THE DAliY , BEE : COUISICIL BLUFFS , IOWA WEDNESDAY , JUKE 7 , 1882. & The Daily Bee. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Wodtrep'day Morning June 7 , SUBSCRIPTION RATES : JBy Carrier , - - - - - BOccnUrrwe1c _ By Hall , 10 00 per Year. Offlco : Ko. 7 Pearl Street , Koar Broadway. 0. K. MAYNK , Manner City Circulation. H. W , TII.TON , City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS. Go to Herman's for big bargains. Sherraden make * photographs. There bare been sovcnty-ono marciage license ) is utd here since April 1st. Sherraden is tha boss phntogrnj > her. Closing out of entire stock t Herz man's. ' To-morrow t lha Baptiat tJaurch the Jadles net up strawberries * nd Ice crsam In the chapel. Visitors always , welcome ot Mauror & Craigs. Joseph Rctter makes suits in the lat est styles at 310 Broadway. npr44f The slandered horse case occupied Judge Abbott's lime yesterday. Herzman is bound to dose out. fllailroad tickets bought and sold Bushneli , five doors north ot Postofllce. Can save you money on tickets. A new line ot ridioj , driving and drover' * whips just received at Bookman's. Buy ot him an 1 save money , Don't forget to call at the new ice cream parlors of Mrs. Ji A. Gray , over 605 Broadway , In the district court yesterday , Judge [ Lowb of tbo Sioux City circuit presiding , the trial of Jack Shields was begun , ho "being charged with having brutally an- aaultcd Mr. Jennings last spring. A well known soiled dove named M. O. Scott , wa < yesterday before Judge , Aylesworthbut was let off on the paymeit of coitf , nud on making the promise that she would leave town nt onco. Joseph Rots , of CIS Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs , makes the best batter tubs In the west and sells them at the lowest Cash price. opr28-lf Jnstice Abbott was yesterday sum- . mended to Kiel's hotel , where he tied the bond matrimonial which joins T. B. Be- hcnseo and Johanaa L , Witt as husband and wife. It was thought that there would bo few civil coses in the superior court for its Juno term , owing to the fact that it Is a new court , and that the district < ourt is in seition , but there have been twenty cases put on the docket already , twelve of which , however , are poll tax suits. James Fruiney , who hai for more than1 eight years bean connected with Oberf elder & Newman , la now arranging to tart o merchant tailoring -establishment for himself and yesterday leased No. 3,32 Broadway , where hofwlll open abtut the 1st of next month. Ho 'has1 scores of friends and will doubtless jump into a large and prosperous butiness. Yesterday Frank Crow , the "Blue Jay" man , was able to appear .before Jndge AylfHworth to answer the charge of disturbing the peace , laid ] at his door some time ago , but which he lias not'been ' pre pared to meet before owing to the effects of the pounding he received at the time of the fracas. He pleaded .entity to the charge and was"fined $9.60. John Greta , of Weston , was on a , -wildf drunk Monday night and had Dr. Gary's ) hone , with which bo and a girl named Fannie Allen were out riding at a slashing gait whoa the officers arrested them. They were aoh fined § 1 and costs. Green explained his having * ho doctor's horse , by saying that it was by the latter's .permission , but the latter denied it. The filling of llain' street , for which Mr. Moore had the contract , Is now coin- plojed , the expense for this part of the work being about 81,100 , and .in settling -with him the council found that his dirt tickets and the accounts came out right to a dot. There ! s some question as to whether the street railway company is llablo to pay for the lling In necessary ti raise the track , * nd it is understood .that the matter is to be ref oned'to' Judge Reed for a decision. Tha Importance of the question is not-confined simply to the work ; done on Main street , but -will affect future improvements. If the paving of