J
II s
< L
Dtnter. . . , . 2981 70 Piosh ar
Cheyenne. . g i } 71 8\V Kicil ( leir
VTMhakle. . . 11.8 * ' .lKht Pur
Flitta. . . . . ! KrOrh Filr
OmthA.i. . . II II BW Fri h Ooir
\aibtan . . 31.01 W llrlik Oc r
DM Molnoj , J ) . 1 W fob lour
Davenport. . MM 7 W Fioh 0 nr
It. Paul. . . . 29 91 HW ItrUK lar |
nt Loula 31 19 rf Firth CUir
Hljihewl. . 0 81 3W Rri alr
21 70 Fre'h l'lr
imrord. . . . 19 8S Light Cle r
Cniter. . . . . 1i 70 Mifl t Clou Iy
' ' adwood. 71 NB Ocnr
Amlnthnlnn HI
Klier 8 fr t 0 luthe nnova hljih ttur tua
4 feet E Inchru at Vankton.
A little son of Mr. Joseph llcatty
fc'l off n fence , in South Omitm , Sunday ,
and broke liU nun.
A llttlo boy named Knott , nbont nix
years of nge , WUH kicked la the breast i n
SunJny luni by n borHJ and co badly in
jured tint btaiecovoiy s doubtful.
John Strap , the man wl o tried to
steal the till from the Tlvnll Garden yes
terday , wan soot up * by Judge IJoncko for
twenty-five dy % nnd ( sentenced to make
doable rcitltutluu and pay the cott-i of the
Dr. ] lgotH , while descending from A
temporary cUlmay nt Dr. Mercer's bam
l ! yesterday , fell or.d bruko his leg at the an
tramps wore pulled in lion
day and five vent up for ton days n
hard labor , tha other two beingdli
charged ,
Unity Social rlub will fltve nn enter
talnmont and supper at Standard ho !
thin evening , with inuslo by Stein
T I'durcho-trn.
A couple of very respectable lookinj
women were ntrestcd MdvltilT at tnld
night on the charge of keeping n house ol
ill-fame. They deny Itviry bitterly.
' The Northwestern la as solid n the
Uank of England , and gives Life Insur
ance cheaper than any other company in
the world. John Steel , agent. jant3-rno
A complaint has been filed against
two small boyi > , Sletz and Yowttt , for
throwing brick-bats at another juvenile ,
Frank Kubobeo ,
The Omaha tcimsters hold their regu
lar meeting a Tivuli hall , Panmm aud
Ninth , Wednesday evening , June 7. All
teamsters respecUvtly invited. By order
f o T. J. Quick , Bojrctar.r.
An individuil nrnxted for sleeping on
the sidewalk was d scharjcd , an theio { 4
no law preventing a man from making Ira
bed where he like * so long ai he intoi feres
with no one ;
A wooden tramway hai been built by
ffjntraotor 'Il ' > b1uson for carrying the
earth in cars from the g < ad on , Farnara
etreetto tbe vicinity "of Twonty-ietond
street , where half ; of it is to bo used to fill
up tbe hollow ,
, The band connected with'the Tony
Denier'"Humpty Damply" party , gave avery
-very fine street Bert-undo t-day. The
hart-shooter on tbo front coat Is nn expert -
pert nt filing cards into doorways and upper -
per windows.
, A. leading Omaha attorney severely
punished a wealty real estate man In the
counting rnom of the Oniiha Natlonnl
bank , Mi nday , the latter itriking the
first blow. Unfortunately the ciinbatants
were separated at this juncture.
Wd nro inforuiel thut tbo Wide
Awake council NJ. 401 , of the American
Xeglon of Honor , are remo\lng to % larg
and moro oummndlou * hall i.bovo Ken
nard Broa' , drug store , where they propon
to hold n reception on Monday , Juno 12
1882 , to which members of other council
will be invited.
A vicious dog on Douulos street bl
Oapt. Frank Kent quito severely on Bun
day evening , and another caused a tovor
'A j runaway on Sixteenth street the same day
II by catching at a hono'a hevls. It Is Urn
tbo dog ordinance was being enforced
it is absolutely ilangerons to co n'ong ' Far
aam or Douglas without watching th
vicious curs that infest them by scores.
Thd citlxens of Grand Island bad
1 1 meeting on Tuesday , the 30th ult. , to con
elder the tubjeci of a proper obiervance o
July 4th , which h not only iu < Jcpendenc
day but this 3 eir the quarter-centennla
anniversary of the settlement of Hal
county. 'J he secretary was instructed
invite Gen. J. O. Coivln , of Omaha , nm
Gen. J. M. Thayer to be present and de
deliver oratloni , and nlsutj extend r ;
lal mv.tattons to Hon. Jumc K , Dot d
and Uon , ( iaorga L. Hillor , of Omthi , to
lo present ou 1 j > in ia ( he festivities Incl
dent to theooailon ,
Wm. Olnrk , a volunteer fireman , wr a
arrestedjes'erday on a compUInt uiadi
ia police court , chan.tnj him with com
pllolty in the mbbery nt the fire at Mr
Abert'n homo on the moinln 'of Mayl' tb
A gold Witch and chain , valued at $133 ,
and alleged to have been stolen by Clark ,
have been recoveredaud are in poesesalor
of tha dlitnct attorney. This completes
Ibo roc ivery of tbe stolen property , which
comprised two gold necklaces nn J alojk.t ,
which wore found in poues tun of Carr
Keudall , an ex-paid flremtn , anl his mis-
trew , and two diamond rings and a pin ,
ill tf which ft-e now dther in poue nlon
of iho nut hoi I tie * or the owner. Olark
gave bail f iir his appearance.
The funvial of the late Wm. M.
Jteese took place from TinJoitaker.Jacob. '
looms yesttrdsy under the ftmj.lceu ol
( Seo. A. Custer i-ott No. Jt G. A K. , who
turaed out quite A detachment for the
jHirpiuo , The interment took jJare at
Prospect Hill. Thomas D , Jtowlandr , a
brother of tbe widow arrived from Sheloy ,
.Iowa , ia time to attend the funeral. The
Grand Anay boy * have dotte an act that
; tie j ewUarlj' consoling to the unf r *
' i fftwily , ' aad will probably aid them
a better position than they
iMtbytkenddb of tbe husband
A. Probability of ah Bnormou
Manufaoturing Inatituticn
for Omaha.
