THE DAILY BEE * WEDNESDAY JUNE 7 , 1884. OOIXEKTOXX. o. o , ooo cso. COMMISSION MERCHANTS , City Market , Council Blnfli Iowa F&OUR HOUSE , General Agent * for the Celebrated Mills o I H.I ) . KuihA Co. . Golden Eagle Floor , Leavenwoith , Kansas , and Queen Bee Mills , Sioux Falls , Dakota. Bctereneo , Smith h Crlit nden , Council Blutls , In. EC. IE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STATIONERY AND PRINTER'S GOODS , COUNCIL BLUFF3 , IOWA. TITLE ABSTRACT 0F _ FICE. C& T3" 3C 3EC 3E3 Lands a n d L o t 3 Bought and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW HATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS. COUNCIL BLUFFS > . IOWA. 15 North Main Street. WHOLESALE DEALER IN SHOE FINDINGS. Ready-fitted upper * , In calf skin and hip. Oak and Hemlock hOLK LEATHER , and al oed appertaining to the hoa tr ide. On d < eold ai cheap n In thoKai' , _ IRS. 'MORRIS' ' NEW MILLINERY STORE FOR STYLISH SPRING MILLINERY. PATTERN BONNETS AND CHILDREN'S HATS A SPECIALTY. 105 South Main Street. Council Bluffs la. That never require crimping , at Mrs. J. J Good's Hair Store at prcea never bofero touched by any other hair dealer. Alia a lull line of switches , etc. , t greatly reduced prlcu * . Alro gold , eilrcr and colored nets Wares made from ladles' own balr. Da nut fall to call before purch islng ebonhere. All goods warranted na represented. US. J. J GOOD , 2 Main street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. MASON WISE , ' LITERS , FEED & SALE STABLE The largest and best stables in the west. fRoadsters , Saddle and draft horses for sale , also a fine lot of mules just received which will be closed out cheap. SCOTT ST. , NEAE BEOADWAY. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IA. REMOVED without the CANCfflS drawing ot blood or use of knlte. Cures luiip dlauases. ANT ) Fits , Scrufula , Lhcr Uooi- l'lalut' Drop y , Hhcuina- -fit mm ' T U M fl R S "am , Fuver nd Mcrtur- I U III U II W lal totet Kryslirtlan. Salt Hheum , Scald Hold , Cvta rh , woik , Inflimed And granulated Eyes , , crofulou Ulcurs and Ko- tnale Uin rue of all kinds. Alia Kidney and Vonerlal disoasei. llemorrholdjor Piles cured money refunded. ' All disease * treated upon thoprlnclpleof vcRrt- Able reform , without the UM ot mercurial pois- . onsortbe knlfv. Elect Vapor or II 'dlcated Baths , furnished oiewho deDtro thorn. HeruU or Kupture radically cured by the u o lha Elastic bolt Tru and Plaster , which ban . ttuperiur la the world. CONSULTATION FREE- , * - > - tf - * ' CALL Ott OR ADDBKSS Drs , B , Rice and F , 0 , Miller , COUNCIL BLUFFS , la. LIVERY , and Sale Stables , 18 North First Street , Boujuet s old stand. Council B'nCN , Iowa. WlLLAKD .SMITH. Prop. W.D.STILLMAN , Practitioner of Homeopathy , consulting BysicianandSurgeon , Office and residence 815 Willow avenue , Coun- .cll UlutTu , Iowa. Iowa.W. W. K. SINTON , DENTIST. 14 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. Extracting and flt'.lng a tpechlty. First-class work guaranteed. DR. A. P. HANGHETT , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office , No. 14 Pearl Street. Ilouit , O'n. m. to 12. , and 2 p. m. , 10 G p , m. Keildence , 120 Bancroft etieot. Telephonic connection wlih Central office. DR. AMELIA BURROUGHS , 2To. 617 First Avenue. noun from 10 toll a.m. , and 2 to 5 p. m. lercknts Restaurant J , A. BOSS , Proprietor. Corner Broadway and Fourth Streets. ' Good accommodations , good fare and cour teous treatment. S. E. MAXON , .XfcO xi o "OP. Office over axing ! bank. COUNCIL. BLUFFS , - - Iowa. REAL ESTATE. W. 0. James , In connection with bla law and collection buslnesa buys and eelli real estate. Persona wishing to buy or sell city property call * t bis office , over Btuhnell' * book store , Pearl itrect. itrect.EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice of the Peace and Notary Public , 4l6Broadway , Council Bluffs , D od * and mortiagei drawn and ackooledg ti. HAIR COODS. _ WATER WAVES , In Stock and Manufactur ed to Order , Waves Made From Your Own Hair. TOILET ARTICLES , All Goods Warranted as Represented , and Prices Guaranteed. