Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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NKW YCBC , Jane C.
Money closed ea y at 2ffi3 per cent.
Exchange cloeed firm at 4 8ii@4 00.
Ult > fed firm.
Oat renoy G's . . * . . . . , . J29 bid
4' * coupons . 1US ;
4 V coupons . ! ! )
5' continued . . . 101 j
C'g contlnuoJ . oil ;
I'Mlfic rnllroid bonds cloned as follows )
Unionists . 118 © IISJ
Union Sinlcintr Fnndc , offered. . ! 1 ( al2
Union Land Urants . * . t.l)3 © 114
The stock nmrkel to day wa $ stronft In
atly dealings , and prices advanced i to
Ifl per cent a < o unpAroil with yesterday' *
cloiinp , St. Paul , Denver & Kb GrAiide ,
Wabash , New Vork Central , and Louis-
vllle & Naslwillo loidlng. Attsr fint call
a weaker tona set iu , and the early ad
vance WAI almost entirely lost , but
toward mid lay the market became sir ug
again and recovered the decline. Subse
quently the failure of W. U. Meeker & C'o.
WA * announced/ and contM r tblo stock
was sol I under rule. ThU Ind a depress
ing effect on ths matktt , and prices de
clined rapidly , doling at lowest peLt of
the day.
* t The following were closing bida :
.no ina' .
The following waie the sales of the more
.active stock * to-day. Total sale ? , 480-
4XX ) sHarea. '
W U 20901 Erie 10200
OOO&I JOT Preferred. . . 1 < > 0
OC& I 0 . . . 400 K & T 8000
CB&Q 1200 LS , .08400
NVO 2.1500 L&E W KM )
N J . . . . ? ' . . . OJ L&N r-.f9900
111 Cent 1 00 Ont & W 2100
llichCen 4300 O4M ' . . 81K )
Ohio Cen 1300 Korthwditern. 6800
N P 8900 .Preferred. . . . VOJ
Preferred..17 iW ( Pro Mai .Ai 2-tO
< 3P 3300 RI 500
UP 4I.9JO . Reading 14300
TP 31500 StPaul 20500
Met Elevated. 100 Preferred. . . . IDOl )
Hun Elevated. 000 N.i h& Chat..11300
Mo. Pee 14)00 MStL&W. . 300
CanSmtho u. 1200. Wabash 85UU
D&11 400 Preferred..10100
DL& W 18000 StP&Om. . . . 6500
D&KG Preferred. . . 61UO
CHICAGO , June 6.
Preston , ICean & Co. , bankers , report
the market to-day without a special feat
ure , being alinutt lifeless both here and in
Now York ,
Government bonds remain at prices
-I'-sj : quoted yesterday , and all grades of securi
AVj ties both local and otherwise , are at a
stiud fttill and dull.
Foreign exchange a trifle more active ,
bat at unchanged rates.
Eastern exchange tha same as yesterday ;
money plentiful , but witu a tendency to
strong nttej.
Clearings , $8,128,000.
OrriCB or Tiu OMAHA Bn I
Tuesday RveninR , June 6 , J
The only changes reported in themarkec
4o-day are M follows :
Wheat-No. 2 r.dvanced io.
Kye Declined Jo.
Corn Advanced ia.
Oata Advanced Jo.
Local Grain Dealing !
WIlEAT.-Cash No. 2,1.10J ; cosh No.
8 , 97o : rejected , C8o.
UAllLEY. Cash No. 2 , 02oj No. . 8 ,
} .
31YE. Cash , Glo.
COKN.-Cauh No. 2 , CCj.
OATS.-Cash , 40Jo.
STUEBT PlllOhd-Oorn , 6045j oato ,
40 i-1.
Produce and Provisions.
POTATOES Old , so < kro.- ; Silt Likes ,
41 60@1.LO per bun. Home grown out of
market , new , very higb , 83lO@8.60 per
"ifuANSWax , 3.00@3 25 per bus. box 5
itilng. $ l.60@223.
ONlONS-Scarcej 3 003 fiO per bus
box ) new homo grown , i er doz bunoLea ,
K.VDISnES nome grown , KSodoz.
PIK PLAN I' Per pound , l@ljo.
A-PAHAG US Per doz , 4Q'a 03.
LKTrUOU Per do * hoid , 4050o.
NEW TUilATOEd-Ptr pound , 12J ®
BUTTER Choice country , 13@153.
. . . „ . . . „ ila.H , ] 5n : breakfast bacon ,
16c ; clear bason , 131c ; shoulders , Oc ; dried
llmnesoU piteutn , 4 70 ; Jack Frost , 4 73 ;
Bhawneefancy , S 76 ; California "Pioneer , "
3 75 ; Triumph , spring. 3 5 ; rye fliur ,
3 2i ; rje , Gmh.m , 260 ; whet Graham ,
25 ; hay. G 00@J ( fQ per tou ; bUle.l , 10 ( X ) ;
chopped fetd , i 60 ; chopped .corn , 1 50 ;
' * " ' 1 W ) ler owt ; tr * r , 40 ; per ton
lee e ; 6 00 baled.
Qrooora * List.
COFFEE.-ltio , lUir , He , PV10. good
? CJ ll lX.T ° l ? cllIce Wki ° 1 < 1 pov't
Java ; 20j@281c , Mocha , 28io ; Arbuckle's ,
.5oj Japan , choice , 60@76c ; Oolong , i
5@40 ; Oolong , , 40@65 ; Souchong ;
od. 85 < a40f { choice. 8545o.
KEW PIOKLKB Medium , la Umls ,
89 60) ) do In half bblt , 5 25 ! m&lK In bbln.
13 00 do , In halfbbls , 700 ; gherkins , in
bl , 14 00 ; do , in half bblx. ? 60.
VINEGAR Pnr ppl xtr , 16oi
pure Appla , 13cj PruwlnB onra aotile , ICc.
dUOAKSCut l nf. lie ; Cniehwl ,
lie ) Granolatsd , 113 : ( I'owdored , 11 ;
fine | x > wderud , llo ; btanclanl Coffee A ,
PJ.-t Now York < ouff > ctloncr' Standard
A. lOo : Ocwid A , 9o ! Pralrlc Kxtra C. 9j.
KOFK Sfo&l , i Inch nnd larger , 8Jo ;
nch { Ik.
UllKfcdB Full Crewn , 13c ; Part
Ikltr , HJc.
WOODENWAltE-Two hoop palU ,
' 9.j ; hrco hoop pailft , 2 20 ! No. 1 tub *
p oueer wiuilibonrdR , 1 85 Double Crewn ,
190 ; Well bucket * , 3(0.
1JAT > liar , f 1 fift.
DK1KD FHUlTS-Choltij halves ,
peachi" < . 7o : Salt Lnke lUjo vap-
nratcd 50 h IIOXPR , 3jcj MlchiHii | , 7c ; ow
Vork apples , 7icj 1 luticn , nld , UJc ; new ,
8 ( j CvrrauU , GJ(2"o ( ; Ulockborries , now ,
HelIOailMY Now , $5 00 per bbl.
