Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 05, 1882, Image 8

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I'fcoao Article * RnnRo in Prlon from 810.0O to 820000 : , / * 1 „ *
Olive Spoons - in case
Cream Ladles "
Sugar Lifters "
Pickle Knife and Fork "
2 Sugar Spoons "
1 Preserve Spoon "
2 Preserve Spoons "
1 Berry Spoon "
Ice Croani Knife "
Pudding Knife
Pie Knife , engraved , "
1 doz. Coffee RIDOOUS , Kilt , "
1 doz. JBgg Spoons , gilt , in case
1 doz. Ice Cream Spoons "
1 doz. Nut Picks "
Soup Ladle "
Oyster Ladle "
Punch Ladle "
Salad Spoon and Fork "
Fish Knife and Fork , engraved , "
Soup and two tJravy "
Oyster and two Gravy in case
lee Cream Sets , plain , in case , 13 pcs.
lee Cream Sots , Gilt , " 15 ll
Flower Vases ,
Sugar Vases ,
Half doz. Tea Desert , or Table Spoons , plainer
or engraved , in case.
1 doz. Tea , Desert or Table Spoons , plain or
engraved , in caso.
Pr. of Salt Collars and Spoons , in caso.
Pr. of Poppers , in caso.
Pr. of Napkin Rings , in case ,
Mustard Pot ,
Bell and Ball Plato , in case.
Fruit Bowls-
Mustard and 2 Poppers , in case. , * . > *
Card Bnceivors- , . , „ . „ . . -
So arHolders. " ' '
Ash Beooivers. * .
Matoh Boxes , in case- l
Traveling Olfoks. ' .7
Marble rvnd Gilt Olooks.
Bronze Olooks. . ,
Half doz. Pearl Handle Kiitv'os , m case- . ; <
Une doz. Pearl Handle Knives , in case. > 7 *
AVc still conlinne our reduction on FINE GOLD WATCHES nnd DIAMONDS. Call and examine OUR STOCK after looking elsewhere. WE WILL NOT 13E UNDERSOLD. Our motto is , Quick sales and small profits. Head
quarters and General Western Agents for Centennial Watche ? , Illuminated Dial Wnlches , Ansonin Clocks , Sctli Thomas Clocks , Rogers and Gorham Silverware , Lyon & llealy's Musical Merchandise and Band Instruments.
Sold on monthly payments. Pianos and Organs tulicd and repaired. Sheet. Music 533J per cent , discount from regular prices. State agents for SaalfielcVs full size and popular music , fi cents per copy" Ten thousand copies just received.
Call and examine.
Monday Moraine1 , Jure 6.
Weather Report-
( The following ohsorratlonR nre token nl
thi Haroo moment ot time at nit the gta
tions named. )
DiTARruiLvr , U. S , EIO-UL SraTicn , 1
OMAHA , Juno 4. 1882. ft ; < S p. m.l I
Rlrcr 8 foot 2 Inches nboro high water mark a
Omaha and 8 foot 6 Inches nt Yankton.
- The city council will meet to-morrow
The board of education auceU to
Yesterday was a fine day , nnd there
was the usual rush to th park. t
Officer Donnhue in after property
owners who abut on filthy 7 Hey a.
General 0. F.Mandcrson , of this city ,
Is announced to deliver an oration at
.Alma July 4.
Oflicer Grady arrested John Peterson ,
of North Omaha , Saturday night lor try
ing to stab bis wife.
There were three Pullman loads out
yesterday noou on the U , 1 * , , the biggest
j-un in a long time.
A social party will take place at Ma-
nonlc hall to-morrow evening , at which
there will bo tableaux , Hinging , etc.
William P. Doolittle , the popular
Parnam street shirt manufacturer , has
removed to No. 210 North Sixteenth Bt.
A prisoner charged with robbing the
malls in , Knnsa n long time ago was
brought Iu by Deputy Marshal Crqw.
