THIS DAIL5 ? BEE : MOKlJAV , JUNE 5 , 188 * O. O. 0O03K .fie O < O > . COMMISSION MERCHANTS , City Market , Ccnncll Bluffs Iowa , WHOLESALE FLOUR , HOUSE , General Agcntafor tha Celebrated Mills ot It. D. Hush ft Co . Golden Eagle Flour , Lcarcnwoith , Kanvn , and Queen BM Jlllls , Bloux Fall * , IHkota. Ptferencc , Smith & Crl't ' mlen , Council Bliilfg , 11. SI. W10LE3AI.K AND STATIONERY AND PRINTER'S GOODS , CQTJHOIL BLUFF3 , IOWA. TITLE ABSTRACT 0 F FIDE. " Lands and Lots Bought and Sold BIONEY TO LOAN AT LOW KATES. MOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS COUNCIL BLUFFS . ( OWA IBL 15 North Main Street , WHOLESALE DEALER IN SHOE FINDINGS. Adtlttcd uppers , tn call skin and kip. Oak and Hemlock SOLE LKAT1IKH , and al oods Aipcrtalnlnfr | tothoehoo tnilo. Oord < nold Mclicapaaln the East. _ mSSS NEW IILLINBET STORE FOR STYLISH SPRING MILLINERY. PATTERN BONNETS AND CHILDREN'S HATS A SPECIALTY. 105 South Main Street. - - - - - Council Bluffs la. That never require crimping , at lire. J. J. Good's IJatr Store , at price * nc\er bcfcro touched by &ny other hair dealer. Aho a full line of switches , etc. , nt greatly reduced prices. Also gold , s\\\ct \ \ and colored nets Waxes made from ladles' own hair. Do not fall to call bctoro purcluslngr cltowhcrc. All woods warranted aa represented. MHS. J. J , GOOD , 29 Main streci , Council Dlufffl , louo. JASON WL. , 1I7ER1 , PEED & SALE STABLE The largest and best stables in the west. Roadsters , Saddle and draft horses for sale , also aflne lot of mules just received which will be closed out cheap. SCOTT ST. , NEAR BROADWAY. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IA. HE1IOVED without the CAMS drawing ol blood or use of 1 knllo. Lures lunp dUeascs , Fits , ScrofulvLhcr Com- AND .ii .n OTHER > % V plaint , Dropsy , Ithcuma- Til M II RlS tlsnli Fovcr and Mcrcur- I U III V II'W ial sores , Erjslpclae. Salt Rheum , Scald Hu l , Citairh , oik , Inflimcd and granulated Eyes , rcrofulous Ulcurs and Female - male Dlscaso of all kinds. Also Kidney and .Vonerial diseases. I Hemorrhoids or Piles cured money refunded. All disease ] treated upon the principle of xcfjet- able reform , without the u o of mercurial pois ons or the knife. Electra Vapor or M-dlcatcd Baths , furnished oeewho dcwlro them. \ IlornU or Rupture radically cured by the use tbo Elastic bolt Truss and I'listcr , which hiu superior la tha world. CONSTTLTATION FREE CALL ON OR ADDRESS Drs , R , Rico and F , 0 , Miller , * 7i 'A COUNCIL BLUFFS , la. LIVERY , Feed and Sale Stables , 18 North First Street , Bouquet's old stand , Council BluftX Io\\a. WILLARD &MITII. Prop. W.D.STILLMAN , Practitioner of Homeopathy , consulting RiysicianandSurgeon , Offlco and residence 01B Willow avenue , Coon- cll Ulufls , W. E. BINTON , DENTIST. 14 Pearl Street , Oounoil Bluffs. Extracting and filling a epochlty. First-class work guaranteed. DR. A. P. HANCHETT , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office , No. 14 Pearl Street. IIoun , 0 a. m. to 12 , , and 2 p. in , , to 6 p , m. Koililciice , 120 Bancroft street. Telephonic connection with Central olllco. DR. AMELIA BURROUGHS , No. 617 First Avenue. noursfrom 10 to 11 ft. m. , and 2 to C p. m. Merchants Eestaurant JOS , BOSS , Proprietor. Corner Broadway and Fourth Streets. Good accommodations , good fire and cour teous treatment. S. E. MAXON , O3BC X Office over si'Ings bank. COUNOIi. BLUFFS , - - Iowa. REAL ESTATE. W , 0. James , In connection with his law and eolltctlon business buys and tells real estate. Persons wishing to buy or sell city property call at his office , o > cr Duehnell'a book store , Pearl street. EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice of the Peace and ' r Notary Public. JO- tj46Broadway ! , Council Bluffs. Deedi and mortiagea drawn and tcknoledged WATER WAVES , In Stock and Manufactur ed to Order. Made From Your Own Hair. TOILET ARTICLES , All Goods Warranted as Represented , and Price. Guaranteed. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , 337 W. Broadway , Council Bluffs Iowa. ; - - - . S , E , J , HAEDING , M , D , . Medical Electrician AND GYGNECOLOGIST. Graduate of Electropathfo" Institution , Phila delphia , Penna. OfflcB Cor , Broadway & Glenn Ave. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. The treatment of All diseases nnd pnlnful jdll- fleultlcs peculiar to fcirales a specialty. The Star Bakery , HOWARD & ROBIE , 227 MAIN ST , Kmplay the best dread Baker In tbo West ; also a choice hind lor Cakes and Pies. { Bread deltered to all parts ot the city. " FRESH FISH ! Game and , Poultry ; Can alwajs be found a B. DANEHY'a , 130 Upper BroadwAV. JNO.JAYFRAINEY , Justice of the Peace , 314 BROADWAY , n Council Bluffs , - - Iowa. W. B. MAYES , th Loans andEealEstate , tl Proprietor ot abstracts of Pottawattamle ct county. Olllco corner of Broadway and Main siroeU , Council BluHu , Iowa , G JOHN , STEINER , M. D. 8ttt ( Doutscljcr Arzt. ) ROOM 5 , EVERETT'S BLOCK , 0't Council Bluffs. VK Diseases of women and children a spoclalty. P , J , MONiflOMEEY. M , D , , aiT FUEE DlSPKNSAKY EVJJKY SATUJtDAY. T olU Offlco In Everett's block , Pearl treet. Reel ] donee 23 Fourth etrect. Olllco hours from o to e go. m. , 2 to 4 and 7 ti B p. m. , Council I luff * eJ F. G. 'CLARK 11w . . , oln PRACTICAL DENTIST. sin Pearl street , opposite the postofflce. One ot | ' the oldest practitioners In Council Blnffs. Batli- 01 . Isfactlon guaranteed In all cases > DR. F. P. BELLINGER , EYE AND EAR SURGEON , WITH DIt , CUAHLK3 DKKTKEN , Offlco over ilrur store , 411 Broadway , Council BlulTn , Iowa. Al dbeaics of thu evu and car trotted under the moit approved lueUiod , and all purcb guaranteed. JOHN LINOT , ATTORNEY1-AT-1 AW , Will practice In all eU tan court * ] Speaks Oeraian LtDfuar , M WANTS A HEARING. To the Fdltor ot Tin Ilir : The Council Bluffs Nonpurlel of Saturday - day , May 27th , contains nn article signed by W. H. HA ! ! , bitterly nssnlllng and tr . ducing the management of the Feeble Minded Asylum nt Glcnwood. Hh charges not only reflect upon mjuclf Imt also up n Dr. Thrall of Otturmva , D , M. Baker of Charlton , 1'red O'DonnolI of Diiburine , and K. 11 , \Voodson of Glen * wood , the latter two being hi < a soclntoi on the present boaid , The artlcla charges the grossest nbuc , mid abounds In wicked and cunningly