THE DAILY J3J4E : OMAHA MONDAY JUNE5 , 1882 3 IED & & OCX The Only Exclusive Wholesale Hardware House 108 AND 1 1 10 HARNEY STREET. OMAHA . HEB. CT. JT. sT & OO , WHOLESALE DRY GOODS , Boots and Shoes. OMAHA , NEB. O. X3XT DRUGS , PAINTS , OILS. Window and Plate Glass. < 3TAnyono contemplating buHiilng store , bank , or nnroticr fine front , " 111 find It t ) their ftJ- iTantagc to corrts end with uj before purchasing their 1'lato Glass. O. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA - - NEB. _ THE MOLINE STOVE ! Manufactured by They mnho a specialty of COOKING STOVES , and have this year plared In the market one of the JIOiT ECONOM C AND MysC SAI'ISKACTOIIY STOVES o\cr nmdo. They make both 1'laln and extension top , and guarantee all their goods. The agents for the company arc. PIEROY & BRADFORD , DEALBKS IN- J iSa J OJ ! S & ' & & < ! * ? lot kJft 3MC . / L. 3SJT " 2C1 S3 2 3 , GRATE S ; RANGES , STOVES , HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS , Etc. 1211 FARNAM STREET. OMAHA NEB. E Manufacturing Company , -MAKERS OF THE- Finest. Silver Plated Spoons and Forks. The only and/ / ! illiJtlonal Pi * * " at original firm of { I ia giving for In- Rogers Bros. utanco - alnglo All OUT Spoons , Forks and plated Bpoon a Knives plated triple thickness with the greatest plate nly on of caro. Each the B e o 11 o a lot bolng hang on a Bcale while whore expo d bolng plated , to wear , thereby insure a fall do * making a slnglo posit of nilvoron plated Spoon thorn. thorn.We wear aa long aa' We would call > a triple plated especial atten tion to oar sec- one , , Rival Orient- All 0 rden IJ the Wei ) ehc ul 1 bo Addressed to A. B. HUBERMANN , Wholesale Jewefer , OMAHA - - , NEB. BnsiitBss Directory. Abttrnct and Reel tiMte. JOIJM ti. McCAOUK , orroslta real OEca. W. It. BAUTLKTT S17 Sonth ISth Street. Architect * . A UKNDF.LPSO1IN , AUCniTKOTS Room II. Crcljhton Clock. A. T. TiAROB Jr. , Room t , Ctelthton Bloek. Doott nd Shoea. JAUKS D V1NE ft CO. , fine Boots and Bhoou , ARCKX ! u iom work on hind , corner llth ted lUmey. ( HOB. KUICKSOK , B. K. cor. Itth * nd DODRU * . JOHN FORTUNATUS , Hi 10th street , munntxtum to order good wet i > tilf price * . Batnlrlnc done. Ded Oprlngt. tARRIMRR UtnufRCturKr. 1E17 DonrlMnt. Dooka , flews * nd Otatlontry. J. I. mUKHAUF 1015 F mh m Street. Duttor and ERRI. rfcnihVNE k SCIinORDKR , the ol Jest a nd E. \t\at In Nehnx. < k cstAbllshoJ 1876 Om h , OKMIKAli RESTAURANT , MILS. A. RTAH , JJuthptjt Mrncr KSthund Uolird. Boat Board for tha lionty. B tsl ! ctlon GuarknleM ti all Hours. Board by ths Da ; , Week or Month. Qood Terms for Gutli rurnUhod Uooma Huppllod , Urrlaeea nnd Roaa Wagons. Vlt SN7DKHlltliand lUrnov Gtroeti. Olothlnz f , nAUKlS will pv hlghastCMu price for ecconi lend clothlnr. OornerjlOth und rtrnham. uewa on. JOIIN BAU1IEU 18U F mh m Btrool. . BrRTHOLU , RINCT and McUt. Lumber Llmo and Ooment. fOSTKR A QR\Y corner Bth and Douclw 8U Lninpa and Qlasiwure. / . BONNER 1E09 DoneUa Kt. Good Merchant tailors. G. A. WNDQUK3T , ) na ol oar most pcputir Merchant Tailors la re iOlTlng the latest dcslirns for Spring and Summer 3ondi tor gcntlomon a wear. Stylish , durable , tad prlcoo Ion u ever 21618tb bet. Doutr.ftFaru. Millinery. UR3. 