Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1882, Page 3, Image 3

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The Only Exclusive
; Wholesale Hardware House
Wall Paper and Window Shades
1301 Farnham St . Omaha Hell
Wholesale Lumber ,
No. 1408 Farnham Street , Omak , let.
They make a specialty- COOKING'STOVES ' , and have this year plowed . In the market
oneofth MO' TECONOM CJASD MOST SAIISKACTOnY STOVES ccr made. They make both
. .
Plain and oxtcni'on top , and guarantee all their goods. ! The agents for the company arc.
ft , , - , DEALBES.1N * r
" ' ' 'I
Furnaces , Fireplaces , Heaters
OMC L Iff O ? 33 X. f3 ,
Invites the attenlionof the public
to his
New Carpets
Embracing all the late patterns -
" terns in everything in
the Carpet Line.
MattmgsrOL Cloths and window Shades ,
In large quantities , and always
at the Bottom Prices.
li T"E1 l l "W T T "IS * T
J1 * D. JJ la JLW J. Jji Ha It ?
1313 Farnam Street.
, hand a ? ? 11 aud complete line of FANCY AND
eyery description. -
Gold Pens. Peno te , Inks , Maoilafje , Envelopes ; Viaitingr , Playmg
Kegrefc , Dinner and Birthday Cards , &o. , &o. Give us a call.
GlUlVIAN.R. DAVIS , & 00.
1058. lOtli.Sfeeet : - JOpp , Postoffloe.
How a Million nbcl a Half of tbo Fish
Were Transported to Missouri tine
TOJC\B Waters.
A carload of vhito Blind nrrivrtd n
St. Louis from the United SUtcs government
ornmont hntohoricn nt Washington
There were one million and n hnlf o
shad in tlio car. They wore in milk
cam , each of which it ttns cstimntcc
hold twenty thmmncl full. The car
containing them , saja the Glebe Dom
ocratt romnincd in the Union dope
yard until last evening , when it wai
started oyor the Iron Mountain rene
for Texas. Last night no less than
260,000 of the fish were dropped into
the Black and Bit ; riven , in this axato.
The remainder of the lot go to Texas
whore , at Jefferson , half will bo deposited
posited in the Red river , and at Fort
Worth , Tex. , where the remainder
will bo given their freedom in the
Trinity river. Only n little while ago
shnd were deposited in the Ouachita
river , near Arkadelphia , Ark , , am
thcao fish are now being cauqhl
in that stream near Hot springs. The
car which brought these fish to Mis
souri's waters yistorday was titled up
in good stylo. In the middle of the
car the cana of fish wcro atored. Quo
end of the car was used us a dinner *
room and kitchoii , and the other one
as n sitting nnd bed loom , The car
and its contents wore in charge of G
H. II. Moore , 0. 0. Sherman and A.
S. Mayro , messengers annotated by
the United States fish commission to
see to the faithful distribution ot the
fish. This is the second trip of this
corps this season , nnd they will from
this time for ward remain busy at work ,
for congress has taken such nn inter
est in the matter that the coinniifsion-
ors are enabled to supply n quests as
last as the delivery can bo mudo. To
facilitate the work a now car /or this
special trafllo is being built by the
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad company ,
and as soon as it is upon the
road Missouri's rivera will re-
coiyo ono million of the
white shad. Just now , besides the
car mentioned above , cans of young
fish arc being sent to various points
in regular baggage-oars and by special
messengers. These shad are consid
ered the best fish in the market. The
lot which passed through hero yester
day loft Washington Satuiday night.