SODA. DuriKht'slDpapen. . S'J 85 } De-
* nl do , f2 85 ; Church's , f2 85 ; Ken
DEANS Imported German S3 75 per
CJANDLKS Boxes , 40 Ibn , IB oz , 8s ,
15JoboxcR ; 40 Ibs. , in or. . , Cm.frc. .
OANNKD GOODS Oystere , 2 Ib
( Fleld'B ) , i > er case , 84 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) ,
per caste , 2 60s ao 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case ,
3 GO ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , per COHO , 2 20 ; dci
2 Ib ( slack ) , per caxo , 2 76 ; do 1 Ib ( slack ) .
per cose , 200. Onions , 3 hO. Salmon , I
III , per dozen , 1 80@1 00 ; do21b , per dozen
3 r > 52 fi. " ) . Sardines , small l-nli , iniportod ,
one qunrtcr boxes per box , 14 Jc ; American ,
tuartcr boxes f cr box , lie ; do half boxes
per box , 21Jo. Lobsters , 1 tb per dozen ,
180. Tomatoes , 2 SO ; do 8 Ib per
case. 29D ; Corn , Q Ib ( Mountain )
per case , 3 10 ; soaked corn , 3 10 ; do
2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , par ca o , 3 10 ;
string beans , per case , 2 10 ; Limn beaus
per case , 1 8. > . Succotash | > er case. 2 00.
Peas , common , nor case , 2 00 ; peas , choice ,
per case , 3 15 , Blackberries , 2 Ib , per case ,
-40 ! ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per C.TIC , 2 30 ;
raspberries , 2 Ib , per cnae. S CO A3 15.
Damuons , 2 K , per case , 2 45. Bartlett
peura par case , 3 00@4 T'J. Whortleberries
per case , 240. Egg plums,2 th perci e,3 30 ;
Brnen g geD,2 Ib per case , 8 30 ; do choice , "
tb iior case , 4 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per cose ,
t 005 75. Peaches , 2 Ib per case , 3 10 :
do Sib. case , 4 50@5 00 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per
oabc.V ! 75 ; do pie , G Ib , per dozen , 3 CO.
IUCK Carolina , 74@8o ; Louisiana ,
ffl8c ; fair , G@Cj ,
uearhoUKe , bbln. 55o ShnH
bid , 57c ; kegs , 4) gallons , 92 50 ; choice
table eyrup , 63c ; half bbls , 55c ; kegs , 82 50.
STARUtt. 1'ourl , 4Jc ; Silver Uloas , 8J
& 8c ; Corn Starch , 8j@'Jc ' ; Excelsior
HOSH , 7c ; Corn. 7Jo.
SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , I 85 ; Ash
.on , in sacks , 3 50 ; bbla dairy 00 , 5s , 3 45 ;
Obis dairy. 100. 8s. 365.
SPICES. Pepper , 10 ; All pice , 19o ;
Cloves , 40c ; Nutmeg , $10025cCasaiu ; ,
Mace 81 00.
MATCHES Per caddie , 90o ; round
nRCs , S7.65 ; square cases , 55.10
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 330 ;
Kirk's natitii 3" Kirk's standard
" ; , 3 65 ;
Kirk's whi Russian , 600 : Kirk' *
Eutoca , 20 Kirk's Prairie Queen ,
(100 ( cakes ) , JO ; Klrk'a maimoHa , 4 20.
LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , J40 :
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 60 ; Lewis'
lye , 4 00 ; Jewell lye , 276.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. ,
In case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in ,
I 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in case , 1 50.
FIELD SEED Red clover , cholco
new , $6 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover
new. 87 00 ; white clover , new , $14 00
11 alfa clover , new , $12 50 ; alslke , new ,
$1300. Timothy , good , new , 83 00 ;
hlue grass , extra clean , $1 60 ; blue grass ,
clean , $1 25 ; orchard grass , $2 50 ; red top ,
choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri ,
SOc ; millet , German , SI 00 to (125 ;
Hungarian. SOc.
HEDOESEED Osage orange , 1 to 5
bushels , 95 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushels or
jver , $4 60 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 85c ; per
100 fbs , , $25 00.
FIS J Family white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls ,
51 25 ; iVo. 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls , 7 00 ;
No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , 110 ; family
10 Ib kits , 85c ; New Holland herring , per
keg , 1 35 ; Russian sardines. 75c : Colur"-
bla river salmon , per 100Ibs , 8 00 ; GeonrVt
Bank codfish , 6c ; Gen. boneless codix. ;
9Jo ; boneless fish , 5Ao.
MACKEREL Half bbla mess mackerel ,
100 Ibs , 81250 ; hf bbl No. lex shore do.
100 Ibs , 8 60 ; hf bbls , fat * family do , 100
lb , C Oi ) ; mess mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 ;
No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 150 ; No. 1 shore ,
12 Ib do. 1 00 : fat family , 10 Ib do 75o.
PEANUTS Koatited , choice , rod Ten-
ness * * , lOcper Ib ; fanoy white , lOJo perlb ;
raw white Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted ,
Dry Goods.
BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , SJc ;
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boott
FF , Sic ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W ,
71c ; Chittonango A , GJc ; Ureat Falls E ,
SJc ; Huostor , Ujc ; Honest Width , 7Jc : In
dian A , 830 ; Indian Standard A ,
89c ; Indian Orchard d. w , , SJc ; Lawrence
LL , 7c ; Mystic River , 74o ; Pequot A , SJc ;
Shawmut LL , 7c ; Utica O , 5Jc ; Wachus-
ett B. 7ic ; do A , 8Jc ; do E 48,12io ; Wai-
cstt BB. 8ic.
4-4 : 74c ; Alligator 3 , So ; Argyle 4-4 , 7c ;
Atlantic LL , 6&c ; Badger State X 4-4 , 7c ;
Bennington G 4-4,6Jc ; Buckeye S. 4.4,6Jco
Indian Orchard A A 9-8. 8ic : Laconia O
39 , 8c ; Lehigh E 4-4 , 9Jc ; Lonsdale 4-4.
lOc ; Pepnerell N SO , 7c ; do O 82 , 7k ; do R
30 ' 7io ; do E 39. SJo ; Pocasset 0 3-4 , 7c ;
' ' '
dn L 4-4,9icBlackatoneAA in peri&l 8o ;
do do half bleached 4-4 , 9c ; Cabot 4-4,89 ;
Fidelity 4-4 , 9&cFrult of the Loom , 10 ; do
can.bric4-4,13cdoWaterTwist,10icGroat ;
B'allaQ.lOJc ; Indian Headrimmk 4-4 , 12o :
Lonsdale. lOo : do cambric 37. ,124cj New
York Mills , ,12o ; Pequot A , lOo ; Pepnerell
N O TwUls , 12Jo : Pocahontu 4-4 , 9&c ;
Pocasset 4-4 , 8 0 ; Utica , lie ; Wamsutta
O X X , 12jo. ,
UuOKS ( Colored ) Albany B brown.