worded Insinuations and cnucudoex. I prepared n reply air , on presen ting it to Col. Chapnm < for iiuortioti in his taper was met with n poMttvo refusal , after hii p-ipnr had giteu i ubllclty , with oruel editorial comment , to nn article which BJtight to tu iko infamous my hinh * ngempnt of nn Ii sttution which T hnd organized nnd mai e n grand BUCCC > R , it the opinion of score * of ho good men of I iwn U worth anything , W ll fair minded people ple consider the refusal to gise me a hear my u\\n defense AS just nud honora ble trentm/siit. Will jou please publish the reply , nnd with the hope thnt nil coucerued will give it n careful perusal , I am , Very respectfully , O. W. AJiciunvu ) , AIIUIUUALU'U AN8WFII. In Gov , Gear's mcssigo to the last Gen eral A'semlily n table Is given showing the cost per capita per month of "supporting the inmates ot the various state institu tion R , from which wo quote ns follows : .Monthly cost per lutnitc. o llltrid Institution for tlio Dot nud Dumb 4 IS 5'2 Hospi al for Insane nt Mt. Pleaiant. . ' . , , . 15 03 ItOMiltnl lor Insaiiont Independence. . , . . 13.79 Asylum for I'ccble-MlndcJ Children. , . . . 13.J2 The lutians hojpttaN , with five to stic hundred fnuntcs , simply custodial estab lishments , ought to be run much cheaper1' per capita thnn uu institution with only one-third the number , containing n class of helpless persons requiring quite ns mudh , if not more attention than thu insane and burdened with the additional expense of maintaining an educational department , Itwilbu seen l v Mr. Gear' * own table that the feeble-minded asylum , with ex- pcnsito disadvantages aud incou\enlencos to which no other institution is subjected , ( cost per month n smaller sum of mondy than any kivtn in the nbovo turned chari ties. The deaf and dumb institution , with a class of children able to take pcnonnl care uf themselves , test mare monov | or capita ; the ollego for the bliud , an'ablu' bodied class of inmate4 , cost a great dual inoro money ; the insane hustiitals , with a larger per cent of inmates ublotu tnlco per sonal care uf theniBelvo than in tfio feebleminded - minded asylum , c > st nioroiiiouoy. My in stitution is both ciiBtodiol and , requiring employes in both capacities , which is true uf no other of the charities named. 1 lip governor also gives another table , showing the number of ofllcois and em ployes in thy several state institution , and the ratio of employes to inmates , from which I quote : Hallo of cmplojcs to Inmates. College for the Kllnd 3.0 Institution forthu Deaf nnd Dumb , . . | U. > llospll Iforlimmo nt Mt. Pleasant. 460 boldlers'Orpfcaiis" llomo.i 5.78 tu Asylum for I'ceblc-Mlndcd Children 592 a Kit will be seen by this table that tha in college for the blind had ouo employe to tb every three inmates , while I ha1 one to fo within n fraction of six. } Not ono helpless ucmi nor dependant perxon can be found nmon mi the blind , each nnd every one being able ta to take personal care of I themselves nnd go W about quite ai freely a * thedeaf and uumb. Withthj feeble-minded , howeyer , personal op attendance must bi given .to nearly every in one. i ftow , it teems singular that an institu no tion with an exhibit showing smaller ex noa pense per oai ita and u smaller1 ratio of em- pluyes to Inmates than any other qisteri or charity named , should he singled out aud pr its management branded b * the governor as "extrangant and un warrant e i. " yaWH The trustees did u t think the governor tnl WH was correct , inasmuch us they report : ' Ira "The Gleuwood nsjlum is onebf the tlo best managed institutions to bo found ail among the charities of any state ' ' tu The legislative vhltitig committee , con fpr tin sisting of Senator Lugiin and Uepresenta- on lives Morgan and Platter , visited the in BP ! | stitution , after having had full time to (11- cut KOit thegoveiuor'ti arraignment of my mls- thl fro manngement und extravagance ; and I find thosta eiucnti in their report : Wolouud that In the opinion olyourcom- mlttic' , the iinpropriatloiis hare bcou tcweju and economically exfenJut , tinJ Your coinniltleo feel that tlicro Is a great tCJ work being done ) jy those lu the employ of tha plo state nt this hospital , each lentlaer und attend tlu ant vlelufi with thosuprrlntenduut and matron tlu in , the work of qualifying , us nearly as possi prc ble ' , th6 uniortuiiate under their care tor the wo battle of life. tful In closing this report , your committee call- not retrain from ayain spa ikinc In the highest log crms of tliu management , and especially do ( eel that the ' ize we work of'lhc toacligru in iii iorc dllllcult than that ol ui.y institution nithlu ho state , 'Ihey arc kind and attentive to lie lie wants ol their iniplli , , Wo mlfiht quote more from tlmlcind and ; ompllmentary ; words of thfs report , ns to aluo ( ) f other similar ones , but this1 suffices all o show that the three unprejudiced legig. mt ators did not agree with the report or. a inn whoso action | Uf jovernor in the matter was ini nlluenced for tellieh ends , its I verily be- ; d iovo , and future developments will bear YBS me out in this belief. t The \ isiting coinmjttea spent two days .he and a eight in the institution , and ngi horougldv examined every department ind feature of the work. On the other sot Ar mud the governor never spent to exceed ill ! wo hourc , at a time , in the Inatitutipn , Of and yet he seems able to find out more than in hret other wen do In two days , given to at carclul and painstaking research , J09 It remained , h-iwover , for Mr. Ifjll to wo come to the front as an investigator and Era tan corrector of public wrongs. Ho visited tlo Glenvvood in March last and remained two Ar days , spending some ulx hours in the in- crcuc titution the tinio taken > uc , being up with alk and routin * ImeineHS. In his article cot the 4 Archibald Arraigned , " he says : "Since int hat meeting I have be n attending tn my iiiti own ' personal affairs , and n part of the MIC line ! absent from thestate , " On Tuesday , rat tlay 23d , ho again returned , and for the 11 ru econd time met with the board ; A por- kill wa bn of the time on Tuesday , Wednesday iver and Thursday wa * spent in the Inittitutlon , pal mt nobody reaifreU that he was making aninveutigathu , sea Among the proceeding ) of