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , 337 W. Broadway , CouncilBluffs , ; - - - Iowa. IBS , E , J , HARDING , M , D , . Medical Electrician AND GYGNECOLOGIST. Graduate of Electropathlo Institution , Phila delphia , Penn * . Office Cor , Broadway & Glenn Ave. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. The treatment of all dUca os and p > Inful [ dlf- Ceultlea p cullir to fmralea a upcchlty. 1 he Star Bakery , HOWARD & ROBIE , 227 MAIN ST. Employ the bent Bread Baker In the West ; also a choice hind forCakexand Pies. Urcad delivered to all parts of the city. FRESH FISH ! Gaie and Poultry , Can always be found a B. DANEHY'P , 130 Upper Broadway. JNO.JAYFRAINEY , Justice of tie Peace , 314 BROADWAY , Oonnoil Bluffs. - - Iowa. W. B. MAYES , Loans andEealEstate , Proprietor of atatracta of Pottawattamle county , Olllco corner of Broadway and Main BToet. , Council Ululfj , Iowa. JOHN STEINER , M. D. , ( Deuteclier Ant. ) * ROOM 5 , EVERETT'S BLOCK , Council Bluffs. Dlseaaea of women and children a specialty. P , J , KON1BOMERY , M , D , , FBEB DIHI-ENSAIIY EVBUV SATURDAY. Office In rvorett'a block , Pearl trcct. Itcelj dence (2a Fourth street. Office houra from 0 to 2 x m. , 1 to4 _ aud 7 to 8 p. m. , Council I lutfi FfC. CLARK , PRACTICAL DENTIST. Ptari street , opposite the poatofflce. One of the oldest practitioner In Council Bluffs. B tl - Ufactlon guaranteed In all cues DB. F. P. BELLINGER , EYE AND EAR SURGEON , WITH DH. CHARLES DECTKEN. Office over drur store , 414 Broadway , Council Dlullf , owa. Al dUtia'd ot the and car trotted under the moat appro * ed method , and all JOHN LINDT , A-TTORNEY'-AT-IAW. ' Will practice In all U pan court * ] Bpoau German Languafr MOUNTAINS OF IQK. Arctic Experiences of Incomlntr Ku roponn Bteamera-Tho India's Dow Crushed by A DerB Surrounded by Ice , New YorV HeraM , Juno 1. Several of the incoming slomnors ycatordny reported seed trips with the exception of the presence of icebergs nnd fogs. The French stonmer St. Laurent , which loft llavro on May 20 , ai'Khtod several very largo bores ot the 27th ult. , while off the loircr point of the biinka. The steamship India , of Cart's Direct Hamburg line , had an actual contact with ono of the il 'fttint ; ice-mountains , and great patch of planking on her star- boaid bow showed where a great hole had been torn through her iron shell by the collision. Tna vessel , under command of Oaph Ilobcrland , loft llamburg May 14 , witli a touorar { cargo of nasnrtcd merchandise to Bongo. Brothers and 402 steerage pas sengers. The voyngo was uneventful until the morning of May 24 , when in lati tude 43 dog 25min. , Iongitudo44 dcg. 52 min. , two very largo icebergs were encountered. They wore about MOO foot square and rose up above the surface of the sea some fifty feet. The engines were at once slowed up , especially as 5 fog at that time settled down. When the outlook became once more clear , full headway was given the steamer ; but on the morning - ing of the 'Joth the iceberg difficulty became serious , In the words of Oapt. HoborlandVo : knew from the excessive chilliness of the atmos phere , that wo were near some of the icebergs. " and wo were going on very slowly , when suddenly ono of the two men bopt on the lookout cried out that wo were close upon ono of them. Wo put the helm hard , a starboard , and wo struck with a sort of slowing mo tion. I know that the blow was well forward of the first bulkhead ; so I did not feel any uneasiness. The passoti era wore on deck just after break fast einying and Bjino of them danc- 'ng , and there was no excitement worth mentioning , : ia they had faith in mo and took my word for it whom I told them there was no ground for apprehension. I found that a hole about two by six fept had been steve iu above the water-lino , and as the