ISroadway is decided upon then will arise , perhaps , i the question as to how much , if .any , of , tbo work oa the street will fall to ( the railway company to pave. The , superior court Ish now getticg pretty well provided arlth the needed ( books and blanks , and the form fn which they are arranged , and { he neatnetii ud .taite of the mechanical work excites much .praise , especially from the attorneys and those who have business there. Those Looks were furnished by B. T. Walker & Co , , of this city , whoss printing and book binding establishment i thus holding and Increasing its enviable reputation by fine work. We noticed the other day suine -remarkably fine booki nreparod for the Carroll .county official ! , which would prove an honor to any esUbllsbinent. The firm is securing similar orders from f large number of counties. Voting America ' eomotlmea sets the -aid ones a good'exampleof .enterprise. A boy. claimiBff to hall from Sherman , Tex. AS , bounded nto the BEB office the other day with a "ihine-.em-np , " aad afterslww. iaghli ability to give a boss shine , shored ills dime into Us pocket , and wanted to know what it cost to advertise. "I tell you , mister , I believe In advertising , . does , nnd want * misthlnsr put In the pa. .per. How much will It cost * " "Why , what do you want to ndvfrtisei" "Well , I just want it put In the paper that Jo. Seott gives the boss Mae of .any of the fellers. SouwthlDg like that. Ho v much vrlUItcoBtaffller ? " Such an apprecia tion of tbo value of advertising shown in e M > young and tender , moved the klud- " aiUd business manager , and lie or- jwd liP d" in at clergymen's rates , the r > . bktfc boot .jt jfex MOSS * oa ORUMBS PfiOM THE OODHOIL , Various Matters of Interest to the Oity Considered by the Aldermen. Tko Saloon XiooBHQ Qncmtion to Be Referred TTntll After tbo Election. The ExproBsmon Want to Pay a High Liconso. IJndor Iho now order of things the city council is supposed to moot but once a month. As a result there ia an accumulation of bills end business , which makes it impossible to dispose of all in an evening's session. Such was the CMO nt the mcoting Monday evening , nnd much business hod to bo left for this evening. The -council did not got at work until late , there being several of the rnombora tardy , but at last took tlioir places. After the reading of the minutes , a big bundle of blllo presented by Auditor Burke , nnd pieacd over for consideration , nnd latex in the evening allowed. Col. Koatloy WAS hoard concerning tbo location of East Picrco street , and the petition ot Conrad Geiso , W , II. M. Puaoy and others , to move the street nbout fifteen feet , at its cross ing at Book street. Mr. Koatloy rep resenting Mr. Koolino's interest asked for the expunging of a resolution passed by an old council , authorizing a committee to proceed with the con demnation ot land for the purpose of changing the street The colonel urged that this rcsoluttor woo illegal , and it was unjustly throwing a cloud on Mr. Kooliuo's right to the strip of land in question. The matter was re- ferrcd to the city attorney to report upon at the next mooting. , Hon. Goo. F. Wright appeared as the attorney for the water works. Ho stated that it had buou originally planned to have the reservoir located in Fairmount park , but this was now not found feasible. It had been thought boat to locate ic at the head of Glenn avenue just outsidotho park , and ho suggested that the city pur chase a piece of land there and xnnko it a part of the park , the company to pay for that portion occupied by the reservoir. Referred to the park com mittee. A petition signed by JM. . Palmer find Mr , Hatnlin. representing the 0. , B. & Q. railway , was presented , ask ing for the vacation of a certain alley in block 15 , Riddle's addition , the signers representing all the property uffooted by the chatigo. Referred to the city attorney. A petition was presented