the board on the Tuesday was an orderto rescind the action the hrst meeting allowing mo to remain ( until ! July 3d , to entertain the national a' i association ot medical oiflcera audnuperin- gal [ umlentu of feeble-minded in - asylums the ta Jnited Scales atidCaiiulaau honor which - md been unanimously accqn'ed the Glen * kei wood ins itution at tbq lust annual session keiMi that body by ordering my immediate toe etlrcment from the Buuerlntendenoy , my ucceasor being allowed to takeclmrgenext 'be ' morning , Wednesday , May 2Uh. lion , tin 'red. U'Donnell , the president of the Kv board ( , aa he also did at the time , of the original order of removal protested glv ; .gainst this second summary proceeding , tff ( ut ouo vote beat two. and 1 ) iad to go , 'ati Ott Thursday , May 25th , Mr , Hal ) wout Vln o Council UluftV , and on Saturday , May let 27th there apjx-lired , ln print under big sig coi nature & stuiunent totting forth his reasons un or assisting in my r i > toval from the super- unHi ntendency. Under utartling head line ; I trs am charged with cross mismanagement , MJ nisapplication of fund' , amj general tr | rockedness. To the O4sual reader it would ovv eem that Mr. Hall had made out a clear CM ase. liut in thin , as | Q many 6ther ques , Tl ions there Is another iide , and before the , eVi lublio passes udgrafnt in the matter I tin wish to exphiln ho varlaua charges , and 'US' also bring to view f some cts not generally HU ; mown. i lib On March 21t Mr. Hull addressed me Jes. "Dear Doc , " and among his loving ex- prewtons I quote thd one : " ) Vlth the short acqualnuncf I hnv # had with your poonl I have loartod to Iovo you all , fttd * 111 bo plowed to meet you. vvhich I w nt to do , * nd have a long and friendly talk with you. " > ow , Isnt that gushing to come from man who tny IA , w.m elected on the iimue of my rcmoMU fr m n pd itlni which every trustto. ciory IrgiilAtive vi iturand every pircnt iui I WAI clllcictdly filling ? Not only did 1m not hmo nl tig and friendly talk , but he eptirely RToMtd tnemidov rye q else nhout the in titu- tinn. During tils first vl > it to ( r tufond. which lasted two days , of which ptiiod about nit htiuM ftlitioit entire ! ) ' devoted to routine l > o rd work--wcre spent , n Lc- font K id. In the institution. Ho Cj cd with mi institution cnlployc , hntl did cot conduit n b > ok , blll'if ioucher1. Mr llailstatti wltlt the assertion that his COL lion as trustee fi a < on tha 1 DUO pf my retirement from the supcrintcmkircy ; that a number of tnetnbrrs soiitihtrom hint r4 \ rombi to tise hii Inlliienco to' | , ro- Vciitmy rr-cmploymeiit 1 ntn nitjin- parcdtoBwctpinBlydehy this clalnu but 1 liav o tlio w ord of many ineuihrra of both loiiHM that they hail nn kiviulnlge nf any inch nrrnncon.cnt , and lm { they knn of , t , tlib i > ottkiilrncy wouM h.-n every sudJen- y enilcd. It is certainly a ntrntigo nsar * tton tu uomo fnun f > nidniU'r ( if the K illa- ture ' tlmt the Ifglel t6rkhtid tocontplro together - gether to bring ftbo.nt the renmvul ol the sit | > ermtoudciit of n t tc Institution ol which fta trimtecRluNOitliUto siy : Tha ( llctiwood aiyluni 1 mui of tlm bfit , maiinttcil Insllttilloni to l < o ( omul HIIIOIIR ( lit- clmrlilcsof aily > Uti > . An cincletit supcrln * tcndmit backed tijr ncarfi otrll ei-lcclcil > it > l cordltlly .n opornliu tsNtints explain oxcellanrc of nil ngi'hiciit. It ln liroli ifry ratlflnj ; to notice tlio lii ) | > rarnii nt inqdo lir ttiu cla , > f ol vhllcUon wliji nro Inmatbg iif tlio nsyluin. This ha not IxH n to nuiMi , pcrlitpv , nn Htlvanrolit Ilift knowlclge tilliuoknlwliich tu itfolt Is quKo rtcAatkalilo ) i In Imlijts of cleaiilinenst ovlilcnccs of pAIIUnni nnd cooti mannori , and klll Jn 411 Iho a ts by l.lidr Is l * rlorliiM' ' ' Tlib acquisition of latter fetibwlrdRo nlbno U an ainpo ) retwrn ( d tlio itnto for the money cxpciulcd In these wards. tiio fttatcsmat | < ort tu tronchcry and ; ito.-eption , to accoiilplish his ends ; 1 it possible tluf the legblaturo of I IWA had tc roiolvo Itself into JK star chamber nnd scciotly exact certain 'jiroihispn fiotu one of ifs oun tnemberB licfore olevatintt him to thd position of ttutteo of onu of the stile's groit chaiite ! ? r Tho' iiromlso alleged to luyo : bqcn demanded and given , \vas that tils superintendent of Itho institution for the feeble minded ahpujd JQ remilveit from hiw position. No oharca of incoiupotenoy was made , the only'fnult found wwliy the govcr or , who charged extravagiuce , jet t.vbleijn his own ijiesiago showed to , the tontrory. The legislative coimnittoo sent tJ ecu if the trustee wcro right in Hi Ir tlaim that the Olenwpod aaylum really was , "one df the best mhuagej liHtitutlotm teat bo found 'among the charities of any state , " returned and reported that the money of the state , had been "tvi oiv nnd economically expended , " and that orlicdrs nnd emplo\ea vfed.qacli with the oilier in fqithiuluefg , and tuaC "a great work was being done bythoao'in the employ of tlds institution. " How is the legislature to learn of the nnnagement of the institution under its cent ol ? Certainly , from thosa olilclnlly designated for that purpose. What ii the testimony of these Rent to the fteble-itiiit'l- ' ed iuttitution ? It' was most fivvoriblc , to judge from the extracts given ehewbero in this article. _ Does the legislature be lieve its committee nnd its trustee ? , and act in accordance with their reports ? Mr. Hall sa > s no , and one hi lead to infer tbav outdido , influence was fiullicieiit to break the force ot official statements , nnd thus stamp them aa untmo. No official * ord o ! censure h is over como from a single trustee , nor ( legislative visl- T tor , ngainst the Feeble-Minded institution , record i I think no other superintendent the state can claim. In the face of all this , Mr. Hall alleges tht the member * found it necessary to use unfair meant to accomplish the overthrow of a manage ment pronounced good by those who cer- tainlv ! ought to know I something of" the work f / _ ' j ; r I might qutte .columns of tbo good opinions expressed concernilig-iny manage- inent. ; t , ' j , . i . , , Dr. W. S.Tloberfson , of * MuscUme , now President of the state board'of'health ' , .ay ; * : J irns prrsldentot the board of truste 3rga | lzatt6nof tlio asyltliji at ( Jlentr. . , „ . „ Dr. Archibald oegln'hls rforlcund continued It for riearly tire years I consider him a most yaluable uiap tor tlie pcsltli/i ) , cartful , prudent , nmtthfiil , kind , nways | looking well to tbo best InUrcsts of tbo institution and Its Irimntcs r e always thought hi ) Selection for the posi tion a most fortunate one for 'tlie Institution , uid for tbo state He stands > rolwith ) tha superintendents ; ql ( Similar Institutions throughout the i ountry , alid his displacement pr almciluny other ninm and especially for me who hat no practical experience ! in tills > t'ci'l Jin' , Is must dotrimcntal lor all con- xirntd. I consHcr ii n\ \ most unfortunats thing for Iho nsyluni that hoilmuld ba roniurtd roui lt kupcrintcndince. ' O , A. Oronoy , for several years oditor'of tha Glenwood Opinion , nnd nov ( editor of tin Clarmdn. Herald : > . Tour yciin of observjitloii of iho methods' of caching and tbaMis'MpllDQpf pupils and uu- iloyes about the Institution leads us to Remark lint both are pDr/rrt , nnd | to v' ' > BUK thorn by ho appointment ot'nuy ' person , other than the ircsont superintendent , lo Its management voiild luvo tbo cllect to greatly lesson uie uio- ulness of this grand charity , J lion , tD. M. Blake , a member of the ogislature when the institution was organ- zed d 'ihe removal pf Dr-Archibald nn J vlfp from of mnnngement of tbqairluin H not only au njustlco to theiiKiifres but an injury to tlifc I iluto and au outrage UJKIU tliu unfortunate uldrenot ! thafnstltutlori , who have leflrued Iovo and respect the doctor aud his wffo with the fervor ol human gratitude , Iwiufor- nil ntrly picsidcut of thu board and watched the iianiiKcmcnt with a critical eye , each visit lie- the occasion of a thcrough examination nto every feature of tbo work , and I wish to on record as 8'ijlnj that thu inanaxoinunt perfect. It lion , I'red O'Donnell. now president of < board of truitres , and who protested igalnst my removal , says : Allo\v tni ; her * to bear titllinony to the pcr- lonal worlli und'sjilendid > ] NJlUcattous pf Dr trchlhald as siiporinlendunl , Slid to the tiuuii- inoualy hlabfstlnintlon of his wilu in jnatron the liisiitiitjon of Rlenwood , They hurt ) nado this Institution all ( hat It ! | uok churt-o its ! commencement , whun U wjis u inert ) > ub- ti 9t matter of Jcsl.ovpn In the legislature , anil vorkod for It until to-diiy it i , one ol ( liu irandist charities In the U\e \ , whoso liupor- auio is evidenced by the neioui approprla * Ions of the last guncral asuemlUy , Tu Dr Inhlhald , more than tu all others , W the rcdlt duofor making an exrorlmiiut no great a uccesi , and now wh n hols nhout Id cover his lotinectlonltli : this work , irhlch lie will do 1st of July next , with u spotluis record for ntcgrlty no pcraon nhoiild bo so evil as to oak a word ugalmt his fair nftiiie , but ha for Iiould reculyo jho thanks of tlio wijo | ! state 01 nllier. No matter what nnyono may say , 1 , , , iiLrcrlaln that thoparuisol | the iinfortiinatj rni cards of the iftate who nro Inmatoiol the in. tllullou , yp , atidth'Iii./iiRlfstlemaelvc , will prulso'tho ' ' ' klll , patlaii ) * , kindnuai and re r.nal atlsqtlon of Or.aud Mri. Archibald. Mr. Hall datnm.thatihe made "a strict , hi earchlpg and 'thorough' ' ' luvfcatluntlon"umi ben iiie jnl vaiBaertu fiat | HO " jiaco to state all that the investigation but Inclosed. " I pr inounoe his stutemont as ax "ttrlot , Eetrcliing and thorough inveatl- IUan ation , " or any investigation , to be false , fai far m an inyestigatlqn at the institution tb -where the books , bills and vouchers uro Jii cept Is ooncerned , Mr. Hdll kn wti , n ifr.Woodrow knvwi , tl at no investigati on J ook place at tbo institution. The , figures " llyen in Mr , HallV Article are taken from ll last biennial report , of which two or 0 bree thousand are scattered over the state. 0w Svery item of ' therein expense' given had CI Miroval of the trustee * , Every li urA CIh lven by Mr. Hall it jij the report , and u § ct Tort at concealment made. ct1C was . The 1C jus llemn were known to the trustees , 1Cu the same were alqo examined by tljo to eglslo.tlvo couimiltee without a word pf tel umdemnatlon. All tlieao tilings' pawed ai mder Inspection , and it lenulued for Mr ! ai1'i > Hall , a ttrfliiL'er , to pronounce them' ex- 1'i ravBgr-nt. Ilo asMr. , Woodrow , ai he I > < laformod , " IUH proti4ed agalnit tnv ox , out : auta , Ho docn not say Mr , Wood- 01ai tojd him so , because Mr. W. know he JMinot stand before 1'icd O'Dounell , Dr. , C ( rhrall : and J ) . M. Biker and lay that He Hi Ver proteatad In a single Instance. On III pth r hand lie cordially approved , orjd IIIal isually ' rugrettcd tbht the i tate.dld not 01 mpport Uie foeble-uiluded Institution ai est liberally an It did some of the other chart- 6' ' . 6'a Jes.Mr a : Mr , Hall gives a lengthy quotation from GOT , G # r' l st mo * iBO concernln ( he ftlleie < ! i debtetlncni Incurred by th Inttitfttion tlurlni ? the long winter of 1870 'i < 0. From this quotation wo quote : fn May last the lioard df tnutrrs nddr fftttr tn the fxccutlvo council , asking tlm l-ody toallriw thnboarl th crraK n ilebt neilns the Mali undtr hc protNbn | < f chapter R7 urtsof IhoScvontrrnlli ( Icnprol AMcmblj.on llK'gtoiitul of Ihahlllly lo * itlporl | the Itulllti tlnh oh HIP amount afinwol liy law. o Ilit ttiKttts hail ixnnlltttl Ilioxupcrlnldidfn Hi ettwl IhofTi'ondlHirrt nllownl by law by thenriioiihtoftlils tlfM-J 1,000. < T i luliftMimnlly minted Iho mimlicr nl ofu | ilorc > , and rut down tbiUnto nl cxi-cndUim- , * o1lifit IlinMjIiini , nt tlio tlftt * nf I In * report wMtndolit tnnn nmonntn llttlolfM tlmn thn duo from.tfin counties flu * clothing Mr. H U prcscuta A dozen prnmro do dilations ( frptn what | \lr. Gctr loid. i in nukes me solely roipouwiblo forcvorj thing vvhllo the | o\chnor innkes tha Irmtces re Juoti'lble. The tru tte , without cxcop' tin , confticiored the expense inclined dur Ini ? the \fintor ni legitimate nnd In goot faith they nikfd Uie executive council to permit the itata to nMitpio it , Tl o conn sli not consenting , thrf Only wayoutvtai t reduce the Hung expense * , donnto snl nrlcsnnd discharge lii'l | until even Mr. \Voiidiow said \vo iinly had enough ti "bnrcly hotd the children. " I ho governor dolibeintcly states nn tin truth in declaring