Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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The Northern PaoiQo Railroad
Bridge Across the Missouri
River at Bismarck.
Progress of the Work of Con
struotion and the Present
Status of Operations
The Froiont Danger to Mn.utln.ti
" from the Dyke Contracting
the River Channel
The Bismarck Bridge.
Correspondence of the rionccr-rrcss.
BISMAIIOK , Juno 1. Few nro the
joint products of corporate necessity
and onginocring Bkill that will nvnl ,
in point of atroiiRth , durability nnd
aymmotry , the bridge acrons the M's-
souri river , between Bismarck nnd
Mandan , now nearing complotion.
Since the extension of the Northern
Paoiflo railrond west of this point , all
trains have boon transported ncrois
thorivor bymoans of n IransforBtenrnor
atonnur , oinaumos consldorablo time
at each trip , which is the aourco of
much expense and labor to the rail
road company , and not a Httlo un-
aroidablo nnnoyanco to the traveling
public. All this , however , will have
boon a thing of the past in n few-
months , to the unqualified satisfaction
\l \ I of the company , travelers and resi
dents of both aides of the river. The
work of constructing this bridge began
in the winter o f 1880-1 , operations
being inaugurated by the building of
a dyke on the Mandan side which
contracts the channel from ita original
width of 2,000 foot to 1,200 feet This
dyke was constructed on the Ends jetty
system , woven willow mattresses 200
loot wide being sunk under the weight
of many carloads of boulders. The
constant action of the current washed
out the mud from beneath those mat
tresses until they rested upon the hard
clay , forty fcot below the bed of the
otcam. Ten thousand carloads of
boulders have boon employed in this
rip-rappinij , and 10,000 moro will bo
put in , malcing an aKgropato of 20,000
carloads of stono. This dyke is nearly
up to the highwator mark , and during
future rises in the river the water will
flow over it. thus finding vent for a
portion of that strength which oxpor-
icnco and observation have shown to
bo resistless. The bridge will consist
of three spans , each 400 foot in length ,
and a short span of 125 feet on each
end From the west end of the bridge
a trestle is to extend over the dyked
portion of the channel to an embank
ment seventy feet in height , which is
being thrown up , the dirt for the pur
pose being obtained at a point northeast -
east of MamTan. A trestle will likewise -
wise bo placed at the east end of { ho
bride , being , like that on the opposite
end , fifty foot in length.
sro each sixty foot in width and fifteen
foot in thickness , 'construe ted of the
best granite front the quarries at Sank
Rapids , Minn. They are models of
impregnable masonry , extending from
A point twenty-five feet above the
channel to over fifty foot beneath the
bed of the 'river , and each pier is said
to represent an outlay of 9117,000. ,
All the piers are finished but one ,
which will be completed by the 10th
inst. The first short span on the Bis-
insrok aide is done , and a Ho wo truss
will bo employed in stringing .tho
other spans. The iron is mostly on
iho ground , and all that now remains
is to put it together , Of this great
structure it may be said that it is being
built with special reference to high
winds and all varieties of weather , and
when completed , which will probably
bo in October , wil bo the strongest
bridge across either the Missouri or
upper Mississippi rivers , It will bo
Bovonty-fivo foot above average water
mark , a sufficient height to permit thu
passage of the largest steamers with
out peril to their upper works. Esti
mates touching the total cost of this
work vary , but common concession
places it above $1,000,000. Not a
dollar is irastod , but the entire sum is
being expended In auoh a manner as
to Bocuio the best service , the moat
substantial material and the highest
degree of architectural excellence.
The topography of the low , level
bottom , on the west side of which
Mandan is built , renders the question
of an approach to the bridge on that
aide of the river a very simple one ,
and not at all difficult o ! solution ; but
on the east or Bismarck aide of the
Missouri , the situation is different
and more pregnant with obstacles ,
whoso removal requires no small
outlay of time and labor. The Bis
marck aide , consisting of a long bluff ,
ia sixty-five foot higher than the op
posite shore. ' This fact has rendered
necessary a vast excavation to admit
of an eastern approach to the bridge.
