Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1882, Image 1

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No. 1.
Wo will grant , if you
choose , that smoking is
a NECESSITY , but smoking -
1 , is a LUXURY. It is not
a cheap tobacco , not by
any means , of course it's
cheap at the prco'but !
its just the finest that
can bo made , regardless
of cost.
Emperor Louis Nopol-
con'a cigars cost ono dollar
lar apicco in gold , and.
they were made from loaf
tobacco specially import
ed for this purpose from
the golden tobacco belt
of "North Carolina. Prof.
E. N. Upraford , the
noted chemist of Provi
dence , R. L , is authori
ty for this statement.
1 is mndo from identical
ly the same leaf tobacco
as was used in Emperor
Louis Napoleon's cigars ,
and like these cigars it is
absolutely the beat that
money , skill , experience ,
and unequalled loaf can
These who believe that
the "best is the cheap
est , " and these who want
the best anyhow , ate
TOWED to try ONE package -
ago ONLY ONE -that's
all wo ask : after that wo
are content to abide by
their judgment.
Of course you want to
ENowforyoursolf wheth
er this is the tobacco for
TOU , and so you won't
take an old pipe all satu
rated with some other
tobacco , but you'll take
a clean , aweot pipe , and
1 , an honest , critical
Another good thing
nbjut this tobacco is that
you can roll ft little of it
in a cigarette paper and
have ono of the , very bast
cigarettes that can bo
When you buy the
package of BLICKWELL'S
OUT , No. l to test it , ba
euro yiui get thy genu-
ino. You carf tell -thot
genuine by the BULL in
handsome picture onithe-
package. The * BULL _ ia ,
BlackwollA Oo.'a tro&o
mark , and you may a\-
ways bo euro that "any
tobicco with this trade
mark on is the BEST and
PUREST of ita kind.
If you prefer granu
lated tobacco aak for the
BULL DURHAM , while the
best cheap long cut is
2 , and of course you remember -
More Small for ,
Rational Associated Prota.
INDIANAPOMIS , Juno 5. The official
records chow moro small pox hero now
than at any time during the winter.
It ia claimed the disease ia being
spread by physicians who do not believe <
lievo in vaccination.
Shot a Cop. * ,
Rational Anoctated Prow
CHICAGO , Juno 5. While attempt
ing to arrest a desperado named Fitz
gerald , Policeman John O'Connor wat
shot in the leg. Ho in turn shotFitz
gerald in the breast.
'When Ho Got Ready Ho Went-
HMUual Asaoclatoil Press.
FREDERICKSTOWN , 0. , Juno 5 , W.
A. Gordon , a native of England , died
hero rocontly. Authentic rocordt
ahow ho was nearly 110 years old.
The Iron Strike.
xNatlnn&l Aawclatod Prodn.
CINCINNATI , Juno 5 , There it
nothing now in the rolling mill trouble
except the puddlers in another mil !
have gone out.
Shot at a Town Mooting.
.Katlonal Associated Freu.
PROVIDENCE , R. I , , Juno 5. Ed
ward W , Olney , moderator of Nortl
Providence , was shot three time :
fatally at the town meeting this morn
ing by John Kinnicutt , an ox-police
man , who accused Olnoy of bavin ;
procured his dischkrgo and made hin
a town pauper. ,
Tta Bloody Boy of the Prairie *
National Associated Pieta.
FAROO , D. T. , June C. The bodioi
of Washington and Fred Fehorbaol
have been found near Perham. Evi
donee is conclusive that they won
both murdered by John Tribbett , f
"boy ID year J old , who has started tt
Join the cowboys in Montana Trib
bett comes of good family , but is i
victim of blood and thunder litora
Onr Gloiiotu Independence-
What cm be more glorlou * thau to be
Independent of gufToiing , canned by dyH <
n i > iia. indigestion , cooitlpation , sfclt
headache , or other dlieaiM emanating
from the ttotnacb. Thlj can be easily
gained by n timely uae of UUUDOCK ULOOIJ
BmuRH , 1'rloe 11,00. 641 w
The Compulsory Clause of the
Army Bill Prolongs Tecum-
Term ;
And Qivos His Subordinates o
Longer Lease of Active
Suspension Day iti tbo House
Remarkable for Treasury
Numerous Bills Pressed to
Passage or PiEoon-
The Monroe Doctrine Fatally Revamped -
vamped bytho Great Un
A Variety of Important Itema from
the National Capital.