that "the nsyltim nt the date uf the report win in debt tn nn amount ti llttlo ItM than that duo from the coun ties fur clothing. ' By lonsullirtg ur < ir Wobdrow report there can ho sect this statement : "lUlmco in fnvor of the nsjlum at the tlm * of Uio report , SflSO.fio" ' I nsk the fitlr inhrlcd. people of to\ta ll Uret Hnrto is hot almost right in declnrlun , the "Caucasian ft falliirc1 when the gov ernor of a groatcomntnhweAUhwlllj "witli lellbcrntlpii and mnlico nfnrcthought , ' stoop to the'ppopl'jwho liftvo lion- oreJ him with high olficinl position ! Tha reader will nskVh4t interest had the favcrnor in trying tuljrd ik down the man- igomont nf the Institution ! ' ' It w5uld take too tnilcli space to ilelal lie particulars hero , ljut there are people u GlenvvoiKl who tludors'tnnd it. As every resident f lovviv knows , the vlntor of 1879-80 wni long , cold nnd Wary , MIUVV covered' the s round the greater putt of thn sva oa , nnd largo drifts etidcroU travel difficult , and the' procure- iicntof supplies wns ud small tnslcj Kvery- , hing whs expensive. The cold being protracted - * tracted the amount of fuel i ousunicd WHS greater than during htiy pievious winter , > nd a considerable sum had to halncrtod froin the living ifund to inMce improve- jiicnto hbso utely iiecc < sary to tlie comfott 'and ' hcnlth 6f the children. . The trasicetiu their uppeat to tlio e.\c cntive council fully explained thosituatlon. hut \ the Inttur , b.ody infused to allow ths funds ueedid , although they had the authority to do so. The trustees'nftid re trenchment and economy had been prac ticed lu everything1 , but the iuorcascd coil of llvliijj ami other expenses rendered woo- o < 3.iry by the protracted cold would run the institution behind. As e-\\d , the oxc- cutlvo couuiil refutedIts consent , coneo- ( I'lctitljtho Institution had tn get al litf ns host it could.Vnrm weather apjironch- innumerous expenses \Vfiro cut oil , in the mutter of fuel , H lit , inqit , oto. ; uefc 'ert employes were dischargvd , thu ollicorj nnd to'achcra donated their Htlarien , and in n variety of ways wo struggled along through the pnnnncr , nnd overcome the dailcit of the winter- All who wcro fn any wise familiar with the dlitrcmvo labored under during , this period of noycro retrenchment , vvdliuy no other Itislltiltion'In ( his ftnto evorj' went through Mich ft trial. Scarcely u poilnd of mittororftigtir vva ] bought dur ing n third of .A year , and Only mtch IhingH wertf purchased na wcro nbsolutoly needed to keen body nud ( soul together , and to cover the uakcdncis of the cliilditn , f . T.heie is i o Institution inloun , that does nut run behind during the winter scnion , but tlio summer vacation always helps them1 out , because the children nro nt home , Ic.ivinL'-tho institution to draw just ns much while the children ore awoy qs when they are present nnd a fiouroo of ex pense. Hut with-tbo feeble-minded n great majority of the children ; remain atUutiou'while the deaf nnd dumb , and the blind ; fpend , three niontlis athorn ; * , thelr.respcotlve injitltullpng , howoycr , get- tt gtlibea'moVny for-them from the atdt9 at auring the.wintor. , JSyery wlnttrj ns in other institution , "I he\ia always been be hind , but made it up in the summer , " Dur ing tbli , vyiater , lopgerl and colder tliah usual , I pot so far , behityl that Icpualdered it would be Impossibl-t Iff catch up , nnd to informed the board. ' After carefully can * vosslng the eituatipn thty agreed with me that the ihatitutloii'colild not be mafn- taineed with even comfnon decency during the nimmer. And wojwero right. The mariner in which the institution had to bo carrjod ondurinc ; the summer was a shame to n state with its coffera full of money , If the management was extravagant and profligate during the past two years why did the Ut general assmbly so llnorally endow' the institution with additional means to waste ? During the iirt biennial petiod tlia salary fund was § 2,000 ; the second pc-iiod it was 62,000 ; the tnird. nnd last , it was 85,000. Thinlpreseut period the legislature grants 822,000 , fit 8115,500 fnoro than f&r the preceding six years , while the support fund will ba largely Increased by tlio addition of pupilt without qual corresponding cast. Mr , Hall i ys , : I certainly hare no Inloroit to subserve other tliau the ptibllu good , and the atfaliiinout o ( the arcatust possible ( Oinlort aiid Jmprorimoiit tbo thlldreu eoiunilttfd to the core of the Institution , 'lo Bccuro tlio e ends , however , uiuBt , bend uiy enenjlns , nnd deroto All my ollorti. My personal liiilliiatl < ) n and nyjnj > n- ' tluou not only lead ino luj tkli-dlrectlgu , but my boundpii duty under niy oath and tha law , tonsplruto unify my tnougliti and energies tothouchluvemcnt ' of lliwe result , j I want to g'ivo him the benefit of every thing , and liii platform embodied in the nbo\e extract is cheerfully clveu a place . is good ; it.reads wellItinay'boun ' - clnrltible to say so , but had ho "bunt all bis energies anddovoted nil his effort ? , And unilled all his thoughts" at home , hia broken household would neb now iippeach this pretty declaration- and leave it us nlmply wordf , words , words. My detailed clnssiflcation of supplies is the mobt complete given by nuy institu- tiou ! in the Htnte. I oak nn vxamlnution nnd comparison in this particular ) vith the reports of any or nil ititititiulona in the United Btatea. Not nn article was over bouxht without haying it recorded In ita proper place in tlie classification list. From the number of papers of ntodlo' nud pins , and cost , to tom of hay , buihelH of oats , yards df olllco , ami number of Btomnoh puinpy , nil appear in their order the use of trustees , lugalat'irs | , parentx anyone else who cared to examine. I made no attempt to conceal any tiling. The trustees knew singly , and iu tlio ag gregate , of various Items and everything received cordial ) apt/roval , Mv.claNuiflcation list nhows about eight hundred dlUterent itemi pf expenditure. In face of this Mr , Hall payp : 7houranHsof ihlngi , caci | trifling In Itself amounting to thouianUs of dollura lu the axKHgalr , hare been pujrhsiod by tha sUto mono/ which wera uuver iisedwl , J thallengo any builiifss IUBJI iu examine into the facti und scrutinies the vouchers , nnd uny II tbercliai