8c ; doO.ilrabt UM do XA. stripea and
plaids , I2)c ; do XXX brown and drab ,
itripe and plaids , 12Jc ; Arlington fancy ,
L9c ; Brunswick brown , BJo ; Chariot fancy ,
L2o ; do extra heavy , 20e ; Fall River
brown , extra heavy , llc ; Indiana A
irnwn 1V" ! Nenonset A brown. 15o.
T1UK.1AUOimosltcae A U A 32
L7ic ; do XX blue 32 , ISJe ; Arrowacra
JJc ; Claremont B B , ICAo : Conestoga ex
tra , 17ic ; Hamilton D , 11 Jo Lewiston A
,10 , 15c ; Mlnnehaha 4-1 , 20c ; Omega super
extra 4-4 , 28c ; Pearl River 32 , 16io ; Put
nam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shetucket 8
lOic ; do S3 12c ; Yeoman'a blue 29 , 8 jo
DENIMS. Amoakeak , blue and bronn
IC cj Andorer DD blue , 15Jo ; Arliug X
) lua Scotch , 184o ; Concord OOO , blue a w
irowu. rjc : do AAA , do do 13J ; do XXto
dodo 14ic : Haymaker's blue and brown ,
Sic ; Mystic River DD stripe , lOJc ; Pearl
lUver , Glue and brown , ISJc ; Uncaavllle ,
] lue ami brown. 13 c.
CAMBRICS Barnard , 61o ; Eddystone
lining , 24 Inch double face , 8Jo ; Garner A
glazed , 60 , Manhattan gloxe finish , 6 Jo ;
Newport do 60 ; do glazed , 6jc ; Pequot do
5ot Lockwo < id kid Imish , 60.
CORSET JEANS-Amory , SojAndros
coggin uatteon. tJic ; C'larendc n , Cc ; Cones
toga Ratteens , 71 c ; Uallowel , 8c ; ludl 4
Orsiprd 7to ; Narr > ganuettlmprovedo
Pepperill nftttwn flin ; Rockport , 7a
PRINTS Aliens , tile ; American , C4cj
Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , 4fc ; Cocheco , 7u ;
Oonestn a. OJo ; Dunkirk , 4jc ; Dunnell ,
6i@7c ; Eddystone. 7o ; Gbucester , 60 ;
Hannony , 5Jo ; Knickerbocker , 6Jo ; Mer-
rlmao D. 7c ; Mystic , 5c : Spratrues , 60 ;
Southbrtdge , Ccj do. Ginghams , 7c ; Marl.
boro. 6Jc ; Oriental OJo.
GINGHAMS-AniMkeag , lOJc ; Amos.
ke\i { < iru s 12 } ' Arcyle , lO c ; Atlantic ,
Do ; Cumberland , 7ic ; Highland , 8Jc ;
Kenllwortb , BJo ; Plun kett , lOJe ; Bus-
sex. Bo.
Agate. Wei American , llo ; Artlsian , 20o ;
Oulro D and T , ISJo ; Clarion D ami T ,
17lo ; Deocan Co.Btriea | DandT.lCc ; Key
stone , 13ic ; Nantticket , 19c ; Nonpareil ,
lOo ; Ocean D and T , ISJcj Royal , IG
Sussex , 12cj Tioga. 12cj Wachusett shi
In ? jhecki. ISJc : do , Nankin , 121c ; York.
plain Nankin. 124o > do , checks , itripea and
fancy , 12Hc : do , 8 oz , 90c.
SHEETINGS Andre cogKinlM,27ic ( !
do ( M , 24c ; do 8-4 , 22o ; Continental O
42 , He ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , 37i ; N *
Y6rk mills 93 , 85cj do 78 , SOoj do 58 , 22lc ;
Pembroke 10-4 , Ke { Peqttot 10-4 , 38jc : do
7-4 , 19ci do 49 , IGc ; Pepnerell 96 , SOc ;
do 67. 21cj do 67 , 18o ; Utics. 90 , 800 ; do
58 , 22 Jo ; do 48,17o
GIffars and Tobacco * .
CIGARS. Seeds $15.00 ; Oonnectlcut ,
25.00 ; Mixed , 835.00 ; Seed Havana ,
WO.OO * Clearllarnna. 875.00.
TOBACCO - PLUG. - Golden T.nlo ,
24 Ib , GOc ; Our Rope , first quality , G2c ;
Star , ixiunda , 24 Ib , buttflGOc ; Horae Shoe ,
jKiunds , iJ Ib , butt , COc ; GUt Kdgo ,
pounds , 24 Ib , butts , 60 ; Army nnd Navy ,
pound * . 65c | Bullion , fixnindu , 59c ; Lorll-
lard's Climax , pounds , GOc.
FINE CUT In jpalK Hard to Beat ,
75c ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , SOc ;
Favorite , 05cj Rocky Mountain , COo ;
Panoy , 65cj Daisy , 50o. In tin foil
Catllns 0. S. , 5 Ib boxes , per Ib 63c : Lori-
Ward's Tleer , fioc ; Diamond Crown , 60o.
SMOKING All erodes Common , 25to
33c. Granulated Blaekwolla Durham , 16
ny 51 o ; Dukes Durham , 10 or , 50c ; Seal of
North Carolina. 16 or. 40 ; Seal of Nobrnr.
! < & , Id oz , S8c | 1/ono.lnck. i oz , linen bags
peril ) , 81.85 ; Marbures'Puck , 2 oz , tin
oil , 55c : Doir Tnll. Che.
P.iInU Oil. and Varntthot.
PAINTS IN OIL Whlto lead , Omaha
P. P. , Oc ; white load , pure , to ; Mar-
sailloa green , 1 to 5 lh cauu , 20o
French zinc , gtsin seal. 12c ; French tine ,
red seal , He ; French zinc , In varnish asst ,
' * c : French cince , In oil asst , 15c ; Raw
and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c : raw and
burnt Sienna , 13c : vanlyke brown , 13 * ;
refined lampblack , 12ct coach black , l"c ;
t"ury black , 16c ; drop black , IGc ; Pnuslan
blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18o ; chrome
green , L. M. & D , , 14c ; blind and shutter
krroon , L. M. & D. , 14c : Paris green , 18c ;
Indian red , 15ci Venetian red , 9c ; Tuscan
drb , 22c ; American Vermillod , I. &P. , 18c ;
chrome yellow , L. , M. , 0. & D 0 , , 18c ;
yellow ochre , Oc ; golden ochre , 11 ; patent
dryer , Gc ; graining colors t light oak. dark
oa c , walnut , chestnut and ash 12o
Dry ° alnts
White lead , GJc ; Kronen rino , lOc ; Paris
whiteiug 2ic ; whiting gilders , lie ;
h biting coml , lie ; lampblack Germantown -
town , He ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; 1'niu-
sian blue , 45c ; ultramarine , 18o ; Vandyke ,
brown , 8c ; umber , ibnrnt , 4c ; umber , raw ,
Icjsionna , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c
Paris green genuine , 2i'c ; Paris green com' )
20a ; chrome green , N. Y.1 20c ; chrom-
green K. , 12c ; vermillion , Eng. , 70c ; ver-
milllon , America , 18c ; Indian red. lOc ,
rene pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cookson's
' ! Jo : Venetian red Am. , lo ; rod load , 7Jc ;
curomo yellow , genuine , 20o ; chrome yel
low , K , , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ochre.
