Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 05, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee.
fubltfhexl OTeiy morning , except Sunday ,
Kho only Monday morning dolly ,
Dno Vsar$10.00 I Three Months.$3.00
Blx Months. o.OO | One . . LOO
IHE WEEKLY BEE , published ST-
ry Wednesday.
Ona Yonr . $2,00 I ThrceMonlhs. . 50
Qlx Me ith . . . . 1.00 I One . . 20
AMKIUC\X NKWB CoxrAxr , So'o Agents
or Newsdealers In tlio United Suites ,
a ittona relating to News and Editorial meters -
ers fhould bo nJJrcMcd to the KDtron or
Iio'.tera nitit Jteinlttancoft should lo ad-
drained to THE OMAHA Prati'mitm COM-
f ANY , OMAHA. Drafts , Checks and Post-
oTieo Orient to be made payable to the
crier of the Company ,
TliB BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Props.
El KOSEWATER , Editor ,
The publishers of THE BKE have nude
arrangements with the American Noun
Company to supply News Depots In Illi
nois , Iowa , Nebraska , Wyoming nnd
Utnh. All dealers who keep THE DAILY
liKKon silo should hereafter nddrcas their
orders to the Manager American News
Company , Omaha , Nob.
THE echoes of the legislative in
vestigation are still lingering through *
out the state , and their effect will bo
aeon as late aa the fall election.
THE increase of our population ia
responaiblo for the decrease per capita
in the cost of the government to the
pooplo. In 18G1 the per capita cost
was Sl'i 52. It now costs $5.05.
WHAT troubles Governor Nance
roost is how that annual farce called
the state board of equalization will
got through its session and occnson the
least comment throughout the stato.
ONI : of the Icsnons taught the dem
ocracy by a republican congress ia
that iho majority rules and that no
minority can dictate a policy or ob
struct the public buBiiicss unchal
lenged and unrobukcd.
WASHINGTON apecials atato that the )
debate in the nonato on the compulsory
clause of the army retirement bill is
regarded as showing that it will bo
pissed substantially as reported by
? the committee. General Sherman
will bo retired on full pay , as a proper
Additional tribute to his distinguished
services ,
HUMORS are afloat that the Burling
ton management have made overtures
to obtain control ot the Denver &IUo
Grande system in Colorado. The
combined system would bo a powerful
competitor to the Union Pacific
throughout the Centennial state , and
Omaha would reap the benefit of
whatever competition might result.
> of warmer weather from
this time forward will bo gratefully
hailed by the fanners. The wet spring
, BO far has not boon unfavorable for
'wheat and email grains , which are
; said to be generally in excellent con-
dition. The corn , however , will Buf
fer if the warm days which came with
Juno fail to put in an appearance.
SEVEUAI , Now York dealers assort
that the strike in the iron trade has
been encouraged by the manufactu !
rers in order to raise the price of pig
iron and reap an increased profit upon
the surplus stock on hand. It is said
that within two weeks the iron market
lias improved so unexpectedly that
the wages demanded by the iron
workers are likely to bo granted be
fore two weeks are over.
"ALL republicans wcro present , "
oays a Washington dispatch , "except
ing Congressman Valentino of Ne
braska , who is called homo by the ill-
uces of his wife , " Tlio northern Ne
braska papers report Yal as tramping
through the country looking after his
.fences and whiling away the time on
the train in "lolling stories to the
boya. " Val'a ' own scot in Congress
just now ia of moro importance to
him than Maokoy's or Disbce's ,
Tni : Ilorald is greatly exorcised
over "tho blood hounds of justice"
who have b&n tracking the seducers
of Jennie Cramer. If the "blood
hounds of justice" had been given u
chance to ferret out a few oi the
jobs with which Dr. Miller has boon
connected and in which the taxpayers
of Nebraska have boon robbed , there
would bo few complaints from these
most interested , For inntnnce , the
"blood hounds of "
justice" might have
taken the Colorado trail over a year
ago when Mr. Gibson was ilyint ; moun
tain ward from the printing investiga
tion committee and tracked the Her *
aid steal to Denver. And at the very
moment when the editor of the
Herald was howling about "divides"
at Plattsmouth it wouldn't have taken
i very keen "bloodhound of justice" to
have unearthed a "divide" at the
Union Pacific transfer , in which Dr ,
Miller's trousers pocket is interested
monthly to an amount exceeding a
couple of hundred dollars. "Blood
hounds of justice" are valuable ani
mals but their public utility would bo
.greatly increased it they would find
employment for some time to come
around the aristocratic neighborhood
of The Herald oflice.
Who was it that Kosoy told one
thnt ho had boon promised by th
powers Uiftt make nnd unmake , i
their minds at least , nnd frequently i
reality , surveyors general , a "whack1
from every contract let from the Santa
Fa ofllcol And is it because th
Roods couldn't bo delivered that TH
IJEB now foams nt the mouth over }
time General Atkinson is mentioned
IIow many federal officers in tlio stat
have been advised to stand and deliver
er to the insatiable little blood-sucko :
of THE J3KK ? And how many have ,
after the manner of Jay Gould , coin' '
plied with the demand. Lincoln
Journal ,
If The Journal will nnmo the man
that told that Hosoy over demanded n
"whack" from
surveying contractor !
in New Mexico , or anywhere else , wi
will faca thnt man nnd toll him ho i
an infernal liar.