Nation * ! Associated Pros * .
WASHINGTON , Juno 5. Senatoi
Davis explained that in the designation
of a presiding officer during his own
absence , ho followed the precedent oi
Mr. Thurman , and expressed a desire
that the senate would settle the ques
tion. It was referred to the committee -
too on rules.
Senator Bock introduced a resolu
tion calling upon the committee foi
appropiation bill ( ! . _ Laid over.
Senator Plumb introduced a resolu
tion directing the public printer to re
port what ring , if any , runs the gov
ernment printing.
Senator Van Wyck offered a resolu
tion inquiring what steps were neces
sary to protect government employes
from political assessment. Laid over.
Senator Pondleton offered a resolu
tion calling for the state department
correspond enco in relation to the Per
uvian and Chilian affaire.
After the morning hour the army
appropriation bill nras taken up. Com
pulsory retirement clause was first
discussed , senator Bayard offered an
amendment that the ago bo sixty-five
instead of sixty-two.
Senator Logan had a long article
read from The Army Register showing
that young men wore there who
always'won ' victories and that old gen
erals were invariably defeated and
further said that if General Sherman
was not ever sixty-two years of ago
there would not be a single objection
to the retirement clause.
Senator Butler.moditied his amend
ment exempting the fourprincipal offi
cers so as to apply to them when they
had reached the ngo.of jJQyonty years.
Benatorjyiaxoy saTd the measure was
anwioo-and was Ti'otrf srmano to the
appropriation bill. ' '
Senator Hawley spoke generally in
favor of the clause. *
Senator Bayard modified his amend
ment oo as to retire officers at the ago
of sixty-four years , which was carried
by a vote of 28 to 22.
After further debate , Senator But
ler's amendment exempting Generals
Sherman , Sheridan , Hancock , How
ard and Terry from the retirement
clause until they had reached the ago
of 70 yoara was lost by a vote of 9 to
45. . Those voting in the affirmative
were Senators Anthony , Brown , But
ler , Cameron ( Pa. ) , Conger , Ferry ,
Sherman , Van \Vyck and Williams.
Senator Maxey moved to strike out
the whole of the retirement clause.
Lost , 12 to 29.
This closed the question for the
day. The senate adjourned at 5:2E :
p. m.
Mr. Buttorworth introduced a bill
permitting the Southern Pacific and
Huntin'gton'a other lines to bo consol
idated to form a through line from
the Pacific to the Atlantic , and pro <
hibiting.conaoliditioawith parallel 01
competing i
Mr , Dingloy introduced a bill pro
viding that thn treasurer may accopl
gold or silver bullion and issue cor
tifioatos therefor of not less than § 1C
each , the bullion to be refined and
the certiGcatoa to bo roeoiyoablo foi
customs and taxes and considered aa i
national bank reserve.
Mr. Kelly's bill placing wool or
goods in the list with silk , was calloc
up under suspension of rule * , failed tc
receive the required two-thirds 7C
nays , 136 yeas.
Mr , Turner ( Ky ) morcd to suspend
the rules and pass the bill 'removing '
duty on trace chains. Lost.
The rules were suspended and i
resolution passed fixing Juno 13th foi
consideration of bills from the cem <
mittoe on postofficec , excluding sub
sidy bills , and Juno 14th for consid
eration of bills from the Indian affaire
committee ,
Mr. Reagan moved to suspend the
rules and tatto hia railroad bill iron
the committee en commerce and fh
December 13th as the date for its con
sideration. Rejected , not two-thirdi
Mr. Henderson moved to fix Juni
15th aa the date for consideration ol
of the Chicago and Mississippi rivei
canal bill , popularly known as the
Bonnepon canal bill , It was opposed
by Mr. D wight , of Now York , on the
ground that the day of canals woj
past * and by Mr. Bland , of Missouri ,
bocausa the project detracts too muoli
from the improvement of the natura
water couisos , particularly the Missis
sippi and Missouri rivers.
Mr. Ringloton , of Illinois , opposed
the motion on similar grounds , sayinf
that ho thought the government had
no riqht to construct an artificu !
water course , but ho thought if quit <
proper that it should improve natural
water courses.
Messrs. March and Henderson
spoke briefly and pointedly in itf
favor , The motion was lost yeai
127 , mys GO , not two-thirds voting in
the affirmative.