and re ferred asking for a sidewalk on Fourth avenue , between Seventeenth and Nineteenth streets. The resignation of Pat Laoy as chief of the fire department was presented and accepted. A committee consist ing of Messrs , Conner , Casper mnd Brown , Representing the fire'depart ment , reported that at a mooting held F. H. Quanolla hadibeon elected chief to fiirtho ; vacancy , and asked that the coiinoil confirm , this action. The matter was referred , to thoifiro depart ment committee , and enmotion John Toraploton , the first assistant , waa in structed to act as ohiof until further action was taken. A petition extensively signed by the residents in the vicinity of Vine and Bryant streets , was presented , calling attention to the fact that a house of ill-fame had been planted in their midst , and Asking that the matter - tor bo investigated , and if the facts were found to bo as stated , that the nuisance bo abated forthwith. The chief of police was instructed to look into the case , and if it was such a house as was represented , to BCD that it was suppressed promptly. The mayor recommended a raise in the licenses of expressmen , of cir cuses and the fixing of a license for shooting galleries. A petition signed by a number of expressmen was also presented , ask * ing that the license bo raised to ? 25. The petitioners claim that the present license was so nominal that transients often ontprcd into the business , there , by lessoning the needful profits of thofio who devote their whole time to it. The petition , and the mayor's recommendation wore referred to the 'judiciary committeo. A ! culvert was asked for , near the 0. B. &Q. , railway At ( ho lower' ' ond'of Bancroft street. Referred to commit" too bn streets and alloys. 'V The auditor reported that the bills allowed in May amounted to $4,017 02 anditho warrants issued $4,030. The total number of warrants issued by the present council amounted to $8 , > 373.27. of which $5,018 was from the general fund and 82,454 from the po lice fund , The regular reports were presented by the several city officials and by Judge Aylcsworth , and were placed on filo. The rest of the evening waa taken up in the consideration and allowance of bills , of which there were a largo number. It was expected that the now ordi nance regulating saloons and fixing the amount of licenses would bo taken up , but it is now understood that the matter will bo passed over until after die yoto on the prohibitory amend ment , thus leaving the amount of license an open question until after tha present contest ia past. The council worked until about raid- night and then adjourned until this evening. BURNED OUT AND STARTED JE\V. Bcfaull & For , the proprietoro of the l-ronoh A/\r\41 Meat 1. . . . . . . Market 1 L , T which . was _ _ .W-B | - " . out " " " " * * * * * 4 * utrui" y xixmil o street , Imvo rented the building the l first door north of Geo. Blaxsim's shoo ahop nod will to-day opbn out business ogam. Giro them a call 700 JJUSHKLS Choice White Data for 'sale * clienp Mayno & 0o. . 34 Pearl afreet SMOKE FUANK'S BLUNW. FOK SAIB EVKBVWHEltK. Water KO IN frlfe COSIEST. Hon. W. F. Snpp Withdraws From the Congressional KlfttiL There was an important change made yesterday in the congressional contest by the withdrawal of Hon. W. F. Sapp , who couehdd his retire' mont in the following letter : Gotmcit BMJiTH , Ia. , Jnne 0. lion. Ood. F. Wright , Member CongrcMlon&t Committee , Council Bluffs , low * . Sin ! My name having been mentioned as a candidate for the nomination to congress , I beg leave to say to you and through you to the re publicans of the district , that I ani not a candidate for the nomination to that office. It ia my wish that my name shall not bo presented to the coming convention. I avail myself of this opportunity to express my grati tude to my friends for their support In the past and their proffered support had I entered this contest. Youra