French. 2Jc ; ochre , American , 2j ]
Winter's mineral. 2Jc ; lehign brown , 24c :
Spanish brown , 2ic ; Prince's mineral He ;
OILS-110' carbon , jwr gallon , HJo ; 160
headlight , per gallun , 12jc ; 175' headlight ,
per gallon , 16ic ; etectr m , per gallon , lOc ;
linseed , ruw , per gallon , > 7 ; linseed , boiled ,
per gallon , 60c ; lard , winter et''tl , per gal
lon , 90 ; No. 1 , 70c ; No. 2 , 60c ; castor ,
XXX. pT gallon , 1 2" ; No. 3 , 115 ; iiweet ,
per gallon , 85c : spe m , W. B. , per gallon ,
1 5.i ; tiah , W. B. per gallon , GOe ; noatsfoot ,
extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , G5c ; lubri
cating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; summer , I5o ;
.o den machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 33c ; No.
2 , SO ; sperm , signal , per gallon , SOc ; tor-
pentiuo , per gallon , 7Cc ; nnptha , 74" , per
gallon. lOc ; Or. 18o
VARNISHES Barrels per gallon.
Furniture , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 ,
SI ; furniture , U , 85c ; coach , extra , $1 40 ;
Coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Dauiar , 81 50 ; Jai > an.
70c ; asphaltum , 70c ; Ehellae , $3 50 ; uard
oil finish. 8130
Carbolic , 50c ; Acid , Tartario , 10c ; Balaam
Copabia , per Ib , 70c ; Bark , SasHafras , per
tb , 14c ; Calomel , per Ib , 75c ; Clnchonidia ,
per oz , 8105 ; Chloroform , per 1 . 10T ;
Dover's powders , per Ib , $1 40 ; Epuon
alts , per Ib , SJc ; Glycerine , pare , per Ib ,
38c ; Lead , Acetate , per Ib , 24c ;
Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per M * 1 15 ;
OIL Castor , No. 3 , per gal , 8100 ; Oil ,
Olive , per gal. 81 50 ; Oil , Origanum. SOc
Opium , 84 60 ; Ouinine P. & W. & R. & S. ,
per oz , $2 25 ; Potassium , Iodide , per U
01 75 ; Salacin , per oz , 40c ; Sulphate i f
Morphine , j > er oz , 83 85 ; Sulphur flour ,
per Ib , 4c ; Btrvchnlne. ner oz. $140.
Heavy Hardwar * List.
Iron , rates , 83 00 ; plow steel , special
east , 7c ; crucible , 8c ; i > pecialurGerman,6c ;
cast tool do. 15@20 wagon ajjokes , set ,
2 25@3 00 ; hcbs , per set , 125 ; felloes , sawed
dry. 140 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axles ,
each , 75c ; square nuts , per tb , 7@llc ;
washers , per ID. 8@18c ; nvots , per Ib , lie ;
cell chain , per Ib , 6@12c ; malleable , 80 ;
Iron wedges , 6c ; crowbars , 6c ; harrow
teeth , 4c ; Horseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring
steal. 7@8c ; Burden's horseshoes , 5 35 ;
Burden's muleshoes , 6 35.
SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck shot , 82.10 ;
Oriental Powder , kegs , 86.40 : do. , ball
kegs. 83.48 ; do. , quarter kegs , 81.88 ; Blast-
in ? , keen. R3.35 : Fuse , oer 100 feet 50o.
BARBED WIKK In car lota,8 30 per
100 ; in leds than car lots. 8 55 uer 100.
Oak sole , S8o to 42o ; hemlock see , 28o to
Soc ; hemlock kip. 80o to 100 ; runner ,
G."e to 80c ; hemlock o ilf , 85o to 120 ; hum-
lock upper , 23o to26c ; < oa' < U'per. 24c ;
alligator. 4 00 to 5 50 ; calf kid , 32@3 o ;
Greiaen kid , 2 60 to 2 75 ; oak kip , HUe to
1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 130 ; French kip ,
110 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rus-
setts. 6 50 to 7 60 ; linings , 6 00 to 10 50 ;
topuings , 9 ( O to 10 50 ; B , L. Morocco , 30o
to 35c ; pebble O. D , Morocco , 35c ; simon ,
HARNESS-No 1 star oak , 42o ; No 2
do , S9o ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 38c ; No. 2 do ,
35c ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 37o ; No. 2 do , 34o.
Horses and Mules.
The market is brisk and all grades are
wiling well at tlleht advance in prices.
The demand for good horses exceeds the
supply conslderaoly. Prices range M fol
lows :
Fine single drivers , 9150. to 800. ; Extra
draft horses , $175. to 225. j 'Common ' draft
bones , 8100. to 150. ; Extra farm horses ,
8110. to 125. ; Common to good farm hones
890. to 8100. ; Extra plugrt , 860. to 76 , ;
Common plugs , 820. to 840 ,
MULES. 16 to 15& hands ( extra ) , f 125.
to 150. ; 14J to 16 hands , 8100. to 140.1
14 to 14J hands , $76 , to 100. t 1SJ to 14
hands. W. to 76LI
LI uors.
ALCOHOL 187 proof. 220 per wine
gallon ; extra California spirits. 187 proof ,
1 20 per proof gallon ; triple reiined spirits.
167 proof , 124 per proof gallon ; re-distilled
ufciskies , 1 00@1 5u ; fine blended , 1 50 ®
2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , Z tO@7 00
BRANDIES Imported , fcU 00@1000 ;
domeBtlo 1404 00 ,
GINS Imported , 4 G0@6 00 ; domestic ,
RUMS Imported , 4 60 < a > 6 00 ; New
England. 2 00(5)4 ) 00 ; domestic , 1 bO3 60
1 754 00.
CHAMPAGNES Imrortod per case ,
2 < tOO@3i OjAffistlMJ , case , 1200 ®
1000 ,
CLARETS Per case , 4 60@16 00
WINES Rhine wine , per case , 6 00 ©
20 00 ; Oatawba , per case , 4 00@7 00 ,
We quota lumber , lath and shingles ont
jfj nt Omaha at the fnllowing price" ;
under , 821 ( K ) ; 18 ft. , 822 00.
TIMBKRH-18 ft. an. ) under. 822 00.
SHEKTINO No. 1 (2nd ( common
bowl * ) 818 50 ; No. 2 , 817 00 ,
STOCK ! BOARDS.-12-in. D , $2300 ;
12-in. O , 835 00 ; 12-ln. B , 840 00.
LIME i'er barrel , 81 35 ; bulk pa OUB-
35o Cement , bbl , 82 60. Iowa plaatrr ,
bbl , 82 50. Hair per bu. 35o. Tarred
felt 100 Ib , 83 60. Straw board , 8J CO
PAPER Stiaw paper , 8o ; rag paper ,
4o ; dry gown paper , 7o ; manlla papeV , lOo ;
news puper. Kc.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 812 ;
Morris Run liloaaburg , 812 ; Whltubreast
lump , 86 fO ; Whltebreait nut , 90 f-Ot Iowa
lump , 86 60 ; Iowa nut f > 6 60 ; Rock Spring
88 ; Anthracite , all slit * , S12 00o)12 ) 60 ,
NAILS-Ratea , 10 to OOp , 3 60 ,
Merino nnwi
Hide * l-urs , Etc.