The son a to bill appropriating $100-
000 to * roct a public building at Con
cord , N. H , , was passed.
The bill ( Minroprinting 8200,000 foi
a public building at Ponsacola , Fla. ,
WAS passed.
The bill appropriating $100,000 to
erect a public building at Marquottc ,
Mich. , was passed.
The bill to erect a public building
at Brooklyn , to cost not ever § 800 ,
000 , was taken up under suspension
ot rules and pasaod by 122 yeas to IS
Adjourned at 0:12 p. m.
National Awwcmtcd 1'rrm.
WASHINGTON , Juno 5. Trescot !
will bo oxamlnnd Thursday relative to
the Peruvian affairs.
Ex-Senator Harlan will probably be
a mombot of the Alabama claims com
The Farmers and Traders' national
bank of Coviugtnn , Xy. , capital $300-
000 , was authorized to commence
The president has signed the Geneve
award Sill.
Attorney General Browster was
present in court. Bliss begun the
second day's presentation of the a tat
route cases.
H. L. Shuofcld , of Chicago , was
before the Windom committee. Ho
know of no whisky legislation. A. 0.
Buoll , editor of The Washington
Oritio , was summoned to toll about
the bribery ho alleged in The Critic.
The president sent to the senate
to-day Secretary Frolinghyeon's last
instructions to Minister Lowell , on
May 8 , setting forth opinions field
hero respecting the traditional con
tinental policy of the United Status
and the Clayton-Buiwor treaty. The
papers refer to the increased defenses
and other necessities of the catml
across iho isthmus , but says there is
no necessary conflict between our po
litical claims in the matter and the
material interests of other nations.
The president considers it unneces
sary and unwise to guarantee neutral
ity of transit of the iithmns.and give all
navies a pretext for assembling in
contiguous water , and pocsibly in
volve the nation in ojnflicts that
might bo avoided. Ho thinks it con
flicts with the doctrine assorted
many years. The instruction aho
calls attention to the fact when the
Clayton-Bulwer tronty was concluded
it was thought the Nicaraugua canal , to
which the treUy had relation princi
pally , would bo promptly begun and
finished. Other nations were to be
come parties to the enterprise only
by invitation of both Great Britain
and the United S tat > a. The president
now regards tlio ; provision aa lapsed
by failure * to construct the cuml , to
which the troity referred and because
no joint protectorate for any canal is
requisite , Ho .thinks that somoiof
tHe treaty-provisions should bo re
tained , and hopes that Great Britain
will sooVrefoguize tho'identlty of her
interests , and ours , and meanwhile
fears no impairment of good feeling
on account of diversity of opinion ,
have been obtained thus far to a peti
tion to commute Guiteau'asentence to
confinement in a penal inaano asylum.
It is understood the motion to be
made by Reed before Judge Wyliu
will bo for relief from false record.
The ramor that Kelly's defeat to
day will precipitate his tariff bill on
the house notwithbtanding the tarifl
commission , ia not well founded. It
is well , known among members ol
the ways and insane committee that
there are too many atnpudmonte
talked of tq allow conaidoration of the
bill this sosaion.
National Associated Prow.
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , Juno 5 ,
The court in general term dented the
application to re-open the Guiteat
ciso on the ground that the court had
exhausted its powers in relation U
the caso. The cato has been fairh
tried. rr
Mrs. Dunmire , Guiteau'a ex-wifo
has telegraphed to Raod to apply tc
the president for commutation ol
Charles' sentence.
Fighting Merchant * .
National Associated iVcsa.
NEW YonK , Juno 5. Ono of thi
most exciting elections in the historj
of the Proauca Exchange ? was hold to
day. Tim struggle was between th <
regular and opposition parties , and ro
suited in favor of the latter , whr
elected Lyman R. ITolman by l,02i
votes to 670.
The corner stone of the now Pro
duce Exchange will bo laid to-morrow ,
Oration by Hon , Wm. M. Evarts.
Ohio Republicans
HitlOQiI Atuouiaica rtumi
COLUMIIU& , 0. , Juno 5. Quito i
number of delegates have arrived foi
the republican state convention ot
Wednesday. 0. A. Flookeniuger ii
hero with a strong following from De <
fiance county to make a fight for the
nomination as a member of the boarc
of public woiks.