Wo challenge The Journal to nnnu
a federal officer from United Slatci
senator down to postal clerk who ha :
boon levied oil by the "Insntiati
bloodsucker" for a dollar. Wo def ;
the whole brood of monopoly editors
to name a single state , county or city
officer who has over been made to
" " dime to the editor
"whack-up" n o :
this paper. The truth is that wo are
thousands of dollars out of pocket for
campaign expenses incurred during
the past ton yearn , which
the men who ewe their politico
elevation to Tun BEE havi
never oven b on asked to repay , and
have never scon fit to make good ,
Wo could name half a dozen publi
men who were lifted from absolute
bankruptcy to lucrative positions ,
who have not had the decency to make
good the cost oven of papers , tickets
printing nnd necessary campaign
expenses incurred for them. And how
much longer wo pray , will the unprincipled
ciplod hirelings of monopoly continue
to keep in circulation that libel about
Qould ? How much longer will they
sontlnuo to haip on that § 1,000 chock
ivhon they know that there never was
inch n check ; that our claim against
.ho "Union Pacific wns the outgrowtl
Df a printing contract made in 1870 ,
which after being placed for collection
n the hanus of , T. L. Webster nnd G.
IV. Doano , attorneys , was finally com
remised for two-thirds of the amount ;
ind furthermore , that at no time ,
lither before or after this settlement
ras made , did Tin : Lp.n in any'way
hango its policy ott the railroad qucs-
ion or its attitude toward the Union
Italy has given birth to many great ;
ion , but no name enrolled in modern
istory will ahino with greater lustro )
ban that of General Guisoppa Can-
aid ! , who closed hia eventful career
ist Friday , at hia home on the island
Caprora , among the people ho ;
svod and served no well. The life of
Jonoral Garibaldi was like a romance ,
ull of perilous adventures and during
leeds of valor and glory. Liberated
nd united Italy is a monument to
Jaribaldi's unflinching patriotism ,
nd his memory will forever bo on-
hrined in the grateful hearts of hia :
Not merely Italy but the whole civ-
lizod world mourns in Garibaldi the
ass of a champion of human rights ,
rhu was enlisted for life in the war
gainst oppression , tyranny nnd
Lespotism. During the late rebellion
General Garibaldi tendered his sorvi-
os in defense of union and liberty in
America nnd his sympathies were
ilways active in behalf of the freedom
ind equality of all men.
Uuiseppi Garibaldi was born in IS ice ,
luly 4 , 1807 , and was educated for his
Father's profession , that of n mariner.
On hid second voyage to Homo the
condition of that city deeply im
pressed him , and led him into those
revolutionary views which resulted in
Ilia exile from Italy in 1818. lie went
to Constantinople , where ho became a
teacher , thence to lUo Janorio , whore
ho entered into military life , With
twenty companions under his com
mand ho embarked to take part wi < h
Uruguay in gaining her independence.
In an engagement at on ho received n
shot in the neck which nearly proved
fatal. Ho wns made prisoner , taken
to Gualaguay , attempted to escape ,
wan rocap'urcd ' and tortured nearly to
death. Jlo llunUy returned to Uru-
iuny , and served that government
until the end of the war. Jlo married
a South A'uerioan Judy who
shared hia dmigora and priva-
vntions until her death In 184U.
Upon the breaking out of the war be
tween Buenos Ayrcs and Uruguay ,
Garibaldi organized n flotilla and
eaved Montevideo. In 1813 ho sailed
from South America with n portion of
his Italian legion , and arriving nt
Piedmont , placed himself at the dis
posal of Charles Albert , by whom he
was coldly received. The king being
defeated , Garibaldi with a low reso
lute republicans prolonged the resist
ance until forced across the frontier
by a superior Austrian detachment ,
llo then wont to Balogna where the
Papal government rejected him. On
the ( light of the pope the now execu
tive gave Garibaldi a command and
sent him to watch the Noipolitanfron
tier , whence , in 1810 , the now minister
tor of war called him to Homo. The
French expedition having appeared
before Homo , Garibaldi attacked i'
with a email force and put it to flight
securing 300 prisoners. The Neapoli
tans who threatened Home were
beaten by Garibaldi at Palostrina and
Yelletris , The French , strongly re
inforced , having gained a fooling in
side the wall , resistance became hope
less , and the republican triumvirate ,
Mazzini , BafH and Armollini , abdica
ted. Guribaldi resolved to continu
the struggle , and left Homo ( o try t
penetrate Venice luth 4,000 men
mooting the Second legion at Terni ,
but adroitly extricating himself every
time ho appeared to be surrounded.
July 30 ho reached Ban Marino , hia
foreo being reduced to 1,800 men
when ) ho found in his front a fres !