truly , W , F. SArn. The withdrawal of Mr. Sapp put anew now phano on the oituatio.i. Ihoro were many who clung to him , and many others who hoped that ho would so hold Audorson to a close race ns to give on excellent chance for a third man to capture the prize. JIad ho re mained in the contest , it is probable that this would Imvo been the result of the atrucrglr , and Anderson would Imvo boon loft shivering in the cold , with Sapp to console him , while a third man would have been chosen. By Sapp's withdrawal Anderson is given a great advantage , which will probably tend him to the front , aa the time is rather short for the many who are opposed to him to unite on some ono more to their liking and more worthy of the honors. Light ning may yet single out such a candi date , and if so many will rejoice with exceeding great joy. It would , porhapj , have been little satisfaction tor Mr. Sapp to have kept in a race , the result of which would have loft both himself and the major defeated , but it would have boon more a satisfaction to the many who oppose Anderson , to have had him either stick to the last or retired earlier , so that they might have had time to unite on a man who would take the honors which have been grasped for in so unseemly a manner by , Anderson. The withdrawal gives Anderson a much surer outlook than ho hold dur ing t ) > o days when the voice , of which his was the echo , was' shouting "boom , " Still there is still a chance that Anderson may not got there. Whether ho does or not , the character ot the man , his political trickery , his public and private record in the past cannot bo changed , and oven success cannot keep the people from gazing at what he really has been , and really is , WANTED. To buy 2,000 bushels of White Gorn. Highest market price paid. Mayno & Co. , Broom Factory , Council Bluflj. may27-tf THE COUNTY BOARD. Tbo Supervisors Spend' Moat of the ' Time In Considering Roads. Yesterday was tho.sooond day's ses sion of the county Aboard of super visors , and'tho ' time was largely devo ted to the further consideration of roads. The road petitioned for by J. E. Williams and others in Hazel Dell township , also the ono petitioned for | by W. H. Butler and others in Har- din township , were established by the . board on condition that the petition ers should pay' the costs before the , September term. The petition by Charles Clark and others for a change of road in Center township was granted on like condi tions The vacation ot a road , petitioned for by John Roano , also the vacation of road petitioned for byVm. . Brown were established. The road petitioned for by Thomas Green and sons was established , as shown by the supplementary report of the commissioner , and that J. Schmidt bo allowed $300 and Russell Giles $80as damages. The petition of H. MoRoynolds and twenty-throe others of Belknap tpwpship , asking the board to offer for hole the five forty-ncro tracts , of school land remaining , unsold , was settled by authorizing the trustees.of the town to appraise each forty aero tract and report at the September mooting. The petition of F. Wilbourno and others for a change of road was pro- Rented and action deferred until July. PERSONAL. " J. P , Peach , may r of Hamburg , was in the city yesterday. . Winfleld Potter , of Van Buren county , was visiting friends here. Mr. Larsen , of Copenhagen , dined with Dr. Puulson yesterday at the Ogdcn , 0. 