The special Pullman hotel car Ocean- !
ca , camoiin from the east yesterday morn
ing with a party who departed for Denver
last night ,
The regular meeting of the Social Art
club will be held on Tuesday , the Oth I nut. ,
at 3 p , in. , , at the house of Mm. Woodman ,
on Nineteenth street , next St , liarnabaa
Nebraska City and 1'remont were con
nected , by telephone yesterday for several
hours , while U. W. > > . Dorsey and Judge
JClnney i talked horse.
"Pnilence , " at the opera house tonight -
night , will draw o big crowd. It isn't
"Patl nce on a Monument , " bufkt is " 1'ft.
tlenco" that' Is a monument of succem.
The remains of young Philip Huhbard
were laid to rust forever ln Cassldy's cem
etery , At 2 p. m. services were held at
the cathedral. There was a very large nt.
tendance-of frieuv't.
Quite a large party ot Danes went to
rremont yesterday on a special train and
bad a grand gala day. A band accompa
nied them and attracted a good deal of at
tention by Us playlnsc AS they went down
to the depot ,
On Frldny the Tioll nwhiimlng
school wan formally opened. The propri
etors haye engaged n very &ne Bavarian
brass band , under the nble leadership o
Prof. John Herther , which \will pliy
every evening for ono week.
The city council has determined to
improve the condition of Bt , Mary's ave-
-uue at once , by widening the graJo am
filling up the holes. They have ordoret
X > 00 yards of dirt to be untd for this jvir
pose , and work will begin this morning
The special ofUcen car of the Central
Pacific , the "Sacramento , " passed through
in No. 4 yesterday , Mr. T. W. P rke ,
one of the directors of the Pacific Coast
Steamship Company , residing In Uenniug
ton , Vt. , with a young bride he had just
juari led on the Coast , were the paueu
Buffalo 1311) ) , who U vU1ttn In Den
ver , wet , at an early hour on Wednesday
morning , made ( ho victim of a burglar' *
playfulueee , nn'd now > ' urns the loss of
lila elegant gold watch and chain , diamond
mend * and other jewelry beside * ecvcral
jM-omUcory note * and $1BO in cash ,
Jf 0. Port has bwn Appointed deputy
tmyfll&fe' collector of Intwnal lovenue for
tb dipartmsBt aorth of the Platte.
UA } < * St. A. V , BalcoBibo h a been com.
HJWwd M ganger t ( lie Willow gprlngu
dJiifflery. The Jatwnal reveaue collec
tion o | KeWuka lor tbe lat eleven
inontlii amounted to 81,020,000 , which i
moro than WM over collected in any trcolv
Sergeant FInlcjof Ihc United State
niflnal cor pi , says tlio path of destruction
of American tornadoes has verged 1OS
foot in width. Thontorm cloud 'moves n
the rate of from twelve to nlxty mlles pa
hour , while the wind within the vorte :
BomotimOB reaches the tremendous voloslt ;
of 600 mllct , 3112 being the average.
Track on the Council Bluffs cxtonUoi
ot the Chicago , Milwaukee b 8t P&n
road hrw been laid as far ns the small etn
tion cf Bedhnm , half a dozen mllca he
ynnd Coon Hapldn. It in expected lha
the road will ho in operation to the tram
fer about the middle of July , but regulai
trains will uot ho pat on hoforo Septcm
Our reporter had the pleasure o
meeting Mr , George BuroH , who la It
town in tha interests of the Edison Mnnu
factoring Company. They hnvo catah
llshed an agency at Seward , thiH state , fo :
the sale of their famous Non-Kxploalvi
Preparation , which renders an explosioi
in n coal oil lamp im imposalhility. Uecr
of coal oil may congratulate thcmeelve
niptn absolute uafcty by wing this prepar
On June 1st Sir. Devollan and Mlm
Wilson were united in wedlock. Hov. K
13. Graham performing the ceremony ,
The wedding took place nt the bride'i
mother , Mra. U. Wilson's residence , 711
north Ninth street. Only relatives of the
interested particH were present. The
presents were both numerous nnd elegant
and the supper was everything that could
bo desired. The happy pair took the train
at 7:10 the gimo evening for Flattsinouth ,
their future home. 'Mr. Dovollan is in the
employ of the B. & M. K. It. , at thai
Key. J. W. Stewart , of the First M ,
. church , went to Fremont tc
attend quarterly meeting for Elder MAX-
field. His pulpit will bo supplied tomorrow
row morning by Itcv. Mr. Klcock , a Pres
byterian minister from Ohio , who is visit
ing hia ulster , Mrs. Maxficld.