HIDES Orwn Imtcher'a hide ,
cured 7Jo ! hides , green salt. p H cnred7c
hides , Olc ; dry flint , sound. li14o ? ; dty
calf and kip , 12@14e ; dry salt hides , noumf
10@llc ; Rrccn calf. wt. 8 to 15 tUs , , KWailc
green calf , wt , under 8 Ita , pet kln , COn
green pelts , 60@81 25 ; creen lamb skln ,
81 25@160 ; damaged hlde % two-third rate ,
cut scored and ono grub , claimed two *
tLlrds rate , ) branded hides 10 per oont. oU ,
Coon skins. No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , SOc ; No. 3 ,
20. ; No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. 2 ,
30c ; No. 8 , 16c ; No. 4 , 60 , For , No. 1 ,
ROc ; No. 2,250. Skunk , No. 1 , black ,
0V ; short stripe , 40m narrow tttlpo 85cj
Vjtiiftd stripe. lOd. Tftllow Gc ,
Coiuioll Bluffs Mnrkot ,
OOUNOII , Biurra , June B.
Flour Crystal Mills Golden Sheaf ,
3 00 ; California Kureka , patent 3 8 ; best
brand of K in a % 3 60 < ji3 DO ; Kansas and
Missouri flour 3 60 ® I 25 ; graham , 76 ;
rjo flour , 340.
Corn M-al Whli * , 1 70 per hundttd ;
yellow , 1 50 per hundred ,
Bran ami Shorn iA ) 00 per ton
Chop Corn CO 1 0 per ton.
Wheat-No. 2 , 1 15.
Corn < i2j.
Oats No. 2 , 45c.
Rye 75 .
Barley 1)05
Hay Loose , 6 00@6 00 ; baled , 75 per
Ijnle ,
Wood Ti 00@0 00.
Wool 15@ 6.
Butter Creamery , 21c ; in rolls , wrap
nod , 16oi mils not wrappcil , 12in mlxeil
colont , 10 1210.
Kgga 15j.
Onions 1 25@1 40.
Live Chlckona 3 60 per dornn.
f roauuf ) .
Flour Quiet nnd uricci undia uml ;
rholca to fancy viinno'ota pprln , 700(3) ( )
7 5 < i ; ronunun to food Minneiutu sprnu ,
5 1 0 6 50 ; poor to finey Mlune otu
sprliij ; patent' , 7 EO'aS 50 ; wint-r aupar-
lines 4 0(555 ( 00 ; rye II wr,4 OU a t 90. '
Wheat -No , 'J apt In , ; ttalng llkfht ,
.winr . 1 28 | for ca h Nn. 2 ; I 28 | fo
Junel213ttl30f.irJ.ily | ) . ; 1 11J lor Au
gust ; 1IMJ fnr otitcmbei ; 102J fur thu
yclr ; 1 10i@l 3 f ir No. 3 ; tu@83o for
rejected ; iM ) . 2 ncttxo nnil h nher :
I 123 for July ) 1 075 f"r A 5iMt ; 1 03J
for S ptember ; 1 Ol'J u r thu yeur
Ciitu Uu "tllict nnd lower , cloi'nr nt
3'i | or No. 2 ca h ; 7t'j3 f r June ; 70go f r
luly ; 70 Jo for August ; TCgj for Ueptem-
lier ; 69 0 fur October ; 69Ju for the year ;
7IJo for high mixed ; oal@70a for re.
| ; otcd.
Oats Active , nt 50io for cash No. 2 ;
jc fur Jutie ; 43j } , > for July ; 3ugu foi
A.iiti8t ; S3Jo for tno year.
Rjo Duil ; 740 for cash , Juno and
July ; 77o for August.
Barley Dull , at O.c@l ? CO for No. 2 ;
80af.irNn 3.
P irk MOM firm and higher , at 1 0 7" @
19 SO f r CA-h and June ; 19 S74 for
July ; 20 02J f'1 Augut ; 'JO 15 for Sen
tembei ; 201i7i'fbr October ; 1800 for the
year.Lird Attivo nnd ofloritu * fiir at 11 30
llSJi f r ca h ; 11 34@ll 33 lor Jnnf ;
II 37i lor July ; 11 47i U August ; 11 00
fur September ; 11 5 j fur Octut ur.
Bulk Meats Short ribs active nnd
firmer , at 11 1 > @U I'-'i for ia h ; 1105
for June ; 1115 for July ; 11 23 fcr Au-
< iift utul September ; 11 23 for October ;
0 O i for thi ) year.
Butter Demand letter nnd prices
Ktroni ; ; choice to fancy creamery , 22@2tc ;
fair to good , 19@20 ; clini n 10 fancy lUiry ,
lOWEOj ; fair tog oi , 14@18c.
E t St-ady at 171c.
WhUky- Lower at 115.
Rec'ts. Shipm'tft
Flour . 12987 6.4iO (
Wheat . 6,947 122,620
Torn . SOl.tUl 258.-J41I
Oata . 78,839 92,57 ,
Bye . 7.6(3 ( 4,307
Barter . 70b5l 0,837
Stook ,
EAST LiBBnrr , Pa. . June G.
Oittle Slow and uuchjuged ; leicipts ,
93 ; shipments , 1,214.
Ho Firm : receipt * , 800 ; shipments ,
2.700 ; Philad.lphiaa , 825@80J ; Yorkeru ,
Sheep Unchanged ; receipts , 4,400 ;
shipment * , nine _
TOLLDU. June 3.
Wheit Dul' ' ; 1 37J for No. 2 ca h ;
1 30i for June ; 1 14 i for July ; 1 104 ; for
September ; 1 OdJ lor the ysar ,
Corn Little doing ; 7)Jc for No. 2 ca > b ;
$ o for Juae ; 58Jo for tlio j ear.
Oati Qaiet ; 3Jio for September.
St. Jjoals Jfroctaoe.
ST. Louis , June 6.
Flour Unchanged.
Wheat- Closed weak ; 1 32 for No.2 , red
cash ; 1 24g for June ; I 08 i for July ; 1 04
for August aud September ; 1 03J for the
yeir ; 1 27 for No. 3.
Corn -Slow ; 73J@751o for cash ; 74o
for June ; 72Jo for July : 712o for Au
gust ; G7ja for October ; MUc for the ye ir.
Oats -Higher ; 65i@57o for caah ; 51o
for June ; 39JJ for .luly ; 32o fur the
year.Rye Nominal ,
Barley Dull at 1 10.
1 eail firmer at 4 40.
Butter Dull ; creamery , 22c ; dairy , 15@
Egis-At 19c.
Whisky 1 15.
Pork Stro gi JobMng , 20 15.
Dry Salt MeaU UucnauffDil.
Bacon Higher ; shoulder * . 9 OSJ ; short
rib' , 12 25 ; short clear , 12 GO ,
Lara Stroncr at 11 30 per round lota
Jtloc'to. tint pin tu.
