THE DAlLf JBEE MOJ DA7 JUNE 5 1882. \r \ NEBRASKA. NOTES. Religious. The Presbvterliin church nt B WM dedicated on the 2d. The Epcoi ! > 1 of llnrva d are about t < begin the erection nf n church. The Catholic * of North Platte closc'd i very nuccptsful fair hut Saturday. The Mtthodtitft of Nlobrnra are ntmig ing for a fair at tome future time. The plans for the new CongrfsaUonn ! church nt Wlsnet liave been received. A Sabbath Bchool wan organized al Peach Grove , Snrpy county , oa Ihe 21 t. The Pblndcaler-TclegrAph MV thera \ > BOtno talk of building n now churon nt Sid' ney. ney.Tho ConsrcgaUonftl church nt Harvard , Jti t ilertl 'atpn , t * ld to be one of the noatett nnd hand < omett in the stixtc. The colored glass for the wlndovyo of the Blua SprlngH IVtbyterian church ha Arrived nnd the building is much improved thereby. The Baptists , f Alexandria conlcm- plate improving their church building hy papering it and hanging ulmUen on the windows. The chandelier in the Fremont Catholic church 'ell on the evening rf the 29th jtmt before it wa < lime to light it. The dam- nee wan slight , but it necessitated die. niifsal of tlio congregation. Uov. J. II. nnd Mrs. Worlfty. of Pnl- myra , nre preparing to leave for Chlnatonn , where they will torvo five yrpra In the mlsslnnar field. They expect to sail from San Francisco on the 1st of August. Kov. Mr. Kimball , ntnto organizer in NeDra lta for the Lutneran church , was in the city hst week looking up the interests of that denomination hero. Ho will re turn in a few weeks , when an effort will be made to perfect nn organization hare for the purpose of holding regular service ) . Ueatiicc Kxprcss , Jlev. T. B. Lemon held quarterly meet ing at Ling Pine on Friday , 2Gth nit. , preaching four time * ; nt Atkinson on Sat' day , preajhinpc twice , nnd nt Pnddock on Monday , reaching once. A now district in charge of A. J. Calvert has been estab lished on thn Niobrnrn , which willibo divided at the next conference , as the work If too arduous for ono man. Fifty new members have been added nt In- tnnn during the last quarter , nnd nine nt Middle Branch. Personal and Social. Gen. Thajer orates at Stromsburg July 4th. 4th.Job Job Hnthnway is building n $15,000 resi dence at Exeter. 0. V : H. Williams has retired from the Grand Island Timer. John J. Hochc. Neligh's popular attor ney , has gone to Wi-consin to got married. Thcro ii n , young Jay bird in the fon.ily of the ex-cdlcor of the Dakota City Eagle , W. A. Marlow , the well-known Fre mont lawyer , ban gone to Denver to re side. side.Mr. Mr. and MM. Archer , of Sterling , have gone to their old Vermont home to make a lengthy visit. An undo of Lieut. Do Lone , of the .Tcuunetto expedition , lives southeast of Exeter in Saline county , Dr. J.O. Gannon and wife hnve re turned to Ila'tingx , convinced that Ne braska Is better than California. Talking about newspaper nun in liar- nets , thut Rhone team on the IlepubUcau City Enterprise- lively stoppers. 