They were taken from the United
States hatcheries near the navy yard
at Washington. The female shad
when ready to spawn are taken in
nets and the eggs are taken from
them. These eggs are spread out , nnd
afterward the melt from the male shad
s spread over them. Almout in
stantly after the melt is spread the
eggs begin to swell to about half the
size of u pea. The egga are then put
"nto crates , placed on 'ice , and sent to
ho hatcheries , the constant
erring and motion of the Donald Mo
Donald process , in two or four days
ho fifth are hatched. Their heads
ire then about the siza of a small
bird-shot , their bodies being like
thread , and about half an
nch long. They are placed in cans ,
'rom twenty to thirty thousand to the
can , according to the size of the lat
er , and in this way removed to tbo
other rivers. The messengers. In
charge of yesterday's cargo are the
same who brought four thousand Ger
man carp and deposited them 'in ' 'the
Forest park ponds here last full. , They
, ro hatching the regular Gorman carp
A Washington , as well another fish in
season. The carp season commences
about the ruijdlo of September and
ends Oct. 1 , and when that time
arrives , the ponds of carp will bo
drawn o'ff and thousands of them
broueht to western waters. To I. G
W. Stoodman , of the Missouri fish
commission , belongs the credit of thit
state faring so well in the matter of
restocking the rivers , as it is by his
efforts that the present lot of fish are
added to them. The Iron Mountain
railroad has kindly furnished free
transportation , as does also the Mis
souri Pacific , for the fish-car.
What Will Be Fashionable The Old
Brookljn Eagle.
"What is the style of spring Ho this
eaaon ? " asked a one-oyod man as ho
dropped down by the exchange edi
tor's side. "Have they rotrimmod
the interconvertible snake , that breaks
up into precincts and comes together
at the call ot the presiding link ? "
"Haven't seen anything of it , " re
plied the exchange editor , plunging
his shears into the account pf a tor
nado that shifted a state line a hun
dred feet and landed a river in H cottonwood -
tonwood grove without disturbing a
"I'm glad of that , " said the ono
eyed man , rubbing liis hands slowly ,
"I never liked that lie. It alwaya
seemed far fetched and unwholesome ;
besides , you couldn't liolp thinking
that a frog might swallow a quorum
of the snake and not leave
enough to transact business. Did
you see anything of that lie about
with winga like a corn patcli nnd a
smell of brimstone ? Is the dragon
current this season ? "
"Haven't struck him yet , " answer
ed the editor , eliminating the profani
ty from a far western account of n
inino explosion , in which forty men
were blown through the side of a
mountain novon miles thick. "If ho'a
around he's flying very low1. "
"That pleases me , too , " smiled the
one-eyed miin , stroking liiu chin.
"Tho only objection I ever bad to that
dragon was the smell. It never
sounded reasonable. If they had said
ho smelled of brimstone and molasses
it might have worked in a girl's board
ing house as a fair spring ho , but they
couldn't fix it to defer men unless
they perfumed him with blue pills. It
was a great mistake , Have you struck
any fresh particulars about the sea
serpent * inco the thaw ? "
"Too early for him , " returned the
editor , writing a now head-lino to an
uccount of a baby who fell out of n
window sixty foot and bounded back
without split , bruise , or chip off
'IIo'Jl bo urouud by the 14 Ui of
July. "
"TJio 14th of July , " murmured the
ono-eyod man. "I reckon you're
ri ht. Yes , you're right ; 'with n head
like a barrel and
estimated by Mr. William Jennings ,
of Tobago township , to bo at least
two-thirds of u milo long. ' Yea , that's
his date , July 14. I like , to read
about hlni. .There's always something
breezy and fresh About that serpent ,
though ho must bo getting on in yean
now. What's become of the two old
people" that "woro born at the _ same
momrnt , and died within ten minutes
of each other , at the advanced acre of
104 ? Ain't they dying this season ? "
"Not that I've hoard of , " rejoined
tlm exchange editor , priming down a
long article on a boy who was cut in
half lengthwise by a steam grindstone
and whoso recovery was confidently
anticipated by the eminent local phy
"I hope the ? haven't quit the busi
ness ? " observed the one-oyod man
with anxiety. "I'vo kind o' warmed
up to these two old chumps. There
was something unanimous about 'cm
that caught mo , nnd I count on get
ting around to 'em' regularly if I am
going to keep my health. May bo the
backward season has boon against 'em.
