Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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    llli JUAJLJUJL JXDJV. L'UJLOiyjHLi . v ,
NEW YORK , June 5.
Money closed easy nt 23 per cent.
Exchange closed firm at 4 87@i 00.
Clot od firm.
Currency O'a . , . , . J 20
oouporiB . 1203
4 V * coupons . , . . . . . .IHJ
6' continued. . . . , . 101
B'eontlnueJ . ? vf . gg
Pacific railroad bonda closoS'lw ( ollowai
Union lats . . . . " .
Union Land GrnnU. . . . . . . '
Union SinklnR Funda , offered' . la
The stock market to-day was moderately
* cthe nnd showed a downward tendency
almost throughout the entire ilny , the
lowest price ? for many stocks being cur.
rent at closltg. Louisville & Nashvlllp ,
Jersey Central , Heading , Denver ft Kb
Grande , Lake Hioro , nnd Union I'nctflo
were heavily pressed for ealo at Intervals
-and declined sharply. The greatest ac
tivity to day was In LouiaTlllo & Niuh-
vHl" , Union 1'odfic , Lake Short , Jersey
Centra1 , Delawate , Lsckawanna & West
ern , Mllwnukea A St. Paul , Texas Pacific
and Northwestern.
The following were closing bids :
Dull but unchanged.
Preston , Kean & Co. , tinkers , repoit :
The mrrket dull and without tipecul
feature. Government bonds a trifle lower
and there ceema to be no life about them
or anything else in the way of securities.
\V'o auote cloning prices in New York 4
per cent. , 12012fg ; 4J3 , ll4J@114i ; extended -
tended C . 101@101 ; extended Gs , 99J@
100 } . Municip il bonds are Inquired for at
prices to net 4 @ 5 per cent. Choice rail-
toad lionda at figures to net CJ@6 | pei
cent. Minnesota state 4Ja per cent , bonda
101 and interest.
Furdgn exchange firm but dull at 487 }
490 for sterling.
Eastern exchange at a premium of CO ©
76o between city banks.
Clearing * , 89,235,000.
? I/mafia Wholesale Market-
- . Moday Evening , June 5. I
The only changes reported in the market
to-day are as follows :
Wheat No. 2 advanced Ic ; No. 3 ad
vanced lc ; rejected advanced Ic.
Corn Declined } c.
Oats Declined ic.
Local Grain OeallnK *
WHEAT. Cash No. 2 , 1 _ 0j cash No.
8 , 97c : rejected , G8o.
UAilLEY.-Cash No. 2 , 92cj No. S ,
COa.KYB. . Cash. Glc.
CORN. Cash No. 2 , CCJc.
OAT8. Caah,40o.
STREET PRIOES-Corn , 60 ® ; oats ,
Produce and Provlilona.
POTATOES Old , acaroa ; Salt Lakes ,
$ L50@1.CO per bus. Home , grown out ol
market , new , veryligb , 83.10@8.60' pe
barrel. .
'BEANS Wax , 3,00@3 26 per bus. box ]
ttring. $ l.50@225.
ONIONS-Scarco ; 3 00@3 60 per bni
box ; new home grown , per doz bunches ,
/ V JX XV4Vr VJ Uw' * W * * ( - * * njww
LBTl'UOK Per dot head , 40@50o.
NEW T0fiIATOE3-Ptr pound , 12i@
B'CTTER Choice country , 13fa)16o. )
KGGH-Scarce ; 2022o.
MEATS Hams , 15o ; breakfast bacon ,
" 15c ; clear bason , ISJc ; shoulder * , 9c ; dried
beef , 16o.
Jlinneaota pateutu , 4 70 : Jock Froit , 4 75
Shawneefancy.376 ; California "Pioneer,1
7- " > ; Triumph , spring , 3 25 ; rye flour
3 2 > ; rye , Graham , 2 60 ; wheat Graham
3 23 ; hay. 6 00@0 JO per ton ; baled , 10 00
chopped feed , 1 60 ; chopped corn , 1 60
bran , I CO per cwt ; straw , 4 OJ per toi
looae : 6 ( X > baled.Grocora1
Grocora1 Llet.
COFFEE. lUo , lair , lie ; Rio. gooc
2s ; Rio. prime to choice , UJo ; Old gov1
Java ; 2 < H@28ic , Mocha , 28Jcj Arbuckle'i
TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45@ > S
Choice. 60@76c ; Imiwrial , good , 4045c
Choice , 60@75c ; YoungHyson , good , 36C
60o ; choice , 65c@l 00 ; Japan Nat Leal
95c ; Japan , choice , 60@75c ; Oolong , gouci
85(240 : Oolong , cho.ce , 40@65 ; Bouohonj
mod. S5 < a40o : choice , 8546o.
NEW PICKLES Medium , in barreh
49 00 ; do in half bub. 6 25 ; amalls , in bbl
1200 do , in halfbbls , 700 ; gherklnB , i
tbla , 14 00 ; do , in half bbls , 7 60.
VINEGAR Pure apple extra , 16i
pure apple , 13c : Prussintr cure annle , 16i
BUUAKS-Cut loaf , lie ; CrtMhec
lie ; Granulated. llo ; Powdered , 1
Fine powdered , lie ; Standard Coffee f ,
fljo : New York Confectioner's Standar
A. lOeJiaWd A , OJo ) Prairin Extra C. 9i
] tO ( § bi8al , i inch and larger , 81
Full Cream , ISc ) Pa
WUODENWARE-Two hoop pall
205 ; hreo hoop pails , 2 20 ! No. 1 tul
lloieer wtshboards , 185 Double Or wi
90j WellbnckeU. S tO ,
LKAD Bar. $1 66.
DRIED FRUITS-Choice halve
S-w ift. . peached , 7c : Salt Lake lOJc : va
' t. orated 60b boxes , ISJoj Michigan , 7c ; Ne
ii'l l York apple * , 7i < ; Prune * , old , 6 c ; nei
ic ; OurranU , CjJ@7cj BUokberriee , oei
HOMINY New , $5 00 per bbl.
SODA. Uwisht'alb papers , 82 85 ; De-
nd do , (2 65 ; Church' * , | 2 85) ) Keg soJa ,
BEANS Imported German $3 75 per
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , IB oz , 8s ,
5Jcboifs 40 Ibs. , 16 or. , Oa , ink ,
CANNED GOODS Orsters , 2 Ib
Field' * ) , per ctae , SI 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) ,
wr owe , 2 60 : no 2 Ib ( Standard ) , ] * r case ,
60 ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , per case. 2 20 ; do
| t ( alack ) , per case , 2 76 ; do 1 16 ( slack ) ,
> er care , 200. Onlonn,380. Salmon , i
> , \ > t r dozen , 1 S0@l 90 ; do 2 Ib , per dozen
65@2 M. Sardines , small r'sh , imported ,
no quarter boxes per box , 14Jo ; American ,
unrtcr boxes per box , lie ; do ryilf boxec ,
> er box , 21Jc. Lobsters , 1 Ib per dozen ,
80. Tomatoes , 2 SO ; do 3 Ib per
. use. P. 90 : Com , 2 Ib ( Mountain )
* caw , 310 ; sonkcd corn , 210 ; do
. , " * . ( Varmoutli ) , par CAPO , 3 16 }
trlngbcan * . per case , 210 ; Lima bcana
er case , 1 83. Succotash per case , 2 00.
. , twimion , per case , 2 00 ; peas , choice ,
st , 3 15. B.lackberries , 2lb , per case
trnwbcmcs , 2 Ib , per cnBo,2 SO ;
ri es , 2 Ib , per case. 30031B.