Austrian army in addition totho 1,0 ,
000 in his roar Refusing terms fo
a general amnesty , with less than 30
men , ho made his wny to Cesanatico
where ho embarked in fishing boats
but most of his ilcet was captured b
Austrian vessclf , Garibaldi and hi
wife escaping to land. Two days nftei
his wife died , being worn out with fa
tigao. Death was decreed to whooVci
Rave Garibaldi bread or water
llo wno arrested at Cheavori , tnko to
Genoa , and banished from Sardinia
Ho arrived in Now York in 1850 , ant
declining n public reception , oarnec
his living making candles in a manu
factory on Statonlsland. After thrco
years ho accepted on invitation to return
turn to Nice , whcro ho lived in retirement
mont , In 1850 on the breaking on
of the war with Austria , ho was in
vited by the Sardinian government to
form a corps , which became colobratoc
the "iluntora of the "
as Alps , ll
crossed into * Lombardy , beat sovora
Austrian detachments , and rcndcroc
important service to the Italian causa
during the war. In May , I860 , will
1,000 volunteers , hoeailedfrom Genoa
for Sicily , landed at Marsala , took
Salormo and Messina and bccamo dictator
tater of the island. Grossing to Naples
ho won a victory , was joinct
by the Sardinian army am
completed the overthrow ol
King Bomba Frances. The kingdom o !
the two Sicilies merged in that ol
Italy , Garibaldi resigned the dicta
torship and retired to Caprora. In
18G1 ho was elected a member of the
ch unbcr of deputies , and in 1802 was
appointed genoral-in-chicf of the Na
tional guard. An appeal to Hunga
rians to rise against Austria brought
him in collision with his own govern
ment , and ho retired to Caprera and
planned an attack on Homo. In
spite of a French blockade ho crossed
with 2,200 men , nearly all of whom
were captured at Aspromonto , where
Garibaldi was. wounded and made
prisoner. Ho was released in 1804 ,
In 18C7 ho organized another army
for the conquest of Homo , but was ar
rested and watched nt Caprorn to prevent -
vent his return to mainland. Ho
ovadcd it , joined the insurgents on the
Roman frontier , and four days after
defeated the papal troops at Monte
Hotondo , ' ut November 23 ho was
again defeated and made prisoner.
On his protest as an Italian deputy
and an American citizen ho was re
leased and lived in retirement until
1870 , when ho offered his services to
the French government nnd was
placed in command of the force on
the Vosges In February , 1871 , ho
was elected for Paris nnd several de
partments as deputy to the national
assembly , but he subsequently re
signed his scat and his command in
the army and retired from public life.
In addition to his eminent services to
the state , ho achieved some distinc
tion in letters.
THE national dobb reduction for
May was nearly ten millions. In
wolvo months our interest bearing
lobt has been diminished § 100,000-
)00 , and the current hscal year which ,
jnds Juno 30 will be credited with a
reduction of at least $150,000,000.
Chia result has been accomplished in
ho faceof onormoaa payment ! ) fo :
pensions , which last month alone
wnountod to $11,000,000 , and despite
gross extravagance in the conduct
Df the government. The figures are
startling. No other nation on the
jlobn can boast of an annual
surplus revenue of over one
iundrod millions. No other people
ivould willingly submit to the taxation ,
which is necessary to raise this onorm-
3us sum. Every dollar of the annual
revenue nbovo the amount required to
pay the ordinary expenses of the gov
ernment and provide for thogradualex
tinguishment of the debt is a dollar un
necessarily extracted from the pockets
of the people. Whether it bo from
axorbitant tariff imports or an oppres-
iivo internal revenue. While the
country is complaining of high prices
demanded for nearly every article of
domestic consumption , while the cost
of living is increasing in a ratio which
has already discounted any advance
in wages , the government points to n
surplus of millions lying in the na
tional treasury , and makes its
monthly announcements of great
reductions in the interest bear
ing debt. The necessity for im
mediate steps to reduce our dirpct
and indirect taxation was clearly pre
sented to congress. Both pivtiea pro-
fesecd to admit the necessity and both
parties were too cowardly to apply the
remedy. The appointment of a tariff
commission was n were excuse for de
ferring notion upon the question of re '
ducing custom duties , The inturnnl
revenue still remains untouched , while
congress is concocting every scheme
for expending the treasury surplus ex
cept Bucli as will put back the money
into the pockets of the people from
which it was original ! taken.
Call Far an Anti-monopoly Cou-
Toutioil ,
Wo , the undersigned citizens of
Juniata , Adams county , Nebraska ,
favor the organization of a state
anti-monopoly league , and hereby
authorize the use of our names for a
call for a mooting to bo hold in Lin
coln far that purpose ;
W B Gushing S L Picard
L B Partridge A N Cole
E N Crane James Newell
JW ( Livoringhouse A P Slack
E Moore BF Hilton
H U Nolan Goo Walker
H H Uartlo E E Adam
II Twidalo F E Wilson
\V L Kilburn F M Anderson
WPNorrie John T Hill
WHBurr W D Holding
L B Thorno Goo T Brown
0 A Antrom S L Dross
IH Newell W G Bealo
W D Sowoll A H Brown
S II Clark G S Guild
EF Walker EM Allen
S 0 Angoll Gee W Carter
WAckley 13 W Morse
1 M Tapper A Burden
F W Eighmy N M Lloyd
D H Fleoman Will H Paine
0 F Hogg
The meeting for the formation of s
state loatjuo will be hold , at the Academy
omy of Music in Lincoln on Wodnea
day , Juno 21 , 1882.