What's thmws about the skeleton
found in the tree with a bag of money
tied to his spine ? Let's see , ho'a a
spring product , isn't he ? "
"No , fall , " replied the editor , glanc
ing over a report of n man who had
just been
that had fed on his kidneys for forty
years. "He'll coino around about the
3d of October. "
"Juitso , just so. I was misled on
him. He's an old friend of inino ,
seems like ono of. the family , and if
they should go over his season with
out Gilding him appears as though I
should commence to pi no. Is there
anything new this spring , any servant
girls making Greek poetry in their
sleep , any livu frogs found concealed
in a Phiradolphm brick nnd spriugin ;
eight foot in the air after nn imprison
ment of 18,000 yean ? Any thing o
that sort ? "
"Nothing , " Bighod the _ exohangi
editor , putting sub-heads into nn no
count of a rrhalo climbing to the top
of Ab'sccon lighthouse to borrow i
match. "Nothing fresh , except thi
ono about the payment ot a church
mortgage ont in Wisconsin , but that
won't bo popular among the Chris-
ians. "
"I suppose not , I suppose not,1
nurmurod the one eyed man. "Well ,
'm much obliged. So longl It
warms me up to see the old ones como
around. A man of my ago would
miss 'em if they lot up , nnd I began
o bo a litt'o ticklish about the sor-
lontiiind the skeleton until you ex-
ilained the dates. "
And as he wont out the exchange
editor turned over nn article of an old
woman of ninety who was cutting her
iigbtioth sot of false toe.h and iourth
lead of hair.
An Old Friend-
He was afflicted with a lame back and
encral dnbiliiy ; ho was recommended
'HOMAS * ECLKCTIUO On. , which curoil him
at unco. Tnis famous unecltio is a positive
emedy for bodily pain. tidlw
Del roll Free Pica * .
Over beyond Strasburg I came upon
& farmer sitting on a log in front of a
house which I at first took to be a
stable , because a mule stood with hie
head inside , but he was a hard-up
man , and no mistake. I dismounted
to talk with him about the battlefield
of Gross Keys , and after a bit he said :
' ( Stranger , I'd invite yo to dinner ,
but I1 presume you don't relish dodgers
and bacon. "
Then wo talked a little more about
Fremont's troops , and ho said ;
"Stranger , I'd like to feed that
hojri , bub my old mule has had browse
mighty fine to keen on his logs this
fall. "
Then wo talked about H tone wall
Jackson and his march up that road ,
and the farmer branched off with :
"Stranger , I would like to offer yea
a drink o' uunthm' warmin' , but fact
is I hain't soon a pint o' whisky since
the war. "
Then I inquired how far it was to
Ft. Republic , and whether the bridge
had been rebuilt , and he answered mo
and added :
"Stranger , I do fool DS if I orierask
yo in to ace the fam'ly ' , but the old
woman's down vtich chillc , Sal's off
over the ridge , and the fire vrcnt out
an hour ago , "
I mounted my horse and handed
him a cigar. That broke him up. Ho
turned it over and over , looked up and
down the road and from mo to the
house , and finally seized my log and
exclaimed ;
"Stranger , I'm poor and way down
and sometimes wicked , but I'm right
thar'when a man calls my hand ! , \
can't feed yo , nor warm yo. nor giyu
yo whisky nor tobackor , but if yo
don't git ofTn that boss and como
over to the spring and have some
water with me , I'll never forgive ye
on nirth. " „ '
Wo drank to his luck.