sea was calm wo at once planked it up from the outside , calking the work well , and then from the inside wo placed in a temporary ceiling and shored it well , BO that wo did not take in tnoro than about fifteen buckctsful in the twenty-four hours after the blow. "Within an hour and a half after the accident wo seemed to bo in the midst of a field of icnbergs , and at times wo could not look iu any direc tion without seeing them. Wu count ed at one time in sight no less than thirty-five monster oner , say about fif ty feet square. These latter are real ly very duugcrnu * , and they are apt to have points projecting out from their body under water , and as they are big enough to stave a hole in a vessel they must not bo touched or an opening bploir the wator-lino may result. We did not have BO much fog on that day , though at the time wo struck it was impossible to see the lookout from the bridge. At times while wo were in the field it waa necessary to go hard astern iu order to secure a new passage ago way when several bergs blocked up our way in front. I have been at sea twenty-four years and have been many times about Cape Horn , but I never saw such a collection of floating icebergs before. Wo wore keeping well to the south at the time , as I had passed over the same track but a few weeks before and remarked how- clear it was. The passengers enjoyed the tree showaffurded them very much. "Somo of the icebergs assume , very fantastic shapes. Therp was ono with a great pointed top which wo styled the 'Bishop , ' oa it was a very good re production on a gigintio scale of a priest with long gown and having n mitre on his head , There were other curious forms , And then the melting of the great masses would every now and thun lead to the toppling over of some towering projection and they would como crashing down with a thundering noise and make a big splash as they went into the sea , roll ing over and over for a while until they got balanced in the water. All thu night of the 25th we were com pelled to lay to , as it is very difficult to see the floating masses of ice at any time , and especially at night. Wo lost m all , I should say , about sixteen hours on account of the ice. On the 2Gth , in latitude 42 degrees 25 min utes , longitude 52 degrees , wo passed three rousing big bergs , but it was then daylight , and they were some distance away. In all , our iceberg region was about 300 miles long. It was in the course of steamers skirting the lower edge of the banks. They must go a good deal farther south , as they were of a size to stand a good deal of meltago , and they were very hard ice , too. " The steamer Habsburg , Captain Warnkos , from Bremen , reported that on Hay 27 , between latitude 411 deg. 32 min. , longitude 48 dcg. 51 min. , to latitude 43 deg. 24 min. , longitude 40 dug. 23 min , , no loss than twenty- three icebergs of formidable proportions tions were passed. The weather was clear at the timo. The steamship Batavia , Capt. Talbot - bet , frpm Liverpool , also passed in close proximity to the floating moun tains of ice-meeting them on the 27th ult , , between latitude 42 dcg. 01 min. , longitude 40 deg , 45 min , , and latitude 41 deg , 47 min. , longitude 51 deg , 03 min. VIEW. Scenes from tbo Gallery of tbo Houao of Uepresntatlycs utatesmen at Their Base. Wellington Cor , Albany Journal. The deadlock in the house , though monotonous in the main , affords to the galleries occasional picturesque scenes , A humorous member said tome mo yesterday : "you patient sitters m the gallery remind mo cf people who have gene a-fishintr and are wait ing hours for a bite. Now and then you feel a litllo nibble at the end of thd line , and you lean over the railing - ing anxiously hoping you are going to get paid for your long waiting ; but everything tubsides , and you sit back and wait for another nibble , and probably , after all , you go homo without a fish in your basket. * ' This is one view of the case ; but my friend leit out of the account the constant diversion , that it is to watch the men themselves the fishes , if you plena squirming around in a thousand easy attitudes and forming groups o over-changing interest in the areas 01 at their desks. Many varieties o civilization nro roptenonted on tin floor of congress. Men are there who live in communities where you and I would think it purgatory if our lot were suddenly cast. The vast Texas plains and the barren pineries of Michigan and North Carolina , the Ilicfcy mountain hbights , and the slums of our grcnt cities h vo their representative mon no less than the refined business and social ciicles of mpro enlightened see lions. Ono man in this congress lias been pointed out to mo ns the solo sur vivor of a vendetta in which hin father aud thrco Bonn were skin. Another killed his man at the gambling table and was paying the penalty of his crime in prison when the war broke out , nnd no was released to join the Confederate army , where his ferocity as a soldier was considered to have purged his record of that former blood guiltiness and restored him to honored citizenship. Those nnd others like them it must bo hard to tnVo with the right hand of fellowship , buUiardiTstillJ methinks , sinoo inofegasioins nre inoro annoying in n otimrado than grave misdeed ? , to take such an ono as the rural Ohio member whom I observed ono day last week , when writing nt his desk forgetful of the eyes that were upon him , ho wiped his tiosoUoroualy on his fingers , and his fingers on his pan taloons. Thou there are mon who pride themselves on their courtly manners in society , but promenade around the txro.ia and aisles with their coat-tails caught up in their careless hands , forgetting in the abandonment of the moment what a tempting target a rear view of their statesmanlike proportions w.ould present - sent to an irreverent bean shooter in the gallery. Others there are who Heat at full length upon the many loung < s around the sides of the chamber ; and amonn the seated members a gen eral sprawlincss is manifested , giving unlimited variety of opportunity for watching the congressional leg in nil its wide-spreading and far-reaching aggrcasivcness. Sometimes three pairs of legs in n row will bo elevated on the desks of their owners , and a fur tive cigar will adorn the other ext - t 'emity of their organization. A great deal , I suppoee , must bo pardoned to tired men confined in the artificial heat and carbon-charged air of the hall ; and if they will nettle this ques tion nt issue thoroughly while they are about it , they may stand on their heads to do ic if that attitude com ports best with their views of enlight ened American citizenship. There is among them , however , hero and there one so perfectly well-poised nnd well- bred thut ho sits as collected and dig nified through it all as if the woman ho loved and hoped to win were watch ine him from her seat in the gallery , and it is not to bo denied that the feminine observers like him the bet ter for it. No woman is quite satis fied to ftot her presence and her claim to at least this silent homage ignored , even when grave constitutional ques tions are pending. Mr. Hifienstein , Boston , MASS. , writes ; "Your SPIUNQ BLOSSOM has cured mo of dyspepsia , of four (4) ( ) years' standing. I have regained my normal appetite , can sleep well , and feel like a now man. " Price 50 cents ; trial bottles 10 cents. G-d-w Old Times on Iowa Rivor. A.guntloman . by the name of C. B. Jack , who lives ac New Boston , re members when they used to run keelboats - boats up the Iowa river. This was in the early settlement of the west , and the Indians occasionally ambushed the boatmen at some bond in the river and dropped them into the water with their luug bows and arrows. However - over , this did not occur often , but there was enough of it done to make the business quito risky at times. It was not until twenty years after this that