A Valuable Addition to the Industries
trios of tbo City.
On Sunday last Messrs. Rico oni
Mason , of Das Moines , IOVTA , nrrivoc
in this city on n mission which , if BUG
ceseful , will bo extremely beneficial tote
to U.rmha and to the stnto.
These gonllomon hnvo the controll
ing influence in n now company formct
in Dos Sloines for the purpose o
going into the manufacture of barbec
wlro fencing , The comp\ny lion n
capital of $00,000 nnd have already
begun preparations foractivoly pushing
the work at that point , a quantity o
machinery nnd other equipments be
ing now on the ground. They do nof
however , find the field na promising
an one ns they had anticipated , nm
consequently camo.lo Omaha to confer
for with totno of our loading men , in
wealth nnd enterprise , upon the
project of n removal to Omaha , whicl
can now bo done with the full con
sent of their own company , and with
out inclining nny great lota , a.i the
machinery is ntilt in a shape to bu
readily tMnbferrod.
'NVhat they desire is to form a large
compiny hero with capital Bufliciout
to carry on thn manufacture on n very
lnij ; < pcalo. They nro entirely out oi
the Monopoly nnd hive patents of
their own , BO that tburo is no infringe-
munt , and they propose to giva the old
ininufiicturcra a hard pull for su
Alter establishing themselves thor
oughly at Omaha tlu-y desire , should
the company think it advisable , to es
tablish brunches else whore throughout
the stnto. In order to make the en
terprise a success they with to com
bine with mm of reputation and capi
tal and form a solid cotnp my that can
givn the monopoly a big deal.
They wanted to see wlmt oncoura o-
mont they could gut , and hence were
busy during tlio r slay Monday in
: omer neo with yarioua parties , the
result of which will bo known in a
'o r days.
V. Summary of tno Proceedings Bo-
fcra Judge Savage "Xoatcrday.
The district court resumed its ses-
ion at 9:30 a. m. yesterday , at which
imo Judge S.wago rendered his do-
isionain various oisos which hav
eon carried over from last term , non
f which wore of any great public iu
Sidney Smith , the ox agent of th
Vheelor & Wilson Sjwing Machin
lompany , whoso record in this city
nd subsequently nt Little llock , Ar
micas , are well lcnovn ) to the public
as arraigned aud plena to five in
ictmonta for embezzlement , no
uilfy , and was remanded.
The caio ot McCormick ngains
.iowo , proceedings in replevin , wm
ling argued when the rrportor left
his cosu is ou the third trial in this
) urt.
. F.Willrodtaoln ? to the Nlobram
Mr. Henry F. Willrodt , who has
> on for many yeara a resident of this
ty , where ho nerved the government
the capaolty firat of atorolcceperanc
ibiequently gau ur at the Willow
wrings distillery , has boon assignee
i duty in the Niobrara country. It
as a great surprise to his friends who
arnod the news Monday and thi
Njrots expressed are general and siu
Mr. Willrodtvao president of the
urnershaving hold that office for twc
inns , and lie El on Joy rceigncc
10 p mitioti on account of his oon-
'inpluted change of headquarters ,
Ir , Philip Andrea being oleoted to
lie eamo position.
Mr. Willrodt has during his real
enco in this city taken a promiiien
art in the Turners society and other
rganizitions with which ho waa con.
coted , and by whom his absence will
o deeply felt. Ho is a gentleman it
very seuso of the word , and it is
oped that the transfer may prove
nly a temporary arrangement.
lade from the wild flowers of tin
, is the most fragrant of purfuintB.
lanufaotured by U. B. SUvon , Sun
Francisco. For ealu In Omaha by W.
. Whitohouso and Kennard Bros.
llgbly Successful Boclal Given
Mauonlo Uixli taat
A very aucoceaful social was givci
st evening nt Maaoiiio Hall un e
10 auspices of the old Torpalchorean
The ontorlalnmont consisted for the
oat part of some brilliantly gottoi
p tableaux , the moat prominent of
hich woa a charming representation
' The Qoddeaa of Liberty aiding
10 Maid of Erin , " and the younj
dies who took part in it made n
lanring living picture , the beauty
' whibb was considerably enhanced
f the brilliant red light thrown upon
During the evening HoHmann'a of-
sient stringed orchestra regaled the
iots with Eomo equisitfcJy dulcet
raina , the most masterly piece * being
Eimoralda " " ' " "
, "Entro'ftote"nud "Tho
ust Huso of Summer , "
The remaining portion of the oven
ng wes very dtlightlully wilud away/
Hocial chit-chat , in which , of course ,
o ladies played the most native part ,
e gentlemen , doing tha Iwtentng.
Among the ladiea present wore Mrs.
uOaflroy , Mrs. Pitzmorria , Miea
lit ! ) , Misa BIoNaugltton , Mits Ken.
dy , Mr . Mahouy , ftlfa , Powers
M lliley , Mr .
and the three Misses Jfttniphy , atd
among the gentlemen were :
G Y. Shtlhy , Ed Murphy , John
Mutphy , Th ma Tftllon , 0. J. Smith ,
Jerro Mulvihill , ' Jas Muiphy , and
Mis s re Swift , Mnhony , Odonnell ,
White , Ihntwick , with several others
The entire affair was Unanimously
voted a great socinl abcorsa , and all
jircBont had a real good time
A Double Attack on n Burt Street
On Friday night last , robbers en
tered through the collar of the rcsi <
donco of Mr. 0. W. Murray , jr. , with
Nave , MoOord A Brady , 2118 Burt
street. They took a quantity of canned
goods and then ascended to the
kitchen , nhoro they found a number
of articles and carried them away.