0 , Mitchell , one of the liveliest tour ists out of Dts Molnes , was hero again I yesterday. Dr , F Xutcn A\oot"was > - , of \ , here yes terday. He reports tha small pox having been completely cleaned out In that place. ar Anderson wa in Hamburg Wednesday and Thursday , He boa now a good office , worth 83,000 a year an J no onerous duties to perfura He is in vigorous pursuit of the cilice of congressman. For seventeen years patt ho has been in ollice , or in pursuit of office , or sofno otllcp has been pursuing : him , lie must have an office or he will , - leatethe state. It us d to be said of i some public men that they neither sought J nor declined honorable of 11 ecu. This class of men has beiome extinct. Hamburg News. Profitable Patient * . Tha most wonderful and marvelous success in casoa whuro persons are sick orVasting away from a condition of misorablencar , that no ono knows what alls them , ( profitable patients for doctors , ) is obtained by the use of a Hop Hitters. They begin to cure from the first doeo and keep it up un til perfect Jiealtb and strength is re- ' - " ' .Whoever . * isu liwtedi in this _ L at a ff v * * B - fe * 0ta it Hop Bitt < t Hf < MMMMMM'iifer-"u ( IUU. II V ( ± & HMUlt Vjiilttii , v , t juowrfi * aiutuj j Jnun i * 'FlGl4tlr\IG FEMALES. Joolouoy Oauees One Womati to Fire Seven Shots at Another. Poor BJnrkmamMp SnviRtbo Shedding - ding of Blood. There was'some lively shooting in Streotsvillo Monday night , and con siderable excitement caused in the neighborhood. It appears that Mr. and Mrs. Bush , and Mrs. Ewing , live on adjacent lota , A daughter of the former , known aa Mrs. Ellft Harris , returned homo a day or two ago from Colorado , where she has boon living some time , and thq trouble which led to the shooting WAS confined to her and Mrs. Ewing , mainly , as is said to have originated In jealousy concerning n man named Harris. This man Har ris was for some claimed aa her own by Mrn. Effing , and their relationship being broken off ho afterwards mar ried the Bush girl , but trouble arose between them , and they separated. On the lattor's ' return homo aha learned that Harris was again devoting - voting hia affections io Mrs. Ewing , and on the strength of this in formation she rushed over to the latter s house , and the two meeting in the rear yard , waa opened , chirgcs and denials were hurled red hot at each other , and according to Mrc Ew- ing's story the Bush woman pulled a revolver and began shooting rapidly at close range. Mrs. Ewing says aho felt thoflash , of the revolver aa wollaa saw It , and not only hoard the bullets but aaw them whizzing through the air close to her. She waa evidently badly shaken up , but for some strange reason , unaccountable only on the theory that a woman cannot throw a stone or sharpen a lead , pencil , none of the shots took effect. The bullets flew so wide of the mark that some of the noianbors were put in jeopardy and they hurrodly sent a messenger to the police station , but when the officers arrived the belligerent females had withdrawn from the field , and quiet was restored. This morning Mrs. Ewing was again threatened by Mrs. Harris , and the police rushed down and arrested the latter , and she was brought before - fore Judge Aylcsworth , and charged with atsault with intent to do great bodily harm. The case was continued' ' until this afternoon at 2 o'clock , the woman being in the meantime locked up in jail. KopubhcanConvention. The republicans of Fottawattamie county will meet in delegate conven tion at the court bouse in Council BlUffs on Tuesday , Juno 20 , at 1 p. m. } for the purpoao of selecting thir teen delegates to attend the congres sional convention to be held in Uoun- cil' ' Bluffy June 22. Each township will bo cntitled'to the following num ber of delegates : Kane , 1st Proc't. . .6 Lay ton 5 Kane,2dPreo't..7' Lincoln 2 'Kane , 3d J'reo't..7 Iwi * 2 Kane,4thPreo't.v..O .Macedonia..H--i.3 Bloomer. . . .2 Minden 4 Belknap ! ? Neola i 4 Crescent 2 Nor walk.2 Cars m. . . , , , ,8. 1'leasant 3 Center. 3 RockforJ 3 Grove . . ' ' . . . . .3 Silver Creek 2 Garner . . . .2 Valley 4 Hordln 3 Washington , .3 HMelDell .3 Waveland 3 James i.,8 Wright 3 Rnox , 8 York 2 Keg Creek . . . . . . .2 | The primaries in each township , un less ordered by township committee- .man , will bo hold Saturday , Juno 17 , at 8 p. m. By order of JOHN W. BAIKD , Chairman Co. Rep. Cent. Com. ' Bucl lia'a Arnica Salve. The BEST SALVI : In the world for Cut * , Bruises , Sorea , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Ro ver Soren , Tetter , Chapped Hands , Chil blain ? , Corns , an 1 all skin eruptions , ami positively cures illca. It la guuran'eed ' to elvo satisfaction or money refunded. Price , 25 cents per box. For sale by O. IT. Goodman. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE , Special advertisements , sue M Losti Found , To Loon , For Sale , To Bent , Wonts , Boarding , etc. , will bo Inserted la thit column t the low rate of'TEN CENTS , ppfl IJNE lor tbo flni , Intertlon nd FJTVECENTS PEE' LINE ( or each subsequent Insertion. Leave * dv eitliomeots at our office , No. 7 1'carj Street , near Uroadway. Wants. \TrAN.TKD Good KM for general houwwork YV Inquire at lieo office. maylOU VITAJiTED-Everyuody In .Council Bluffs It YV to takoTu Bis.20 cents per llverod by carriers. Offlco , No 7 Pearl Street pear Broadway. \TTANTED To buy 100 tons broom com TV for particulars address Council BluOi Broom Fiu-torr. Council Illnfli. Iowa , W-tH For Solo and Rent F OH , HI'.Nr.-fart of a residence or vlll bell tlio wlicloon tasj'tcrma. Knnuird at HRK otllce. J.O ot BlllUK I'OH HALE-1 laie on hand one Jclln of an L'OoJ brick as cm bo hud In the city. I'irtlei dui.r i > ir a gcctl vrtlclo nil ) Ond It to their AdxnUfu to call at inv nilJenco , on Incolii avenue , or aOJro H llobcrt > li.dalo . , box Bll , Council ll.uffK , Io a , I.AOH HAIjt , i'ro.h milk iow. and cihcs at JJ B au lro.'s ) jardi , Uiin9 , Broadw y. [ m29 Ct * T70II HALE Two new l > jclc's ) atabatgalq , X1 B 11. bt lnhlibcrat new Jurnltuio factory on e \ ontli u > tnuo , neat to 0. & N. W. 11 M. m y2J-lmt IilOR BALK-Sheet muslo orlh 88 cenU to 1 tlOO ( or 6 i tuts a .opy.nnd overJO.OOO other useful articles , at Su Jth & E\erottsarwt tittf end Teu-L'tnt Btore , No HO " " ' ' rounaiBluBs. low. . 1710 ii BALE.-Elehti.acro firm p itly cultl- JL' > aUil , twoinllcs uiet ot Uoiaha. Udell & lay ; roO-tf J OU KKN | rtrt or whole of nlc * resilience , ' or pill etll ou ewy tcm , Apply at Vei mllco. ina)2 tf TJWll SALE-llca-ittlul realSenco lo'tV ' , 880 L1 each ; nothlu doun , and SJiicr'rontli only , JC-MAYOlt VAUQHAN. a 13-tf MlBcollanooua. _ EMlKUhlOU UALLEUV g lil M < Vd ' and 'iho InOtunuU Hiiifti. Orand now , ' ? * " ' a th' ' wc k. C U and 800. 100 Miln etreot. A NVp eh lriBkst rcd htlfer with Urge tF"u man " Mherib"ltc ) > Un ? * * TTVll. W. M'A'riXW-l'iijileiMi aud Ocul'uT CuncureauycauoofiiorBiByo * . It 1 * only matter ot tlnio. uj can euro generally m from thro , tc flj weeks-it nodiffer- nc bow IcDff discard. Will straighten c/ws eyes , operate and remova I'tyrrirtonu , tta , and Insertartiadal eyes. Bjwclal attention to r - broom rr FIVE 'SAVED ON EVERY DOLLAR nr BUYIKO YOUR < GROCERIES AT THE Boston Tea Go's ' Store , 16 Main Bt , and 16 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , TEY IT AND lake Money , W.W.SHERMAN MANUFACTURER OF Eoad , Track , Coach & Livery HARNESS ! FINE WORK A SPECIALTY. E. H. SHERMAN , Business Manager. WM. CUniSTOPHEa , Mechanical Manager. 134 S. Main St. , Council BluQfc , Ia. F.J. OSBORNE&CO Sell More Groceries , Sell Better Groceries , Sell Groceries Cheaper THAN XTSy OTHER HOUSE TN THE OirY. LOOK AT THEIR PRICES ON A FEW LINES. HlbFxtraC su arfor . . . SI 00 10 Ib Standard A sugar . . . , . 1 00 W 1 ! ) UromiUtcil sugar . „ . 1 0 < > 71bNo. 1 Hooatal Jilo coffcce . 1 0 TlbNol Green Klocoflco . 1 00 1 11) 1'cst hoastcd O O. Jai a coffee . 30 1 lh Best Hoas ted iloclii . SO 1 IbUIx , luff jara and half UIo . S3 11 > Can hi pcd trie IDccf . i. . 25 31h cans CnllfomlaFm ts . 25 ClioicoTaliloi.utt. rTtrlb i.i . 15 Yor < Stito Gallon /ppes . 3 } 3 111 Can YclowPeichca . 0 61h Can lie Peaches . 25 21b Cu i Star Peaclif H . , . . . . 15 8 Ib c nn' % cry lest Sweet Corn . 20 Best brands -prln if Wheat Flourirer cock. . . 3 76 HlhillarsGlllettH M-oii. , . . . , . 