Eighty-five thousand cubio yards of
earth have been displaced , making a
cut over sixty foot deep for the immediate
diato approach. The earth thus re.
moved is dumped toward the river ,
making an area of level ground for
switches and other purposes , Thn
track will approach the bridge from
the aoath and east , winding around in
euoh a shape as to densribo an in
verted 8 , Along thii sinuous route
the trains will glide smoothly , and
out upon the bridge , at an altitude of
fi'ty feet above the piera and seventy-
five feet above the water ,
The construction ot this mammoth
bridge u under the direction of Chief
Engineer Morison and his assistants ,
Meairi. Parkhurst and Orosby. The
latter two gentlemen are constantly on
the ground , personally supervising all
the details of the work , in accordance
with the designs of the chief engineer ,
Messrs. Morison , Parkhurst and
Crosby , have all worked with Oapt ,
Eids , the engineer of the famous jet
ties of the lower Mississippi , and by
reason of natural ability and long and
valuable experience in their profession
are peculiarity adopted to the success *
ful execution of au important an un
dertaking as the one now in hand. As
the labor is nearly all done by steam
shevola and other machinery , the num
ber of men and teams employed is
comparatively small , when the magni
tude of the work ia considered ; there
being not more than 250of the former
and 100 of the latter engaged. The
bridge when finished will Be subjected
to n test which will severely taz iU
strength a searching crucible from
which no element of weakness or do
focHvoncBs can escape. Thirteen o
Iho largest locomotives will _ be run
upon th6 structure and remain in the
middle of each span long enough for a
photograph to bo taken. Should the
bridge succosfully pass throvgh this
ordeal and the builders seem deter
mined that it shall its sustaining
power would of course involve not the
slightest degree of doubt.
A POSSIBLE rr.nii , .
Conversation among residents o !
both Hismsrck and Mandan develops
not a Httlo speculation touching the
probable effect upon the latter town
by the dyke above described , which
reduces the channel of the river to
less than half its natural width. It
is feared with n great rise of the river ,
like that of the spring of 1881 , lor
example , a colossal lake formed by the
accumulated volume of on-rushing
waters would occur , which would
speedily creep back nnd ncroes the
long stretch of bottom land between
( ho river nnd Mandan and administer
liaastcr dire to that aspiring young
rown. It is an event that to any ono
acquainted with the location of the
) usinc&s part of Mandan would ap.
) oar quito likely to occur ; and a Very
mploosant exigency that it seems en-
irely impossible to guard against , as
eng aa a dyke is permitted to remain
at that ( joint. Much might bo ad-
luced both to fortify and antagonize
ho assumption ; buY it is evident that
ho question must bo submitted to the
arbitrament of time and experience
or settlement , That the disquieting
ipprchonaions at present nourished by
ho dwellers along the Big Muddy may
not bo realized is to bo earnestly do
irod by all.
Not a Bovorngo-
"They are not a beverage , but a
nodicino , with curative properties of
ho hiehcst degree , containing no poor
whisky or poisonous drugs. They do
not tear down an already debilitated
ystom , but build it up. Ono bottle
> ontans ( moro hops , that is , moro real
lop strength , time a barrel of ordinary
> ocr. Every druggist in Rochester
ells them , and tno physicians pro-
cribo them. " [ Evening Express on
lop Bitters.
f a Girl Gets Marked for Llfo Can
Bbo MuUo You Marry Her 1
cvr York Mercury. '
A pale young man entered a law-
ror'a office and closed the door with
lis back , like a Yormontor , and .said
10 wanted a Httlo advice. The law-
er told him ho had struck the right
ilaco , and asked him to proceed.
" Well , what I want to know is , if a
lan marks me for lifo can I collect
amagos in such cases.
