Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1882, Image 8

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Messrs. MclIuBhnnclMcG vockcoin
inence work on the flouth Omftha aewers
on Wedncidoy morning.
The mercury went [ p yesterday high
an the prices of provisions , compared with
tbo lost two weeks record.
William F , Doolittle , the
Fftrnum street ehlrt manufacturer , has
removed to No. 210 North Sixteenth st.
Over In Council Biuffa n tramp is
fined $100 and put on the street gang to
trork It out. The Nebraska law would bo
well remodelled to correspond.
Gen. Crnok hai received at depart
ment headquarter * moJels of the bronze
tnodala awarded successful competitors at
tbo Crcoduioro match.
The Tamer ILill restaurant ( s under-
xolng extensive Improvements , and the
dining h ll la being enlarged to accommo
date a largo number of boarders.
The Northwestern U as solid ] as the
Bank of England , and gives Life Insur
ance cheaper than any other company In
the world. John 8teclf aecnt junc3-mo
The regular meeting pf the Social Art
club will bo held on Tuesday. theGthlnst ,
at 3 p. m. , at the honneof Mm. Woodman ,
on Nineteenth street , next St. Barnabas
Wide Awake council , American Le-
ion of Honor , members take notice ns- ,
sement I and No. 21 la duo nnd payable
at the collector * ! ) offiao in thirty days after
There was a game of base ball played
Sunday afternoon between the Ltttlo
Hooka and Excelsiors , wh'oh resulted in
aecoro of 3 to 1 in favor of the Little
ok .
The Omaha teims ers bold their regu
lar meeting a Tivola hall , Farnam nnd
Ninth , Wednesday evening , Juno 7. All
teamsters respectively invited. By order
ol T. J. Quick , secretary.
A force of men with eight , qr te tcaras.
Icgan the work ordered on.tho High
achool grounds yesterday. addi
tional tenmi will be puton.Increasing the
number to about twenty. *
The Omah * Olee club will meet at
Hotpe' * hull this evening to tUicuts the
proposition for n trip ta Lincoln , for the
purpose of giving a grand concert at the
opera housp th'nre.
The thermometer at Mcx Meyer ; &
Bro , , the Jewelers and Optician * , fr < < m
12 m. Sunday until 12 m. yesterday Indi
cated the following ! 12 m , , C > ' ; 2 p. m. ,
60 ° ; 7p.m. , 50 ° ; Op. m. , 10 ° j 7 a. m , ,
< 53 ° j 10 a. m. , C8 ° j 12 m. , 70 ° ; 2 p.
inspector Oonwny , with a force of
men , has been engaged during the past
week fixing Oampbell'd patent iron catch
bndaa at the four corpora .of Thlftcppth
and Lsavenworth utroota. Thcno are tbo
first ones of the kind uaed in this city ,
_ nnd when finUhed , which they will be
* hortly , will prove a much needed im >
rrovemont to the vicinity.
John Smith , alias "Cranky Bill , " who
Is a > familiar character in this vicinity ,
baa nt lost temporarily located ' at Fort
Madison , Iowa. Ho was accompanied to
tli now IIOWQ by the pherlH pf Couppll
JUufffl , and will etny there elc japnthi ,
rtbe Mate paying all oxpowiei , BUI was A
- Chicago editor formerly , and proprietor of
* * TheyThunderbolt , ' ' which allows that r .
, pab'lici'are'npt ' ' alvroys ungrateful.
The .deferred 'May feetlvat of ] the
< iW * t echool qccwreJ ot lanscora pork
.Saturday and wet a very succemful and
eaJojBble.ocoaglua , Transportation WM
famuhed from the acbool house to tha
pork jxnd return. Aiong-the collation
which vraa contributed by the parent * anc
rfriendf of the eehool was -foliowid by the
, xoal wdrk ot the 'day the croxvvlng ol
vfhe Mar Qaocn and the exerdica nf the
Hocculon ocnnecteil'thorowUH. The nchol
, &n of tha school are 'rehearsing for an
tCzbiblttuB to talte pluoo'upon thj closlnj
f the school tor tha cmumer vacation.
Col.JJ. Temple , who .recently pre-
cented the military drama entitled the
' ( Union Biy" t Boyd' < Opera house
under the , u | kos ol the -G , A. It. , is
prenarinfr for ft Mrioa of fclallAr , nUrtaIn
sty&tit beOpera Jiouso t Fremont , on
: J'aMUib , > l'tUi , nod 15th. The cofonel
, , kM.OiHyfrUndi , Jn thin Ity who < con
f igrt l te the peaole et F < ema&t that they
wtil.liAW KB opportunity of wUneuIns a
Varyi pL | y wlitdb tliey will la sure to
r-Jr. A.-JC Jett , nuperlnteadaut of the
' eM 4 W ; yi > Sundfy echool , of timaha ,
WMt dawn io 1'JatUtnooth Saturday to
lloi'pjcnlc roundj lor an oxcurnion ol
tbe Otoaha .colored M. 12 , Sunday eohod
to that city on .the 15tlnit , lie iaye the
xcuWiw will pcobably liustpr about two
huodred people , fbo will go donn in the
jnorelDg of the 16Ji , end wld A pitnlo lu
jfTuve uewtlie , rttldeoM ft Qen. George
' I w 4Huiy | th wAwbo will , pl y m KMUO
iiiW.tfce Plsitwrioutb eIuljVa'860BtBg ]
tp VrBg iiienU made by SJrJ\Jctt1ood
tbe e pt lu of tlta club In riattaatoiith. .