3anisonll\2 Ib , per case , 2 15. Bartlett
oars per fcW , 3 C0@4 W. Whortleberries
or cflso , 240. sg i > lwms,2 Ib perci/.e,3 30 !
wen eages,2 It Cer case , 3 SOj do choice , * :
1 per caso,4 60. PHiP Ajjples , 2 Ib , per case ,
000675. Pcaches > filu per case , 310 :
o 3 Ib , cneo , 4 60@6 00 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lt > , per
ju.o.275 ; do pie , 6 Ib , p r dozen , 3 60.
RICK Carolina , 7i@8o ; Louisiana , 7
g8c ; fair. G@0i.
8YHUP8. augar house , bbl . 55o ! haf !
lo , 67c ( keps , 4 $ gallons , 82 60 ; choice
'iblo grup , DSc ; half bbls , 65o ; kcgn , $2 60.
8TAUUH. 1'carl , 4Jc : Silver Ulov , 81
18Jc ; Com Starch , 2@9c ; Excelsior
"loss. 7c ; Corn , 74c.
SALT. Dray load * , per bbl , 1 85 ; Anli-
on , in sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy CO , 5n , 3 45 ;
blndnlrv. 100. 8s , 3 C5.
SPICES. Pepper , 19 ; Albpice , 19c ;
lovco , 40cj Nutmeg , 81 0025cOa88iH ; ,
lace 81 00.
MATCHES Per caddie , DOc ; round
.oses , $7C5 ; square cosoa , 86.10 1
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , \30 ;
tlrk's satini 30 ; Kirk's Btandard."V 65 ;
virk's whi Russian , 600 : KIrk'H
"utoca , 20 Klrk'o Prairie Queen ,
00 cakes ) , iO ; Kirk's magnolia , 4 20. , .
LYE American , 8 40j Greenwich , H40 :
Vcatcm , 2 76 } North Stnr , 2 60 ; Lewis'
yo , 4 CO : Jewell lye , 2 7ft. \
POTASH Pcnnsyhnub cans , 4 dot. ,
n case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in CASO ,
1 00 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in cnsc , 1 50.
FIKLD SEED Red clover , choice
aw , $ G 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover1
ew , 8700 ; whlto clover , new. 01400
nlfa clover , new , 81250 ; nlalkc , now ,
L300. Timothy , oed , now , 3 00 ;
> uo gross , extra clean , SI 60 ; blue grass ,
ean , $1 25 ; orchard grass , 32 50 ; red top ,
loico , 1 03 ; millet , Common or Missouri ,
) c ; millet , German , $100 to $125 ;
[ ungarian , 80c.
HEDOESEED Osage orange , 1 to 5
ushels , So 00 ; osage orange , 10 busheln or
ver , $4 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , S5c ; per
00 Ibs , 325 00.
FIS J-Famlly whlto fish , 00 Ib hf bbls ,
5 25f A'o , 1 vvhlto fiah , 90 Ib hf bbls , 7 00 ;
To. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , 1 10 ; family
3 Ib kits , S5c ; New Holland herring , per
eg , 1 35 ; Russian sardines. 75c : Colur"-
ia river salmon , per 100 Ibs , 8 00 ; Gooiv 'i
anl : codOsh , Cc ; Gen. boneless cod .ci ;
c ; boneless Hah , 5c ,
MACKEREL Half bbls messmackorel ,
00 Ibs , S12 50j hf bbl No. 1 ex 8horo , do ,
00 Ibs , 8 60 ; hf bbls , fat family do , ICO
is , 0 00 ; mess mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 ;
To. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 1 DO : No. 1 shore ,
2 Ib do. 1 00 : fat family , 10 Ib do 75c.
PEANUTS Roftated , choice , rod Ton-
esseo , ICopcrlb ; fnnoyvwhlte , lO&c porlb ;
raw white Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted ,
Dry Qood * .
BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 8io ;
ppleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boott
F , 8Jc ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W ,
Jc ; Chittenango A. 6 c ; Ureat Falls E ,
So ; Hoosier , 6jo ; Honest Width , 7c ; In-
fan Head A , 8c ; Indian Standard A ,
| c ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8Jc ; Lawrence
L , 7c ; Mystjo River , 7Jo : Pequot A , 8Jo ;
hawnmt LL. 7c ; TJtica O , 6"ic ; Wachus-
tt B , 74o : do A , 81c ; do E 48 , 121o ; Wai-
ott BB. 8c.
-4 : 74c ; Alligator 3-4 , So ; Argyle 4-4 , 7So ;
Vtlantio LL. CJcj Badger Statn X 4-4 , 7c ;
Bennington 0 4-4 , GJc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , GJoo
ndian Orchard AA 9-8. 8ic : Laconia O
9 , 8ic ; Lehich E 4-4 , DJo ; Lonsdale .
Oc : Pepperell N 30 , 7c ; do O 82 , 71o ; do &
6. 7c ; do E 39 , 8ic ; Pocasaet 0 4-4 , 7c ;
Vamsutta4-4 13o.
gin L 4-4 , flic ; Blackstonc A A in perial 8Jc ;
o do half bleached 4-4 , 9c ; Cabot 1-1,83 ;
Fidelty4-4 ! , 9Jc ; Fruit of theLooin.lO ; do
an brie 4-4,13cdo ; WaterTwist,101c ; Great
falls Q , 10 Jc ; Indian Head shrunk 4 1 , 12c :
jonsdale. lOc ; do cambric 37 , 12Jc ; New
York Mills. 12c ; Pcquot A , lOc ; Pepporell
T G Twills , 12ic ; Pocahontas 4-4 , 9Jc ;
'ocasset ' 4-4 , 8.Jc ; Utlca , lie ; Wamsutta
O X X. 12ic.
UUOKS ( Colored ) Albany E brown.
; do O , drub , lie ; do XX gtripes and
laids , 124c ; do XXX brown and drab ,
Gripes and plaids , 124c ; Arlington fancy ,
Jc ; Brunswick brown , 8Jo ; Chariot fancy ,
24c ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall River
rown , extra heavy , llic ; Indiana A
rown iHf" Venonset A brown. 15c.
T1OK.1JNUO imosltoaK A O A 32
74c ; do XX blue 32 , 18Jcj Arrowanra
c ; Claremont B B.154o : Conestoga ex
ra , 174 ° : Hamilton D , flio Lewiston A
SO , 15c ; Minnehaha 4-4 , 20o ; Omega super
xtra4 , 28c ; Pearl River 32 , 16c ; Put-
am XX blue stripe , 12o ; Shetucket 8
OJc ; do 83 12c ; Yeoman's blue 29 , 8 Jo
DENIMS. Amoskeok , blue and bronn
GJc ; Andover DD blue , 154 ° ; ArllngX
hip Scotch , 184c ; Concord OOO , blue aw
rown. 124c ; do AAA , do do 134 ; do XXta
o do 144o : Haymaker's blue and brown ,
IJoj MvBtio River , DD stripe , 1JU0 ; Pearl
iiver , bine and brown , lojc ; Uncasyille ,
lue and brown , 13Jo.
CAMBRICS Barnard , 61o ; Eddyatone
ining. 24 inch double face , 84c ; Garner A
lazed , 60 ; Manhattan glove finish , 6Jc ;
Newport do Cc ; do glazed , 5Jc ; Peqnot do
> c : Lockwood kid hnlsb , Go.
CORSET JEANS Amory.BcsAndros
coggin eatteen , 8Jc ; Clarendcti , GJc : Cones
oga catteens , 7lc ; Hallowel , 80 ; Indl 4
) roi3rd [ 7Joj Narragan3ettimprovedo
Pepperill satteen 9io ; Rockport , 7o.