'A very pleasant turprise parly was given Mrs , George Heed , of the Head Home , Ulysses , on the ovenlng/of May 24. Reports from Paymaster Drum , of Boatiice , are to the effect that his ayes are improving. There was danger of loss of sight. T. J. Smith nnd wife , of Sidney , cele brated the flrct anniversary of tnoir mar riage on the 20ln by n lurgely attended party. A , H. Neldlg , Into of the Mnrshnlltown ( la. . ) Time -Repnbllcan , is looking around .Nebraska for a location for n newspaper venture. A , R , Gag' , of Republ can City , has secured the B. & M. enting house nt Red Cloud. Ho has an excellent reputation na A landlord. The North Bend Bulletin telU of a , younr man there who says hli girl wont back on him liecausa ho wni so howleggod S ebo fell through bis lap. J. II. Cam will shortly resign the posi tion of cashier of the Arapahoe bank nnd attend medical lectures at St. Joe intend ing to become n physician. George W , Doano delivered the 4th of July oration at.tlio Tekamah celebration twenty-live years pgo , and The News Hug- gests the propriety of securing hU cervices lor n similar event this year. Senator Van \Vyck nn < l wife wore the attests nf Undo John .Watson nnd Win. Vreeburn a part of last week. The sena * tor and Mr. Freeburn took a long drive over the beautiful prairies whore Mr. Van Wyck's cattle were herded. Tecumseh Chieftain. A number of Ihe youngladics nnd gen tlemen of the Fremont Dramatic Club proceeded to the residence of Mr. D. F. lluger on Friday evunlng , for the Mirpose of making n presentation of a handsome locket to Mits Lilllo Ruger , to show their appreciation of the excellent manner in which she BusUlned her part during the re. cent play. The occasion was a very pitas- ing one last evening , A very pleainnt party WAR given last Saturday night at the residence of D , liauin , in honor of our young nnd popular townsman , J. W. Fer rmou , who left yes terday for a six wceW trip to the western part uf the state , Mr. Ferguiou was very much surprlied to know that ho was hon ored with n party. The attendance was large , and It'wai quite late when the mer ry dancers left the Baum mansion. L'n- ' cola , Journal. The < ji ung people nf Popilllon to the number. P City or more , had an enjoyable tlulo , nt jjho residence of P. W. Lane on Tuesday evening fast. Musio and dancing constituted tbo piinolpal features of the occasion the inusio being furnished by n etring band from Omaha. Among the Invited guests from abroad , were the ftMitses Ella end Anna Dunham , and Lou < fSmitb , of Qmuha , und Manuel Link , Lena 7 ilnk , Mr. Fuller and Miss Lognii , from 'Mlllard.Papilhon Times. Matrimonial. rt Franklin , May Bl , 1-y Rev. W. P. jtHon Kdwin . Smltn to Ada E. uo. Osceola , May 14 , by Rev. R , G , i , BurtUR , Tandever to EllzuJ. Curcioe. At T eoumteh , May 25 , by Rav. M. L. MelHck , Laudls Hellman to Belle C. Eftvii , > , At York , May 20 , by Judge Grlflln , r Joseph , Knorr to Henrietta Beluis. : i * At Columbus , May 25 , by Rev. R. B. Wilson , Jacob A. Krnst to Emma Ogren , At Vinton , Iowa , May 24. T. D. Cob- bey , of Wymore , to Abble E. Stone , of Vinton. At North Loup , May 23 , A , J , Crandall to Utniallood. ' At Nellgh , May 25 , .y Jud e Fields. G. A. G , Moaro , to 1/enu Jagedoru , both of Ford , Holt county , . At Plattsmouth , Mty 27 , by Judge Johnson , Jacob Keiser , to Belle Jaokinan , ' both of Louisville. > 'At Alma , May 18 by Rev. Wm. Mar shall , Jolin F. Bart. IN to Effie Hunter. t i f -AtPIfttUuiouth , Juno 3bvRe.v. J. T. Uulrd , Haul. M. Chapman to Aggie Samp- oa. t "At Alraa , M y 25 , by Rev. Mr. Mar. b ll , Kd. L. WllliU to Blanche Conkling j , May 28 , John Baule" to . : At York , May 29. W. J. Fowzer to KiT" * Mary P Kh fiy , ' both of York county , At W boo , May 24 , Ruwell L. BrfK& , V of Hoojxr , to Kmtns L. SImmj , of Aih land. land.At At Harvard , May 30 , by Rev. K. Wil klnron , leaao A. Kearui to Sadie M , ICetchem , At Nelson , Mny 27t by .Tudee Knapp , M. M. Cooper to Esther Wilson , both ol Adams county. At David City , May 25 , by Rev. H. N , Gales , James E. McKlralne toSarnhCoy. At Blue SprlnJB. May ? 