Flour . i . , . 6,000 000
Wheat . ; . O.lOO 32,000
Corn . i . 7l',000 ' 130,000
Oata . 22,000 20,000
Barley . 2,000 7,0 0
Chicago litre Stock.
OuiOAao , Juno 6.
The Drover's Journal report * :
Hogs Market uneven tut rte-wly ;
mixed , 7 2 @ 7 90 ; he vy , 7 93@8 31 ;
ll ht , 7 20@7 90 ; sklpj , 0 25@7 00. Re
ceipts , 17,000 ,
CUttle More cteadv but tlugglth ; ship
ping cattle , 6 70g)9 ) 00 ; mlxoil dutchem'
stock , 270 ( 760 ; Ttxanc , 3 40&4 80 ;
utockerd aud feeders , 300gB75 , lie-
ceipts , 2,9 0.
Sheep-Dull nt 3 00@4 30. Receipts ,
Torpeutine Marbot
WlLMIKQTON , N f } . , June 0.
Roam-Dulljsterllmr , 167Jgood ; ,
HpU-ite Strong at 41c.
Tar Firm at 1 tO.
PEOBIA , June G.
Com Steady at 72jo for high mixed ;
711@7IJo for mined.
Oats luactlve at 62JB.
Hignwinea Lower at 1 12.
lioo'ts. Ship'K
Wheat . 47
Corn . . . . . 2-1,000 18600
Oata . 14,900 17.000
Rye. . , . , . . . . , . , . . . . 3.S50 1,0000
Barley . . . . . 1,050 12,100
Cincinnati Produce.
Provisions MarLet flimer to-day and
inoru ictive.
Mend P..rk-200-25fO. .
Lard-Kntt'e ' , 120UWI3 K5 ; prime steam ,
( leaked until 25 bid.
Bulk MoiU S-.e dy at 8 50 ; clear side' ,
11 25 spot.
Buo. n Hlieu'dera , 9 00@10 00 ; clear
deit 12 75.
Flour No eh ing i in marknt ; dull an 1
easy ; family. 6 75 ; winter , U 00.
WheatDuuuud better ; No , 2 red , 1 35
@t 30.
Corn Dull and weak ; No. 2 mixed ,
i7o Oats JCiiUr ; none met with ; dull mar
ket ! No. a inlxtxl , aske I , f)5j ; c.fditxlf ( 4j.
Rye Market dull and easy ; No. 2 , 7Sg ( )
r lUrley Du 1 and none ; Na 2 fall. 90 ©
108 ,
Whliky-llsrket cwy and quiitat 1 18.
Xttnir York Produce-
The prodnctffxcri ante cln < od at 1 p. m
t -ilay for th ptrr io of Uytojf the come
( tone of th * new building.
Flour Dull urd uncti ng l ; Minne-
* oU extra , 5 009 7fy city mill * exlia
fi 75,93 CO ) southern fl mraleidy demand ,
limited ; common to iholca extra , 5 0 (3 (
800 Wheat 0on | l J@J3 lower , nuf .
ipently reovercd f r < in decline and * > ]
VMieeil | ra < c , lUmand setlie ; VO. 2 red ,
1 41'Sll ' 40 ; ungraded while 1 20W1 30 :
Na 2 red winter. 128331 .SJ for July
1 ! IJ for AtuusU
0 un Lower , mixlrivto dAinnnlj n -
Rrndi i wc'lorn mixed , 76@8 j ; unKrad d
white , fl.c ) No. i ! mixed Juno , 781
M lt do July , 70J1 bid.
O ts la hlKlior : No. 2 mixed June ,
cplo.lnlv. 4fljc.
jo-Doll ! 87SSo. (
Barley Quiet ; No. 2 red , it ito , 1 03 ®
Pork -Quiet , strrnj nnd nominal ; mem
20 ' 0(320 vftnn spot.
L'ttd Firm lint nulct. Jane , 11 03 ! ;
Julv , 1105llO"4.
WnUky Nominal.
Xjlvorpool Produce.
I iVKiiroot. . Juno 0.
Flour American , lOs'SlliN 0 I.
Wheat -Winter , 9 < 9d@IO 3t ; white ,
8.1@10 . 3d. Receipts tm t 3 dajs , 14t ) ,
OOOcnntnlc , OI.OJO being Anieric n.
Corn 0 < 2J.
lVrk-87 * .
Lard 57 * Od.
BoUJtlo lilvo Stock.
KABT UorrAto , Juno G.
Hogs Dull. Receipt * , 7 curs ; ship
ment * , 8 cur * ; ] ) oikcr < , 7 808 CO.
Now York Cotton Market.
NKW YonK , Juno 0.
Snot cotton t < 1 1-IOdo roruiui stralv ;
nidiml u land U quoted nt 120310 ;
Hales ore 0,701 bill01 for export ) 1,107
ialfB to splimo H mid 300 bales wore e-
iverpd < n oimtr < t ( futures clo-o i steady
it 8(3)11-100 ( ) d--nrcr thin yotcrliiy ; Juno ,
12 inrtfl'J 111 ; July , 12 2. ; fill22l ; Atuwt ,
232&1233 ; SeptemOir , 13 0. ' ; October ,
U COjJll 01.
Philauolnhlu Produce.
1'ntt.AniurniA , Juno 0
Wheat Firm nt 1 434 fw cash ;
or June ; 124i@12S for July.
Corn Film ut t > 3g81o ( forcasb ; 81J ©
131 for Juno.
O Us Firm nt Clc for cash ; COlfoJCVo
ur Juno.
Rye Quiet ; at 91o. (
Baltlmoro Produce.
lUtTiuone , June 6.
Flour Quiet.
Wheat southern whont firmer ; lulls ,
1 .Tf ; lotpbtrrj , 141 ; No 2 red winter
luiet nt 1 S9'ai ) 40)1 ) for cush nnd June.
Corn While liuuthern firmer at U2s ;
yellow coutliern ( inner at 7oio ; mixed west-
ru steady at 82e.
CLKV LAND , O. , Juno 0
Petroleum Uuchmjjecj | standard white ,
110 Ust , 6c.
J/ll / T Favomonoynndoni rsa't direct from
wrlL. I iuwonhl | > ( iroJiptly l < y roll at tlio
oucst iwsslblo cwh prlcu tu nil woj crn poln H.
i m-lui TVLhlt .tALl'CO , Ja&liiaw Uty.Mlch
The $1O,000 Beauty Recovers Her
Pet Dog- .
Philadelphia Letter.
Broiid struot , just north of Cheat *
nut , was iu a furore of excitement ; u
'uw days ago over a dazzling beautiful
woman , with dork golden tresses
itreaming tu the windand with a flaw-
, ng robe clinging to her fljuing form ,
rushing over the Belgian pwemont ,
lugging a pug dog tight iu lior arms ,
and pursuuu by ortea of "Police" and
the irautio pp- > ala of a young lady
ind gentleman on the sidewalk. The
beautiful captor < jf the dog disup-
pjarod in the side entrance of thtt
Buluon No. 8 South Broad street , and
the young lady on the sidewalk , after
futile wringing of her hands , content
ed to bo consoled by her escort for
the lows of her pat , and with downcast
nioiii renamed her walk to the public
buildings This pug dog , BO ludely
snatched away , was us ugly us was his
captor fair , and thereby hangs a tale.