1 00 18 Ib Ban Kirk's White flusslin Soap . 1 00 ' .Hojd'u Hams per Ib , . . . . . . . ] 5 Bojd's Breakfast Bacon per Ib. . 10 ' ticlda Community' ' Fru Ii per jar . , 7G Gordon ft Dlllworth's Preserves . OS And Everything Else in Stock Proportionally Cheap. Don't Buy Any Groceries | Until You Have Seen Us. Teims Cash. > F , J , OSBORNE & 00 , COUNCIL BLUFFS MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , AND GENERAL MACHINERY Office and Worka , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. We glvo special attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces , HOISTERS AND OENEHAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK will receive prompt attention. A general as sortment ot Brass Goods , Bolting , Pimng , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Fig .Iron . , Ooke , Goal , OHAS , HENDRIE , President Rubber Hose , Iron and Lead Pipe , Iron and Brass Fittings and Trimmings , at Bixby & Wood's , THE PLUMBERS , On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets. ) J. M. PALMEE , DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND LOAN A&ENT , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Ors. Woodbury & Son , Cor. Pearl & lit Aye , COUNCIL BLUFFB. MAUIIT3R & ORAIG , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rich Out Gloss , Fiuo French China , Silver Wore &a , 810 DuOJCWiT. . COUNCIL liLUFFS. IOVYA. MRS , H , J , HILTON , M , D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , 222 Brodwav , Council Bluff * . W. 8. AUtNT. JACOU 8IU8 AMENT & SIMS , ittomoys & OounsBllors-at-Law , OODNOIL BLXJFPS. IUWA. J1 .am * , ) Mtiui HARKNESS , ORCUTT & CO. , DRY GOODS ATO CARPET HOUSE. i Broadway , Cor , Fourth Street. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. J. MUELLER'S IP I mean business and no blowing , IP.A. Having recently contracted for 600 .A. Oigans and over 200 Pianos for thR fcea- EOII , to ba sold at Bargains for Gash , and on tine Agents wanted. Correspondence solicited , O J. MUELLER , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. F. F. FORD Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2,00 XMC.4k.XXEI XXMT ' 3C3BB3BI Bluff and ffillow Streets , Councfl Htnffii. jvr / loOMac FURNITUBE HOUSE. / Mirrors. Upholstery , Eepairing , Etc. . Wood and Metallic Coffins * No. 430 Broadway , Cor. Bryant St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. UNION BAKERY , 517 SOUTH MK\H \ STREET. THE BEST BREAD IN THE CITY. None but first-class Bakork' employed. Bread , Cake , Pies , &c. , delivered to any part of the city. Oar" Wagons run all day. . - P. AYRES , Proprietor. . . . M E T C A L F B , R. O S. , . , WHOLESALE DKALEBBJ.IN Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves. , - " CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED , REAL ESTATE AGENT , Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands , M , t and a number ot Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. ' ' A Office with W. S. MAYNE , over Savings Bank , - OOUVOTLi BliTJPB WALL Mew Styles Just Eeceived. 11 Pearl Street , Council Bluff * . 0. A , BEEBK , W. RUNYAN , W. BEEBE C. A. BEEBE & CO. , Wholesale and JUtall Dialers in FURNITURE AND CROCKERY , Hbs. 207 & 209 Broadway. Council Bluffs. Mrs. J. E. ietcalfe-and Miss Belle Lewis ' Are now dealing-In all kinds of fancy goods , ench B Laces , Embroideries , L dlc MJnderwca , of all descriptions. Also lUddierchlefs , both In silk and linen , hose of lr ulndi , thread. pins , needles , it ; . . We hope . the ladles Hill call tad eeo our stock of Roods at BS9 Broadway btfoto go bf ( elsewhere. E. J. DAVIS , 13 PEARL STREET , Dealer in ZEPHYRS. GERMANTOWN AND FANCY YARNS/ of All Kinds. A Foil Line of Canvns , ! Felt , Embroidery , Knitting Sllh oiid Stamnecl Oootl . Nice Amortpnnt of A t ) ll po Plotnrea 'i. o f ( 1 j * ' * > 1 ' I IS ' i * * Z. , T.iLINDSEY : & CO , 412 BEOABWAYtfOUNCIL BLUFFS ' . * * ' fI8TSIDISPA1S CLARINCA MA.t