Judge Haino ? , of Dayton , is here ,
and is not a candidate for supreme
court jungo , The contest lies between
twoen Judge Doyle , of Toledo , anc
John 8 , Brosoo , of Lancaster. Ne
opposition to ronominating Mr ,
Townsend for secretary of Btato hai
developed. The principal interest at
taches to the platform , as the Pond
law has boon declared unconstitu
Marine Intelligence ,
National Aiuocliled I'jess.
NEW YOHK , Juno 5. Arrived Thi
Arizpnia and Gallia from Liverpool
Lydian Monarch from London.
PLYMOUTH , Juno 5. Arrivad The
Leasing from Now York for Hamburg
LiVEarooL , June 5. Sailed Tin
Erin for Now York ; irrived , City o
Rome from New York.
QuEENflTowN , Juno 5. Sailnd-
On the 4th , the Abyainia and .Sorviai
for Now York.
A Dang of Train Robbers in
Texas Greeted with BnokBhot.
And the Foremost Falls in hie
Tracks -with Hla Oftrooas
Full of Holos.
Another Charity Hospital Brute
Run in , In Now York.
Texan Jayhnwlrers Palllne
miftcuonriy an Poaooatlo
TUttoaat Awoa to < l Prose.
NKW YORK , Juno 5. In the
ease of Bessie Slocuro , A BGVOP
year old girl , and others who
have recently died in the Unsectarian
Home , and asylum and sanitarium tor
children , and who , it ia alleged , died
through neglect , the coroner's jury
this evening rendered a verdict cen
suring W. H. lUlsoar , Booretary and
superintendent of the institution , for
not properly caring for the inmates.
Ralscar WAS committed in default of
85,000 bail to awaid the the action of
the grand jury.
WASHINGTON , Juno G. Henry L.
Alfred and \V. H. Robinson were ar
rested in Philadelphia and eight hun
dred counterfeit silver dollars found in
their possession ,
COLD WATER , Mich. , Juno G. After
an examination lasting nearly six
inontba , Horton J. Drake , ex-chtcf
engineer of the Coldwator fire depart
ment , was this morning remanded for
trial on the oharqo of arson.
LKwi.svii.tiK , Texas , Juno 5. An
attempt was made lost night to jay-
kuwk two rcflfootablo farmers , \Vhilo
returning homo from this place and
when in 'J imbor Crook bottom , six
or seven shots were tired. They re
cognized tho- * voice and drcas of
William McComb. The farmers came
to town this morning , filed complaint
against him , also Austin and Jlurdin ,
the latter boys. They proved an
alibi and were discharged. A strong
caao was made against McComb , Fer
guson and Ambrose Rudt. '
It was developed in the evidence
tint the same parties went to the cabin
of Perry Bclinc , a negro , shot , into
tho' cabin several times , forced themselves -
solves in and raped two negro women.
Mr. Gulledgo hearing the fuleilade ,
wont to the rescue. Hia tenants were
ridiculed , intimidated and forced to
treat Iho boys , who were well armed
w'ith'liquor and weapon * . The officers
arb in hot pursuit. ;
DKNTON , June G. About 'half-past
12 o'clock this morning four masked
men , having obstructed the track orf
the north-bound Missouri Pacific rail-
rtad , about a milo and a half north of
the depot , attempted to boatd the ex
press cir , but were greeted with a
load of buckshot from a gun in the
hands of Browuell , the messenger ,
whp followed up his success
by firing as they wont ever
the embankment. The tram mon
made an indlectual scaich for deader
or wounded , but this morning a negro
found the dead body of ono Shelton
in the woods near the scene of the
attempt with his pistol in his right
hand and his linger on the trigger.
The coronor'n verdict was rendered in
accordance with the facts , exculpating
Urownell. This afternoon ono Carter
was arrested , and turned state's evi
dence. The two others at largo have
small chances of escaping. Carter
just served a two year term for theft.
FRANKLIN , Juno G. To-day the
dead body of a man was found lying
in the woods near this placo. Upon
examination > it pro'ved to bo that of
Charles Travors , of Spartansburg ,
Crawford county , who claimed to bo a
United States detective , and who has
been in the city several days. _ Two
bullet holes were found iu his loft
breast , and by his side a Smith &
Wesson revolver with two empty
chambers. On his person were
found a number of letters , in
ono of which ho declared hie
intention to destroy himself.