The door leading from the kitchen to
the dining room was locked or they
would have undoubtedly continued
their depredations ntill further. It
was fortunate that they did not ontt-r
this roum , ns the family were nt the
liiuo preparing to leave fora visit to
thj oast'and nil their icooilo were out
upon the tables aud chair * and the
trunks were open and the thiovea
would have hid n picnia nuro enough.
On Saturday numiing Mr. Murray
load hin family and h ft with them for
the cast , tfter which the domestics
employed at the house closed the
shuttirs and left it with
the appearance of being
entirely deserted. The thiovce were
undoubtedly watching and got this
aiowledgo and ut three o'clock in the
norning of Sunday they rotmncd and
tried tha ahuttors , doors and every
xisaiblo mcana of entrance , but the
lirt'd help ulio were inside hoard
them and lighted up the houno and
cro.itcd a racket that ecirod them off.
This p.irt oi town has of late been
roubled a good deal with midnight
nnraudcra , and a fuw loads of buck-
hot put into the carcases of ono or
wo would probably provo an effectual
Daring Attempt at Burglary.
Yesterday the usual tranquil-
ty of Tivoli Gardens was disturbed
y an extraordinary daring attempt at
urglary in broad daylight.
It appears that while the bartender
ras citting at a table in the hall with
omo friends a mart managed to creep
, n all foura from the garden into the
Dcality behind the counter where
ho proprietor keopa his money , and
nado off with about $12 in
hipa and cash. la romov-
n ? the money , however , ho made
, slight noise wiiicb called the bar-
oudor'a attention to what waa going
n , and ho anw tlui man make a start
> > r aomo now field of action , ho at
iioo ran aft or him and captured the
3llow behind the U. P. headquarters
Iu gently conveyed him back to
'ivoli pardon * and Bent for a conata-
lf. Oflicer Frank , Keeper , was BOOH
pen the tctiiic/ and upon search-
) g the prisoner discovered some
upa and money in his pants pockets ,
/hen the ohaso began the man throw
tray a largo portion of the booty ,
hiah was picko'd up by iho bar-ten-
er.Ho was then piven in charge of the
fHco who Beem to ba very familiar
ith his by no mean unprepossessing
His trial will probably como off to
Victoria Society. *
The Victoria society will meet at
10 rosidonuo of Henry Liveaey ,
rodneaJay , at 2 p. m. The mom-
; rs are reqiicated to bo punctual ,
it entitltd to momberahip are in-
ted to join ua. Tiiia ia not e secret
iciuty , mid nny who may doairo to
uic ua can do BO.
PootoBlco Chantrou
, Nebraska during the week ending
ino 3,1882 , furnished by William
an , Vloak , of the postofllco dopart-
icnt :
EitabHshod Laird , Frontier coun-
r , Mrs. Lina Miller , pootmistress ;
Imron , Buflalo county , Valentino
rmbus , postraastor.
No changes week ending May 27 ,
Established Park , Ctorro Gordo
mnty , Samuel Hnerin ; Draper , Jns-
ar county , Gliarltm 1. Titbbs.
Discontinued-Vale , Lee county.
Postmasters Appointed-California
unction , Harrison county , W. A.
mtth ; Olark , Mills county , J. 0.
[ il'or ' ; Dry Like , Wriitht county" !
mold B. Walla ; Middle Jliver , Mau-
on county , J , T. Nulson ; ow-
irgh , Jasper county. Orando Ken.
Postotllau Buelnous.
The following is a statement of the
ail matter delivered and collected
f letter carriers of the Omaha poat-
lioo during the month of May ;
anlirs employed. , , , , 10
e'ls'cred ' lottBia delivered '
( , 8'
lull letters delivered 123 030
: il 'oUalcardidaHvered 21,031
uealletters delivered. . . . , 12.0UI
oil postal cardi delivered 8b22
ewnpapcrf , etc. , aellvertd r.7KJ2
ittera collecte . . . . , , , . . . 40.B28
i ) t l cards collecte t 21,002
ewspaper > , etc. , collected 10.WO
"By asking too much we may lose
IB little that wo had before. " Kid-
> y-Wort asks nothing but a fair
ial. Thin given , it fears no loss of
ith in it ) virtues. A lady writes
era Oregon : "For thirty years I
ivo been affected with kidnnv com-
ttinta. Two paokogna of Kidney-
'ort have done mo moro good tlnui
I thouudicinea and dootora I have
d before , I boliovn it ia a sure
re , "
_ _ _ _ _
Fast , brilliant and fashionable are
a Diamond Dye colors , Ono
a colors ,1 tj 4 Iba. of goods , Ten
its for any color.
-Tha Turners contemphto
au excur-
a to Blair oa the 4th of July , and their
rly.elected prenident , Air. Phillip
drw , will make A trip up there some
9 this week to perfect amngements
their reception ,
An Old Acquaintance of "W ,
H. H. Lila-arellyn Comes
tb Grief.
The Story of a SHcte Haacal ,
About three years ago a man named
F * 0. Fndnor was arrested by W. U.
H. Llewellyn , then deputy marshal oi
Omaha , nod now an Indian agent in
Now Mexico , for an offense against
the law , the full particulars of which
were published in all the city papers
hero at that time. Ho was finally
discharged and afterwards created a
good deal of sympathy for himself by
shooting himself in the fleshy part of
the arm , nt Lincoln , and then claim
ing that ho had had an encounter M ith
nhorso thief in a barn there.