I " * *
* . J
I. * *
111 ph Puninlurger , . WoAjjyojr , JJuf.
KiKOTKio Olt for
MM } wliit half a c. fi appitMtfunv
4\o \ walk roMiJ gan | all
w , ' ' - . *
, t .
; i . ' -J-1' * ' - ' . .
? f ; r/i : r -
Tbo District Court Begins Its
Juno Term.
The OHy Judtro Hoa Hla Usual Mon
day Morning Levee ,
The Juno term of Judge Savage's
Court , and probably the last term In
which ho will sit on the bench , begun
in the old court room yesterday.
Since last term aomo very excellent
improvements hare boon made in the
room , which at ono time threatened to
fall down on the court and kill aomo-
body. Both court and jury Brooms
look very neat and clean. IJavinR had
practically a now roof put on the
the building , the commissioners have
had the coiling repaired and kalsomin-
cd , and the walls arc painted brown
and buff in a wainscoating design. All
of the woodwork , including the bar ,
clerk's desk and railing , is re-painted
light grey , trimmed with a dark shade.
The shutters are also touched up and
the court and jury rooms are fresh ,
neat and bright. The floor of the
court room is covered with now mat
ting , the atovo "shinod up" till it is
resplendent and the floor about the
judge's desk and that of the court re
porter is laid with tapestry.
The court yesterday appointed
Henry Grebe , Edwin n. Orowoll and
John J. Oalligan bailiffs.
The grand jury was impannolled
with W. H , Whitton as foreman , and
began its sessions at onco.
Ohas. H. Brown , A. 0. Wakeley , J.
P. English , E. M. Bartlett and Chan.
K. Rediok were named as the committee -
too to examine applicants for admis
sion to the bar.
At the noon hour it being ascer
tained that out ot the twenty-five
cascssot for yesterday none were ready
trial , court adjourned to 9:30 : a. ro ,
to-day. A largo amount miscel
laneous business was transacted , but
none of particular interest. Judge
Savage will render his decisions , in
several important cases taken under
Judge Bonoko's docket was quito
'ull yesterday. .jThoro wcro nine
plain drunks , ono of whom was dis
charged , ono paid and six were sent'
up to work out their fines.
There was ono case of disturbance
of the peace , who got the usual fine.
A complaint has ooon made against
3athorino Tulloy , for horse whipping
a boy , but she has not been arrested
It having boon reported that BUS
picious persons had been haunting
the vicinity of No. 2040 Chicago
street for aovoral days past. Officers
O'Donohbo and Buckley visited the
potyesterday and found two per
sons answering tho1 description. They
were arrested and taken to police
court , where it transpired that they
were two excellent citizone , who , as
ibrttrnotori ) , ' were going through un-
liliuhed buildings in that locality.
They "wcro 'much chagrined at their
arrest and 'wore , of course , dis
The Juno term of the county court
jogan yesterday , Judge Chadwick pro-
The day was occupied principally in
boating motions and "nt 0:30 : this
morning the docket , which ia ot
only average importance , will be
The United Staten court yesterday
resumed Iho hearing of the etnr route
caao in which Prank Olary is dofcn-
dftiit. This case was taken up on
Thursday ovoiiintf loot and was inter
rupted oil Saturday by the illness of
Judge Dundy , owing to which no BOS-
ion bf court was hold. Inspector
pybolt occupied the ntand yoitorchy ,
iis testimony being tnlcoii now in
order to allow htm to leave for his now
station at Salt Lake Oily.
from oil Quarters of tbo
World on Wiioola
At a mooting of | the atook-holdqrs
oftho Union Pacific i Athlotio atsdcia-
tion , hold in'tho oflioo of the freight
auditor , { ho following board of diroc
ton were elected to servo ono year ;
M. H. Goble , freight auditor ; E , H.
Buckingham , oar accountant's department
mont ; 0. L. Maine , telegraph depart
ment ; W. P. Cooley , passenger de
The Dutto Minor , of tho3Intuit. ,
aaya : From a. man who know it was
Ascertained yesterday that
iug'QU thq Door Lodge extension from
Silver JUpiv junction will bo begun
about the ,15th , pf June , and from that
time oti until the D < ; or Ledge depot is
reached from one-halt to ono uiilo ol
track will bo laid every day
It i atimated that a force of from
seventy-five to .eighty-five men , if
working at this exclusively can lay U
mila of track K day. There are about
two .hundred raon 110w at work on the
Peer Lodge "extension , manyol whom ,
however , will be engaged necessarily
in otker ways than as track-layers.
The grading on this extension is
now finished except-in a few places , at
sorao of which the xoad bed will not
bo in readineu for the rails much be
fore the track-layers reach them. It
will bo BovAral weeks at least before
Rrading car. bo completed at all points.
Sumo few of these plaooa of unusual
difficulty , or to which work 1ms not
yet been directed , are above the
canyon , some in the can ] on , ono a *
Jim JJiudoea' , and ono on liorry Oas
serf * land , uot fir beyond the Juuo
A Irtrramio paper , noticing the
pwago west of ! ' , R. McOonnpll.
calls him "superintendent of the Salt
Jjake branch of the Union Pacific
road , " .