A newspaper is to be started at Burch
Norfolk will celebrate the comtni
Oakthle li getting up a ith of July cele
Uloamlnalon 1ms organized an Improve
ment association. .
Alma Is rrepnrincr for a rousing celebra
tiou of the Fourth ,
Lincoln rfl > rn to wise $30COO for
hrnnch of the M , P.
Sewftrd has o patent double-coil bet
spring manufactory.
Two new doctors have located at Hlk
Creek , Johnson county.
The old settlers of Pl.itte county have
organized an association.
The Pawnco county fnir begins nt Paw.
neo City September 12th.
One Wahoo firm took In o\er 1,500
pounds of butter on circus day.
Alexandria will celebrate Independence
d y by a grand demonstration.
The chief engineer of Plnttsmouth gets
§ 2. " ) n yeir nnd the foreman $20 ,
Falls City will have the grandest kind of
a blow out on Independence day.
Judge Griffey , of Uikota City , had n
severe jmraljtic stroke on the 2Gth ,
Thn Wfthoo fire department has received
a new alarm bell gala to be a fine one ,
An Oniilu mnn named U lllgnn has ten
acres of squashes planted near Waterloo ,
The ladles of the Fremont Episcopal
church nre at work on the "broom drill. "
The Journal Is the name of a paper to
bo started at Hampton , Hamilton county.
The ladles of Ojcooln presented a hand
some flag to Koynolds post on Decoration
The Public Mirror U the nnmo of the
inper started at Arapahoe by Chag.
The fall commissioner plnccd CO.COO
ealmonfryin the Blue near Ulysiea and
D ceola.
There nro thlovea In Lincoln who rob
.he cemetery of thruba planted nt the
Thro is only one dally paper in the
Third congressional district , and that ia
democratic ,
W. J. Hogardus , of Grceloy county , wns
iccidcutally shot in the hack tccently by
ils little Eon.
The trial of Quln liohnnnin , the mu7'
lerer of James Cuok nt Waverly , begins
at Lincoln to-day.
The Fremont firemen will run the 4th of
Fitly celebration in that city this year.
? hey can do it , too.
A burglar got away with the gold watch
ind some cash of Gen Montgomery , of
jtncolo , on the night of te 30th ult.
The 4th of July reunion at Grand Island
nill bo run by the old oettlcrs of Hall
runty and will bo n first-class rousing
A young man named Ifnsscll was put
under bonds at Indianola last wco' for
imimiiu /valuable bull belonging to
Stephen Lyon.
Itej Holds' 13 , S : M. cnstnictioii train
fOjorCOcars is resting nt Wymoro. It
xilted like n circus outfit as it passed1
uwn the valley /torn Denver.
A man , name unknown , pnsied thnrcgh
2ulbertson last w eltrundhng a wheelbar-
iw , en route to Denver. Un claimed to
10 a lam'acipe gardener , and Lniled from
A man named McDevitt left his hotae
ear NorriB , Cetlar countv , on the 20th
It. , very lightly clad , and has- not been.
eard of since. Itis feared he has beea
A York ihoemakor named August Har > -
: s attempted to suicide on the 29th. He
ook morphine actOlaudanum , but aroused
usplcion by requesting his body besenV
Joseph Wbo'l , a recent settler near
alem , ha beea arrested for Bell rag. mo rt-
aged property in > Jones county , Iowa ,
ma waa taken there. His wife remains
n Salem confined to her bed ,
Mrs. L. F. Johnson , of Plattamouth.
woke on the night of the 29th to > find a
ami ) had exploded and set fire to- her
lothlng that was lying on a chair. She
uietly went to the kitchen , nmkedla sack
i water , , and with it emotherod the
Engineer McKnmv is engaged at Platts-
louth in building a new barge for use as a
yko and mattress boat In the government
vork nt the mouth of the 1'latto river.
'lie boat is to be SO feet In length , 10 1 feet
n width , and 3 feet 10 inches deep.
The Bohemian society of Schuyler ad-
rertlse a theatric ; , ! entertainment entitled
The Two Orphans , " to be presented by
he Bohemian amateur talent oft Omnha ,
t tbo hall In Schuyler , on Saturday oven-
ng , June 10th the oe of their big. day ,
Not a Beverage-
"They are not a beverage , but a
nodicinc , with curative properties of
ho Inchest degree , containing no poor
whisky or poisonous drugs. They do
not tear down an already debilitated
ystem , but build it up. One bottle
sontains tnoro hops , that ia , more real
lop strength , than a barrel of ordinary
jeer. Every druggist in Rochester
ells them , and the physicians pro-
cribo them. " [ Evening Express on
Hop Bitters. .
S'atloiul Augcktod Press.