notboeiijtho woml klinlof btitlueis liianagemeut at tlie Ijcad.of the Initltutlou , For pure luipudeuci ) and re klessness of truth or consejuencea tlili stuomeut "takes the rag off tha bush. " WlllMe siB , Uobertson , Uussell/Cattell , Thrall , linker , O'Donnell and Woo Irpw , the trustees , of whom : two are Mr ) llall'd colleagute , who cnew and. approved < ? l the purclmie of hese various urtlclovmibmlt to thh wild sharge ; reckless as it la Infamous ! ! lathis lObitivoly wicked 'ntftt ' meiit nut nn ftbso- uta insult to the vartyuv legUlativo visl- tors , of whom ' wa might name Seuator * Jtueeoll , llalnr , Miller , He Jues , and Logan , and Itenro entatlvea r-too u ton. Beeman. D-inoombe , llursell. Harden , Morgan ud 1'latter , all of whom in their olhoial re. ports to the legislature ) cordially and with uolicitatlpn commended tl.o ' " ' nnd economy di8iluy4''ho ' In . Wcro all these men blind ta the nctnal condition of ( hlngs , ? The publlowill Lo : lo\v to b lieve that these various' gentle men would , under any c'rcninttuucos , allow their iplnlQiu to go oil record with out believing them to bo tru * to the email- partlcularit. > Vcrfl thplr oplnionn mefo guess work t They all say that careful ex amination WMtunde'ln'evcry expenditure. When 1 took charge of-the Institution I bought With my" own money ft team Ing $2TiO , the support fund not bring ul ficlcnt to justify the porchasf of horses by thofllat < v Liter I bought another team nt equal expense , it being rendered ncccs paty on account of being compelled to hau wrtter for the general uses of the Instill ! tlon. Uortwo 6r mtiro years nearly nl the water u ed by u * was drawn in wagons up the long deep hill to the building After bathing the children the water waf lined foi ncrubbing nnd rouph purpoRns , to precious wni thnt article , whlcn , In seasons ofilrou htln IwVpt , is aptly called tbi- "Kiftdf(5rtiV l < Vtho , p sl four years 1 have owned frara. four to six horse" , am ttied them exclusively for the institution. During the olx jews of the tntious her < rn on nod by me nnd used by the Institution ) three died outright h > my complete loM , nnd two wtro worilovtt Mid sold forrhuct IO > M tliati the original cnst of ono. In ad dition to lh ! . when tlio grfido.was ; inndo for the gymnasium building , ! furnithcd the Institution with the we of ntpanof mulce thnt co < t 300. mi3 dyitirr In ecrvica to in ) entire loss. I consider tint my nctu lloss in o mil by the death 6f horecs to bo nol less than T > CO , n lde fem the Investment of money in other Korea * for the use of the institution nlnco its oitiblisluiiciit. As Is ell known the Institution build- iuep are located on thij top of n hill , dif ficult of ncccs * , especially during muddy WdMhor. I Imvo er.ijcavcrcd t > > fti jy no- coinmodnto the publi6 by going to aud from nil trains nnd tbo ; town , keeping ono leant almost constantly cugngotl in thnt sen Ice. ' ' Now , while having n littln "ho o talk , " will'not bo nmlsi to 'set Mr , Hall right in the nutter of cxptnso connected with thu keeping of the ono tvnm , The team in question was bought hy the trustees for J12o , nbmit -vcti nuintln ace , September , 18S1 , and was the first .money the state of lowaotcr lines ted In ) ior o llo li for the institution for fecble-liiindcd children , ex cept hi nplfvu of ponlest bqught pro iously. aud not being suited A ijtlio work were * old ind the'inaneyinvested ' iu this team , Tha team originally cost tno nbout (200 , nnd when sold , lifter two orliuorc j o trs of fico service for the slntf , thuy were only worth tlirfprlcu pnld by the ttustcen , but tlio loss dotorintl n in price wrs taino. " * "IMO tloHonnl lonies.nnd sac ificut may i trilling , horror , j after reading Mr. llnU'H.nwfiu way of ojpens's connected With keeping them during the lant iumin.1 icrlof'a As was aidtle | state only owned .hem nbmit n month , before tholorlod closed. The fact is , D had , Curing thu iloimml period , from fin r to six homes in liOKcnicnof the institution , and all to ho utivvlodge and by the conipnt\f the rtmtccs. 2tuw , ns'tu 110 cost of feed , etc. Mr. Hall pnHl,9.f > u' & mantis of oats wcro u'cd , the amount , ho\v < ver , was 1.73JU , as t e rouort shows ; a difference of two hun dred bushels ) . Did Mr.illnll Intcnliounlly exaggerate ? Allowing a half Inuliol of onto per day to the hursf , six liorco * in two yonrn would oat 2,1110 bushels , But our liorspsf did not oat thati many , because tluring tha long , uildsniwy wluterof 1879- ' 80 , not lofs thuii Iho hundred bushels of oats\veio fed to the cowfr , Itboing impoiil. his to got bran nnd tithor feed. To verify this , it i only necessary to question the em- \tloyci \ of the ItiHiitUtinn , nnd particularly these engaged in uirli ft for the Hioclc The neat largo item ot c pcno connected with thit " " that of keeping "expensive toiui"id 93 02-)00 tons of Hay , nt n cost of § 317.60. As is well known tn these familiar with the institution the beds of the two bun- ; UK d children are ) tilled with liny , aud with Uinng * ! , in uinuy Intnm.c8 almost dally , h large qtmutitt h tided duriuf the course of twoyeara. But more , the report'of the period w s made in the fall , after iho hay gathering-season , with a largo supply oil' hand for the tomitig winter. ' ThU is also true iif'oats , corn and other supplier. In v the matter of 'corn It IK ( only neccssnry tu say that It was fad variously to horsedand ground nnd mixed with bran to cows and hogs , to cows all , the year 'round , so as to secure na much , milk us possible fur th * . children. 