"Then , " said the young man , "if a
girl goes out riding with mo to a pic-
io , and aho gets marked for lifo , can
he collect damages from mo ? "
The lawyer scratched his head a
moment , looked win. then thought a
nomont again with his forefinger on
lis forehead , looked into a 'volume of
latent-office reports , and hnally ox-
tressed the opinion to the young man
iat in the latter case there waa no
ossiblo show of the girl'a collecting
amagos from him. The young man
irew down $10 as a retainer , and
aid that the lawyer could consider
limsolf engaged for _ the season , to
irosoouto ono case and defend the
> thor , The lawyer put the money in
lis vest-pocket , mechanically , as
hough it was a mere matter of form ,
nd told the young man to state his
> aso. Taking off his hat and wiping
lie perspiration off his forehead , he
irooeedod :
"Well , I want you to commence
gainst a livery stable keeper for $10-
1)0 ) damages. Yon see , last summer
' hired a team and a top buggy to
ako a girl out to Oconomowoo to the
aoht races , and wo were going to take
inner at the hotel. On the way out
tore the almightiost thunder-storm
ou over saw came up. It drenched
s from head to foot. There wasn't a
ry rag on mo , ar.d the girl said if there
wits on her aho didn't know whore it
was. But it finally cleared off , and
vo drove into Oconomowoo and around
> y the bank , of the lake , and got out
n the woods. Wo had on white
lothes. I had on a pair of white Mar-
oillos pants , and tko girl had on a
rhlto muslin dross. Well , eir , do you
enow when we got out the whole back
of us , from the knees clear to the
mall of the back , was as blue
as in'digo. The buggy cushion was
> luoaud when It got wet the blue just
atrly run off , and it was the bluest
> lie you over saw. Well , I thought
hat girl would die. When aho stood
off with her back toward mo I could
hink of nothing but an Italian aunsot
in the Lake ot Chrorno. She was the
> luost girl , true blue , and no mistake.
Lnd my pants ! When I wont away
rom her to got a bettor view of the
'aoht race and swear a little I must
mvo looked to her like aomo old blue
ruin in a theater , Well , wo didn't
dare to go to the hotel for dinner , and
were afraid to atop at McDowell's ,
fhoro the Light Horse squadron was
n camp , whore I know all the boys ,
and wo didn't get anything to oat ex
cept a glass of beer and a piece of dog
sausage at Pewaukeo , which I had a
Prussian bring out the buggy. The
; lrl got mad because I laughed at her
laving the blues , and she wouldn't
peak to mo at all on the way homo.
We came into town after dark , and I
bought the affair would blow over ;
> ut blast mo if the blue color didn't
act * on my akin , and nothing will take
t oil. I have tried everything , but U
a just aa blue to-day aa ic waa the
light I got homo from Oconomowoo.
f'rom my knees to the small * of my
> aok I am deeply , darkly , beautifully
line , and probably ahall bo during my
natural life , and 1 want the livery man
nod. If I wanted to travel with the
iroua aa a tattooed man , I wouldn't
nind it no much , but I don't. I never
uiew before that 'blue waa a fast
olor. "
"Well , this is only half the trouble.
Vbout n week after wo got back , the
girl's father came to me with a gun ,
tnd asked we what kind of a colored
icrson I was , It seems the blue was
ust as act in its way in his family as
t waa in mine. I explained it to him
ho best way 1 could , but ho aaid there
VM only one reparation a man of
loner could make in auch oases. I
old him I waa trying all the different
articles in the drug stores , one after
another , to remove the bluing , and u
quick as I could find something tha
would touch the spot I would communicate
nicato with him. Thai stood him off for
a time , but I suppose the girl am
her mother kept at him to do some
thing about it , and ho goes for me
once a week , and threatens mo unti
my life is a burden a heavy , eighteen
carat burden , with a blue background ,
I try to be joyout > , but it seems to mo
as though everybody know of my con
dition. The old man says I have got
to marry the oirl within two weeks or
Bland a lawsuit. If it should become
fashionable to paint our bodies sky-
blue , and not wear clothes , I could see
my way clear ; ot if I could got a con
sulship to a warm climate , Iwoulc !
marry , but the idea of bcginnino
to keep housa with a husband
and wifu subject to horidiUry
blues Is ( oo much , and I kick. ]
have told nobody but you and the
drugqint who furnishes mo with drugs ,
but I think the girl has told every
body flho knows , bccnuso half the girls
I moot look nt mo as though I was n
white elephant. Can ybu aavo me ? "
The young lawyer said ho boliovcd
! io could , but ho would have to look
up the authorities , and ho took down
a "bluo book" of the legislature , nnd
told the younff man to como in again
Saturday with § 10 more. It certainly
will bo ono of the most singular cases
that has over boon before our courts ,
and will attract much attention , no
"Every Ono Wai Astonlihotl. "
NEWCASTLE , Ind. , May 30 , 1881.