Assistant General Manager Ivimbnll
iUtornoy 1'oppleton , General Passengoc
A.Rcnt Moore , A * octant General Freight
Agent Shelby , of the Union Pacific , and
1" . M. Morstnan , general Superintendent
of the Pacific express , leave this evening
for Denver on impertaut railroad busi
ness. They will be absent n week.
At a meeting of the citizens ot North
Omaha at No , 1 engine house on the even
ing of Juno 2d , to consider the question of
paving Sixteenth and Cuming streets , it
was unanimously agreed , after the question
oi issuing bonds was thoroughly discussed
by the .gentlemen present , that the propo
sition to vote $100,000 , to he expended in
three years for the purpose of paying ,
would bo right , and that Sixteenth and
Burning should bo included in the paving
Mr. Frank S. Smith having returned
From the east Is acti re again In the arrange'
incut of the grand concert to be given
about the middle of the month for the
tanefit of the Young Men's Christian
tisociatlau. The largo male chorus , num.
t > ering over eighty voices , will bo one of the
[ > e .t which lias over sung lu our city. Mr
D. E. Squires and Mrs. Henry IMabrool
iave consented to assist , and their name
x > the programme irlveii variety and insure *
i full liouwas well as a grand concert ,
A hard looking customer WAV nrrestei
OHt n'ght ' by OfHcers McCuuo and Cas
ierc , on Twelfth and Dongl&s steets , who
aught hm trying to force 'open the dooi
f private liouseH in that locRllty. He
lad about nineteen yard * of Cue ilres
oods hidden under hi * coat.
We wore tble morning shown one o
he finest medals ver seen in this city
t was manufactured for John Itueh , Uiq ,
y Mr. John Bauiuor , jeweller , and ia to
e given by the former , as a prize on com
lencement day ut Bt , Catherlne'u scad
my. The medal la of two kinds of gold
Ichly chased and bears on one side the
nscription ; ' 'St. Catherine's Academy ,
Imaha , Neb. , June , 18S2. " On the re-
erse were the wonla : ' 'Awarded > '
jr excellence in mathematics. " Tue
ifldal iiglven ai o priw thls.yeor by Hon.
olrii Jtuih , and will become the property
" tli9 winner , who need aiot , contest to rc-
ifn it. It is a beauty.
Millions of Hottlosof lr ,
Itcovcry < or Consumption , Coachu and
old * , UavO been 6'vcii n-ay iu. Trial
ottle uf tho'ttrgublie. Thlt eutrmoub
itlay would be disastrous tn the pro-
ietors , wvro it' uot for tlio rare nurita
la.eted by' his wonderful medicine. iQoll
0. V. Uootlmai.'a Drug Btorc. and tret
Trial Bottle fnc , .wdJttry for youwU/ ,
never falls to cure .
ado from the wild blowers of the
is the most fragrant of perfumes.
anufacturod by Jl. 13. Slavcn , Ban
ancisco. For aalo io Omaha by W.
Whitehouo and Koiinurd Uros. '
A Terrible Death Overbokeai
Poor Laborer ,
Tlio Caronnr'n Itiquont rr.A th
On Saturday evening a terrible ac
citlont occurred nuar Omaha Siding
a poin1 ; on the B. & M. road ttv
milca from the depot , v/here the eid
track atari : ) which cronaco lower Fai
nam ntrcot. The violim won Willinr
II. Ilecao , n man nbout thirty-oigh
yearn of age , and who resides wit !
his family , consisting of a wife am
two email children , in a little tent jus
opposite the fertilizing works nnd a
the junction of the switch with th >
main track.