nteamboats began to ascend the Ohio and Cedar rivers and bring out the produce raised by the farmers and on tiio return trip carry supplies to the merchants'in the little towns along their banks. The steamer Iowa City TUB built on the bank of the Iowa river at the town of the same name some time m the sixties , and was a very neat lit tle aide-wheel packet. She had a cabin for passengers and two barges for freights , and for a time before the construction of the railroads drove a smashing business between Iowa City and Burlington and Iowa City and St. Louis. Ed. Thomas , who afterward owned a newspaper at Dallas City , a Ills , , was a pilot on the Iowa City , as was also Miss Ruby , who still sticks to the river and holds the wheel in a the pilot house of the steamer Diamond Jo. The Iowa City has been re built several times and is now changed into a stern-wheeler and owned by parties at Reed's landing and known as "Minnie. " The steam er Tom Benton ran in the Iowa nvur trade in 1800 , She was built at Onul * aska , Wisconsin , and was about the ai/.o of thu Maggie Reatioy. 8ho was too largo to be nblo to go very far up the little stream , except in high water , and therefore inado only ono trip to Iowa City , although she rail for sev eral seasons between Burlington and Wapollo. In after years the Benton was wrecked at Reed's landing and made into a barge , 'Iho btoamur Cedar - dar Rapids was a freight boat , and hud no cabin accommodations for passengers. She navigated the lowu and Cedar rivers as far north as Cedar Rapids in 1858 , and made occasional trips to St. Louis , and it was on ono of these occasaions thut aho ran into and sunk the steamer Lucy May. She was aftoi wards sold to parties on the lower river , and was burned near Vickeburg with a cargo of cotton dur ing the war. The "Try Us" was a little storn-whoolor , which ran be tween here and Wapollo iu 18G9. She was 85 foot long and her cargo in gen eral consisted of grain and whisky from the Wapello distillery. The "Red Bird" was a siao-wheuler and ran up the Cedar river in 18G8 , Oapt. Dickson , now of the Olydo , was her commander , The "Try Us" was re built , and is now known as the "Last Chance. " Oapt. Hiokloy , who com * inaudud the Beuton , afterwards wont to the lead mines at Joplin , Mo. Joseph Dunlalurcor , Broadway , Buf falo , waa induced by his try TIIOUAH' ELKOTUIO OIL for a sprained aakle , and with half a dozen applicatloni ho wai enabled to walk round agulo al right. Bethesda BATHUG HOUSE At Bryant's Spring , Oor , Broadway and Union Sfcs ' COUNCIL BLUFFS , 1'Utn , Mcillcatc < 1 , \tfor , Klocfrlc , 1'lutiff , lauch , Shower , Hot and CoM lUilu Com. ptttnt n ale tnrl If tmlo Hirei and ntten < J nli nlwaji onhnml , ami lulioitoCrn o itntt Mtn- lion ghcn v tMM. Spooial alt ntlonghen to buttling children , Investigation and ] < ntron go BOllclMDR. . A. It Sttn > ! .BY it Co. , 100 Cppor Broadway , f. StuJ'oyi Triatmcut of chnnla made ft ptcl lty. Ono ot Uio belt coml-rlftM Hotels In tlio Wcitlnthe BROADWAY HOTEL , A. K 1I1HWN , Proprietor , NOT. Ml aid & 36 lro\Jiv yf ouncll IlutT ) , Iona. Table Fiippllod with thx brat the market af fords. U od rooms and flrst-claas beds. Terms \ny rmsonnlilo. UNION AVENUE HOTEL 817 Lower Broadway , Mrs. C. Gerspacher & Son , FinST CI.A'S IIOTKt , AT tlFAPONAtJLK I'lUOK * . TUAHPIKNTS ACCOMMODATKD. IIOTKt , KOrt SALi : . 0000 UKASONH FOU R5I.UNO. SCANDINAVIAN HOTEL , N. Anderson , - - Proprietor , 732 Lower llroadwsy. Table auppt'oil ' with Iho best the market af- fontn. Terms } 3.(0and 94 00 per week. Transient SI.00 per ilav. if Yon Wish n Lunch Go to LOUIE DUQUETTE , Soups , Meat * , and Eatables nlwnys on hand. Five Cents per call. STARR & BUNCH. HOUSE , SIGN , AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. PAPER HANGING , KALSOMINING BRAINING , Shop Corner Broad way nnd Scott St MRS. J. P. BILLUPS , WlOl'ItlCTOR OF RESTAUflANT & EATING HOUSE , 813 Sauth Main Street , Council D it IK Now house and newly fitted up In first clan style JJcala at all hours loj crtnm and lomo- niulo f very evoi ln.f. Frultmi d ( Oiiffctlonirlon. HUGHES & TOWSLEE , DEALERS IN Confectionery , FruitsNuts Cigars and Tobacco. Fresh Oysters and Ice Cream in Season. 