The beautiful woman who made the
auccessful aortio waa Irtniau Atou
MH\IO , formerly Adam Forepiugh'n
$10,000 beauty. The young lady so
suddenly bereft of her four-footed
flailing waa the daughter of David VV.
Sellers , and her companion WUH her
bethrothcd lover , a young lawyer. It
will be roraomburcd that the buauty
eft the awuying canvas and the saw
dust arena of Forepauigh in March ,
charging that he had violated hia eon-
, ract , and brought suit aguinst the
circus manager for $50,000. Mean-
nnu she lives at No. 8 Suuth Broad
troof , with tlio family of Israel D.
Oonkling. Her favorite companion
during the hour * mada lonely by con-
rait with the glitter and pageantry in
which ahe formerly lived boa been t pug
dog of peculiarly hortiblo ugliness ,
iu squatty body is of a dark fawn
tint , hia little tail curls in a tight
.wist . behind , and between hia mildly
> linking eyes protrudes a shining
ilack Jioiu winch looks as though
some one had smashed it in front. In
short , the pug waa as peerlessly uuly
aa hia fair owner was peerlessly beau
tiful. It waa enough to make any
nun envious to watch the Bttnuty
ondling tlio Beast , holding it clone
o her breast , pressing her full , rud
ips to its jetty murzk' , and laughing
with glee when the pug's lips roajmn-
aivoly expanded into u capacious urni.
! t is no wonder that one of the
jeauty'0 many admirers , who had
witnessed ono of these pasaugcH of
affection , addressed her in these linen :
Oh ! would I wera the yellow pug
Which follows Iu you wake ,
Tu lie upon your 1 > i > HO miuj ;
A ktutlluK lur/itutcako ;
Tu lick tin we bands MI toft and white
And unllf thoBu dainty foot
lit Jiiat the Juy I dro.iin ut iiUbt
A * tonicthliij ; far ton swett.
But a morning camu when the
Juuuty was bereft. The put com-
muion of her days had disappeared.
In vuiii ahe wandered about thu house ,
earahing for her cousolatien. Ily
wus gone > , and repeated advertiite-
niiiitJ and diligent search in dog-
ttiiciura1 shops , both hero and in New
ifork , failed to discover the quad
ruped. The Beauty'a blue eyes which
md so often gazed fondly into the
iquid depths of her ugly darling wcru
dun with constant tears , when
ono afternoon little Agiua Conkliiig ,
daughter of Lsrael'a mother , came
rushing breathlessly home , to say that
the had aeon on her way to school thu
lost pug himself , gazing yearningly
out of a window of the house ol Ltw
yer Divid W. Sellers The Beauty's
neuligent despair changed at oncn tn
maunetio action. A rapid application
ot the mysterious utensils ot the toilet
restored thu red of her oheokft , and
with eyes only juat tearful enough to
be dewy shu nought the office of hur
legal adviser , Jauies U. Iluvorin.
Thu able lawyer promised to replevin
the curly-tailed absentee , but on'vis '
iting Mr. Sellers' house he wss mot
with such a definite account of how
the dog cwno into the poweuion. of
that family , Ion ? before Mm Mon
tague had over known the delight of
pressing her cheek to its onifling none ,
that ho Informed hJn fair client that
ho had no case. Ho told thu d < con >
Kolato beauty , however , that if eho
ever W her dog she could rceouo him
herself ,
And now the Dosuty , whenever she
nhoppod on Chestnut street or went to
the matinee , 1'ont her awan-liko neck
from aide .o side whenovtr she saw i
wngginq tail in rnin cfTorls to identify
her lost pet. At last , na eho waa
mortifully sitting in nltenco , little At ;
tioi ng.tin cnmo rushing in with the
news that the dog wns trotting up
lirond street , following Miss Sellers .
d her cfcrrt , Tlio Beauty flow to <
the window , nnd euro enough there |
wi\3 the enemy parnding before thp.
Conkhng mansion itself Not a sec-
iiidgliitici wns needed. She knew
lior lost lore nt once , nnd fljii'g down }
staiisand across the street the IJeiiuty
Riintohid thu mm ) proointivtt pug from I
thu sidewalk and , khonerniff its chilly '
nose with warm kisses , turned to fly
"Police , pilicr , " was the silvery
ahiiok of Miss Sollcra. "You cin't
Jo that stop , " cried herenoort. "My
darling , my poor darling , " wns the
only aimvvcr of the Ik nitty ns ulio
made her paniing wny back to the
Oonkltng rofupo nmid the choora anil
iiRhtor of a qiiioHy-gathered crowd
Next day two friolids of thu Sellers
family visited the Oonkling house und
dttnmiidt'd the return ot the pug.
"What I" txclaimed the angry Beauty ,
' 'do you think I don't know my dar
ing ? lie emilea in my face as ho can
at no ono else. I know him as nil
rue hearts know each other in this
world. He is happy now , ho was
"retched with you. I shall never
yno him up , " Mio concluded with
ighttiing flash in a from her eyev. The
unemy retreated in dismtty , nnd thn
reunited Bfait nnd Beauty are once
nore happy.
Kldaoy Complaint Cnr d-
B. Turner , Kochester , N. Y. ,
writes : "I huvo been for over n ytnr
subject to Borioua disorder of thu kid-
leys , und oiton unublu to attend to
) Uaiue a ; I procure 1 your Burdock
Jlood Bitters und wua rulioved before
uilf the bottlo.wna.uai'd. I intend to
contitiUL * , as I feel cfintidont they will
entirely cure mo. " Price $1 00. Id4w
Borlln'd Elootrlo Kallway.
Condon Daily News.
Our Berlin correspondent , dcscrib-
ng the new electric railway there , al-
eady referred to in a telegram , sajs
hat the Bjnti'in , which hua been in
iso in Berlin for mure than u year ,
ms not proved u success. It
las also boon found that there is eouiu
nconvunienco attending the transmis
sion of the electric current through
ho rails A horau while crossing this
mo , striking it with his nhuo , received
a HOVUIO shock. It ia impoBsiblu , moreover -
over , to repair or remove thu rails
W.i hout causing a suspension of trufliu
over the on tire route , sinon such re-
noval interrupts the current ,
ierr Siemens , to moot these and oth
er objections , devised his tin w system ,
which IB far mite practo.blp than
ha tirst. Over the entire line two
cables Hte suspended parallel to and
about 12 inches from each other 011
> olea aj proxnuatoly 10 feet above tne
( round. Among thesecablcs a system
of wheels passer , connecting with the
.ram-car by another cable , which can
ju detached from the car at pleasure.