The following * order was issued
From division headquarters ;
JLutAUlK , May 31 , 1882.
all concerned :
R , W , Uixter ia hereby appointed
chief train-dispatcher of Iho Laramie
division , io take effect Thursday
Juno 1 , 1882.
PJoaso rcepoct and obey his orders
accordingly. E. DIOKINSOK ,
Division Superintendent.
A Chantro of Profrrummo at the
County Jail.
On casting up accounts for the
month of May , the county commis
sioners found UiaUho experiment ol
working the city prisoners had ro
suited in a balance in their favor of
$18 , although , owing to the number
rainy days , the force was worked less
than half the time. By the arranpo
mont made the county paid the
guards , and received sovonty-fivo
cents a day per man from Contractor
Coots. Had the weather been fair ,
the sum would have been doubled
which wont over to the profit eido of
the houso. The commissionon , however -
over , seem to have regarded the
amount as too trifling to look
after , and it is reported , turned the
prisoners over to the contractor to
have guarded and worked under his
owri supervision and at his own cx-
ponso. On Saturday night five or BIX
men were laid off , and yesterday the
cement men were discharged for want
of work.
The prisoners oecm to have regarded
the now regime very lightly , and two
of the number succeeded in making
their cscapo during the day , while a
third got a good start before ho was
captured. The result ia that in all
probability the working of city pris
oners will provo a failure entirely dur
ing the next month. While is
is true the amount cleared
was email , it was still away head ot
nothing. The real benefit ef working
the men instead of allowing them to
oat and sleep at the county's expense
instead of earning their boaid is not
in dollars and cents , but in ridding
the community in a largo degree of
the pests. As long as it is understood
by the vagrant population that a
"tramp" will eo up and break atone
for a term , if ' arrested , the better in
formed will steer clear of Omaha , but ,
let the venture fall and throw thorn
back to the same old idle lifo and the
city will again boi overrun with the
good-for-nothing class.
A community infested with those
American Arabs , ia bound to
suffer Jrom their depredations and
lawlessness , and it would seem that
even if it was at a light expense to the
county to guard them , it would bo the
saving of a good deal in the way of
expenses for .arrest , trial and convic
tion , to aay nothing of the loss to in
dividual citizens. It ia certainly
hoped that the attempt to work the
prisoners will not bt ) abandoned until
a thorough trial has proved its efficacy
or the contrary.
Made from the wild flowers of the
it is the most fragrant of perfumes.
Manufactured by H. B. Slttven , San
Francisco. For ; sale in0mnlia byV. .
\Vhitohouso and Konnard Bros. '
Buffalo Bill and General Cook Sued
by too Oaptalna of the
Rival Guards.
Suit was instituted in Justice Sop-
ria * court yesterday by Captains M.
B. Carpenter and E. J Burke against
General D , J. Cook aud Hon. W. F.
Cody to recover the sum of $300. Thn
cflse is a peculiar ono. It ia under
stood that it qrow out of the fact that
the gates were thrown open to the
public at the fair grounds on decora
tion day by the order of the defend
General Cook wan grand marshal ot
the day. After the parauo the gover
nor's guard and the Mitchell guards
had a competitive diill at the fair
grounds. It was expected that nn ad-
mieaion of twenty-live cents would bo
charged. This was not done , how
ever , and the public was admitted
free , it is alleged , by the orders of
General Cook and Mr. Cody , who
visited the grounds and told the
gato-keopora to pass the people
without exacting an entrance
feo. As the writs had not
been served yesterday , no particulars
concerning the auit could bo learned ,
bui it was stated by those who know
the circumstancefl that this order was
the basis ot the demand. Mr , Car
penter ia captain of the governor's
guard , and Mr. Burke of the Mitchel
Euard. The $300 is the amount al-
> god to have been lost to the com
panies by the failure of the gatekeep
ers to collect money or tickets from
these who witnessed the drill. [ Den
ver Tribune.
Wm. M. HOOBO ,
The body of Wm. M. Bocso , who
was killed by the cars at Omaha Sid
ing on Saturday evening , wan hold
over yesterday for several reasons to
await burial.
Th.o deceased proves to hayo boon a
member of the G. A. R. , his wife
having his honorable discharge from
the l'J2nd Pennsylvania volunteers ,
company G. lleoso diluted fpr one
year in February , 18G5 , and was mus
tered out in August , the aervico not
needing his regiment any longer. Ho
belonged to the post ai Johnstown
A toegram | was received ye tor | |
day from Charles Ileeso , at Shelby ,
Iowa , dated Sunday , Baying , "Hold
William Booso'a , body until to-mor
row. " Mrs. B , does not think ho was
any relation of her husband , but. has
mutakon the name.
Buned Alive.
A Bohemian laborer , whoso name
cold no1 bo learned , had a narrow
eecapo from death last evening , at the
aceno of the grading on Upper Far-
jiatu street.