Oacnr Wilde waa dined by members
f the Papyrus club of Boston Satur-
The now Surah M. Packer memorial
Impel , at Mauch Chunk , Pa. , coating
50,000 , built by the widow of the
ate Asa Packer , was presented by
tor to St , Mark's Episcopal church
Leaven worth , Kea , , organized a
> oard of trade Saturday night. Ex-
senator Alox. Caldwell was elected
> residunt. The directors elected were
' . G. Lowe , Louis Mayo , G. A.
Cing.Il. J. Brown , Geo. H. Woner ,
0. N. Stovoin , B. N. Horshfiold , S.
< \ Burdott , L , Hawn , Thoo. Eggers-
dortT , John Kelley and 0. W. Bitt-
nann. The board consists of fifty
A hail storm in Westfield , Texas ,
did much damage. Soiuu stone
weighed eight ounces , James Njrsu-
worthy was killed by them in an open
Four children of Alox. Adams , in
Bullock county , Ala. , were burned to
death by fire caused by the explosion
of a can of kerosene placed on the
itovo by ono of them while filling
Two hundred Russian Jewish rofu
jeea arrived at Manitoba , Friday ,
from Odessa , the trip occupying two
months. All destitute , but cared for.
The President-
National Associated Presa
NEW YOUK , June 4. . Presidenl
Arthur with his priva'o secretary anc
Secretary Folger loft for Washinutoi
at 3:50 : yesterday in the special oar o !
General Manacor Thompson. 'I hey
were accompanied to Jersey City by
Ex-Commissioner French ana John H.
The Corporate Highwaymen
Halts Its Men and Levies
on Their Wages ,
Ten Thousand Workmen Com
pelled to Give Up or Take
Their Time.
Bat tlio Lords "Will Hnvo Mercer
On Their Soros.
To the Editor ol The lcc.
It is with great interest that I read
the arguments regarding the hospital
fund , and being * an employe of the
Union Pacific fool that I have the
right to give my views on the subject.
As an introduction , I wish to state
that I am DECIDEDLY opposed to the
act and the manner proposed to work
its support. The Omaha Republican
holds that ho unprejudicedporsonaftor
learning the facts , will deny thnt the
hospital fund is a great benefit to rajl-
ro'ad employes. Ilulo first is of no
consequence ,
Bule second makes the hospital
open at all times for disabled em
ployes whether from sickness or in
jury free of expense to themaolres ,
3ther than the monthly assessment.
Wo will BCD further on with what
Toudom wo are benefited.
Ilulo third compels an employe to
procure orders from his superior ofir-
; or or foreman and present it to the
surgeon in charge before can gain on-
; ranco to the hospital.
Itnlo fourth , "sick patients will not
30 treated by company physicians , ex
cept in hospitals , nor will they bo fur
nished medinces by the hospital fund
except from the hospital dispensary ,
ind in event of which they must first
dontify themselves by reporting in a
jropor manner. " The fact of having
iontributcd by force each month is no
dcntification. :
Ilulo sixth provided * that injured
employes may bo treated by physi-
ians NOC ? in the company's service
omporarily , rnoviDKD they will sub
set their charges to the dictation of
ho chief surgeon and general man
ger. Temporary treatment means
ufllciont time to telegraph for and
btain n company surgeon or phy- !
icirui. It IB n pleasant thought to a
icbmnn to-know that his family phy-
icimi , who has'carriod hip or his wife
r children through periods of sicken -
on 3 and restored them. , to health ,
must bo supplanted by another , and
hat ono , a stranger and' a machine
mi ) , , who cares naught but for the
> rincely salary we are forcsd to pay.
\.nd through'all the soveinl rules were
ro reminded that the fund taken , -
rom us POII.ODH BENEFIT is to bo dis-
osed of according to the dictates of
lie- chief surgeon , and his- dictations
ro law and unquestionable * .
Bule eighth , "In case of death in Tl
lospital uoiiEUATE amount for fun-
ral expenses will bo allowed. " This
a the unkindest cut of all. The
ileat tramp in exiatance , who dies by
he road1 side , has a MOSSCATE turn
irovided bj the law of the land for
lia burials and no head t/ai of fifty
onts per month.
Rule niath provides that it is op- , '
lonal with the grand mogul whether
a patient- can remain in thw hospital to
ixcccd ninety days. It is to bo in-
erred that ho will either bo cured or
filled in & given time on be a subject
of charity instead of getting the ben-
fit for which our claimed to
> o appropriated.
Rule tenth , "each omnjoyo becomes
a participant of the fund as soon as
company service begins- and ceases to
)0 such when Inn connection with the
road is severed and is no longer
entitled to any of the benefits of the
und. " To illustrate' a man enters
.ho . nervine of the company for a day
and or two and is paid 31.40 per day ,
at the expiration o i his time is
; ivon a tltno check for his labor , and
m the face of it is the notation , DEDUCTED >
OEMS- five loaves of bread , five
) ounds of sugar , five pounds of port ,
> r if you please CO cants worth of tlio
subsistence , life giving food. And for '
what ? ' To pay the princely salary of
chief surgeon and ins assistants , to C
> uild and maintain elegant and im-
) osin [ { structures t2iat will insure
credit to the ollicera-of the road from !
a public who know sot that the capi-
al which built and furnished them '
vas unjustly taken , from the laborers
without their conaaut.