4 , by Rov. J. M. Prvae , H. 0. McClcary , of Logan , Iowa , to Laura Histe , of BltioSprirgs. At Broken Bow , Ctntercounty , Mny 13 , by Judge Matthew , Jewlo Garringer , of Bookcn How , to Efflo Bond , of Custor. At Norfolk , Mny 10 , by Rev. M. If. Punkow , Dr. L. Hnnnanold , nf Imogcno , Iowa , ti Mnrtha Ucckcndorf , of Norfolk. At Fremont , May 30 , by Judge Mnrtln. Aims Houts to Luclnda R. Mllns nnd William L. Miles to Amelio Hunts , nil of Fremont. At Tcknmah , Mny 21 , by Ilcv. O. II Holdeti , George Flint , of Blnir , to Etta Cnrr , of Tcknmah. They left for Blair the next day , where they will reside. At Falls City , M y 31 , by Rev. J. Gn1- lachor , Samuel 1C. Pnxton. ( .f Boninza , Colo. , to Alice Kirk , of Falls City. They left for Colorado the same evening. Judge Murray , of Fremont , officiated nt n double mnrrlaqoon the 27th , tlm couple ? being Fred Thomson to Llzrii Dickman nnd Otto Muller to Augusta DIckmnn. Rev. L. L. Flsk ofll iated nt n iloublo wedding nt Stromnburg , Mny 24 , the par- lies being John E. Castile , of Stromburg , to Matilda Cnrlron and Austin A. Tan ner , of Shellsburir , In. , to Nettle Carl on. At HastlnRc , Mny 17 , by Rev. J. D. Stewart , Albert Hlnklo to Kdio Howlnnd. Tlio cercmMiy toolc place nt the residence of the bndo' father , Wm. M. Howland , nnd waa nttcnded by n largo party of young and old people. Lewis Hnneon nnd Maria Frank were married nt the residence nf the bride's pa rents in Vnlloy precinct , Hamilton county , nn tho21st nit. , with the Danish flignnd the stars nnd stripes of their adopted conn try waving from thn house top. Tfovor Giro Up. If you nro inflorifig with low nnd de pressed npirlts , loss of appetite , general lebility , disordered blood , weak constltu- .Ion , hoidnchc , or any disease of n billons iaturo , by all means procure n bottle of Hlectrlo Bitters. You will bo surprised to co the rapid improvementthnt will follow ; pou will bo inspired with now life : itrength und activity will return ; pain nnd nisery will cease , nnd henceforth you will ojoico in the pr.aiso of Electric Hitters. 3old nt fifty cents n bottle , byO. F. Good- The Man who Told the Doctor that "ho felt s If ho didn't want to iluunythlntr , " wni accused f laziness Ytt thousinda cxpcrlenca this ( eel- ng especially In sumincr In consequuncoof a nordcrcil condition o thn ttimatli , unlcli n few clrcshlngdrau hts o ! TAIIUANT'S BKLTZBII Al'lm r.NT wouM bo turn to remedy. SOLD BV AIL DUtlOaiSTS. D. M. WELTY , ( Successor to D. T. Mount , ) Manufacturer and Dcacr ! In Saddles , Harness , Whips , FANCY HORSE CLOTHING lobes , rasters and Turf Goods of ALL DESCRIPTION * . Agentfo : Ju. It. Hill & Co.'s HARNESS "The Best in The World , " Ordon Solicited. OMAHA , NEB OCMSHEl lurray Iron forte Burlington Iowa , Soml Portable I FOB ORKAMBRIES , CAHM HILLS , Printing Ofllcos , Etc. , Spooialfcy , rho Largest Iron Working Establioh- mont in the Stato. MANUFACTUUEIIS OF Steam Engines , AND GENERAL MACHINERY. PIio Howard Automatio Out-Off Steam Engine. Send ( or ClrcuUrn. ru3-lra ANTI-MONOPOLY LEAGUE. Dlank mcmbonlilp role * ( or the antl-monpoly oairue. containing etatcoivnt of prino ) > lo uu - lOdKor prcocduro and Initructlonn how to onran. ie. will hciout on application to 0,11 , Gait , ilelroy , Nub. Eucloid stamp. iulB-ll GALVANIZED IRON , dORNIOES Window Gaps , Finials , XX MTg , BY T. 