Reese at ono time worked at thi
smelting works as a puddlor and then
became leaded nnd waa sick for aonu
time , losing his opoech , which ho wa
just beginningtorecoyor. JQoworl'oc
at the Omaha fertilizing works for
time but on Friday went to woik a
tlio barb wire works at the foot o
Dodpo street. Ho had boon there al
day Saturday nnd waa just returninc
homo in the evening when ho mot hi
death. Ho had taken the B. &
M. aide of the track , which is almos
an air line to his house , and nftor
stopping at JBoyd'a packing house
whore ho purchased a nicall amount o
moat , ho proceeded homeward , the
moat in his pocket and his dinno
pail in his hand.
A short time before , an enciiu
which does switching for thoB. &M.
A. & N. No. 53 , had run up towarc
Farnam street and came down righ
behind Reese , drawing ono car. Ther
were several men walking on th
track and all of them got off as th
locomotive approached except th
victim. The whiutlo and the boll boll
sounded a warning , but tlio man pait
no attention to them , nnd the crow
who were -watching him , saw
that ho would bo run dowr.
eo the engineer , John Cor , "throM
her over , " or in other worda reversal
tho.ongino. Ono of the crow was rid
ing on the front of the engine , whicl
had no pilot , but only a stop , saw the
coming danger and reaching out will
his arm endeavored to push Ilcese
who was at lr ot starting to leave tin
track , out of the way. Ho spramec
his hand badly , but did not aavo the
man , who fell across the rail and was
instantly run over by the front wheel
of the engine and his body severed in
twain nt the waist , the shreds of his
clothing alone holding the dismembered
bored parts together. The engine
stopped before the second whoe
struck him. Ho was completely dis
pmbonrollod and probably was killoc
Coroner Jacobs was notified by telephone -
ophono from Boyd's packing houso. A
Browd soon collected , and among them
tvas the wife of the unfortunate man ,
who had been informed if her hus
band's death1. After waiting for abou'l
i half tin hour the body was , in ac-
: ordanco with instructions from the
joroner removed to the freight depot
in Mason street. Here it was received
jy Coroner Jacobs , who , accompanied
jy THK BEE reporter , had driven
Jown in his wagon. As there was
lomo doubt ua to the identity of the
remains an engine was detailed to
sonvoy the oflicer nnd the reporter to
.ho tent at Omaha Siding , whore it
, Tas Bupposod his wife resided , which
mrmosition proved true.
Mrs. llceso was round with n couple
> f neighbors who had gene in to con-
lolo her and continued the report that
t waa her husband who was killed ,
[ iving the particulars of his business
is above and the address of his rola-
ives and Hera. Tha deceased has another
nether residing iu Johnstown , Pa. ,
ind a brother on the police force
here. His relatives are said to beery
ery well off. Mrs. Hooves has a
trothor Thomas D. llowlands , living
, bout live miles from Shelby , Iowa ,
nd telegrams were sent to both
ilacos by , the coroner Saturday night ,
'ho family was living in n state indi-
ativo of very limited means , the
ent being meai > erjy furnished and
poor protection from the
iclomonoy of the weather. Mrs ,
Eoeso is a large , and rather flno look-
ig woman and tha children , a liUio
oy of about seven and a little girl of
bout throa yoarc , were really boauti-
il , and evidently came ot goodotock ,
ho mother and little ones all bore a
lok of unusual intelligence nnd evi-
antly wore reduced to a level far be *
> w what the iormor had once enjoyed
id eomo words dropped by the widow
idicated that Uioro was some akolo >
ui in the closet by which they wore
paratod from Uiu family.
An inquest waa hold at Coroner
icobs' at 10 o'clock yesterday morn-
g , the crow of the "C3" being pros-
id testifying to tha facts a given
wvo. Tlio jury , ooueUtlng of Geo.
Medlock'M. Fairish , John Droxc !
0. S. Goodrich , James AVinship tin
Fill McShano , brought in a verdict o
accidental death nnd oxhoncratin
tlio company'o employes.