Another gave directions as to how hia
property was to bo dispoitd of and tc
whom to telegraph , to whrn his body
was found , and a third was directed
to Miss Mary Whitting , of Goohran-
ton , to whom ho was to bo married
last Thursday , for which event the
wedding auppor had been prepared ,
gUcsts and minister had assembled ,
but Travers failed to come and wai
not heard of till the body was found
to-day. It is undoubtedly a case ol
TheDootor'i Conjrreu.
National Auoclated Iron.
Sr. PAUL , Minn , Juno 6' L rg (
numbers of physicians have arrived
from all sections of the country to at
tend the American Medical associa
tion which opens hero to-morrow
Two thousand persons , including al
least 1,000 * physicians , will be in at
tendance .
National Associated PICM.
WASHINGTON , Juno 0 , 1 a. m.
For the lake region , the upper Mis
Bissippi and Missouri valloyo , warmo :
and generally fair weather , eputhoasi
to. southwest winds , and falling bar
ometcr , preceded in the easterly nor
tion of the lake regions by rising bar
Oregon Election-
National Associated Picas
Ppin LAND , Juno 5. The oloctioi
of congressman , state legislature am
county ofliccs was held to-day. Tin
republican ticket is elected Ir thi
county with one or two exception , b ;
A considerable majority. The demo
crats expect to elect the governor and
supreme judgo. The legislature will
most certainly bo republican.
National Associated 1'rtn.
BesTOH , Mass. , Juno G. Bostons ,
10 { Ddtroits , 2.
NKW YORK. Juno G. Buffalo , 1 ;
Metropolitans , 2.
Sr. Louis , Juno G. The spring
meeting of the St. Louis Jockey club
began to-day.
First race , for all ages , milo and a
furlong , was won by BtncroU , John
Davis second ; time , 1:58 : ] .
The Missouri Derby , for three year
olds , milo and a half , was won by
Monogram , with Jennings second ;
time , 2:43. :
Third race , for all ages , milo heats ,
wns won by Bootjack , Dricand second
end in the first heat , and Rochester
second in the last heat ; time , 1:44 : k
1:1G :
Fourth * race , for all ages , throo-
of a milo , was won by Ascon-
cr , Blossom second ; time , 1:18 : $ .
NEW YonK , Juno G. First race , '
catch weights , ono milo , was won by
Miunio Fields , Marchioness second ;
time 1:47J. :
Second race for three year olds ,
seven furlongs , was won by Antrel ,
Co ) , Sellers second ; time 1:30 : | .
Third race , all ages , soiling allow
ances , seven furlongs , was won by
Odin , Linoh Pin second ; time 1:31J. :
Fourth race , all ago * , mtlo and a
lalf , was won by BaronLyou , Potomac
second ; time 2:43. :
Fifth racoj handicap for all ages ,
milo and a quarter over five hurdles ,
was won by Ohio Boy , Dalgasian second
end ; time 2:25. :
Fatal Cattle
National AaaocUtod Prooi
HOLLISTON , Mass. , Jujo G. The
mysterious ciltlo disease still defies
all efforts to effect _ its euro. It id
bought to bo brain disease. An au <
opsy will bo held to-morrow on dead
carcasses to find the cause if possible.
National Associated Press.
BOSTOK , Juno G. Prof. W. Frank
Stewart , mineralogist , died this morn-
ng of typhoid fever. _
A Girl Olroua-Rlder's Career.
New Y or * 1 rlhuno 1 nrls Letter.
Tno funeral of that ] charming cir
cus-rider , Emilio Loissot , was a
Parisian event. The poor girl had
eng inhabited the United States , and
lad the freedom of manner and self-
respect which so often distincuiih the
American young lady. She was on
lorsoback ono of the most graceful
creatures imaginable. The figure was
ithe , but without moagorness. Her
> OBOS in the saddle were simply oxquU-
tn , and they appeared 'unstudied.