PllINTSAliens , 6Jo ; American , 6Jo ;
Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , 4jc | ; Cocheco , 7o ;
'onestoija. GJcj Dunkirk , 4c ; Dunnell ,
© ; Eddyatone , 7c ; Gloucester , Cc ;
iarmony , 5Jc ; Knickerbocker , CJo ; Mer-
rimao D. 7c ; Mystic , 5Jc ; Spracrues , Ccj
iouthbrtdgo , Cc ; do. Ginghams , 7c ; Marl-
> oru , 5Jc ; Oriental GJc ,
GINGHAIblS Amoitkeag , lOJc ; Amos.
ag dress 12J > Argyle , lOJc : Atlantic ,
Ic ; Cumberland , 7Jc ; Jiighlantl , 8Jc ;
Kenllworth , 84c ; Plun kett , lOJc ; 'Bus-
sex , 8c.
CUTTONADES Abbervllle 134c
Agate , Wcj American , lie ; Artislan , 20o ;
Cairo D and T , 13Jc ; Clarion D and T ,
174c ; Deccan Co.Btripes DondT , 16c ; Keystone -
stone , 134c ; Nantucket , 19o ; Nonpareil ,
IGoj Ocean D and T. ISJo ; Royal , 164 )
Sussex , 12c ; Tioga. IlUc ; VVochusett shirt
ln < { ibecks. 124ci do , Nankin , 124o ; York ,
plain Nankin , 124c ; do. checks , itripea anc
fancy , 12 Jc ; do , 8 or , 20c.
8HEETINGS Androscogdn 10-4.274c
do 9-4 , 24cj do 8-4 , 22o ; Continental C
42 , llo ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4. 274 ; Nev
York mills 98 , 35c ; do 76 , 30c ; do 68 , 22Jc
Pembroke 10-4 , 25c ; Poouot 10-4 , 28 c ; di
7-4 , 19o ; do 49. ICc : Pepperell 96 , 29c
do C7 , 21o ; do 67 , 18c ; Utlca 90 , We ; di
& 8,22c ) do 48 , 17o
Cigar * and Tobaccos.
CIGARS. Seeds , 816.00 ; Connecticut
$25.00 ; Mixed , $36.00 ; Seed Havana
$60.00 ; ClearHavana. 876,00.
24 Ib , COo ; Our Rope , first quality , 62o
Star , pound * . 24 Ib , buttu.GOc ; Horse Shoe
pouilcfs , 24 Ib , butt , COc ; GJlt Edge
pounds , 2J Ib , butts , CO ; Army and Navy
pounds , 65c ; Bullion , ( pounds , 69c ; Loril
lard' * Climax , pounds , COc ,
FINE OUT In palls. Hard to Beal
76c ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , 80c
Favorite , C5c ; Rocky Mountain , COc
Fancy , 660 ; Daisy , 60c. In tin foll-
Catlln * O. 8. , 6 Ib boxe * . per Ib 63c ; Lori
Ulard'i Tiger. C5c ; Diamond Grown , GOo.
BMOKING All grades Common , 26 1
83o. Granulated Bhvckwell * Durham , 1
01 61e ; Dukea Dorhiun , 16 or , Wo ; Bel <
North Carolina , 10 oz. 46 ; Seal o ! Nebriw-
k , 16 ot , 88cj Lone Jack , -4 on , linen bg
perlb , fl.85 ; Marlrargi7 Pnok , 2 ot , tin
oil , 66c : DOR Tail 6fic.
Pnlnta Oil * and Varnltheo ,
PAINTS IN OIL Whit * lend , Om h
P. P. , Cc ; white lead , pure , foi Mar-
sallies prcon , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20o
French zinc , ffinn icnl. 12c | French rlno ,
red seal , He ; French zino , in Tarnish Mat ,
' 20c : French since , In oil mist , 16c ; Raw
and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12 ; raw An J
burnt Sienna , 13c : Vandyke brown , 13. ;
refined lampblack , 12c : coach black , l"c ;
ivury blnck , ICc ; drop black , 16c ; Prussian
blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chromo
L'rocn , L , M. & D , , 14c ; blind and shutter
irrccn , L. M , & D. , 14cj Paris green. 18c ;
Inillan red , 15c ; Venetian rod , 9c ; Tuscan
ilr * , 22c ; American Vcrmiliod , I. A P. , I8c ;
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D O. , 18c :
yellow ochre , Ocj golden ochre , IS ; patent
ilryer , Cc ; graining colors ; light oak , dark
oat , walnut , chestnut nnd ash 12o.
Dry "alntt
Whlto lend , GJc ; French rinc. lOc ; Paris ,
whiteing 2 < c ; whiting gilders. IJc ;
vliitlne com'l , lie ; lampblack ucnnnn-
town , itc ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; 1'nifu
nian blue , 45c ; ultramarine , lee ; vandyke ,
brown , 80 ; umberburnt , 4o ; umber , raw ,
lc ; > ionna , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4o
Parii green genuine , 2lc ; I'aris green com'l
V'Oo ; chrome green , N , Y. ' 20c ; chrom-
green K. , 12c ; vermillion , Eng , , 70c ; rcr-
milllon , America , 18c ; Indian rod. lOo ,
rene pink , \ic' Venetian read , Cookson's
Wet vcnotian rod Am. , IJc ; roi lead , 7Jc ;
chrome yellow , ccnuiuc , 20ci chrome yel
low , K , , 12c ; ochre , rocholte , So ; ochre ,
French. 2Jc ; ochre , American , 2o }
Winter s mineral. 2Jo ; lohigti brown. 2Jci
Spanish brown , 2Jc ; PrincoV mineral 8c |
OILS 110 * carbon , p r gallon , 114osr60
headlight , ( > r gallon , l2Jc ; 175 * headlight ,
Mr gallon , 16c ; clcctr.m , per gallon , 1'Jcj
lineecd. raw , per gallon , 7 ; Unseed , bollo-i ,
i > cr gallon , COc } lord , winter sti.'d , per ital-
lun. 90 ; No. 1 , 70c ; No. 2 , GOc ; castor ,
XXX. pi-r gallon , 125 } No. 3,115j sweet ,
per gallon , B5ct spoim , W. B. , per gallon ,
1 55 ; fish , \V. B. , per gallon , COc ; neatsfoot ,
extra , per gallon , 75c ) No. 1 , C5c ; lubri
cating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; summer , 15c ;
ito'den machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 85c ; No.
2 , 0 : sperm , signal , vor gallon , 80c : tor.
pcntino , per gallon , 75c ; naptho , 74 , per
gallon , iOo ; Ct. 18o
' " tVARNISHES Barrels per rr.illon.
Furniture , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 ,
$1 ; furniture , U , 85c ; coach , extra , 81 40 ;
Coach , No. 1 , 5120 ; Damar , 81 50 ; Japan.
70c ; aipholtum , 70o ; shellao , & 3 60 ; hard
oilnnisU SI SO !
Oruir * .
Carbolic , 50c ; Acid , Tartarlc , GOc ; Balsam
Gopabia , per Ib , 70c ; Bark , SaHxafras , per
Ib , 14c ; Calomel , per Ib , 75o ; Cinchoniaia ,
pjr oz , SI 05 ; Chlorofonn , per Ib. 1 OC ;
Dover's powders , per Ib , $1 40 ; EpaciL.
talts , per Ib. SJc ; Glycerine , pure , per Ib ,
33c ; Load , Acetate , per Ib , 21o ;
Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal , PI 15 ;
Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , 8100 ; Oil ,
Olive , per gal. SI 60 ; Oil , Origanum. 60c
Opium , $1 50 ; Ouinine P. & W. & It. & S. ,
ier nz , 82 25 ; Potassium. Iodide , per li
'I 75 ; Salacin , per ox , 40c : Sulphate ( f
ilorpbiuo , ver oz , $3 85 ; Sulphur Uoui ,
er ID , 4c : Strvohuino. tier oz. $1 40.
Heavy Hardware Llat.
Iron , rates. $3 00 ; plow steel , special
cast , 7c ; crucible , Be ; special or GermanCc ;
cast tool do. 15@20 wagon spokes , s&t.