'SIN HOLD , 13th St. , 410 , Omaha , Neb : Orden Irom tlie country lollcltei , J2-iy MCCARTHY & BURKE , General Undertakers , 3 3L S OL407XX M ? Bet. Faruum oud Douglas1. Metallic , Wood and Cloth Covered BASKETS , COFFINS , EOBES , SHROUDS , CHAPE , &o. , "Si'fJ' ' S" hDd < 4.Otdcrl 'rom the country olldtod , aud prompt'/ attended tt. mJl-ty THE DAILY BEE The BEE PUBLISHINQ CO. , Prop'rs .10 F rnh m , bet. Oth and 10th Street * . TERMS OK RUnsORIPTION , 0 copy 1 jcur.ln kd ncoposttxrid ( ) > < * tlO.O. 1 roonthl " " . . . 6.CX month " " - I.V TIME TABLE , C B.B cniCAno , fT. FJLCI Mnranroua Am OMAHA RAtbftOAD , IiOMa Om b Pwcr.ifor No. 2 , 8:30 : . m. Ac moicdUlon No. 4 , 1:0 : ( p. ra * Mho Omaha I' 'crijtr ( lie. 1 , C0 : p. m ivr. 7 edition No. It , IUM : a. tn. nmo OUAIU tin OK aotrrn lOnxa. 0. , . ft o. 7 : 9 a. tn. Slo : p. m. C. ft K. W. . 7SOa. : m. SMO n. m. a , R , I. ft P. , 7 : < 0 k. m. tM | i. in. , O.OI. J. A C. n.i7co \ at EBO t. m , nJ 7:4 m. Arrives ftt 31 Utolsat CSO : t. r.t. And : ( tn. tn.A , ( It. I. , & P. , l < mc.1 nt 8 A. tn. and 8:40 : p Arrltot ft lit , I.ouln rfitO . m. and 7tO : m ( rrxr on rO'jnrvrKrtti. B , te H. In Ktt > . , lhro < iih IJiprsw , EiW K m 3. ti M. Lincoln ? ; t | > rcrs 3iO : p. m. tJ P. Ovrrl iiil Rxiircni , ) St'jp. : m. 0 , 1 H. V. for Lln = on ! , U)5 : r _ m. 0 , r > It V. for OKeola. 9to : a , in. V. I * freight No. C , txo 3. ro. a. 1' t rol bt Io. 0 , P. 0 1 > . w. U. V. fr'J-it { ) Xo. 1 ? . 2Wp : ) , m. ( J. ? , No. 7 , C:10 : p. m. cir.lir.ttil , . P. iKnver cxtircs. , 7:3'i p. ui. U. ) \ ( reirlit Ho 11. 11CO : p. m. W. JP. DctTfj Ircleht , 8:15 p. ra , ; * sn roorr. 0 M. & Q 6:00 : n. re. 7:25 p m. 0. ft H. W. , DM a. ra. 7:25 p. in. 0. 1 > . l.ltf.SM a. m. 0:05 : p. m. f. 0. , St , Jot &U n. , 7:35 : n. m. flJp. : m laa/vihu rnou rnt trm uio oourirtr.ur. 0 , b R. V. liom Lincoln 1:03 : p. m. U. r , Fudfld Sxpreaft 3:18 p. ro. ( ! > ) i M. In Nab. , Through Kiprrn ? 1:15 : p ra , D. It K , Lincoln Kxptcsv- : n u , U. P. Dtnvcr oxprcw , 7:36 : n. to. U , V. IVciglit No. 1 2ito p. m. U. P. No. 0 8:20 a. m. Kmly ant 0. P. frilght No. 14 , 12:16 p. ra. D. V.-Ko. S-UDO : p. n. IT. P. So. 12 1:15 a. ra. 0 , P. Denver freight , 1:10 : 1. m. 0. & tt , V. mlxrd , ki. , p. m. , vr on vairj sarirniui otura AMB OOCMML L ( vo Omnrm at B:00 : , 9:01 : } , 10:00 : and 11:00 : m. ; 1:0 2:00 : , 8.00 , i:00 : anil 6:03 : p. m. Lc vo Council Dlu3s at y.20. 9:25 , 10:25 ktid 116 A. ra. ; tS : ( , 2:25 , S:2J : , 425 : nnd D:25 : p. tn. fiun aye The ilumrav Itu\c3 Omahk At 9:00 : md 11:00 a. n , ; 2:00 : , I'M und t:00 : p. m. Leaves Jonr.etl B'.uC.i At 8:26 : c.nd 11:25 . in. ; 2:21 : , 36 tnd Cf6 : p , rn. Through nnd locil pcceenffcr trains botnocn Jmihn cud Council IlluOs. Lenvo Om h 0:16 : , ! IC , :60o. : ra. ; 3:10 : , 6:46 : , CfX ) p. in. Arrive Diraha 7:10 : , 11:35 , 11:45 : a. m. ; . :10. 7:05 , 7:16 , p. m _ Opening nna Oloalna of Mellt. Botrn. orm , OLOJC. . m. p. m. A. m. p. in , JhlcigO&N. W . 