'As the employ tn well know I nllbvVed them to feed libtratly , not permit ting stock lo Buffer for food * I won't say thtra'was no-waste , thatl would he .absurd , but to the charge of "pB dlgal' wrufteful- r ness I most respectfully demur. * The pas turage bill wns 'Ventil' for twelve HCXO field nujolniag the inutltutlon for tli use of the cowa not.the , team. I have taken particular pains id iurjnira of blacksmiths arid livery men'as t'o the cost of keeping n horse shod and shoes la iioad repair the > ear 'round , and learn thatSl2 would be n f tir contract price. If : tlilsiH so our horse- shooing bill of $03.60 for two years is not excessive. , ( t , As to the ' harness and , repairs , ana wagons and carrlugo roliiire , nil was for the institution ; there was no concealment nor see'recy ' ; the trustees know nnd ap proved ot all. The various articles , new and repaired , are , with lew exceptions , still In use , 'Mr. Hall in 1is | nnxiety to make n stunning s tat cine nt forgets to de duct the cost ( if thn from the feed , and apparently wantBthb public to believe that 81,000 went , dpwjj Iho throats pf ( his ouo toumor rather into my pocket. As to the three saddles and TiriUle ? , the same are now , and always have been , iu the in stitution's barn , Instead of fifteen robe and dusters , the report chows thnt only eight wore purchased , nnd' four of them at still remain. Again , , did Mr. Hall intend to exaggerate ? Of h6rse blanket * nine were purchased ) nnd worn out during the two in yearn. During the cold winter of 1870-'SO , one IIOIBO died of malignant ; dlsouno and precautionary ; measure ! ) demniulcd the do- I Htruction of two or m ro. Whenthe In ventory was taken evernl of these well 'worn blankets remained but were not con sidered Worth' enough to be returned as property , NovVna to the whips , nin teen were purchased. ThU Item of exp nsoluu by been rolled ns it nwoat morsel utlder the1 tringue of slander which has wagged fur ) , ously and fart against , me during the past few months , It does seem like the buneit to ingratitude that after all , the-cxpenso I have been subjectedto ; iu keening the in stitution in horses , and ' for which thu old nave frequently oxprutsed their ratification nnd thankfulness , that I hould be paraded before tlio stuttt ns by 'criminally piofllgatqand contemptibly to Ishouest , " Instead of "one team" there were fro > ii our to six horsed , twelve to lixtcen co H. ml from twenty to fifty hogs to bo fed nil nd bedded during the two year * , exclnu'vo ' U f bay wed almost dally In filling the beds f children. To make , out a bill of $1G09 n two yo w , Mr. Hall tumbles , mis el- anopiisly , lipg nnd cow feed , wagon , car- Iai < e nnd Jmrpeni repairs , horeoshuclug , ilanketivhlpK , duaterc , lap robes , sad- lea nnd bridles , ftrtlcles new and Id , down tbo throats of this one poor old my earn , h ho not hard run for "reasons ? , ' Mr. Hall grow * renllv iocular at times , nd again and again indulges In "glitter- ng generalities'1 and insinuations calcu ated to inUlead , Ho talks glibly about 'tho ' doctor's fonoy stallions , | ior ea and I iho j ilta,1' until one la loid to think 1 kept a : very stable on the asylum hill. The ariuuB trtistfoi knew I had horses , and H , hey willingly allowed them to bo wain. it atned jiy the Btatc. L very bprse I kept at lie institution was used in its service. The drayai'o and team expenses paraded by Mr. lMill > na 1 n glad to oxpla u , > vere or the hauling of material for the laundry and the building , und other istpif used In innklng srloui repair * about the .btilldlngu , for grading , etc. , the hauling expenses ol th maUrlol being kep and reported parately , The expeqs * of livery wat t6 a considerable extent oo- aslhiied by" the necessity pf inline- llato ftnd K neral eearch ior lost and i un- away children. 'Aud fqr these thingx t am und harged with being "criminally profligate and contemptibly dishonest. " la it noi a humiliation to be under the neceblty of explalalng lie us of exoense connected twitb the parrying on of a preat harHy. aHof , wjiloli have passed under the uspectl on aud obtained the approval nf 'red O'DonnolL Dr. Thrall , D. M. Ha- it cer. E , 11. 8. NvoodroV/ and Senator I.o- for an , and Kuprosontiitlvei Morgan and I'Utter. , Aud who domunds this explaua- ing Ion ? a granger or , as it were , n wad in ing t o gun of ajnan who might ke llk ncd to ho Mary Bhelle > ' Frankenstein , a creature whose kins means death , The bill of relief , for the 81,050 of sal- arles donated , wklch iiajsed the house without b wprd , reo lred the fatal kiss of Frankenstein And died bcforo it reached Mr , Jloll grows really facetious In noting the runaway and the breaking of my buirgy ; lie calls It "go snmer like ; " true , It was n light rig , suitable tor two penonn , but It was used tor the benefit of the insti tution , When it tvna broken the trustees kindly Mloned the expense of ropnirinj it tn be piid from the funds of the state. The state owned no light buggy nnd thcv thought if I WHS willing to buy o o with my own money , the Ute could wrll nlTord to keep ii In icpair. livery vehicle owned by me has Icon used In the service of the institution. Vi to the "fleet-footed , sllk-lintrod , " riuimnl nnd the stomach-pump , I nay , 1st. Tha atilmnlinquestion wn n good onennd I owned It ; It wn tisotlffor every purpose about thd institution ; It WAS taken sick , nnd I tought to KAve Its life by using n f-tojuiu li-rmmp. the only one in town , l > tirchaiod fr m n Glehivood phydicinn for * > 20. hirclv n trlllo over half Its actual cost and the instrument was quite ns good an new , ? d. The horse died to rny complete . \ > fi > . and the Ktomnch.pmnp took ita place n tliedl pcn atary with other instruments ibiolutely needed nbi lit on institution oft Una kind , It W.IR subsequently used In relieving the itomnch and saving the life of on > of the boyp , wh had taken n qrmn- tlty of strychnine nnd iron , the bottle con taining It hnv lug been left ungnrdcd for moment by ono of the nurses. As to the slate haring an interest In only ono stomach-pump I doubt not that tha num ber Is ncnrcrj half-dozen each innnno hospitable having ono or more , nud I think nlno Htho penitentiary. Mr. jlall la en tirely too previous. Mr. Hall sajsn large force of personal holj ) Is employ ed about the institution , and ho hunts through and through the classifi cation list mid finds ' 'whito-wnbhing , sct- tttitr up stoves , Iftjliif carpets , sewing- , washing , bnylng o rn , nnd cuttimr. wood'r flip aggregate beltg § i7C.OO , leas than the rnlnry of ono good mau for a year , nhllo these excuses Govern ! two yearn. The "getting up stovoi" item , including some * forty fetovcf , is email when understood that I employed men from the town familiar with the work , to put up , who nud ncicen the stoves for fcnfoty both to the children , and tha institution , Tlio carpet-laying In cluded , tjto making of 380 yards of carpet. The buying com bill \vns the small commission - mission pnld n dealer to buy coin , nnd money was saved