An answer to the telegram sent t
Johnstown was received during th
day saying to bury the remains here
After some consultation , the B. & M
rcprcsontativo offered to send th
body and the family ao far as Chicagi
free of charge , which would rcdur
the expenses of a metallic caoo nm
transportation of the body and fnmilj
to § 110. Thia waa telegraphed ti
Johnstown and an answer rocnlvci
last night , "Can't etand it. Bury tin
remains there and ncnd bill , " Thi
would indicate that the folka an
either not very well off or not auxiou
to have the family come to them , o\ \
the liberal offer of the B. & M. rnadt
the cost very low indeed ,
At Which n Bold Son of Mars Re
ooives a Lively Reception.
The other day quito a lively rackoi
occurred in a private- boarding house
on ono of our best streets , kept by t
highly respectable dressmaker.
One of the rooms occupied by ar
elderly gentleman was loft open , ai
usual , for the gentleman to entei
when ho came homo. During his absence
senco a soldier coolly walked into the
room , and the lady supposing that il
was the lodger did not trouble about
the matter.
Long after midnight the genuine
ledger arrived and found the door oi
his room bolted , ft ot wishing to aroust
the lady ho lifted the sash of ono ol
the windows and crept into the room ,
when , to hia great surprise , he discov
ered a soldier peacefully reclining on
the bed , Ho at once demanded an
explanation , and the soldier not being
able to give any the old gentleman
took a big heavy cane and admiuis-
tared a terrible thrashing on the sol-
dior. Ho chased him all over the
yard before the soldier could find n
moans of exit.
The gentleman sends a cordial invi
tation to the soldier to call again ,
when ho will bo received in the same
kindly spirit ,
No Mutter What Happens
You may ieat assured that yoir are safe in
I eing speedily cured by THOMAS'EtEcritia
OIL , in all cases of rheumatism , neuralgia ,
toothache , etc. One trial only is necessary
to prove its efficacy.
Important Glmngo in the Burllnuton
& Missouri Byetom.
The Denver connection will make
jomo important changes in the man-
igemont of the Burlington & Missouri
jystom in Nebraska , doing away
ivith the re-billing of freight hereto
fore done at Pacific Junction. This
, vill diminish its force of employes at
; hat point , obviating the delay of
iransferriug cars and freight. It will
ilso necessitate quite a new departure
ntho general management of business
it the headquarter ; ) in Omaha ; a great
leal of the work previously done hero
s to bo managed by the Chicago ,
Burlinnton & Quhicy proper at their
icadqunrtera in. Chicago.
Cbo Effect of Smull Pox Overcome.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , May 10,1881.
U. H. WAUNKU & Co. : flira Small
) ox left me with weakened kidneys ,
ind only your Safe Kidney and Liver
3uro gave mo permanent relief.
SurprJso Party ,
last Thursday evening was the
cation of a very pleasant surprise to
Jr. and Mrs. S. N. Mealio , at their
esidoncn on Hartley street. The
tarty was heartily welcomed by the
iharming daughter , Miss Lizzio Mea-
io. Tlio weather was all that any
lorson could ask for , and the strains
> f music could bo heard for blocks ,
nd Stoinhausor orchestra are noted
or their beautiful music , The light
antastic was kept tripping until a Boa-
enable hour , and after a bountiful
opast was served the party dispersed ,
fter a pleasant time , The ladies
rero elegantly dressed. Space will
iot permit a detailed list of these
iresont , but among thorn were Mrs.
. _
i T li r i. n Tt 11 i f * s *
oi ) , 0. Hussio , Clara JJrovni , F.
'Neil , P. Liddell , If. Irish. M. DOS-
lend , Me&tra. Goo. Flomnung , J. A.
'uttlo , 0. Will Baker. J. 0. Hearn ,
. P. Uay , J. O. Byrne , H. O , Berlin ,
. lloidmyer , Max Gladstone , 0.
lidgely , T , Feeuey , Win. Tomsett ,
. Atwoodnnd O. Thcis * .
Sotuo Information. Elicited a
the Board of Trade
Material Proposed , nnd
Snooosn Elso\liorc.
A Further Investigation Ordered B ;
the Meeting- .
A special mcotins ; of the board o
trade waa hold on Saturday evening
Prosidant U. 0. Clark in tlio chair.