0. A. RINGER , Wholeso ] nd RettU , F n- : y Goads In great variety , Zephyrs , Card Boards , Jojlcry , GIo\e , Ooreeta , Ac. Cheapest Ilouao In ihaWoit. FurcliMors save 80 per conl. Order 1v M ll. 116 Fifteenth Street. foundry. JOHN WKARNK ft SONS cor. l h A Jnekson sto flour and Feed. JHAnACITT MILLS , Sth and Fkrnbam Kit. , kua Bros , , proprietors. Drocero. C. BTEVHN8 , Slet between Cnrulnff and Itar f. A. UoSHANK , Corn. 23d and Cumin ? EtrocH. Mardwato , Iron and Uteel. OLAN & LANQWORTUT , WholoasJo , 110 an ? 112 ICth slroet A. HOLMES corno IWh and CallfornU. Harness , Qadcllct , &o. C. WKIBT 2013th St. bet Ftrn-MUrcev MOtOlM ANHELD HOUSE , Goo. CanOcld.Stb & F rnli rj ) ORAH UOUSC , F. U. Ciry , 013 Farnhira SI. BLAVEN'O 1IOTEL. P. Stavcn , 10th St. < onthcrn note ! Om. Ijamcl 9th &Loavonwortb ru i , Halntiand Olla. KUHN & CO. 'ttitn cat3 ! , Fins Vaao Ucods , Cor. Iblb And V. 3. WHnEHOU ? ! ! , Wholesale &RoUll , 10th Dt. 0. FIELD , 2022 24orkb Bide Cutnlug Street. PAHH. Druent. ! H h and Howard Streets. Dentists. 111. PAUL Williams Hl-ic'-i Cor. Itth A Dadco. ury uuooa rtcitiunu , Cite * JOHN 11. P. LKllilANH & CO. . ioif Tork Dry Uocdn Ht rc , IjlO tiid 1812 Faru- htm strcot d. 0. Knonnld Un boots and fhoea AFaclflc. rurulture. i F. GROSS , Now and Rescind Hand Furaltnro od Mtovco , 1111 Dc-mritji. Highest cub , price * 1J fcr second hnni rootig. CONKER 1C09 Dourl * at. Fine cooda * c. rcrco r ortt . OUAEA FENC1 ! CO. r T , FEIK36CC 1213 Harnoy Bl. , Improve id lea Boxes , Ircc ca Wood Fences , Odea Illnim. Coaalrt' Pin * and Wtlnnl. ROSEIJFKLD 10th Bt. . hd r r. & Hsi retora , Oantleld'a I'otent. 1th St. bet. Farn. & uizarx ana I7ZST h KUl'CCDKR , manufacturers ol nd Vi'holojilj Donltnt n Tobaccos , 1305 Douglas. V. F. LORENV5KN manufacturer IHOFarnbam Florist. A. Donsgbne , plants , cut Cowars , coeds , ocr/ncts etc. K. Vr" . cor. 10th and Douchs streets. GO To CRAIG'S Green Houss 17th end Webster ftrcct , for Plants , Bauijiicts , F.'oivcrs , Floral Designs , &c. Olvii tnauienn and tturveyora. ANDREW IIOSEWATER. Crolghton Block , Town Surveys , Grudo and Sewerage Syutimi EpoclaKy. Uori\inlsalon Mercnanu. JOHN G. WIL 118,1414 Dodjo Street. D B. IJKEilER. For details eo Urge advtrtlie- mcnt In Dally and WcckLr. Oornlca Worku. VTcetern Cornice Works , Manabctarors Iran Oornlco , Tin , Iron and Blato Rooainjr. Orders from any locality promptly executed In the bett manner. Factory and Office 1218 Ilarnoy St. C. SPEOHT , Proprietor. GalvanUod Iron Cornices , Window Caps , etc. , manufactured and put up In any pan of the country. T. SINIIOLD tie Thirteenth street Crockery. J. BONNEK 1809 DoaxUa street. Good Una. Clothing and Furnishing Clocx . QEO. n. PETERSON. Also Hata , Caps , Boots , Bhooa Notions and Cutlery. 804 S. 10th stroet. Bhow Oaao Manufactory. ) O. f. WILDE , Mauntacturer and Dealer In all kinds of Bhow Cases , Upright Cisco , ft.1817 Cus St. FRANK L. GKRIIARD , proprietor Omaha Bhow Case manufactory , 818 South ICth street , between Leavenn'oilh and llarcy. All goods warranted first-Clara. ovco cna inware. A. BURSIESTER , Dealer In Stoves and Tinware , and Manufacturer of Tin Roofs and all kinds of Building Work , Odd Follows'Block. J. BONNER. 1E09 Donelas Bt oed and Cheap , Qeeds. J. EVANS , WholoMkle and Retail Seed Drills and Cultivator ] OddFcllora HalLi Phyclclana and Qt/raeont. W. D. GIBBS , M. D. , Room No i , Oielghton Block , loth Street. P. 8. LE1SKNR1NG , a. D. Jlasonlo Block. C. L. 1IART , M. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. postofflce DR. 1.1 > . GRADDY , Ocnllst and Aurlst. B. W 15th and Farnham BU Photograpners. GEO. HEra , PROP. Grand Central Gallery , 12 Sixteenth Street. QMI Uasonlo Hall. Ftrst-cUsj Work and Prompt- nam fruarantcen PlumblnK , Uaa end Oleum Fitting ; . P. W. TAUPY & CO. , 21012 St. , bet. Farnham tnd Dou-jUo - , Work promp y attended to. D. FITZPATRIOK , L.ouelas Btrool. ( tlntlnc an apar A. KOSTKRS , 111 Oodxo Street. 6hoa Ctorcs. Phillip Lan ISM Farnham tt lic 18th & Hlb. Second Hand dtore. PERKINS & LEAR , KID DouiflosBt. New and Second Hand Furniture. Housu Furnishing Goods , fcc. . booifht and told on narrow morrlna. UndenaKara. " OIIA8. KIEWE. IQlit Farnbaia bet. 10th A lltd. 00 Cent Otoret. P. 0. BACKUIJ Frrnham St. , Ftncy QooJi Ualoons. HENRV IfAUFMANN , la tna new brick block on Douglas Street , bai Jut opined a moat vlcgant Ueej Uall. Hot Lunch from 10 to li every day. " CkltdoaU " / . FALCONER 07818th BUael , AKGHIBALD'S ' LETTER. ( Continual from Strtntti Pige. ) board Home Indorsement of h'i ' conduct am otlior dcTlcrt , lie winrcytd tlioMme In th Into only when Ilio latter w s nlwiito InM tulsiirocwdlngi to condemn the land M j > n Tldw by law UpimJ of ? 30,000 could hat Itcn drawn from four to ilx tricks ago ll tl title to tills tract routd liaro licen procure. from Dr. A Tlie children nccdcil It and nine Tolunlile time Im l > c n lo t by Ms unwnrrint blc conduct In thli rcipoct. A bmer statement never cminntcd from tbo britln of man. I not only did not M for Any endorsement from tbo board -th two old members having nlreiuiy endorsee me officially M fnl y M oven the most con ceited person could desire and the tendc of the deed to the ' . nd without l > refit w in the hands of the president before tb board mot. My letter to the board i to \ona \ to insert here , As to the charge thn my IioMlnfj the laud delayed the .drnwiu of the appropriation I pronounce us talc as the other. The board Itad to nppro\ the purchase , and aa soon as it met promptly turned over my tract of fou acre ; , and no valuable time was lost. 11 saya I prevented the drawing of 39lX from four MX weeks. The fnct is tuat al the money that could be drawn this y < nr except $11,425 had already been drn vn. Dutinij the time since thu tint niccttnir of the board , when I wns first removed , Imvo been diligently cmploj cd in putting the turns ? to order for othora to tccupy Noonoca : , Irtitlifully fay that ono duty wnsthirktd , nor that mytclf and wife re laxed in the least our lnt < rest in the \ve ! f to of the Institution , which to n Rrcn extent wns ottr own creation , and u work to which we Imvo given every energy , I being to us a work of love , pride and am billon. There ia so much that is Inconsistent am reckless in Mr > Hull's letter that space cannot heio bo taken to show them up i tluir true light , but In the invcst' lei which I have demanded of the governor , : liopo to "tear oiF the mack" and nhow to Llio stnte , nnd to the jmrtntj uf the in males , the treachery , hypocrncy ant malcvolenca o ( the two or thrco men who tiave relentlessly pursued mo during the iast two or three