1LOO 0:00 : 6SO : 2 : < 0 3blcftifo , R 1. 1 : 1'tcinc. lloo : 9:00 : 6SO : : IO JblcsjfO , 1) . 4 Q. . . _ .ll:00 : 9.-00 6:30 2:10 ffAbaeh . 12:30 5EO : 2:40 llonz City t-nd PaciQc. . 0.00 6:80 : 2:10 : [ Talon Paclfi ? . tco : 11:10 DmnhAfeR. V . lCO : 11:10 : B. toll. In Neb . 4:00 : 8:10 : ) roAh& & Sioux City. . . . 8:00 : 7:80 : B. & M. Lincoln . 10:30 : 8:09 JV. Lincoln , Sunday. . " . 1-.SO 11:00 J. P. OoiivorEp . :00 8:30 9 HlcuClty&Bt. P..lltO : 1:40 Loeil niAlle tor State ol lava lctv bnt occo l y , viz : 0:20 : n , m. Office open Sundays from 12 m. to 1 p. n. THOK. Y UAlA7 P M. THE KENDALL PLAITIM IACHIE DEESS-MAKEES' OOMFAKIOfi , It plaits from 1-16 ol a n Inch to irldtu in the coarsest felts or finest el k ? It does all kinds and style oil lilting lu uso. No lady that docs her own dross-making can ifford to do without ono as nice plaltlnp 1) icrcr out of fashion , If Boon It solta Itself. For Llachlnes , Circulars or Agent's terms address OONGAB & CO. , "I [ ieiiius Rewarded ; OR , [ he Story of tlio Sowing Machine , A handsome llttlo pamphlet , bine and ( roll ) : eve with numerous ensruTlngs , will bo GIVEN AWAY to ADV Audit person calling for It , at Any branch or BUb-oOlco of The Blnger llanufuetarmff Com pany , or will bo sent ur mall , post paid , to my ponon living ; at a distance from our offices. The Singer Manufacturing Co , , Principal Offioo , 34 Union Square , NEW YORK. TZZ33 tMPERISHABLE PERFUME. Murray & Lanman's Best for TOILET , BATH and HANDKERCHIEF : EXCURSION ! 70- EUR Arranged by Hnrugarl Magu- norcbor. ONLY $90 , In tbo Cabin for Round Trip. From New York to Atnwerp and Eeturn , C2TLcavlng New York Juno 10 , 1883 , on the new and utilenJid Mall Steamer IJslgcn land. ticket ! good ono year on any learner ot the llod Htar Line. e.y Tlckett , Proipectu * and nil Inform * tlon Only t be had from M , & . R BURQ HEIM , Dookioller * , 404 Vine Btrcot , Gin- Innattl.O , Tbo Cincinnati Harugarl Maon- Dorobor. lOOMBTAILU , , Preeldenl. vice 1'roa't W. a , Duiiuu , Sea. and Treat. THE NEBRASKA CO Lincoln , Neb , MANUFAOTUREI OF Corn Plantar * , narrow. . r rm Roller * . lulk H y H ke , Uucket Elevating Wind nl &c. { We are prepared to da Job work nd nunul \ tariDe lor otner parties. Addrc * til orden MJU1BA8KA illNUFAOTURINa 00 , , Luooui Nn Uouralgta , Sciatica , Lumbago , flaohicfio , Soreness of iha Cnosi , Goui , Quinsy , Sara Throat , Swell' ings and Sprains , Burns antf " + Scafds , Goneraf Bodily Pains , ( Tooth , Ear and Headache , Frostoti f-'sot and Ears , and all Pains and Acho-t. We ! Trerarlna : on t rth qn li ST. Jt l fit * iiMTt , atmplfi wd rhtap KxtrrcM A trial entalli but the comptntlrelj e ootUy of GO Ccnln , and eTtry cs * tuffcr * lny wilh pain MB bale cheap nnd lriUtT ) ? ! 7 tU clalmi , * , , Dlrictloni In Xl T u tangtitjK * f S OIiD BY ALL DR'flO OI8T8 AH 1/OTI.It BB IN MKDIOINE. A.VOGELER QUAY'S SPECIFIC MrDIOINE TRADE MARK , ? OrcatTfll DB MAHK English rom- oily. Anun * t.MIIrir euro i for Seminal Weakness , Spormator. rhca , Impot' cncy , nd all follow as Boqucnco of AFTER TARIIIQ. iolf.Abuic ; as Loss of Memory , Universal Lass- ! udo , Pain In the Back , DlmncM of Vision , Pro- nature Old Age , nnd uany other Dlsoasoi that cad to Insanity or Corocumptlon and a Proraa- uro Grave. A3TFull particulars In our pimnhlot , which wo doalre to Bond free I v mill to ovcry ono. 3TTho Spcciac HodlcUio Is sold by nil druggUtj , t 81 per pacU.iro | , orOpftckijoa for 85 , cr nil ! 