11. H. WAIINEH & Co : Sirs About
3 years ago I was stricken with calcu
lus of the kindnoys. The best physi
cians could do mo no good. I used
rour Safe Kidney and Liver Cure
and every ono was astonished at my
complete and rapid recovery.
The Kind of Horse ho Wanted.
loston Journnl.
The Charlcstown district , as ovory-
> ody hereabouts knows , proposes to
celebrate the approaching anniversary
of the battle of Bunker Hill by an
'antique" parade. A company of
mounted men is expected to bo a
> rominent feature in this display , end
hoio who nro to figure in it
are at present zealously Beardi
ng after horses to carry them
upon the important occasion. It will
urpriso many persons , who may have
honght the supply of horses almost
noxhaustiblo , to learn that they have
encountered serious difficulties in this
mdeaVor. tAn explanation of this fact ,
lowuvor , is found to bo that they
are not to bo satisfied with
any ana every horao that is
offered to them. This is shown by
ho following conversation , which re
cently occurred between ono of thorn ,
fho has not much confidence in his
lorsomanship , and a man of whom ho
nado inquiries touching the matter in
mnd : "Do you know whore I can
ind a horse ? " asked the would-bo
equestrian. "No , " oaid the other ;
'what sort of a horse do you want a
piritod anima ? " "Well , no , not a
very spirited ono. " "Well , then , do
you wont n quiet one ? " "No , not
exactly a quiet ono. " "How would a
medium sort of a horse do ? " "That
wouldn't bo the thing , either. Fact
s , I want a horse that looks a good
deal moro spirited than he really is. "
IHorfora' Acid Pho phn <
Dn. 0. G. OILLEY , Boston , says :
'I have used it very extensively , and
with the most remarkable success in
lynpepsla and in all cases whore there
s derangement iof the liver and kid
neys. " 5d-wlw
Tha Man who Told tha Doctor that "he ( olt
3II no dIJu't want to d9 anj thlnif , " was accused
ol laziness Yet thousands experlenco tbU ( eel *
iff especially In summer In consequence ot a
uorderad condition ol the fctomach , which a few
efrmhlnpdroughts ot TAKRAKT'S SELTZXK APBK-
KKT would bo lure to remedy.
( Saoootior to D. T. Mount- )
Manufacturer and Dealer In
Saddles , Harness , Whips ,
Robes , Dusters and Turf Goods
Agent ( or Jas. It. BUI ft Co.'i
"The Best in The World , "
Order * Solicited. OMAHA , NEB
rhe Most Successful Remedy ever discov
ered , as It Is cortalu tn Its effects and does not
iltster. KKAD raoor 1IKLOW. Also excellent
or human.Qosh.
WuhlugtcnvUle , Ohio , June 17 , 1831. DB
) . J , KENDALL , & 00. : Oeuts Heading your ad
vertisement In Turf , Field aud farm , ot your
( endill's Spavin Cure , at d baying a valuable
and speedy horse which had bteu lame from
pavlu for eighteen months , I sent lo you lor a
x > ttle by express , which in six weeks removed
ill lamenMs and enlargement and a large splint
rom another horse , aud both horses are to-day
ui sound as colts. The one bottle was worth tome
mo ono hundred dollars. Kespoetfully
> o-irs , H. A. BiaTOim , II. D.
Send lor Illustrate circular giving positive
proof. Price 11. All DruiwUts hatelt or can
: et It for you. Dr. D , J , Kendall A OoPro. .
irletors , Enosburgb Falls , Vt.