year * of my connection with a work In which I bellevo 1 have Jeon faithful and tiuo to every interest. J lave btcn lend to believe that I was true , > om tlio cordial words of approval given no by every trustee with whom I have loeo actively astoo' every legislative Isltlng committee , and iy the parents ol ho unfortunates. The hostility to mo in Greenwood grew ntirely out of the following paragraph rom my second biennial report : 1'roipcctlvo of the futurn ilcinnntla of tills nstltutlon , say IHlcen nr twcnij' years hence , n a growing Mate Ilto low * , with Us i > Idlv ncrenslng imputation , we xhould nso the great- st caution ntul Judgment In our plnni for ocurlng Innda m u loratlncbulldlnga lora iicr- nanent Institution tint wl 1 proro n credit to our communwcnltli and urcuro to all its iiooplo lie greatest good for which It la designed , ntul mlcss jiiillclousnctiiii la token In lhc 0iartlcti- | ( rsmiwnt the beginning , wo , nnd iliceo who lull au"cwl UK shall crtir labor under embar- ossmcuU nnd dltlicultlcs of the gravest clmrnc- er. WcJccm , then , tlmtulentr of good tllla- bio land , with good water supply casyot drain. ge , and so located IM to IHJ most clglblft nud convenient lo tlio greatest number ol Its pnlrons , nrc thu most Important matter * to lie nken Into consldcrn'lon In the permanent ocatlou of mi Institution ol this Llnd. " This was construed into A demand for removal , as all Glemvo ( d know that the irescnt pito filled mme of these require- ncnts. I copied the above iu my third liennial report , followed by theeo com ments : If there Is anything In the aboru which dots iijustlco to cither the ( iiuto which 1 hate Lie rcsponsiblly in repicscnt In Iowa , or to tlio itliens of tlie state or nny roctlon cf tlic state , shall probably cnntlntio to prove inyuplf un < ust. 1 licllove that mv position as there dc < in oil will stand the tcs.t of time , nud as to rhat Sections ot the state will ( ill tno Condi. Ions Intimated , the pcoblc of 1 wu is reprc- cuicd In tlic Irglsliiturc nro tlio judges , nnd II tjtould ba tlio will of your lion rnbloboily or our niicecsinri tocontlnuo mo any longer In lie work to which I lm\e devoted Hie last , six cars , I nm euio joucan depend upun 11 hearty ndciivor to build upon tlio bite provided by lie general assembly , nnd In nccordnnco with tswlshis nseiprcsseJ by you , nil Institution s perfect in the ndaptallon of Its means to the iius to bo accomplished as In my power BO odo. To sustain the assertion that the rc < inoval feeling was back of all the bitter. nesa recently expressed against mo I wish iO in. ho a few quotation from the letter f a well-known Iowa divine : . I know you love suflVred great lujus ice , nnd I know the reason of U. Two years iKo there was n muttering "Vesuvlous wnn ilfslng" and not a word was said against you , xccpt you favored removal. I often spoke of our eminent fitness , was always met with : Yes , lint the people Imvo deep fooling , etc. " The butcher , tlio baker , nnd tno candle-slick unkcr wrro nllvu to the consideration Unit cur grott Influence might some day remove he institution , thus ulfcct their nix-penny radu. JJc'liiBllicronfalnU'tbtimmerl pie.icli nd my proposition was "Tho power of chrls * unity is measured by the Interest the strong akoin