25@3 00 ; hubs , per set , 125 ; felloes , sawed
ry. 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axles ,
jach , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib , 7@llc ;
washers , per Ib. 8@18o : rivets , per Ib , lie ;
: oil chain , per Ib , G@12c ; malleable , 8a ;
'ran wednes , 6c ; crowbars , tic ; barrow
.eeth , 4c ; ii f hoes , per keg , 5 00 ; sprini ;
iteel , 7@8c ; Kardens horseshoes , 5 35 ;
Burden'a mulcafV > 6s , C 35.
SHOT. ShotVU.85 ; Buck shot , 82.10 ;
Oriental PowderXkegs , 86.40 : do. , half
kegs , 83.48 : do. , n rterkogB , 81.88 ; Blast
ing , keen. 33.35 : F % > , ner 100 feet 50o.
BAHBED WIJtTT-In car 1ots,8 30 per
.00 ; in less than car IqtB. 8 55 uer 100.
Oak solo , 38c to 42c ; hemlock sole , 23c to
55c ; hemlock kip. 80o to 100 ; runner ,
r o to SOc ; hemlock c ilf , ' 85o to 120 ; hem-
ock upper , 23o to 2Qc ; oaV unper , 24c ;
Jligator. 4 00 to 6 50 ; oM kid , 32@3' > c ;
" reisen kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 80o to
00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 SO ; French kip ,
j. 10 to 1 55 ; F.onch calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rua-
setts. 5 60 to 7 60 ; linings , C 00 to 10 60 ;
top ninga , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B L. Morocco , 30o
to 35c ; pebble O. D , Morocco , 36c : simon ,
TO to 3 00.
HARNESS-NO i sur oak , 420 ; NO 2
[ o , 39c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , S8c ; No. 2 do ,
! 5c ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 37o ; No. 2 da , 34o.
Horse * and Mules.
The market la brisk and all grades are
selling well at n slight adranca in Diioes ,
he demand for good homes exceeoj'tho
lupply considoraoly. Pritea range aa fol-
ows :
Fine single drivers , S16C. to 300. ; Extra
.raft horses , 8175. to 225. ; Common drait
lorscs , 8100. to 150. ; Extra farm horses ,
1110 , to 125. ; Common to g < ud farm horses
OO. to 8100. ; Extra plugn , SCO. to 76. ;
Common plugs , 820. to 840.
MULES. 15 to 164 handtl ( extra ) , 8125.
.0150. ; 14 } to 16 hands , 100. to 140. ;
.4 to 144 hands , $75. to 100. ; 134 to 14
tands , SCO. to 76.LI
LI uor * .
ALCOHOL 187 proof. 226 per wine
nllou ; extra California spirits , 187 proof ,
, 26 per proof gallon ; triple ro&ned spirits.
S7 proof , 124 per proof iallonf\re-distilled
whiskies , 100@1 60 ; fine blended , 1 50 ®
50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@\7 00 ; K.-n-
uckv and Pennsylvania ryes , 2tO@700.
BRANDIES Imported , $0 1)0@1C 00 ;
domestic 1404 00. U
GINS lac ported , 4 60@6 00 ; ftloniestio ,
40@3 00. l\
RUMS Imported , 4 60f ? > 6 00 : New
England. 2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 (103 60
75(34 ( 00.
2 < 0031 OjArcsrlua , case ,
' .6 00 , 1
CLARETS Per ease , 4 60@16 .
WINES Rhine wine , per case\0 00@
20 00 ; Catawba , per case , 4 007
We quote lumber , lath and uhlnglew
\t > at Omaha at the following pricen
under , 821 00 ; 18 ft. , $22 00. &
TIMBERS 16 ft. and under. 822 OoA
TIMBER AND JOIST-18 It. , 823 Oil :
10 ft. 824 CC , 22 ft. , 827 60 ; 24 ft , 827 6o !
DENC1KG No. 1 , 4 and 0 in.822 0 $
No. 2. 820 00. Tl
SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common
boards ) . 818 60 ; No. 2 , 817 00.
STOCK ! BOARDS.-12-iu. D. ' 823 OOj
12-in. O , 835 00 ; 12-in ! B , 840 00.
LIME Per barrel , 81 35 ; bulk pa bun.
860 Cement , bbl , $2 60. IOWA plaster ,
bbl , 82 60 , Hair per bu , 35o. Tarred
'elt 100 Ibs , 83 60. Straw board , 84 CO
PAPER Straw paper , 8c ; rag paper ,
4o ; dry good * paper , 7o ; manlU paper , lOo
new * paper. 80.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 812
Morris Run Uloasburg , 812 ; Whltebreasl
lump , 80 f 0 ; Whitebreast nut , 86 60 : lowi
lump , 86 60 ; Iowa nut 66 60 ; Rock Sprint
$8 ; Anthracite , all sized. 812 00@12 60.
NAILS-Rate * . 10 to 60t ? , 3 GO ,
Merino unwashed , light , 14@lCc ; heavy.o
@ 1316c ; medium unwashed , light , 18@20
washed , choice , 32o ; fair , SOoj tub-dmc
and w. , 28oj burry , blaokand ootUd wool
2@6o leu
Hid * * f-ur * . Eto.
HIDES Uraen butcher1 * hide , 6@6V
cured 7Jc ; bide * , green Bait , part cured 7
hide * , tile : dry flint , Bound. 18@14o ; dr
calf and kip , 12@14a ; dry Bait hides , Bound
10@llc ; green calf , wt. 8 to 16 Ib * . . 10 < glle
green calf , wt , under 8 lbn , per tkln , 60c
green pelts , 60@$1 25 ; green lamb skim
8125@160 } damaged hide * , two-third rat <
cut scored and one grub , classed twc
tllrda rate , ) branded hides 10 per eent. of !
Coon skins , No. 1. 46c ; No , 2 , SOc ; No , I
20 , ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , 60c ; No. 5
SOo ; No. 8,16c ; No. 4 , 60. Fox , No. 1
COc ; No , 2,250. Skunk , No , 1 , blocl
C5o ; short stripe , 40o ; narrow atrlpo 26i
brood * tri | > o , lOc. Tallow Cc ,
Toledo ProaaoB-
TOLXDO , June 3 ,
Wheat-Dull ; 1374 f ° r No. 2 cul
1 80 for June ; 1134 for July ; 110J f
August ; 1089 for the year.
Corn 76o for high mixed(74o ( for Jam
741o for July ; 68ufor th y ar ,
Data N * lalt * .
JennoU Bluff * Majket.
June 6.
i ) 'en ' Sheft' '
8 CO ; Cftllfornia J.urekft , patent. 3 80 ; beet
brand of Kanws , 3 603 90 ; Kamw and
Missouri flour S 60@4 25 ; praham , S 75 ;
ry flour , 8 40.
Bran And Shorti 20 00 p r Ion
Chop Corn 28 10 per ton.
Wheat-No. 2 , 1 15.
Com f-2c.
Oats No. 2 , 45c.
Uye-76 : .
Barley SOa.
Hay Loose , 6 00@0 00 ; baled , 75 per
Wood-6 00@C 00.
Wool 16@V6.
Butter Creamery , 20c } In rolls , wrap.
oed , 16c ; rolli ; not wruppc.1 , 124c ; mixed
co'ow , 10@124o.
Eggs 15o.
Onlorw 1 25@1 40.
Live Chickens 3 60 per dozen.
OhloAgo Jfrodnoo.
, , OuiOAQo. Juno 6.
t lour ] < efling ateiwly an > I firm ; * prin
wheat flour , 4 75(5i7 ( 00 ; oomnirn to tholco
weattrn , 600ft < 7 6 i ; communtn fancy \iln-
ne > otn , 800@'J2o ; patent winter wheat
flour. U 00@r 00 : rye flour , 4 00(24 ( 00.