It was nearly 0 o'clock when the
accident occurred , and a number of
men wore at work with picks cutting
away a bank , above which several
teams wuro at work with scrapers. Thu
weight of the teams caused the
mass of earth to give way , and falling
tq the loyver grade , it buried one of
the men below , a Bohemian whose
name wo could not loaru , eo that only
his" head was visible ,
Lively work with shovels soun re
leased the man , and Inspection prof'id
that no bones were broken ,
The Maonnerchor Society Sere
naded in Ll-'Oly Style by the
Bavarian Band ,
An Interesting Intervlotr with , the
A very pleasant little affair took
place in the elty last night , which
will bo remembered with a great don ]
of pleasure by our musical German
population of Omaha.
A few days ago thcro came to
Omaha n little band of musician * ,
numbering in all nix performer * , but
though small in numbers , thoyshowcd
themselves every man of them to bo
thorough musical artists , Last even
ing the Maonnerchor society hold
their regular meeting , and this little
band hearing of it , concluded to sera
nado them. They assembled in front
of the Maonnorchor society's new
room and executed some very
beautiful pieces , finishing up
with the national anthem of
America. At the conclusion of the
musio the members of the Mnonnor-
chorsociety greeted thomwith a hearty
burst of applause , nnd Mr. Erdwad
Wirth , the president of the society
stood on the stops leading to their
hall and made a very neat speech , in
the conno of which ho said ho
WAS very sensible of the honor
they had rendered to society in sere
nading them. It was especially grati
fying to thorn us it was the first time
the society had had the pleasure of
being serenaded by a kindred musical
society. Ho added that on behalf of
the Mipnncrchor society of Omaha ho
extended to thorn a cordial invitation
to join the society in their hall , which
they accordingly did and they passed
a pleasant time in singing and play ing.
A BEE reporter being attracted by
the awoet strains of music looked into
HOD what was going on , and was fortunate -
tunato to bo able to have a chat with
the loader , from whom ho elicited
some very interesting facts concerning
this little musical troupe.
The name of the leader is John
Horther , and the other flvo are Phil
lip Ziomor , Jacob Schmidt. H. Math ,
T. Ohustmao dud 0. Ohustmo.
It appears that they loft Antwerp
in the month of July , 1881 , and
reached Philadelphia on the 9th of
August , from there they went to Cin
cinnati , where they played two
months. The next place they struck
was Louisville , Kentucky , where they
were extremely well received. The
manager of the Armory Rink , Barton
Yaud , at that place was so delighted
with their performances and behavior
that ho gave them a very nice testimonial
menial , signed by himself , of which
they are very proud and
also bogged them to return
in the fall which the leader says they
intend to. After playing in Louis-
villo'four months , they wont to Kan
sas City where they remained a week ,
nnd from there traveled to St. Jo. ,
playing thera a couple of nights.
Leaving Kansas City they madotracks
for Omaha , with which they seem
very much pleased.
Previous to this country
they had traveled considerably in
Europe , and oven gone as far Asia.
They traveled with Slauj' 'circus all
over England , playing in largo twons in
the winter time , and taking * in the
villages during the summer months.
Altogether they were in England
eoven year ? . From England they
crossed over to La BeDo France ,
where they stayed four yean. Eror
migrating they visited Switzerland ,
where they put m ono year. They
then hied for Denmark , stopping a
short time nt the principal cities.
From Denmark they journeyed to
Sweden nnd Finland , remaining a
short period in each couniry.
Finally they resolved to pay a visit
to , Ruosia where they secured a good
engagement at St. Petersburg.
The leader proves himself to bo a
man who has traveled "considerably
nnd also quito an extensive linguist ,
which the reporter was well able to dis
cover from his conversation with him ,
ho having himself travelled in several
of the countries ho described.
This itinerant band of musicians is
certainly a very remarkable one.
Though containing but six in all it ia
able to glvo forth a volume of musip
perfectly astonishing. '
a. A.B.
The tunoral of comrade William
M. Reese will take place' Tuesday , at
10 a. m. sharp , from Jacobs' under
taking rooms , Farnam street , between
Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets. All
old soldiers and comrades of the G.
A. R. are requested to attend. By
order F. M. Moonu ,
Post Commander.
J , M , RioiiAitPs , Post Adjutant.
The Entertainment at Boyd'a Last
Nleht "Humpty Dumpty. "
The famous Ojmloy-Birton opera
company , which has just closed a
brilliant engagement at Denver ,
appeared at Boyd'x opera house last
evening , in Gilbert and Sullivan's
satire of aosthotioism , "Patience , "
ono of the most charming comio
oper&a now presented. The Comley-
Barton troupe is a very fine organiza
tion , from the Fifth Avenue theatre ,
Now York , comprising 50 artists , in
cluding Mr. John flowaon , Miss
Marie Jansen , Miss Laura Joyce , Miss
Emma Laecellos , Miss Normo Wills ,
Mr. Dittby V , Bell , Mr. J. 0 , Campbell -
boll , Mr. James Barton , Mr , H. A.
Grippa , Mr. T , H. Frear and a grand
chorus of forty well trained voices.
John Howeon takes the part of
Bunthorno , and Miss Marie Jensen
that of Patience ,
This evening the over-popu
lar Tony Denier "Humpty Dumpty"
ttoupo will play at the opera house.