ilio elevation of the neak , " I t > potent ! , iiigth of you aril your work. } obscrvml , on iu part 01 HOIUO that nuythlng which was cnl ui&tcd tonld youiircslubllch your well-earned eputution wna oUonsivo to them. The bitter- caa was hhecr malice. They would lob you F your just dues It opjircsscd mu caustd iu n sleeplcks night. Injustice Mingn ina-I usntiing. I could not-si e nnd know , but I : ouliHecl and bode a cruclllxlon Itliasconm. > ut there will bt n resurecilon- They coulu tot keep lilm In the grave , but Ilciod and Halo rotted theio Ithalsoto. He who orks for Uotl nnd good mint feel the thorns nd spear. . . . You Hpoko and n-tid as you aw hiinout , Iruo to your purpo.'c ; craving Ilie icit InteresiR of the Important Institution rider your hand , count UK I lie farlliinin'rulllD ' f the six-penny man as a nothing , as torn. mred to the succois ol ho great n work us ) on wore engaged in I have honored i on and our helpers , especially your wife , nliuo the ay I witnessed your devotion to your work , ind your and deep reasoning ( oncuiulug . I baiono natlcnca with the unwlhdniii itlirr the malice that lias Intcrrnptid your rcgicB Would that I had the power to i < ln the Inmne Instruments of your mnovnl. 'our rciuovnl In n calamity to the common- ealth. God's mill grinds glow but small , and mint needs Krlncl email to touch unil crush iecxfcrnbl llttlrnoi that IJBI been { iillty of uU crime ngHlnat bumaolty. The abnvo letter is from the pen of one I Icnva'd unlit eminent presolur- , who fcela that n fclx-j-enny trade isnf more ccotint to thnno who pursue inn , than M he work of elevntiii ! , ' to usefulness and apine3i ) < an unfortnnuto class of chiliiren. 'hat J have been devoted to my w rk and ucceedo i In n great moaimre in carrj-Ing ut to the fullest extent the idc&H of thu aw creating the in-titution. I need only ) fer to thu parent and to the children libiiiEBlvoi' , O. W. Aiii'niii.u.i ) . A. BantiRt Mlulntor's Exporlouoc. I am n Haptlttt minister , ami before I vcr thought ot being n clvrgjman , I raduatodin medicine , but left a lucrative iractioo fur y present profcesion , 40 rears ago. I was for many yearn n snf- ererfrom rjuitwy ; TJiomiu' Eclectic Oil ur < d me. " I was alio troubled with loarseneB ? , and Thomas' Kclectlc Oil ul- ways relieved mo. My wife an.l child hod iphthmh , anil "Thomas' Kclectio Oil ured them , " and if taken In time will ure seven tlmen in ten. I am confident t la a euro for the moot obstinate cold | or ough , and if ony one will take a small easpoon and half fill it with the Oil , and hen place the end of the spoon in one icsti u and draw the Oil out uf the spoon nlo the head by unuflint' aa hard an they * they can , until thu Oil fall * into the iroat , and practice that twice a week , I on t care how offensive their head may > e , It will clean it out and euro the catarrh , 1 or deafnesd and earache it has donei won CM to mv certain knowledge , It h tha uiediclnu dubbed patent ii.edtclne mt I evur felt like recommending , and I in very anxious to ECO It In every place , or 1 tell you tbat I would not be without t In my liouso for uny ccmu ( erati n. I m now hulferlm ? with u pain like Hhuitna- am in my rluht liiub. nnd jiothlog reeves - eves mo iike Tlwmas' J > I rtrlo Oil , . UK. K. V , t IM.VK , Cnrrj" . I'fl. " Auentu for th LlfoTimin * nd IVoaoljoroua Written | , y hj only lift autlioilioi by bet , and whch ! will ot be ' 'Bipod and Thunder" .tory , s'.ch al Jiaj won mil Hill b pubiljUcd , but JltwUlo by ns only P rson ho la 1 .1 p-j oi .loa of the /acts -a lal hul ( and devoted wife. Tiutli li rnort ntcrertm/ than uotlou. Acont * should apply r territory at ono. Band 75 ct . for 0 m. J-H.01iaiabcr &Oo. , rcm CHICAGO , PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE , DETROIT , NIAGARA PALLS , NEWYORK.BOSTON . , And all Poluti En t and outh-Eaat TIlUUNKCOMl'lUSKa Kc rly 4,000 miles. Solid Smooth Steel Trackl All connections nro uiado In UNION DhPOTS. It hu n National Hcimtatlon bcln ? tha Great Through.Oar Line , and Is universally conceded to bo the FINE8T EQUIPPED Rail road In the world for all classes ul travel. Try II and you will Hnd traveling a Inxurj Instead ol n discomfort. Through Tickets via this Celebrated Line lor stJo &t nil olllccs In tha West. All Infoimatlon about lutes of Faro , Sleeping Car Accommodations , Time Tables , Ac. , will be cheerfully Riven by npplylnln ? to T. J. POTTER , 2d Vlce-l'ros't & Gen. Mi PERCIVAL LOWELU Gen , Passonijor Act. Chicago W. J. DAVUNPOUT , Ucn Aront , Conncll Bluffs. II , I' . DUELL , Ticket morn-ed ly (880. ( SHORTJJNE. 8880. KANSAS CITY , SUoeft Council Bluffis u rus CHIT Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND Tim EAST From Omaha and the West. All trains leave 11. & M. Depot , Omaha : Neb. io chacga of can between OinMift and ni. uid bat one between OilAJIA nnd NEW YORK. . Dai I y PassengerTrai na AND WKSTEKN OUAROEH and IN ADVANCE of KIIi OTIIHK LIHKH Ibli entire llnci la ciuippod | with allmaa i 'nUca Wcoplcg tote , Day Co-vJiw , Mlllor'i Motr Vlattorm and Coupler , vnd the ccleD ttV vrcfttfaKkoiui Alr-br ke. ISTXct thit jcur ticket rends VIA rvAHBAt ciiir , ST. jossi'ir & COUNOIL BLUI-KU IPJ.II. Old , \la St. Joseph And St. Loull" . Tlchcts lor ula at all coupou ctatlang In Ihr Vosi. J. F. UAttIAUPv a DAWK3 , Oar. 3upt. , St. Jowmh , Mo A Qau. Tan. mid I'.ckel ARt , Kt. .Tonci > li , If 0. AMDV Jioaoxt , Tldcot Agent , 10i0 ! Ftruliam c'rcel. W.'J.DAVKNroiiT , General Aircat , OMAHA. 15E West for bclnr ; the ino8tfl.Jrijt ! ; , quiches } , aa ufast line connecting the I'.ctroroIIs , 013J OAfiO , tnd lljo EASTBBH , If omn-XifrrKiuT. 131 ud KOOTII-EJJSTUIK Liir-0 , which tcnnlnatcthoM With 1TJWBA3 Km , r.EAVBXWOlMTJ , ATCHItOH OouKciti BMTTFS nud Oautt , too OCMMSEMJU OcircEij from which relate . EVEHY LIMB OF RSAD but pcnstntc.1 the Continent tram tha lllixoni ll'.vcj to the I'tclSo Ulupa. Tlia OHIOAGO ROOK ISLAND & PA- ama BAILWAY [ 8 the cnly Una from Chicago owning track In Knnaas , or which , by Itn own rend , roachca tb rwlntu iilxtre named. No TciKjrxaa iir CAimiAai Ho UU8IKQ oo3moiiOK I Jfo huddling In 11) ) rcntllatod or unclean cin , an every pa Lonsoi arricd In roomy , clean and rcutualod ccuclid upon Foot KIIIICCB Train ] DAY GJUUI or unrivaled magnlflcencR. PULUMI I'Aiaca BLBIUKO Cwn , acd ourcwuwoJicMamotu DraiMa CADS , upon wlilch mcnlo are etrvrd of on mrp&tBod excouonco , at the low rate cl Qavwirr FINS Curra , with ample time for hoaltkfu anjoymcnt. Itiroush Can between Chicago , Peorla , mukce and Ilbnonrl Hlver FolnU : and cloja con