Wheat No. 2 spiinf tracing i low , pur-
tei ! not doslrlDg to uml-o trailo only In set
tlement ; 1 28 ( or oa h ; I 27J for , lune ; 1 2J
for July ; 1 11 J for AuguM ; 1 041 for September -
tembor ; 1 022 tor the j car ; 111@1 13J f r
No. 3 ; No. 2 wheat fairly actUe , chkfh
( or July delivery , clnslntr. on call at 110j
for July ) 1 OOJJ lor Au iutj 1 031 for Sni-
tember ; 1 02i inr the your
Cum Active , clounn lower at TOjjc ;
No. Uca'h 7J for June ; 7IJo for July ;
71 j71io ) for Atifrmt ; 7IJo for September ;
CUju for Ootolo ; Gljjo November ! 69Jo for
the year ; 71 Jo lor high mixed ; 70o lor re
Oats rnlr at 6Co for No 2 cash ; 4Uio
for June ; 43Jj for July ; 3So for August ;
34jo { for September ) 34 > s for the year.
Kyo-Vcry little doing ; 75o for No. 2
cash ; 7Ga fur July ; 73o for August.
Itarloy Nominal ; mithiDK doing.
Pork Mcsi rntlier weak and lowerclos
'IK ; at 100 @ 19 CO for c < h and June ;
9 C5 for July ; 19824 forAuguit ; 19'.124
> r September ; 20 U74 for Uctobor ; 17 80
or the yen
Lard-1 ! isy , clcslnc at 11 30@11334 ( "r
; ash and une ; 1135 for July ; 11 40 fo
. 55 fur September ; 11 2j@ll 30
or the yoi
Bulk M ; ate Short ribs lower , closing
nt 11 ! > for < n h imil June ; 11 00 for
uly ; 11 02J f' t Autftwt ; 11 05 for SopUin-
} cr : 9 80 far the yunr.
Buttvr Itettor feeling amnnj holders ;
luilco to fancy creamery , 2123c ; fair to
oed , 19 ® 20 ; chol o to fine dairy , 19 ®
jj fair tH'rioJ , l @ 17c.
li , ( ? < 8 Fair Inquiry ut 17c ,
Whisky-Lower at 1 17.Keo'ts.
Keo'ts. Shipm'ts
'lour . t . 0,011 7.U99
iVhoat..J . C7.4J2 10,62 ! )
'orn . J . 220.170 Ib8,9)7 ! )
Jata . . ' . . 00,074 113,987
lye . 2(30'J ( 1,421
iarlov..j . 0,503 1,116
Row York Proilnoo.
' Nisw VonK , June 5 ,
Flour Du1 ! nr.d dropping ; Minna ,
otn extra , 5 00@9 " < ' ; city mill * extra ,
J8 CO ; ecuthern II ) ur dull ; common
o choice oxtnv , D C ( < j8 CO ,
Wheat Jfegj leer , unsold and de-
re'Std ; No , U red , 143 ; ungraded whlto ,
28 ; No. 2 June , 1454 < $14G ; July ,
27 @ 1 283 ; August- 20fel 21.
( Join Cash lutt ( irmly lieldj options un.
ottUd and IOWPI ; uti riidi'il mixed , 77@
Ic ; white Riiuthirn , H3u ; No. 2 mixed
u.u.i9&7 . . _ . Ju'yi ' 70i@80.Jc ; Aufuat ,
Oats talowt.rnnd Uss active and wealt ;
Xu. 1 hito , COicNo. : 2 white , COS C04 ;
o. 1 mixed , 69cj No , 2 mixed Ju , 56c ;
ruly , 654o. „
Rye-Dull ; 87@88.\
Barley Nominal
Pork Dull and and easier on
iptlons ; IIBW iii 19 75@19 83 ;
Vugutt , 19 95@20 I
Lard Dull nnd h ; Co lower ; 11 GC
: cr cash and Jaue ; o @ll 05 for July ,
Louis , June 6.
Flour High grades sier.
Wliea-i < > wtr and iaing weak ; 1 30@
31 fir cush.vNbrs i M < t tut June ]
J)81 ) for July ; 104. , August ; 1 04 foi
epteaiber ; 11-DJ lor tuber ; 1 O.vjj foi
lie year ; 1 24 tur No.
Corn Lower ; 734o fi cash ; 73Ja fore
une ; 72Jo for July ; i o for August ;
3 jo for September ; fitgu the year.
Oats Lowei ; 65J3 tor aab ; SJjc for
'une ; 391J for .luly ; > for August ;
JSlo for the year.
Barley Dull nt Mc@l 10.
J.cad Dullat 41 .
Butter nnd Ub' Unohani
Whisky Steady at 115. '
Pork Firmer but nlow ; job'Vg ,
Dry Salt Meat Stfady. '
Bacou Hlu'htr ; uliouluerp , V (3i ( ; short
ibn , 12 25 ; short ileur , 12 00 ,
Lara 1 20. .
Uaa'ts. ' ilpmtn.
Flour 5,000 8,01-0
Vheat 8 , 00 ,23,000 ,
Oem 35,000 pu.oon
Oats 27,000 38,000
IJarley 10,000
Olaoixuu ti Prodooo.
Mesa Pork Car lota sold at 19 IA@ | '
20 00.
Lard-Prime BUam , 11 S0@l 1
Bulk Meta Clear aided quiet and 1 .
.180@1185. ' 9li
Bacon-Clear side * sold at 12Cl'i f , )
.275. , ,
Flour -Fair demand and steady ; wlntr ,
amlly , C 75@t ! 00. .
Wlient Light domind , and price' '
hardly suatulued ; No. 2 red , 1 0@1 35.
Corn Closed dull and weak ; No. ' .
nixed , 8 Jo
Data More steady ; No. 2 mixed , f 4Jo
Kye- Closed dull nnd easy ; No. 2 , 7H(2 (
Barley Dull ; fall , 00@1 05.
Whioky Closed at 113.
Peorla Prodnco ,
PEOUIA , June C.
Corn Active and irregular ut 714@714 <
or hlnh mixed ; 71i@71So fur inlied.
Oats Quiet and Hteady at b2@52 o foi
Nu. 2 white ,
Hyo firoa at 761@75o for No. 2 ,
liwine * Lower at 114.
Iteo'tH , Shlp'ts
450 1,42'
68,000 17,6 < X
14,600 1HKM
1,900 1,601
lley. , . . 6,500 noni
Jjive Mtook.
CHIOAOO , June 6.
The Drover1 * Journal report * !
Hago Market atcady ; mixed. 721(5 (
790 ; heavy , 795@8&U ; deinund Halite
for Min at G 16 7 60. IUc lt > t , V2 000
Oat'Je-SblppIiiK cattle. 0 621 ® ! ) 00
mixed Vutcnur > > stock , 2 7045 80 ; Ttxann
300@JM > 5 ; atocker * and feedeni , 2tMXi
465 1&c ipt , 1,800.
8betf rVl'lentiful ; Belling lower at 3 2
@ 3 60. Ifeccipta , 1,200.
latTalo Llv Stack.
/ but dull. Ilecelptu , G
earn ; Bate , 41 car * . Yorktn. 7 7
< ® 8 15 ; I medium wel hta , 8 25@8 Si
Produce ,
i A I'liiLADxu-niA , June C.
\\Aeat iV nc at lr.414 for cash an
A'.r/uy- !
forcaih.81 ;
C2@C3 for cash
N. 0. , June D.
ln d , 167 ; good , 1 Uj
Oftltlmorn JErodaoo. >
BALTIMOEK , June 5 ,
Wheat Southern wheat ewler ; fnllz ,
1 S3@l 37 ; lor.pbfrry. 1 38(3 ( > 1 40 : No S
red ) winter steady t 1 38@13Si for cash
nd June.