10 sent froa by inall on reel ptof the tuonoy , by addrcaslng THEORA IKDICINfi CO. , BcfTalo , N. Y. The feeble and emaciated gufferlnr ( rom dys- lepsit or indigestion In any form , arondvlsed. for ho sako.of their own bodily and mental comfort , o try Hosteller's lUomaoh B tiers. Mdlca o : ho most del cate constitution testify to Its harm- eta and rostoratlvo proper ties. Phydlcians everywhere , disgusted with the nduiteriUd iquora of ccmmorce , prescribe It a > the infest and moat reliable of all stomachics , For uale by all druggists and dealers generally al to ml -hngiisb Komedy Merer falls ta cute Nervous Debility , VI- tul Exhaustion , Emls- ilons , Seminal Weak- . klHOOD , and all thou u \ U effects of youth- Ijful follica and. execs- "j'cs. It stops perma- Jiiontly all weakening. linvoluntary losses and { drains upon the ays- Item , the inevitable re- , , . 'suit of these ovilprae- „ Ices , which are so destructive to mind and body nd jnake life miserable , often loading to ln anl- y and death. It strengthens the Norvca.Untln , mcmon-f Blood , Muscles , Plgcstlvo and Unpro ductive Organs , Itrestoroa to nil the organic unstlrns their former vigor and vitality , iua- Inir life cheerful and enjoyable. Price , J3 a > ottle , or ( our times Uo quantity 810. Sent by xprcsa , secure ( rom observation , to any address. n receipt of price. No. C. O. D. sent , except n receipt of 81 us a guarantee. Letters ra- uestlng answers must Inclose ttamp. Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pills ro tb j best and cheapest dyspepsia and billlous ure I a the market. Sold by all druggists. Price (0 conta. Da. MINTIR'S Krwiir HBMBDT , Duress II lilndot Kidney and bladder comnlalnto. onorrhca , gleet and Icucorrhca. For Bale uy all augUU : 91 a bottle. ENQL1SII MEDICAL INSTITUTK. TlSOllvoSt. , at. Louis , Mo. For Saleln Omaha by Jan5-lv SYPHILIS cs inanyatago Catorrb , EOZEiLA , 31d Sores , Pimploa , B O I-'LS , or any Skin Diseass. Jurea When Hot Springs Fail HAV " . ABt , May S. 1881 , , _ „ who llred at We hate caiei In onr owu town lot Springs , nd w ere finally turcd with S. S. 8 , McCUuuoM tt MUBKT. V YOU aoubt. come W keo us and Mi WILL JUHK YOUK 6lt charge nothing 11 Write ( or particulars and copy ol llttlo Bookv > 'UeM g lothe.Unlortunito Suffering . . , , . , heml who will find ; on auiljsls 100 lottlo J.S , 8. , onu particle of Mercury , Iodide PoU urn or any Mineral subeUnco. awin.1 aj-Eoiwo co. yropt , AUanU Prlc of SmilleUo. 11.00. ' Large size ll.fG. Bold tv KKHNABD BEOS. ' . * 00 OeneraUr. K yon inner ( rom Dyspepsia , use BUUDOCJv 'LOOD BITTERS If you are afflicted with Biliousness , uio nUUDOCK I1LOOD BITTERS K you are prostrated with tick Headache , take BUR.DOCK DLOOD BITTERS H your Bowels are disordered , rcjulate them w It ! BURDOCK 11LOOD BITTERS It your Blood Is mpure , purity It with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. K you have Indlgeillon , jou will find an antidote In BIJRDOOK BLOOD BITTERS. H you are troubled with Spring Complaints , cr < odlcato them M 1th BUIIDOCK BLOOD DITTEIIS. It your Liver Is tcrpl'l , rcstora It to healthy action with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS K your Liver Is