IMaiik membership roles for the autl-moupoly
caguo , containing statement of principle met-
lods of procedure and Instructions now to organ ,
to. will be sent on application to 0. II. dais ,
idroy , Neb , Enclose stamp. uU-11
f/eurafgi'a , Sciatica , Lumbago ,
ffackacfio. Soreness of the Chest ,
Gouf , Quinsy , Sere Throat , Swolt
ings and Sprains , Burns and
Scafds , General Bodily
Pains ,
Tooth , Ear and Headache , Frostoti
foot and Ears , and all other
Pains and Ache * .
Vt Freparailon on ttrth eqnali ST. JACOSS Oil
ks a tnfemrt , ttntplc and cheap External
Atmedy. A trial entails but the comparatively
Jriaidg outUy of 60 Cents , and every one snff >
t tt < rltb pain can have cbtsp and poiltivs ] (
I Its claims. / % / , >
Directions in Zltren Languages. < v
ody. An un
failing euro
i for Seminal
Weakness ,
rhca , Itnpot-
cncy , and all
3olf-Al > mo : OB Loss of Memory , Universal Loxal-
tudo , Pain In the Back , Dimness ol VIMon , Pro.
nature Old Ago , and many other Dlicascs that
ead to Insanity or Consumption and a Proma-
; uro Grave.
jtarFul ) particulars In out pamnhlct , which
wo desire to send free t r mall to every ono.
tSTIho Specific Mcdlclno is sold by all druggists
at 81 per package , or 0 pack MCCS for 5 , or will
bo sent Iroq by mall on rcct ptof the money , by
addressing TUG QUA JEDICtNKCO. ,
ale , N. V.
or7rnf n 1
The feeble and emaciated suffering" from dvs-
pepsuorlndlgottlan jo any farm , aresdvlscd. for
the sake of their owu bodily and mental comfort ,
to try Host fetter's Motnac'i B Hi rs Lidlcs o :
the most delicate constitution test ty to Its harm-
lets and restorative properties. PMsicIans
everywhere , dlsgutted with the adultcr.iUd
iquors ot commerce , prescribe it ai the talent
and mojt reliable of all stomachics ,
For sale by all druggists and dealers generally
al to ml
The Great Jbnglish Remedy
iNoycr falls to cuie
Nervous Debility , Vi
tal Exhaustion , Emis
sions , Seminal Weak-
ncsses.LOST MAN
HOOD , and all the
vll effects of youth
ful follies and exces
ses. It stops perma
nently all weakening.
Involuntary losses and
drains upon the sys
tem , the Inevitable re-
. . suit of these cvilprac-
Ices , which are so destructive to mind and body
and make Ufa miserable , often leading to insanl-
y and death. It strengthens the Ncrvcsjlraln ,
memory ( Blood , Muscles , Digestive and Repro
ductive Organs. It restores f ) all the organic
unctlms their former vigor and vitality , ma
king lite cheerful and enjoyable. Price , $3 a
bottle , or four times the quantity 810 , Sent by
express , secure from observation , to any address ,
on receipt of price. No. 0. O. D. sent , except
on receipt ol U as a guarantee. Letters re
questing answers ) must incloso stomp ,
Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Fills
ate tb best and cheapest dyspepsia and bllllous
cure In the market. Bold by all druggists. Price
60 cent * .
Da , Minna's Knmrr REMIDT , NITRSTICTTM , .
Our631II kind of Kidney and bladder complainte.
ouorrhoa , gleet and leucorrhea. For tale by all
iaugglsts : SI a bottle.
718 OHvo St. , St. Louis , Mo.
For Sale In Omaha by
Catarrb ,
Old Sores ,
Pimples ,
, B S. o ay _ j
or auy
. . .
) urefl When Hot Springs Fail
Uiriur , Au , , May { . 1881
VTe have cases In onr owu town who lived at
lot Springs , * nd were finally uired with S. S. S.
* UcCiUMcm & UURB.T.