At the capital ho paid assiduous
attention to aory line young lady to
whom ho was betrothed , but before
the arrival of the day ect for the nup
tials a sheriff arrived from Ohio and
took him back to answer to the cliarxo
of bigamy. Ho got out of this scrape
in sumo way but went from bad to
worse until forgery was added to the
lone ; list of other critnor. lie was recently -
cently captured in Ohio and taken
back to Homo , Now York. The case
ia so interesting that wo roproducn a
synopsis of it from the Homo Obser
ver : Fadnor was charged with forg
ing a judgment of divorce bctwetn
him and his first wife and uttering the
same by using it as evidence on
his trial for bigamy nt llomi1 , Now
York. The trial for bigamy occured
in 1880. The indictments were found
in January , 1881. When arrested
on the indictments , Fadner gave
bonds for hia appearance at the ses
sions in-Apiil , giving as surety Nich
olas P tura , of Coustablovillo , Lewis
jounty an honest farmer whoso wife
was distantly related to Fadnrr. Not
appearing ; at the April toim , F < tdner's
bill was f 01 f cited , and , on application ,
the case was put over until the Novem
ber term. The November term came
butFadnor did not como. His coun-
10 ! agreed to have him present at the
January term. Meanwhile' dis
trict attorney sued the bail bond and
this year judgment was entered
igainst him for $1,500 and the coats ,
[ n January last , the district attorney
became satisfied that Fadner had run
vwAy , waa secreted somewhere and
lidu'c propose to visit Oueid * county
vgaiu unless ho was run down and
brought back by gubernatorial rcqui-
iition. Mr. Petew , the bondamun ,
imployed D. 0. Stoddard ns | counsel
met laid the facts before him to try
ind catch the man and let him
Potere ) out of a tight ppot worth
? 1,500. Mr. Stoddard took hold of
no case- vigorously nnd employed a
letccttve. Ho had information that
Radnor's second svifo was in Brims-
rick , Ohio , and ho commenced a cor-
cspondence with Ohio ofliuiaK He
.scortainod that the dutiful Frederick
'isitod hia father occasionally , coming
[ uistly. keeping "abady" and g oing
teathily. Ho obtained a requisition
if the governor of New York on the
ovornor of Ohio , and the papers
rero placed in the hands of Officer
Vheoler. Detect ivo Wheeler loft
Jtica Monday at'D p , m. , and at 11:50 :
estorday ho stepped from the train
t the Utica depot in company with
i'redprickO. Fadner.
Oa the trial Fudnor produced a da *
reo of divorce between himself and
rife No. 1 , alleged-to have been
Tinted at a term of the supreme
ourt of the city of Now York , Hon.
< harles H. Van Brunt , residing.
The defendant's counsel put this de-
roe in evidence. It had upon it a
eal , bore the clerk's name and that nf
ho presiding judgo. On thisnhowin ?
uduer was discharged. An iuvoati-
at ion was then cnnimoncad to ascer-
iin the validity of the decree and it
- as found to boa forgery.
The many friends of Warren Fuller
rill bo glad to know that ho has ro-
eived a boost that sends him to the
rout. Ho has been appointed master
ii charge of the B. & M. round house
t Denver , and lelt for that city yes-
jrday. Warren has been an engineer
i the employ of the B. & M. for the
aat thirtuuu years , and durinir that
imo has made Lincoln bis homo.
lincoln Journal.
The offices of the division head-
uartors of the Chicago , St. Paul ,
linncapolia & Omaha railway vreru
'moved from the Orcighton blcrk ,
ifleonth street , Monday , to the
ow part of Strong's block , Tenth and
'arnam strocti. They have boon in
10 Ortighton block for a long time ,
soupying the former quarters of the
'malm ' & North Nebraska railway.
.nothor Chapter In the History tor
Our City Dotectivo.
The Grand Island Independent ro-
trring to the recently published ex-
ese of the ex-city detective of Omahu ,
taafn , sayaj
"Oa Monday night of last week
lie same fraud cailbd and knock d
t the Clarendon llouso door betivecn
10 hours of 2 and 3 o'clock a. m. and
iquirid lor a lady who was stopping
; euid hotel and registered by the
unio of Oarrio ' Adams , saying that
ar husband'had been Dangerously
art. and that ho wished to aeo her
amodiatoly , holding a letter in his
nnd at the timo.
'Tho night watchman admittpd him ,
fczen following to tha room door ,
fter ha7ing awakened the lady , and
) inquiring what was wan ltd and
ho was there , Ilazon spoke out Bay-
g it was ho , and ho wanted her to
it up at once , she then asked him
hat ho wanted , ho replied I Imvo
inuthing to toll you , nho ntiiworod I
iii hear it aa well hero as any where ,
) psrsisttid in ueoing her , aud after
Vising hereelf oho opened the door ,
i approached her trying to embrace
ir , aho repulsed him saying , "I
mt you to yo away and let mo alone ,
m have abused mo suuiciont-
, I want nothing moro to
with you. " The clerk retired from
o tosnu and alone with h r ho soon
d her under subjcotion BO that
sty prf puation wa made on her
rt to luave. The proprietor and. Ci
wife were awakened by the noiee ,
they occupying an ad joining room and
she desired to aeo the landlady to give
some direction about the disposition
of sorao goods aho had purchased , in <
tending to go to ousekrrping the
following day , having secured some
half-dozo Una dresses to make ,
Caul H. Itawlins , the proprietor ,
by this t'tno ' nroso and drc * ing him
self went down into the oflico. See
ing the woman in tears and much
agitated , ho inquired what it all
meant. She rtpicd "thii man is
going to take mo away. " Ilawlins
told nor that if eho was afraid of him
or did not wish to go all she had to
was to say BO , nnd that she need not
go out side of the house. She with
much trepidation replied * 'Oh husTi ho
will hear you. " Itawlins told her that
ho had nothing to fear from such a
man as Uar.en.
"Hazen was all this time dogeinq
her from plsca to place and stood in
plain hearing while this conversation
took place. Ho o tiled to her in a
gruff voice to hurry up , the train was
in. Slioulderng ; her'runic ho march
ed her with the child in her arms
ahead of htm down to the depot about
half-past three Friday morning , baby
and motlur crying. The woman is
undoubtedly the ono referred to as his
late companion in Omaha , nnd it
is evident that they left Grand
Island together , though in what di
rection no ono seems ublo to toll , but
it ia quite clear that they went not in
the direction of Omului , "
"IJnzeii should bo passed around
and Inndled without cloves by the
press everywhere. Ho bilked Greoluy
county ouc of about $000 for pri- !
tcnded detective services , and other
localities Lave financial cauao to re
member him. "
"It is clear that the unfortunate
woman , whoever aho may bo , is afraid
of him , and probably not without just
CHARLTON At 10:30 o. m. , JuneC ,
188. , of Bricht'8 disease , Mark 1' .