Corn Whita southern firm6r t 91@92cj
yellow i on them fitmer at 8Jc ; mixed weat
ern firm at 8 Jo ,
CLSvitAKi ) , O. , June 6.
Petroleum Quiet ; standard white , 110
t at , OJc.
NK\T York , Juno 6.
Petroleum firm and quiet ; United , f 8Jc ;
cruilo in barrel ) , Cj' < r)7c ) } naptha , 04o
nskfd ; rcfinad hnrc , 7gc ; In Philadelphia
and Baltimore , 7Jo.
X < tv rpoot ProdaoA.
I ivKnrooi , . June 6.
Flour American , lOnfailiM Oil.
Whoat-Wlntcr. 0 < 9d@103J ; whlto ,
OJ@Oi lldj prlng ,
Corn GH 2d.
Pork-87 .
Entl.lborty JUiv Stooh ,
EAST LiDGnir , Pa. , Juno \
CUtlo Ni thing doing ; leielptB , 2,1CS ;
ahl | > mcnts , 2.00J.
llo > , s Fair : receipts , 3,400 ; alilnmont' ,
1,700 ; Philad Iphlas , 8 2J@8 UOj Yorkerr ,
7CO'a.7 85.
Sheep Dull and easier } receipt * , 6,400 ;
shipment * , 1,000.
J MI T faro money an j order alt direct ( rom
OrVL. I u , wonhlp tironptly liy rail at th *
owc t ixwlblo cosh prlco to nil woslcrn polu * .
i m-llu TVLhliaALTCO. , tRfflnawCity.Ulch.
Remaining in Po-ttof&co during thu week
ending June 3 , 1882.
Ashburrv J 7 Abraham Mr
Arnol.l S A Blyinyer J 8
nlftuk J 0 Burley J
ilrliUn cto F J Btltton F R
Hcycr M Brown CO
lUylts G M Bead E
Brlukcrholl J 0 lire inixs J
Crl ty W Orcacnton W
Cnrlislo W G Coleman J 0
Clark T O Cast man 1' !
Cratullo H Corcoran J
CuuiiinghAtn A OApcll A
CrUp U H C .llroy J
Cameron J Clark J
Clnrk J T Davenport A L
Davis DV Dnnchjs H
Duncan W J Kd wards E
Klircuilriock J Eriknaon J
Frink L L Florin Q
FrAiikfort W J Fuller JR ,
Kield O W Fox G
Frost J Urucu P
Green P Gumdt P Y
Gordon L II G.mld W E
Gray OV
Gates J E Gonzales N
GrUwold C Oelon A
Geoliagan J" Ulnnemnnn J
Hector O B
Horn eit-y W liar , en R
Xammea J
UiinsJalil E A llcth K D
Hcilln U U Hamllon JW
Hoagluml N Joyut ( j L
Johnaou C O Jones J It
Jurugren G Kirk J
Kirby BCOB KniUon A
KiUtcm O J Kuleson G
Klddoo J W Koutmrd W J
Irtcaon W Luke A P
Lindtiuist F Lord G U
Lunge H P Ljtlo HP
Lyons J Ltts'on J P
McCuo T MoD uiiul K K
McKlroy J MoFollea J K
McKeon P McU.nmW U
MarJey M Miler | C E
Martin G F Malcom K G
Mortyn JI Nielaon J 2
Nile * J H Nelaon A G
Nilsou OO Nolan J
Nolnn J T Ol-on P O
OheW Peterson L J
Potejion J Peterson P S
Perlmsky F ParUer H H
Pdtmon B G llawler J
Reynold * J F Mlchards W H
Itefrcgier J Roberts G R
RofcH'or ' A Ryun M
Roseiigren O T Hcott J
Hugo i ) Stabler J
Btieng J Stron J
Sarper W G Beam Jim N 1C
Sharp S P Suttoii P
Schmity T Sumt O
Sclmltz F P Skiimvr J P
Svencou F O Sivago V
Sherwood B B Shay F
Sluunj ( J D Sundman A
Suribner F Hulllvun P
Toot J Trohln II
Thorium m J Viall W B .
\ \ li'ht 0 M Wilen\ W N
Wood J Wuenor G D
Wlllard K Waller W
° Westervott A 1 !
Vouiu H W Yost II
Youugntrom A
Anderson Miss K A Bull Mrs J O
Couth C Code Mm A
Gaoler Mrs A Campbell Mm M W
Chrhton Mrs M Clark Mr * H C
Clark Mn S li Cirpontur Mn R W
Craven Mixs B Cunnlntham ( li
Dorgall Mru J Deerlnx Mi s M N
Dodge MM J Dietrich M E
GustuHMrsE Huskier Miss .V
Holler MIB M Humphrey Mr * M
HulbertMmE Hoyleinan Miss F A
KuncUeiilii cktn Mr * Kerns Mr * Y
Kohart Ml a Leonard Mist Y
Layman Miss E Moduli Minn K
Melgga MUs E Miller MM L
Nelson M" Nelaon Miss L '
NleUun Mlaa J.M . Peck Miss L
PowxllMiaiM , Heath , M
Rugera MM M Reich II i
L Suiiman L
iix-nier Mioi E Btroud Miaa M
aylor MIB 8 M. Thompson Mr * L
tll. ) MlKs O Wubater Mn A M
'light Mra 8 A
Tiios. F. HALL , Postmaster ,
nt'Alpartors of the Literati ,
T1 } Whoapoat , Lar cet and cholooat collection
i In the Weil.
Oat wid for Sucond-IIand Boukt
or uxc iigud fur now.
Dealer In
Plumbing , fcm & 0as Fitting
Turbine \\Vater Motor
Pomp * , Plpo tjttiun osid Bruai
Cor , 14th and VJivnoy , Omaha , Nub
J. \WILKIE \ ,
C18 and 220 B , Htli St.
uaa RTKUOO , ST. MCI , Knnfmiroia an
omni uruuuD ,
L * T Omaha ramcnrar No. t , 8.80 a. u , Ae-
ramadatton No. 1 , 1 $ ( p. "
AtrlT * Omaha ramannr No , 1 , 8:20 p. ra.
MtrrcsdiUon No. 8 , l6.Ma.rn.
f\an OMini mm oa sotrm > ovn.
0. , a A O. 7:10 a. m. 1-40 p. m.
O. ft N. W. , 7 : < 0 a. to. 8 : 0 p. m.
a , R. I. ft. P. , TMO a. in. 8:10 : p. m.
R. C.Bt. J. A a B.lo res at f BO a. ra. and T:4& :
ra. ArrlTe atSI.IxraIat 8JO t m. and CCS
m.W. , St.L.fc P. , IcATMatS a. m. and BlOp. :
Arrtrea a Bl. Lout * at 8:40 : a. m. and 7:80 :
m _
n. ft U. la Nub. , Through Eiprwo , 8:50 a. ra
0. A M. Lincoln Kxyreia : p. m.
D r. Ovorlind Rxpron. 1:1G : p. m.
0. ft R. T. ( or Lincoln , 11:45 a. m.
O. A n V. ( or Orcoola. 0.40 a. m.
D. P ( rdffht No. 5 , 6:50 a , m.
0. P I rclRht No. 0 , 8:20 a. ra.
D. P. ( rolvtit No. iS , 2 .50 p. m.
U. P. Irolclit No. 7 , C:10 : p. m. mljr ( n .
. P , Donrrr ei | < r w , 7:86 : p. m.
D. P. frelrht No 11 , 11:30 : p. m.
U , P. Donrcr Irclcht , B25 ; p. m.
BUT airo roonr ,
0 D. ft O d.OO a. rn. 7SS p m ,
a ft K , w. , B.I6 a. m. 1M p. la.