The president called the meeting t
order , and said that this meeting wa
called nt the BUgqeotion of Mayo
Boyd , for the purpose of hearing a :
address from Mr. A. L. "Barber , o
Washington , D. 0. , on. the nubjecb o
Mr , Barber delivered a very in
tercsting and exhaustive address 01
paving , from which wo glvo the fol
lowing extracts : Ho Enid that thi
subject of paving had been discussci
in all ages , and the worl <
had not yet conic to any decidei
conclusion on this f.sub , j.ect. Ho wa
not going to 'troubfb' them about thi
various kinds of pavements in use bu
would confine himself briefly to tin
history of his compressed couoreto as
phalt , which has been laid with grea
success and has been found to posses1
advantages ever all other forms o
There is in Switzerland , in the central
tral portion of Europe , a rock whicl
upon analysis is found to contaii
about 90 per cent of limestone or cor
bonato of limo impregnated with i
black natural substance called bitu
men and also called asphalt. Thai
rock'waa quarried as men quarry othei
kinds of stone and was laid on the
sidewalks and paths in Switzerland.
It was found that after the stone
was broken up and laid down on the
sidewalks , in the heat of summer and
under the effect oi the trafllc that wae
upon it , the fragments united and the
Vr'J'olo surface became aa ono sheet ,
the bitumen that was in it acting as a
moans of joining or cementing the
various particles cogothor. This sug
gested to a Frenchman that it might
bo introduced successfully in largo
cities , and in 1854 for the first time
some of that natural rnck was brought
to Paris and laid in small quantities
in ono of the streets there , with sucl
very satisfactory results that in tha
ind following years moro of it wua
laid , until there is in Paris to-day a
least 000,000 square yards of it laic
There are several kinds of asphal
in use , the Ncuchatol Val do Tra
rcrs nnd Seyssoll , which are namoc
iftcr the places which produces them.
The advantages nf this asphalt wai
luch in Paris that it was introduced
in London in 18G9 , About that time
ill ever this country there was a craze
) n the subject of concrete pavements ,
which lasted n year or two following
: ho panic.
There came ever in the latter par !
> f 18(50 n Bolqian , who was a
ihcmist in his nwn country and
yho had been in Paris at .the
iino this natural rock was used. He
ound that the cost of paving brought
nto New York would bo 5 per tent
, t the minor , $5 for transporting it to
? aris , and $15 for transporting it
rom Paris to Now York , or about
> 25 per ton delivered at Now York ,
nd a still higher figure if delivered
nto interior cities. This brought the
Srico of the foundation to about $4 ,
5 , or $0 a uquaro yard ,
lie went to work and devised some-
lung that would bo equal to it , and ,
f possible , superior , and the result
ras the concrete ho was advocating.
In 1870 for the first time this
sphalt waa introduced into the city
f Now York. Sample blocks were
lid m various parts of the city nnd
hey are there to-day and in good
hapo and in excellent condition con-
idoring the crude primitive methods
hey had , and the limited amount of
nowlodgo which are noccssary in all
uch businesses. Certificates have
eon given by all the principal express
Dinpaniea bearing testimony that the
avement ia in their opinion vastly
uporior to any other ,
u 1875 it was laid in Philadelphia
om Walnut to Ohesnut stiootH. this
avomont is there to-day and is cor-
. ( led to by citizens , and was describ-
i as "a most rom ark able picoo of
averaent" in a loading" editorial in
'he ' Philadelphia Lodgor.
Washington prior to the war was ,
possible in a worse state than Oma-
a to-day , both in mud iu wet woath-
r , and dust iu dry weather. About
tia time there was a great hue and
y to bring the capital from Wash-
igton to St. Louis. Wo have turn-
1 what waa the wont paved city in
the states , inlo your beat paved oil
in this country , end home go BO far t
to say in the world.
With regard to price this pavemcr
with sis inch hydraulic concrete fout
dation , including grading withou
curbing , ho figured at from $2.75 t
$3.00 per square yard. Probabl
$2.75 , possibly less. It must bo n
membured that when the foundatio
is once laid il will bo there for a
Engineers In Washington figur
citrht cents per equaroyardpor anuur
for repairs.