12 MAIN ST. , Oonnoil Bluflfc. STEAM LAUNDRY. 723 W. Broadway. LARSON & ANDERSON , Proprietors , Thh launiiy his Just boon oprnedor busl- no < i * , and wo aio niw priparnl to do Itundry work ot til kinds and gn tra > iUo satisfaction A ip-cUllyii.a 1o of Una uorlc , Much os oollsrf , luffs , flnoihlrts , tto Wo want noijboly ta trial. . LARSON & ANDERSON. The Upper Yellowstone Country. Correspondence Yellowstone Jour nal : Everything now has n specula tive value in Billinga. Lots nro sell ing at a high ilgura and building ia carried on fast. At present there is no town of any size in the valley west ot Billinga , except the old established settlement of Benson's Landing , which may rival Billing ] in both size and business. At this point the Park branch loaves the main line. Ruund house and repair shops must bo built here and it will have the heavy busi ness pertaining to both its position as junction and- , end of a important division. It is upon a plain , gently inclining towards the river , and only short distance therefrom. The scenery at this point has a pimple grandeur which cannot fail to strike the eye of the most casual observer. The buttes upon the opposite nhuro and a little below , are among the highest and most magnificent along the river , and oven rival the palisiidtu ot the Hudson. Westward ono sees the Buzeman pass in the Rockies , on each side of which is eternal snow ; and on tlio south is the loveliest eight of all. There Iho Yellowstone comes rushing through the grand cinyon and steps into puhlio view , as it were , for thu first time , for before elio wt > a con eeulcd within the rocky fastnesses which are conti uoui to the park , like a , maiden , she makes her debut in her most bewitching manner. Hunters hot spring is fabt becoming a favorite resort for invalids. Dr , Hunter , the present owner , has boon a continuous resident upon his claim since ' 7U. The doctor is a genial old gentleman , who enter tains his visitors with marvelous cures effected by his springs. By chemical analysis the water is shown to contain seventeen or eighteen different prop erties , iron and sulphur predomina ting. The doctor is enthusiastic in his praises of the springs , and ho hus reason to. People who have visited both Hunter's and the Arkansas hot springs , say that Hunter's aru equal if not superior to those in Arkansas , and euro the same diseases. Never Glvo Up. If you are Buffering with low aud do pretmtd Bjiirlts , Ions ot appetite , ueuoru debility , disordered blood , weak cunatltu tlon , heulucho , or any dlut-ubo of u lilllimi nature , by all ineann procure a bottle of I ! lectrlo Bi Item , You will be eut urifced to tee the rapid Improvement that will follow ; you will be Inspired with new life ; strength and activity wfll return ) pain aud misery will cease , and henctforili 3 ou will rejoice in the pralje of Klectrlo Kitten. Bold at fifty cenU ajbottle , byO , F , Good , man. DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS HOTSL3. PROPRIETORS TOWNf J , a MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Neb. SARATOGA HOTEL , J. 8. 8TELLINIUS , Mllford , Neb.1 MARSH HOUSE , E.MAN3 , BROWNSVILLE , Neb COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , Btrorruburg N HALL HOUSE , A. W , HALL Loulavlll * CITY HOTEL , CHENEY A CLARK , DUIr , Neb. COMMERCIAL MOTE. , J. 0. MEAD , Nellgh , Neb GRAND CENTRAL C.BEYMOUR ; , Nsbraika City , h b talB30URI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP , Weeping Wat.r.Ne COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. OAARPER , Hrdy , Neb GREENWOOD HOUSE , W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. STOREY. Olarlnda , Iowa CNO'B HOTEL , E. U END , Eremont , Neb