Cho'features were elegantly formed ,
and the eyes expressed a bravo , kind
soul. Emilio Loisset was more popu-
ar than Sardi Earnhardt had ever
> ooa in Paris. Her less Buccess-
ul rivals in iho circus wera
> rought by her exceeding amiability
o pardon her public triumphs. She
did not aeem ever to excite jealousy. On
he days and nights omvhioh aho por-
'ormedthocircuawascrowdedwithfash '
enable people. There was no amount
of wealth that she might not have
) OS3083cd , had uho not been a strong-
willed , fjolf-rospootinc ; girl. She [ had
no carriage and used to walk from the
lippodrome to the Euo Oberkampf ,
where she had a small lodging on the
ifth floor. A number of aristocratic
and plutocratic admirers used to escort
cert her1 to the door , through
which none of them were al
lowed by her to pass. She
aspired to create for herself a happy
tiomo and to marry somebody whom
she could love and esteem. Her sis
ter , Clotido , is the morganatic wife of
the Prince do Reues , brother of the
Gorman ambassador at Constantinople
ple , and ia looked up to in her family
circle. The admiration of the Em
press Elizabeth for Emolio was in-
oroaeed by the fact that the charming
circus-rider spurned the address of the
crown prince of Austria.
In this domocratio ago few people
are aware of the grandeur to bo seen
In the homo of the chief ruler of the
nation. Crump showed mo Into the
etato dining room , as it is called.
This is the room in which the presi
dent entertains at table the distinguished -
guishod guesta. No matter whom it
may bo ho is entertaining , the presi
dent is always served first. Ho aits
at the center of onu side of the long
table , his wife , if ho bo married , di-
rootly opposite him. It sometimes
happens that the secretary of state
will bo seated in the chair usually as
signed to the president's wifo. After
the president has been served , white
house otiquet requires that the lady
sitting next the president on his
right and then the lady on his left
Lo served before any others.
Thou the president's wife is waited
Ho was very much in love with her
when she was in Germany a couple ol
years ago , and would Imvu forsnrorr
marriage if she would have consented
to bo his Dubarry. She did not like
the young man , and told him BO. The
empress , when she was bore , used
to make appointments to ride in the
Bois with Emilio. Her majoah
thought the oouyoro charming to loot
at , but wanting in firmness of hand
The horse which she rodn with imperial
porial Eli/iboth In the shaded alloy
of the Bois was the ono that ocsas
ioned her death by rolling ever on he
and driving the crutch of the saddl
into her sido. The august lad :
noticed the hurducss of the brute *
mouth and the teasing titid at the earn
time irrcsoluto way in which Einili
hold her bridle.
Emilio Loisset aimed at classics
purity of stjlo. There was ncthin
sensational in her manner. Her im
perial friend Elizabeth thought he
the most lady-like person she lu
seen in Paris , Her gestures wer
simple , her address amiable , and ther
was seriousness oven in her smiles
Members of the Jockey club spoke t
her hat in baud. Her death was entirely
tiroly duo to the hard mouth of he
torso. At a rohoanal the horsi
urned round , made for the stable
.nil , finding the door shut agains
ilm , reared up straight on. his him
ess. Balance was lost , the horsi
rolled oyor , and the crutch of the sad
lie smashed in the ribs upon thi
ungs and heart. Poor Emilio hac
ho courftgo in this slnto to walk tc
ho infirmaryand hen she was laker
tome , mount five flights of stain.
Dfttid Yfttcs left the city for Ilsckfonl ,
lllInoK yesterday morning.
Mr , John Uontty , Jr. . of Hcw.1 , Jones &
/o. , who has his licadqunrtcra At O lon ,
s in the city for brief stay. John la uni
of the very belt representatives Omnhi
ias in the great wot.
Mr. A. N , McDonald imd wife , o
Jubuque , Iowa , nro In the city and thi
; uoits ot A. L. Btranff. Mr. McDonuli
one of tlio largest manufacturers of Irot
and wood pumps In the west. Ho opcak
very hlfllily of Onmha.
Mr , L. P. Prayn , who h&s for the pi\
ivo years been with the Into well knowi
rra of It. 0 , Stcoll & Johnston , has ac
opted a position with the Mound Cit ;
IVnt & Color Co. , of St. Louie. It ! i
very flnttcr.'ng tribute to hU persona
worth nnil his many friend * will bo clad ti
mow that lili headquarters will contlmit
o bo In this city.
Prof. Arthur L. Wyrnan , of Wymftu'i
Commercial College la thli city , left foi
lie east Sunday , Ho goon firtt to St
< ouls and thence after a brief stay to Cln <
Innatl , to attend the mcellnjof tbo Bust-
tea Educators' Association of Amcricn ,
to will gj tiom that place to Clcrtland
nd Now York City and to his parent1
lomc , Lincoln Center , Maine , whore he
will pass the Bumrccr months , returning ID
Army Orders.