F YOU doubt , come lo oo us and \ K WILL
lUBB YOUU OK charge nothing 11 Write for
particulars and copy ot little Book -'Message
o the Unfortunate Buffering
ikciuriixta will be paid to any
wlU andTon analysislM tottle
I B. a. , one particle of Mercury , Iodide FoU *
slum or any Mineral substance.
BW1FT BPKOIWO 00. Frew ,
Price ol Small list , 11.00.
Ur" T
slad & * HAM BBoa. ; . , OQ
Mrs J. O.Robertson , Plttoburg. Pa. , writes : " !
was suffering from general debility , want of ap-
pctito , constipation , etc. , so that IIfo was a bur
den ; after using Burdock Blood Blttcra I felt bet
ter than for years. I cannot praise your Bitters
too much. "
JLOIbt * . ot Buffalo , N. Y. , writes : "Your
Burdock Dice v Bitters , In chronic diseases ol the
blood , Ihcr auJ kldneis , have been signally
marked with success. 1 have used them mj self
with best result * , for torpidity of thellvcr , and In
capo of a friend of mlno suffering from dropsy ,
the effect as man clous. "
'BrucoTurner , Rochester , N. Y.wrltesMI | : have
been subject to Fcrlons disorder of the kidneys ,
and unable to attend to business ; Burdock Blooa
Hitters rcllotcd me before half a bottle was need
I feel confident that they will entirely cure me , "
Accnlth Hall , Blngh&mpton , N. Y. , writer :
"I suffered with a dull pain through my 'oft '
lung and shoulder. Lost my spirits , appotlto
and color , and could with dllllculty keep up all
day. Took jour Burdock Blood Bitters as di
rected , and ha\o felt no pain since first week af
ter using them. "
Mr. Noah Bates , Elmlra , N. Y. . writes : "About
Four years ago I had an attack of bilious fever , and
never fully recovered. My digestive organs
n ere weakened , and I would be completely pros
trated for da } s. After using two bottles of your
Uurdock Blood Bitters the Improicment was BO
U'lble that I was astonished , I can now. though
01 years of age , do a fair and reasonable ) day's
0. BUcket Robinson , proprietor of The Canada
Presbyterian , Toronto , Ont. , writes : "Ferycars
I suffered greatly from oft-recurring headache. I
used jour Burdock Blood Bitters with happiest
csulU , nnd I now find mi pelf In better health
than for years past. "
Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo. N. Y , writes : ' ! have
used Burdock Blood Bitten for nervous and bil
ious headaches , and can recommend It to an ) one
requiring a euro for billiousncss. '
Mrs. Ira Mullnolland , Albany , N. Y , writes :
'For several jcars I have suffered from oft-recur
ring bllllous headaches , djspcpsla , and com-
S'alnta peculiar to mj sex. Since using jour
urdock Blood Bitters I am entirely relieved. "
Price. 81.00 oei Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Cts
FOSTER , MILBUM , & Co , , Props ,
Bold at wholesale by Ish & McMahon and 0. F.
Qoodmao. Jo 27 cod-mo
8 otljU'liiex'.wcak
mod l < y tl > ( train or
tour lutli ! avoW
Hop Bittcrcc U5 HOP Br
If jouareyovjip nfl 3 timcring from auy I v
( Ucictlon or dls-Jpn 'jtlonj ifj
Hett or Klnclo , old or S -uuiiK > eujifi iii
poerhccJtu or lfi'iR < il < fl llnK ou a bod.
UCM , rily on Hop ! Bittern.
Whoorr ronftro.
led itaally from
? hf never joe
that your syrtcn form .it K 'a
uccdi cleaiwiriR , ton dl5f& o chat nuKi
\K * i-i ( tlnnilatlue , liavo brenprecntea
withoi > lfii ftaM < i J , bv * timely'unor
' .alr Hop Hcp&Htorn
W wjw
ftps'a , i Or I. O
orwruirurun li an ibsclut *
* end Irreslstt.
* oiwicA ,
of tiM
hlo c u r e lei
fcottrlk. Mood , ,
llicrmntnetl , nse of opluir ,
Vim wilt lie tbbACGOl O'
oiiredtf JOUHSC
Hop Bitters
ltjoii ro lm
ly weak and pi . Bead fa )
in it may
nave your
life. It haft
naved hun Kotlnlt
dreds , JtT.ronto , Oal.