EXCHANGE HOTEL , 0 D HACKNEY , Athland , Neb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVELL , Atklnton , Neb. MORGAN HOUSE , E. U GRUDD , Guide Recd , N b. SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & DECKER , Oreiton , I * . HOUSTON HOUSE , QEO.OALPH , Extra , la. REYNOLDS HOU8C , O. M.REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , I * . COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. OURGESS , Neola , U. CITY HOTEL , Dl A. WILLIAMS , Harlan , Is , PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E , OUMMINQ3 , Corning , ) . NEBRASKA HOTCL , J , L. AVERY , Ctanton , MERCHANTS HOI EL J , W. DOULWARE , Durllngton Junction , M COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Blanchard , la. PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Shenandoah , la , OOMMCRO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , Dayld City , Neb DAGNELL HOUSE , OHA8.0AGNELL , College Springs , la. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , M. LUTTON , Vllllica , la. JUDKIN3HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , la , OALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Orove. In COMMERCIAL HOUSE D , F. STEARNS , Odebolt la WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Oiceola , Neb. DOUdLAS HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Clarki , Neb , BEDFORD HOUSE J. T. QDEEN. Bedford la. ARLINGTON HOUSE , J. M. DLAOK & SON , Marytvllle Mo NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A. T. POTTER , NorfolkdunctlonNeb WINSLOW HOUSE a MCCARTY , Beward , Neb , AURORA HOUSE M. 0. JONES , Auromr.Nec. OROZIER HOUSE O. R. OROZIER , Sidney , Nett. AVOOA EATING HOUSE D. W. ROOKHOLD. Avoca la. CENTRAL HOUSE LOCKWOOD & 8HATTUOK , Red Oak. THE JELM MOUNTAIN AND SBBBB HIHV miufumt Mining and Milling Company. Working Capital' - JSOO.OOO. Capital 8iock , 11,000,000 l"nr Value ot ah&roa. KE.OOO. STOCK. FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BBAMBL MININQ DISTRICT. DR. J. I. THOMAS , President , Cummins , Wyoming. WM E. TILTON , Vice-President , Cutnmlni , Wyoming B. N. HAUWOOD , Secretary , Cummins , Wyoming' . A. 0. LUNN , Treuurer , Cummin * , Wyomln Dr. J. I. Thomai , Louis Miller W. 6. Bramel. A. 0. Dnnn. S. N. Qancood. Francis Leavens. Ooo. II. Falou. Lewli Zolman. Dr. J. 0. Watklns. anllmeSm OKO. W. KKNDAI.t , . Atlthorlioct Airont ( or Rale of Blank * IV " 0 n < * iiv * > > > - . it "MJH'K'.W.V.'X WaK/AWa tTrstfor being the moit'Ulrect. qnlckutt , at. c lost line counseling the crcit Metropolis. OBI CAGO , and the Kuruia , KoxTH-KAHTBRR , I ) r fiiJ Homu-IUnrinN LIMIB , irblcb tcrmlDatrllit'ic With K/UIBli ClTT , LtAVBNWOBTTl , ATCIIIBOK CoinciL CLOm and Ouiru , tb * Oouynumi Rumu from which radiate j EVERY LINE OF ItWAD that penotratott the Coutlnont from the Ula iui niter to tbe Pacllto lilopo. The OHIQAQO EOOK ISLAND & PA OTJ10 RAILWAY IB tbe only line Irom Chicago owning track In haniai , or which , by Its own road , reached tb uotnta aboTe named. No TUAMSMIH BT OAauuoi No HisaiNa ooRHionoasI Mo huddllnK In III ventilated or unclean can , H erery paea nrer | carried In roomy , clean and ventilated ccwhei upon Faet Einrotw Train * DAT CAM ot unrivaled mairnlflctnca , FOIUIAI PAUDi BLiirua OABJ ) . and ourownworld-fatnoui Drama Qu , upon which meals aru aorvcd of on < urpa > aed exoellenee , at the low rate of OBTMTT Kim Cum lAon , with ample time for health ! a enjoyment. Tbrouftb Can between Chicago , Ftorla , iraukee and llliaourl Blver Polnta : and close con nectloni at all polnti of Intersection with othei roads. We ticket ( da not lorvet thli ) directly to iren place of Importance In Kanga * . Kebraika , BU-i Ulllo , Wyoming , Utah. Idaho I , Nevada , Oall Oregon , Washmifton Territory , Colorado , ArUoni and Mew Uezlco. At 1 beral arraneemenU rejardtnK bafgaxe at any other tine , an < f ratoa of fare alwayt a t ow at competitor ! , who turnlih but a tithe o the com fort. fort.Don and tackle of iportimen