The following are the latest orders
ssuod from the headquarters of the
epurtmont of the Platte , Omaha ,
Tebraska :
Maj. Samuel N. Benjamin , assist-
nt adjutant-general , has been re
eved from duty at headquarter ? , do-
tartment of Arizona and ordered to
oliovo MAJ. Azor H. Nickorson , who
s ordered to headquarters , depart
ment ot Arizona ,
Maj. Andrew J. McGonniglo , quar-
ermaator , has boon announced at
hiof quartermaster , department oi
Assistant Surgeon II. I. Vickery ,
Oapt. Joseph Kulllo and First Lioutr ,
olin Scott and J.'J. O'Brien , Fourth
nfantry , have been detailed a board
f survey at Cheyenne , Wyoming , tc
oat the quality of Utah flour.
Assistant Surgeon William ll.Davic
lai been asiigned to duty at Fort Tot-
on , Dakota.
Maj. Edward G. Bush , Sixth In-
antry , has been assigned to duty al
fort Douglas , Utah.
The following order has boon pub
[ shod by direction of the secretary of
war.A "revolver pistol" will heroaftoi
orm part of . 'tho equipment of oaol
company sergeant of 'all ' arms of th >
; ho service. The pistols and the no
oassary ammunition and equipmom
hereof will l > j issued by the ordnance
iopartmont and accounted for by the
3inpnny commander ia the same man <
ler as ordnance stores.
The following transfers have baon
made :
Muj. Caleb B. Lay ton from the SCtli
0 the Gth infantry , and Mnj. John 0.
Jutea from the Gth to the 2Uth infunt-
y. Lieut. Gnl. Guido N. Ilgcs , IStl :
iifivnlry , has boon relieved from dutj
t Wrfshiiigton and ordered to his sta <
ion , Fort Assin&boino , Montana.
A board of survey , to consist ol
iTnjor James P. Martin , assistant ad-
utant general U.S.A. ; First Lieu
enanta Earl D. Thomao and Dm C ,
Cingraan , corps of engineers , U. S ,
A. , is appointed to meet at the aub <
istonco depot in this city , at 1C
o'clock a. in. , JunoG , 1882 , or as soot
hereafter as practicable , to examine
nto and report upon and fix tha ro
apnnsibility for the damaged eondi
ion of certain subsistence stores , , fo |
which Captain Thomas Wilson , is ac
Call For an Antl-Bionopoljr 'Con-
T ntloit < >
Wo , the undcroignod citizens o.
Tuniata , Adams county , Nebraska
ttvor the organization of a stati
unti-monopoly league , and horob ]
authorize the use ot our names for i
call for a meeting to bo held in Lin
coin for that purpose :
\V B Gushing S L Picard
j B Parlridgo A N Cole
3 N Crane James Newell
IW Liveringhouse A P Black
EMooro BF Hilton
11U Nolan Goo Walker
11 II Itartlo K E Adam
STwidalo V E Wilson
\V L Kilburn F M Anderson
W P Norria John T Hill
W H Burr W D fielding
Li B Thorno Gco T Brawn
A Antrom 8 L Brass
IH Newell W Q Bealo 1
W D Sowell A H Brown '
S IIClark G S Guild
EF Walker EM Allen
S 0 Angoll Gee W Carter
W Ackloy E W Morse
1 M Tapper A Borden
F W Eighmy N M Lloyd
D H Fleoinan Will U Paine
0 F Hogg
The ineotins for the formation of
state league will be hold at the Acai
omy of Music in Lincoln on Wednoi
day , Junu 21. 1882.
J. Uochslrasser and the Brunawk
and Balko billiard table company nor
no agents , repairers or peddlers 01
through the atato , and any ono wl
travels with such pretentious is
fraud , and persona will do well to 1
him alone. Any parties wishing an
thing done in this line should eond t
rcct to Brunswick and Balko Co. , G
South Tenth street , or to J , Hoc
strasier agent , Satisfaction guara
teed. may22-lm
Best Butter IGo per pound ,
Buffutt'i ,
The Sultan Uommanda and the
Rebels Hurry to Dboy ,
Preparations for War Cease
in Egypt and Peace
The Irish Coercion Bill Gees
Through the Commons at
Lightning Spood.