Sonio very interesting question
wcro then put to Mr. Barbpr , wh
answered them very Hatisfictorily.
Mr. E. Kosowatcr niado a few re
marks on the subject.
lie mentioned the fact that ho ha
scon asphalt in 1851 in Prague. Thi
waa laid on a flat foundation in fron
of the. depot. Ho was a schoolboy a
the time , and ho observed it witl
curiosity and thought it was a singl
rock , and ho wondered how a rock o
such great dimensions could Ifav
been brought there. Ho learnt after
wards that it was asphalt.
Ho had aeon the Washinstou pave
mouts. Ho always thought ttio on ! ;
difficulty will bo to got some ono to d <
it just right.
' In reply to enquiries respecting thi
alipperinoss of this asphalt , it was neat
at all slippery of itself. Of coursi
in winter time if there ia ice on thi
pavompnt it would be slippery , bu
then it is the ice and not the pave
ment which ia objectionable.
Ptfvomonts of Paris and Londot
cost $1 per yard , and they make con
tracts for 17 years. For the firs
three yeara there ia no charge for rewiring
wiring , for the remaining fourteen
pears the company charges an Englist
shilling or 25 cents per annum.
The following rcsulution was pro
posed by the secretary and carricc
nem. con. :
Resolved , That the information
given by Mr. Barber on the nsphall
pavement has boon very satisfactory
ind wo would recommend a commit'
: oo of five bo appointed to further in
vestigate the subject ho has intro
duced in roferpnco to this particulai
pavement , which we doom of vast im
portance to our city interests.
The meeting then adjourned sine
Virtue Aoliuoiirlodyod.
Mrs. Ira Mulholland , AUmny , N. Y. .
vritea : ' 'For several year I luvo suffered
rom oft-recurring billiuuB headaches , dys-
icpsia , and complaints peculiar to my ECX.
3luce u ing your BuimocK BLOOD UITTEIW
I am entirely relieved. " Price $1,00.
Army Orders.
The following are the latest orders
issued from the headquarters of the
department of the Platte , Omaha ,
Nebraska :
Recruit Fred W.Woiglo , enlisted at
Fort D. A. Russell , Wy. , ia assigned
to Company I , Fourth infantry.
Leave of absence for fifteen dayH ,
to take effect on or about the llth in-
itant , ia granted Capt. William A.
Eldorkin , commissary of subsistence.
The commanding oflicer Fort D. A.
[ lusaoll , Wy. , will order Companies
B and I , Fourth infantry , at Fort
Utidger , Wy. , for duty in connection
vitli malung n road from the latter
) est to Fort Thornburg , Utah. The
luartormaster'a department will fur-
liah the necessary transportation.
The following letter is published
'or information of this command :
" \VAU DEI-AUTJIKNT , Adjutant Gen-
iral'a Ottlco , Washington , May 24 ,
.882 , The attention of the secretary
if war has been called to the moagro-
less of the information frequently
> resented in proceedings of boards of
urvpy , rendering them , in many cases ,
if little value in reaching ft decision
ipon the matter at issue ,
It too often appears that the facts
loveloped by tlio board are regarded
A for the information of the members
nly , and it seems to bo forgotten that
ho object of a board of survey is to
ocord the facts not only for its own
ise but for the information and guid-
nco of the commanding oflicer as well
a of the secretary of war ( see para-
raps 1410. 1411 and 141H of the
legulatious ) , by whom tho.procoed-
tigs may have been reviewed ,
The secretary of war desires that
lie foregoincr remarks bo comnumi-
atod to your command for the in-
Dnnution of boards of survey. K. C.