0. H. I. * r..0:4r. : ft. m. 9-05 p. m.
K , O. , BU Joe AO IX , 7tB6n. m. fliltp. D )
aauvinn raoM rut rn > nt > sotrtnwut.
0. ft R. T. ( rent Lincoln 1.03 p. ra.
U. P. Paclflo Kxpnrt BA5 p. m. '
D ; ft M. In Neb. , Through Kxproto 4:1B : p n.
n. ft M , Lincoln Eivrcwv a. B a in.
U. P. Dourer uriorn. 7 6 a. nv.
U. r. Freight No. 14 2.CO p. m.
U. P. No. 0 6iO : a. m. Kmlf.ant .
U. P. freight No. 14 , 12:15 p. m.
II. P. Ho. B-B.OO ) \ ru.
U. P. No. 12 1I5 o > m.
U , P. Donvcr ( r 1eht , 1:10 : a. m.
0. A K. V , rntjrd , ar. 4:15 : p. m.
BOtur TBIIVI nrrwiiK OUAUA un
tt Tft Onmha at 8-00 , 9W > , 10:00 : and 11:00 :
DM 1:0 : 2.00 , a 00 , 4.00 anil 6.00 p. ru.
L * \e Council Dluffa at S.2S , B:2 ( , 10:25 and
tS6 a. m. | 1:25 , XS5 : , DD : , 4:25 : and :25 p. m.
SunJnra The ilummy lokrca Omaha at 8:00 :
% ndllMOa. m200 ; , 4COanil : E:00p. m. L VM
Oonncll Bluff * at 9.25 and 11:54 : a. m. ; 2:25 : , 4:26
od 6:25 p. m ,
Through and local paraenrer tratns between
Omaha nnd Council Bluds. Leave Omaha 0:15 : ,
t5 , R'tOa. m. ; 340 , 5:1" : , 8:00 p. ru. Arrive
Om hn-JIO , 11 5 , 11:45 a. m.j 6:40 , 7:05 : , 7U5 ,
. u
p. _ _ _ _ _ _
Opening ana Oloilnc of Mpllt.
aotni. .or . oiosi.
K. m. p. m. a. rn. p. m.
OhlcmifOfcN. W. . . . . . 11.00 BKX ) 6.80 2:40 :
OHIco o , R I. ft 1-acino.llWO 0:00 5SO : 2:40 :
Ohlcifoa & Q. . .11:00 : B:00 6-30 2:40 :
TfabaShS . . . . 12:30 : 60 2:4C :
tlaux City Mid PAdfle , . BKX ) 5:30 : 2:40 :
Ualon Pacino. . . . . 4:00 11:40 :
OmahaftlLV . 4MX > 1140 !
B.M. In Noh. . . . . . . . 4:00 : 8:10 :
Omaha ft SlouxClty. . . . 6:00 : 1:50 :
D. A U. Lincoln . 10:31 0:00 :
U. P. Llnooln , StmJay. . . 1-.BO 11MO
J. P. Denver Kxp . 9.00 : BO
O.HtontClty&M. P. . .11:00 5:40 :
Looal mrvlln ( or Htftto o ( ( owa leav * but one *
J r , vlt : flSO : a , ra.
Uflca open Suodnya ( rom 12 ru , to 1 p. rn.
.Eisiness Hii'ectorv ' ,
Abttraet and Real LaUta.
JOHN t. McOAOUB , oppotlU teat Office ,
W. 1U HAUTT.IOT 81T South 18th Btresl.
Architect * .
Hoora li. Crolghton Ulock.
A. T. rAnOK Jr. , noom 2. Ciclghton Block.
Uooti and bhoo * .
flno Uoota and bhoui. A ( rood aeaortment
turuo work on hand , corner 12tli and Hamoy.
Ca08. EIUCK80N , B. B. cor. IBth and Doujtlu
tS 10th etioot , manut&cturci to order ( rood worl
it 11 r price * . Rcpalrlnv done.
Dad Oprlng * .
LAliniMEIl Munuftctutdr. HIT Dourlugt
Book * , Me * * and Stationery.
J. I. FRURHAUF 1015 K mham Street.
Butter end Cgc * <
UcSlTANE A 80IIRORDKR , the oldoot a and E
iun In Nohranka e tabllnhod 1876 Omaha.
nathwoit corner Iflthand Dodid.
Boat Board ( or the Money.
Bttliiactlon Guaranteed
at all Houra.
Board by the Day , Week 01 Month.
Uood Terms ( or Cut
Furnlnhdd Rnnma Ruppllod.
UarrlR i and Romd W cn .
iVU BNVDKR,14lh and Harnev Street * .
I. IIAUUia will pay hlghestOuh price lor lecon
irnd elothtnc. Corncr.lOth and Farnbam. .
jawd oi .
JOHN I1AUMRR 1SU Farnham Street.
, Junk ,
H. nKBTllOf.D , IUif and M UI.
Lumber Llmo and Coment.
E O3TKR ft OR AY oornnr atb and Pouglaa Bt ,
Lamp * and Ulntaware.
DONNKK 1809 Uonglaa Hfc. good Variety ,
Merchant lallora.
) at ol our moat popular Merchant Tallora la r
wiving the latuat doulgna ( or Spring and Summei
Ifooda ( or gentlemen1 ! wear. Utyllth , durable ,
icd nrlcoa low a ever 216 ISth bet Dout.&Farn ,
U1U1. 0. A. RINQER , Wholesale and Retail , Fan
: r Qooda In great rarlcty , Zepbira , Card Uoarde ,
Hosiery , Olovca , Oonvtt , tic , Chcapeot Ilouae In
ihe Went. Purchoaera aare 10 per cent. Ordei
if Mall , llj KKtecnth Htraet.
IOI1N WEARNR&80N8 cor.HthAJaeklOPatl
flour and Feed.
OMAHA CITY UILLS , 6th and Farnham It * . ,
yelihana Proa. , propnetora.
B. BTBVKNB , 1U between Caralof and Itai
1' . A. McSItANKl'ooru. ad and Pruning Street * .
Hardwaie , Iron ana tttMI.
LANawORTHY , ) Vboleaal , HI anr *
i2 Itth Itreet
A. HOLMR1 eorne 16th and CalKomta.
Harneaa , Oaddlea , Ac.
U. WKHT SO 18th St. bet Farn. a > IXarney.
AWFIICLDIIOUaEaoo.Canfleld , thfc Farnhani
liORAN HOUSE , V H. Cary , SIB Farnham 81.
HLAVKN'fl HOTEL. V. Blavon , 10th St.
{ oiitbern Hotel Qua. Ilampl 9th &IXHTDIIworth
ruga , Palnta and Olla.
turmacloU , Flat Vane Uooda , Cor. Itlb and
Doujiia > tr eU.
V. i. V/UlTKDOUtE , Wholeaala ft Retail , 10th at
0. FIKLD , (021 Nortb Side Oumlng Street.
VAIIR , Pruifgiat. IQUi and Howard Street * .
Oil. PAUL Wllllama Ulock Cor. Itth A Dodjt * .
ury uoooa notion * , tto.
-ir fork I > ry Uooda Btore , 1810 and lilt Faru.
ham atr et
L. 0. Knewold ale boota and ahoe * fc Paddo.
ruruiiur * .
i t. QHOiW. New and Beoond Hand Furnltmi
Dd BtOTH , till DoocUa Hlfhect c h prlci
Md tot aecond ban ) * oooi.
UONNKR 1808 O nrU it. Fin * coodl * a
r tree Work * .
BOHt , FRIES * CO nUUarneyBt , ImprOTi
id Ice Iloxoa , lire acJ Wood Fence * , Oflltx
\\.nif. \ Dounlf ir P < n * and Walnut
KOSKNFKLD 10th St. . bet ttt. * Ha
Hiri ; urator , Uannela'a PaUnt.