Honfoipa's Acid , Fboipliate
Du. 0. G , OILLEy , Boston , says ;
'T have used it very extensively , and
w.tb iho most remarkable success in
jyRfiopsia and in all cases whore there
is derangement of the liver nnd kid
aoys , " 5d-wlw
A Georgetown Man Astonished ,
from The Wcabln.'ton Jlopubllcan , iiiiy 21. ,
A Georgetown merchant , who may
30 called Snipes for ohort though
hat isn't his name conceived the
Brilliant idea that ho would take a
.rip over to Washington for the ox-
iross purpose i f seeing the Rights. Ho
old u friend that ho had uovor boon
naido of any of the public buildings ,
lotwithstanding the tact that ho had
ived in Georgetown since 181)7.- ) His
riond suggested that it was highly
) roper that ho should begin his tour
> f inspection at once , and Kindly of-
orod to aid him in the start by show-
ng him tluough the treasury depart-
nent. The following morning
Snipes appeared promptly at Ins
riond's doak at 0 o clock and
hey began their trip by visiting
ho secret service division , where , upon
coking through ono of the ) argo
ilbuma containing photographs of
ictod criminals , Snipes was suddenly
loticed to grasp the arm cf his friend ,
t deathly pallor o'eroproading his clas-
ilc brow , and , pointing to a certain
) hotograph , in an excited manner ex >
ilalmed : "Gr atheavens , that's me ! "
't eeoraa his friend had borrowed from
Hr , Snipes a photograph of her bo-
ovpd husband the day before , and
vhilo Snipes was gazing thoughtfully
tt the picture of Jesse James hanging
in the wall , his fiendish friend in-
cried it in the album in the place of
me of the counterioiters. No George-
own man asks Snipes if ho has over
icon through the treasury department
inJesa his life ia insured.
Business Directory.
Abitract and Real ttute.
JOHN U MoOAOUK , opyoslto Port Offle * .
W. R. BAttTLKTT ir Bonth 13th Street.
Architect * .
Hews H. Urclhton Block.
A. T. LABOR Jr. . Room 8. Oitlghton UlecV.
Doott and Bhoo * .
Hoi Boots and Show. A rood anorttoent
loma work on h nJ , cainct ISth nJ Htrnejr.
tnOS. F.IUCKSOK , 0. K. rot. tilth Dj DongUt
11110th ftreet , mnmit ctmn U otder ( rood wet
O Mi price * . HmiVHniini *
Bed Oprlnc * .
LAUimtF.N VHrmfuctnrff 1(117 (
Book * . New * and ( Utlon ry.
J. I. FlUJKHAttl' IfllH
Duller end
( oSHANK & , the oUnrt n. nd E ,
louw In NcliraV * Ul > ) l bnl 1U7B Omfchk.
lioihweit cotret tOthund Dodtw.
But UoAtil for lliO Mono ? ,
CUlifectlon Gu t nUcd
kt all Ilours.
Iio id by the D y , TVccK or Month.
flood Terras for Cuh
Fnrnli hiMl
OArrlaaei and Road Wagons.
( itTDKH.llth ndnttrnevBrcit .
Olothlnj liought.
( . ItAniUSnIll n y hlKhtntCachprlcA tor icooai
nnd olothlnr. Oonier 10th und F mhim.
uewe crm.
JOHN BAUMKH 18U f tnh ra Btroel.
n. BKUTllOr.l ) , IUM and McUl.
Lumber- Lima and Oomont.
ORT eomer 8th and PouglM Bts.
Lampi and Qlauwar * .
t. BONNKR 1800 DontlM Ht Good Vulctr
Merchant raltora.
Jne ot oui mcxt popular Merdunt Tallori Is ro-
eltlng the Utost dosli ns for Spring nd Bummot
Jooil ) for ( fcntlcmcn woar. Btyllih , dunbiv ,
ted nrlcM low M ever 21618th bet. Daag.&Fun.
* R5. 0. A. RIKGER , Wholonl and IUUU , Van-
y Oootli In gnat rarictjr , Zophnt , Card Board * ,
uootory , Glorce , Ooneto , &o. cheapest HOUM In
IboWcsl. Purchuen uvo BO per cenk. Order
116 FIftMnth Street.
IOHN WKAUNE * BONB cor. llth & Jarkton it *
Mour and Peed.
) MAHAOmr MILLS , 8th and rarahun Itt. ,
i Bros. , proprietors.
t STEVENS , list between Coming and Im
t. A. MoSnANR. Oorn. J8J and Gaming Street * .