It is the moat thoroughly organized
and equipped combination of its kind
now on the road , and its performances
are all now and well executed , Thp
troupe is very largo and none but first
class artists are employed in any ono
of its departments. Many tricks of
startling intricacy are for the first
time introduced by them , and as for
k : *
the clown , his work is simply wonder
ful , nnd altogether unique of it * kind ,
No pains has been spared to hand
somely and effectually tot the piece ,
And the result is sure to bo an enter
tainment of rare and excellent merit.
The broom drill by the young ladies
of Trinity Guild will bo repeated on
Thursday evening next , * .ho 8th inat. ,
at Uoyd'a opera house. Besides tbo
drill there will bo presented a magnifi
cent pantomime , full of fun ni'd fury ,
thrilling incident , gorgeous tableau
and exquisite music.
Havcrly'a Consolidated Mastodons
will perform nt the Boyd Monday and
Tuesday , the 12th nnd 13ih. They
include sixty-four people , and nro now
filling a splendid engagement of three
weeks in Chicago. Mr. Ohas. II.
Keoshin , who is always ahead of the
best shown , is in the city preparing
for their coming.
A Delightful Excursion to Fremont
The picnic which the Danes of this
city got up Sunday at Fremont
proved to bo a grand success socially
and financially. .Shortly after 10
o'clock the special train left the U. P.
depot with nearly five hundred gueatr ,
On arriving nt Fremont they found
every thing had been prepared for
them by people of Fremont , and they
had quito a jolly timo. Irvine's
skilled orchestra discoursed the sweet
est of music during the day , and
every ono present joined in the festive
dance till it got too dark to carry it
on any loaqor.
Mr. Boison made an elegant little
speech , in which he thanked the people
plo of Fremont for the courtesies
which they had received , am * for the
iraplo accommodations which they
bad prepared for them in order to
make this pleasant affair a brilliant
Lost , but by no means least , there
was a very fine lunch gotten up by
the ladies , which materially added to
the' pleasures of the day.
Great credit is duo to Messrs. P. H.
Green , 0. Nelson and A. Woolf , the
committee on arrangements , for the
indefatigable manner in which they
worked , BO that everything should bo
well managed.
A special mention is also duo Ir
vine's band , which is nowconsolidated
with the orchestra. It consisted of
nine pieces and the entire organization
playa brass or stringed instruments ns
occasion requires. Yesterday they
played some very fine brass music on
iho march to the U. P. d ° pot nnd
from the depot at Fremont to the
grounds. During the day they re
sumed their parts as an orchestra and
ilayod delicious dance music.
An Injustice.
To Editor of 3he Bee :
In your issue of Friday evening an
article in regard to Omaha , the Millard -
lard Hotel in particular , going east to
purchase goodp , you didus and the
iiGtorproprietoM also , nn injustice , as
wo woio awarded the contract for fur
nishing the Millard Hotel with furni
ture , mirrors and mattrassos , after a
careful comparison of our prices with
eastern houses. Your article , however -
over , was very appropriate as regards
some of our most wealthy citizens.
Respectfully Yours ,
Profitable Patients.
The most wonderful and marvelous
success in cases where persons pro
sick or wasting away from a condition
of misorableness , that no one knows
what ails them , ( profitable patients
for doctors , ) is obtained by the use of
Hop Bittore. They begin to euro
from the lirat dose and kcop it up un
til perfect health and strength is re
stored. Whoever is afflicted in this
way need not suffer , when they can
get Hop Bitters. [ Cincinnati Star.
The Commencement Exorcizes at
BoyoVa Routine Business Trans
The regular mooting of the board
of education for the month of Juno
was hold last evening at the rooms in
Williams block.
Present Messrs. Anderson , Con-
noyor , "McShane , PointsandPresi ,
dent Long. ' *
Themlnutcjof | the meetings of May
1st , 2nd , 4th and 8th wore read by
the secretary. '
Mr : Anderson moved to suspend the "
rules so far as approving the minutes
and , /rpceod with the regular routine
of business. He desired to act on
the teachers' and janitors' pay rolls
before entering the prolonged discus
sion which ha anticipated.
The rulco vroro accordingly stiu-
pendod. I
From the city treasurer for May :
Balance from lust report 827,025 CO
Taxes collected for Ai > ril 3I.HO 17
Ucemeu for May t. . . . . 1,019 1C
May warrants paid 8,202 10
Sinking fund. . . , 7.Ml 1)2 )
lialance , , . . . 40,020 00
From citizens of the Second ward ,
asking that a school house bo built on
the lots on Seventh and Loavonworth
streets ;
Misses McOhoano and Andrews
were granted tbo uao of a room in the
high achool building for a summer
The pottbn ! of South Omaha citi
zens , for the USD of HarcaU'a school
house for a Sunday school , and to
purchase it when the city was done
with it , was referred to the member
from the First ward with power
to act ,
Several applications for positions at
assistant teachers were , received and
The teachers' nnd janitors' pay roll
for May waa signed and adopted , and
the presidentand secretary authorized
to draw warrants for the several
'Iho special committee on high
school grounds and now buildings re
ported progress.
The epecnvl committee on a hall for
commencement exorcizes reported
that they had secured Boyd'a opera
house , if it was not in course of re
pairs at the time. An admission fee J
of 10 cents will be charged to pay gen
bills , etc. , and half the proceeds re
turned to the board , Approved.