nectlona at all polnta cl Intersection with olhei roads , Wo ticket ( do not forget this ) directly to evoi ) place of Importance In Kanjog , Uebronka , BU-l Ullla , Wyoming , uiau. Idaho , Nevada , Callforc.a , regon , Washington Territory , Colorado , ArUont nd New Mexico. Asll beral arraDgoiconts refinline btr Kii at toy other line , and ratal of faru olviaya aM ow ai competitors , who turnlih but a tithe o we com ort DOKS end Ucklo of rportsmen frrxi. Xieikets , maps ami folders at all prlndp * Hoes In tbo'Onltod Utatcg aud VtncA * . H. 11. OADLK , 1 ! . fIT. JOHN , IceProa't&Ccn. Gun. Tkt nndfii'ii'r Aj LIftnncrnr. Thlcuro Sioux UiDy & THB-BIOUX CITY KOUTB Ituii9 a KoIM Tralo Ihrou h from Council Blufls to St. Paul Without Change Time , Only 17 Houru II l -i 3LC2 C& U1L 3 THK EIIOHTKOT 110UIR KEOII COUNCIL BLUFFS 0 BT. PAUL. ilDJNKAl'OLUl DULUTJ ! OH 13I811AROX ndall polulj In Northern Io w , tllnnMvU and ) kot . This line It oqulpjwil wWi thu Irayrovcd roitlDghouu Automatla Alr-truko aud tlillt 'latfonu Coupler and Uuflcri and ( or HPKEI ) . HAFLTY AHB OOUrOUT U nnsurpasDed. Pullmaa i'&lacu UlccploK Oai run through WITHOUT UIIANOR botwwn Uau llCHyand Et. 1'aul , tla Council Blufli and loux Ulty. Traloa leave Union Padflo Transfer at Conb- 1 Dlufft , at 7:25 : p. m. dally on arrival of Kaniat : lty. Bt Jofcph and Council llluflo train from ho South. Arriving at flloux City 11:35 p. m.i ud at tha Ktw Union Depot at tit. Paul at MM oo n. n.m nouna ui ADVAIIOK o ? ANyoTHEi ; , COUTK. jfarUcmomLcr In taking the Bloux City Ilontt 'ougetuThrougU Tifclu. The BUortcnt Line , 19 Qulclu-ct Tlma tnj b CcmloiUllu Ud ! In tht trough Cart between couHcin nMJKjra AND MVt'Aur , . fiTUto that your "HcUtta ri ) d via tUo "Klout Ity and J'wldci lUUroiJ ' / B. WAl'lIiKS , J.R. nUOUAlUN BupcrlntcnUci.t. Qun'1 pis. ) . Ai'oa * . Pig. UOBlKliOW , Aw'l Uon'l I'aJ3. Ag1 ! . , Mlewjurl Volley , Iowa \f , K. DAVIS , SoathwcttcniAi'cnt , _ _ Pound UluO' ! I v " aEETTE6BB P's" EUROPEAN HOTEL , Corner t'ourtli anil Locust Btroots. JH. HURST , . . Prop. Rooms , 76o , $1 , and ? lCO Pnr Day Ainleput Itoitiuiant ll concreted with thl " * rC1U " Open y And ulght. . m-10C i _ BIREGTOBV OF LEADING WESTERN HOTEL- HOTELS. TOWXf ARLINQTON. J. 0. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Neb , OARATOGA HOTEL , J. 8. STELLlNlUa , Mllford , Neb.B MAHSH HOUSE , E. MANS , BROWNSVILLE , N b COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , Btromtburg Ne HALL HOUOE , A. w. HALL Loultvllle CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Blitlr , Neb. COMMERCIAL NOTE. , J. 0. MEAD , Nellfth , Neb. GRAND CENTRAL . | 8EYMOUR , Nabraika City , Neb MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP , WeeplngWaterN COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. OAARPER , Hardy , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE , W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb ) COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. STOREY. Olarlnda , low * END'S HOTEL , E. L. ENO , Eremont , Neb EXCHANGE HOTEL , 0. D , HACKNEY , Athland , Neb tJr METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVELL , Atklnion , Neb. MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. GRUBD , Guide Recd , Neb. SUMMIT HOUSE , 8WAN & DECKER , Oretton , la. HOUSTON HOUSE , GEO.OALPH , Extra , In. REYNOLDS HOUSE , O.M.REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUOE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. BURGESS , Neola , la. CITY HOTEL , Dl A. WILLIAMS , Harlan , la , PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMINQS , , Corning , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , J.IU AVERY , C tan ton , MERCHANTS HOI EL J , W. BOULWARE , Burlington Junction , M COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Blanchard , la. PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Shenandoah , la , COMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , Dayld Oily , Neb OAGNELL HOUSE , OHAS. BAGNELL , College Springs , la. , - OOMMEROIAL HOUSE , rVM. LUTTON , ' Vlllltca , la. f JUDKINS HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , I * . DALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Grove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE B , F. STEARNS , Odobolt , la WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Otccoln , Neb. DOUGLAS HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Clark * . Neb. , BEDFORD HOUSE J. T. QBEEN , Bedford In. a , ARLINGTON HOUSE , J. M. BLACK & SON , Marytvlllo Ma NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A. T. POTTER , Norfolk Junction Neb i ivj WINSLOW HOUSE 0. MoOARTY , 8oward Neb , AURORA HOUSE M. B. JONES , AuroarN < n. CROZIER HOUSE O. R. OROZIER , Sidney , Neb. AVOOA EATING HOUSE D. W. ROCKHOLD , AvocA-ln. CENTRAL HOUSE LOOKWOOD & 8HATTUOK. Red Oak. IVrnTT'KSr11 A UN " "T" I J AND Mining and Milling Company. Working Capital l - , CaplUlSiock , 81,000,000 Par Value ot tiharci , (25,000 , STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BRAMBL MINING DISTRICT. Dlt. J. I. T11OMAB , President , Cummliis , Wyoming. Wit K. TILTON , Vlco-Prcsldout , Cummlni , Wyoming E. N. UAIUVOOD , BocrctKry , Cnmmlns , Wyoming. t A. 0. LUNN , Trooourer , Cummlni , Wyomtn , 5r. J. I. Thomas. Louis Miller W. S. llrnrucl. A. Cl. Dunn. E. N. Uarwood. Francis Lciivcns. Oca , II. Fftloj. Lewll Kolunn. Dr. J. C. WatUlnt. oo39mnCm PRO. W.KKKHAU. . Anther d Agent for Sale nf Btook ! T ' " o . . . . v SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK ft\ \ CLOTHING "M ? fleafly for ImpBotioni AT POLA'CK'S Tie Lowest Prices Guaranteed. 1316 Fornam Street , Near 14th. ANGELL & JBOWEN , . JEWELERS AND MUSIC DEALERS ! Watches , Diamonds and Jewelry. of the very ] afojt ; desijus. Silverware , genuine ttogot Bros , Goods. GOLD AWD SILVER HEAD > 4 ) OAJiTEB , the Largoht ctook in the City , A1// ; PIANOS AND ORGAN S , Wo baiidlo the best manufaotured , find will not bo < undersold. 8HELT MTJSIO AWD MD IO BOOp , / Musical Goods of all kinds , Hemombor our Prices ara Lower than the Lowest , / / Manufactuiing and Repairing a Specialtjr. ' AKGELL ! & BOWE , OPERA HOUSE BLOCK , ujtat HAS THE BEST STOOK IN OMAHA AND MAKES THE LOWEST PRIOE The only Furniture House in Omaha that does not deal . in Second-Hand Uoods , joti'wi' f SR "sm/ ff&fffwt"wwtt'0witv CHARLES SHIV.lllIOK. ft t tutf l a uf tuuitJi ) Window Shades , Cornices , Curtain Poles , Lambrequins , Office Desks and Everything - thing Pertaining to the Furniture , * . $ fl and Upholstery Trade , i < t s a CHAS. iSIJIVERIGK. 1206,1208,1210 ,