Hard wain , Iron and Uteel.
OLAN & LANQWOUTIIT , Wholesale , 118
A. HOLMES corn * IBth and Oallfornla.
Harness , Qaddlea , &c.
D. WEIBT M IBth St. bet Faro- Harnev.
Hotel *
AHFIELD HOD8E , Goo. CanBeld.tth A Farnhum
30RAN HOUSE , P. H. Cary , 613 Famham 8k.
SLAVKN'S HOTEL. F. BUven. 10th SI.
toalhern Hotel GUI. Uamol nth & Lou von worth
rugt , Paint * and Ulli.
Mrtaacltts , Fln Tano Uoodt , Cor. 1CU nd
Dotwl kUoeto ,
.T. J. WQ1TEHODFE , Wholesale & Retail , 18th St.
a FIELD , Wtt North Side Cumlog Street.
PARR , Prugglit. 10th and Howard Street * .
) R. PAUL WlllUm * Hlnck Cor. IBth ft Dodeo
Dry Uooa * Motion * , tie.
tut Tork Dry Goods titote. 1310 and Ull Jfani-
turn street
j. 0. Enowold aim hoot * and ahoe * A PaclQo.
I HI MltWI V .
i r. GROSS.'New and , Second 1'Hand Fnrnltnre
ml RtOTOfl , lilt DonglM. Hlghosl caih price
ild for ( tciood ban ! jroooi.
BONHtta 1E09 Donfla H. Fin * coodl &o.
Feroe Work * .
irjIT , miESACO ISUHanuyBI. , Improve
d lee Boie * , Irce and Wood Fence * , Offlca
tllnori. Oonnlci'.Pino and Walnnl. <
PawnOroxer * .
BOBENFELD I 10th St. . bet Sar.frHar
Herngeratora , Oanneia a Patent.
GOODMAN Ith St bet. Faro , &
OiKaraana lobacca.
vVEUT & FRITSOBER , m&nufacturen of Clfrara ,
nd Wlioloaila Dealers ! o Tobftcccs. 1B05 Dougl&S.
W F. TOnFN7KN mnnnfft < > tiirnr U16 Karnhuti
A. Donaghue , pl nta , cut Co won , e ed , ooqnets
etc. H. W. cor. I Bth and Done Its etroota.
Green House 17th and Wobater it reel , for
Pl&nta , BouquctH , F oncra , Floral Dcilgns Sc.
Cornice V/orK * .
Western Cornice Works , Manafactnrora Iron
Cornice , Tin , Iron and Hlate IlooOln ; . Orders
from any locality promptly executed In the boat
manner. Factory and Ottjco 1213 Ilarnoy St.
0. SPEOIIT , Proprtotor.
Galvanized Iron Comlcoa , Window Caps , etc. ,
manufactured and put up In any put of the
country. T. BINnnr.P lfl TMrtonnlh rtrnat
Olvll Engineer * and Surveyor * .
AKDREW ROSEWATER , Crolghton Block ,
Town Surrey ! , Grade and SeweraK * Systems a
Specialty. '
Uommlulon Merchant * .
JOHN Q. WIL LlS.llU Dodge Street
D B. BEKMER. For detail * tee large adrertlM.
ment In Daily and Weekly.
J.BONNER 1809 DoturU * street. Good line.
Clothing and Furnishing Qoo > ,
QEO. H. PETEBSOK. Aim Hat * . Cap * , Boot * ,
Bhoe * Notion * and CuUerv. 804 fl. 10th street.
Bhow Oaio Manufactory. )
0. J , WILDE.
Manufacturer and Dealer In all kind * 'ol Bbow
Duel , Upright CMOS , ft' . , 1817 Cat * St.
FRANK L. GEIUIARD , proprietor . Omaha
Bhow Case manufactory , 818 Soutb IBtli street ,
between Leavenworth and Marcy. All goods
warranted first-dura.
oveonna niv/ro ,
A. Buiumnrnu ,
Uc&ler In Htovtx aad Tluwaro , and Uanolacturci
jl Tin Roofs and all Ltad * of Building Work ,
Udd Fellows' Block.