Again , any oxponsa that can
bly bo thrown upon the municipal au
thorities will bo taken advantage of ,
and all outsiders that can be taken in - .
at n stipulated raho of 81.00 per day u
will be received , and the profits ( after
giTJng one-third to the nurses who
are paid by us ) ) will bo added to t lie-
fund ; and lastly , we nro informed that
the affairs will bo conducted economi
cally und fair , , according to the ap ,
proval of the chief surgoorv and gon-
or.d manager , which mean ? they will
have the entire control o r the aggre '
gate sum of sixty to seventy thousand
dollars per annum paid by the em :
ployes ot the company , eight-tenths
of whom provide for tLomsolvea and
theirs without calling , for assistance
from those who have robbed them
of their just dues , This is noi only
what Iloaowator calls constitutional
violation and outrage , but what nine-
tenths of the employers call extortion
and robbery , and -when The Itepubli-
oan says this is no novel experiment ,
wo fool that it ia once he has staggered
onto the truth , for fraud ia too plainly
exposed to make it a novelty. Wo
Gnd no fault with the company for not
consulting Mr. Ilosewator , but we do
fool that wo have Homo right to bo
consulted before our just dues are
taken and appropriated for the bone-
lit of others. While a few single men ,
who have no care or thought for the
future , and squander their earnings
in profligacy , will bo bouelitted in
event ot injury or sickness , the many
men of families will pay for their
benefit and at the same simo keep up
their homo hospital unaided ,
And in conclusion let me say that
instead of Mr. Rosowater'a manifest
ed interest in our rights , and his out
spoken denunciation of this unjust
usurpation of power , becoming mon
otonous to us , we feel to thank him
for his manifestations , and FOLLY ap
proeiato with Rratitudo his efforts in
exposing this gigantic injnstico u
thousands of our follow laborers , anc
may God have "Mercer" on you
souls , and not ours.
U. P.
Novr Patent-
.Following ia the list of patonti
issued during the past week to inven
tora in IOWA and Nebraska :
I. C. Bennett , Newton , running
gear for wagons.
P. M. Bracolin , Davenport , car
S. W. Bycra and H. W. Knight
Nashua , planter.
E , P. Lynch , D.xvonport , harrow.
M. C. Mohr , Manchester , door
W. R. Craig , Do Witt , khchon
cabinet ,
W. N. TrumWe , Greenwood , wind
Marino lutolligouctv
Nitlonat Associated 1'rcfn.
NuwYonK , June-4. Arrived TT.w
Britannk and City of Paris from
Liverpool ; sailed , Cimbrra for Ham
Armviar , Juno fc Sailed The
Vadorland for Now York.
AMSTEiia'AM , Juno - * . Sailed The
Edam lor Now York.
HAMUUIKS , Juno4. Arrived" The
Vandalia from Now York ; sailed ,
Bohemia for Now York ,
HAVUE , Juno 4. Sviicd On the
3d , the Labrador for Now Fork ; ar
rived , Wiolaad from Ehmburg for
New York.
LIVERVOOL , June 'I. Arrived
The Scat hia r nd llopublioan from
Now York.
BREMEN , June 4. ArriTod Loip
jig from Baltimore.
GLASOOW , Juno 4. Sailed On the
2d , the Ethiopia for Now York. "
LOHNE , Juno4. . Sailed' The
3tato of Pennsylvania for New Ybik.
A Hotter Nnbbod-
ftvtloNal AssochtcJ I'rctn.
IKW YOUK , Juno 4. Anothorhea-r-
115 was had yesterday before Gbm-
nhiaionor Osborno- the caao of
lonry F. Billings and wife e f Ghi-
ago , arrested here last week on the
iharga- fleeing fron the state forftho
mrpodo of evading p.n order of ihe oir-
uit court of the northern district of
llinois , to pay over to the assignee of
jewio Nolan , bankrupt , $12,791 iudg-
nont rendered. Billings denies any
ntention to uvado the order , and cays
10 came here on busiaess. Ho olljrcd' '
5OOO'in , settlement of the claim , but
he parties demand CfyOOO Tho-oaao
djosrned pending negotiations-
Minister Jjoircll-
itlonal Aesoclatod
Bosroif , Mass. , Juno t. The Jour-
al baa a. special from Washington
tating. that is reported that Mr. ,
lOTrelMioa been recalled or has do-
lined'furfaher service , and his resigsa-
ion ia-on the Washington.
hctQamo-at Atlantic Won by O :
Base Ball In General.
ThaBi.&M. boysaso elated
heir-trip fc > Atlantic , la. on Satuo-
ay , the fine treatment : uecoived there , ,
nd Jthii-vistory which they won by
lie remarkably low score of 5 t&B :
'hore wan-somo fine playing on both
idenf and at the close of the game the
Ulantica , who had i treated them *
plondidlj * , divided the gate receipts
nth them. They arrived at hope
arly > Saturday night. The folio wine
s the
'AltAKTJCH. K B.&M. Hi
Soott , c f : . 0 Munroe , B a . 1
Vhltefield , 3d b. . . I Urc.ndt , c . 1'
Jushfield , 2il b..O Turkee , p . 0
, .p. . . . 0 ICortmaun , 2db..l
Villey , UK . 1 MIDer , 3Jb . 0
linlcle.lf . 0 1'eat , rf . 0
rKaijurdMi 1st b..O Gteightoo , c f . 0.