The president nnd secretary were
authorized to draw a warrant for
85,002.50 to paid the semi-annual in
terest on the $100,000 of High tchool
Alao to draw warrants to pay the
teachers and janitors for the month of
June when the rolls wcro Approved
by n majority of the committee on
Mr. Anderson offered n resolution
requesting Secretary McShano to re
cord the minutes of the mooting of
Mayt1st on the Journal. Ho should
dcp ino to approve the minutes until
this was done.
The resolution was not seconded.
On motion the approval of the min
utes was postponed until the next
The question of the method of con
ducting the final examinations in the
schools was discussed nt some length
and laid over until the next meeting.
The Board adjourned until Thurs
day at C p. in.
THE Brent distinguishing feature of
Heddlnt H Kussin Salve in its power to
reduce inflatufttton.
The Signal Ofllco Report for the
Month of May.
Th.3 report of Sergeant Alexander
Pollock , of the signal corps U. S. A. ,
stationed at Omaha , shows the follow
ing statistics in regard to the May
weather :
The barometer was 30.(31 ( on the
23d ; the lowest , 20.507 on iho 8th.
Monthly range , .824. ,
The highest temperature was 81.1
on the 3d ; the lowest , 38 1 on the 2d.
Greatest daily range , 28.4 on the 2d ;
least , C.2 on the 2Gth. Mean of
maximum temperatures , G6 4. Mean
of minimum tomporaturor , 48.3.
Mean daily range , 17.
Prevailing direction of the wind ,
north ; total movement , 8495 miles ;
highest velocity and direction , 34
miles north.
Number of foggy days 9 , clear 5 ,
fair 9. Cloudy days on which no rain
or snow"foil 14. Number of days on
which rain or snow fell 18. There
were frosts on the 16th , 22d and 25th.
It has been the general talk that
the rain fall never was so heavy be
fore in May , but the fact is < that in
Tllay 1872 , 1873 , 1877 , 1878 , 1879
and 1881 the rain tall was greater
than during the past month , but the
temperature was also somewhat higher.
ONCV TO LOAN Call at Lnw Omco ol D.
M1 L. Thoniwi Uom8 Cretchton Ulock.
&OKA A A A'10 1 OAA At 8 per CUD tin-
w4D\\J\J\J \ torojt ID omilo { 98,600 and
upwards , for Sto 6 yearn , on OrsVcUsa city and
farm property , Btaaa HSAL Kami end LOAS
AoitsoT. ICth and Doui'hs Gt
IANThD-lalor handy nan. Inquire at
W SS3 tf ED dULiM & LB10 liaUtf.
7 ANTED A ttachinlst at Earb Wire Wrrks.
3 0-7
U Ten teams to work on Florence
WANT - . \ \ ages 3 6U per day.
377-tf Uirnhh.LL VINCENT.
A eaod IT an to attend bar. must
WANTED recommended. Sit SoU'h ' 10th
strut . 301-Bf
A good girl ImnrelUtfcly , tor
w general house work , 121S Dodge s'rcet.
'ANTED A fl t class Bride Burner , im-
W modlati If. Appl } to 0. J Oil an. 363-0 *
HE.V WANTeD At Forercj Cut-Ofl ,
100 hlno miles rrrth rf O 'In. WaDoa
81.76 pir day. Ill tCHELL VIA CENT.
Cook. H. Matmwellcr. Llotentli
WANTFD near Kama D.
"ITErAJiTEU MtuatloiTln [ ajprUato fumllj to
VV doL'rncral housework. Aiililv at No. BJ2 ,
Bouth Sth rcet. 33'J 9 *
ANTFD A position by a coni > ettnt bread
w in a baiiry. Address A. n. leo
odlcc. 3S1-7
-IT'IDOW LADY Stringer , ueedj. work.
VBcwlntt by week or 1'gut ' work preferred.
0. II. EEB tltlcB. 60 6
fTTANTED 103 tm-klaytrjo d 63 'aborcrs ,
VV opp'y to II , Minnweler , Eirplf'jm nt
Agent , Htli tlreot , mar F inam. 3U4 6) )
"TTTANTED By a sin nit ) man an unfurnished
W room , Romewheio between Dodge and
Californiaai d | lth and iid stroo's. Ills refer *
encci aie unextoptlanable , II. , b9x/41S. j
821-tf . "
TTTANTED "cmebody to Jme t In a well
VV tlar ed ihe.p . rme to tiila'go It pMtura
> nd havltt d for 20CO , hp. . Boudt pnenfor
f ru dsi'lng Addnsa' A TON OSANT.SER ,
sor-ot eoBNouii nth at.
| TTANTED To loan. $3,100 , on rood mill
YV property In Douglas county. Addreiu Lock
Poxl J , nmha. 4 < 03'
WASTKD Children as bnardcn In a select
s tho.I. N.W co nor California and 10th
streets. L. li. LOOMI3 ,
209 tf
ONEV A partner wintcd , active or sl'ent ,
M with $5000 to : oCOO cmn to lnvo < t In a
Ic0'ltlruitebu ino a which In six months time wi I
ay ft prcflt at leist equal to the amount In
vistoJ , ami both be turned Into clean cash and
tno pirtncrshlp cnduJ. AdJrcrs "Monty" Ike
oHloa 8tf
WANTED 5undln ( ; biliigeand schocl bonds
n.T Clark. Hftil-viiB Sd-lf
VtrAtU'fcl ) 00 privy va'j-ta , mtg and cess
VV pools to clean with UanlUry Vault and
Sink Cleaner , the best In nso. A. Evans & Co. ,
Dodaro street Omaha.