I. BONN Ell. 1309 Dontfaa St. oad and
Ueed * .
I. KVANB.WbolnnUand Retail Seed Drllla and
: iultlv tor Odd Follow Hall
Physician * and Sureoon * .
W. S. OIBBS , II. 0. , Room No i , Crolghton
Qlock , Ulh Street.
P , S. LEISKNIUNO , M. D. Masonic Block.
J. L. UAKT , U. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. postofflce
Aurlnt. H. W 16th and Farnham BU
Photugrapner * .
Grand Central Gallery ,
S12 BUteenth Street.
lear Uasonlo Hall. Ftnt-cUs * Work and Prompt-
ie * guarantocp
Plurnblnit , Ua * and Oteam Fitting.
? . W. TAHl'V & CO. , 216 12 BU , bet. Farnham
indDouglu , Workpromp y attended to.
O. 7ITZPAT1UOK , lxU la Btreol.
aiming an aper anglng.
A. KOSTEUS , 141 Dodge Street.
Oho * mores ,
'bllllp Lan 20 Farnbam st l t IBth & Kth.
ttecond Hand Store.
'KUKINS & LKAR , 1118 DouKlas St. Hew and
locond Hand Furniture , Homo Furulahlng Good * .
ic. , bouirht and * old on narrow marvln * .
UnoartaKvr * .
) UAB. U1EWK. 101K Farnbam bet. 10th fc lltd.
00 Gent etore * .
f , 0 , BACKUS rarnham 81 , . Faney Ooodi
Ualoon * .
n tne o w brick block on Dougla * Stroel , ba *
) ut opened a most elegant lioca Ilall.
Ucl Lunch from 10 to It
rerr day.
'OaUdouU-J.FALOONES ' C7t 1BU > Hl * l.
nil uijiitii | ut
unr i
nun ntt lu\7 Jc mum
' ' ' Ml ) 'fi
Men's , Boys' and Children's
. ,
ml. ( itiiilliillii [ ! ! t lliljui-j ;
The Idlest Prices Guaranteel .luJWltllA . .iVlil 'lA UI'O
< '
i 1316 farnam Street , t I
i 311 jiaiiin ) ] icn '
The Oldest Wholesale and
in Omaha , Visitors can heife"
ind all novelties in SIL ?
_ . , , ft. , , ajuici'
iich and Stylish Jew yy ,
the'Latest ' , Most Artistic
, - , . ' . M . . I'w .aw
and Choicest Selectionftui ,
' iiiiniii/a /
all .descriptions of FINE
, .
ces as is compat
nonorable dealers. Call
and see our
Store , Tower
corner llth and
" HJvr HOMO nnin iinvil \ \ 'itult
iur ; ! iPPiifi/5 > PWPw'ltlfna tiojli1
I IP/ / ]
J ' -tU. .
' Agents''for '
' "Jlr"lw"
Organs manufactured. .
' .prices areas'LoW' ; ' as1
' Eastern1 MHnnfa'btiiwif1'41" ' "l !
u nu . / i
'dinrj Oir.1,1 . *
teinway uPi
, 'Vose ' w " ' " ' "
not fail tOiSBe ue .before . pwr-iq
MAX MEYER , ' , &f BR % , < ' ' - - - ;
'V *
Large. . , S. , , r < ili
HAS filK ' UJSbl QpnnirlTHinwiIli'ji'Kffl | ( p ' , ' ' | | MWn . - rt. .ltr - . , . , , U1
The only Furniturq , Hpiwa innDmahathat , , oesnotdeal , > j
Window Sha'tf / ) ; wv , . , , , . „ , . .
- ' - w l1a 5l\
K : ; r \
Upho.lstery , , , / / ' i
, 12081210 , ( |
mid ijutO tti u-i iu uitrdir jifjunym ; ( taaitm : < uii