Charlton , nged 10 year * au 1 ll months.
Funeral from the ro-ldcnco of hU par
ent ? , corner 17th and Davenport street ? ,
at 0 o'clock Wednesday m ruing.
KEE3 In this city , Jun s 5 1882. Victor
LUforge , only son of Samuel ana Hottio
McK on Iteoa , aged 2J mouths and 18
Funernl from the residence of tbo par-
entp , 1911 Casa street , at 10 o'clock , Juiio
The many friends of Air. an 1 Mrs. Been
will sympathize deeply with them in thU
sad bereavement. The little boy was the
pride of their heart1 , unusually bright and
winning and admiral by all who saw him.
His tleUh was from pneumonia.
Mra. Catolino liollgrtn who has been
suffering slnco last Olirhtmia from a
severe attack of drop y quietly pnaed
nway at ten o'clock this rooming uithin
the walls of St. Joseph's The
ileceased lady was 3S years of age and WAS
much esteemed by a 1 rge circle of friends
in'l acquaintances. She leaves a husband
nnd six children and aUo two brother and
her mother , who are all residenta of this
She will bo Lmiisd nt Propped Hill cem-
itery to-morrow an i the'funeral cortege
ivill'leavo her residence on the comer of
15th and Burt at ten o'clock.
L'ent.-Gov. Carns is in the city.
Heobert Thayer la in from Wyoming on
i visit.
Cnpt. 8. S. lleynol Is , of David Oity ,
Nebraska , fs in the city.
. O. L. Edholm boa returned from a
ivo months' tiip through the South and
Vest. .
Jlr. and Airs. Geo. V. Hoagland , of St.
rosepb , are in the city visiting their son ,
\lr. \ Gee , A. Iloaglund.
JliEB Kale Buekirk , who hi H been \islt-
ns in Duula , has retnined to Ibis city
ind ia the gueat of Mr. and Mw P. L.
Misses Llrzio and Carrie Bu'lin arihcci
n the city Monday from their hjma In
norrio olil En'lnnd nnd are \imtlng at the
esldence of Mr. George lUnsman.
Col. A. C. Dawo , General Passenger
md Ticket Agtnt , and Ur. Cnihby Gtn-
iralPrelgltt A ent , of the K. 0. St Jo &
3. B. road , arrived In the city Monil.iy
in husinois connected with the removal of
ho city ticket ollica to Farm n and lUth.
Mrs. C. W. Murray left for the east on
Saturday l ? t to vinit her pe pie who re-
lite In Brooklyn , N. Y. She wlllbe'ab-
eat abuut three months. Her husband
ccompnnl/d her portion of the dialance
.nd . returned on Monday.
II. L. Hall , travelin { general pastenger
gent for the B. & AI. It. K. , U in the
W. P. Burkeo , tbe champion pitcher of
lie B. & M. baa a ball nine , went east yet-
erday on a two wetk'd vacation. He wil
tail among other places Buffalo , Suepen-
lon Bridge and Niagara Fall * .
Both Lydia E. Pinkham's Yoseta-
lo Compound and Blond Purifier are
repared at 233 and 235 Western ao -
ue , Lynn , HUB ? , Prioa of either ,
1. Six bottles for $5. Sent by
tail in the form of pills , or of
) zenges , on leceipt of price , § 1 per
ox for oither.v Mra. Pinklmm freely
nawors all letters of inquiry. Enclose
o stamp. Send for pamphlet. Men-
on this paper. jtG eod&w
Ijiwii Stemra , a well-known clerk fn
to Union PaciBo shop * , and tbe astistant
ircnisn of the P.oneer hook and ladder
impany , was gladdened on Thursday lost
f\l\e \ preseutatiun modi ) him by Mr .
temm , of two bonnclng biby glrU , the
Ivo Stemms ot the family , so to speak ,
he Imppy father ii receiving tbe con-
u ulationn of all his friend * and corn-
del , boll , at tha sliopu and in the fire dc-
irtment , and tbe hooka lm o urrnnoJ ( to
tend iu full unlfouu ou the day of bap.
in. Mrs. Stemm U a daughter of ex-
ouncilman Tblrman.
Cheapest Lots in the city of Omahn-
00 and upwards , 5 per cant down and 5
ir cent l er month. BraU , agent , 15th
id Douglas sta. m20f |
Pasture Horses taken to pasture
the Croighton pasture , well watered
id board fence. Inquire ofV. . G.
enshaw , 1102 North 18th street ,
rner of .Nicholas. 31-6i *
TO LOAN MOfifc > |
rONKV TO LOAN-Call at Uw Umc of D
I L , Th'-fflM Ream 8 CrHehtoTi 1
* * LOAJ Al 8 p reeattii
tcre l In smo.6f 12,600 tn
ip-\rJs , tors to S years , on Oral-clan city u <
arm property. Bints Kmt Kmrt ted Lei
\o5tT. ICth and
A TEIt A urtM la'irtdtlll at ft
w Charles Hi tl Ilao CT ttrc t. 8r4-tl
ASTKD-A n-achlnlst at Curb \ \ Ira Wrrki
\V 307
ANT < 1 > Ten team * lo work on Horenc
W Cut-Off. H affen * 1 GO per day.
S7-U ! Mir.lllt-.LL , VINCENT.
ANT > .D A Qr clan InlcV turner , Im
W mcdlatilApplJ tC J Okian. SOMi
innMESVST B-At Fonrci Cut-OD
I \t\l \ I.Inn tulles nrlh r ( O iln. Wa o
l.7 P't tl y. UirOULLL VINCENT.