Jickeiwon , r f..O 1'Vr ' email , 1st b.l
Vhpple.c ! . 0 llannan , If . 1
Total. . . 2 Total . „ . . . . &
Huns. . earned , Atlun'Jca , 1 ; B , & . , 5t
irst base on ball , B. . & M. . 1.
Struck out , Atltnticif 8 ; B. & M. , 0.
Left oil , bases , Atlantics , 4 ; B , & M. , t.
PiiaUbaso hits , Atla tics , -1 ; B. & Al.,8.
Secoudi base hits , Atlantic" , 1 ,
Time ot game , 1 hiur and 35 minifies.
Umpire AI. F. Funltluuser , ot the TU.
. ulna ,
Scoror3-Atlanticsk lllette ; B. ft M. ,
Gani9 by innings :
i1 2 3 i 5 C 73 ,
Ltlaniics 0 0110000 0 2
. & .M 21 0110 a.0.0-5 .
The game was umpired by Mr.
i'unUhauser , of the U. P. uino. ,
A picked nine , each from the jston-
ral ticket and general auditing oiticcs
if the U. P. , played u gams nt the
pounds in Lake addition Saturday
ftornoon , Fnnk Bandlo and Sam
fash of the U. P. nine helping them
iut a little. The score WAS as fol-
ows :
Vlthnell , c. , 3 Cros'iy ' , p 3
Cakli , 1 f -1 Lord t ! b 1
incoln , 1 b 1 Taylor 3 b 1
iilkwlth , 2b 1 Hnovylb 2.
Vilson , p a Hilb , c 4
'attcraon , a f. . . . 2 Handle , i f 2-
iarney , s B -J Nattlngpr , a s , . . . 2' '
1. Shakeshnft , 3 b 1 lla > U , r f 1
. Bhakeahaft , o f 2 Cooper , of 1
Total 21 Total .17
Wori on the now grounds for the
J. P. ainu will begin this week aod a
amo > rill probably bo played on iliem
icxt Saturday.
Ciwrlos Whitney and BurL Dorr ,
wo. fine players , will play with the U.
J. nine this season. This 311s the
line , which will be Whitney , Nash ,
Qandlo , Dorr , Funkhauser , Holland ,
tfahoney , Doherty , Hart , Linden ,
Brandt and Durly , of the B. & M.
line , will qo east on a vacation next
ivoek , and the club will not play dur.
ng their absonco.
The next business mooting of the
Union Pacific Athletio association will
ae held in the headquarters building
Monday afternoon , at which time a
joard of directors for the ensuing soa-
jon will ba elected.
Used to say ; "lloyg , if your blood la out
al order try Burdock tea ; and then they
bad to dig the Burdock and boll it down
lu kettles , making n nasty , smelling decoc
tion ; now you get all the curative proper-
tiea put up in a palatable form U IK'lUKici ;
Dtoou BITTERS , Price ? 1QQ
Can Be Handled By a Boj
The box neci ) ncrer bo liken on Jhs wiron ai
nil the elicited
Grain and Grass Seed la Saved
H costs less tf.nti the oH stracks. ! . Ere
standard u agon Is sol Jivlth our mk comjilc
Or buy the attichtnoits anJ ni > 'v thrm
your dil wajron box. For aalo In jS
J. C. CLARK , I.tnculm
MAN.MNO & Itrss , Otunh * .
Krni > KFUPX , ( I rat ill Ibnnd ,
& Qniirf , llaitlniji.
S"\AO < ni ! & Ki'Sh ' , RW Cloud.
O. II. CKAKR & Co. , Hod Oak , loxra , .
iW. . Ill'OTM , OlcnWDO' ' , JOW '
Andorery flrst class il "otorln the -vrrtt A
.hcai'fbr dcHcrlptho ciTCUtxr or tccl dire-
J , MoOallum Bns ; Mauuf' Bo.
8C1CO24 West Liko-3treot , Chlcajo.-
at , G > " n ; ' .nil ;
' .vc v HitiNjkttjipr ficli iho want o
i . -ti m j tfcr.t , ill e > 1 1 ; tfiu ' lilv fooi
i. n'v l ; tl J escciu heat , du t. lilJc
i ' ! rif tit's o a roiil nr nootlFtove. ! Sll !
, vrii .or Cil Ct&vo vill do it , bettw
I'lickt r andi cheajicr by any othc
oieans It iwllie only Oil StOVO mad
vith tl IB oil reservoir olovatcd at th
back a f the stove , away f roai the heat ; b'
which , arrangement absolnto Dafoty i
Be euro d ; aanogas can begoneratcd , full.
20 pej : cent1 more heat isobtained , th
wicks are preserved twice-as long , thu
saving thelrouble of constant trimmin ;
and th c expense of new one ? . EsaSlifii
the It 'Onitot and you will buy no othei
JIa-.rufacturcil only by the
Monitor Oil Stave Co. , Cleveland , C
Seni i for descriptive circular * Js cid
on M. Rofjora & Son , solo agent&Sfp
Nebra ska.