by so doing. When it in understood that nil the clothing for the girls nnd email boy ? , mil Iho mending far nil is done in the iistltution , ns far ns possible , it Is certainly n small thing to tind fault with nnd arraign bsforotho state us "extravagance" on n "sewing" charge for two yoaw of 873.10 , nn amount the half which wo venture Mr. Hnll hlnuolf hns oft " invested In the making of ono suit. With thirty to fortystbves iu uno nnd hun dreds of cords of wood burned , Mr. Hnll proclnims DR proflir-utu nn item of three tlollnrs'nnd ninety cents for cutting wood. Some ibOO items nro enumerated in the classsficatiou list , nud Mr. Hull's muck rake run * tlnougli nnd In nil that ] mgo number ho can oily find and drags out twenty-seven , which ho declares to bo ex travagant , nnd of these extravagances ho must needs come down to ono of 53.00 for cutting wocd As 11 employing ouUiilo help nt a cost ef § 275 for two years , nud to Mr. Hall's claim that I had a Inrgp forc inside which ought to do wlmt in every case is a sricclal wiirk , I need but to refer to Gov. Gear's table and thtiw that my ratio of employes to inmnloi stood six in point of "extrnvn- gaiice' * nmong the institutions of Iowa. And ns heforo eaid , the Inmates nro the most helpless of any to he found collected togathef in any chnritablq work. A billiard table n second-hand one for the Ktiloj incnt ot h t ( , * ntlemcn trloiitls ho pro- idcii nt the in } linn at an expense paid by the Sea the maliciousness of the man. A econd-hnnd billiard ! table , quite as good 01ll now , the original oust being four nr live .imtlreJ dollars , bought nt auction for 41) ) . All similar institutions inthecoun- ryjiot only have billiard tables , but bow- nj/ alloys and other 'equally expensive ntnuttmeuta , for the use of the Inmates. To the insinuation that * it was for the en joyment' gentlemen' friends I will nay thut I never played half n dozen games in my life , nnd these exclusively with the boys of the Institution ! Gov. Gear , dur ing hli visits , highly , complimented the purchase and considered it a valuabla ad dition to the amusements of th institu tion. tion.Mr. Mr. Hall says T went to Kentucky to attend the national convention of superin tendents of feeble-minded institutions and extended my visit to a period of three weeks without the consent of the trustees , nnd that the state paid my expenses. The state did not pay my expenses and the trustees found no fault with me. 1 asked permission tq be absent two or three weeks nnd the requtst was freely granted. The nstociatlon on the invitntfon and under the pereaunl direction ot the governor of Ken tucky , visited several of the fine stock farms , and I saw some good trotting on farm tracks. Every other institution in Iowa has n vacatkn of three months dur ing which the children are at home , but not KO with the feeble-minded the vast majority of the latter children remaining the Institutl6n ' the year 'round. The ollloers of othe'r institutions have fir to ton weeks' vacation , but not so with these charge of the feeble-minded , their work , like the water ot the brook , goes on for ever. Ai to myulMetico from the Iiiststu- Icn I will say that it was always loft in charge ofi my wife , who is as fully cornpe- tept 10 niAnag * it au I xui myself , and dur ing six years no have never been nway to gether except on two 'or three occasions. Alterthe.h.entucky trip 1 leturnedhome Dubuque _ to attend the annual - nual convention of the state medical society , which practically added n week tb my absence. 1 wish hero Hay tiat every Hummer I have visited two or more of similar institutions in other iitatei , to better qualify myself in my work , nod always at Jiiy own expense , while like tilps by euperintendents of other institutions have henerally been paid the state , My trips , however , owing our meager support , I did not ieel like asking the trustees to pay. Mr , Hull quotes from the law governing the institution , without knowing , I doubt not , the law was mude up flout iny years of experience , the clause making ftee to n.'l the feeble children in tlm state , und many other important feature' , were written by myself , and the whole presented to Senator Claik , of Page county , wio pushed it ta successful pus- HUgO , Mr , Hnll also has his little sny about land purchase. Replying to what ho bays on this subject , I quote from a letter from Fred O'Douuell ' printed , presi dent ot the board ; lu legislature last winter g TO the Institu tion an appropriation for Iho purchase , among other lands , ol u certain twenty-four ucreu Ing In front of thu grounds now owned by stale. Ihls money whui drawn from tha state treasury , would L'O into the hands of thu treusuaer of ing board of trustees , Mr. fc. It. Woodrow , o5 ( llenwood , and not A dollar of would or could ba handled by the superin tendent. Timber than this , when- the land would bo secured tbo purchaeo would have to be ap- proytd by thu trustees and thun by theexecu- tlve council , before the money could bu paid , when ttiui approved the treasurer , and not superintendent , ( for he would not have the money , ) wouU on a proper trder wale the payment , liut the laud has not been pur chased : the money is prtbably not ) et drawn from tie treasury ; the order haj not yet been , drawn I * ! > ) fur the land , and the icportln fulte la substnuto , iu detail , in everything. His indeed u wicked vbarge , and is an 111 re turn ( or Tiara ol faithful service to the state from as ialthful and elUclint nu utliccr as ever fltlcJ a position of renponiibllltx It is true that Dr , Archibald a lew weeks ago * lotight ome laud , ube Mour acres , Ibellutr , . uml i aid for it with his own money ) ami this UU is thd o'y ' foundation for so great a wrong uiluubecndouoiutbU caw ' 1 hc e four aon-siiM part of thu twenty-four whUh vu wish tu seciuo. for the ttate , and tlm fur that tlio doctor would hold thU piece uuil t allow us to bav it at coat , la tha only cnusu so vllo a slander. 1 wrote the doctor some dais go , upon hearing that bo had bought thin pUce uf laud , asking him to let us luvo It for tha stuto at the prlco paid by him , uml Iroui his auuwer bare doubt he will turn U oror without cent o profit to htuiiolf , Mr. Hall uuys : Alter repeated cfl'urln to extort front tl [ Continued oft Third yogt ,