QITUATION WANTEP T-yii mtnp'tonl mm
ij tt Wkora-oot hOffeinnd wo V abut ho
litbcmd hulcn. | t H.duauA Kk-
llad'xfltJn" , 20I.V 10 h Direct DOO-0
WANIEK ItUAtlnn In [ a prlvnto fan lly to
do general homework. Apply at fo.823 ,
couth 8th g rcct , 339 g
\\TFD A position tyn rompo'cnt troiil
n a tr In a Ln , , ry. address A. K. > ce
o31cc. 381-7 *
WANTKO lOitm'lcinrtMn d 51 nhTrr ,
eppy n H Mnnuilir , Kjpljm-nt
AKcnt Inliflroo' , nittr r niara. 3JI-5) )
WANTEK lly n * lm.U man an u iliunUhai
room , B3iaeulictc li l o-n Dodge and
Cttlortiia , td \ Itth ami lid btloo n. l-ls refer *
encrs nio unexcoptljtinble , II. , b x < 4S.
R2I tf *
A frw bsatic'B ? In a tir'xntn
WAVTEII at 1410 Jac ton > treci. jjft 12'
Jul 1st nitutni'hfd rocm not
WANTbD ] 12x15 , it list bo In builnnM port -
t on nf City. Addrtss 1. U. A. , Die offico.
W NTintmcborty to rvoif In R well
i-iarcd he prMicto | ci in ( jolt p'sturi
MullinjU d ii r V OCO h < n Ii > ml g > en lor ( In It tf Addr.ea ANTON O ASP EU ,
Sflr-Sf OOSAoilhlSthat.
- loan , ? 3n < M on rood mill
property In Douglas coun'y. ' Addroaa Look
Hoxl 3 , malio. < 4v ) . 3
WASTKO-Citldr < iu u boanlcri
Bcho l. N. W co , nor California and lO.b
6tree' . L. u. LOOMIS ,
MONEv A tnrtner wintid.Hcilvaor B ! cut ,
nlth $ . ' .000 lo 8 0,100 casi to Invo t In u
IcgltlmUoliukino 8 which In nix nonthatltna wi 1
I ay R pr flt at [ cunt ciual ] M tha amonnt In
vtB'od , an I both boturiud In'o cknn csh and
theputncnhlp cnduj. AdJreni "Moii. y" lite
W lntt bridge and ( Chwl oond *
. T. Clark , ttnllevue n-ir
WA.MfU tuupnvy v utrt , tuiHD and MXS
pool , to cl , n with HanlUr Vaul * and
ahir the beet In uso. A. Evans t Co. ,
reMdrni-B W a Dodao utrcnt. ntnahi.
WAAT&D To runt , w th prlvi igi of buy-
Ing liter about three minlh cotlaje of
Dv rooms , yo t locality , wlihin t ventj minutes
wnlk of p Btofflco. Addrom autlnc te/niB and
location. * 'lou ( o" D i fticu iI7 > lf
FOR UENT Anroctancn ti make mon T
Hiiw it tin be t - dln btiiaihth d
b a ( Upg h u 08 11 f o It , h vtuir a ilenrb ! u
UcttlioD. dlirnl'hod nnuixt. Furnlturo for
sJonnd ro t low. Aptly at 617. 12.1) s'mt. '
no r Jac'uoi , 399 ;
\riOFlY'urnl'h ilroiDn , one JoornnitHof
JLl fioilKOm i8. treit. } 9M5 *
IT'oaiENl'-Jl < us.No. 10ndll2asut 12th
L : .tro t. ( | .S ( ) A V. l > , jO h.a.
| SOU KI5NT One fjrnhhcd room. 1723 Doug-
I1 lft "ticet 897-8
nhONT UOllHLK OKFI E-P.r rc-jt , In
? J tfljliton B oct. Inquire 1) . L , Ttomit.
EIO LET 'tno large f in Isl o I room , with
board. 18 8 Oilifor lietnel. 89) tf
AFURNI'mD OOVinpriia'e fanilyfor
gi nthn en wlt'i reference. J312 Lodtfo be-
.men 3th and 14th street. 374 tf
OJl HI Nr A nicely furnished room at .410
Chlcaostreet , Lctu.oi 4th and 16th.
o etf
FO < KKf T urnlshod room , lav n port hot.
16th and 7th third housu _ 37j-llit
FOU H Nl mall furnished rnot. with cloT-
eta Boutb and cast wlndo * . a. K. c rncr
4th and C'hlca o. _
FO.1 J ENT Two nlcclj furnished rooms , Iw
prlccj , bric hout.e 20iJ lawbtr et.
I.W Him' A nr.o , , la \ ) fmnlliol room
I' HU la ilu'ora Kentluuiau , wlta burd 15J6
.BP t'luvinuiunJ l&th. 3CSU
F OK ll-NI II tujuon Ij-ird Klroit
18thand 0 h. Apjly ut 1712 uipl oi a\e
' 371-0
OU HUNT Vlth boirJ , a larw'd Rlrv fnnl
, ajll CiMis'rtfot. 371-6r
E OR HEVT t urnlshsd too-n , h09 10li street
botwicn C. HJ and CU lfvrula.
853 f
JTtOR BEST T > Ir-a a tly furnlhel room. 117
I1 BoutU 17th tt vet , one iloo ; uotth of Dau
rORRE\T T vo m 'I ' neatly furnished r-oms
L1 at4 7Itioardb.Hn 14tli aid 15lhnt. ,
.00 ouularrfuf irvltlud r o a , flret fl eron 14tb
ict'Ojn Howard mil J .kiun. 3tl IIA
nVTO PPllMSHEDsiuth rnocs for lent. S.
L W.corne IQtl aid llfttenport. 308 tf
Houfi cf rit roomi mar coiner
FOHUBVl ] and llth n reot , al < o two new
lOUjon rwvy by tbe mtdduof June Iiqniraat
lo , II. r ier 3ii' Clotbluir store , 804 % 10th
trcet t-9-t
POH KBNT Good h mm with U room * , and
at1 mnu rn Imp 010 iienN , and co iveUont
trootiar. Incj'1-oat ' j < r.ejry utorv , corner
Olb a.iU uuiU-K ttMct 2j8 tf
nOIt HUNT The p l Ui and elrgant hall
f lt' > K I in clir I | r voirentsInCUrk'nand
[ ottuiVllofk. pi'yti ' . . M. Claru , or to II.
i. no < ter'i * lOJaod 01 a. 14th Hire > t , D7'tf
. . . . , .