Disease Is an effect , not a cause. Ita origin la
within ; Ha manifestations without. Hence , to
cure the diseise the CAtraxmuat ba removed , and
in no other way can a cure over to effected.
LIVER CURE 1 established on Just tbli
principle. It realties that
95 Per Cent.
> l all diseases arlzo from deranged kidneys end
Ivcr , aud U itilkcn at once at the root of the
difficulty. The elements ol which It Is composed
act directly upon theeo great organs , both as a
rooo and RK8TORXK , and , byplaciDg them In a
loalthy , condition , drive disease and pala from
the system.
For the Innumerable troub'cs caused by un-
lealthy KldnoTi. Liver and Urinary Organs ; for
; ho dittretslne Ditordcrsof Women ; for Malaria ,
and physical derangements generally , this greai
remidy has no equal. Biware of Impostors , Im-
tatlons and concoctions said tn be Just as good.
For Diabetes , as for-WARNER'S SAFE
For sale by u3 dealers.
H. U. WARNER & CO. ,
mo Rooh enter W. Y-
To Nervous Sufferers
Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific
It Is a positive euro ( or tipernutoirhu , Bemlna
Wooknetj. Impotaocy , and all diseases resulting
'rom ' Self-Abuw , aa Mental Anxiety , Lossi
Uernory , Pains In the Hack or Bide , and diseases
" ' * that lead to
Insanity an >
_ earlygrare
The Specific
Medicine Is
being used
with wonderful -
ful euccous.
wnt free to nil. Write for them and get full jr-
Price , Bpectttc , fl.OO per package , 01 six pack.
agM for f 3.00. Address all orders to
Nos. 1M and 109 Main St. Duflalo , N , V.
SoM In Omaha by 0 , V. Goodman , J , W. Bell ,
J. K. Ish , and all JrugtrtiUorery where.I .
I .ifbi *
Dr. K. Oraervaran Treatment-
A specific for Hysteria , Dlufneea , Convulsions.
Nervous Headache , Mental Depression , Lost
Uemoi7SpermatorrhoeaImpotency , Involuntary
Emissions , Premature Old Age , caused by overexertion -
exertion , self abuse , or over-indulgence , which
; eads to misery , decay and death. One box will
cure recent cases. Each box contains ono month's
treatment. On * dollar a box , or six boisa for
flve dollars , seat by mall prepaid on receipt ot
price. We guarantee six boxes to cure an ; case ,
With each ordtr received by us for six boxes , ac
companied with five dollars , will send the pur
chaser our written guarantee to return the
money If the treatment does not effect a cure ,
0. f. Goodman , Druggist , Sole. Wholesale and
regul Agent , Omaha , Neb. Orders by mall at
U etallaprlce. dfcwlv
n *
( Written by h JBBBB
( hi only life authorised by her , and which will
not be a "Blood and Thunder" story , each as has
been nnd will be published , but a true Life by
the ouly p.rsoo who 1s la'pouejilon ot the tacts
a faithful and devoted wife. Truth Is more
Interesting than fiction. Agent * should apply
tor territory at one. Band 76 ct * . for B m-
pU Book. J. H. Chambers ) * Co. ,
m - oodwow JtTiioaUi Mo.
Storage , Commission and Wholesale Fruits.
Agents for Peek & Baushors Lard , and Wilber Hills Flour/
CT. j ; BBO"W" &c O O ,
Boots and Shoes.
O. IE1.
Window and Plate Glass.
3TAn > ono contemplating building store , bank , or any other fine front , will find It to their ftcl * v. * "
vantage to corns end with us before purchasing their Date Glass.
IE1. O.
1213 Farnham St. . Omaha. N h.
On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. ,
Fire and Burglar Proa
IM O O 3EC S 9 &B C3
1020 Farnham Street ,
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
1118 FARNAM ST. - - OMAI
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
nexnet ,
Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA NEB
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
A. L , STBANa205 jw1 St. , Omaha