GOODMAN 1th fit b t. Fara. &
Olji r na Tobacco.
WEdT b FRITSODEU , manuactureno ( Oljan
ind tVliolw&le Oealenl u Tobaocoa , 1806 Douglai
/ / F. I.OKKNXHH ra mif ctnrer KlAFarnhar *
A. Douaghuo , plants , cut fiowen , teeda , ooqael
ti3. N , W. cor. loth and Pouflu atreott.
00 To ORAin'a
Qreen Houie 17tb and Wcbi'or itrcet , ( o
I'lauU , Douquot * , Fiowera , Florul UetUoa 4c.
Oornlco Work * .
Western Cornice Work * . Manufacturer ! In
Oorulce , Tin , Iron and Slate Boofitnf. Ordei
( torn any locality promptly executed lii the DM
manner. Factory and Omc * 1S18 Uarnay St
0 , BPEOHT , Pfoprtetor.
OalvaolMd Iron Cornice * . Window Cap * . * tn
manulactured and put up la any part of tb
eoutry , T. WMUOLD ill TUrtMsWUM |
N -J
Olvll Engtn r nd Sunreyorm ,
ANDRRW ROSKWATEK , Crelghton Block ,
'own Surrey * , Grade and Sewerage Syatemf
uommitilon Merchant * .
JOHN O. WIIi U8.1414 Dodir * SttMt.
D n. BEKMKR. For detail * Urga adverH-
m nl In IHIlr and WmkLv.
. DONNKB 1869Donelaastreet. OoodJIn * .
Olothlng and Furnishing Qoo < * .
OKO. n. PKTKRSON. AIM mu , c p ,
ha t Motion * and Cutlerv. 804 0.10th street.
Show Onto Manufactory. )
0. i. W1LDR.
Unnfactnrer and Dealer In all klndi et Bhow
O IM , Upright Oasee , a' . , H17 Can St.
FItANK L. OF.UHAHD , proprlotof Om h
how CMO mntitaetory , 818 Month IBlhatreat ,
otweeii IxxiTtnworth and lUrcy. All good *
rartkntod drt-clua.
ovat ano inwnrr.
A. ,
Dealer In Stoves an.1 Tinware , and Manufacture1
I Tin llooti and all ktnda oJ Building Work ,
Odd Fellows' Dlock.
, DONNF.n , 1809 Douglas SI oed and Cheap.
Deed I.
. KVAN8 , Whole-Alt RticUUtill Seed Drill ! and
taltlratnra Odd F IIo.M Hull
Phyalclan * ni Ourgeont ,
W. S. GIBU3. M. D. , Itxra No 4 , Cretghion
lock , 15th Street.
P. B. tKISKMKlNO , It. D. Uneonlc Block.
0. L , IIART , U. D. , Kyo and Ear , opp. poitofflca
Dll. L. B. ORADDT.
rullel nd Anrlnt. H. W 15th and Firnhim 8tj
Urand 0 Qtral O&llerr ,
311 BlxtAonth Str .
oar Miwonlc Hall. Pint < la a Work and Prompt-
Plumbing , aat and Uteam Fitting.
' . W. TAUPY A CO. . S1012 BL , bet. Famham
ndDouftlM. Workproinp f attended to.
D. riTZPATHICK , uoutlaa Street ,
Inline an ap r anglng.
HKNUY A. KOITKKn , 141 DoJge Btmt ,
Ghee atore * .
Phillip Lan USD Parnham It. ) { | 18th & life.
ttacona Hana more.
PKRKINS & LKAU , 1 6 DouitUi St. . Naw and
Second Hand Furniture , UOUM Furulahlng Good * ,
ke. , bourht and told on narrow marrtna.
unuertakor * .
CHA8. niKWK , lOlU Farnham bet. 10th ft lltd.
00 Cent Btoret.
P. 0. DAOKU9 Farnham Bl. , Fanor Ooolt
In las new brick block on Douclaa Street , fc
| uit opened a moat elegant Ueoi Hall ,
not Lunch from 10 to II
overv day.
Calodnnta " J. FALCONER 67916th Btroet
76,000 ,
They rurpa'H nil other vehicles ( or easy riding ,
atylo and durablllt ) ,
For sale by
Henry Timken ,
Patentee aniUullJflr of Flno Cirrlatr u.1005 ,
lOJSaiul 1010 St. Chirloa St. , St. Loun. CaU-
loiiuos tiirnUhed. jl-Um
M Jfy-M *
5Jf irewl'ntent
'y Uur.r , Orn
( or 1882.
PfitonfivrnovnlL. , , . . , „ . . . . . _ _ . „ - _
Jriaoi > , rinil rl * ni > lin-iii-i'V lnrtrmri > cti
lile IVoiv Ouo Vnl < llitrtit r on tuo
Wet > . , A'ew NulVty 7lc crvnlr.
. JfC Summer uco thcto fatovce aru
Thcio celebrated Stoves ( crvale Ly D. A. Fteroy
Ouiaha. Noli M.ltn.mAeAw
At a meeting ct the stockholders and director *
o ( Tbo Woter/i Horse and Cattle Inaurance Oem *
rany held at the olllco of tha oomrani In Omaha ,
McbnuLa , on thoUtli day o ( Hay A. O 1832 , the
following itooVholdnri and director * of said vinf-
funy weioprcaent , viz :
Henry Pundt , Mix Moycr , Edmund Peyck
Ernest I'oycko , Kudolph Unrn.
At raldmootlni ; the fjllowln ( { toolutlon w
adoptoJ by a uunnlmoua vtitf , vlt ;
lleMlYfd , That Mellon II. of the article o >
ncorparatlon L ( Tlio Western Horae and Cattl
Inauranco Company bo ameodwl to read a * ( ol'
low ) , viz :
II. Thoolijoct ( or nhlchaatd company ah
1)0 formtd shall be to Injure horse and oatfe
ajalnnt Iho't , death by accident , alcknota , flr
and lightning.
Socritary. Frtaldent.
Douglai Uounty. f "
On this 16th day or May A. I ) . 182 , before
mo a Notary Public In and ( or aald count ; , per-
aonally came tb abore named Henry Pundt ,
1'reddep and Rudolf Dorn.Hecrotary , of the We < -
tcrn nor.e and Oittlo Inaurance Coaipinywhoara
penonally known to me to bo the ( domical per-
aonawboie namojaro fixed to tbi above Inatru-
tnoot and.twy aevcrally ackngwlfdired thu In-
atrumen tobe ( th lr voluntary aat and deed.
( Homer Utull , \ Wltnnn my hand and official
I UouglakCoun- aeal the date aforeeal , ! ,
ty , Neb. , f 11 Oil EH BTULL.
Notorlal Sea1. ; Notary Public.
. TiuSrATiorNiivVuaKi , )
Uoujiwcouuty. f * *
I , John lUutner County clerk In and ( or ealil
county and atato , i > o hereby certKy that the
ahoru and ( orezolnir l a full and oouipleto copy
of the amenJ d articles ot the Weatjrn Horna
and Cattle liminnco Ceinpany IlloJ May 15tb
&UI , at 11.16 o'clocK a. m. as appear * from too
record ) of aald county ,
Wltiieia my hand
Seal of the Hand aeal thla 16th
County Comrulmilontn ( day of May A. I > .
o ( fl882.
Douglas County NebrJ JOilNRAUUER ,
County Clerk
pail d-lew < w Dauirla * County Nib'
F. 'L. Sommers & Go's.
, r
Wholesale Manufacturing
Fruits , Nuts and Cigars. r
Ill S. 14th St r.
IT *
Physician and Surgeon
Utdldne * ( urnlsied at omen.
OfflH XoMl Farubtm St..Utw w 14Uk WMl
Utb Paab * iJlb , ,
! r