' * ! * t M4II1 > UWM .W
[ . ' cnkuw' V.iaototey. K ccr. Irttai aad
jU Uji * l-iiUt > t > .UlUlMI U 4UUUM Wi
U without ta&nl. Hcjv nible prices.
aw fit.
" 710 It nUST House of flturoome , ( ornor23n
J and l'i ri-i , A | ul > at B , U. Hre\eiuon , corer
or 17tti aud i a a , ncur I'Ji > Ur C'burch. *
00 tf
" Three y un r freih m'Ich cnw , for
iao tiy 0. reJ r eksa" , at A. J. Qvls1-
'ni ; oo.ry tore , 3 4 tou blKtb Bluet , nice
15 00 | > cr hi ud 89CSt
Mill -A < ' A KOO | faml y n ara , wnrran'td
1 gentle Mil able f r groctry wagon , also i w
irniM , leather top jihae on , nearly new , and
1 1 pie t > ttah e out t. < table for rtnt. Call at-
r 6 o'c'ock , itttS Wetu'er etnct.
376-11 O.lAltLES UARLKY ,
rOtt hALF hebi nln u and Qx urcs of a first
c'uss trial nnrlet In Central o nuka
st location ; n t cath trade In thoilty huuon
r sillliij , ' , far hualth. Aildrtu Jlutchcr , Uea
lice. 3j7-lm
SoK8ALI- goad lior.e , cheap , a l 08
! Uuiulnj uneU ti8-0
u |' Jli : blMl/-CWiicralu J'olk lounty
U t'rlc noCO. Jmiulr.ii.fJ | t , K uman
jjlotUco , ItUliiBC'Uy iuilorcouuty.Nu
tl'JM >
> OUrfAI K Ch ip-A h u oottls loom * nd
! lot , 3 x iJ Ju tnoitaif lUt x'roibilO/i
miettin 8Ui ucji , l'j ( ocqly 9flOuml
hpiy in'i bil ncei'i luoulllj pay inn .
quir < atNiw.p fit Union , Itth at.d il'w . IBS , f
itOUtiALE ) nel3t 13J feet frintigo br 68
1 feet d p , on south 1 tli Direct , on tlO p r
Jtth payiucuu , to anone uho win cut d In-
1407 Ho * rd , beiwtvu JUa and 15th U.
f\OU bALb-Uanh hapctUtr. chup , ut in ;
1 farm , two n I'm noutli ut Ilcllcvuo , l-ur
rma addreju U , Tuchuck , Orxaha , Ntb. 83U tf
lull tIAUK IkuuUlul acr lot and home on
California itrict , 1SCO. llcCAOUE ,
S6S ( ' . " ( OppOKtU Pculcffic * .
' i . t r > I * % . I
{ pott BALE 11 core of fire rconi aid 1 torn
L1 DXr ) rr el , ( IIOO Hmill hmm ard two
lots In - < hnn' ! addition * POO. MciACU E ,
I7IORBMB A hinn nd lot It0ill8 frbn\
I1 with btrn , two weds tn1 citnrp 1284
Siuth Hlh tro < t ( exind hju t north ol WIIHaa
Prlw * 14'O Q - *
lilUU rAit t a will ir
L1 mot. If.
II h tie t. nc r Varn m.
I.1OK HAI.tS ' ( fiu-fl oUix rooms ai.d lot SOi
P 120 , north of Mxt eut > slnet b.ldffe Ap
ply cor er 12lh atd U w rJ Newfrupef Union.
102 t f
fTlOU SALE-'ha PiirULAH nOTEL , known
L1 M the nova1 HO VK. Th' ' hot la co -
ttally located , h s ton h and oagt front , and Is
lurroanded w th nn ha > lotr es : cent ln thirty
meplnz rooinj , hrw Ice hon.8. laundry , simple
room , &o. ll > a world w do regulation and a
liettcr | tron puilmn runny houan * ot twice IU
capacity. Prt-o 8.COO Kor part cu art * d-
mess , A. A. SAWUKY , lied Cloud , Abb.
TTIOn BALE Or will eicha re for Omaha pro-
JL1 petty , an Improved sec oa ot land adjoln >
itiC ttatfon on U. P. H. R. M. DUNUAW , 1411
Farnham St. , Omaha. 7SO 8ra
BniCK ESTAnnooK ft res.
BAtKU HAT At A. ) I. Maudor' Keed
r > OXI\0-ly nn exptrlcncnl down cajl l-ocb.
JO er , ho slugglnR ! tcrum M odcrata M n.
Ixwsons given ati > rl > tcsldcnrcs. Addro s Dox
Ing , L'ce ollloo 378-bt
LOST A l pjttal b'nckmlWhlti Jo Bivnelf-
er , biut a yoir Id , Ijii f.on Major
t'r'ft'ap'acs. > nj Infmrat MI 1 fiix > J. 8 IW-
Ins 11n tt t3te. D ug\H \ Bire t. will recilr *
p cpor lewanl. [ < .CU-.t ! ) J. T. CUJrT.
STKAVKU t acowvitnv > nlic t > rititjrei cod
Rn < Ub.ut ) eaMrlJiilvcii > illk In thro *
ttat F nder wi I be 1 homily rowarrfoJ bv ro-
turnlnitbir ti nntthait ornr 'S ' hnnd '
tlorttroft. ( SHIP' )
IJftHlle.SOjiltlnK 10 o.tcr famines cin Itarn
JL of aflrct-cl si ) pirtvi'.ltj bj oilliKcuW.
, Tatlor , tu/t Uradstr.ct'u Agency Itth street.
I.VfcTIircTIO.V-ln vocut ruiula Riven by tUra
Wiz o A. I'tnncll. lli-aaiLcv juthwn < t i-or-
i or 10J and Hurt BlJce ti. SOI-S *
niAKblN Ul' A cow about 7 Jo mold , rod with
JL whltei pouUrvo l.on.9 Alia a huller ,
led , with wnlto ipot % both with ialf.