Pr paratloiu far tbo Cromixtion of
porto has sent a circular to the power
refusing the proposal tor a conference
to settle the Et > yptiau difllculty , and
stating that it felt quite confident of
being able to restore Egypt to her
normal state , and of being able to
surmount any difficulty , and therefore
could not share the views of the
powers as to the necessity of a con
LONDON , Juno G. In the house of
commons this afternoon , Sir Charles
Dilko , undoi foreign secretary , said
that the telegram to Ecu tor's an
nouncing that Lord Dufferin , British
ambassor to Oonstattinoplo , had tele
graphed that the postponement of the
conference was desirable , is entirely
without foundation. Mr. Dilko also
stated that the porto had not as yet
officially answered the invitation of
the powers to Iho proposed confer
LONDON , Juno C. In the housolof
commons last evening the first clause
of the bill for prevention of crime in
Ireland , including paragraphs which
make high treason , treason and felony
among cases to bo tried without jury ,
was passed by a vote of 227 to 39.
OAIIIO , Juno G. The sultan of Tur-
oy has warned the khedive and army
: adora that acts of violence may lead
o war with foreign powers , and prob-
bly the annexation of E ypt to con-
iguoua provinces under domination
f the Europcam powers.
In obedience to the orders of the
ultan , telegraphed to the khedive ,
Vrabi Boy has ordered stoppage of all
lilitnry preparations , including the
uilding of earth works at Alexandria.
ROUK , Juno 6. The body of Gen.
arabaldi has been embalmed but his
.inily insist on its cremation , as pro-
ided for in the general's will. Largo
rowds have congregated at Caprora
participate in the funeral obse-
uiaies , numbers of whom were un-
blo to obtain shelter and are rough-
ng it in the woods. Cremation will
: ako place on Wednesday : on which-
lay all shops , public * offlc08 ) ? ind'
ohools throughout Italy will bo
' .01 el.
Whfalir Straight or Croakea.
National ABSocIatod Press.
DOBUQUE , lown , Juno G. The cpn-
cst on the constitutional prohibition
.mondmont . is growing warmer every
'ay. Meetings on both sides are
eld daily throughout the state. The
iloction IB Juno 27.
A Fat Stiff.
'itlonnl Associated Press
MAOHIAR , Mo. , Juno G , Joel Bar
ry , n ed GO , the fattest man in Maine ,
" "oight 400 poundswos buried Satnr-
ay. The body had to bo moved out
iiroUgh a window by ton pill bearers.
Printing Bid * .
tlon l Ajoociato ; ! 1'rcm.
AnniHBURO , Pa. , Juno 6. The
ontract for printing the legislature
coords was awarded to-day to W. P.
Hastings , of Julfdrnon county , at
C GO per page. There wera five
thor bidders.
Unite A Workmen. .
iUoul Awoclktod frest.
OINOINNATI , June 6. The four-
oonth annual supreme session of the
Ancient order of United Workmen of
ho United States and Canada , con-
'ones at Melodian hall to-morrow for
light days session. Three hundred
nd nineteen new lodges were organ
zed last year.
The Nail Moil Oat ,
National Atsociatcd Pro is.
WAREIIAM , Mass. , Juno G The
nailers of the Warebaiu Nail Co. at
louth Waroham struck to-day for 10
per cent increase of wages , claiming
.hat the Somerset , Fall River , and
Old Colony companies pay more.
Btrlko Ended-
National Associated Proas.
EiSTON , Pa . Juno G , The Dela
ware rolling mill in PhilHpsburg , N.
J. , started up to-day with & full force.
It shut down three weeks ago owing
to the mon striking against monthly
pay day/ The proprietors discharged
and paid off all hands , giving uotico
that the mill would bo started on the
first Monday in June. Most of the
men are back , and the places of the
others are filled by new hands. In
two weeks improvements are to bo
completed , when ever 300 mon will
bo employed.
National Associated 1'rom
OUNTON , la. , Juno G. A Bkifl cap.
aized by striking the wheel of a ferry
boat at Lyons , and Charles Burg-
hardt , a pupil of Ifulton college , was
drowned ,
Frightful Wreck.
National AauocUUxl i'roaa.
ELPAfio , Tex. , June G. Night before
fore last a wreck occurred on the
Southern Pacific , near Tuma. The
bridge had caught fire and was de
stroyed. The passing train fas hurled ,
into the chaim below , killing the fire
man and destroying fourteen care.