free. Ttnheta. maps and fold era at all prlnolpa ntaccs In the united BUtm and Uauada. It. n. CADLE , K. ST. JOHN , Vice Prea't & Ucn. Oen. Tkt ' Uanaizflr. ( Sioux Uity ffi facittc THB SIOL7X OITY ROUTE Huns a flolltl Train Through from Council BlullB to St. Paul Without Ohangu Time , Only 17 Houri IT u &OO UILE3 THE UIIOUTEfiT ROUTE MUU OOUNOIL BLUFFS TO BT. PAUL , MIMMEAPOUn DULUTIJ OK BISUAUOH indall point ) In HortUeru lova. Ulnnektaaa DaVota. ThU Hue 11 equipped wtfh the Improved Wuatlnghousu Automatlo Air-brake and Mill * rUtform Coupler and Duffer : and foi 8IT.KD. flAKETY AND OOMFOHX U unnirpawed. Fullman Palace Bleeping Oai run through WITHOUT CIIANOK between Kan llGltyand lit. Paul , via Council Bluffs aud dloux City. Iralniloivo Union Paclfle Transfer at Oouu ell Dluff * , at 7:35 : p , m. dally on arrival ol Kansat City , St Joseph and Council UluBa train from the South. Arriving at Sioux City 11:85 : p. m. . rd at the New Union Depot at bt. Paul at Wait uoou , tEH nOUUS IN ADVANCE OF ANY.OTflKB UOUTfi. fR member In taking the Bloax City Uouti you get a Through Trnlu. The Shortcut Line , the Quickest Time and a Comtortablo Hide In Ibi Through ( Ian between COUNCIL ItLUKFB AND OT. PAUL. xertiee that your Tickets road via the "Bloui City and PaclQc Ballroad " / 8. WATTLES , J.K.BUCUANAN Buporlutendent. Qen'l Paso. Agent. P. K. ItOUlNbON , Au't Uou'l I'MJ. Aie'l. , Mlwourl Valley , Iowa W , K. DAVIS , Bou hw .UTnAeul. | W tlULUU 'IV aobo.-uua ( Written by .J ? " , tf. JOSSB JatDOS lh < only life a' Iborlt I y bur , and which will not be a "like d aa ihunder" story , such M ha * been wi'l will lg uiblihed , but a true Life by th only p rou who U I'l p nte4ilon of the facU a lal htul dud devoted wife. Tiutb Is more Interontmg tbaa action. Agent * should apply lor territory at on > e. Send 76 eta. for Barn , pie Book. J.H.Chamber. &q % , * aod&w * ow icuauUi Mo GREAT-I URLINGTON It the old Pavorlto and FOR CHICAGO , PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORKBOSTON , , And all Poluts Eait anott outh-East Til B LINK COMPKISBU Nearly 4,000 mllca. Solid Smooth Steel Tracks All ecnnectloni are made In UNION DLPOT8. It hu a National Repntatlon aa being the ) Qreat Through Oar Line , and li universally conceded to bu the FINEST EQUIPPED Ball * road In the world ( or all claasei ol travel. Try Hand you will find traveling a luxury Instead ol a discomfort. Through Tickets via rhli Celebrated Line lor aale at all offices In tbe West. All Information about Itatea ol Fare , Bleeping Car AcocmuioJatloni , Time Tables , Its. , will 1 * cheerfully Klvon by applylnln * to T , J. POTTER , Sid Vlce-Hros't & Don. ManagenCblcago. PERCIVAL LOWELL , Oeu. Pas cnver Agt , Chicago , W. J. DAVKNPOUT , ( Jon Aucnt , OomicU Bluffa. . , UUKLL , Ticket morn-ed ly 1880 , SHORT LINE. 1880. KANSAS CITY , U Till OaXT _ Direct Line to 3T. LOUIS AND TDK EAST From Omaha and the West , All trains leave BAM. Depot , Omaha ! Neb , No change of cars between Omaha and as. t/ooU , and Iral ono between OMAIIA and NEW YOHK. tsxaK Daily PassengerTrains KABTEHH AND WETl'KRN CITIES with LK& OUAUUISU and IN ADVANCK ol U.L OTUtill LINKH Thli entire line U equipped with allman't Palace Sleeping Can. Palace Day CoachcK. aUlltrt Safety Platform and Coupler , and tbe celebrattd WentlngbouMi Air-brake. tAThee that your ticket readi VIA nAN8A8 CIT * . tT. JObBPll tt COUNCIL BLUfjra Rail load , -via St. Joseph and t. LouU. Ticket * lor sale at all coupon ttatloni In tb * West. J , F , BARNARD , O. DAWKS , Can. Eupt , Bt. Joseph , Ho A Gen. ftot. and Ticket Agt , St. Joseph , Mo. AMBT BO C N , Ticket Agent , 1020 traroham street. W , J.DivmrOKT , OenenI Agent , OUAIIA.HI FAST TIME I In going East take the UMcago&Nortliwest- u > cx. ernw - * - - Train * leave Omaha 8:10 : p , m , andTUOa.'a. i lull Information call onlj. P. DUKt , Ticket Agent. Uth aud Varnham 8U. J. BKLL , U. r. ItUway Depotor at JAMK8 T. CLAKK , 091. Axes ) , Oioatui. ( alTiok * M