The cables are charged with electrici
ty , which is generated at a station
About the middle of the route , and
which is taken up by the apparatus
as it runs over them , It then pitHsoa
.hrough the connecting cable , down
juiioath the tram-oar over a system
if drums which Ciinitos with
'he ' running-gear. The appa
ratus passing along the suspend
ed cables either precedes or
allows the 'cur. The speed of the
vehicle is regulated by a crank , and
a complete stop can bo made as readily
us if 11 bo drawn by horsus. On Sat
urday , during the trial , two cars were
run , first separately and afterwards
oguther. In thu first case two die-
inut connecting cables are necessary ,
while in thu second ono onawera the
amu purpose , the electricity passing
hrough the oar couplings , the only
litluronco being a diminution of vo-
ocity owiug to the additional weight
? ho length of thu route run over on
he trial trip ia about three miles , a
tortion of the ii ( stance being up hill ,
, n inclination of 1 to 28. A car can
> o run up this grade at the rate of
rum 15 to 20 miles an hour ,
while on a level it will make
30 miles to the hour. After having
boroughly tested the working of the
ail way , visitors were driven to the
ountry to witness the operation of a
oad car which Here Siemens hCi in
vented. It also is propelled by elec-
rioity on the same principles as those
escribed for thu train curs. Ic runs
s smoothly as a common carriage and
s perfectly manageable. It is di-
eel od by the driver , who sita in front ,
> y turning a whoul very similar to
hose used in steering ship * , and is
tartud fir stopped by a Biinplo pres-
uro made upon a lever. This car ia
ntended to run between towns whose
lopulatiou are too email to make a
. "It
'ailwuy ' protitablo pecuniarily.
appears to mo , " adds our correspon
dent , "calculated to meet this und
when once tlio question of its econ
omy over thu running of stag *
ouches has been demonstrated , "
Genius Rewarded ;
Olt ,
The Story flf the Sowing Machine ,
A hindioino little paiu | > bl t , blno and geM
oov. with numereuK ungratlugn , will b
tot ny auiilt ptir "a calling for It , atony branch
or iub-otltce ol ThoBlDi ( r Uanuficturlnu Ooia-
pany , er will be Mut bj mall , | > ct ( iald , to
ny ptrwn living at a duUnoe from our ofllsc. ,
The Singer Manufacturing Oo , ,
Principal Olllco , 31 "Union Square ,
Marble Works ,
1243 HORtfl SlUHlBiHIH .81.
Ito other de * ai * BO proTkkmt In thu
, _ oonntty u Con UpUon , and no remedy
C I M crer equalled tha celebrated K1D1JET-
g WORT u cure. Whatever ( ho cantr ,
howeTer ob Unite tha cue , this remedy
will OTcrcomo It.
Tins dJitre < * ta | < Kmi
with constipation. Kidney.
c Wort itrtncthens tlio weakened parts t > (3 (
5 qnleUy cures all kind * of Klea ovoa wJum
' i nd medicines have before flriT-
for nil dtooasos of the Kldnojo nnd
It liMtpoctno action on
orgun , entblinc It to throw oIT torpiaity u > d
InncUon , ntlmulatinff the healUiy BccrcUan
Cf Uin Dllo , and by keep Ins the bawola In tno
condition , oOboUng Its reciiliirrtl ehirgB.
DUI'-tloflo IfyouaroouEterlncfrom
IWiellCiriCaB tanUrIahArothoohlU9 ,
art ) blllouJ , dTtpepUa , cr oonsUpnted , Eld *
noy-Wort will lupoly r-lloro a quickly euro.
In thl * cenion to eloniuo the Cyitom , every
on8houldtnkeaCiormi lic < rarBOoflt. < si )
The ; turn * n'l ' other vehicles for eur riding.
Rtylo and durability ,
For tat a by
Henry Timken ,
Pitnntcoaninulllprof Flno CirrliT 1009 ,
lOOHand lOlOSt. Chiriosdl. , St. ktui. CaU-
luiitioa liirulshu 1 Jl-Om
Orlllc1iM'tl il > r imp ltnr rpn lm > ' "r rll
bio Kc vOnVO llfinvr ou two l owr
5tnt . XvvrRnr ty K" i'i vulr.
V Wimmflr np the o tnrrN nro
Th'io coli'hntcilHto e'toriilc by D. A Plcrcy
Omtht. Nali
ffeteaska National
( No. V005. )
Offlce i f CoMrrkOLLSB or run CDRBUCT ,
WIISIIAB , l > y xatltfactory evldeton preienUd
to the uiidere gned , It I as biun mule to appear
OMAHA , " In the c ty of Omaha , in th * county ot
Douglto , and 81 a to of Ntbruka , has compiled
with all the jirovliloi s ot tr > altevb.d Statute ol
the United htatttt roquln-d tu b ( emptied with
befon n osaocla'lon shall be ftUthorUod to com
mence the bu Ini M ct lUn | nir :
Now , th > .ref > re. I. Juhu J ty K ox , Comptrollet
at the Currmcy , do hereby icrt't th \ "Thw
NtbrukaNul ntlBuikol Omkhk/la
il Onmra , Iu th * c unty of Douulu , and iUU
of hebrm-kn , UktUhorlnd to commence th *
biwlnotw of lUnkln ? 4 piOTldml In Soctloa Fifty
Ono Ilumlrcd -Ixtj-M-eof the Kevl t
jUtutca ot tno Units * UUtM.
In tcbtinmuv whorvof wltnoM my
) bund and roil of ofBco tbU 2SU >
{ bEAU ( day of April I 82.
Comptroller of thu Currency
The above Hank 10 DOW jirvpuod to rerelvo.
bUBlntiM Itcnmiumicei with fully pad up
can ml of f260,000.00i with officttraand dlrooton
M follows :
ti. IU JOHNSON , I'lKsuirNT. ol fUn \ , John-
win It Co. . Wh'ile ' ttle Uroccru.
A. E. TOUZAUN. Vic .PHUIOBNT , ol C. B. &Q.
U. It. , Hoaton.
W. V. J10HBK , oi W. V. Morse and Co , , Wbolo-
ealo It-iota and Shoos.
JNO. B. COLL1NH , rf O. II. & J. B. OoUlns ,
JAMK3 M. Woo woiili , CouniMllorandAUoruey
t IAW.
I.KWH B. UEKD , of Byron Ileed A Co. , BM !
EitaUi Doilois
aKNUY W. YATE8. CMhler , Ute Cuhler ol tt
Plr > t Natlonil liank of Omtbaaod
connected with the active manage
ment of that Bank tinea It * or n-
lotion In IBM .
Imported and Deraeitlo-
Fineit Seleotiun IB Taws-
Price * to Salt Ererybodjr.
From HfOf a Dollar Down to 5
Schroter & Becht's.
W. B O E H L
Manuf e'urertl the
Al o ilvi nil kind * it ruarhln'it BD I tMk
imllli work- .
Awning , Tent and Wagon OOYBM
Cor. 14th and Howard Sts.
Office 802 IBth St , OOP , ofBurt
Dealer in
The h.kt Iu the countr ) J fr th intney.
M , A. McNamara ,
jl em Fourteenth Btraet. Oman * .
Plumbing , StBam & Gas Fitting
Turbine Water
Oor. 14tH and Jliumey , Ouiaha ,
18 aud 220 B. 14th Bt.