TTrANTED To rent , cottaga ef 6 or fl rooms
VV good location , comenleut to street R. R.
Addres * lUtlng ttrms tnd location. "Rent. "
Uu OlOcc. tl *
To rent , with prlvi'ege ol buy
WANTED about three montha cottage ol
tun rooms , good locality , within tventy minutes
walkol pialolUc * . Addreu stating terms and
location , "llou a" B cfllco nil7-tf
A FUBN1SIIBD IlOOM-In private litmily for
\ . grntlevcn with rcftrcnw , 1312 lodge be
tween i Sth and 14th street. 374 tf
F I OB KENT A nicely furnUhwl room at M10
Chlcajostreet , bUw iu i4th and lti. !
[ TlOilUKNT turnUlittl room , L'aunport l > et
L1 Uth and 17th tlilpl house 37lot ' .
TT\OIl \ llfcNl small furnished rooa. with tloi
J ? cts , south and uut win JoS. . K. c nur
Uth anil Chicago. .285-0 *
Oll KENT Two nicely furnUlit * ! rooini , low
prlctt , brie * liousa. 201J tan tin U ,
POKUK.Sr A large , Uccly furulthod room ,
sultablo ( or a gentleman , with \i3Md. \ UU5
Cap toUu-nus nj 15th. '
EOttHKNT Houaoon lurd itroet between
IBthmd 201U. Apply t 1712 C pl ol avs-
REST With board. law Irr front
room , 2011 Caw itrect. 371-6 *
T710K UENT-KIra tmf Jrol h < d roomi , up
} itilra. fiont and hick entrince. Enqulra u
817 North 17lh itreot. lie wcu Dir.nport and
Chla go. U7-S
, B05 191h tr l
between Ct n and C 'lf r
FOnilB'JT Kea unity furnl h l room , 117
South 17th Itctt , one dear notUi of Drm * .
! ' . 850 U
tJlORtlEST T o ima'l noilh furnished r-omg
1 atll 7ilJ Brdbmreei lltli id IBth St. ,
aito ono Urgf irnMml r. o n , fird-fl cr on 1US
bet ojn lluwaM and JiLk n. 8(4 tl |
oqn HEVT * Urjto nloo front parlor , wit
JLay lndowson the northwest corner of 18Mi
and Davenport gtrceM. 345 5 * i ,
TIWO FURNISHED giulh rooms for rent a
W.corno IDtb aijd Davenport. 300-tf
"TT10II HUNT Houw of tU roonn iicar comer
I1 ot ficlde and 11th irrect al o two new
houtof ready by the tntddio of Juno. Inquire at
Oeo. II. reterton'a Clothing utoro , 804 > . 10th
tree 1. .
FOR RKNT Good h n with lx roomf , and
all modern Improvement" , and coaveulent
tjjtreetcnr. InqnUoat grteery utore , corner
20th and cumlng ttrott. S38-U
fTIOR T1KNT The fpicbus and elfffant hall
L with a 1 modcrt li pr.\omenglnCUrk' ( and
Hosier's lllock. Apply t > > . M. Olark , or to H ,
A. Uo.tcr's 105 nnd 107 3. Hth treet. S07-U
ITIUJl KKW'I X rurnUnej rooios ui i 4 *
chantx' Eich neN. K. cor. lath anil
ttr t .
TjtOU HUM Aicvl ; Inrnlsiied tooiiu wilQ of
J ; without board. Roagonablo urlcca. 2011
t'asa St. 7sa u
EOH P.ENT Ilouio of flro rooms , corner S34
nnd Pierce. Afply nt 8. O. Stevenson , cor
ner 17th and CtijS , near EosUr Church.
FIOll SALiv A ( rood famlij mare , wamvn'cd
Ken tie , eul 'nblo f > r Rrocerj- apon , also row
hametu , leathur top phaeton , nearly new , nnd
complete Mablo outiit. tUblo for Tint. Call at *
ter 6 o'clock , 1013 Wetsler Mrcet ,
a75-ll O IAKLE3 MARthY.
TjlOIl HALE The buslnew end flx'urci of n first
J ; c'tua meat market in Central henuska |
llcst location ; Dent cosh trade In tbo city. Keaton
for selling , for health. Address liutchcr , lleo
olllce. 3:7-1 m
T7TOFSALB A goad hone , cheap , M 1HOS
JU Cumlng stncL 8G8-0
IIJUhT IIKHULU-GTOncrtsIn Polk county
1)1 I'rlo $3OOP. Inquire of J. It. Ktnman
rostoffice , Klslng Ctty , iiutlcr coimty.Not' .
FOK SALE Chonp A hou'o of fcli room and
lot , 3"xSiO , ju t north of l tutrcol blldga
( fonts o eton ICthstteot. Fiicoonly $ jOO , eoual
ch } > y uents , balineonn mouth ) } paymrn' .