( No. 2005. ) , . ,
TR3A8URY DEl'AnTMENT. , , ' > < f
0 ffica CtCoMITBOLLEtt OF ailK CCR KSO > / %
WAtu oreN , April 2Gth&a.yf } <
Wir SHBAS , bj satisfactory erldoucu wwctot
to the undtm Kncd , It ras been made fo appai
OMAt tA , " In the c ty of Omaha , in the county ol
Doug U' , ixrjjfitite of NcbroAa , haj coairUeJ
with all the provisions of tho-Rovisod btntuea o !
the C 'nltod ' Sutcq required to bo compiled with
befoi e an nsectintlon shall bocouthorlzcd to com'
mcnc a thu bu < lucsa ol Bankloc :
No , the ; iore , I. John J y Knox.Comptrollei
of tb e Currency , do hereby certlf ? that "The
Nebiaska National Bank of Coiaha , " In tha eity
of 0 njBtia , In the cmnty oKUouglas , and elite
of 'Aebrania , la authorlztd to comment the
bus ! ness of IfauLlngQ ) provided In Soction.FW >
One Hundred and Sixty-Nino of the Kovlsed
St.v'.utes of'thoUnltcJiitatas. '
In testimony whereof wltncs * mi'
f - V hand and erjj of olflco thla 25th
< 6EAL , da > of Anrll.1-82.
Comptroller of the Curroocy
Thoabovo Bank Is now prepared to receln
business Itcorainciiccisn'Hh a fully pad up
d pltal ciOi 0,000.00. w1Ui olllcersinJ Jlrectort
If. fOllOWBI
S. . JSHNSON , PaEsjai'-rr. of Stee ! , John-
eon & Co. . WhoIefAie Oroccrrj
A. H. TOUOAUN. VlO.3K lDEM , ol C. 3. &Q-
It. B. , Boston.
W. V. HOUSE , ol W. V.JIotsanoa Ccn Wholo-
mlo Boot ] nrjjlicts.
JNO. B. . COLtms , oMl. H. & J. C , Collins ,
Wholesale U-ntier and S ddtry. !
JAME3.M. Woomortt , Counsellor andAitcruey
LEVMQ Si. BEEO , of Byron llced .03. , H
Kstata leim
UEM1V W. YATia. Cajhisr. Uta Coehlsi of ths
Firit NMIanal Hank ot Oiuohi , and
connect eil , with the active uun.ii'o-
ment of rlnt Bank tinea ltd en * >
_ Iratlon In 3M1 _ _ .
UMTKJ tiAiEi iMiu-cSnavici' ,
VlS * DlDOR ACU.CV , IV.Uotl.JllllO 1 'ffc r.V
Soilol proposal * , Imtonsil ptoion T'i ' ( r p-
lleate. for the erection of as , Indian lourdiair
Mhoolot this aanicy , In oejcrdanrs with pliw
and Dpecinoatlonson Illowltn tha Chlif Quarter.
muter , Uciiubnent I'latto/oJ tb .Owahi , Neb. ,
and directed to the imdcjj'.t.-nol , e ra cf tnu
Chief Quartemiaiter , Deuirtujent of the Flattc ,
Omaha , NcV. , will bo rtvcaUeJ until 12 o'clock :
noon on Haiunlay , July j isja.
The tontractor will Lo nllowcd thouieof tha
agency niUl to cut such Uai or as be urn ttdio ,
not to cxc jcd 100,000 fct. eU tli9 labor of oper-
ting uilltto | jo nlroJ trxthoeontractar , i tun.
ber to lift obtained oufcldj the resort at'cn , anJ
tbo mill V ncd back la M road order as when K.
Coatjict to ho Rwudod to lowostrespinsilla
blddtr , subject to th.a approval oj the -
paftra ntcf tlio Interior.
Proposes musjsta'o length of tinifl rcqui'od
for completion ol bullilnv , of the epprov l of
epntnct and muU ba accompanlcaby a ctrtined
theck upon 6ome United fataiis Depository. W-
ablotofbe unckralgned for at least Die(5)per ( )
ctut. nt the amount cf the propuul. which check
jhjll be Jorfeitad to the United Btiteiln case ny
Uddtr receiving the aw rl thill Jail to execute
promptly a contract with go-d and sufficient
nuretfet ocoordlni to tha terms of hU bid , other ,
wls9 to bo returned to tha Udder. No bid la
exco'B , , , ? ' * li 0 * iH bo conilacruJ-
llullJlujr to bo of lumber , main pcrtlon tobe
two star ) 10x40 ; addition -obo ona etor ) 32x10) .
I or further information address Ibs undtr-
wguod , at line Uldjo Aaeuiy , Dakota.
V. T. Mc'JIlJjVCUDUy ,
mSO-lSt UnltU HtatwTWUn Aifent.
3E JEt A. CVCXCj & iv&
Have remoiod from there old
No. 116 North Sixteenth Street
Una alwaje on hand a gooi assortment