73-Ut on o w Balurj , IStu St. no ur WUlUmR.
T10-VAL1ST , 98 Tenth Strcot , bctwn n Ftru m
andllamev. Will , with the ild of t:3JraUn
rulrlti , obtain for any one uptaace M tht ptol
aad prepcnt , and on ccrUtn coujltlotu iu six ! B.
t ire. Boot * and Sbooa D kde ted r. P ' -i
' ct mi ea t nt < wt1 rifj.l"r
Absolutely Pure.
This powder nerrr varies A man el of p
< y , strength and wholoaomencw. Moro eoono
ulcul thin tbe orillniry kinds , and cannot l a
old In competition with the multitude ofi ow
cat , short weight , alum or phosphate powders
Bold only In cans llotAb KAKINO POWDK Co. .
H W.ll Rk. Now VnrV
CABS cmcAoo , ST. riuL , iiiKsurous urn
t „
IiMTO Omthiv P.TawrBer Ho. 2 , 8SO , m. A >
mmoditlon No. 4 , 10 ( p. m
AirlreOujfia PMacnf ; r No. 1,6:20 p , m.
( .ct era edition No. S. 1U:60 n. ir.
iVOIQ OllinA lAft OB tOVTtt tCCltO
a. , n. fc O. 7:10 : x tu. Sto : p. a.
C. It. H. W. , 7:40 . ii 3:10 : p. m.
a , B. I. ft P. , 7.10 & . ra. 3:10 n. m.
K. O..SS. J. & C. B,1 ww nt iSOn , m. nd7:45 :
in , Arrliroa at S 1 1/iuU i 15 0 at , m. and 6tX
in.W. , St. L. fc P. , Icuvoa ot B . m. anJ 8.10 p.
Arrived a Ot. Louis at flJO : a. to. aud 7SO
m ,
B. to I ! , lo Iluo. , Twou U ExureM , BJU ! c. m
B. ft I ! . Lincoln Exprt * < 5.20 p. m ,
0 P. 0\rlinJ Kjiurofrt , 18:16 : 1) . in.
0. A K. V. for Llnsoin , 11:16 a. m.
O. A R V. for Oweclu. 0.10 a. ro.
D. P frolfht No. B , B JO a. m.
0. PI relplit No. B , B:20a. : m.
O. P. freljrht No. 13 , 2 0 p.m. f
D. P. freight Mo. 7 , 0:10 : p. m. omljrraaU
- . P. Denver exiiroaa , 7:35 p. m. /
D. P. frelfht No 11 , 110 p. m ,
D. P. Denver freight , 8.26 p. m. , , -
0 B. fc Q bXO * rn.-7.-2S p m. I ( .
O. L N. W. , 0.45 . m.-7:2fi p. m.
C. B. I.AP.,9 : a. m. 9-05 p. in. .
il. C. , tit. uo AC D. , 7:85 a. m. f.ity. n
A > zivuna f ROM ra vna JLHD BOUTUWSST.
0. fc B. V. from Lincoln 1.08 p. m.
O. P. JPadflc Kxpreos 3:26 : p. m.
Bj ft U. In Neb. , Through Exprcfis lU p m.
U. tt U. Lincoln Exprc8 y it a in.
O. P. Denver en > res ) , 7:86 : a. m ,
U. P. Freight No. lii-J 50 p. ex
U. P. No. 0 : SO a. m. K
0. P. freight No. H , 1S.H f , j
D. P. So. 6-6.00 p. m ,
U. P. Ho. 18-1:46 : a. m.
D , P. Denver frotfcht , 1:10 a. m.
0. Si n. V. mixed , ar. 4(6 : p. m.
oocjitii lu.urrs.
teav Omuhft at 8:00 : , boo , 10:00 : and 11:00 :
a. ) la SM , S 00 , i.C-0 and ( .00 p. m. . . *
Lea/u Counii. Dlui'e at 3:26 , 9:25 : , 10 26 and
: u a. tu. ; t : t , 2:26 , sAt , 4:2B and 6.25 p. m.
m > v-Tho dummy kRveo Omaha at > 9X0
Id 11:00 : n. m. ; 2.00 , 4/0 : ( anJ 6.00 p. m. Leave !
jaacll liitiea at 9:26 ted 11:25 a. m. ; tat , 4i5 ;
'broadband local ptsaonger trains between
mOi ID d Council Blade. Cttuo Omaha 0:11 : ! ,
13 , , M a. ra. ; B to , 6:46 : , tflO p. in. Arrive
auHk ; : iO , 11BE , 11:16 a. in , ; 6:10 : , 7:06 : , 7:10 ,
p. m _ _ _
OIO ii > Of M ll ,
kot-1 r , or ill. oi/xw ,
a. m. p. ra , a. m. p. ro.
. . . . . .U.Mi 0.00 680 S.40
, H f o , H 1. 6 1'ncinc.llAO 9-00 6SO : Z.10
ilciio , 11. A J. . . . . .llrO-1 0-30 t:89 t:10
Nrt..i. ( . . . : M 6:80 : * : * o
5ixCIty nd I'auSc. , i'ljOil 51 Y&0
iton 1'adfls
, * 1L In Neb , . . . . i i > 0 UilO
oatuft Dioiu C1tT , . . . 8.-00 TitO
AM. Lincoln . , . u.v ) e-oo
P. Lincoln , Punday. . . 1:30 : ll o
P. Cenver E p . , 9.-00 : so
. Blcnr City .lit t. P..11:00 : Sio
[ nail m ll tor State cf Iowa leave bat one * a
y , rli i CXO : A , m.
iSra opaa Bucdaro Iroai 12 in. to 1 p. n.
r TIAI.P p Jf.
mcy and Staple Groceries ,
o. 916 North Sixteenth St ,
. . . .
General Undertakers ,
Bat. Faruam and Dourjloe.
Metallic , Wood nd Cloth Cot crod
uliQtly pn hind. Orders from the c un r-
; Ud , aud prompt'atUndod to.