) rum , adjutant general. "
Profitable Patieuta ,
The most wonderful and marvelous
access in casea where persons are
ck or wasting away from a condition
f misorablenosF , that no ouo knows
hat ails them , ( profitable patients
> r doctors , ) is obtained by the use of
[ op Bitters , They begin to cure
om the first dose and keep it up un-
1 perfect health and strength is re
ared. Whoever is afilicted in this
ay need not suffer , when they can
it Hop Bitten. [ Cincinnati Star ,
A Boy'a Skull tTncturod by a Falling
Saturday seems to have been an un
lucky day , as there wcro two fatal ,
accidents within n few hours of each
other. The firafc of these was one
which happened at the headquarters
of the Linninger & Motcalf agricultu
ral implement warehouse , the old
brewery building , near the Willow-
Spring distillery. The proprietors
wcro making aomo changes about the
building , filling up what waa formerly
used as an ice house with debris ,
which was run into it from the bank
above through a long chute.
At the foot of this chute a
couple of bojs about 10 years
of ago wcro playinc. They wore Nola
Turtlcson and William Snyder , the
latter a son of Mr. William Snyder ,
who works in the blacksmith shop of
Simpson's carriage factory. These
boys had been around the premises
several times shooting at pigeons with
a sling shot. They had been ordered
away but persisted in coming around ,
and at the time of the accident young
Snyder was jumping from the chute
to the pile of rubbish which. drops
through from above. As ho was on
this dump -pile'a heavy load of
earth and rugs waa thrown - down
From above , flying through
the chute witL tremendous forco. One
itono struck young Snyder on the
back of the head. The boy ran out
crying loudly and waa mot by a work-
tuan from the distillery , wh * saw that \
liis head waa bleeding and inquired \ . I
what was the matter. The boy nn-
jwerod that the atone had fallen on his
dead and ho at once fell insensible to
the ground. Ho waa conveyed to his
homo on Sixth and Pcarca streets and
Drs. Darrow and Parker were called
in , who found upon examination that
a fracture about the aizo of
a half dollar had been made
by the rock. The boy died soon
aftsr the examination. Coroner Jacobs -
cobs waa notified , who repaired to the
house where a coroner's jury was em
panelled , and after hearing the testi
mony of several witnesses brought in
a verdict of accidental death in ac
cordance with the facts stated above.
Who Will bo HoryedUp for tha Grand
Jury to Deal Wltn To-day.
Judge Bonoko Saturday made
out transcripts for the various pris
oners who had been brought before
trim , and upon examination held them
under bail to wait the action of the
jrand jury Juno term cf the district
The following are the names of those
who will in accordancu with these
papers put 'in an appearance to *
lay to stand an examination : .
John Pierson , who ia charged with
grand larceny , the offense consisting
in the alleged robbery of a p : > cketbook
: ontaining $55 , which ho took from
i friend who was in an out-kouse.
John Day , acoused'of breaking into
.ho . house of Mrs. Leopor about 10
) 'clocka few mornings Ego , Ho was
: aught In the act , and some of the
itolen goods found upon hia person.
Henry Donohuo , charged with
) urelary of the residence of Hon. E.
J. Bartlott.
James Murphy and William Kirt-
nnd , charged with holding up and
ebbing Adolph Siofkin at the door of
us residence , near the Baptist church ,
'lie property taken consisted of a
ratch and chain and a small amount
f money.
Charles Finn , chrrgod with larceny
s bailee in stealing $1,300 from J ,
t. Manning & Co.
Sydney Smith , charged with embez-
lomont of $355 and of sowing ma-
liinea from Wheeler & Wilson corn-
any. Smith was their agent in this
lace for a long time , but was addicted
) drink and after sending one man to
10 state penitentiary finally skipped
ut himself , leaving his family and the
awing machine company both behind ,
lo waa arrested in Little Hock , Ark. ,
hero he was acting as agent
> r the same company , , and was
rought back to Omaha and lodged in
til , where ho awaits the charge of
io grand jury.
Charlea Dearborn charged with
ealing a valise and contents at the
. P. doput.
Oarr Kendall nn.d Mra , Finorty
largod the former with having stolen
quantity of valuable jewolory from
10 residence of Charles E. Albert on
10 morning of the 10th of May , and
10 latter being detained aa a witness
L the same caso. A portion of the
welry was found ou her person con-
: alod in her stocking , and was proved
i be given her by Kendall.