nUcctcd , you will find a pure re storative In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. K you have any species of Humor or Pimple , ( all not to take BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. K you hare any symptoms of Ulcers or Scrofulous Sores , a ctiratlio remedy will be ( ound In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Imparting strength and vitality to the sys tem , nothing can canal BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Nervous and General Debility , tone up the system with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Price , 01.00 pel dottle ; Trial Bottlei 10 Cta FOSTEH , MILBURN , & Co , , Props , BUFFALO. K. Y. Sold at wholesale by lah ft UcMohon and C. F. Goodman. Jo 27 eod-me HEB58CHSS If jonaroamni offnKlnoivrcak intn or tnc < ll > ytlB tmtn tertcPlnRo 5rmi four duties nvoli' ' nlttlit work , to lunulanHann ut torn brain nci T Hop Dittcro > Uku Hop D > irjounroyotnp ncrlnfflrotnMiy dlzcvvtlon < T dlsi mi li you art.rnit * rlcrt or ulcgls , old sulterlr-ir free. ue r , reljr on yon are , you feel Hint your yftem needs cleans ! - - - or ( tlm liaro Iwcn pre cntec br tlmolj'ncot Hop ftp-'a , r > Tnarucont laalnt , dueane nnd Irrcahta- of th " ( omncA , bin c n r o btncrt * . blood , Uitroiiunnt use of You will bo tobacco , v urcd fyou s narcotic . Hop Dltters UjcaaAriiiitin- ely 'f itfjilr iti It mu / uravo y our UTO to , j'fo. ' | t ria , ortved > ' 'H I roalo. Onl. Disease is an effect , not a causa Its origin U within ; Its manifestations without , fence , to euro the disease the CACSKcmst bo removed , and n no other way can a euro ever ' o eDCitrd. ; LIVJER CURE Is established ou jutt ttai > rmcli > lo. It realizes that 96 Per Cent , of all diseases' arize from deranged kidneys and Ivcr , and It Ettlkcs at once at tbo root ot the difficulty. The elements o ! which It is compose J act directly upon these treat organs , both ns a OOD and KKSTOBBR , and , by placing them In a icalthy , condition , drlvo disease and pain from bo system. For the Innumerable troub'cs caused by un- icalthy Kldnoye , Liver and Urinary Organs ; for ho distrei8ltr Ditordersof Women ; for Malaria , and physical derangements generally , this great cmtdy has no equal. Utwaro of Impostors , Im- tatlons and concoctions said tn bo just as good. For sale by all dealers. H > H. WARNER. & CO. . me Rooliotcr N. Y- To Nervous. Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Or. J. B. Simpson's Specific It Is a poritlve euro far ISpcrraatoirhcn , Semln * i. Irapotancy , and Ml diseases resulting rom Self-Abuse. , tn Uental Anxiety , Losai tiiraory , rnlca tn tha Back or Side , and dlsotccs that lead to Conjumptlon Innnlty un early gra re The Specific Medicine Is being used with wonder ful eurceet. Pamuhlcti cct free to all. Yfrlto for thera tnd got full par * Iculars. Price , Cpaciac , Jl.CO | x > r pchgs , or * lr p ck. MS for $6.Cfl. Addreni all ordois to U. SIJJHON MCIIIOINIi CO. Nos. 101 and 106 Main St. Uufifclc , N. Y. Bolil In Omaha by O. F. Qoodman , JV. . Dell , . K. leh , and all drucglitnevery where. NERVOUS DEBILITY , Dr. K. a WefNervand Urafn Trofttmont L specific for Hysteria , Dizziness , Convulsions. lervous Headache , Mental Deprcislon , Lou of IeinoryBpernmtorrhaa , Impoteny , Involunlarj- : mlsalons , Premature Old Age , caused by ovcr- xortlon , Belt-abuse , or over-indulgence , which oidi to misery , decay and death. One box will euro recent cases. Eab box contains one month's rcutinent. Ono dollar a box , or ilx boxes for ivo dollars , sent by mall prepaid on receipt of > rlce. Wo guarantee six boxes to cure any case , Vlth each order received by us for six boxes , ac companied with five dollars , will send the pur * baser our written guarantee to return the money If the treatment does not effect a cure , O. / , Goodman , Druggist , Bole. Wholesale and regul Agent , Omaha , Neb. Orden by mall at El etatlaprlco. dfcwlv KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. he Most Succeisful Remedy ever dlscov red , as It Is certain In 1U effects and dooa not illator. HEAD I'UOOK 11ELOW. Also excellent or biuu&nfloih. ! mOM A PROMINENT PHYSICIAN. Wuhtnetcnvllle , Ohio , June 17. 1831. Da I. J. KINDAU. , &Co. : ucuti Heading your ad- ertlscmeut In Turf , Field and farm , ol your C ndill's Spavin Cure , a-d having a valuable nd foedy horw which had been lime from xxvlu for clBlteon monthi , I sent to you ( or a wttlo by oxprcu , which In six woeka removed ill lameufd and enlargement and a largo ipl'ot rom another horse , and both horsea are to-day is sound at colts. The one bottle KM worth to me ouo hundred dollar * llespoetfully o-trs , II. A , UiRTOLirr , M. D. Send for Illustrated circular git ing positive roof. Priced , All DruireuiU have It or can et It ( or you. Dr. B. J. Kendall ft Co Pro- rletors , Enoebnrgh Kalli , Vt 30Lt > BY ALL DEUaQISTS. d-wly W.B. M1LLARD. V. U. JOHNSON . . . MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Commission and Wholesale Fruits , 1111 FARNHAM STREET. .CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PEODUOB SOLICITED. Agents for Pock & Bankers Lard , and Wilbor Mills Flonr NEB OMAHA , - - - REFERENCES : OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , STEELE. JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL A CO. WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DEALER N- Wall Paper and Window Shades , 1304 Farnham St. Omaha Neb. a. 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha , _ r * * % WHOLESALE- Bf .On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. , DEALERS 3 ( Fire and Burglar Proo 1020 Farnham Street , STEELE , ; JHNSON & CO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS AND'JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of J CIGAES AID lAIUFACTUEED TOBACCO , A/rents / for BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & EAND POWDEE 0 JOBBER OF IP _ A. IP IB IB , AND WINDOW SHADES EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. 1118 FAFWAM ST. - - OMAHA I. OBERFELDER & CO. , WHOLESALE ULLIIERY AID NOTIONS. 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. Spring Goods Eecoiving Daily and Stock very nearly -Oomplofco WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALKK IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , FOLDINGS , LIME- CEMENT iWBTATK AOEN1 PUU MILWAUKEE OKU2MT OOUPANY ) t ear Union Pacific Depot , - OMAHA NEB POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , IININO UAOII1NKKV , BELTING , " BI A n mriHaH PIPB , BTKAH HALLADAY WIND-MILLS CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS A. L. STRANQ 205 F" * * " * " St. . Omaha & CTOISTEIS Wholesale Lumber , Ho , 1408 FarnhaHi Street , Omaha , Neb ,