Ei quint at Newiplpar Union , Uth and Howard
Uriels. 109-.I
feet front igo by 60
JC feet door , on couth If th street , on 810 per
month payments , to anyone who will oulid. in-
qulro 1407 Uoward , between Hta and 16th tta.
_ _ _ _ _
FUlt SALE Manh harroaUr. cheap , at my
farm , tno trllcs south of Bcllorue. For
terms address U Tzschuck , Ou.aha , Neb. 300-U
T7WU HALE llouco of tire rooms and 1 it on
P Dodn tr et. gUCO , Small housa ard\two i
lots In Bhlnn'i addition 1000. MoCAQUE , .
291-tf _ Opposite lo _ > totfljei.
riOR BALE-A houee and lot ICOxllB fronf.
JD with barn , two wolli and cstom )23S
South 14th street , second haunt ) north of William
street. Price $1400. 29-J-14'
1011 , SALE Hceuurai t on a well trvreled
231-tf _ ll'h ' ctre t , near Fannni.
I OH SALE lieautllul acre lot nod homo on
F California street , 8HCO. JIcCAGUE.
263-tf Opposite I'o
| , WK HALh tiouoe of bix room * , and lot SOz
A ; 220 , north of nlxtecutti street bridge. Ap
ply corner 13th and Howard. Newspaper Union.
'TT OK bALE A houib and lot onDodxc street ,
JJ one of tbo Qncat locations In tha city
116-tf J. H. DUMONT , 13th and liarner.
OK BALE The PlH'ULAU 110 TEL , known
aa the BOYS' HOUK. Th's ' houxe la co
trally located , his sou h and cast front , and Is
surronnded w th flne ha4o trees ; conti Ins thirty
s ecplne rooms , has lea boude. laundry , sample
room , etc. IIao world w do reputation and a
better patron go than many houses ot twloo Its
capacity. Price 85,000 Kor partculars address -
dress , A. A. SAWDhY , Hod CIouu , atb.EBMt
"TjlOK SALE A good eorncr lot on DOORO and
J } 23th street , in a very fast growing part ol
the city , will divide. Inquire at ttO South 20th
street , near Farnam.Bojdj'a & HiU'a addition.
8201m *
TOOR SALE Or will ezcha ire 'or Omaha pro. V
JD | porty , an Improved soc on of land adjoin-
In ) ; a station on U. P. B. B. 11. DUNHAM , H1J
FarnhamSt. , Omaha. 72J Smt
FOH e&blL.
HAY At A. U. Bander * Feed Bto
BALED 81. slO-tl
BOXISO Hy nn experienced down east t'ach-
er , no slujjgtng ; ; terms n oderata N II.
Lessons given at privitte trsldenccs. Addro a Box-
ing , Vea olllcc 378-et
' \ ladies blac < satin inftnt'o. Call at
1610 Cass btictt , and pay chirgca. 350 St
T OST A f pitted hVoktn I whlti Jo'63V noll-
Lj cr , btu a ymr id , lil ( rou Major
Drrd's p'aca. ny infirmatou 1'ftat J.8 Col-
iins lUrntta Store , D lulu KIO t , wilt rcc'iva
p cpor reward. [ ICU-SI ) J. T. CHJJTT.
STRAVRU utU J'c.irj oUihoinilk | Jn'tbroo
teats. F.ndorwill b | > liberally rewarded btr re-
turnlnshtr to noith-eatt or.ncr 13th and Web *
tier street. ( JSB U * ) FolDA WMTZEL.
w. o bavu btouK within six
PAK1IIS4 would do utll to addreu "Strayed , "
Ute offlc ? . S61-2 *
T O3T 'J lloncliy evonlrp list , ajady' chut-
I J eliiuovatc i. FilderHlll ba suitably rewarded -
warded by leaving U at office cf Dilly lite.
rjlAKEN UP On my premls s. en Hurt street ,
X near the new Academy of the Sacred lUirt ,
Uar , 20 , 18S2 , one white horse. Owner will
please call and pay d&mrgeB and fret the unlmaL
S12-U W.J. OL'DDr ,
"pAnTIESDesIrlne to enter business cm learn
17 of a flral'Clifsoi portunlty by CiUlnj ; CD W.
U , TavJor , fauu't Ilradstnct's Agency IsthiUrcet.
310-5 > ' 'f -
- given by HIM
Llzz'e A. fennel ) . Residence eouthwent cor
ner 204 and Hurt Itioets. S04-.8'
m AKF.N Ul1 A cow about 7 J o n old , red with
I whltei pots , lari > e hori.s Also > helfer ,
rtKl , with Wfllte epoU , both with calf.
73tt on a w Bakery , 13th St. near Williams.
TIONALIST , 193 Tenth Street , bctwocu Fraam
andlUiuer. Will , nlth tbo aid o ! ruirilltn
spirits , obtain for any oneagl&nco at the jual
and procent , and on cortaln'condlttnna tu tbo tn >
lure. Boots indSboos made to Jidcr. Periat
anQ3-ln <
Absolutely Pupe.
TbU powder neurvartw , X mtrveJ ou
ty , ttrength mcl wholasomfoe&L llore occmo
i'i ' thtD " > , "rJInarr klndi , and cannot be
told la
competition with the multitude ofl ov
t , tbort weight , alatn or phosphate powdori